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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> right now at 6 new numbers are in for the homeless count in alameda county. and for the first time in a decade, that count is actually down. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne. the county's public health department says overall homelessness is down 3% from 2022. 0, 4, rob nesbitt talked with the county's director of housing and homelessness joins us here in the studio with the details. trump, kenneth
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bigley, the homeless count is done every 2 years as part of u.s. department of housing and urban development's point in time requirement. alameda county credits increased funding for improving their numbers. >> tense along sidewalks are a common sight in bay area cities and alameda county. there seems to be improvements. director of housing and homelessness services jonathan russell says since 2022 overall homelessness dropped by 3% and the number of unsheltered people has gone down 11% crediting an increase of state funds such as governor newsom's project home key is that we round of homekey. i think there's been 12 projects and alameda county alone. >> many of those oakland subset of those that drew down those but those buckets of money, you know, 14, 15, sometimes 20 million to convert and or develop housing. russell says the homelessness count has been happening in alameda county since 2007 and then a drop in numbers hasn't happened about a decade. really. we saw the precipitous increases starting the 2014, 15, 16, 17 make.
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that was really where these rises start while celebrating the decrease of people living on the streets. officials say there's still more work that needs to be done. according to russell, alameda county has a home together community plan. the goal is to end homelessness in 5 years. but 2.5 billion dollars is needed to reach that goal. homelessness prevention is a huge increasing priority for us. and that's an area where we as all of our communities need to invest because if we can't stop. >> and stem the tide of folks falling into homelessness. then something on that are in our work to support people exiting. will have the impact we want. >> another positive take away from the homeless count. alameda county is that homelessness has dropped significantly with veterans youth and families reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 news. thank you, robin. east bay families asking for help to try to find their loved one who escaped from a san leandro hospital. 25 year-old dennis challenge seen here with a graduation cap was a patient at john george psychiatric hospital. his brother tells kron 4 being transferred to san leandro hospital last month. he ran
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away channel has been missing since april 23rd. he graduated from brown university and was a gates millenial scholar. his family is not sure how he was able to run away from security say he was last seen south of salinas. he has black hair, brown eyes. it is 5 feet. 6 inches tall. family of 30 year-old angelo keep. those has reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. keto died in police custody back in 2020. his family says that he was having a mental health crisis when they called for help. his death created statewide change in how police officers handle calls like this. parker's lezla gooden spoke with his family about what this means for them. >> angelo quinto's family says be able to close this chapter on their civil suit with the city of antioch is filled with mixed emotions when beginning of what needs to be done. this is not the end to this only scratching the surface of what we need to do. >> and to get carved up
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transparency and a moment across this nation. family will be awarded 7.5 million% dollars after the nxt council voted to approve it on a closed session on tuesday. john bearers, civil rights attorney says this case has the potential of saving others like angelo. >> given a new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around that we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when form interaction, a intrusive less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently. sitting as a port with the family is the mayor of antioch, who says. >> although it's unusual for a city official to be here while announcing a settlement. it's a start of before we have body cameras. >> the city worked tirelessly ensure that we didn't have body cameras when the city work tirelessly to ensure that everybody believed that nothing was wrong. police department. and so years and
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family are brought us to this moment. among the family is angeles sister bella. she's the one who called police while he was having a mental health crisis. she wants him to be remembered for the life he i wish that. >> i could see what he's doing now and he could see what i'm doing now. and we hope that if he's out there somewhere because an antioch was a good in kron, 4 news. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price and her supporters held an event in oakland today. >> resptnding to a date being set for her recall election last night. the county board of supervisors decided to make the recall part of the november 5th, the general election. and today price as misinformation is being spread about her and her work. a> that our supporters will continue to engage our community. we will continue to speak to our family, our friends, our neighbors. we will tell the truth and we
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will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign that has been amplified by certain folks in the media and certain people. there's been a whole lot of misinformation. >> county officials say that to combining the recall election with the general election will cost about 4 million dollars that's opposed to the 15 to 20 million. it would have to cost a hold a special election. price says that she supports that decision, but she also did not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit. she reiterated her opinion that the recall process was illegal because the registrar of voter's, she says, did not follow the charter. she says her attorneys are evaluating all options twice in one night, the same burglary crews believed to have used a car to break through to businesses in concord park. road post philippe djegal reports of the suspects left. >> empty-handed but sure cause significant damage in the process.
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>> at around 9.40, monday night surveillance video capturing suspects breaking through a gate and eventually a roll-up door at micro measurements and pacific instruments and conquered the crew. taking a look inside after ramming the entrance only to take off shortly after without stealing anything less than 10 minutes later, it appears the same crew stopped by hsd engineering about a mile and a half away on solano way and did the same thing. i am >> we share what they're looking for. maybe they thought they had the wrong business because got a look inside. but didn't see men arrested. tyler hagan owns hsd a high vacuum repair operation. >> alex, little bit of ski and hagan, our business partners and both cohen, they're building the first sister companies hit that night down the road manufacturer, high accuracy data systems. i feel very grateful that we just picked up that forklift recently. and just chance, it
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was parked about 2 feet from the door. and you can pretty much see in the video how the car just makes couple of abrupt stops for. >> you know, when the driver, they obviously have no clue what was going on until the guy peak. then little bit ski and hagan are offering a $500 reward for information leading to arrests and convictions. in doors over $2000, hagan says - he will likely pay out of pocket for repairs rather than submit an insurance claim. he fears his coverage could be dropped or see a dramatic increase to his premium. if you reports the break, the time and inconvenience. if you secure this, then what they go through the front door to. so what you do. i mean, you know, i mean, there's you can't you can't fool proof anything, right? you can just make it. >> more difficult. the license plate on the car used to ram both doors came back stolen concord police investigating both cases in concord, philippe djegal all kron. 4 that and our 4 zone forecast as we get this live look at walnut creek right now.
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>> pretty nice out there, lawrence. standing by with a look. what's going on? how about that? lots of sunshine arouna parts of bay area, other spots there kind of. >> sitting in the fog right now is the cloud deck. starting to move back on shore again, as we're looking at very familiar summer, like pattern outside right now, you can see from our mount tam cam. all the clouds are now rolling back into the bay. the fingers of fog starting to stretch onshore. more of that on the way overnight tonight, probably going to fill a bay and some of the valleys as we head toward tomorrow morning sfo. you see the clouds rolling in there. the temperatures kind of all over the map where you got the fog. that's where it's cooler in a 62 degrees now in san francisco, seeing some patchy fog in oakland. a 61 still sunny and san jose, 70 to 76 in livermore, 76 also in concord and 64 degrees. little breeze in the santa rosa on the satellite image. just not just a bay area, much of the california coastline is now looking at plenty of clouds early on. some storms popping up over the sierra nevada, but we're socked in with fog along the coast here and that is begin to march back on shore
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and it's going to run well inland overnight tonight. so if you're headed out the door, watch out for that patchy fog, a little breezy out there as well. temperatures pretty mild inland in the 60's and the 70's through 8 o'clock, even 9 o'clock or so. but high pressure, good week in just a little bit of the coming days. and guess what? we're going to see more fog. low clouds will have more on that coming up a few minutes. all right, lawrence. happening tomorrow, east bay teachers will host a rally. >> against the contra costa county superintendent, the contra costa county schools association says it's a bargaining team is in a fact-finding hearing with the county's office of education management. the group says it may be on strike in the fall of the deal is not reached the rally. we'll be at the county's office of education in pleasant hill. also happening tomorrow, the fairfield to soon unified teachers association is hosting a rally to bring attention to their contract negotiations. >> they say it passed for the school district members say they want to attract and retain highly qualified educators with the salary that keeps up with today's cost of
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living. they're calling on the school district's management to resume contract negotiations. that rally will be held at the district office in fairfield. in the south bay, dozens of teachers rallied outside of los gatos high school today demanding better pay. >> they say they're in the lowest, paid to category in the county and most teachers have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet. rally was also held at saratoga high school. >> it's a great place, but it's very hard and i hope the parents realized a majority of us we can't afford to live here. we have to commute to be able to work here, trying to make a living. so that are younger teachers, especially can live in this area keeping our slice of the pie. >> to los gatos saratoga union high school district sending us a statement in response to that rally. it reads, quote, the district is currently in the middle of regular contract negotiations with both the
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district teachers associations as well as our classified staff bargaining unit. we look forward to continuing good faith negotiations that are mutually beneficial and fiscally responsible to our community, end of, quote, coming up, the federal government putting out a warning about terrorism threats during pride next month. we're going hear from an fbi special agent about. >> why? plus the irs is warning of tax preparers who say they can get you more money on your tax return. their message. >> after the break. >> hundreds of people come to the state capitol to urge governor gavin newsom to reverse his proposal to cut billions of dollars from the state budget capitol correspondent wallace all have their message. plus, how the their message. plus, how the governor responding. network io network for business.
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>> welcome back. this is a live look right now at uc irvine in southern california tonight as police are moving in after pro-palestinian, demonstrators have taken over a building in the built a barricaded encampment. there. this is some from the university. the demonstrators are demanding the university divest its relationships with israel. the university sent out an alert calling the protest violent than telling students to avoid this area. we are, of course, monitoring all these protests will keep you up to date as the situation develops there at irvine. meantime, here at home happening right now, protesters at uc berkeley of taking over a building near people's park. >> this is new video from that protest. this comes just a day
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after the pro-palestinian encampment at cal was cleared from in front of sproul hall. we have a news crew on the way to the scene there. we'll get the latest from them coming up tonight on kron. 4 news at 10 controversy in the north bay after the president of sonoma state university reached an agreement with protesters and members of students for justice in palestine. now we've just learned that the sonoma state president mike lee's been placed on administrative leave in connection with the agreement conference. theresa stasi explains why some people were upset by the deal. when i saw. >> the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops. that's state senator scott wiener. he is talking about this letter sent out tuesday evening to the sonoma state campus community. >> detailing the state's schools agreement that was struck with those protesting the israeli gaza war. more than 19 days ago, protesters set up encampments at sonoma
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state. president lee says that he has listened to their demands in the letter sent out tuesday, president lee said, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction. i've said this before and it merits repeating this is no political religious or cultural principle that merits the murder of innocent. and the one battle we should be engaged is the fight for inclusion, respect and freedom of all people, regardless of their background or identity and quote, the president then laid out a series of agreements struck with the protesters, including going over the school's investments, declaring an academic boycott with israeli universities, recognizing a palestinian curriculum and calling on a permanent cease-fire in gaza. >> it's absolutely unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to
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basically blocks list israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in israel. >> on social media, protesters at an on the state applauded the agreement, calling it a win and that their demands were met. >> there are no 2 sides to a genocide. but the students have asked for and with the president is in green too. is the way forward cowardice that this >> president basically allowed this battle. >> minority to take over the administration exclude jewish and israeli its students, faculty from decision-making kron 4 reached out to sonoma state. they responded by saying that they have received many requests for comment about the president's letter and that they will be issuing a statement. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> hundreds of jewish
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community leaders from across the state, including the bay area are in sacramento today for the annual j pack capital summit. the largest advocacy conference of its kind 500 people from some of the state's leading jewish community organizations and a coalition of diverse non jewish groups are taking part in this two-day conference organized by the jewish public affairs committee of california, commonly known as j pack attendees are set to meet with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to advocate for the greater california jewish community and to fight the rise of anti-semitism. >> well, this has been a hard year for the jewish what fills me with hope is that people have decided to turn pain into action. just a packed event today is meaningful because we're under threat to be together in community >> to support each other and to come together, recognize how we can work is really important thing as we're seeing rising tide of anti
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semitism dominate the news cycle. it is so powerful to come up here to sacramento with the largest delegation today 500 people from across state and speaking a united voice. >> assembly speaker robert rivas, lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis and superintendent tony thurmond spoke to the delegation in-person governor newsom provided virtual a pre-recorded remarks. other news tonight, the irs is warning people about falling for tax preparers who claim they can help you get some extra cash on your refund. he could face trouble from filing a fake tax return. the irs is warning americans not fall for tax scammers. they can use the fuel tax and the sick leave sick and family leave or the household employment tax credits when they don't actually qualify and some taxpayers are also falsely claiming fictional household employees for tax credits. time now for 4 zone forecast. taking a live look outside at
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sfo. well, there it is. it's fog. and they're a lot is not laurent. you we come to love the fog here in the bay area. love it or not, right. it's going to be here. so we've got to get used to. we're going to see plenty of it >> in the months ahead. and so the low cloud deck start to roll back on shore. well, here comes it's going to thicken up again tonight. probably see some patchy drizzle in parts of the bay area overnight as well. so this time of year, high pressure starts to build it up above. and that starts to stabilize the atmosphere before you know it yet. we're socked in with this. plenty of that cloud cover out there right now making its way into san francisco, getting ready to march. well inland air-quality can also be an issue at this time of year. but here's the good news, ron. the green right now. that means that quality looking very good around the bay area. that's the way it is going to stay again for tomorrow. even under high pressure, kind of a weak ridge. just so that's not allowing for all the pollutants get trapped down below. that means for the green again for tomorrow looking good air quality from the north bay, the coast, the east bay and the south. they looking good. tomorrow things getting active, though, over the sierra nevada right now.
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we've had a couple of thunderstorms popping up. you see some of the towards shaver lake and those storms. yeah, they're going to be back again in the coming days. really those afternoon thunderstorms popping up there with some of that moisture in the atmosphere. so watch out. if you're headed toward the 70 valley up toward the mammoth lakes are in the coming days, including the weekend could see some bigger storms, low clouds and fog kind of rolling along the coastline. just beginning to push back on shore right now after trying to break up a little bit. but yeah, i pressure overhead that ridge is going to weaken a little bit as we get into the weekend and a baggie trough along the coastline that allow more of those storms over the sierra nevada. and also that means more fog and deepening the marine layer temperatures tomorrow with that fog. yep. it's going to be a warm in spots. we've got 79 degrees. nice day in san jose. 75 in oakland, 57 degrees. much cooler in the san francisco. and you know, how did you get that wind that fog outside? of course we get the giants and the dodgers game tonight. i hope those dodgers are feeling nice and cold out there. hello dodger fans cheering, right? i
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hope so. yeah, suffer more a product from the park in and just, you know, that's right. probably won't. yeah. you don't think about all things like that. the giants giants. probably not. but that's one way to it. all right. thanks, lauren. guys. coming up, a new plan created by san francisco. >> city leaders that we give homeless people struggling with alcoholism, free alcohol. we're going hear pushback from we're going hear pushback from the critics.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪) >> a controversial plan from san francisco city leaders to give out free alcohol to homeless people suffering from
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alcoholism. getting some pushback as you would imagine, the city run initiative is called the managed alcohol program or map. it's been around for 4 years and it's cost the city roughly 20 million dollars in total supporters say the goal is not to eliminate alcohol use, but rather to keep individuals at a quote, safe level of intoxication, aiming to increase their safety and overall quality of life. what critics say this is only making the problem worse and the city should be focusing on helping these people beat their addiction. where's the medical supervision? >> for when someone does hit that tipping point. if we were treating politics as attics, then we would find a substitute to that is don addictive. that would help their brain and a comparable way. >> we did reach out to san francisco's department of public health for comment. and so far they have not gotten
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back to us. still ahead on kron for news at 6, president biden and former president trump will be going head to head in a debate next month. why our analysts say. >> both candidates really need the debates. plus, why san francisco mayor london breed has dropped out of next week's mayoral debate. and the oakland ballers offering to buy seats that were used by the oakland raiders in the coliseum. how they plan to use coliseum. how they plan to use those seats will network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet!
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started.
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wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ >> our top story this half-hour, federal law enforcement officials are warning the lgbtq community that foreign terrorists or their u.s. base supporters.
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they target them during pride month in june as our country kerman reports tonight. the alert comes due to an increase in terrorist propaganda the warning from the fbi and the department of homeland security suggests foreign terrorists like isis or their u.s. space supporters, a target lgbtq venues and events during pride month. >> the san francisco's pride parade is not until the end of june pride festivities are scheduled here and across the u.s. throughout the entire month of june. one thing that is different this year than in years past is volume and the intensity, a propaganda. >> following the october 7 attack in israel. the level of propaganda is concerning for us. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse nightclub massacre in orlando. his reason to get the word p


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