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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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station. this is. at 11. >> now at 11, a south bay man has been taken into custody after police say he was shooting at an apartment complex. and then later shooting at officers. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus. police say the man was shooting at them off kolmar road in east san jose behind it capital and story road police have since learned the man has a criminal history kron four's jack moment reports. >> well, the shooting here that happened sunday in the seaside san jose apartment complex is the 3rd officer-involved shooting to happen so far this year having city leaders wanted to look further into these officer-involved shootings when they do happen. it also has residents here at this apartment complex, a concern. >> it all started with a 9-1-1 call people living at this east side. san jose complex reporting a man shooting a gun outside his van. he was later
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identified as 41 year-old ricardo view, every out and by the time police arrived shortly after for the afternoon. >> this prompted a separate officer to discharge his firearm striking the suspect man was critically injured. one neighbor showed us this parking garage where she says police marks the bullet holes and additional details are still unfolding. but one thing's certain people here are on was it was care. mendoza moved here just this year and says his family was watching tv when fort and where we hear one shot. >> and simon, later, we're late. >> 6 saying he heard what happened from a neighbor. she was in the on the guy is what you know? and the weather couple shows in as a view, every al has served 10 years before for assault on a police officer. the gun he had sunday. >> was unregistered frequency of san jose police officers being shot at or hit by gunfire. he's gone from a rare
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anomaly to a regular occurrence. san jose police say the threat to officers is increasing and they want to form a group to study each time an officer was shot at in the coming days. i will bring together a group of internal and external partners for the purpose of analyzing these attacks. now, san jose police says that the shooting is still very much under investigation. questions as to why the shooting happened in the first place or why neighbors called saying that there was a man shooting out of his van. those are still yet to be determined. meantime, the every hour remains in the hospital in critical condition where he said jose jack moment. >> kron 4 news. >> in san leandro, a 13 year-old boy has been arrested and charged in the deadly stabbing of an 18 year-old police say this happened at the bancroft avenue safeway in early april. they say surveillance video revealed the 13 year-old was the attacker. they say both agers got to some kind of a dispute before the 13 year-old stabbed the victim in the chest and arm. the young suspect was arrested last week at his high school. the man
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has been arrested in connection to a highway shooting in san ramon. police say they arrested lee o'connor of forest hill after the shooting yesterday along 6.18, north of alcosta boulevard. police say they also found a gun in o'connor's car. no one was injured in the shooting. copper theft may be to blame for a major change at an intersection in oakland instead of traffic lights. there are just stop signs. business owners in the area say the traffic lights were always not working, even when they were in place. kron four's. sara stinson reports. >> we're traffic lights used to hang stop signs now greet drivers at the intersection of 12th street and 16th avenue in oakland right off of 8.80. the change at many drivers hesitant when going through on monday. business owners in the area like bruce them says the switch was made in response to frequent copper thefts, the spotlight the right fight with
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my maybe. >> when $20. just i guess to get high. picks >> this intersection is covered and skid marks from sideshows and sits in the midst of a 3 block long encampment is those. >> people were stealing cover. even the buildings cost you. they has owned quality tech automotive for nearly 4 decades. he says the tents and rv's have been there for the last 8 years, 40 years >> on top of the encampment, them says crime has become rampant in the area. if you get front. >> all the time. to water. will you lot of mine. >> associate on can do
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>> long says he make sure his security cameras are always working to protect his employees. he says something has to change >> time right now since i'm hoping that step say, you know what, this signifies we reached out to the mayor's office city administration and city councilmember nikki fortunato bas but did not hear back in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >> today, berkeley business owners are now deciding if they want to pay for their parklets or lose altogether. the city is going to have ret charge for these parking spaces that have been turned into outdoor dining and parklets the parklets first popped up during the pandemic. really served as a lifeline for countless restaurants around the bay use of space has been free. but starting next week in berkeley, they'll be charging restaurants, thousands of dollars a year.
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>> going to be a big expense that was going to be hard for us to absorb. so we asked if you can pay the monthly and they said yes to that. so are paying them about 1500 bucks a month to read this outdoor space? >> the city is now requiring businesses apply for permits to ed or keep their parklets. san jose is installing 33 new high-speed cameras in the city in late 2025. the city is trying to see if the cameras will help produce high-speed collisions this year. the city council will decide where the cameras will go. >> they'll vote on that in the fall. city leaders say the goal is for the cameras to be evenly split around the city. >> to make sure communities of color and low-income neighborhoods also get them for the first 60 days of the program, drivers will get warnings. but after that, there will be fines and low-income drivers will be asked to provide community service hours instead of paying the money. city leaders
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say law enforcement will not have access to the camera footage. the cameras will only be used. they say to enforce speed limits. alright, weather time here as we get a live look above san francisco on a monday night. chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is here with a look at how tomorrow morning shaping up. well, yeah, we're going to heat things up around the bay are a little cool to start out your day. tomorrow morning. we're seeing some haze out there right now. we may see. >> a patch or 2 of fog along the immediate coastline. otherwise, yeah, i think we're off and running with probably the warmest day of the week tomorrow out the door. right now. you can see some of that haze out toward the golden gate bridge. otherwise a nice evening around the bay area. so far, temperatures little cool spot. check of half moon bay. 48 degrees. but you're in a rather mild. 63 in concord, 60 in san jose and 51 degrees now in napa. but weather pattern has changed a bit. we had a little more of a northerly wind and that kicked away some of the fall. you can see kind of a road. the fog pushing the south of the monterey bay. and that's kind
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of where we sit tonight, although we're seeing a little bit of an onshore breeze right along the coastline, a little normally would begin a start in the north bay already, though, and that's going to be a sign of things to come. that means we're going to be off and running with some great temperatures tomorrow about a warm 82 degrees in san jose tomorrow. expect to be sunny and bright in oakland at 78. plenty of sunshine in the san francisco. 67 degrees. thank you, lawrence. take a look. garbage truck caught fire in san francisco today. this is in the tenderloin. >> there haydn ellis around 11 this morning. you can see thick smoke, some flames shooting out from the back of the truck. it's not clear what caused the fire. and another fire in san francisco today. this one, it martin's cleaner, seh polk and broadway in russian hill. firefighters say one of the machines caught fire there. middle of the afternoon took about an hour to put it out. >> no injuries were reported. search for a hiker in alameda county has ended with happy news. according to the east
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bay regional park. police. they found alex stretcher and his dog near the san antonio reservoir this afternoon. they've been missing for 3 days. police say the 2 seem to be in good health stature and his dog started their hike friday at the snow regional wilderness area. they were scheduled to be picked up by a friend loved one saturday at del val regional park. but when they didn't show up, they were raported missing. and caught on camera. sonoma county authorities rescued a man who drove off a cliff and was thrown from his car happened yesterday morning off highway one near jenner in sonoma county. crews say his car landed about 200 feet down from the road and the driver was about 350 feet from where the crash happened. got tossed out of the car that driver was taken to the hospital in critical condition. but he is expected to make it no word tonight on what caused that
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crash. kron four's your local election headquarters in san francisco's mayoral candidates are all set to gather tomorrow night for their first debate. the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club is hosting a mayoral town hall at the first unitarian universalist church in center and cathedral hill. it will be at 6.30. mayor london breed supervisor aaron peskin supervisor ahsha safa e former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive danielle lawrie are all set to a tent. in the bay area celebrating black restaurant week for a 4th year. now black owned food trucks, bakeries, restaurants, you name it. we're inviting people to explore african cajun and caribbean cuisine. the foodie event goes through saturday. organizers say the goal is to expose more people to the black culinary experience and help boost local businesses. next at 11, east bay school unveils a new
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playground that >> students helped create themselves with help from a bay area. power couple. plus, year-old francisco's causing year-old francisco's causing controversy? network is no network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> mural in san francisco's know valley is getting people's attention. it has wording that says, quote, stop the genocide in gaza. now, end quote, opposing the war in gaza. of course, it also depicts bombs falling on rubble and debris along with painted splotches of blood. so
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people are calling it anti-semitic while others say they've had no problem with it. >> lot of just don't feel safe in the area. they're not they don't feel a sense of welcoming us to help. the mural will be replaced with something that brings communities together. i don't think this is anti-semitic at i think is just a message of was actually going on >> picture of the reality. >> supervisor rafael mandelman represents that area. we reached out to his office for comment about this. but have not heard back. the plan to build a high-speed rail line connecting san francisco to southern california has cleared another hurdle. the la times says that high speed rail officials support the latest recommendations for a 33 mile rail segment connecting anaheim 2 los angeles. that clears the way for an environmental review which is expected to take more than a year to finish. construction is already underway on 119 mile stretch of rail line in the central valley. this comes says the
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federal transit administration is investing billions into san francisco's public transit systems. the portal is a project to connect caltrain and california's high-speed rail to the salesforce transit center in downtown. this is what it could look like today. the federal transit administration invested 3.4 billion dollars into the project. representative nancy pelosi says she's proud of how san francisco is pushing the boundaries for public transit. >> we show that san francisco is in forefront that saffron. all for the nation. and that's not just say we need this. we need that is >> showing what's happening here. >> the project would extend the caltrain line by nearly 2 miles and develop to more underground stations reaching the salesforce transit center. what's it's done? 11 transit systems would be connected. the project still needs 2 billion dollars to be fully
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funded. the hope is to have it open some time near 2030. or thereabouts? alright, weather time here as we get a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. lawrence is here with that. look at the rest of the week. yeah, boy, things going to change to quite a bit. we've got some nice, warm sunshine coming your way tomorrow after that. >> really going to see things begin to head downward. that means we are really cool. the temperatures down and bring a lot more cloud cover on the way to start with the fog, of course. tomorrow going to be a gorgeous day. we've got high pressure building in overhead, little weak, offshore wind beginning to settle in least in parts of the north. they've already doing its work clear over san francisco right now. beautiful out there looking good toward the golden gate bridge so far lays out there. but otherwise so far, so good i think as we head through the night tonight, we'll see mostly clear conditions. just maybe a couple patches of fog along the immediate coastline tomorrow, mostly sunny and warm, a coastal areas, maybe some fog returning late in the day. but after a warm start to the work week, we're going to see things much cooler on the
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way kind thing here overnight tonight. you can watch that offshore wind and that's we start to see some northeasterly winds. look at what happened. the humidity. dropping down below 10%, according to our models into fairfield and the clock. that's why the temperatures going to really zoom up the scale quite a bit. but then by the afternoon, turns more of an onshore breeze. and here we go. we start to cool things down. all right. all that being said tomorrow, going to be a very nice day around the bay area. the san francisco about 67 degrees in the marina, 70 in the mission as you head along the coastline, a little bit cooler there. and you might find some patchy fog there, specially late in the day. 68 degrees and sunny all day long in burlingame. 76 in foster city. 77 in redwood city, the south bay enjoying 80's all around by tomorrow afternoon. mid-eighties the warmer spots in tri valley about 84 degrees in dublin, 75 degrees in san leandro. 73 in berkeley about 83 degrees in a little bit hot in a vacaville at 90 degrees and about 88 in fairfield back toward the coastline. we'll keep it cooler with a little bit of a breeze. otherwise you're looking good for tomorrow. then those temperatures start
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to cool down on wednesday, more clouds on the way, partly cloudy as we head toward friday, the weekend. the unofficial beginning of summer running a little bit below the average for this time of year memorial day. all right. thanks a kron 4 is celebrating asian american pacific islalder heritage month in tonight and innovative way >> of roasting a cup of joe a south bay couple. they recently quit their tech jobs to follow their passion for brewing coffee. and now they're running a mobile cafe all fueled by their cybertruck. check it out. their business is called moon way coffee roasters from grinding to pouring the cafe is run 100% of the couple cybertruck being in mabel say they realize their love for coffee while at their tech jobs being was working at tesla at the time. so he says he knew despite what people might say about it, the cybertruck was capable of serving their needs. >> a bigger bed. so you can put a lot more stuff in there and air suspension so we can actually lower that working surface to the person's
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height. we still want to maintain that opened kind of >> transparent like interaction of our customers. so the great thing about the cybertruck set up is that it's a very open platform, if you ever been by the farmers market, you know, we have our booth and then we stop right out of the back of the truck. and there's no walls. >> biggest a transplant from indiana while mabel's a bay area native. she says her grandparents run a chinese restaurant in cupertino which helped her transition to hospitality. they also say they look to asian countries to enhance their coffee flavors and experience. and tune into kron 4 for more stories highlighting the bay area's api community and for our special that airs this thursday night at 6.30. the bottle rock music festival is returning to napa valley this upcoming holiday weekend. megan, the stallion pearl jam, ed sheeran are headlining the three-day festival friday through sunday. steph curry, bradley cooper and cameron diaz will be featured on the
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william sonoma culinary stage. tickets for friday are available. all the other days are sold out. and with that, a new playground is open for business in oakland, piedmont avenue, elementary school held its ribbon cutting ceremony this morning for their new approve schoolyard. the project is part of she carries eat, learn, play foundation. the school's student council even got to help design the thing. >> the impact that this is going to have on my school is tremendous. there's something for everyone on this playground, whether it is basketball, foursquare, the play structures or reading a book in our new nature center. this playground is great for kids to just engage and enjoy their recess. >> stephen never stopped giving back. great job there with the e learning play
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foundation which has been around since 2019. they plan to transform 25 schoolyards and oakland creating play structures like this. outdoor classrooms and reading spaces. speaking of the next in sports, worriers rookie brandon jet ski was recognized by the nba today for his performance this season. >> sports director jason dumas. well, let us know wh
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> one brand of jet ski got drafted almost a year ago. you
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could just sense the quiet confidence he had in themself in. it was on display all season long. he didn't start the year off in the rotation. but you heard the stories behind the scenes super competitive getting on draymond green. one of the most respected voices in organization over a turnover in a pickup game that turned everyone's head eventually he for steve kerr is hand and he became a mainstay in the rotation. even starting for a while. and and the nba honored brandon for his efforts naming him to the all-rookie team. he spoke about the honor and finding his voice as a young player amongst vets on the i think my. >> my leadership role within the team you know, the rookie. in organization like this, you know, you come in and you want to listen and learn and then you kind of take what you can from that and try to apply it. and for me as being natural leader, i think towards the end of the season, i was able to apply more. i think just
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getting more confidence, you know, not only on the court, but, you know, off the floor, talking teammates stuff like that. >> all right. now, here are the guys just missed out on making that all-rookie first and second team, as you can see, just brutal for trayce jackson-davis. he narrowly miss making the second team he finished with 42 votes. if you one more vote, he would have been on that second team. but t j d still had a great season. nonetheless, he probably would have been a lock to even maybe make that first team. if he had gotten more consistent minutes earlier in the season. remember, he didn't break into the rotation until post nba all-star break. all right. the giants, they had a good homestand this past week. and one of the main reasons for that good 6, 3, homestand was the play of luis matos. mattos also caught the attention of the league office as well because he was named nl player of the week by major league
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baseball. this was his first career player of the week honor and get this. the giants haven't won, said honor since 2018 brandon belt did so and outfielder haven't won player of the week. for the giants since 2016. that was hunter pence. my toes hit 3. 85 2 home runs 16 rbi 3 doubles. 3 runs scored and had a 7.31. slugging percentage in 6 games this week. the giants, they road trip in pittsburgh tomorrow. so they're playing the pirates yeah, hopefully can keep it rolling. they've won 4 straight. >> yeah. well, that's that's the thing. you know, you get hot and they get some guys healthy keep a role yet it's been a tough for the injury front. but like you said, hopefully people can get healthy, rather get hurt this time of year than august. so that. all right. thanks, jason. thank you for watching. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow night. the safe have
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