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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  July 15, 2010 4:24pm-5:00pm PST

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great depression. >> conference report is agreed to. >> the measure just barely passed the senate today with a minimum 60 votes. afterwards the president talked about how important he thinks the reform is. >> because of this reform, the american people will never again be asked to flip the bill for wall street's mistakes. there will be no taxpayer bail outs, period. >> it also sets up controls over the vast derivatives market and gives the government more power to dismantle troubled banks. >> i think the financial reform bill is ill conceived. i think it's going to make credit harder for the american people to get. clearly harder for business to get. >> reporter: just three
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republicans voted for the bill, senators olympia snow and susan collins and scott brown of massachusetts. one democratic senator voted against the bill saying it's not tough enough. the bill's authors admit the law isn't perfect and say they won't know exactly how effective it is until the next economic crisis. president obama is expected to sign the bill sometime next week. argentina has become the first country in latin america to legalize same-sex marriage. a large crowd of supporters in the capital of buenos aires erupted into cheers. the vote by argentine lawmakers went through. meanwhile, another victory for same-sex marriage
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supporters as washington, d.c. highest court issues a key ruling. a legislation group had attempted to put an initiative on the ballot to define marriage between a man and a woman, but the city said no. a trial got under way today in southern california that experts say will be the biggest constitutional test of the military's don't ask don't tell policy. former air force mayor mike elmy is among those said to testify in the trial. elmy was discharged in 2006 for being gay and says he would gladly return to the military if the controversial policy was lifted. the gay right's group, law cabin republicans is challenging that constitutionality.
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the los angeles district attorney's office -- officials in l.a. said they never heard from washington. the u.s. had requested switzerland extradite roman polanski. the los angeles courts say no, and that was a key factor in switzerland not approving the extradition. a mistake nearly caused an east bay couple its lives. the warning sign of this devastating lifestyle.
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that's what you are going to stab me now? and then i heard her scream. friends describe the terrifying moments that unfolded in a south bay apartment complex as a feud turns fatal. san jose police are investigating the attacks by a man who neighbors say stabbed one woman and then fatally shot another. ktvu's robert handa is live now at that apartment complex with the very latest on this story for us, robert. >> reporter: healther, there are still a lot of questions remaining about this stabbing and shooting incident that took place at this san jose apartment complex last night including the motive. but many residents call the suspect a walking time bomb and some neighbors say they saw him go off. >> i saw a man stab a lady,
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then turn and shoot another lady. >> reporter: residents at the apartment complex say the man accused in the stabbing and fatal shooting last night is bobby turner. neighbors say turner was arguing outside with a woman who they knew as his girlfriend. then he went inside and got a knife. >> she said what, are you going to stab me now, and then i heard her scream. >> reporter: after the stabbing, turner turned a gun at a woman and her husband that before at the door. >> i saw bobby standing there and he shoots. >> reporter: the woman 48-year- old lisa larn was shot. >> he held a knife, a bloody knife up and said, you need to give this to the police, it's the murder weapon. >> reporter: but the woman who was stabbed was rushed to the hospital and is in critical
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condition. hollins the gunshot victim was pronounced dead at the scene. >> the police officers wouldn't even let them threw so they could come get her. she bled to death and she died. >> reporter: police say they had to restrict people from going in because they were looking for one dangerous suspect. >> it's important to render the scene until the area is cleared to risk further injuries. >> reporter: live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. authorities in clayton today said a third suspect in a series of strong arm robberies has now turned himself in. the 17-year-old suspect came to
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the police station with his father just before noon today. police say they believed that the teenager was the ring leader of the group, and like the other two suspects, the third teenager was a football player at clayton high school. the teenagers targeted other young people who were using head phones, they would then beat up the victim and take their electronic devices. the two chose to ignore the smell of smoke and went to bed, it wasn't until 2:30 this morning when they realized what a mistake that was. ktvu's jade hernandez reports on the two alarm fire that damaged their home. >> reporter: smoke alarms woke up this couple before they dogs could. >> we had a plan what we should take, you don't have time. we just grabbed the dogs, got them out and that's all we had
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time for. >> reporter: carl and his wife foster are lucky to be here to introduce us to their water dogs. because they weren't doing any current house work, last night they dismissed the smell of poke when they couldn't find a source. that could have been a deadly decision. >> never go to bed with a funny odor in your house, especially when it's the smell of smoke. it's real important that you call us, we'll come out and check it and we'll verify that there's nothing wrong. >> reporter: the fire ran through the attic and left extensive damage. the firefighters upgraded the fire to a two alarm for back up. firefighters pulled out paintings and furniture from the home trying to salvage what they could by daylight. >> firefighters will bring in a special vacuum truck to suck out the insulation from the attic. other wise that fire can burn
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underneath the insulation for days. this fire is still under investigation but they think it may have been electrical. jade hernandez, ktvu news. a battle is brewing over the fate of about three dozen trees. about 40 eucaliptus trees have been deemed a safety hazard. about half the people who attended public meetings agree with that assess ment but there are other residents who think the trees are in no danger of falling and they want a better maintenance plan for the area. the public work's department says they will render a better decision on the matter next month. residents in san mateo county are being warned of a bob cat spotting. authorities say anyone spending time outdoors should be cautious. experts say you should never
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approach a mountain lion and avoid approaching mountain lions when hiking. the vatican unveiled new rules tonight for dealing with priests accused of sexual abuse. bay area educators took a stand today about proposed state budget cuts, what they want instead. and a bay area hospital continues a ten year streak on a prestigious list. ?w?wóç
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at a press brief today the vatican released new rules for priests who molest children and the mentally disabled. critics say the move does little to address the problem and is simply a change in administrative procedures. a group of education administrators voiced their opinions today. >> and we're tired of having teachers blamed for what really is a systemic problem that needs to be dealt with by a state with the eighth largest economy in the world and who's
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constitution says education is a right for every child in this state. >> reporter: the educators say the governor and legislature need to come up with more revenue to pay for schools. well for the tenth year in a row, ucsf medical center has been ranked as one of the best hospitals. ucsf is at number seven. john hopkins, the mayo clinic and massachusetts general are the top three. the magazine took into account the hospital's death rate, emergency care into account. according to two public policy groups 28 states have shown an increase in adult obesity. some of the states with the highest numbers of obesity are mississippi, alabama and tennessee. california ranks number 41. experts call the rate of obesity in the united states a public health crisis. a new study out of uc davis
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shows many olive oil sold in the united states are not the high grade extra virgin as their labels claim. researchers found that 69% of the imported oils and 10% of domestic oils failed international extra virgin standards. the study comes at the u.s. department of agriculture begins developing standards for labels such as virgin or extra virgin. iphone battles it's antenna problems, a flood of new smart phones are coming into the market. we will look at some of them and the competition they present. and what a great day here in the bay area and the weekend is right around the corner. what is it going to be like? our chief meteorologist bill martin is working on the forecast, he'll have it for you right after the break. new at 6:00, two dead, two still missing after a boat capsizes off our coast. we are learning who the victims were and new details on what
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led to the disaster at sea. and, putting a face to the violence. we've obtained pictures of the people police say are responsible for last week's violent riots. plus, find out how you can tell if your seafood is contaminated. a northern california university tells us how they are testing and protecting the nation's seafood tonight on ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00. on a new cadillac cts sport sedan... ..the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a car and driver 10 best third year in a row. summer brings out the best in all of us, so now's the perfect time to get behind the wheel of a brand new cadillac. now during cadillac's summer's best sales event... get zero percent apr financing for 72 months or this attractive lease offer on a cts sport sedan.
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real estate agents in marin county want a moratorium on smart meters. but the marin association of realtors and it's 1,500 members claim the smart meters lead to overcharging. the realtors also object to residents having no choice but to use them even if they don't want them. tomorrow apple officials will do something they rarely do. talk to reporters about a negative issue. it's an issue that bolster's competitors products. the unprecedented news products
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comes among mounting complaints about iphones which consumer reports previously said it would not recommend. tom vacar is live in emeryville with more on this. >> reporter: take a look at these, they are called cell towers, and you will see them more and more. >> this will be my first internet type found and i'm buying it because i believe it's a superior product to the iphone 4. >> the drake family has become one of the biggest products we sell here. the ability to have whatever apps that you desire. >> with the droidx i think they are just procedural problems
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because it just came out this morning. i think the smart phones are great, and mostly 99.9% of the time i think they work very well. apple's greatest are leaving the doors open to competitors. >> i also feel by the time i'm ready, i need to maybe move on, the space will have changed a lot. so there i may go with the next iphone, we'll see. >> reporter: and samsung captivate is also releasing their new phone. >> we want to provide choice to consumers, we think we have the best portfolios of the hand sets in the industry. >> it's a will the of information, i'm not sure that everyby needs it. i use it very little for personal, mostly for work.
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>> reporter: tomorrow apple will hold a new conference to deal with proported problems with their antennas, antennas, a technology far faolder than cell phones themselves. >> i have any life on this phone. i love all the application on it. it's e-mail, it's entertainment, i love it. >> reporter: and we'll have more on all of this from the apple news conference tomorrow, should be very interesting. i'm consumer editor tom vacar, ktvu channel 2 news. toyota said today it has a long way to go until it finishes looking at complaints. toyota didn't say when it's investigation is expected to be finished. federal investigators expect to be finished by this fall. well after years of wrangling efforts to put a suicide barrier on the golden
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gate bridge have taken another step forward. economy of the metropolitan commission department have approved $5 million to design the barrier. now the full commission is expected to approve the money later this month. it would then take an estimated 18 months to design the barrier which includes suspending a stainless steel net on the bridge to stop jumpers. tonight the reaction and what's next. julie haener is live in the newsroom now with a look at some of the other stories we're working on. as bp comes closer to a permanent fix, scientists here in california are still dealing with the oil spill, find out what they are doing to keep your food safe. plus a third victim is recovered from the capsized boat in point rays, we'll have the very latest coming up at
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6:00. all right, thanks julie. time for us to talk again about our beautiful weather, let's check in with our chief meteorologist bill martin to talk about the increasing warmer temperatures. >> yeah, it's hot out there. 99 was the official high today. some low 100s in the forecast, it's still cool along the coast, but warm inland. sacramento at 100 degrees. coming a little closer, you have 86 right now in san jose. you see the heat coming around, look at the cool colors coming down the coast. that's because there's a little bit of fog and cool air will get us a westerly wind, keeping this area right about here, about half the bay keeping it pretty warm or pretty -- pardon me pretty mild or pretty cool. we're looking for more fog at
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the coast. 99 in antioch, 99 in livermore. again, 100 in livermore possibly tomorrow in some places. this is the airport that we're forecasting for. but in this neighborhood, you're going to go 101, 102. it's definitely going to be a warm day tomorrow to hot inland and then a little cooler each day. hot in livermore tomorrow, sierra got 100 degrees. noontime it's going to be 100 degrees. the air sinks, as air sinks it's warms. so that's what's going to happen tomorrow, continued warm hot inland right along the coast, that fog is what's keeping things on the mild side. that's why you like it at moss landing, that's why you like it at pacifica. the fog will be at the coast side late tomorrow morning.
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a little aggressive here at the marine inlands. not much more push. the fog will push further inlands on saturday night, sunday. that will be some serious cooling. the forecast then tomorrow then is going to be another hot day inland. the high's coming from this way. so it's pushing out this way, it's keeping the cool air right at the coast, on the west side of the coastal hills. 83 tomorrow in richmond. they'll get a little marine air, a little marine breeze there. 98 in danville. 100 in livermore, 90 degrees for san jose at the airport. it wouldn't be hard to get 95 degrees at your house just depending on the features that are around your house. concrete conducts a lot of heat, it stores the heat and reradiates it again at night. >> 35 degrees spread between the coast and -- >> yeah, classic summer. >> thanks, bill. did you know that
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california has a state law. it's true, and if one lawmaker has their way, that state law could be changing. plus -- >> it has to be soon. >> an update on a mission of hope to find a northern california mother overseas in china trying to save her daughter's life.
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all right you might not even know that california has a state rock, but now one legislator wants to change it. that's because the state rock is asbestos. it was named the state rock back in 1965 because of its connection to the gold rush. well since then,asbestos has been tied to health problems including cancer. it would leave california without an official state rock. today we have a follow up to a story we reported earlier this month about a sacramento mom who left for china in search of a bone marrow donor for her daughter. >> this is where she spent her
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first year. >> sherry kramer began to cry when she saw the orphanage where he daughter lived in the first year. her mother is holding a marrow and stem cell drive along the ethic minorities who live near that orphanage. >> i don't have a lot of time with katie. she doesn't have years, she doesn't have months to have a transplant. it has to be soon. >> katie kramer recently underwent chemotherapy and cannot fight infection so she's at an isolation ward while her mother searches for a donor. blood samples of matches will be sent to the united states. if a match is found, the donor
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must undergo testing. >> let's hope they can find a donor soon. >> we'll be right back.
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a third body is pulled from the chilly waters after a boat
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is capsized at point rays. and a case that appears to be animal neglect after five horses are found dead in a field. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. there is a new development tonight in the search for two fishermen off the coast of point rays. the body of one of those men have now been recovered. we are learning more tonight about the four men that were on board that boat when it capsized yesterday. christien kafton joins us now. >> reporter: i spoke with park rangers here at point rays, they confirmed for me late this afternoon that in fact, the third body in this case has been


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