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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  July 26, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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ours is the only camera on the scene this afternoon as oakland police take away a suspected killer in a high profile homicide case. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. oakland police say they know have two suspects behind bars in connection with a shooting death of a virginia man who was visiting the bay area for a job interview at google. ktvu's debra villalon is live at police headquarters. >> reporter: what made the
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difference in this case was surveillance video. that revealed a man and woman just minutes before they allegedly robbed and shot a man who had willingly handed him hill wallet with $17 in it. pictures got her arrested on saturday. this cable installer was working at the house where murder suspect george hoggins showed up. hoggins was looking for girlfriend atheway. hoggins appearance here angered neighbors. >> said that this guy is a murder suspect. and the other guy was being retrained. he was not disputing that. >> reporter: officers who took 28-year-old hoggins thanked the man who caught him. >> they were praising him because they said he did a good job and took down a wanted criminal. >> reporter: hoggins and
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housley were wanted in the murder of hong kain. he kept an aappointment with a dentist friend sunday night and was killed as he returned to his rental car. >> he had to victimize other people. >> reporter: housley admits to her role in kong's shooting and another with hoggins last month. again the victims were in a car and distracted. that time the man who was shot survived. >> it was hard for me to sleep at night knowing that these people were still running the streets and the heinous crimes that they were out here committing. even with some of the victims that they were cooperating with the robbers, they still were shot. >> reporter: detectives have searched hoggins house for evidence. and served a warrant where the good samaritan was at hand today. his friends and family were reluctant to talk about his work. >> all i can say is that he did a good job. he did what he had to. >> reporter: members of the
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household along with that good samaritan pile into a car and sped away deflecting any more attention. hoggins is being interrogated tonight. it appears the crimes were committed to get drug money. reporting live in oakland, debra villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. a fairfield woman wanted in connection of a deadly apartment fire is behind bars tonight. james and leticia left their four children unattended in an apartment only by candlelight. at 8:30, james was booked into the solano county jail after she surrendered to county police earlier this month. concord man who's pit bulls killed his step grandson this
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week made his first court appearance this week. prosecutors filed two felony charges against steven hayashi. he is accused of felony child endangerment and allowing a vicious animal to be at large. the dogged killed jacob bisby. hiashi told the judge he wasn't home at the time of the mauling. he's scheduled to enter a plea next week. an 18-year-old woman was struck by a vehicle. six people died in that crash last thursday. the chp said silvia gray was legally drunk driving home with two other women after a party. a few minutes later, the bus slammed right into the suv. grey and her two passengers were killed along with the driver of the bus and two because passengers. the police chief of san jose is calling it quits. davis announced his retirement
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today announcing he will step down in october after 30 years on the force. jana kastsuyama spoke with chief davis this afternoon and has our report. >> reporter: i have no complaints, i enjoyed my job, i enjoyed living here. >> reporter: he started as a police rookie in 1908, becoming chief in 2004. but now he says it's time to go and spend more time with his family. during his tenure at chief he says he's most happy at helping the department start using using tasers and other technology. >> there's been times when that department has not been as transparent as a lot of people in the community would like it to be.
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so really thinking this is an opportunity for change. >> reporter: chief davis also faced criticism at times from the rank in file. >> whether it's rob davis or any other chief, we're not always doing to agree on certain issues, especially discipline issues and policy and procedure issues. >> reporter: by retiring in 30 years of service, the chief will collect his entire pension fund, 90%. the chief's replacement will face tough budget realities. >> i think it's important that candidates know what the financial position of the city is. not only from their own pay perspective but from the reality of what they're going to have to manage once they get here. >> reporter: as for chief davis, he says he has no regrets. >> the city of san jose has treated me very well. i would just like to thank them for the opportunity to do the service i did. >> reporter: the city manager says she plans to hold public meetings to see what the people in the community want to see in
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the next police chief. as for chief davis, he says he's already getting propositions for a new job but he has not made any decisions. jana kastuyama. there's word that minlow park will soon have a new police chief. today minlow park officials announced they've offered the job to bryan roberts. he is currently police chief with san leandro county. roberts could start in september. tony hayward is out at bp's ceo. is he said to take a job with a bp venture in russia. hayward was called back to london last month after testifying before a congressional economy. he c o mmittee. he is set to resign his position in october.
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and in the gulf of mexico, crews are putting equipment back into place to start plugging the broken well. last week the threat of tropical storm bonnie forced them to halt operations but the storm fizzled out. they hope to have the well plugged within two weeks. the drilling of a relief well remains on track for completion by the middle of august. concerns about prostitution have infiltrated the quiet peninsula city of belmont. the city manager is raising questions about a number of parlor employees. lloyd lacuesta live with more on our report. >> reporter: belmont had ten massage accomplishments. police say 37 of those therapists have gone to massage schools or received training
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that the state has deemed illegitimate. so bellview wants a new investigation. >> reporter: under the guidelines of a new state law has been certified by the california massage therapy council. >> if somebody has this, this demonstrates they have all the qualifications that someone would need to who has gone to an accredited school. >> reporter: belmont city attorney in a memo says the illegitimate schools help illegitimate massage parlors. >> we do only massage. >> reporter: she has eight massage therapists, some who were schooled in china and are not on the approved list.
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that is her concern. she preferred to speak in mandarin and a friend translated. >> she's aware of this list but doesn't think it's fair. because when they went to school at that time it was considered to be legitimate, certified. >> reporter: still, belmont police want to hold off on any new massage therapists until they can recheck the current ones. >> this industry is ripe for some abuse. the city as a regulatory agency has a right to the public, that if everyone is legitimate. >> reporter: the council will
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deal with the massage issue tomorrow night. lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel two news. a deal between oakland police and the city council which could put 80 layed off officers back on the streets. but voters still have to weigh in, we have a live report. a massive release of government documents raises serious questions about the war in afghanistan. and we have temperatures above average. i'll be back here in 90 seconds with tomorrow night's forecast.
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it was cooler today, these are the official national weather service highs. livermore 76 degrees, they could easily be at 95 on a day like today. temperatures, cooler than today. we're going to continue to be on the cooler side. morning fog and cloud. there's already fog up in santa rosa. fog in richmond, it'll be in your neighborhood in the morning. we're going to continue the extended forecast, mild. what that means your temperatures in the valley, you'll still find your 90s. but most of us in the bay region we're in the 50s and we're in the 70s. so more specific for a place where you live, 77 in morgan hill, another cool one. i have the five day forecast and a one more specific
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forecast for your area here in a few minutes. and a plan to bring oakland back to its full police force. only if voters pass a ballot measure this november. ken wayne live in city hall tonight with this developing story, ken -- >> reporter: the breakthrough came about an hour ago when the oakland police officers association agreed to contribute 9% of their salary to their pension fund and that's something that city council leaders had been asking for before the lay offs of 80 officers. at tonight's meeting, the council accepted the union's officer. but it still has to be passed by a 2/3 majority of voters this november. >> we've been hearing from a lot of the community, from faith based in the community, from unions, they have to contribute like everyone else.
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they have finally said, we will contribute if the parcel will pay us. >> reporter: they have ten days to vote and could have an election the first week of august. officers will be asked to make their pension contributions over the next three yearless. >> they've agreed to starting in january pay 4% of, then a year later add 3% so it'll be seven. the third year it'll be nine and that would be the full 9% of their employee share of purse. >> reporter: despite the breakthrough, it's still up to voters and city leaders admit it's going to be a tough sale to get the percentage needed. >> it's still going to have a very tough tax to pay. but we're giving oakland voters the right to decide how important police are. >> the long term hope is the
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economy will get better, it'll get better quicker. it'll get more robust, will at least get back to the world of two to three years ago in terms of revenue. >> reporter: the council also agreed to put a cannabis tax on the ballot. users would be taxed 10%. the council also agreed to put a $2 a year phone tax on the ballot, so in all there are four ballot measures oakland voters will be deciding which will determine the financial future of the city of oakland over the next four years. live in oakland, ken wayne, ktvu news. police discussed what went right and what went wrong the night the mehserle verdict was announced. and they hoped that police learned something that would
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keep people safer in the future. in some cases, police say they couldn't arrest looters because there weren't enough officers on hand to do the job. >> we're going to end up using force to more than likely take those individuals in custody. in additional, i had to send in a second group of officers to protect those officers that are actually given the mission of making arrests. >> reporter: police say they'll be ready when mehserle is sentenced, that is scheduled for november 6th. another bay area police force is looking at how it does business. coming up at 10:30, the city where civilians make take on police work. and a leak of documents from the war of afghanistan is sending shock through washington tonight. the site wikileak has revealed
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documents most from the bush administration era. documents claiming pakistani administration agents are helping the taliban are significant. also higher than reported civilian deaths. the leak of documents p puts more pressure on the obama administration. political editor randy shandobil reports. >> reporter: congress is set to vote on a new war funding bill this week. anti war democrats already troubled by slow progress in afghanistan now have to consider this. according to documents released on wikileaks, some of the money already spent aid to america's ally pakistan may have been used by agents there to help
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america's enemy. the taliban. >> our ally the one that we give billions of dollars to is in turn assisting our apparent enemy in afghanistan. and we're paying for it. now that's a difficult situation for any administration to deal with. >> reporter: wikileak is a website dedicated to exposing government secrets first made news early this year when they released the áf this video of americans in search for insurgents. the website's founder says the new release of documents, most from when george w. bush was president is supposed to force the hand of the current president. >> the course of the war needs to change. the manner in which it needs to change is still not yet clear.
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>> reporter: in addition to raising questions about the war, the wikileak release also brings questions about national security. >> the casualty of any war is the truth. >> reporter: lou burgman is a producer for pbs's front line. he told us most administrations are overly secretive and the public pays the price. >> the best example is the rational for the invasion of iran. they knew they were doubts about weapons of mass destruction. they knew there were other opinions, they didn't release that information. >> reporter: burgman says he can't vouch for wikileak but calls the government's reaction predictable. >> the general reaction is
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always to kill the messenger. >> reporter: the news that the united states may be helping the enemy, is difficult for my administration. your eyes may not be deceiving you. we tell you about hollywood heavyweights arriving in oakland. woman: did you bring the camera phone? man: i did. do you wanna go first? i've been waiting for this all day.
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ok, this is from... aunt stacey. introducing chase quickdeposit. just photograph the front and back of your check using the chase mobile app on your iphone, and hit send. it went through. this is so cool. this is so cool. you wanna try it? yea. ok. all right. who's next? make a deposit from anywhere, anytime-- with your iphone. to mister and misses walker. why would they send my parents a check? chase what matters. ♪
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an out of control wildfire has destroyed several structures and is threatening dozens of homes tonight. officials evacuated people from near by this afternoon. the fire started this afternoon and jumped the current river. flames have charred 2,000 acres so far but no injuries have
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been reported. the cause of fire is not known. ac transit riders should be prepared for a second week of delays and long waits. 171 bus drivers called in sick again today. the riders say they are upset that -- ac transit put today a claim by the drivers union. both sides set to meet with an arbitrator on friday. the tax cuts enacted when george w. bush was in the white house are about to expire. president obama wants to approve them for everyone
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expect the top 2%. >> because they can afford it and especially since they've gotten over the last decades from george bush more than a trillion dollars in tax cuts. and how did the economy do? not very well. >> all this new spending on every possible wasteful program and special interest group you can imagine, that's what's caused the deficit now the politicians say, we've spent so much money, now we have to come pick your pockets, no. >> reporter: some fear the increase could keep the wealthy from investing in the economy. fiorina is get ago boost from the republican party in her attempt to unseat barbara boxer. the senatorial committee confirms that $1.7 million has been reserved for ads in the last week of the race. in the past the committee has
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been reluctant to spend, where democrats have an advantage. sales in june increased by almost 24% when compared to may to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 330,000. however may set a record for the lowest number since the commerce department began keeping records. june comes in as the second lowest sale pace ever. however it beat economists expectations. analysts say housing numbers were better than investors expected. and shipping giant fedex released an upbeat projection. the company has 62 offices and more than 200 employees in
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silican valley already. now it's looking to add bankers and tellers but they don't know if this is for new offices. 7,000 extras and one of the most famous movie stars all in oakland to start filming a new movie. concerns about crime at california state parks. new numbers reveal a troubling trend.
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cool weather stays in the forecast. we go to the livermore valley tomorrow. your tomorrow forecast, 68 degrees at lunchtime. not bad, but late in the day it ends up at just upper 70s. 77degrees at the livermore airport. so you get the picture, a cool day again tomorrow in the
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forecast. fire danger is down, air quality is okay. i'll have your forecast back here in just a bit with the long rage forecast and the seven day. filming got underway today in oakland. brad pitt is in town to film money ball. and the film crews needs thousands of people to be extras. patti lee has more tonight. >> reporter: this is the biggest film to be created here in oakland since 2005. a second shift starts in about 15 minutes with hundreds more from across the bay area playing a's fans. >> it's the first day of shooting in oakland for the movie money ball. >> a lot of extras, over a thousand people coming to the stadium to shoot this. >> reporter: the stage, the
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oakland coliseum, closed to the media. even though production crewed worked to plug leaks onset, money ball plot is no secret. >> it was the story of billy ray, manager of the oakland a's. >> reporter: money ball explains how the a's with just 41 million in the payroll competed with teams like the yankees who spent two preponderate 5 million in salaries. not just compete but finished first in 2002 with a record 202 wins. lewis wilson is one of the thousands of extras vying to play even a tiny part in the
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story she knows well. >> they announced it at an a's game to be an extra. >> reporter: a source of much needed revenue in the city. >> the last major feature film we had here was rent. >> reporter: she has no firm numbers, but starting today at least 120 rooms and hotels in the city are booked for the next two weeks. out of town patrons expected to eat at local restaurants and shop at local businesses. >> the lowal local hires are those in the hundreds. >> reporter: the film shooting won't stop tonight until 5:00 tomorrow morning and it's scheduled to continue for the next 10 dayless. the movie could open as early as next year. and frank you mentioned that they are still looking for extras, but so many people have wanted to be a part of this movie that that is no longer
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the case. reporting live in oakland, patti lee, ktvu news. and again for information on the movie and, how to be an extra. although patti just said that they've gotten all the extras they need. but we do have information on our website,, just go to the news link section. and an investigation into the pay processes of the town of bell has begun. bell has over 3,000 residents some of which protested. bell city manager was making $800,000. while the police chief had a salary of $450,000. city council members tonight voted to cut their own salaries from about $100,000 to about $8,000. the question of whether
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controller chung must issue pay cuts for state employees will have to be announced shortly. he expressed concerned about possible work law violations. right now state workers are guaranteed their normal paychecks through september. the governor's wage order was in response to the state's budget. at a speech before the los angeles chamber of commerce, the governor said he would not sign the budget unless tax, pension and spending reforms are included. a different way of investigating some crimes may soon be tested in san francis co. a new technology would collect dna and make initial reports. the idea is to free up sworn officers to focus on more
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serious crimes and to save money. david stevenson reports. >> reporter: george gascon says he's looking to bring a new investigation process that he implemented in arizona. >> we want the officer to go in there and feel great about the process. >> reporter: the president of the city's police officers association says the program could backfire. >> to be like san francisco where the public defenders and the defense attorneys are very sophisticated and very smart. i think it does a tremendous potential for losing some cases because of chain of cushionty. >> reporter: hammer says certain cases should be off limit to civilian investigators. >> when you talk about residential burglary, which is one of the ideas. those can be rather sophisticated investigations. i would rather see a trained investigator looking for subtle
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crews that a reasonably new person would not pick up. >> we're talking about training people, providing the right level of supervision. >> reporter: mesa arizona civilian investigators seen in this photo don't carry badges or guns. police there say they've cut response time and have helped resolve a number of cases since the program began a year ago. >> in the last year, there were 137 fingerprint hits in cases that they performed. which led to 41 felony arrests. >> the metrics will be, number one are we reducing the work for the sworn officers in order for them to be able to dedicate more time to working and more serious crimes. >> reporter: mesa police tell us they've had trouble answering that very questions because officers there are being laid off. the civilian investigators he's looking to hire should have two years of college and may include retired police
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officers. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. in contra costa county it could soon be illegal to light up in some apartment buildings and condominium developments. city managers will vote tomorrow. and it would make outside areas including balconies, patios and carports smoke free as well. if approved, these new regulations would go into effect next year. coming up, details on a bold new plan for hanger one at moffett field. call it smithsonian west. and coming up, where iphone users get their new apps.
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reviving the economy means reinventing the way we do business. here's to the owners showing us the way. [trumpet playing "reveille" fades to silence
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apple has long insisted that iphone users should only use applications from the apple store. a practice known as jailbreaking. >> i think that's a good idea. if you're smart enough to make an app. it's not easy. if you are able to come up with an app you should be able to use it on your phone. >> apple has maintained that the rule is for customers safety. a complaint that a 4-year- old boy almost strangled himself with a mcdonald's toy. the boy's mother said he put the toy bracelet around his neck and started to pass out.
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his mother took it off before he was seriously injured. mcdonald's says the toy meets all safety requirements. the mountain view voice reports that preservation are working to turn moffet field air one into a plane museum. the preservationists are in discussion with the smithsonian into turning the hanger into a museum. those talks have been promising nasa has expressed interest for a hanger research program. the state's largest health insurer named pam hagan to the position. she replaces leslie margolan who unexpectedly left the anthem blue cross last week.
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good news of the world tonight, iranian officials lash out at the announcement of new sanctions by the european union and canada. the sanctions are aimed to get iran to back away. an iranian government spokesperson called if move confrontational. in iraq, six people died 16 others were wounded when a car bomb exploded outside the offices of an arabic language television network. if attacker was waved through two security check points before detonating the device. two car suicide bombings killed 25 people during a religious festival. in peru where it is now winter, a cold snap is being blamed for seven deaths.
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even in the usually steaming peruvian jungle, temperatures have fallen below 21 several times. rangers say they are stretched thin. coming up the new numbers showing a dramatic increase in crime at state parks. our chief meet roálgts bill martin is back with the five day forecast for an area where you live -- our chief meteorologist bill martin is back.
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fire officials say lightning strikes started more than 100 fires this weekend on state and federal lands in california. at more than 1,700 acres, the constantina is the largest area. right now, more than one
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out of every four positions is empty. this comes as a new analysis finds that crime has tripled in the last year. jim vargas has our report. >> reporter: ranger morrison does more than pose for pictures. in an emergency, and there were a murder suicide in the park last year he's the only ranger on duty to respond. statewide 30% of park range positions are empty. >> all the thing that is can happen in a city happen here in the parks. >> reporter: one reason is that communities have grown around the state parks and the crime spills over. the parks have seen an increase in car break-ins, and marijuana growing. >> it's an impact to the
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resource that these folks cause. irrigation lines, taking water from the streams that house fish. >> if there's a lot of crime, we really need more personnel here. >> we feel very safe. i don't know why if there's only one officer here. >> reporter: faced with a multi million dollars shortfall, doesn't seem that sa kra sacramento is going to provide funds here. in contra costa county, jim vargas, ktvu channel 2 news. the americans with disabilities act turned 20 today and there were celebrations in many cities. the acts provide opportunity. >> having the kind of life that i chose, not one that was prescribed for me. >> some of those who's lives have been changed by the law were at san francisco's city hall today. >> i am a person that was born
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blind, i am a person that has been employed my entire adult life. paying taxing. >> reporter: providing equal access has changed our streets and the entrances to buildings open to the public. it has meant increased cost for many business that business owners we talked to agree that providing access to the disabled is a worthwhile goal. a cool weather pattern has set up again this week. this is reminiscent of what we saw the last week and the week before that and the week before that. it has been a cool summer and it continues this way. we've got fog already is shooting over into lafayette. that starts you off cloudy and that ends you up cool. tomorrow, another cool one just like today. the cooler summer is not supposed to look like this but
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this is what's been happening. this low center drops in. in the winter it brought us a lot of rain. this time of year doesn't have enough to bring you enough rain, it doesn't have enough to bring you fog. that lends well to fire danger. it actually helps the firefighters quite a bit. i've said this night after night, our lead story, often our early stories in the newscast are fire danger stories. and we haven't had those issues. the fire danger is going to get right into the delta. but it was foggy all day at steinson. foggy all day in santa cruz. the heat is in the valley, redding got to 98 today. most of our area remained below average through tomorrow into wednesday. and then it'll start to warm up a little bit.
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but not a major warm up. the forecast highs then for cities where you live or near where you live, 78 in antioch. 77 in livermore, 76 in danville and walnut creek. these numbers this time of year, 86, 90. climbtology would have you there instead we're looking at numbers a good 10 to 15 degrees cooler than that. air quality is good, consequently because of the strong breeze. that's the upside. less fire danger, and higher air quality. it's just a little cooler than many expect. even from sacramento, temperatures 10 degrees cooler than they are used to getting. >> looks like it's sticking around for a while. >> we'll see it all week, julie. >> thanks, bill. thousands of south bay investors were conned by a washington state man claiming to need money to pay a tax on a
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inheritance. stewart has said to have promised to pay $10 back for every $1 invested. wayne howard sewell is accused of processing the checks illegally. sports is next. we'll be right back.
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private gardeners are being asked to join the battle against a pest. officials are asking those living in yeas where the moth have been found in traps to destroy the grapes. the moth showed up in the pay last year. a landmark is back in action tonight at fisherman's ward. a mirror maid was introduced at
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wripley's. wripley's officials say they've extra room. buster posey the individual extending his strike streak. another pretty good start for barry zito. not quite good enough. ugla for the distance. the marlins build an early 3-0 lead. and the third run worth showing you. it scores on a sacrifice fly. and the run comes in but that guy is playing from center field. the guy who's job he took is making an appearance tonight. aaron rowan a two run shot that just sneaks into the bleachers.
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a fan actually caught it. marlins scream for a replay of that, as the fans reached out, they call it interference. but the officials still call it gone. no hitters hitters gallore. we have the fifth of the year. tonight matt garza of the rays. that's the closest thing the tigers had to a hit. tkpwar garza because of the double play faced a minimum 27 men. the first no hitter in fact, in tampa history. 5-0 rays and garza, gets the pie in the face after the game. great pitched game. well, if word out of the
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bengals camp tonight proves through we are about to have a diva convention this upcoming season. pile on u.s. more trouble for the school's football program as the titans are suing the school and coach lane kiffin for quote maliciously luring away assistant running bag coach. pola had a clause in his contract with them that required hip to have written permission before speaking to any other team about a possible job. kissen where he seems to go
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trouble finds him. >> mark, thank you. that is our report for tonight, i'm julie haener. >> and i'm frank somerville. our coverage continues on have a good evening everyone. >> good night.
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