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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  September 25, 2010 9:00pm-9:45pm PST

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. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu, channel 2 news. a wildfire sends some
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sonoma county residents racing for safety and leads to the closure of a major highway. good evening. i'm ken wayne wayne. >> and i'm health heather holmes. >> and highway 1 near bodega bay is closed. the highway broke out. ktvu's mike mibach is now live with the latest on this firefight. mike? >> reporter: heather, right now we know that a badega firefighter is being treated in san francisco. and in talking to firefighters today, they said that this one moved fast and as you will see, it was destructive. >> i have eyes on this crash fire. >> the call came in at 12:34 p.m. flames near highway 1 near bodega bay. the heart of the fire quickly crawled along the ground, dancing its way up the
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vegetation. dozers were cutting breaks. one man ran out of his trucks passing two trucks both begun engulfed in claims. residents drove away to escape the flames. >> we were taking our guard dogs out of here and everything else. >> reporter: he says a line attached to a power pole located across from his house snapped and ignited launching into what turned into an estimated 87-acre fire. >> caught fire and burned the horse fire down. that whole trailer house was in films. the fire went up the road and up the hillside there as you can see. >> reporter: close to a dozen agencies worked together to knock down the flames. but it was the volunteer fire department that led the initial attack. >> we do have a report of one firefighter who has been injured and airlifted to st. francis. >> reporter: one witness said the firefighter was burned near the point of origin. that spot down in a small ravine is taped off.
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a helmet rests in the middle. a charred bodega bay hose line not far away. the condition of the firefighter has not been released. >> i would like to make sure that people don't let their guard down. we're still having activity and we could have a fire season that could go into november. >> reporter: a spokeswoman for st. francis memorial's burn center told us just about 15 minutes ago that the firefighter from the bodega fire department is in stable condition. back here the fire crews will be keeping an eye on that burn area throughout the night. reporting live here in sonoma county, mike mibach, ktvu, channel 2 news. that same heat wave that fuelled the fire also drew thousands of bay area residents to the beaches today. crystal clear blue skies and temperatures soaring to 91 degrees in the city were reason enough to hit the ocean beach in san francisco. parents brought their children. friends brought their friend. and a lot of people brought their dogs. there was barbecuing, kite flying, sun bathing and
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frisbee. some ignored warnings about rip tides and strong currents to cool off in the surf. the high temperatures across the bay area have prompted officials to declare tomorrow spare the air day. the hot weather combined with light winds will contribute to poor air quality. the bay area air quality are urging people to carpool, take public transit or drive as little as possible to help prevent smog. people with breathing problems are advise today stay in doors as much as possible. [ music ] varied temperatures can soar across a good portion of the region today. a couple of records to report for oakland. and also santa cruz. oakland beat the previous record at the airport at 93 degrees. santa cruz just barely you can see 100 degrees. the old record of 99. here is a look at some of the highs today across the region. with the lower 80s right near the coastline. san francisco is 91. quite a few 90s to report out
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towards san jose. starting out the day first thing tomorrow morning in the 50s and 60s. see the eventual range. once again the 90s making a come back. even oakland up into the mid to upper 80s. high pressure has been the source of the warmth over the past few days. it will stick around for tomorrow. whenever you get that sinking air that's a hot air mass that sticks around for your sunday. also into your monday. with that we are still talking about elevated fire danger and also poor air quality. that's why we have the spare the air warning in place for sunday. there will be a minor change in the wind direction for tomorrow. that will actually cool off just a few microclimates. more on that coming up in a little bit. >> independent if the forecast where you live as well as any watches or warnings by going to ktvu, channel 2 news. and clicking on the weather tab. the controversial issue of legalizing marijuana here in california is gaining support. a new exclusive ktvu field poll shows voters are leaning towards making history and
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passing proposition 19. ktvu's john sasaki reports. [ music ] >> reporter: the cannabis and hemp expo at the cal palace has anything for them. pipes and growing apparatus and a security symbol that may more closely resemble a giant bong. >> this is part one of the experience. and part two of it right there. >> reporter: thousands of people came here to celebrate medicinal marijuana. >> i am not so much worried about the recreational aspect of it. more concerned about the patients who really need it to get some relief. >> reporter: but now a new ktvu field poll shows that proposition 19 which will fully legalize marijuana is likely to pass in november with 49% supporting it and 42% opposed. >> big differences by age. younger voters much more supportive than older voters. >> reporter: but surprisingly at this mind altering event we
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talked to more who oppose proposition 19 than support it. >> since i read the proposition and sat down and read it i don't feel very good about it. there are still some things that need to be worked out. >> i think in the end it is bad for the grower and bad for the patient as well. it should be kept medical until we know how to properly regulate it. >> bishop ron allan from the international faith based coalition came to argue against the measure. >> we clearly understand that addiction will take a tremendous upswing among our youth. >> reporter: the california police chief's association is using similar arguments. >> marijuana is a mind altering drug. so it does things to people. and more people are going to smoke it if proposition 19 passes. that means more people will be driving. more people will be under the influence. >> reporter: despite a lot of opposition here to proposition 19, there is plenty of support for marijuana legalization. >> prohibition didn't work. you sell a far more dangerous drug in bars on every corner in this town and every other town. >> reporter: will california legalize this product?
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the field poll says it all depends on voter turnout. at the cal palace, i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. and late today ktvu spoke with dennis poron who helped author proposition 19 which passed in 1996 allowing californians to use marijuana for medicinal purposes. surprisingly he said he is against proposition 19 but would not elaborate why. another closely watched proposition battle, proposition 23 is losing 45% to 4%. it would suspend the california landmark global warming law until the unemployment drops to 5.5% for over a year. the jobless reality stands at over 4% according to our ktvu field poll. also proposition 25 which would change to pass the state budget from a two-thirds majority to a simple majority is ahead 46% to 30%. that lead though has dropped
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quite a bit since july when 65% of those surveyed supported it. this evening the judge who ordered california to resume executions extended the deadline for an inmate to choose exactly how he will be put to death. convicted murderer and rapist albert brown will have until noon tomorrow to choose a cocktail of three drugs or a single shot of a sedative. earlier today the judge refused brown's request to consider imposing lethal injections. wednesday morning will be the first in san quentin's new death chamber and the first in california in almost five years. police in oakland tonight are looking for a hit and run driver who struck and critically injured a pedestrian. the crash happened shortly after it: 30 this morning in the 2100 block of international boulevard. investigators say the vehicle was speeding when it hit that victim. and that the driver just drove away. i don't believe that the pedestrian was in the crosswalk when the crash happened. the unidentified person was taken to the hospital with life
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threatening injuries. a wild 45 miles per hour car chase through several bay area cities ended with the driver's arrest. it all started about 1:00 this morning in fairfield on westbound i80. at one point the driver and highway patrol crossed the ramp on memorial bridge. the highway patrol put out spike strips near powell and that punctured the car's tires. despite the flat tire the chase continued over the bay street exhibit in san francisco where he crashed into a concrete barrier and was quickly taken into custody on a variety of charges. a new program was launched across the nation today in an effort to give people a safe way to get rid of their unwanted prescription drugs. in the nation's capital business was brisk at the first ever national prescription drug take-back day. the federal drug enforcement agency came up with the idea. the dea says prescription drug abuse is on the rise.
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and they say the prime source for getting the drugs is the medicine cabinets of friends and family. >> there were more than 3400 drop-off sites around the nation. in oakland a bin was set up at police headquarters downtown. in addition to keeping unused medicine out of the wrong hands, the drop-off was a boost to the environment since flushing or throwing away medications can contaminate the water supplies. two oakland homicide detectives were honored tonight for going above the call of duty. lieutenant brian and phillips were recognized by the 1,000 mothers to prevent violence. tonight was that group's third annual purple gala at regeneration church in oakland. organizers say the detectives were honored for their work in helping grieving families find closure. >> they actually come to our support group to meet the families one-on-one and the families can actually have eye- to-eye contact from them. i have testimony from the families that they are much
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better now. >> the group's goal is to alleviate the impact of violence by offering support, referrals and services to the loved ones of homicide victims. in new jersey, the search continues tonight for the gun man who opened fire at a party near seaton hall university killing a student. shooting happened at midnight at a house near the university. police identified the victim as 19-year-old jessica moore. investigators say the shooter was a man who was not allowed into that party. they say, though, he came back and opened fire. four other victims are expected to survive. two of them were also seaton hall students. police are offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of that shooter. [ music ] an unexpected customer. what decided to pay a visit to a san francisco store this evening. >> a cupcake, raffle ticket or perhaps a t-shirt. it could go a long way today. how those items provided much needed relief for those
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affected by the sanbruno disaster. >> yelling showed voters in a fighting mood. who is mad and who stands to benefit. the 10:00 news continues in 90 seconds. the 10:00 news on ktvu, channel 2 news. dependable coverage of breaking news. the bay area's new of the days. and complete in-depth coverage. plus the forecast for the area where you live. >> a good opportunity for drizzle along the coast. >> frank somerville, julie haener, the 10:00 news on ktvu, channel 2 news it, complete bay area news coverage.
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. a car accident in san francisco ended this evening was a vehicle smashing into a ups store. it happened at 5 p.m.
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at gary boulevard and 22nd avenue. the storm was just closing when a camry crashed into a parked tooth pushing into the window. no one was seriously hurt. employees got to work immediately to fix the glass. >> officials say it will take 3- 4 weeks to clean up that toxic mess left by the explosion and fire in sanbruno. residents rallied today to provide emotional and financial support to the victims of the disaster. ktvu's ken prichard reports. >> reporter: they sold raffle tickets, sweets. >> $20 for one cupcake? >> that works. >> reporter: and t-shirts bearing sanbruno's name. this afternoon sanbruno park was the scene of a fundraiser and celebration, a contrast to the some better atmosphere a few miles away where people watched the cleanup of the neighborhood where 37 homes were destroyed and seven lives lost to a pg&e natural gas line explosion. it is a cleanup that will take several weeks, far shorter than
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the need for help say fundraiser organizers holly and jennifer. >> the out pouring of love that everyone has contributed to this event and everyone showing up. the families and everyone wants to be here and be a part of it. >> reporter: they had scheduled a fundraiser for today supporting brain cancer research. jennifer's mother died of the disease. but those plans changed. >> and then the explosion happened. and we decided we needed to rally together. >> reporter: they say in such a small community many people have ties to the devastated neighborhood either direct or through friends. >> you know, my house was up there that i grew up in for 20 years. those are all of my neighbors. those are my people. >> reporter: all of the money raised at the day-long event will be given to the sanbruno fire victims to help them rebuild. >> you know, the pain is still there. i mean, the fact that there are still a lot of individuals are just still sorting through their lives. >> reporter: state senator ye has attended the fundraiser and has asked for state home
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exemption for homeowners who lost their homes in the fire. >> i feel particularly bad for those individuals that are kind of right in the middle. didn't lose their home totally but not green tagged. so they are sort of in that never-never land should i rebuild or not? should i tear it down? >> reporter: and the women behind this event says it is more than just a fundraiser. also a reminder that the pain and recovery of the explosion will last a long time. >> people still need help. they still need help. >> reporter: just as the organizers say more help will be needed and that process will go on, so will the cleanup effort here in this neighborhood. the county has set a goal of mid-october to complete the work. in sanbruno, ken pritchett, ktvu, channel 2 news. six people safely escaped a fire that destroyed a home in san jose. flames broke out around midnight in a victoria january house at 1475 newport avenue. it took more than six hours for firefighters to control the three alarm fire. by then, the house was gutted.
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the fire apparently started in a shed at the back of the house and then spread to the roof. >> animal owners hoping for some reform and pet insurance, they may be disappointed. governor schwarzenegger vetoed a bill that would require pet insurance companies to disclose more information on their website such as limits on coverage. well, the bill was modeled on president obama's health reform law. in his veto message yesterday governor schwarzenegger said the existing law in california allows the department of insurance to regulate pet insurance policy physical needed. san francisco's restaurant industry plans to put up a fight on monday when the board of supervisors considers banning past food restaurant toy giveaways. the proposed law would make it illegal for restaurants such as mcdonalds to offer toys with childrens' meal that exceed specific levels of fat, sugar, salt and calories. the measure's sponsor says the toys encourage children to eat unhealthy foods that lead to
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childhood obesity. but restaurants say deciding what children should eat should be up to their parents. >> the latest battleground in the effort to contain the spreading grapevine moths. three of the pests were reportedly discovered in south county vineyards. grape growers in a 93 square mile area are now under new restrictions requiring them to more thoroughly clean their crops while wineries receiving grapes from the area have just two hours to crush them. the vine eating moths were first discovered in napa a year ago and have spread to several bay area counties. with just five weeks now to go, a new poll indicates democrats jerry brown and barbara boxer are slightly ahead in their races for california governor and u.s. senate. the la times, the university of southern california poll was released today. and it just 46% of likely voters support brown, while 41% back republican meg whitman. the two candidates by the way
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will face off in their first debate tuesday. and ktvu will carry it live at 6 p.m. meantime, boxer is favored 48% compared to her republican opponent carlly fiorina's 40%. the poll surveyed 1700 voters earlier this month after they squared off in a debate at st. mary's college. few can dispute that during this election year, many americans are in an angry mood. all across the country vocal protests, yelling matches, heck ling and in some cases even fist fights are setting the political tone. so just who stands to benefit from all of the passion? brian todd has a look. >> reporter: it looks like a brawl in taiwan's parliament. but this was a political throwdown in suburban las vegas after heck ling got to a boil at a senate campaign event, supporters of republican tea party favorite sharon angle and backers of harry reid hauled off and hit each other.
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an isolated independent? >> what do you think of this event voters at a boil. >> this is happening over the country. people are upset with the politics and upset with the way the economy is going. the simple fact that washington, d.c. hasn't fixed anything. >> reporter: reid wilson of the political hot sheet the hotline say when people have lost jobs during this recession their anger can lead to outbursts. one new poll shows republicans and ends are angry yes about politics than democrat. politicians are targets but also smacking back. take this from chris christie when a heck letter shouted at meg whitman. >> hey, listen, hey, listen, you know what, you want to yell, yell at me. but don't give her a hard time. we're here, we're here talking about the future of the state of california and the if the of our country. and you know what, you know what, you know what, let me
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tell you this, you know what, it's people who raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing this country. we're here to bring this country together. not divide it. >> how does all of this anger between voters and politicians translate really into the vote this november? >> well, i think it's going to play out very well for the republican party. poll after poll shows that republican voters are animated and excited and ready to get out. largely because they are angry about what's going on in washington, d.c. the mid-term elections are really their opportunity to change the direction of the country. >> reporter: analysts say the equation is pretty simple. angry voters turn out at the polls. reid wilson says this year the republicans, the angryiest seem to be mobilizing democratic voters just like they did in 2006 and 2008. brian todd, washington. still talking peace in the middle east. but it didn't look like it today. the critical deadline tomorrow that could make or break the peace talks. plus the lake tahoe stunt
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that got two navy chopper pilots grounded. and our warmup does continue. in fact, high pressure sticks around over the next few days. there is one particular day temperatures will be peaking. highlight that day coming up in your extended forecast.
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. the peace talks between israel and the palestinians face a critical juncture tomorrow. that's when israel is set to lift its moratorium on settlement building in the west bank. and as rena ninean reports now from jerusalem if israel lifts that ban the palestinians say the talks are over. >> reporter: it's come down to the where wire. secretary of state hillary clinton has been meeting with israeli and palestinian officials to reach some sort of a compromise over the settlement freeze. but nothing has been agreed to so far. clinton made with israeli defense minister barak. they said they cannot ex ten the freeze which has been in place for the last ten months. u.s. officials are urging
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israel to extend it. palestinians say they will dropout of the direct talks which only began earlier this month if the construction continues. today in the west bank clashes took place between anti settlement protestors and the israeli military. the protestors are calling on a complete boycott of all settlement products. they also arrested a photographer for not obeying the rules. journalist said he was asked to step back and never given the chance to do it before being beaten by israeli soldiers. clinton will meet with the foreign minister in new york to talk about the peace talks in israel in jerusalem. in other news of the world tonight, in egypt protestors chanted outside a courthouse where two police officers were to go on trial today accused of beating a young man to death. the man's family said police packed the courtroom and intimidated witnesses. the government says the man
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suffocated trying to swallow marijuana. but photos of his body show severe beating marks. the judge today postponed the trial in until next month. in haiti five people living in tents after january's earthquake were killed overnight when a powerful storm battered the island nation. winds from tropical storm matthew tore up tents and the roofs of houses and floodwaters swept through refugee camps. an estimated 1.3 million haitians are still living in those camps after being left homeless in the earthquake which killed a million people. >> in khazikstan three astronaut including an american landed safely in the desert today on a return from the international space station. the soyus touched down in soft sand in what flight controllers called a picture perfect landing. the arrival was delayed by a day because the spacecraft had trouble disengaging from the station. the three astronauts had spent a half year in space. two navy pilots have been grounded after performing
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unauthorized helicopter stunts over lake tahoe. this video shows the helicopters going over the lake. they were flying from a sacramento air show to sacramento county. authorities say they did between $50,000 to $5,000 in damage to the aircraft. what a day around the bay area. really nice out there. why thousands of people here and across the nation spent it cleaning up trash. and a few minutes is all it took. what was behind these screenings and what people were being checked for. [ music ] . >> closed captioning is brought to you for mansini sleepworld. save 20 percent on the largest selection. >> with no interest until 2012.
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. >> move over pot brownies. near cannabis infused treat growing in popularity. california medical marijuana
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dispensaries are offering pot ice cream but opponents fear cannabis ice cream is just the beginning. claudia cowan reports. >> with flavours like cannabis foster and strawmary ice cream the ice cream could become widely available if the measure to legalize it in california. >> it is a nice option for people who don't smoke or don't want to smoke. >> the patients don't taste the marijuana but feel its effects. it contains four doses of high grade cannabis. eating the whole thing would be roughly the equivalent of smoking these four rather large joints. critics argue if proposition 19 passes, californians will be bombarded with not just ice cream but all kinds of cannabis cuisine. >> man, you will see it in everything. you will have it in spaghetti, in coffee creamer. you will have it in, you know, whatever form you can. people will start sprinkling on top of their breakfast cereal. >> you will not find it on the
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shelf in safeway. only from specialized sellers that have a permit to sell this only to adults 21 and over or perhaps a dispensary for medical use. >> reporter: ice creams are typically homemade by other customers. the packaging is often crude at best leaving users to determine the dosage through trial and error. supporters of proposition 19 say regulating pot would help ensure labels are accurate, cooking conditions sanitary and edibles safe. >> cannabis cannot kill you. however, some bad eggs can make you sick. that's why it's so vital that we have the health department's involvement in cooking with any type of cannabis. >> reporter: but law enforcement officials point out there would be no fda approval of edibles. even if californians pass proposition 19, marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government which has no appetite for cannabis ice cream or any other pot product. and they are expected to challenge the measure if voters approve it. claudia cowan, fox news. a bill requiring helmets
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for young skiers and snowboarders is signed into law. but it won't take effect. the bill would have mandated helmets on the slopes for those under 18. the governor signed the legislation yesterday but he was linked to another bill requiring ski resorts to prepare annual safety plans. governor schwarzenegger vetoed that bill, saying it would not have guaranteed fewer injuries or fatalities and would have placed an unnecessary burden on ski resort operators. apple, gag will and other silicon valley giants have accepted a settlement offer from the u.s. justice department in a case about employee poaching. the settlement includes these companies. the companies were accused of agreeing not to poach, a practice the justice department said interfered with the employee's ability to compete. the settlement announced yesterday would bar such an agreement for five years. a court, though, must still approve the settlement. tens of thousands of volunteers gave up recreation on this beautiful warm autumn
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day to pick up trash instead. in oakland, the event was called creeks to bay day. and was aimed at cleaning up the bay area's rivers, creeks and shorelines. a group of high school students this morning scoured the area around oakland's lake merit boating center. >> we heard we were doing beach cleanup, white sandy beaches. that's not what it is out here, rocks and big items and chip bags, you know, shoes and random items that people just litter. >> state wide the coastal commission hope to surpass last year when almost 90,000 volunteers picked up 1,000,300,000 pounds of trash and recyclables. >> the east bay father of a teenager who suffered cardiac arrest during a basketball game helped screen people today for heart problems. the group heartfelt cardiac projects offered discounted ekg and echo cardio gram at the
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high school. in february 15-year-old david collapsed during a game at the same school from sudden cardiac arrest. he survived his attack. his father says it's important for everyone to be screened. >> children have to have their hearts tested. checked out more. because if david would have had a screening such as this, he possibly would not have had to go through all of the pain and suffering he has gone through so far. >> the fire department also gave classes in c.p.r. at the school today. doctors say quick use of c.p.r. when david collapsed helped save his life. >> the legal battle over just who owns a massive emerald will continue on monday in an la courtroom. morgan hill resident tony thomas took the stand yesterday claiming he is the rightful owner of the 840-pound gem. thomas said he paid $60,000 for the so-called emerald after it was unearthed in 2001. but thomas never got the gem and now several people claim they are the rightful owners.
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authorities seized the emerald in las vegas after 2008 after it was reported stolen. testimony from other would-be owner it is set for monday. they come from all over the world to compete. the distinction a bay area boat race being held this weekend can claim. also coming up, we are entering a heat wave. so which day will have the hottest temperatures? our meteorologist mark tamayo is working on your complete bay area forecast. thclit ofasswch. thsmthssf 0 z. alce tes2dvst ct ll eye eresd. a lld t omanon.
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. >> well, temperatures today soared across the entire bay area. some changes developing up to the north that will impact our temperatures especially for a
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few neighborhoods as we head into the sunday as we do wrap up your weekend. right now on the maps i can show you this. you can see the storm system up to our north and west. this will not bring us any rainfall but up towards portland and seattle will pick up a few high clouds. already some patchy fog developing just offshore. as a result the coastal areas and the bay side communities will be cooling off a bit as we do head into your sunday. more of an onshore breeze developing. but the inland spots will be a completely different story. a look outside right now in fact at the current temperature. san francisco 73. san raphael in the mid 70s. livermore is right now checking in at 703 degrees. clear skies for tonight. but some patchy fog developing like i showed you offshore. a warm and hot pattern especially in land for tomorrow. the extended forecast does feature that cooling trend. the range from the 70s right near the immediate shoreline lower 70s. 80s along the bay. these areas will be cooling off
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from today's highs. on track to reach the mid to upper 90s. here is the overall weather pattern developing. this weather system up to our north like i just showed you will usher in some cooler temperatures coastside. the temperatures tomorrow in land around 95, 96, 97 degrees. monday, that will be the hottest day of the period as high pressure returns. we will see more of an offshore breeze. that means temperatures up a good 3-6 degrees easily into monday. temperatures in land could be right around 100, possibly 102 degrees. first thing tomorrow morning patchy fog developing at least right around the coast. as a result those temperatures cooling off. at least today right around the 80-degree mark. tomorrow only in the lower 70s. 90s up towards fairfield. oakland right around 90 degrees. tomorrow in the low to mid 80s. still relatively warm though. morgan hill right around 97. san francisco tops out in the lower 80s. keep in mind san francisco today was 91. you will definitely notice that cooler weather picture as you
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do head to the coast for tomorrow. hottest day though we are advertising still set for monday. that means temperatures for the beaches could be the lower 80s. the interior spots topping out rights around 100, 102 degrees. we will cool things off beginning tuesday. still some hot temperatures for the interior. and then by wednesday and thursday the heat wave is long gone. in fact, by thursday the fog is back in full force. those temperatures are cooling off once again. so at least today you definitely will notice that the big boost in temperatures. some relief tomorrow coastside but monday will be the day to prepare for the hot temperatures. >> the shorts and flip flops out there. it was nice. >> that's a good plan at least for tomorrow as well. >> thanks, mark. >> thanks, mark. >> thousands of pad letters from across the country have descended on treasurer island for one of the largest events of its kind. >> the competition was fears today at the annual san francisco international dragon boat races. organizers say it is the
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biggest dragon boat race and festival in the united states. 110 dragon boats and 3500 paddleers are competing in the 500 and 300-meter races. the festival features games, food and exhibits. all of the fun continues tomorrow. >> nice day to be on the water. >> coming up the giants sent a complaint to major league baseball. i will tell you why. >> also it is college football saturday. sanford's drive for the first win in
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