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tv   KTVU News at 7pm  FOX  September 28, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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excretion claims another victim. this latest death comes as a new theory surfaces what may have triggered the block. >> you see berkeley announces drastic cuts to its sports program. we will tell you which teams will be eliminated and why that may surprise you. i'm julie hainer. >> welcome to this new exclusive ktvu news of election coverage of meg whitman and jerry brown. we are simultaneousing this broadcast on ktvu 36. we will have a recap and reaction from that debate. within the last half hour a federal judge blocked thursday
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execution of albert greenwood grown. his execution has been already moved once. it would have been california's first execution in nearly five years. after the ninth district court of appeals to have view his decision. he did not have enough time to meet thursday's deadline. if a higher court does not reverse this decision by midnight friday, the execution will remain on hold until next year due to shortage in one of the drugs used for lethal injunctions. a coroner said today an eighth person has died as a result of the blast. he is jimmy franco. ktvu joe biden john joins us now. >> the last workers have left
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the scene. all day today construction cleanup crews and homeowners continue the tough work here. san jose schoolteacher and husband combed rubble for anything. her grandmother escaped the fire unhurt. >> it's pretty brutal. the whole neighborhood is gone. it's a lot of family memories. >> reporter: as crews continue cleanup of the incinerated remains of 37 homes, the coroner today reports 58-year- old james franco died at uc san francisco. he becomes the fires eighth fatality. when the pipeline exploded in a fire ball that thursday evening just five doors away at 951 glenwood the house caught fire. jimmy was upstairs.
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the landlord got him out but he was severely burned. >> i'm worried because our home is destroyed and there is probably some little things that are still inside there. >> reporter: we spoke to landlord last week as he was still hospitalized. so many families shattered. lives disrupted with deep scars. the headlines may move on and the lots expected to be clear their memories carry vivid reminders that they need to fix whatever caused this. federal officials today turn down california's request for disaster aid saying it was not necessary not needed. three burn victims remain in critical condition in the hospital. the services for james franco are pending. >> pg & e is keptable about a
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new -- prior to the explosion at a high pressure come pressurer. the slightly more than allowable levels. some experts argue pressure levels would have to increase three or four fold to trigger that kind of catastrophic failure. bay area lawmakers attended a hearing today to address pipeline safety. among those on hand from pg & e along with the mayor who demanded quick action to beef up safety laws. >> he's a ticking time bomb. we have to get these things. >> at the hearing the ntsb gave lawmakers a up close look at the photos. it could be a full year before a cause is determined.
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crews hit a six inch national gas line in alameda prompting a evacuation. they hit the high pressure line at c-view parkway. people live within a quarter mile of the leak got automated calls warning them to stay indoors. they were still on the scene making prepares and no one was injured. we are learning more tonight about a major announcement coming out of uc berkeley. the state's budget crisis is forcing them to cut four varsity sports and reassigning another. >> reporter: student athletes were told of the cuts this morning at a special meeting with the athletic director. >> again these are all very painful decisions. and as i said to the students earlier today, deciding which
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programs was the most difficult part of the plan. >> reporter: at today's news conference university officials said the cuts were painful but necessary to create what hay called a sustainable financial future. baseball, mens and womens gymnastics, and women's lacrosse teams were eliminated. the chances will be begin the the end of the school year. varsity rugby player says he's confused about the team status. >> baffled. not understanding the reasoning behind it. waiting for a little bit more information. >> reporter: many hope the changes will not effect the foundation. >> we know the school gets a lot of alumni support. i think people are unhappy about it. if it needs to happen it will happen. >> reporter: chancellor robert says he is confident alumni
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support will continue. >> of course there will be individuals who may not respond the way we like but already i know from our first major donors they are going to support us. they believe we are acting responsiblely and doing right thing for the university. >> reporter: one of the most high profile and surprising changes is the elimination of the baseball team. cal would be one of the largest university of its size not to have one. in berkeley sal. now to tonight's first debate against jerry brown and meg whitman. they sparred on crime and the death penalty. >> i've been consistent i will carry out the law regarding executions and secondly as far as my support of law enforcement officers it's reflected in the fact that the california police chiefs association has solidly almost unanimously endorsed by candidacy for governor. >> he has been liberal on crime for 40 years and recently in
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the last week he's had a change of heart on the death penalty. saying i wasn't i'm not opposed to it. but for 40 years he has. >> the candidate was asked about pension reform. >> we need to take retirement ages up. i don't know how many of you know but today rank and civil servant can retire at 55 years old. >> if you elect me governor, i won't collect until i'm 76 unless i get a second term lit be 80. i'm the best pension by california has ever seen. >> ktvu ken is live at the uc davis campus with more on the debate and the protest going on outside. >> reporter: frank, as you mentioned the debate has wrapped up. if you look over you can see the crowds still exiting here at the center at uc davis.
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it's likely both candidates will claim a victory in this debate. we wanted to talk to students mid debate to get their take on the state of the faceoff. before we hear from those students we want to show you video that took place prior to the debate. which shows how energized students were. it's safe to say there were more brown supporters than whitman supporters. there is a lot of yelling. it was civil. and both sides were clearly energized. how did the confrontation inside unfold? we put that question to mba students. to get their take. the students we talked to said they still were trying to make up their mind. >> it's a tough call. i think i like some of the positions from both candidates and i typically vote democrat so it's an interesting turn this time around.
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>> brown. he's more genuine what he's presenting. i'm still undecided on who i'm going to vote for this fall. >> reporter: again we talked to those students mid debate. now the debate is over we'll talk to them again and see how they felt the entire debate went as far as the candidates they were supporting. and also right now the candidates should be going into a spin room. they will talk to the media and give their take on how they felt they performed tonight. we'll have that for you later tonight. right now back to you. thank you. the fall heat waves sent temperatures climbing to more record highs today. bay area city passed 100 degrees. bill martin is standing by in the weather center with the latest how hot it got today. >> yeah it was hot. temperatures in the record range again. let's take a peek at the numbers. a number of cities ll over the top. let's go to the weather
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computer. i must have had the wrong thing there. santa rosa 104 degrees. san jose 99. those were records. you see when they were set. livermore. we have one more page here. mountain view, gill roy, and san francisco airport. it is a hot day. it's been a hot week so far. everything is changing around. right now i'm tracking fog. it's heading your way. it will impact your neighborhood tomorrow. also why the fall heat might be good for business. >> san francisco businesses hoping today's warm weather will heat up the tourism industry. security is the most controversial program targeting illegal immigrants.
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temperatures hit over 100 dede grues. there is a lot riding on this heat when it comes to tourism. >> reporter: the blazing sun beat down on competitors today in union square at the transportation agency 40th annual cable call bell ringing contest. >> they signify san francisco and our community. >> reporter: the high heat was another attractive tourism today. they scored into the 90s by noon. >> the weather is sensational. >> reporter: they wish it would drive visitors inside to spend
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money. >> sometimes the heat may want you to stay out more often. lately they have been coming in to drink our margaritas. people know that september and october are the best days of weather. >> reporter: san francisco did $7.8 billion in tourism sales last year. as the hospitality industry rebounds from the recession. >> this will be our busiest time for meetings and conventions. the tourism time is the busiest time. the fall and winter has been growing for san francisco. >> reporter: the convention and visitors bureau says it attracted a number of short term visitors from the central valley. in san francisco david stevenson. california gave president obama higher marks than the rest of the nation. that's according to an
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exclusive field poll. 53% approve of the job. that's contrast to nationwide polls that show 54%. support in california is down from 65% in march of 2009. shortly after mr. obama took office. budgets talks in sacramento were disrupted today. they had reached an agreement on a frame work for a new budget. the spokesman for the government office is unions are trying to block a roll back of pension benefits. he says he will not sign a budget unless it has pension reform. as the city proceeds with a lawsuit to close it permanently. the suede nightclub was a scene of a gang related shooting back if february. the city attorney filed suit in april to have the club a public
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nuance. a six-year-old girl is in the hospital tonight after a gunman released a hail of bullets on her home. two men armed with handguns fired two dozen shots at the house at 2:15 this morning. the first grader was sound asleep with her parents when a bullet hit her in the arm. >> i heard my mom screaming and i went to her room and i seen my little sister. >> the family says they believe the gunmen were targeting the girl's 18-year-old brother who was not home at the time. the six-year-old girl remains in stable condition tonight. santa clara county wants to opt out of a security program that targets illegal immigrants. ktvu robert honda is live.
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robert. >> reporter: soup supervisor -- supervisors drew their line in the sand. saying the program -- when someone gets arrested the person is fingerprinted. in 2008 homeland security agency immigration and customs enforcement set up a voluntary partnership to get the fingerprint from state and local law enforcement. through the program s-com. he crossed the fingerprint. today santa clara county said they wanted to opt out of the program. s-com makes immigrants afraid to call for help or report crimes to law enforcement. >> we don't as a local government need to be on the front lines of a force that we don't need to do the job. >> reporter: most people that testified were for opting out. >> we had met many crimes that were pulled over for minor inflections which resulted in
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immigration detentions. >> after being in detention one is held without bail and will will not be let go. you may be in detention limbo. >> reporter: only two supported the program. >> if we opt out of the program it will allow the illegal immigrants not to be identified or apprehended. >> if we're not going to have any laws or any statues it's just going to be a willy wonka type view. >> reporter: ice has not responded to their calls. live in san jose robert handa. will the bay area continue the heat? what happened to a former president today? he was on a flight heading to cleveland. first a look at closing
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numbers from wall street. dow gained 46 points and the nasdaq rose 9.
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they call proposition 24 a job tax. it will tax california businesses for creating new jobs.
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>> former president jimmy carter is resting comfortably in a cleveland hospital tonight. he developed an upset stomach on a flight from atlanta to cleveland. carter's grandson said the 85- year-old former president is doing fine and there is no cause for concern for his long you have term health. he has been in the midst of a tour promoting his latest book. ole moe park is closed due to the heat and fire damage. no public access is allowed. the park could open by tomorrow but it could also remain closed if the usual number of firefighters on duty have been spent somewhere else. more now on our hot weather and when we might get some relief. let's go back to bill. >> we have seen the records today. it was the hottest day of the week. if you were outside in the
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santa clara valley today the air quality was bad. downtown 86 degrees in san jose. temperatures tomorrow will be a good ten degrees cooler. here are the numbers. significant heat inland. 105 in livermore. temperatures will be cooler because of the fog that is working its way up the coast. we are seeing a weather system that is weak. it will work its way up to the south. by the weekend, temperatures will be back to the low 80s. so the cooling trend will be significant tomorrow. you will notice it. and temperatures into the mid 90s and the cool hot spot. forecast overnight lows they are still 60. when you wake up in san jose they are 64 degrees. here is the low i was talking about. creeps up the coast it will give us this increase the cooling as it picks up the fog and clouds. this sun usual. the last low was coming from the north.
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this is a warmer one. as it comes from the south there could be a few showers drug triggered from this. right now we're look agent the cooldown. the forecast model for temperatures see the bite for cool air. those are 50s and 60s and 70s. it's still hot in the valley tomorrow. and still very warm in our inland bay valleys. the cooling will have begun. 90 in napa. 95 in fairfield. fire damage will get a break. the air quality is better. it was a hot run of temperatures and now we're back to some very warm temperatures but just not sweltering. 68 at the daily city. 67 in santa cruz. that is a good 15-20 degrees cooler. they will notice the biggest cooling tomorrow. >> all right thank you bill. coming up tonight on the
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10:00 news continuing on the debate. more on what each candidate said. again that's coming up tonight on the 10:00 news. and that is our report for now. i'm julie. >> and i'm frank. see you at 10:00. our state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions.
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we have to live within our means. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that.
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