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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 26, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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an antioch man shot and killed in his home and neighbors say he was targeted for doing the right thing. the late night decision on san carlos fire department. the city's mayor talked to us at ktvu immediately after that controversial decision. and the announcement today that could put lake tahoe on the world stage. it's all ahead here on the ktvu morning news. good morning. thank you for joining us. it is tuesday april 26th.
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i'm pam cook. sounds like it's going to be a nice weather day. let's check in with steve paulson with the forecast. good morning, steve. hello, pam. that is correct. after yesterday's mostly cloudy day in the morning and then mostly sunny late, we'll take the mostly sunny and take it into tuesday with temperatures starting to warm up. still upper 50s to lower 60s by the coast. but after patchy fog it will be sunny and warmer with upper 60s to low 70s. here's sal. steve, looks like we have a lane closed here on westbound 80 just past university. looks like a little bit of late running road work or some sort of stalled vehicle. we'll get to the bottom of that. not causing a big traffic jam yet but it may if it's there for any length of time. move along and look at northbound and southbound 880. that traffic moves well. 4:31. let's go back to pam. overnight in antioch police made an arrest in a deadly shooting. ktvu's allie rasmus joins us now from pine nut way where police say the suspect showed up at a home with a gun.
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good morning, allie. >> reporter: good morning, pam. as a result of that confrontation, a 26-year-old antioch man was shot and killed. it happened around 9:30 last night on pine nut way. this home right here behind me. right now we only know the victim's first name, dave. neighbors say he lived here in this house with another young woman, her sister and stepfather. they were house mates. they were not romantically involved. they were targeted because he defended her from his ex- roommate in the past. the ex-boyfriend is the man accused of killing and shooting this 26-year-old man. >> he came in and his ex- girlfriend he broke up with a few months ago he had beat her up and dave stopped him from doing that. and he came back and it was like retaliation to get dave because he stopped him from beating up his girlfriend. >> reporter: now the victim's friends prayed outside the home last night mourning his loss. they say he was a good guy who
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recently turned his life around after surviving a serious car accident just a few months ago. antioch police arrested the gunman a few hours after the shooting and he is now in police custody although police are not releasing his name to us. now monday afternoon several hours before this shooting antioch police released their crime statistics for the year. and according to their data, violent crime in antioch is down from a year ago. now some of the residents and neighbors here tell us they find that hard to believe. we'll have a little more information on the crime statistics coming up in the next hour of the morning news. for now live in antioch, allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. this morning the san carlos city council has voted down a controversial plan to outsource its fire department to save money. the unanimous decision came late last night after several hours of heated debate. city leaders rejected a proposal to hire a private company from florida to respond to emergencies.
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instead, they voted to team up with redwood city in what's being called the hybrid option. >> redwood city and san carlos will share management and the fire chief, the vat chiefs, training, fire marshals. but the rank and file firefighters in this situation will belong to san carlos. >> san carlos firefighters were among those strongly opposed to the outsourcing plan saying it could endanger public safety. ktvu's tara moriarty has reaction from other key players in this battle. she's going to have a live report in our next half hour. a new twist in the same sex marriage battle. opponents say the judge who declared prop 8 unconstitutional should never have heard the case because he is gay and has a long time partner. now people who are against same sex marriage are asking the u.s. district court to throw out judge walker's decision. in a 26 page motion filed yesterday, they say the judge should have removed himself
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from the case. that he has been in a same sex relationship for ten years and could benefit from the outcome of the trial. >> he was obligated to either recause himself or provide full disclosure of this relationship at the outset of the case and these are the circumstances that demand setting aside this decision. >> does that mean that a woman judge or jurist cannot rule on a case involving women? does it mean that someone that's african-american cannot rule on a case involving african-americans? >> legal experts estimate that it will take about two months for the court to decide this new issue. pg&e is preparing to conduct high pressure testing on sections of natural gas pipelines like the one that exploded in san bruno. yellow spray paint on the ground in mountain view marks one line. it runs under the shoreline golf links down rain stork avenue and into the sterilein
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estate neighborhoods and feeds the pipeline that ruptured in san bruno. neighbors are reacting to the upcoming test. >> well, i think it's something that should have been taken care of a long time ago. >> pg&e held an informational meeting last night. high pressure tests are planned for next month. now the utility says if the pipeline does not meet standards, it will be replaced completely. we have exclusive new information about the deadly nightclub shooting at oakland's jack london square. two people were killed, four others injured in sunday night's shooting at sweet jimmy's at third and pre. ktvu news has learned that the gunmen were trying to steal cash and jewelry from people standing outside that nightclub and that the deadly gunfire erupted when one resisted. the violence has one oakland man ready to leave town. >> people running amuck in the street, gunfire, people screaming and yelling. i don't want to stay here no
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more. i'm going to san francisco. >> oakland police say the gunman drove away in a white dodge avenger that looks like this one we're showing you. there's now a $40,000 reward in this case. well, it is still a big mystery. the monterey county coroner's office wrapped up the investigation into the death of two teenage scuba divers. however the coroner says it may never be clear exactly how they drowned. the two boys from nevada died in the waters near monterey earlier this month. tests show there was no problem with their scuba gear. the boys were licensed divers who were at the same beach just one day earlier. well, for the next two days police in belmont will be on a special look out for distracted drivers. the crack down starts today and officers will be looking for people behind the wheel texting or talking on cell phones without a hands free device. drivers caught breaking the law will be ticketed $159 and if
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you've been ticketed before, that price goes up to $279. the crackdown will end at 5:00 tomorrow. new crash tests on some of the greenest cars on the road are out this morning. coming up in just about 15 minutes we're going to tell you if these car which is keep you and your family safe. all right. speaking of keeping you safe, let's check in with sal. hopefully no big problems on the roads. good morning, sal. good morning. traffic is actually doing pretty well around the bay area this morning. we don't have a lot going on. let's go outside and take a look at -- looks like they're still clearing up something here on westbound 80 here at university. one of the right lanes is closed. the rest of the freeway is open. it's not causing a big back up. traffic is still looking good. moving along to the bay bridge toll plaza, that traffic looks all right as you come up to the pay gates no major problems there. and the morning drive is going to be okay in san jose along
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northbound 280 getting up to highway 17. some wind advisories are up for chp. they're telling you to be a little bit careful because of some of the gusty winds on some of the bay area bridges. 4:38. let's go to steve. all right, sal. thank you. yesterday we had the fog, drizzle, the yuck in the morning. the afternoon wasn't bad. we had the breeze but the rain moves out. high pressure building in. it's not that strong. just a little guy. but we have patchy low clouds and fog. once that clears off we're good to go. looks dry for not only today and tomorrow but probably the rest of the week. there will be a weak system moving in on thursday. but temperatures 60s and 70s. satellite shows not much there. everything goes up and over the ridge of high pressure. but still -- see there's the ridge building in. few clouds just kind of come down kind of from the northwest but that's a sign of today and tomorrow as that ridge builds in. that's the system that will cool us down for thursday. but overall today except for some patchy fog and low clouds sunshine and warmer temperatures. it will be sunny.
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patchy fog and a little warmer. even a few low 7 0z. antioch, morgan hill to gill roy. mid-60s in between. looks rather quiet here as we almost say good-bye to april here as we're winding it down. a little cooler on thursday into friday and saturday into sunday looks nice. sunny and warmer, could be especially down towards maybe inland areas upper 70s to near 80 by sunday, pam. sounds good. thank you. the san francisco board of supervisor could decide today whether at&t needs to go through an environmental review before it can install more than 700 new utility boxes. the company says the boxes are need today upgrade internet, cable and phone service. but two groups are against the plan. san francisco beautiful and the planning association of richmond say the boxes are frequent targets of graffiti. today's meeting starts at 2:00 p.m. at city hall. the santa clara county board of supervisors is expected to vote today on a ban
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on plastic bags. that ban would apply to 56 stores in unincorporated areas across the county. the ban would not be enforced at restaurants, fast food chains or nonprofit group. a northern california city wants to host the olympics. the announcement expected to be made today. and victory on the ice sends the sharks to the next round of the nhl playoffs. the uncertainty now facing the team. also, remembering chernobyl 25 years later. the bay area protest taking place today to make sure it doesn't happen again. good morning. if you're driving on the upper deck of the bay bridge any time soon, watch out for some winds up there. we'll tell you more about that coming up.
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good morning. except for some patchy fog under mostly clear skies. little cool. lower 40s. we'll end up with sunshine today and temperatures 60s to a few low 70s. st. louis international airport will resume its full flight schedule today. but that's after friday's tornado left heavy damage. twisters shattered windows and even ripped off part of the terminal roof. despite flights getting back to normal, airport officials say it will take weeks or even months to clean up all the debris and damage left behind. congressman ron paul is expected to move one step closer to a presidential campaign today. the texas republican is set to
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announce that he's forming a presidential exploratory committee. that announcement should come at a des moines, iowa, hotel this afternoon. paul enjoys strong support from the tea party movement. this would be his third campaign for the presidency. paul last ran for the republican nomination in 2008 losing to john mccain. ron paul's likely announcement comes one day after mississippi governor barber said he won't be a candidate next year. the 63-year-old republican says he just isn't feeling the fire in the belly to run. the announcement comes as a surprise to many because barberry cently visited several states with early presidential contests. the governor says he will continue his current job and work hard to get a republican in the white house next year. this morning we are waiting to hear if the nfl is open for business. yesterday a judge ordered an immediate end to the lockout. but right away the league asked for a stay of the ruling while they appeal. now the players' fate is in the
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hands of the eighth district court of appeal. meanwhile oakland and san francisco are preparing for the loss of revenue if there's no 2011 season. >> millions of dollars probably in the order of $20 million to $30 million just in that kind of spending by the fans. >> the players association has advised players to show up for work this morning. but there is still no labor agreement. everything including summer camps and free agent signings will remain on hold until the nfl's appeal is heard. so far this weekend's nfl draft is moving ahead as scheduled. well, the sharks are moving on to the second round of the nhl playoffs. they beat the kings 4-3 last night in the staples center in overtime. sharks captain scored the game winning goal. that led to a joyous celebration on the ice. now the sharks will face either detroit or chicago in the semifinals. that game will be decided tonight. but tickets for the semifinals go on sale at 10:00 this
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morning. today plans to bring the 2022 winter olympics to lake tahoe will be announced. the california winter games committee says bringing the games to tahoe would be a great job provider and economic boost. says there would be a massive effort needed to turn lake tahoe and the surrounding area into an olympic stage. the committee says the host city won't be selected until 2015, but the first deadlines in the process will likely be next year. nearly 22,000 jobs have disappeared from san mateo county in the last four years. that's what a new report set to be released tomorrow says. the report from a nonprofit group says most of the job losses have been in the manufacturing and professional fields. the education and health fields are the only two sector that is saw job growth since 2007. the unemployment rate in san mateo county is currently at 8.3%. well, a new organization designed to create a better
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working relationship between san jose police and the people who live there met for the first time. the community advisory committee is set up to help police deal with issues related to excessive force. that's what led to two federal lawsuits in the last few years. and the new chief wants to avoid other lawsuits in the future by working with residents who have been critical of the department. >> we're really optimistic to developing a new era of police community relations and we're looking to the chief as a partner in us trying to build collectively a safer san jose. >> the chief is also making it easier for citizens to file complaints or compliments instead of going into police headquarters they can now make comments online. homeland security secretary is encouraging college students to consider careers in cyber security. she spoke at uc berkeley yesterday as part of a college tour that fan in january. she told mostly student
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audience that the government and private business needs to work together to improve cyber security. >> we need a strong innovative group of people who are willing to take on the incredible challenge that the protection of cyber space demands. >> she says a number of competitive scholarships, fellowships and internship programs are helping people understand the role of the department of homeland security. former president jimmy carter is in north korea today. he's on a mission with three other former world leaders. going to show you video of carter with the group of elders in china yesterday. they're on a six day trip to try and restart peace talks between north and south korea. the group was not told ahead of their trip to north korea who they would meet with, but they say they hope to see north
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korean leader kim jong-il. after that the group travels to south korea. early this morning a somber ceremony in the ukraine marking 25 years since the chernobyl nuclear disaster. a memorial service was held in the small city about 25 miles from the disaster site. special tribute was paid to the clean up workers who were sent in immediately after one of the reactors exploded. they died shortly after from radiation poisoning. the fallout forced more than 350,000 people living within a 300 square mile radius to leave their homes. now a protest against nuclear power will be held today in men lo park to mark the chernobyl anniversary. that's scheduled for 11:30 this morning right in front of cafe baron. two new electric cars are now on the market, but are they safe? what new crash tests reveal about the chevy volt and nissan
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leaf. and a new offering from palo alto based facebook will be made today. who the social networking giant is going after now.
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welcome back to the morning news. triple a is confirming what drivers already know. gas prices seem to be out of control. its new report shows the average price for a gallon of regular gas in the u.s. has climbed to $3.89. that's up more than 30 cents from a month ago. and it's up nearly a dollar from a year ago. triple a will soon update bay area gas prices which are much higher, typically, than the national average. nissan has announced this morning that it's recalling 196,000 suvs. that recall effects the nissan path finders made between 1997 and 2003, the infinity qx4 suvs
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made between 1998 and 2004 are also effected. nissan says the suvs may have steering and suspension problems caused by corrosion. the automaker says it will repair damaged vehicles for free at its dealerships. well, for the first time electric cars are being rated for safety in highway accidents. the chevy volt and the nissan leaf both received the top rating for side, front, rear and rollover crash protection. engineers who conducted the tests say both cars are among the top safety picks for this year. >> this is good news for consumers who are concerned about gas prices who worry about the environment. they know that they can buy a vehicle like this and know that they're getting a high level of safety. >> now both electric cars fall into the small vehicle class, but because the battery packs that power them are heavy they
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have the weight that's close to a mid size car. and that gives them a safety edge over other small cars involved in the crash tests. all right. let's check back in with sal for a look at traffic this morning. hopefully no crashes there. yeah. no, pam, we're doing pretty well right now. traffic is moving along nicely. if you are driving on the east shore freeway they still have one of the right lanes closed there for some late running road work. it is not effecting traffic so far. those flashing lights will get your attention, but it's not causing a big delay. also this morning's commute is okay on the upper deck of the bay bridge. but the authorities have issued a wind advisory for the bay bridge. so be careful there. traffic is going to be a little bit, well, it's going to be a little gusty up there. also if you're driving in the east bay westbound 580 traffic looks good all the way from livermore to castro valley. 4:55. let's go to steve. sal, thank you. very good morning. patchy fog after yesterday's gray day temperatures have cooled off under mostly clear
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skies. santa rosa 41. napa at 42. the coolest readings are in the north bay because we have some low 50s as when he had towards oakland, hayward, mountain view, san jose. san jose has some low clouds around, little warmer there. livermore dip today 45 and fairfield at 41. san raphael at 44. napa if you're visiting and going to the napa valley, you picked a good day. 40 to start. 62 at noon and 70 for a high today with lots of sunshine. there's our ridge of high pressure right there starting to build in. that's going to give us a warmer day today and also tomorrow. we'll see a little cool down on thursday but the rain moves out. high pressure builds in after patchy clouds and fog we look good to go for sunshine. looks like a dry week. yesterday might be it for a little bit. we're running out of time as we get to the end of april and into may for any rain. but you can see everything's now starting to drive northward. so mostly sunny today. patchy fog. won't last long. little warmer today. upper 50s, 60s to right at 70 degrees. napa, santa rosa, antioch in
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there. oakland 65. mountain view 66. 70 morgan hill and 67 pleasanton to redwood city as well. mostly sunny today, tomorrow, then a little cool down thursday. then out of here friday. the weekend happy to say a far cry from last weekend. it looks sunny side up and warmer. sounds nice. thank you, steve. today facebook is launching a new service it hopes will rival groupon. facebook deals will start in five cities including san francisco. the new york times reports the service will focus on item that is friends can do together such as concerts or other events. and facebook will let people pay for their deals with facebook credits. a door left open on a speeding train. what was responsible for this youtube moment and what's being done to prevent it from happening again. and customers putting off new smart meters. the option pg&e is now providing to customer who is don't want to take part.
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an antioch man is shot and killed in his own home. neighbors say he was targeted for doing the right thing. authorities think that you should slow down on the bay bridge. they've issued a warning because of gusty winds. >> reporter: san carlos will have a new fire department come


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