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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 6, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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collapses. still a westerly breeze for some. more of a southerly breeze in advanced. kind of a mixed bag on the temps today. temperatures stay cool. upper 50s and very low 60s. high pressure bills in. this system will sit out here and spin. next week starting to look wet. we'll see how that shapes up once we tackle it on monday. through the week everything looks good. mostly sunny a cold morning. i think we will get the puffy queues. highs today in the upper 50s to low to mid 60s. here is sal. good morning, and happy friday. there are some spots already believe it or not. this is highway 24 it looks good. in oakland there is road work heading southbound on 880. a lot of road work coming down from the downtown area. going to come to a standstill. also the morning commute looks okay on westbound 92 heading
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out to the high-rise. and a car got stuck on the railroad tracks near jefferson street overnight. this happened just before 1:00 in the morning. the driver was not familiar with the area. just kept right ongoing. one train did have to stop. one of the locomotives there while they rheumied the vehicle. the scene was cleared in 45mens. it's 4:30 let's go back to pam. fremont police are on the scene of a fatal shooting. that happened on central avenue earlier this morning. allie rasmus is now at the scene with what we know so far. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, pam. there is still an active scene here. they have been here since 1:00 this morning investigating a has. the entire street is closed off to traffic. this is central avenue. that is be the center of this investigation is. that is where a male gunshot
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victim was found about 3.5 hours ago. neighbors in this area reported hearing gunshots around 1:00. and a short time later they heard the police sirens. when police arrived they saw a man suffering from a gunshot wound. fire paramedics told ktvu that he die on the way to the hospital. sense we have been out here, we have seen investigators on the scene going in and out of the apartment complex. you are looking at central avenue between joseph and duster berry street. we are waiting to talk to a sergeant out here that is investigating. he will give us a little more information on the circumstances. just to reiterate a male victim gunshot victim died on the way to the hospital. that man was shot somewhere on central avenue in fremont. allie rasmus. overnight fire in fremont is being investigated.
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that that started at 1:45 this morning. at a strip mall on thornton avenue. firefighters believe the fire started in the kitchen. it took just about 30 minutes to put the fire out. no other businesses at the strip mall were effected. it's not clear when it will reopen for business. for the first time since monday, students have returned to okos university in oakland. police join us why police escorted them to this weeks deadly shooting. >> reporter: they allowed the students to get back in to retrieve their belongings. this as the memorial continues to grow here for the victim. yesterday police thought they might have stumbled upon the weapon used in monday's massacre. crime tech pulled out this
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garbage. around 4:30 police got a call from someone that said they spotted a gun in the trash but this lead came up empty. >> definitely might have added another piece of the puzzle but we were unable to find the firearm if there ever was one. >> reporter: 43-year-old juan go has admitted to the shooting rampage. the former nursing student dropped out of school and demanding his division money back. this morning oakland a's fans are paying their respect to the former students they are autotailgating in front of the they are out tailgating in front of the school. live from oakland i'm tara moriarty. >> the founder of accoster dam university is starting to give
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up ownership. richard lee made that decision after this week's raid on oakster dam. they seized almost everything including pot plants, bank account records and computers. between february and march -- one incident a woman told police she found someone recording her with a cell phone camera while she was in a shower. university police are urging women not to go to the bathrooms alone and notify police right away if they see something suspicious. the district attorneys office in san francisco is looking into an online post by a bicyclist who hit and killed
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a 71-year-old man. police say the bicyclist hit 71- year-old sue chichi last week while crossing castro. now the cyclist wrote about the accident on his blog. he is said to describe the accident in great detail and proximate causes his helmet for saving his life. the da office is still trying to consider whether to file charges against the cyclist. suspended san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi returns to court this morning. he was orerred to take domestic violence classes. mirkarimi appears before the city's ethic commission in three weeks. that's the first step of a process that could eventually result in his removal from office.
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meantime mirkarimi's wife has written an opinion piece in the san francisco chronicle. she says her husband is the victim of a political cue and the argument that lead to the domestic violence charges was an emotional disagreement about potential child custody issues. lopez said she was betrayed by neighbor who report the couples argument to police. lopez is currently with her son in venezuela visiting her sick father. in less than an hour the labor department will release its march employment report and alabama lists expected to show good news if. most experts believe u.s. payrolls added 200 jobs last month. that would make it the fourth number in the job. the unemployment rate is expected to remain at 8.3%. >> i hope i'm different than the other politicians. that's what i'm hoping. >> thousands of students at uc berkeley turned out to hear ron paul. coming up at 4:45 why paul's
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message is so popular with young people. the oakland a's are back to the coliseum for their unofficial home opener. they had their official home opener last week in japan. the teams split two game there is. they resume their four-game series tonight. the giants open their season this afternoon against the arizona diamondbacks but they are in phoenix. tim lincecum against ian kennedy at 4:10. you can watch the game for free inside at & t park. the giants home opener is next friday against the pittsburgh pirates. 4:38 is the time. sal, it's great out in our newsroom. the producers organized a whole sports theme. >> bill is wearing a giants shirt.
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we had somebody else wearing padres, athletics, dodgers. boo. >> yeah we bad him when he came in. >> okay. [ laughter ] good morning, everybody. we are looking at interstate 880 here. traffic on 880 looks good. however southbound 880 coming down from downtown oakland there is road work right near oak street there. if you are driving south on 880 you will see a little bit of a slow down until you get past that one lane. they are picking the cones up. that is an unexpected slow down. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. it's light coming into san francisco. and no major problems on northbound 280 getting up to highway 17. steve. sal. one of our producers brought hot dogs. breakfast of champions. are they vegan or regular? >> i'll find out. >> the full moon is around
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12:18 today. >> in the afternoon? >> yeah. i think. pretty sure. i think. i'll look it up. clear skies. temperatures start to warm up a little bit. upper as 50 -- upper 50s. san francisco is only 52 today. today a little warmer. 64 santa rosa. 59 in the city. 63 concord. shower activity popped up just like we thought it would. especially to the north and east. that has collapsed. it's moving off to the northeast. livermore is already in there. san jose is 42 not far away. a little bit of a breeze. nothing compared to the last two days. we bottomed out yesterday on the temps. upper 50s. very, very low 60s today. this next one will rotate in
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here and spin a little bit. for about 48 hours. we are okay for the week. it will inch toward us on monday. maybe bring in light rain next tuesday. our system responsible for the cool, cool temperatures is moving off to the east. as it does that will allow high temperatures to build in. it's a cold morning. clear. a little warmer. afternoon highs popping up. for those heading out all systems go. a little chill in the air. 60s on your temps or upper 50s closer to the coast. temperatures mid 60s for a few. santa cruz and morgan hill in there. the only reason i went warmer on morgan hill because they are starting off warmer pap little warmer in sad. easter sunday looks good. does look like clouds and light rain tuesday pam. >> all right. thank you, steve. it's a protest that take place every year in the east bay. the issue that has people promising to return today.
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>> we need to find out in the first two series of the game the wide receiver number ten. >> caught on tape the disturbing recording involves pro football bounty scandal. >> good morning, westbound highway 4 traffic looking good heading up to the willow pass grade. we'll tell you more coming up. cçrrú
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news.
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time is 4:44. an appearance by ron paul drew thousands of students. >> we don't need to have more troops spread around the world. we are already in 150 countries. we have 900 bases. i think if we have a military, we should defend this country. we shouldn't be the policemen of the world. >> paul's message of antimilitary intervention seems to resinate only candidate that actually i believe will do what he says he will to. >> i would have to say i'm a libertarian. i think his consistency in his views particularly his honesty is something we need in moll ticks today. >> earlier yesterday ron paul appeared at a fundraiser in san francisco. hundreds of protestors are expected to gather outside the gates of livermore national laboratory. last year about 50 people were
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arrested during the peaceful antinuclear rally. demonstrators were gather again in livermore. then walk to the gates of the ran. time is 4:45. the search for missing morgan hill teenagers sierra lamar is expanding. investigators believe the teenager was kidnapped close to her home near morgan hill on march 16th. until yesterday the search focused around her home, but now the sheriff search is spreading out and serge dogs have been brought in. >> i don't want to say we have eliminated areas but we have covered a lot of the morgan hill area. >> we are look for anything that would be interesting. just looking for things out of place. >> reporter: the next community volunteer search is set for tomorrow at 8:00 a.m.. san francisco 49ers quarterback alex smith is expected to participate in that search again. the man accused of killing five people in san francisco
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has pleaded not guilty. it took the judge 15 minutes to read all of the charges against binh thai. he repeatedly shook his head and said deny. the circumstances cover special circumstances making him eligible for the death penalty. a convicted murder already serving a life term in san quintin prison has another life sentence. shaver was sent for prison for a drunk driving crash. they report he killed schaver to avenge the girl's death. he wrote a statement saying the innocence of the child will be defended at all costs. a military board is recommending that a southern california marine that criticized president obama on
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his facebook page be dismissed. sergeant gary sine called president obama the enemy. stein's attorney says he was expressing his personal views. newly released audio recording captured the coordinator telling his team to injure 49ers before the playoff game. one was kyle williams that is recovering from a concussion. >> we need to find out in the first two series of the game the wide receiver number ten. >> it was recorded by a documentary film maker. greg williams is heard urging his players to go after heads and knees. >> obviously you know you get
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pumped in a pregame speech trying to get your players fired up. obviously he went over the top saying tearing acls and stuff like that. that is dirty. >> the saints lost that playoff game to the 49ers. williams is now with the st. louis rams but has been suspended indefinitely. shawn peyton has been suspended for the season. tv host keith olbermann filed a $50 million lawsuit over san francisco based current tv. that is after they terminated his five year $50 contract. a spokesman calls the lawsuit malicious. federal judge has approved a $25 billion mortgage settlement with five of the largest u.s. banks. the five banks include wells fargo, bank of america, allied,
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jp morgan chase and citi bank. they will pay $5 billion for foreclosure abusement. they will also include cuts to mortgage debt amounts and restructuring of trouble loans. a san francisco judge has thrown out a lawsuit that would have banned toys in mcdonald's happy meals. sacramento mother and the san francisco of science say they lure the children into eating fast food. the judge disagreed and the toys will remain in the children's meals. 4:50 is the time. a teenager stranded on the rocks near ocean beach. who called 911 and the rescue to get him back to dry ran. >> it's the end of the road for deandre brackensick.
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welcome back to the ktvu channel 2 morning news. it's 4:52. take a look at this. it's a rescue of a teenager after he got stranded on rocks. rough waves and rocks out there it was diners at the cliff house that were 9 ones to notify authorities. rescue crews had to use a long board to get the boy out and to shore. he had to be taken to the hospital but not seriously injured. experienced sky diver is dead. the owner of the lo dive parachute center said the first parachute opened but the back apodi not open. he has not been identified but friends say the map is -- 9
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the man is around 70 years old and has thousands of jumps under his belt. ghost ship that floated all the way from japan is resting at the bottom of the ocean. it broke loose during a japanese tsunami and has been floating across the pacific ocean sense. there were fears the boat would become a hazard to other ships trying to navigate through that area. it's the end of the line for deandre brackensick. he was sent home last night despite already knowing the results his friends and family gathered at high five pizza to show their support. they say they are still very proud of him. >> this is only the beginning for him. he will be great. nothing but potential in the future for him.
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i'm so still proud of him and still proud to be his dad. >> he did make it into the top eight. that means he will perform in the upcoming american idol concert tour. later we will talk to deandre about the competition and future plans. that is coming up during mornings on 2. it's hard to see our local boy getting kick out. >> he did really well for himself. he is standing there next to ryan seacrest in front of millions of viewers. >> i think a lot of people know his name. >> yeah. let's take a look at with we -- what we have now. things are moving along very well. no major problems there driving over to highway 101 and no problems by the way on 880 anymore. they picked up the road work in downtown oakland. it looks like traffic is moving well. no worries there. at the bay bridge toll plaza traffic is moving along nicely. today is opening day for major league baseball.
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yesterday was too. but tonight the athletics play a night game and it will be here at the oakland coliseum. so plan that in your traffic mind that people will be showing up. this mornings commute on 101 and 280 are looking good. yesterday we had a terrible day on 17 and 880 we will be watching that closely today. let's go to steve. if i was tailgating now i would be asleep by 3:00. [ laughter ] >> no kidding. >> frost advisory is out until 8:00. temperatures yesterday got in the 20s and 30 -- 20s and 30s. the amp high loss warm up a result bit. not a lot but a little bit. yesterday was a cold day in the city. look at that 52. 65 in san jose today. 63 in concord.
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64 santa rosa. 59 in san francisco. yesterday pretty good shower activity popping up. that line formed just like we thought it would. that pushed off toward the east. so a lot calmer conditions today. napa just updated 35. santa rosa 35. concord and livermore -- hayward 39 and san jose 39. highs today 50s to very, very low 60s. we topped out on mono. we bottomed out yesterday on the temps. this system right here will probably start to work its way in late sunday into monday. today and saturday though look pretty good. everything starts to move off. cold morning. a little warmer in the afternoon highs. sunny to mostly sunny today. a few clouds over the hills. fore mentioned a's tonight looks good. mostly clear i would think clear and a little chilly. 50s and 60s for temps.
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temperatures bumping up a degree -- up 55 degrees. it will be warmer into saturday. and a south wind could be cloudy skies up north. we will lean more on that on monday. and bring rain in late monday and tuesday. coming up returning to the scene of a brutal crime. the reason police took students back. >> and unraveling a deadly overnight homicide.
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