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tv   KTVU Morning News Early Edition  FOX  March 8, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PST

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i will have a look at the current temperatures coming up. time now is 4:57. tragedy in the south bay overnight. he is hit and killed and what the person was trying to do on the highway that led to their death. >> also, we continue to follow the breaking news. a fire at the maim fuss chez panisse restaurant in -- at the famous p chez panisse restaurant and it shows even more damage.
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we're continuing to follow break news for you here in berkley. take a look behind me. that's the chez panisse. the landmark in the city. it caught fire. we'll tell you what we're learning about the damage inside. >> what you can expect coming up. >> overnight news only on 2. a violent home invasion robbery in san francisco. >> in a few hours the city will come in and tear down a homeless encampment in san jose but still people holding their ground. we'll tell you more about what's going to be happening. well good morning. it's is friday. a day personally made for pam
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cook. >> thank you. >> it's friday march 8th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. thank you for joining us. get to sleep in tomorrow. it's international women's day add. so happy international women's day. >> congratulationses to you. >> thank you. >> in honor of that, how about we warm it up. >> nice. >> we'll warm it up. it's going to be a fabulous weekend. if you like 70s. if you like the sunshine, i have great news for you. it's coming our way. we have a look at storm tracker 2. we're dealing with mostly cloudy skies over most of the bay area. the north bay partly cloudy at this time catch a little bit of rain there off the coast. santa cruz picked up 3 tenths of rain. san jose picked up some. gillroy picked up two tenths. so not finished completely. it's moving out of here. i'll show you who will have the best chance at a lingering shower and your temperature
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coming up. this say look at the bridge. it's a nice drive to the peninsula. 5:01, back to the desk. >> we continue with the breaking news we have been talking about since 4:30 this morning. fire at one of the bay area's best known restaurants, honored as one of the best in the country. she is live outside shea outside this morning. >> one lane is blocked off with the fire trucks out here and inside there's still work being done. it doesn't look so bad but we're told the damage inside is significant but the damage is extended inside the restaurant as well. the chief tribes the damage for
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us. >> there's fairly light smoke damage on the interior and in that corner from the front of the building and down the south side of the building. you could see there was flames coming through some of the seating, the benches built into the walls, through the carpeting and the windows on that side were also blown out from the eat and the flames. that activated the sprinkler system and kept the fire at that spot. >> the chief says that sprinkler system prevented this building from being burnt down by this fire because he said when he got to the scene and he was first on scene, there was quite a bit of fire taking over the exterior of the building. so this all started about 3:00 this morning. that's when the first calls started coming in. the battalion chief says the history and the importance of this restaurant, certainly not lost on him. >> unfortunately, i never had the privilege of eating there. i have driven by it millions of times.
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so of course my heart sank hoping that it was less than what it actually was. >> back out here live right in front of chez panisse where you can see an active scene. what they're trying to do is make sure the fire is out and they have done their job but also to preserve as much as they can of the inside. it first opened it's doors in 1971. it's certainly known throughout the city and the area and the country for the food here. it will not be open for awhile. the manager was out here. i talked to himful he said people left about 1:30 in the morning. we don't know what happened between the 09 minutes, the time they left and the time the fire start. that's what everyone is trying to figure out right now. >> in a story you will only see on 2, a trail of digital crews helped san francisco police
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find electronics stolen during a violent home invasion overnight. officers tell us here at ktvu news that just after midnight two men attacked two people at their home on 23rd street. they say an ipad and cell phone were stolen but one of the gadget hearsay gps. police tracked it to oakland and found the stolen goods under a parked car and returned them to the victims. we'll have a live report on the search for the suspects coming up. >> an overnight tragedy in san jose. someone crossing a highway killed by a car. the victim was crossing highway 237 when the car hit them. the driver of the car did stop and call police. the victim died at the scene. the crash closed eastbound lane of the highway for about three hours. >> time sunning out. this morning, people living at a large home less camp in san jose will be forced out.
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ktvu channel 2 reporter is back at the camp this morning and still pretty crowded out there. >> you know it's hard to tell because it's dark. you can see there's tents out here. one gentleman living in that tent has their car parked out here. at the height of this there was about 120 people living out here. some have been slowly leaving the past couple of days but some are still holding their ground and time sunning out for them. we were at the camp yesterday afternoon and many of the homeless, they weren't sure where they were going to go once workers come in this morning to clear out the camp. they were given notice on tuesday which was 72 hours. later this morning, crews from the conversation core and work to future program will be removing tents and all man made structures and storing their property in a storage facility for the homeless to pick up if they would like. there's still a lot of trash and debris collecting out here.
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>> we can't allow entrenchment to happen in these encampments. we need to make sure that people aren't creating substandard housing communities where they can be victims. where the housing that they're living can catch fire, can break down, can collapse on them. >> this particular encampment is unique because sit the most visible one in the city located on a grassy field near the airport. most encampments in the city are near the creek bed. there's outreach workers offering help this morning but the city admits that resources are limited. coming up in our 6:00 hours we'll tell you about some of the challenges that the city faces when it comes to 2 homeless encampments. reporting live ktvu channel 3 news. >> family members paid their last respects to the two fallen
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police officers in santa cruz ♪[music] >> the american idol star and santa cruz native james durbin performing at yesterday's pavilion. more than 8,000 people gathered for the memorial. baker's daughter read a father's day poem. santa cruz police officer -- >> if i had one word for you, though it's difficult for you to sometimes stand against the norm. >> he made an unscheduled speech and shared some of his final words we liz beth. >> i would take care of my boys
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and make sure that they would always know what a great person their mom was. >> governor brown and former secretary of defense panetta were also among the vips there. panetta represented santa cruz county during his days in congress. >> we posted much more on our channel 2 website go to it. you'll find videos, slide shows and information on the scholarship funds that have been set up for the police officer's children. >> 5:08, let's check in for the friday commute. how does it look around the bay. >> it's looking good. good friday morning to you. it looks nice heading up out to the maize. traffic on 580 looks good as well. then to the toll plaza where
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we're doing pretty well. no major problems there. if you're driving in san jose, northbound 280 and northbound 101 are off to a good start as you drive through. that's on the shoulder. there's a tow truck on the scene. 5:09. let's go to rosemary. >> improving weather in time for the weekend. i'll show you where the storm now resides. here it is. the center of it was right about here yesterday. now it's moving south. may get a few wrap around moistures out of this. that will really be about it and for the most part, most of us are going to be dry for today. this system is going to move inland and as it does it's going to be over california or the southern half i should say. if you're headed to southern california another day of rainy weather in the forecast. but for us here at home. partly cloudy skies over part of the north bay w. do have mostly cloudy conditions. catching just a little light sprinkle here off the coast. maybe experiencing a little bit of drizzle as you get out the door this morning but that's about it. snow continues to fall over part of the sierra today.
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not a lot of acumulation expected but the showers will be there. if you're headed up the hill for the weekend, but starting today saturday and sunday look great. temperatures this morning, 36 in napa. 36 in santa rosa and where it is cloudy for the inland areas, 40s as well. 40 walnut creek. 45 livermore. here's the extended forecast. temperatures under partly cloudy skies. we'll warm over yesterday's highs by a few degrees. the better warm up will come in time for the weekend. partly cloudy skies to mostly sunny. mid to upper 60sful even a few low 70s expected on sunday and the warming trend will continue. monday and tuesday mostly sunny. low 70s in the forecast. back to the desk. >> look at that forecast. >> time is 5:11. a big change in fighting wild fires this summer. the reason they have a new policy to stay away from many
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fire lines. >> coming up a channel 2 news exclusive. a wave of handguns have been seized at oakland international in the past few months. you'll hear the information from the tsa coming up. >> traffic looking good. roads are wet overnight from rain. we'll be right back with another traffic and weather update mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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welcome back to the ktvu
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channel 2 morning news. 5:14, new this morning, north korea adding more fuel to the tension in the pacific rim. state television broadcasts new video of a military rally. north korea is disconnecting a hot line and canceling a nonaggression treaty with south korea. they're furious over tougher un sanctions. yesterday they threatened a pre- emptive nuclear attack. >> the wait is nearly over in. just a few hours from now all 115 cardinals elected the new pope are expected to choose a date for the conclave. coming up, when that important vote will likely begin plus the extreme measures the vatican is taking to insure the privacy of the secret vote. >> time is now 5:15. only on 2, a ktvu news exclusive. tsa screeners say they confiscated large amounts of handguns and other weapons at bay area airports over the past year. scott mcfarland is live to
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elementary us what he found out, scott. >> dave, take a hook at your screen. one of the many guns found by the tsa nationwide. it's a .32 caliber in the lining of a bag. 11 handguns have been seized from passengers just since the beginning of 2012. six more guns seized in oakland. the tsa spokesman says passengers were trying to carry handguns through the airport all too frequently. they are banned in the terminal and post a remarkable safety threat. in many cases, the travelers say they forgot to remove the firearms but this is one reason why tsa conducts such thorough screenings. >> you have to keep the bad guy off his game. the way to do that is random. now i have to reassess the whole way to beat the airport security. >> our review finds stun guns, knives, even grenades were found.
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stun guns at both san francisco and san jose in the past few months. live in d.c., scott mcfarland, ktvu channel 2 news. time is 5:16, the u.s. forest service has a new policy when it comes to fight forest fires. they were $400 million over budget during last year's busy fire season so the forest season may allow more wild fires to burn this coming summer instead of going in and attacking every one. that move follows criticism the agency was wasting money by fighting fires in remote areas that have little or no danger to lives or property and battling those put firefighters at risk. >> a suspected drunk driver caused in a san francisco crash that killed a teenage girl is due back in court today. she is facing felony drunk driving charges for last week. the 17-year-old girl was killed as she crossed the boulevard. she had come back from
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celebrating her birthday with friends. the attorney for the suspect says his client was barely above the legal limit. police are looking the r a man that stole a foster mother's baby bag from the hall of justice in san francisco. the surveillance camera caught him snatching the bag at a security checkpoint on wednesday. police is a the bag belongs to a woman that is carrying for a newborn that was abandoned on a sidewalk in december. the baby's birth mother was high on cocaine. she immediated not guilty to a charge of willful cruelty. >> two female bloggers are on a mission to give a classic food dish a make over. they're asking craft foods to take out the yellow dye from it's mac and cheese. it may cause hyperactivity, allergies and migraines. according to the female bloggers, the uk version does not contain the yellow dye. craft says they take consumer concerns very seriously and already offer 14ment products
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free of the added colors. >> you have had their mac and cheese? >> it is. amy's local, organic. >> it s. dave and i will -- it is. dave and i will take a sample now, personally. >> i'll bring some in. >> let's take a look at the roads. a little bit of wet weather overnight. maybe a little bit slick. not causing a lot of problems. we did have at least one car slide off the road into an embankment already. no serious injuries there. traffic on the westbound bay bridge. the traffic moving along nicely. we're off to a good start here. we're also looking at san francisco traffic. that traffic looks good up to the lower deck of the bay bridge. southbound northbound 280 at king street looks good. this is a look at the peninsula traffic. southbound 101 between 380, not that bad. 208 also looking good. it's 519. let's go to rosemary.
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>> we're about done with the rain. good morning to you. there is the center of the storm. it iover and off the shore. it is going to slide into los angeles a little bit later today. are going to get just the last bit of wrap around moisture. partly cloudy skies expected for today and improving weather in store for your weekend. let me run you through the next few hours. partly cloudy skies over the north bay now. we have plenty of cloud cover. a little bit of drizzle, maybe a little bit of patchy fog. plenty of moisture to go around but as we get into the afternoon, notice, we're mostly clear. i see clouds reform along the coastline for the afternoon but even as i move into the evening hours, we're now 8:00, notice a few sprinkles perhaps. this is because there's going to be one last bit of energy that slides down the coast. again it's going to be tonight. between now and then, decreasing clouds. we will be breezy at times, especially around the bay and along the coastline. we have the pattern change going on and when that occurs, the pressure gradient between
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the low and the high bring up the winds. expect a little breezy for the afternoon at 60 for oakland. 58 in redwood city. with more sunshine it will feel better out there. 61 in napa. there's the extended forecast. upper 50s, low 60s today. meaning partly cloudy, a little breezy. still a little cool. the big warm up comes saturday, sunday. remember to spring forward on sunday. we'll gain an hour of daylight in the evening hours. today sunset is about 6:12. on sunday it's going to be 7:15. pond, tuesday, dry with low 70s in the forecast. if you are going to the sierra for the weekend i'll have that forecast for you coming up. >> sounds good. 5:91 is the time. overseas markets are at their highest level since 2008 this morning. stocks in europe and asia are up ahead of what's expected to be a positive report on u.s. jobs and better than expected reports on the economies of china and japan. u.s. futures also up at this
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point this morning. they hit a four and a half year high overnight. right now i'm looking at the european shares. the markets are all up this morning as well. and our futures do indicate a higher opening here this morning that follows another descent day but everything into record territory for the dow as it keeps moving higher. we'll have more business news coming up. >> all right pat. time now 5:21, a new development in the case of the former l.a. police tied to four murders. why a park ranger is take center stage in this case. >> an exciting announcement for star wars fans. we'll tell you the big names returning for the new film
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the ranger from the big bear area was carjacked by the former los angeles police officer and later called 911. the call ended the manhunt and now he wants the entire $1.2 million reward money recently offered by los angeles city leaders. police say he killed four people before taking his own life in a big bear cabin. >> time is now 5:25. the conclave to elect a new pope could begin as soon as monday. a cardinal from vietnam was the last to arrive at the vatican. a date for the conclave couldn't be set until all 115 voting cardinals were there and
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present. well, a little more than an hour ago the vatican announced the cardinals will vote at 10:00 this morning pacific time to select a date. they have been meeting all this week getting to know each other and talking about pressing issues like corruption at the vatican bank. >> the cardinals can speak about anything they wish. they're concerned about the state of the church. they can speak among themselves but our role here was to prevent the big themes. >> spokesman for the vatican says the conclave will begin early next week between monday and wednesday. the church is hoping to select a pope and have him in place for palm sunday and for easter. now, the conclave will be inside the chapel. it will be very private. crews have been locking windows and installing antibugging devices. >> the original star wars triowe will be using the force, once again, in the new episode 7 film. they'll resume their iconic
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roles of solo, luke skywalker and lea. all four were signed before disney bought lucas films for $4 billion. 5:26 is the time. sal is the force with the traffic. >> i hope so. i think we're doing pretty well pam. all right. the traffic is looking pretty good. if you're driving on the freeways. get a look at the east shore freeway. eastbound 80 at 580. there's a report of a car that got into a crash in the center divide. they're going to be running a traffic break any time soon. you can see there goes the chp officer coming up to do that. he's going to start doing that thing pretty soon here to help people get out of the way. you will see him. let's go to the weather forecast now. >> good morning to you. that last bit of rain is pulling out of here and for the afternoon, here is what you need to know.
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partly cloudy skies, sunnier skies. we'll have a breeze pick up in the afternoon. temperatures will be slightly warmer. low 50s to low 60s expected around the region. meanwhile outside our door at this hour, 30s to mid 40s. i'll have a widespread look at your current temperatures coming up. >> thank you rosemary. 5:27 is the time. it's the end of an error for toll takers on the golden gate bridge. the change that's taking their job. >> san francisco police are still looking for the suspects that broke into this house. >> and a fire at a famous bay area rest rabbit. a live report on the extent of the damage. plus what kept the fire from getting even worse [ male announcer ] subway introduces the new $3 six-inch select!
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this march, we're kicking things off with the low fat oven roasted chicken $3 six-inch select. it's available all month long as one of our march featured values, the newest way to enjoy subway every day! subway. eat fresh. cuz all month long we're serving up the buffalo chicken $6 footlong special! big, bold buffalo footlong flavor for just $6! it's one of our march featured values: the newest way to enjoy subway every day! subway. eat fresh.
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good morning and welcome back. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. this is friday march 8th. >> good morning. thank you for joining us. time now is 5:30. let's check in with rosemary. maybe a tiny bit of sprinkles it sounds like. >> you're right swept a dry weather pattern already beginning to settle into the bay area. hopefully that's good news as we're walking on weekend's storm. giving you a live look, we've seen a few bits of moisture hit the ground but we're turning partly cloudy this morning. a little bit of fog out there. perhaps a little bit of drizzle. that's about it. the system is moving south. you can see scattered showers. it's going to continue to move out of our way. i'll show you what to expect for friday as well as your weekend coming up.
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>> good morning. southbound 608 traffic looks good. as you drive all the way to freemont it's off to a good start. two lanes of interstate 80 in oakland were shut down after a big rig went up in flames. it happened to just after 10:30 north of 66th avenue. that would be 880. the back of the food truck caught on fire. the driver thinking quickly unhooked the burning trailer and pulled forward out of harms way. no one was injured. all lanes were reopened later on. let's go back to the desk. >> breaking news. an update on the story we have been following since 4:30 this morning. the world famous chez panisse restaurant will be closed for some time. that's because of a fire this morning. she is live outside with new picture of the damage. still looks like an active scene out there. >> it is an active scene. we have new video for you and
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new information about exactly where the fire started. take a look behind me. you can see the firefighters still out here. still working the scene here but we are told now that the fire looks to have started in a sub floor area. i want to show you some picture of the damage because it gives you an idea of what they're dealing with out here. it looks more dramatic than what it is. you're look agent the exterior of the building in the sub floor area that goes underneath the right front side of the building. the kitchen is actually in the back of the building and the interior of the restaurant. we now being told survived pretty well. in fact, firefighters are pretty optimistic that it may not be as long as they originally thought for this restaurant to reopen and get back into business. that being said. it was certainly a sight that the chief said stopped his heart when he looked at it this morning and first got on scene. he described for us what it
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looked like. >> a arrive right in front of our first arriving companies and as i pulled up, you could see the front of the building, like a wall of flames that was covering the first floor and lapping up the roof. the exterior and interior fire. >> so, again, the assessment at this point is that the restaurant interior survived pretty well. again, that's all thanks to that sprinkler system that did what it was supposed to do and kept that fire from spreading. the bahal juan -- battalion chief said without that it would have destroyed the entire building. trying to determine a cause. firefighters are wrapping up their work here and then they're going to take off. we have seen some of the restaurant folks out here. the manager talked to me earlier this morning.
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said 1:30 this morning is when everyone should have been out of the building. there was no one here. it's still a mystery about what happened but they're trying to figure that out. ktvu channel 2 news. >> time is now 5:34. overnight news, an investigation into a violent home invasion in san francisco stretched from san francisco across the bay to oakland. ktvu's christian captain live right now. so the police tracked down some stolen items. what do you know. >> yeah, well, dave i just spoke with san francisco police about 20 minutes ago. they're still looking for the suspects in the case as are oakland police. let's give you a look right now of the scene here. police tell me that this home here at the intersection of 23rd street was the one that thieves targeted earlier this morning. police say it all happened shortly after midnight. we have video that we shot earlier this morning of the scene here. police confirmed for us that two suspects broke into the back door of a home here on this block. they say once inside police say
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that one of the -- that the thieves pistol whipped one of the people living inside that home. no word on how many people were at home at the time. police is a the two suspects took off with an ipad and an iphone. one of those devices had tracking software in it and it was online and police were able to follow that signal across the bay to oakland. san francisco police contacted oakland authorities that were then able to track the items to 80th avenue between plymouth and holly streets. it appears that the suspects figured out the police were on to them and ditched the stolen items under a parked scar. police are working to tie the items recovered to the home invasion scene here but we're hearing the latest information is that the item mace have been returned here to the homeowners. at this time, there's still very limited information about the suspects in this case. the vehicle that was used in this case. those are two key pieces of
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information that could help police track down the bad guys in this case. one of the other things that are police are also looking into is what possible connection those thieves could have had to this address. what were they looking for? we'll get more details on that as the morning progresses. we're live in san francisco. ktvu channel 2 news. >> a missing person's case is turned into a homicide investigation in san jose. stanley jacobson was found stabbed to death in a small studio apartment for seniors. his disappeared early last month. his family found his body in his apartment. officers arrested a woman named regina butler in the case. police don't know how long his body was in the apartment. >> time is now 5:37. venezuela is holding a state funeral for the late president hugo chavez. he died tuesday at the age of 58 but the people of venezuela will still be able to see him.
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like other revolutionaries like the soviet founder, chavez's body will be embalmed and placed on permanent display in a glass tomb near the palace. at the funeral includes the includes the irania leader and new york democratic congressman gregory meeks. >> more than 8,000 people gathered for the public memorial for detective elizabeth butler and lawrence butch baker in san jose. it has touched people from all across the bay area. this was the scene yesterday as more than 150 people crowded on to the main street overpass many were overcome we motion as they watch the procession as it traveled from santa cruz to san jose. >> the life of those lost, to
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be here in person. >> my brother and sister were all in law enforcement and public service. heavy day today. >> there were similar scenes during part of the bay area for the two fallen officers. >> three men still on the run after a bold bank robbery in santa cruz timing. police is a the timing of the crime was no accident. coming up at 5:45, the link it may have to yesterday's memorial for the two santa cruz officers. >> time is now 5:38. pink slips are going out this week to the toll collectors at the golden gate bridge. the bridge appears to move to all electronic toking. the workers losing their job are all time employees. drivers will need to have a fast track account set up to cross the bridge. otherwise you'll get an invoice in the mail that has to be paid
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within 21 days. >> looking at the east shore, how does it look. >> wasn't out there for too long. they did a graphic break and got it out of the way. traffic is recovered completely. westbound traffic is looking good heading out to the mcarthur maize. if you're going to the toll plaza it's still light which is good. we'll see what happeneds after 6:15 or so when they usually turn on the lights. that's when we'll know. this morning's commute on the peninsula still looking good. we're looking at the drive time between the 380 interchange. it hasn't changed much. 280 also looks good up and down the peninsula. 5:40 let's go to rosemary. >> weather is improving in time for the weekend. storm tracker 2. over the last several hours we watched as the rain has tapered off to the south. we're still mostly cloudy over the north bay, partly cloudy for you and chillier for you. that clear sky overhead allows
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temperatures to really sink. we'll take a look at those number coming up in just a moment. here's the center of the storm. so will we get the wrap around moisture? we may get an outside chance at maybe a light shower. that's going to be about it. partly cloudy skies, temperatures are going to be slightly warmer for the afternoon. we will be a little breezy at times. this is the last 6 hours. notice over the southern half of our viewing area. mountain versus picked up .33. almost a third of an inch in areas like san jose. still seeing some of the rain which is great news but now it will eventually become a thing of the past and for the afternoon, we'll be partly cloudy. 47 in oakland right now. i want to go back to napa. 36. 36 in santa rosa where again over the north bay we have a break in the clouds and we're cooler there this morning. the rest of us dealing with 40s. as we get into the afternoon,
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the ridge of high pressure will begin to build into along the coast and as it does it's going to pick up the winds. we'll be breezy at times for your amp today. by tomorrow and into sunday, a ridge of high pressure takes control of our weather pattern and look at what happeneds. we have temperatures in the mid to upper 60s reaching low 70s by monday and tuesday. i didn't forget. i promised the forecast for the sierra. i'll bring it to you next time around. >> all right. time is 5:41, a police officer accused of taking bribes from drug dealers. who is making the claims and how the sergeant's attorney is responding. >> my daughter is going to be very upset. it's been a rough week in london for justin bieber. what happened last night on stage during his concert that sent him to the hospital. >> and your commute is looking pretty good. it looks very nice on c 34 as you drive out to 101. we'll tell you more about the morning commute well, well, well.
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for today, mostly sunny skies and cool afternoons. >> good morning to you. here's a quick look at some of the top stories we're following for you at 5:44. firefighters in berkley is a a big fire this morning at chez panisse restaurant may have started under the floor of the right front of the building. first call about the fire came in about 3:00 this morning. firefighters is a most of the damage, and look at these pictures, is on the outside of the restaurant. sprinklers limited the damage inside. investigators are still looking for the exact cause of the fire. a little more than an hour from
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right now, hundred of homeless people in san jose will be forced out of their camp. workers plan to clean up a big homeless encampment. it's grown to more than 100 people since the beginning of the year. family members, friends, fellow police officers paid their last respects to the two fallen police officers from santa cruz. more than 8,000 people gathered for the public memorial for elizabeth butler and lawrence butch baker. >> bin laden's seasonal is scheduled to appear in federal court today on terrorist charges. he was captured in jordan and secretly moved to new york. some republicans oppose holding it in new york saying he should be interrogated elsewhere. he was a spokesperson for al qaeda that frequently appeared on arab television channels after the september 11th attack. >> a police sergeant is on paid
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leave amid accusations that he took bribes from drug dealers. he is accused of taking $140,000 in bribes from drug dealers and alerting a dealer to a tracking device on his car. he is also accused of tipping off a drug dealer to a sting operation that lead to the shooting of a police informant. a prosecution witness in a drug trial made the accusation. an attorney said the witness lied so the prosecutor would drop some of the charges against him. >> time is 5:46. police are investigating a bold bank robbery. it happened while the memorial for two slain santa cruz police officers was taking place. officials say three masked men robbed the bank around noontime yesterday. one officer says he thinks robbers took advantage of the smaller than usual police staffing because of that police officer's memorial. >> i think it was a plan. it's very difficult to put into words what it really feels like. it's very disrespectful. >> police are saying the suspects escaped in a small
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suv. they are still on the loose this morning. well, we're finding out more this morning about how an intern at the fresno county animal sanctuary was killed with i a lion. 24 year old diana hansen was cleaning the lion's enclosure at the sanctuary when the attack occurred. the lion was in a feeding cage but was able to get out and snuck up behind the young woman. she died instantly. the lion broke her neck. officials are investigating whether the gate on the cage was left open. >> an increase in stds and unwanted pregnancies prompted the city high school to take action. they are going to start passing out condoms to students that meet with counselors and have taken sex education classes. it's part of a program adopted by the school last month. >> it's been a tough week for pop star justin bieber in london. he is recovering this morning after getting sick during his
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concert. he felt dizzy during the concert last night and took a break and was treated backstage with oxygen before finishing the show. afterward the 19-year-old was taken to a hospital as a precautionary measure. monday bieber was greeted by a booing crowd when he went on stage 2 hours later. >> are you going to be okay. >> we would never boo justin bieber at my house. >> i know. i want to make sure your okay. sal is going to make sure things are okay at the toll plaza. >> things are okay. better than okay. they're good. usually on other days we see delays by now but we haven't yet. we're not asking for it. we want it to look just like this. right now it looks good. if you're driving on the commute, it's a nice drive all the way into heyward and if you're driving from heyward to freemont that's also looking good. we're doing fine and 101 and 280 as you drive up or down the
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peninsula it is nice. 237 westbound, you will see traffic that is moving along pretty well here as you drive through over to 101. 5:49. let's go to rosemary. >> okay. we have a forecast that just may make you giddy. we have sunshine and temperatures warming into the afternoon. take a look at the pacific satellite view. there's the storm. it's off the coast of southern california now and it's going to continue to move across the los angeles and push off to the east as weigert into your friday afternoon. do you see the wrap around moisture? when we talk about wrap around moisture, boy is it size to see on this satellite view? it's doing one of these. we maybe clipped with just an outside chance of a few sprinkles today. that's about it. the forecast mold doesn't pick up on it for the afternoon. take a look here. partly cloudy over the north bay. still mostly cloudy over part of the south bay. a shot over at the bay bridge. i thought i saw blue sky there. about 40 minutes until the sunrise. 4:00 in the afternoon. most of us are mostly sunny w. very snow going on over the sierra. we have clouds here along the
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coastline but as we get into the evening hours do you recollect have plans tonight? it is friday. a few scattered showers manage to pop back in. we have the last bit of energy for tonight. i'll leave that in there. it's worth noting if you're going to be out and about for today or tonight. 47 in oakland. 47 san francisco, 30s over santa rosa as well as napa and fairfield. a chilly start for you. a few degrees above freezing. for the afternoon, everybody in the upper 50s to low 60s. partly cloudy to mostly clear skies. 58 for heyward. 57 san francisco. as the pattern begins to change and the ridge of high pressure moves any expect we'll be breezy at times. please repair for that over and along the coastline as well as along the bay. partly cloudy and mostly sunny for you weekend. we spring forward sunday morning. sunsets at 6:12 today. it will set at 7:15 on sunday. mostly sunny and dry. temperatures in the low 70s for the afternoon. back to you. >> thank you rosemary.
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new this morning, more companies are hiring. that's the news from this morning's jobs report. the national unemployment rate is down. it dropped to it's lowest level in four years at 7.7%. that's better than predicted. 236,000 jobs were added in february. that's 80,000 more than expected. >> a judge ordered macies and jc penny into mediation to resolve the dispute over martha stewart. it comes over whether macy's has rights to sell the merchandise reached it's third week. if they can't reach an agreement by april 8th, then the court will continue hearing the case. >> time is 5:52. it's one of the reasons the post office is losing million of dollars. so why not tax it. the controversial proposal in one bay area place.
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>> plus where sharks are making the beach dangerous [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature. you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant there's no subtext...
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just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican.
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welcome back on this friday morning, the bay area is trying out at this hour. decreasing clouds, a little breezy for some of the afternoon. temperatures will be slightly warmer. >> check this the out, along the florida coast, hundred of sharks swimming near the coast. they have been spotted off deerfield beach. they're only 300 feet from the
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shore. look at that. the lifeguards are keeping people out of the water during the daytime and using helicopters to watch those sharks to make sure the coast is really clear. >> back here at home, 3 dozen chihuahuas rescued from two watsonville residences after a land lord reported what turned out to be a hoarding situation. 11 chihuahuas including 6 puppies were taken to an apartment on east beach street. of dogs were seized from a home on alexander street. they're going to foster homes while they're waiting to be placed in permanent houses. >> police want your help. they're trying to identify suspects responsible for several home burglaries. police rushed to six thefts in the northwest and southwest areas on wednesday and thursday. witnesses say 2 to 4 suspects were knocking on front doors to see if anyone was home. then they broke in. suspects described as african american men between 20 and 30
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years old. >> in an effort to raise money to support the u.s. postal service one berkley council man suggested taxing emails. a small one hundredth of a% would encourage spam and not have much impact on the typical user and help fund important functions of the post office. the suggestion drew criticism on twitter. an e-mail tax is banned by congress. >> international women's day has arrived. the time to honor women past and present i. started in the early 1900s and is an official holiday in more than 25 countries. it's the celebration of women's political economic and social achievements. google even honors the day with a special logo on the search page. >> icon garage late you. >> thank you very much. >> time is 5:57. sal found an injury crash in oakland what happened. >> a truck spille


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