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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  March 9, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PST

7:00 am, click on the ktvu menu tab. you can join us on facebook to find out what's going on behind the scenes at bay area people. i think that's all the time we have today. thank you very much for watching and joining us. we'll see you again next week right here on bay area people. so until then i'm rosy chu, have a terrific weekend and i'll see you soon, bye-bye.
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. we have detail on a homicide investigation. lots of new details. >> and frightening video of a robbery in oakland. >> and the new bay bridge getting closer to being done. the big milestone happening today. the construction of the new eastern span.
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>> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu mornings on two. >> and good morning. welcome to mornings on two. it's saturday march 9th. >> good morning. let's get over to rosemary and a quick look at that saturday forecast. >> good morning to you. we have a warm up in store for your weekend at this hour. a chilly start but the sun has been up for about a half hour so we won't get colder in the extended forecast. we will stay mild and dry. ly have your numbers at this our and for the afternoon coming up. >> we are tracking developing news. the homicide investigation near haywood this morning. christian is live near princeton street and sunset boulevard with new information he just got with in the past hour. >> reporter: this is a developing investigation. let's give you a live look. you can see there is still a sheriff's patrol vehicle here. deputies and investigators are expected throughout the morning. if we pan right you can see
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your the investigation has been focused between those two homes. investigators say a man was shot in a camper in the area behind those homes. deputies responded to the scene. investigators say first responders fund a victim in a camper and he was alive. workers rushed him to a nearby hospital but he died from his injuries. at this time there is very limited information about the victim in this case. even less at this time act the suspects. we know investigators are looking to see if there is any kind of surveillance in the area that could help them find this killer or killers in this case. with we are expecting a crime scene unit here later on this morning and a sheriff's office spokesman. we expect a lot more details to develop on the story throughout the morning. for now the information, homicide overnight here in unincop rated haywood. investigators looking for the suspect or suspects in the case. we will continue to monitor the situation as it develops here. we are live in haywood. ktvu channel 2news.
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>> wild chase in napa ends in a crash at a mobile home park. the suspect first tried to rob a wal-mart. authorities say he claimed to have a gun and then left with a television. police pursued him to the american canyon mobile home park where he crashed in to the fencing there. a couple of police cars were damaged as well. the suspect was hurt and was taken to the hospital. there are no reports of officers injuries. >> a car wash fundraiser is held today for the family of a richmond man shot and killed. friends and family held a vigil last night. blair helped build a playground there. he also worked as a handy man spending unpaid hours pick up syringes and debris to make the area safe for children. he also cared for his 79-year- old father. >> i will miss him and miss when he come in late at night, hear the door open.
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>> he was washing a car for a family he often helped with a couple of men approached and fired a weapon. he was shot pushing two young girls outo of the way. police say they believe he was targeted, no suspects have been named. today's car wash will take place at the lot on 8 street and elm avenue. it runs ten to three. george miller is expected to attend. >> police say a new gang is responsible for a fightenning attack you are about to see. >> you can hear that woman screaming for help. police released this video of this robbery that happened near lake marrot. officers have arrested two suspects. police say they are members of a new gang that's committed some of the most violent crimes and they hope this video will prompt other victims to come forward. the video came out just as the police department announced 18 arrests in a multiagency
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sweep in the east bay. police say at least 16 members of a known gang were taken in to custody and the chief called it the most violent group he has seen in 25 years as a police officer. >> new data shows bay area counties among those struggling with the high number of youth homicides, among 35 counties with large populations of young people, have the highest youth homicide rates. according to the california justice department alameda ranks 4th and had 50 homicide victims between ten if 24. contra kosta is behind them ranking 5th. 31 young people were killed back in 2011. in just a few hours solano will hold it's first gun buy back. the goal is to cut down on the number of guns. hand guns, shot guns and rifles will get up to $100 in gift cards, assault weapons worth 200. most of the guns will be destroyed though if they have
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been reported stolen police say they will try to return them to their owners. the buy back will happen from ten to three at fairgrounds. >> it's a big day for the new bay bridge. we want to show you a live picture from the skyway. the new bridge. this is court sieve the department of transportation. later this morning concrete will be poured on the final section the eastern deck. caltrans said getting the concrete down will mean driver also be able to use the bridge months earlier than expected. we want to show you where that concrete will go. this is a still image of the construction site. it was taken about an hour ago. this is a photograph of some of the past concrete work done. this photograph shows cal spraying a new layer of cement. this is a photograph of that same area. this picture was taken when the work first started. this is all part of the western section of the bridge that
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connects the suspension tower to the island. work to replace the eastern span began back in 2002. it was first scheduled to open in 2007 but several delays forced that date to be pushed back. it's now scheduled to open to traffic on or just after labor day of this year. >> alice waters the owner of berkeley's famous restaurant chez panisse hopes to open next weekend. the restaurant is closed after a fire early yesterday morning in the front porch and entryway. investigators say they believe it was caused by a wiring problem. damage is estimated at 150 to $200,000. customers say chez panisse helped define the community. the area is nicknamed gourmet ghetto because of the high concentration of fine eating. pete's coffee open there's in 1966. chez company in 1971. >> used to be about politics and protests and now it's all about the food.
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local. >> it runs along shaddock avenue. >> time 7:07. we didn't get as much rain as we need but it's shaping up to be a beautiful weekend. if someone is ready for sun. >> we are going to warm it up. we are drying it out. . we have nice weather in store for outside. a lot of little leagues getting out early this morning. bundle up. bring extra layers, we have a chilly start out there. giving you a live look at the bay bridge and city of san francisco in the backdrop. most of us waking up with mostly clear skies, little bit of patchy fog and over the south bay and areas of mountain view i'm seeing a few low clouds and the low cloud deck over san jose. mostly cloudy. in the 30s to 40s.
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once again. 37 in santa rose a.38napa. i want to point out this is slightly warmer than where we were 24 hours ago. though it's a cold start we are about like where we were friday. if you were out early you know what to expect. 37 in walnut creek. widespread 40s, 46 san francisco, 43 in areas around haywood. 38 san ramone. again we will start now to see the temperatures slowly turn around over the next two hours and then into the afternoon a nice warm up in store. here is the forecast. picking up just a little bit of high cloud cover around are the bay area, san jose reporting mostly cloudy by ten its clearing out. even the coastline looks mostly clear for your saturday afternoon. temperatures will be a few degrees above yesterday afternoon highs. pacific satellite view the system that brought the little bit of rain and then moved sight is pushing eastover arizona. we are still on the back edge of this trough like pattern. ridge of high pressure and the
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difference between the two could bring up the winds just a bit in to the afternoon. along the coast could be breezy again today. mid60s for the afternoon. 66 for you san rafael. checking out santa rosa? 70 degrees. 64 in haywood. 67 antioch. upper 50s to low 60s pacifica, san francisco, mid60s for mountain view. 66 in san jose. 65 degrees for santa cruz. the extended forecast even warmer for tomorrow. remember to spring forward. you have to move the clocks forward as we get into the overnight and into tomorrow morning which means we will have a longer day tomorrow. sunsets about 6:12, tomorrow 2 will be more like 7:15. we will gain an hour of daylight. monday, tuesday and wednesday the dry warming continues. hour by hour when temperatures will feel more comfortable. >> a suicide bomber in
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afghanistan. who is already claiming responsibility and the message they said they want to send. >> and a northern california family said the constant bullying of their child has left them no choice but to move. what they say is happening and how the child's school is responding. >> and a live look outside. that is the golden gate bridge looking great on this chilly saturday morning. traffic no promise there on highway 101. time is 7:10. enough about the book, i want to hear about your date.
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well, he showed up in a van. [ women ] oh-awww. [ voices in background ] [ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good.
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. welcome back. giving you a look there. what a pretty golden shot of the boat house there along the estuary. plenty of sun in store. warmer afternoon highs expected as well. >> and this is new video of an accident that has shut down a busy freeway in cleveland.
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earlier this morning a dump truck loaded with stone crashed into a pedestrian overpass. officers say the impact was so strong that part of the truck bed lodged onto the walkway. nobody was hurt in that incident. also new, riots in egypt after a court upheld the death sentences of 21 people convicted for taking part in a soccer riot last year that killed 74 people. that incident has sparked protests. today an angry mob burned the soccer federation headquarters as well as a police club. a suicide bomber on a bike struck this morning in afghanistan. nine people died in the blast. at tack was meant as a warning to new united states defense secretary chuck hagel. he was visiting afghanistan this weekend. he was at a military compound in another part of kabul during
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the bombing. facilities in the area were locked down as a precaution. >> in this morning's weekly address the president spoke about bi-partisan ship. >> there will be more debate and honest disagreement. i still believe that compromise is possible. >> despite the sequester he talked about the unemployment rate fall and the stock market going up many he talked about meeting republican senator this is week about ways to grow the economy. tonight he will trade jabs with republicans at the gridiron dinner. >> air traffic control towers could shut down because of the forced spending cuts. faa control towers at 238 small to medium sized airports are onto potential chopping block. nearly every state faces control tower shut downs. in california the faa said 23
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towers could close. that's the most out of any state. >> overnight on april 7th you are looking at more than 170 facilities closing down, the scope of that is obviously unprecedented. >> airport executives say the faa has closed only a handful of towers over the past couple decades. they said it'll finalize the list of closures by march 18th. here are the five in the bay area that could close. the tower at the charles sonoma county, napa and concord, livermore and the tower located in san carlos. >> and new york congressman has called for the review of the newark liberty airport after a federal agent with a fake bomb made it through security. according to the new york post the agent had it in his pants. he made it through two security screenings including a pat down at newark. he was even cleared to board the plane. the bomb was reportedly part of
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a scout operation last month. >> do things get through? is it possible that something could get in? absolutely. does tsa try to always make it better, constantly test themselves and encourage outside agencies to test them? they do. >> another agent was stopped when a screener reportedly noticed wires sticking out of a doll. the head of a major airline is speaking out against a recent move that will let small knives onto plane. the ce or of delta said it's a bad idea and will bring added risk in exchange for little added value. the tsa said the new rule will bring the united states in line with international rules, the changes happen april 25th. >> we are learning more about how the united states caught the son-in-law of bin laden. the 47-year-old plead not guilty in a manhattan court yesterday to the charge of conspiracy to kill americans. he said little beyond a few one word replies. investigators say the united states had been tracking him
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even before 9/11 1. officials say they believe that he had been hiding in iran and turkey. he was being deported when authorities intercepted him in jordon last week and then brought him to the united states. a man has pleaded not guilty to charges of trying to blow up an oakland bank with a car bomb. the 28-year-old is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. the bomb was a fake provided by undercover agents. his lawyer said his client has mental illness but is still competent to stand trial. he is due back in court next movement. >> the driver accused of killing a student pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and dui charges. the 28-year-old appeared in court yesterday. he is a accused of hitting and killing a teen as she crossed the road. prosecutors say she died on her
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17th birthday. bail is set at $300,000. he is set to return to court on march 27th. a family said a severe case of bullying is forcing them from their home. jarrod is an 8th grade student. he live with his birth father and his father's partner. they say having gay parents made him a target of bullying for the past three years. jarrod said he had feces smeared on the back of his shirt. >> i have reached my limit with bullying at my school and i really don't feel safe at school because of the bullying that has been going on. >> he said he stopped reporting the bullying because he doesn't feel like anything is done. the principal said all cases investigated and said one of the students involved was disciplined but jarrod's father said that's not enough and they are moving to a different city. >> a richmond police officer is on leave for a heated argument he got into while off
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duty. the officer reportedly got into an altercation with someone he said was following him home. the times reports he has been fired twice for allegedly punching people on the job but won his job back through appeals. he is one of three on leave for allegations of misconduct. mc hammer said he has beaten a bad rap. he posted this message on twitter. all charges declined, dropped, have a great weekend, out on bail. dublin police arrested him last month, officers say he was arguing after getting stopped before allegedly blasting ace st ereo. he claimed he was arrested unjustly and questioned without cause. police haven't returned our calls for comment. >> san carlos will have a new may or and vice mayor on monday. he was chosen to serve in
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november but had to wait until the current mayor finished his term. he became acting mayor last april and was later officially sworn in after the mayor resigned due to personal reasons. google is reportedly nearing an agreement on a seven million dollar settlement over improperly collected data for its street view mapping. over 30 states say they used data from unrestricted wireless network. google said it works hard to get rights but in case it didn't. an announcement is expected next week. >> it was supposed to be the picture perfect wedding proposal but something went wrong. the big wipe out that is making waves across the internet. >> and a warm up is on the way for the bay area weekend. at this hour some of us going to near freezing. i will look at the day planner coming up. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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barrow island has got rare kangaroos. ♪ chevron has been developing energy here for decades. we need to protect their environment. we have a strict quarantine system to protect the integrity of the environment. forty years on, it's still a class-a nature reserve. it's our job to look after them.'s my job to look after it. ♪
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. powerful gust knocked down tent after tent at the ostrich festival. vendors rushed as you can see to hold onto them just so they wouldn't fly away. looks like pretty strong winds. those winds did force the organizers to shut down the festival for just a few hours. hundreds of people lost power in this area. today a community hit hard by sandy is putting on a big sanity patrick's day parade to celebrate how far it's come. the parade happens every year but organizers say that this year's parade has a symbolic meaning because it's the first big event since sandy destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses. >> a day to officially celebrate that we -- we have made it, we are rebuilding and we are having a great time. great summer. >> the parade usually attracting 50,000 people. organizers hope the big crowds
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wills help businesses recover. >> a wet and wild marriage proposal in southern california is making waves all across the internet. . >> this man tried to come up with the most dramatic -- he got someone to play background music and pick what he thought was the perfect location. though they were knocked over the girlfriend still said yes and the best part he didn't loose the ring when he was knocked over. if you look at it -- he is looking for the ring don't leave that ring. >> where is the ring? that's what i thought. she was probably holding on. all right. let's go now to rosemary for a look at the weather. not a bad day.
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>> no advisories on the beaches for today. they know all that. meanwhile, temperatures warming up again. this morning a cold one once again in the valley locations, north bay and east bay, upper 30s, approaching 40 degrees or so. widespread 40s around the bay. into san jose waking one mostly cloudy skies san josen. to nine or so, still a bit chilly. that lighter shade of -- i should sate darker shade of the blue purple is indicating 40s still in some of the inland spots, around the bay in the low 50s and then for the lunch hour begins to feel good. by ten or so, widespread 50s in the forecast for you and then during the lunch hour upper 50s to -- mostly sunny skies, 68 in concord, 66 san jose, 63
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degrees san mateo. the extended forecast showing a dry forecast. we like to see rain but we won't get it is next several days, widespread upper 60s to low 70's. the warming trend continues. monday, tuesday and wednesday. if you are getting out early this morning i will have a look around at the current temperatures coming up. >> the earth will get another close encounter with a large asteroid today, the space rock won't get closer than 600,000 miles from earth. that's farther than the moon. another one passed near on monday just inside the moon's orbit. >> a winning ticket worth $33 million. >> i was by myself at home and i started screaming. >> meet the bay area newest millionaires and what they plan to do with their winnings. >> and convicted sex offenders falling off the grid.
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why some say a new law encourages them to cut off gps tracking devices. >> the homicide investigation in haywood is focused on that area between the two homes. what investigators say about how they learned about the shooting. medications? i don't know. last immunization shots?
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really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the new hazelnut macchiato from starbucks. crafted by hand & heart.
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. developing news from alameda where investigators say
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a man was found shot inside a camper. good morning. >> alameda deputies are still on scene investigating the overnight homicide. we are live in haywood where we have learned details about this killing. >> reporter: still a very active investigation though the victim is no longer here. you take a look, you can see the area where the investigation is focusing is between those two homes there. investigators say a man was shot in an overhead camper. it's like a cab over camper. the call went out on the shooting just before midnight last night. they had a flurry of calls come in about a flurry of gun shots. first responders found the victim and he was alive at the time. he was rushed to the hospital but died from his injuries.
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at this time there is limited information about the victim in this case and at this point less information about the suspects. we know investigators looking to see if there are any surveillance cameras in the area that could help them possibly identity the killers. we are expecting a crime scene unit later on this morning and we have been trying to contact the sheriff's office spokesperson to find out if we can get a little more information about the investigation here. again one of the keys to this may be -- maybe be a surveillance video in the area. if you take a look around you may be able to see there is a school in the area and there could be surveillance cameras, there could be traffic surveillance cameras so that's the information we will look for, trying to nail down any video or pictures they may have of the suspects. we will continue to stay out and monitor any developments. ktvu. >> we are learning mop about the allegations against a woman accused of stabbing a man to death.
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want to show you the booking photograph for regina butler. she was arrested on thursday. police believe she killed 69- year-old stan jacobson whose body went unfound in his apartment for a month. butler was trying to scam him for insurance. >> a man has been arrested in a separate deadly stabbing this week. the 20-year-old killed a 27- year-old eric wright whose body was found on wednesday. we were there shortly after the find. the investigators say wright had been stabbed several times and they don't believe the killing was danger related. >> the where abouts of many california sex offenders is unknown. last year a law took effect that sent paroled sex offender who messed with their gps's to county jail but they are over crowded so must served little to no time at all.
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lawmakers say that makes them more likely to risk cutting off the devices, on wednesday the associated press reported the number of paroled offender who are fugitives is 15% higher than it was before the law went into effect. >> tomorrow cat haven plans to reopen. this is where an intern was killed by a lion on wednesday. diana hanson was attacked by a 4-year-old lion. the park has launched an investigation into the accident. the founder said it's important for the animals that they reopen the park. he said he believes hanson would have wanted their work to continue. >> during this very sad and difficult time we have also had to turn attention to our remaining 29 cats at our facility. this is important that we attend to their health and well being. >> park officials say it's not clear why hanson was inside the cage. they say she may have been
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cleaning another area when the lion came in. her family is now donating to a number of animal charities in her name. >> in two days the minimum wage in san jose will go up by two dollars. the new wage will be $10 an hour and that is good news for workers, employers are going to have to adjust to that new law and we spoke to a business owner who isn't happy. he said it'll affect his bottom line as a small business owner. >> i'm not in support of this measure. no, any time we can cut costs or not have to pay more we are going to dry to do that. >> the raise is courtesy of a measure voted last november. at&t said its looking to hire hundreds of employee across the state this he are looking for techs to help support a growing demand for the uverse service. they want to fill more than 500 full time positions, it's currently one of the largest
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employers with 240,000 jobs nationwide. >> teachers working with special needs students in are considering whether to go on strike. their union will meet with the county office of education on march 20th. the union has 150 members who say they have not received a raise in five-years. the county still hope itself s they can reach a deal. next week the san francisco symphony could go quiet after eight months of negotiations they have agreed to strike next week if disagreements aren't resolved. currently the average musician gets a salary of 16 5,000 dollars, ten weeks paid vacation and health care. they are asking for additional salary increases each year. they say management's proposal would cut benefits and freeze wages. >> a husband and wife are california's newest millionaires.
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they won $33 million. they couldn't believe the luck especially since he had just been laid off. >> i started screaming by myself. really. very heavy. >> he said he plans to start his own business and he will employ friends and relatives. his wife is a hairstylist and said she isn't planning to quit her job. she was back at work shortly after picking up the prize. >> and a big prize that is. $33million. unbelievable. like we were talking earlier i wonder if it was a quick pick or if they filled out the bubbles. what do you like? >> i want to know. i want to know. i don't know. >> usually when i go with a quick pick i'm disappointed the numbers but i never know which
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to pick. i. >> find out. >> i will. i. on it. this morning off to a cold start. mostly clear skies over most of the bay area dealing a little bit of low cloud cover. i will show you where. a view first of oako land where the sun is just bouncing off the buildings. mostly sunny conditions, ridge of high pressure building in and as it does, temperatures are going to warm up. we will be well above average at some point. onto the maps and i will show you where i'm seeing a little bit of low cloud and fog cover. its right banked up along santa cruz here and it extends into san jose. morgan hill, not being picked up on the map here but i know it's there. i will show you why in just a moment. by ten or so, notice it's backing up across the coastline. even the coast will be mortally sunny for the afternoon. another story is the chilly weather out there. 38 in napa, 44nevado, widespread 40s around the bay
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area, 39 in concord right now. even though we are chilly you kind of know what to expect. you know why because this is sort of where we sat yesterday morning, widespread mid to upper 30e in and around the inland areas, widespread 40s around the bay and the temperatures will start rebounding. here again another map showing you where we are seeing the cloud cover into morgan hill, gilroy looks like are you mostly sunny. san jose mostly cloudy. we will turn mostly sunny for san jose and morgan hill. the warming trend starts, from four to eight degrees above yesterday's highs of what i'm seeing for your afternoon highs today. a north breeze will pick up in the afternoon as well. we could be a little breezy at times, we are in that transition period. the low off to the east in arizona, ridge of high pressure. the gradient, the difference between the two helping to kick up the winds, 65 degrees in oakland. 65 for redwood. 70 expected in santa rosa for the afternoon.
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expected forecast, upper 60s today. low 70's tomorrow and as you look way out into midweek wednesday, mid-70sa in the forecast. the weather looks nice. we spring forward tomorrow morning and we gain anhour of daylight. sunsets this afternoon at 6:12. back to you. >> crews in massachusetts have decided to tear down a house that has been pulled right into the ocean. the home collapsed on plum island off massachusetts friday morning. it's foundation cracked the day before. we brought you live pictures of that home going in to the ocean yesterday. a beach front home just two doors down will also be destroyed. >> there is a few foundation that have been lost. the dune is way back. there is a deck with a big barrier wall that's crashed. caved in. >> the slow moving weather system responsible for the damage cause flooding. the storm also dumped more than two feet of snow in some areas
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and cut power to thousands. >> we are now learning more about that giant sink hole in florida. apparently five months before it opened up underneath that florida home inspectors had declared the house sink hole free. two weeks ago the hole swallowed a man in his bed. since then the home has been demolish. back in september they say inspectors from state farm visited the home and deemed it free of sink hole risk and because of that the family was given sink hole insurance. they say that's been a blessing because it's helping them get through this tragedy. >> straight ahead the rescue in santa cruz that has dozens of dogs looking for new homes. >> from the chimney to the furnace the last minute preparations ahead of the vatican. >> and the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza. want to let you know around ten this morning, concrete is going to be put on the final section
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of the eastern deck. get that concrete down today will mean drivers will get to use the new eastern span several months earlier than expected. keep your eyes on the roadways here for you. there's this island -- and it's got super-cute kangaroos. barrow island has got rare kangaroos. ♪ chevron has been developing energy here for decades. we need to protect their environment. we have a strict quarantine system to protect the integrity of the environment. forty years on, it's still a class-a nature reserve. it's our job to look after them.
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. thank you for joining us on this saturday morning. a live look. we have partly cloudy skies in oakland, 44 degrees. >> this morning the vatican discussed next tuesday's conclave. the church has been holding daily news briefings. the voting cardinals will be
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locked in a room at the chapel. they must take a collective oath of secrecy. after the pope ise is elected he must accept and then will appear an hour later. final preparations are being made at the chapel. workers have set up the chimney and area where the cardinals will vote. they start with a prayer followed by a sacred song and then no contact with the outside world. >> each cardinal has a little piece of paper and he writes the name of the person he is voting for. then he folds it in two and he holds it's up in the air like this. >> in the past hundred years no conclave has lasted longer than five-days. if a pope isn't elected after three they will have a day of prayer. >> hugo chavez will be embalmed for public display. thousands showed up for his
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public funeral . >> i think we have a moment here in time where i'm glad the president -- even though two of our people in -- sending two congressmen. america should be here and i hope they will build on that. >> government officials say chavez who will been battling cancer died on tuesday. his body will be placed in a glass coffin and put on display. the president said he wants congress to fast track immigration. he met with religious leaders yesterday to discuss the need for immigration reform. he told them he is asking the senate to pass a package in the next three month. . senators are work together to draft legislation aimed at strengthening the borders, cracking down on employers who hire him illegal immigrants and provide a path to citizenship
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for the 11 million right now in the united states. >> maryland's health secretary is making a big push to allow medical marijuana in the state. it's a big change from last year when the state didn't support it. now lawmakers want to support a bill that would create a commission to oversee the program at academic medical centers. they say it would be the tightest and most controlled medical marijuana program in the nation. colorado is one step closer to adopting some of the toughest gun control measures in the country. lawmakers debated a package for 12 hours, five of the seven bills passed, democrats withdrew two of the most controversial. a gun ban on college campuses and a bill to hold gun owners liable for damages caused by their weapons. >> how would we ever know when we buy or sell a gun whether someone is a dangerous, convicted felon but for a background check? >> do we have to use this bill
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as the anchor for the package? the package that was flown in here from some east coast lib era ls? >> there will be one more round of votes next week before the measure dear sir clear the colorado senate. >> prosecutorrers plan to seek the death penalty against the man accused of killing a state trooper . russell brown was charged with murder after investigators say he shot a 63- year-old many trooper on thursday. he said in court that he expects to be executed. a santa clara jury has convicted a man of three counts of murder in a 2008 workplace shooting. he was found guilty of killing three executives of a start up. prosecutors say that he was very angry because he had been fired but his attorney argued he was insane. the jury must now decide if he
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was criminally insane when he committed the killings. >> state panel has rejected a plan for explosives and sonar training in the ocean. the coastal commission is concerned that the exercises could hurt endangered whales and other ma'am mals. commissioners said the navy hasn't presented enough information. they said training will continue as would negotiations. a primate research center has been cited for the deaths of 19 monkeys. the center didn't do enough to stop infant research monkeys from getting sick and dying between 2009 and 2010. despite that the university will not be fined because the research facility has since improved. the center uses monkeys to research diseases and disorders like hiv and alzheimer's. >> dozens of dogs look for new owners after being rescued. the animal shelter said 36 were taken from the homes earlier this week.
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some of them were just two weeks old. the animal shelter said they were being bred and the owners were hoarding. right now the dogs being cared for at the shelter's two locations. >> this weekend the princess project is dressing high school girls for prom. since 2002 its been providing free dresses and accessories to girls who can't afford them. this year they hope to help 4,000 girls at their locations in san francisco, silicon valley and san diego. now today's event runs from 8:30 to five. its being held at 2099 market veto in san francisco. the girls are being asked to bring a valid high school id. there will be another give away tomorrow. today fremont police are holding a blood drive in honor of an officer hurt in the line of duty. its being held from 10:30 to 4:30 and it's in honor of todd
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young. back in 2010, he was shot in the pelvis by a gang member after several surgeries and physical therapy he is back on the good afternoon task force. >> hundreds will come into seven different neighborhoods in san francisco today. what they will do and the difference they want to make. >> and a mob scene outside a store. the local hero all of those people waited in line for hours to see. . >> a good-looking start to the day for most of us but don't go outside without the jacket. i will have a look at current temperatures.
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. sunday streets returns tomorrow. the street party -- from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. there will be free bike rentals, and the treasure hunt. they also plan to set up a
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special mobile exhibit. hundreds are getting together for a community clean up in 30 minutes. work crews will plant 70 trees in a day of service around san francisco state university. they will also prune trees, landscape, pick up trash and pant over grafitti. the clean and green effort is in celebration of arbor day. volunteers will meet at malcolm x. >> the restaurant is scheduled to consider an ordinance banning retailers from giving out plastic bags, including restaurants. most stores would also have to charge a fee for every paper bag. if approved would go into effect on july 1st. whole foods setting a target date for labeling product that contained
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genetically modified items. that excludes organic foods sips they are not been altered by definition. products labeled as not modified see a 30% increase in sales. >> 49ers are cashing in on their trip to the super bowl. 75% of the seats at the new stadium are now sold. the team announced it has generated $403 million in sales, that's about the same amount spent on building that new stadium. the 49ers sales team transferred seat sales contracts to the stadium authority. those contracts will be approved on tuesday which will make them legally binding. the stadium is expected to eventually cost $1.2 billion. >> after losing the super bowl xlixers quarterback said he is more motivated than ever. >> how you doing? >> >> he signed autographs.
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safeway, more than a thousand fans came to see him. they jammed the aisles with lines stretching well outside the store. >> it's devastating but at the same time you have to be ready for next year. have you to move on. dwelling on a loss in the super bowl won't help you win next year. >> fans in attendance included a high school classmate. her dad was his 4th grade teacher. he signed this photograph, it shows him in the end zone. it's his signature pose, kissing hug right bicep. some fans started to line up -- at that store at 8 in the morning before. >> popular guy. next year we will win the super bowl. >> it was a nice ride. >> coming up, let's check in with rosemary. >> yes. hello. its going to be a great day to be outside, out early this morning, maybe the farmer's market. there is a chill in the air. temperatures in the mid-30s to
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mid40s. inland areas seeing the coolest temperatures. we have mostly clear skies over most of the area. a little bit of patchy fog and over the south bay mostly cloudy skies, you have sun coming your way as well. if you are going to tahoe, wow, a lot of fresh snow for you there and mostly sunny sky, this morning a chilly start. down to 17 degrees and around tahoe and truckee. afternoon highs in the 30s getting in to the 40s by sunday. not to bad under mostly sunny skies, here, partly cloudy, we are off to a chilly start, by lunchtime feeling good, upper 50s to low 60s. and then for the afternoon eye nice jump in temperatures. some of us may actually hit 70 degrees, santa rosa. upper 60s low 70's into sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday. the warming trend continues, mid-70s in the forecast by midweek wednesday. also want to point outlook at the overnight lows, the
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overnight lows, not to bad. back to you. >> and just a remind,er, tomorrow we spring forward. don't forget to set your clocks ahead. we will loose an hour of sleep but will have more sunlight in the evening. also a good time to check the smoke alarms in the house. >> it happened just a few hours ago. >> high speed chase ends with a crash in napa. the incident at a wal-mart store that police say led up to it. >> and the reconstruction starts at berkeley's chez panisse after yesterday's big fire. when the restaurant is expected to reopen and a cost of the danger. there's this island -- and it's got super-cute kangaroos. barrow island has got rare kangaroos. ♪ chevron has been developing energy here for decades. we need to protect their environment. we have a strict quarantine system to protect the integrity of the environment. forty years on, it's still a class-a nature reserve.
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it's our job to look after them.'s my job to look after it. ♪
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. investigators say a man was found shot inside a camper. >> a robbery caught on video. what police are doing and who they think is behind the attack. >> and a wild high speed chase in napa ends with a crash. what happened at a wal-mart that police say started it all. >> complete, bay area news coverage continues. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> good morning. welcome to mornings on two. >> good morning. everybody. we are following some
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developing news in haywood. we will get to that. want to check in with rosemary and a look at what we are looking at. >> reporter: a warm up. take a look. from yesterday into today. five degrees warmer today for santa rosa. six concord, san jose seven degrees warmer. outside the doors it's a cold start. i will have the current temperatures and a better look at the weekend in view coming up. >> and we are following that developing news in haywood where a homicide took place early this morning. alameda deputies say that a man was shot, he was found in a camper over the bed of a pickup truck. the victim was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. deputies are checking to see if any surveillance cameras caught a look at him. a wild chase ends in a crash at a mobile home park. american canyon police say the suspect tried to rob a wal-mart early this morning. authorities say he said he had a gun and then fled with a
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television. police pursued him to the american canyon mobile home park where he crashed into fencing. a couple of police cars were damaged. the suspect was injured and transported to the hospital. there are no reports of injuries. >> it's a milestone day for the bay bridge. want to show you a live picture from the sky way of the new bridge. later this morning, concrete is going to be poured on the final section of the eastern deck. caltrans said the work means people will be able to use the new bridge several months earlier than expected. we want to show you a look at where that concrete is going to be poured. this is from a camera taking still imagines and this is the most recent shot. you can see that one of the caltrans workers oni. want to show you a photograph of some of the past work. this photograph shows cal tran crews spraying new cement and
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this is a a photograph of that same area. this picture was taken when work on that section first started. this is all part of the western section of the bridge that connects the suspension tower to the island. work to replace the eastern span began in 2002. it was first scheduled to open in 2007 but several delays forced that date back. it's now scheduled to open to traffic on or just after labor day of this year. >> just a couple of hours solano will hold it's first gun buy back. the goal is to cut down the number of guns, hand guns, shot guns, rifles will net up to a hundred dollars. assault weapons worth two hundred. most of the guns will be destroyed. if there have been reported stolen police say they will try to return them to their owners. the buy back will take place from ten to three today at the solano county fairgrounds, oakland police say a new gang is responsible for a frightening attack you are about to see.
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>> police release there's surveillance video of a robbery near lake marret. officers have arrested two suspects. they are members of a new gang that's committed 134 of oakland's most violent crimes. they hope the video will prompt other victims to come forward. that video came as the police department announced 18 arrests in a sweep in the east bay. oakland police say at least 16 members of a known gang were taken in to custody. the chief called it is most violent group he has seen in 25 years as a police officer. >> new data shows bay area counties among those struggling a high number of youth homicides, among 35 county was large populations of young people have the highest youth homicide rates. according to the justice department alameda is 4th. in 2011 it had 50 victims.
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. a car wash fundraiser is being held today for the family of a richmond man shot and killed last month. friends and relatives of the 20- year-old held a vigil last night at richmond's elm play lot. he helped build the playground there. he was also a handy man spending unpaid hours pick up needles and other debris to try to make the area safe for children. he also spent his days caring for his 79-year-old father. >> i'm going to miss him and when he come in, in the late at night, hear the door open, i know its him. >> officers say that he was washing a car for a family he helped when a couple of men approached fired. he was shot while pushing two young girls out of the way. police believe he was targeted, no suspects have been named. the car wash will happen at the play lot on 8th streett.
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runs ten to three. congressman george miller is expected to attend. >> a man has plead not guilty to federal charges of trying to blow up an oakland bank. the 28-year-old is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. the bomb was a fake provided by undercover fbi agents. his lawyers said his client has significant mental illness but is still competent to stand trial. he is due back in court next month. >> this morning berkeley's world famous restaurant chez panisse announced it's canceling all reservations through march 23rd. both the restaurant and cafe are closed after a fire ono the front porch. it's believed it was caused by a wiring roll and damage is estimated at 150 to $200,000. customers say the restaurant helped define community. the area is nicknamed gourmet
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ghetto. the ghetto. >> used to be about politics and protests and now it's all about the food. sustainable, local,. >> gourmet ghetto runs alongside shaddock. there is also an organic farmer's market. >> its opening day for a lot of little leagues. let's goer over to rosemary. lot of sun. >> yes. plenty of sun. you will need the shades, jacket as well. it's a chilly one but the numbers will be a little more comfortable. i'm thinking in the next hour, two, we are feeling good and lunchtime looks nice. a live look outside and across san francisco, you can see a pretty start there. a little bit of patchy fog. we have low clouds, the deck stretching santa cruz into parts of the south bay, san jose, morgan hill with mostly
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cloudy skies plenty of us with this. blue skies and cool conditions, but our numbers already starting to turn around. slipped in to the 30s in santa rosa and napa. now 42 for you. 41 santa rose a. walnut creek a touch, 40 degrees, widespread 40s around the bay though a few of us, san francisco inching up just a little bit. upper 40s to low 40s. foster city, belmont 40 degrees. into the south bay, cloud cover, over parts of san jose and now it looks like its stretching in to gilroy. 47 outside your door. we have a warming trend underway. the system that brought us some rain, not enough but brought us some in arizona, ridge of high pressure. the two that will bring us a little bit of aa breezy condition into the afternoon and i explained, we are sort of in a transition as that low pressure moves out and high pressure moves in. the pressure gradient helps
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kick up the winds, breezy but temperatures will be warmer, santa rosa 70, 67 in nevado, mid60s berkeley, upper 60s concord, for some of us the temperatures seasonal. 66 lose gatos. mid to upper 60's in the forecast as we get into tomorrow upper 60's to low 70s. remember to spring forward as we get into tomorrow morning. we are going to loose an hour of sleep but in to the evening we will gain an hour of daylight. so sunsetting today about 6:12, tomorrow closer to 7:15. mostly sunny as we get into monday, tuesday, wednesday, and the warming trend continues, those numbers warming up to about mid70's for the afternoon on wednesday. afternoon lows will climb as well. mid-30s for the weekend. back to you. >> fake bomb gets past airport
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screeners. how it happened and what a new york congressman is now calling for. >> and middle school student in placer bullied for having gay parents. the drastic move the family made to make it stop. >> first a live look outside on traffic. no accidents to report and you can see the sun is shining. pleasant on little league just one of the little league communities outside today having their opening day. that could make it busy maybe on the city streets but a nice day to have it. well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year
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when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. when you bundle tv and internet. you're o♪ ♪meout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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♪ ♪ some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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. welcome back. have you to see this shot. wow, what a beautiful picture perfect view across the bay and toward the east bay. off to a cool start but afternoon highs will be feeling good. >> if you are planning to head up to the sierra this weekend. get ready for big crowds, want to show you a look at interstate 80 in king vail. this is -- frozen shot. there they go. you can see some ice on the camera there but the roads look clear. officials are predicting the roads will be very busy this weekend with keyers and snow boarders taking advantage of the new snow. many resorts reporting up to 20 inches of fresh powder but rosemary just said kirkwood, 29 inches, they are in good shape.
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some were forced to shut down early because of the lack of snow but they are planning on opening up this weekend again. >> now this morning riots after a controversial leg decision, a court upheld the death sentences of 21 people convicted for taking part in a soccer riot last year that killed 74 people. the incident sparked protests and today an angry mob burned the federation headquarters and a police club. a suicide bomb manier riding a bike struck this morning in afghanistan. nine people died in the blast outside the afghanistan defense ministry in the city of kabul. the taliban said it was meant as a warning to the new united states defense secretary. he is visiting afghanistan this weekend. he was at a military compound in another part of kabul during the bombing. american facilities in the area were locked down as a precaution. >> we are learning more about
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how the united states captured the son-in-law of bin laden. he pleaded not guilty at a courtroom yesterday to the charge of conspiracy to kill americans he said lit el beyond a few one word row applies. septemberors say the united states had been tracking him even before september 11th. officials say they believe he had been hiding in iran and turkey. he was being deported to kuwait. new york congressman has called for the review of the newark liberty airport after a federal agent carrying a fake bomb made it through security. the agent had the fake bomb stuffed in his pants . the he was even cleared to board the plane. the bomb was part of a federal security operation at newark last month. >> do things get through, is it possible something could get
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in some absolutely. does tsa always try to make it better, always test themselves and encourage outside agencies to test them? they do. >> another agent was stopped a screener reportedly noticed wires sticking out of a doll. >> air traffic control towers could power down because of the forced spending cuts. faa control towers at 238 small tommed crawl airports on the potential chopping block. nearly every state faces control tower shut downs. in california 23 towers could close. that's the most out of any state. >> overnight on april 7th are you looking at more than 170 facilities closing down. the scope of that is obviously unprecedented. >> airport executives say the faa has closed only a handle of towers over the past couple decades, they said it'll finalize the list of closures by march 18th. here are the five towers in the bay area that could be closed,
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the tower in napa, concord, livermore and the tower in san carlos. >> a roseville family said bullying behind their move out of the area. jarrod is an 8th grader. he live was his birth father and his father's partner. they say having gay parents has made him the target of bullying for the past three years and he said that he had feces put on the back of his shirt. >> i have reached my limit with bullying at my school. i really don't feel safe at school because of the bullying that's been going on. >> the school principal said all cases are investigated and that it one of the students involved was disciplined but the parents don't think that's enough and have decided to move to a different city. the driver accused of killing a san francisco high school student pled not guilty to manslaughter and dui. the 28-year-old appeared in
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court yesterday. he is a accused of hitting and killing a teen as she crossed the street. it was her 17th birtay. he remains in custody in lieu of bail. he is set to return to court. >> mc hammer posted this message on twitter. police arrested him last month saying he was arguing after getting stopped for allegedly blasting a st ereo. he claimed he was arrestedn 't justly and questioned without cause. police haven't returned our calls for comment. >> san carlos will have a new mayor and vice mayor on monday. the current vice mayor is being sworn in as mayor and a councilmember will be vice mayor. he was picked to serve in november but had to wait until the current mayor finished his
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term. the previous mayor resigned due to personal reasons. a richmond police officer is on leave for a heated argument he got into while off duty. the officer reportedly got into an altercation with someone he said was following him home. the times reports he has been fired twice for allegedly punching people on the job but got his job back on appeal. he. >> san francisco police have opened up a new safety hub in the city's central market corridor. the leaders held a ribbon cutting celebration yesterday. the hub is located on 6th street between market and mission. it's different than a police station. officers say you should not go there looking for emergency help but it does mean police increased presence in the neighborhood until 10:30 every night. >> just a week after an
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asteroid passed near earth another one and this one is the size of a football field. >> and bouncing back after sandy. the big event planned today to celebrate progress on the jersey shore. >> warmer weather filling in to the bay area for the weekend. outside the doors at this hour a cr isp start. a look at the day planner forearm coming up.
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[ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast.
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. want to show you new video of an accident that's shut down a busy freeway in cleveland. check this out. earlier this morning, that dump truck loaded with stone crashed into a pedestrian overpass. officers say that the impact was so strong that part of the truck bed lodged onto the walkway. fortunately however nobody was hurt. >> the president spoke about bi-partisan ship . >> there will be more debate and honest disagreement between pain pal people who want what's best for the country. i still believe compromise is possible. >> despite the sequester he talked about the unemployment rate falling the stock market going up. he also talked about meeting with senators this week but tonight he will trade jacks with republicans at the grid
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iron dinner. it's a dinner where politicians poke fun at themselves and opponents. there could be changes on the way for california's adult education system. the plan would give community colleges an additional $300 million to set up adult education programs including high school diploma. colleges say they have no experience running these types of programs. >> google is reportedly nearing an agreement on a seven million dollar settlement over improperly collected data for its street view. more than 30 states alleged their mapping service used personal data from people's unrestricted wireless networks. they released a statement saying it works hard to get privacy right but didn't in this case. nenam marcus is closing its e-bay store.
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the website had been trying to attract large retailers. they started selling it's the last call outlet brand two years ago but it's decided to only sell that brand on its own website and in had the retail stores. >> today a community hit hard by sandy is putting on a big parade to celebrate how far it's come. the parade happens every year but organizers say this one is important because it's the first big event since sandy destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses. >> kind of like a day to officially celebrate that we have -- we made it, we are rebuilding and we are -- we are having a great time. >> the parade usually attracts about 50,000 people. organizers hope it'll help businesses on the jersey shore. >> early will get another close encounter with a large asteroid and it's larger than a football field but you have nothing to worry about. that rock won't get closer than
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600,000 miles between it and earth. that's farther than the moon. another one passed near on monday, just inside the money orbit. >> let's check in with rosemary. warm today. probably warmer tomorrow. >> you said it. this warming trend is just getting started. today will be a few degrees warmer than yesterday. tomorrow we are looking at widespread upper 60's to lower 70's. outside temperatures are rebounding, some of us had slipped back in to the 30s in the overnight. now widespread low to mid to upper 40s is what i'm seeing even in to the valleys. mostly sunny skies and we are looking at temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s and temperatures by the 70 degrees santa rosa, 65 oakland, 65 mountain view, low 60's san francisco. livermore mid60s. mostly sunny, warmer, i expect winds to kick up again similar to yesterday. from ten to 20 miles an hour.
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the winds are gusting this morning, helping to eat away at some of the low cloud deck. the extended forecast again, here is that big warm up we are looking at. nice and mild as we move through the weekend and then warming it up. going to feel like spring tuesday into wednesday. low to mid70's in the forecast and i need to point out the overnight lows, how they get more bearable. upper 30s in the forecast as we start the damon and tuesday. 40 degrees on wednesday. back to it you. >> changes coming to the minimum wage. >> everything affects us. from bread going up, flour, minimum wage. >> why some say they are against the plan and the impact it's expected to have on small businesses. . >> latest developments the overnight homicide in haywood and tell you what authorities are doing to track down the suspects.
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. developing news out of the east bay overnight after a man is found shot to death in the backyard of a haywood home. >> welcome. it's saturday march 9th. >> good morning. we are following the developing news of the man found shot in a camper in alameda county. that man has died and now sheriff deputies are searching for his killer. we are live near haywood with what he has learned from investigators this morning. >> there is been new developments in the last half hour. the crime scene unit just arrived in the last half hour. that is a new development here going to process the scene looking for evidence of what may have happened and certainly looking for the suspects in the
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case. president focus so far has been between those two homes, you see the gray home on the left and the white home on the right. there is a camper back there and that's been the focus of the investigation. there was a man who was found to be suffering a gun shot wound. we have video we shot earlier this morning of investigators on the scene here. we are learned the call went out just before midnight last night. there were several 911 calls about gun shots, deputies responded to the scene and investigators say that first responders found that victim in a camper and say he was alive at the time. emergency workers rushed him to a nearby hospital but he later died. at this time there is very limited information about the victim in this case and so far less information about the suspect, we do know coming back to our live shot investigators going to be searching for surveillance video that may have been taken. there is a school nearby, hoping there is a camera there or possibly a traffic camr. may have picked up images of
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the suspect in this case. that's one of the avenues, possible avenues for investigation here in this homicide case. we will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and look for more information about the suspects in the case and the victim in this case. we will bring that throughout the morning as the story develops. we are live in haywood. ktvu. >> we are learning more about the allegations against a woman accused of stabbing a man to death. want to show you the booking photograph for the 46-year-old regina butler. it's believed she killed stan jacobson whose body went undeteched for a month. investigators say they have evidence. the family of a missing man is asking the public to help find the husband and father of four. he own owns a taco truck and was reported missing earlier this week. detectives found the food truck
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at a napa park. investigators say he was seen checking in to a hotel in fairfield monday night. >> we got worried because he never does this. it's not him. >> his family needs him terriblely. >> sheriff officials say at this point they are classifying his disappearance appearance voluntary. >> according to numbers, the where abouts of many california sex offender is unknown and some argue a new law by the governor is partly to blame. last year the law took effect that spent paroled sex offender that tampere with ngps to over crowded county jails means most served little to no time. that makes them moore likely to risk cutting off the devices, on wednesday the associated press said that the number of
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final toughs is 15% higher than before the law took effect. teachers working with special needs students are considering whether to go on strike. their union will meet with the county office of education on march 20th. the union is 150 members who said they have not had a race in five-years. the county still hope itself can reach a deal but said representatives left the negotiation session last october. the san francisco symphony is out of tune with its management. after eight months of negotiations the musicians have agreed to strike next week if contract disagreements are not resolved. currently the average musician receives a salary of 16 5,000 dollars, ten weeks paid vacation and health care. they are asking for more salary increases, they say the proposal would cut benefits and freeze wages. >> the minimum wage in san jose is going up by two dollars.
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it'll now be ten dollars an hour and while that's good news for workers employees say it's going to be hard to adjust to the new law. we spoke to a business owner not happy about how it's going to impact his bottom line. >> i'm not in support of that measure no. any time we can cut costs or not have to pay more, we are going to try to do that. >> the raise comes courtesy of a measure passed last november. full time workers will bring home another $80 a week. this morning the vatican discussed next tuesday's conclave. the church is holding daily news briefings. the cardinals will be locked in a room. they will take a collective oath of silence. once a pope is elected he must accept and then receive the knockment from the others. about an hour later he will appear from a window and bless on lookers. final preparations being made. workers have set up the chimney
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and the area where the cardinals will vote. it start was a prayer, followed by a sacred song and there is no conwith the outside world. >> each cardinal has a little piece of paper. he writes the name and then fold it's and holds it up in the air like this. >> in the past hundred years no meeting has lasted longer than five-days. the vatican said if a pope isn't picked after three days, the cardinals will take a break for a day of prayer. >> people on the east coast are digging out from another storm that dumped record amounts of snow in some areas and as victor blackwell reports for some picking up and moving is all they can do. >> reporter: the late winter storm dumped more than a few headaches but it was not just snow. look at this, a house blown off its foundation on plum island. high tide brought extremely
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high wives to the coastline and that caused flooding. this report was sent to us from nantucket. >> we are here about two hours after high tide. again all of lower easy street is flooded. >> reporter: to the north the story was snow, lots of it. more than a foot fell in some areas, travel was almost impossible and thousands of people lost power. >> i'm done with this. after the last one it beats you up. . >> reporter: some used the storm as an opportunity to make money. >> make 3, $400. >> reporter: the majority of people seem to have had enough of winter. >> i'm done with it. i have had enough. ready for spring. >> fair weather boy. i like 90-degree weather. >> reporter: and that was victor blackwell. crews in massachusetts have decided to tear down the house that has been pulled into the ocean on plumb island. another home two doors down
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will also be pulled down. >> i know my parents are on their way up to the mountains to ski. lots of other people and certainly picked a good day for it or weekend. sun and now snow. >> envy those who are headed to the snow. a great weekend for skiing and we all benefit from that snow pack. outside the doors this morning. we are looking at blue skies and a nice day ahead. we have some folks headed to the farmer's market. maybe you are already gearing up to head out to walnut creek. it's a chilly start but the next hour or so the temperatures will really start to feel better. we will look at those numbers in just a moment. the park satellite view. that system that brought us that bit of rain and unsettled weather. a missed opportunity. we could have collected a lot more rain had the system not moved south and then east. it did. so here is where it is right now. few scattered hours remaining over arizona, maybe las vegas, nevada, that's about it. we are still on the back side.
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we still have that northerly flow. ridge of high pressure beginning to build in. it'll take a little while tomorrow. maybe a little better. we have that northerly breeze as this transition starts to take place. breezy conditions expected again. especially along the coast. perhaps around the bay. we are fairly calm in most areas but the winds will pick up again in the afternoon and they are already gusty along the coast. gusts to 30 miles an hour. it's helped eat away at the low cloud deck. santa cruz sunny, mostly cloudy earlier. around the south bay, starting to see sun as well. san jose now sunny skies, morgan hill, gilroy, you will start to see that. the clouds breaking up. 47 morgan hill. 50 san jose, san jose the university. reporting low 50s. widespread 40s to low 50s around the bay area. 47 haywood, napa, we started out in the 30s there.
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feeling better there outside the door. four the afternoon, santa rosa a nice place to be. 66 san rafael. mid60's around the bay. berkeley, oakland, low 60s in san francisco. 66 for you san jose. mid60s mountain view. mid to upper 60s and stanford for the afternoon. extended forecast showing we are just getting started. the trend will continue all the way into midweek wednesday. wednesday looks to be the warmest day. widespread low to mid-70s. we don't like to talk about that but there it is. remember to spring forward tomorrow. set the clocks ahead in to the overnight. temperatures will remain on the cool side but we will come up with the afternoon highs come warming up. >> forth bay giants fans have a new way to get game day ferry tickets. the old two step system is out. a new process, customers will
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be able to buy ticket when is they buy baseball tickets through the giant's website. the opposite should be up and running later this movement. >> the niners are cashing in on their trip to the super bowl. 75% of the seats at the stadium are sold. they have generated $403 million in sales, that's about the same amount spent on building the stadium so far. the niners sales team transferred seat sales contracts to the stadium authority, those contracts will be approved on tuesday which will make them legally binding. the stadium is expected to eventually cost $1.2 billion to build. after losing the super bowl the quarterback said he is more motivated than ever. >> how you doing? nice jersey. you a football player? >> he signed autographs yesterday at a safeway in danville and more than a thousand fans came to see him. they jammed the supermarket
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aislels with a line stretching outside the door. we asked when we got to the front of the line about that loss. >> it is devastating but at the same time you have to be ready for next year. have you to move on. dwelling on a loss won't help you win. >> fans included a high school classmate. her dad was his 4th grade teacher. some started lining up at 8:00 in the morning for that event which started at 4:30 in the afternoon. >> several florida beaches shut down just in time for spring break. >> and less than a week after a lion killed an intern, how officials plan to honor her memory. . >> first, let's take you outside for a live look at traffic, moving along at 101 in san francisco, it looks like things moving well in all directions and a beautiful day out sued for you this saturday morning. you can't move the tv there.
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yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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. well welcome back. enjoyable afternoon in the forecast. >> it's spring break-in
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florida and that party is being crashed. you can see them, those are sharks. right now, tens of thousands of sharks are migrating from palm beach up the to the east coast. they are mostly black tip -- which aren't known to attack but just in case, swimmers being asked to stay out of the water for most of the day. >> the helicopters out there and a big school of them and we saw one big black tip come up this way. >> they are heading to south carolina and georgia to breed. the migration happened later than usual. >> cat haven will reopen to the public tomorrow. it's home to 29 big cats, on wednesday diana hanson was killed by a 4-year-old lion. the founder said hanson would have understand the importance of getting everything back to
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normal. >> during this very sad and difficult time we have -- also had to pay attention to the remaining 29 cats. this is important that we attend to their health and well being. >> it's not clear why hanson was inside the cage. they say she may have been cleaning another area when the lion came in through a gate that was left open. her family is donating to a number of animal charities in her name. hugo chavez will be embalmed for public display. thousands turned out for his funeral yesterday. they included 30 representatives of foreign governments, sean penn and jesse jackson. government officials say chavez he's died on tuesday from a heart attack. his body will be embalmed and put on display. >> the president said he wants congress to fast track an immigration bill. he met yesterday with leaders
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to discuss the need for immigration reform. he said he is asking the senate to pass a package in the next three months, senators are working together to draft legislation aimed at strengthening the borders, cracking down on employers who hire inlegals and providing a path to citizenship for the 11 million illegals now in the united states. maryland's health secretary is making a big push to allow medical marijuana in the state. that's a big change from last year. now the lawmakers want to support a bill that would create a commission to oversee the program at academic medical centers, officials say it would be the tightest and most controlled medical marijuana program in the nation. >> colorado is one step closer to adopting some of the toughest gun control measures in the country. they debated the package for 12 hours, five of the seven bills passed but democrats went through two of the most
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controversial, a gun ban on college campuses and a ban to hold gun owners liable for damage cause bid their weapons. >> how would be ever know when we buy or sell a gun whether someone is a dangerous convicted felon but for a background check. >> do we have to use this bill as the anchor for the package? the package that was flown in here from some east coast lib era ls? >> there will be one more round of votes next week. >> a jury has convicted a man of three counts of first degree murder in a 2008 workplace shooting. he was found guilty of killing three executives of a start up company. prosecutors say he was angry because he had been fired but his tores say he was insane. the jury must decide if he was. >> a state panel has rejected the plan for explosives and
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sonar training in the ocean off california. the california coastal commission is concerned that the exercises could hurt whales and other mammals. they said the navy didn't give enough information to convince them it was safe. a primate research center has been cited for conditions that led to the deaths of 19 research monkeys. the u.s.d.a. said the center didn't do enough to stop infant research monkeys from getting sick and dying. despite that, the university will not be fined because the research facility has made improvements. the center uses monkeys to research diseases like hiv, alzheimer's and autism. >> at&t said its looking to hire hundreds, they want techs to help support a growing demand for the uverse service.
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they want to fill more than 500 full time positions, it's one of the largest employers in the nation. >> a couple from walnut creek are california's newest multimillionaires. the couple won $33 million through super lotto plus. they claim that check in sacramento yesterday. he said he couldn't believe his luck especially since he had just been laid off from his job of 16 years. >> i was by myself at home and i started screaming by myself. really, very happy. running in the house. >> he said he plans to start his own business and employ friends and relatives who need jobs, his wife is a hairstylist in downtown walnut creek. she said they doesn't plan to quit. she was back at work saturdayly after picking up the prize. when he bought the tickets he
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had $15 in his walt, ten went to g the other five for the lottery. >> those stories always make you want to play. >> you don't have to fill the tank, leave a couple dollars. >> helping teens get through prom. why a local organization is offering free prom dresses. >> pleasant weather in the forecast for your weekend. how warm you will get.
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. we are getting more information about that giant sinkhole. five months before that hole opened up the house was deemed sink hole safe by insurance inspectors. two weeks ago the 20-foot hole swallowed a man sleeping in his bed. the family was given sink hole insurance. the family said that visit is a blessing because it now lets them final help to recover. >> heavy rains in las vegas forced the canceling of qualifying for sunday's nascar race. it's the first time ever that qualifying has been canceled at the speedway. this means the top 36 spots will be set by point standings last year. you can watch it tomorrow morning. >> hundreds of san francisco residents getting together for a community clean especially.
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they will plant 70 trees. they will prune trees, pull weeds, pick up trash and paint over grafitti. the clean and green effort in celebration of arbor day starts at 8:30. . volunteers met on the san francisco state campus. >> that part of the city, no stranger to fog but not today. a lot of clear skies. >> you are right. plenty of blue. low clouds did move into santa cruz. stretched in to parts of the south bay but already starting to burn off. we have a northerly flow. eating away at that low cloud deck. mostly sunny, and along the coastline. for your forecast, at this hour. as we get in to the 9:00 hour. temperatures feeling even better. around the bay we are look at 50s, mid to upper 40s. concord, livermore, in to the 10:00 hour. widespread 50s and then by lunch even low 60s.
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san jose, fremont. concord, napa, santa rosa. upper 50s san francisco. from four to eight degrees above yesterday's highs, plenty of sun. 70 degrees santa rosa. 56 san jose, could be breezy this afternoon. once again, very similar to yesterday around the city, the coast, parts of the bay. you can expect that. tomorrow even warmer, sunday will be the warmest day of the weekend and notice the forecast, the warming trend continues, temperatures warming from five to ten degrees above norm alabi tuesday into wednesday. mid70's in the forecast for wednesday, under mostly sunny skies, upper 30s to low 40s and we spring forward tomorrow morning. as we know the bay area rainfall, low at this point. we will look at those totals coming up. >> thank you. this weekend the princess project is giving girls a free shopping experience. since 2002 its been providing
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free prom dresses and accessories to girls who can't afford to buy them. this year the project hopes to help 4,000 girls at their locations in san francisco, silicon valley and san diego. today's event runs 8:30 to five. its being held at 2099 market street in san francisco. girls asked to bring a valid high school id. there will be another gave away tomorrow. >> a wedding proposal goes viral online. this man thought he picked a perfect spot. we will show you. >> and fighting fires in california could change this summer. why the forest service said it may let more fires just burn.
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mary gonzales had a cold, she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan, who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive
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. sheriff deputies on the scene of an overnight homicide in unincorporated hayward. we'll have the latest details on the investigation. >> and an attempted robbery suspect leads officers through a wild chase through napa county overnight. >> plus, a big day for the bay bridge. what officials have planned today as they get one step closer to opening the bridge to drivers.
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. good morning, everyone. welcome to mornings on 2, saturday march 9th. i'm mike mibach. >> i'm claudine wong. it's opening day for little league teams across the bay area. who knows, maybe across the country. >> that's true. >> last year's little league opening day, it rained, rosemary. certainly i know a lot of people are probably really happy to see the sunshine this morning. >> plenty of sunshine this morning. abundant sunshine to start your afternoon and we'll see temperatures soar into the afternoon as well, anywhere from 5 to 6 to 7 degrees above yesterday's highs. i'll detail this for you. meanwhile, our chilly start is beginning to recover. our temperatures are rebounding at this hour. i'll have a look at current conditions and your entire weekend in view, coming up. . crime scene detectives are combing a backyard for clues in a homicide investigation near hayward. ktvu channel 2 reporter christian kafton is live at the scene for us this morning on princeton street, where we understand there's been a new development in the past few minutes. >> reporter: yeah, we've been
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monitoring the progress here. in just the last 15 minutes, they have collapsed the scene, tightening the scene, allowing traffic to pass through the area. we're actually a little closer now to the original crime scene. let's give you a look. you can see the crime scene crime lab truck is here. the crime unit is on scene to process the scene. the focus of the investigation is between those two homes, the gray home on the left and the white home on the right. we've learned the victim was discovered in a camper there, suffering from a gunshot wound. we have new video shot since the sun rose this morning of investigators on scene. we learned the call went out on the shooting before midnight last night. series of 911 calls about several gunshots in the area. deputies responded to the scene. investigators say the first responders found that victim in that camper and they say he was alive at the time. emergency workers rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he died from his injuries. at this time, there is very limited information about that victim and less about the suspects. we do know that investigators are pursuing several avenues for their investigation, including looking for
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surveillance video. there is a nearby school that may have cameras, also taking a look at traffic lights in the area and traffic surveillance cameras to see if anything like that may have caught the suspects in this case. now, in just the last 10 minutes or so, i was in contact with the sheriff's office spokesman. he assures me he will be out on the scene soon. we're hoping to get more detail from him, when he arrives. we'll continue to monitor the situation out here and bring you the latest developments throughout the morning. for now, live in unincorporated hayward, christien kafton, ktvu channel 2news. a wild chase in napa count ended at a mobile home park. the suspect tried to rob a 24- hour wal-mart around 4:00 this morning. authorities say he claimed to have a gun, then took off with the television. police chased him to the american canyon mobile home park. you can see this is where it all ended when the suspect crashed into some fencing. two police cars were reportedly damaged, but the officers are apparently okay. the suspect, however, was hurt in that crash and he was taken to queen of the valley medical center in napa. happening right now, cal
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trans crews are preparing for a big day on the new eastern span of the bay bridge. want to show you a live picture from the sky way of the new span, courtesy of the department of transportation. in just a couple of hours, concrete will be poured on the final section of the eastern deck. cal trans says getting that concrete down today will mean commuters will get to use the new bridge several months earlier than expected. we want to show you exactly where that concrete will be going. this is a still image of today's construction site, taken a little bit more than an hour ago. and this is a photo of some of the past concrete work being done on the new span. it shows cal trans crews spraying a new layer of cement on the why you are bay buena island transition. this is all part of the western section of the bridge that connects the suspension tower to the island. work to replace the eastern span of the bay bridge began back in 2002, originally
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scheduled to open in 2007, but several delays forced the date to be pushed back. it is now scheduled to open to traffic on or just after labor day of this year. in about an hour from know, solano county will hold its first-ever gun buyback event. the goal is to cut down on the number of guns on the streets. handguns, shotguns, and rifles will net up to $100 in gift cards. assault weapons will be worth $200. most of the guns will be destroyed. if they have been reported stolen, police will try to return them to their owners. the buyback will take place from 10:00 to 3:00 today at the solano county fairgrounds in vallejo. a car wash fund-raiser is being held for the man of a man shot and killed monday. friends and family of lincoln player held a vigil last night. loved ones say he also worked as a handyman, spending many unpaid hours picking up syringes and other debris to make the area safe for children. he also took care of his 79-
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year-old father. >> we'll miss him. miss when he come in. late at night, leave the door open, i know it was him. >> officers say player was washing a car for a family he often helped when a couple of men approached him and fired a weapon. player was shot while pushing two young girls out of the way. police say they believe he was targeted. no suspects have been named. today's car wash will take place at the elm playlot on 8th street and elm avenue, from 10:00 this morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. congressman george miller is expected to attend. oakland police say a new gang is responsible for a frightening attack you're about to see. [ screaming ] >> police released this surveillance video of a recent robbery near lake merit. officers have arrested two suspects. police say they are members of a new gang that has committed some of oakland's most violent crimes and they are hoping this video is going to prompt other
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victims to come forward. the video came out as the police department announced 18 arrests in a multiagency sweep in the east bay. oakland police say at least 16 members of a known gang were taken into custody. chief howard jordan calls it the most violent group he's seen in his 25 years as a police officer. this morning, berkeley's world famous restaurant chai panisse will close due to a fire. investigators say they believe it was caused by a wiring problem. damage is estimated at 150 to $200,000. customers say chez panisse helped define the area. affectionately known as gourmet ghetto because of the gourmet establishments. >> used to be about politics and protests. and now it's all about the
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food. and sustainable, local. >> gourmet ghetto runs along shattuck avenue, parts of vine streets. there's also an organic farmers markets on thursday. . good morning to you on this saturday. mount diablo, plenty of blue skies overhead. gusty conditions, winds blowing from the north-northeast at times, 20 to 25 miles per hour. northerly breeze helping to keep any low clouds from forming along most of the coastline. santa cruz woke up with mostly cloudy skies, seeping into parts of the south bay. now most of us enjoying mostly sunny skies. you can see from the pacific satellite radar how it sort of just does that. we've got clear skies. monterey beginning to clear as well. a little bit of residual moisture, you can see on the satellite radar. but this is about 18 hours, the time lapse. the system that brought us that rain and unsettled weather for
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a couple of days, now off to the east, getting ready to pull into new mexico. but here at home, we've got dry conditions. we're on the back edge. do you see the flow there? it's a northerly flow. that will continue for today. ridge of high pressure beginning to build in, but it's going to take some time. temperatures will begin to warm as early as this afternoon. but the transition between that low that has moved east and the ridge building in could kick up our winds once again, a lot like yesterday. before we go any farther, take a look at some rainfall totals. we know we're insufficient from the beginning of the rainfall season, which started back in july. but here is where we stand. 83% in san jose. 77, san francisco. san jose, 72%. if i could put a number on this for you, i would say we're lacking anywhere from 4 to 5 inches, so a couple of juicy storms, maybe even three storms to bring us back that. extended forecast looks dry. 53 degrees right now in fairfield. warmer for you than 24 hours ago. 49 in san rafael. most of us waking up a lot like yesterday morning, a little
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crisp. temperatures are beginning to turn around. widespread upper 40s, low 50s. for the afternoon, 66 in vallejo. 65 in berkeley. mid-60s in oakland. 61 for san francisco. upper 60s to near 70, novato, santa rosa. inland east bay, concord looking at 68. 67 in antioch. nice day to head inland east bay, maybe do some shopping at walnut creek. 66 in san jose. 66 los gatos. nice day to head to the boardwalk. 65 degrees, mostly sunny skies in santa cruz. again, an afternoon breeze expected for today. tomorrow, even warmer, as we start the day. don't forget to move those clocks forward by an hour. sun sets about 6:12 this evening. tomorrow, it will be 7:15. so we're going to gain an hour of daylight. hopefully you put it to good use. monday, tuesday, wednesday, notice the warming trend. temperatures slowly building, and as they do, we'll eventually be anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees above the seasonal average. overnight lows more comfortable as well. upper 30s to near 40 degrees by
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tuesday and wednesday. if you're headed to the sierra for some play in the snow, i'll have a look at that forecast for you, coming up. well, if you're planning to head up to the sierra this weekend, get ready for big crowds. want to show you what the roads look like on interstate 80 at king vail road. officials are predicting those roads will be pretty busy this weekend, with skiers and snowboarders taking advantage of the new snow that fell this weekend. you can see ice on that camera there. but look at that shot. many ski resorts reporting lots of fresh powder from the storm that hit the sierra this week. kirkwood got 29 inches in this last storm. lack of snow had forced some california ski resorts to shut down early this year, but those resorts say they will be back open this weekend. controversy surrounding google's street view cars. just how much money the company could have to pay after concerns over privacy. >> it punctures the lungs, knocks the air out of your economic engine. >> plus, big changes could be coming to airport control towers across the nation. why time is running out for
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many airports to get off a national list. how it all impacts us here in the bay area. >> and let's give you another live look outside. there's the sunol grade in fremont. chp, really quiet morning out there on the bay area roadways. time now, 9:11. you're watching mornings on 2. when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters.
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a rutter of a 30-foot vessel failed. reduce kearse couldn't reach the boat, so they had to send for the helicopter. by the time it arrived, the waves had broken apart the boat. the six sailors on board abandoned ship. the helicopter was able to pick them all up, but one of the men died at the hospital. new this morning, an earthquake along the coast. usgs reports a magnitude 3.6 quake out in the pacific, 30 miles west of daly city. the quake happened at 2:13 this morning. since it was off the coast, no reports of any damage. deadly riots in egypt today, after a controversial legal decision. a court upheld the death sentences of 21 people
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convicted for taking part in a soccer riot last year that killed 74 people. the incident has sparked numerous protests. and today an angry mob torched the soccer federation headquarters and a police club. so far, three people have died in clashes. we are hearing from defense secretary chuck hagel about a suicide bombing in afghanistan this morning. [ sirens ] >> at least nine people died in the blast outside the afghan defense ministry in the city of kabul. the taliban says the attack was meant as a warning for hagel, who is visiting afghanistan this weekend. hagel was not hurt, but american facilities in the area were locked down as precaution. >> i wasn't sure what it was. i was in a briefing. it's like we're in a war zone. >> hagel is expected to meet with afghan president hamid karzai during his visit. karzai has been calling for the
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withdrawal of special forces from the country, due to allegations of abusive behavior. we are learning more about how the u.s. captured the son- in-law of osama bin laden. 47-year-old abu gaith pleaded not guilty on the charge of conspiring to kill americans. he said little beyond a few one ore word replies. federal investigators say the u.s. had been tracking abu gaith even before 9/11. government officials say they believe he had been hiding in iran and turkey. he was being deported to kuwait when american authorities intercepted him in jordan last week and then brought him to the u.s. for trial. in this morning's weekly address, president obama spoke about bipartisanship. >> in the months ahead there, will be more contention debate and honest disagreement between principal people who want what's best for this country. but i still believe compromise is possible. >> the president discussed the
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unplate rate falling and the stock market surging. he also talked about meeting with republican senators this week about ways to grow the economy and reduce the deficit. tonight, he will trade jabs with republicans at the gridiron dinner, hosted by washington journalists, an event like the white house correspondent's dinner, where politicians poke fun at themselves and opponents. the forest service says instead of fighting fires, it's now going to let more fires simply just burn. the move will save money and keep firefighters out of danger. last year, the forest service took a more aggressive approach in fighting wildfires and it came in at $400 million over budget. critics say that money was wasted and say firefighters were sent to risk their lives in remote areas, even when no properties were at risk. another hit, because of budget cuts. airports across the nation have been getting letters from the faa saying their air traffic control towers might be closing. and as tory dunnen reports, the airports only have a few days to convince the government to take them off the list.
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>> reporter: at hagerstown regional airport in maryland, camp david sits off in the distance. air force one has landed here. the airport is arguing in part that its location near the presidential retreat justifies keeping its control tower open. >> when we have the president or vip that would happen to come into the airport, they definitely would use the services of the air traffic control tower. >> reporter: the faa set the bar high in deciding which towers to keep open. negative impact on the national interests is the only criterion the faa will use, according to cnn. the faa is unable to consider local community impact that does not affect the national interests. the faa put control towers at 238 small to medium airports on the potential chopping block. nearly every state in the country faces control tower shutdowns in one or more airports. >> describe to me what next
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month it will look like. >> it's uncharted territory. over the past couple of decades, the faa has closed only a handful of towers and literally overnight on april 7th, you're looking at more than 170 facilities closing, closing down. the scope and breadth of that are obviously unprecedented. >> reporter: most airports say closing towers will hurt local community interests. >> it punctures the lungs. it knocks the air out of your economic engine. >> reporter: in concord, north carolina, officials say closing the tower could hurt nascar operations. >> over 60% of our business is nascar and they fly all over the united states. >> and that was tory dunnan reporting. the list will be finalized by march 18th. here are the five towers in the bay area that could be closed. . the head of a major airline is now speaking out against a
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recent move that will allow small pocket knives on planes. the ceo of delta air lines says it's a bad idea and will bring added risk in exchange for very little added value. but the tsa administrator says the new rule will bring the u.s. in line with international rules. changes will take effect april 25th. google is reportedly nearing an agreement on a than $7 million selement over its street view mapping. 37 states have alleged google mapping service improperly used personal data from people's unrestricted wireless networks. google released a statement saying it works hard to get privacy rights, but in this case, it didn't. going to great lengths for love. we will show you a marriage proposal that is going viral and why this man might not have picked the best spot to pop that question. >> a good-looking weekend in store for the bay area. if you are headed to the sierra, i'll have a look at what you can expect there as well.
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. the earth will get another close encounter with a large asteroid today. it's larger than a football field, but astronomers say you have nothing to worry about. it will be moving 600,000 miles away from earth, farther away from the moon. another asteroid passed on monday, just inside the moon's orbit. adult education classes that serve dropouts and recent immigrants in california could be on the move. the governor is proposing shifting the management of adult classes from k-12 schools to community colleges. the plan would give community colleges an additional $300 million to set up adult education programs, including high school diploma and citizenship classes. but many college administrators say they have no experience running some of these programs. a wet and wild marriage proposal in southern california is making waves across the
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internet. >> poor guy! that man tried to come up with the most romantic and difficult proposal ever. he bought the ring, got the background music and picked what he thought was the perfect location. look at that. all taking it in stride. even though they knocked over by the waves, his girlfriend still said yes. and the best part, he did not lose the wring when he was knocked over. maybe they won't have a beach wedding. >> if you look at it, he looks at the ring, where is the ring! got the ring. got my fiance, we're cool! >> it's all good. >> actually, looks good. maybe fun to go outside and go to a beach around the bay area today. creeping into the 70s today? >> yes, some of us will hit 70 degrees, but we're on to a warming trend. if the beach isn't a good place to be today, it will eventually. and outside our doors right now, fair skies around the region. we woke up with a few clouds, low cloud deck over santa cruz, san jose, morgan hill, gilroy. but we're clearing out and
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we're looking good. mostly sunny skies in store for today. still a bit cool, but not too bad. mid-40s to low 50s at this hour. upper 50s to low 60s around the coast this afternoon. 60s to near 70 degrees for our inland spots. if you're headed to tahoe, you shouldn't have any trouble. the snow has moved out from there as well, and left quite a bit in some areas. anywhere from half foot to foot and a half to two and a half feet. plenty of fresh snow to play in. we've got temperatures on the chilly side in the overnight hours. this morning, in the teens. upper 30s expected for this afternoon. upper 40s with mostly sunny skies by tomorrow. for the extended forecast here at home, notice our trend. upper 60s, low 70s by tomorrow morning. remember to set your clocks ahead by an hour as we get up tomorrow morning. monday, tuesday and wednesday, warming trend will continue. low to mid-70s in the forecast by wednesday. several degrees above the seasonal average. a little less than two weeks away from the official start of spring, but it's going to feel like it as we get into the next
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couple of days. back to you. well, an often-confusion reservation system is getting tossed overboard just in time for baseball season. the new and improved way to get to the park on game day. >> we'll tell you what investigators are trying to do to track down a killer in unincorporated hayward. [ male announcer ] you think you know me.
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trailer overnight. now we're getting a closer look at the homicide investigation in alameda county. good morning. welcome to mornings on 2, saturday march 9th. i'm claudine wong. >> and i'm mike mibach. we have been bringing you the developing news live since 7:00. christian kafton is live in unincorporated hayward with the latest developments on the investigation. >> reporter: we have been following the developments out here since before dawn. we can tell you right now we are significantly closer to the crime scene than we were earlier. authorities have collapsed the crime scene so that it's just blocked off, this one block here. you can see the crime scene unit. the focus is between the two homes, the gray on the left and the white house with the brick chimney on the right. authorities found a camper there. the victim was found in that area, in that over-the-cab camper suffering from a gunshot wound. we have video of the scene shot this morning since the sun rose, so we have a better view than we do overnight. investigators on the scene here, we did learn that this happened shortly before
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midnight last night. authorities received a series of 911 phone calls about several gunshots in the area. deputies did respond to the scene. they say the first responders there found the victim in that camper behind the home and that he was alive at the time. emergency workers rushed him to a nearby hospital, but he did die from his injuries. now, at this time, there is very little information about the victim in this case. at this point, investigators are still looking for information about the suspects in this case as well. we do know that investigators will be looking to see if there is any kind of surveillance video in the area. we know there is a school nearby. that's obviously possibly one source. also going to be checking traffic cameras in the area to see if that's a possibility, if those traffic cameras did pick up any images of the suspects in this case. now, the public information officer for the sheriff's office just arrived on scene here. we should be getting a little bit more information from him a little later on this morning. we'll certainly have more details for you tonight on the ktvu news at 6:00 and certainly
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on the 10:00 news tonight as well. for now, christian kafton, channel 2news. we are learning more about the allegations against a woman accused of stabbing a san jose woman to death. this is the booking photo for 46-year-old regina butler, arrested on thursday. police say they believe she killed 69-year-old stan jacobson, whose body went undetected in his apartment for a month. investigators say they have evidence butler was trying to scam jacobson for insurance money. the family of a missing vallejo man is asking the public to help find the husband and father of four. romero archiga was reported missing earlier this week in napa. his wife says she last saw her husband after a taco food truck route on monday. the truck was found in a business park the next day. his keys, money and cell phone were all found in the truck. investigators say he was seen checking into a motel in fairfield monday night. >> we really got worried, because he never does this.
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it's not him. [ speaking spanish ] >> his family needs him terribly. >> sheriffs officials say at this point, they are classifying his disappearance as voluntarily missing. mc hammer has beaten a bad rap. the performer posted this on twitter, all charges declined, dropped, have a great weekend. out on bail. he was arrested last month. officers say he was argumentative after getting stopped for allegedly blasting his stereo and driving a car not registered to him. hammer claimed he was arrested unjustly and questioned without cause. dublin police have not returned our calls for comment. according to new numbers, the whereabouts of many california sex offenders are unknown and some argue a new law by governor jerry brown is the reason why. last year, a law took effect that sent paroled sex offenders who tampered with their gps devices to county jail instead of state prison, but county jails are overcrowded, so most offenders served little to no time at all. lawmakers say that makes them more likely to risk cutting off
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the devices. on wednesday, the associated press reported the number of paroled sex offenders who are fugitives is 15% higher than it was before that law took effect. new data shows some bay area counties are among those struggling with the high number of youth homicides. among the 35 counties with large populations of young people, san joaquin, san francisco, and monterey counties have the highest youth homicide rates. according to the california department of justice, alameda county ranks fourth. in 2011, 50 homicide victims between 10 and 24 years old. contra costa is right behind in fifth. 31 people were killed in contra costa county in 2011. and new video this morning for you of cars lined up in vallejo to turn in guns. want to show you footage that came into our newsroom from a ktvu viewer. the event was not supposed to start until 10:00 this morning, but as you can see, law enforcement picking up the surrendered guns of trunks out
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of people already. that line of cars going deep into the parking lot. the goal of the program is to buy back guns and get those guns off the streets. this event taking place at the solano county fairgrounds, again, expected to cut down the number of guns out there on the streets. handguns, shotguns, rifles will net up to $100 in gift cards for individuals. assault weapons will be worth $200. most of the guns will be destroyed. in two days, the minimum wage in santa rosa will go up by $2. employers say it will be tough. ktvu spoke to a deli owner who is not happy about how this will impact the bottom line. >> i am not happy. any time we can cut costs or not have to pay more, we'll try and do that. >> the raise for workers comes courtesy of a measure passed by voters last november. full-time workers will bring home an extra $80 a week.
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the vatican is discussing this week's conclave to elect a new pope. the catholic church is holding daily news breeftion. the cardinals will be locked in a room at the sistine chapel. they must take a collective oath of secrecy. once elected, the pope must take the position, appear from a window and bless the onlookers. meanwhile, final preparations are being made at the sistine chapel. workers have set up the chimney and area where the cardinals will vote. the conclave begins with a prayer, followed by a sacred song. there is no contact with the outside world. >> each cardinal has a little piece of paper and he writes the name of the person he is voting for. then he folds it in two, holds it up in the air like this. >> in the past hundred years, no conclave has lasted longer than five days. this morning, the vatican announced if a pope is not elected after three days of voting, the cardinals will have a day of prayer.
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tomorrow, the big cat reserve cat haven plans to reopen. that's the animal sanctuary where a worker was killed by a lion on wednesday. she was attacked by a 4-year- old lion. the park located in fresno county has launched an internal investigation into the incident. cat haven's founder says it's also important for the animals left to reopen. he says he believes hanson would have wanted their work to continue. >> during this very sad and difficult time, we've had to turn our attention to the remaining 29 cats at our facility. it's important that we attend to their health and well-being. >> park officials say it's not clear why hanson was inside the lion enclosure. she might have been cleaning another area when the lion came in through a gate that was left open. her family is donating to a number of animal charities in her name. a powerful winter storm has surprised those on the east
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coast. they have spent two days shoveling as much as 2 feet of snow. power officials say the weight of the snow and strong winds pulled down trees and a number of power lines. crews in massachusetts have decided to tear down the house that has been pulled into the ocean on plum island. a beach front home just two doors down will also be demolished this morning. the system responsible for the damage caused flooding in several cities. it's a pretty start to the weekend. a live look from ktvu and all that blue sky over the oakland estuary. we've got mostly clear skies expected for today and into tomorrow and a warming trend already under way. just a bit of a cool start this morning, but temperatures are turning around. we do have a north breeze. in addition to the abundant sunshine throughout the bay area, temperatures warmer than
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yesterday. looking at the satellite radar, over the course of the last day and a half or so, we've noticed the snow tapering off over the sierra. mostly sunny skies, chilly starts, but afternoons looking nice and sunny and mild for this time of year. meanwhile, here at home, we are dealing with mostly clear skies. we do have the north breeze that will continue to fight back a little bit. you may be able to capture it better. do you see it with the cloud formation moving down the coastline? winds helped to eat away at some of the fog that developed over santa cruz this morning, san jose, morgan hill, gilroy, mostly cloudy skies. helping to really pull it away and keep it away from us for the entire day. 53 in oakland, 51 in hayward. santa rosa and napa, still in the 40s. in some of our inland locations, including santa rosa and napa, mid-30s earlier this morning. so already feeling better in your neighborhoods as well. afternoon highs for today, 66
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in vallejo. 68 in concord. mid-60s for oakland. upper 50s at the coast for pacifica. 70 degrees for you in santa rosa. 67 in novato with the north breeze off the hills and warming as it moves down. we call those downsloping winds. we do expect some areas to really warm up. santa rosa, you could be anywhere from 5 to 7 degrees warmer than just yesterday. 66 san jose. 66 los gatos. mid-60s in santa cruz. low 60s san mateo. mid to upper 60s for palo alto and stanford in the afternoon. here's the extended forecast. boy, we could use some rain! not going to see it over the next few days. set your clocks ahead tonight. we're going to gain an hour of daylight, as our afternoon highs begin to warm, overnight lows not as bad. looking at upper 30s as we start back to work on monday. tuesday, nearing 40 degrees for the morning lows on wednesday.
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and check out wednesday's high. 75 degrees and mostly sunny skies. i'll have a look at your lunchtime numbers for you, coming up. north bay giants fans have a new way to get to game day and get their tickets for the ferry. used to be an old two-step reservation, but that system is now out. golden gate bridge district officials approved a new process yesterday. customers will be able to buy ferry tickets when they buy baseball tickets, all through the giants website. the online option should be up and running later this month. the 49ers are cashing in on their trip to the super bowl. 75% of the seats at the new santa clara stadium are sold. the team announced it has generated $403 million in sales, about the same amount already spent on building the stadium so far. the 49ers sales team transferred seat sales contracts to the santa clara stadium authority. those contracts are set to be approved on tuesday, which will make them legally binding.
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the stadium is expected to eventually cost $1.2 billion to build. well, after losing the super bowl, 49er quarterback collin kaepernick says he is more motivated than ever. >> he signed autographs at a supermarket in danville yesterday. fans jammed the supermarket aisles, with lines stretching well outside the storefront doors. we asked him about the super bowl loss. >> it is devastating, but at the same time, you have to be ready for next year. you have to move on. dwelling on a loss in a super bowl isn't going to help you win next year. >> fans in attendance included a high school classmate. her father was kaepernick's fourth grade teacher. fans started lining up at 8:00 in the morning for that event, which actually started at 4:30 in the afternoon. well, hundreds of jobs could soon be coming to the bay area. we'll tell you who is hiring and what they are looking for. >> plus, big dreams come true
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for a husband and wife in walnut creek. how they went from average joes to multimillionaires, overnight. >> barbie's not just for little girls. it's for everybody who enjoys quality! >> and we'll show you how one man's obsession with barbie has been taken to a whole new level. >> but first, a live look outside. interstate 880 in oakland, and just within the last 10 minutes, we've gotten a few reports of accidents on 880, all in the northbound direction. reports of lanes blocked near high street and 29th street off ramps, multiple cars involved. chp is now on scene. time now is 9:43. you're watching mornings on 2.
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welcome back. a live look at the golden gate bridge. mostly sunny skies, temperatures ranging in the mid- 40s to low 50s. right now, pleasant, mild weather expected for the afternoon. [ applause ] a husband and wife from walnut creek are california's newest multimillionaires. masud and hamira won $33 million through superlotto plus. they claimed the check in sacramento yesterday. they said they could not believe the luck, especially since he had just been laid off his job of 16 years. >> i was by myself at home and i started screaming by myself! [ laughter ] >> really very happy. iranian -- [ laughter ] >> well, he says he plans to start his own business and employ friends and relatives who need jobs. his wife is a hairstylist in downtown walnut creek. she says she does not plan to quit her job. in fact, she was back at work shortly after picking up her
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prize. well, teachers working with special needs students in san mateo county are considering whether to go on strike. the union will meet with the county office of education on march 20th. the union has 150 members who say they haven't had a raise in five years. the county is still hoping it can reach a deal, but says union representatives left a negotiating meeting last october. next week, the san francisco symphony could go silent. after eight possess of negotiations, the musicians have agreed to strike next week if contract disagreements are not resolved. right now, the average musician receives an annual salary of $165,000, 10 weeks paid vacation, and healthcare. they are asking for additional salary increases each year. they say the management's proposal would cut benefits and freeze wages. at&t says it's looking to hire hundreds of employees across the state. the company is looking for technicians to help support a growing demand for the company's u verse service. at&t wants to fill more than 500 full-time positions. it is currently one of the largest employers in the
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nation. president obama says he wants congress to fast track immigration bill. the president met privately with religious leaders yesterday to discuss the need for immigration reform. he told them he is asking the senate to pass a comprehensive package in the next three months. four republican and four democratic senators are working together to draft legislation aimed at strengthening the borders, cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants, and providing a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the u.s. the late venezuelan leader hugo chavez will now be embalmed for public display. thousands turned out yesterday for his funeral. government officials say chavez, who had been battling cancer, died on tuesday from a heart attack. his body will be 'em balmed, placed in a glass coffin and put on display at a museum.
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28-year-old math through lanaza is charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. the bomb was a fake provided by undercover fbi agents. his lawyer says his client has significant mental challenges. maryland's health secretary is making a big push to allow medical marijuana in the state. it is a big change from last year when the state did not con about the federal prosecution of state employees. now, lawmakers want to support a bill that would create a commission to oversee the program at academic medical centers. officials say it would be the tightest and most controlled medical marijuana program in the nation. colorado is one step closer to adopting some of the toughest gun control measures in the country. lawmakers debated the package for 12 hours. five of the seven bills passed. but democrats withdrew two of the most controversial measures. a gun ban on college campuses, and a bill to hold gun owners liable for damages caused by
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their weapons. >> how would we ever know when we buy or sell a gun whether someone is a dangerous, convicted felon, but for a background check? >> do we have to use this bill as the anchor for the package? the package that was flown in here from some east coast liberals? >> there will be one more round of votes next week before the measures can clear the colorado senate. palo alto is looking at expanding its plastic bag ban to include restaurants. the city council is scheduled to consider an ordinance that would ban retailers from giving out plastic bags, including restaurants. in addition, most stores would also have to charge a 10-cent fee for every paper bag. if approved, the new ordinance would go into effect on july 11st. primate research center at uc davis has been cited for conditions that led to the research of 19 research
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monkies. the citation says the university did not do enough to prevent the monkeys from dying. despite the citation, the university will not be fined, because the research facility has made improvements. the center uses primates to research disease and disorders such as hiv and autism. this morning, dozens of chihuahuas are looking for new owners after being rescued from two watsonville houses. the santa cruz animal shelter says 36 dogs were seized from the homes early this week. some of them, just two weeks old. the animal shelter says the animals were being bred and the animals were also hoarding various items in the houses. investigators are now looking into whether charges should be filed. right now, the dogs are being cared for at the shelter's two locations in live oak and watsonville. a florida man has a unique collection that consists of many childhood dreams. meet stanley. there he is. he calls himself barbie man. that's because his house is wall to wall with mattel's
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american icon. he has 2000 barbies. he even has the sixth barbie ever made back in 1962. >> barbie is not just for little girls. it's for everybody who enjoys quality. it's nice to wake up and you're always in a good mood because you always have beauty around you. >> his collection even includes a barbie play house with a shower for barbies. stanley values his collection at $80,000 and says it's all enough to make anyone feel like a kid again. >> never did the whole barbie thing. did you get into it? >> i did have lots of barbies. >> not that many, though? >> not that many. straight ahead, a look at the work on the new span of the bay bridge. we'll tell you what's about to get under way in 10 minutes from now. >> plus, it's that time of year again. what you need to do tonight before you go to sleep. >> a significant warmup is coming to the bay area. and i'm tracking it for you, coming up. medications?
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. we are now learning more about the giant sinkhole in florida. five months before it opened up underneath a florida home, insurance inspectors had apparently declared that house sinkhole-free. two weeks ago this, all happened when the 20-foot hole swallowed a man sleeping in his bed. since then, the house has been demolished and the family says they have lost most of their possessions. the family didn't even realize they were in danger, because back in september, they say inspectors from state farm deemed it free of any sinkhole risk and because of that, the family was given sinkhole insurance. they are now using money from that insurance policy to help them recover financially. time now, 9:55. recapping some of our top stories for this morning, police say they chased a suspected robber to a mobile home park in american canyon. the pursuit ended when the suspect crashed right into a fence. he was injured and transported to the hospital. police say he stole a television from a 24-hour wal- mart. it is a big day for the new eastern span of the bay bridge. in about an hour, cement will
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be poured on the last section of the span's deck. this is a still image of the area, courtesy of department of transportation. we're not going to show it, where the work will be done. that again, getting under way in about 10 minutes. a gun buyback program that was not set to start for a few more minutes is already under way in vallejo, by popular demand. dozens of drivers began lining up at the solano county fairgrounds. law enforcement is giving out gift cards in exchange for surrendered guns. no questions asked, until 3:00. work crews are planting 70 trees in a day of service around san francisco state university today. they will also be pruning trees, pulling weeds, landscaping, taking up trash, and painting over graffiti in district 7 neighborhoods. the clean and green effort began at malcolm x plaza on the san francisco state campus and will go on until noon. and just a reminder, tomorrow we do spring forward. daylight saving time begins at 2:00 a.m. so do not forget to set your
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clocks ahead before you go to bed tonight. we are, unfortunately, going to lose an hour of sleep, but we will have more sunlight in the evening. it is also a good time to check your smoke alarms. just make sure you replace those batteries. >> for those of you who have to go to work for you tomorrow morning at 4:00, it will be a rough one. we'll get through it. we still have today. outside, rosemary, should be a nice one? >> yes. pleasant weather spilling into the bay area. when we start the show tomorrow morning, still going to be dark. sunrise at 6:30. it will be 7:30 tomorrow. mostly sunny skies in the 10:00 hour. low to mid-50s for lunch hour. here is a look at what you can expect for the second half of the day. 65 in oakland. widespread 60s along the peninsula. 65 redwood city. mountain view, 65. 66 san jose. and to the north, 70 degrees san jose. the extended forecast, wow, what a warming trend. how about spring fever? 72 expected for tomorrow. getting into e


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