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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 5, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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at san francisco state university where the-it a hole. >> the cab ended up on san francisco state university. police told me it all started when the cab was dropping off a person that had too much to drink. this were able to track the cab by gps from the cab company. as the driver was able to help someone out, another person unrelated jumped in the car and took off. the suspect drove the car through several city streets before hopping on interstate 280 driving at high rates of speed. ending up at pacifica and coming back up 280 and ending upright here. >> we see this taxi cab and slams into the parking poles
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here. soon enough a he >> suspect is still out at large right now. there is no information about the suspect at they are wrapping up their routine. checking everything out. we'll stay on top of this and bring you the very latest as it develops. also over night a crash into a power pole in oakland sparked on electric flash seen for miles and cut power for thousands of homes. this pickup truck you can see in the picture hit the pole at foothill boulevard and church street at 1:30. the transformer blew and the pole fell on to the street. 3500 customers instantly lost power. pg&e was able to restore power to all but five customers. the driver ran off and has not been found. a large water leak that
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flooded part of buy row. that was about 9:30 last night. this continued until 4:00 this morning. cal water had to dig to find the source of the problems. sympathy strike is expected to effect trash service in five bay area cities today. the cities in question are daly city, pacifica, half-moon bay, fremont and fairfield. they are all serviced by allied waste republic services. union workers are supporting a strike in youngstown, ohio where workers claim unfair label practices. tara moriarty took these pictures of overflowing garbage cans in daly city. they are advising people to keep the trash cans off the curb. time right now is 4:32. the tsa doesn't usually release security video. in the top left side of your
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screen you can see there now in the middle a female tsa agent is being assaulted by a female passenger and then that man vaulted over a half a wall and tackled the passenger. that man off duty pinole police officer justin rogers. >> she was defenseless. had her arms up. trying to defend herself. someone really needed to help her. luckily i was close enough to help her out. >> now this is the mug shot of the woman accused of attacking the tsa agent. the incident happened last saturday at the honolulu airport. oakland police admit one of its officers mistakenly wounded a teenage boy. the 16-year-old talked exclusively to ktvu channel 2 news. the teenager describes the maybe he felt immediately after that shooting. new this morning reports
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that fresh -- according to media reports out of south korea the missiles have a range up to 1800 miles. they could reach south korea, japan, or u.s. bases in michigan. the u.s. is installing a new missile defense system on guam that will shut down incoming missiles or war heads. 911 calls are describing the horror fans experienced when a race car lost control from a marysville racetrack. 14-year-old marcus johnson of santa rosa and 1 -- and 16-year- old dale were killed in that accident. johnson's cousin was driving the car when he lost control and crashed into the bit area. investigators are trying to figure out what caused him to crash. we have sad news and update
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on a story we've been following since tuesday. quinn boyar died yesterday afternoon at oakland's high land hospital. he worked at santa clara county. he was shot tuesday amp if sped off -- tuesday, he sped off and drove the car where he was found. pleasantville preschool that came under fire is facing more allegations this morning. according to a new complaint from california department of social services one student was pinched by a teacher. it's separate allegations where angela is accused of tying up a two-year-old girl with masking tape after the little girl refuserd to take a nap.
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both incidents are under investigation. 4:35 is the time. the giants will raise soot world series banner today. it's their second championship flag in three years. the giants are keeping quiet on who will receive that honor this afternoon. but first pitch for the home opener against the st. louis cardinals 1:35. stay tuned to ktvu throughout the morning. we'll have live reports from at & t mark. 4:35 is the time this morning. sal, early on this friday morning. you are updating a crash in san francisco. >> one of the thicks you -- herb got him to crash on gulf street near fell. and they had touches et for a bit.
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police investigating. this happened about 3:00 in the morning. they are still doing their investigation. again the streets have recently reopened there. let's take a look at westbound bay bridge the traffic at the toll plaza that looks pretty good. no major problems get into the city. if you're driving on 280 northbound up to highway 17, it's a nice looking drive. let's go to steve. thank you very much. yesterday we had the rain go through. there is still that nuisance stuff going on. santa rosa and oakland. little bit of reports of drizzle. we'll have morning low clouds and temperatures are really mild. mid 50s. next system coming in might spread rain it looks like toward the north bay starting tomorrow or late tonight. this is a much different system than the one we had before. 60. 60 at the oakland airport. mid 50s and upper 50s. wind is westerly from sfo out to oakland. most locations calm and san
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jose. 34 tahoe. 52 in ukiah. 60s down toward southern california. we did have a little break today. we'll see higher clouds inch in here later on today. again that could taint the north bay and parts of the coast and bay are late with drizzle. partly sunny warm and drizzle. slight warmup. some of that low cloud deck might be tough to burn off. rain to the north. drizzle around the bay. sunday morning looks pretty good. sunday night looks like light rain will clip us. that system flies by to the south. tuesday and wednesday warmer. president obama creates controversy during his bay area visit. the comment he made about the appearance of attorney general kamala harris that is raising eyebrows. good morning.
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on the sunol grade we are looking good. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! don't stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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good morning. we have a lot of areas of fog. fog low clouds. local drizzle. mostly sunny for awhile and higher clouds drift in late. partly sunny and partly cloudy today. 60s to near 70. a comment by president obama made about kamala harris is getting a lot of comments today. president called harris brilliant, dedicated, and tough. then he said she also happens to be by far the best looking attorney general in the country. some critics call the remarks inappropriate and sexist.
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soon after that the president headed back to washington, d.c.. in his 20 hours here brought in more than $3 million for democratic candidates in next years midterm election. we are hearing president obama will offer cults to social security and other entitlement programs. reportedly the president will offer to apply a different measure of inflation to calculate cost of living increases and social security. the change would result in lower payments to some social security recipients. the president would only support the spending cuts if republicans agree to to higher taxes. time now 4:43. in just about 45 minutes the labor department will release the march jobless report. exists expect the unemployment rate to remain at 7.7%. that would be the fifth month in a row for that size growth. several weak economic reports
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the past few days do signal that the job market may be slowing down. a memorial service will be held today for a college student who is gunned down in san francisco's mission district. police say 19-year-old jacob valvedezo was shot saturday morning. he played football for lewis and clark football. no arrests have been made in the case. today's service begins at 8:00 this evening at st. peters church. here's a story only on 2. an exclusive interview with a teenage boy mistakenly shot by oakland police. bandages are covering the right cheek of fran saw rainer. an oakland officer shot and grazed him wednesday night. police are investigating the armed robbery of a restaurant worker. >> when he first hit, i didn't fill anything. then when i found out and i looked and i seen -- after i
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knew i got it, it hurt badly. >> rainer and his father are demanding an explanation from police. newly released court documents indicate there were warning signs about the man accused of a shooting rampage at a colorado movie theater. he is charged with killing 12 people at a batman film last july. despite opposition from the prosecution and defense the judge released the documents. a month before the massacre a psychiatrist told the university of police he was a danger to the public. an investigation is under way in jackson, mississippi after a homicide detective was shot and killed while trying to arrest a suspect at police headquarters. other officers who heard the gunshot rushed to an interview
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room where they found the officer and suspect dead. it's now 4:45. the man accused of driving his car into a san jose walmart is in jail after the judge called him a danger to the public. he appeared in the south bay court yesterday afternoon. he is facing 12 counts including two charges of attempted murder. last sunday police say zahid crashed into the walmart and started attacking people with a metal object. >> with the charges as it is currently charged, he is looking if convicted of all counts of life. >> he is being charged in a similar case last december. he drove his car into a chevron. narrowly missing those police. a knew survey -- according to the the research poll 52%
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says marijuana should be illegal. the chevron refinery in richmond could be back in full production. it was damaged during that big fire in august. it has been operating at 60% of capacity since then. state regulators are going over dozens of checklist items relating to safety and other operations. a free event for people looking for help getting a mortgage or loan mortification starts in san francisco today. that runs through next tuesday. council and bank representatives are out of hand. that will be held at the marriott marquee an tuesday.
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park fees are going up. the city council approved a plan that would bring in an additional $178,000 in revenue every year. most are at the city's new gymnastic program. other areas are also effected. some of the fee hikes are already in effect. others will start july 1st. a construction setback is not slowing down plans of the grand opening of the new bay bridge. the new weekend party will feature a bridge walk and several races. registration begins next month. recently bridge engineers we have been reporting discovered a problem with some of the large steal bolts in the new span but they say the repairs should not delay that september 3rd grand opening. 4:38 is the time. of course there is time between now and then so we will see. hopefully not. >> hopefully not pamela. good morning, to you. ain't to remind you today is opening day in san francisco at at & t park. so there are going to be a lot
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of people getting out to the south of market area. down to china basin where that park is going to be rocking and rolling and full. and going to be games will be getting over at 4:00 and 5:00. right in time for the afternoon drive out of san francisco. let's take a look at westbound 80 that traffic is moving along pretty well as you drive through. there are no major problems getting out to the bay bridge toll plaza with today's game at at & t park you will see more people in the middle of the day trying to get over there from the bay bridge. usually every time that happens you get more people coming in on the bridge. the morning commute is looking good on northbound 280 getting up to highway 17. 4:49 hello steve. >> hello, sal. >> any wet weather for today's opener? >> not really. we have some for the morning commute. very foggy. adam tweeted me the skyline. ridiculousy foggy. there are areas of fog there.
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mainly it's up a little bit. the higher clouds are on the way for saturday. i think even morning and drizzle. mid 50s. sun and clouds kind of moody and cloudy. humidity way up there. 50s and 60s at the oakland airport. there is a component of a westerly breeze in place. but not that strong. it's a westerly breeze. 30s and 40s to 50s and 60s from the mountains to the desert. about normal. but we do have the low clouds in place and some light, light drizzle. i don't want to say light rain. if you want to call light rain i won't argue.
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slight warmup. 70 in los gatos. 67 redwood city. and fremont 67. clouds roll in tonight. cloudy to mostly cloudy with drizzle on the coast. sunday morning is all right. pam. the storm that dumped rain in the bay area created quite a different weather event further north in california. the national weather service confirms that a tornado did touch down in the area. now the tornado warning was issued just before 7:00 yesterday. it did expire 30 minutes later. 4:51 is the time. disturbing increasing crime near san francisco's ocean beach. the video that has people in the area concerned. plus the loophole in the new electronic toll system on
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the folden -- on the golden gate bridge.
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welcome back to the morning news. roger ebert has died. he was the first film critic to have a star on the how holly
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wood hall of fame. he said now he was going to be treated for a recurrence. they were known for giving their thumbs up or thumbs down reviews. roger ebert was 70 years old. both hikers who disappeared in the mountains of southern california are in the hospital this morning. a helicopter plucked 18-year- old kendall jack to safety. she sen her 19-year-old friend nicholas got lost during an easter weekend hiking trip in the cleveland national forest. he was rescued wednesday night. a sheriff deputy plunged 60 feet down a hillside while trying to reach the girl. some people living in the outer sunset district of san francisco are getting frustrated by an increasing crime in their neighborhood. this gas station is a hub where homeless people gather and cause problems. this is video of an apparent
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drug deal which took place wednesday afternoon. it was caught on tape by neighborhood watch cameras. the crimes don't end there. >> i would say in the last month maybe the last three or four weeks these guys have been hanging out. and we're having problems again. >> the police captain for the district says there has be a rash of daytime home break ins in the area. so much for the honor system on the golden gate bridge. some drivers are getting discounts in the car pool lane even though they have fewer than three people on board. the cameras that replace toll takers can not count how many people are inside the car. bridge officials are work with the chp on a plan to enforce those rules. 4:55 is the time. sal, there is always a way to get around things. at least for awhile. >> then they figure you out and then you get expensive tickets. there you go. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at what we
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have. it's still pretty early and light on this friday. we are doing pretty well. no major problems getting through. you can see traffic is looking pretty good around the bay area up here on 880 it's a very nice looking drive. also the morning commute looks good at the bay bridge toll plaza. westbound the traffic is moving along very nicely. and also if you are looking at the commute in the city, it's a nice looking drive on the bay shore freeway 101 from san mateo to burlington. let's go to steve. >> sal, thank you. happy friday everybody. a lot of low clouds out there. very foggy for some. skyline and highway 1. we'll get the low clouds and we'll get some sun. and already higher clouds are streaming across. very active pattern for early, early april. today we start off with that low clouds. very mild to warm. mid 50s to near 60 degrees. sun and clouds. kind of muggy and humid.
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a lot of moisture in the air. 60s now. upper 50s across the board. this system will continue to roll in with a lot of high clouds. it's mainly for tonight into saturday morning. it looks like for the weekend partly to mostly cloudy. drizzle, coast and bay. rain to the north bay. dry to the south. this is not a system that is different than the last one. last one came up from the southwest. partly sunny. 60s and 70s. any sun i think you will feel that moisture. it's a really mild air mass over us. although there are hints on about the 10-15 day jut look of a very cold pattern here. we'll see if that develops middle of the month. today partly sunny and cloudy. drizzle in the morning. rain north bay saturday. sunday morning and sunday afternoon look okay. sunday night the is will zip by. monday it's out of here. tuesday warmer. coming up next in our 5:00
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hour. just hours from now sheriffs deputies resume the search for a missing woman in the santa cruz mountains. plus the overnight story we have been following since 4:30 this morning. police searching for the perk who stole a taxi cab and crashed it on the campus of san francisco state. 97
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