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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  April 9, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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driving northbound on 101 and actually it is more like roadwork, eastbound 80 and one lane, it is so early that it is not causing a big traffic jam and we are going to watch that for you. let's go back to the desk. there was a sexual assault at st. marys and tara moriarty is live and knows more about how he got into a disarm room. >> reporter: police are searching for a suspect, and they have confirmed a woman of college age was sexually assaulted in her townhouse resident hall and they believe the suspect came back after a meeting in berkeley friday
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night. she is one of the people here at the resource centers here. >> when it gets reported it means the system is working and the student felt safe enough to come forward and it means they felt they could get support in resources. >> the victim is white with brown hair and blue eyes and a local hospital treated the victim and sent an anticrime alert and anybody with information is asked to contact police. ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> tara, thank you very much. a candle light vigil, for a person who died over the weekend. >> she is still in her hearts whapping over us.
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>> more than 100 people gathered to remember a woman who died. she was there for spring break when she became separated from spring break and her -- separated from her party during spring break. >> her smile was so beautiful. she was so beautiful on the inside and out. >> there is no word on the cause of her death but her family thinks she had fallen off of a cliff. the oakland east bay communication authority has refused to work on its new network and the decision keeps them from tapping in to mutual aid unless oakland pays
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millions of dollars to become a member. alex savage has more. this morning 200 people were evacuated and are being allowed to return home. the fire is burning in fillimore, 250 miles west of the the area and it quickly spread because of the high winds and firefighters hope to have the fire contained sometime later today. back here in the bay area, we are expecting less wind but many people here are cleaning because of the winds contents. strong winds tonighted five trees in the sunset district alone. crews spend the day removing piles of san along a highway. a girl is recovering after being hit by a tree.
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17-year-old girl was on break when a 17-year-old pine came down during the fast wins. i was literally getting my head after major trauma. today, something that allows google executives to store their planes is being considered. they are allowing private and corporate jets on the west side of the airport and it will mostly be used by cook he'll co- founders. if agreed groundbreaking it can be stop this summer. a local afghanistan official said the helicopter crashed in a field because of
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mechanical problems and another helicopter landed near the crash site. they are not releasing the service men and women. the country is warning people to take shelter or leave north korea because they are on the brink of a nuclear war but there is nothing to suggest that north korea is preparing for a major attack. they tell all diplomats they cannot guarantee their safety. meantime, they are preparing for a missile launch as well and this morning they deployed miss sell launch defense site, and it is plea of north of korea has an official. and see what this new
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weapon is doing to enemy aircraft and where it will first be deployed coming up at 4:45. victims of sandy hook elementary school shooting will meet after backing gun control legislation. they flew back on air force one with president barack obama last night after he spoke to a packed crowd in connecticut telling them the victims in newtown connecticut will not be forgotten. >> this is not about politics, this is about doing the right thing for all the families here who have been torn apart by gun violence. >> immigration on capitol hill, the gang ever senator will also be unveiled today. and a group of high school students will join a massive
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immigrant rights rally and they are part of an organization called any means necessary. that same group held a rally at the plaza yesterday. they are calling for the dream act for undocumented immigrants in the u.s.a. and they had a thrilling final with michigan [applauds] >> fantastic game last night. louisville bet them after kevin care shattered his tibia and they also cut down the net amount i i don't know they were going to do it but just being able to cut the nets down and celebrate with my teammates was everything to me am.
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>> his nape was five for five -- five for five. he won with kentucky way back in 1976. they started several small fires and firefighters responded to furniture being set on streets as disappointing wolverines walked out and there are at least 7 fires and 2000 orest the. some partied and stayed out a little too late. he never made the arrest. time now 438 am i some maybe call burglarily will be in the dance -- cal berkeley will be in the dance. there is some roadwork here on east 80 coming up to the 101
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interchange and you can see it right there, traffic is going tobies i and it looks like they will be -- going to be busy and it looks like they will be busy as a result, and we will be watching it closely to retaliate you know when you get out of there. westbound bay bridge getting into the city and getting up to highway 17 that traffic is moving well, 4:39 let's go to steve. it is still clear and breezy but nothing like what we had yesterday, there is generally more of a northerly breeze for us the jetstream has gone to the north and it will be sunny breezy and it will be warmer. yesterday was about what i
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thought because there was too much cold air in place and we continue mid-to-upper 70s and i will you can it bid to up you are 30s and in the rockies it is really starting to fire up some severe weather out ahead of it and you can see the weather in salt lake city, 50 i the temperatures and if it was not for the breeze we would be cooler. more of a northern breeze especially in san what rosa. we have a in your of a stunning atmosphere dark we have enough of a stunning atmosphere and i would not be surprised with morgan hill and santa rosa and we have enough of a north wind
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and we drop about 5 to 10 degrees and it will be price i at ties and a little cooler, brian. why climate change may be to claim that forgetting bumpier in the air and they make some big announcement the did i spite being grounded by the faa. so far so good on the peninsular and if you are driving we will have more straight ahead. back in the day, we didn't have the u-verse wireless receiver.
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[ light laugh ] the tv stayed in one place... mmmmhmmmm. ...right next to the upstairs tv outlet. oh yeah. they can move the tv all over the place, even outside. grandpa... mmmhmm? kids have it easy nowadays. [ glasses clink ] i'm trying to tell ya. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles, and get a $150 promotion card. rethink possible.
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. good morning, lots of sunshine and 70s, sunshine for many. a classmate was diagnosed
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with tubeberg lows tuberculosis -- tuberculosis. >> the student diagnosed with tuberculosis has since recovered. they are investigating a rape at a residence hall. a manhasset been arrested after another student reported he raped her earlier this month. he is a freshman at ucla and a member of the water pole low team. he has been suspended and his attorney said he was dating the alleged victim. in china another death has been linked to a bird flu outbreak. seven patients have died. that strain is typically seen in birds and the world health organization said there is no evidence the virus is spreading
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from person to person. they have called it fashionnal nuclear day. the government tehran said they started production in two uranium mines and they will not slow down their nuclear program. it comes after the latest nuclear talks after the talks hit a deadend. meanwhile, they announced a u.s. navy ship carrying a new high tech weapon will be patrolling the waters early next year. a powerful laser canon is designed to shoot down boats even though they were not mentioned as a target. and there is a suspicious death in the death of a man who
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is believed to be michael's roommate. they found his body in his heights apartment and suspicious circumstances brought homicide detectives to the scene. >> there is no obvious trauma like a gunshot wound so obviously it was suspicious enough to call homicide investigators. >> an autopsy will be conducted to determine how michael died and police are asking if anybody with information can find yourself. they destrike what happened at a -- describe what happened at a friend's home and he is known to visit guadeloupe church on east san antonio street. united airlines is putting the dreamliner back on the schedule even though the plane
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is still grounded by the faa. they are confident the faa will sign off soon and the dreamliner is on the flight schedule starting may 31strd and united is the only u.s. carrier that fly is the dreamliner. time now 5:47 climate change makes bumpy flights and it will double due to changes with the jetstream. the turbulence is also due to increase up to 40% and it could show affects of air travel. it will increase fuel consumption and also lead to delays. time now 4:48 let's go to sal to get a check on your early morning traffic. traffic is doing well if you are driving around the bay
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area, and right now no major problems if you are driving to san francisco however there is traffic on 101 and it is down to one lane there and traffic is not affected so far because it is very light. also at the bay bridge toll place -- plaza we have traffic which continues to look very nice and there is no problems along southbound 280. well, it is still breezy out there and it is not for everybody but it was strange for everybody but there were a few locations where it was not that bad and they were in the in on the party, if you can stop there is enough of a breeze holding things up here,
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westerly, that is a is sure sign today will be warmer and you get that north wind, there are 30s up in eureka and mainly 30s and 40s up to the north and that's chilly for fresno and cooler in sacramento. the bigelow we had roars into utah and now it is roaring into the rockies. snow in the mountains and there is severe weather out ahead of it. and above average temperatures they will come right backup and it will be warmer tomorrow and we will have some 80s tomorrow and we will have sunny to mostly sunny as we go into the weekend but temperatures will slide down a bit. >> thank you, steve. garbage service has resumed for allied -- [ technical difficulties, stand by ] [
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captioner without audio ] captioner without audio [ technical difficulties, stand by ]
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. welcome back, a little later than predicted, 2000 cherry trees have finally welcomed spring with their famous blossoms. it is the gift that keeps on giving to provide a put full landscape tourists come to see each and every year. business is booming on amtrak and it has been climbing steadily and a number of them in march as they set a record. there was also monthly ridership in december and
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january. they are talking about the reasons it happened later today. and the silicone tech company is now in jeopardy courtesy of the internal revenue service. they are scrutinizing free lunches after google and facebook considered them fringe benefits and if that is the case they should have to pay tax. they say they should not have to pay tax and they are a great way -- meaning perks -- to keep people on board. apple has not commented on the report and details on changes to the ipad have not been announced. one father / daughter bond got stronger, she donated a kidney to save her father's
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life. he needed daily dialysis to stay alive. he found out his daughter was a match for kidney donation and after three hours, he became a newman. she said it was an easy decision to give up one kidney. >> i think the reason i feel so good is because it is so rewarding an exciting to see him up and moving. >> her life is now changed and he will be just fine with one healthy kidney and april by the way isings innal donate life month. let's get ready sal, what are you looking at out there? >> eastbound interstate 880 as you drive to the city, there is a lane blockage here on east 80 right after 101 and it is down to one lane of traffic here and it should be gone but we are
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just watching it to make sure there are no major traffic problems occurring and interstate 880 north/south bound we are off to a great start with no major problems. there is still enough of a breeze and our low is turning in the rockies giving snow out ahead of it and you can see the dome of high pressure out over the entire coast. if it was not for the breeze we would be 10 degrees cooler and we still have a lit of a north wind and it tells you how cold it would be stirring up the atmosphere and yesterday it was all northwest to west and high pressure moving forward away enough and sunny and warm he
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and in fact it would not is your preme, we will cool down maybe 5 to 10 degrees thursday and it does look good friday into saturday but we could have one rain sneaking in here on sunday. all right, one east bay college is on edge after reports of a sexual assault and we will have more on who they are looking for. and push for a new hub for the 49ers.
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. this is involving police radios and it could involve communication breakdown in the bay. and in washington, d.c., we will have more on the message they have for lawmakers. and also a new entertainment hub right there for the 49ers, it is all ahead on the ktvu channel 2 morning news. >> complete coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. ll


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