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  FOX Super Bowl Pregame  FOX  February 5, 2017 12:57pm-1:07pm PST

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>> joe: nothing is more american than super bowl sunday and from the white house, fox news's bill o'reilly had a chance to talk with the 45th president of the united states, donald trump. >> so another big week for the trump administration. judge gorsuch, that ruled out very smoothly. >> yes it did. >> but not the refugee deal not so much. >> i think it was very smooth. 109 people out of hundreds of thousands of travelers, and all we did was vet those people very, very carefully. >> you wouldn't do anything differently if you had to do it over again? some of your people didn't really know what the order was. >> well, that's not what general kelly said, secretary kelly knew of it and it was very smooth. 109 people. >> let's take about iran. your assessment, do you think we're on a collision course, we being the united states with that country? >> i think it was the worst deal i have ever seen negotiated.
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i think it was a deal -- >> the nuclear deal -- >> absolutely, the deal made by the obama administration. i think it's shame that we have had a deal like that and that we had to sign a deal like that. and there was no reason to do it. if you're going to do it, have a good deal. we gave them $1.7 billion in cash which is unheard of. and we put the money up. and we have really nothing to show for it. >> possib you tear it up? >> we'll see what happens. see what happens. i the tell you this. they have total disregard for our country. they are the number one terrorist state. they're sending money all over the place and weapons. and can't do that. >> sanctions, that's how you're going to start with them. >> just started. >> but you're moving a carrier -- >> i never talk about military moves. i criticized president obama about they're going into mosul and some place and they give the
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name, date and time. i don't believe in that. >> you're not bullish on iran at this point? >> no, but they have total disrespect for our country and i would have lived with it if they said, okay, we're all together now. but it was just the opposite. it's like they're emboldened, they follow our planes. they circle our ships with their little boats and they lost respect because they can't believe anybody could be so stupid to make a deal like that. >> you talked to putin last week. you had a busy last week. >> busy week and a half. >> do you respect putin? >> i do respect him. >> why? >> i respect a lot of people but that doesn't mean i'll get along with them. he's a leader of his country. i say it's better to get along with russia than not. if russia a major fight, and islamic terrorism all over the world -- >> right. >> major fight, that's a good thing. will i get along with him? i have no idea. >> he's a killer, though. putin's a killer. >> there are a lot of killers. lot of killers. you think our country's so
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innocent? you think our country is so >> i don't knowf any government leaders that are killers in america. >> take a look at what we've done too. made a lot of mistakes pip each been against the war in iraq since the beginning. >> mistakes are different than -- >> a lot of mistakes, okay, but a lot of people were killed. lot of killers around, believe me. >> talk about mexico. there was a report you talked to president nieto and you told him -- this is the report, i want to know fit's true or not -- that if his army couldn't handle the drug cartels, that u.s. army soldiers would. did you say that? >> we have to do something about the cartels. i did talk to him about it. i want to help him with it. i think he's a very good man. we have a very good relationship as you probably know. >> he seemed very willing to get help from us because he has got a problem -- >> got a problem. >> and it's a real problem for us. don't forget those cartels are operating in our country. and they're poisoning the youth of our country. >> at this point, you consider
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mexico a corrupt country because this stuff has been going on for decades. >> i love the people. i really like this administration. i think he's a good man. and we get along very well. but they have problems controlling aspects of their country. there's no question about it. and i would say the drugs and the drug cartels number one. >> have you figured out what kind of a tariff you're going to levy on mexico to pay for the wall? >> right now it's very unfavorable. right now we're losing our jobs to mexico. you look at the massive plants. i have to tell you, i've turned it around already. you see that. ford has been phenomenal. they canceled the plant. they're building tremendous -- >> you intimidated them. >> no. general motors -- >> they're afraid of you. >> i don't know they're afraid -- no. they want to do what's right. >> what's right? why didn't they do what was right in the past? they're afraid of you. >> they're doing what's right and bringing jobs back to michigan and ohio and pennsylvania and all the places
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that have lost the jobs. that's already happening. i think you're going to see a tremendous job growth in this country. >> let's turn to domestic policy. i just spent the week in california. they are voting on whether they should become a sanctuary state. so california and the usa are on a collision course. how do you see it? >> i think it's ridiculous. sanctuary city, as you know, i'm very much opposed to sanctuary cities. they breed crime. there's a lot of problem. if we have to, we will defund. we give tremendous amounts to to california. >> you're going to defund -- >> california is out of control in many ways as you know. obviously the voters agree or they wouldn't have voted for me. >> defund is your weapon -- >> i don't want to defund anybody. i want to give them the money they need to properly operate as a city or a state. if they're going to have sanctuary cities, we may have to do that. certainly that would be a weapon. >> is there any validity to the
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r criticism of you that you say things you can't back up fact chummily and as the president you say, for example, that there are 3 million illegal aliens that voted and you don't have the data to back it up, some say it's irresponsible of a president to say that. >> many people have said i'm right p. >> but you have to have data to back it up. >> it doesn't have to do with the vote, although that's the end result. it has to do with the registration. when you look at the registration and you see dead people that have voted. when you see people that are registered in two states that have voted in two states, when you see other thing, when you see illegals, people that are not citizens and they're on the registration rolls, look, bill, we can be babies, but you take a look at the registration, you have illegals, you have dead people, you have this -- it's really a bad situation. it's really bad. a and--
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>> you think you're going to be proven correct in that statement. >> i think i already have. a lot of people have said i'm correct. >> the data has to show that 3 million illegals voted. >> forget all of that. take a look at the registration and we're going to do it. i'm going to set up a commission to be headed by vice president mike pence and we're going to look at it very carefully. >> that's good. get to the bottom of it. 2017, can americans expect a tax cut? i think so, yes, and i think before the end of the year i would like to say yes. >> can americans in 2017 expect a new health care plan rolled out by the trump administration? this year. >> in the process and maybe it will take till sometime into next year but we are certainly going to be in the process. very complicated. obamacare is a disaster. you have to remember, obamacare doesn't work. so we are putting in a wonderful plan. it's statutorily takes a while to get. we're going to be putting it in fairly soon. i think that, yes, i would like to say by the end of the year at least the rudiments but we
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should have something within the year and the following year. >> all right. last question. you get four hours of sleep or some crazy thing like that. when your head hits the pillow, do you ever say to yourself, i can't believe i'm here, i cannot believe that i tam president of the united states? when i wasn't a politician, i didn't start out this way, that wasn't my life goal. does that ever come into your mind? >> well, i must tell you, the other day i walked into the main entrance of the white house. i said to myself, this is sort of amazing. or you walk into air force one. it's like a surreal experience in a certain way, but you have to get over it because there's so much work to be done, whether it's jobs or other nations that truly hate us, you have to get over it. >> football. how do you see this game? >> well, i -- i like bob kraft. i like coach belichick and tom brady is my friend.
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>> they're all taking gas because of that. >> taking a lot of heat. >> right. >> but they're also getting a lot of popularity out of it pip think they're going to do very well. tom is a winner. >> you're rooting for them. the coach is a great coach. i think the other team is fantastic. no. i think it's a fantastic team. turned out to be a good quarterback. but there's less pressure on the patriots because they've been there. once you've won, once you've dope it, and they've done it, once you've done it, there's a lot less pressure. so we'll see what happens. but, you know, you have to stick up for your friends, right? >> sure. now, fox sports is demanding i ask you to make a prediction. >> well, i hate to make predictions. >> but you have to. we won't leave unless you do. >> i guess the odds are pretty even. >> but you have to. >> i'll say the patriots will win. >> by how many point? >> by eight points. >> that's a good presidential prediction. >> shouldn't be doing those things but