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tv   KTVU Fox 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 22, 2017 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> here's a live look at parliament now. obviously that was the wrong picture there. but the bottom line here is that this was a terrorist attack. the area targeted is very busy with lawmakers, government workers and tourists. >> that means there were a lot of witnesses to this attack, some of whom tried to help. benjamin has more from london. >> reporter: a deadly wednesday afternoon attack unfolding outside britain's parliament building. >> we've declared this as a terrorist incident. >> reporter: police say it started with a man driving into pedestrians, including police officers, on london's westminster bridge. >> literally driven the whole way from south to north up the bridge knocking people over. >> reporter: the car crashed near the parliament and at least one man tried to attack
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and enter parliament. >> reporter: he attacked a police officer and was shot to detail before he could enter parliament. a massive investigation is now underway to make sure no one else was involved. >> i'm sure the public will understand we're taking every precaution in locking down and securing the area. >> the victims in this are in our thoughts and prayers. >> reporter: the white house has offered the uk full support in the ongoing probe. >> the president has been briefed on the situation in london. he spoke to prime minister may. >> reporter: this as the british government is reminding people to remain calm, but vigilant. >> the british people will be united in working together to defeat those who would harm our shared values. values of democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. >> reporter: the attack injured at least 20 people and adding
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to the tragedy, a member of parliament who died in a bali attack, also tried to give cpr to the officer who was attacked. >> president trump spoke to theresa may offering his condolences following today's attack. >> more reaction from washington, d.c. to here in the bay area. >> the department of homeland security says the u.s. is not changing its security posture in the wake of this attack, but it has raised a lot of concerns. security officials have a, quote, increased situational awareness at the u.s. capital, but are not changing security measures. police did step up their security at the british consulate in manhattan. all in reaction to the apparent terror attack there in london. the white house s it is
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following events very closely. >> the city of london and her majesty's government have the full support of the u.s. government in responding to the attack. >> now, the state department also tweeted that americans in london should be vigilant, exercise caution and monitor local nudes for updates. such attacks can be difficult to prevent and frighteningly easy to carry out. >> unfortunately it can be and in this case, very successful. just using rudimentary weapons such as a vehicle. what you can count on now is better intelligence. that's really the key here. >> in the bay area, this was the scene at the british consulate in san francisco this afternoon. it is only open by appointment. san francisco police tell us they are not making any security changes at the consulate, but they are
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monitoring the situation. rex tillerson who was attending a conference on the global fight against isis today said: we condemn these acts of violence. and the victims know no difference. the attack on parliament comes exactly one year after a deadly terror attack in brussels belgium. a moment of silence was held across belgium this morning. two bombs went off at the airport in brussels. a third went off in a subway station. it killed 32 people plus three terrorists. more than three hundred other people were wounded. stay tuned for any updates from london. you can follow us on twitter and sign up for our breaking news push alerts. an alarming report about the oroville dam -- the report
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warns of a, quote, very significant risk if the main spill way of the dam is not operational by the rainy season, which begins in november. it was put together by a team in the federal government and does not spill out what could happen if the repairs are not made in time. both the main spill way and emergency spill way were damaged during heavy rainstorms. republican lawmaker says he has learned that communications of president trump's transition team were under septed during legal surveillance of foreign targets. republican devon nunez said the surveillance happened in november, december and january. the congressman said the new details don't change his view that the president's tweets claiming former president obama wire tapped trump tower were false. and he said they are not part
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of the probe into ties to russia by trump associates. >> the reports that i was able to see did not have anything to do with russia or the russian investigation or any tie to the trump team. >> president trump today said he feels somewhat vindicated by the report, but the top democrat on the intelligence committee lashed out saying he was not briefed on the new developments ahead of time. adam shiff said nunez's comments have created doubt. the city of richmond today filed a lawsuit against president trump challenging his executive order to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities. >> richmond has a large immigrant community. and it's essential to the public safety of our residents to have the trust of that community.
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richmond is going to speak to every little city in america to go in and say no, you can't tweet out that type of arrogance. >> richmond joined san francisco and santa clara counties challenging the president's order to withhold federal money because it refuses to cooperate with federal authorities to report people in this country illegally. the money goes mostly toward housing and job programs. the suit claims the president's order violets the 10th amendment of the constitution. new information about that frightening attack yesterday in red wood city where a man with a gun tried to chase down his ex-wife outside the building where she worked. he eventually committed suicide after police arrived. tonight, neighbors are saying the suspect was aloof, paranoided and showed a gun off
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in public. >> reporter: neighbors say robert eiken was the mystery living at the end of maple street. >> sometimes he wave to me, sometimes he ignore me. so i just stay away from him. >> reporter: few knew the extent of his marital problems until yesterday. that's when the 43 year old violated an extended restraining order -- >> it's an important tool, one we use routinely in this setting. >> reporter: he went to his wife's job in the city and chased her with a gun. the ex-wife called the police who arrived in seconds. after a stand off, the former tech worker turned the gun on himself, taking his own life. >> probably the last 6 months or so always had rifles or something. he'd come out in the middle of
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the night if we took the garbage out with his gun or something, but never -- we were always like, go back inside, it's just us. >> reporter: brought his guns outside? to do what? >> we have nod idea. if he heard something or someone, he would come outside with a gun. >> reporter: officials say while a restraining order won't prevent someone from doing harm, it does give law agencies a reason to arrest a perpetrator. >> someone who's violated a restraining order and been convicted of that, subsequently violets that again, they can be charged with a felony. >> reporter: the red wood city police department has turned the investigation over to the county da. the next question is why a man in his 40s with a child would attack his ex-wife with a gun
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and then turn the gun on himself. how much more hundreds of thousands of students in the cal state system will be paying. >> mr. trump comes out from trump tower, sees the damage -- >> the steps of the u.s. capital. while doing that, he took direct aim at president trump. plus. >> [ indiscernible ] locker. >> but okay -- >> that's a bay area teacher apparently bragging about hitting students and that's not the only thing caught by an undercover camera. the investigation into those tapes and the teacher next. >> we're tracking a few stray showers to the east and south of here and more rain yet to come.
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two separate crashes early this morning killed one person and injured another forcing the osure of a portion of 580 in oakland. the chain reaction crashes happened around 4:30 this morning. closing down all westbound lanes of 580. in both cases, the victims got out of their cars to check on the damage or talk with the other driver, and both of them were then hit by passing cars. the chp says one driver died at the scene. the other suffered serious injuries. it was raining at the time of the crashes which may have affected the visibility. a san francisco teacher's union official is on leave after a hidden camera appears to show him bragging about hitting students and getting
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away with it. targeting labor unions, a corn and national public radio. tara moriarty -- >> [ indiscernible ] >> reporter: former teacher and current treasurer of the teacher's union antonio mantini caught on video. >> i was pretended -- i was pointing on the kids and the kids saw the kid went down. >> reporter: a conservative watch dog group known for its questionable journalistic tactics. he talks to two undercover journalists: >> and that one still -- that one's -- yeah. because i crossed the line. i know -- i mean, made it look
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like an accident. >> reporter: he doesn't seem to know he's being taped, which is illegal in the state of california, where both parties must consent. >> elbows are off and weapons too, they're harder than a fist. yeah, it's tough. >> reporter: united educators of san francisco released a statement saying: project veritas is known for breaking laws, and wrongdoing in pursuit of their political agenda. nevertheless the videos are troubling. they call his comments in the video tape very disturbing. he is currently on leave from his job as a teacher to serve as a union rep where he is being paid by the union. a school district spokes person said: we have grave concerns about the behavior he references and -- to report
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their concerns immediately. in san francisco, tara moriarty, ktvu, fox 2 news. it's not looking much like spring. there's a winter weather advisory up in the mountains right now. crews spent the day clearing the roads of several inches of snow that fell this morning. drivers had to vice president snow and ice off of their cars. >> it's a spring winter wonderland. sunny again this afternoon and we're gearing up for more rain. >> more rain as we head toward friday. it's interesting how today was a lot like yesterday. ran like a son of a gun overnight and in the morning it cleared up. morning commute, little damp out there. it really cleared up nicely. over the last couple days, we've seen rainfall. there's a lot of rain for march. two inches in san rafael. san francisco has passed their monthly rain for the month of
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march. they're already surpassed that. we have a ways to go in march. .74 in san jose. that's significant. all locations well over 120, 130% of rainfall average for the year. showers still out there and thunderstorms up in the butte county area. this is up in chico. you see thunder and lightning. that will continue probably the next few hours in the foothills of the sierra nevada. and then have you activity here. scattered showers. but it's winding down. we head into your bay your tomorrow -- thursday, not a bad day, but friday things start to flip around a bit. there's the right now temperatures. sun came out, temperatures got about 50 in fairfield, 60 in vacaville. you can see the system i'm tracking. this is your friday system. it's got game. it's going to make for a wet morning commute most likely in
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the north bay and a wet everyone commute in the afternoon. short lived scenario as the next storm system gets in here on friday. this is one that will -- it's going to cause you grief. there's going to be significant amounts of rain. you see up to a half inch of rain in cities like red wood city and oakland and in the hills, you could see three inches of rain. that's significant for two days in march. this next one system, one-day total, could get up to three inches. we're not concerned about flooding or things of that nature, but we've had a lot of rain and it keeps coming. forecast highs tomorrow, get it done, get your outdoor stuff taken care of. whatever you have planned will happen. as you get into our bay area friday, it's going to get shut down. it's going to be wet, especially in the afternoon hours. 9:00 to 6:00, it will be wet. i think the morning commute
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might be dry in san jose on from the morning. sunday part of the day is going to okay. this is later in the day. saturday is money. sunday is going to be sketchy until you get to the afternoon when the clouds increase and rain on sunday night. >> i ran into the supermarket this afternoon. it was night outside. i was in there maybe 5 minutes. i didn't bother to roll up my windows all the way. came out it and was pouring. right about 3:00. a cloud just went over -- >> yeah. >> it's been active, like you said. >> that's -- friday is going to be just -- the windows will be up all day. saturday, sunday, not half bad. some bay area students had a chance today to see the most popular musical in america for free. more than 2,000 high schoolers attended the matinee of hamilton in san francisco. before the show, students from 14 different high schools got a
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chance to show off their own hamilton inspired performances. >> pretty cool. everyone is so excited for me to go to hamilton, so that makes me more excited to be here. i'm excited to see the performances. it's just really exciting. >> it's really cool. it's a great experience to see hamilton. so i'm really excited. >> this is the first of 4 matinee performances of hamilton just for students. in all, more than 8,000 local high schoolers will get to see the musical thanks to generous donors. today, democrats including governor brown gave a passionate defense of the healthcare law, on this, the 7th anniversary of its passing. >> an east bay man says his home is being torn down by his landlords while he's still living in it. how is this legal? >> high profile court cases on
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hold. >> it does slow things down. >> justice for victims. >> upsetting and hard to deal with. >> it's supposed to reduce prison populations and save money, but we explore the controversy over prop 57. tonight on the 10:00 news.
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this could be president trump's most important week since taking office. his healthcare bill is now in the hands of congress with a vote in the house expected tomorrow. but a growing number of conservative republicans are warning that the measure doesn't go far enough and may not have the necessary votes to make it to the senate. democrats say the bill will boost the insurance industry and leave the elderly and poor in the dust. still the white house is confident the bill will pass. >> optimistic in the sense of what we're seeing and the
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trajectory this is going and the number of votes that are going our way, not the other way. >> a house vote could come as early as tomorrow. governor jerry brown joined former vice president joe bidenen and other democrats on the steps of the u.s. capitol in washington, d.c. this morning. >> i came from california to tell the truth about this fake healthcare bill. this is not about healthcare reform. this is about disease, death and suffering. mr. trump, come down from trump tower, walk among the people, and see the damage that this latest exercise in raw political power will wreck on the women, the men and the children of this country. >> governor brown said in california alone, millions of people who are now covered by
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obamacare wouldn't be able to afford coverage under the proposed republican healthcare plan. also in washington, this was the third day of confirmation hearings for president trump's supreme court nominee neil gorsuch. today he faced questions on his views about the torture of terror suspects. at the time, gorsuch was working for the justice department under then president bush. gorsuch said when he made those comments, he was merely acting as an attorney represent aring the view of his client. a vote is expected on april 3rd. still ahead tonight, a vote to increase tuition for hundreds of thousands of california college students. up next, the one thing that would keep prices from going up. >> one month later and the clean up is still going and
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major expenses after the flood nothing san jose. >> plus we're still following the latest developments from london. that's where three civilians and a police officer have been killed in a terror attack outside of the british parliament building. the latest details coming up.
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we want to update you now on our top story. the deadly terrorist attack in
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london. it happened steps away from parliament. a police officer and three civilians were killed and 40 other people were hurt. the suspect was fatally shot by police. the suspect drove a large vehicle across the westminster bridge running over pedestrians before crashing into a fence. he stabbed a police officer to death before he was shot and killed by police. the british prime minister was at parliament at that time and was whisked away to a safe location. we've also learned some of the injured are teenage students from france. police believe the attack was carried out by the lone assailant. the london attack bears a striking resemblance to the terror attack in berlin where
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the suspect -- 86 people died in the plusels attack and more than 400 others were injured. these low-tech terrorist attacks may be on the rise. stay with ktvu and for all the latest developing news from london. narrowly voted to increase tuition today at all 5csu schools. the tuition will go up 5% beginning this fall. it's the first increase in 6 years. rob roth is at the csu east bay campus in hayward. >> reporter: frank, it is spring break here at cal state east bay. but there are still plenty of students around and many are concerned about the coming tuition hike. at california state university east bay, this speech language
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pathology major helps pay for school by working part-time in the campus library. she says the tuition hike makes a hard financial situation even harder. >> it's just even more debt that i'm probably going to have to pay back to the school. >> reporter: but california state university board of trustees voted to raise tuition by 5% a year which comes to about an additional $270. the hike will take effect beginning in the fall. it's the first tuition increase in 6 years. >> extra fees, extra debt, extra stress on top of extra classes; right? just don't need that right now. >> reporter: this health science major already juggles two jobs on top of a full load of classes. >> i would like to see exactly how that money is going, how it's used. >> reporter: the university made up of 23 campuses says it needs the money to increase
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enrollment and offer more classes. many students receive financial aid but says it doesn't go far enough. >> this one book cost me $200. the tuition is 3 to 700 a unit. it varies and it costs. >> reporter: the trustees did agree if the university receives what it considers adequate funding from the state in june the tuition hike would not go into effect. >> it's really going to hurt me financially. >> reporter: this increase follows a 2 and a half percent increase at the university of california. frank. >> rob roth at cal state east way in hayward tonight. more help arrived today for victims of last month's severe flooding in san jose. as anne tells us now, residents and business honers will be
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able to apply for loans. >> reporter: it's been a month since coyote creek jumped its bank. >> when you don't have money and you have to go out and try to get separate loans from banks, it takes a while. and in the meantime, you can't pay for people who are going to be doing it. >> reporter: so started today, the u.s. small business association will offer low-cost loans to those affected by the san jose flood. business owners can borrow up to $2 million. residents up to $200,000 at 1.8%. people started lining up as soon as the office doors opened. >> the credit lending criteria is more lenient. we're out here to help the applicants get through the disaster recovery period in any way we can. >> reporter: landlord jeff said he had been tapping into his savings. >> we're hemorrhaging money right now and this is a wonderful opportunity to at
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least bridge the gap. >> reporter: still some residents in the rock springs neighborhood say they're wary of borrowing money since they're living paycheck to paycheck now. >> they're take hag they can because they need it, but they know they can't pay it back. >> reporter: it takes about 10 days to get the money. landlord julie sacks hopes it will speedup repairs at her 7 buildings so she can get her tenants back home. >> it's the first day i've had a good night sleep. >> reporter: the office here at city hall will remain open until the 19th. in san jose, anne ruben. the santa clara water district is getting ready to host a meeting on the proposed changes to the anderson dam in light of the floods. it begins in about 15 minutes.
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the design phase of the retrofit project is underway, but the water district says it is considering improvement to the plan. the wife of the gunman who killed 49 people at the pulse night club is trying once again to get out of jail. her appeal coming the same day as victims file a lawsuit against her. >> apple's massive new headquarters is just weeks away from opening. we'll take a trip to cupertino to see what it means for the city.
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the wife of the gunman in the orlando night club massacre is appealing a decision to hold her bail. this comes as survivors of the massacre joined victims' family members and filed a lawsuit today against noor salman and her husband's employer. the suit claims that omar mateen's employer, the security company g4s had knowledge of his mental instability and his intent to hurt others and yet did nothing about it. >> i stand here in disbelief. disbelief that this man was
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able to make such threatening comments and was ignored. >> 49 people were killed at the pulse night club last june. it was the worst mass shoot nothing modern u.s. history. north korea tested an intermediate range missile today, but it failed after launch. hard line finance on north korea. rex tillerson says all options are on the table. >> are these options on the table? nuclear -- >> nothing has been taken off the table. >> the missile test came the same morning that an air force bomber flew in a military exercise. the military has condemned the exercises as an act of war. the restoration of the place where jesus is believed
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to have been entombed and resurrect side finished. marking the unveiling of the tomb at the holy sepulcre in jerusalem. this is one of christianity's oldest churches dating back to the 12th century. >> we open the tomb of christ in order to protect it from the [ indiscernible ] >> crews began the tedious work last year. they peeled away a marble layer. gas, electric and water bills on the rise throughout the bay area. coming up, more and more people are turning to those smart meters that provide custom money-saving information. >> and one of the biggest
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companies in the world is about to launch a whole new chapter. we head down to cupertino where apple's new campus is getting ready to open. >> coming up on your bay area thursday, getting a break now. the showers have died out, but there is more rain as we head into friday. i'll give you the timing on that.
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sears could be headed for bankruptcy. it faces, quote, substantial doubt about its ability to stay in business. the company announced in january it planned to close 150 stores. the shares are down more than 43% from a year ago. it's been called the spaceship of silicon valley. apple park is the vision of the late steve job. >> the campus is huge. it's just weeks away from opening now to thousands of apple employees. mike talked to neighbors and also the mayor of cupertino about the new building. >> reporter: apple park has landed and this video the company provided is showing it off. 175-acre campus, a 2.8 million square foot ring-shaped building, cafes, a business center, an apple store and even an orchard, meadow and pond.
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just weeks away from moving in. >> it is an iconic symbol. it does come with its challenges. there will be traffic issues. we hope they can help us with some of the solutions. >> when we moved there, it was all orchards. now we have a spaceship. >> reporter: bob has a nice view of apple park from his front lawn. he lived in his house since 1959. >> i think it was about 17. >> reporter: it cost $5 billion to build over there. >> it creates jobs. >> reporter: creates jobs and keeps revenue in the city. do you get any frustration about the whole secrecy -- >> there is that, absolutely. >> reporter: the mayor added she would like apple to step up
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and contribute more when it comes to educating cupertino's youth. >> i would love to see apple being more visible in our schools. >> reporter: specifically? >> helping our children who have special needs, helping children who come from families that are disadvantaged. >> reporter: apple declined to allow us access to apple park, but in a recent statement, tim cook emphasized this campus is the vision of the late steve jobs saying: the work spaces and park lands are designed to inspire our team as well as benefit the environment. we've achieved one of the most energy-efficient buildings in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy. >> apple provides connectivity throughout the world. we are about -- i would say at least two-thirds of our community are immigrants and they have families all around the world, so the connectivity you get across continents through apple is just
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remarkable. >> reporter: land once ripe with hundreds of acres of orchards, cherries, apricots, now home to the largest company in the world. >> 2.8 million square feet. >> every time i see that -- don't you think of the pentagon? >> 12,000 employees, $5 billion. >> these tech companies are taking headquarters to a whole new level. >> it is -- you don't see that many round buildings of that size. >> it's definitely a statement, a symbol that people will look at and say tell be there forever. >> if that's anything like the facebook headquarters -- it's like nothing i've ever seen. i imagine this building will take it a notch higher. >> it's one of the strongest economies in the world right now. a lot of it is happening right now in the silicon valley obviously. it's raining out there now, but mainly to the east of us and the south of us and little
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to the north of us, we could still see a stray shower tonight, so let's be ready for that. up in this area, there's thunderstorms up north of sacramento and you see snow on the crests of the sierra nevada. and a few thunderstorms. there's a cluster there in the yuba city area. we had a tornado warning in the modesto. today, not as explosive, but definitely the potential for a thunderstorm exists still as we head into the evening. tomorrow not so. tomorrow's going to be a dry day. the next system gets here friday. it's going to be more of a typical weather system. it's going to have a front, it's going to pass through. when the front goes through, the rain will start to die down. these last couple systems have been more of an atmospheric river type thing. not a lot of frontal passages.
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outside, you can see -- that's kind of a neat shot. that's mount diablow. you look at -- san francisco tomorrow, 48 degrees in the morning. kind of chilly. and some cloud cover, but not much. it's going to be a nice dame mostly sunny today, partly sunny. tell be a little cooler because we're in a cool air sector behind that front that went through last night and this morning. there's your afternoon. the sky's going to look like that in oakland, fremont, san jose. not so much friday. the storm series continues. here is your friday system. here is a little something for sunday afternoon into the evening hours. first part of sunday should be fine. last part of sunday looks like it should be wet. you're going to find 62 in oakland, 62 in hayward, 63 in livermore. 65 in morgan hill.
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temperatures are mild and dry. tomorrow. but friday it starts to rain. i think friday -- both commutes on friday are going to be pretty wet. the morning commute is going to be wet in the north bay. by the afternoon commute, everybody is wet from the north to south. the friday commute is going to be not so great. monday morning's commute might be a little wet. not that you care that far off. i think this is going to be a non-event on monday. i think it's going to be overnight sunday. today -- you know how i feel about that. i love being in bed when it's raining. >> i love that it was pouring. >> hearing it and having it clear up. >> i love that. we're getting the rain and you don't have to go through oh, it's gloomy. >> but i did have to drive home in it last night. >> what are we looking at friday? >> maybe a couple inches. some of the models suggest a half inch to three inches. a half inch in oakland, three
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inches in ben lo man. >> it's going to be wet all day. especially from 10:00 to 7:00. thousands of basketball fans expected to fill the center tomorrow. virginia set to take on number one seed gonzaga tomorrow afternoon. the winners of those games will advance to the elite 8 on saturday night. ivan rabb has decided to forgo his final two years of college eligibility and enter the nba draft. this season at cal, ivan rabb averaged 14 points a game and was all pac 12 first team selection. in a statement released this morning, rabb said this is the right time to focus on his pro career, but he also says he does plan to fulfill a promise
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to his mother to finish college and get a degree from uc berkeley. you may have had sticker shock when you looked at a recent electric or water bill. up next, the technology -- >> a man from the east bay who says his home is being torn down by his landlords. the problem is he's still living there. how in the world is this legal? ♪ ♪ it's spring, and we can't wait to open our sheds
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and get working on our yards. scotts and miracle-gro are here to help. we make it easy to grow thick, healthy lawns, spectacular plants, and bountiful flowers. because when spring starts right, the months that follow stay perfect. load up your shed with scotts and miracle-gro. it's time to get outside. ♪ ♪
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we now know how much money the raiders will have to pay if the team moves to las vegas. it's a lot less than other teams. the nfl is planning to charge the raiders a maximum of $375 million for their relocation fee. that's about half of what the rams and chargers paid to move to los angeles. league owners say they're expected to vote monday on the raiders' move. the small northern marin water district is experimenting with the smart water meters. the meters can talk back to people about their water use and teach them how to save. what the smart meters can do. >> you're seeing them more and more in other water districts. smart meters, whether for water use or electricity or natural gas, can save consumers a lot of money. >> it's underneath the ground. all the customer sees on top, they have their meter box.
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>> reporter: east bay mud has already been testing different kinds of smart meter technologies. customers already have those meters can monitor their own use online whenever they wish. notices of leaks and excessive water use can be electronically messaged to the customer right away, long before they get unpleasant surprises on their next bill. this program is now expanding. >> this is a study that will be going over the next couple of years and we hope to deploy maybe 10 to 20,000 smart meters out into our service area. >> reporter: pg&e gives its customers three ways to access the information. with your account on pg&, anyone can see how they're doing energy-wise, electric and gas, for free. >> this is a great tool. it gives you break down hour by hour of your energy usage.
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>> reporter: another pg&e online service allows you to download apps that connect you to monitoring systems that look at your use every 5 minutes. finally, you can monitor your electric use second by second plus what you're paying for it at that time of day. you can also see how much you're racking up each day until the next bill. if your use is excessive, you can even get electronic alerts. >> you purchase a device. that device connects to your smart meter and you can see minute by minute information. pg&e does not sell it, but other companies do. >> reporter: and working hand in hand with pg&e's smart meter technology, east bay mud and looking for how to determine not just how much water is being used, but how it's being used. >> we're trying to get better profiles of how much water is being heated versus how much is cold water. from there, we can develop
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different conservation problems that can save money. better communication and being able to work with the customer. >> reporter: customers will have better and more immediate control of their utility use which can lower bills dramatically across the boards. some people still have health concerns about smart meter radio signals. that's a concern the makers are working on. >> you say people can lower their bills dramatically. how much money are you talking about here on average? >> if you find a leak for example -- sometimes people have leak that is go on for months, if not years. that can be substantial savings. in most cases, you can usually get 5 or 10% simply from doing simple things. you used a lot of water here, did you need to use a lot of water here? or you used a lot of electric here, maybe you can cut the ac
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down a little bit. you can reduce your bills depending how closely you want to follow our use and how closely you want to follow the suggestions but how to use it better. ktvu fox 2 news at 6:00 starts now. terror in london. tonight at least 5 people are dead, dozens of others wounded after a man plowed a car right into a crowd on the westminster bridge, then stabbed and killed an officer inside the gates of parliament. the british prime minister is calling it a sick and depraved terrorist attack. >> the attacker was shot and killed by a police officer outside parliament. that attacker is one of 5 people confirmed dead at this hour. at least 40 others are wounded and while no one has claimed responsibility for this attack, london police are investigating it as an act of terror. >> heather holmes in our news room now with the latest.
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>> authorities in london say the attacker appears to have acted alone. a european government official said investigators are considering the possibility that this attack was inspired by isis propaganda. >> sick and depraved terrorist attack on the streets of our cap that will this afternoon. >> reporter: a deadly wednesday afternoon attack unfolding outside britain's parliament building. police say it started with a man driving into pedestrians, including police officers on london's westminster bridge. >> literally driven the whole way from south to north up the bridge knocking people over. >> the car then crashed near the parliament and at least one man armed with a knife continued the attack and tried to enter parliament. >> reporter: the man fatally attacked a police officer and then was shot to death. a massive investigation is underway to de


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