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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  March 24, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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expressing confidence that the vote on health care will be successful. we now know when the vote will begin. showers across the bay area. we are tracking a spring storm. owners are set to vote on the raiders relocation. the city of oakland is detailing plans to keep the team from moving. ktvu fox two news at noon starts now.>> i am gassy in my kaylee in.>> the rain is dumping across parts of the bay area. alive look towards the bay bridge. >> we begin with rosemary orozco and conditions right now. >> widespread but really coming down over portions of the central bay. let's look at the radar. we will touch on the north bay locations. seeing some light rain, but a bit of a break around nevada
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and right around american canyon. we are seeing some heavy rain from the coastline across the peninsula. areas like san mateo, half moon bay, seeing some of this. rainfall rates anywhere from a third of an inch to 45 hundredths of an inch per hour. this will continue to move through, it's not sitting over the peninsula. we have good rain falling over the east bay shoreline. over 580 towards dublin, it looks like we could have good rain there. to the south, over san jose, we have light rain falling. let's head to the sierra, take a look at some of the snow that continues to pile up along highway 50 and i 80. we have that rain snow mix in a
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winter storm warning that goes all the way until early tomorrow morning. if you are traveling, be prepared for the winter travel. whiteout conditions will be possible because the wind is blowing. speaking of the wind, we don't not only have the wind, we have -- rain, we have a wind advisory until this evening. a quick check on the winds, we will shift into the north bay. anywhere from 10 to 15 miles an hour, sustained and gusting faster than that, stronger than that in the hills. when i come back i will have a look at the timing of the system. it will wind down through the evening hours. i will have a look at how much rainfall is expected and a look at your weekend in just a bit. team coverage continues with rob malcolm, alarm 101 in marin county.>> it's not that bad right now, a bit of a break . we are on southbound 101.
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depending on where you are, one thing you notice is that the rain has been sporadic. the storm started making its way into the bay area this morning bringing with it a wet ride for motorists on northbound 101. many drivers taking heed of a chp warning to use headlights driving in the rain. the weather also brought misery for some locals. >> i wish it would make up its mind, whether it will give us a lot of rain or stop. on the freeway it's a little bit concerning.>> this system is milder than storms in february. city workers found themselves once again clearing drains to prevent flooding. noticeable again, high winds, which picked up throughout the morning. storms expected to move out by saturday, but some people took it in stride.
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>> it will be raining all day, all night, probably break up, but after that we should be okay until sunday. we have been dealing with this for quite a while. >> this is great. we need it. it's wonderful. i think it's fine except for the people that flooded, of course. that's the way it's going to happen. after this, it sunshine the rest of the year.>> asked for the sunshine, we may not see it this weekend. the rain will be replaced by clouds. today is about dealing with the wet roads. the trade-off, a green landscape.>> it's wonderful. you have to have rain and we have had a drought for a long time. if you tell me again were having a drought this year i am going to go, no way.>> one thing we will notice right now, the rain is starting to pick up again, moments after we started
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this live shot. we are also hearing that people should take notice on the roads, check your wipers, use the full headlight system. there will be delays in traffic. we are live in marin county, rob malcolm, ktvu fox two news. sacramento police have released information on the quadruple homicide that led to an arrest in the bay area. police have released a photo of salvador vasquez of sacramento. they say four bodies were found yesterday inside a house on 35th avenue and south sacramento. the suspect was still late -- detained a short time later in san francisco. sources close to the investigation say he had been married to one of the victims and was the father of the two children. relatives say he did not live at the home. the victim's neighbors say they were shocked by what happened.>> there were cars coming in here. that's kind of scary.
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>> you don't really see stuff like that over here. it's pretty surprising.>> the motive is still unknown. sacramento police have not yet released the names of the victims.>> san jose police are asking for the public's help as they investigate the death of a pedestrian. it happened at 8:00 last night. police found a man in the street and was pronounced dead at the scene. officers did not see carson stopped in the areas. officers are trying to determine how he died. >> antioch police are searching for a suspect in a deadly shooting at 9:30 last night outside the delta bite apartments. the 22-year-old man was announced dead and a second victim was rushed to the hospital and is expected to survive. police say both are from antioch.>> san francisco police are investigating a shooting in the fillmore district. officers responded to reports of shots fired at 8:30 this morning. when they arrived, one victim was suffering from a gunshot
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wound. we are waiting to hear about the exact condition of that individual. while the shooting and after the shooting, police received another from a motorist. they said their vehicle may have been hit by gunfire. california corrections officials have announced plans to cut the prison population by 9500 inmates in four years. they're reducing sentencings -- sentences for six months by getting a college degree. the changes are expected to eventually lower the prison population by about 7%. in the nation's capital, we are expecting house lawmakers to begin voting on the healthcare bill in just about 30 minutes.>> the white house is no longer expecting confidence that it has the votes needed to pass the legislation. joe waldman has more.
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>> we'll have to see. >> reporter: the man who made billions as the master bill -- dealmaker put it all on the line last night.>> as the president said yesterday, it's time to put up the vote. >> reporter: trump himself turned to twitter this morning, giving a last-minute push for the obama care repeal and replace plan and pinning blame for the 11th hour political gamesmanship on a group of three dozen conservative members of the house. the irony is that the caucus, very pro-life and against planned parenthood, allows planned parenthood to continue if they stop this plan. at the last minute, the house caucus got their major demand, provision in the bill to eliminate what are known in obama care as essential health benefits, coverage for things like mental health issues, emergency services, hospitalizations, and more.>> it is the product of the house
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republicans. i think they all have their fingerprints on it.>> reporter: in the relatively short lifespan of the american healthcare act, 18 days today, support on the right has waxed and waned. some members have not been able to get over the concerns that the healthcare act could be even more costly than what's already in place. >> it's not what any of us promised we would do, and it's built on false premises. >> reporter: in trying to appease conservative, moderate republicans began to back away from the bill.  in washington, joe waldman, fox news. today the trump administration gave approval to build a constant virtual -- controversial keystone pipeline. that will take oil from alberta to the gulf coast. supporters say it will increase jobs and security. critics say jobs will not be created and at that is that it will be an environmental
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disaster. the trump administration has issued new rules to make it more difficult for certain people to get a visa into the united states. the state department has ordered embassies to use a new screening process to determine whether applicants poses a security risk before issuing a visa. it applies to people in the middle east and africa. the scrutiny asked -- includes asking detailed questions about back grounds and social media history. london's top anti- terror officer said he -- says they have made more arrests in connection with the westminster attack wednesday. minor in custody while one has been released on bail. the attacker drove his car into crowds of people on westminster bridge killing for, injuring 50 more. he then stabbed the -- and killed a police officer. authorities talked about the investigation today and the
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evidence is.>> so far we see 2700 items including massive amounts of computer data to work through. we have had contact for about 3 1/2 thousand witnesses including 1000 people from westminster bridge and 2.5 thousand in the parliamentary states. we have received hundreds of uploads of video images to our online platform. >> the manager of the hotel where the london attackers stayed the night before the attack says he seemed unusually outgoing and mentioned details about his family including having a sick father. police raided the room and seized several items. in a few days, the nfl owners are set to vote on the raiders proposed relocation to las vegas. an hour ago, east bay city and county leaders along with an investment firm including nfl hall of famer ronnie let released their detailed plan of how they hope to keep the raiders from leaving
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oakland. bartz newest station takes passengers farther south than ever before. we will have a report on when service will begin. honey nut cheerios gets their delicious taste from honest ingredients. like real delicious honey and real oats. okay that's still honey. huh, there we go. we're back to honey again.
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who's directing this? that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good.
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bart is celebrating the opening of the warm springs south fremont station. >> service starts tomorrow but today bart is displaying three
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new train cars at this extension. tom vacar is there to give us our first look. >> reporter: as part stations go, on a scale of 1 to 10, this is definitely an 11. we will show you that in a second. let's look inside the bar cars. three are on display in these cars of course ultimately will number 775 and that will increase bart's capacity and make it much more writer friendly with a lot more -- writer friendly with a lot more service. eight years in the making, parts warm springs station was dedicated today and open to the public tomorrow morning for regular writers. the station has almost 2100 parking spaces but the monthly spaces were sold out literally on the first day that they were offered to the public. given the difficulty of acquiring land and expanding
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and -- and increasingly complex system, it is a towering achievement physically and financially. >> this station came in $100 million under budget. it opens tomorrow at 6 am. let's give around for both points. the warm springs station is a connection, it extends, we are all familiar with it extending down connecting south alameda county to the rest of the region, but it also is our first station. we are looking very forward to connecting to vta and the mill berry lines. >> reporter: initially bart expects 7000 people a day will use the station but i guarantee that will increase quickly. two more stations to the south, as mentioned, are scheduled to open later this year and that extends bart's reach another 10 miles deeper into silicon valley. all of this means one thing
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that bart is making good on many of its promises to expand not only its area of service but the amount of service that at actually is given -- giving to the public. reporting live from warm springs station in fremont, tom baker -- tom vacar, ktvu news. >> as the expansion prepares open, we have been asking you today if you were given the choice, where would you like to be able to take bart? east tracy, south the san jose, north the san rafael or north apollo alto.>> 18% say east to tracy, the majority south to san jose, north to marin county, and 15% palo alto. the ronnie lott group released their latest plan for a new
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raiders stadium to be built right here in oakland. this all comes days before the nfl owners are set to vote on the proposed relocation to las vegas. oakland's plan was put the new raiders stadium on the coliseum site along with mixed-use development. the city would pay for $200 million in infrastructure and site improvements. it goes on to say that an open- air stadium would be up to $700 million less than the proposal in las vegas. mayor schaaf says we have been successful in doing the environmental clearance, aligning the city and county, engaging the leak and bringing projects to the table. the mayor said, quote, all that's missing is the maters -- is the raiders. >> this will be a topic at the owners meeting next week. all the owners are slated to be
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in phoenix. 24 would have to vote yes on the relocation. if that happens, the raiders would play two more seasons in oakland and pack their bags. there are still some issues that could emerge that would delay a vote until may, including the relocation fee.>> ktvu will be in phoenix for complete coverage of the meeting. joe fonzi will report live starting sunday night on the 10:00 news. bright and early monday morning, you can follow the latest developments online at a huge san jose soccer game tonight, part of a world cup caught on fire. -- qualifier. there are eight qualifying games left for the world cup in 2018. the us needs to win after losing its first two matches.>> after losing the first two games and qualifying, it's time to win. the guys know that,
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they will be prepared but soccer is a funny game. you have to make sure you do everything right. >> my gut is telling me they come out at the first whistle and send the tone in a message to honduras and to the entire soccer community that the us is back.>> tonight's game is at 7:30. it will be broadcast on our sister station, fox sports one. coming out, house republicans getting ready to vote on a plan to replace obama care, live pictures from back east. the debate still continuing. we will have
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coke is creating a new college campus that is designed to increase diversity. google tweeted a statement announcing the news. howard west will launch this summer. about 25 howard juniors and seniors wagering and consumer -- computer science will qualify for the first 12 weeks program. amazon is bringing jobs to palo alto. the company plans to have 1300 software programmers and engineers work there. most won't be from east palo alto. a third of the company's employees have to live in the city, but they will open a job center for palo alto residents. there are 500 jobs and amazon will increase by 50%. the
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uncertain fate of the healthcare overhaul bill. we see the dow is alone -- down. nasdaq is on the losing side. let's check in with rosemary orozco. when we will get the rain out of here? >> it will taper off by tonight and tomorrow morning. saturday looks good but at this hour, it's really coming down in some areas. a great afternoon to be indoors. giving your look from san francisco across the bay call that cloud cover in place in the rain across the central bay, moderate to heavy. i want to show you some rainfall amounts so far. kessel picking up over an inch and a half. mill valley, 80 3/100. in santa rosa, more than an inch reported so far. looks like napa, 4/10 of an inch. san francisco, 45 100. here's a look at the radar.
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we are across the central bay seeing a steady band of rain, moderate to heavy. over the north bay, finally beginning to get a break. santa rosa, mill valley, a little drizzle falling. this is where it is heavy, crossing into the east you can see areas like union city, fremont, pretty good rain. farther inland, we will look at where this line goes from hayward, crossing over into 680, san ramon. they have some heavy rain falling at this moment. as we get into the south bay, san jose stretching all the way to morgan hill. gilroy and over the santa cruz mountains as well. getting into your afternoon drive, it will be with us through at least six 6:00. it begins to lighten up during the evening hours. if you have dinner plans, by 7:00, mostly cloudy, the steady rain finally beginning to push out. here we are into the evening. if you have evening plans, keep
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the umbrella handy just in case. the worst of it will be on its way out. here's a look at saturday morning. tomorrow morning, maybe a few sprinkles, we have, partly cloudy skies. at the top of the hour, there is a wind advisory in place for the coast. breezy throughout. mountain view reporting a gust of 22, --. 20 -- temperatures are at this hour, -- how did that number get in there? here's a look at your afternoon highs. 60 in antioch, 62 for san jose. your extended forecast, rain and wind today, we're looking at dry weather for saturday. the clouds return sunday with a weaker storm moving in sunday, perhaps lingering into monday morning. tuesday is a dry day. we are looking at some wet weather as we roll through, at least into your afternoon and
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evening hours. snow in the sierra. if you're just joining us i will have more tonight and tomorrow morning. a chance for when one day tickets to the pacific sail and power boat show at the crane way pavilion in marina bay in richmond on april 6 through the ninth of this year. to enter, go to facebook and click on the contest link. entries accepted until 11:59 tonight. you must be at least 18 to enter the prize --. the prize is presented by sale america. four winners will be selected on march 17. still ahead, the oakland police chief is getting to know people in her community. we will tell you about a meet and greet and some residents biggest concerns. an investigation underway into an
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instagram account posting racially offensive pictures. we will hear from one woman whose daughters photo was posted.
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house lawmakers still debating president trump's proposed healthcare bill. a live picture here. they were scheduled to start voting on this bill right about now, but as you can see, the debate goes on. white house no longer expressing confidence that the vote will be successful. earlier today, john spicer said president trump is confident that the white house has done everything possible to get the 216 votes needed to pass legislation to replace the affordable care act. some lawmakers say the bill is a couple of dozen votes short of reaching the 216 mark. we will continue to monitor the debate as soon as lawmakers start to vote we will bring it to you. we are also streaming live at monday will mark one month since oakland's police chief took office. she is getting to know the city. last night she met with members of the community to address concerns about crime and police relations.>> and kirkpatrick told the crowd that oakland can be the super bowl champs of law
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enforcement, which may seem like, lofty goal for shortstaffed department with scandal and misconduct. >> i am averaging about 16 hour days. but that's okay.>> its immersion, isn't it? >> it is. it's relationship building, too.>> reporter: and kurt patrick was tough cop and cheerleader for her adopted city. this was a chance for people to see her up close and ask questions. >> we are tough. you need to be tough in oakland. >> reporter: she comes to oakland as crime is dropping, shootings and homicides down for 2% in four years.>> what did you learn in chicago?>> reporter: she came from a city with staggering numbers, thousands shot, 800 killings in one year. kurt patrick doesn't sugarcoat
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oakland's reality.>> when you put it on a per capita basis, we are better. >> reporter: oakland police are stretched thin in the high crime neighborhood. break-ins, burglaries, drug deals, left waiting for a response. >> neighborhoods have hired their own security service because they feel there is a lack of presence in their neighborhoods.>> -- >> reporter: with this crowd, the chief did her homework. she is reviewing how oakland's officers are deployed, looking for improvement while she recruits to build a bigger, more diverse force.>> how can we change a common perception among people of color?>> reporter: she says they must make amends, restore trust, go forward. she loves that oakland is known as a city of protest.
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>> you cannot come to oakland and hurt someone. that is not happening. >> reporter: ergo, changing the cities image. -- her goal, changing the city's image.[ applause ]>> she seems very compassionate. she looks like she is a high achiever. >> she sounds like she really wants to bring changes to oakland. that's really what we need.>> reporter: debora villalon, ktvu fox two news.>> kirkpatrick has yet to hold a meeting in east or west oakland where there are tensions with police. she says that is next. she is loving her new neighborhood. san francisco police have arrested a man accused of
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shooting a muslim woman. the woman, wearing a veil, was playing with her son at a park when the man, joshua ruano, approached her. police say he made anti-muslim remarks and then threatened to shoot her. the woman called police. he was arrested a short time later on suspicion of a crime. at a high school, an investigation to find out who is behind an instagram account filled with racially offensive pictures. hear one woman's 14-year-old daughter is the target of many of these photos. >> reporter: these were some of the pictures posted on a fake instagram account. one shows nooses around the girls basketball player and coach. others so offensive we can't show them on the air. >> this is not teenagers being the -- teenagers. this is a hate crime. >> reporter: francis is the mother of one of several of the students shown in the photos.>>
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it's hurtful. as a teenager, you have a lot of insecurities. and then this comes along and it's not the first time she has been charted in dasha targeted. it's upsetting. >> reporter: the pictures were found by students who told the principal.>> they spoke up quick really dasha quickly and our staff immediately investigated. >> reporter: bao williams, superintendent, would not discuss discipline for the students who created what the district called hurtful material. less than 5% -->> i find the photos offensive. it's more than disturbing. it is disgusting. we are not going to tolerate racism. we are not going to tolerate bullying or cyber bullying.>> reporter: albany police are investigating. police would not comment while the case is ongoing. students are shocked.
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>> they were just stupid. >> i thought we were in a great community. it's a travesty to see the horrible posts.>> once they post a picture on instagram or facebook, it's out there and once you attach harmful words, it's out there. >> reporter: henry lee, ktvu fox two news. a woman accused of backing her car into people at a walmart in union city has been arrested. this is jessica malik oh from hayward. she was identified through tips from the public. the incident was caught on tape monday when she allegedly backed up her honda and nearly ran over of family. she also hit a shopping cart which hit a three-year-old girl and her mother. the mother picked up the little girl before either was seriously hurt. we are
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hearing from the mother of a 27- year-old man accused of trying to hurt a 13-year-old girl in san francisco. he was accused of grabbing the girl walking in west portal and tried to pull her into his car. a neighbor surveillance camera showed a black vw bus sought speeding off. two men girls -- heard the girl screams and helped pull her out of the car. within hours, police spotted the car and took the person into custody. his mother says he was on the way to talk to police. >> he was driving into the station to talk to police. he was not given a lawyer. he was read his miranda but he said he was drinking and smoking marijuana and was out of it.>> he has been can -- arrested for intention of
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committing rate. a high school coach accused of a sexual relationship with an underage student. police say mckee forked as a volunteer coach at westmont high school where the victim is a student. detectives believe this is an isolated case involving one student. police in san ramon want your help to identify a bank robber. the us bank was robbed earlier this week for the second time the past two months and police think the same person may be responsible for both robberies. the robbers described as white between 40 and 45. these are pictures of the two incidents. he was wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses.>> a bay area program that feeds the hungry but also helps people turn their lives around. >> we will have that story. all the good that's being here ãis done here in the bay area. changes continue.
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rosemary talks about our weekend plans and how they might be affected.
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this just in across the wire, house republicans short of the 216 votes needed withdraw president trump's healthcare bill. it was meant to replace the affordable care act. i want to bring in brian sobel, joining us on the phone. i always wondered why are they going to vote for this? the white house knew they didn't have the votes this
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morning. here they are, i guess they are not going to vote on it.>> this was the problem. when you don't have the votes you don't have the votes. to press ahead to prove a point doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and the house leadership and house republicans said it doesn't really matter what the president said, we are not voting on this.>> what happens next? is there arm twisting?>> yes. they have got to go back, start talking now, there's a number of members of the house on the republican side who just want convicts to -- convinced and they -- weren't convinced, and they need to add to the bill or take something away or this thing will languish for a while. >> a few hours ago i saw paul ryan at the white house talking with president trump, giving him an update on the debate that was going on there on the
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bill. do you think he convinced trump to pull back and say we are not going to vote on this? what was that conversation? >> they had to have discussed at that. of course the president was over the top of his skis, i think, by saying i want a vote up or down and if it doesn't work, then we are going to leave the current plan in place. for those people who are in the house who want to make a change, and update or reform the package, that wasn't an acceptable answer. it wasn't ready for prime time. >> in the grand scheme of things, is this a wrinkle causes a major blunder?>> no, this kind of arm wrestling goes on and has for a couple of hundred years. i think it was just intensified because of the import of the bill in terms of the new
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administration. if this it happened two years from now, it would be important, but we would have a better idea of how republicans tend to vote for the president. bear in mind, and i've said this often, the president has problems with his own party. that's the issue. they are not in lockstep with president trump. he has got to figure out where his votes are.>> i got another negative information across the wires. it says paul ryan withdrew the legislation after president trump called him and asked him to halt debate without a vote. that's according to ryan's spokeswoman. we were with you throughout the campaign up until election night when it was clear that president trump would become the president. did you think that the affordable care act would still be in place on this date, march 24? or did you think it would be gone by now? just sitting there, they have congress, they have the white house.>> the answer is that i
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have always believed that both the democrats and republicans are not monolithic. they all have to go back to their districts, they all have various forms of constituency, people who want certain things. so i have never believed that just because trump was elected president and he happens to be a republican that he would have the whole republican party behind them. you and i and garcia and everybody have been talking about in any respect how donald trump is more a populace than a republican or democrat. he isn't going to have all these people in lockstep. >> it was such a hot topic not just for trump but for all the republicans. this is what their number one goal was, to replace the affordable care act. you just think that, okay, then everyone would just get together. it just showed that it's politics, i guess.>> it shows to me that the system works. it isn't automatic. nothing is automatic.
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those not ready for some of these people to go home to their constituencies and be able to support it, they are not voting for it and it doesn't matter whether they get a call from the president. >> of course this means continued uncertainty for the people in california and across the country who either love or hate or depend on or don't care at all about the affordable care act and its future.>> i think the way to view it is the affordable healthcare act as we know it, the program is in place. i think republicans have said over and over there will not be a repeal without a replacement. so we will have to see where it goes. >> and we will, with your help. thank you so much. >> you're very welcome. from politics we take you outside for a check of the weather. hey, rosemary. >> no escaping it, wet for some and very windy for some. we do
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expect anywhere from a half inch to an inch of rain for many spots. some winter areas picking up 2 inches of rain -- wetter areas picking up 2 inches of rain. we will track those amounts through the next 12 hours. let's take a look at some of this rainfall. we have gray skies overhead, very breezy in some areas. rain started early this morning and really hasn't stopped. we see it sort of lightning up a little bit but then it is back with heavy rain reported in some areas. we will continue to track this for you. let's go back to star trek or two. we'll have a look at what's going on. this is a heavy band we saw moving right across the central bay now beginning to shift into the south bay. we are actually beginning to see light rain, little bit of drizzle in the peninsula, getting a little bit of a break as well. san francisco has a little bit of rain falling but nothing like what we saw in the last half hour. it has shifted into areas like
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sunnyvale, saratoga, pushing into the south bay as we crossed over in the east bay. it crosses over into areas like pleasanton and then along 580, coming down over areas around livermore. we shifted to the south bay, we have highway 101 covered in green from san jose, morgan hill, gilroy, santa cruz mountains continuing to pick up steady rain. in addition to the rainfall, the wind advisory will continue until 7:00 it's evening along the coast in our hills. we continue with gusts of 40, 45 miles an hour possible. for the rest of us, breezy one but not too bad. hayward, 16 miles an hour, gusting to 26. mountain ville gusting to 22. livermore gusting to 17. a breezy one, wet one. talk about this in the last half hour if you're just joining us. latah oh -- lake tahoe has its
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own avoided -- advisory. snow levels will be rising over the next several hours. all the way down to 4500 feet, possibility of snow. at the highest speeds, 2 feet a possibility with the system. there's a list at your future cast -- look at your future cast. the afternoon drive will be a wet one. here we are now into tomorrow morning and we wake up with a mix of sun and clouds and your saturday is a dry day. sunday we start out dry but that will change as we get into the afternoon. you can see another storm already moving into the bay area. temperatures outside under foggy conditions, 56 in san francisco. upper 50s, low 60s for the rest of your day today. rain and wind, the extended forecast, dry on saturday, another storm moving in by the afternoon sunday. it could linger bring us scattered showers in time for the monday morning commute. a bit of a mixed bag. saturday looks good. get out and enjoy it.>> just reported that republican leaders have pulled their
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health care overhaul bill off the house floor. we have learned to expect to hear from paul ryan in the coming minutes. we have decided to extend our newscast to bring you that live. stay with us.
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♪ ♪ we are learning new details about what led to paul ryan
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pulling the healthcare bill from capitol hill. >> cristina rendon own monitoring this breaking story from our newsroom with more.>> we are learning right now that house speaker paul ryan withdrew the legislation, and that move came after president trump called ryan himself and demanded over the phone that they pull the bill without a vote. this information is coming from a spokesperson from paul ryan's office. all of these details coming into the newsroom. we understand it appears that president trump knew he would not have the votes there so he decided to pull it. this comes one day after the president demanded that the house vote and said if the measure was lost he would move on to other issues and priorities, gave that ultimatum to republicans. it appears they could not get this done, so we understand
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that house speaker paul ryan is expected to speak at one:00 in a little more than five minutes. we will bring that live when that happens. the big question, i heard you guys speaking with her political commentator, brian sobel, what will happen next? it does appear that obama care or the abortive will care act -- affordable care act will continue in the foreseeable future. we will wait and see. >> again we will be waiting to hear from speaker ryan. i turned to twitter as we have been throughout the presidential campaign. here's a tweet from a national political reporter from the washington post who said, i don't blame paul. trump tells me.
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the first words were from trump. apparently donald trump is not blaming paul ryan that moving on is the question because republicans have made this a very central issue of his campaign for several years before trump was announcing he was trying to be president.>> i want to bring back brian sobel. is there something to say about party loyalty, party unity, that they didn't make this vote to show that, that they are unified? if they did vote, obviously we wouldn't see unity there.>> had they voted, it would've been very, very close, mike, and the democrats would have voted in lockstep against it, and it would've required republicans to vote in lockstep for it. the number difference would've been three, four, or five votes. i like the original fama care
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vote. it was close -- obama care vote. it was close when that was taken. not all republicans are thinking alike. this is a message to the president that he has to do some more work to corral republicans. that really is important. as he moves forward with his other items on his master agenda. >> even if the president says he will move on, doesn't sound like he is going to abandon the issue. not moving on in that sense. >> i don't think so. i think he will, we will hear what the speaker says in about three minutes, but it is probable that he pulled it so that there wasn't a no vote. they will continue tweaking. it's being reported he may reach out to democrats. anything is possible, but we just don't know that yet. it's too early, it will be interesting to hear what the speaker says. for now, the bill is dead.
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>> would it have been better for president trump to maybe start with something like infrastructure, where if you had republicans and democrats and that it would be a win for not only the president but for everyone there on capitol hill as well, instead of going right towards the affordable care act, build momentum, i guess.>> yes, you're right, mike. hindsight is 20/20. i think he was trying to seize momentum, get out in front like the executive order on immigration, got out there way before he had really solidified how the program is going to work. what you're seeing here really is what i would call the education of the president. the education of a new president. that is things that you want to do are not necessarily available to you because you want them. you have to work it.>> political spin is nothing new. if as president, how would you spend this if you are president
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sobel? whose fault is this?>> well, i don't know that i would want to be that guy, but i think the way he is going to spin it is we have more tweaking to do, we have other items on the agenda, including tax reform, infrastructure, improvement, and some other things, we are going to push them together. there isn't a great spin for this. this is one where they're going to walk around with a black eye. there is just no two ways about it. >> reporting from a new york times reporter who just tweeted in the couple of minutes previous, trump tells me and interviews it's not the democrats fault, he anticipate when obama explodes, they will be ready to deal. that is a tiny bit of insight as we are waiting to hear. >> well, yes, i think the rhetoric around this will be
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fairly heightened but at the end of the day, he could not get some number, we don't know yet, some number of republicans, whether they are in the freda caucus, the conservatives, part of the party to vote for this. and he wasn't this persuasive as he needed to be.>> we are monitoring president trump's twitter. he obviously likes to tweet a lot, he has been tweeting the day, but he is not tweeted anything about this breaking news just yet. there was a rollcall this morning, the house used it basically near party lines, 230- 194 to the changes that they hoped would win over the unhappy republicans. they were working hard this morning. this included medicaid benefits for older disabled people. also the requirements


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