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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  August 2, 2017 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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police say that car was linked to an armed robbery in el cerrito. >> the shooting happened on richmond parkway and richmond involving officers from vallejo after a high-speed chase that started in vallejo. we have got the new video from jana katsuyama and richmond after talking to a witness. >> reporter: frank and julie, there were several witnesses who were out here tonight, but one of them told me that he saw everything and he shared that cell phone video with us. he did not want to be named and i do want to warn our viewers that some people might find this disturbing. on the mobile phone video, you hear police sirens, then see a police vehicle hitting the white sedan. the driver side door opens, and the driver gets out.
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it appears he raises his arm and then as more officers arrived at the scene, he begins to walk towards the police. he stands still for a few moments and then continues walking forward with arms raised. >> no, no, no. >> [ gunshots ] >> reporter: at that point, you hear a burst of gunfire. a loud, rapid succession of shots. the man falls backwards to the ground. from sky fox 2 you can see a machete near the white four- door sedan. police say the male driver was holding the weapon when police shot and killed him. investigators say vallejo police spotted the vehicle in vallejo and say it was wanted in connection with a robbery. they say the description and license plate matched an armed robbery in el cerrito two weeks ago. >> the suspect didn't stop and the pursuit started within the city of vallejo. it then got onto the freeway.
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>> reporter: the chase turned off highway 82 richmond parkway, busy with rush-hour traffic. no one else was hit by the bullets. richmond police say there officers were not involved in the pursuit but because the pursuit happened in richmond they will be involved in the case. >> we have invoked the protocol for any officer involved fatality incident. what that means is the richmond police department is conducting an investigation in parallel with that the contra costa county district attorney's office is also investigating this incident. >> reporter: the eyewitness who took that cell phone video agreed to do an interview with me this past hour. he talked to me about what he saw off the camera. that was not seen in that video clip. here is what he had to say: >> that knife was pretty big. they were giving him you know a lot of warnings to get on the ground, get on the ground. you know, before the video he had actually hit another car.
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and almost hit another car with a small child and it. all i kept thinking when he had the machete was if he gets to those officers, he is going to do some damage. and i don't think there was any other way the officers could have handled it other than to do what they did. >> reporter: that witness tells me that he also heard the suspect say "kill me" as he talked to police. we havnot been able to get any confirmation from investigators about that point. they are continuing their investigation. as for the eyewitness, he says his heart goes out to both the police officers and the family of the suspect. >> so what we know now is this involves three different cities. richmond, el cerrito, and vallejo? >> reporter: yes. we are trying to get more information about the el cerrito armed robbery that started all of this. i talked to some detectives tonight and they say they are still trying to piece this all together so we are expecting more information by morning. >> that video was really something, especially hearing the person who was shooting it
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saying no, no, no, no. and then all of a sudden all of that gunfire. >> reporter: he said it was really emotional. he said it was so traumatic for him even so many hours after this happened, he said he just doesn't understand. he really empathizes with the police officers who went through this and the other witnesses who saw it right out here in the middle of the neighborhood in the middle of the day, so obviously a difficult thing for him to see and for others to see, but certainly we will be getting more answers as the investigation continues. >> jana katsuyama in richmond. thank you. now to developing news above uc berkeley where a wild fire broke out prompting a massive response from a number of different agencies. fire crews are planning on staying on the scene all might to keep an eye out for hotspots. debora villalon is on grizzly peak road where the fire is still only 20% contained.
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>> reporter: but that number is expected to jump dramatically in the morning. when they are up and flying again and they can accurately map it. >> it went real fast. it was a real hot day today. the fire spread quickly. >> reporter: water and retardant made quick work of the cel-sci flames, a fire that broke out a long grizzly peak road on uc berkeley property. the 5-alarm fire sent up a lot of smoke, always nerve-racking to see in a community scarred by a firestorm some two decades ago. >> it was before i was born though. >> reporter: this resident next to memorial stadium try to stay calm as fire engines roared by her home. >> it seemed like it was pretty far off in the heels -- in the hills so i wasn't too worried so i figured someone would come tell us if there was going to be an issue. >> reporter: and with 30
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engines, almost 200 firefighters, this fire wasn't an issue for structures. none were threatened but it was challenging. utility towers and steep terrain, temperatures in the low 90s and heavy fuels including eucalyptus. >> overnight conditions will be good. the challenge tonight, obvious visibility in the dark and continuing to work. >> reporter: during the fire, the lawrence berkeley national lab shut down along with the botanical gardens and the lawrence hall of science, where teachers told powered -- power would be cut and evacuated with their students. >> hanging out with the kids in our camp, trying to calm them down because they are nervous. >> reporter: fire agencies make no apology for overkill, fighting any fire in these canyons. it's an area where many jurisdictions overlap and they never want to get burned again like 1991 when a small fire resumed to be out whipped up the next day into an inferno that destroyed thousands of homes and killed 25 people. >> it's a lot of memories for many of us. there weren't many of us who are still around but we still teach it today. any fire in the oakland hills gets a large, almost massive
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response. >> reporter: and the dangers, even during mop up came -- became real clear when a firefighter slipped and tumbled down a steep hill, 50 feet down to the road below and he was taken away in an ambulance. he lost his footing trying to get away from hornets and stepped on a nest. just a mad scramble to try to avoid getting stung but unfortunately he got hurt in the fall. >> it feels odd to say the fire is only 20% contained yet it seems like for the most part the fire is essentially out. >> reporter: right. there are pockets of fire, hotspots within a perimeter. it is not moving. it is not aggressive at this point bet i did talk to the -- but i did talk to the deputy chief of oakland who says that number will jump dramatically in the morning once they have eyes on it from above and they
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can see the perimeter. there will be a lot of firefighting activity and mop up out here all day tomorrow. possibly into two -- into tomorrow evening as well. they are not going to take chances on these hotspots find they are still looking into the cause a long grizzly peak but the fire jumped from the westside to the east side when sparks were flying and they are also looking into the possibility this might be linked to a smaller fire yesterday afternoon in children park. that is quite coincidental, two fires, two days in a row. >> all right in the oakland hills, thank you. the ntsb says last month's close call at sfo was even closer than first thought releasing these photos along with today's report. the incoming air canada circled in these pictures. it's hard to see but below the circle are four other airplanes waiting to take off. investigators say the airbus
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was preparing to land on the taxiway where several jets had blamed -- had lined up waiting for take off and it may have missed one or more of those planes in its path by just a few feet. retired airline captain dick deeds is the national chairman for the airline pilots association. >> we would say it's just pilot error but somebody was obviously asleep at the switch with this one. >> the ntsb also reports that the air canada jet's lowest point was just 59 feet off the ground. san francisco police say the teenage passenger who jumped out of an emergency exit at a plane -- on a plane at sfo will not face charges. he has been taken to a hospital for mental health treatment. witnesses say he appeared to be in mental distress while traveling alone from panama city to sfo. investigators say the teen slid down the wing to the tarmac shortly after landing.
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the teenager was held by an airfield construction crew until police arrived and arrested him. today, president trump quietly imposed a bill to -- signed a bill to impose new sanctions on russia for interfering in the 2016 election. the president called the bill seriously flawed and russia warned about more retaliation. lauren blanchet talks about the public focus on a new round of policies to reshape legal immigration into the united states. >> reporter: the president, announcing today along with two republican senators, a proposal to transfer the immigration system to merit-based. similar to our neighbor to the north and australia. >> the r.a.i.s.e. act will help ensure that newcomers to our country will be assimilated, will succeed and will achieve the american dream. >> reporter: the immigration change would be the most drastic in nearly 50 years, cutting the number of green cards awarded in half over 10 years and prohibit immigrants
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from collecting welfare. >> this process will favor applicants who can speak english, financially support themselves and their families. >> reporter: the bill would face an uphill battle. democrats and a handful of republicans who represent immigrant heavy populations are not likely to support the bill. despite that, the white house is the kenneth lee supporting it. -- is the hemenway -- vehemently supporting it. >> ultimately, members of congress will have a choice to make. they can vote with the interests of u.s. citizens and u.s. workers or vote against their interests. >> reporter: meanwhile, president trump who referred to the legislation as "significantly flawed" reluctantly signed a new russia sanctions bill as a penalty for moscow interfering in the 2016 election. russian officials, hitting back saying the president is week for allowing the sanctions. >> as history many times proved, they should have known
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we do not bend, we do not break. >> reporter: russia's prime minister says the sanctions bill and soaps for improved u.s.-russia ties and amounts to a full-scale trade war. live in washington, lauren blanchet, ktvu fox 2 news. >> experts say the new immigration plan could see an influx of new workers more tilted toward educated and skilled workers, but analysts say lower wage workers in the agricultural and service industries are just as important to the bay area economy. losing them could cause prices for some goods and services to rise. >> do you want to go ahead and pay five dollars a pound for letters? -- lettuce? or $15 for that hamburger?
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>> it's not clear if the bill has the support to move forward. democrats called it a nonstarter and gop leaders have showed no sign they will take up the bill. coming up next, an explosion kills one please another missing at a school in minneapolis. the latest on what caused this explosion and collapse. we've got the forecast all set for you. we will talk about thursday's heat. ow t with natural gas and electric emergencies. everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. i live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn't want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people's lives. together, we're building a better california.
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the eastbound lanes of highway 4 up on cheuk li . remain shut down at this hour due to an accident involving a
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dump truck. highway patrol says a collision caused the truck to overturn just after 9 pm and spill its load of gravel onto the highway. crews have been called into clear the scene. about 10 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled onto the roadway. still no word on what caused the accident or what time the highway will reopen. a south bay business owner has been arrested for child pornography. authorities say he had a hidden camera in the bathroom of his art and music studio. arana gomez spoke with his mother today who says the crimes can't be true. >> reporter: we went to the address listed for 34-year-old el verde nguyen and to our surprise, his mother answered the door and invited us in. >> we learned he was arrested by police. >> why? what's going on? >> reporter: his mother kathy says she hasn't spoken with her son since the weekend. he was arrested wednesday for attempting to manufacture child pornography right after he was
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seen transporting three children to his san jose business the enlightenment studio. investigators say they were tipped off. >> the anonymous source just provided information of what was found. a particular st card was found and turned over to the police. >> reporter: police say nguyen had a hidden recording device inside the only bathroom in the school and captured images of at least one child under the age of 10. >> disgusting. i'm going to start crying. a lot of kids. if i had known that. i would have broke down the door. >> reporter: those who live and shop nearby say the art and music studio was after used as an after school program. i dug up his license with san jose which listed the business as a school but the license expired in march 2016. reviews on yelp were all positive with customers raving about the music lessons and art classes for kids. his mother says he was always giving back to the community.
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>> he is very good in the public, and the church. he relies on the community. everybody knows him. he is not going to do anything bad. he's a good boy. >> reporter: now that nguyen is behind bars, investigators are concerned about whether his interactions with children go beyond this school and how many victims there might be. i reached out to the unified san -- san jose school district to find out if nguyen participated in any school activities. officials would not confirm or deny any employment information to me. investigators are urging families who have had contact with nguyen to reach out to them immediately. in san jose, a molly ana gomes, ktvu fox 2 news. to developing news, where two people are confirmed dead following a natural gas explosion at a minnesota
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school. the victims have been identified as a receptionist and a custodian who both worked at that school. officials say they rescued three people from the roof of the building and others were rescued from inside the building. a ruptured gas line caused that explosion. one witness said there was a smell of gas, a loud boom and then the ceiling caved in. >> when we arrived, we found the minnehaha academy school with a partial collapse and part of the building on fire. >> about a dozen children were in the gym at the time of that explosion. tonight, all of those kids are safe and accounted for. and the temperatures today are on the mild side, while milder at the coast. warmer around the bay and downright hot again today. 100 degrees livermore, and these are the highest. that is the trend with
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temperatures cooling down. they have to cool them because they're downright hot. the temperatures have dropped for most of the area. they just wrapped up here as well. they have drop that as well around cape mendocino. the higher elevations have been dropped which is a good sign for that cooler air. 79 degrees and livermore. that's pretty warm. temperatures are about 10 degrees warmer than last night. as you look at the national map, a lot of activity in minnesota. some issues perhaps in chicago if you are flying in that direction. a little bit in st. louis, just some potential afternoon thunderstorms. some beautiful sunsets and low clouds, a little bit of everything. the sunset was stunning because of these high clouds that you see. along the coast, that's hard to differentiate these clouds, which has freed themselves from the topography.
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those have come over the top of the fog. this is tropical moisture increasing the humidity out there so you may be noticing is the little stickier out there. cloud cover sticks around tomorrow and then burns off, kind of hangs out. the fog comes back over the coast as it has for the last two weeks and week end up with temperatures like these that are slightly cooler. even though those are 90s, they are pushing the hundreds back. that is essentially the seabreeze if you can call it that when you get to concord. it's cooling so we are getting a little bit of a break. slowly, though. very slow, the cooling but it's grilling nonetheless. that's what we needed about now. the 5-day forecast looks like this. the fire danger never takes are based but by the weekend with these low 90s and hotspots may be will take a tree there. right now, the oakland hills
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today was dry and warm. >> can you imagine if it had been windy? >> that can make all the difference. da's made it look easy tonight over the giants into the bay bridge series. mark boal have all the highlights coming up in sports. taking a look at the eastern span of the bay bridge. that's a good-looking bridge. the 11:00 news continues in just a moment. this busy mom spends her days driving all over town. so why is she smiling? because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale and filled up her trunk with grocery savings,
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plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. now that's something to smile about. right now, get pepsi 12-pack 12-ounce cans, buy 2 get 2 free, and lay's chips, 9.5 -10 ounces, 2 for $5 with your club card. the safeway anniversary sale. come in and explore.
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how about the oakland a's? >> they are up in the bay bridge series. for the giants, 10 runs last night, only one tonight and that's been the deal with them. no consistency, no sign of a win street. chris bostick you'd like to say what a pitching performance but a whole lot of pitchers have looked real good against the giants team. you know what they always say about the giants? they need to get younger and more athletic. the centerfielder denard span, that's a ball. a lot of center fielders are going to catch that. matt chapman is happy about it. chapman gets an rbi double and the giants are down. 2 out in the inning. brian healy, that's the 20th of the year. wayback there. two run shot off matt morris now 3-10 now 8-0. miguel gomez
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gets an rbi double. that's a nice play by chad pender in left field. at his natural position but a nice save there. giants pitching jed lowrie. that is a catchable ball by a lot of major-league centerfielders. denard span didn't even come close to it. jed lowrie is happy with an rbi double and the giants record now 4168. 6-1 were final and they lead the bay bridge series to do to 1. a lot of raider fans are little upset about this. season-ticket holders were sent a pin by the organization and many were insulted. have a look at what it said considering the team's upcoming move to las vegas. it's all about loyalty and family. maybe if you've got $750 million to put purchase loyalty -- to purchase loyalty.
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fans not at all happy about it. we have arrived at that point in the evening where we must check this out. we go from the embarrassing to the brilliant. this is a minor leaguer by the name of xavier avery. it's bad enough to strike out but when you just totally. >> is that real. >> loser balance. >> i feel bad for the guy. >> that's chris lamb. gets the strike out. pretty good catch down the right-field line on the big- league level from ramon flores of the phillies. kind of battling his own fan in anaheim. this is nice here. cincinnati's jesse winker diving headlong to make the catch. shows he's got the ball. look at it in slo mo. every night you learn to appreciate the abilities of outfielders who can make plays like that. and one of the best in the business, a centerfielder who knows what he's doing, christian yelich of miami.
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a brilliant catch right off the turf right there diving fallen for the marlins who pull out their game tonight and then they were beating 7-0, 2 out in the 9th inning and the shut out in jeopardy. carlos stanton up and over. it doesn't hurt that he is about 6'6" but that's a brilliant catch to end the game. they were so happy they missed the collision and he saves the shut out. it's all worth checking out tonight. that is the sporting lineup. >> thank you for joining us. goodnight. >> see you later. more news, more ways -- more news, more ways to watch. that's the power of 2.
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now, who's ready to watch some basketball? why am i looking at you? i don't know. unlike you, i don't need a reason to watch a bunch of guys run around in shorts. don't ruin this for me like you did with olympic diving. cam? recording it. mitch and i are taking alex and manny to an art exhibit. but, of course, everybody is welcome to join. it's a retrospective on postwar abstract expressionism. wait. for school? no, for life. oh, thank god. i don't even know who we fought in the postwar. told you one car was enough. looks like it's just the two amigos. haley? oh, sorry to brunch and bail, grandpa, but i've got a date. uh, with whom? a gorgeous guy i met at school. ooh, goes there or cleans there? mom. answer the question. so everyone's leaving? no, i'm -- i'm not. i wish i had known this before i served the good bacon. you did not serve the good bacon. shh! don't you have a tiny dress to buy? [ squeals ] yes, we do! we asked gloria to take lily to pick out her flower-girl dress.


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