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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 7am  FOX  August 10, 2017 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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the washington nationals tomorrow. redwood city police were called out for a disturbance of a resident. and then they found a man shot. now they're trying to find the person who shot him. more on that coming up. i'm doug luzader in washington. coming up, the latest provocations from north korea. that's just ahead. this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> 7:00 on a thursday morning, august 10th. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm dave clark. steve paulson, there's a lot to talk about. >> gray and cool. we've gone from a blazing hot july for some to below normal temps. livermore, 12 degrees below normal. and you can see the low cloud deck has made it past concord, san ramon, livermore, san jose, santa rosa, well to the inland areas and way back to the
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coast. now, the thunderstorm activity pops up. so this low is parked over us from mendocino county and lake county. also shaded with the low, rotating energy in. getting good lift as well over the mountains and comes right back in and enhancing the fog and gives us drizzle. so i don't think that anything is changing here. i don't buy in any warm-up on the temps. i don't see how it will happen. an on shore breeze in the 50s and 60s. 60 redwood city, atherton, belmont, over to fremont. it is close for los altos and closer to san mateo and pacifica is 55. we are persistent on these temps. the low clouds. we take yesterday's weather and carry it over to today.  which means not much change. the fog hugs the coast for most. not all. but for some, it is a tough order to get some sun.
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all right, sal. 7:01. and traffic is doing what? >> well, we do have busy traffic in some areas. reward had a crash -- we had a crash on 580. so people coming in from the altamont pass will see that traffic is very slow, much slower than normal on 580 because of the earlier accident now out of the lanes at greenville road. but the damage is done. in fact, this commute is much slower than it normally is. you might also expect some commutes that are slower on some of the side roads as people give up on the freeway and take the side roads. the rest of the east bay is looking normallish between hayward. it is looks normal there. in the south bay, some slow traffic approaching the west valley. there you go, northbound 280 coming around the corner is beginning to slow down up to highway 17. san mateo bridge looks okay. westbound 92. in all of the traffic lanes. heading out to a foggy peninsula. at the bay bridge, we have
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traffic that is backed up for the standard 25-minute delay. 7:02. back to the desk. >> we're following the developing story in redwood city where police are investigating a shooting, one that sent a young man to the happened. >> it happened in the 3200 block of hoover street. >> reporter: we spoke to quite a few neighbor who's were surprised when they woke up this morning because most said they didn't hear anything last night. now, police are looking at this one house up the block here where they found the gunshot victim. but they're not sure if he was actually shot at that residence or not. that's why there is a large taped-off area here. they have found evidence closer to where we are. so they're looking at their investigative scene as quite large at this point this morning. police were called out here at 1:45 a.m. of someone reporting ace
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disturbance a home on hoover street. when police arrived, they found an 18-year-old male victim in critical condition. >> when officers arrived, they found an 18-year-old male with gunshot wounds. and he has been transported to the hospital and currently undergoing surgery. >> i'm surprised. there was vandalism in the past but not lately. >> so you didn't hear any shooting last night. >> no. i was asleep. >> reporter: it is unclear where the shooting actually took place. police say violence of this nature is unusual for the area and they haven't had recent calls out here. police are talking to witnesses but so far no suspect has been apprehended. now, we have a scene out here. they have quite a large area taped off. quite a few neighbors have come out here saying that they need to get their car. some have been stranded for a while because of the evidence marker that's have been placed out here. some are near cars. the police, again, have one
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victim suffering from gunshot wounds who was taken to the hospital and undergoing surgery this morning. so far, no suspects. >> leigh martinez in redwood city. thank you. now to marin county where sheriff's deputies are continuing a so much for a missing 16-year-old girl. her name is sarah jane tang. she was last seen yesterday wearing this high school sweatshirt. we will bring you a picture of the water district. the sheriff's department says she went for a hike on mount tam with a friend yesterday. the two girls however got separated at some point. she had a cell phone with her but the battery on the phone may have died. search teams have been looking for her throughout the night. clearly that search is continuing if not intensify this morning. we will stay on top of the search for the missing girl throughout the morning and bring you updates as soon as we get them. the i'm is 7:05. north korea responding to the tough talk from president trump
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saying his warning is a load of nonsense. this is the latest in an escalating war of words that could turn into military action. doug luzader has more from washington. >> reporter: north korea is getting more specific about its plans to possibly attack guam. as this crisis continues to escalate. north korean provocations run the whole gamut from missile launches to personal attacks directed at president trump with one general calling the president senile. >> they will be met with fire and fury. >> reporter: the president's tough talk generating criticism at home and abroad. just as the white house had been pursuing diplomatic solutions for north korea. but the state department defending that message, saying that north korea is the real problem. >> let's consider what is alarming. what is alarming to icbm in less than a month, two nuclear tests that took place last
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year. >> reporter: what we're seeing from this administration may be similar to others before it. rising tensions with north korea followed by deescalation. >> no one in the world wants this war. china doesn't want it. japan doesn't want it. i hope we don't want it. and the cost of it would be so tremendous that american administrations all through recent history have in the end chosen it is better not too fight. >> reporter: japan saying this morning it can defend itself from north korean missiles. the problem even for the united states is that north korea could develop enough missiles to overwhelm defense systems. >> the threat that we're going to face is anywhere from 50 to 75 north korean icbms. that's the problem. so let's just say that the missiles get through, that we do well and we get 65 out of 70. that's not good enough for america. >> reporter: in the meantime as far as possible talks are concerned, north korea says
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that dialogue is not even possible with president trump. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. in the meantime people living on guam are nervous. it is home to 7,000 american military personnel, navy ships and strategic bomber. kim jong-un views the island as a threat. the bombers took off from guam. the island of 162,000 people is just 210 square miles and the u.s. military occupies about a third of its territory. our time is 7:08. the likelihood of a north korean nuclear attack in the bay area is low but cities are prepared for the worst. even if a missile could reach across the pacific ocean, the north koreans haven't figured out how the war head would survive reentery into the
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earth's atmosphere. officials say it is important that you sign up for cell phone alerts telling you what is happening and if you should shelter in place. >> that includes what messages we're sending out to the public. it is things like, you know, hey, go into the shower, take a shower, but don't use shampoo because the radiation will -- will likely -- will stick to you more if you use shampoo and conditioners. >> the experts say if you are two miles or more away from an explosion, you have a better chance of surviving. again, the experts say a nuclear bomb is not likely but a potential threat. happening today in san francisco, a ceremony will take place to honor the first responders who rushed to the scene of a deadly shooting at the ups facility. mayor lee will honor those at city hall this morning. there is the question of who motivated the shooter, jimmy lam, to open fire on his coworkers before shooting and
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killing himself. the i'm is 7:09. a woman in san jose describing the moment she realized her little grandson was missing. >> we started looking everywhere in the house and i ran out the door and i was like oh my gosh, where is he at. >> how the 2-year-old got out of the house and where he is now. up next, the secretary of defense is heading to silicon valley where he plans to stop on his first official visit here. we do have traffic that is going to be slow in many areas. that includes the south bay. here on 680 not too bad as you drive past mission boulevard. well, for those of you saying, steve, we need the fog back, boy, did it come back in a big way. sometimes be careful what you wish for. for some, you can't find any sun. we will tell you if there are any changes headed our way. and... who's there? hey. a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any...
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wait, what's going on now? move the flag.
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at ikea, we believe your perfect student deserves the perfect room for the perfect price. and... who's there? hey. a boy? oh, on the bed? you never told your dad and i about any... wait, what's going on now? move the flag. >> welcome back to mornings on
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2. these are live pictures at 7:12 in the morning. we're in san jose. look at this fire. this is off of rowpaugh road. this comes amid cooler temperatures this week. so that's the good news. however, conditions very dry. not just here in san jose but all across the bay area. i can see a little bit of a flame behind the firefighter. we have a crew on the scene. they are telling us this may be the site perhaps of a homeless encampment. we are working to confirm that. from the live pictures you can see there is a grass fire and an attack on flames underway right now in san jose brokaw road and 880. this is in san jose and the baressa area. we will bring you more information. at this point it is very early
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on. no idea how it started. firefighters are on the scene. in other news, the u.s. expelled two cuban diplomats retaliation involving a sonic device that caused hearing loss to diplomats in havana. several starting suffering unexplained hearing loss. u.s. officials concluded it was an acoustic attack. . u.s. secretary of defense james mattis is making his first official visit to silicon valley today and many to. the former marine general will visit a number of tech companies during the trip. the defense department says his top priority is to see the department of defense innovation unit which is in mountain view. the unit already has contracts
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for 25 projects with silicon valley companies. the time is 7:14. passengers on a princess cruise ship had to spend a week that was blacked out for fear of pirates. the sea princess sailed from sydney, australia to dubai. it was blackout from dusk to dawn to keep pirate as way. it was a ghost ship. the curtains will drawn and the lights were dimmed or turned off. passengers were told to lock balcony doors and cabin windows and prepare for sudden turn it's it had to maneuver away from pirate ships. the ship safely made it to port. sal, you have a big interview coming up on the 9. >> we have the head of the san francisco mta, the person in charge of muni and parking and traffic in san francisco. if you are on twitter, send me
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a question. we will be taking viewer questions asking, maybe you're wondering why parking is so hard in san francisco that. is one complaint that i get. let me know on twitter or facebook. i want to start off with the grass fire that dave and gasia were talking about a few moments ago. this is 880 near brokaw road. and the fire is in the industries here. there is the freeway right there, near brokaw road. so if here talking the brokaw off-ramp, it will be blocked by fire equipment. they do seem to be getting a handle on the fire. several people called chp. that's how the fire was first reported to san jose fire. crews arrived and now they are on the scene. but you might see slowing on the freeway because of this situation. all right. let's move along and look at the commute trying on san jose's freeways northbound. two, there is traffic that is a little bit slow coming from the downtown area up to highway 17. as you can see, the traffic in
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the south bay is getting busy, especially on 880. if you're looking and asking where the fire is again? it is right about here. and it looks like san jose fire is getting control of it. let's talk about the east bay. southbound traffic is going to be slow in hayward and into union city. 580 traffic still slow from an earlier accident westbound at greenville road. 880 traffic a little slow past hyde street. at the bay bridge, 25-minute delay getting into san francisco. at 7:17, let's bring in steve with the forecast. >> thank you, sal. a very good morning. gray overcast morning for many. having a conversation with dave clark and helen in the news room. you know, i see a few early signs of fall. i would agree with that. a couple of trees i noticed the other day starting to turn already. it has been windy so the leaves have been blowing as well. if you noticed that yourself, let me know. it is kind of a little
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different feel compared to july when it was smoking hot. that low cloud deck continues to move itself pretty far inland. sacramento yesterday hit 90. executive airport hit 88. the streak continues for sacramento for 90-degree days. yesterday was one of the coolest days in a long, long time. i don't see any change today. the low that is over us continues to fire up the thunderstorms. see the circulation, northern mendocino county, lake county and up into the northern sacramento valley, shasta and over the sierra, especially around north shore and into reno. now, be careful. some of these are slow movers. there's been reports of two inches of rain and large hail. these are big-time boys for us. that is the low. you can see the circulation around there goes off shore and rotates back in. that is enhancing the fog bank and giving us drills. it is not strong enough to max it out. so it's still in place. maybe by monday we will get enough mixing to clear out the fog bank. until then, i don't see how we
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could warm up much. 50s and 60s. everybody is close. not much of a change here. saar towing a62. morgan hill, 60. cupertino, 59 degrees. unless you're down in southern california where they even have patchy fog. but it is thick, thick, thick here. breezy to windy at times. once the fog burns back, sometimes the wind picks up as well. it takes a long time for some over by the coast to see it burn off. we did some yesterday. but for others, huh-uh. a lot of gray. that will continue today. i think it takes us right into the weekend, gasia. >> thank you, steve. the time is 7:19. the city of san jose throwing out dozens of controversial citations for fireworks after threats of a lawsuit. about 50 people were find $500 forsetting off fireworks back in june and july. we talked with some who said they never had fireworks and
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were being wrongly cited. the citations were sent out neighbors made complaints without any proof. one of the people cited also threatened legal action. >> it is an anonymous complaint, which i think is a big problem that the city has with this ordinance. i mean, that is out of the play book of the police state. people informing on their neighbors. >> san jose's city attorney says the city is throwing out all of the citations and reviewing the online system for reporting violations. by the way the people who paid the fines will be reimbursed. a san ramon little league team won't be make thanksgiving to the world series this -- making it to the world series this year. the new food line that oprah win free is launching and when you will find it in stores. ♪
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[vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here.
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audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event.
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>> the new developture has no connection to win free's deal with weight watchers. it will hit shelves this week and be available nationwide by october. tesla moving ahead with plans to test self-driving big rigs. tesla officials met with authorities at the dmv yesterday in sacramento.
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also with officials in nevada. a dmv spokeswoman says the department is working with the chp on regulation that's would cover tests on vehicle that's weigh more than 10,000 pounds. elon musk is expected to release plans for an autonomous semi-truck. goldman sachs is changing the way that it hires employees. right. the bank plans to begin using a personality test as part of its hiring process. the test will be given for positions in the banking, trading and finance and risk division. they will pilot the test on the summer intern candidates next year. goldman sachs says the answers will be compared with current employees who have exhibit traits of high performance such as team work and judgment. the question of the day is what do you appreciate more in your coworkers in. >> wow.
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>> personality or job skills in. >> both. >> i am struggling. if you had to pick one. you have to pick one. there is no third option. >> wow. >> let us know what you think by voting on twitter and and facebook. i want to hear this. a fremont high school robbed just before the new school year. we will tell you what was stoleenfrom washington high school and why it took officials almost a month to realize what happened. we will tell you why a diversity here at the google campus is expect today draw a big crowd today. good morningment you can see traffic is moving along relatively well here on the san mateo bridge for this time of the morning anyway. there is crowding getting to the span. we will tell you more about it straight ahead. there's also a very big fog bank. and temperatures continue to be below average. i don't see much change today. we will take a look and see what is in store for the weekend.
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>> it's not strong enough to chew up the fog. maybe monday. a sign of a system dropping in, which might usher in cooler air aloft, which would help. not that warm inland but we're still getting 90s. the fog is flying in. the thunderstorms are booming big time in the afternoon and evening. northern lake county, mendocino. in my forecast. everywhere else, sacramento, the sere a there were some big reports of hail and also some really heavy rain. westerly breeze in place. 50s, 60s. it doesn't matter. everyone is within a couple degrees of each other. 56 glenn helen. windsor and hillsberg, 59. almost everything says cloudy
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here. i think it is a slow process to get anything. livermore was 76 yesterday. the forecast models were like 86, 87. i was reluck -- reluctant to go that warm. the temperatures are below normal. sal, what do you have at 7:31. >> slow traffic all over the place. this as you mentioned earlier the power hour, steve, where everyone is out on the road. this is the peak of the morning commute. you will see some slow traffic this morning on the richmond bridge coming up to the pay gates. you can see traffic is slow. this is pretty typical slowdown. and carpool lanes are having an easier time in this particular approach. westbound 80 between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze taking a little more than half an hour. and when you get to the bay bridge, the timer starts again here. you will be waiting for 20, maybe 25 minutes before you make it on to the actual span. 880 northbound and southbound at the oakland coliseum, not a bad commute. the traffic is okay.
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highway 4 has been slow this morning driving over the hill. we had a couple of minor things but slow through pittsburgh, bay point. and then 680 is very slow from concord to walnut creek. you can see it from 242 all the way down to about alamo. you see stop and go traffic. 580 recovering from earlier problems on the altamont pass. that is heavier than usual. and agent eight is slow from hayward to fremont. 7:32. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. new this morning in san jose, two maintenance workers at the san jose airport are expect to stay in the hospital a come more hours. they were exposed to carbon monoxide early this morning. >> they were used a gas powered saw inside of terminal a when they complained of headaches, light-headedness and shortness of breath. they were not near passengers. doors and windows were opened up to bring air inside. it is still not clear where the carbon monoxide came from. google has fired an employee who wrote a controversial memo about women
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in the tech industry. now the search company is holding a town hall meeting in hopes of clearing the air. christien kafton is live at google headquarters in mountain view. it is not unusual for google to hold a town hall. this one i imagine will be packed. >> reporter: absolutely. that's what i would expect as well. we have seen a lot of goggle employees -- google employees showing up for work this morning. the town hall will take place on campus later today. the days since the memo first emerged, the ceo cut his family vacation short to address the issue. he released a memo of his own reading in part, to suggest a group of our colleagues that have trait that's make him less biologically suitable to the work is offensive and not okay. the author of the memo has been fired from google for violating the code of conduct of the company. he has filed a charge with the
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national relations board and spoke on bloomberg television saying he felt betrayed by google and he tried to improve google's culture. he shared that memo internally a month ago and there was no push back on before it went viral. he said management did not weigh in it on until it was public knowledge. employees who supported him have been contacted by google hr, a claim that google has denied. de moore plans to pursue further legal action. this at the same time that 60 female employees are planning to sue google for sexism and pay disparities. some claim they make roughly $40,000 less per year than the male counter parts. a lot of issues to discuss. the town hall will get underway at 4:00 today in mountain view. back to you. >> christien kafton, i can't imagine anyone outside of google is let into the meeting. this is a company event.
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>> reporter: this would be a company-widest. i would find it hard to believe that anyone from the outside would be allowed in for this internal meeting that they could discuss these issues. >> thank you. sometimes word might leak out afterwards. >> right. the 2-year-old boy in san jose who was found in the parking lot of an apartment complex early yesterday morning is still in child protective custody now. the child's grandmother talked to ktvu and did not want to show her face. did not want to say her name. she says she called san jose police about 9:00 yesterday morning reporting the little boy missing. by that time, the child had been with police for several hours. the grandmother says the child has been living with her, her husband, and their six children for about a year. just last monday, all of them moved into a house about half a mile away from where the child was found. >> there was no locks on the doors. so our last house we had to put
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locks on each door because he is smart. he knows how to unlock stuff. this was like an accident. really an accident. and i'm just so embarrassed. >> she said the little boy is also diagnosed autistic. he is very smart, very active. the grandmother says they already bought locks to put at the top of doors where the child can't reach them. but the locks have not been installed yet. the santa cruz county sheriff's department is asking for the public's health in finding a missing man. edmond was last seen on tuesday night. he was reported missing when he didn't return home and he hasn't been heard from since then. the family says that is out of character for him. he is described as a 30-year- old white man. here is his picture. 5:10, 170 pounds, short brown hair and hazel eyes. anyone who has seen him is asked to call the sheriff's office. the photo first, a witness took this picture but the man turned his head right as she
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was taking it. investigators say he grabbed the woman from behind while she was jogging on a trail back in june. police have also released this sketch. he is described as latino with dark hair, between the ages of 15 and 20 years old with a medium to heavy build. anyone who recognizes this man is asked to call san rafael police. the time is 7:37. happening today, a former oakland police officer is scheduled to be formally charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice. alameda county prosecutors say that ryan walterhouse tipped off a prostitute about police raids and a crackdown on prostitution. a judge had thrown out the charges previously but the d.a. refiled charges last month. walterhouse is accused of an act of prostitution as well. the santa clara county d.a.'s office dropped the felony charges after the victim decided not to cooperate with the investigation. brock's girlfriend had accused him of punching and trying to
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strapping l her last april during an argument on what to watch on television. the 49ers released him after the accusations. several other teams have expressed interest in signing brock now that the charges have been dropped. there is still a lot of mystery surrounding a man that climbed the high voltage tower and survived falling 80 feet after being shot and catching fire. >> oh, my god. there's a guy up there on fire. >> he is screaming. you could see he was trying to get himself off. >> the victim made contact with 115 somehow volts of electricity. investigators say he ignored the warning signs out there. that seems to happen a lot around the tower. pg&e says at least three other people have climbed the tower in the last year. >> one time is too many times. this incident is exactly why there's warning signs. it is exactly why there are barriers in place, to prevent people from climbing. >> investigators are trying to identify the man. they want to contact his
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family. at last check he was listed in serious condition. a high school football team in fremont is dealing with the theft of $11,000 worth of equipment. the equipment was stolen from the gymnasium at washington high school, likely sometime back in mid july. when the doors were unlocked so construction crews could get inside. school staff discovered the theft recently because of summer break. they made off with helmets and pads. so far no arrests have been made. our time is 7:39. the santa rosa city council is cracking down on the homeless for what it calls quality of life crimes. the city took up a directive about the crime that's include things like public drunkenness, and panhandling. the city will treat them as misdemeanors instead of infractions hopefully to change that behavior. officials say the idea is not just to throw the homeless into jail. >> we're not interested in
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criminalizing homelessness. we're interested in getting people service that's will head their homelessness. >> however the homeless we talked to in santa rosa says the city should be doing more for them like providing bathrooms that they can use. supporters are not saying the new directive will help solve homelessness but they argue it will make the city cleaner and safer. the time is 7:40. following developing news on mount tam. how rescue crews were able to find a teenage went missing after hiking with her friend. an unexpected interruption right there at a city council meeting. what caused a woman's purse to burst into flames. in gone. a slow morning on the san mateo bridge. it is not moving along well. it is inching along, so to speak. we will tell but this and some of the other commutes coming up. plenty of fog and low clouds, whatever you want to call it. it is in place and it is out there for many. i don't think temperatures warm
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up much at all today. too much fog. we will see what is in store going forward though.
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>> the beaches at lake wildwood were closed after 11 children and three adults became ill after swimming in the lake. e. coli infects were linked to bacteria in the water. they went to the lake for a birthday party. >> the boys are playing at the lake. i saw them blowing bubbles in the water. i always tell them don't drink the water. lots of pain and stomach
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cramping. it was the most painful that i've had. >> one of the little boys was among the four children that developed a opponent finishly life threatening condition and in the hospital for ten days. he is expected to meaning a full recovery. dublin's new water park is changing its schedule as summer winds down and children head back to school. today and tomorrow will be the last weekdays that the park will be open this summer. the wave now will only be open saturday and sunday and will close september 24th. swim lessons and exercise programs continue year round in the indoor swimming area. frozen pizzas were scatter add all over a busy highway in littlerock, arkansas after a truck crashed. take a look. look at those pizzas. the highway was closed for four hours as crews were cleaning up hundreds of the pizzas. the big rig truck hit an overpass. part of the truck tore apart and dumping all those pizza boxes all over the freeway.
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nobody was hurt. but i'm sad to say, none of the pizzas could be saved. >> no. no. the time is 7:45. let's help get you out the door safe. or safely, i guess. sal castaneda, a typical thursday morning commute. >> yeah. we had a couple of things. now it has evened out. we have slow traffic out there. if you're driving to the macarthur maze, you can see the traffic is taking about 36 minutes according to the road sensors and computerized road sensors saying it will take you almost 40 minutes. by the time you get to the bay bridge, you have to count again. this is at least a 20-minute delay at the bay bridge toll plaza. so that's almost an hour to drive from vallejo to san francisco already. and you haven't even made it on to the bridge y once you get out to the bridge, another ten minutes into san francisco. northbound 880 is beginning to slow down. the a's have a game but at night. 7:05. it is not really going to have the same effect as a day game.
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like yesterday. this is a look at highway 4. we have stop and grow traffic on highway 4. it is getting better on section six between concord and walnut creek. today's weather, let's bring steve in. >> sal, we have a lot of fog, as you know. and temperatures yesterday continue their trend down, down, down. they have been doing that since the third of august for many inland. and they continue to trend down. good morning, steve. overcast as far as the eye can see. you call it fog. technically it is called invention fog. we get that in the summertime. heat in the valley rises. comes back over the colder ocean temps and you get the invection fog. usually we have to get the rain to get the tule fog. you can call it fog but it is a low cloud deck or a stratus
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deck. stratus quo. i had a cat once called stratus quo. the coolest cat ever. he was the man. low clouds. look, they make it well inland, past concord, san ramon, up to calistoga and santa clara valley. the low -- now, if this were march, we would be having rain and it would be cold. this low has parked itself here. it can't budge. kind of a blocking pattern. we get the fog and the drizzle. big thunderstorms continue to fire up in the afternoon and evening, especially over mendocino county, parts of lake county and the higher terrain, northern sacramento valley and tahoe, truckee and reno. watch out. reports of big-size hail and torrential rain. these are slow movers for some. the pattern won't change any time soon, at least in my opinion. 50s and 60s. 58 in novato, 58 around the
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peninsula. not cord, 61. in the city these haven't changed all morning long. i think richmond went from 57 to 58. 63 in brentwood. one of the warmest that i can find anywhere. low clouds up and down the coast. i don't think it will budge until maybe monday when a system comes in and chew it's up. you need cool air aloft to keep it up. up in clearlake and ukiah in the 90s. in between 60sand 70s. even 88 in pittsburgh. 79, walnut creek. danville, livermore. 66, alameda. too much low cloud deck. 77, san jose. that is below average. 76 in redwood city. 62 in daly city and in the city. it is tough to get any warmth. a lot of fog there. it's not giant anywhere any time soon until early next week. >> thank you, steve. the time is 7:48. madison bumgarner of the giants pitched seven strong innings
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and led the giants to a 3-1 win over the cubs. >> that's right about the soft -- >> so versatile playing all over the place. super utility guy. pablo has it from his knees. got him. >> wow. >> the panda. watch him again. pablo, you can still play defense, pal. in the 8th -- look at it again. >> that's an out. >> on his knees. just in time. punch him out. now, in the 8th, the giants had a two-run lead and then hunter pence came up to the plate. >> i need to be in my sofa. >> high drive to right. it is out of here! >> it sure was. the giants won 3-1 and took the series from the cubs. the giants also completed a winning home stand. now they're on the road. they will play the washington nationals tomorrow. in the meantime, the oakland a's lost to seattle. the mariners beat them 6-3. a's pitcher cotton struggled to
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keep the ball in the ballpark. >> absolutely destroyed. nelson cruz, they're never cheap, are they? crushed. >> you knew that was gone. seattle took a big lead early in the game. in the 3rd, chris davis of the a's hit his 31st homer of the season. but the mariners kept making great plays. >> does he have a play? he makes the catch. >> come on, steve. that's ridiculous. the a's could only get one hit off of seattle's bullpen. seattle won 6-3. tonight the a's host the orioles at 7:05. well, back here at home, dozens of family members and friends packed a san ramon restaurant last night and saw their hometown little league team come up short in their dream of making it to the little league world series. [cheering and applause]
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>> the spirit was there. about 50 friends and supporters watched last night's game at the fire house restaurant. but they were disappointed. canyon creek all-stars lost 13- 11 to a little league team from utah in last night's game in san bernardino. that loss ends an incredible season. season. >> we couldn't be more prouder of this team. the kids, the coaches, they embody everything that is great in youth sports. >> yeah. most of the players on the team are only 12 years old. so some of them can try out again. they hope to make another run at williamsport for the world series next season. it is 7:51. thousands of people expected to gather in gold gate park this weekend. coming up, we will tell you more about the preparations already underway for this year's outside lands festival. a local professor makes an amazing discovery. up next, the fossil just found
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in kenya. this one dates back 13 million years much days driving all over town.
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so... why is she smiling? because she shopped during the safeway anniversary sale, and filled up her trunk with grocery savings, plus earned 4 times the gas reward points. now that's something to smile about. the safeway anniversary sale! come in and explore! >> welcome back to mornings on 2. it is 5:74. in boulder city, nevada there is what could have been a very dangerous situation at a city council meeting. >> there was an explosion and it was all caught on video tape. tape. >> signed on --
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>> oh, my god. >> oh, my. it's on fire. >> that was cause by a battery inside of the woman's purse. the woman was treated for minor burns much >> i just knew something was wrong. i mean, i saw the smoke and i said that's not right. >> the battery that exploded was reportedly attached to a vape pen that caught fire. >> wow. 7:55. the type est baby ever born at a hospital in maryland is finally home. >> she weighed just 12-ounces when she was born prematurely back in march. the mom was only pregnant for four and a half months. doctors delivered the baby early because of the mom's medical condition. she now weighs four pounds. doctors say she could face
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physical or intellectual challenges. she will return for physical therapy and regular check-ups. look at that tiny foot in her parents' hand. she has come a long way. the san francisco police officer is being credited for saving a approximate man's life. he gave him cpr and saved his life. robert fung was on the pavilion for the steph curry experience and he saw a man collapse. the 66-year-old man stopped breathing and lost consciousness. he revived the man with wcpr. the man is at the hospital and expected to survive. today the journal of nature announced the discover reof a skull. this could be the common ancestor of all living humans and apes. it was found by -- an throw poll gists say that skull, the size of a lemon is amazingly complete and believe it came
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from a baby ape that lived 13 million years ago in northern kenya. a teenager goes missing while hike withing her friend up in the north bay. next, how search and rescue crews brought her to safety. i'm doug luzader in washington. coming up, the latest provocation from north korea. that's just ahead. good morning. it's still very slow in some areas. we haven't seen any improvement yet. other areas are actually improving. we will decipher between the two straight ahead. well, sunshine for some will not be improving. too much fog in place and haze as well. smoke up north. some of that filtering in. it looks like a cooler forecast. ♪
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i am a first responder tor and i'emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california.
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>> this is ktvu mornings on 2. >> welcome back, everyone. live to marin county right now where this is sarah jane tang. she is the teenager who was found early this morning after being lost on the mountain. let's hear what she has to say. >> well, it looks like we just missed the words right there. that is her father who has been reunited, gasia, with his daughter. she was hiking yesterday according to authorities on mount tam with a friend. somehow they got separated. the friend called authorities and said her friend was missing. at 8:00 on this thursday morning, here we are. father and daughter reunited. >> certainly the best possible type of resolution for the story. mount tam is your backyard, mike. i've hiked a few times there myself. easy to become disoriented. when you're separated from your hiking partner, things are more dangerous. she had a cell phone with her
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but authorities were concerned she ran out of battery. always good to keep something like that with you. temperatures on mount tam were chilly but not dangerous. we will talk to steve paulson about that. again, the young girl, 16-year- old sarah tang, has been found safe and sound and back with dad. >> you mentioned mount tam. >> yes. >> even to this day, someone who grew up around that mountain can easily get lost. you take a turn here and there and you think where am i. the other good thing, she had a sweatshirt on. she was prepared for the cool temperatures. let's swing it over to steve. >> it depends on the elevation. at the base, 58. halfway up, 66. at the top, in the 70s. she had the sweatshirt. >> big difference. >> big difference on the temps. also a lot of fog here. that's making a big difference on our inland temps. not so much coast and bay. they're hard pressed to get oust the low 60s for many, including san francisco, around
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the bay. alameda, oakland, upper 60s. local drizzle as well. the fog is signaling a cooler pattern here. it started a couple days ago and continues here. there is a low that is stuck over northern california. as long as it continues to park itself here, our weather is on the cooler side. also the thunderstorm activity is front and center for those to the north and also the east. especially over the higher terrain, sierra and shasta. watch out for that in northern mendocino county. this is like spokes in the wheel. it reinforces the fog bank, pushing it farther and farther inland. 50s and 60s i don't think have changed all morning long. 55 pacifica. then 60, belmont, redwood city, atherton. everybody is the same temperatures here. low clouds will be slow to clear for some. there's a lake peel-back for
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yesterday. i think the same today. 60s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s far inland. 8:02. the traffic is doing what, sal. >> it is slow, steve. >> okay. >> the traffic will actually be slow this morning on the richmond bridge approach. slow on 80. but the good thing is the first days of this week we had a few incidents. webs and thursday a normal slowing that you would expect if you drive this commute every day heading over to san rafael or the commute heading into the bay bridge toll plaza. we can look at that on 80 westbound. it doesn't look like my computer wants to go there. i will have to do a switch here, fellas. this might be rough. let's go to the bay bridge. manually do it there. okay. westbound. it is backed up for a 20 to 25- minute delay. remember, that's not the time on the east shore. that's the time just waiting here at the toll plaza. also looking at interstate 880. you can see traffic is slowing down. it slows right out of the san
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leandro oakland boundary and getting up into downtown oakland heading north. highway 4 is recovering a little bit. slow traffic in concord. and from 680, 242 interchange down to walnut creek we had an earlier minor accident at the 24 interchange. watch for slow traffic there. and 580 is finally a little better after an earlier accident cleared. still slow. >> thank you, sal. developing news out of redwood city where police are investigating a shooting that sent one young than to the hospital. leigh martinez has the latest. >> reporter: police now say that the suspect and the victim knew each other. their investigation has brought them to this house. however, they're not saying what connection the house has to either the suspect or the victim. they can confirm that the victim wasn't found here. the victim was found at the end of the street, at the corner of haven avenue. police were called out at 1:45 by someone reporting a
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disturbance at the home on hoover street. when police arrived, they found an 18-year-old male victim in critical condition. condition. >> when officers arrived, they found an 18-year-old male with gunshot wounds. and he has been transported to the hospital and currently undergoing surgery. >> i'm surprised. i mean, there was vandalism in the past but not lately. >> reporter: now, it is unclear at this time where the shooting actually took place. evidence markers were put down the street. police say blood evidence was found down by haven avenue and along hoover street. police say that violence of this nature is very unusual for this area. they do not believe there is any danger to the public because they believe the victim and the suspect knew each other. at this time they do not have a suspect in custody. i asked if they actually have a name of a suspect and police at
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this time do not. their investigation has brought them to this house but they are not telling us what connection the particular house has to the investigation. >> is there still police tape around the neighborhood as we saw earlier? >> reporter: just a few moments ago, they picked up all of the tape. they have reopened hoover street. >> i'm sure residents are happy about that at least. thank you. new this morning to the south bay we go where san jose firefighters were busy putting out a grass fire. we brought you pictures of the fire not long after it started off of interstate 880. we're working to learn how the fire started. there is a homeless encampment there. firefighters responded to four fires in the area recently. no reports of any injuries. two maintenance work from san jose airport are expected to stay at the hospital for a few more hours. they were exposed to carbon monoxide while using a gas powered saw inside terminal a. they reported headaches, feeling light headed and shortness of breath and were taken to the hospital. officials believe the fumes came from a saw in an enclosed space.
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no passengers were affected. north korea now expanding on its plans to launch ballistic missiles towards guam. according to state military, north korea is preparing to fire four missiles towards guam. doug luzader has the story from washington. >> reporter: north korea is getting more specific about its plans to possibly attack guam. as this crisis continues to escalate. north korean provocations run the full gamut from missile launches to personal attacks directed at president trump. one general calling the president senile. >> they will be met with fire and fury. >> reporter: the president's tough talk generating criticism at home and abroad. just as the white house had been pursuing diplomatic solutions for north korea, including consensus building at the united nations. the state department defending that message saying north korea is the real problem. >> let's consider what is
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alarming. what is alarming to icbm tasks in less than a two. two nuclear tests last year. >> reporter: what we're seeing from this administration may be similar to those before it, rising tensions followed by deescalation. >> no one in the world wants this war. gentleman snap, china, i hope we don't want it. and the cost would be so tremendous that american administrations all through recent history have in the end chosen it is better not to fight. >> reporter: japan saying this morning that it can defend itself from north korean missiles. the problem though even for the united states is that north korea could develop enough missiles to overwhelm defense systems. >> the threat we're going to face is anywhere from 50 to 75 north korean icbms. that's the problem. and so let's just say that those missiles get through, that we do very well, and we get 65 out of 70. that's not good enough for
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america. >> reporter: in the meantime as far as possible talks are concerned, north korea says that dialogue is not even possible with president trump. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. x news. the likelihood of north korean nuclear attack in the bay area is slow but cities are prepared. if there is an affect at that the office of emergency management has procedures. it is important to sign up for cell phone alert that's will tell you what happen if they should shelter in place. >> that includes what messages we send out to the public. it is things like, you know, hey, go into the shower, take a shower but don't use shampoo because the radiation will -- will likely -- will stick to you more if you use shampoo and conditioner. >> experts say if you are two miles or more away from an explosion, you have a greater chance of survival. nuclear bomb is unlikely but a potential threat. two top aides to the u.s.
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ambassador to the u.n. nikki hailly radio resigning. both her spokesman and her chief of staff were departing because of family concerns. groves came from the conservative think tank the heritage foundation. many know jonathan from his years at fox news. the time is 8:10. google could face tough questions today. more on the town hall being held following the controversial memo by a google employee. getting a job based on a personality test. up next, the major company who plans to use this approach. people love my breakfast burritos. and my french fries. wait! what if i put them together?! a burrito stuffed with scrambled eggs, creamy guacamole, bacon and crispy french fries. i'll call it the california breakfast burrito! boom. someone got that, right? scrambled eggs. guacamole. bacon. french fries. you'll call it the california breakfast burrito. boom. good work everyone.
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another winner. introducing my new california breakfast burrito. only at jack in the box.
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>> happening today in san francisco, a ceremony will take place to honor the first responder who's rushed to the scene of june's deadly shooting at a ups facility. mayor ed lee will honor pose police and firefighter -- will honor those police and firefighters at city hall. a high school football team in fremont is dealing with the theft of about $11,000 worth of equipment. the equipment was stoleenfrom the gymnasium at wash war high probably sometime in mid july when the doors were unlocked so construction crews could get inside. school staff recently discovered the theft because everyone was on summer break. the thieves made off with helmets and football pads.
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so far no arrest have been made. we're learning toothy two bay area school districts are rank -- we're learning that two bay area school districts are ranked among the best in the country. the next highest ranked school district in the bay area came in at number 59. 9. some apple employees are upset with the open office plan at the new headquarters. apple moved workers in april. now there is dissatisfaction with the setup. the business journal reports a well connected apple blogger found out that a vice president complained so loudly that it was given its own building. apple says the open floor plan creates a more collaborative atmosphere. but the highest level executives have private offices
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on a separate floor. preparations are already underway in san francisco for this festival this weekend. barriers and tents have already started to go up. thousands to expected to attend the tess at this val in golden gate park. the lineup includes metallica and the who. expect a lot of traffic around golden gate park this weekend. you have a choice of games offering jackpots above $300 million. no one won tuesday night's mega millions drawing. the jackpot is an estimated $382 million. the next drawing is tomorrow. no one won the powerball either. it is now worth $356 million. it is expected to grow even more before saturday's drawing. goldman sachs plans to begin a personality test as part of the hiring process. the test will be given for positions in banking, trading
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and finance divisions. later future job cant dates will -- candidates will be given the test. answers will be compared to those of current employee who's have been identified as exhibiting traits that mark high performance, such as team work and judgment. what do you appreciate nor your coworkers? i love it when we're evenly split. that is the case. 51% say personality. 49% say job skills. let us know what you think by voting on twitter or you can also leave a comment for us on the ktvu facebook page. i'm still struggling. this one is a tough one for me to answer. >> based on the results, it seems people want both. right down the middle which should have been an option on the question. >> we want today make it hard. when you find both in a person. >> right. >> it is like gold. so i don't know. sal, have you decided, skills or personality? are you able to choose. >> that's a tough one. if someone has a bad personality, i think it would impair their skills. >> right. >> but if someone has bad skills, i don't care how nice
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you are. >> that's true. it is a tough one. let us know on twitter. what i want to find out, today we will be interviewing the head of the sfmta, the person who does traffic and muni and in charge of the bike lanes and red lanes in san francisco. if you have any questions, hit me up on twitter or facebook and i will choose some questions to ask in case something is bothering you and you want changed. let me know. let's go out to the east shore freeway westbound driving out to the macarthur maze. westbound you can see traffic is going to be busy. 31-minute drive heading out to the macarthur maze. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, it is another 20- minute drive. if you're driving from vallejo and you can add, you know it is taking about an hour to get into san francisco. another ten minutes on the bridge. and that's how long it will take getting into san francisco. northbound 880 is slowing from about the oakland san leandro boundary all the way up to downtown. 580 is also slow.
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680 is slow down to walnut creek. on the peninsula, we have moderate traffic in san mateo. and this is a nice picture. i'm going to send it to steve after we get this nice weather shot of downtown san jose, steve. >> it looks like a cloudy downtown san jose. cloudy just about everywhere. thank you, sir. a lot of low clouds and fog. what is going on? i'll explain why. be careful in the higher terrain. they are booming big time. yvonne in sonoma. good morning to you, steve. thank you. a lovely foggy 59 downtown sonoma. my fav. if you're happy, i'm sure many are happy unless you want heat. speaking of sonoma, a shoutout to my friends den us and diane mitch -- dennis and diane mitchell. i'm sure they have fog you have there. i get 56 for glenn helen and
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one for calistoga,55. tiberon is 55. lake county has 70s up there. look at the fog, st. helena up to calistoga. did not make it up to fran's valley. temperatures will be hard pressed to warm up today. it has made it all the way to san jose as you saw and live more and concord. this is the airflow around the low that is parked right over us. see the circulation there. take some of that cloud cover and thunderstorms and back into humboldt and trinity county. it goes off shore and right back in. that is the dip in the jetstream. that's why we are so much cooler. it is parked over us. until that kicks out, why would you change anything? you wouldn't. mendocino county, lake county, that is what is in place. this pattern is here to stay through monday and tuesday with only subtle changes here. there is a decent on shore breeze that picks up sometimes when the fog burns off. a couple locations are slowly
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warming up. brentwood says 67. everywhere else upper 50s or very low 60s. they will be slow to change. in fact i doubt we see a lot of change in the city temps through 11:00 or noon. on the peninsula, 60 has been a popular number. same down towards cupertino at 60. morgan hill is close for others. that is at 60. boulder creek at 59. that's a lot of gray being influenced by the low. it continues to ramp up the fog bank. unless you're towards vacaville or up into clearlake or lake county, you have 60s and 70s or some 80s. that is not bad for st. helena. 88 in pittsburgh. that's a cool day. 68 in oakland. berkeley, 66. alameda, 79. that is a good ten degrees below average. 77 in san jose. that is five below average. 66 in the city, that is four to five below average.
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not much change. it looks cooler until monday. >> we're going to go out to livermore and see the meteor shower. >> i would go as far inland as possible because the fog will prevent it. >> middle of the night. >> you will be fine out there. >> packing snacks and blankets and all of the above. >> what an adventure. i like it. popular tahoe ski resort is fined. what squaw valley is accused of following the death of a ski patroller earlier this year.
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food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees.
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>> new at 8:00, hurricane franklin weakened to a tropical storm. the atlantic's first hurricane of 2017 will continue to move inland towards mexico city. also new at 8:00, several people taken to the hospital after a double decker bus crashed into a building in south london. police shut down traffic to help the passengers out of the bus. the bus did a lot of damage to the building itself. no word what caused the crash. the state has cited and fined a major tahoe ski resort for violating two workplace safety codes following the death of one of its ski patrollers earlier this year. the man died in january while working avalanche control. california's division of occupational safety and health concluded the resort failed to correct an unidentified unsafe working condition with regards to hang cords that they were using. they failed to make sure that
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all crew members maintained visual contact or awareness with each other. a low flying russian spy plane was spotted flying over parts of washington, d.c. and bedminster, new jersey where president trump is vacationing at his golf club. it was conducted on the treaty of open sky that's went into effect in 2002. allows unarmed observation flights in both the u.s. and russia. officials say the russians gave at least 72 hours notice before the flight. the plane flew near president trump's golf resort at 4,000 feet and climbed at 5,000 feet before flying into new york air space. 1900 passengers were aboard the sea princess as it headed from australia to dubai. for ten days the ship was blacked out from dusk to dawn to keep pirates away. they were told to lock doors and windows. luckily the ship made it safely
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back to port. city of san jose is throwing out citations for illegal fireworks after weeks of backlash and a threat of a lawsuit. people were fined $500 forsetting off fireworks back in june and july. some said they were being wrongly cited. the citations were mailed out after being issued to the online reporting tool. it let's neighbors make complaints without offering proof. a lawyer representing one of the people cited threatened legal action. >> it's an anonymous complaint. which i think is a big problem that the city has with this ordinance. i mean, that's right out of the play book of the police state. people are informing on their neighbors. >> san jose city attorney says the city is throwing the out all of the citations and reviewing the online system for reporting violations. also the people who paid the fines will be reimbursed. a warning for joggers. more on the attack on the trail in san rafael. who police are now looking for. r.
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a town hall set to discuss diversity and sexism should be widely attended here on the google campus. we will tell you all about it coming up. marin county, the traffic here is not too bad on southbound 101 driving to 580. we will tell you more about the morning commute straight ahead. well, except for a few holes in the fog bank, there's a lot going around here. temperatures similar to yesterday. we will see what is in store for the next few days.
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♪ keeping up. it takes hard work, tight budgets and a little support. and pg&e is ready to do our part. our care program can save you 20% or more on your monthly bill. it just takes a few minutes to apply and you'll see the savings on your next bill. when having a little extra can mean a lot ...turn to care. go to and enroll today. >> 8:29 on thursday morning. we will woman back to mornings on 2. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> good morning. i'm mike mibach. we will get to sal in a bit. first let's hand it over to steve to see what is on tap for this thursday. >> not much different from
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yesterday. that is a lot of fog, mike and gasia. there are a few breaks or holes in the fog bank. but the damage is done, as sal would say here. good morning, sp. thank you. the current situation is a nice 60. i went to the bank and got fog. i went 76 today. let's look at vallejo. they're at 59. american canyon at 60. concord pavilion, 60. cooler by orinda but not too much. what about that fog? there's a lot out there towards american canyon, hidden brook, crockett, benecia, even out to concord and pleasant hill that. is a good push over the strait as well. and many locations are getting fog because there is a strong low holding court, parking itself. that is also giving us not only the fog but thunderstorms up north. these are big boomers in the
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afternoon and evening. torrential rain and large hail on some of these. mainly northern sacramento valley and up towards the sierra in tahoe. it will be another gray day for many over by the coast and around the bay until probably late morning or early afternoon. for some, it doesn't clear at all. 60s, 70s and 80s inland. anything that you want to go to, sal. >> we're going to go down the line and show you the busy commutes around the bay area. there is the bay bridge with our spider prominent leo owe if you're not looking at the tv and you want to see a spider on the camera lens, you have a femur seconds. traffic is backed up out to the macarthur maze this morning. 20, 25-minute delay. this is a look at 880 northbound. it is beginning to slow in san
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leandro as you drive through oakland. 580 not much better. it will be slowing as you approach the edwards exit and head out to the lake shore curve. westbound 92, moderate. the dumbarton bridge is also moderate. highway 4 finally improvement. if you've been waiting, let's say you're in antioch and want to get to concord, it is as good as it's going to get. here are the top stories we are following this morning. a reyou knowon we brought you live about 30 minutes ago. it was between a san francisco father and his 16-year-old daughter who spent the night on mount tam after getting lost hiking with a girlfriend yesterday. the marin county sheriff's department says the two girls got separated somehow and the other girl was able to call the family to tell them she was still out there on the mountain. we spoke with sarah's father before being reunited with his daughter and he was very relieved to hear that she had been found. >> so happy. like, you know, like -- like
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the best thing in the world. >> search teams were looking for sarah tang throughout the night. the sheriff's department says she made her way out on her own this morning and ran into the search teams looking for her. overseas, north korea getting more specific about a potential plan to attack guam where there are two u.s. military bases. a north korean general says there is a plan to launch four missiles into the water near the island. the general says that plan will be finalized by the middle of the month. then he will wait for the command of the north korean leader kim jong-un. back here in the bay area, two workers at san jose airport are being treated for exposure to carbon monoxide. they were using a gas powered saw inside the terminal when they reported light-headedness and getting headaches. they were taken to the hospital for treatment and are expected to recover. no passengers were in the terminal at the time and the terminal is open for operations this morning.
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google has fired an employee who wrote a controversial memo about women in the tech industry. as christien kafton reports, today google is holding a town hall meeting in hopes of clearing the air. >> reporter: google employees showing up to work this morning, knowing there will be a town hall later on today hosted by google's ceo. he will be on hand to discuss the memo that stirred up so much controversy. in the days since the memo came to light, he cut short his family vacation to address the issue. he has issued a memo of his own reading in part, quote, to suggest a group of our colleagues have traits that make them less biologically suited to the work is offensive and not okay. the author of the controversial memo james de moore has been fired for violating the code of conduct. de moore has filed a charge with the national labor relations board and spoke on bloomberg television, defending himself, saying he feels hurt and betrayed by google. he was trying to improve the
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culture of google. he shared that memo internally a month ago and there was no push back on it until it went viral. he also said that employees who have been supporting him have been contacted by google's human resources, a claim that google has denied. he plans to pursue further legal action. meanwhile this at the same time that more than 60 women are saying they may sue for gender discrimination and sexism and pay disparities. some claim they make roughly $40,000 less than their male counter parts. today's town hall will take place at 4:00 p.m. here in mountain view. in mountain view, christien kafton, ktvu fox 2 news. the time is 8:35. u.s. secretary of defense james mattis is making his first official visit to silicon valley today and tomorrow. he will visit several tech companies including google during the trip. he is announce new national guard recruiting option for tech works. but the defense department says the top priority is to see the
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department of defense innovation unit in mountain view. it has contract for 25 projects with silicon valley companies. police have released a photo and sketch of a man accused of sexual battery on a jogger. a woman had taken had photo of the suspect but he turned his head. he grabbed the woman from behind as she jogged near the target back in june. police also released this very much. he is described as latino with dark hair between 15 to 20 years old with a medium to heavy build. anyone who recognizes the individual should call police. a former oakland police officer is scheduled to be formally charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice. prosecutors say ryan walterhouse sipped off a prostitution about a raid. a judge had previously dismissed the charges but the district attorney refiled the charges last month. he is accused of engaging in an
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act of prostitution. there is still a lot of mystery surviving a man who climbed a tower and survived an 80-foot tall after being shocked and catching fire. >> oh, my god. there's a guy up there on fire. >> he was screaming and you could see he was trying to get himself off. >> the victim made contact with 115,000 volts of electricity. he ignored warning signs. pg&e say three people have climbed the tower over the past year. >> one time is too many times. this incident is exactly why there's warning signs. it is exactly why there are barriers in place to prevent people from climbing. >> investigators are trying to identify the man in hopes of contacting his family members. at last check he was in serious condition. health officials in nevada county say a lake near grass valley will be closed for two weeks because of an e. coli outbreak. the beaches at lake wildwood were closed after 11 children
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and three adults got sick after swimming in the lake. it was link today bacteria in the water. jaylene and her two sons have been discharged from the hospital. they went there for a birthday party. >> they were playing in the lake. i saw them blowing bubbles. i told them not to drink the water. it was significant pain. >> one of davidson's boys were among the four children that developed a potentially life threatening condition but was released from the hospital -- he was in the hospital for ten days. we're learning more about the toddler found wandering the streets of san jose. we covered this extensively yesterday on mornings on 2. up next, what the boy's grandmother is saying about how the little boy got out of the house. good morning. we do see that traffic is going to be busier in some areas and not so much in others. it appears i have a weather picture here. steve, it is foggy out there. it is foggy out there. and it is foggy over there and
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over yonder. a few breaks in the clouds but not much. we will talk about it.
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>> a 2-year-old boy was found in a san jose apartment complex parking lot early yesterday morning and is in child
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protective custody this morning. the boy's grandmother talked with view view in the afternoon but asked not to show her face or give her name. she called san jose police about 9:00 yesterday morning to report the little boy missing. by that time the boy had been with police for several hours. the boy has been living with her and her husband and their six children for about a year. they moved into a new house a week ago, a half mile away from where the boy was found. >> there were no locks on the door. on the last house, we had to put locks on the top because he is smart and knows how to unlock stuff. this was really an accident. an accident. i'm just so embarrassed. >> the boy has autism and is -- and is smart and active. the locks hadn't been installed in the new home. in minutes, san jose city leaders are making the city more bicycle friendly to henry
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deuce grid lock and help the environment. jessie is live to explain more. >> reporter: this is part of the push to create better streets by creating a premiere bicycling network throughout the city of san jose. any time that you're down here, the grid lock in the morning from traffic is horrific. put more people biking to work, the better. the two-day event covers the latest in cutting edge design, techniques for marin siting bicycling infrastructure. city practitioners will share how they are designing the broadest range of people bicycling and sustaining growth as a travel mode. the workshop started yesterday and continues today. joining me now live to talk about it, the mayor of san jose, sam liccardo. thanks. you rode up on your bike. thank you for joining us so early in the morning. >> i'm a bike geek. >> me too. although i fall more than you
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do. tell me, this has been a pet project of yours since in office. >> yeah. >> what makes this two-day event different from what you have been pushing. >> what we have seen in the last couple years ask a spike in fatalities and injury accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists. as we retrofit the city built for automobiles into one built for people, we have an opportunity to make it safer for everybody out there. >> and this is a good idea beyond safety. >> certainly safety is a big reason. we know there are benefits to get out of the cars and on to bikes and on to the sidewalks as well and walking. those include public health certainly and environmental benefits. also the fact that we're growing as a city. we will continue to grow. and, you know, some would -- of the 400,000 people we're likely to add in the quarter century, two thirds will be our children
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and grandchildren. we are stuck with them. like it or not, we will keep growing. we need to find modes other than the automobile because there won't be space on the roadway. >> you not only talk a good game, you actually ride the bike. how was the ride from over the airport. >> i live a mile and a half away. i'm able to do it two or three times a week. it is great. >> you are over at the police academy, graduating class. you have to be happy that it is more than one or two officers. >> i'm thrilled. the last two classes have broken recent records for us. the incoming is the biggest class we have had in a decade. we're rebuilding the department and we will see more than 100 officers join the force this year. >> thank you for getting up early and biking over and joining us. appreciate it. >> it is a pleasure. >> the event starts in minutes on the other side of city hall. live outside of san jose city hall, jessie gary, ktvu fox 2 news. >> the fair going a mile and a
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half. >> absolutely. >> more than i did this morning. >> it is good exercise and gets you there faster. sometimes faster than taking a car depending where you are. >> if you live in a flat part, it is cool. in the hilly part. >> then your calves get nice and strong. >> go, gasia. all right. good morning, everybody. let's take a look at highway 101 southbound. if you are driving through novato into san rafael, i'm happy to say the commute has cleared up. it looks good heading down to central san rafael. not a bad commute at all right now. this is a look at 80. this commute has improved a little bit. driving from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. at the bay bridge, we have a 15 to 20-minute delay. and our spider is there. he has his own twitter page linked to ktvu, by the way. look at this, highway 4 from antioch to concord is cleared up. if you've been waiting, this is your opportunity. i'm happy to say that as i toss to steve at 8:46.
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things have cleared up, steve. >> that's good news. the fog has not cleared up. >> no, it hasn't. >> that's true. for many, it is a lot of fog out there. delays yesterday at sfo. the fog seemed to be thicker yesterday. we have continental, united waiting to take off. >> united 242. >> yeah. on its way to indianapolis. is that where it is going. >> sure. why not. this is colts practice. >> thank you for that. we have clearance here. clearance. clearance. clearance. kathleen kinney would like to you know that fog-ust is still in full effect in presidio in san francisco. haven't heard from you for a while. i don't see anything but gray. there's a lot. temperatures have not budged one iota since 4:00 this morning. 56, 57, 58. hot out there. 58.
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low clouds. well inland. well, well inland associated with a strong and unseasonably low for this time of year. in march this would be a bigger event. as it is, not bad for this time of year. especially over the higher terrain, lake county, those thunderstorms are blowing up. boom. right there. and producing large hail. northern sacramento valley up towards shasta. slow movers with torrential rain. 50s to 60s. i mean, only brentwood is moving out there. everyone else has stayed just about the same all morning long. for good reason. too much fog out there. low clouds will be slow to peel back. as it does, it will leave behind some cool temps for this time of year. clearlake, probably ukiah as well to vacaville. still in the 90s. everybody else in the 60s, 70s, 80s. right at 90 for antioch and brentwood. 79 in walnut creek with a breeze. 68 in berkeley.
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south bay temps, 70 toss 80s. santa cruz might be the few that breaks out of the upper 60s. the peninsula, a lot of 70s. these are cool conditions for us. we will continue that into the weekend. >> speaking of the weekend, outside lands. bring your jacket. >> i think so. >> the 49ers play tomorrow. the raiders on saturday. we will look at the top selling him in jerseys this year and where some of the teams in the bay area are making the list.
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food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing,
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but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. >> well, the opening bell just about 2 hours 20 minutes ago. stocks tumbling in early morning trading as investors find little to like in the latest batch of corporate earnings. the dow is down 122 points. the nasdaq is deep in red, down 94 points. facebook is launching a new platform where users can watch
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original video programming. facebook watch is the social media site's first attempt to offer videos made specifically for facebook. initially facebook was only allowing people who go through an application process to make videos for the site. eventually anyone will be able to create content. watch will also feature shows at regularly scheduled times and will carry one professional baseball game a week. recent sales of nfl jerseys show that oakland raiders popularity has spread across the country. according to the nfl, marshawn lynch's number 24 is the second best selling jersey behind tom brady. the raiders the only team with three players in the top ten. the cowboys have two. madison bumgarner pitched 7 strong innings and and led the giants to a victory over the chicago cubs.
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>> so verse tile oreo -- versatile, playing all over the place. got him. >> pablo sandoval showing he can still play difference in the corner. the giants had a 2-1 lead in the 8th. then hunter pence got into the box. >> i need to be in my sofa. >> high drive to right. it is out of here! >> giants take the series from the cubs. san francisco also completes a winning home stand and now hits the road playing the washington nationals tomorrow. well, the a's lost to seattle 6-3. pitcher cotton of the a's struggled to keep the ball in the ballpark. >> absolutely destroyed. nelson cruz, they're never cheap, are they? crushed. >> seattle took a big lead early in the game. chris davis hit his 31st homer
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in the 3rd. but the mariners kept making great plays. >> clubbed into left. does he make a play? he makes the catch. >> the a's could only get one hit off of seattle's bullpen as seattle goes on to win 6-3. the a's host the orioles tonight at 7:05. dozens of friends and family members packed a san ramon restaurant last night only to watch their hometown little league team come up short in their dream of making it to the little league world series. [cheering and applause] >> about 50 friends and supporters watched last night's game at the fire house restaurant. but it was a disappointing night in the end. the canyon creek all-stars lost 13-11 to a team from utah in last night's game in san bernardino. it brings the team's incredible season to an end.
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what caused one woman's purse to burst into flames at this city council meeting in the state of nevada.
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>> 8:57 now. new this morning, taylor swift is testifying in her trial accusing a former radio d.j. of groping her in denver in 2013. swift testified she was absolutely stunned when the d.j., david mueller, grabbed her under her skirt. she didn't say anything at the time because she didn't want others at the photo shoot overhearing but she mentioned the incident to her photographer. mueller sued swift and others on the team claiming they cost him his job and he is seeking up to $3 million in damages. she is counter suing asking only a dollar but asking that he take responsibility for it. in boulder city, nevada there was a dangerous situation at a city council meeting. an explosion was caught on tape. >> july 20th. it was signed on -- >> oh, my god.
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>> that explosion was caused about i a battery inside a woman's purse. when the purse caught fire, the woman threw it to ground. she was treated for minor burns. it was attach today a vape pen that caught fire. the santa cruz county sheriff's department is asking for the public's help in finding a missing man. he was last seen on tuesday night. he was reported missing when he didn't return home. and he hasn't been heard from since then. he is described as 30 years old, a might man. here is his picture. 5'10" and weighs 170 pounds. short brown hair and hazel eyes. if you have seen him, call the sheriff's office. a san francisco police officer is being credited for saving a man's life. police say that officer robert fung was at the pavilion on tuesday for the steph curry experience when he saw the man collapse. the 66-year-old had stopped breathing and lost consciousness. the officer revived the man who
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is now at the hospital. the man is expected to survive. former san francisco 49ers quarterback brock no longer faces charges of domestic violence. the santa clara county d.a.'s office dropped the felony charges after the victim decided not to cooperate with the investigation. brock's girlfriend accused him of punching and trying to strangle her last april during an argument over what to watch on television. the 49ers released him after learning of the accusations. the chronicle report that's several other teams are interested in signing brock now that the charges have been dropped. the tiniest baby ever born at a maryland hospital is finally home. she weighed just 12-ounces when she was born. three quarters of a pound. look how tiny she is. she was born prematurely back in march. this is what she looks like now. there is that little tiny foot again. she was born after her mother had been carrying her for just 24 weeks. because of her mom's medical condition, doctors had to deliver her very early.
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she now weighs about four pounds, still three pounds less than most newborns. she will return to the hospital for physical therapy and regular checkups. >> i don't know the last time that i have been lazy at ho


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