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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 7am  FOX  October 2, 2017 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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country knee festival near the mandalay bay hotel and casino. >> this is the deadliest mass shooting in modern history, 400 people were injured including police officers. a gunman was located on the 32nd floor of the hotel by las vegas police. that have identified the gunman as stephen craig paddock of mesquite, nevada. people attending the concert thought they were fireworks as part of the show. allie rasmus is live from the newsroom. when they realized it was gunfire they ran. >> a lot of terrifying stories of people running for cover. they were out in the open field so were there not many places to go. as for the investigation into the man responsible, police are going through the residency of stephen craig paddock. it is 80 miles northeast of las vegas. they are trying to collect
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evidence but first they had to clear the residency of possible explosives so they knew what they were getting into. you can see a map of the man's residence in relation to las vegas where the deadly mass shooting occurred. it appears the 64-year-old drove from his home to check into a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay casino tower. from the hotel room he opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 people below near the las vegas strip. people who had been attending the outdoor country music festival. authorities have not revealed a possible motive but they have said figuring out the motive will be part of a long process. the police sheriff says there -- they had no previous criminal contact with the 64- year-old.>> stephen craig paddock, 64 years old.
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a white male from mesquite, nevada. we have no information or background associated with this individual. the only thing that we can tell is he received a citation several years ago and that was handled in normal practice in the court system. >> authorities say he had a cache of weapons at least 10 rifles with a lot of ammunition in his hotel room above the scene. there were no balconies or windows that open in the room so he likely shot out the window to take aim at the crowd below. going to police he then killed himself. >> we heard some popping when jason aldean came on. we honestly thought it was some electronic thing like feed back or something. and then all of a sudden people started dropping by the stage
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area. >> a lot of concertgoers described the panic. overnight police were looking for this woman, marilou danley she reportedly lived with the suspect but now she is not connected to the incident according to police. police say she was out of the country when this happened overnight. there is a hotline for people looking for family members or loved ones who may have been at the concert. they have set up a hotline, we have the number on the screen. the number is 1866 the number is 186-6535 the number is 1-866- 535-5654. that is the number to reach authorities in las vegas if you are looking for someone who you know was at the concert. the fbi is obviously involved and in an update from las vegas police they said they are asking people to help them turn over any evidence especially cell phone video they may have
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of the shooting scene that could help them. they put out an urgent call for blood donations. hospitals in the area are in desperate need because there are more than 400 people who are being treated at area hospitals. back to you guys. one woman who was at the concert says she escaped unharmed physically. she was off duty at the time as a nurse. she felt compelled to go back and help others.>> i went back because i am a nurse and i felt i needed to. so i went to three different scenes. the first was okay, the second was worse and by the third one there was a dead body. there were like six dead bodies. there were so many people just normal citizens.
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just off duty people working together. you have this person, you have this person, it was completely horrible but it was absolutely amazing to see people come together. >> she says she is tried to focus on the positives not the horrors. when the shooting started, jason aldean was on stage and quickly left to take over, he posted this message on instagram that reads tonight has been beyond horrific. i don't know what to say but i want to let everyone know we are safe. my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved, it hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone. jake owens just performed on the stage moments before the shooting started, he tweeted i am praying for everyone. i witnessed the most unimaginable event tonight. please pray for those who were injured.
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nobody knew where to go, thank you las vegas police and responders. >> the shooting rampage is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern american history. this comes 15 months since a 29- year-old man opened fire at the pulse nightclub in orlando killing 49 people. in april 2007 a student opened fire at virginia tech and 32 people were killed. in december 2012 a gunman opened fire at sandy hook elementary in connecticut and 26 people were killed. president trump took to twitter this morning referring to the shooting in las vegas. he tweeted my warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible shooting. god bless you. >> we expect the president to speak in the coming minutes right around 7:30.
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our coverage of the investigation continues online at we will bring you more live reports from lauren blanchard in las vegas. it is a very busy morning. we do check your weather so steve paulson what do you got? >> breezy and wendy. we have a high fire danger so keep that in mind. it looks like the first couple of days of october will be dangerous for fire. we don't have any fog or anything like that. fire weather warning continues through tuesday possibly into wednesday. through tuesday everything is coming from the north so that can make for mild conditions but now in the valley that is where the wind has been kicking up with the higher elevations as well. there have been gusting of up to 30 miles per hour in some areas. we are on the western edge so we have the dry air.
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50s, 60s and some 40s. berkeley is 63 currently. 61 in martinez and 55 at the concord pavilion. so this is all wind driven so it will be sunny with some decent snow in the rockies and the intermountain region but for us it is breezy and wendy with a lot of sunshine. we have a bit of a tough commute on the east shore freeway. a couple of crashes, one of them in the berkeley area. we have one in the valley road area on westbound 80. that is just outside of richmond near contra costa county. let me go back and look, it is almost one hour from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. when you get to the bay bridge you'll see traffic backed up for 15 to 20 minutes before making it onto the span.
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101 traffic as a commute that looks okay approaching the 80 split. we are also looking at interstate we are also looking at interstate 880 in oakland. southbound 680 at 242 there is a crash and traffic will be slow and it is low on highway 4 as well. let's go back to the desk. facebook is headed back to capitol hill. executives will turn over information on 3000 ads that ran during the 2016 election. all are believed to be linked to russian companies. this is the latest to possible russian tempering. today the supreme court starts a new term with many controversial cases. yesterday five justices attended a red mass most of them wearing red ties celebrating the legal profession. today the high court will begin
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to hear some of the nation's most controversial debates. >> there is only one prediction that is safe about the upcoming term and that is it will be momentous. >> the court will be looking at cases involving police, tracking suspects from cell phones and if public employees have the right to refuse to play union dues. they will not be taking the president trump's controversial travel ban. after the administration revised the ban the court removed the case. oj simpson is a free man but his plan for life after prison is not going as planned. we will tell you why someone is blocking his plans to go to florida. also, san francisco cable cars are not as popular as they used to be.
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we continue to follow breaking news from las vegas where at least 50 people have been killed and 400 have been injured at a shooting at a country music festival. these videos were taken as the shooting started. concertgoers heard hundreds of loud pops. at first they thought it was fireworks. police found the suspected gunman in the 32nd floor of the nearby mandalay bay hotel. the gunman shot and killed himself before police arrived. is a 64-year-old man from mesquite, nevada. they believe the man was acting alone they are trying to determine a motive for the attack which is the deadly shooting in modern us history. rex tillerson says american diplomats are negotiating with north korea. he says the us is exploring the idea of a round of talks after two days of meetings with north
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korean officials. he also praised the chinese president. >> this is a relationship that continues to grow and mature on the strength of the relationship between yourself and president trump. >> president trump tweeted yesterday in response to secretary tillerson's suggestion of renewed negotiations. the president calls rex tillerson a wonderful secretary of state bucks says tillerson is wasting his time with rocket man. president trump has went on to say previous presidents failed but he won't fail. a student at uc berkeley is recovering after being knocked unconscious yesterday morning by three men outside of a residence hall. police received a call sunday morning and witnesses say three men punched and beat the student. police notified other students about the attack through email. >> i was surprised, i was
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walking out around here last night. it could have been anyone. >> that is a little bit scary. >> the student was taken to the hospital and has since been released. police are checking surveillance video for clues. there are new reports that fewer people are riding the san francisco cable cars. ridership is down 25% from last year, this comes as the fair has been raised to seven dollars each way. because of the drop in ridership the transit agency lost $13 million in cable car ticket sales. the numbers for this year are looking better so far, but 3000 fewer people are riding cable cars every day compared to 2014. sal castaneda how is it
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looking? >> a lot of people have to get on the roads and now we are looking at the south bay first. i want to show you 280 northbound getting slow out of downtown san jose driving into the west valley. you can see on the map where the slowdowns are. it looks like 101 is not nearly as bad as last week. it is early enough in the commute where you can get ahead of the crowd. 85 is slow and 101 is also slow. on the peninsula and the bridges, san mateo very slow we had some minor activity on that but now that is gone. the dumbarton bridge is slow as well. southbound through walnut creek is backed up and let me go back to 80. i want to remind you 80 has a couple of different incidents. one of them at san pablo which looks very serious with the crash blocking lanes. now we have interstate now we
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have interstate 880 in oakland with a moderate backup and at the bay bridge we have a 20 minute delay before making it to the span. the weather today is looking clear for us. i would say severe and clear. we have a good northerly breeze for some turning west a little bit but overall it is clear with no fog. sunny breezy and wendy with upper 70s and lower 80s. when we have the northerly breeze we also get high fire danger so the red like morning until tuesday. we are on the western side of the system but it is mainly a snow producer in the rockies. gusting up to 30 in vacaville. napa airport gusting over 20 and that is really making a big impact on the temperatures. this is dry air spilling into southern california. 40s to 60s. half-moon bay 69. oakland and berkeley 63.
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57 in san jose and many 40s, woodside is 45. redwood city is 62 and pacifica is 58 but we have 50 in fremont. the reno airport says 39 but there are many readings around freezing not far from here with truckee at 20. the north wind will be with us tomorrow as the system backtracks into tuesday. you can see the dry air plunging into the four corners. in the rockies they have some snow especially the higher elevations also into montana it does not look like the sierra nevada will get the snow. 80s for some and 70s for others. it looks like a beautiful day with good visibility and temperatures near average. wendy and cooler on tuesday and then we rebound possibly getting hot by the weekend. tesla is sending help to puerto rico. will tell you what the company
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is doing to help hurricane victims. also, a new experience at toys "r" us but don't forget your smart phone.
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it is oj simpson's first full day as a free man after being released yesterday morning from nevada. for now simpson plans to live in the las vegas area. he does want to live in florida where his children and friends live but the florida attorney general says she does not want
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simpson in florida. >> she is scoring political points for herself. god bless her but here is the consequence, she is dehumanizing and polarizing people who have the status of convicted felon. >> oj simpson is starting five years of supervised parole so he cannot leave nevada without getting approval from the parole board.'s lawyer predicts it will make the move to florida sometime by the end of the year. many passengers onboard an air france flight are still stuck on a remote area of newfoundland. saturday the jet had a rare midair emergency. parts of the outside engine broke off. similar to a problem that grounded six jets seven years ago. the crew made an emergency landing at a private airport which is not designed for jumbo
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jets. the airline is making arrangements to get the passengers to california. toys "r" us is trying something new. they are trying to reorganize under bankruptcy protection. >> this is historically a bad month for stocks, pam cook with money business. >> this is very interesting. wall street shows the dell gains on average .7%, however in october in the years ending in 2007 there have been market crashes, black monday 1987, the crash of 1997 and the financial crisis of 2007. the opening bell comes in with record highs for all three indexes. there is positive economic news as construction and manufacturing spending were both up in august. checking the numbers, all three record highs. here is a live look at the dow.
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22,470 which is up almost .3%. snp is up the same. the nasdaq has gained half a %. 110,000 passengers with flights on a british airline are now stranded. monarch airlines stopped all operations. any of the travelers are stuck overseas and the british government is working to get those people home. 300,000 people had already paid for future trips that are now canceled. tough competition forcing two other european airlines to file for insolvency. tesla is helping out with hurricane relief efforts in puerto rico, in addition to electric cars tesla is making an at home battery pack called the powerball. it can capture energy generated by solar panels. tesla is shipping hundreds of
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powerball's to the puerto rico area where most of the island is without electricity. tesla employees are in puerto rico to help install the battery packs and repair solar panels. two weeks after filing for bankruptcy toys "r" us is debuting a new experience. the toy store will roll out an augmented reality. all you need is your cell phone and you can see computer- generated images around the store as you shop. if you are in a toy aisle with dolls you will see the baby doll come to life. san jose and monterey will be the first stores to have the experience. analysts say that stores need to be more interactive to get people off the online and into the stores. we are still following all
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of the breaking news from las vegas. at least 50 people were killed in a shooting rampage at a concert. president trump is expected to address the nation. "ktvu mornings on 2" will bring it to you live. before the celebrations we have the necessary disaster training happening today. i will show you how the marines will help the city of san francisco after an earthquake.
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welcome back to "ktvu mornings on 2". i'm gasia mikaelian good morning, i'm dave clark. firefighters are battling a vegetation fire in solano county. the fire protection district says 5 to 8 acres are burning but it is 50% contained. the cause of the fire is under investigation but downed wires may have triggered the fire. at one point structures were threatened but no buildings were damaged. president trump will be speaking from the white house on the events that unfolded last night in las vegas. 50 people have been shot and killed with more than 400 injuries at a mass shooting at the root 91 harvest festival by a gunman from the 32nd floor room of the mandalay bay hotel
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on the far eastern end of the las vegas strip. a number of law enforcement agencies have been pleading for cell phone video of the attack to be shared with officers as they search for a motive. we know there is a desperate plea for blood donations to help the 400 people who were injured. the minute the president starts to speak we will bring that to you. police in las vegas are searching of the home of the man suspected of carrying out the shooting. >> at least 50 people died and 400 others were injured. there is a claim by the islamic state that the gunman converted to islam a few months ago. lauren blanchard joining us live from las vegas.>> reporter: police are not sure exactly yet
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or they are not telling us what the possible motivation could be. this man, stephen craig paddock the gunman had no prior history of mental illness or violence. now, officers are wondering what caused him to do this. 406 people were injured and sent to the hospital. 50 people are dead. he had apparently in his room 10 weapons in the hotel room. police say that he shot himself or killed himself before they were able to break into the room and they believe this could've been much worse with some 22,000 people at the concert. with all of the weapons in the room police are glad this was not worse than it was. still, this is an unspeakable tragedy the deadliest mass shooting in modern us history.  witnesses have been telling us exactly what they saw and heard
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a little bit ago. a man walked by recently with blood down the front of his shirt. he said it was from people around him who were shot. and his wife try to administer cpr because it was so chaotic in the concert area when the shooting broke out that medics could not get to everybody. with these numbers it makes sense they couldn't get to everybody. police are still dealing with a very busy crime scene. everyone here is waking up to a very sad reality here in las vegas. >> the shooting happened at the mandalay bay which is at the southern end of the strip. i have heard accounts of people running to the airport trying to take cover. is there anything you could take cover under? >> reporter: well, one witness says he was standing in a lobby or in an waiting area outside
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of mandalay bay and he was able to see the whole thing unfold. basically he was able to see the smoke and bullets coming from the broken window. when he realized what was happening he was able to run behind some cars. he was able to run underneath a roof area but a lot of people did not realize what was going on. they thought the popping sound was part of the concert. that is what had a lot of people standing there like sitting ducks until they realized what was happening and then of course everybody started to run. really it is just a horrible scene over there. >> talk briefly if you can about the woman who was being looked at as a person of interest. >> reporter: so, that woman how they came upon her is they found an id card on the
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suspect. they return to figure out who it was they were able to locate her and rule her out. she is no longer a person of interest. she is not connected to the shootings. she is actually out of the country currently so they know that she is not connected and they have taken her off of the list or she is no longer a person of interest in the case.>> i imagine, how are the hospital's handling the people who need treatment?>> reporter: police are asking anybody available in the las vegas area to donate blood because it is desperately needed at this point. the hospitals have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who had to be transported. all day we have been watching folks coming as the ambulances are coming up and down the streets all around this area. they would come in packs of up to six of them screaming up and
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down the highways so you can only imagine how busy and how many people that is our all rushing into the trauma center. >> thank you, lauren blanchard. >> president trump is expected to speak any minute now from the white house. he has been briefed and has tweeted his condolences. as soon as the president starts speaking we will bring that to you. our coverage continues online at we will also bring lauren blanchard back throughout "ktvu mornings on 2". let's get to steve paulson who is checking the weather.>> a lot of sunshine but high fire danger. last year october started a good rainy month but i do not see anything for a while. we are getting a breeze and sunshine for everybody. 70s and 80s but the fire
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weather warning goes through tuesday and maybe extended past that. the system will be digging in tomorrow but it will be cooler and dry. the wind has been roaring in vacaville at 30 miles per hour. also at the reservoir gusting up to 38. sfo the temperature has dropped down to 60 so there is a component of a westerly breeze but it will be sunny today and we are starting with 40s 50s and 60s. quite the difference. santa clara 49 and 60 at san jose state. 47 in san martin and some areas are in the 50s like cupertino. fairfield and napa are 10 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. sunny today with everything in the rockies where they are getting good snow but we are
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dry and windy at times in the 70s and 80s. okay sal anything? it is very crowded and let's start on interstate 80. 80 westbound traffic will be taking about one hour to drive from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze because of a couple incidents that were there. chp was able to move them rather quickly. when you get to the bay bridge it will take you 20 minutes. so we are quite slow this morning as you drive on the roads. the morning commute will be moderate on interstate on interstate 880 in oakland. traffic in both directions is moderate with a little bit of slowing in downtown oakland. san mateo bridge is also slow after that minor incident. looking at the busy traffic on highway 4 all the way down into concord because of a crash and
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traffic will be slow. so the commute this morning not much of a break it is very slow and it will be windy in some areas. let's get back to the desk. today in san francisco hospitals and the marines are staging an emergency medical drill. it is a planned training exercise as part of fleet week. this comes after the three big recent hurricanes. leigh martinez is in san francisco after zuckerberg general hospital with details. >> reporter: good morning, the agencies say that for us it will be an earthquake drill. this is a training exercise it will show us how to coordinate these services with the marines, the state and civilian healthcare workers. so that as many lives as possible can be saved. this is just a test, the military and the state of
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california workers are setting up field hospitals. if we have a natural disaster this would be the medical response. the military would be bringing supplies working alongside civilian first responders. >> all of our training is built around taking care of battlefield casualties so we are prepared and trained to deal with amputations or anything from internal injuries to head injuries. we also have an operating room. that is for minor surgeries.>> reporter: the office of emergency management director says they are always worried about the earthquake. this is very important for them to have this during fleet week to do this training after we saw what happened to mexico city. this is imperative that they know what to do and how to get organized and how to deploy the
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marines so they can get the supplies out. so, at 10:00 they will have a simulation where they will have fake patients lined up in a mass casualty situation and then they will respond and work together. >> leigh martinez, thank you. more information on the deadliest shooting in us history. in minutes we will bring in a live report from las vegas with more from the concert shooting. also we expect president trump to speak on the tragedy. when that happens we will bring it to you. google is changing the way that you get news. we will show you how the company is cutting down on freebies. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a bedframe with storage, to the softest linens, to a cozy mattress, can be yours for less.
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and we believe... that cozy should never be costly. and we believe... jackbreak up your breakfast routine with your choice of two grilled pockets filled with either ham or sausage. both made with freshly cracked eggs and two melty cheeses. all jam packed into a warm, grilled flour tortilla. so give your tired old breakfast a wake-up call. try jack's breakfast pockets for just two bucks. but you'd better hurry, because if you snooze, you'll lose out on this deal. come try jack's breakfast pockets, each for just two bucks. only from jack in the box. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms
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simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. at ikea, we believe that your dream bedroom, from a bedframe with storage, to the softest linens, to a cozy mattress, can be yours for less. and we believe... that cozy should never be costly.
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we are working to bring you more information on the breaking news from overnight. police in las vegas say at least 50 people were killed when a gunman open fire in las vegas at the root 91 harvest festival. the gunman shot hundreds of rounds from the 32nd story of the mandalay bay hotel into the at least 400 people have been taken to the hospital. there are urgent please for people to donate blood in the area to help those who were injured. police have determined the gunman was a 64-year-old man with no criminal history from mesquite, nevada. when police officers found his room they found he had already killed himself before police had the chance to confront him. investigators are calling this a lone wolf attack they believe the gunman acted alone.
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president trump is expected to speak on the situation any minute from the white house. we know the president has been briefed and he has tweeted his condolences. when he starts to speak we will bring it to you live. meantime, it could cost less money to take a cab to san francisco international airport. some taxi companies may be charging a flat rate of $30 to ride to sfo. some drivers say this could help them compete with uber and lyft. currently a trip to the airport can cost as much as $60 from some parts of the city. caltrain fares and parking fees have increased starting yesterday. monthly parking rates have gone from $55 to now $82.50. the discounted ticket has also been eliminated. on january 1 the price of the go past will increase as well.
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the price increases are needed to pay for the rising cost of operating the system. while we are waiting for president trump, let's check in with sal for the commute in the bay area. >> things have been slow this morning on 80 westbound. 80 westbound traffic will be backed up as you drive to the macarthur maze. traffic is continuing to look slow all the way to the maze. there have been no major problems to keep you stuck. this is a look at the bay bridge approach. traffic will be backed up a little bit as you come up for the 20 minute delay. there have been no problems on 880 but it is crowded passing the colosseum. san mateo bridge is slow across the peninsula all the way to highway 101 and 680 continues to be a bad commute all the way
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to walnut creek. let's get to steve paulson with your weather. good morning, we have a pretty dynamic pattern only we are on the dry side. things are clear and temperatures are ranging from the 70s to the 80s. tomorrow looks like a pretty big cooldown and then the system will leave and temperatures will warm-up. october is the time of year where we get those wild swings. sunny and breezy monday with high fire danger. the fire weather warning goes until tuesday at 5:00. mount diablo 50 miles per hour. 40 near the reservoir and 30 in the valley. not much of a breeze in some locations. again, eastern solano and contra costa with the higher elevations we have seen up to 33 miles per hour out of the oakland hills as well. not as much of a breeze to the
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south. we have a system producing snow in the colorado rockies and in the intermountain region. 40s 50s and 60s all over the place. some areas are quite cool others are very warm. rohnert park 57, 57 bodega bay. so again temperatures are all over the place. 23 2324 hour temperature change in some areas. things are quite cool for the coast, for some they are getting this system from colorado into montana and you can see the snow coming from the colorado rockies. some of that is then turning into shower activity but we will not be getting that. we have the sunshine and the
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breeze in the 70s and 80s with the north wind making for mild conditions. it is not too much northeast it is more northwest. 60s and 70s for your temperatures and then we will cool off tomorrow and rebound toward the end of the week possibly reaching the 80s or 90s. back to the major story, the president will be speaking any minute on the events that happened in las vegas. we know the president has tweeted condolences and attorney general jeff sessions has spoken out. he has said to the many families we offer you prayers. this comes after a late night shooting for the end of the root 91 harvest festival country music festival. 50 people have been killed and 400 people have been injured. the gunman was located on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay hotel and resort. mandalay bay is sort of on the southern end of the las vegas
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strip. we have heard and seen witness accounts many people ran for cover as far as the airport which is near the area looking for some shelter. authorities are asking anyone who can to donate blood because you can imagine with 400 people being treated at hospitals certainly the hospitals are perhaps being overwhelmed or pushed to the brink. >> they need help in a lot of different ways. they are also trying to help people track download once who were in las vegas. one 800 call fbi is the number to call to get information. the las vegas police headquarters is also helping out with direct information. the corners office as well. there is a lot going on. as far as the numbers of people who have not been counted, there are people who may be hiding and have not been counted. so these numbers could be going higher.
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>> we have brought in a number of live reports. lauren blanchard as she was talking to us we saw ambulances going back and forth and that has been happening. let's listen in on president trump now. >> my fellow americans, we are joined together today in sadness, shock, and grief. last night a gunman opened fire when a large crowd at a country music festival in las vegas nevada. he brutally murdered more than 50 people and wounded hundreds more. it was an act of pure evil. the fbi and the department of homeland security are working closely with local authorities to assist with the
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investigation and they will provide updates as to the investigation and how it develops. i want to thank the las vegas metropolitan police department and all of the first responders for the courageous efforts and for helping to save the lives of so many. the speed with which they acted is miraculous. it prevented further loss of life. to have found the shooter so quickly after the first shots were fired is something for which we will always be thankful and grateful. it shows what true professionalism is all about. hundreds of our fellow citizens are mourning the sudden loss of a loved one, a parent, a child, a brother or sister. we cannot fathom their pain, we
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cannot imagine their loss. to the families of the victims we are praying for you and we are here for you. we ask god to help see you through this very dark period. scripture teaches us that the lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. we seek comfort in those words for we know that god lives in the hearts of those who grief. to the wounded were now recovering in hospital's we are praying for your full and speedy recovery and pledge to you our support from this day forward. in memory of the fallen i have directed that our great flag be flown at half staff. i will be visiting las vegas on wednesday to meet with law enforcement, first responders,
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and the families of the victims. in moments of tragedy and harm america comes together as one. it always has. we call up on the bonds that unite us, our faith our family and show values. we call about -- upon the bonds of the comfort of our common humanity. our unity cannot be shattered by evil, our bond cannot be broken by violence and though we feel such great anger at the senseless murder of our fellow citizens it is our love that defines us today and always will forever. in times such as these i know we are searching for some kind of meaning in the chaos. some kind of light in the
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darkness. the answers do not come easily. but, we can take solace knowing even the darkest space can be brightened by a single light and even the most terrible despair can be illuminated by a single ray of hope. melania and i are praying for every american who has been hurt wounded or lost the ones they love so dearly in this terrible attack. we pray for the entire nation to find unity and peace. and we pray for the day when evil is banished and the innocent are safe from hatred and from fear. may god bless the souls of the lives that are lost. may god give us the grace of healing and may god provide the grieving families with strength
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to carry on. thank you, god bless america. thank you. >> live from the white house president trump trying to offer solace to the american people after the shooting rampage and the tragedy last night in las vegas. offering solace from himself and from the first lady.>> he called the actions of the gunman an act of pure evil. he expressed sadness shock and grief. he also described and highlighted with the first responders did and not just those who were there. we heard from a young woman a nurse who was there enjoying the festival and when she saw what was happening she jumped in to help and was surrounded by off-duty people who could help. the president described the actions and the speed
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miraculously. here we are giving you a live picture just above the mandalay bay hotel and resort this is where the gunman was held up on the 32nd floor. this is where he opened fire. when you hear and see the video that was taken it sounds like firecrackers at first that is what many people thought it was. we now know it was gunfire. at least 50 people are dead and 400 were injured as we just brought you president trump live from the white house. we know that he will visit las vegas this wednesday where he will meet with first responders. >> there was another aspect, the police commandeered trucks and cars of people who were driving by who happened to be there transporting injured people to hospital and people willingly did that along with the ambulances and everything else.
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>> we will now be watching the scene unfold. this is the first full day. the attack happened late last night. we have been covering it for you through the overnight. the president mentioned the country looking for a sense of unity and peace for the entire country to come together as the investigation is really just beginning. we are staying on top of this and we will be right back.
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woman: so, greg, it's a lot to take in. woman 2: and i know that's hard to hear, but the doctors caught it early. hi, blake! my dad has cancer. woman: and i know how hard that is to hear. but you're in the right place. man: and dr. pascal and her team, they know what to do. they know what to do. the doctors know what to do. so here's the plan. first off, we're going to give you all... (voice fading away) what we are learning about
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the deadly shooting in us history as families search for answers. "ktvu mornings on 2" continues. >> this is "ktvu mornings on 2". good morning everyone it is monday, october 2 time mike mibach i'm gasia mikaelian in las vegas at least 50 people have been killed and 400 others have been injured in a mass shooting. minutes ago we brought you president trump's response to the tragedy where he says america will come together as one. >> the president also said he's planning to visit las vegas wednesday calling the act pure evil. lauren blanchard has been live from the las vegas strip all morning. >> reporter: the president did just call this an act of pure evil, the latest numbers 50 people are dead and 400 have been sent to area hospitals.
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now police are asking anyone if they are able to donate blood because the supply is getting very low and is being depleted because so many people have to go to the hospital's after this gunman opened fire on a crowd just watching a country music concert. >> we heard what sounded like firecrackers. >> gunfire erupting sunday with a mass shooting near the mandalay bay hotel and casino. >> there are numerous victims. >> the security guards and civilians helps transport bodies. a lot of people were shot. >> officials reporting people dead and dozens injured including many critically. >> we saw a couple of guys with blood on their pants. the gunfire erupted as a
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concert was taking place prompting droves of people to flee the area and take shelter. >> people started piling out toward the exit. we all ran down the street toward the mgm country physic -- music festival. it was during the headliner which was jason aldean. >> police rushing into the area walking down the strip looking for who was responsible. >> we believe the individual killed himself prior to entry. we are still going through the search warrant at this time but it is in excess of 10 rifles. >> witnesses reported seeing multiple victims and gunfire raining down. >> one girl had shrapnel marks on the side of her face. she said the bullets were coming from mandalay bay into the concert and they were dropping.
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people were just dropping. >> reporter: police are now looking for a possible motive for the now deceased gunman. they say he had no history of violence or mental illness so there is a lot of work for officers to do going forward.>> clearly i can see that area is at the southern end it is now shut down?>> reporter: yes, the police have shut down the road which leads down the strip to mandalay bay. the only cars we are seeing our officers and ambulances. there has been some pedestrian traffic but for the most part it is cut off. >> do you know, does the hotel and casino is it open today? it is just 10 hours after the shooting. >> reporter: from what we are
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hearing at this point it was evacuated. police are trying to find people who might be hiding still. police are trying to keep people out of the area of the strip because this is a large crime scene which they do not want people in or around or getting in the way of. this is a very big job they have. >> police are asking anyone you know we have seen a lot of cell phone video and investigators want the video. >> reporter: yes, they are asking anyone who may have video , if they think it could help in the investigation please send that to local authorities. the fbi or any department that might be able to use it.>> lauren blanchard live from las vegas thank you. let's get you out the door with traffic and weather. clear and cool bordering cold.
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>> well, it will be warm for some today. the high fire danger is out of the north for most of us. especially toward the east bay. mount diablo gusting at 50 miles per hour. we have 70s and 80s in most areas for the highs. occasionally clouds will be coming from the north but that is about it and we are looking for clear skies. the biggest gusts are near the delta about to the northwest we have a strong breeze. we are gusting up to 32 and 21 so there are some strong gusts even on the coast. the database is down to 52 degrees. san francisco 55 the coldest they have been in a while. 60s for some currently half- moon bay in the 50s.
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there is snow in the rockies and the intermountain region. 70s, 70s, 80s. the east shore freeway is taking one hour to get from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze. we have increased the time and there have been a couple of different incidents slowing things down. the damage has been done according to chp so we have a lot of slow traffic in the area. also we have a commute that is getting filled in on northbound interstate on northbound interstate 880 driving past the coliseum. we have had slow traffic on the peninsula with traffic looking okay. when you get over to northbound 101 near broadway there was a crash clearing to the shoulder and traffic has been slow there. a lot of slow traffic as you drive through the area so give yourself extra time. 680 looks very slow from the
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bridge to walnut creek. let's get back to the desk. today in san francisco hospitals and the marines will be staging a emergency medical drill. leigh martinez is live from zuckerberg general hospital with more. >> reporter: this is for a natural disaster. everyone here says it will probably be an earthquake so they are preparing with the marines for a mass casualty situation and how they will try to save as many lives as possible. in the parking lot this is just a test. the military and the state health workers are setting up field hospitals. if we have a natural disaster this would be the medical response. the military will be deployed bringing supplies working alongside civilian first responders. >> we take our job very seriously. we get paid to worry so we
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worry a lot. we try to figure out logistically how can we bring in resources as quickly as possible to alleviate the harm. >> all of our training is built around taking care of battlefield casualties. so we are prepared to train -- deal with anything from internal injuries to head injuries. we also have an operating room so minor surgeries can be done. >> reporter: know you are looking inside the state of california emergency medical field tent. they told me i can touch somethings but i don't want to mess up the display. this pretty much looks like a makeshift operating room. they will have agency people coming in and they will be looking at what exactly the parking lot and the hospital will look like in case we have a major earthquake.
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this is what they will have to deal with. so again this is starting at 10:00. we were told they might have some patients doing a but that not happening. this is just to show how quickly they can set up and how they will be working with the military and city services. facebook is headed back to capitol hill. executives will be turning over information on 3000 ads that ran during the 2016 presidential election which are linked to russian companies. this is the latest into potential tampering into the us election. we will have the latest on the victims from las vegas as well as more from police. also, oj simpson is a free man for the first time in nine years. more on his release from prison over the weekend and what will happen next. ♪ ♪
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it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever.
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more on the late-night shooting in las vegas, now the deadliest in modern us history. at least 50 people have died but there are unconfirmed reports the death toll is higher. another 400 plus have been injured many in critical condition at hospitals around the las vegas. a gunman in the mandalay bay resort shot into a crowd attending an outdoor music festival.
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the gunman has been identified as a stephen craig paddock from mesquite, nevada. the gunman had no criminal history. he shot and killed himself before being confronted by police. police are working to determine a motive and they are asking anyone who has video to contact police or the fbi. oj simpson is a free man. he was released yesterday morning from a nevada prison. for now simpson plans to live in the las vegas area. simpson said he wanted to live in florida where his children and friends live but the florida attorney general said she does not want him in the state. >> she is basically scoring political points but you know what, the consequence is that she is dehumanizing and polarizing people who have status of convicted felon or pearly's. he is not a slave or indentured servant.
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>> simpson is starting five years of supervised parole so he cannot leave nevada without approval. he will likely make the move to florida by the end of the year. jury selection will start today for the trial of a man charged with shooting and killing a woman in san francisco. the 54-year-old undocumented immigrant says he found the gun that killed the woman. he says he did not intend to fire the gun but it went off accidentally. at least 1000 people have been called to the court to become prospective jurors. this case of course put national attention on the issue of sanctuary city policies. a student at uc berkeley is recovering after being knocked unconscious by three men on campus outside of a residence hall. the call came in sunday morning when three men punched and beat the student until he was
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unconscious. police notified other students about the attack through email. >> i'm surprised because i was walking around last night too.>> people can come whenever they want it is an open campus. >> the student was taken to the hospital and has been released. police are reviewing surveillance video. let's check in with sal for the commute. >> good morning, things have been tough crossing the san mateo bridge because it is slow across to the peninsula. it is getting a little bit better but it will be a little bit windy so take that into account when you are driving. traffic will be moderately heavy as you drive through. there have been no major issues getting to the area and traffic continues to look okay. i want to move over to the other commutes this is southbound 680 and it will be slow from the venetia bridge to the walnut creek interchange and
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24 is very slow from the walnut creek interchange and there is no break all the way to the tunnel. 80 is also slow at highway 4 continuing into berkeley so even though we have not had a lot of major problems we have had minor problems and slow traffic. let's bring in steve paulson. we do have breezy to windy conditions for some but maybe not for all. have a big difference on the lows as much is 15 to 20 degrees different. we have 70s and 80s for some with the wind looking strong in the east bay area's. san francisco 74 for the high. october can be hot on the coast in the city. we are not looking to set any records today. the water temperatures are coming way down they are now in the 50s with that northwest breeze. north wind at 15 and 21 and 15.
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out toward vacaville the wind has been rocking and rolling. gusting near 56 at mt. diablo. right above the caldecott tunnel 33 miles per hour. there is a red flag warning. 57 at half moon bay and 58 in monterey. the coldest readings in a longtime. 60s and 50s for a lot of us but we have a big spread. we are on the western edge of the system digging into the colorado rockies where they are getting snow. but we won't be getting much precipitation just some chilly temperatures tomorrow. 70s and 80s today with fairfield being the warmest area. the coast is clear there is no fog but we are windy and cooler on tuesday and we should rebound as we approach the weekend. fewer people are riding the san francisco cable cars. how the increase in prices
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could be deterring people from taking the historic ride.
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fire crews are battling a vegetation fire in solano county. the fire protection district says the fire is 5 to 8 acres. 50% contained that the cause is under investigation. downed wires may have triggered the fire. no buildings have been damaged or destroyed. parts of the bay area will have critical fire conditions due to gusty wind and low
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humidity. a red flag warning in effect for the hills until tomorrow. oakland fire and other agencies will be doing extra patrols. this morning a report that us citizens in cuba were affected by a mysterious illness at the us embassy. according to the associated press us spies who worked at the embassy reported hearing bizarre sound and experiencing strange physical symptoms. the trump administration describes the victims as us embassy personnel. the ap says americans suffered severe health effects including brain injuries and hearing loss. rex tillerson says an american diplomat is negotiating with north korea. tillerson made the comments following two days of meetings in china. he says the us is exploring the idea of a new round of talks
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with north korean officials. he praised the chinese president for pressuring north korea. >> this is a relationship that is growing and maturing on the strength of the relationship between yourself and president trump.>> president trump posted tweets yesterday in response to tillerson's suggestion of renewed negotiations calling the secretary a wonderful secretary of state but he is wasting his time. he says being nice as it worked in 25 years. president trump went on to say the previous presidents failed but he will not. 110,000 passengers are now stranded, monarch airlines stopped operations. many travelers are stuck overseas. the british government is working to get people home. another 300,000 people have paid for future trips that are now canceled. the competition has forced two other european airlines to file
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solvency. people aboard a france air flight are still stranded in a remote area of newfoundland, canada. the jet had a rare emergency and parts of the outset engine on the right side of the plane have broken off similar to a problem that grounded six other jets seven years ago. the crew made an emergency landing at a private airport. the airline is still making arrangements to get the passengers to california. today the supreme court starts a new term with many cases on the agenda. five justices attended a red mass wearing red ties to celebrate legal profession and the celebration could occur all over the world. today justices will be hearing controversial debates. there is only one prediction that is entirely safe about the upcoming term and that is it will be momentous.>> justices
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will look at cases involving police tracking suspects from cell phones and if public employees have the right to refuse to pay union dues. one case that will not be taken up his president trump's controversial travel ban. the court has been removed from the calendar. fewer people are riding the san francisco cable cars. ridership dropped 25% last year as the fares have increased. it is now $14 for a round-trip ticket. because of the decline the transit agency lost $13 million in ticket sales. the numbers for this year are looking better so far but ridership has dropped by 3000 trips per day. caltrain fares and parking fees have increased. fares have gone up by 25% and monthly parking rates are up to $82.50. the discounted eight ride ticket has been discontinued.
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the price of a past has also gone up. the price increases are needed to pay for the rising cost of operating systems. google is relaxing rules for news subscription sites. new sites will no longer have to provide users with three free articles per day. previously if they were not free articles they would lose search promenades. the sites can now choose how many free articles they want to give. back to the las vegas situation. a couple of minutes away from a news conference that is from the sheriff down in las vegas, joseph lombardo to give us an update in regards to the shooting from last night where more than 50 are dead. i was told he is getting prepared to go to the podium. we are looking to find more about the suspect. about how long the suspect had maybe been planning the attack. we know that he checked into the hotel on thursday and then the shooting started at 10:00.
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>> he had been there for four days. he was on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay near the top. the shooting itself happened during a country music festival. tens of thousands of people were attending the festival. more than 50 had been shot and killed. 400 have been injured and are being treated. we brought you the president speaking on the act calling it pure evil and highlighting what so many people had been choosing to highlight, the good actions of the first responders those who came in police cars and ambulances and also off- duty nurses and doctors. they all rushed in to help as they could. as soon as we get that news conference we will bring it to you live. for now, we will be right back after the break.
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welcome back to "mornings on 2" it is monday morning october 2 i'm gasia mikaelian good morning i'm mike mibach let's get a quick check of your weather and traffic. >> we have red flag warnings gusting up to 33 in oakland hills. 56 in mount diablo and in the valley. easton solano and contra costa are quite windy. 96 is the record high but we are not approaching that. water temperatures are down to 52 and 55, the wind is mostly coming from the north we have this northerly breeze and that is where the highest fire danger is. north of vacaville 32 miles per
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hour. we have high fire danger with the red flag warning until tuesday in the 40s 50s and 60s for the lows now it is 50s and 60s in some locations. napa airport 14 degrees warmer compared to 24 hours ago. the northwind has a lot to do with this and the system is very strong. as we move west you can see there is some snow in the rockies. 8:30 how is the commute? good morning, i want to show you things will be a little bit slow on the bay bridge and the east shore freeway. 54 minute drive between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. traffic is also slow at the bay bridge toll plaza. so we are not getting a break this monday and we have a couple of slowdowns but
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nevertheless things are slow on the san mateo bridge over to the crowded freeway. if you are thinking about 280 i would recommend taking that instead of 101. this is 680 very slow at contra costa. highway 4 is not as slow but 680 is making up for that. let's make -- get back to that breaking news where 50 people are confirmed dead and 400 others have been injured many in critical condition in that shooting in las vegas. >> the pope and the president are calling for the tragedy to bring peace for all people. allie rasmus is joining us live with more on this tragedy. >> president trump address the nation offering prayers and condolences. the president says all flags will fly at half staff at federal buildings to mourn the 50 people killed in the now deadliest mass shooting in
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modern us history. the president will travel to las vegas wednesday and he also offered praise for las vegas emergency responders. >> the speed with which they acted is miracle is. they prevented further loss of life. to have found the shooter so quickly after the first shots were fired is something for which we will always be thankful and grateful. >> authorities are trying to figure out what motivated the gunman. 64-year-old stephen craig paddock . 50 people killed and 400 injured when he opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 concertgoers near the las vegas strip taking in an outdoor country music festival. stephen craig paddock shot and killed himself as police stormed his hotel room. he had driven from his home in
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mesquite, nevada to the las vegas strip to check into a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay. from there he opened fire on the unsuspecting concertgoers in that old tour open field. the police sheriff says they had no prior significant criminal contact with stephen craig paddock and even his family members say they are dumbfounded in complete shock. >> is just a regular guy. he like to go to the casinos and go on cruises. there is no, there is nothing. that is what is bizarre. he lived in a house, he had a girlfriend. there is nothing to say. >> the shooter's girlfriend was this woman marilou danley. authorities spoke with her this morning they say she is not
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connected and she was out of the country when this happened. police have gone to the home that he shared with marilou danley. there is a hotline set up for people trying to get in love -- touch with loved ones or family members. you can call the number 186-6535 1-866-535-5654. the fbi is also involved and earlier they put out a call for people with cell phone video evidence to turn it over. hospitals are also in urgent need of blood donations because as we mentioned more than 400 people are being treated for injuries. at first they thought the explosions were perhaps part of the show and then they realized they were gunshots. an off-duty nurse says the gunfire went on and on. >> it just kept happening and
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happening. there were very short increments were there were breaks in between the shots but it felt like it just continued for 20 minutes. every time there was a break we just ran and we ran. i wasn't sure if it was bullets until one of the times we paused and the guy next to us was shot. >> she called it a horrible experience. she is now trying to focus on how people can together to help each other render -- rather than the tragedy. >> facebook has activated a safety check feature which lets users in the area marked themselves as safe. you can ask if your friends are safe by going to facebook. the shooting rampage is now the deadliest mass shooting in modern us history. this comes 50 months since the pulse nightclub shooting in orlando.
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in that attack 49 people were killed. in april 2007 a student opened fire at virginia tech leaving 32 people dead. in december 2012 a gunman opened fire at sandy hook elementary in connecticut. the attack left 26 people mostly children dead. we will have continuing coverage throughout "mornings on 2", we expect to hear from the head of the las vegas police department any minute. you can also get the latest on president trump will be going to puerto rico tomorrow following the devastation of hurricane maria. >> we are getting a lot of things done. really this is a record clip so we are happy with that. >> there has been criticism of the response in puerto rico with the mayor of san juan accusing the government of inefficiency. president trump tweeted over the weekend defending the response. he said we have done a great job outside of politically
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motivated in grids.>> instead of tweeting against the mayor of san juan who is watching her people died, if he would just roll up his sleeves and get to work. >> the trump administration says there are more than 10,000 troops on the ground. the pentagon says nearly half of the residents are without power and 95% are without power. help could be coming in years four south bay residents squeezed by the lack of housing. >> jesse gary is live from the san jose studios with details. >> good morning. the mayor has long said the cure for a lack of housing is to build more. his plan, if approved which will be unveiled this morning at city hall, it would do exactly that. let's take a look at the video. the mayor is calling for
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accelerated housing construction with the goal of 25,000, 25,000 new houses to be under construction or approved for construction within five years. 10,000 of those homes would be deemed affordable and the housing would be concentrated in growth areas. public and private funds would finance the plan which also calls for more housing near san jose state. 12,500 homes there and in north san jose about 4000. mayors from other major cities recently held a roundtable discussion about homelessness and the need for housing. >> i hate to interrupt but we have to get back to las vegas where the head of the metropolitan police department is briefing us with the latest.>> please do not press me on numbers until we get further into the investigation. the number of injured, we are
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using the number of 515. as you can tell the number continues to increase. we have not received any additional intelligence associated with the suspect. we have completed the search warrant in mesquite. i am not aware of derogatory information that we have at this point. we have just recovered items and will take a little while to evaluate the information. have learned information of additional property in northern nevada and the fbi has responded to the location and it will serve the search warrant shortly. we have completed the investigation in the room, we have collected all of the items associated with the suspect and we are in the recovery phase. the mandalay bay itself has gone back to service aside from the 32nd floor. they would like everybody
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advised if they are separated from their hotel room, they have the ability to return. the location in question, the concert hall. we will be in a long process of body recovery how to there and evidence recovery. as well as evidence documentation. you will have to ask for patience as we bring information forward. this is a long laborious process to identify the victims and reunite them with the family members. so we still have the families responding to the las vegas metropolitan police headquarters in order to conduct the reunification. eventually in the next few hours, actually i don't want to give you a skewed timeline but
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approximately 1:00 pm we will request family members to respond to the convention center area to utilize a larger space and we can bring in the victim advocates to assist with family members. right now this is just a temporary phase associated with reunification. additionally, we are asking to solely utilize united blood service for blood donation those are the places we need to donate blood. we had some issues with the labor medical clinic and we also have some resource issues. it is better to utilize their website so you know where the united blood service locations are so we can get the needed life-saving blood for the victims. at this point i have several individuals behind me that
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would like to make comment. i want to bring up the isis statement now so i will give that opportunity to our special agent from the fbi. he will explain what we know relative to isis claiming this individual. thank you. >> good morning. as the event unfolds, we have determined there is no connection with an international terrorist group as this investigation continues, we will continue to work with partners to ensure this is factually thoroughly and absolutely investigated to be able to bring comfort and peace to this community. thank you. >> good morning, i am the congressman for the fourth congressional district in nevada. i just want to say thank you to law enforcement and to all the
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first responders who are now fighting tirelessly to protect and save lives. i have the opportunity to stop by sunrise hospital this morning. i saw firsthand a lot of victims and family members but i also saw a lot of nurses and doctors that were working tirelessly to save lives. today is a very sad day for nevada and for las vegas but if anything good came out of this. i saw humanity. i saw the community come together. i saw strangers helping strangers and saving lives. i want to say thank you to the sheriff and to the police as well as firefighters doctors nurses and everybody who is working tirelessly to save lives at this moment. i know we will get through this. thank you so much. >> i am the clark county district attorney, steve wolfson. on behalf of the da office our
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thoughts and prayers go out to everybody associated with this event. two of my prosecutors two of my young female prosecutors were actually at this concert close to the stage. i have spoken to both of them and they are pretty rattled. they are pretty shaken up. this was a horrific event to say the least. this is a classic weapon of mass destruction. what i am pleased with so much is how this does not involve politics in the sense of republican or democrat. all of us here are nevadans and i'm very proud to be present with the other leaders because we are working together to get through this. , to thank sheriff lombardo for your leadership in leading us through this terrible day.
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>> thank you sheriff. i want to begin by thanking the sheriff. i can tell you, first responders the men and women of the fire department and the metro were on their way in when this happened. we have first responders that are literally covered in blood as a result of this. a lot of victims have not been identified but they have stepped up. there was a single shooter and there is no further threat. i want to assure everyone listening las vegas is safe. the men and women at mandalay bay and mgm resorts have been incredible with communication. they all understand we are safe and we are doing everything humanly possible to protect all of the tourists and citizens in clark county. that being said we have set up
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a gofundme account. we had been inundated with phone calls emails and text messages of people asking what they can do. there will be a lot of family members going through a lot at this particular time. there are over 500 in the hospitals being treated and they need support. so i can't say enough about the fine men and women, our first responders and all of the cities and jurisdictions pulling together. we pledge our full resources to assist the sheriff and the fbi. we ask for your prayers and god bless you. >> i want to thank all of you. i am the mayor of this great city and absolutely what the commissioner has spoken to about that great response very rapid and thorough.
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i spent part of last night and was late this morning with you all because i was over at the trauma unit at the hospital. it has been very difficult for us. as we look forward to continuing what our great city does, we offer a safe place. this is a crazed lunatic full of hate. we don't know much about his background but it is certainly not an extension of what we believe in. what everybody who lives and works here and those who visit want to see. this is something that was simply outrageous and uncalled for. so many innocent people, young people and children and parents who have lost loved ones and so many suffering in the hospitals. we have some that were hit quite lightly with shrapnel as they were near the exits. this
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has been hugely traumatic for all of us. and for the visitors who love country music many of whom come from the northern part of the state, they just really came here for a wonderful save time. we pride ourselves on law enforcement. they are so rapid to respond. so thorough and our first responders have been phenomenal. it is a city and community that has pulled together. everybody is working so hard to make sure we are taking care of the needs of the families and those who have lost loved ones and it has been a very very traumatic time for everybody. the president gave a beautiful message and he will be visiting us either later today tomorrow or wednesday. we just know the entire community. i have so many
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mayors and governors who have called me personally to express their support and help. we are asking for blood that is the main thing. if people want to do something and they are healthy, please donate blood. we will have plenty of banks available. always call the hospital if you are unsure where to go. thank you very much. madame congresswoman i'm sorry i did not mean to step in front of you.>> thank you very much. i represent nevada district 1 which includes the fabulous las vegas strip including the mandalay bay. so many times i welcome people to las vegas and all the excitement and fun that it has to offer. i never thought i would be standing here trying to offer solace and offer my assistance to victims of something like this.
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all through the night we were briefed by law enforcement. i think you sheriff for all that you did. mainly we were trying to stay out of the way because you don't want to turn a personal tragedy into a political event. today my office will be giving blood. they appreciate thoughts and prayers but they need blood. we are open to do anything we can to assist but you know, i have been hearing the stories of heroism that have occurred in the midst of this tragedy. you had off-duty police officers who were there for the concert who were able to help people get shelter and were able to identify the location of the shooter. and random strangers who just live in the district said they were running being trampled. somebody opened a van door and
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pulled them inside. those are the kind of people we have in las vegas. they are willing to reach out and help one another. i think back all of the law enforcement and the first responders. those in the hospitals people just trying to take care of so many and please call on the office if there is anyway we can be of assistance. >> i am the nevada attorney general and i want to echo what people have been saying today. i have been here since 2:00 in the morning. and the job that metro and law enforcement has done is absolutely remarkable. we have never been hit with such a tough situation in this city. to see the poise and pressure they are performing under was truly astounding. i believe they will always be able to get us out of the situations.
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law enforcement will always step up to the plate when we need them most and of course the city and state will bounce back. think you very much. >> i want to say one more thing before the governor comes up. when you see one of these men or women wearing a badge or members of the fire department, told him thank you. their selfless actions saved the lives of hundreds of people. the death count would have been hundreds more if it were not for these brave men and women that you see wearing a badge. please, i encourage all of you next time you see one just say thank you. >> good morning ladies and gentlemen i am governor brian sandoval. i don't know if i have words to
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describe what we are going through and what these victims are going through. we are angry, we are grieving. we are confused, people are hurting. i want to thank the sheriff and the first responders. i was able to visit some of the patients in the hospital and is unimaginable what people are going to. you have family members who are here and don't have anyone to reach out to. but, the first responders and what they have done, it is their finest hour. the way that the sheriff and the metropolitan police department have handled this event is unprecedented. the paramedics who came on the scene and basically it was a war zone. they treated all of those men women and kids.
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the healthcare professionals at the hospitals, the doctors who came from all over the valley to do whatever they could. now, you know we don't understand what has happened and i am sure we will find out more from what metro finds from its investigation. i do know from everybody watching and i want to thank the president and the other governors who have offered help and assistance. we need blood so if anybody can contribute blood. anybody in las vegas or anyone locally that can do that. as we move on we will learn more. we are going to need help and this is obviously unprecedented. we are going to have to learn from this and we're going to have to fight through this. we have to stop and pray for
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the families and for the victims. we have to rely on faith in a time like this. to get us through all of this. you know, i couldn't be prouder of how nevadans have responded. doctors nurses and everyone else who has worked through the night to save lives. they tell me they have saved lives and if not for the organizations and professionalism and training. again, sheriff thank you for the courage that you have shown. to the people at the concert, there is courage and compassion there. people helping total strangers risking their own lives to help people. that speaks highly to the character of america. so a again, there is a lot to
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learn from all of this. it was a cowardly despicable act. am very angry about this but we can't do much but we can learn. so ladies and gentlemen thank you for your care and concern. i am really proud to be with everybody who was here. the mayor the congressman the attorney general. law enforcement, this is nevada at its best. so god bless all of you and most importantly god bless the families, the victims, the mothers and fathers the sons and daughters the cousins nephews and nieces and friends and neighbors. for everybody who was watching please stop for a moment and say a prayer for them. thank you. >> i will take questions shortly. as you can see.
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we had the opportunity to have some of the nevada delegation today. some are missing but i don't want them slighted. they all reached out to me both of the senators and they reached out to me throughout this tragedy and offered assistance so i don't want them slighted because they are not here. additionally i have a chief of police next to me and that is chief troy tenor of the mesquite pd. he has been instrumental in assistance to help us complete this investigation. i think it is appropriate he gets recognized. and then, greg castle he is very humble he is the clark county fire chief. he likes to stand in the back but where we are different in our jurisdictions we do work very well with the fire department and they did not
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hesitate to pair up with an officer and enter the fray. so thank you for that. i am happy to answer some questions. as you know, the investigation is continuing so please do not get too detailed on your questions because i probably will not be able to answer. >> [ reporter asking question ] >> the second location is based off of the assessor records of ownership. we discovered he owned another piece of property in nevada. as far as electronic evaluation, we have not been able to do that yet. the only thing we are immediately aware of his additional firearms and ammunition. >> [ reporter asking question ]
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>> we are doing an investigation so i don't want to give inaccurate information but we know he brought the weapons in on his own. the original briefing we believe he was in partnership or companionship of a female but we have determined she is out of the country so he brought these weapons in on his own. as far as the method i do not know. >> was the shooter known to local law enforcement in las vegas? >> no not at all. we have checked the federal and state databases and we had no knowledge of the individual. >> [ reporter asking question ] >> no she is still considered a person of interest. we have been in contact with her
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and we plan to engage her upon her return to the country. >> [ reporter asking question ] >> we believe he had a device to smash the windows. >> so far we have heard a description of the suspect. is the investigation looking into potential ties even loose ties to extremist groups? >> obviously we will do that. we will run it down to the very end, but right now at face value we have not been able to identify that.>> so he checked in on thursday the 28th? did he have tickets to the concert? >> i have no idea. >> the know what he did between checking in and the night? >> no we are following up on that, there


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