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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 430am  FOX  October 18, 2017 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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golden gate. >> yesterday was a bad day in the city, but it will improve in the next 48 hours. low clouds starting to make a move along with higher clouds. the good news, temperatures are cool and there's not much of a breeze. that is a positive though. 50s, 40, focused toward boulder creek. i have a couple of observations. that's good. we're not seeing the 30s, but at seeing 60s, 70s with a strong north wind. there's a little breeze, but locations have high humidity unless it's high up. you get observations that can be low humidity, others are very high. north wind, northwest, north, northeast, south, southwest and santa cruz has a lot of low clouds and fog. 90% humidity. there's positive sides. 50s on. to the north, a lot of 40s. let's see if we can peek out a 30.
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44 in cloverdale. 44 in allina valley. big system. first major system of the systeh . this will focus most of its energy to the north of us, but they'll be okay [indiscernible] as you head from sonoma county northward. south of that, i don't think it will be that much. a couple of 100th. if we can get that much, we'll take it. 70s for many. the cooling begins today for evl , everything okay? >> for the most part, steve. we have a decent commute out there. let's start out with solana county and talk about the traffic here when it comes to the traffic here on westbound 80 from vacaville, fairfield, valet yo, it continues to be a nice drive and the traffic is moving well all the way out to the car neegkneeing us bridge.
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>> not a bad drive to the carnges bridge. when you get to the toll plaza, light. back to the desk. thank you, sal. despite the fires in the wine country, emergency personnel want to point out the emergency is not over yet. there's 11,000 firefighters on the fire lines, poor air quality is certainly a problem. so napa schools will remain closed until monday of next week. the administrator of fema visited napa yesterday along with local lawmakers assuring the federal government is ready to help. >> there's always going to be a need for more money, we recognize that. we're going to do our best to get all the money needed for this event and others that we've been hit by. >> our time is 4:32. we know the name of the driver of a water tanker truck who died in a crash monday on the oakville grade. his name, he was a volunteer firefighter from missouri. he was 38-year-old garrett price. he was working with cal fire.
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he was driving a privately owned water tender truck. he was married and had an 18-year-old daughter. he was living in missouri but grew up in southern california in the coachella valley. >> he was one of those kids from a small town in membering camacho that got out of the town and lived his dreams and that's what he would want everybody else to remember him by. >> the napa county sheriff's office says the truck he was driving went down a guard rail and an embankment. officials say fatigue may have been a factor. hundreds of homes were destroyed in the north bay and the majority of those people living in those neighborhoods -- we have the story of two santa rosa families facing a challenge of finding a new place to live. >>reporter: the past nine days have been rocky for the
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gomez-marie family. >> frustrated trying to find a home. >> this family has been crashing at a friend's home -- >> they have a lot of people in their home. >> they're anxious to find housing after couch surfing. >> i don't know where my tooth brush is. >> real-estate rent and prices were high before the prices. >> nothing else has popped forward and friends of friends -- no one has anything. >> they came to this apartment complex searching. >> i came here today not knowing i was going to rent a place, but she has one place. >> the gomez-murrays have been responding to craigslist. the kids would like a place to play soccer. >> i [indiscernible]. >> this is street where the gomez-maria's used to live.
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everything has been completely destroyed. they're hoping to find a new home that will accommodate all of them and cost about $3500 a month in rent. >> we need a better place and get back on our feet. >> today the family stops at a shelter giving away essential items. >> we're looking for a pack and play for my son. [ crying ] >> [indiscernible] last night. i just miss [indiscernible]. >> their own bed is what they need. colleen works in the medical industry and her husband is an uber driver unable to work because the family has one car thanks to the fire. their daughter juliana has one wish. >> be happy again. >> cara, ktvu fox 2 news. time is 4:35. firefighters are making progress in containing the destructive north bay fire. as debra via lone reports two fires are merging in
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what cal fire calls a final act. >>reporter: glen ellen, utility work into the night, repairing infrastructure destroyed along with everything else in this one dividing neighborhood. >> we're here to go to bat for consumers. >> jones visiting a local assistance center a few miles away. >> we're not getting complaints from consumers saying they're having problems filing. >> jones says it could be difficult for people to see their way clear. >> thousands of people got out in a hurry. most fortunate to find little or no damage. >> there's more love in the air than smoke. >> for some, it ended up a humbling experience. >> everybody has given up their time, some people have worked five, six, seven days in a row, volunteered their time and that's the giving -- >> 13 minutes. 13 minute what we
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have. >> on the other hand, homeowners who lost everything face an uncertain future. they are reeling from how much was lost and how little time they had. >> i'm glad i was home because my wife never got a call. she never got any warning. and i'm lucky i was home because -- yeah. very lucky. very blessed. >> this dad has . >> oh. >> from sunday afternoon before the fire. his children and his dog in their front yard. seems like a dream now, but at least everyone is alive. >> there's got to be a better way. there's got to be a better way. >> the way forward says the insurance commissioner may seem confused, but he has -- avoid signing contracts -- >> anyone you hire is going to take a piece of your settlement. >> joe has directed insurance to
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cut red tape and advance money for personal losses and be flexibility about documentations since so many left in a rush. they can't drop you. >> you can't be cancelled in the middle of this. and you have a right, if you suffered a total loss to renewal. >> and know that insurance companies also can't cry poor. >> they have the reserve. this is going to bust any insurance company. they have the financial capacity to cover these cost. >> in the meantime a couple of who lost their home in the tubb's fire is suing pg&e. it was file -- they claimed the fire was started by downed power lines and they blamed poor maintenance. pg&e responded quote, we aren't going to speculate about any of the causes of the fires, and will support the reviews by any relevant regulate error agency. the california psychological association is asking its members to help the victims of the ongoing wild fires. the group sent out an urgent why for
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volunteers to work with people in evacuation centers and centers. the e-mail reminds members that the deadly fires made a huge emotional impact on people and could have a long term effect on people forced from their homes and may have lost everything but their lives. a state appeals court overturned the conviction of a san francisco deputy found guilty of assaulting a homeless man. roniel went to the emergency room complaining of pain. he says he fell asleep and awakened by deputy michael ordering him to leave and beating them. the deputy was sentenced to probation. the appeals court found the jury failed to give -- that would allow the deputy to detain -- time is 4:39. the city council -- the council voted 6 to 5 to require gun owners to
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lock up their guns whenever they leave their homes. that would include putting a trigger lock on the -- the original law required guns to be locked at any time guns were on the owner's body. the new policy does not penalize gun owners who report a stolen weapon within 24 hours to make sure people still report when guns are stolen. violators could be fined $1,000 and face up to 6 months in prison. 140 women signed an l.a. times [indiscernible] that says there's a pervasive culture of sexual harassment at the state capitol. female lawmakers and lobbyist are encouraging each other to share stories of harassment in the work place to show how prevalent it is and ensure we stand up against it. fear and retaliation are some reasons why women -- yesterday, they took a stand. >> i would love to say that it was a one time incident, but
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sadly throughout the years, time and time again, i felt victimized by inappropriate behavior particularly from men in positions of power. >> the growing number of women joining the movement is proof these women say they're not alone. there's a website called and it allows women to share their stories and bring change at the capitol. our time 4:41. overnight in san francisco, fs responded to a house fire. coming up, we'll tell you where this happened and if the people who lived there are safe. and the warriors, and the rockets gave the crowd at oracle an entertaining opening show with a stunning finish. coming up, we'll tell you which team came out on top.
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welcome back to mornings 2. the defending mba champs got their rings last night. the championship ring -- there it is, 11 carets in weight and features more -- there are five trophies on the side of the ring to represent each championships won by the franchise. the warriors also unveiled the team's championship banner and that will hang in the oracle arena. >> this is truly an amazing night to celebrate an amazing accomplishment by everybody on this floor, everybody in this organization and especially you fans, this is what we do it for, this is what we play for, for you guys. [cheers and applause] >> thank you for your support all yearlong. and we're going to count down to reel down this new banner. five, four, three,
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two, one. [cheers and applause] >> very exciting. the first 10,000 fans at last night's game got to take home mini banners to celebrate the championship. the shirts the warriors were wearing last night for the ring ceremony will be auctions off and the money given to the north bay wild fire relief and the autograph shirts will be put on the auction block and they joined other sports teams to made a collection donation for $450,000 for the fire relief. the game -- the warriors squandered a lead and they ended up losing to the rockets 122-121. >> for three of the [indiscernible] and here's the lead up. durant picks it up and [indiscernible]. >> the fans were on their feet early jumping ahead to the 4th quarter. curry had several big shots like that. less than 6 minutes left on the clock he had
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22-points, but the rockets came back in the final seconds like right there. all the warriors needed was two points to send fans home happy. >> [indiscernible] for three. and curry gets to the rim and he fires and he scores. [cheers and applause] >> heaven that look good. kevin durant and still holding the ball, touching the ball as time ran out. yikes! the shot didn't count and the rockets won. the warriors travel to new orleans and they'll play the pelicans friday. >> close one. the san jose sharks head out for the first rode trip of the season. san jose faced off against montreal, a team they have beaten every time they played at the shark tank in the 21st central. san jose jumped out front when the puck went into an empty net. the canadians enters with a goal.
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the sharks took the lead for good in the second period. san jose won 5-2 and on friday, that opens up a five-game road trip against new jersey. let's talk baseball. the dodgers beat the cubs 6-1. the l.a. dodgers one game away from moving onto the world series. darvage gave up a first inning homer to kyle from the cubs. andre and chris taylor both homered. l.a. rolled to a 6-1 win over the cubs. they have a lead in the national -- game four tonight at wrigley field in chicago. the yankees beat the houston astros 6-4 in new york. they tied the high up american league series two games a piece. judge homered. he delivered a game tieing hit. while gary sanchez
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crushed a go ahead double and a four-run 8th inning and yankees won the game 6-4. it is now 4:48. sal has said no shortage of sports to watch this time of year. >> it's a good time of year if you like sports, but you know, if you have a wife who wants you to stop hogging the tv and i'm speaking hypothetically -- >> no one in particular >> yeah. good morning, everyone. this is a look at 580 westbound. we're going to start off with the altamont pass. traffic is going to be busy if you're driving on 205 at the 580 interchange. no major problems driving through altamont pass. it's slow, but there haven't been problems when it comes to accidents or stalled vehicles. livermore to dublin looks okay. we're checking in on highway 17. that's open despite the fire activity nearby. let's talk about the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic is light coming into san
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francisco. just a small delay at some of those cash lanes. 4:48. let's bring steve in with today's weather. >> i have to admit those astros-yankees was exciting. fog is returning and cooler. pam, it will be better. >> thank you. >> that mainly applies to pam, not sam and dave. fog returns cooler. 70s around the bay. upper 70s inland and the big nee down toward santa cruz, thankfully we have cool temperatures in low clouds. temperatures in the 40s. i looked at a lot of observation. we're seeing 40s 50s and we'll take a closer look. boulder creek did not report, but others have. 44, 44, that's good. felton, 43. scotts valley 46. e elevation here. this observation is above 2500 m
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er air, 18% humidity. 64 degrees. 500 elevation. a lot of 40s and higher humidity. northwest, northwest, west, northwest, and santa cruz is dealing with fog and 90% humidity. there's positive points there. low clouds have come roaring back to the coast. there's an onshore breeze now for san francisco. and look at the temps, upper 40s here. 49 and 48. 51 officially, 50. tiburon 46 0 s into oakland. the key is the wind direction. there's one slight offshore, but most north, west, northwest, northwest. that will scour a lot of that out along with the fog. that breeze should push it out of areas around southern marin county and the city and the east bay. 40s on the temps. 27 truckee.
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41 to ukiah. really big systeme season coming in. there's going to be heavy rain . humble county will get rain. the system starts to fall apart a little bit, but still holding on with decent rain especially cloverdale, lake port northward. a quarter inch. by the time it moves south, there's not much here. we're take a point 06 for boulder and san jose. the low clouds are backed up and they'll continue to get pushed on the shore and lift. the system moves in overnight tonight into tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon is the focus. later in the afternoon, it moves south and overnight into thursday night, we should make it at least some presip late thursday. by friday morning most will be gone. the coolest air we've seen in a long time. temperatures today are starting to take a tumble and they'll
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take a fall tomorrow. 60s for many. or low 70s. 60s, 70s today. the friend is r higher clouds and fog. cloudy rain to the north tomorrow afternoon, maybe early friday. it's out. it will be cool in the morning, but slowly warming up as we go into the weekend. finally change. >> i think pam approves. >> i hope so. >> the air quality has been tough. i can't imagine closer up to the fires, i mean all the way down into the city, it's bad. >> yesterday was bad. today will be better. >> steve, thank you. time is 4:52. a new legislation passed in san francisco to protect the people who live there. up next, details on a ban of protects treated with children chemicals. -- a ban on products treated with certain chemicals.
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at best foods, we care about sourcing 100% of our oils responsibly. and we care about incredible taste. because at best foods, we're on the side of food.
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what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners. welcome back to mornings on 2. it's 4:55 and smoke from the -- yesterday, more hand 30 flights were cancelled. and then airports spokesperson says he believe most cancellations were smoke-related. one in five flights were delayed yesterday due to poor visibility from the smoke. last week more than 250 flights at sfo were cancelled because of the smoke. time is 4:55. a sledge layings that would have banned those -- a legislation that
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would have banned those robots from the sidewalks, it has been refrained and sent back to committee for review. supervisor yee introduced legislation -- but there was also strong opposition from business groups. the amended legislation would create a limited permit program. it would allow robots to be tested and developed in certain parts of the city. it would require that the robots be accompanied by a human who can take control quickly. the revised legislation will be heard in committee on october 25th. the city of san francisco has approved the nation's first ban on the sale of products treated with flame retardant chemicals. the chemicals have been linked to hormone disruption, lower iq, attention deficit problems, reproductive problems and cancer. children, pregnant women, low income people, and firefighters are
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considered particularly at-risk. now, the legislation applies to both burke and martyr businesses -- california required flame retardant ss in homes and children's products but dropped that in 2015. as we found out, getting a timely emergency on your cell phone, it could be the difference between life and death. coming up, two u.s. senators calling out a critical flaw in the federal emergency warning system. on the road, westbound 24 on the way to the tunnel, you can see traffic is moving along pretty well. as you drive through lafayette and into arenda. a frost on the way tomorrow. more on that coming up.
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good morning, homes destroyed. people evacuated to emergency shelters, we have the very latest on that fire burning in the santa cruz mountains. and cleaning up. a word from the federal and state agencies to property owners eager to start cleaning up after the wild fires. the warning about toxic materials and how
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doing it yourself could jeopardize your ability to obtain financial assistance from fema. mornings on 2 continues. good morning, thank you for joining us here on mornings on 2. wednesday morning, october 18th. i'm pam cook. >> good morning, i'm dave clarkg . >> yes, it is. >> did you have the heater on? >> no. >> in my car? >> i mean i had to crank it up a little bit in the car. >> steve is ready to talk about your weather. >> you can friday. >> okay. >> rain is on the way, finally. >> good. >> and better air quality. fog has come back to the coast. more than onshore breeze instead of the north, northeast and 60s and 70s and 70s. low clouds banked up far on most of the coast. santa cruz, there are areas of fog down there and higher clouds. the good news is there's not much of a breeze. 40s for temps. 43


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