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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU Fox 2  FOX  December 24, 2017 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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the 10:00 news starts now. >> no yule logs burning in the fireplace this christmas, the stagnant air over the bay area prompting the decision by air- quality managers. >> people who like a wood fires, this is disappointing, but there are other option.>> the warning is in effect through christmas day. the burning of other solid fuels is inhibited. good
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evening, >> the alerts are the 12th and 13th of the winter season issued by the bay quality notes is bay area quality management. we have a reporter in oakland speaking with officials, one person said christmas won't be the same because of the band.>> that's right christina. >> reporter: if you were one of the families who wants to sit around the fire for the holiday season, nothing says christmas like listening to the crackle of that fire, but if you live in the bay area this year, it's not an option.>> there crazy. you can't have a fire? it's not the dry season it's winter. i get it in the summer. but it's winter. >> reporter: the stag family has an issue with the latest winter spare the air alert. this family says it's part of their christmas tradition. >> having a fire is cozy and
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fun. you can sit around the fire and have people talk and read out -- relax. >> reporter: the bay area air- quality district has issued to further alerts. >> christmas day tomorrow will be the fourth day in a row and this next will be the fifth. >> reporter: the reason? for the past three days and inversion layer has been trapping all the smoke in the air. >> people who like a wood fire, it is sad but there are other options, they can put candles in the fireplace and still have that glow. >> reporter: if you need that glow, you can always check out a natural gas insert. the mendelssohn's installed this years ago. one click of a button, heat and flames. >> we are cautious about burning wood, and now we don't have to worry about it at all. we get heat and a nice glow. >> what happens during the start of winter weather conditions, we got a dome over
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us in the smoke just sits there and nothing carries it out. so just builds up, but it only takes a few fireplaces to pollute the whole neighborhood.>> reporter: carcinogens in the smoke are harmful to kids and the elderly and those with respiratory problems. >> have a kid with asthma. the indoor fire doesn't bother him. we have a bonfire in the yard, yeah. if the house is burning down sure. >> reporter: to burn or not the burn -- not to burn is the question. >> of course i'll abide the law. >> reporter: if you choose to burn, you may end up paying the price. >> we will send out patrols. we will have patrols out the weekend and on christmas day, and the next day on the 26th, as well. >> reporter: as your hearing, those fireplace inserts may be the best option for people
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trying to enjoy the holiday season around the fireplace. >> nobody wants to be a scrooge about all this but i guess if you are one house and have one fireplace, you might have 50,000 neighbors with the same thing, and it all adds up. >> reporter: that's right. >> thank you rob. now over to meteorologist mark cameo. -- mark tamayo. as christine mentioned, we need a storm to move in or a wind event, which has not happened. a very stable layer of air has set up over northern california. you can pick out the layer of hazy showing up in the atmosphere right here. we have clouds and haze trapping it, so as you heard, monday is christmas day, and in tuesday the air alert gets better. very stable air mass, and as a
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result, hayes forming. here is the air-quality scale, green is good, we are expecting moderate to unhealthy through tomorrow. we are trying to keep that scale to the left on the lower side. satellites showing some clouds, you might see there is actually a storm, but it is weakening, maybe a few sprinkles for tonight through tomorrow morning, but it is cold out there. in the 40s right now, setting the stage for a chilly start to christmas, we'll have more on that in the forecast coming up in a few minutes. we will be talking about and excited. of dry weather as well, we will talk more about that. >> take a look outside and see how traffic edge, which is traffic is. this is i-80, looking at emeryville. you can see, still quite a bit of traffic at this hour, both heading eastbound toward sacramento and west towards the city. moving on over now to
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80 in oakland rather, this is arena 880. excuse me. smooth going here on christmas eve night, not as much traffic as we normally see during a busy day. a lot of people looking up tonight, especially the young ones tracking santa, a live picture from norad as they have their radar and satellites pinpointed on santa as he makes his way around the world. right now, we are told that he is in manitoba canada. they just told me in my ear. just north, in the great white north, he will be working his way down the west coast here in the next couple of hours. we will keep you posted throughout the night. if you are in the need of a last- minute light show, for the past 12 years, neighbors have gotten together to make their neighborhood one of the best places in the bay area to see holiday lights. there is a snowflake house, candycane house, each house has a different theme.
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santas lighted reindeer are scattered around several houses. hundreds of people bundled up tonight and strolled around the neighborhood, just to see those colorful lights.>> it is really amazing to see all the houses decorated. and that the people made this effort to make everything look so beautiful. >> a good place to start observing is a glenn erie avenue and willow street. neighbors there will have lights up through at least new year's day. let's take a live look at the christmas in the park event . folks can still stroll through the park and take out -- check out these 550 decorated christmas trees on display along with animated displays and exhibits. there are still people there now, this is a san jose tradition as well, and has been happening every holiday season since 1980. it began with just a single nativity display, and has grown
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into this amazing display today. last-minute shoppers have been out grabbing everything from last-minute groceries to gifts, at alameda landing shopping center. the parking lot was packed earlier, with folks looking to pick up those last few items on their list. many people we saw were scrambling to try to be the christmas deadline. >> that's why we came here, we did grocery shopping and christmas shopping. >> we were out real early this morning. so, everyone is now starting to come out of it's time for us to go home. if you haven't gotten what you needed by now? you might be out of luck. many stores are getting ready to close, if they haven't closed already. we are less than two hours from christmas. today, glide memorial church in seven cisco said hundreds of people -- 500 people at a special christmas eve lunch thanks to seven cisco's house of prime ribs. the owner of that iconic restaurant donated 2000 pounds
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of prime rib so that everyone at the church could have a delicious holiday meal. the food was donated, and everyone can look forward to the meal. >> it is a gift, about standing with the most vulnerable in our community. we like to come together to do that. will serve as they will serve 5000 meals to those in need thanks to volunteers and donations working to make the holiday special for everyone. just a few blocks away, at saint anthony's, volunteers wrapped up their curbside donation drive. over the last several weeks volunteers collected more than 3000 pairs of socks, several hundred lapses several hundred hand knitted scarves and hats and dozens of hams for those in need. a special holiday meal is planned for christmas tomorrow,
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donations also support the free clothing program. in other news tonight, a modesto man received what he is calling a christmas miracle after being pardoned by governor jerry brown. yesterday, governor brown pardoned and reduced sentences for about 150 convicted criminals. a reporter has more on what it means for a refugee to be home for the holidays. >> reporter: you can tell by the hat he wears that faith means everything to this man.>> he is always with me, i am never alone. told me not to doubt him. >> reporter: that doubt crept in last weekend, when a felony from over two decades ago left him sitting in texas, waiting to be deported. he served nearly 2 years in prison for possession of stolen property charges in 95, and remained trouble-free sense until he was arrested in october during an immigration sweep. >> there are people who work
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will still label me as a thug, but i just want to tell them, that you know, today, i am not the same person as i was before. >> he is showing effort that he is changing for the better. i feel like he deserves a second chance.>> reporter: facing god allowed him to persevere through months of unsent -- months of uncertainty, but it was his pardon that enabled him to be home from christmas after he was on effectively released from prison friday. >> it's what i call a divine coincidence, that i am here on christmas. and, also, today, it is a welcome home. so, it is amazing. it is a miracle. >> reporter: it is a christmas present he and his family won't find under their tree, but it is the present they wanted the most. in modesto, fox news. coming up, a different kind of christmas, for families who lost everything in the north
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bay wildfires. at 10:30, how one family is coping with the changes this holiday season. plus driving up to sierra, you may have noticed the snow at elevations around four or 5000 feet. but, a new study says that no elevation has changed quite a bit over the past 10 years, and not in a good way. the story, coming up.
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one person is dead, two
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others injured at various looting else is shooting at a bar in vallejo at humphreys bari on york street. police say one of the victims found in the parking lot and found -- pronounced dead at the scene. a second man was found inside the bar, and a woman suffered non-life-threatening injuries. right now it is not clear what led up to the shooting and no arrests have been made. if you have any information, you are asked to call police. a car crashed into a home, no one was injured, when a dog riding in behind the honda crv jumped down and hit the gas pedal causing the vehicle to launch forward, hitting the home. we don't have a video of the dog, but you can see here there was some damage to the home. police say neither drugs or alcohol are believed to have been involved, and it is not clear if the driver will face charges. so far, a cloudy weekend. cloudy skies up and down the state, you can see green showing up on the radar but most of this is in the upper levels. there is a chance of a sprinkle for tonight but in terms of significant rainfall, nothing showing up for tonight or
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tomorrow. it is chilly out there, it has been a cool weekend. right now, we are checking out curtain numbers for the 10:00 hour, right now, we have san jose 51. oakland 50 degrees come up with cool spots back down into the 40s for santa rosa, and fairfield are around 47 degrees. here is our camera looking out toward san francisco with mostly cloudy skies checking out union square here, and the ice-skating rink. not much in the way of rainfall, you definitely want to bundle up with his -- thick quote -- thick coat and sweater. 30s to start out the day, low 30s for santa rosa and napa, san francisco 47 degrees, san jose 40, and livermore in the upper 40s. 30s out towards -- fairfield, and antioch start out the day. here we are, the christmas forecast starting at the day, some cloud cover out there, between partly cloudy, 7:00 temperatures in the mid-30s and 40s by lunch time we will go
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with readings in the low to mid 60s around 58, 65 degrees. still not cloud cover, breaks in the cloud cover by the afternoon hours. check out the sierra forecast over the next few days, nothing but sunshine, with mostly sunny skies, temperatures for overnight lows will be in the 20s. afternoon highs in the mid to upper 40s, flirting with 50 degrees. of course, lake tahoe is a very popular destination. weekend this time of year. is no coverage in parts of the sierras looks drastically different than this time last year. the average elevation where snow turns to rain is getting higher, and as i found out, this may be a shift to a new normal. the sierra winter attracts visitors every year. while fixed elevations lead the way along i-80, a big change has emerged in a small time. sitting at over 5000 feet, this gas station has been a popular
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pitstop. antonio, the current owner, has been shoveling snow here for over four decades. on this december day, there was no snow to clear. >> i see a lot of rain events certainly, wash all the way up to the summit. we are writing three or four or 5 inches of rain, and a series of storms. and, hardly any snow. >> reporter: his unscientific observations may be backed by science. while december failed to deliver deep powder, a new study says that something bigger is happening. mid- december, christmas, we generally hope to not see all this shrubbery. >> reporter: benjamin hatchett, a scientist with reno, made the drive to donner lake to look at the mountains lacking still. the current visuals agree with the headline jumping out about a recent study he worked on. in the last 10 years, the average elevation where snow turns to rain has jumped dramatically. >> if you think about putting
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chains on your car, around baxter or so, now, you would be doing that around cisco growth. >> reporter: the shift surprised researchers looking at snow levels. while there are short-term fluctuations in snow levels, the long-term trend may be pointing up. >> this is totally consistent with the concerns that we have with ongoing climate change. >> reporter: the two main culprits may be found to our west, rising ocean temperatures in the development of more atmospheric events. >> 50 years, you look out in the mountains, is there a chance the snow level could be -- >> reporter: the average snow level. >> that is a concern for people who enjoy winter recreation, but even more so for resource
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management. >> reporter: the cold winter storms are important. warmer storms produce no snow, possibly only rainfall leading to big flooding concerns. >> that sets up a perfect scenario for a couple big storms, with 10,000 foot snow levels to rain on everything, bringing a lot of warm moist air , and very windy conditions to produce a lot of snowpack melt. rain on snow. >> as you can see, the snow was almost to the top.>> reporter: one man recalls the legendary snow season one year ago. this is one of many resorts relying on a powerful snowmaking system to cover their runs. >> we have invested into a pond cooling system. what it does, it cycles the
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water up through fountains, and it cycles the pond, and gets the water down by 2 to 3 degrees colder.>> reporter: that cooler water gets funneled into the lines to create high call -- high-quality snow blasted over the mountains. the importance of snowmaking will only increase if the cold storm events become less frequent. researchers admit that a 10 year sample sizes tiny on the long-term scale of climate change. the study suggests a stronger monitoring system to track future changes. for now, the current snapshot in the lower elevations may be a preview of what women -- winters could look like down the road. coming up, acting fbi director mccabe may soon be stepping down. the details for a major job opening at the department. plus, a message president trump has deployed for those -- has for those deployed overseas. we'll be right back.
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president trump sent holiday greetings to servicemen and women overseas. >> the united states coast guard have done such an incredible job in disaster areas this year. thank you very much for the high standard you've set.>> the president spoke with soldiers stationed overseas, and those patrolling guantanamo bay. members of all five branches heard from the president. each unit was thanked for their sacrifice and protecting the country. and arizona senator is joining other gop lawmakers and calling for changes in the direction of the republican party.>> when you look at the lack of diversity, sometimes. it depends on where you are, obviously, but, by and large, we are appealing to older white men. and, there's just a limited number of them.
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the fact that roy moore lost his election as a good sign. but maybe the republican party can turn back. but, if we continue to go down that path, just to drill down on the base, then i think you will have a lot of people realize there is no future for them in this party.>> the senator is not running for reelection for the senate but said he might be running against president trump in 2020. there are reports that deputy fbi director andrew mccabe may be stepping down. >> reporter: he is eligible for retirement in march. for weeks there have been rumors about potential retirement. a handful of outlets reported on saturday that he would retire in the new year, and almost immediately, president trump fired off a number of tweets, attacking mccabe. the white house defended the tweets on fox news sunday.
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>> the president was saying that it's important to know what our people are doing. >> reporter: democrats said the closed door meetings and other attacks on the fbi are less about the integrity of the bureau, and more about the special counsel's investigation.>> it is a part of an attempt at diversion from the real issue, which is the russian attempt to subvert the last election. the possible collusion -- the certain collusion by many members of the trump campaign, and possible by the president himself. >> think it is important that we respect the independence of the department of justice and the fbi. no one is above the law. let mister mueller to his investigation without interference from the president.>> reporter: mccabe has not commented publicly on any of this. in washington, i'm allison barber, fox news. coming up, a season of
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recovery. how one family is coping with the changes this christmas holiday after losing everything in the devastating northbay wildfire. help the homeless, volunteers in the south bay handout blankets to people living on the street. more on they -- the efforts they hope will bring the number of homeless down this winter. we are tracking santa claus in the sky delivering christmas gifts to millions of children across the country. we will be right back. . i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50?
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nuance 10:00, this is the first christmas for northbay fire victims. tonight we hear from one women grateful to have her family together this christmas, even though their future is very unclear. >> reporter: if you didn't know better, you would think this is just another santa rosa family home ready for the holidays. >> for us, it was like, christmas is an important important part, i'm going to focus on that, and think of happy positive things, versus everything else going on. they still have ornaments. >> reporter: and a christmas tree music box that still works. this is the new house for
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michelle florez and her family. >> it's an adjustment, we had to get some air mattresses. >> reporter: this is home, and where christmas was spent last year and the year before. >> see where that metal bowl is? that's where we found my mom's engagement ring.>> reporter: there is not much left of this rental home near spring lake. it was where she was staying with her parents while searching for a new place of her own. is it getting easier? a >> it's actually getting harder. >> reporter: that is because michelle has taken time off work to focus on getting her life back together. >> when people on the airplane are arguing about the seat they got, and i think this is what you have to worry about? i need to take a break. >> reporter: time off means this means more time to face
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her new reality. a >> this was our living room. the fireplace -- it's like it never -- you can't quite move on. because, you're still dealing with it. i know it's stupid, and people say it's just things, but it's my things. my life, you know, that is gone. >> reporter: michelle was at work when her fire -- when the fire broke out and says the parents were lucky to get out with the close on their backs. they had already made the decision to leave before the fire. >> it was a most impossible for us to live in a retirement income.>> reporter: now they are living in the house michelle had leased before the fire, but they are looking at a new house in idaho with a mortgage about a third of what they paid in rent in santa rosa. >> we like the area, and we could buy something comfortable.>> reporter: michelle will have to find a roommate to help cover her rent. >> i don't have a cushion.
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>> reporter: still, her and her family will be able to enjoy this christmas together, grateful for what they have. as for next christmas,>> i don't know. i don't know what's going to happen. the lease is up is in -- in six months. >> michelle also survived the las vegas shooting. she has been through a lot this year. she says that is given her perspective on what is important in life.>> services are taking -- christmas services are taking place at grace cathedral this holiday weekend. the holiday service started friday, and will continue through tomorrow. services include music, singing, sermons, and home communion. -- holy communion. >> [ music playing ] for many people, holiday church services at glide memorial are an annual tradition. the church was a services at
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the church on ellis street are free and open to the public. the special holiday event often draws hundreds to the church filling it to capacity. volunteers sent out heavy blankets to people living in a large homeless encampment, as temperatures dipped tonight. homeless deaths in santa clara county are on the rise, and volunteers are working to prevent any sickness or death related to cold-weather. leigh martinez has the story. this is home for the holidays, for people living every day and night in this camp under the freeway. >> we are going to walk the camp. >> reporter: christmas eve, pastor scott and volunteers delivered blankets from the united states government. disaster blankets, to combat cold temperatures. >> think they were introduced during katrina. these have been known to save many lives, when people are in a difficult situation. i think this is tantamount to a natural disaster.>> reporter: volunteers delivered blankets to the homeless camp, as well
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as donated socks, and take away think using return. the volunteers are not just out here because it is the holidays, they come here five days a week to deliver supplies but because of all of their efforts, pastor scott said homeless guests have increased this year. >> i think the truth is that what we are doing is not working, because awareness is up but the numbers are also up. and the numbers of people dying our way up.>> reporter: santa clara county's -- santa clara county's corner office said the number of deaths tripled in the last few years. the initial investigations show drug and alcohol abuse are the two biggest factors in the increase in deaths, but many in camp fear cold exposure increases the risk. >> it gets real cold. when your hands hurt, and your face is all red. >> reporter: she's heard stories of other people who have died sleeping in the cold, and she worries about her own
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health. >> i got a cold about a week ago. i still have it now.>> during the heat and cold over the years, they don't know how cold it will get at night, the county sets up alert systems, but it doesn't reach people. >> reporter: which is why pastor scott says it is up to those who are fortunate to keep coming into the camp to help everyone survive the winter. in san jose, leigh martinez, ktvu, fox to news. coming up, holiday traditions around the world, including midnight mass at the vatican, and a message from pope francis he hopes will change the lives of immigrants. weather so far, lots of clouds moving across the bay area this weekend showing up on satellites for tonight, coming up, what that means for your christmas forecast, and we will also update the five-day outlook, coming up.
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santa is right there on our screen, christmas eve, well on his way to to do -- to give gifts to children all over the world. this is a live look at norad santa tracker. he is in my home state of texas, now heading for dallas. he is coming up on a 6 billion
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gifts delivered. norad has been tracking santa on christmas eve for more than 60 years, and if you want to check up on santa's location, log onto norad he is on his way to california. >> dropping off cowboy boots and headed this way with flip- flops. that is what we were in california. >> [ laughter ] true. nice and clear out right? >> yeah. he might settle in hawaii. headlines for tonight, we are expecting high clouds, a cooldown of course, you know it is cool out there. the sun and cloud mix, for christmas and a dry weather pattern, i don't see a developing headline as we wrap up december 2017. checking out the forecast for you. clouds in the morning, scott is becoming partly cloudy, you can see some gifts. a little preview for ken and christina and scott, preparing sports for you in a few minutes.
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here is the plan for tomorrow, temperatures 7:00, by 12:00, 55 to 60 degrees, and by 4:00, upper 50s to the low to mid 60s. outside right now, our live camera looking out towards the bay bridge, the embarcadero holiday lights up there as well. scattered high clouds for tonight, i think we will have more breaks in the action in terms of cloud cover for tomorrow. this is the satellite, you can see all the clouds streaming into the bay area for today, some green showing up on the radar but most of this is in the upper levels. there is a chance that you may even encounter a few sprinkles tonight but for the most part, clouds out there, there's a very weak system moving in, we want -- might have thought that might generate rainfall for tonight but it's falling apart. we talked about clouds on christmas, we will scale that back towards the afternoon
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hours, and the extended forecast, this area of high pressure wants to stick around for the rest of the year. looks like a dry weather pattern out there, temperatures in the 60s, december has not delivered much in the way of rainfall this year. we will be looking for changes as we headed towards january, because december is not very productive for us. here's the forecast, will take this into monday morning, just a few clouds out there, scattered clouds drifting in throughout the afternoon hours, filtered sunshine, and then on tuesday, we will have more sunshine. storms up to the north of the bay area, high clouds approaching the north coast. towards cape mendocino. it will start tomorrow, warmer compared to today, translating to more 60s in the forecast, that's for santa rosa and san francisco, concord and brentwood will go 62 degrees. half moon bay in the upper 50s. and here's a look ahead, your five-day forecast, lots of 60s, this does not look like december weather but that will be the case. no raindrops insight. as we take this into the
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upcoming weekend, it should remain dry, with a mixture of sun and clouds, we will be hoping for maybe a change in the overall weather pattern, but right now, the next 8 to 14 days could be dry here in northern california. >> it's good for the holiday travel to be able to get around. but, we sure could use somewhat weather. >> yeah. >> we will be playing catch-up by january. in the philippines, 37 people are feared dead following a fire at a shopping mall. firefighters have only recovered one body. they say 36 other people were inside when the fire broke out, and they also say there is a zero chance they are still alive. all the victims are believed to be employees of the nccc mall. only the grocery store in the mall was open to customers when the fire started. also in the philippines, relief and rescue teams are switching to recovery mode after one of the deadliest storms of the year has passed. this typhoon dropped intense rainfall over the mountains on
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the peninsula. so far 120 people are confirmed dead was more than 120 others missing. officials warned the landslides could continue and they want people ready to evacuate quickly. pope francis celebrated his fifth christmas is leader of the world's 1.2 billion catholics. as leah gabrielle reports his message this christmas eve is to show hospitality to refugees. >> reporter: christmas eve mass at the vatican, some 10,000 worshipers packed st. peter's basilica to hear pope francis. as is tradition, news of the world made it into his remarks. the pontiff drew parallels between the journey of mary and joseph to bethlehem in the modern story of migrants
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leaving their homeland. he noted how mary and joseph arrived in a land without a place for them, but were still taken in. >> -- >> translator: christmas is the time for turning the power of fear into the power of charity, the power for a new imagination of charity. in bethlehem, the palestinian prime minister attended church at the nativity. plenty of iraqi christians welcomed christmas at the lady of salvation church in baghdad. the mood in muzzle is a bit later this year, as it is the first christmas since the city was liberated from isis. american soldiers in a scandal -- afghanistan celebrated by lighting candles. in new york, leigh gabriel, foxnews. coming up, the nfl playoff picture begins to take shape, and how the 49ers will play this christmas eve against the
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jaguars. scott green has sports next.
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this portion of ktvu news is sponsored by honda. great deals are waiting at your honda dealer. fox sports starts now, look at 49er marquees good when when asked when -- what jimmy brings
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to the team. whatever you want to call him, call him a winner, because that's all he does. today, against the jaguars, the legend grew even larger. ruffalo and the niners looking for win number four, if you are a playoff team, this is not what you want to see in week 16. second quarter, the niners with a 10 zero lead. -- 10-0 lead, intercepted by dante johnson down the sideline, 50 yards to the house. 16-0 san francisco, your thinking boy, they might blow the jags out of the building, but on the extra point, it is blocked, colton scooped it up takes it 70 yards for the score, that is a two-point play in pro football. now you're score is niners a 16, jaguars two. off of for net, look what i found, strong with the deflected ball, 5 yard
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touchdown, 16-16 at the break. we have a ballgame. drop below, george kittle is in, niners up 23-19, fourth quarter, rob lowe again, little sidearm toss to taylor, 42 passing yards against a team giving up a buck 69 a game. carlos for 5 yards, 37-19, again we are thinking nine or blowout, but wait, the jags will not go quietly. final two minutes, 37-33. now the niners have to i sit on this drive, and do they ever. matt down the sideline, 35 yards, ballgame. the niners win again, 44-33, they've gone from one and 10 to 5 and 10 over the last month. also, past court -- kurt warner
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for most passing yards over by a quarterback in his first start with a team. the legend grows. joe fonzie has more. >> reporter: after a poor start, the niners are wishing the season would begin right about now. cisco put 44 points on the number one defense in the nfl, with a quarterback that is looking more and more the team could have possibly wanted for christmas. >> straightahead, touchdown 49ers. >> reporter: of jimmy's two touchdown passes, the most impressive might have been to trent taylor, rolling to his left on a broken play, and then throwing back across his body to the end zone.>> showed him how to do it. >> [ laughter ]>> no, his body is different. the we can throw, i think everyone can see that, because he can make unusual throws from different angles and get that arm everywhere. i joke with him, he is sitting
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there ready to throw, doesn't matter how his body is. >> the kid can play ball, i mean, i don't know what else to say. you all see it, just like i do want to silence. i'm glad he's on our side.>> jimmy stepped in at the right time, and he is just an amazing football player. he has helped us be able to take that next step.>> think it was a good test for us on offense, but our team overall responded. >> reporter: the 49er defense played its part. they will excite a stadium known for such things. >> i look forward to next year. >> i think we all wish we had a few more games at the end of the season, but we will not let that take away from what we are doing right now. we are looking forward to next season. >> will start all over, i think
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we could win the super bowl. >> you are excited about the future of this team, right? >> super excited. trust me. >> reporter: it would have been crazy to see this at the halfway point of the season, but what appears to be the franchise quarterback on the roster, several young players who have dramatically improved, and all kinds of money to spend under the salary cap, the 49ers have every reason to believe christmas 2018 will be even better than this one. in santa clara, i'm joe fonzie, for sports representative. 'twas the night before christmas, and all through the lands, permutations of playoffs, which team will stand? suffice it to say, we know a lot more now than we did 12 hours ago about all that. nfc front and center, seahawks and cowboys, look who is back from suspension, zeke. third quarter, 9-7, prescott intercepted by justin coleman, he will waltz to the end zone for a pick six. this is an -- in the holiday spirit, he donates himself to the salvation army.
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jones has a hard time watching. cowboys eliminated. santa claus on call for the rams and titans, little pastor todd gurley, get the ball in his hands. longest play from scrum is this season, 80 yards, he had 276 total yards on the day. tightens up three, cooper cop, great catch in the back of the end zone, it stood. sean mcveigh and company celebrating a title, 27-24, yours final. bucks, panthers. bird from 3 yards deep in his end zone, i am like a bird, i'll only fly away, hundred and 3 yard kick return, longest of the season and the longest and panthers history. 12-6 carolina. final 35 seconds, 19-15, tampa bay. cam newton, this is exactly how
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they dried up, but you know what, he's a superman. he makes things happen. he drops it, picks it up and for the score. panthers win a playoff spot. falcons have the weirdest play of the weekend, ryan to hall, it lands on the backside of latimer, secured by williams and robinson, that is one weird interception, but it was critical, because, on the ensuing possession from breeze, how do you let ted get behind the default -- the defense in the final 30 seconds? saints win 23-13, they clinched their first playoff spot since 2013. eagles and vikings get your buy, seahawks in the next week, if seattle beat arizona, hawks will get the final wild-card spot. more football coming up, we bring the afc playoff picture into focus, and tell you what
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it all means for silver and black.
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we knew it would take a christmas miracle, and a new year's miracle for the raiders to make the playoffs, first things first, they needed for things to go right this weekend. three of them dead. this one did not. the dolphins, chiefs, second
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quarter, 3-3 game, alex smith, travis kelsey, that all work. then kansas city, later in the quarter it is 10-6. they gave it to their rookie sensation. the chiefs went 29-13. they clinch the afc west. the raiders are eliminated. afterwards, santa claus, andy reid celebrated as only andy reid can. >> we are not done. we will not sit on this. we will move on. we will enjoy the holiday. we will get right back at it. >> you are not taking it seriously?>> the bills, patriots, i would love to see bill dressed up as santa claus. that would be purred -- worth the price of admission. this was a 17 yard touchdown. it ties the game at 10. the patriots are cruising through home field again. late in the second quarter, taylor, and benjamin looks like a 13 yard touchdown. looks can be deceiving. we have replayed it.
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it is not a touchdown. he did not get the second foot down. they settle for a field goal. it was 13-13 at half. the patriots pull away after that. brady and lewis, this was one of the touchdowns. the patriots win 37-16. the snapshot of the playoff picture, you can see that the chargers and bills are on the outside looking in. the chargers need a win over the raiders, and the titans loss. the ravens victory needs to happen over the bengals. the bills need the earth to tip off its axis in week 17. that's all the time we have the lowdown. it's coming into focus. it's two-week -- two weeks away. >> thank you scott. next 11:00, another detail on the burn. the 11:00 news on fox2 starts now. i am ken wayne.
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whole -- hold the your log. it may look clear, but the air quality management officials have issued a spare the air warning for tomorrow and tuesday. this is the 12th and 13th alerts this winter. rob malcolm spoke to one woman is that christmas will not be the same because of the span. >> what? that is crazy. you cannot have a fire today. is not dry season comments winter.>> i get in the summer. it's winter. >> the sedate family has an issue with the latest winter, spare the air winter alert. this is part of their christmas tradition. >> having a fire is cozy and fun. people talk, and relax pics >> they are not trying to ruin your holiday. the bay area air quality management district has issued two additional winter, spar


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