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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU Fox 2  FOX  July 12, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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prepare to be moved. prepare to make a mad dash... ( ♪ ) ...because with the incredicoaster, pixar pal-a-round, and a bunch of your favorite pixar characters, it's going to be pretty incredible. pixar pier is now open! only at disney california adventure park. a dramatic rescue in the east bay. a team of first responders wasted a worker to safety after he was stuck in dry cement. inside a huge industrial hopper. >> he must've lost his balance and fell inside. he fell in the cement. a lifesaving rescue operation in union city. good evening, i am truly. a technically talented rescue of a worker that was
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trapped in a silo full of cement. he was trapped for more than two hours. it all happened in union city. the factory is located on whipple road near mission boulevard. rob talked with those first responders about the dangers of what they refer to as a confined space rescue. >> good evening. that is exactly what they were seeing. he is now investigating that the man was pulled out of this large industrial cement hopper around there -- 6:30 pm. alameda county fire tells us although he had plenty of training, the rescue operation was anything but routine. response was needed. >> a steady stream of emergency vehicles converged on the property of u.s. pipe and foundry located on whipple road in union city. behind the building, sky fox was above the scene as firefighters used harnesses,
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ropes and area ladders trying to remove the worker trapped in a hopper. after 2 1/2 hours, the man was able to walk away. a coworker tells ktvu news that the man lost his balance and fell into the hopper. a supervisor was checking the cement in the lower part of the hopper and apparently he couldn't get out. he fell in there. and he was piled up to his chest and there. front was danger, they had to dig him free to secure him to a harness to pull him out. they also had to release cement below to keep them from thinking for the. caption richard riggs was first on the scene. >> our biggest concern that but that of of material, we have seen it before. he could continue to sink in. alameda county fire was assisted by four engine companies. a ladder truck, and a hazardous response team. the man continued to think but
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was fed oxygen and water to keep them hydrated. >> these operations in a confined area pose challenges to the rescuers. and the victim. traditionally, what happens in these situations without such a response, 50% of the casualties are usually rescuers in the confined space. the ability to work around cement, you open up i secretary of cement, a big puff of dust. that is the same thing in a giant hopper with thousands of pounds of cement. the team was able to secure the man and free him at around 6:30 pm. they are thankful their training was put to good use. >> we were happy we could bring some closure to it. he will go home tonight with his family and s had been 15 days without certai
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and an amazing rescue. our core worker tells us that he was promoted to supervisor within the last year. he has worked at u.s. pipe for 12 years. as i mentioned, cal osha is investigating. the man is said to be doing well and should be returning home with his family anytime this evening. we are live in union city, rob, ktvu news. not to palo alto where a construction worker lost his life today in a workplace accident. authorities tell us the worker was run over by a bobcat loader just before 9:00 a.m. this morning. it happened at the parking lot of a preschool on middlefield road. a redwood city company had reportedly been hired to repave a sidewalk in that area. the coroner has not yet released the victims identity. cal osha is leading the investigation. no and new information about a sehe is suspected of co robbed armories -- armed robberies throughout the state. he struck again this afternoon.
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>> he started in southern california and his last known targets were this u.s. bank inside of the safeway store. these bank surveillance photos, you can see his face. he didn't do much to conceal his identity. authorities say his disguise is wearing a fake police badge and they had. someone out here knows who this person is. his trademark is a widebrimmed hat and he is also used a ball,. but he is quite identifiable. the faux badge bandit is wearing a have -- badge on his hip and he impersonate a police officer. authorities started looking for them back on may 31. he committed for bank robbers in southern california. six them, he has committed six more robberies. elk grove, san ramon, etc.
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it is brazen. there have been a lot of bank robbers. he is also considered armed and dangerous. the sheriff's office and says that in a three-week span he committed three robberies in cupertino. the first one back on june 20 at this u.s. bank. then on july 5 at eight first republic bank. five days later, he robbed this bank. later he struck a first republic, wearing a polo shirt and a baseball hat. four hours later at there, in the afternoon, wearing a hawaiian shirt and straw hat, he rubbed a u.s. bank in safeway. >> usually has some kind of had and he comes in indicating he has a firearm or has shown a fire them to the teller, and he will pass a note demanding money. in the san ramon case, the teller refused to give money. despite the suspect brandishing a black semi automatic handgun. i would think considers his actions both. she is shocked to hear about the rash of robbers but things
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is only a matter of time before authorities kitchen. i think he is about to be taken quite seriously. i think you will be caught. i think he has been on any a spree and a high but i think that now, i do he will be caught. the suspect is described as 6 feet tall, 230 pounds. 40-50 years old. the fbi is offering a $5000 reward find him. anyone with information is asked to contact authorities. in san ramon. >> the trump administration has announced that all young children separated from their families at the border have now been reunited with their parents. however, the administration says that 45 other children remain separated because of safety issues or the deportation of their parents. screening and dna tests were used to connect families. the administration has until july 26 two reunite 2000 older
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children with their parents. resident trump arrived in the uk this morning with meetings with the prime minister. the first lady joined trump at the palace which is the birthplace of winston churchill. he wrapped up two days of nato talks in brussels. in a surprise news conference, trump claimed that other nato countries have now agreed to spend more on defense. but he notes that no specific details were announced. >> this has turned out to be a very successful summit. it was a little tough for a little while but ultimately, you can ask anybody at that meeting. they are really liking what happened of the last two days. >> in an interview with the sun, president trump criticized teresa may and threatened to kill future trade deals with uk. the white house issued a statement said the president likes and respects the prime minister. the president also to the
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newspaper europe is losing its cash -- allowing the immigration to take place in europe is a shame. i think it changed the fabric of your. unless pet quickly, it will never be the same as it was. now to washington on capitol hill. and angry face-off between house republicans that involved anti-trump messages that the agent dissent in a couple of sensitive investigations. reyes live in the nation's capital with today's fireworks. >> reporter: julie, good evening . it was a marathon 10 our hearing today. it was frankly chaotic. got at times very personal that many of the lower makers were even expressing frustrations. one your source tells fox news that it was a disaster for both sides of the aisle. >> republicans and democrats
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were at each other's throats hour after hour. the gentleman is complete we out of order. >> fbi agent peter struck defendant his communications with his lover and former fbi lawyer lisa page. >> i am deeply regretful for those text goes too he was charged with investigating a couple of things. the text messages are evidence that struck was biased against donald trump and affected decisions he made in both investigations, according to republicans. >> he has a most unusual and self-serving definition of bias. he thinks promising protecting best to protect the country from someone he doesn't even have the authority to investigate isn't biased. does dust democrats focused on the intensity of the
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investigation. >> i have never seen my colleagues so out of control. so angry and so desperate. you are a prop so they can promote a narrative in an ongoing effort to distract from the serious investigation of the special counsel. >> page refused to respond to a federal subpoena and now she has agreed to meet with lawmakers friday and monday that's behind closed doors. we are tracking some clouds that there. and temperatures that are trending down as we head towards the weekend. a three-year-old it was wounded in the hail of gunfire. some neighbors say they are too fearful to talk about it. intimate -- a tirade on a freeway and now some people want others to learn about it. >> she was screaming out the window.
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no ♪ ♪ ♪ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ♪ ♪ bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens ♪ ♪ brown paper packages tied up with strings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ ♪ ♪
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the chp says they are investigating a claim of road rage that included a racist rant. a woman and her boyfriend said that a driver shouted racial slurs at them as they were driving down the highway. it was caught on video. we were along i 80 where it happened. >> reporter: frank, the woman said she and her boyfriend word does were driving towards
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oakland and they saw a car swerving and then saw a woman shot and curse at them. >> this is the video they took of the woman who was driving a black audi shouting racial slurs at them. she was yelling and we looked at each other like this lady is crazy. she is so mad. >> she and her boyfriend were heading down i 80 to oakland from a doctors appointment. sheppard was driving. >> she sped up and then cut me off. next thing i know, she was putting her hand up the window, her middle finger, screaming out the window. >> for 10 woman -- 10 minutes, the woman followed them. then it turned racist. as the woman drove past towards san francisco, the video showed her saying many swearwords. >> if you are angry, you honk
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at a person. then you get around them and go your way. he posted the rent on social media. it went viral. what i want to do is raise awareness for the situation. you can treat us like it is the 1950s. if the tree people with respect. i was never raised like that. she sees color. >> with technology, that can help in incidents like this. hold people accountable. the chp took a report and say they are investigating. in this instance, there is video of it. the investigating officers are going to determine what kind of crimes were committed. if any charges will be filed, etc. sarah said at that some people said they recognized the woman in her to she had been fired. sarah had heard from the woman. some people thought she was so bold doing that in public. are you saying that it is okay to do that in private? or amongst your home or your
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friends? it is never okay. >> sarah and her boyfriend says that the woman, they are glad that it didn't end in a crash. they did want to make sure that she was on i 80 tonight, thank fremont police say a man wanted for indecent exposure in several east bay cities is now under arrest. 31-year-old joseph was taken into custody yesterday. he was wanted in a string of cases back in may of seven dust 2070. the most recent incident happened two weeks ago. a fremont detective identified the suspect as a transient who worked at an auto dealership. the got an arrest warrant yesterday. they saw a naked man running from an apartment. he resisted arrest and the officers used a taser before taking him into custody. police say he could face charges in pleasanton and fremont. an update on that atf rated that took place yesterday.
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the department of justice issued new information this evening. is a that six people were arrested as agents searched for drugs in several homes and businesses. the suspects range in age from 24-41 and are charged with computer desk conspiracy to possess and distribute methamphetamines. all defendants are scheduled to appear in court. the mayor met with first responders after their first full day on the job. she said we need to be ready for any emergency. earthquake him a fire, etc. the mayor also imparted that she grew up right across the street from that cities oes headquarters. she remembers the advanced -- events that followed the 1989 earthquake. >> i remember the lights being out, it was dark at night, the power didn't come on for days. a number of other issues that are -- occurred during that time. we can definitely learn from
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some of the things that happened past. the mayor urged residents to be familiar with the cities emergency systems. and alert by the way, the new mayor will join ku tv tomorrow -- ktvu in one of her first interviews since taking office. we are following the to purchase this week. it has been a lot of the same. except a little cooler each day. today is no exception. fairfield and antioch are the same as yesterday. san francisco, they are down a couple of degrees. to purchase mar about the same as these. probably don't another degree or two. upper 80s, we will see if you low 90s and some warm spas. will be continuing to see more tropical moisture out there. as you look along the bay bridge, you can see that there is fog up there in the distance. there are some high clouds there as well coming from the
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monsoonal moisture we have been tracking from the gulf of california done here. is coming all the way up around the corn -- horn. we will talk about it again tomorrow night and on saturday. as lake tahoe is getting involved, it is in afternoon and evening thing. when the sun sets, you can see the activity die down. as the sun sets, the rain diminishes. the cells diminish. he sees a moisture over the bay area. i can't imagine it getting to the ground. you might get a drip. these are dying storms. tomorrow night, there is a chance that when they drove over the east bay, we will keep an eye on. tomorrow, is a lot like today. a degree or two cooler. as we head towards the weekend, it will be warmer. coming up, the unusual summer weather that triggered a landside today and southern california. serena williams gave birth to her first child 10 months
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ago. today she advanced once again to the finals at wimbledon. i will have that coming later in sports. an update on a three-year- old point wondered when gunshots hit his mother's car. their award now being offered in the case.
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we got a tip from a driver who was driving to the tunnel when something fell. we could raise questions and make sure inspections are being done. this was an important subject to cover to keep people safe. oakland police are investigating a shooting that injured a three-year-old boy. investigators say the toddler was with his mother, leaving a memorial for another shooting victim when it happened. christine spoke with police who said they have increased
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patrols do to a recent spike in violence. >> people heard the shots and screams and the boy was hit by shrapnel. but no one wants to talk about it. they say it is too dangerous and scary. even though a child was hurt. >> we know that community members were there and witnessed the incident. >> the chief is playing with people to come forward with information. the three-year-old boy was in a parked car with his mother at around 9:30 pm when shots were fired. a bullet pierced the windshield and shrapnel hit the child in the face. the mother and son were attending a street memorial for derek alexander who was shot and killed two weeks ago. police said they don't believe the shooting was connected incr east oakland due to multiple incidents of violence. >> we have redirected resources to the areas that have been
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impacted. our cease-fire teams have been shifted in order to address the increase in violence. armstrong visited hospital and delivered attended brick the boy. he says children are the most vulnerable part of the community. >> when incidents like this occur, we take it very seriously. we hope the public does as well. we hope to come forward with information to help us solve this senseless crime. >> at this point, the boy is in stable condition and please don't have any suspects go day and crimestoppers of oakland are offering up to $5000 with anyone with information. twitter is removing fake and stiff sisters accounts from their platform. twitter suspended more than 70 million accounts and kept that pace into july. as a result, some top twitter users have lost about 2% of their followers. that includes everyone from pop music stars to politicians. the most followed person on twitter is singer katy perry.
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she lost almost 3 million followers. former president obama, who is the third most followed person on twitter after driven dust just to bieber lost about 2 million followers. trump is the 18th most followed person in he lost about $200,000. the securities and exchange commission is looking at what facebook told its investors about the seat left is involving the data mining firm cambridge analytical. the wall street journal says the secretary requested information on how much facebook knew about cambridge analytical knew about user data. that was affiliated with trump's 2016 election campaign. a got access to data on up to 27 million facebook users. both facebook and the ftc could the client comment. x-rated movie star stormy daniels was released from jail. coming up, why her attorney says it was a politically motivated. a chaotic scene at malls
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across america. thousands lined up for the build-a-bear promotion that allowed children to pay their age. so many destructive wildfires have happened, people have said they are clearing brush now. how a nap but neighborhood is saying it friendly. closed captioning is brought to you by mancini, enjoy the comfort mattress sale . visit sleep if yyou need to stay downeaway from it. call 911. let our first responders come out and handle it. police and fire will respond as well as pg&e. pg&e will make the scene safe. ♪
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to keep our community safe. before you do any project big or small, pg&e will come out and mark your gas and electric lines so you don't hit them when you dig. call 811 before you dig, and make sure that you and your neighbors are safe. in southern california,
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heavy rains triggered a mudslide that has blockedarly m highway 18. that is the main road that leads to a in the san bernardino mountains. bulldozers are working to clear the road and that could take some time. part of highway 38 are also closed. people have been posting video on facebook showing the flash floods there. including a car stuck on valley of the falls drive near highway 38. that same monsoonal front is believed to cause a storm in arizona that led to a massive fire at a safeway store in phoenix. firefighters said the weight of that water caused part of the roof to give way which broke a gas line and damaged the main electrical box there. disaster recovery and restoration crews were out assessing the damage today. the national weather service says that same system could bring dry lightning to parts of northern california tonight. deborah road along with pa fire this evening were
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it is active fire season and on the flipside, napa says fire prevention has never been an easier sell. apparently, it is substantial. a right up into the hills above alter heights. an older neighbored next to downtown napa is full of older homes on roads that become winding and narrow as they climb to a rich. >> i came down the ridge from distraction. the atlas peak fire might have roared into alta heights and october are storm but shifting winds shifted it away towards the silverado trail were lots of homes were destroyed. >> some say it will not happen to them. oftentimes that is not the case. it happened to us. that is way this fire chief is staying more compliant. this house, a prime example. running from the ground up to eliminate fuel to the treetop.
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no vegetation against the house. 30 feet of what they say a lien, clean and green buffer. clusters fires have changed that for a lot of folks. across the street, open- space full of knee-high, dry grass. these are the light flashy fuels that create taller funds. if your house is on a slope, -- >> fire burns more aggressively uphill. >> moving about 16 times faster on a hill. that's why we are faced with those people who haven't done anything. some people are doing their due diligence. but we are still faced with those that either financially can't afford it or feel like they will roll the dice. they are rolling the dice for everyone in the neighborhood. because fire doesn't recognize property lines. they don't have to look far to be reminded. there is a community
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consciousness. in oakland hills, you will find that the behavior will change. >> plus and enforcement aspect. the deputy fire marshal is or twice per week. to make sure everybody trims the with -- weeds. >> this is held to the highest fire prevention standards. it is more expensive but it is required and it is piece of mind. we have a canyon on both sides. there is a chimney, which just means -- means that the updraft comes up fast. if there's a spark, it will fly right up your. we will all be in trouble. there was one overlooked risk. the captain fire -- the captain said that some houses looked fine but they actually had fire in the walls. it had spread from the bark or mulch that was smoldering right up against the house. turns out gravel is a much better option. thank you. the emmy nominations are
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out and for the first time, netflix was the top nominated network. hbo has held the title for 17 straight years. hbo game of thrones did pick up 22 nominations. the most for any show. including best drama. the had made tell on who was second with 20 nominations. the words are given out on the 22nd. parts unknown was nominated for 20 emmys. ordained was recognized for writing. he committed suicide in france where he was working on an episode of the show. the weekend is almost here and a lot of things are going on in the bay area. from bastday to bluegrass. >> rosemary is here with the weekend watch. heading into the weekend and here are a few things happening around the bay. and severances though, celebrate the skill day doesn't bastille day. it will offer french cuisine, wine and music on saturday on the embarcadero.
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getting custom and enjoy the fun at the sf anime and cosplay festival this saturday. the family from the event can be found at japan plaza. in the east bay, rock outdoors at the 40th street block party where you will find live music, food, beer and wine as well as activities for children. or head to clayton for the ninth annual rib cookoff on saturday, complete with pro pit masters and backyard shafts. those will be competing, food vendors, local craft beers, live music and more. children's choirs from across the world are in oakland. this saturday is your last chance to catch the final concert of the golden gate international choral festival. the closing awards ceremony is at the interstate center starting at 630. in the north bay, enjoy the fun at the rivertown revival on saturday in petaluma. the all day festival in the peninsula lending. will feature local food, drink, music and artist's and vendors.
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sonoma county's blue graft and craft beer festival is returning with a hard-hitting lineup. join the celebration at the greene music center in the park. in sports, the giants host the a's. that is your weekend watch. does come, huge winds -- a huge win as this girl takes the top spot in the girls pga championships. kind of muggy out there and some humidity coming in from the south and west. we talk about the thunder showers that could happen again tomorrow. temperatures for the weekend, we will see you back here. up tonight, prosecutors dropped the charges against to stormy daniels. why her arrest is now being called a mistake. just yesterday, temperatures goes new mirror talk t ktvu life. here the cities issues, coming up.
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♪ ♪ can world-renowned artist red hong yi use the chase mobile app® to pay practically anyone, at any bank? all while creating a masterpiece made of tea leaves? ♪ s. but this isn't for just anyone. ♪ ♪ hong yi! it's for the strongest man in her life.
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♪ ♪ life. lived red's way. chase. make more of what's yours. ( ♪ ) pixar pier has arrived! prepare to be awed. prepare to be moved. prepare to make a mad dash... ( ♪ ) ...because with the incredicoaster, pixar pal-a-round, and a bunch of your favorite pixar characters, it's going to be pretty incredible. pixar pier is now open! only at disney california adventure park.
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the charges against stormy daniels have been dropped. she was arrested late last night at a strip club in columbus, ohio. police say daniels whose real name is stephanie clifford made physical contact with patrons while performing. it violate state law in ohio but only if the performer is a regular at the club. she was making her first appearance there and was released a few hours later. the charges were dropped.
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we spoke with harvey levin today about the case and he can't figure out why police arrested her. >> with , she wasn't a regular. we've been trying to get an answer from the police and they are locked up tight as a drum right now and not talking. we can get an answer from them. michael, the attorney representing daniels says the arrest was politically motivated. she is known for having an extramarital affair with donald trump in 2006. police in oakland are offering a reward to help solve the deadly hit and run accident. it happened on august 27 of last year. two pedestrians were hit and one of them was a 19-year-old woman. she was pregnant and lost her baby. lisa looking for a four-door hunt day possibly silver at the time. it would've had damage to the windshield in front and. starts rebounded -- stocks rebounded and gained 240 point
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today. the s&p was up 24. the justice department is challenging the decision to allow a merger between at&t and time warner. the doj it does is appealing the deal. the judge rejected the government's argument that the massive deal would hurt competition and increased cost for consumers. at&t says it is ready to defend the merger. a jury in st. louis awarded nearly $4.7 billion in total damages today to 22 women and their families. they claimed that asbestos in johnson & johnson talcum powder contributed to ovarian cancer. this is the first case against the company that focused on asbestos. they called it an unfair process that allowed the women to sue a company in the jury despite the fact that most of them don't live in the state. it's prost dust they maintained that the products did not contain asbestos and they do not
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cause cancer. now to san jose where the shoppers at the mall stood for hours in line because of a promotion at build-a-bear. today was the annual pay your age day at stores in the bay area and across the country. and send her day -- in san jose, the line stretched the length of two football fields. some waited for hours. the parent say it was all worth it. waiting two hours isn't a bad deal. to get some nice toys for them. they are having a blast. i am really enjoying this. i am on vacation so it helps to have the time to come down here and be here with my girls. >> build-a-bear's one-day sale was sowas shut down in some places. the company is offering those who didn't get in a $15 voucher. details are on the company's website. still to come, a new attraction at the oakland is you. see what is in store as the zoo
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unveils this massive new attraction. chief meteorologist bill martin is looking ahead to the weekend. he is back with a full forecast. ♪
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happening now, we have live pictures from southern california where firefighters are battling a large building fire. it is in the northridge section of la. wooden pallets may be helping to fuel the flames here. firefighters are evacuating surrounding businesses and no word on whether it started the fire. we will give you more information soon. a new exhibition at the oakland zoo has opened and it is made up of animals that are native to california. including some that are rare. >> we went to the zoo and talked to some of the toughest critics, kids. to find out what they think go to get to the newly opened california trail, visitors don't walk, they soar. and the scenery along the way is full of prime area views. but the 56 acre telephone the trailreally belongs to the animals and the people who have come to see them. >> there are things you can see that?
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yes. and the bears. to help celebrate opening day, alaskan grizzly bears were treated to for tons of snow that was trucked in for the occasion. >> it is weird to see snow out here. first i thought, if there -- is there snow here that i didn't know about? the jaguar hung out while the condor resist did looking out the place. they were slated for euthanasia and are getting a second life here. is the new opportunity for them to experience the california native wildlife. the challenges that we have going forward as well. >> it was decades in the planning that took three years to build. what we want to accomplish is that people feel a sense of pride and inspiration from the tremendous biodiversity of life. from there, to be inspired and work towards improving our environment. want to eat, wrestle and sleep. the trainers work with the
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grizzlies open to get them to respond. conservation is the key theme of the california trail and parents say they are impressed. the animals are lovely. just watching them and seeing them outside of your dogs and cats. the kids love that. >> it is a better than video games? for me it is. >> the director says that the opening of the california trail might be one of the best things in the country. a 16-year-old girl from concorde is one -- has one pj f better than the second placed -- the person who won it last or. she shot a 66, 65 and 64. she finished with a final round of 66. she won the temperature been she also set a record for the lowest four round score. her victory earns her a place on that 2018 team that will
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play in disneyland paris in september. we have a few light showers showing up in santa clara down the valley there. no thunderstorms but just a few light showers. from the stuff we are tracking up a massive dutch sierra nevada's. i comes off as the sierra nevada's fall part. i will show you on the radar. in terms of where we are, this high pressure and low pressure, we are right in the middle. we are seeing a little bit of everything in terms of temperatures go. your seeing the low 90s inland but right along the coast it is not that one. but as we head through the next couple of days, it is the thin deal. subtle changes. down a couple of degrees tomorrow and applicable of degrees on saturday. as you will because i, you can see the bay bridge. you can see a little bit of cloud cover obviously. there is the stream of moisture we were talking about. we will go in close he can see it. it is all coming from the tropics. is going what does. the big storms appear, up around here, they are falling
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apart but that residual moisture is training the spray gosh this way. you can see it here. here's a closer shot. you can see some of the showers. right there. you can see some of the white showers. we are seeing some showers up and santa clara. we expect the potential to be on and off tonight. nothing of substance is really measurable but definitely something coming out of the sky. especially in the hills of the south and east bay. just tomorrow are going to be just like today. when you go through the microclimates, you've 60s and 70s around the bed. as you get over the hill, it will be 80s and mid-80s, upper 80s and low 90s. places like brentwood, fairfield, etc. here are the forecast highs tomorrow. you can see them, you have 82 in napa and 90 in fairfield. 93 and brentwood.
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we will go through the central tomorrow where the storms will pop up around lake tahoe. they will come this way about tomorrow night you have the same opportunity for a sprinkle and a thunder shower. a good chance of some thunder. you might have seen some flashes about two hours ago. here's the 5-day forecast. keep an eye on it for you as you get what in santa clara. it will last a few seconds and should be gone. we do the same dance tomorrow night. basically, warmer as we get towards the end of the weekend and early next week. bill, thank you. coming up on the 11th, news. more renting people than buying. see how the american dream is presenting a dilemma. a choice between homeownership and starting a family. next in sports, bas continue their winning streak. -- the a is -- a is --
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(sound of footsteps) (sound of car door opening) (car door closes) (sound of engine starting) ♪ ♪
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(sound of footsteps) (sound of car door opening) (car door closes) (sound of engine starting)
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if you have a story idea, contact to investigate. >> the oakland a's are red-hot as they get ready for the bay bridge series. >> you have it over at at&t. the giant aren't exactly ice cold and selves. they beat the cubs. for the first time since 2014, it means something for both teams. this time the bay bridge series is fun no matter what. don't forget what the momentum
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was that took them into the sears. it was created in houston. they had the all-star jerseys. again, the oakland a's have to do it income back fashion. fourth inning down 2-0. he goes up and chris, 4-0. the man in the medium t-shirt, that is you, the favorite player. bases-loaded for mick martini, a to run double. he was three for five. the oakland a's trailed only 4- 2. they were the highest scoring two. at it again. 4-3, it turns into a tie. matt chapman with a rbi double. mark continue to the eighth inning with a shot to deep left. he admires this. it did stay fair. a to run score. the oakland a's when it, six effort for. this is the key start.
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you may have the champions ground for now, but the a's are coming, 19 out of 24. guess what? they are only five behind seattle. serena william, i am woman hear me roar. how about this for postpartum success. of only after -- after 10 months after giving birth, she is going to the finals in wimbledon. village in king was tennis royalty. giuliana is falling victim to serena and this one. to the wimbledon finals for serena. looking for her 24th grand slam title. she will get it. the shot is long and she will provide the opposition. as her husband watches. in our none dust never
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ending quest but the warriors in the news every single night, even when it is not possible season, let us go to beautiful lake tahoe. what a weekend it is going to be up there for the celebrity event. edgewood and stuff, working it out. a practice round today before the celebrity event gets underway. he will be playing with his dad and another nba sharpshooter, ray allen. one of the shots went awry. it went into a bunker. he took some ribbing from a guy good-naturedly in the gallery. the guy came onto the course and talked about it after his round. will you tell us about the guy at 17 when you were called down to shoot? >> as i was hidden it, a guy called out about how that was a brick three. i heard him and he was in the stands and i dropped my wedge and asked for an extra ball and rebecca to the stand and told him to come back out and put.
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>> that he did, and he had it wrong. everyone had some fun. >> by the way, 15-1 odds to when the celebrity event. charles barkley, 6000 two one. another golden state warrior in the news. a champions work is never done as you know. that would be damien jones. busy giving back. the summer league is over three days after suffering a sprained knee he visits a youth basketball camp. the warriors put it on and i out with the kids, taking southeast. the last was none other than jason applebaum. there he has. he gave the kids a talk about perseverance. they could have a bigger role, he is ready for it. >> it has been a long time coming. this year is a big year to show
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what i have been working on. gift of that mentality coming out, that it is your time to shine. you can't let anybody else get the way. >> the former number one pick, he will have a shot this fault with the warriors. in the meantime, this story is just so great. if you followed his career with the 49ers. he said it was offended that it took so long to get into the hall of fame. but the hall of fame announces today that that is just fine. they will not acknowledge him during the ceremony. they're just going to mail the gold jacket to him. be done with it. you did it to yourself terrel owens. the store never ends. meanwhile, it is time for cto. check this out. some of the best defense in the major leagues, provided by tim beckham. extra-base is right
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there. all the way around. the glove, the arm, all of it. we take you to a tournament, gametime, one second left and they were in bounded and prepared. got it at the buzzer. you watch the replay and he didn't even have control over the basketball. he still managed to make a perfect game-winning shot right there. this is even better. we go to the arroyo valley summer league in san bernardino. nine-year-old kayleen smith is playing with the big girls. watch this. she puts up the shot and the high school girls, outside shot . all worth checking out on a thursday night. that is the sporting life. it is time for more news at 11:00. >> thank you. next at 11.
11:00 pm
>> another racially charged episode, on camera. this tampa bay area couple sharded racial slurs and cut them off on the freeway. this is the video they


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