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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 at 7am  FOX  August 17, 2019 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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you're watching ktvu fox 2. right now, a big b.a.r.t. maintenance project is just getting under way in the east bay. and it will likely have a big impact on drivers and riders. three different b.a.r.t. stations and lane closures on highway 24. we have a live report coming up for you. and a san francisco judge said she did not watch the video of a woman being attacked outside her apartment building, before she set a suspect free. but she still maintains jail is not the best option. and the city of san francisco has hired more crossing guards. to cover more than 150 intersections in the city to ensure safe travel going to school for students on monday. and good morning to you. welcome to mornings on 2, on
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this saturday, august 17th. i'm claudine wong. >> the weekend is upon us. good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. and rosemary is here, too. talk a little weather. and boy, it was cool. >> it was so nice. >> took a while. >> at 4:00, i was like, rosemary said it's supposed to get better. and then it did. >> it did. and we start out the day like the day before. and we're thinking, what's going to change? when it is it going to change? but it kicks in later in the day but it eventually does. we saw dramatic cooling in the bay area. and this morning, we're waking up with low clouds and fog once again. so that's actually a nice change as well. san francisco clicking in right about 59 degrees. santa rosa at 54. low 60 negligence oakland. low 60s livermore, as well as san jose. the onshore breeze is flowing. for a while, fairfield, you are down by 11 degrees this
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morning. san jose by 11. and santa rosa, as well as novato. the cooldown is going to continue for the afternoon today. first a check of the winds. winds in fairfield, gusting to 30 miles an hour. that cool sea breeze, finally moving inland. here's a look at the cloud cover there. we will feel partly cloudy at the coast. mostly sunny, away from the coastline as we get into the afternoon. and temperatures taking a notable drop. upper 60s in the area for san francisco. a lot of low 70s and 80s expected around the bay. looking at 90 degrees for our hotter spots. the areas that went well above 100 a couple of days ago. and the cooldown will continue into your weekend. i'll have a look at what to expect for the rest of the weekend and beyond coming up. and happening now. we've got b.a.r.t. trains between walnut creek and orinda. i want to show you where this is happening. here's a map of where this is going on. this is the area we're
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concerned about right here. right between walnut creek and orinda. it's going to affect people on the b.a.r.t. system. sara zendehnam is live for us at the b.a.r.t. station, with details on what is happening. sara? >> good morning, claudine. well, once you get up to the lafayette b.a.r.t. station. there are people and signs letting you know that this station is completely shut down for the work that is happening right behind you. you can see, a lot of people out there, working to fix these tracks. now, the lane closures on highway 24 eastbound started at 11:00 last night. they have been working hours and hours to get this work done. and they will continue to work throughout the weekend. there really aren't too many delays just yet. but. , as people get their day going, expect to deal with the backup. b.a.r.t. is in the process of replacing 50-year-old tracks. but to do that, they need to shut down the tracks between walnut creek and orinda through the weekend. to help riders get where they
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need to go, shuttles are available. and service between the orinda, lafayette and b.a.r.t. stations. in addition to delays on b.a.r.t., the two left lanes on highway 24 eastbound are closed now, near the lafayette b.a.r.t. station and oak hill road, until monday at 7:00 a.m. there will be a big crane in the lanes to help with the work being done. caltrans will keep an eye on the tropics. and if the trains reach 30 minutes, caltrans will let b.a.r.t. know. as inconvenient as this work will be, b.a.r.t. says the work is really important. >> we're in a new time for b.a.r.t. and it's exciting. because we're catching up on a lot of the really important maintenance work. the infrastructure improving. it provides $3.5 billion for just this sort of work. back out here live, you can see that huge crane that is sitting across two lanes of eastbound highway 24. that's why those two lanes are closed right now.
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and cars are moving pretty freely at this hour. we're told later in the afternoon, traffic will begin to back up. so prepare for delays, 20 to 30 minutes long. this is expected to wrap up in october. sara zendehnam. planning to hire 15 cleaners over the next six months. b.a.r.t. says the new hires will help improve the customer experience and provide a boost to its cleaning experience. workers noconduct cleaning overnight stations. and working to get the train and the stations more thorough cleaning. the san francisco judge under fire released for a man suspected of attacking a woman in the front of her condo building, has now ordered him to wear an electronic monitoring device. austin james vincent was arrested last weekend and released from jail within 72 hours. yesterday, she defended her decision. she has allowed the victim to
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remain free. but says he will need to wear a monitoring advice. the judge faced backlash. the surveillance video showed him trying to attack the woman. >> let it be clear. i did not see the video at the time of the arraignment. it was not provided to me. the photographs were provided to me. that was new information to me. >> the judge said when she did see the video, she was alarmed by the level of violence and altered her assessment. however, the judge insisted she did not believe incarceration is a good solution for treating the mentally ill. >> he has been receiving treatment for psychiatric treatment and not on the streets. a man stabbed to death early friday. the 42-year-old victim was spotted laying in the street. and then a few blocks away from the city hall. police confirmed that an arrest was made. but no name has been released so far. and police in vallejo need help in identifying a man who
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they say is having improper contact with girls. she's 5'10" tall with a distinct mole to the right of his nose. and a tattoo on has right shoulder. police say he's suspected of having improper contact with girls between 8 and 14 years of aim. in one incident, he was seen driving a white or silver dodge chrysler or minivan. crews in vacaville made quick work of a brush fire dankly dangerously close to a subdivision. firefighters say a lack of strong winds helped them get a handle on it. and crews are battling a much larger wildfire this morning. this is video of the game fire. it was taken last night. at this point, cal fire has the fire just 5% contained. people who live in the area
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have been told to prepare for evacuation. so far, no structures have been damaged. there is an effort under way to make sure san francisco unified school district students get to their campuses safely. when the classes kick off monday morning. mayor london breed, police chief bill scott, and katherine stefani were at marina middle school, discussing what the city is doing to ensure pedestrian safety. they say the city is designed to reduce. and increase visibility of bicyclists and pedestrians. >> this is all about safety. this is all about highlighting the need for us as a city to do much better than we have in the past, so that we can truly realize the goals of vision zero. and that is no fatalities of any kind in this city because of traffic or cars or what have you. >> the school year, the city is
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putting crossing guards at 106 schools. the crossing guard programs hire more guards who will cover more than 150 intersections throughout the city. and an update now to the situation at skyline high school, as students were complaining of unbearable hot conditions and classrooms this past week. oakland school district said it delivered fans to the school yesterday, after students reported feeling nauseous and dehydrated. they also delivered eight fans to the markham elementary school. another 186 fans are on order and could arrive at schools sometime next week. planning to hold rallies in all 50 states this weekend. they want congress to end their summer recess early to work on gun safety. in fremont, gun control access held a rally ahead of this weekend's protests. they held signs in the shapes of headstones to commemorate different mass shootings. organizers are worried that pressure to pass legislation
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will lose momentum every day that no action is taken. >> i feel the rights of some are taking away the rights of liberty and freedom and feeling at peace and feeling safe, for the majority of us. >> gun control groups say they are spending nearly $1 million on ads to put pressure on senators to take action. and this morning, at 7:45, we are going to be joined by moms demand action, calling for action on gun control. student leaders are making a memorial. a makeshift memorial sits outside the wal-mart where the rampage took place. some family members say theyed like to see the building torn down and replaced by a permanent memorial. others in el paso have their own idea of what should be done. >> sculptures made by people from el paso and contributing together to make something inspirational and nice for people to remember that even
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when bad things like that happen, we all stick together. >> maybe some of the things that those who were lost in this tragedy, what they really like about el paso. >> 22 people were killed at that wal-mart. more than two dozen were wounded. city leaders are said to be working with artists in the community to come up with a vision for a permanent memorial. continuing our coverage into the investigation of jeffrey epstein's death. they have determined that epstein's death was a suicide. the coroner's office released a statement saying an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 54- year-old hanged himself in his jail cell. he was awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking involving underaged girls. others want to know why he was taken off suicide watch after trying to kill himself basically weeks before. coming up, the heartbreaking stories of family separations. see how a bay area 11-year-old is making a
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political statement that she hope fist will echo across the country. and it may be hard to believe, but there are some home prices actually dropping in parts of the bay area. we'll tell you where some buyers are planning some bargains when we come back.
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♪[ music ] a little joe cocker to start off the morning in honor of the 50th anniversary of woodstock. this is a good one. outside our doors, we have mostly cloudy skies, cooler conditions. and the cooling trend continues into your bay area weekend. i have details coming up. all right, rosemary, thanks. california is now in its 113th straight mont of job
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growth. expansion of the 1960s for the longest on record. new figures released yesterday show the state's unemployment rate dipped in july. that equals a record low that was set last year. may sound hard to believe. but new numbers actually shows some bay area home prices were lower in the month of july. the san jose market saw prices drop more than 3%. and oakland more than 2%. as ktvu's joan day lor reports, this remains the most competitive market in the nation. this house shines the best at night. >> don and his wife are selling their home in cambridge, san jose. moving to idaho. >> you're on pins and needles. because you want to get the best prices. >> but prices have dropped. according to redfin, san jose has seen the second biggest drop nationwide following bridgeport, connecticut. prices here are 3% lower than
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last year. >> can it takes a lot more effort to get a house soamed these days. >> less orozco says the market has changed in the few months since he's listed his property, with buyers more picky. >> they're able to ask figure more when they're submitting their offers. getting a longer time to do their inspection. >> a year ago, we would have sold this for over a million, 550. >> this realtor lowered the price by $125,000 for this three bedroom, three bath home. >> about a million or lez. we're still seeing that a competitive market. above that, you're seeing it a little slower. >> while prices have dropped, according to redfin, san jose, oakland, and san jose, still remain the top three competitive markets in the country. >> when you combine the lower interest rates with pulling back of prices, we're beginning to see more buyers have the opportunity to really look at and enter the marketplace, where they just six or 8 months ago, thought they'd never had a
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chance to get in. >> as for the kilmers, they dropped their asking price by $50,000 in more than a month. >> you feel like a kid, you want a lot of candy. but the market is impersonal and prices adjust. and weault have to learn to live with it. >> in san jose, maureen naylor. ktvu. >> pyramid is for sale. first time the iconic building. once hated by some, loved by many. it is estimated to sell for around $600 million. and the deal will reportedly include two adjacent buildings. it was the tallest building in san francisco, until the completion of salesforce tower last year. and a list of cities to raise a child. three bay area cities made the cut. sunnyvale ranks 47th. city of pleasanton made the list at 30.
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ask san ramon, ranked as the 7th safest city to raise a child. some of the things taken into consideration included median income, crime rates, graduation rates. i was at bochy in martinez. and everyone was talking about, oh, my god, the fog. it's nice ancool. it was the best ever. >> sleep-in weather. i would have slept longer. >> had your alarm not sounded off. >> that 4:30 wake-up call. >> yes. we definitely felt the onshore breeze move in. came late in the day for some. but it arrived. and we dropped our temperatures by several degrees yesterday afternoon. we are going to take another tumble. another 5 to 10 degrees of cooling expected across the bay area. we're finally getting back to where we should be this time of year. here's a look at that cloud cover. along the coastline. inside the bay. crossing over into the north
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bay, east bay, south bay. we will turn partly cloudy to mostly clear. clouds are back. and going to remain, for most areas, especially along that west stretch. 57 degrees now in san francisco. low 60s in oakland. low 60s to start your morning in livermore. inland cities, areas that started in the 60s and low 70s, fairfield, i'm talking to you. was 73 degrees yesterday morning. we are looking at temperatures a lot cooler. as we get into the afternoon. a lot cooler. santa rosa, going to hit 87 this afternoon. we'll talk about 85 for novato. closer to the water. 70 degrees in sausalito. to the east bay we go. temperatures in the low 70s for alameda today. 73 for oakland. as we go inland, it's a warm day. but wow. a lot better than where we have been. 90 degrees for antioch. 90 for brentwood. and those are the hottest spots. we go 80 into livermore. into the south bay. 86, saratoga. very mild 70 degrees by the
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water in santa cruz. one more spot for you there. we've got 81 in redwood city. and as we get into the city of san francisco, upper 60s expected for you there. low 60s at the coastline. temperatures off to a cool start. if you're thinking about heading to tahoe. truckee is sliding back into the upper 30s. but most of the lake reporting and as we get into the afternoon. beautiful weather. mostly sunny skies. 83 for today. 80 expected sunday. here's a look at the extended forecast for us here at home. temperatures will continue to fall as we get into sunday. right now, sunday looks like it's going to be the coolest day. wake up with mostly cloudy skies. afternoon sun. low to mid-60s at the coast. low 70s around the bay. lowict 80s -- low 80s inland. still comfortable for everybody. a little hotter on wednesday. >> looks a lot better. >> sure does. >> did you get any letters in the mail, saying rosemary, calm it down. >> dial it down.
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>> 20 degrees. >> if we could cool it down twernlt degrees, we'd be good. >> all right. delivered. summer recess to work on gun safety. we'll be joined by mom-to-men action. lead -- moms demand action today. they are leading a rally. and e-cigarette maker juul to pass a ballot measure in san francisco.
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e-cigarette maker juul is trying to pass prop c that would allow it to stop selling e-rig sets in the city -- e- cigarettes in the city. proposition c would overturn the city's e-cigarette ban and instead restrict the sale of the product. back in june, the supervisors passed legislation, suspending the sale of the e-cigarette until full review by the food and drug administration. and they want to see how smoking affects those who light up and those around them. the fda is calling for graphic images. if approved twould be the biggest changes to packaging. >> it could help raise public awareness. received the green light
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for beginning test delivery of the robot. this week, the company received a permit to begin testing its delivery robot. deliveries can take place between 8:00 ithmorning until 6:30 in the evening, weekdays only. and during testing, a human has to be within 30 feet of the robot vehicle. tensions are operating in hong kong, with major rallies scheduled to take place today. in a mass demonstration. china has warned the crackdown. yesterday, they were carrying out crowd control exercises just across the border, using shields, batons and other rifle gear. they are being joined by protestors in support of the protestors. many of whom are students. let's take you out. it's also citizens. they are very concerned about the development of the whole
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campaign. and we have another goal. we want to protect our students. our youngsters. so take this opportunity to come out and speak. >> here in the bay area, members of the northern california hong kong club will lead a rally. a uc berkeley teacher is expected to be at the rally. that is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon at the embarcadero plaza. time is 7:26. parts of marin went dark, and thousands of people flooded the sheriff's office with calls. >> coming up, we'll tell you what officials say caused that massive power outage. and taking the trump administration to court once again. we'll tell what you is behind that latest move when mornings on 2 continues again.
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>> a little early santana, early in the morning, from the late '60s, as we celebrate the anniversary of woodstock, 50 years ago this weekend. they were rocking and rolling
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in upstate new york. and santana, one of the many bands that played that day. as you can see, the clouds are back. that is welcome relief. and just dying. my gosh. it's been a hot week. but the cooldown is here. it's good to have you on this saturday. >> good morning to you. i'm claudine wong. and rosemary orozco, delivering the 20-degree swing this morning. it was nice. i need this. it was warm at night. >> yes. and i have a feeling a lot of people are at home saying, yeah, we need that nice. the onshore breeze, cranking through the delta. and fairfield reporting gusts of 25 to 30 at times. temperatures several degrees cooler than we were yesterday. low 60s in oakland,
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livermore ask san jose, checking in at 61. around the bay and coatline, not such a gig dramatic change. down by 11 degrees over fairfield this morning. down by 5 in the nort bay. and san jose, you are starting out 7 degrees cooler this morning. winds are on shore through the delta. and we've got that breeze again gusting about 30 miles per hour. fairfield at the moment. we're going to continue with the onshore breeze. temperatures will continue to fall today. even cooler tomorrow. here's a look at what is going on. a view from above. that cloud cover there. over areas of the east bay, down to the south bay. we're looking at mostly cloudy skies at the coast. mostly clear. we'll go partly cloudy for the coast. mostly sunny for the rest of us. and a look at change in temperatures. we are looking at 60s for san francisco today. 70s in oakland.
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upper 80s in pleasanton. 90 degrees for areas lik antioch. and 91 for fields burg. temperatures getting into sunday, i'll have a look at your extended forecast coming up. >> sounds good. thanks, rosemary. happening now. b.a.r.t. trains between walnut creek and orinda are not running. that's because they got a lot of work being done. they're replacing the track. and that's causing delays for b.a.r.t. riders. b.a.r.t. is replacing 50-year-old tracks. but to do that, they have to shut down the tracks over six weekends. and take a live look at what is happening now. there are shuttles available for the riders. but we've got the two huge trains that you're seeing along 24. those are in the eastbound lanes. and so in the left -- this is the big difference. it's affecting the track. but also affecting everyone trying to get by. we checked in with sara zendehnam over the past hour or so. we are seeing things start to
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clog up on 64 in the eastbound direction. as well as the side streets. an issue we have been talking about. side streets get very busy. mount diablo, as it rolls through lafayette. even orinda and areas where people try to figure out a way to get around that. keep in mind, this going to be the situation all weekend long. left lanes closed. near lafayette b.a.r.t. stations. the b.a.r.t. stations between walnut creek and orinda closed. >> i believe b.a.r.t. said if the backup gets to like 6o 7 miles. >> feel like more than 30 minutes. >> they're going to break down one of those lanes. so yeah. it's a mess here on 24. quite the mess. okay. we move along now. >> let's talk about union city. because police department there is issuing reminders of the dangers of leaving children alone in vehicles, especially during the hot weather we're seen over the last couple of days. and this is all after a union city employee spot a 1-year-old baby inside a locked vehicle, outside of the
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library, with the windows barely cracked yesterday. that person called police and said the baby appeared overheated and was crying. officers arrived, just as the child's mother returned to the car. the baby had been lift in the vehicle for about 25 minutes. temperatures were in the high 80s in union city yesterday. thankfully, the baby was okay. a judge presiding over pg&e's bankruptcy case is allowing a jury to decide whether pg&e is responsible for the 2017 tubbs fire that destroyed neighborhoods in santa rosa. a decision is a major victory for fire victims. state investigators announced in january that privately-owned equipment started the tubbs fire. but many victims hold pg&e responsible. in a statement, pg&e spokesman said pg&e has made significant progress in further refining a viable fair and comhensive plan of reorganization that will compensate wildfire victims. pg&e says human error is to
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blame for a large power outage in marin county. 61,000 of its customers lost power around 11:00 thursday night, while crews were doing some repair work. a pg&e spokesman said the measures that the utility put in place, apparently failed. outage was widespread. affecting homes, businesses from sausalito, up north to novato. one emergency call was from someone who had insufficient backup. >> our 911 dispatchers took that information. and determined they needed to send a fire truck and ambulance and they did so to help get that situation mitigated. >> that power was restored about 1:30 on friday morning. pg&e says it is working on how to prevent these types of mistakes from happening ever again. and things are getting back to normal at airports across the country. that's after a computer glitch led to long lines for
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international travelers trying to get through customs. customs agents had to use this to get through during the power outage. this happened about 1:30 in the afternoon. it was fixed a few hours later. some people say they had to wait on their plane before being allowed to get their bag. >> we were told we couldn't get off the plane because the cues were so bad. >> nobody told us what to do. and i didn't know what was going on. the line was so long. we just had to wait. >> it's unclear what led to the computer glitch. but customs and border officials say there is no indication that it was malicious. time now is 7:36. the state of california has filed a federal lawsuit in an attempt to block trump administration's latest rule, regarding immigrants, hoping to derail the trump administration's latest rule regarding immigrants. attorney general javier becerra, and the governor gavin newsom making the announcement
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yesterday. new federal rule would deny green cards and visa to immigrants who receive food stamps or medicaid. the trump administration has declared war on immigrants. >> i can boil down to four words, what it took president trump and the trump administration's 837 pages to say. they don't like immigrants. they don't like them if they're documented or undocumented. >> the move marks the 56th lawsuit the state has filed against president trump. earlier this week, california vowed to take legal action to prevent the federal government's plan to change how the endangered species act is implemented. an 11-year-old girl in the east bay is starting a public arts project that she hopes to take at the u.s.-mexico border.
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is there anything you need to get started? >> these young kids are making paper butterflies at a studio in oakland. but this is not just some arts and crafts project. it's a political statement about immigrant children being held in detention centers. >> i thought maybe if we represent them, then people who have the power to make the change will make the change. >> 11-year-old kaya marvin is the architect of what she calls the butterfly effect. she hopes through social media, to have children throughout the country, create 50,000 butterflies by october 1st, each one representing the 15,000 children by some estimates who have been detained at the u.s.-mexico border. she said news of the detentions upset her. >> i was crying a lot. at the beginning. because i was just really upset and like i didn't understand why somebody would do that. >> she said, i think we need to find a way to represent how many 15,000 really is. because that is a lot of children who are separated from
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their parents in detention centers. >> she enlisted her 10-year-old friend lily and then the butterfly project was on. >> if this was happening to me, that wouldn't be good. i wouldn't feel safe. i wouldn't feel happy. and it's unacceptable. they should be loved. and they should be free. >> the plan is to hang the handmade butterfly strings in local libraries, youth centers and in other public buildings to raise awareness. >> butterflies, they migrate from in between mexico and the u.s. and we thought that was kind of important. >> among those working with her daughter on the project is this oakland pediatrician, who often treats newly arrived immigrant families. >> i have families here, who the kids might not be immigrants, but the parents are immigrants. and they have constant fear that their parents are going to be taken from them. >> the immigration doe bait is almost awmsz argued by
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grownups. this time, the kids are weighing in. >> it's from a kids perspective. it might make you think differently. >> in oakland, rob roth, fox 2 ktvu news. dozens of people protested in palo alto yesterday, calling for an end to the data contract with u.s. customs and immigration enforcement. the cofounder of the company has previously denied. launched in san francisco by emily's list. highlights the accomplishments of women in politics, both on the national and local level. this year, it also looked at the challenges ahead, as 2020 approaches. emily's less is the nation's largest resource for women in politics. speakers including california state controller betty yee and nancy pelosi. >> the women of emily's list
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are igniting change and empowering progress across our nation. nothing is more wholesome than the increased participation and leadership of women in our electoral and government process. >> emily's list started in the 1980s as a group of two dozen women in a basement. it's now a major political force, working to give pro-choice women elected and represented in our government. hall of fame horse trainers, darian hollendorfer. racing horses again. in june, the company that operates the track. banned hollendorfer from the race track. that came after a fourth thoroughbred died in the winter season in santa ana. >> gary has been recognized in the hall of fame as an
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outstanding producer. third trainer in the history of the u.s. amazing what he's accomplished in that time frame. >> a ruling has come early that week. up next. bart taking steps to ensure cleaning trends. and after the break, the grass roots movement working to reduce gun violence. we are joined in studio by moms demanding actions for gun sense. the pressure to congress to work on gun safety. that's all coming up.
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good morning. and welcome back. we have a nice day on tap for today temperatures will be dropping off as we get into your bay area saturday. even cooler sunday. i have details with the numbers coming up. 7:45. gun reform rallies are planned across the nation today. dozens of people. maybe thousands calling on congress to end the summer recess and work on safety. founder of the group said she is expecting rallies throughout the state. it has since become one of the largest grass roots movements on gun violence. joining us is a volunteer with moms demand action. you have been part of the group for four years. and tell me about why you want to be part of it. >> well, obviously i was
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devastated by sandy hook. and after that, i thought, well, change will happen. and it didn't immediately. and when i really felt i needed to get involved, there was a shooting at the community college. and i heard about it on the radio and thought, so tragic. and within an hour, i had processed. and i realized i was having to do something. so i looked into moms demand action. they're a great group. they focus on evidence-based solutions. >> how big has this group gotten? >> you're expecting 600 plus. tell me about the membership. and really, is it all moms? is it everyone else? and really where do you think
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it goes from here? >> it's definitely not all moms. we have members of every age. we have men. the motto is sort of like mothers can drive it. we now have 6 million supporters. we have a chapter in every state. we are part of the every town organization. so every town presents. and we are the grass roots. >> any time we talk about guns, it gets political and partisanship. and is that how you see it? is this a focus -- i many, a lot is spent on apps. i think all the laws i read were republican lawmakers. do you think this is partisan going forward, because it is one of those issues that tends
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to falsely divide people. and how gun control should be handled or not hammed. very, -- handled. very, very passionate. >> our group is nonpartisan. and so what we are focusing on is lawmakers and people who are specific looking to do something. i think this has become less of a partisan issue. we now have the movement. many gun owners are involved. and they really want to see common sense done regulation. so i think as the number of tragedies and the magnitude of the gun violence becomes so front and center. it's really there are members of the republican party who are advocating for these laws. >> so do you think? i mean, the rallies begin. go back to work. stop taking your break. go back to work.
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because the idea is the less we're talking about it, the more time changes. if we stop talking about it for even a minute nothing will be done. do you think something will be done? when there's another shooting, i think there is frustraise -- frustration amongst people we interview who say, nothing will happen. there a sense of stalling out. dow feel like you had that same concern you had you know, back many years ago, that nothing is going to change, even though people are rallying? >> absolutely not. i have seen change happening. you know, a lot of people think that nothing is happening because the focus is at the federal level. we do now have some movement at the federal level with the house passing the initial background checks. but i have also learned a lot of progress is being made at the state level. it might be small things.
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perhaps incrementally make progress. >> are they making a difference, though? the criticism that some gun owners will have, saying we have a ton of laws on the books, none of them are really working. we're still having these mass shootings? why are we spending so much time passing more laws? >> to give you an example. red flag laws are things that really have impact. for example, in california, following the shooting, it that shooting, the parents of the shooter knew that their son was in crisis and knew he had access to guns, called police. and the police came to the house. so california and about half the states now have what is known as the red flag. gun violence. where a family member who knows that another family member has made various threats can apply to the court to get a gun violence
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restraining order to temporarily suspend access that is temporarily suspend. >> out of work. still being done. a lot of work still ahead. tell me about the rally today. and where people are going and when and where people are gathering. >> starts at 9:00. it's on the steps of san francisco city hall. we have legislators will be speaking. survivors. students. movement in the parkland shooting. >> i know you're going straight there. thanks for stopping in. we appreciate it. >> thank you. all right. rosemary. we're going to send it over to you. let's take a look at how our weather is cooling down nicely. >> yes. and the signs are right outside our door, claudine. we have the cloudy conditions for many areas. we have the onshore breeze in place. here's a look at sfo, starting out with? blue sky there. we do have temperatures very similar along the coast and around the bay. a tad cooler for some. but the bigger drop in
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temperatures this morning is definitely inland. and it took a while yesterday. but we finally saw some cooler weather move in. and we have a cooler weekend in store. we are looking at partly to mostly cloudy skies outside right now. we do have cloud cover along the coastline. we do have some inside the bay. 63 degrees right now in oakland. 63 at sfo. upper 50s in san francisco. low 60s in area tas were in the upper 60s to low 70s yesterday. so hopefully you're enjoying the change. here's a look at the afternoon highs expected for today. 70 degrees for sausalito. mid-80s into novato. santa rosa, wow, in the 100s. just a couple of days ago. how about areas on the inner east bay side. we have 87 in downville. close to the water. 72 for alameda. 76 in san leandro. to our south bay. 83 for santa clara, san jose. a mild 70 for santa cruz.
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along the peninsula. low 80s redwood city. upper 60s in san francisco. san francisco, well into the 80s as we roll through wednesday and thursday. here's a look at the extended forecast, the temperatures will continue to fall, getting into sunday. right now, sunday looks like it's going to be the coolest day. low to mid-60s at the coast. low 70s at the bay. low 80s inland. may even feel like fall. getting back into the heat, monday, tuesday, wednesday looks to be the warmest day. so a gradual climb. but that warming trend is already back in the forecast. >> let's enjoy the weekend. enjoy the cool weather now. >> thanks, rosemary. coming up. it's day 2 of the annual comicon in san jose. and some big names set to take the stage. we'll tell you who you may get to see this weekend. plus, some are right here in the bay area. find out which city made the list.
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the giants in a got a win a game last night. somehow managed to pull one out in the desert. and the rookie played hero. he had a three-homer game. for yes. the giants win it. ton of homers in this one. and this one really. arizona down 7-4. they get three home runs. and this one did them in. tied them in at 7th set. bottom of the 10t. 9-7, giants. flores will throw one here off closer will smith.
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arizona added another to tie it up, 9 after 10. and finally, here comes yes. two homers already in the game. and there she goes. three hits, four homers. four ribbies. more importantly, a monster giant winner. keep pace. giants now just two gamings back. how about the a's. they played. mark cana han. yeah. he had a big game. two hits. this blast gave oakland an early 1-0 lead. tied at 2. robby grossman, a little dribbler up the gut. and that is your ball game right there. they are now just half a game shut. keeping pace with the dramatic 3-2 winner over the front-running astros and 13 innings. happening today, roughly 17,000 people are expected to attend silicon's comicon this weekend. it happened in san jose.
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comicon brings fans face to face with their favorite actors, writers and artists. you can also track the incredible hulk, lou ferig no. click on web links. >> the hulk was taking a lot of pictures around ktvu yesterday. >> really nice guy. >> big guy. coming up next. the new efforts to make sure students in san francisco get their campuses safely. mayor london breed looking to protect cyclists and the addition of crossing guards at more than 150 locations in the city. and the call for gun reform will continue. and local act vists say -- activists say change can't come soon enough. local rallies throughout the bay area, to make sure the issue does not lose momentum.
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if you look at the east bay, you will be in for some long highway delays. we will have a live report coming up. >>after allowed public outcry, a man caught on surveillance video assaulting a woman will
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have to wear a monitor ankle bracelet, what the judge did not see during that first hearing. the city of san francisco has hired more crossing guards to cover 150 intersections to ensure safe travel for students on their way to school on monday. the other action the mayor is taking for pedestrian traffic safety. good morning. this is the picture of the morning, maybe not one you want to see, this is going to affect a lot of people. this is highway 24 moving on through lafayette. we have been talking about the work being done, everything is a bit slower than what we normally see on saturday morning. with the two trains on 24 you have bart affected, traffic on the highway affected, it has
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gotten slower the last half hour. we are at the bart station talking about what will be happening this weekend. >> talking about the look you lose on the westside. keep driving. just maintenance. >>we will be watching this for you all morning long. i have seen a lot of people talk about how this will affect their weekend plans. welcome to mornings on 2. >> good morning. happy weekend. rosemary is joining us to talk about the big cooldown. finally. >>that seabreeze kicked in late yesterday and it is feeling quite nice. we do have clouds of joining us this morning onshore breeze sticking around, we are going to continue our cooling trend getting into the bay area saturday. there is a beautiful view of the golden gate bridge with low cloud cover, we will go partly
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cloudy for the coastline today. partly sunny and mostly clear for the rest of us. temperatures are cooler this morning down by several degrees over the inland cities. santa rosa checking in at 58, san francisco 59, oakland 64, livermore 64, san jose 62. around the coast temperatures within a few degrees. inland a bigger difference, fairfield down by 16, down by nine and napa, down by nine over san jose and the inner east bay. here's a look at the onshore breeze. fairfield reporting a wind gust of about 30 miles per hour. we know when it becomes of that strong we are getting cool pacific air well inland. cloud cover is going to pull back, we are beginning to see it then out from yesterday into today, santa rosa 95 was the high yesterday, today 87. san francisco dropping off a few degrees. upper 80s and livermore as opposed to 101 that you hit
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yesterday. san jose taking a huge drop as well. i will have a better look around the region for today, the rest of the weekend and beyond. >>some bart riders in the east bay need a new plan to get around. >> work on the tracks mean that the trains are not running. we are right in between the lafayette station were a lot of maintenance is going right now. >> reporter: good morning. we have talked to a couple of people out here and some did not know about the closures, they are keeping a good attitude no one is that upset because there are options. when you come to the lafayette bart station you can see that there are signs saying you cannot get on the trains. you also cannot get on the trains in walnut creek, there are other options.
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this is all because bart is in the process of replacing 50- year-old track. this is the same track that has been used since the start of bart in 1972. these are outdated. work is being done here at the lafayette park station. for all of this to get done the tracks have been shut down between walnut creek and laurinda. this is one of six closures between now and october. you can expect delays up to 40 minutes on bart today. shuttles are available, you can get on the bus at the walnut creek or lafayette station and make your way to the closest running parts nation. the two left lanes of highway 24 eastbound are closed near the lafayette patient and oak hill road until monday at 7 am because of a crane on the highway. the transit agency acknowledges how inconvenient this is. >> there is no good time for a track closure, there just is not. we are trying to find the least worst time and that is the
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weekend. these are generally lower ridership weekends. we hope to get this done by the end of october, we do not want weather to be a factor to extend this more. >> reporter: as for traffic, caltrans will keep aneye on traffic and if delays reach 30 minutes caltrans will let them know and they will open one of the two close lanes. both lanes are expected to reopen by 7 am monday. the worst time for traffic will be likely in the afternoon hours. the shuttles are constantly running between those stations. we see people leaving for the shuttles they just wait 10 or 15 minutes and they will drop them off. if you are stopping in walnut creek you can take it to orinda and then you can get on bart and go to the city. >>not too bad if you plan ahead. give yourself extra time.
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also eastbound 24. sara zendehnam. bart is also planning to hire 15 cleaners. it will help improve customer experience and boost cleaning efforts. they are conducting cleanings over some of the busiest stations they are trying to give the stations a more thorough cleaning a man suspected of attacking a woman in front of her condo building has been ordered to wear an electronic device. he was arrested last weekend and then released within 72 hours. yesterday a judge defended her decision. she is allowing him to remain free but says he will need to wear a monitoring device. that is a change. the judge faced backlash from
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the victim and city leaders after surveillance video shows the woman trying to escape her attacker and get into her building. >> i want to be clear, i did not see the video at the time of the arraignment, it was not provided to me, photographs were provided to me. >> she said when she saw the video she was alarmed by the level of violence and that is when she altered her assessment. the judge said she does not believe incarceration is a good solution for treating the mentally ill. the district attorney says he has been receiving psychiatric treatment. >>a homicide suspect is now in custody. the victim was spotted laying in the street just a few blocks away from city hall. please confirm that an arrest was made but no names have been released. police need help identifying a man who they say is having improper contact with young girls. inches tall him a distinct mole
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, has a tattoo on his right shoulder. he is suspected of having three improper contact with girls between the ages of eight and 14. in one incident he was seen driving a white or silver dodge chrysler many dad van. if you have information about this man give police a call. quick work of a brush fire that burned dangerously close to a subdivision. it was a three alarm fire reported before noon yesterday. it was another day of hot weather, firefighters say that there was a lack of strong winds and that help them to get a handle on it. crews are battling a larger fire outside of mariposa, this is video taken last night. at this point the fire has burned 1300 acres, the fire is 5% contained. people who live in the area have been told to prepare for evacuation, so far no structures have been damaged. >>there is an effort underway
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to make sure san francisco unified school district students get to their campuses safely when classes begin on monday morning. the mayor, police chief and supervisor were at the middle school friday discussing what the city is doing to ensure pedestrian safety. the city has designed streets to reduce traffic speeds and increase visibility of pedestris and bicyclists. there also putting in more protected bike lanes. >>this is all about safety. this is all about highlighting the need for us as a city to do much better than we have in the past so that we can truly realize the goals and vision zero and that is no fatalities of any kind in the city because of traffic or cars or what have you. >>the school year is schools putting crossing guards at 150
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intersections. rallies in all 50 states this weekend they want congress to end their summer recess early. in fremont gun activists held a rally ahead of the protest. they held signs in the shapes of headstones to commemorate different mass shootings. organizers are worried that pressure to pass gun-control legislation will lose momentum every day that no action is taken. i feel the rights of some are taking away the right and liberty and stealing piece and the feeling of safe from us. >> gun-control groups say they are spending $1 million on ads to pressure republican senators to take action. >>leaders in el paso are talked about creating a permanent memorial for victims of the shooting. a memorial sits outside the walmart where the rampage took place. family members say they would
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like to see the building torn down completely and replaced by a permanent memorial. others in el paso have their own ideas. >> things made by people from el paso to make it inspirational and nice for people to remember them so when bad things happen we can get together. >> maybe some of the things that those who were lost in the tragedy what they really like. >> 22 people were killed at that walmart, more than two dozen wounded. city leaders are said to be working with artist in the community to come up with a vision for a permanent memorial. >>and investigator affiliated with united nations is looking into california's treatment of people who are homeless. >> the reason why the state homeless problem is attracting international attention. >>it may be hard to believe but there are home prices that are dropping and parts of the bay area. we will tell you where buyers
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are finding relief.
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good morning. happy saturday, a little jimi hendrix to starcher morning, in honor of the 50th anniversary of woodstock we are playing songs from performers who
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played there 50 years ago. send suggestions and request and we will tell you how to get them on the air. blue sky, cloudy conditions, i have details on the cooling trend coming up. >>it may seem hard to believe, new numbers show bay area home prices were lower in july. the san jose market saw prices dropped more than 3%. as we find out the bay area is the most competitive market in the nation. >>this house shines the best tonight. >> reporter: donald kilmer and his wife are in the process of building their four-bedroom home and moving to idaho. >>you are on pins and needles a little bit you want the best price. >> reporter: prices have dropped. san jose market has seen the second biggest drop nationwide following bridgeport connecticut.
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prices here are 3% lower than last year. >>it takes a lot more effort to get a house these days. >> reporter: he is of the real estate agent. he says the market has changed in the few months since he listed this property with buyers more picky. >> they are able to ask when submitting their offers, they have a longer time to do their inspections. >> over a year ago we would have sold this for 100 550 million. >> this under 1 million or less it is a competitive market. when you get above that a little slower. >> reporter: while prices have dropped, san francisco, oakland and san jose still remain the top three most competitive markets in the country. >> when you combine the lower interest rate with the pulling back of prices, we begin to see more buyers have the
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opportunity to look at and into the marketplace where six or eight months ago they thought they would never have a chance to get into it. >> reporter: as for the kilmer's, they dropped their asking price by $60,000 after a month. >> the little kid in you is disappointed because you want a lot of candy for your effort. at the same time the market is the market, it is impersonal and prices adjust and we have to live with it. >>a list of the safest cities to raise a child came out this week. the city of pleasanton made a list of 30 and san ramon ranked as the seventh safest city to raise a child. some things they took into consideration is median income, crime rate, graduation rate and the number of sex offenders. >>happening today, this is the first day of the annual apple fair. the fair starts at 10:00 this morning it runs through sunday it is being held at
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regal road. >> also happening is burlingame on the avenue. it kicks off at 10 am, the festival will be held on burlingame avenue there will be music from popular genres. >>runners can go down to the peninsula for the half marathon festival that will kickoff shortly at 10:00 with a 5k shortly after that. if you participate in the half marathon you get a free ticket to the music festival. all of that happening today at the brisbane community park. >> from 9:00 leading a backpack distribution event for kids at the sandy and mckinley elementary schools they will have tons of school supplies in backpacks. it will be at the santee
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elementary school on audubon drive. check it out. >> not a bad day to get out and get going. if i have to throw on the sweatshirt i will be mad. >>we are looking at nice weather. bit of a cool start. a lot cooler than where we were yesterday. taking a look over san francisco, we are waking up with partly cloudy skies, partly sunny at the coastline, clear away from the coast. here's a look at the view along the coastline. areas over the north bay seeing sunshine, blue sky in many areas of the inland, very thin if you look closely san francisco down along the peninsula clearing there as well, san jose partly cloudy to mostly clear. san jose and 65, 64 in livermore, upper 50s d low 60s over the north bay. temperatures are going to fall off by several degrees for the
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afternoon, 70 degrees in sausalito, upper 80s expected in santa rosa. east bay, low 70s for alameda, low 80s for castor valley, antioch expected to get to 90. warm one there but a lot better than where we have been. 83 san jose, mild 70 in santa cruz for the afternoon. along the peninsula 81 paulo alto, beautiful 67 in san francisco, low 60s for daily city, pacifica and half-moon day. tahoe will be beautiful temperatures in the 40s this morning, as we get into the afternoon low 80s expected today, 80 for tomorrow. it will be a beautiful weekend in tahoe. how about what is happening for us at home, temperatures continuing to fall getting into sunday low 80s in the forecast
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for our inland cities low 70s around the bay, low 60s expected right around pacifica. as we get into monday temperatures rebound, even warmer on tuesday and we will call it hot on wednesday. back to 95. >> 95 is too close to that triple digits again. >> more questions are surrounding the death of jeffrey epstein. we will tell you -- >>million spent by e-cigarette maker juul to pass a ballot measure in san francisco. california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones.
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- ( phone ringing ) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. visit right now or call during business hours.
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and accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. like this device to increase volume on your cell phone.
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- ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program visit right now or call during business hours. e-cigarette company juul is outspending all other backers of the san francisco ballot initiative combine. juul is trying to pass that would allow selling of e- cigarette in the city. proposition c would overturn the e-cigarette van and restrict the sale of the product. back in june supervisors pass legislation that suspended the sale of e-cigarette and review by the fda. the fda wants people to see how smoking affects them and how it affects people who light up as well as those around the. the fda is calling for cigarette packages to show
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graphic images to talk about the dangers of smoking. if approved it would be one of the biggest changes in decades. it would a company warnings that say smoke and harm your children. the fda says the images can help to raise public awareness and the negative health impact of smoking. >>a tech company received a green light from the city of san francisco testing delivery robots. the company post mates delivers food and other goods. this month they received a permit to begin testing the delivery robots. deliveries can take place between 8 am and 6:30 pm on weekdays and during testing a human has to be within 30 feet of that robot. a company allowed to operate in seven cisco is facing scrutiny. >> the new report why the company says they are trying to keep scooters away from certain neighborhoods. we are keeping a close eye
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on what may or may not be a messy situation. it is getting a little messy. major repairs underway on a 5000 foot stretch of track. we will keep an eye on it. we are here to discuss jessie's online time.
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good morning. welcome back. if you did not know, a major traffic issue near the lafayette park station as they do maintenance. they are replacing track. bart is nearly 50 years old and
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this will be going on for the next five or six weekends. no part service from lorenzo to walnut creek. do you know if you are on 24 headed towards walnut creek away from lafayette you will run into issues. you can see that on the right side. a few lookee lose. >>i have been looking at some of the street ramps everybody has waze and google maps they are sending people off so it is not a secret route. >> it will take time. >> good to have you here, 8:30 on a saturday. >>rosemary orozco has delivered on our request to cool it down. >> it took a lot of work. we
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have a beautiful day underway, temperatures are cooler, a beautiful view with blue sky, onshore breeze, that is a good sign and that pacific air continues to pump through the central valley. temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s in most areas, santa rosa 58, san francisco 59 oakland 64. inland communities with the sun shining temperatures begin to turn around already but well below where we started yesterday, fairfield down by 16, napa down by eight, livermore down by seven. hope you are enjoying the cooler weather. some folks were enjoying the heat. onshore breeze there you have it, generally light not to breeze. we always look to fairfield as an indicator to whether or not
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that cool air is moving through and it is that gust around 30 miles per hour so. here's a view around the coastline and the bay a mix of partly cloudy skies. partly sunny today along the coastline beginning to see some thinning out by the golden gate bridge, ocean beach, over towards pacifica. 64 will be the afternoon high, 70s and low 80s around the bay, mid-80s and low 90s for the hotter spot and falling tomorrow cooler i will have a look at the extended forecast coming up. >>happening now, the bart trains between walnut creek and orinda not running this weekend. crews are replacing a stretch of 50-year-old track between the two stations. this is the look at the map, the blue area is where they are working, it is the first of six weekend closures we are expecting. you can tell where it is on the
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traffic map because it is orange and yellow and that has been growing over the last hour or so as people wake up and try to get eastbound 24. bart has been warning that this is going to cause major delays. this is video we took this morning of the work being done. delays are going to affect people on bart and on highway 24. in this case, look at those cranes, those are on the highway . there is a lots of heavy equipment and other things. caltrans is going to keep an eye on traffic and if delays reach 30 minutes then they will open one of those two closed lanes. both lanes will reopen monday at 7 am. it might be a long weekend. shuttles are available for bart. >> we are working with transit and county connection they are providing free buses to replace the train service. we are telling folks to prepare
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for delays of 40 minutes or more. >> the next closer is planned for labor day weekend, this project will be done by the end of october. just about 30 minutes, a rally will be getting underway in san francisco, the group, moms demand action say they expect hundreds at city hall for that rally. it is just one of 100 or so rallies being held over the weekend. in fremont gun control activists held a rally yesterday ahead of the protest. organizers worry that pressure to pass gun-control legislation will lose momentum every day that no action is taken. one group calling for reform is moms demand action. earlier this morning a volunteer joined claudine to talk about what they hoped to accomplish. >> we are focusing on lawmakers and people who are specifically looking to reduce gun violence death. in recent years it has become less of an issue, the movement
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has many gun owners who really want to see common sense gun regulation. >> she says they would like lawmakers to end their break and go back to capitol hill to work on legislation. the rally had more than 600 people rsvp saying they would attend. gun-control groups say they are spending nearly $1 million on ads to pressure republican senators to take action. the state of california filed a federal lawsuit in and attempt to block the chump administration's rule regarding immigrants. they made the announcement yesterday. the new federal rule would deny green cards and visa extensions to immigrants who receive public benefits like food medicaid. the trump administration has declared war on immigrants. >> i can il down to four words that it took president trump and the trump administration 837 pages to say. they don't like immigrants.
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they don't like them if they are documented, or undocumented. >> this move marks the 56 lawsuit the state has filed against the chump administration. earlier this week they took action to change how the invader species act is implement a. >>dozens of people protested outside the office of planetary and hollow out a. calling for their contract with enforcement . they are accused of being the tech back down for ice. the cofounder has recently denied the involvement or the extent of the involvement with ice. >>the annual change luncheon was hosted in san francisco. it highlighted the accomplishment of women in politics both nationally and locally. it looked at the challenges ahead as 2020 approaches. emily's list is the nation's largest list for women's
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politics. the mayor of san francisco and house speaker nancy pelosi. >> the women of emily's list are igniting change and power and progress across the nation. nothing is more wholesome than the increase participation and leadership of women in our electoral and government process. >>emily's list started in the 80s as a group of two dozen women in a basement, it is now a major political force working to get pro-choice women elected and represented in government. a judge decided on the pg&e bankruptcy case is allowing the jury to decide if pg&e is a liable for the fire. state investigators announced in january that privately owned equipment started the fire but many victims still hold pg&e responsible. in a statement a spokesperson
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said pg&e has made significant progress in further refining a viable and fair comprehensive plan. >>human error is to blame for a large power outage. the utility says 61,000 customers lost power around 11:00 on thursday night while crews were doing repair work. pg&e spokesperson said the protecting major that they put in place apparently failed. the outage was widespread affecting homes and businesses from sausalito up north. one emergency call was from someone who had a medical device and insufficient backup power. >> hour 911 dispatchers took the information and determined to send a fire truck and ambulance to the residence and they did so to help them get the situation mitigated or transport them to the hospital. >> power was restored around 1:30 yesterday morning.
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pg&e is working on how to prevent the mistakes from happening again. >>things are getting back to normal at airports across the country. a computer glitch led to long lines for international travelers trying to get through customs. custom agents had to manually process customers. it started around 1230 in the afternoon, it was fixed a few hours later, people said they had to wait on the planes before they were allowed to get their bags. >>we were told we could not get off of the plane because it was so bad. >>nobody told us what to do and i did not know what was going on, the line was so long and we had to wait. >> it is unclear what caused the glitch. customs and border protection officials say it was no indication that there was malicious behavior. >>the department of housing and urban development opened an investigation into the housing policies in san francisco. according to the chronicle the investigation is to determine if the city's affordable housing policy violates laws that protect people from
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discrimination. the re says the city received a letter from hud about the investigation and city attorneys are reviewing it. >>united nations investigator is in california to explore the treatment of the states homeless. a lawyer from san diego invited him to visit the state. he is an independent export. she says the home's conditions are worse than she had anticipated. after meeting with state and county leaders she said she is pleased to hear that state leaders agree that aggressive action needs to be taken. >>unofficial trip not exacted expected to result in a un action but it could lead to report about homeless conditions in san diego. >>a service accused of not making services available in low income areas, they are preventing riders from dropping off scooters and parts of chinatown.
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those neighborhoods have a concern that scoot promise to prioritize in a new agreement. the city allowed scoot to operate in some cisco as part of a year long pilot program. the mca and scoot tell the paper they are working to address the issue. san francisco city leaders are under big pressure to make streets safer for pedestrians. >>how officials say they are planning to make sure children are safer when they go back to school on monday. >>the death of jeffrey epstein has left a lot of questions unanswered. how his accusers are keeping up their fight in court, coming up.
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welcome back. act peter fonda died friday in his home in la he was 79. he became a counterculture icon after he had the starring role in the film easy rider which was released 50 years ago this month. he was also a member of hollywood royalty, the son of henry fonda and the brother of jane fonda. the family say he died from respiratory failure due to lung cancer. >>the los angeles opera is not releasing any details about the sexual harassment investigation
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into famed opera singer, placido domingo. three of the singers say it happened when they were working with him at the la opera. the associated press did not disclose who was conducting an investigation, how we would be carried out, or when it would start. he has denied any wrongdoing. the san francisco opera has canceled and october concert featuring him. >>president trump criticizing rashida tlaib for turning down israel's offer to visit her grandmother. on thursday israel banned her planned visit, under pressure from president trump. both women are muslim and have been outspoken critics of israel and the treatment of palestinians. israel reversed their decision for tlaib so she could see her 90-year-old grandmother if she agreed not to promote boycott against israel during the trip. the congresswoman canceled the visit saying that israel was trying to sell and serve.
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>> they resent her because they know she's coming here to see with her own eyes the delegation the suffering of the past million people palestinian people. >> president trump tweeted that israel was nice and respectful for giving her permission to visit and the criticized her for turning down the offer. the congresswoman released a statement saying i don't like visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions, to humiliate me would break my grandmother's heart. >>the u. s. is trying to seize and iranian oil tanker being held. the british sees the ship last month. the vessel was accused of violating sanctions by delivering iranian oil to syria. a british supreme court decided to release the ship after the u. s. did not file a petition. the relief comes as the u. s. has accused iran of orchestrating attacks on oil tankers. the ship's owners plan to move
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it to morocco to offload its cargo. >>we continue our coverage in the investigation of the jeffrey epstein death. the new york city medical examiner has determined that the death was indeed a suicide. the coroner's office released a statement yesterday saying an autopsy and other evidence confirms the 66-year-old hanged himself and a cell at a federal jail in manhattan. he was awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges involving underage women and girls. other big questions around his death including, why he was taken off of suicide watch after trying to kill himself a few weeks before. on this week's episode of the issue is, the reporter spoke with the attorney representing some of the accusers. >>i am sure you have talked to some of your clients who are victims. >> almost every day. >> what do they say about the suicide?
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>>it is so disturbing and shocking and so many questions. how could this have happened? even the attorney general had to admit that the system failed . that is obvious. it was obvious before he admitted it. how could this happen? how could these victims be denied their day in court. to confront jeffrey epstein. he was left unattended apparently for hours in violation with their rules and regulations and there needs to be a full investigation of that. i know there is an investigation by the inspector general. >>there are two going on. where'd you go from here as an attorney who is representing some of them. are there more lawsuits? >> absolutely. we will be filing lawsuits soon. we want to get justice for them, we want truth and
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accountability for them. >>a reminder you can watch the issue every saturday morning it starts at 6:30 before mornings on 2 which starts at 7:00. if you are waking up and thinking it feels reasonable out , wait, i am not sweating at eight, 49 in the morning. >> it has been a bit rough, as we get into saturday temperatures continue to drop and even cooler on sunday. we do have partly cloudy skies along the coastline, partly a mostly clear for the rest. blue sky in the distance. as we get into the second part of the weekend temperatures are expected to drop farther. we are talking low 80s for the inland cities, areas that were in the low 100s. here's a look at the cloud cover along the
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coastline just inside the bay, many of us waking up with blue skies, sunshine and temperatures on the mild side, cooler than yesterday, 66 in concord, northbay 62, 63 in the city of san francisco and in the south bay 65. getting into the second part of the day temperatures will warm, 60s at the coast, 70s around the bay, 80s and low 90s expected for the hotter spots. if you are going to the coliseum to watch the a's game it will be gorgeous, 72 at game time, a great day to be in the stands. temperatures expected to top out at 74 for the oakland area. in the northbay 70 degrees for sausalito, 85 in not veto. it is a great day to be out. east bayshore 72 in alameda, upper 80s livermore south bay
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low 80s for santa clara, mid 80s for gilroy, beautiful 86 for saratoga, mild 70 in santa cruz. cooler at the coastline, along the peninsula nice day to be in the city of san francisco, 67. here is the extended forecast, temperatures bottom out on sunday low 70s around the bay, low 80s inland, we do bounce back a bit on monday, still very comfortable, a bit warmer on tuesday for the inland communities, 95 on wednesday. >> looks good. looks better. >>learning the upset of choosing the career of firefighter. we take a look at the rewards that come. >>a monster win for the giants against the d backs in the deserts. they had to go to extra innings.
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>>welcome back. giant blue of five run eight inning game they managed to pull one out in the desert. the rookie had a hero a three run homer game. giant win in extras 10-9. a ton of homers. this one her bottom of the eighth arizona's down 7-4, adam jones unloads. the d backs third homer ties it up at 7-7. bottom of the 10th, 9-7 giants. florez drives one here, another homer tied up at nine after 10. finally, two homers already, hr number three in the game. he had the three heads, three homers, four are 80s, 10-9,
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giants are now 2 1/2 back. the a's, played overtime with the astros. this blast gave oakland a early 1-0 lead. tied up at two in the 13, robbie grossman comes up and a dribbler up the gut, finds real estate and that is the ball game. the a's are half a game shy of the wildcard they keep pace with the dramatic 3-2 winner over the astros in 13 innings. >>bay area fans can experience the challenges of being in charge on caltrans. this is a new videogame that puts it in the conductor seat from san jose to san francisco. the simulation makes the ride as real as possible. this videogame is available on xbox one and playstation for. >>happening today, roughly
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70,000 people expected to attend comic con. it is a three-day event it kicks off at the convention center in san jose., con brings fans face-to-face with their favorite actors, writers and artists and big names taking part, they include aquaman star. you can also catch the incredible hulk, lou ferrigno at comic con. the event runs through tomorrow , click on web links and you will get information about the tickets. >>san jose sonic runway art installation is coming back next year. it is made up of arches they used to light the visualize the speed of sound. it was on display in city hall for four months. the city council approved half $1 million to bring it on back. if all goes according to plan the runway will be reinstalled by springtime and it is expected to be around for the next seven years. disney world is offering
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discounted tickets for people who do not mind visiting the park later in the day. >> you don't have to have that magic hour. magic tickets are available for people who like to show up after noon. the tickets can be used at any of the resorts and theme parks. it will not last long, magic tickets will be available to use on or before december 15. up next, important traffic and transportation warning for people that drive on highway 24 in the east bay. >>look at that, this is a live picture going through there. we will tell you what you need to know if you're going between orinda and walnut creek either on bart or highway 24. >>advocates are stepping up pressure on san francisco  leaders. how the mayor plans to keep kids safer when they walk to school on monday.
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part is are busy repairing a one mile stretch of track. we will tell you about the impact it is having on riders and drivers. a san francisco judge said she did not want the video of a woman being attacked before she set the suspect free.
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she maintains that jail is not the best option for this man. >>learning important skills early and a potential career later as a firefighter. we will talk about that coming up. >> get that motor running. good morning. this is highway 24 as it rolls on through lafayette. there are cranes in the middle of the street, they are going to change that ride for folks on bart and on the highway, major work is being done. that crane needs to take up a couple of lanes. traffic going eastbound and it is crowded. it is saturday morning at 9 am, we will talk more about the work being done coming up.
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>>tip of the cap to stefan wolf. good morning. here is rosemary, a round of applause. a nice breeze came through the window, it felt sweet. >> mother nature, you got to love her. >>i will take credit. given you a look at a beautiful day, over towards the bay towards san francisco a mix of blue skies and clouds, more cloud cover along the coastline, for the rest of us partly cloudy start, temperatures are cooler this morning inland especially. livermore 68, san jose 65. areas with sunshine are beginning to warm up. oakland 66, upper 50s in san francisco, pretty much where we started and santa rosa at 61. getting into and looking at the 24 hour temperature change. take a look at fairfield. we have been watching this,
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onshore breeze has been blowing to about 30 miles per hour, 21 degrees cooler this morning than where we were yesterday down by 10 degrees in napa, down by 10 in san jose and livermore just starting out 8 degrees cooler. the wind is generally light around the region, concorde reporting 10, fairfield sustained at 28 and gusting to 35 that is a little stronger than where we started. cloud cover along the coastline partly sunny for the entire day it will cool back but not go away completely. partly cloudy mostly clear for the rest of us. here's a comparison from yesterday into today, 95 the high yesterday in santa rosa, today 87, 67 for san francisco, upper 80s and livermore instead of 101. san jose is likely to take a huge drop, 83 forecasted there. if you are inland 83 for napa, 87 in concord, by the water it
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will be cool, 64 and partly sunny. temperatures are going to continue to fall. low 80s tomorrow. a look at the extended forecast coming up. >>happening right now, tracks at three east bay bart stations are shut down all weekend and so are two lanes of eastbound highway 24. it is all in an effort to make improvements to bart. here's the map you can see it here, no bart service, they have a bus service from one station to another. sara zendehnam is standing by at the lafayette station with much more . >> reporter: good morning. as we get to the later morning hours we are seeing more and more people show up to this bart station. some people know about the closers and others do not. there are signs that will direct everyone to understand what is going on, there are also bart officials to answer questions. the work started at 11:00 last
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night. bart is working to replace 50- year-old tracks that are outdated. the yellow tiles are also being struck down. to get this done they shut the truck down between walnut creek and orinda. expect delays of up to 40 minutes this weekend. bart is trying to make this as convenient as possible, free shuttles are available. you can get on a bus at the walnut creek, orinda or lafayette station. we talked to one woman who did not know about this and she is on her way to a rally in san francisco and she is trying to keep a good attitude about it. >>i don't want to be late where i am going, it is not like being late for work or the theater. i have a feeling it is not starting at nine on the .. i am glad i gave myself the early one. >> in addition to delays on bart, the two left lanes of highway 24 eastbound are closed
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near the lafayette park station and they will reopen monday 7 am. that is because of a crane helping with the work. caltrans will keep an eye on traffic and if delays reach 30 minutes they will open one lane. both lanes are inspected to reopen by 7 am monday and the worst time for traffic will likely be in the afternoon. bart should be open 5 am for the monday morning commute. the next week and closer plant is labor day weekend. this is expected to wrap up by the end of october. in lafayette, sara zendehnam ktvu news. >> bart is looking to hire more cleaners. the new hires will help them improve customer experience and provide boost to cleaning efforts. they do have weekly overnight cleaning that some of the busy stations. last year workers were taught new techniques to give the trains and stations a more thorough cleaning. >>police need your help a
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identifying a man who they said had improper contact with girls. he is described as five feet 10 inches tall, he has a distinct mold to the right of his nose and a tattoo on his right shoulder. you can see that here in the picture. he is suspected of having three improper contacts with girls between eight and 14 years old. in one of those incidents he was seen driving a white or silver dodge or chrysler minivan with a black top. >>san francisco police say a homicide suspect is in custody after a man was stabbed to death early friday. the 42-year-old victim was spotted in the street at fern alley a few blocks from city hall. please confirm and and arrest was made but no names have been released so far. >>cruisin made quick work of a brush fire that burned dangerously close to a housing subdivision. the three alarm fire was reported just before noon yesterday near grace feather court, it was another day of
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mighty hot weather. firefighters say a lack of strong wind really help them get a handle on that fire. crews are battling a much larger wildfire this morning this outside mariposa, the video of the fire taken last night, at this point calfire says about 1500 acres have burned, the fire is only 5% contained. people who live in the area have been told to prepare for evacuations. so far no structures have been damaged. >>there is an effort underway to make sure san francisco unified school district students get to the campus safely went to classes begin. the mayor, police chief and the supervisor were on hand monday morning. they are talking about what the city will do to try to ensure pedestrian safety. the city has designed some streets to reduce traffic speed and reduce visibility. >> this is all about
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highlighting the need for us as a city to do much better than we have in the past so that we can truly realize the goals of vision zero. that is no fatalities of any kind in the city, because of traffic or cars or what have you. >>this school year the city is putting crossing guards at 106 schools. the program will hire more guards that will cover 150 intersections. >>questions are being raised about a judges decisions in a case surrounding an attack on a woman in san francisco. >>we will take how a man accused of attacking that woman while entering her apartment was released 72 hours later. >>cadets are learning the upside of choosing a career as a firefighter. up next we will talk with organizers of the firefighter youth academy who are showing young people there is more to
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(music throughout) good morning. happy saturday. a cooling trend expected for the weekend. temperatures dropped off yesterday finally in the afternoon and the cooling trend continues this morning after the second part of the day.
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partly cloudy skies around the bay area and inland. improved air quality. along the coastline we will remain partly sunny for today. temperatures expected to reach 90 or so. that is a gorgeous view. let's get to the graphics, we have temperatures already beginning to rebound as we get into the afternoon. the inland communities are only going to hit about 90. i think i'm talking to derek, maybe paul, thank you very much. we do have temperatures in the 50s along the coastline, san francisco reporting about 59, 60. here's a look at the cloud cover along the coast. we are clear in the north bay, east facing some sunshine as well, clouds are spinning out over the south bay. temperatures already warming, 70 in concord, 66 in fairfield. that is a beautiful start. temperatures are a lot cooler
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than where we were yesterday 66 in oakland, 64 in san francisco. if you are going to watch the a's play later it will be nice, mostly clear skies 72 at game time, west freeze breeze, if you're headed to the north bay to do some wine testing 86 sonoma, closer to the water sausalito 80 degrees or so, 88 in pleasanton and 90 expected in brentwood. for the south bay low 80 san jose, by the water in santa cruz nice and mild 70. along the peninsula low 80s palo alto, 76 san mateo, san francisco 67. here's a look at the extended forecast, temperatures continue to cool into sunday, that will be the coolest day. we do begin to rebound on monday. tuesday into wednesday warmer.
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by wednesday inland cities 95, back to 80 around the bay, i say we enjoy the next few days. >> it is 9:14. things are busy at this hour in vallejo for the firefighter youth academy. every saturday they meet at the vallejo firefighter training center and now they are doing emergency medical olympics. we have retired firefighter and academy founder joining us live to talk about this incredible program and the fundraiser coming up. good morning. >>good morning. >>we have talked about this before. let's talk about the 30 young people involved in this program and what are you hoping for them as they learn all of these incredible skills? >>i work for a nonprofit organization for at risk youth who seek to provide opportunities for young people particularly in the bolero area who want to experience first
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responders weather emt, paramedic, firefighter or nurse, we have 30 cadets training they meet every saturday morning, we have outstanding support from the bolero fire department. we are their learning hands on how to control and prevent fires, how to deal with medical emergencies, first aid, cpr as well as earthquake and disaster preparedness. >> we talk about these skills that are incredible and amazing, this is a proven program is started back in richmond. tell me about what you think it gives to the kids and why, what change you see in them. this is the fourth year for you guys in vallejo. >> we started this in 1994, what we have noticed over the years is the confidence level
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in themselves, our focus is academic achievement, community service, self-discipline and they exemplify those things in so many ways. we have cadets who have graduated from the program who are now on their way to seek careers in the fire service. we have several emts, several cadets are enrolled in community college where they are learning to be emts and firefighters. we are happy with the progress that they have made. >>as a firefighter you guys are has on with the community, i know you are retired now, what does this mean for the people involved to you and to see changes that you can make. i know that this started because there was so much violence and firefighters was saying what can we do to help young people see a future, be optimistic about the future in front of them. >> yes. it is really impactful when we
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see our student cadets go from lower grade point averages to higher grade point averages. we see them embracing community service they are actually teaching children how to be safe in their homes. they are contributing to the community. it builds up self-esteem. it is an opportunity for them to really grow and experience and serve their community. it is an amazing transformation that we have observed over the years. if i can say real briefly. this program is called the robin mcvey firefighter youth academy. it was named after firefighter who gave his life to the community. >> as we move forward, just watching video of one of the young people climbing a ladder which is incredible, we can use that as the physical feet, the
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fear of heights and the metaphorical of the ladder they climb in life. as you move forward and in order to keep this going you have this event coming up, how important is the fundraising? it does take time and effort and money to get this program going and moving. >> it does take time and money. this fundraiser is designed to help provide for the cost of those who want to continue their education and become a firefighter, emt, paramedic, nurse. a lot of the classes that are required they have to take them before they are considered to be hired. we want to raise money to help them through their education. the scholarship, john wells public safety scholarship fund, john wells was the first african-american firefighter hired in vallejo and we are proud to name this in his honor
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and we hope the community will come out and support us for a very good cause until august 24. you can buy tickets at the theater at their website. really reaching out to the community for your support and we would love to have you join us for an evening concert, 510 will be our guest musicians. >>it sounds like a great event. with you leading the charge it is inspiring to see all of that good work being done. the next generation of first responders and firefighters that are taking on this incredibly honorable career and the work being done. thank you very much for doing this. >>thank you so much for having me on. again, i want to reach out to the community, i hope that the community can join us. >> i hope it is a packed house. let's split up the information.
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this is taking place next weekend it is called the celebration of service and communities next saturday 6:00 at the edwards theater, you can buy tickets and get more information, we put all of that on a link on, all you have to do is look under web links. and investigator affiliated with united nations is looking into the california treatment of people who are homeless. the reason the state homeless problem is attracting international attention. >>there is a new push to get people to switch to lesser cars. how it could impact the climate and future.
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happening today, people will have the chance to test drive a number of electric vehicles on the peninsula. free test drizzle being offered at the burling game summer
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music arts festival. organizers are promoting electric cars which could have an impact on the pollution, environment and our health. here to talk about this is the director of air pollution and health research. >>thank you for being with us. as we go to summer and end of fall. we typically have sunny days and that tends to trigger heightened pollution. do people even pay attention to spare the air? >>i hope they do, spare the air days occur when the smog or ozone is too high. in the bay area the reason for that is traffic. >> hopefully people are taking notes that they should reduce their travel time and carpool
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and do whatever they can to reduce traffic emissions. >>i think people would be surprised to know that millions of people die every year from air pollution. you said that emphysema is connected to air pollution. >> correct. there was a study that just came out showing that emphysema is typically thought of as a smokers disease is associated with levels of air pollution including o zone. air pollution in o zone as we talk about smog takes a toll on our health. >>as you mentioned a moment ago now is a good opportunity to consider an electric car, the bay area as well as california happens to be that area were car pollution really is a big factor. what are some incentives for bay area folks to consider electric cars? >>there is an incentive called
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clean cars for all which offers up to $2500 in incentives for families who could otherwise afford an electric vehicle. that is a real savings. you will be doing something good for the environment and for your health by participating. >>i think we sometimes forget that what we do in our everyday lives can actually help or curb air pollution. i never considered buying an electric car, maybe i should. in some countries it is almost required. you can't even buy a gas driven car. what are some other ways that we can help? we always hear about sustainable living, we hear about renewable energy and it is a good reminder for people to take note and realize we could help curb air pollution if we give it a shot. >>as far is vehicles try to gas
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up when the sun is not out, later in the evening, carpool as much as possible, one plus of electric vehicles you don't have to go to a gas station, you just plug it in. beyond that there are other things that we can help with climate change, the united nations is talking about reducing meat consumption that would help the environment. there are steps that we can take and try to improve the situation before it is irreversible. >>some renewable appliances to finding someone to carpool with on those days when air pollution is really bad. what are some of the impacts that you see from bay area folks, when the air is stagnant and air pollution is really bad. what are some of the impacts on people? >> o zone or smog can range from burning throats, to more
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severe symptoms such as an increase in asthma attacks. other types of respiratory disorders and we know it can increase emphysema. and air pollution in general has other impacts. those are some of the more acute impacts. >>before we let you go in addition to promoting the possibility of considering electric cars, do you see anything coming down the pipeline, anything in the future that could help out with air pollution? >> besides electric vehicles? that is a large topic. it is difficult. we all have, as much as we can do recycling, i mentioned decreasing meat consumption, decreasing the amount of food waste put into landfills actually decreases
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the amount of carbon pollution we put in the air. day today there are things we can do. >> something to remember and recognize and we need to do our part to keep the environment in a good place. >>thank you for joining us. thank you for that. coming up, and investigator affiliated with united nations is looking into california's treatment of people who are homeless. the reason why the homeless problem is attracting international attention and what may come from that investigation. >>new questions are being raised about a judge's decision in a case surrounding a woman attacked and san francisco. the man accused of attacking the woman while she was entering her apartment building was released three days later. we are here to discuss jessie's online time.
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the sounds of silence. simon and garfunkel. they did make an album. there we go. crosby stills and nash. we are celebrating the 50th anniversary this weekend, in upstate new york, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, are assembled for woodstock, crosby stills and nash is one band that played that day. did you see the fog? >> we are celebrating.
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>> seems like it has been 50 years since i have been here as well. >>let's get a quick look at the weather. we are happy about the forecast. >>we are spoiled, we got a few days of hot weather and then mother nature brings back the onshore breeze and cools us down. looking at san jose. we are off to a pretty start, partly cloudy skies around the bay area, partly sunny along the coastline temperatures are beginning to warm. we are several degrees cooler than where we were yesterday. 61 in santa rosa, still about 59 degrees in areas of san francisco, upper 60s livermore, 65 for san jose. 24 hour temperature change we will show you how much cooler we are, down by 21 in fairfield where the onshore breeze is blowing. napa reporting 9 degrees cooler, inner east bay, six for concorde, 10 for san jose. hopefully you are noticing it
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and enjoying it. the onshore breeze gusting to 35. the pacific air when it is that strong all the way into the central valley, we are looking at and onshore breeze around 10 , for most it is generally a light breeze. there is a view of the cloud cover up against the coastline. in the east bay we are seeing some right along the east bay. we have some cloud cover right over vallejo. temperatures dropped off yesterday it will drop today. 67 san francisco, 74 in oakland, 87 the afternoon high for walnut creek. this cooling trend will continue , we bought them out tomorrow. we will have to look at the forecast coming up. >>bart train between walnut creek and orinda not running this weekend. they are replacing a stretch of 50-year-old track between the two stations in the first of six weekend closures. take a look at this map -- it
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went away. there was orange and red in there it is slowing down. work is expected to cause major delays for both bart riders and drivers. you can see those cranes taking up lanes on highway 24 as well as other heavy equipment. caltrans is keeping an eye on traffic and says if delays reach 30 minutes they will try to open one of the two closed lanes to ease it. both lanes will be shut down until monday at 7 am. shuttles will be available for bart passengers. >> we are working with ac transit and county connection they are providing free buses to replace the train service. we are telling folks to delay expect delays of 40 minutes or more. >>the next closure is planned for labor day weekend. the project is expected to be done, if all goes well, by the end of october. now to san francisco, a
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judge is defending her controversial decision to release a man from jail 72 hours after he was arrested for assaulting a woman at the door of her building. the judge decided the man can remain free but he will have to wear an electronic monitoring device. >> i want to be clear, i did not see that video at the ti of the arraignment. >> reporter: a surprise admission by the judge who was slammed for releasing from jail suspec in this attack which was caught on video. >> it was not provided to me, no photographs were provided at the time. >> reporter: in fact, the dge said she did not see the video until a day later by accident while at a restaurant. >> at that restaurant i saw what is reported to be video of the incident. >> reporter: she said her action was immediate. >>i was frankly, alarmed, at the level of violence that i saw. >> reporter: the judge switched gears although the defendant
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can stay out of jail, he must wear a ankle monitor. >> you think the court made the correct decision? >> reporter: his attorney says his client is getting help that he needs. >> he he is in the program and that is the most important thing. i do not believe incarceration is appropriate for mentally ill and i think the court came to the same conclusion. >>the fallout over her early decision continues. the judge is a former deputy city attorney and city attorney dennis herrera says the das office is to blame for failing to show the video to the judge. in a statement the city attorney said the rush to judgment and the desire to pillar an officer of the court is unsettling. it is disappointing that so many were quick to criticize her without knowing the facts. a spokesperson had this explanation. >> videos are not often played at an arraignment. it happens from time to time, there was a police report that we articulated to the court which basically was a representation of the video. >> the mayor said this attack
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is a reminder of how difficult it is to deal with mentally ill defendants. >> we have real challenges with people struggling from mental illness in the city. the courts play an important role in helping us address those issues. >> the judge agreed. >> safety is my main concern. i am concerned about incarcerating people. >> the judge said she is aware of how much public attention that this has gotten but the ankle monitor would ensure fair proceedings for the defendant and maintain public safety. the defendant was not required to be in court. in san francisco, henry lee. >>city leaders in el paso are talk about creating a permanent memorial for the victims of the august 3 shooting. a may shook makeshift memorial has been set up outside that walmart. some would like to see the building torn down and
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replaced. others have their own idea about what should be done. >> i think things made by people from el paso, something very inspirational and nice for people to remember, even when bad things happen we all come together. >>use things that people really liked about el paso. >> 22 people were killed and more than a dozen were wounded. happening now, a gun- control rally underway at seven cisco city hall, the group moms the man action, is expecting hundreds to show up. it is one of hundreds being held across the country over the weekend. in fremont gun-control activists held a rally yesterday ahead of today's protest. organizers are worried that pressure to pass gun-control legislation will lose momentum every day there is no action taken.
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earlier this morning a volunteer with moms demand action joined us to talk about what they hope to accomplish. >>what we are focusing on is lawmakers and people who are specifically looking to reduce gun vience deaths. it has become a issue. gun owners want to see common sense gun regulation. >> moore added, they want lawmakers to end the summer break and go back to work to work on legislation. the san francisco rally had more than 600 people rsvp saying they would attend. it started about 30 minutes ago. gun-control groups say they are spending nearly $1 million on ads to keep republican senators to take action. >>the housing of urban development have opened an investigation into housing in san francisco. the investigation is to determine if the affordable housing policy violates laws
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that protect people from discrimination. the city received a letter from hud about the investigation and city attorneys are reviewing it. >>a united nations investigator is in california to explore the treatment of the state homers. a lawyer from san diego invited her to visit the state. she is an independent expert appointed by the un human rights council. she said the homeless conditions are worse than she anticipated. after meeting with state and county leaders she's pleased to hear that state leaders agree that aggressive action needs to be taken. the unofficial trip is not inspected to result in a un call to action but it could lead to a report about homeless conditions in san diego. >>an electric scooter company is accused of not making services available to people in lower income areas in san francisco. the la times reports that it is preventing riders from dropping off the scooters in two of the seven neighborhoods that are
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communities of concern. they promise to prioritize in an agreement. scoot said they would operate in the city as part of a pilot program. they are both working with one another to address the situation. >>it was a big win for the giants last night. >> barely. they recovered against the d backs after blowing a five run lead in the eighth. it took extra innings but they won. >>a lot of parents busy getting their children ready for school. check out all of the goodies in the studio right now. jennifer jolly joins us in a moment, she has all the latest on the best tablets and devices that you need for school.
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i just want to let this play out. a little bit of jimi hendrix this morning, in celebration of woodstock's 50th anniversary. we are giving you a view across the bay. partly cloudy skies, beautiful start to the day as the cooling trend continues. i will have a look at the numbers for you coming right up. a little rock 'n roll. did you notice traffic picking up? there is a reason. it is mid august but kids are going back to school. you certainly want your kids to have all the right gear and all the right gadgets. usa today columnist and a good friend of our program. welcome back. >> we are going back to school
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in terms of it is all new gadgets. >> these are high tech gadgets. >>as a parent we are talking about does my child need a laptop or can they get away with it tablet, how much screen time is good, how do you keep them safe? >>if you're in seventh or eighth grade do you need a laptop or tablet? >> it depends on how much you are doing and classroom. oftentimes the school will provide that for you, a tablet is great for consuming content, if you're surfing the web, watching videos, reading, a tablet is great. if you're doing writing, high school and beyond you need a laptop. >>laptop or tablet you have one of each. >> we all have heard of the macbooks, the dells and hp, very few people know you can find great bargains on brands you may not have heard of. this is the hauwei make book 13 this is on sale for 800
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bucks. they make some of the best window laptops on the market. it is ultrathin it weighs about 2 1/2 pounds, intuitive touchscreen. if you want a laptop you can use it as a touchscreen, it has the latest and highest specs. 10 ho battery life. it is pretty realistic, >> you told me off-camera that they have taken a lot of apples technology and shoved it into something that works great and is cheaper. >>that is right. copying is sometimes the best form of flattery. this is a fabulous laptop, it is fast, windows-based, if you are on an android system it works really well, plays well in that box. >>799 right now. >> 799. if that is still too much check out a chrome book. this is the lenovo chrome book
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c 230. this is his -- is $214. it has 360 degrees you can use it as a tablet, you can use it in pen mode. >>do they come apart? >> it does not come apart but it bends, folds, flips. it has 360 degree flip and full design that allows for the different modes. >> touchscreen as well. >>yes. it also stinks with an android. >>214 bucks. >> two years ago this was a $1500 machine. >>if you have kids in school you may want to go down this road. >> for families why just by a tablet if you can have a tablet that doubles as a smart screen. this is a normal tablet and then you slide it into a dock and you have an amazon alexa device. it is transformative, it is 2
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in 1. that is 264 right now. when i touch anything and falls over and it does not impact it. >> you would get along with me fine. if you have a young child you want to keep an eye on this is perfect. >>summer sleep schedules mess up sleep for families. this is a hatched baby rest plus. this is a $90 gadget for infants you use as a baby monitor, sound monitor. as your child grows up you use it as a sleep trainer. school-age kids can use it as a sound machine help to quiet their busy minds. college students could mask the roommate snoring. you have sleep sounds and you also have a clock, it trains you, i have been using it as i have been testing it out because i wake up 1 million times and i want to know what time it is. without looking at the clock and getting anxious it tells you what time it is, when it is
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time to wake up. it is kind of nanny 911. >> how much is that? we only have a minute. 90 bucks for this. >> there is a slew of apps i want to tell you about. for summer slide and that concern are my kids ready to go back to school and jump back into learning age of learning has a trio of tools that all of my friends are talking about. one of them they have abc mouse, adventure academy, reading iq stood out to me. this is an app that assesses your child's reading skills. it will see if there is any kind of issues that they are having and it will help the master literacy at a pace and in a way that makes sense for
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them. abc mouse, age of learning, reading iq, most parents have no idea where the child's reading level is. >> finally, i know a lot of college kids don't go away, say you are going to the university of michigan and he grew up in the bay area and you want a little sign from home that might be it. >> i love this. my daughter will be taking one with her to her freshman year of college in a few weeks. it is a bracelet that they have to touch. when i'm thinking about her and i want to do the whole kissing hand thing. when they go to school you kissed her hand and they say mommy loves him. this is a bracelet, a high-tech version you touch it and tap it and it sends a little touch. >> they can be in class or at home and say mom is thinking of me. how much is that? >> 98 bucks for a pair of two. become with different straps and colors and you can use them
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for your husband, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or child. >> great ideas. check her out online. lots of goodies. thank you. your daughter is off to college . >> she is going to uc davis in a few weeks. >> davis is a scant 45 minute drive. congratulations. your little one is going off to college. we do have some beautiful weather coming your way. it will be nice at uc davis, cooler than where we have been. that goes for us as well. cooler air that moved in late yesterday, it will continue today, tomorrow looks like the coolest. outside right now mostly cloudy skies along the coast, partly cloudy around the bay, especially right along the east bay shore. that is continuing to erode.
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for the afternoon partly sunny and partly cloudy for the coast, mostly clear elsewhere. 64 right now in napa, upper 60s in oakland, san jose at 65. temperatures are already beginning to warm. a lot cooler than where we were yesterday at this time. i showed you that at about 20 minutes ago. we are anywhere 5-10 degrees cooler in many spots. if you get closer to areas like fairfield, 15-20 degrees cooler. here's a look at a comparison from yesterday, 87 santa rosa, san francisco 67, livermore 88, yesterday you hit 101. for most it was an improvement from the day before. 84 the afternoon high, 86 sonoma, 83 napa for folks thinking about doing wine tasting you have a nice warm day. 74 oakland if you're going to see the a's play, upper 80s
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expected for pleasanton. south bay 86 for morgan hill. mild 70 degrees in santa cruz and for the peninsula 83 for woodside, 76 san mateo and 67 in the city of san francisco. thinking about heading up to tahoe, low 80s expected for the afternoon beautiful there. temperatures here continue to drop as we get into sunday, low to mid 60s along the coastline, around the bay low 70s and low 80s, that looks nice. we do begin to rebound on monday. by wednesday it looks like back to the mid-90s. >> all right we will take it. stay with us we will be right back. from the couldn't be prouders
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to the wait did we just win-ners. everyone uses their phone differently. that's why xfinity mobile created a different kind of wireless network. with a different way to do data. one designed to save you money. now you can share data between lines, mix with unlimited, and switch it up at anytime. design your own data with xfinity mobile. it's wireless reimagined. simple, easy, awesome.
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giants in a got to win a game lieu of five-run eighth inning lead. they get a three homer game, they do this in extra innings 10-9 a ton of home runs. this one really hurt, bottom of the eighth, arizona down 7-4, not anymore, jones unloads the d backs third homer. we are tied at 7-7. bottom of the 10th, gone off of will smith, arizona added another to tie it up at nine. we finally go to the 11th and two homers already he says let's
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end this and get out of here. his third home run of the game unbelievable four rbis and more portly what a big win for the giants 10-9 giants down 2 1/2 back from the wild-card spot. >> the a's played a little overtime with the astros. three hits including two home runs. gave oakland a 1-0 leave early. everyone goes home and there you go that is the game- winner., game-winning run comes home and the giants, not the giants the a's are half a game shy of the wild-card. they keep pace over the astros. >>we are so excited to have this weekend break but more heat is coming. >> is this the pattern? >>she already knows the answer. >>what happens in late august
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and september? hot weather. >>kids are back in school. >> 74 in oakland for the a's game. perfect. >> we will keep an eye on all the news of the day including the situation on highway 24 and bart as maintenance continues. we will keep you updated on our website. have a great saturday.
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(dramatic music) - [mission control] 10, nine. - [narrator] they say it took 400,000 americans to put a man on the moon. - [neil armstrong] that's one small step for man ... - [mission control] seven, six. - [narrator] engineers, mechanics, flight directors, astronauts. (cheering) - [mission control] five, four. - [narrator] but the burden of this accomplishment fell on several key players. (foreign language) - [mission control] three, two, one. (rumbling) liftoff! we have a liftoff! - [narrator] it's all here on countdown to apollo. the players. in 1962, nasa introduces its second group of astronauts.


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