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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6  FOX  December 30, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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fox two news at six. from the bay area to florida's coast. people worried about the country's uptick in the number of coronavirus cases are keeping testing sites busy. hello again , everyone. i'm julie julie haener, and i'm heather holmes in tonight for frank. we are seeing a lot of movement tonight in the country's push to limit the spread of the coronavirus. warriors fans won't be able to see the team play tonight. golden state posted on twitter that the teams away game has been postponed because the denver nuggets don't have the legal required eight available players. to proceed with the game. the nuggets have many players out because of covid protocols, a rush to get tested between the christmas and new year's holidays as long lines forming across the country. in san mateo. today, a drive through testing cited cars lined up for blocks and the cdc announcing today that it does not want to see people going on cruises, regardless of their vaccination status. because of
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recent outbreaks on ships. we begin with the uptick in the number of covid-19 cases across the state, ktvu investigative reporter brooks jarocz tells us that has some bay area hospitals taking steps to ensure that they are prepared in the event. they get more patients. i think we're going to be very busy. unfortunately as covid cases skyrocket, there's also an uptick of patients at california's hospitals. state data shows more than 5500 right now, an increase of 6% since the previous day, doctors and healthcare workers anticipate a sharp rise in the next couple of weeks similar to other surges. we've always been vigilant. and we've all also always been cautious. i mean, the virus continues to throw curveballs that even the people with the best predictive models couldn't have forecast with the omicron variant driving cases to record breaking levels. kaiser and ucsf both say their hospitals are prepared getting beds, supplies
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and gear ready to go. but already some emergency rooms have seen more patients. especially among the unvaccinated and even children. there has been an increase in pediatric hospitalizations, um, not unexpectedly. but you know, it's something we would like to be able to turn off if we could . the problem is the virus is so infectious and transmissible at john muir medical center. the biggest concern is not having beds. it's having enough health care workers. currently staffing is our biggest issue. we have a large number of staff either. out with mild covid symptoms or with exposures awaiting testing in that has really led us to have to limit some of our services. that means no new non urgent surgeries. elective surgeries are canceled and no more visitors in the hospital waiting rooms, given that a lot of the patients are coming in with covid like symptoms. we don't want our waiting rooms. to be inundated with potentially infectious patients and visitors
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. but doctors saying don't hit the panic button with omicron hospital stays are shorter and symptoms are milder. and the patient numbers don't reflect who's in the hospital specifically for covid versus those with covid. so you come in within an auto wreck and you get and you get screened, and it turns out that your covid positive where you come in for some elective procedure, and you get screened in your covid positive you coming to have a baby and someone screens you and your covid positive, but you have no symptoms at all. i think that's what some portion of this is that's really hard to sort out, those health experts say. go back to the basics. mask up, wash hands, get vaccinated and boosted and keep the hospital wave from rising. already some hospitals have doubled the number of patients from just a week ago. so if you're feeling sick, doctors say, don't wait to get medical help. right now, they say we're also seeing a surge in flu cases, and it's not too late to get that flu shot in the newsroom. i'm brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news as we
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mentioned earlier, the cdc's made a move today to advise everyone to avoid taking cruises . this new recommendation comes regardless of anyone's vaccinations status. the cdc's says it has more than 90 cruise ships under investigation or observation. as a result of covid-19 cases. the agency did not disclose the number of infections, the cruise lines international association says it is disappointed by these new recommendations. it thinks the industry is being singled out despite its policy to follow stricter health protocols. than other travel sectors. the san francisco unified school district is strongly encouraging students ages five years and older to get a vaccination shot before they returned to school next week, and they recommend testing. for everyone. we've expanded our opportunities for people to get tested. we're offering mobile rapid testing beginning this sunday, january 2nd through january 9th at locations throughout the school district. ktvu question captain
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will have more on what bay area school districts are doing to keep students healthy. coming up a little later in this newscast , all right, turning now to the impact storms or having on people across the state governor gavin newsom issued an emergency proclamation today for several counties impacted by the winter light or the wintry conditions that will help streamline efforts to clear roads and restore power in the sierra in southern california tonight, heavy rain is flooding some areas and also causing mudslides. we begin our weather team coverage with ktvu tom vacar with all of the recent snow in the sierra that is now impacting the snowpack. the california department of water resources went to philip station in el dorado county, one of many places that measures sierra snow each month to understand the true size of the snowpack as of this morning. or ah automated snow sensor network is reporting that the statewide snowpack is 160% of average to date, according to uc berkeley's
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sierra snow lab, the current snowpack is about what's normal for march 2nd a very good depth and hopeful for right now we have about 70% of our total, um, snowpack up here and a little bit less of our total precipitation, and we're going into those rainier and snowy or months that january and february when we could really bulk this up, but what really counts is the final measurement. at the end of the snow season. april 1st is the official measurement that everyone's after for you know what it means for our water resources for the year. so what's the biggest worry now? the big concern here is that we don't get any more precipitation, and that would obviously kind of be a worst case scenario. we also have the next three months to hope this early, big dump of snow will not be washed away by heavy rains. or melted by warm weather. that's because we need the water to feed into the reservoirs for at least into early summer. if things go well by april, the
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snow will be very compact id and dense depending on the density and everything, but yeah, if you have 100 inches of snow pack 40 inches of waters is pretty likely. but for now, great for skiing great for snowboarding hard to snowshoe in looking at the national weather service is three month long range precipitation outlook for the northern sierra. calls for neither above nor below precipitation, a balanced and hopeful view. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news. well we have a better idea tonight of how our recent storms are affecting california's drought, you'll notice a lot of the bay area is now colored in orange on the u. s. drought monitor zmapp that signals a severe drought. and while that's not certainly good news. we are in better shape compared to last week before our latest rounds of what weather you'll notice the drought map that came out last thursday, and the majority of the bay area is colored in red. now that signals extreme drought. that's one
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level more serious on the drought monitors tiered ranking system. some sections of solano contra costa elevator in santa clara counties are still in that extreme drought category. only the most northern sections of siskiyou and modoc counties remain under exceptional drought conditions. that's the highest level on the drought monitors tiered system. we spoke with the mayor of south lake tahoe on mornings onto the nine today about conditions in the area and efforts to bounce back from the storm. the stuff we've gone through a long year, especially with the calgary fire and evacuations we had earlier this season, but our business communities brazilian, our community members are resilient . and this is another storm that we know how to weather and once the once the sun comes out, and everyone could go out and enjoy the powder. mayor devin middlebrook says emergency crews and first responders have been working around the clock to provide supplies and restore power and gas to those dealing with outages. he's also encouraging visitors to wait until the weekend to head up to
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the area when the weather is expected to improve. well in southern california tonight. rain is causing some problems. heavy downpours had water rising so fast earlier today it prompted rescues of several campers at a state park in malibu. we get more now from reporter hailey winslow, including what those folks went through. the whole campground is completely inundated. everybody's up to the waist high and cars are ruined. trailers are ruined, so it's a disaster in their search, and rescuers used this inflatable zodiac to help save about 50 people around 10 of them kids and about seven dogs trapped at the campground. leo carrillo state park did see like a baby and mom in a couple of rafts. they have been rescuing people. it's mainly the spots in the center, so they pulled a few families out already. we woke up this morning and looked out and saw this river and we just couldn't believe it. we were right now we're can't get out. it's obviously flooded. we're hoping to get out sometime today. it
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could work tomorrow and we were just surprised. we didn't know this could happen. it's a huge scene of fire trucks and ambulances right off the pacific coast highway. the campground looks like a white water rafting river flowing right through the middle of it with first responders methodically, making sure everyone gets out safely. turned over camping gear all over the campground. rv stuck some here. we're sleeping in tents. we were an attempt behind them refloating away. no but the bed is moving when we got up off of it, so we woke up right at the right. we started hearing a plop, plop, plop in our tent. it's a big canvas tent over there. we noticed the floor was about six inches higher with water so much rain ran off the hills creek overflowed and the parking lot flooded, submerging several pickup trucks, trucks. are down below in the parking lot. those are your truck. yes so not completely flooded, but probably water damage into the trucks. despite the danger and disaster, most people were still
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in good spirits. not the way you wanted to end the year, right? oh i don't mind mother nature does what? mother nature dust. this is nothing compared to the midwest, kentucky, all those places with everything that happens there. um and so, um, it's just it's southern california. it's feast or famine, you know. and that was hailey. winslow reporting for us well, mudslides are yet another threat. crews are already cleaning up several minor slides along pacific coast highway in santa monica and malibu. we have no reports of injuries as a result of these slides. caltrans though, has been working to secure the area for several hours and threats of mudslides spanned more than los angeles and ventura counties in orange county. emergency managers are monitoring the bond fire burn scar. they have to breed clearing crews and equipment positioned in the williams, jessica and several silverado canyons. some people in the area have been asked to evacuate. we
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instantly started putting barriers up, knowing that the debris flows in this area is very dangerous. we have the computer on we're constantly checking it. and if it does start raining will be will be evacuating will be leaving right away. the bond fire burned last year and since then previous mudslides in the area have damaged about five homes were extreme weather is not isolated to the west coast today. i mean, we just heard like they call. you know the train's comin, right? we hear train right next to the railroad right here like 10 times a day, and that was definitely the scariest one that i've ever heard because we knew what it was. were. we had run down the stairs, almost tripping , making sure we had our lantern and everything. listening to james spann, and it was just terrifying. severe thunderstorms left behind damage across the south tonight in winfield, alabama. conditions were bad enough today to knock down walls and tear apart roofs. there are no immediate reports of
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injuries. alright airlines needing to cancel more flights, and they're putting at least some of the blame for all those cancelations on the weather coming up, though, why the situation will likely get worse . we will take you to colorado, where wildfires are taking out hundreds of homes in a matter of hours, a threat for more damage moves into the night. and it's going to be achille one tonight . we've got rain back in the forecast as well. i'll be back here with what you can expect as we head towards this weekend. also my parents who want to see their kids get coronavirus vaccine booster shots feel a vaccine booster shots feel a little hopeful tonight. (soft music) hey dad, i'm about to leave. don't forget your hat . good morning. how can i help? i need help connecting with my students. behind every last minute save, ok, that works. and holiday surprise, thank you!
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people into communities near denver colorado are facing tonight. these are live pictures as you're seeing a home go up in flames. many people are under evacuation orders because of these wildfires. that have already burned hundreds of homes in the denver colorado area, as well as a hotel and a shopping center. howling winds. winds fueled those flames earlier this afternoon. this is video from bowler county, where some homes have burned. tens of thousands of residents in two cities were ordered to leave because of several fires in the area. the fires are blamed on sparking power lines down by winds gusting at more than 100 miles an hour. there are reports of at least six injuries. well, the fda will likely authorized fighters covid-19 booster shot for those aged 12 to 15 by next week. the news was first reported by the washington post and the new york times. the fighter vaccine would be the first booster shot to receive emergency authorization for
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young teens and preteens. right now, it's only for people 16 and older. this would be an important step since child hospitalizations are reaching near record levels right now. health officials say most of the children who have been sent to the hospital are not vaccinated . schools are giving families a maze of requirements to sort through when it comes to safely returning to class after the new year's eve holiday. ktvu christian captain tells us from school district to school district and from elementary school to college. what you need to do depends on where you're going to school. as 2021 draws to a close students will be returning to class next week and are facing returning to school amidst the surge of the omicron variant in oakland school resumes january 3rd and all students 12 years and older will be required to be fully vaccinated to return to class after the holiday break, placed the swab into the tube. oakland unified also sent home 41,000 at home test kits with online instructions on how to use them. and are strongly encouraging
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families to test their students before they resume in person instruction across the bay in san francisco school also resumes january. 3rd the district is strongly encouraging students five years and older to get their vaccination shots and then we're also sharing information about how to access testing. we are strongly encouraging, but not requiring that people get tested before coming back to school. on monday , one students come back, the district will be hosting a series of testing clinics. open for ongoing testing. we've expanded our opportunities for people to get tested. we're offering mobile rapid testing beginning this sunday, january 2nd through january 9th at locations throughout the school district. college students are also navigating the path back to class following the winter break , university of california's president issued a letter to the 10 uc chancellors to come up with a plan for back to school. you see wide students are required to be vaccinated and boosted as soon as they're able. u. c berkeley says it expects
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everyone to get tested for covid before returning to campus when it comes to ongoing testing, quote. for vaccinated students, faculty and staff. surveillance testing is not required for 180 days from the date you are fully vaccinated. kahane wilhite attends uc santa cruz. it's still a bit stressful. to go to campus and interact with people without knowing for sure, she says she's planning on returning to her apartment next week. the school is also strongly encouraging tests but finding a testing location or even an at home test is proving nearly impossible. every place is filled up right now, with the test. there's no available to us for the rest of the week. however i want to go back to campus this week. uh kaiser doesn't have it. cbs and the state is also announced that due to the surgeon omicron cases, it will be distributing some six million tests to kindergarten through 12th graders as they return from the winter break. education leaders are strongly encouraging families to report the results to schools and to
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the state so that they can keep tabs on the progress of covid as kids start returning to school. in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu, fox two news. already a little sunshine . no rain today for the first time in a little while, it's been wet around here for the holiday weekend and over the holiday, couple of weeks up in the mountains. they got a break today as well. this skiers out on the slopes, lots of avalanche control going on. sunny skies for all and that's where we go again tomorrow and that's that's where we go. quite frankly, we go again on saturday and a little bit into sunday more sunshine and then things will degrade or deteriorate as we head into sunday. with some clouds, but sunday still pretty nice. but monday and tuesday, i think we might see a sprinkle, but it literally looks like nothing at this point. so there's the current temperatures from today warmer than yesterday by a few clicks, right 54 56 in santa rosa. 57 more gun hill so not bad tomorrow is going to be
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about the same. maybe a little bit someplace is there's a shot . look at that. that's sutro tower. you see some clouds off in the distance. see how many iconic images you can pick out there or icon? landmarks right? you can see salesforce. you can see the big bridge you can see market street. can you see the campanelli? i don't know. i could. yeah, i can. i don't know if i can or not. actually i don't quite see but beautiful night in san francisco and it's going to be cool and cold. because right, that cold front goes through the wind dies. the high pressure jumps in might see a little valley fog frost the things so tomorrow morning if you do have to rush off to work or something early morning you can be scraping a little bit of frost. but other than that we got today tomorrow that you're going to love. um we are going to see the changes in the weather as we get into the late into the weekend into early next week. so don't worry about that. after on the next hit, i'll see you back here a little bit. thanks bill, a combination of wintry weather and the country's surge of coronavirus cases will likely cause more flight
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cancelations over this holiday weekend, according to the aviation tracking web site flight aware nearly 9000 flights have been canceled since christmas eve. well, today is the seventh day of those flight cancelations, and it is starting to wear on passengers trying to get out of town for the long holiday weekend boxes. david lee miller has more now for us from laguardia airport there in new york city. spend a couple hours on the line, and they said no room for me, and he's not alone . thousands of air travelers across the country remain stranded after seven days of major disruptions. on thursday, more than 1000 more cancelations and 2000 delays as airlines deal with the aftermath of major storms in the west and staffing shortages brought on by the fast spread of the cranberry. some passengers have been sleeping in airports for days after missing connecting flights. i was supposed to come home. sunday my plan was supposed to land in seattle is sex. it was canceled. we've been trying to get home. since then. west coast airports have been particularly hard hit
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ceatec in seattle, canceling more than a quarter of all flights on thursday. it's a hub for alaska airlines, which grounded about 14% of its flights. largely due to de icing issues that created a backlog of passengers and jetblue has already started the process of canceling about 1200 flights through mid january. earlier this week, the cdc shortened quarantine times for covid exposures. we should provide some relief to overwork staffers and some lawmakers say they're looking at another way to help get america moving again safely . he has said. it is if you went to visit someone, and you're still waiting for that plane to take off because of the quarantine rules versus lot of the airplanes, airline staff are not able to work on and if you're looking to fly on new year's eve, make sure you check with your airline. 500 flights have already been canceled in new york. david lee miller fox news oakland police believe at least two people were involved in the murder of a woman near lake merritt. the arrest that they've made coming up. and the spread of a new tiktok
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challenges, creating new criticism for the video sharing app. when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch.
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have time to take steps now that can save thousands of dollars off your income taxes. here is fox's heather sullivan with some tips on lowering your tax bill. as for things you can pay now to cut your taxes, you can make an extra mortgage payment by december, 31st if you do have
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enough to itemize, you might entertain going ahead and making the january payment now so that you can deduct that interest this year is the last year you can take the standard deduction. and still deducted donation to a five oh one c three. if you take the standard deduction, and you're single that you can deduct up to an additional $300 for charity. and for a married couple. they actually changed it for this year to where you can deduct up to 600. then take a look at your retirement contributions you might see about making sure that you've maximized under your 41 k plan. on your 403 b playing your different retirement plan that you have elective contributions . you can make it work. those must be contributed by december . 31st you have until april 15th to add more to your ira or health savings account to cut your taxes. you can also sell investments that have gone down . i call it harvesting the losses for you go ahead and
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possibly sell hypothetically stock now. so that way that would offset any capital gain that you might have on selling the stock earlier this year. and that was heather's selivanov reporting another tip from tax experts ensure that you spend any money left over in your flexible spending accounts before the first of the year. in some cases, you lose that if you don't use it. coming up on ktvu news at 6 30. we hit the road with a chp officer ahead of the new year's maximum enforcement period what officers are looking for besides drunk driving. and oakland officers make several arrests in connection with the killing of a woman near lake merritt. and later in sports. the nba postpones the warriors game tonight in denver sports director marco baniyas will have
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when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost.
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they're prepared for the possibility they will see more coronavirus patients and uptick in the number of cases hitting the state has long lines forming around testing sites and all our rain is obviously having a positive impact on the snow pack. today snow survey off highway 15 years echo summit found the equivalent of 20 inches of water. that's 202% of average for the date. you're watching ktvu fox two news at 6 30. as always, you can expect more law enforcement on bay area roadways this holiday weekend even if things are toned down
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due to the covid surge crime reporter had really rode along with the chp officers today and has the warning for new year's eve revelers. california highway patrol officer dimitriou sanchez took ktvu on a ride along on thursday. let's do this 12 year veteran who is based in oakland, gave us a taste of what the chp will be looking for this weekend. i sat in the back of the officers, dodge charger were primarily focusing on the y enforcement. try to reduce the deaths that happen on our freeways every holiday season. there are those who choose to drink and drive with often deadly results. let's think about what the holidays for us to be around your family and loved ones. so i like to put that out to people to just remember that there are people that would like them to get home safely. the officer says. many people assume they're okay to drive. sometimes people. i feel like it's a little bit easier. i've had maybe one drink two drinks. i'm okay to drive. i just want to go home, but some
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never make it home, whether it's the drunk driver or an innocent victim on the freeway, the impact of a small lapse in judgment can affect people for their entire lives, some telltale signs that a driver is drunk, weaving speeding up, then slowing down, making unsafe lane changes and following too closely, there's a plethora of violations that can be associated with the white. we didn't come across any drunk drivers during our ride, but it didn't take long for the officer to find a violator on 5 18 year, seminary avenue in east open, we're gonna make it enforcement stop on this black sedan up ahead. is traveling at over 80 miles an hour. hi posted 65 mph zone you need mary requesting eliminated, but we're going to exit the freeway exit the freeway. it turns out the driver had a permit, but no license while speeding in his dad's lexus. he was given a warning on his speed, and he was ticketed for being unlicensed. the chp's maximum enforcement period will last through new year's weekend. in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox
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two news. oakland police say two suspects are now under arrest in a deadly shooting at lake merritt that killed a 22 year old woman. officials say that 33 year old lashawn price and 32 year old torn do play have been arrested and charged with the murder of michell sanchez during an apparent robbery last month on lakeshore avenue. the two men were also accused of other robberies in oakland. sanchez was the mother of a two year old little girl. law enforcement from around the east bay, along with the chp were in the town of rodeo this morning searching for a suspect who ran from a stolen car. after a chase. they found a 28 year old man hiding in the attic of a home on harrison avenue after the two hour search , which triggered a shelter in place in that neighborhood. the all clear was given just before noon flaring could be seen today at the chevron refinery in richmond after a so called upset at a process unit. a low level warning was issued, but chevron
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says it does not expect the community community to be impacted by the flaring activity. the refinery also says flaring is an important part of keeping operations. running safely. flares are safety devices used in refineries to relieve pressure during the refining operations and help keep equipment and plants. operating safely. will a travel blogger from the south bay walked out of the hospital today after barely surviving, horrific motor scooter accident overseas can do is rob roth tells us at first, doctors did not think that she would survive her accident in bali. let alone be well enough to go home. kailyn mccaffrey is travel to most of the world getting popularity for her travel blogs. but this short trip from the center clara valley medical center to her home in santa clara thursday was perhaps her biggest mccaffrey's voice is still weak, but she says she's getting stronger. i'm really grateful. mccaffrey spent months of difficult rehab at the
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hospital at all stems from last july, 31st the day that changed her life. while traveling in bali. she's somehow fell off her motor scooter and struck her head. doctors say she had severe brain trauma. two men found her on the road. she was comatose. word reached her family in the south bay. the doctor said she had 1% chance to live. and so, um, you know, we kind of thought that was it. the family could go to bali because of covid and insurance wouldn't cover the cost of a medical airplane to the bay area. the family raised more than $300,000 through go fund me was part of the people. wasn't very helpful through her medical care in rehab. mccaffrey has gone from a near vegetative state to being able to function . i want time to drink water. i need to get better, but we're giving them at least and i am motivation is even yesterday. i was just amazed to see the courage that caitlin's brought to the process of, you know,
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doing the sorts of things the things that we take for granted every day, but carefree, still faces more therapy and rehab as an outpatient. it's unclear if she can ever be the same as she was. as for traveling the world again. i don't know, but i used to love it so we don't know. we'll see. i used to stupid super keep so i know i don't want that again. where overjoyed as you can imagine there's gonna be a lot of changes and a long road ahead. but we're just happy to have her home. mccaffrey says she has no recollection of how she crashed her scooter in volley, and there is no surveillance video. so how the accident happened remains a mystery. rob roth, ktvu fox two news. isn't in. biden wraps up another high stakes phone call with russian president vladimir putin coming up what we're learning about today's conversation. and debt watchers notice something different about the way holiday shoppers are
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when you have xfinity, you have entertainment built in. which is kind of nice. ah, what is happening. binge-watching is in the bag, when you find all your apps, all in one place. find live sports faster just by using your voice... sports on now. touchdown irish! [cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch.
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conversation this month. their call was initiated by mr putin even as u. s and russian officials plan to meet in geneva next month. foxes david sponsors in washington now with more on that conversation, as well as the build up of russian troops along the ukraine border. president biden wrapping up the end of 2021 with a high stakes phone call conversation with his russian counterpart vladimir
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putin, their second call this month. the discussion requested by putin comes amid mounting concerns russia has been building up its military presence on the ukrainian border , stoking fears of a potential invasion. there's speculation that potentially it's because putin wants to deescalate the situation or potentially the exact opposite that he wants to lay out a list of aggressive demands. president biden says he's pushing for a diplomatic solution to the crisis in ukraine. he says he warned putin in their video conversation earlier this month. the u. s is prepared to respond with severe sanctions. and other measures. if russia should invade. i made it very clear, different fact. he invades ukraine, there will be severe consequences severe consequences yet since that call , there have been no signs of de escalation on the ukrainian border. we have to support the sovereignty of ukraine. meanwhile russia is demanding
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guarantees. nato will never offer membership to ukraine or place forces or weapons in former soviet states. ukraine doesn't even have a seat at the table in russia's demanding that we guarantee that they never joined nato. the topic of ukraine is expected to be raised again next month in geneva, when u. s and russian officials meet face to face. in washington. david spun fox news. already heading into the bay area holiday weekend. let's set you up with the forecast and a five day right after the break. for now, though, let's go to ktvu. andre senior with a look at some of the stories we're working on for the seven o'clock news over on ktvu. plus we'll update you want to devastating wildfire ripping through colorado? now the hundreds of homes lost as tens of thousands of residents are told to evacuate. and an update within the last hour on the search for a missing skier in tahoe white search crusade. there is no realistic possibility. he survived the
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conditions, those stories and much more coming up at seven. over on ktvu. plus we'll see you then. andre. thank you. but first after the break, tiktok is taking heat again for a new challenge that some worry - hi mommy! - hi honey! oh i missed you! you just want to video call the kids. ok. ♪ hush little baby...♪ ♪...don't say a word...♪ but if slow upload speeds turn your goodnight call into an accidental horror movie... can you hear me? shut it down. just remember. you're not a bad mom. you just need better internet. at&t fiber delivers faster upload speeds for more reliable video calls. get at&t fiber, plans starting at $35 a month for a year.
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limited availability in select areas. holiday season, according to wallet hub 36% of shoppers say they went into debt from expenses like holiday gifts, travel plans and party supplies. the survey found that more borrowers are taking advantage of stores buy now pay later financing plans, and some retailers argued the financing plans can be helpful tools. it is helpful for some people that are maybe making like a larger
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purchases. if they're coming to ledbury, and they're re kidding out their wardrobe for the year. maybe they went by six or seven shirts all at once. but with the legs sort of options buy now pay later, they might do that. this year, the average debt was a little spit smaller about $1200 compared to 1300 last year. the social media app. tiktok is the center of a new controversy. minnesota mom says a challenge from the app is now encouraging kids to play with electrical outlets. fox news marc meredith tells us it's the latest criticism of the popular site. currently 36 degrees. amazon smart speaker could do a lot, but kristin lived all never thought it would encourage her 10 year old daughter to play with electrical outlets. it was a simple challenge and that she needed to plug. uh cell phone charger part way into that plug and then touch the prongs with penny. and when i heard that i was like no thanks to knowing.
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luckily, her daughter did not get hurt. amazon says it's since removed the challenge and his quote, taking steps to help prevent something similar from happening again. you may have heard of the tiktok's experiment . the whole thing appears to stem from a trend which went viral on tiktok, the social media app, which boasts a billion monthly users, is owned by chinese based bite dance. the company is facing a barrage of bad headlines. lawmakers have called for the app to be banned while warning about potential privacy problems. yet most americans have absolutely no idea. it's a chinese communist party is getting their information. this month, a former tiktok moderator filed a lawsuit against the company alleging moderators are required to watch hours of animal abuse, violence and sexual content without proper health safeguards in place. tiktok is not commenting on the specific case. but in a statement to, fox writes quote we continue to expand on a range of wellness
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services so that moderators feel supported mentally and emotionally. the controversy comes as the wall street journal reports a growing number of teens are self diagnosing themselves with mental disorders because of videos viewed on tiktok. child safety experts say it's a clear warning for parents . they should know what their kids are posting. they should have access to his who choose viewing what their kids and who is also reacting to what their kids are posting. just this month, tiktok announced new efforts to ensure users don't see too many videos, which may reinforce negative personal experiences like extreme dieting or sadness. but it's unclear if those changes are working so far in washington, mark meredith fox news. already here are the temperatures from today just so we re can we can revisit what a nice day it was 56 of santa rosa 57 more gun hill. those are the warm spots. just 53 in san francisco. that's not that warm 56 in oakland gonna be a nice
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day tomorrow very similar to today. i think we'll start off a little cooler in the morning hours looks cold out there now. san francisco market street. bay bridge some clouds off in the distance. beautiful night. it's gonna be chilly. defrosting those inland valleys. check out southern california. they're getting some rain down there as you know, and that shower activity kind of dying down a little bit, but we had some flooding, as we talked, showed you earlier in the malibu area and lots of just urban small stream flooding in different spots all over the bear all over the south bay sent, um los angeles. yeah they're going to get a break, though, as we head into the next day or so and then we get the break right through sunday and into monday when we get a chance for some showers. winds are dying down. those dying down winds are going to create some very cool overnight lows. stillborn it was blowing pretty hard at sfo today for you know, up over 20 miles an hour. these are the current temperatures and as you look at him, you can see we're already down into the low forties and
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fairfield. so you've got nowhere to go, but cooler as we go into time there, so these are the numbers are just running a few degrees warmer than yesterday forecast overnight lows. there they are freezing, and i was not going to be hard to find a low 20 or upper 20 part me and certainly low thirties, especially away from the bay and the water 30 to an anti ac 33, livermore and 32 in fairfield. so the next few nights and mornings we're looking at very cool. conditions that will be in near freezing. so you've got to think about your plants. things like that. the forecast for san francisco tomorrow morning partly cloudy to mostly sunny. and then we wake up to pretty much nice conditions the next couple of days. you can see friday morning and then friday afternoon and then saturday morning, and then saturday afternoon, a little valley fog in there, but again, it's these are subtle changes compared to what we've been experienced. experiencing this weather is completely. kind of benign, but as we go into your monday
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tuesday through wednesday, things start to change with increasing clouds and temperatures warm up a little bit. so we've got a nice looking forecast for you. there it is. i hope you have a nice weekend. hope you drive safe instead of trouble. if you're going to the mountains drive very carefully. lots of icy roads. i'll see you back here tonight at 10. you have some good advice there. thanks so much built a little bit. the warriors game between the denver nuggets has been called off as we mentioned due to the covid outbreak are sports director mark ibanez is up next
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when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost.
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vital roman case you were thinking about cozying up in front of the tv, checking out the warriors against the nuggets . forget that idea. as you know, the warriors been absolutely ravaged by covid over the past couple of weeks or so, but nothing compared to what the denver nuggets are going through right now. eight don't have enough guys to even feel the team tonight. so warriors nuggets game in denver postponed you need a minimum of eight players in the nba to get the game going. denver had only seven available seven guys, nine covid positive and to top it off there, coach mike malone has
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also tested positive. so the warriors basically flew all the way to denver for nothing, and, well, the warriors. i don't blame them for being annoyed. two days ago, denver beat a very shorthanded golden state team, so never one to suffer in silence. draymond green tweeted this out earlier today. how do you continue to cancel games when you implemented rules to keep this from happening? it's not a competitive advantage for the other teams. the guys. we didn't have played no role in tuesday's lost pick aside, but don't straddle the fence. and you know what? i agree with draymond? actually you should have to forfeit. if you don't have enough guys to play. let's change the subject. let's talk a little nfl football 49ers this nonstop chatter about who's going to start at quarterback for the niners. on sunday against the texans, jimmy garoppolo or trey lance. come on , it's all gamesmanship. this is definitely going to betray
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lance's game at levi stadium. bunch of malarkey. no way. jimmy garoppolo starts this game with a torn ligament in his throwing hand, of course on the thumb and little fracture in there. he did not practice again. he was very inaccurate, throwing after the injury against tennessee last thursday, trey lance is going to start. that's my prediction. it should count on it. texans meanwhile, 41 points versus the chargers last year, so you can't take it easy on them. fred warner knows they are not to be taken lightly. come sunday. this is a week or we got to be hyper focused. it's got to be our best performance. you know, we've got to come in and start fast finish finishing investor. i think that's my mindset. you know, it's a one game season right now. and you know our whole entire focuses on the texans offense. it's gotta fall on our shoulders on defense. that's how i'm taking it. all right. let's tackle little college football.
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if you can keep up with all these bowl games. you got one over on me. but let's get to it a couple of bowl games to show you that were completed earlier today. how about the music city bowl tennessee had produced go to overtime bowls, first possession. fourth gold. jalen right is stonewall that the goal line and they review it calls stands. they say he did not get in. looked a little bit questionable there. perhaps a quick whistle. tennessee not happy at all. so the boiler makers get to take over. they get close enough for mitch finneran to nail a 38 yard field goal. 48 45 lots of action. boilermakers win it. the music city bowl is theirs. and how about this one? the male bull, north carolina, south carolina, the winning coach gets 4.5 gallons of gooey mayo poured on him. i don't know. it might be inspiration for me to lose zeb nolan's ipsen jaheem's bell got
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66 yards. quick 15 lead for south carolina, they'll eventually win it. 38 21 the moment he has been waiting for their coach. shane bieber. ah gets doused. all that's missing is the bacon, lettuce and tomato because there's plenty of mayonnaise right there. i don't know. not too good. alright of course. but 20 years from now, i fully expect a robot to be able to do this job. lot of people worried about getting replaced. by artificial intelligence. check this out, though i don't think basketball players need worry. international basketball federation released this video and claiming that their robot can dribble a ball. pretty good, though, right? yeah, yeah, pretty good. there's a lot of buttons on that robot, but no handles, as they say, basketball . that's the sporty live you
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guys a little bit. wouldn't want guys a little bit. wouldn't want to run guys a little bit. wouldn't want to run we conclusively proved super-asymmetry, and yet somehow we-we still feel like imposters. yeah, there should be a term for that. oh, for crying out loud, there is a term for that! it's called "imposter syndrome," and you don't have it, because you can't have it if you are imposters, and you are! we're the ones who discovered super-asymmetry, so if anyone's gonna feel like they have imposter syndrome, it's us, because we're not imposters, they are! you're imposters and you're frauds! is that what i would've sounded like? yeah. yikes. sheldon, look at this. (stammers) wait a minute. how do i know this isn't one of those joke phones that squirts water in my face? because that's not even a thing. look. you got called into human resources?
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i'm sure it's because i insulted pemberton and campbell in a room full of nobel laureates. you did do that. it was awkward. people didn't know where to look. this is a twist. usually you're the one getting called into h.r. koothrappali: yeah, now it's amy. who knew you were married to such a bad girl. i suppose the signs were always there. i mean, she did recently go to that rave at the mall. it was a spencer's gifts. there was music and a strobe light. if that isn't a rave, then i don't know what one is. you don't know what one is. guys, come on, i think i'm in trouble. it's no big deal. i used to get called into h.r. all the time. ms. davis is great. pro tip: if you find strong women sexy, do not say it out loud. (phone chimes) oh! she wants to see me, too. all right, let's get our story straight: this is all your fault. relax. you're probably just gonna get a slap on the wrist. maybe, but do not ask for that, on the wrist or anywhere else.


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