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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 9, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PST

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the reservation system was opening up at a certain hour in a certain day, so yeah, furiously clicking away. and the door opened exactly at 5 30 served up the farm. fresh meals at alice waters made famous statewide. nuclear energy experts have their eyes on the chernobyl nuclear plant nuclear plant in ukraine this morning afterwards that it was knocked off the power grid and is operating on generator power. also police in the north based say that a homicide and possible robbery suspect is on the run this morning after the person shot and killed a store employee. also gas prices continue to climb and more and more people are turning back to public transportation. there is a complication, though for brought riders on one of its lines will detail that this morning. from ktvu. fox two news . this is mornings onto good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. welcome to wednesday. it's mark tonight,
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the middle of the week for us. we're going to talk about your whether and how the sky looks nice out there, and there's little cool row is here. she has your forecast. did you walk outside? i did and your full report. it's a little nippy still, but i can see it changing warming up a little bit. okay alright. there's my human barometer right there. yes let's step it on its site ourselves right now. take a look at our lives, whether camera where we do have wall to wall sunshine right now, a little bit of a haze officials sunrise was at 6 29 right now. temperatures are not as cold as they were 24 hours ago. 38 napa, otherwise 48 degrees in berkeley swinging around to piedmont. newton emery bill high thirties now in palo alto later today. numbers coming down, but still a couple of degrees above average fifties coincide sixties bayside up to 70 and our inland areas, but we will have increasing winds leading to a window visor tonight and we'll talk more about that in earnest coming up.
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a little bit later in the newscast, but right now you've been busy this morning sell. yes, i have roberta. thank you very much. we do see some slow traffic out there on the bay area commute and i do want to show you. the contra costa county is kind of leading the charge not only in east contra costa county but also west westbound between elsa bronte on 80. n. richmond berkeley. it's slow highway four is pretty slow as well as you drive over to conquer coton 6 80 traffic is moderate dortmund 6 82 42. there's a new crash. that's the counter commute direction. here at the bay bridge, it is backed up for at least a 10 minute delay. 72 let's get back to the headlines south. thank you knew this morning police indonesia or looking for the person who shot and killed a store clerk last night. we'll go to ktvu amanda quintana. she's live in the newsroom with the very latest on this, amanda bergessio. this happened at the rose market. it's a small convenience store on columbus parkway, indonesia. police put out a press release early this morning, saying
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officers were responding to an alarm set off in the store around 10 last night, and when they arrived they found an employee who had been shot and he was pronounced dead at the scene. the shooter had already left at that point. police believed the shooting stemmed from a robbery. in a statement from the chief mike green, he said, quote we are deeply saddened by this senseless violence that happened in our community. we have detectives and every available resource working to identify the suspect. this kind of violence is extremely rare for beneath to this is the city's second homicide this year after a murder suicide in january number four that police tell me the last homicide in the city. was in 2011. police say they are not releasing any more information right now about this shooting out of respect for the victims family as they continue this investigation. live in the newsroom. amanda kintanar ktvu fox two news. okay amanda time now, 73, ukraine's as the decommissioned chernobyl nuclear
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power plant has been knocked off . the power grid is now being powered by emergency generators and those generators can run on diesel fuel for 48 hours. chernobyl as you know, is the site of the world's worst nuclear disaster. last week, russian troops took control of chernobyl. we still don't know what caused the damage of the power line that connects that nuclear plant, but ukraine has called for a ceasefire in that area to allow for repairs. the international atomic energy agency just released a statement. it's as the current storage of used nuclear fuel will be safe even without an electric supply. well right now in ukraine, ceasefire is in effect along several humanitarian corridors that are allowing civilians to escape from some of the hardest hit cities yesterday, a convoy of trucks and evacuation busses heading to the city of mario paul was hit by russian shelling. the russian troops have surrounded mariupol at city
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hasn't had water or heat or food for days, the president of ukraine addressed the british parliament and again pleaded for more help from the west. poignant please increase the pressure of sanctions against russia and please recognize this country as a terrorist state. the foreign ministers of russia and ukraine have agreed to meet in turkey tomorrow, although the expectations are low that there will be a breakthrough new this morning right now, vice president kamala harris is on her way to poland. we have video here of the vice president departing from joint base andrews earlier this morning. she'll be visiting both poland and romania, working to reassure the nato allies of the us commitment to their security. the vice president's visit to poland became more complicated after the pentagon rejected an offer by poland to provide fighter jets to ukraine with the u. s as an intermediary. poland plan to give 28 soviet era fighter jets to the u. s so the united states could then move them to the ukrainian military. but the pentagon questioned the
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ability to carry that plan out. the fear is that the transfer of the jets through a nato base in germany. could lead to retaliation by russia. the pentagon says talks are continuing. our time is seven those x top u. s intelligence officials say russia is still a global threat as it continues invading ukraine. top us intelligence officials testifying before the house intelligence committee on what they know after almost two weeks of war, they're estimating 2000 between 2000 and 4000. russian soldiers have died in ukraine. still they believe vladimir putin will not back down. we assess putin feels aggrieved. the west does not give him proper difference and perceives this as a war he cannot afford to lose now. the intelligence officials also told lawmakers the nuclear threat to the u. s has increased. already high gas prices continue to jump even overnight. now more commuters could turn to mass transit. but there was a complication for
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riders on one bart line or mike mibach live in studio here and mike, this problem actually started on sunday. that's right on sunday gaussian deed and it may not be resolved here for a couple more days. the problem specifically is a broken cable. on the red line. this is the one that runs between richmond and millbrae. so it does affect east bay in san francisco passengers as well as people coming and going from san francisco international. it's still possible for writers to get where they need to go. but here's the problem they have to switch trains. with the best option being at macarthur 19th street or the 12th street station. so if you're going into san francisco or you're coming from san francisco, you're going to have to transfer and those trains are supposed to meet up. they are at times transfer the reason why we can't run both lines. the red and the orange is because of that fault in the cable. we had to find exactly where that fault was, but now we have to repair it, and it's just going to take some time. the break in this line was between the ashby and el cerrito
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stations. bart says it could take several days here. to replace the cable and reroute full power back to the line. bart officials also say that cable that broke on sunday was actually scheduled to be replaced this week as part of a system wide upgrade. that section of cable was installed back in the 19 seventies and is being replaced with the newest generation of cable technology, bart says until everything is fixed here will provide shuttle bus service between the millbrae station. in san francisco international airport, gaseous send it back to you, mike. thank you. even with this recent issue might just reported on that's impacting the red line. bart is reporting an increase in its ridership. overall bart officials say it's likely a combination of these higher gas prices and recent toll increases that are getting more people back to public transit. part says it's also worked to increase passenger safety on the rail system, and bart says there is plenty of parking available at its stations are time now seven or eight is gasoline prices keep going up fast? most bay area drivers are now looking for ways to cut back on driving. average gas price in california
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is now more than 5 57 a gallon, the analysts say. prices may go even higher. but there are a few things you can do to help your car. get better gas mileage. sure that is properly maintained . not only your fluids and you know your filters, but just making sure your tires are properly inflated. that's something that you can control. no other things you can do include take unnecessary things out of your trunk and something else to look at the roof rack. it makes your car less aerodynamic, and it also adds some weight to your card. and remember the turn off the car's engine. if you're just idling for more than 10 seconds, that includes even if you're in a drive through or waiting for your kids at school, and i do all my errands at once, now, really? it's like once i'm in the car, but what i do all three things. it's not. you know, sal, you can't run back home and then an hour later. go do the right thing. we're all conserving gas,
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aren't we? absolutely and right now, if you're driving to the bay bridge, you're going to be spending a lot of time idling, which actually kills your gas mileage. here at the bay bridge. it is backed up all the way out to at least the over crossing there almost to the maze, and it's just a typical commute now in san francisco south to one near cesar chavez, clearing the crash from the right lane, and that may affect traffic coming off the bridge into san francisco. oakland freeways don't look too bad 8 80 looks alright, 5 80 years okay so far . if you're driving on 80 south to hayward, it is a little bit slow. let's talk about silicon valley commute. that's okay. it's a little bit of slowing here and there, but for the most part, that commute hasn't become too slow. there's a live look at 2 80 in san jose, and that looks pretty good. at 7 10. let's go back to the desk. all right, sal ballet company from tv and ukraine has been stranded in france, but they did have a chance to perform on stage will tell you how some of the dancers are responding as they say they didn't have time to think about
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the problems back home in ukraine. also it's not just california climate experts say much of the western part of the u. s. is under serious drought conditions. next. how much water the region would need to eliminate the prob
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nation's highest gas prices. governor newsom announced a plan to offer relief for
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californians. it is stated the state address the governor proposed a tax rebate in an effort to offset california's record high gas prices. he emphasized that more oil drilling is not the solution as the state continues to battle climate change. governor newsom also touted the state's efforts on covid response and recovery, and he warned that the threat to democracy exists beyond europe. foundational e. this is a threat we must all face together and prove there's a better way a california way forward. the california way. california way means rejecting old binaries and finding new solutions to big problems. recent polls show that most voters do not approve of the governor's handling, though of homelessness and crime. state republicans criticized governor nuisance priorities after this address. what he thinks are challenges are really represents fantasy land. it doesn't represent what hardworking california's belief very very
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governor closed his speech on a positive note calling our state and inspiration hard time is 7 15 were happening today. san francisco mayor london bri will deliver her state of the city address at 11 a.m. she's expected to talk about major topics, including the homeless crisis and her covid-19 recovery plan again that speeches at 11 a.m. we'll bring you details here on ktvu and also on ktvu .com later today. well san francisco's first tiny home community is open in the hayes valley neighborhood. mayor london breed. another city leaders helped to welcome this pilot project at 33 golf street . it has 30 temporary units where the homeless can live for up to a year. each unit has a bed, a desk chair, lighting and he did. that area used to be where the homeless, lived in tents and slept outside on the ground. not just about a roof over your head. it's about
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opportunity. it's about knowing that people care about your livelihood and your well being. it's about trying to help people become more self sufficient. it's about a second chance. and when that area is completed the spring it will have 70 units to dining halls, security and supportive services. well, san francisco now has new rules for street vendors cracking down on people who sell stolen goods. the board of supervisors past the new legislation, and the new policies will specify times locations. and other criteria for street vendors to follow if they want to operate the vendors who don't obey the law will be fine. it's not just california that's in a drought. the lack of rain and snow over the past couple of years is causing extreme drought conditions across several western states. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says close to 75% of the northwest is seeing critical water shortages. experts say that california and
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other states such as oregon, washington and idaho will need as much as 200% above normal rainfall in the next two months to eliminate drought conditions. we're at roughly 63% of averagey see coming. will end this year below average. dramatically low water levels post severe concerns, of course for farmers and wildlife in the central valley, farmers will get little to no water from local weather reservoirs, and that will impact what they grow this year. a new study shows how much fires and floods are impacting the shore line at big sur, the chronicle detailed a new report from the usgs that finds beaches are getting wider due to climate change. the study says that 2016 soberon is fire and the wet winter that followed caused thousands of tons of sand to pour out of the mouth of the big sur river and collect there on the shore. the author said the findings show what could happen in other regions as the warming planet sees more fires and
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floods. that's scary. alright time is now 7 17. we're going to get you to where you need to go on this wednesday sounds here with the latest on our commute. all right, dave and ghaziabad morning to you both. right now we do see that interstate 80 looks pretty good in berkeley. but it's going to be slow and richmond. we have it here was a little bit of a backup in san francisco because were removing a crash. cotonou want near cesar chavez? that's gone now, but traffic was a little slow on the skyway. as a result, this is a look at interstate 8 80. and 5 80 both looking okay, a little bit of slowing on 8 80 south to union city, and then we look at the south day there's a little slowing on 85 now driving up toward cupertino, mostly in the middle of the valley. there it's nothing unusual, just kind of the routine slowdowns that we do see. 7 18. today's weather here is roberta gonzalez. hi, sal. good morning. good morning to
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you and good morning to everybody a difference a day can make that will be today. it's going to be cooler and it's going to become breezy and then downright windy right now, stepping out to begin your wednesday a bit of haze. visibility unlimited, however. temperatures are much more mild at this hour, then just 24 hours ago. we're pretty much in the forties across the board. we have a couple of temperatures in the high thirties around the coast, but otherwise three degrees above where we were yesterday, 24 hours ago and throughout the tri valley, check out the difference in half moon bay. we're currently the air temperatures of 45 degrees. the wind comes into play. when you see a little bit of a wind, the temperature is going up, and that will be the case been bay. the winds are now gusting up but these winds are ushering around the pollen even earlier. in fact , i'm already feeling it. and if you suffer from allergies, it's because the tree count remains on the high side from the older,
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the juniper and the ash count this morning. it's mainly clear it's pretty mild. later today, sunshine, but it will be a tad cooler and then the winds come up to play as a ramp up this afternoon. here's our future cast to precipitation continues writing well to the north of the bay area. beautiful atmospheric river set up there. just missing us until check that out. right there. we start to see some increasing cloud cover late sunday, leading to the potential of light rain showers. so this is the area of high pressure. this is a short wave trough. computer models drag it down in a southerly direction. good news with all of that is we start to see a southerly curvature in the jet stream that guides storms along the particular path. but it's also causing a pressure gradient and that's why we have a window visor going into effect tonight at midnight through tomorrow at 11, a.m. north bay and east bay mountains and valleys, wind gusts up to 55 sustained winds. 35 mph west and northwest. now with that
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shortwave trough again is pulling down that cooler air mass so nine degrees cooler today in santa rosa, six and seven degrees cooler in san francisco, conquered and in san jose, so you feel the difference still bright sunshine. but with those winds, it's drying out the atmosphere, the relative humidity in some locations into the teens, which does prompt some buyer concerns. sixties up to 70 today, 58 degrees in pacifica, marsa montara beaches tonight with the wind, thirties and forties boy where it's dropping into the thirties. it's going to feel chilly, especially right around fairfield and mountain house and travis. here is your extended forecast. we do have bright sunshine each and every day we began to cloud up on saturday and on sunday, crossing our fingers for the potential of brain next week. oh, you guys don't forget it's such a clocks ahead. one hour saturday night. goodbye that delicious hour of sleep. alright goodbye more about that. roberta gonzalez. thank you. if these historically high gas prices
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have you thinking about buying an electric vehicle, you could be surprised at the sticker price there. what's fueling the high demand and the short supply in the problems that's causing also video gear worth tens of thousands of dollars stolen in san francisco? you're going to hear from the videographer whose house was burglarized. not once but twice.
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the home of the san francisco cinematographer, was targeted twice by thieves who stole thousands of dollars worth of production gear. now surveillance video shows the latest break in you see a stolen green subaru smashing into a garage and bernal heights about 5 30 friday afternoon. man get two out of the car as you see here and walks toward the garage. they smashed into my garage door, pushing it in creating a little get a bit of a gap for them to crawl through, uh, they back out, and they just so casually walk into my garage. now. the first break in happened two weeks earlier around midnight surveillance video shows a subaru approaching the house. two men get out the next morning that garage was cleaned out. those thieves stole more than $30,000 worth of production equipment. 13 year old girls now pleading for thieves to return her backpack because it contains
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a crucial communication tool. the backpack was stolen when she was on the way to the hospital. the girl's name is jazz hard, rick she's now in oakland children's hospital preparing for bone marrow transplant surgery she's fighting sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder that can be life threatening. someone stole jazzes backpack out of her grandmother's parked car when they made a stop near the grand lake theater before going to the hospital. my like reading books that i have my pencils, my papers, everything that i needed to be in the hospital. is gone. her journey is rough enough to lose all of her little items. it's just unfair and sad. jazz has a compromised immune system . she hasn't attended school in person since january. she had a laptop and a tablet inside that backpack that was stolen, and that's the only way she can keep up with her class work. her surgery is set for a week. from friday. she expects to be in the hospital for two months. and we wish her well 87 26 to call to approve a bill worth tens of
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millions of dollars to help solve that computer chip shortage will tell you how much lawmakers are asking for in the industries that could save from inflation costs and a moment of beauty and joy for those suffering through the russian invasion. how the ukrainian ballet took to the stage even in the midst of war. if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe.
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and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out the night gas prices jumping up there 13 cents. we have details of the hope. the california drivers may soon get some relief from the state. also ahead. a russian american woman from san francisco is now in hungary. she's helping ukrainian refugees , she said. she just had to go where her help is needed. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave corn. i'm gasia mikaelian the end it's wednesday, march 9th. let's talk about the weather. roberta gonzalez is bringing the sunshine and reporting on the wind river to yes. so when will be increasing throughout the day today? garcia hi, everybody out the door this morning. the winds are relatively flat up to about 10 mph. but during the afternoon
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, those winds will increase to about 20. they will shift direction out of the northwest to the west. and then in the evening hours, those winds will ramp up blowing out some of that . hes out there 38 to napa. right now the temperature has soared to 50.5 moon bay. after seeing a high overnight low of 38 degrees earlier this morning 41 degrees currently in fremont later today, numbers are coming down and comparison to yesterday but still above average fifties beaches sixties central bay to the high sixties to 70 degrees in our inland areas, but wait, there's more with those breezy winds. today we will have allergies. oh culprit and are sneezing and wheezing today and running noses. blame it on the tree count. we have an advisory that you need to know about. we'll talk about that and roughly eight minutes from now, but right now, let's send it on over to south castaneda. hi, there. hey roberta. good morning to you. these commute days are
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looking just like they did in many places like it did in 2019 before we had the lockdown so you can see 20 of 2019 2019 level traffic here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see traffic is slow, and then it's congested on the bridge getting over to san francisco. no problems on 8 80 getting up to the bay bridge or 5 80 just yet. 8 80 coton is a little slow in union city just had a new accident reported southbound 8 80 at dakota wrote. it's so new. it hasn't even populated the icon on the map yet, but it will and watch for some slow traffic in the area. 7 32, let's go back to the headlines. announcing the united states is targeting the main artery of russia's economy. we're banning all imports of russian oil and gas and energy president biden stepping up us sanctions against russia now targeting the country's oil exports, the president said the move is part of what he called the most significant package of economic sanctions on russia in
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history and that it's meant to deal with what he called a powerful blow to president putin's war machine. we made this decision in close consultation with our allies and our partners around the world, particularly in europe because a united response to putin's aggression has been my overriding focus to keep. nato and all of the eu and our allies. totally united. the president acknowledged the move could push gas prices even higher, saying the prices are sky high because of russian invasion into ukraine. it is now 7 33. gasoline prices in california are the highest and the whole country and during the night they hit a new record. ktvu zahle. rasmus is here now to tell us how political leaders talking about some kind of financial relief. good morning, alan. good morning, dave. relief in the form of a gas tax rebate or possibly by suspending the state's gas tax all of that on the table. because of prices like this. the average price of a gallon of gas in california
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this morning $5.56 57 cents, according to triple a.. actually one week ago, it was $4.86 almost a dollar less and last year at this time it costs an average of $3.76 for a gallon of gas in california. how things have changed in those 12 months well, governor gavin newsom and members of the state assembly say they are considering the idea of helping take the edge off these high prices. in the form of a gas tax rebate. newsome made this promise in his state of the state address. it's clear we have to go farther. and that's why working with legislative leadership. i'll be submitting a proposal to put money back in the pockets of californians to address rising gas prices. they're also weighing in on this republican leaders in the california assembly. they're pushing for a different approach. let's suspend the gas tax. stop using foreign oil and focus on energy independence policies that don't place new burdens on working families. now governor. newsom
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and other democratic leaders say additional drilling in california is not the answer. democratic leaders in the state senate and assembly also don't like the idea of suspending the gas tax because that money is used for local road repairs across the state. instead legislative leaders say they support the idea of giving californians some sort of gas tax rebate, and they announced they will pursue some sort of legislation to do just that. now. the details about could ber when californians could get it is not a reality. garcia and dave back to you, ali rasmus. thank you. united nations watchdog group says that for now, it is seeing no critical impact on safety after the chernobyl nuclear site was knocked off the power grid. the site is now running on backup generators only. this comes as another effort is underway today to rescue civilians from ukrainian cities that have been hit with heavy russian shelling. a ceasefire started late last night and we'll go until 11 o'clock this morning. the capital city of
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kiev and surrounding areas still under ukrainian control. russian forces, though continue to close in right now. i'm standing on a children playground, you see, so it's definitely not military object. it's just civilians. congressional leaders reached a bipartisan deal overnight, providing $13.5 billion to help ukraine and european allies your time is 7 36, a software company in palo alto says its chief accountant, was killed in ukraine along with her two children. company called sc ranking, says tatiana perebiynis and her children were killed by russian artillery on monday as they were trying to evacuate the company says quote there are no words to describe our grief or demand our pain, and they offered prayers for all ukrainians. well russian american woman from san at a trn station 34 year old all. yeah,
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konitzer is helping arriving refugees get oriented and his offering both translation and logistical support. she said she was inspired to go volunteer because of the humanitarian crisis caused by the russian invasion. lots of my friends. ukrainian france, especially in california, they point out and emphasize the fact that i'm russian friend who goes and help ukrainian refugees. i don't do it because i feel guilty. um because in russia and i don't feel i don't. i don't do it because i because in russian, i'm going in because as a as a human being. this is the right thing to do. robert to her, alice says, because she speaks russian. she can help ukrainians who may not speak english or hungarian members of the kiev city ballet company have been stranded in france, but still the group was offered a chance to perform last night. the dance director of the paris opera opened the theater doors and the
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stage when news of the kiev ballets impromptu performance spread the theater sold out. the money raised will be given to relief groups helping in ukraine. dancers say this also gave them a few hours where they didn't have to think about what's going on in their home country. lear both physically and emotionally exhausted. it's been a very long i don't know very l half of my life. i think these past several days. um everyone in ballets worried about their families about loved ones, friends colleagues at home. she says one of the dancers is a young mother and when the ballet company gets close to the ukrainian border in the next few days, her young daughter will join the group. she says. none of the performances thought about going back to ukraine. they all agree it is too dangerous. this is a small example. yeah it's can be so healing for the performers and for everyone who had a chance to go indeed, garcia. alright time is 7 38 sounds back. he's going to take care of
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you get you to where you need to go. how's it? look out there? it looks okay. although we do find some more slow traffic now dave and garcia on the same entail bridge heading out west. i can put it on the map here for you. westbound 92 is slow from 8 80 heading out. looks like there could be a stalled vehicle there on the bridge at some point, and the traffic is going to be pretty slow heading out west now i've just been looking at the bridge here, and it looks like it's improving traffic wise. at one point it was looked like it was stopped. but now things are better. let's switch over to contra costa county. still some pretty slow traffic on highway four and six eighties kind of a mess from concord, walnut creek. 80 is slow from elsewhere. brandi to richmond, and there's a big backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. 7 39 today's weather . here's roberta. how about a little bit of a change? okay you're up for that. yes, i am. it's been a guilty pleasure, hasn't it? i mean, we all know we need the rain, but the weather is so nice that you feel guilty about it being nice, and
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it's hard to embrace it. but go ahead. enjoy the day today, albeit a little cooler than it was yesterday. we have a little haze. to kick start your morning . otherwise clear skies, temperatures are more mild than 24 hours ago, and they span from 45 degrees and senators say 2 52 degrees. now in san francisco, pretty much everybody is in the forties and fifties, and these temperatures reflect an eight degree. warmer temperature than 24. hours ago in santa rosa, half moon bed seven. only three in livermore, so you really don't feel the difference? there's you're stepping on out the winds up to seven mph end santa rosa. that's why the temperature has climbed five mile per hour winds and oakland and the winds have been over 10 mph for the most part along the seashore, and also at sfo. they've now dialed back to seven. but these wins will be increasing this afternoon 10 to 20 mph rotating northwest to westerly, let's go in and watch our wind forecast here and you
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can see where we are by about lunchtime. one o'clock in the afternoon 15 to 22 mile per hour winds along the media seashore. these aren't even guts. these are sustained winds lighter winds to the east. but as the clock ticks on by later on tonight, we're talking about 22 to 25 29 mile per hour winds along the media seashore 15 in san jose, and because of these gusty winds that will continue through tomorrow morning, national weather service has issued a window visor in effect for tonight. midnight until tomorrow morning, north east bay. everybody will be breezy, but those will be the windiest locations. those sustained winds to 35 mph, but the gust of 55, the highest locations now with the winds going to do is dry out the atmosphere, so our relative humidity is going to drop into the teens and the driest location, so that gives us fire concerns sunny, increasing winds today and also something to take notice. see this shortwave trough right here. it's more of
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a nuisance. it's going to sag down in a southerly direction, pulling down some cooler air match and as that happens, our temperatures will trail off and be cooler than yesterday, down from 79 degrees in santa rosa to 70 today, down from the seventies, and san jose and willow, glen, cupertino, morgan hill and gilroy to the mid and high sixties will be about 23 degrees cooler in san francisco . temperatures pretty seasonal around the peninsula tonight with the windy conditions, thirties and forties. so were those winds are ramping up. and you have the number dropping down into the thirties. you start to talk about a wind chill, but it will be clear. here's your extended forecast. day after day, the sun was shining. we will see increasing clouds with a chance of a couple of raindrops in the north based saturday night. we're going to keep our fingers crossed for precipitation late sunday into monday. have a great day. that's yet roberta. thank you. covid pandemic has taken its toll on everyone, and certainly teachers are among those most affected.
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what many say they considered quitting will look at the numbers and whether or not they've really changed right now , though, let's check in with mike mibach see what's coming up in the eight o'clock hour of mornings onto all right. good morning to you both coming up in the next hour of power outage at a decommissioned nuclear power plant in ukraine, now under the control of russian forces what the international atomic energy agency says about avoiding any nuclear issues. and then coming up today on the nine right now high school seniors waiting to find out where they're going to be accepted to college, our bay area company is bringing the campus tour online and connecting potential students with current once
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when it comes to cybersecurity, the biggest threats don't always strike the biggest targets. so help safeguard your small business with comcast business securityedge™. it's advanced security that continuously scans for threats and helps protect every connected device. on the largest, fastest, reliable network with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. so you can be ready for what's next. get started with internet and voice for $64.99 a month. and ask how to add securityedge™. or, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. when subway opened, they changed the fast food game. but sometimes, you gotta refresh, to be fresh. welcome to the eat fresh refresh we got the - wait, that's new. because we're refreshing the refresh. what? there's the new honey mustard chicken, the subway club, and the new baja turkey avocado with- new baja chipotle sauce? yep they're constantly refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway and they're gonna keep refreshing and re-
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it's the eat fresh refresh at subway bill that would ban any mention of sexual orientation or gender identity and early elementary school. the so called don't say gay bill bans any mention of sexual orientation from kindergarten through the third grade. now supporters say those conversations should be left to parents. but critics say it stigmatizes lgbtq young people, it will make life harder for them at school. it silences children. it's islands as parents. it silences teachers. when we go around the room and a
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kindergarten classroom. we don't want our students to be afraid to share about their families. that the bill goes to the republican governor, rhonda santas, who is expected to sign it now to new data that showed, despite the struggles teachers have faced throughout the pandemic. resignation rates actually dipped after covid first hit. well national data on teacher turnover isn't yet available reports from five states in 19 large u. s. school districts show more teachers stayed in the profession during the height of the pandemic compared to previous years. the numbers also show the current resignation rates are at pre pandemic levels. survey data show that more teachers have considered leaving the classroom during the pandemic, then before it hit alright, guys here time is 7 47, as you would imagine. demand for electric vehicles is up as those gas prices are going up. but there's a shortage of one key component because of the war in ukraine. also, mcdonald's stock is up, but it's anxious. its actions against russia will be very expensive for the
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country can cook extremely busy this morning. she's here with dollars and cents. yes, it's definitely going to be expensive. mcdonald's announcing those actions estimates it will cost $50 million a month to keep the 850 restaurants in russia closed while continuing to pay all of their employees, starbucks young brands pepsi and coca vault taken similar actions against russia, but their stocks are up as that opening bell ring . we show you that i have some breaking news to tell you about as well, reuters reporting. just moments ago that amazon is expected to win unconditional approval of its buyout of us movie studio mgm. and then we'll go for approval here in the u. s of course, that will put it in direct competition with netflix and disney. it will get more subscribers to its amazon prime will have more on that in our next hour of morning, sun two. as we take a live look at the big board huge rally this morning, the nasdaq shot right up back above 13,000 this morning, and there's a live look at the dow jones up about 2% 648
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points there. so a nice rally, at least for now for the markets now, more than 140 lawmakers are urging congress to approve tens of billions of dollars for semiconductor chip production and research that's definitely weighed heavily on the economy. the bipartisan group wants congress to approve $52 billion claiming it will help avoid future chip shortages. now it comes as the chip shortage continues to affect american companies, causing prices to soar in particular in the medical field, agriculture and, of course, the car industry. and as gas prices hit record highs over russia's invasion of ukraine, the cost of electric vehicles could skyrocket. that's because russia is one of the top producers of nickel, which is used in many of the batteries of many tvs. during the last week of february, nickel was training at the london metal exchange for about $24,000 a time now it's trading at about $80,000, of course, demand going up with those gas prices as well and
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again, we'll have more on that amazon deal coming up in our next hour. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and sets. all right, pam time is 7 49. there's a brand new crash on the bay bridge. sal knows all about him. what happened? yeah it's a new crash on the other side near harrison street, but the traffic is already beginning to back up all the way across the span. we do have our camera here. that's a look at the traffic. it's beginning to slow way down. two lanes are blocked on the bridge , and we just got this in focus westbound on the bridge. now. that means that the toll plaza delay is going to start getting very, very slow if you're driving into san francisco. this is going to get even slower. and pretty soon. we might even see some backup here. see how these lanes are still moving through. well that might change by the next time we talk. unfortunately because of this crash that's blocking the two right lanes on the bridge. now some people may use the same mateo bridge. it's a little bit slow from some earlier issues. the dumbarton bridge looks good. getting down
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to hayward is going to be a little bit slow as right as you get into san leandro and head down into the area of hayward. it's also slow after that, heading down to fremont, so we do have kind of a tough east bay commute at 7 50 allergies are up today and let's bring in roberta . have you noticed it with me? i had somebody tweet me said. i think you have allergy problems. mike you think? yes gave it away the running nose of the scratchy throat. yes a lot of us will be suffering today, especially because the wind will be increasing and it's going to usher around the pollen and blame it on the trees. it's the juniper, the ash and alder trees that continue to blossom. we've got a little bit of morning haze, otherwise temperatures in the forties and fifties. it's a mild start to your day and we do see these temperatures. 5 to 8 degrees warmer at this hour than 24 hours ago. 7.5 moon bay, barely noticing the difference. enter tri valley area backing through concord because the
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winds are calm there when the winds are picking up to like seven. that's when you see the air mass warming up quickly this morning. seven mile per hour winds at sfo and notice that is a westerly onshore wind. predominantly this morning, the winds will blow off the coast to our inland areas. 10 to 20, then also rotate around northwesterly . the national weather service has issued a wind advisory for tonight through tomorrow morning , north bay and east bay. everybody is going to be breezy, but these are going to be the gusty. it's locations, especially with those winds up to 55 mph. and the highest mountaintops. future cast illustrates the precipitation is still there. it's just diverting the state of california look at this beautiful plume of moisture streaming all the way back to the hawaiian islands, then watch the cloud cover. there. you have it sunday into monday. that's our chance of rain showers. otherwise this right here, this huge dome of high pressure diverting the storm track to the north, but this shortwave trough
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is gradually sinking to the south and as it does, so, it's pulling down this jet stream that will give us a better opportunity for some precipitation. now with this nuisance of an area, low pressure is causing a pressure gradient but also produced about an inch of snow. around the south lake tahoe shore. we're currently 26 degrees with flurries in the forecast for later on tonight, but boy frosty night, check that out into the teens rebounding to a seasonal day tomorrow, our temperatures have been above average, but they will be cooler than yesterday. santa rosa typically 64 it is planting season. today 70 degrees 64 liver more so pretty close to average at 66 temperature wise again. it was 79 yesterday in santa rosa today . coming down is 70 it was mid seventies. and gilroy and morgan hill coming down to the high sixties. there, you see 69 antiochus in pittsburgh temperatures tonight overnight,
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especially in the north bay thirties and forties from ross through millbrae into terra, linda and marin 43. degrees and belay hoban, isha martinez, american canyon 43, also a mountain view and up and down the peninsula. your extended forecast has called for dry weather conditions. humidity low today, fire concerns are up a chance of rain showers by late sunday, have a terrific wednesday. dave, i will do that. thank you, ro. time is 7 54, helping the nation's veterans coming up at eight o'clock, the white house push to help veterans who were exposed to toxic waste. and eating both healthy and environmentally friendly. two items you may want to add to your meal planning. we learn about covid-19,
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the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today.
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want to eat in the way that both healthy and kind to the environment, you should start eating oysters and herring. of the studies by the researchers at the university of washington evaluated various foods for their nutritional content as well as their greenhouse gas emissions. the study found that certain kinds of seafood, including farm, shellfish and small, oily fish, like herring, or more climate friendly, then even vegetables. well, the golden state warriors throughout this month of march will be
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celebrating women's empowerment money. texas next? yep three female san francisco police officers rang the big bell before last night's game against the l. a clippers marking international women today, the officers say they're proud to represent women, the police department, the warriors and the city of san francisco. such an honor to be the warriors are such an amazing organization as well as this whole city, so it's just such an honor to represent women in this department as well as around the world. over the next few weeks of warriors will host several events, including mentorship program for girls basketball clinic in oakland for latina girls, and they're also promote small businesses owned by women. ktvu fox two is celebrating women's history month this march. and we want to hear from you. so if you know of a woman in your life who deserves to be recognized,
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please go to ktvu .com. forward slash women's history and submit stories and photos or video of them and tell us why. well it's also a bitter sweet time for us here at ktvu after a long and very distinguished career, a man who's been a fan favorite. the ktvu is saying goodbye. the warriors head coach steve kerr made the big announcement during last night's game. as a warm welcome to chase tonight. we're so happy to have you congrats on an amazing career and good luck with your retirement may have been hard to hear, but you can see that's ktvu sports director market banias who will retire at the end of this month. mark has been broadcasting here at ktvu for almost 43 years. he's covered every sport you can imagine, including the 49ers and the raiders and super bowls, the giants and the a's in the world series. and he's just an
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incredible man. look, and he's got sports stars around, and that's david ortiz, and that's alex rodriguez. they're saying, hey, mark, mark, we want to thank you for all the years of wonderful stories. he is a fan favorite of viewer favorite, and we all will miss you. the decommission chernobyl nuclear site in ukraine knocked off the power grid. and this morning nuclear energy experts are closely monitoring the used nuclear fuel stored right there. at that facility back here in the bay area. shots fired indonesia. the search for the person who is accused of robbing and killing the store clerk and leaning on public transportation a bit more these days as gas prices climb past $6 a gallon and some bay area cities. the complication, though, for bart riders looking to commute on one of their major lines. from ktvu . fox two news. this is mornings onto all right. good morning, everyone welcome back to mornings onto its wednesday, march, 9th and mike mibach. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian
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could not be prettier behind us on the oakland estuary. lots of sun a little bit of wind coming into as well. roberto gonzalez here to take us through our day. yeah so wind has been up to about 10 mph for the most part this morning but will be increasing 10 to 20 with gusts to 25 during the afternoon hours , but it's evening when those winds will ramp up and the wind advisory goes into place. a little hazy kickstarter wednesday morning, but look at these very mild temperatures in comparison to 24 hours ago, these numbers are at least four and five degrees warmer at this hour, then yesterday at this time now the winds are relatively on the calm side throughout most of our heirs except the immediate seizure, where they are up to 10 mph. but again that wind advisory in effect tonight through tomorrow , primarily north bay, east bay . everybody will be breezy, but the gusty a swindlers and our inland areas. we'll talk about how this is going to affect are dry, dry conditions and we'll
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talk about our five day forecast. that's still coming up. but right now, let's send it on over high cell. hello, roberta. we have a new crash. unfortunately on the bay bridge , we had one cleared near harrison straight. now there's a new motorcycle accident reported westbound. this is supposed to be somewhere before treasure island, and it looks like it could be right about here. this is where traffic seems to be slowing right about there on the bridge. and this is just another bad thing for the bridge. you can see how slow it is on westbound 80. they've called for medics and the traffic is backed up big time here at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's going to be waiting for a while. if you are driving into san francisco. today it may not be the day honestly or you may want to go another way. southbound 8 80 looks okay in oakland if you want to go down to hayward, but the same motel bridges a little bit heavy, and so is the peninsula. so going around may not be the best thing we're going to keep you posted. obviously there's a lot of other slow traffic to talk about. we'll do that in just a few minutes. but now at 802, let's
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go back to the headlines south. thank you knew this morning. police in beneath are looking for the person who shot and killed a store clerk last night just this morning are amended. quintana talked with a friend of the victim. she's live in our newsroom with the very latest amanda well, garcia. this happened at the rose market, a small convenience store on columbus parkway in venetia. police put out a press release early this morning, saying officers were responding to an alarm set off in that store around 10 last night. when they arrived. they found an employee who had been shot and he was pronounced dead at the scene. police believe the shooting stemmed from a robbery. the shooter took off getting away with some cash. no in a statement from chief mike green , he said, quote we are deeply saddened by this senseless violence that happened in our community. we have detectives and every available resource working to identify the suspect. this kind of violence is extremely rare. for venetia. this is the city's second homicide this year after a murder suicide in january, and police told me that before that
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the last homicide was in 2011. within the last 30 minutes. we talked to a friend of the victim. a good family man. he was here. daily you know he was a he was an older guy, but he was committed to his job committed to serving his community. um, i'm going to miss him. um i grew to be attached to him and his wife and i kind of knew his son. police say they are not releasing any more information right now out of respect for the victims family as they continue this investigation live in the newsroom. amanda kintanar ktvu faxed to news amanda. thank you for that. ukraine says the decommissioned chernobyl nuclear power plant was knocked off the power grid and is now being powered. by emergency generators . the generators can run on diesel fuel for 48 hours. last week, russian troops took control of the plan. it's not clear what caused the damage to the power line that connects the plan, but ukraine has called for
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a cease fire in this area to allow for repairs. the international atomic energy agency just released a statement that says the current short storage of used nuclear fuel will be safe even without an electric supply here this morning, ukrainian president zelinsky says of russian airstrike hit a children's hospital and maternity facility in the ports city of mirapaul in that children are trapped right now in the rubble. the city is supposed to be one of the city's under a ceasefire to allow civilians to be bust out along a humanitarian corridor. russian troops have surrounded this city where residents have had no water, no heat and food for days now. ukraine's president addressed the british parliament also pleading for more help. poignant please increase the pressure of sanctions against russia and please recognize this country as a terrorist state. the foreign ministers of russia and ukraine have agreed to meet in turkey tomorrow. this morning. right now, vice president kamala harris is on
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her way to poland. we have video of the vice president departing from joint base andrews earlier this morning, she'll be visiting both poland and romania working to reassure the nato allies of the us commitment to their security. the vice president's visit to poland became more complicated after the pentagon rejected an offer by poland to provide fighter jets to ukraine with the us working as an intermediary. poland plan to give 28 soviet era fighter jets to the united states so the u. s could then move them to the ukrainian military. but the pentagon questioned the ability to carry that out. the fear is that the transfer of the jets through a nato base in germany could lead to retaliation by russia. the pentagon says talks are continuing and top u. s. intelligence officials say russia is still a global thread as it continues to invade ukraine. they testified before the house intelligence committee after two weeks of war. the officials estimate 2 to 4000. russian soldiers have died in ukraine. even so, they say they believe russian president president vladimir putin won't
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back down. we assess putin feels aggrieved. the west does not give him proper difference and perceives this as a war. he cannot afford to lose. the intelligence officials also told lawmakers that the nuclear threat to the united states has increased. we just learned that a 49ers fan is out of a medically induced coma in southern california. you'll remember that daniel luna was punched in the head outside so fi stadium in january. he was there to watch the 49ers played the rams in the nfc championship game, luna suffered a traumatic brain injury and was put in a medically induced coma. we talked with a family friend just this morning. who told us that luna is quote significantly disabled? the friend told us he can walk with assistance and is attending physical therapy sessions. the friend says he hopes to return to his restaurant in oakland someday. police did make an arrest several days after the incident. the family says they are hoping for justice. commuters who take bart from richmond may have to
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deal with more challenges this morning as the red line is still out of service. the problem started sunday with a broken cable. and a subsequent fire at a substation impacting service between richmond and milbury. bart rerouted power from the anti aquiline, but the patch means for now, the richmond route can clearly a full load of trains. reason why we can't run both lines. the red and the orange is because of that fault in the cable. we had to find exactly where that fault was, which we did do last night, which is great news. but now we have to repair it, and it's just going to take some time. part says it could take several days here to replace the cable and reroute power to get full service back on track, and even with the recent issue affecting the red line, bard is reporting an increase in ridership. bart officials say it's likely a combination of higher gas prices and a recent toll increase that are getting more people back on public transit. bart says it has also worked to increase passenger safety on the rail system. and also says there's plenty of available parking at
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its stations for those behind the wheel. historically high gas prices mean that some are looking for ways to cut back on how much gas they use. the average price in california is now more than $5.57 a gallon. analysts say prices may go even higher. tripoli says there are many simple changes we can make to improve gas mileage. sure that is properly maintain not only your fluids, and you know your filters, but just making sure your tires are properly inflated. that's something that you can control. you can also improve your gas mileage by removing unnecessary items from your trunk to lighten the load. and if you're not using your roof rack, consider removing it because it makes your car less aerodynamic. it also adds weight. also turn off the engine. don't idle when you're at the drive through her waiting to pick up your little ones at school, you can also trip link. that's a phrase i learned from my sister in law. this means you run all your errands. it wants to help save gas because your car is already running in warm. all right time. now eight or nine has been a busy commuter
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for some pockets out there in the bay area. 6 80 conquered san mateo bridge south, where do you want to go here? i'll go to the bay bridge. mike garcia. we have to start there because there have been two crashes that are pretty significant for people trying to drive into san francisco. i wouldn't recommend it and sometimes we start getting clearing at this time this morning. it won't happen until all after 10 o'clock and maybe because of the motorcycle crash on the bridge now westbound near the tunnel. now they're calling it just after treasure island, but the damage is done. you can see how slow it is here. you might want to think about using 8 80 used the san mateo bridge. and again all the sas gas mileage getting around the problem here. 80 is slow driving during these conditions is terrible for your mileage conquered. the walnut creek is slow. almost everywhere is slow at the peninsula and the same mateo bridge dumbarton bridge seems to be a bright spot. that looks good look at the south bay commute. we have slowing on 85 basically from one on one all the way up. interlace karros area saratoga area and 2 80 is slow throughout downtown san jose 8 10, let's go back to the
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desk. south thank you. a ballet company from kiev in ukraine has been stranded in france, but still they had an opportunity to perform on stage to some of the dancers are responding to this rare chance that came as their home countries in the middle of a war. plus, it's not just california. why climate experts say much of the western part of the nation remains under serious drought conditions and how much water prices. governor newsom
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announced a plan to offer relief for californians during his state of the state address, the governor proposed a tax rebate in an effort to offset california's record high gas prices. he emphasized that more oil drilling is not the solution as our state continues to battle climate change, governor newsom also touted our state's efforts on covid response and recovery. he warned that the threat to democracy exists beyond europe. foundational e. this is a threat we must all face together and prove there's a better way a california way forward. the california way. the california way means rejecting old binaries
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and finding new solutions to big problems. recent polls show most voters do not approve of the governor's handling of homelessness and crime. state republicans criticized governor nuisance priorities after the address. what he thinks are challenges are really represents fantasy land. it doesn't represent what hardworking california's believe you all very, very speech, the governor closed his speech on a positive note calling our state and inspiration happening today. san francisco mayor london breed will deliver her state of the city address. she is expected to talk about a number of issues, including the homelessness crisis. and rebounding from the pandemic. the speech is scheduled to start at 11 o'clock this morning. san francisco's first tiny home community is now open in the city's hayes valley neighborhood. mayor breed. another city leaders helped to welcome the pilot project at 33 golf street. it has 30 temporary units where homeless people can live for up to a year. each unit has a bed, a desk, a chair, lighting and heat. the area had previously been home to a
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homeless encampment. it's not just about a roof over your head. it's about opportunity. it's about knowing that people care about your livelihood and your well being. it's about trying to help people become more self sufficient. it's about a second chance. when the community is completed this spring, it will have 70 units and all and two dining halls, security and supported of services. it's not just california that's in a drought. the lack of rain and snow over the past couple of years is causing extreme drought conditions across several western states. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says close to 75% of the northwest is seeing critical water shortages, experts say, california and other states such as oregon, washington and idaho will need as much as 200% above normal rain in the next two months to eliminate drought conditions. at roughly 63% of average, barring any unforeseen miracle march, which we don't actually see coming. will end this year below average. dramatically low water
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levels, post severe concerns for farmers and wildlife in the central valley. farmers will get little to no water from local reservoirs, and that will impact what they can grow. this year. a new study shows how much fires and floods are affecting the short line. down at big sur the chronicle detailed a new report from the usgs that found beaches are getting wider because of climate change. the study says that 2016 wildfire and the wet winter that followed cost thousands of tons of sand to pork. out of the mouth of the big sur river and collect on the shore. the authors say the findings show what could happen if other regions as the warming planet sees more fires and floods. just like yesterday. we have some issues on mass transit as well as on the road. sal castaneda where would you like to start? well, we're going to start in the south day this time because i don't want to ignore people who are driving in the valley. trying to get up to cupertino, sunnyvale or mountain view. we can see the traffic is pretty slow on 85 on 87 on to 80 . this is the crunch time here,
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although that seems to be a lot more ordinary people are used to it here at the bay bridge. we do have a big backup, and that's because of a crash. they're clearing on the bridge itself westbound at treasure island. if you're trying to get into san francisco, it's going to take you a long time using that babe bridge you might want to think about using bart. because right now the traffic is not moving very well at all. 8 18 let's talk about today's weather. here's roberta. did you notice the difference at all today? step in now i'm already sneezing . the allergies are yeah. i think you can hear with me too, you know, and i haven't had a problem all week. and then all of a sudden, bam, and it's because of the tree count. it's on the high side today. we'll get to that right now stepping outside the little haze as a son officially came up at 6 29 this morning. temperatures are much more mild than 24 hours ago. look at these numbers already in the fifties. from sfo to half moon bay. santa rosa 56 degrees
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already. and brett would mid forties and throughout the tri valley winds come into play not so much right now in santa rosa, but they will be kicking up oakland with the three mile per hour when the winds have been up to 18.5 moon bay now at 14 mph. later today, these winds from the west of the northwest rotating around 10 to 2025 mph ushering the palling around. so if you suffer from allergies, you could blame it on the tree count because all these beautiful trees are blossoming and we, um are the ones that have the direct result. future cast does illustrate. there's still a lot of precipitation out there. you can see this beautiful plume of moisture streaming from vancouver all the way back to the hawaiian islands . yes it's an atmospheric river comes saturday, saturday evening . we have a little bit of light rain that wants to tiptoe around the north bay. other than that we cloud up by sunday night. this is a beautiful area. low pressure right here. see the core the center of it. it's
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textbook. perfect if you could stay well organized as it moves towards the state of california . we could see some light precipitation sunday night into monday, but until then, this is it. high pressure, deflecting this nuisance of an area of low pressure. shortwave trough wants to dig down in a southerly direction. i call it a nuisance because it's not going to bring us any rain, but the pressure gradient is going to increase our winds, and it's going to pull down some cooler air mass national weather service has issued a wind advisory for tonight. midnight all the way through 11. o'clock 10 o'clock 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. some of these winds sustained 35 to 55 north bay, east bay. everybody will be breezy. but as i was alluding to that shortwave trough, causing the wind but also bringing the numbers down 79 yesterday in santa rosa today 70 69 san francisco down to the low sixties mid sixties and conquered and in san jose temperatures just a couple degrees cooler than yesterday for the most part sixties to up
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to 70 outside number thirties and forties. overnight lows extended forecast as called for sunshine each day, stubborn sunshine and then a chance of rain by sunday night, make it a great day. roberta thank you. if he's historically high gas prices have you thinking about buying an electric vehicle? you could be surprised at the sticker price. what's fueling high demand and short supply and the problems that's causing video equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars stolen from the home in san francisco. you'll hear from the videographer whose house was videographer whose house was burglarized, not once but twice. when subway opened, they changed the fast food game. but sometimes, you gotta refresh, to be fresh. welcome to the eat fresh refresh we got the - wait, that's new. because we're refreshing the refresh. what? there's the new honey mustard chicken, the subway club, and the new baja turkey avocado with- new baja chipotle sauce? yep they're constantly refreshing
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with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway and they're gonna keep refreshing and re-
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as a small business owner, it's the eat fresh your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving with comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts. saving you up to $500 a year. so boost your bottom line by switching today. get the new samsung galaxy s22 series on comcast business mobile and for a limited time save up to $750 on a new samsung device with eligible trade-in.
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dollars worth of production gear from his home surveillance video shows the most recent break in a stolen green subaru smashes into a garage in san francisco's bernal heights neighborhood at about 5 30 friday afternoon man gets out walks right towards the garage. they smashed into my garage door, pushing it in creating a little get a bit of a gap for them to crawl through, they back out, and they just so casually walk into my garage. well the first break in happened two weeks earlier. around midnight surveillance video shows a subaru approaching the house in two men get out the next morning, the garage was cleaned out. in all the thieves stole more than $30,000 worth of
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production equipment. and a 13 year old girl is now pleading for thieves to return her backpack because it contains a crucial communication tool. it was stolen while she was on the way to the hospital jazz. hardwick is now at oakland children's hospital preparing for bone marrow transplant surgery. she's fighting sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder that can be left threatening someone stole her backpack out of her grandmother's parked car when they made a stop near the grand lake theater before getting to the hospital. my like reading books that i have my pencils, my papers, everything that i needed to be in the hospital. is gone. her journey is rough enough to lose all of her little items. it's just unfair and sad. jazz has a compromised immune system . she hasn't attended school in person. since january. she had a tablet and a school laptop inside that backpack that was stolen, and that's the only way she can keep up with their classwork. surgery is set for a week. from friday. she's expected to be in the hospital for two months happening now nurses at stanford and lucile
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packard hospitals will hold a rally demanding fair contracts. the nurses say they've suffered from staff shortages and burnout since the start of the pandemic . their contract expires at the end of this month. and they want the hospitals to reach new agreement before then. now, they say they need a new contract that gives them time to rest, as well as competitive wages and benefits that will encourage people to continue in the nursing profession. time is 8 26 president biden is promising to help former servicemen and women get the medical treatment they need. some members of the military say their health was affected by exposure to harmful chemicals during their time and service. former service members say they became sick, especially when stationed near large burn pit areas used to burn military waste, including hazardous plastics, medical materials and jet fuel. in 2000 and five i served a 12 month deployment and tagi, iraq. nearly every day of those 12 months, i woke up coughing and blowing black matter out of my nose. the
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department of veterans affairs is considering changing its policies to identify nine respiratory conditions as being linked to a veterans time in the military making available to them health coverage and compensation for those issues still to come here on mornings on to a call to approve a bill worth tens of millions of dollars to help solve the computer chip shortage will tell you how much lawmakers are actually asking for and the industries it could save from inflation costs and a moment of beauty and joy for those suffering through the russian invasion, how ukrainian ballet took to the stage even in the loe
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the price of gas went up 13 cents just overnight, and it's expected to keep rising hope that california drivers could see some help from the state. also ahead of russian american woman from san francisco is now in hungary helping ukrainian refugees what she says she had to go where help is needed. most from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto right in the middle of the week. thanks for joining us. i'm gasia mikaelian . good morning, everyone. i'm mike mibach. you know, i'm passionate about high school athletics, so just a quick second to take congratulations to seven bay area high school basketball teams playing for the state championship games last night in the boy's divisions. justin sienna from napairls divisions. midi silesian from richmond, oakland tech, oakland, branson and san domenico from iran. forget those state
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championships. right? you know, as we turn it over to roberta, you gotta take time to say congratulations to those high school teams. absolutely well deserved. thank you for bringing that up, mike course. yeah i garcia, how are you today? doing good. so good to see you, roberta. thank you. thank you. i think my eyes are finally open here this morning, but they've been itchy because of the allergies. boy, the pollen will be wrestling around in the wind today and that will be problematic for all of us. allergy suffers a tad hazy as you step on out the door this morning, but look at these very nice mild temperatures very mild in comparison to just 24 hours ago. now officials sunrise was at 6 29. it'll set at 6 11 smack in between 50 speeches sixties bayside up to 70 for the outside number in our inland areas. winds increased 10 to 20 during the afternoon hours, but by tonight a window visor in place as we have gusts up to 55 mph in the highest elevations. sustained winds at 35. we're
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going to talk more about your local forecast, because you know when we have these dry winds they really do dry out the atmosphere, the humidity plummets and the fire concerns go up the sunshine, increasing winds of full forecast is still a few minutes away, but right now let's bring in cell. hi there. kind of a lot of we have a lot of slow traffic roberta this morning at the bay bridge, and that's because of a couple of earlier crashes. you can even see it. i'll put it up here. even the carpool lanes are slow. we were afraid this might happen . the whole bridge is slow. i would avoid it for now. and for the next few hours if you can, honestly. until all this is cleared up and the traffic gets better. it's going to be a while you can see the traffic in the east based not all that great and this morning between nevada and san rafael, is also slow in marin county. it's slow pittsburgh debate point and concord, walnut creek. almost all these commutes are filled in in the east back a 32 let's go back to the headlines.
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announcing the united states is targeting the main artery of russia's economy. we're banning all imports of russian oil and gas and energy. president biden stepping up us sanctions against russia now targeting the country's oil exports, the president said the move is part of what he called the most significant package of economic sanctions on russia in history and is meant to deal a powerful blow to president putin's war machine. we made this decision in close consultation with our allies and our partners around the world, particularly in europe because a united response to putin's aggression has been my overriding focus to keep nato and all of the eu and our allies. totally united. the president acknowledged the move could push gas prices even higher and said prices are already sky high because of russia's invasion into ukraine. the prices in california the highest in the nation, and they hit a new record overnight, you'll now have to pay an average of $5.5 for a gallon of
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gas. and that's just the statewide average in the bay area. it's even higher than that. ktvu sally rasmus joins us live here in studio with more on how state leaders are trying to give money back to the consumers. well mike the high cost of living, including the cost of gasoline, top of mind. for many california drivers and voters, and this is an election year as we know so governor gavin newsom in his state of the state address, promised to pursue the idea of some sort of financial relief for california drivers and these prices are the reason why the average price of a gallon of gas california this morning $5.57. 13 cents more than what it costs. just yesterday. one week ago, it was $4.86 almost a dollar less, and last year at this time, it costs an average of $3.76 for a gallon of gas in california. governor gavin newsom and members of the state assembly say they're discussing the idea of helping to take the edge off these high prices in the form of a gas tax rebate. newsome made this promise in his state of the state address. it's clear we have to go farther. and that's
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why working with legislative leadership. i'll be submitting a proposal to put money back in the pockets of californians to address rising gas prices. now in response, republican leaders in the state assembly are pushing for a slightly different approach. let's suspend the gas tax. stop using foreign oil and focus on energy independence policies that don't place new burdens on working families. democratic leaders and the governor said additional drilling in california is not the answer. democratic leaders in the state senate and assembly say suspending the gas tax would hurt cities and counties that used that money for essential road repairs. so instead they support the idea of giving californians some sort of gas tax rebate, and they say they plan to pursue that option in the state legislature. now the governor didn't offer any details about how much that rebate would be or when californians could get it. for now. it's just a promise. not a reality. michael garcia back to you, ali rasmus. thank you.
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united nations watchdog group says that for now it's seeing no critical impact on safety after the chernobyl nuclear site was knocked off the power grid. the sites now running on backup generators. this comes as another effort is underway today to rescue civilians from ukrainian cities that have been hit with heavy russian shelling . a ceasefire started late last night should continue until 11 o'clock this morning. the capital city of kiev and surrounding areas are still under ukrainian control. still russian forces are closing in right now i'm standing on a children playground, you see, so it's definitely not an military object. it's just civilians. congressional leaders reached a bipartisan deal overnight, providing $13.5 billion to help ukraine and european allies. a russian american woman from san francisco is now in hungary, where she's joined volunteers who are helping ukrainian refugees. at a train station 34 year old allis jungle need, sir, is helping arriving refugees get oriented and is providing both translation and logistical
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support. she said she was inspired to volunteer because of the humanitarian crisis caused by the russian invasion. lots of my friends. ukrainian france, especially in california, they point out and emphasize the fact that i'm russian friend who goes and help ukrainian refugees. i don't do it because i felt guilty. um because in russia, and i don't feel i don't. i don't do it because i because in russian, i'm going because as a as a human being. this is the right thing to do. yeah girl needs her says because she speaks russian. she can help ukrainians who may not speak english or hungarian members of the kiev city ballet company have been stranded in france, but still, the group had a chance to perform last night. the dense director of the paris opera opened the theater doors when news of the kiev ballets impromptu performance spread the theater sold out. the money raised will be given to relief groups helping in ukraine. the dancers say. this also gave them a few hours where they didn't have to think about all that's
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going on in their home country. where both physically and emotionally exhausted. it's been a very long i don't know very long half of my life. i think these past several days. um everyone in ballets worried about their families about loved ones, friends colleagues at home. she says one of the dancers as a young mother, and when the ballet company gets close to the ukrainian border in the next few days, her young daughter will join the group, she said. none of the performances thought about going back to ukraine. yet they all agree it is just too dangerous. it is just a beautiful wednesday morning outside, but, roberta as you've been saying that winds will be picking up a little bit later today. yes, they will be definitely so this morning. the winds haven't been too problematic unless you're an al granada or let's say pacifica half moon bay monster montara beaches even into coma. we were picking up about an 18 mile per hour wind but that has been dialing back. hazy start to your
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day, but that hayes will be blown out easily. by this afternoon. this is quite notable. look at these temperatures in the fifties now later today, temperatures will be cooler in the high fifties at the coast, 60, central bay up to 70 and our inland areas. but again, the wind will be increasing this afternoon. up to 20 mph. 25 times tonight. wind advisor goes into place these wind gusts up to 55 mph, the highest elevations of our north bay and our east bay mountains and extremely dry wednesday and when i talk about dry, i'm talking about the mean relative humidity tumbling into the teens. that's why you get that static cling. well it's low humidity. it causes fire concerns with increasing winds and we will have the abundances and shine temperatures stepping out the door this morning, seven degrees warmer. nevado couple degrees warmer in san jose, these winds again right now to 16. now in novato, they have been relatively under 10 mph, but increasing along the
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seashore half moon bay now 14 mph as we walk you through your day. here we are lunchtime we see the winds 10 to 20 mph on the coast. and then coming into play a little bit later will be your east bay and you're north bay calistoga 22 mile per hour winds. these winds again, increasing up to 55 in the highest elevations. sustained winds up to 35 mph. we'll talk more about this wind advisor that goes in effect tonight. that's still coming up a little bit later in the newscast. roberta thank you. negotiations between major league baseball and the players union have gone on course. 17 hours now, no deal at this point coming up on the night. the worry that more of this season could be canceled with really little progress on ending the lockout and the covid 19 pandemic has had its toll on everyone but especially teachers , while many say they have considered quitting. the numbers have not really
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about sexual orientation or gender identity and lower grades . the parental rights in education bill bans any mention of sexual orientation from kindergarten through third grade. supporters say those conversations should be left to the parents opponents who have dubbed it the don't say gay bill argue it stigmatizes lgbtq youth and will make life harder for them at school. in silence his
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children. it's islands as parents, it silences teachers. when we go around the room and a kindergarten classroom. we don't want our students to be afraid to share about their families. the bill now goes to the governor's desk, and he is expected to sign it fighter has become a clinical trial of its covid antiviral treatment packs love it and children ages 6 to 17. the study will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the treatment and children who have coronavirus symptoms, and it confirmed infection packs has already authorized by the food and drug administration for high risk people ages. 12 and up. new data shows that despite the struggles teachers have faced throughout the pandemic, resignation rates actually dipped. after the pandemic first hit while national data on teacher turnover is not available reports from five states in 19 large us school district showed that more teachers stayed in the profession during the height of the pandemic compared to previous years. the numbers also show that current resignation rates are at pre pandemic levels
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. but survey data shows more teachers have considered leaving the classroom during the pandemic, then before it began. happening today. he spake congressman eric swalwell will call on the biden administration to extend the pause on student loan payments, while well has scheduled a press call featuring graduates who are scheduled to begin repaying their loans on may 1st after a two year pause. the congressman is pushing for an extension of the pause, and he's also calling for a 0% interest rate on student loans indefinitely. lululemon is taken on nike and adidas. also amazon is reportedly closer to a multi billion dollar deal to buy a big hollywood studio. cook back upstairs with us in dollars and cents. it's been an ongoing story and this morning reuters reports the eu is set to give unconditional approval to amazon's deal to buy mgm studios. that $8.5 billion deal will put amazon in a strong place to compete with netflix and disney will also drive more people to pay for a prime membership. however the ftc here in the u. s may still file an
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antitrust lawsuit. to block the deal. when that opening bell rang this morning, the u. s markets rally the nasdaq jumping close to 3% right off the bat back above 13,000. and as we take a live look at the numbers , the nasdaq still at that level, 382 points on the upside. the s and p 500 up 2.5% and check. take a look at the dow. it is up almost 700 points now more than 2% little bit of rally this morning after some big losses over the past few days, a popular dating app is helping users screen dates to stay safe by introducing background checks. tinder is partnering with the startup garbo to provide access to background checks that users can run on their matches, tinder users will be able to access the service through the app. the company is offering two free background checks per user. after that, they'll charge just $2.50 per search. and lululemon celebrated international women's day by announcing the release date of its new tennis shoe line, which
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is says to be made for women first. now the running shoes called bliss feel are the athletic clothing companies first step into the footwear business. the design team used data for more than a million foot scans and the expertise of leading scientists. to create a shoes to specifically accommodate women's feet. the shoes cost $148 comes in 10 different colors. there's a look . they will hit store shelves march 22nd. and cole says it is no longer a department store. kohl's ceo says the company is evolving from a department store to a more focused lifestyle concept centered around active and casual lifestyles. the company plans to add more fitness, athletic leisure wear and denim calls has lost 17% of its market share since 2011 primarily to discount stores such as target and tj maxx and online shopping, including amazon. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. all right, pam, thank you. for
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that. more than 140. lawmakers are urging congress to approve tens of billions of dollars for semiconductor chip production and research. the bipartisan group wants congress to approve $52 billion, saying the money would help avoid future chip shortages. it comes as the chip shortage continues to affect american companies, causing prices to soar in the medical bag and auto industries. gas prices hit record highs over russia's invasion of ukraine the cost of electric vehicles get skyrocket. that's because russia is one of the top producers for nickel, which is used in the batteries of many electric cars. during the past week of february , nickel was trading on the london metal exchange for about $24,000 a ton. it is now trading at about $80,000 a time. higher diesel prices for truckers could soon trickle down to consumers. 72% of goods in the united states are shipped by trucks that run on diesel from food at the grocery store to the heating oil for your home. in addition to russia's invasion of ukraine , the smaller supply of diesel paired with higher demand has also led to higher prices. according to triple a. the
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average price for diesel is up to 4 88 a gallon this morning. that's up more than 80 cents from a week ago. it is also a new record high coming up on the nine o'clock hour, a little bit of a rough late morning community when it comes to the bay bridge, so it's been another crash. believe it or not, it's just like boy, i'm telling you, the bay bridge to be avoided. now. they clear that one rather quickly westbound, but the damage is done. it is backed up. and it'll probably be backed up for at least another hour. you know, on this bay bridge if you're trying to get into san francisco, so give yourself plenty of time. elsewhere the east bay communities beginning to get a little better. things are beginning to wind down and conquered and the walnut creek, although it's still slow if you can wait there and southbank communities getting better if you want to use the same tale bridge, that would be okay, but you're going to deal with slow traffic on the peninsula. when you get there to san mateo and get over to the milbury area, so it is going to be kind of a tough one. the best thing to do if you can is to wait 8 49.
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sometimes you can't wait though, roberta, you know, you just have to go. i just have to go tell me about now that you've had a really rough day, haven't you? well, i mean not rough for me. i'm sitting here in an air conditioned studio. all those commuters out there i do feel for them. well, i mean, all this information coming in at you, you know, it's pretty dire out there right now. maybe there's a lot of sun in the eyes of some of these drivers out there because we do have wall to wall sunshine right now, and that's going to be the case throughout the day today, a bit of a haze, but that hate is going to be blown out as those winds increase, especially during the afternoon hours currently look how mild it is brentwood. 60 degrees going up to 70 today. temperatures pretty much in the fifties around the central bay. it is now also 50 degrees in san jose, and also to the north and santa rosa. the winds are pretty calm east of the bay right now north of the bay. 15 mph winds in novato 14 along the seashore and half moon bay back to al
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granada san jose with a calm wind, but all that is going to change because of this feature cast, too. this is a beautiful plume, a moisture. it's an atmospheric rivers shut up going to be plunging into the pacific northwest by friday. watch the deck of cloudiness. it comes ever so close with some precipitation. by saturday night. i'm going to put a chance of a few rain jobs in the saturday night forecast. right now, things can change. these are long range computer models, but nonetheless, this is a beautiful system out over the open waters, and we're hoping it stays well organized together to bring us some rain showers on late sunday night into monday, but high pressure bringing us another sun filled day. but this right here shortwave trough. it's gradually sliding to the south and as it does, so, it's causing that pressure gradient with the winds and some cooler air mass. so when divisor in place for tonight at midnight through 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, primarily north east bay, but everybody will be
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breezy. and with that cooler air mass. our temperatures are going to come down, but there's still well above average. 70 santa rosa 66 oakland 68 degrees in morgan hill and also in gilroy temperatures fifties to 70. now meanwhile, tonight, thirties and forties for overnight lows with the mostly clear skies, but the gusty winds we've got nothing but sunshine in the forecast the end of the week than we cloud up by saturday night and sunday night. crossing our fingers mike and garcia for some rain. that would be something, roberta. thank you right now. high school seniors are waiting to find out which college they got into coming up on the nine how barrier companies giving students the inside track, matching them up with students already at their dream schools eating healthy and environmentally friendly. the two items you might want to add
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when subway opened, they changed the fast food game. but sometimes, you gotta refresh, to be fresh. welcome to the eat fresh refresh we got the - wait, that's new. because we're refreshing the refresh. what? there's the new honey mustard chicken, the subway club, and the new baja turkey avocado with- new baja chipotle sauce? yep they're constantly refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway and they're gonna keep refreshing and re- in new york city, it's the eat fresh refresh at subway ♪ ♪ there's always something new to discover. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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come be a part of it. plan your next vacation at celebrate women's empowerment
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month. three female san francisco police officers rang the bell before last night's game against the l. a clippers to mark international women's day. the officers say they are proud to represent women, the police department, the warriors and the city of san francisco. such an honor to be the warriors are such an amazing organization as well as this whole city, so it's just such an honor to represent women in this department as well as around the world. over the next few weeks, the warriors will host several events, including a mentorship program for girls basketball clinic in oakland for latina girls. the team will also promote small businesses owned by women, and it's ktvu fox to celebrate women's history month this march. we'd love to hear from you. share the story of a woman or girl in your life who deserves recognition. ktvu .com forward slash women's history would also love to see pictures or video of the person you'd like to honor and the warriors
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may have found the third splash brother. movie star. will ferrell took part in the warriors warmups wearing a vintage style headband and a jackie moon jersey from his 2000 and eight movies. semipro warriors head coach steve kerr and ferrell came up with the plan to surprise both the fans and the players who are big fans of his and that movie. farrell's not only a funny guy can also actually play a little hoop here. he made what was nearly half court shot well, bittersweet time for us here at ktvu after a long and distinguished career ktvu fan favorite is signing off very soon. sports director mark ibanez will be retiring at the end of this month. and golden state warriors. head coach steve kerr made that announcement during last night's game. it's so hard to welcome jason tonight . we're so happy to have you congrats on an amazing career and don't get my proof. you're retired. markets there, as you can see to enjoy. that announcement has been broadcasting here at ktvu for nearly 43 years, covering every sport every big moment, including the niners and raiders
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and super bowls. the giants and az in the world series. thank you mark for all the years of great bay area sports coverage. you've been a friend and a mentor to me for the last 17 years, and for that, i say thank you. we could go on forever about mark and we will all right now, though, to forestry officials because they're pushing for prescribed burns as a way to prevent more massive wildfires similar to what we've seen across the west these past few years. experts say the best time to carry out those measures is during the winter when snow on the ground makes it less likely the flames will spread. but the same climate warming trends that make wildfires worse, also make it more difficult to carry out prescribed burns. shorter winner not only narrows our time that we can do pile burning and other prescribed fire, but it also lengthens the fire season. on the other end, which leads to longer risk and exposure. and fatigue for our firefighters. the forest service says the prescribed burns decreased fire danger while also getting nutrients back in the soil, so the plants that grow on the burned ground are sturdier, more
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likely to survive, that can decrease the dangerous small fires growing quickly into the biggest, most dangerous fires. a new study finds that if you want to eat in a way that is both healthy and kind to the environment, you should add oysters. and herring to your diet. the study by researchers at the university of washington evaluated various foods in terms of their nutritional content and their greenhouse gas emissions. the study found that certain types of seafood or more climate friendly than even some vegetables, it's taken 107 years with the h m s endurance, which sank off the northern coast of antarctica has been found. the wooden ship is about two miles underwater. historians say it's in incredible condition and international trade deal keep the endurance underwater, where it will be studied in photographed. the endurance was on expedition to explore antarctica when it got stuck on thick ice. the crew escaped and used a lifeboat to safely get to a whaling station east of argentina here this morning. the oakland zoo is welcome to tortoises that were rescued from a roadside zoo in oklahoma. the oakland zoo says that tortoises were neglected in malnourished
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when they were rescued by the wild care foundation. the zoo was already home to six of these tortoises. the two new males will join the others. in a half acre habitat once they are actually deemed healthy. ukraine's military trying to get more civilians safely out of harm's way. we don't know when we're going to get bombed through died this as vice president kamala harris makes a visit to eastern europe this morning to negotiate more defense for ukraine. no one's naive about the moment we're living in with high gas prices and the geopolitical uncertainty that's feeling that rising gas prices may be too much to bear for many californians. the governor promises to offer some relief without sacrificing on long term climate goals and getting the inside track on any number of colleges without setting foot on campus. however they area tech companies, making it easier for high school seniors to decide which school they'll go to.


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