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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 22, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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in the south bay this morning as traffic is being diverted away from what's usually a very busy intersection. a live report on why deputies first started chasing a car that ended up in a deadly crash. a special task force finally approved the new redistricting map of san francisco will have a breakdown of some of the biggest changes and the complaints from some lifelong residents of the city. also, think about this. could you cut your water use by 25? with state lawmakers are considering that goes way beyond turning off the tap when you brush your teeth. from ktvu fox two news this morning's onto and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian everyone and happy friday. april 22nd. i'm frank malika. let's get you right over to roberta. talk about what should be just a terrific weather weekend after rather wet wick, roberta. good morning. yes, and we have a last hurrah of rain showers around the bay area right now it's been a very wet morning commute
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throughout. most areas see the band coming in off the pacific ocean. it's lining the peninsula. in the north bay. you're pretty much done with your rain. it has now sagged to the south as it's exiting to the east as well. sam rafael richmond bridge. you have some rain showers. american canyon you to have some light rain drops on your rooftop now. meanwhile we traverse on over to the eastern portion of our bay area. we see we have plenty of rain showers around union city as we're digging to the south. and also that's a heavy rain cell. there we have the rain showers that continued to extend from oakland through san leandro peninsula. you've been getting hammered all morning around, 2 81. oh, one. now the precipitation has sagged out of the cemetery. oh area and continues to jog into the santa clara valley. san jose with the light rain now beginning beautiful view this morning of the mostly cloudy skies currently 48 degrees in one it creek. 52 s f o. no reports of any local airport delays spotty morning. scattered showers, then
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tapering off and revealing partly sonny's guys wind up to 20 so breezy, clear skies tonight will pinpoint your neighborhood temperature coming up as far as a weekend is concerned. that forecast will be included as well. roberta thank you. let's swing out to keep an eye on your bay area commute. we have to start here at the bay bridge toll plaza. this looks like it could be any day monday through thursday, not a lot of friday. light happening at the toll plaza. no active rain right now we see some sun peeking up here in the picture. so even though roads aren't very, very wet, it's still slow going as you approach the toll booth comes up pretty quickly because it's 5 30. it was fine. even at six o'clock san martel bridges, you can see. still, some cloud cover a little bit of rain to a raindrop there on our camera, but traffic has slowed down a little bit if you're heading over to hayward from san mateo. coming the other way, it looks pretty good. and the heart of oakland right past the coliseum. slow going here on 8 80 north bong. those are the latest sort of in the center to the right of
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the screen. southbound 80 looking just fine a lot. grayer and you know, little rainier here and so keep that in mind if you're making your way through the east bay. the swing out of the south bay, where we continue to follow a developing story in san jose, someone driving a stolen car died after being pursued by law enforcement officers and crashing the car ktvu jesse gary live at the scene to bring us up to date on the investigation. jesse got a good morning again to you, and right now they are removing the two vehicles involved in this crash. the one furthest from our camera physician, the suv on the flatbed tow truck. that was the stolen vehicle that santa clara county sheriff's deputies began pursuing sometime around 1 30 this morning. let's go ahead, take a look at our video video. that vehicle was wanted in connection with a car jacking about 10 days ago. that alert was put out by san jose police. deputy spotted the vehicle here in north san jose and began pursuing on north first street driver went south, speeding
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south on north west street at montague expressway. driver ran a red light and crashed into a white camry, which is traveling eastbound on on monterey, so the drivers headed south on first. the white camera is going east on monterey. they collide. the i'm sorry. montague montague expressway. thank you. george montague expressway. the suv winds up crashed near a tree. the driver who was being pursued for being in a vehicle that was reported carjacking. was killed. the driver in the camera suffered minor injuries take it to a nearby hospital. they've been processing the scene all morning. right now. they are just in the last aspects, removing vehicles. it looks like they've cleared a lot of the debris, but the intersection is still blocked off, and so it's still impacting rush hour traffic traffic moving through a parking lot to avoid the closed
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intersection. vita is not affected, though the light rail is still moving through this area. they were out earlier, making sure the tracks were not damaging any of this. and so vita service is running. but if you're driving, you want to try to avoid the area because there's still trying to clear the last of the investigation, which is the two vehicles will end with this. you heard roberta talking about brain cells that were moving through. it is now raining here in the south bay, not hard. but still raining. roadways are slick. if you're out, headed to work, keep that in mind as well slick roads because of the rain, another update for you on this investigation coming up in the next hour. we're live in north san jose, jesse gary ktvu fox two news. we'll head back to you, jesse. in recent years we've been reporting on how a number of police and sheriff's agencies have decided to pull back on chase's unless the person they're pursuing is presenting an active threat, or let's say is a homicide suspect. in this case you're reporting
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the person who died was driving a vehicle that was. have you had a chance to talk with anyone on the scene there about whether or not santa clara county has had some sort of thinking on changing its pursuit policy and again, just asking you to reiterate this did happen at the end of an active chase. the vehicle that crashed was in the moment of being pursued when the crash happened, right true, it wasn't chased. now we don't know exactly where the deputies were in relation to the vehicle that was driving away from them whether they were hot on his heels, whether they had pulled back at some point. we're not clear about that, um, also, there are two separate investigations here. one investigation is the actual crash. the collision between the two vehicles, the white camera and the suv that's being handled by san jose police department carjacking aspect of it, as in we see a vehicle that is wanted in connection with a carjacking from 10 days ago that's being handled by the santa clara
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county sheriff's office. so and i've been told this by spokespeople by from both departments from both police and sheriff's. it's going to be a little get back and give us all the details because they're both handling two separate sides of one picture, and so one has to work on the accident. one is working on the actual carjacking. yes there have been some departments that will pull back because of the danger to public safety. but when this happened one o'clock in the morning, but few cars out in north san jose at that time of the morning. i mean, this driver unfortunately, just happened to be going down montague expressway and going through a green light. at the moment when this carjacking suspect came barreling through the intersection, but beyond that one car, there's really nobody out on the roads at this time of morning. so if deputies were pursuing it wasn't like they were pursuing through an active roadway where you have
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rush hour traffic or traffic, you know, around the school or anything like that. jesse as you've been reporting, thankfully, the person in the car that was hit. the innocent driver has minor injuries but still clearly allowed to sort out at the scene. glad you're there. we're gonna let you go. but of course, we'll bring you back in the next hour of mornings onto jesse. thank you again. u c berkeley student has been detained after making credible threats towards others, forcing that campus to go into lockdown for several hours yesterday, students who were in classes were told to shelter in place. while the police searched that entire campus police said they were looking for a person who may want to harm specific individuals. one student says her professor shut the windows, locked the doors and turned out the lights. yeah i was very worried. my professor was getting up closer to the window and i was getting really concerned and just telling him to, like, stay with us and lay low. the shelter in place order was finally lifted shortly before two yesterday afternoon.
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no word yet on what charges that students who made the threats may face this morning, the san francisco redistricting task force has approved the city's latest map for future races for supervisor. the examiner reports. the decision came last night, the night member panel approved the final draft that redraws several districts across the city includes splitting san francisco south of market and tenderloin district. some residents object, they say, the south of market and tenderloin no long had a history of working together but will now lose political influence if they're divided into separate districts . time now is 709 controls. still in effect up in this year or this morning after yesterday's late season storm and more to come. caltrans says they're working all hands on deck right now around the clock to clear the roadways of snow, but snow kept falling into last night and conditions did not improve very much another problem. some people who didn't bring chains at a very tough time trying to find them while on the road. no one thought it was going to snow this much in a
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in april, so we didn't order the chains. and so now we've got people trying to buy chains because the chain control but we don't have the sizes because everything's sold out. we didn't really get any snow all year. besides the big storm in december which was a record breaker, but other than that, the whole year the rest of the year was dry. and now we're getting snow this late in the game, so yeah, this weird and all that. snow also led to traffic being held up multiple times yesterday on both highway 50 interstate 80 because of rough conditions, and a number of spinouts storms are bringing some badly needed rain to the bay area. still california remains in the third year of serious drought. contra costa county has joined the growing number of regions across our state, taking new action in imposing mandatory water restrictions. we are asking for that 15% reduction this year compared to their 2020 water use in the coming months. our board is going to be considering a 15% surcharge. the new rules went
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into effect yesterday, more measures could be coming soon. several other bay area water district are expected to follow the lead of contra costa county to comply with governor newsom's urgent call to conserve water. state lawmakers up in sacramento are now considering a bill that is designed to rheumatic lee. reduce water use in california by the end of the decade. that measure would lower the standard for water use to 42 gallons per person per day. by the year. 2030 that's 25% less. then the current standard of 55 gallons. water agencies across the state would be required to enforce the rules. the state assembly is now considering the measure after it passed the state senate. yesterday paid mud may start capping the amount of water households can use as strict water ordinance proposal will be considered next week by the agency's board of directors. if that is approved, it would begin with a relatively generous water quota. where the possibility of it being tightened in the future households would be limited to
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about 1600 gallons each day. the strict cap would come with fines for households. that go over the limit. right now, the agency is relying on watering restrictions and voluntary conservation. president biden announced a new program that will fast track asylum claims for ukrainians, whoever us sponsor it's called unite for ukraine. the program allows ukrainian refugees to come directly from europe to the united states. already more than 10% of the cranium population has fled the country, according to the united nations. with increased fighting along the eastern front. that number is expected to keep rising in the coming weeks. we will likely face position on the war with russia's attempt to declare truth negotiate, create humanitarian corridors and get their forces for the next phase. and keep people are preparing for the possibility that russia may attack again from the ground by building new defensive positions. volunteers are helping the ukrainian military chopped down trees to reinforce trenches around the city. pope
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francis says he's working behind the scenes to help end the war in ukraine. the pope strongly condemned the russian invasion during his easter mass, saying the war has greatly increased the chance of a global nuclear war. pope francis says the catholic church is now quietly seeking a diplomatic solution to the conflict when that he hopes will end the war in the next few weeks. the hope is not the pope is not publicly revealing the details of the efforts, saying that could hurt ongoing negotiations. coming up next year morning sun to on this friday a high school prom leads to a covid outbreak in san mateo . the safety measures other school districts are now taking to keep the students safe. also, boxing champ mike tyson, accused of lashing out at someone on an airplane as he left san francisco earlier this week. what's said to have started this violent incident that was caught on cam
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing.
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there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. perl says there is now a suspect in the disappearance of madeleine mccann. she's the three year old british girl who disappeared during a family vacation in portugal in 2007. prosecutors have not publicly announced the suspect's name and say he's being held in germany. in 2020, german authorities searched a home and said they thought she was dead and that a convicted child abuser named christian bruckner was likely responsible . he's currently in prison on another case. the cdc has issued a health advisory asking doctors
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nationwide to be on the lookout for unusual cases of severe hepatitis in children. the world health organization has identified 74 cases among children in britain and nine have been reported in alabama. two of those children needed liver transplants. the cdc says all the children were previously healthy without underlying conditions. investigation underway into an incident involving the former heavyweight boxing champ mike tyson after he got aboard a flight at sfo. tmz captured this video of that incident wednesday night he was imported jet blue flight tyson has seen throwing a number of punches have fellow passenger who suffered injuries to his face. now a spokesman for tyson says the man had thrown a water bottle at the former boxing champ and was intoxicated, but ktvu is legal analyst michael cardoza said tyson could still face some criminal charges. he has no right to punch anybody, no matter what that person said there. that's not justification for punching someone, especially
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with mike tyson's skills. tyson was catching a flight from sfo to florida after attending san francisco's 4 20 event in golden gate park. he has his own strain of cannabis. both the san francisco police department and the san mateo county sheriff's office are now investigating that onboard incident, two cousins are set to perform a daring first of its kind stunt this weekend. they're going to swap planes in midair to do what they'll fly the two planes close together, put them into a nosedive. then each will skydive into the other's plane. they'll then have to restart the engine make a safe landing and engineer cal poly's and elizabeth. i know, i know my god, only cousins. i thought brothers would do this, but i guess cousins can do it to an engineer over at cal poly say elizabeth develops a special breaks for the plane that's meant to help keep it steady. the stunt is scheduled for sunday, so we'll keep you posted on monday. are you doing this weekend, right? they cook that up. that's what i
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want to know. god that looks crazy to both be watching. all right. well, let's check traffic . hopefully not all that bad out there. richmond san rafael bridge. that's the top players as you leave richmond going into san rafael. i'm 5 80 a little slow down if you don't have that fast track past, but people are moving along kind of a brighter , bluer sky there. the story is similar over here, sky wise at the bay bridge toll plaza, but there's a lot more traffic. look, this is what you would expect at this point in the morning commute on a friday cars are moving a lot better than they have been for the first four days of this week, so it's a little friday. light ish, but still a pack this into your commute time. if you are leaving, let's say oakland ahead to san francisco today, throwing some raindrops might slow you down as well. and let's find out when all that's going to stop and 80 degrees inland on sunday, right? how nice is that? it's just a roller coaster. huge swinging conditions, isn't it? yeah yeah. and then with the sunshine comes back the pollen, right so a little bit of everything in the forecast. hi, everybody. good morning to you.
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let's take a live look outside. right now. we see a little bit of blue sky out there. we're going to see a lot more of that this afternoon. it's currently 45 degrees and cloudy and santa rosa san francisco. a little bit of clearing at 50 conquered san carlos in san jose. all in the fifties with cloud cover. this is what you need to know today. on our friday we do have the morning rain showers and tapering off. to partly sunny conditions. northwest breeze to 20. this line is showers have been working our forecast for the past couple of hours here. it's now tapering off in the north bay a little bit of outside precipitation and sonoma. otherwise this little blob is going to jog towards venetia in the next couple of minutes. hercules richmond all with some rain showers. we've had some pretty moderate rain showers. in fact, i just looked outside our studio door and it is pouring in oakland. and we have the rain. it continues here all the way san leandro south bay, you to have some light precipitation into sunnyvale, cupertino, campbell all the way into the rose garden
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district. this is a brand new area of low pressure upstream.wd forecast. you can see here. it's already falling apart at the same, it will cloud up the northwestern section of the state over the weekend, but no precipitation. so by 11 o'clock everything is out of here. and then here comes your evening commute, maybe a little bit of a spotty shower north of santa rosa. otherwise we have high pressure building in. there's that cloud cover from that area of low pressure otherwise, on the sunny side up so if your plans take you to the coast to the beaches, we go. we have that beach hazard alert in effect until tomorrow due to the ways building at 18 ft. and we still have that winter storm warning and effect for the high sierra to 11 a.m. up to 36 inches of snow 36 we've already had some resorts say that they have three ft. above 7000 ft. temperature wise, back in the bay fifties beaches sixties bayside 65, santa rosa today 64 redwood city and are outside number is 69
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fairfield. through mountain house and in travis, if you're going to the ball game tonight, six 41st pitch, it will be on the sunny side up after the clouds park and then 56 degrees sundown tonight at 7 51 and go is the rangers are in town. forties. for everyone tonight 41 degrees in santa rosa with the clear skies and 48 degrees in santa clara. here's your extended forecast. hey frank and garcia have the best buddies charity walkathon tomorrow morning in golden gate park at nine a.m. and look what we have here. nothing but sunshine. yeah all the way through the wicked and there's your eighties we're forecasting and have yourself a great weekend. absolutely have a great time on the walk. alright 7 22 years send meander middle school teacher is on leave this morning following accusations of bullying a student in this area here from that student for the very first time. in the former president barack obama, speaking at stanford yesterday, the changes he's calling for when it comes to a platform that he says
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helped him greatly when he was running for the white house coming up.
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25 k obama's reaching out the future leaders with a warning about the role social media has been spreading disinformation. what does still nag at me, though? was my failure to fully appreciate at the time. just how
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susceptible we had become. to lies. and conspiracy theories. speaking at stanford, the former president acknowledged he benefited from social media on his path to the white house. he called for action from silicon valley companies and legislators. this is an opportunity. it's a chance that we should welcome for governments to take on a big, important problem. improve the democracy and innovation can coexist. it's a chance for companies to do the right thing. you'll still make money. but you'll feel better. the former president called for more transparency and how social media platforms prioritize their content. president obama said new regulations may be needed for the tech industry without harming free speech. vice president kamala harris will be in los angeles today after she spent time in the bay area yesterday, vice president paid a visit to the ucsf mission bay campus and san francisco addressing what she called a
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maternal health crisis in america. vice president, harris said more women in the united states are now dying from pregnancy related problems than in any other wealthy nations in the world. the vice president said women of color have had more difficulty and negative outcomes than others. black women are three times as likely to die. from pregnancy related complications. native women. or more than twice as likely to die. vice president. harris also praised ucsf, calling it a national model for culturally competent medical care. it is 7 27 and the warriors could advance to round two of the nba playoffs. they could do it on sunday with a win. they need just one more victory to clinch series against the nuggets. that would be a clean sweep. the warriors are up three games tonight after coming back in the fourth quarter last night to beat the nuggets. 1 18 1 13. they do it on the road and jordan's pool hyman while high, many had 27 points again, clay thompson at 26, while steph
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curry also co high leader, 27 points for steph coming off the bench. we knew that they were going to come out with a punch in the second half, and that's what they did. and then how we're going to respond. um proud of the way that everybody playing competed, it's important to be able to close a game like that on the road. um because that's what it takes. so it's a it's a great great win for us. and dave game four sunday afternoon at 12 30. up more than 50 years after its inception, earth day is taking on new meaning this year, the push to protect the planet and how many billions of dollars climate related disasters cost our country in just the past year and san jose police are asking for the public's help to track down a driver accused of a hit and run that killed two people. a neighbor says that roadway is just too dangerous more on that coming
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donr of a pickup truck took off after slamming into a mother and her daughter walking across the street neighbor on the dangers of that crossbar. coming home from prom with more than
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memories to covid outbreak in one recent dance that has other schools here in the bay area, making changes from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two alright. it's a blessed event. happy friday. okay think we can all agree, especially for us to get up at god's hours. good to have you with us. i'm frank mallicoat. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. today is friday april 22nd. i know. i'm very grateful for the rain. roberta member. i said my husband called it great weed pulling weather. that man was out on the back hill yesterday. oh, yeah. i mean, my husband's like that. so maybe again today, that's good because the soil was moist, so it's easier to pull the weeds. right? that's good. i had buckets all over. for the place. okay so i'm looking forward to watering my garden when i get home today. hey you know, this is our last hurrah. as far as the precipitation is concerned, i don't see anything in the horizon except perhaps a chance of rain by may 4th. otherwise it's bandits. showers has been very, very positive as
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far as beneficial rainfall is concerned. hercules richmond all the way back into martinez looks like we want to see some rain showers there. this is a stream of activity in the form of some light and moderate rainfall from oakland through castro valley. but check this out right here. moderate rain happening in union city and that right there is in the wake of this. this sounds just pushed through union city, producing a thunderstorm about 7 26 this morning, and it did contain lightning. it's now over 6 80 between about washington boulevard and heading towards sonoma, washington and mission boulevard. it looks like and again lifting towards the sin. olaria highway 24. there you have the impending rain showers. you can see it's just starting to rain there. from that cell that contains some of that more moderate to heavy rain. forties north bay, 49, walnut creek and in livermore. it is now 53 in redwood city. and basically what you need to know is all this activity is coming to an end, revealing partly sunny skies today a bit of a breeze to 20.
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your full neighborhood forecast just minutes away. roberta thank you. let us swing out to the friday morning commute and we have to start here at the bay bridge toll plaza spektor similar to what we've been showing you for the past hour or so. cars are lining up to get across the bridge. but you're moving your moving. even if you're not in those carpool lanes. are we moving on the sand metal bridge? well we are, but if you're heading towards hayward, that's moving a little bit slow, but it is moving and coming in looks a little bit better swing out to the 80 mcarthur maze. your approach to the bridge. this actually doesn't look half bad. but again if you are taking this all the way to the bay bridge will be stacked up as you wait to get through those pay gates, but still keep this in mind. it's a really nice picture of what's happening at one of the key points of the morning commute. alright san jose police are searching for a suspect accused of hitting and killing two people with a pickup truck earlier this month, and now they're asking for any tips so officers can make an arrest. ktvu brooks jarocz joins us now with details. about who they're
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looking for. brooks frank on the run. this guy is the people there is a person they're looking for. they say the suspect was caught on camera behind the wheel of this red pickup truck. police say that truck is what killed mom and daughter now the truck was found . but police say the man is missing. but they're looking for him. take a closer look. this is jose correa, weezer. investigators say he's the one responsible for running over two people in a crosswalk and then just taking off an active warrant is out for his arrest for vehicular homicide and felony hit and run. this all played out in april 7th along ocala avenue near oakton court. san jose. police say two women were crossing the street in a marked crosswalk when a newer red pickup hit them immediately . investigators say the driver left the scene. the victims were mother and daughter identified as 75 year old. narendra core and her daughter. cool heat. core flowers and candles were placed at that crosswalk to
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remember them. neighbors say ocala avenue is dangerous. they say drivers often go too fast past the middle school. and some are just plain reckless. they told us stop signs and traffic signals could help. here 12 in the morning capitol expressway. you hear the cars racing? you hear donuts right here at the corner, just beating straight down, and it's crazy because it's a school. we need a traffic light right here. it's ridiculous. even with cross walker, even the cross walkers have to, like, stop and stand in the middle of the street and tell the course to stop because they will keep going. we've reached down to the city's vision zero task force about what it's doing to reduce traffic deaths there were still waiting to hear back, but take a look again at this photo of the suspect, jose carrillo, weezer. police say there is a cash reward for anyone with information leading to his arrest. investigators say they think he may have left san jose also anonymous tips can be submitted to the silicon valley crime stoppers. line in the
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studio and brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news, brooks thank you, 7 36. we're now hearing from assembly andrew eighth grader who says he was the target of a teacher's threatening remarks. the students says some of the remarks came in a recording sent to him last weekend. you're lucky members of change dress here and i can't put my hands on you and take you out of here. oh, jazeera. love says the recording came after the english teacher kicked him out of class last month while insulting and bullying him in front of classmates. he has not returned to bancroft middle school since then. the eighth grader didn't want us to show his face, but he did speak with ktvu s. amanda quintana. i really don't want to go. i don't feel comfortable in his class. he does. this is like several people. several kids. i'm not the only kid. he does stuff like that to several kids. send the end, or unified school district called the statements on the recording reprehensible. the district is not releasing the name of the teacher, saying this is still an active investigation. time now it's 7 37 1 school district on the
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peninsula is changing its policy for students going to prom after major covid-19 outbreak 90 students at san mateo high school tested positive for the virus after going to the prom just last month, the district says. masks were strongly recommended, but many students chose not to wear them. so for hillsdale high school prom set for this coming weekend, mass will be required along with a negative covid test. san francisco schools say they will be following health guidelines encouraging but not requiring masks at their upcoming prompts. following our local guidelines in our local public health guidelines are strongly recommending masks as you seeing any, um, any restaurant or place that you walk into those are the same public health guidelines that we are following. san jose unified schools are also following the guidelines, but saying three of the district six high schools have moved their prompts over to levi stadium, where they can have indoor and
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outdoor space. angeles county public health department has reinstated its mask mandate for public transportation. this means masks are required now for busses, trains, taxis, right chairs. and at los angeles international airport, the county's public health director , says the decision is based on the cdc recommendations that masks be worn on public transit. i feel? uh, really, really, uh sorry that it will create confusion. and as you noted, marla, you know, perhaps even this sense of whiplash like who are we to believe? what are we to believe? um but i think it's important to note that um, the c d. c did not change their requirement. health officials say the mandate will be reevaluated when covid transmission in los angeles county drops to moderate levels when the cdc determines masking on public transit is no longer necessary. happening today. president biden is in seattle. here's a live picture of the space needle up in the great northwest president will be in
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that pacific northwest to announce an order for earth day to protect america's all growth . forest president will sign the executive order all part of earth day remarks later this morning. it will reportedly asked the forest service to identify threats to force across the country work to do more to protect them. that does include areas that are threatened by wildfires. and climate change. it will create plans to restore forest that have already been destroyed by wildfires, drought or other factors like bark beetles. it will not ban logging, though in old growth forests. this is the 52nd annual earth day, and environmentalists say our planet is facing a number of changes, the international energy agency found global carbon dioxide emissions increased by 6% last year alone. and rising global temperatures as a result of fossil fuel consumption are threatening our ecosystem. we are on a fast track to climate disaster. the white house is
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continuing to push for improvements to infrastructure for electric vehicles and is moving forward with its pledge to reach net zero emissions by the year 2050. time now is 7 41 . let's see what this weekend brings. and i asked that with a little hopeful twinkle in my eye, roberta because we all want to get outside and do fun. outdoors sunshiny things and you have plans, don't you baseball once again? yeah what's going to be great for the kids? the grass will be nice and dry by them morning. but lotsng out from hiy 24. you can see it's pretty heavy downpour. so that's what it looks like. from our camera view. now check this out. we're going to go ahead and take a look at our radar. and this is what it looks like. we're just outside of orinda there, and as we zero in, you can see the moderate rainfall. so radar does confirm that that precipitation
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is falling from anywhere fish ranch road all the way into happy valley road, and that's some pretty substantial rainfall right there right now. temperatures are in the forties and fifties, they've actually gone down with the precipitation . 50 now in san carlos, as well as conquered in san francisco bandits, showers were lurking offshore onshore now for at least three hours, and they have these precipitation happens to be this blob right here. just outside highway for another blob of energy anywhere from oakland streaming all the way along to highway 84, a big sell has blossomed just outside of sino across highway 6, 80 south and north bong anywhere from washington boulevard admission boulevard, and that is heavy precipitation. in fact, i noted a thunderstorm with lightning associated with that over union city at 7 26 this morning. hit and miss scattered showers now to improving situation around the peninsula, so this system will be out of here today on
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approach this, but it will not interfere with our weekend plans at all. watch our future cast. we see some lingering precipitation over monterey bay by 11 o'clock this morning. otherwise we are drying out a little bit of a spotty shower by five pm outside of santa rosa. otherwise high pressure is building in. it will provide us with ample sunshine with that system to the north of us, just a site swiping the northwest. western quadrant. of the state of california. ample sunshine forward the weekend from top to bottom of the state of california. hey if you're heading to the coast today or tomorrow we had that beach hazard alert. still. in effect and till tomorrow afternoon waves building 18 ft. 15 to 17 2nd intervals. winter storm warning will allow to expire 11 o'clock, but, boy, we have more snow on the way there that on top of the 32 inches that has already accumulated above 7000 ft. 50 sixties across the board today, tonight, our numbers are in the forties, and garcia asked
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for it. so you got it. we have sunshine over the weekend with approaching eighties 84 degrees inland on sunday, frank. okay thank you, roberta some great news for parents when school opens for the fall in a moment popular clothing store that's promising not to raise prices for back to school shopping come the far more on that. in three years of drought, the state legislature has come up. with a new plan to reduce water use across california by the end of a decade. and a three story italian marketplace is coming to the bay area, and it needs to hire around 300 people coming up mornings onto the night. we're live with. italia representative to talk more about the job openings and what they plan on offering to compete in an industry already struggling to hire staff. all those stories hire staff. all those stories coming up, so stay right there.
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5-hour energy... because the sun is out... and its time to get outside and give it all you got. and you're going to need some energy. lots of energy. 5-hour energy... for every game. ♪ ♪
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or an urban adventure. it's up to you. go to and enter now. 46 o supervisor, david campos conceded defeat that special election for the state assembly addressed the election in a tweet saying, i just got off the phone with matt haiti to congratulate him and wish him the best in sacramento. san francisco needs a champion in the legislature, and i look
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forward to working with him and assisting. however i can as he advocates for our city and our communities. updated results show supervisor haney secured some 62% of the votes compared to 38. for campos, haiti spoke with us and says he has many issues he would like to address. homelessness crime street conditions, and so when you live in that situation, and you see those problems, you have to be grounded in reality. that's not a progressive thing. it's not a moderate thing. it's not a conservative thing. it's a who's going to get something done thing. and so i focused on those issues have focused on those issues as a supervisor, and i'm willing to take them on grounded in real experiences of residents. haney will not have a lot of time to get settled until his next campaign the regular primary for that seat. is this coming june? now while netflix has seen huge losses and subscribers, one of its top competitors has seen a big jump in sign ups, hbo's parent
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company, says the channel and its streaming platform now have nearly 77 million subscribers. that's up by three million from the previous quarter. nearly 13 million from the year before. it's very different results from netflix recent announcement which showed the platform last 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter. netflix could clamp down on people sharing passwords to the streaming service. shares of netflix are up about a percent this morning after losing more than a third of its price. during the week. netflix lost subscribers for the first time in more than a decade that loss. gatto's based company blames part of the reason of widespread password sharing. netflix says it will be working on a way to allow members to share their password easily and securely also paid a little bit more. prices are going up on what seems like every household item, but not at old navy. the new price on lock initiative is
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an effort to help families with their back to school shopping amid record high inflation. that initiative is designed to lock prices and our boys and girls apparel with the labels with everyday magic on them. this includes boys and girls, clothing and stores and old navy. .com. there's a new political ad taking aim at tesla's self driving technology . watch the bicyclist on the right, almost get hit before the driver takes over. you may have seen the ad. it's from danno doubt he's a billionaire founder of a santa barbara tech company who is running against senator alex padilla for his senate seat, doubt tells ktvu he is concerned about safety with tesla's self driving features. we studied it about every eight minutes. it does something that would cost you your driver's license if you were trying to get a new license. every 36 minutes. it's it looked. it's looking to get into a collision.
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that makes a stupid mistake. you have to watch it every single minute to stop it from doing things. that will cause problems . it's in development. it's not a production product. it shouldn't be in 100,000 cars, which it is um, so ultimately, how do we deal with this? we need to have that. we need to remove these cars from the road. before we can before we can really be safe, actually reached out to tesla for comment on the campaign. so far, ktvu has not heard back. alright let's take another look at the traffic on your commute this morning, richmond told plaza. they're heading into san rafael. little stop and go traffic if you don't have fast track past, but the others are moving along rather nicely. bay bridge was a little gummed up early today. those media ring lights are on that came on in the six o'clock hour and it looks like traffic is beginning to move. pretty well. there will probably have a good 15 minute. wait. if you're heading into the city, still, a
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few rain drops out there, but they're starting to dissipate and we're looking forward to a pretty good weekend. i guess roberta. it's been pretty impressive. this morning. we've had a bandage showers stretch from the coast side to our inland areas. the coast is now clearing out because on the backside of the precipitation that has been pounding the peninsula and now has traversed to the east bay. look at the coast. the coast is clear, frank , we have a bit of a wind. it looks like out of the northwest and those winds will continue to increase today. 10 to 20. mph if you're heading to our local beaches, we do have that beach hazard alert remaining in effect through tomorrow, and that's because the waves continue to build up to 18 ft at 15 to 17 seconds, intervals so again on the back side of that front, and now the cells are right here in the east bay, the heaviest precipitation right around the orinda area and again as we take a look at the coast we do have the clear skies there, but cloud
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cover and san carlos around the peninsula san who says that 51 degrees. this is what i've been alluding to the band is showers pushing onshore. we're on the backside of it along the coast, right? there that's why we have the clear skies, but we still have some remaining precipitation in the eastern portion of our bay area right around lafayette into oakland, streaming all the way into san leandro, and we do have some pretty heavy precipitation at this particular time, right around signal backing through the pleasant and area it looks like for the most part, it's encompassing. andrade boulevard all the way to that highway, 84 split off to vellis ito's road. so we're getting cute couple of glitches here in our radar return, but you get the feeling here that this precept is beginning to kick out, but not because before a big hurrah a last hurrah because some of this is some heavy rain. we do have a area of low pressure while to the north of the bay area. it will not interfere with our weekend forecast at all. in fact, future cast illustrates we
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have some lingering showers around monterey bay at 11 o'clock this morning. otherwise we will clear out partly sunny skies a little bit of cloud cover in the northwestern section of the state from that area of low pressure to the north of us, we will have nothing but sunshine this weekend. great conditions. if you're heading epic conditions if you're heading to the high sierra, but we have that winter storm warning in effect until 11 a.m. then it will expire. but up to 32 inches of snow has already accumulated above 7000 ft. we're talking about fifties and sixties today across the board 69 are outside number in fairfield. and if you have baseball plans tonight as the rangers come into town we do have partly cloudy conditions. west wind at 15 air temperature in the mid fifties for that aids game tonight, so dress in layers sunny skies, we jumped 10 degrees warmer inland on saturday. full sunshine in the eighties on sunday, enjoy your day. roberta thank you beloved south, a festival that's withstood a number of challenges in recent years now says it will
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not return. while the gilroy garlic festival is calling it quits. then an auction for the belongings of a man. many call the national treasure with fans of alex trebek took home in a sale of some of his personal items.
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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her....
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ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. thiw host alex trebek were sold out in the state sale this weekend at his los angeles home fence stood in line for a chance to
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take home parts of trebek's life. everything from a cuckoo clock, two pictures, shoes, record albums, books and so many books. they got to see his home as well. and it's a lovely, lovely home definitely felt very homey. he was just a genuinely nice person, and he was entertaining to watch on tv. many people say they were able to take something home without spending a lot on woman but a life magazine from what president kennedy was inaugurated and barbra streisand album both under $15. here at home. this year is gilroy garlic festival is canceled, organizers say they don't see it coming back in the foreseeable future. the gilroy dispatch reports. a series of smaller, more intimate events will replace the big festival, which has been held now for more than 40 years. organizers say the pandemic as well as skyrocketing insurance premiums forced them to reimagine how to celebrate the community and gilroy's world renowned garlic crops. amazon is donating $300,000 to 3 oakland
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youth programs. oakland promised the east oakland youth development center and tech exchange leech, get $100,000 for programming and services. mayor libby schaaf says the three oakland organizations promote a healthy and equitable childhood career culture for all students and their families. but what we're doing today is really a testament to that spirit that our community is undivided. we are united behind our children. we believe that every baby born in this city is brilliant. we believe that every child that is growing up in this city is a scholar. and they need to hear that and feel that from the very first day they walk into an oakland classroom. near chef said a bigger and related announcement is coming to oakland early next month. up next developing story in the south bay this morning where a deadly crash has finally been cleared. we'll have a live report on why deputies first started chasing a car and what we're learning about the passengers inside. and a special
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task force finally approved new redistricting map in san francisco will have a breakdown as some of the changes and some of the complaints from some lifelong residents. could you cut your water use by 25% what state lawmakers are considering that goes way beyond turning off the tap when you brush your teeth. from ktvu fox two news this morning's on two o'clock and welcome back to mornings on two. i'm gasia mikaelian everyone i'm frank mallicoat. today is friday. so happy friday, one and all april 22nd we finally get a kind of a bird's eye view of what's going on out there in the clouds are beginning to move along, roberta , and that's welcome news to what should be a pretty good weekend. this batch of rain that has moved in since four o'clock this morning has just been slowly scraping across the bay area producing beneficial rains. and as you mentioned, frank this is it before we have a sunshiny weekend, but check this out
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because we have some pretty moderate to heavy downpours at this early hour, anywhere from about the concord area through oakland, all the way through fremont into the silicon valley as we zoom in around highway 84 . it is definitely slippery win wit. we have a cell containing some pretty heavy downpours right now, just outside of kincannon boulevard in livermore. that 5 86 80 corridor in dublin, pleasanton. it's always nasty to begin with, but now it is what as well and we have rain showers streaming into san ramon. as we zoom on out, you see the rain showers on 6 80 all the way into milpitas and scattered hit and miss showers around san jose cupertino, ending campbell as well as in sunny ville. finally a break around the peninsula layers of clouds in san jose. we're currently we do have some light rainfall in at 51 degrees 47 degrees apiece. santa rosa and in novato. here's what you need to know. today spotty. scattered morning showers. moving out to partly sunny skies, northwest
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winds to 20 and starry night tonight. your full forecast just minutes away that cia roberta thank you. let's see what traffic is doing at the bay bridge toll plaza. wow what a change since just the last time. we don't know they all got to their meetings. i guess they had those parents clock meetings in school starts, and here we are. you waited to cross the bridge from oakland to san francisco. now is your time to go clear sailing and dry roadways, maybe a stalled car on the bridge or something because that cleared up rather quickly. san mateo bridge, moving along just fine of eur heading into foster city should be just fine. if you're heading over towards hayward. that's moving pretty well as well right through the heart of oakland. interstate 8 80 little bit slow going. if you're northbound past the colosseum, if you're heading southbound san leandro and hayward. things are just fine for you. we're going to keep an eye, of course on traffic throughout mornings on 202 will swing back to that developing story we've been following in san jose. where someone driving a stolen car died after being pursued by law
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enforcement officers and crashing that car. ktvu jesse gear has been live for the scene all morning. here in jesse, you've just learned there were other people in that suspect's car when it crashed. god said good morning again to you. yes new information at this hour. we're now learning from san jose police department that their total of four people in a stolen honda crv that crashed on the other side of the street from me. we're standing at montague expressway at north first street here in north san jose. the intersection has been reopened just within the past 15 minutes or so. so if you're headed to work, and you usually take this route it's reopened. vt a is running so you won't have any problems in that regard. let's go ahead. take a look at our video. this is earlier this morning. san jose. police say that this accident happened around 1 10 1 11 this morning. here at the intersection of montague expressway and north first street. started with a
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pursuit of a reportedly stolen vehicles. honda crv. it was reported by san jose police has stolen 10 days ago near the intersection of north first and younger will get back to that intersection in just a second relevance there. but that's when it was stolen this morning, santa clara county sheriff's deputies spotted that stolen vehicle and began chasing him. vehicles headed south bong on north first street. as it approached montague expressway, runs the red light and runs into a toyota that is traveling eastbound on montague collision sends the honda crv into. the montague square business park. the driver was killed. a second man and two girls inside that stolen vehicle injured. they were taken to a hospital. and the driver of the toyota was
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suffered minor injuries. that person also taken to hospital. now here's the interesting thing i said the vehicle was reported stolen 10 days ago. north first and younger, north first and younger is the location of the headquarters for the santa clara county sheriff's department. so apparently this was outside the headquarters of the sheriff's department 10 days ago that was put out by the san jose police department. 10 days later, sheriff's deputy spot that vehicle here in north san jose begins pursuing it, and it leads to a crash where the driver of that allegedly stolen or vehicle is killed. another man inside is injured and two girls. arrested injured. we're learning or at least hearing that one person is in custody, presumably the man who was in the vehicle, not the man that was killed, but the man who was in the vehicle and we're guessing that juvenile services will be taking over the girls. that is the latest that we have
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right now. again, the intersections reopened. travel is flowing normal, but it is starting to rain here in san jose, or continues to rain here in san jose, be careful if you're out on the streets, roadway is we're live in north san jose jessica gary ktvu fox news. we'll head back to you up and over. and i will take it, jesse. thanks for that report. uc berkeley student has been detained after making credible threats towards others, forcing campus to go into a lockdown for several hours. students who were in classes yesterday we're all told to shelter in place while police searched the campus, police say. they were looking for a person who may want to harm specific individuals. one student says the professor, closed the windows, locked the doors and turned out the lights. yeah i was very worried. my professor was getting up closer to the window and i was getting really concerned and just telling him to, like, stay with us and lay low. at shelter in place order was finally lifted shortly before two yesterday
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afternoon and hundreds of students streamed out of their classrooms. no word yet on what charges that student who made the threats may face this morning, the san francisco redistricting task force has approved the city's latest map for future races for supervisor. the examiner reports. the decision came last night, the nine member panel rejected an option to work from a previously preferred map and instead approved a final draft that redraw several districts across the city. the new map includes splitting san francisco south of market and tenderloin district, potrero hill and potrero annex neighborhood will now be added to district 10, which includes the bayview. the task force indicated members could possibly still make a few more tweaks next week. some residents object to this latest map, saying south of market and tenderloin have a long history of working together but will now lose political influence if they're divided into separate districts, so seven chain control still in effect in the sierra this morning after yesterday's late season storm, caltrans says they're working all hands on deck around the clock. clear all
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the roadways of snow for the big busy weekend, but snow kept falling into last night and conditions didn't approve very much another problem. some people who didn't bring chains had a hard time trying to find them. up on this year. no one thought it was going to snow this much in a in april, so we didn't order the chains. and so now we got people trying to buy chains because the chain control but we don't have the sizes because everything sold out. we didn't really get any snow all year. besides the big storm in december which was a record breaker, but other than that, the whole year the rest of the year was dry. and now we're getting snow this late in the game, so yeah. is this weird? it is a little odd. there's no also led to traffic being held up multiple times yesterday on both 50 and 80 because of rough, snowy conditions and a number of spinouts. late april storm bringing some good rain to the bay area and boy do we need it
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as california remains in the third year of a serious drought, contra costa county has joined the growing number of regions across the state taking action to impose new mandatory water restrictions. we are asking for that 15% reduction this year compared to their 2020 water use in the coming months. our board is going to be considering a 15% surcharge. the new rules went into effect yesterday. more measures could be coming soon. several other bay area water districts are expected to follow the lead of contra costa county to comply with governor newsom. urgent call to conserve water the latest map from the u. s. drought monitor shows conditions are still severe following three very dry winters. the map shows that conditions have improved a bit during the past week in many parts of our state when we compare this to what we saw one week ago. this includes improvements in the region just north of marin county and much of california's central valley. state lawmakers and sacramento are now considering a bill that is designed to dramatically reduce the water use in the state by the end of the decade. the measure would lower the standard for water use. 2 44 42
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gallons rather per person per day. by the year 2030. that's 25% less than the current standard of 55 gallons. water agencies across the state would be required to enforce the rules. state assembly is now considering the measure after it passed the state senate just yesterday. meanwhile, east bay mud may start capping the amount of water households can use a strict water ordinance proposal. that will be considered next week by the agency's board of directors. now that's approved, it would begin with a relatively generous water quota, with the possibility of it being tightened up in the future households would be limited to 1600 gallons per day. the strict cap would come with fines for households that go over the limit. right now, the agency is relying on watering restrictions and voluntary conservation. president biden announced a new program that will fast track asylum claims for ukrainians who have a us sponsor. it's called unite for ukraine. the program allows ukrainian refugees to
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come directly from europe to the united states, already more than 10% of the ukrainian population has fled the country this, according to the united nations. with increased fighting along the eastern front. that number is expected to keep rising in the coming weeks. pages of likely face position on the war with russia's attempt to declare truth negotiate, create humanitarian corridors and get their forces for the next phase. in kiev, people are preparing for the possibility that russia may attack again from the ground by building new defensive positions. volunteers are helping the ukrainian military chop down trees to reinforce trenches around the city. i would like to help you connect with the many bay area groups doing good work to help the people of ukraine. you can scan the qr code at the bottom left of your screen with your phone or tablet that will take you to a long list of local agencies doing good work to help the people of ukraine. ktvu .com high school prom leads to a covid outbreak in san mateo. the safety measures other school districts are now taking. it keeps students safe. also,
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boxing champ mike tyson, accused of lashing out at someone on an airplane as he left san francisco earlier this week. what's said to have started the violent incident that was al
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rouz office in portugal says there is now a suspect in the disappearance of madeleine mccann. she's the three year old british girl who disappeared during a family vacation in portugal in 2000 and seven prosecutors have not publicly announced the suspect's name. they say he's being held in germany. in 2020, german authorities searched a home and said they thought she was dead and said a convicted child abuser named christian bruckner was likely responsible. he is currently in prison on another case. the cdc has issued a health advisory asking doctors nationwide to be on the lookout for unusual cases of severe hepatitis in children. the world health organization has identified 74 cases among children in britain, and nine cases have been reported in alabama. two of those children needed liver transplants. the cdc says all the children were previously healthy without underlying conditions. former heavyweight boxing champ mike tyson was caught on camera having to fight far away from the boxing ring. tmz posted this
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video of the incident wednesday night aborted jet blue flight out of sfo. tyson has seen throwing several punches that fellow passenger behind him who suffered injuries to his face. a spokesman for tyson says the man had thrown a water bottle at the former boxer. it was extremely drunk, but ktvu is legal analyst michael cardoza says tyson could still face criminal charges. he has no right to punch anybody, no matter what that person said there. that's not justification for punching someone, especially with mike tyson skills. tyson was catching a flight out of sfo to florida after attending san francisco's 4 20 cannabis festival and go and get park both the san francisco police department and san mateo county sheriff's office. now investigating that incident on board that jet blue flight. thousands of passengers have been banned by airlines for not wearing masks so soon be welcomed back on flights. now that masks are optional, american united delta all now
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indicating the lift bands that were previously imposed. american airlines says. in most cases, people who were banned over masks will be allowed back all but the worst offenders to unions representing flight attendants and other airline workers slammed the airline's decision. they say, even though the federal mask mandate has lifted the pandemic is not over. that of united airlines, says his company is working with passengers who are reluctant to fly now that masks are no longer required. the ceo says customers who have concerns may be eligible for refunds or credits. passengers who want to cancel or delay a flight are being told to call customer service. united airlines dropped its mask requirement after a federal judge reversed the mandate on monday now to an incredible feat in the sky. two cousins are set to perform a daring first of its kind stunt this weekend. they are going to swap planes in midair. to do this, they'll fly the two planes close together, put them into a nosedive, then each will skydive into the others playing, then have to restart the engine and make a safe landing. an engineer at cal
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poly san luis obispo, developed some special breaks for the plane that's meant to help keep it steady. the standard scheduled to happen on sunday. so look, we will keep you posted . i would like to see like to see that to jump out of a perfectly good airplane times. two. in this case, my goodness, that's crazy. all right. well let's check traffic on that note. we'll take you to the richmond bridge toll plaza as cards are heading on their way to marin county and heading into richmond, and things are moving along just fine here in the eight o'clock hour. that swing on over to the bay bridge toll plaza once again smooth sailing sunshine up above dry ish roads . this is the time to leave oakland and head to san francisco. if that is where your morning takes you a quick note here. this is a very special day for an east big woman who was celebrating her 105th birthday today. a big happy birthday to tracy gona. she lives in el cerrito and el cerrito has been her home since she was three years old. she has one adoring son. two grandchildren. five great grandchildren. and
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countless other family members and friends her secret to a long, healthy life. i love this never stopped moving. she walks at least an hour every single day now on sundays, a little bit of a ritual here. she has a manhattan to celebrate her accomplishments. we were told that she keeps up on current events by welcoming mornings onto in her home every day. so we say the most heartfelt of all happy birthdays to tracy gona and especially, thank you to her adoring daughter in law who emailed me about this very special cool that she has seen my goodness. she was born in 2017. so woodrow wilson was president world war. same year, jfk was born interesting. gather story. she could tell walking history books. absolutely happy . happy birthday, roberta top that i think it would be wonderful for all of us to sit around with her on a sunday afternoon with the manhattan absolutely, maybe to just love to hear her stories. i mean, just think of the things that
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invention of the telephone and then going to the mobile phone cars. yeah rockets. let's do it . grandfather lived to be 100, my dad's dad born in tennessee and 18 87. he voted for president in 19. oh, eight and was 25 when the titanic went down, and he was in perfect health in the in the 19 eighties, and i used to ask him question on question. it's crazy . mhm yeah, i want to ask her if she's ever seen rain like this before the month of april, probably not. while i'm going to share with you something, it's our radar image in just a moment, but first right now, i want to step on outside and take a bird's eye view of the city. of san jose with layers and layers of clouds and very light rainfall there right now, santa rosa claudia 47 degrees hint of some sunshine in san francisco. otherwise a deck of cloudiness from concord through st carlos into the south bay. now watch this very carefully. bam okay, you have to watch very closely, you'll see a bright light. boom
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right there. did you see that? that was a thunderstorm over union city this morning, and that was at 7 26, and it did have lightning associated with it right now. just a smattering of precipitation around sonoma. otherwise, this is the bulk of the action because this is the bandits showers that was offshore before four o'clock this morning, and it's been jogging to the east or the east be always the last to see the rain showers when a system is moving due east pleasant in dublin 5 80 corridor that is just a nightmare when it is wet . meanwhile we have the heavy rain showers around highway 84 as well as you're making tracks out of the tri valley over the to the sonoma grade, and that is some pretty heavy downpours. look at the peninsula now clearing out. you've been soggy all morning. but again all this has moved to the east, now, leaving a lingering shower around reed avenue and sunnyvale. now meanwhile, we do have this area of but it's fallen apart at see
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on friday today the afternoon hours clearing of the skies except a little hint of a spotty shower by the evening commute in santa rosa. some clouds build. these are the clouds associated with that area of low pressure to the north of us just nicking the northwestern section of the state, but leaving us under the influence of high pressure all weekend. which means sunshine and maybe even a stroll along the beach. till tomorrow, though we had that beach hazard alert in effect as the waves continue to build to 18 ft. in the high sierra. we've already seen 32 inches of snow above 7000 paid guests were frank's going. yes because we've got powder on top of powder and a few more inches expected as our precipitation continues to jog towards the sierra. fifties and sixties across the board today 64 in redwood city, 62. oakland 64 marin city back into terror linda into court of madeira overnight tonight into the
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forties. cool spots. santa rosa , qatar, the windsor hills, berg and greenville. here is your weekend forecast. best buddies welcome to nine o'clock golden gate. park it looks sunny. we're going to jump up 10 degrees in our inland areas on saturday and then eighties on sunday, hegang have a great weekend, roberta. thank you, sandy andrew middle school teacher is on leave this morning following accusations he bullied a student. in this next hour here from thng at stanfords week, the changes he's calling for when it comes to a platform that he says helped him greatly when he was running for the white house.
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5-hour energy... because the sun is out... and its time to get outside and give it all you got. and you're going to need some energy. lots of energy. 5-hour energy... for every game. ♪ ♪
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where could 5-hour energy take you? find out by voting for 5-hour energy's next flavor. you could win a $10,000 dream vacation to a sunny beach, a mountain resort or an urban adventure. it's up to you. go to and enter now. reas with the warning on the role of social media, and it's spread of disinformation. what does still nag at me, though? was my failure to fully appreciate at the time. just how susceptible we had become. to lies. and conspiracy theories. in his speech to an audience at stanford, the former president acknowledged he benefited from social media on his path to the white house. he's calling for action from silicon valley companies and legislators.
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former president obama also wants more transparency and how social media platforms prioritized content. mr obama says new regulations may be needed for the tech industry ones that don't harm free speech. place president kamala harris will be in los angeles today after spending time in the bay area yesterday, vice president paid a visit to the ucsf mission bay campus in san francisco to address what she called a maternal health crisis in america. vice president harris says more women in the united states are now dying from pregnancy related problems than in any other wealthy nation in the world, the vice president said. women of color have more difficulty and more negative outcomes than others. black women are three times as likely to die. from pregnancy related complications. native women. or more than twice as likely to die. vice president harris also praised ucsf, calling it a national model for culturally competent medical care. time now is 8 27. the warriors could
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advance to round number two of the nba playoffs. all they gotta do is win on sunday afternoon. one victory that's all it will take to clinch series against the nuggets and a clean sweep. warriors are up three games to none after coming back in the fourth quarter last night to beat the nuggets, 1 18 1 13. how about jordan's police scored 27 points, clay thompson at 26, while steph curry poured in some 27 after coming off the bench. once again, it's a fun way to play is a fun brand of basketball and the identity of being able to do it at home and on the road and you know that many series in a row is pretty crazy to think about, so i gotta keep gotta keep doing it, man. it's everything. it's just effort. just hard. and we got a lot of that on this team. they sure do. game four sunday 12 30 in denver. a 28 year more than 50 years after its inception, earth day is taking on a new meaning this year, the push to
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protect the planet and how many billions of dollars climate related disasters cost the country in just the past year san jose police asking for the public's help to track down the driver accused of a hit and run that killed two women neighbor says that roadway is just too dangerous more that when we come back 5-hour energy... because the sun is out... and its time to get outside and give it all you got. and you're going to need some energy. lots of energy. 5-hour energy... for every game. ♪ ♪
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dangers of this crosswalk. been coming home from prom with more than memories, the covid outbreak at a recent dance that has other bay area school districts, making some changes. from ktvu fox two news this morning's onto and welcome back to mornings onto gasia mikaelian . good morning. everyone happy friday, april the 22nd i'm frank malika. let's get you outdoors. talk a little weather with roberta. been a busy week for you guys. it has been. we've had more rainfall since april, 11th here in the bay area than all of january, february march and the first week of april. combined so let's get to it right now. this is our live doppler radar and see that right there. that band of heavy precipitation pushed onshore at four o'clock this morning, producing a thunderstorm with lightning over union city about 7 26 this morning there we have a blob of precipitation lining 6 80 coming out of the concord area towards
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let's say one, it creek there. you have sam ramon dublin and unpleasant in that corridor there. nasty wind wet, nasty all the time effect. it's a horrible commute there and then we have the rain showers now pushing out of livermore, all heading towards the diablo mountain range. there's that lines the eastern portion of our area, you can see the heavier precipitation. so that's pretty much the last of the rain behind it. we're seeing this. some clearing of the skies. temperatures are in the forties in the north bay 50 degrees in livermore 51 in hayward 53 in redwood city later today, becoming partly sunny and breezy. fifties beaches low sixties across the bay to the sixties around the peninsula are outside number 69 degrees, but it will be warmer this weekend, and garcia. i had that full forecast coming up. we are looking forward to it. let's also take a quick peek at what the friday morning commute is doing. we have been checking in on this picture since four am, and it continues to look
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. we were jammed up into six and seven o'clock hours. not the case here for the bay bridge toll plaza smooth sailing from oakland to san francisco. alright, let's go down on the peninsula a little bit. talk about san mateo bridge. people heading to hayward. looks like you're moving. okay but if you're heading back in over towards foster city you're easy, breezy right now. let's see. what the macarthur made is doing. this for many is the approach to the bay bridge might be also taking you further south deep into the heart of oakland. not too bad lots of cars, a lot of sunshine, which is nice to see. so keep this in mind if this is part of your morning commute. early this morning in san jose, man driving a stolen car died after being pursued by sheriff's deputies and then crashing the car. santa clare kenny sheriff's office says about 1 10 this morning deputies tried to pull over a stolen honda crv that have been involved in a car jacking. 10 days ago, sheriff's office says the driver of the car refused to stop and after a short pursuit, that driver collided with another car near first street and the montague expressway. the suspect in the honda crv died.
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three other people in that car were taken to the hospital with injuries. driver the other car was also taken to the hospital for treatment of a minor injury. police in san jose needs your help tracking down a hit run suspect who killed two people. police have a warrant out for 55 year old jose carrillo. these are in connection to the crash that killed two women on april, the seventh, investigators say. narendra core, and her daughter , colette corps were crossing colla avenue in south san jose when they were hit while in a crosswalk. police say they found the suspects. red pickup truck, but he is missing. he faces charges of vehicular homicide and felony hit and run. this morning. we're hearing from a san leandro eighth grader who says he was the target of a teacher's threatening remarks. ktvu semantic in town and met with that student and his mother. my son is supposed to be s slogan is education. that's all he's there for. he's not there to be threatened by adults
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. serena love says it was more than a month ago when her 13 year old son jazz, there's english teacher kicked him out of the classroom at bancroft middle school. the administration notified her of the incident, but she didn't know how serious it was until the recording was sent to her son. this past sunday. can't put my hands on you and take you out of your much. oh in the recording, you can hear the teacher called eighth grader jazeera, a jerk. joker idiot. the teacher says he will end up being a rapper or a fry cook and suggests he will get gunned down, continuing to talk about him to the class once he left bad you should came in here and started messing up the dynamics and like class and yeah, just off hearing that video breaks my heart every time. um. i wish it didn't happen, but it did. and i want him to. i want that teacher he does not need to be teaching students. serena says she's not confident in the school's
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ability to keep her son safe and says they have known about the teachers outbursts and haven't done anything until recordings were leaked on social media. there has been staying home from school, saying he's disturbed by it all. or respecting his mother's wishes not to show his face really don't want to go. i don't feel comfortable in his class recording is a combination of two incidents with one part of it directed at jazeera, the teacher on the recording tells another student that he's undersized and high schoolers will pound him into the ground. he does. this is like several people. several kids. i'm not the only kid. he does stuff like that to several kids. i hope he changes or something because i don't know. but, yeah, he deserves to be fired. i think because you shouldn't be talking. you should not good. he's just not a good teacher. talking to students like that. the same leandro unified school district called the statements on the recording reprehensible, but because it's an active investigation, they won't release the name of the teacher . they did say he will not be returning to the classroom or campus during the investigation.
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we also reached out to the teacher but have not received a response in the newsroom. amanda quintana ktvu fax tunis what school district on the peninsula , changing its policies for students going to prom after major covid-19 outbreak 90 students at some motel high school tested positive for the virus after going to the prom last month. the district says mass were strongly recommended, but many students chose not to wear them. so for hillsdale high school's prom, except for this coming weekend, mass will be required along with the negative covid test. san francisco school say they will be following health guidelines encouraging but not requiring masks. at upcoming prompts we're following our local guidelines in our local public health guidelines are strongly recommending masks as you see in any, um any restaurant or place that you walk into those are the same public health guidelines that we are following. san jose unified schools are also following the guidelines, but saying three of
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the district six high schools have moved their promise to levi stadium, where they can enjoy the indoor and outdoor space. angeles county public health department has reinstated its mask mandate for public transportation. masks will be required on busses, trains, taxis, ride shares and los angeles international airport. the county's public health director, says the decision is based on the cdc recommendations that masks sll be worn on public transit. i feel? uh, really, really, uh sorry that it will create confusion. and as you noted, marla, you know, perhaps even this sense of whiplash like who are we to believe? what are we to believe? um but i think it's important to note that um, the c d. c did not change their requirement. health officials say the mandate will be reevaluated when covid transmission in l. a county drops to moderate levels or when the cdc determines masking on public transit is no longer necessary. happening today. president biden is in seattle to
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announce an order for earth day to protect america's old growth forest. the president will sign that executive order as part of his earth day remarks. that will happen later this morning. it will reportedly asked the forest service to identify threats to force across the country and work. to do more to protect them . that includes areas that are threatened by wildfires and climate change. it will create plans to restore forest that have already been destroyed by wildfires, drought and insects will not ban logging in old growth forest. this is the 52nd annual earth day on this friday, and environmentalists say our planet is facing many challenges . the international energy agency found global carbon dioxide emissions increase. by some 6% last year alone and rising global temperatures as a result of fossil fuel consumption are threatening our ecosystem. we are on a fast track to climate disaster. the
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white house is continuing to push for improved infrastructure for electric vehicles. it is moving forward with its pledge to read net zero emissions by 2050. the popular disneyland tradition returns. i'm excited to see the parade. to the amusement park is lighting up tonight with the main street electrical parade celebrating 50 years. the grand finale will feature a float celebrating this year's theme of togetherness. other floats of depict scenes from movies including cinderella and peter pan. that music takes me back to those long car rides in the back of the station wagon down disneyland. me and my siblings. parents upfront. i can remember that i five. what are we going to get their dad? just relax. read a book. are we there yet? we're not there yet yet. are we there yet? you know i was there and i saw the parade. it was one week before lockdown. wow what timing? yes it was
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amazing. it really was. and you know this weekend if you're heading to disneyland, nothing but sunshine and warmer conditions. same holds true here . in fact, we're just getting rid of the last batch of precipitation. this is our doppler radar. the rain began to move on shore right after four o'clock this morning, a lingering shower between glen allen and sonoma. the east bay has been getting all the action as this system exits to the east and sex to the south. right now that 5 86 80 quarter unpleasant and with the wet rain falling right there at that corridor, and also the signal grade is very sloppy and wet. but right here behind that last energy, we have clearing of the skies over san francisco as we take a bird's eye view out towards the golden gate bridge. it is just delightful. 47 degrees. santa rosa 2 52 degrees apiece. san francisco inn in concord. t g i f it is friday morning. rain is tapering off. it will become
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partly sunny with the winds northwesterly at about 20 mph again here you have that precipitation, but it will exit to the east pressure system kicks out, revealing nothing but sunshine. and a warmer weekend on tap highs today, anywhere from 56 degrees with that blustery wind and pacifica to the sixties around the bay 64 degrees in redwood city, low sixties and napa and in sonoma, inland locations will top off at the warmest spot. fairfield 69 overnight tonight clear and starry sunset is at 7 51, and after it sets overnight lows in the forties, we do jumped 10 degrees under the influence of high pressure on saturday and inland areas sunday warmth and then we slightly cool on monday but still well above average into the eighties. thank you, roberta. there's a new ride share company alto, and it's making its mark by being the first employee driver rideshare company, and it's also the first
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featuring art on the car. by local artists like that one coming up on mornings onto the nine we're going to give you a live look at the first alto art car and talk to the artists who designed that car and more on the ride. share company as well. also, look, let me tell you buying clothes for young children. it is a never ending challenge coming up. the promise from one major retailer when it comes to price hikes amid reco
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sixo supervisor david campos conceded defeat in the special election for state assembly in the city. he addressed the election in a tweet saying, i just got off the phone with matt haney. to congratulate him and wish him the very best in sacramento. san francisco needs a champion in the legislature and i look forward to working with him and assisting. however, i can as he advocates for our city. in our communities. updated results show supervisor haney secured 62% of the vote compared to 38% for campos. haiti spoke with us and says he has many issues he would like to focus on. homelessness crime street conditions, and so when you live in that situation, and you see those problems, you have to be grounded in reality. that's not a progressive thing. it's not a moderate thing. it's not a
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conservative thing. it's a who's going to get something done thing. and so i focused on those issues have focused on those issues as a supervisor, and i'm willing to take them on grounded in real experiences of residents. haiti won't have a lot of time to get settled until his next campaign the regular primary for his assembly seat is in june reported the netflix has seen huge losses in subscribers . now one of its top competitors is reporting a big jump in sign ups. hbo's parent company, says the channel and extremely platform now have nearly 77 million subscribers. that's up by three million from the previous quarter, nearly 13 million more from one year ago. very different result from netflix's recent announcement, which showed that platform lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of this year. looks like netflix could crack down on people who share their passwords to that streaming service. shares of netflix are up about a percent this morning after losing more than a third of their price. earlier this week, of course, netflix reported it lost subscribers for the first time in more than a decade here.
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the last ghettos based company blames part of the reason on widespread password sharing. netflix says it's working on a way to allow members to share their password easily and securely while paying a little bit more. prices are going up for just about everything but not at old navy. the new price unlock initiative. it's spearheading is meant to help families with their back to school shopping amid record high inflation. the initiative is designed to lock in prices on all boys and girls apparel with the labels with everyday magic on them. this includes basics things like boys and girls, clothing and stores and old navy .com. there was a new political ad, and it's taking aim at tesla's self driving technology. what watch the bicyclist on the right almost get hit before the driver takes over. well that ad is from don. no doubt he's a billionaire founder of a santa barbara tech company who is running against senator alex padilla for his senate seat this
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year. oh, doubt telling ktvu. he is concerned about safety with tesla's self in features. we studied it about every eight minutes. it does something that would cost you your driver's license if you were trying to get a new license. every 36 minutes. it's it looked. it's looking to get into a collision. that makes a stupid mistake. you have to watch it every single minute to stop it from doing things. that will cause problems . it's in development. it's not a production product. it shouldn't be in 100,000 cars, which it is um, so ultimately, how do we deal with this? we need to have we need to remove these cars from the road. before we can before we can really be safe. we did reach out to tesla for a comment on the campaign, and so far we have not heard back. alright, let's see what the morning commute is doing. at this late hour. we can see that the richmond san rafael bridge. it is smooth sailing. great going. if you're heading from
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richmond over to san rafael, and you can tell on the far side of the screen, coming back the other way is looking good to roads are dry. see a little bit of sun up above no active rain right now. a bridge toll plaza was a bit of a mess about an hour and a half ago. but right now everything is fine. so if you're heading into the city roads look dry as well. you should have an easy commute into san francisco. i mean, look what we all woke up to and drove through. yesterday morning, roberta gonzalez now feels like a distant memory. right and one thing i've noticed from all these different little systems that have been working their way into our forecast is a majority of the bulk of the precipitation has been occurring in the overnight hours. yeah, leaving a lot of pounding and pedaling on the roadways, and this morning has been no exception. let's get to it. it is our live doppler radar. i want you to watch very carefully and you'll see this bright. slash right there. did you see it? that was a thunderstorm that rolled across union city at 7 26 this morning and we had lightning strikes and then look past monterey. you see that pink that is sleep now in
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the santa lucia mountain range, so as we zip on in on the bay area, a lingering scattered shower between glen allen and sonoma. it's pretty much just been sitting there, but it's very light and precipitation to the east. things are really settling down, but the rain showers still persist around signal around highway 6 80 over that sonoma grade. on the backside of this precipitation, the skies are clearing and look at this. it's gorgeous. it's fresh. the air is clean and boy, it's nice temperatures high 40 santa rosa 52 degrees in san francisco, conquered san carlos and san jose all in the fifties . here's what you need to know. today the spotty morning showers are now tapering off. it will become partly sunny northwest winds. 10 to 20 mph. and we will enjoy clear skies tonight. partly sunny conditions all because of the huge dome of high pressure building in from the western pacific. we will have warmer conditions as a result this weekend, so maybe a trip to the coast we go, but we have
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that beach hazard alert still in effect through tomorrow as the waves continue to build to 18 ft. in the high sierra. we do have the winter storm warning. it will allow to expire at 11 o'clock this morning. we've already set up to 32 inches of snow above 7000. ft. and our rain from this morning is heading that way. so we still expect at least four more inches of snow in the highest elevations. fifties at the seashore today, but blustery afternoon win., 63. hayward mid sixties to the north and 64 degrees around morgan hill 69 in fairfield overnight tonight into the forties, and meanwhile, your weekend forecast yeah. 10 degrees warmer on saturday and our inland areas eighties by sunday, enjoy your day. thank you, roberta. three story telling you marketplaces coming to the bay area, and it needs to hire about 300 people coming up on mornings onto the night. we're live with the italy
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representatives to talk more about the job openings and what they plan on offering to compete in an industry already struggling to hire staff coming up. also in a state sale for the belongings of a man many call a national treasure with fans of alex trebek took home, including some of his personal items
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more greatest hockey players ever. lafleur won five stanley cup championships with the montreal canadians. his nickname include the flower and the blond demon. he was suffering from health problems. in recent years, gala fleur was only 70 this weekend. our special show voices for change returns as ktvu greg lee discusses diversity in arts and entertainment, including historic academy award win for the movie coda and its impact on
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the deaf community. i think my message for the deaf community is what we've always known is that we can we can achieve anything we want, uh, this. you know this oscar when and by troy , but coda movie is something that we already knew. and we, you know, it's the community at large and can include us more can include death. death professionals, deaf actors, death talent and not just in the movie field, but inthis sunday.u fox two at 9 30. following the sunday edition of mornings on to production of a movie that stars bill murray has been suspended following a complaint about his inappropriate behavior. according to trade publications deadline. the studio is
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investigating murray's behavior on the set of the movie being mortal. it's unclear what exactly happened or when production. will resume the belongings of the late game show host alex trebek were sold at an estate sale this week at his los angeles home fans stood in line for a chance to take home some of his life everything from a cuckoo clock, two pictures, shoes, record albums and so many books. they also got to see alex trebek's home. it's a lovely, lovely home definitely felt very homey. he was just a genuinely nice person, and he was entertaining to watch on tv. many people say they were able to take something home without spending too much money. one woman but a life magazine from when president kennedy was inaugurated, someone else bought a barbra streisand album, both under $15. this year's gilroy garlic festival has been canceled, organizers say they don't see it coming back in the foreseeable future. the gilroy dispatch reports. a series of smaller, more intimate events
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will replace the big festival, which of course, has been held for more than 40 years. organizers say the pandemic as well as skyrocketing insurance premiums. force them to reimagine how to celebrate gilroy and its world renowned garlic crops. much needed. rain continues to fall across the bay area today went to expect a sudden change in the weather and what's in store for your weekend. we're following developing news in the south bay where police say they were chasing a car that ended up in a deadly crash. what we're learning from police straight ahead. plus the ukrainian city of mariupol continues to get bombarded by russian forces with satellite images now show about the disturbing situation. and happy friday, one and all welcome to the nine it is april 22nd. we're looking live atop twin peach looking down by the city by the bay there, san francisco and all its glory. and you can


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