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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  April 24, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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and now most admired alum! get up there. this is so embarrassing. there's no way it's me. you know her.... you love her.... ruh roh. what are you doing here? it's anna gomez! who? our first gigillionaire! with at&t fiber, anna's got the fastest internet with hyper-gig speeds. i didn't know you went to this school. we have a lot in common. live like a gigillionaire with at&t fiber. now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability. ktvr strike authorized in oakland over the district's proposal to consolidate schools. we have a legal right to strike. to defend our schools. i wanna urge folks to, uh. stand um, with students
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stand, um, with with our community and join us on the picket lines. april 29th. the oakland education association says its members will move forward with a one day strike this friday. good evening. i'm julie julie haener, and i'm heather holmes. the oakland unified school district, though, is blasting this move. calling the strike illegal. live coverage tonight from kate was elissa harrington in oakland to break down the issues for alyssa. well heather julie, the district was given the union until tomorrow to back out. but the union president told me they are moving forward with this strike to send a message that they disapprove of school closures. our students need investments, not school closures . interview keith brown, the president of the oakland education association, said members have voted to authorize a one day strike. it will take
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place friday. april 29th brown calls this an unfair labor practice strike against the oakland unified school district for closing and merging schools . there is an agreement, um, that we have with the oakland unified school district. that there must be, um, a year of engagement before making such a decision. this vote follows months of protests, rallies, even a hunger strike that lasted 18 days. in an email, the district warned the union against striking writing. there is no legal basis for any concerted activity that would justify a strike or refusal to perform services benefiting district students. the district set a strike would be unlawful and would have a significant impact on students. part of the letter reads even the threat of again depriving students of instruction, let alone an actual deprivation, especially without legal justification will only further hurt students. brown
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argued that closing schools hurt students, especially those that serve predominantly minority populations. the district illegally, um closed schools and or attempting to close schools and, um black and brown neighborhoods. district officials also say its primary source of revenue comes from attendance and a strike will cost usd funding. teachers plan to picket at school sites friday morning. there will also be community action events throughout the day reporting live in oakland. i'm elissa harrington ktvu fox. two news. obviously elicit the district is disappointed with this decision. how is it preparing for this strike coming up on friday? and what should parents expect? well i just got off the phone with the district spokesperson, and he told me that they will be ironing out these details over the next few days. now, the district has said that it may seek an injunction from the public employment relations board to try to
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prevent what it calls an illegal strike. developments that will continue to follow elissa you. meantime nurses at stanford medical center are sent to walk off the job tomorrow morning, representatives for 5000, nurses say. they have been working without a contract for weeks despite dozens of negotiating sessions. they say the hospital has not done enough to deal with things such as burnout, short staffing, exhaustion and trauma among staff. leaders at stanford hospital say they have increased their nursing staff by 36% since 2019 new at 10, oakland. police are investigating a shooting and burglary. police say it happened just before 4 30 this morning on lakeshore avenue near macarthur boulevard. police say a 32 year old man was hit by the gunfire. he is expected to survive. the east bay times reports. the shooting in burglary happened at o'connor dispensary. so far, no word on any arrests. also in the east bay authorities are looking into the distribution of anti
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semitic flyers danville police said today that residents have reported finding the leaflets around their homes in recent days. one resident sent us photos of the flyers and a plastic bag. she says she found them on her driveway. police did not say how many were found. danville police released a statement reading in part these leaflets fly in the face of our values in danville. our town's mission statement focuses on providing services that make people's lives better in pursuit of that mission. we are committed to inclusivity welcoming families. and people from all backgrounds to live work and visit. now to the very latest from ukraine tonight, where the u. s secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin met with ukraine's president in the capital of kiev of the us announced more military aid and the sale of ammunition specifically for ukraine's weaponry. boxes tray. yanks has more now for us from keith. today marks two months since russia launched its invasion
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into ukraine, and the civilian death toll here continues to rise overnight. eight people were killed in the ports city of odessa after russian missiles struck a residential block. a mother and her three month old baby are among the dead, a stark reminder of the innocent people stuck amid this war further east in the besieged city of mario. pro russian troops are reportedly trying to storm a steel plant were more than 1000. ukrainian soldiers and civilians are trapped underground. ukraine's deputy prime minister is calling on the united nations to demand a ceasefire in mario pole in order to create a new humanitarian evacuation route. this after a humanitarian corridor out of the ports city collapsed earlier today. people would be killed in mario cuomo if there will be a referendum a pseudo referendum in newly proclaimed suitor republics. ukraine will leave any negotiating process, according to an advisor to ukrainian president below the mere zelinsky, a meeting is taking place between two top level u. s. officials secretary austin and secretary blinken and the leader of ukraine. now he is
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expected in any potential meeting with u. s officials. to ask for more heavy weapons. this comes after that $800 million package that includes 72 artillery units that are much needed by the ukrainian military to push back this new russian offensive in the eastern donbass region. and keep tree angst. fox news, a russian born san francisco musician, brought together more than a dozen performers tonight to raise money for those affected by the war in ukraine. ktvu zach sauce joins us now live with more on what inspired that performer to hold tonight's event. zach julia , the musician, is among a large group of russians in the bay area who say they're devastated over the fact that there country is behind this war. tonight's concert the second she's been involved with the support the people of ukraine. i'm gonna roll one for three hours sunday performers taking the stage in san francisco to raise humanitarian aid for ukraine, a country that's been under constant bombardment by russian
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forces for two months now, the destruction mounting death toll too difficult for maya to simply watch without doing something i felt. just the pit in my stomach and i felt really i just emotional. the russian born musician who now calls san francisco home, reaching out to the owner of light rail studios and pitching the idea of a fundraiser for ukraine. turn off the news. like what can i do? you know, so the fact that we have this space and that we could offer this space to do something like this was just you know, of course, we said yes. tamblyn immediately reaching out to her production contacts, every single person that i would text or say, hey, we're going to be doing this benefit, you know , do you? can you? can you do it? you know, everyone was like, absolutely together the evening slate of local bands everyone wanted to participate immediately. bandmates sam jones among those jumping in to help remember feeling incredibly excited and hopeful about the
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prospect because i was kind of like someone needs to be doing this. the evening's performance also broadcast online between performances, items auctioned off to raise additional money. just one more group in the bay area, getting creative doing what they can to help serious night but then it's also a night. for us all to be together and feel like at least we're doing. you know something, you know, know whether it's big or small. you know these were doing something. and all the proceeds from tonight's event are being donated to a children's hospital in ukraine and a bearing on profit hearts for ukraine, which is sending critical humanitarian aid to the country. heather julie. strangers coming up with unique ways to help zack. thank you. ukrainian orthodox christians observed easter today. yes. this is what it looked like. at a church in kiev. hundreds of worshippers brought baskets to be blessed and clergymen sprinkled holy
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water, offering off offerings of items, including dyed eggs and candles. some who gathered there said they hoped the holy day could inspire gestures of peace making the day provided a brief escape from the fighting. there were still reminders that the capital is under attack. unfortunately as we were finishing our easter mass, we suddenly heard air raid sirens. it is tragic that people who call themselves christian allow themselves to do such things. we are not only celebrating god's resurrection but also the victory of life over death. and right now, when death has come to the ukrainian land victory of life is especially important. russia refused a ceasefire appeal from ukraine for orthodox easter. back here. republicans are backing houseman ordered leader kevin mccarthy after the release of the leaked audiotape in which the california congressman expressed criticism of then president trump and the
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new york times obtained that tape, and on it, mccarthy said that he would encourage then president donald trump to step down. shortly after the january 6th riot at the capitol building today, texas republican congressman michael macau said on fox news sunday that mccarthy spoke as emotions were flying high. and that support for the gop leader remains strong. new attend tonight in new york city firefighter died and five other firefighters were injured battling house fire in brooklyn . the fire department responded to the scene at around 1 30 this afternoon in the nursing neighborhood in the southeast part of brooklyn. firefighter timothy klein was killed while trying to put out the fire with his team officials say the roof collapsed, killing klein and injuring five other firefighters. timothy klein. a 6.5. years as a firefighter. 31 years old. coming from a rich tradition of dad and. of the
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relatives who are firefighters. there were no reports of injuries to civilians and still no word yet as to what caused that deadly fire. emanuel crime reelected as france's president later tonight how world leaders are reacting and why his opponent says the election was still a victory for her movement. a little bit warmer today a bit cooler as we head into the next couple of days with this with some clouds and maybe a chance for some showers in the five day we'll see you back here with that. also ahead tonight, signs of another coronavirus surge in the bay area, and while doctors say it's not as severe as past surges, they warn covid can be unpredictable. there's no question that we're in another way. the question is what that wa
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oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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this are on the rise, nearly a third of the country's experiencing a substantial increase in cases and the bay area is not immune. ktvu greg liggins tells us what local experts are saying about this latest way. cruise ships have been a microcosm of how quickly covid-19 spreads. just this month, the ruby princess returned to port in san francisco, following two separate outbreaks that combined more than 200 passengers stricken with the virus. there's no question that we're in another wave. the question is
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what that wave is going to look like statewide data shows cases are far below their january peak , regardless of vaccination status, yet they are climbing san francisco now faring the worst statewide with a seven day case rate of 6% well above the 3% level considered worrisome, but at the same time, you know when i look at my own hospital, ucsf we probably have about 10 people in the hospital with covid, um compared to about 100 and 50 in the middle of january, and nobody. the last time i checked was on a ventilator, so things are looking really different. hospitalizations typically lag case rates by a week or two and are currently well off winter peaks. as for san francisco, dr chen hong says two factors may account for the city's climbing case rate. one being tourists returning, possibly bringing covid from elsewhere. we have one of the densest populations, actually so that once infection set up shop, it's pretty easy and efficient
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to spread that around. so that's the second reason both doctors caution. covid can quickly humble anyone making sweeping predictions. but given the increased public protection, either through contracting the virus or through immunization they anticipate the current wave will likely be more of a ripple than a monster where we are right now, an argument can be made that it's not going to be really much of a wave this time. just in terms of the nature of it only gradually increasing, as opposed to suddenly increasing another thing. both doctors agree on despite mask mandates ending, they say it's still a good idea to wear a good mask when you're inside densely populated spaces. greg liggins, ktvu fox two news starting tomorrow, mass will no longer be required in public commission and board hearing rooms in city facilities in san francisco, the masking requirement for city hall and other city buildings was dropped last month, except for in session meetings now that policy is also easing. mass are
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still required. however in certain high risk facilities such as hospitals, congregate, living facilities and jails. city officials say they will continue to monitor covid-19 cases and transmission and may reinstate the masking requirement. well, the price of gas is now inching down as crude oil prices continue to fall. the lundberg survey shows the national average for unleaded is down three cents in the past two weeks to $4.24 a gallon. the report says that drivers in the bay area, though, are paying the most in the country at an average of 5 71 a gallon. taking a look around the bay triple a, says the average price in san jose is 5 70 in oakland. it's 5, 71 and san francisco's averages . 5 79 that is down about 13 cents from a month ago. new mexico declared a state of emergency as 20 wild fires continue to burn in nearly half of the states counties. some small villages and two national parks are in the path of the wind driven flames. in northern
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arizona fires burned dozens of homes and are threatening many more. one fire near flagstaff has now burned about 32 square miles and forced the evacuation of more than 760 homes. but today many residents were allowed to return home buyer officials say they expect the forward progress of the wildfires too slow today as cloud and smoke cover moves in. they did bill and that's why you saw so many people out at san francisco's embarcadero, right, boy. it was really nice out there and bill is this warm weather going to continue to tomorrow? it's going to be another warm one tomorrow. heather with temperatures about the same so upper seventies low eighties in the warm spots. and then tuesday. we're going to see some clouds coming in and things cool off pretty rapidly. let's take a look at rainfall, percent of average. we're in our third year of below. average 80% in santa rosa. that's i'm telling you what if it hadn't rained early on in the season, we would be in bad, bad shape. but 85% in
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san francisco for this time of year to date. so we're going to stay behind average, most likely, and that'll put us three years of below. average rainfall c. we all know what that means. and now going looking for showers will look at the long range model and you'll see here's some clouds tomorrow and then on tuesday, right in here, you see that sweep go through. that's going to be a cooler day , and then everything else just sort of stays to the north. so really the takeaway here, nothing's going on. it's just gonna just spreading weather. we've got some northwest winds are going to kick up. it's going to feel a lot more like spring. it's a classic spring patterns. these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow will be very, very similar. and then on tuesday, highest drop off quite a bit. i mean, i think tuesday temperatures are going to be generally. instead of in the low eighties. they will be in the mid seventies low seventies. so it's cool day as we ended tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday. we'll talk about that when i see you at the five day forecast after a couple breaks, all right, we'll see you in a bit, bill. thank you. well drinks, dunks and a darn good
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time. that's how people describe today's warriors watch party outside chase center in san francisco. it was a sea of blue and gold has thousands of dubs fans gathered at thrive city before the warriors took on the denver nuggets today in denver, people spread out on the lawn to watch game four on the big screen televisions and enjoy a beautiful sunny sunday. this is our first time at chase. we used to go to oracle. lots watching the you know, watch the party's inside, watch the games in the finals, but this is a whole other ballgame. i mean, look at the crowd. it's amazing. big crowd out there. sports will have all the highlights from warriors game four plus the giants go for their second series sweep of the season as they take care of business in washington, d c first, though, experiencing the wonder of science today's family friendly event at oracle park. showing kids how science supplies to their daily lives and los
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angeles facing a spike in deaths among the homeless, but it's not the coronavirus,
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oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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rin. kids were allowed to run the bases after today's aids game. the team tweeted out these photos showing the young fans having fun out on the field, saying the kids are back. thanks for running the bases with us. looks like a lot of fun. there were crowds of people headed to oracle park in san francisco today, but they were there for giants game. instead the bay area science festival was the big attraction as ktvu tom baker shows us. the idea behind the festival is to teach students how science can play a big role in their daily lives without them, even realizing it. the in person. barea science festival kicked off this morning at oracle park, where exhibits projects and programs attracted thousands of participants from
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all over the region. there were stem scientific disciplines represented in science, technology, engineering and math. all with the goal of informing and inspiring new talent by connecting with scientists and engineers of all ages, all backgrounds that people will be inspired to pursue them for themselves. the mission science workshop brought the bones have been adolescent gray whale to show that mammals share a lot of the same structure with many other animals, including humans. through this process, they learn about evolution, anatomy, whale biolog, marine life and conservation, and we bring it to schools all over san francisco so that kids can experience the bones. they put it together and take it apart like a giant puzzle, and they can learn comparative anatomy. will and marine conservation volcanoes are under constant study here in california, especially in their safe state as well as when they become active, threatening life and
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limb. that's right. we have about eight volcanoes that we consider young enough and potentially threatening enough that we monitor them all the time, and that's part of what the california volcano observatory does. richmond high school's robotics team is a competitive contender full of innovation and team spirit. this is something that gives students the ability to learn about stem by designing, creating robots that then they go and take to competition. and compete with schools from around the world. but the idea is to show them that they can be successful. they can succeed and they can do this and this is something that's within their realm, and they're they're capable of taking on this challenge. the science festival runs through the 30th of april. with major events online and in person, including a similar event on the final day at cal state east bay science pollution at the lawrence hall of science and event in east palo alto and stem frenzy at city college. tom baker, ktvu fox two news. coming
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up tonight. california mayors asked for more funding to help the homeless crisis. the bay area leaders getting involved in sacramento. to show the ward. we are. we are strong, strong people. today marks the 107th anniversary of the armenian genocide how hundreds of people rallied to raise awareness today in southern california and the world reacts to the presidential election in france. why president biden says emmanuel macron's victory is important for the united states.
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oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh. entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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of t cities are coming together to address potential cuts to services for the homeless. the leaders including oakland, libby
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schaaf, in san jose mayor sam liccardo will meet tomorrow in sacramento. we'll discuss the fiscal consequences of the expiration of state funding programs that have served 25,000 homeless californians. the big city mayors is a bipartisan coalition of mayors of california's 13 largest cities. wasn't troubling figures about homeless deaths in los angeles county during the first year of the pandemic. a new report from the department of public health shows nearly 2000 homeless people died in that county in 2020. that is an increase of 56% from a year earlier. officials say the deaths were driven mainly by drug overdoses. that's because people were cut off from mental health and substance abuse treatment programs. to prevent the spread of the coronavirus armenian americans took to the streets around the world today to bring awareness to the armenian genocide. today marks the 107th anniversary of the start of the mass killings of armenians during world war one. reporter koco mcevoy shows
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us today's demonstration in beverly hills. outside of the turkish consulate in beverly hills, large rally with hundreds of people recognize the 107th anniversary of the armenian genocide. but the struggle is not over, organized by leaders from the armenian youth federation like hes mick pollution, we're sharing information about the genocide our story before the genocide because we are so much more than that, and also what's going on in our all ages and their families participated in the rally. we can see the new generation. my son is four years old. you know, so this is the continue to show the to show the war we are. we are strong, strong people following the horrific genocide from 1915, which killed 1.5 million
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armenians. one year ago. president joe biden made history officially recognizing the armenian genocide. but the community believes more steps need to be taken. we need more than naming the genocide for what it is, but we need action as well. the rally in beverly hills is part of a day of remembrance as millions of armenians around the world come together to remember the tragedy and call for more progress. but we took the torch from the past generations, and now it's our turn to continue the struggle. and i always like to say that the youth knows the way we are the ones that are upholding and moving and making sure that the movement keeps going on. and again, that was coco mcevoy reporting. he's big congresswoman barbara lee marked today's anniversary with a tweet saying today i stand with the armenian community in the united states and across the globe on the 107th anniversary of the armenian genocide. we honor the lives of the 1.5 million men, women and children lost and
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recommit to fighting crimes against humanity everywhere. reaction is pouring in from across europe as french president emmanuel macron wins re election for his second term. leaders from italy, spain and the eu congratulating macron on his victory foxes christina coleman tells us his challenger , marine le pen conceded defeat but said her far right movement won a victory. current french president, emmanuel macron won the election, according to french polling agencies with at least 58% of the vote, the centrist candidate thanked his supporters. second name. after five years of transformations, both happy and difficult and exceptional crisis on this day, april 24th 2022 a majority of us have chosen to trust me to lead our republic. for the next five years, macron campaigned on his environmental and climate change accomplishments and heavily criticized his opponents' positions on immigration policies and her proposal to ban
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muslim headscarves and french public spaces. meantime the pen slammed macron's economic policies, signing the months of yellow vest protests. and both candidates condemned putin's war in ukraine, the le pen cast doubts on some sanctions against russia that she believed could economically hurt the people of france. reaction to this race is world. many of macron supporters celebrated 58%liked more than 60% but 58% that's good. it's a good score grow, grown macron taste off with le pen for president in 2017 and one by a landslide, but this race was closer in the first round of voting three weeks ago , macron led the presidential contenders with far right challenger le pen. trailing by less than 5% today. during her concession speech, she said her results were still a victory for her political movement. the french are showing tonight. i
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wish for a strong counter power against that of emmanuel macron for an opposition that will continue to defend and protect them in the face of the degradation of their purchasing power attacks on liberty, putting into question our public service and our social system. macron will become the first french president to win a second term in two decades reporting los angeles christina coleman fox news president biden tweeted his support for mr macron saying congratulations to emmanuel macron on his reelection. france's our oldest ally and a key partner in addressing global challenges. i look forward to our continued close cooperation , including on supporting ukraine, defending democracy in countering climate change, analysts say. mr macron offered french voters stability at a time when europe is dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and was able to raise doubts about his opponent. le pen. she has talked about weakening france's role in the european union.
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she's talked about taking france out of the integrated military structure in nato, and she has a she had a loan from a not just a russian bank, but a russian bank that was closely connected to the kremlin. marine le pen received her largest vote margin . yet on her third run for the presidency. she is the first far right candidate to break through the 40% threshold. a shooting involving several teenagers in southeast atlanta left at least five people injured last night. police responded to centennial olympic park, and when officers arrived at the scene, they found three teenagers with gunshot wounds. investigators later learned that two more teams a vehicle at gunpoint. and drove themselves to the hospital. it should be noted that on the scene we were between all things involved. we were able to recover three weapons thus far and we were able to recover the stolen vehicle as well. the investigation is very preliminary and ongoing, so we help no established motives at
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this time. police are going through surveillance video, hoping to learn exactly who is involved and how the shooting started. all of those victims suffered non life threatening injuries and are expected to be okay. coming up at 11 a meeting between twitter and elon musk, the reported details that quick lead to a deal for the ceo to take over the company. and i hope you had a nice weekend. we are heading towards the work week. i'll have that forecast in the five day after the break. at first, though a high profile case heads to the supreme court tomorrow here from the coach who was fired after praying with his team on the football field, and why some say that violates the separation of church and state. i don't want to take things to the supreme court. i don't want to have these big battles. i don't want to be on all the
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saie u. s. supreme court on earth day has died from his injuries. 50 year old win bruce a boulder, colorado, died yesterday, one day after he set himself ablaze in washington, d c. no one else was hurt. supreme court police said they were still investigating the man's motive. but a friend told the new york times it was a planned act of protest against climate change. the supreme court tomorrow we'll hear a high profile religious freedom case involving a high school football coach. who was disciplined for praying after a game. the court's decision could potentially impact whether public employees can engage in public displays of faith as fox news shannon bream reports, some argue is an improper endorsement of religion. i don't want to take things to the supreme court. i don't want to have these big battles. i don't want to be on all the cameras and the you know the lights. i just want to coach. but if former high
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school football coach joe kennedy hopes to give back to his players in bremerton, washington, it means his legal team will have to win over at least five justices when the nation's highest court hears his case on monday. the first amendment means that no one should be fired from their job simply for engaging in a private act of prayer by themselves, at least at the 50 yard line after a football game. the parties to the case don't even agree on those facts. kennedy years ago, says he felt compelled to begin offering prayers by himself on the football field after games. he says students asked if they could join him and eventually invited opposing teams as well, at some point, prompted by a compliment about the practice, the school district began investigating. rachel laser president and ceo of americans united for separation of church and state, the group representing the school district , says this case is about protecting impressionable students who felt pressured by their coach to participate repeatedly in public prayer. kennedy admits over the years,
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two players came to him and said they weren't comfortable taking part in both of them. my team captains, i need people that are have leadership because stand up for what they think is right. kennedy was eventually told he could not continue the on field prayers with students and was offered other private options. this school district says kennedy was never disciplined until after they unsuccessfully tried to reach a compromise with him. the parties disagree about the details of what happened next, but kennedy ultimately lost his job, and the subsequent legal battle has been raging for seven years. jeremy dice, special counsel for first liberty, the group representing kennedy, does. this case is about more than just this one. coach teacher bows her head over her lunch before and says grace before having her meal in the cafeteria and a student can see that teacher does that teacher need to be terminated. what about a teacher wearing a hijab or yamaka or some other outward display of religion as a part of their faith practice, agrees the impact could be wide ranging, arguing that if the coach wins
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and the school district loses, that would quote dangerously erode a core principle of our democracy. i asked kennedy. why didn't just reach a compromise or give up years ago? he says his players often asked him the same thing. i would have been the biggest hypocrite in the united states if i would have just said oh, yeah, you're right. this is too hard for me. what kind of example would i have set for my guys? arguments in the case are set for 10 a.m. eastern on monday. a decision is due from the justices by late june in washington, shannon bream fox news. the world health organization is now warning of an acute hepatitis outbreak among children. it says there were at least 169 hepatitis cases in children around the world. and at least one child has died from it now. the majority of the cases were reported in the u. k and nine have been reported in alabama. the cdc also issued a warning on friday and said the children seem to be contracting acute hepatitis. after an andino virus
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infection. health officials say the virus is not known to be a cause of hepatitis and healthy children, but it is seeing cases of hepatitis and immuno compromised children who contract that virus. coming up a big surprise for california marine corps veteran what he says he'll do after being gifted a brand new electric car and blue skies have returned to the bay area. our chief meteorologist bill martin, will have a look at your complete five day forecast right oh, wow barbara corcoran! good morning. sorry, but we don't need any business help now. we're gigillionaires. what? we're gigillionaires now. i don't get it we have at&t business fiber with hyper-gig speeds. -but i just... -so thanks, we're doing great. i'm so happy for you! but i'm just here for my order. oh.
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entre-pin-eurs? yeah, my bowling team. i like it. there's money in puns. do business like a gigillionaire at&t business fiber, now with speeds up to 5-gigs. limited availability.
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veteran was presented with a big surprise at an earth day event in sacramento today, a brand new electric car as reporter liz amy tree tells us the car will help the retired marine corps marine corporal council other combat veterans as they transition back to civilian life. sean rainey was 20 years old when he joined
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the marine corps, so i served a 12059 11 happened when i was in boot camp, the country went to war in afghanistan and then iraq . my unit was part of the invasion of iraq in 2003. um we actually crossed into iraq on my daughter's first birthday, which was an experience rainy, is now a retired corporal living in auburn, but says the transition was tough when i first separated from the marine corps, um, the vietnam vets that that were part of, um you know that that community that i plugged into at the v h that they had a huge impact on me. and now he hopes to do the same for other combat veterans after him, which is how he ended up here and earth day event in sacramento southside park. we're going to affect the life of someone who is going to affect the lives of others nonprofit military warrior support foundation teamed up with wells fargo for your service. to present rainy with a new electric car is getting a ford mustang mark e completely electric well, he paid for
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rainie says he'll use it for his long commute to school. it's pretty cool enrolled at u mass global in walnut creek, formerly brandman university. by december , i'll have a undergraduate in psychology, and then i just applied to a master's program at jessup for counseling psychology. on the road to counseling other veterans. and again, that was was a mitri reporting. military warriors support foundation says it will also be providing rainy with one year of family and financial mentoring, and it was study finds that climate change is affecting restaurant menus, researchers from the university of british columbia found the effects of climate change largely impacts seafood. they say gradually, warming water temperatures are causing a drop off and sockeye salmon. scientists say restaurants may turn more towards products like humboldt squid or even sardines because they do well in warmer waters. researchers say there is likely to be less stability and
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local seafood harvests in the future. alrighty then we had a nice stay today. i hope you had a nice weekend. it turned out to be a pretty good one. we got a little bit of a little bit of wind at times yesterday. today was really nice temperatures got into the low eighties a little warmer today than yesterday. tomorrow will be about the same , maybe a degree or two cooler and then tuesday will notices i significant call down. it's not a it's not a weather system. now it is weather system, but it's not a strong weather system. so we're not expecting rain. we're just expecting lower temperatures. and on tuesday so tomorrow is going to look a lot like this. like these, like those numbers and as you look outside, we might see a little patrick coastal fog tonight. we had some this morning out on the estuary. you see a little bit of wind with the rippled texture on the bay here is the model and what i want to show you here. is this is monday night. so that was the whole day monday. i wonder if this is the cool down here. see this kind of line going through. it's hard to make out, but that's the front. that's a cold front and is that moves through temperatures on
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tuesday will drop 56 degrees over what we see today or what we saw today and what will probably see tomorrow. these are the current temperatures. they're running not too far off where they were last night. big storm draped across the midsection of the country that is a big cold front, producing some severe weather. at times tomorrow afternoon, it's going to get kind of nasty out towards new york. in boston as this thing moves off, so flight delays. maybe the ap. yeah, maybe in the mid morning afternoon in new york and boston . those areas if you're traveling and then out west, we've got these clouds to contend with tomorrow. nothing. no big deal. there's the main low and is that gets closer to us. that's that front. i showed you and if it was two months ago would be rain. but this time of year, these storms right they start to lose their their fuel and jet stream is one of the main sources of fuel for these storms, at least an engine. and as we look at the high pressure will continue to push these lows to the north, and that's just how it will be. there's still
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some surf out. there was real big over the weekend, especially on friday and saturday. temperatures swell dropped off. quite a bit today, but if you're going around out by the coast, it's still pretty good size, so just be safe. if you're doing any fishing, i see a lot of folks out at the beach, throwing throwing lines and doing whatever they do, so just be safe. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. 80 so little cooler in antioch. then it was yesterday. etienne fairfield's gonna be beautiful day, maybe a little patchy coastal fog as well. perfect spring weather cool down tuesday wednesday, thursday and friday continues cool within kind of warms back up just a touch on the weekend, so kind of a very spring like week ahead. alright thanks so much bill appreciate it. illegal street racing surged during the pandemic, and it hasn't slowed down since one city that's trying to fix the problem is las vegas, the city's police department has created a task force assigning officers full time to address the issue. on the most extreme end, it's fatalities and on the other end, it's the inconvenience. it's the
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noise. it's the smoke gets the regular citizens that is trying to get from point a to point b. it gets held up at these intersections. meantime other departments around the country are teaming up with organizations to get these drivers off of roads and on two tracks through a program called beat the heat. nine states have implemented it, including colorado, texas and florida. a northwest city is extending its outdoor dining program through the fall. the marin i j reports , mill valley was set to terminate its outdoor dining program at the end of june, but the city decided to extend it through october. 31st. the extension will give city officials time to develop a long term park lip program that was first established during the pandemic. the current program allows businesses to use parking spaces and private property to extend their business outdoors. alright sports is coming up next we'll hear from the warriors after they take on the nuggets and important game four. then on the 11 o'clock news, jeopardy!
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fans line up at the home of the late alex trebek. the things they were able to purchase at an estate sale over the weekend.
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(music throughout)
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onet in sports. the warriors were after sweep today of their series with denver and have to acknowledge the fight the nuggets put up in an elimination game. this one was testy right from the start. nikola jokic gets poked in the eye by draymond green. the foul is called in south bay product. aaron gordon takes issue greenwood eventually foul out of the game. the wires were chasing from behind most of the way yokich with a nice move around green to put the nuggets up by five with three minutes and change to play. yokich did most of the heavy lifting for denver with 37 points. inside two minutes of play. now you can't guard steph curry in space curry
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to the hoop, plus the foul. corey had 32. the game was tied after he made the free throw warriors took the lead with 1 21 to play, but they're tied again. here little scoop shot by marty morris in the lane, and the nuggets are in front for good. morris had 24 for denver. words still down to here. they need to stop. you have to guard yokich when he kicks to an open will barton barton knocks down the three and that was the nail the nuggets win. 1 26 1 21 worse, still need this series three games to one. they can wrap it up in home on wednesday night. no reason for panic. 1 26. they got one game. you know, we gotta it's a good team with m v p player on their team. they're you know, they're not going to just lay down so they came out. they played well. like i said, i expect our atmosphere to be loud. i expect guys to be bouncing off the wall, um and we'll go out and take care of business. and this is the situation you want in any playoff series when you're hosting, um sweep the first to get one out of two on the road
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and go home with a chance to clinch. so we're right where we need to be. tough times for the sons who will likely be without devin booker for their entire series with new orleans. the pelicans looked overmatched early in this series with top seeded team in the west, but no more new orleans taking control in the third quarter, brandon ingram to the hoop for two of his 30 points booker out. it's all up to chris paul for the sons. he's draped here by jose alvarado. paul ended up getting called for an offensive foul. he was held to just four points. frustrating night all the way around from paul hubert jones steals the inbound pass and paul has called for a flagrant foul is jones gets the hoop new orleans rolls to a 1 18 1 of three win that series now tied to each does now head back to phoenix for game five on tuesday , the giants are one game away from ending a daunting road trip that's gone about as well as they could have possibly hoped. san francisco going for a sweep of three games in washington. didn't take logan web long to get some run support. jaak peterson was the first batter on a don't face and take a look
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where this ball ends up. the ball scrapes off the upper deck for peterson's fourth home run of the year, john scott to in the inning for to nothing lead. the scoring continued the entire game one run already into the second brandon belt hits a two hour drive to the deepest part of the ball park lane, thomas chase, but can't catch up belt goes to third with an rbi triple bart scores is 4 to 1 peterson had a day he came to the plate leading off the seventh against austin voth. peterson did was go three for three with three runs scored and three r b i s that homer, he's hitting 3 64, the giants win 12 to 3. there's seven and three on the trip with one more to play tomorrow. in milwaukee. best expo lost. lots of sunshine have not a lot of fans today at the oakland coliseum. coal irvin happy for the defensive help against the rangers. jonah. hi i'm with the drive to right. here comes stephen piscotty to take a hit away. urban went five shutout innings, allowing just one hit. another outstanding pitching day for the a's all the way around,
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still a scoreless game in the fourth piscotty loads up on a spencer howard pitch, no doubt about this one for scotty's fourth homer of the year is a two run shot. that was it for a pictures combined on the four hit shutout. as oakland wins two to nothing. just three more regular season games for the sharks to tonight, had a few fans in las vegas there down to the final ticks here in regulation as the sharks have taken their goalie out of the net with the pressure on the golden knights, timo meier hits the net. just before time runs out. that's his 35th goal this season, and they are headed to overtime. to tie the game at four came down to a shutout and this watch bordello beats logan thompson for the only goal of the shootout. san jose comes from a 42 deficit to win 5 to 4 late for this year. but the sharks are 12 in the 16 team western conference. nascar at the superspeedway, talladega this weekend. you can always
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count on a wild finish at talladega or daytona on the final lap. eric jones in the lead, kyle larson makes his move on the outside while they tangle and chaos ensues behind them. chastain and the number one car keeps it straight down low. he crossed his first ahead of martin truex, take a look at the crazy scene that broke out his chastain was able to slightly laid back, avoid it all and win the second win of the year for chastain, second in points behind william byron. but first this year and watermelon smashing. play the day turned in today in the usfl receivers, making one hand catches have become something that is more and more common in college and the pros jonathan adams of the new orleans breakers going up to snag the pass. that was a big play in the breakers. 30 43 wins over tampa bay. amazing cat was very talented. alright thanks. thanks, joe. next at 11. today we still believe in the new victory of ukraine and we are
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all convinced that we will not be destroyed. the highest level meeting yet in ukraine between president zelinsky and the u. s secretary of state and defense secretary as orthodox christians celebrate a very somber eastern the 11 o'clock news on ktvu. fox two starts now. hello again, everyone. i'm heather holmes and i'm julie julie haener. the meeting was held under tight security in kiev. afterward the us announced more direct military aid and the sale of ammunition to help ukraine defend its homeland against russia. it's all comes as ukraine is now marking two months since the russian invasion began. ukraine says eight people were killed in the port city of odessa today after russian missile struck a residential block. a mother and her three month old baby are among the dead. to the east. in the city of mariupol. russian troops launched new airstrikes on the steel plant were more than 1000. ukrainian soldiers and civilians are trapped efforts tse


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