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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2 The Nine  FOX  April 25, 2022 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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of the relationships they have here, maybe two or three of them may even get together. and start their own store. artwork candles , clothing, and so much more are up for sale at this collective in oakland. the district illegally, um closed schools and or attempting to close schools and, um black and brown neighborhoods are going on a one day strike this week over the proposal to consolidate schools , but now the district is calling the strike illegal. also ahead. the hospital is pretty tone deaf in terms of what is happening at the bedside and what is happening to nurses here . thousands of area nurses are on the picket line this morning after working without a contract for weeks, some patients at stanford hospital are being affected by the strike and how the hospital is responding. well
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monday morning is up and running , and so are we. here on the nine as we give you a live look out at the city by the bay, the great city of san francisco, the cruise ship their import downtown. russian hill, all of it so many good pockets there in san francisco. beautiful morning out there a little hazy, but a lot of sunshine across the bay area driving around yesterday, garcia didn't really see those open home signs. you know, it's sunday. inventory is not out there and people looking to buy a house in the bay area. i tell you what, it's just getting more challenging by the day. 11 we have the interest rates right there now exceeding 5% for the first time in more than a decade, home prices across the region we've hit all time highs, and some real estate experts do say that the low inventory in bidding wars are expected to keep home prices in the bay area from declining, according to redfin, the median sale price of a home there in san francisco. at $1.5 million last month, and i talked about the interest rates. welcome to the nine everybody. sal is on assignment, but he's on his way back,
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joining us soon. historically they still are considered low right compared to two years ago or even four months ago. there high, right, right and a lot of people doing that, myriad that you have those online mortgage calculators if you if you buy for this much, and if my brain is this i will echo the advice that a realtor gave me a lot. i could one of my first stories here at ktvu 17 plus years ago, she said. look you cannot move to time the market you need to move for life is at school is at work. is it parents? and i think for the past two years we're doing the grand reassessment of our lives. and look if you really want to go live near mom and dad. i mean, maybe your house won't be as big you won't have a big yard. whatever so i like that advice. i'm still seeing the homes for sale signs in my neighborhood. come on, over my way. we'll get you to the east bay, right, actually, let's go and start in the east bay for first report here. we're focusing on students in oakland because the oakland unified school district has said that teachers in oh, usd have until noon today. to decide whether or not they'll go on a one day strike later this week. ktvu james torres live in oakland
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forest. there are a number of issues james surrounding this friday's expected teacher walkout. garcia that noon deadline is slowly approaching. but the mindset seems to be pretty much set when it comes to these teachers, according to the president of the oakland education association. he says union members have already voted over the weekend. to engage in this strike later at the end of this week, and here's why this is all stands from a decision earlier this year from the oakland unified school district, voting to shut down or consolidate 11 school campuses. district leaders say attendance at each of those schools are under enrolled in the move would save millions of dollars. several teachers have been vocal against the idea of school closures. and since that decision, we've seen rallies we've seen protests. we even saw a more than two week long hunger strike. and this week's planned strike is the latest attempt to stop it all from happening. the union president says the school district is breaking an agreement by deciding to close schools only after a short amount of time for consideration says that agreement says they need to consider it for at least a year before they make a
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decision. they also accused the district of targeting majority black and brown schools. a strike could mean an entire day lost from school and one father i spoke to this morning says he doesn't like that idea. you would hate for your son to lose for sure. for sure. for sure. he loves school. he loves to interact with the kids. he likes to do his projects make airplanes and stuff like that. so he loves going to school. in an email. the district says there is no justification for a strike threatening legal action , saying, in part, even the threat of again depriving students of instruction, let alone an actual deprivation. especially without legal justification will only further hurt students. the union has until noon today to change its mind, according to the district. otherwise we can expect to see a number of teachers at a number of campuses all citywide here in oakland, walking out of the classroom and going on a one day strike. that's at the start friday morning. we're live this morning in oakland. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. alright james, thank you for that happening today. opening
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statements begin in a san francisco case that involves some of the biggest drug companies in the world, the city of san francisco alleges in the lawsuit that four companies including walgreens produced, marketed and distributed pain, medication and quote created a population of addicted patients who sought opioids at rates never seen before. end quote. between 2015 and 2020. opioid overdose deaths in san francisco increased by nearly 500% and in 2020 more than twice as many opioid overdose deaths were reported compared to deaths from covid-19 in the city. according to reuters. the companies have denied the allegations, saying that they sold opioid medications that were then prescribed by doctors of nine of california's largest cities are meeting today to look for solutions to the homelessness crisis. leaders of nine cities, including san jose and oakland are meeting in sacramento. they're concerned about the end of state funding for programs that serve some 25,000 californians who don't have permanent housing. advocates for people who are homeless, say
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officials don't even have a firm grip on the number of people who need a place to live. los angeles county's reporting nearly 2000 homeless people died in the first year of the pandemic. that's nearly 700 more than the number of homeless people who died the year before . officials largely blamed drug overdoses for the increase. they say many people who needed treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues didn't receive the services they needed when those programs were shut down to prevent the spread of covid multiple wildfires this morning are burning across parts of the country cruise in nebraska, new mexico and arizona , all trying to contain these fires and in some areas evacuees are headed home to assess the damage. fox weather's robert ray as the story good memories. dour hard, heartbreaking scenes playing out across flagstaff, arizona, many residents returning to find their homes and belongings destroyed after the tunnel fire ripped through the area. vietnam veteran dave bartman says he lost his medals in uniform from his time in the
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military life is like a roller coaster for it goes up. goes down the tunnel fire now stands at more than 21,000 acres with minimal containment. authorities say the flames have burned down roughly 30 homes and two dozen other structures. the fire, now one of several burning across the us over the weekend. wind driven flames in nebraska killed a retired fire chief and injured more than a dozen firefighters. take what you think you need a new mexico, nearly half of the states counties are seeing flames. fire managers say to blazes combined over the weekend. together they have charged more than 54,000 acres, forcing evacuations across the state pictures. i think that's the first thing you think about . youout some of our family meme oxygen's all together. these
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fires have burned more than 120,000 acres across the u. s fire crews hope, easing winds and lower temperatures today will provide them with some relief forecasters warned that winds could stir up later this week, creating the flames to get hot again. in causing more damage in flagstaff, arizona. robert ray ktvu fox two news, you can get more coverage on the fox weather app and by streaming fox weather on your device. download the app right now by scanning that qr code on the screen. you can also downloaded in your app store getting a good view from space on the strong april storms that brought heavy snow to lake tahoe. nasa's released the satellite images showing the dramatic difference in how the snow covered sierra mountains. april 1st. that's on your left last friday is on the right april 1st image we see really just patches of snow up in the mountains, a blanket of snow scene over the entire sierra nevada just three weeks later, those same storms of cross brought heavy rain to the bay area, and i did what i think half the bay area did this
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weekend. give a guess as to how i spent my weekend days watching little league picked. we've both days. steve paulson. that ground was nice and moist and it made it easy. for some, there was good rain for others. not so much, but we'll take the rain, but the sierra did get some pretty good snow and boy, was it much needed, as you know, and maybe not done yet. that's the good news here. we'll take a look at this now again when you get to the end of april. you know you're on borrowed time here. the days are getting along. temperatures are warming up the southern sierras going pretty fast but central sierra. that's how is that 37% northern 31. these are really pretty close to where they should be seasonal averages for this time of year, so he went from 28 to 35% statewide and there was, you know some impressive totals last week. especially last thursday. can we get any more rain or snow it? not this week. i mean, maybe to the north. yes not much is expected in this year looks dry for us, but early may is possible here. there's a series of systems. some of the forecast models already. hinting at something coming in maybe late sunday monday. more likely, though, around the fifth of may out to the tent. water temps are
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really cold. now. we saw 48 49 about a week ago. that's about as cold as it gets for us. one item of note office. san diego one bowie measured 53 degrees. that was yesterday. that's the coldest water tap off san diego since 2000 and three so there's some really cold water along the california coast, not just north. few high clouds zipping by in a little bit of patchy fog , but overall, it's already sunny, little hazy. maybe out there 60 seventies to 80 mild morning here clouds but mostly sunny here with a warm afternoon for some inland temperatures aloft are bumping up. we're seeing upper fifties to near 60 degrees. sonoma mountains 58 ben lomond. manton is now 60 degrees mount diablo sitting at 55. they all have some form of a south or south westerly breeze. 61 conquering brentwood fifties for everyone else just about. i think that mill valley is about an hour old, though, so we're on our way. but we're about the same as yesterday. the pattern across the pacific is still very, very active. it's just lifted a little bit northward. but there are signs that a
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series of systems are going to continue to kind of dance and flirt with us. if you will hear over the next 7 to 10 days today looks to be the warmest day of the work week. we'll see. cooler systems begin to work their way on wednesday, thursday and friday. so 60 seventies and eighties so dry this week, although i don't think we're done with the rain, yet this week looks pretty good. warm today cooler by wednesday thursday friday. saturday looks good. maybe another system coming in on sunday. you guys, steve? thank you. gas prices continue to trickle down, but they're still pretty high. and with that some lawmakers on oil companies of price gouging. it's not the moms and pops who run these who run these gas stations who are at fault. it's their corporate parent after the oil companies and go after gouging. senate majority leader uck schumer is accusing oil companies of using the ongoing war between russia and ukraine as an excuse to increase prices . senator schumer says he does expect president biden's pick for the federal trade commission to be confirmed sometime this week. he says this will give democrats a 3 to 2 majority on
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the agency, which could lead to an investigation into the gas prices. the price of gas slowly coming down, at least here in california. according to triple a the california average dropped one sent in the last week to 5 69 a gallon in oakland. the average price is 5 71 san francisco. it's 5 80napa has some of the most expensive gas in the state at $5.87 a gallon coming up some 5000 nurses on the peninsula are on strike. next year on mornings onto the nine why they walked off the job at the hospital says they will lose coming may 1st as a result of this action if it continues and how some patients are being affected. also sent. francisco is reported to have the highest covid case rate in the state, but hospitalizations remained relatively low. we're about to talk live with the leading barrier voice in the fight against covid for more insight against covid for more insight on the reason b
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(johnny cash) ♪ i've traveled every road in this here land! ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, froman. ♪®. ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, parkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪
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well no longer be required to wear masks indoors, the state's indoor mask mandate for schools what's looked at last month, but many districts wanted to wait a little bit longer before ending their mask requirements. the oakland unified school district is still strongly recommending. everyone continued to wear those face coverings, and as of today , mess will not be required at san francisco public commission meetings or inside board hearing rooms masters still required in certain high risk facilities, including hospitals group living facilities in jails. city officials say they will continue to monitor covid cases and transmission. covid cases are increasing nationwide, with nearly a third of the country reporting a sharp rise in new cases. california health officials say the number of patients is still small compared to the number of cases we saw at the beginning of this year. san francisco has the highest new infection rate in the state. sitting at 6% doctors say that hospitalization rates, however, remained relatively low. let's talk more about what's happening with covid today by welcoming
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back to the ninth ucsf infectious disease specialist dr peter chin hong, thanks for joining us my pleasure gas here. thanks for having me on course. of course. let's start there in san francisco. what do you think is happening? that's responsible for the increase. well there are a few things, uh, foot here, garcia. the first is that, um people are just very mobile. and you know, they're not just san franciscans who are increasing the risk, but there are lots of people from all over the country and, frankly, all over the world coming right now. the second reason is one that we've seen before. like new york. san francisco's actually very dense , even though it doesn't seem that way, where geographically restricted, so there is very much an efficiency of transmission once people are here, so i think those both things are happening. um and unlike you mentioned there's a big increase in cases in the community. but unlike every other surge before i put that in
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brackets, um on quotes. we don't really see a lot of activity in the hospital, even though sure people might say you have to wait a little bit while but we've been taking up in cases for quite a few weeks now. is this because more people are vaccinated, but still getting it like a good friend of mine just last week, or is it because the covid that's circulating now isn't quite as dangerous as it has been in in months, years past. this is the part of the exam when you see all of the all of the above, so i think one issue is that there's a big immunity force field because a lot of people have vaccinated and boost it. but the second issue is that this is just a flavor of akron. so it's just a continuation of or you can think of it from the body's perspective. the immune system perspective continuation of being a one and that happened so recently. so may not look the same if we got another variant in the fall or in the winter, when you know immunity might have wind a little bit. there could be a more dangerous variant popping up after i'm
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gonna have to read this off my screen. what's currently circulating which i'm told is be a 0.2 point. 12.2. yes. so it's just another variant of omicron or sub lineage scene in new york originally and kind of even 25% more transmissible. than be a two. so uh, that's kind of why so many people are getting it but again, the consequences, at least in this particular time. i'm not reflected in very serious illness. let's pull out a little bit here and look statewide covid test positivity in california. is up almost 50% in the past week, according to california state numbers is that a result of mask mandates largely being dropped. yes i mean it's complex because, as opposed to the other searches when the numbers and the official numbers reflect people's testing behavior, as you know, this time, a lot of people are testing at home. so you're getting. ah you know, a selected group of people who are
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going to get tested officially. so maybe there are people who get tested positive at home, and they want to confirm it. so they go and get a pcr. maybe there are more. vulnerable populations who can't get a home test so they go to get officially tested . it's more complex than meets the eye, but whatever it is, we're definitely seeing uptick in the test positive rate. from you know, uh, 1% now to 56% in the area. where are you still masking up, doctor when you kind of move about your daily life. so, uh, so it depends on indoors ventilation, duration of time. so say, uh, i mean, i have a long grocery list and i'm going to costco and a saturday morning. i'm definitely still going to mask up then i'm flying across the country 100% i'm going to mask up then, uh, and the reason why is that even though i'm not going to get seriously ill. as somebody who's boosted kind afford to get even
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infected if i could help it, and because i'll be taken out of the workforce for at least five days, if not 10, and there is a small but measurable risk of chronic symptoms as well, even though that's much lower with vaccinated and boosted, folks. still better not to get it. all right, dr. peter chin hong. i'll see you at costco. thank you so much for joining us this morning. thanks so much. garcia, of course, johnny depp and amber heard are back in court this morning. still to come here on mornings onto the nine. we are talking live with extra tv about the significance of the case has testimonies resumed. and the defamation trial between the former couple and oversees. the ukrainian president says he is committed to winning this fight against russia how the u. s plans to help him achieve the goal, which includes hundreds of millions of dollars i'm jimmy dean and uh, isn't that sunrise somthin'? i honestly feel that way about jimmy dean sausage.
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get yourself a large chunk of that good morning feeling. boy, that smells good. mmm. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪
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only pay for what you need. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. verr person died in a large house fire in brooklyn. five other firefighters were hurt while battling this large fire yesterday afternoon. more than
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100 firefighters were working the fire. when the roof collapsed, the city's mayor says the firefighter who died comes from a family of firefighters. timothy klein. a 6.5. years as a firefighter. 31 years old. coming from a rich tradition of dad and of the relatives who are firefighters. police are working to identify an additional person whose body was found in the rubble. there is no word yet on how this fire started. secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin traveled to ukraine to meet with ukrainian president vladimir zelensky. as group jenkins reports from kiev. the visit by these high ranking officials was another show of us support for ukraine. russia has already failed, and ukraine has already succeeded profile visit that was shrouded in secrecy, the secretaries of state and defense meeting with ukrainian officials as the russian invasion entered
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its 61st day. president vladimir zelensky says it's an important sign of solidarity with the key western ally. we consider the united states to be a leader among those countries that are future guarantors of ukraine's security secretary of state antony blinken, announcing american diplomats will return to ukraine, eventually hoping to reopen the embassy here in kiev in the coming weeks in defense secretary lloyd austin unveiled another military aid package worth $713 million with more possibly coming as the fight for the donbas region intensifies. you should know the people of ukraine should know that we will continue to do everything possible. to ensure that that you're successful. russia struck deep into ukraine on monday, targeting infrastructure far from the front lines, including railroads in the west in a key oil refinery, but the ukrainians are fighting back, hoping to cause disruptions of their own to the russian supply lines. we saw some attacks on the oil depots yesterday in interior
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parts of russia. we also saw some train lines that have been disrupted. so i think the ukrainians are showing that they're willing to impact russian logistical lines. the u . n secretary general is scheduled to visit both russia and ukraine this week, and he'll meet with the presidents of both countries. in kiev, ukraine. griff jenkins, ktvu, fox two news. a sen. francisco musician born in russia brought together more than a dozen performers to raise money to help ukrainians affected by the war. up to one across. gina teamed up with the owner of light rail studios to put together a fundraiser for ukraine. they both say they want to do something to help. felt just the pit in my stomach and i felt really i just emotional had turn off the news. like what can i do? you know, so the fact that we have this space and that we
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could offer this space to do something like this was just you know, of course, we said yes. between performances, the artists auctioned off items to raise even more money. french president emmanuel macron has been re elected, beating his fa. macron supporters macron won his second five year term with more than 58% of the vote. one political scientists as macron offered french voters stability as europe is dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine. le pen. she has talked about weakening france's role in the european union. she's talked about taking france out of the integrated military structure in nato, and she has a she had a loan from a not just a russian bank, but a russian bank that was closely connected to the kremlin. on her third run for the presidency. le pen got her largest percentage of votes yet at just over 40% she has conceded the race. macron's win
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makes him the first french president in two decades to serve a second term nurses here in the bay area frustrated and taking action coming up on mornings onto the nine how there's more than money at skate stake at the center of the nurses dispute. with their hospital and what the nurses stand to lose if this strike goes into next month. also a separation between church and state. we look into the supreme court's newest case involving a former high school football coach and his decision to prey on the field with students stay on the field with students stay ♪ ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer... are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer
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intt the golden gate bridge a little bit of haze there in the picture. and right now our temperatures are going to be pretty mild for today. this morning, three bay area students found out there are being awarded $60,000 college scholarships. for a total of $60,000. we could not be more
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more more proud of you women, and i was able to be there to help them award that they are crystal now, which is on the left. no via korea and tiffany chung. she's on the right. i was there this morning when i had learned that they had one or they learned that they had one. i already was in on the surprise. i remember applying and it was definitely intimidating, but i'm really grateful for this opportunity, and i can't wait for the next four years. just extremely grateful. i mean, i have a sister in college, and it's great knowing that i have like that financial security given them a first gen original student applying to college and attending school in the fall, i did get a lot of financial aid, but that didn't cover all my costs. to having this opportunity to have that cold burns scholarship along with the fellowship that it follows with is such amazing process. so it was goldberg mentor will also provide advice and ongoing support for these students
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throughout the duration of the scholarships, and i was just talking to you guys about first of all, it's college season. everyone's applying, but getting that kind of money can be life changing. yeah, congratulations to you three. um you know, i mean, as someone who went to college 25 years ago, i was fooled. financial aid, so it took me a while to pay back. you know all that money, so i understand the significance of every dime that you can get from a scholarship in my senior year and journalism school at boulder. university of colorado . i got like a $5000 scholarship and the person that encouraged me to apply, so there's money out there to be had. i didn't know it was like, just just applies so high school seniors out there who are going to go there. there are scholarships and i was in australia student i didn't think i'd even get it. but you know you can. there's money there to be had because every every diamond helps, and i'm so happy. those three got that. and when we were watching that live, you know nubia, korea, the one what are the gals we have heard from, she said. something that really struck with me, she says. i have a
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sibling who's in college when you're ahead of me, and i was lucky enough to have a sibling. what you're ahead of me. my older sister went to u c l a. so i was on the home and of those phone calls. i need some more money and my parents are like, wait. how much for a textbook? wait. what what? what the went up and so, you know, as a high school senior, you're hearing all this. you're thinking i don't want to put double that on my parents. i went to junior college. i think you did, too. it worked 100% for me. cut my college costs almost in half. i mean, 60,000 total for these young women. absolutely life changing. i mean, those schools are lucky to have them. fun thing to do is awesome. monday morning work so that all right, let's swing out to it. a situation that's really developing here on the peninsula as happening now, some 5000 nurses at stanford and packard children's hospital are on strike this morning. they say they're fighting for fair contract will bring in ktvu semantic in town. do you live at stanford hospital in palo alto to bring us up to date? every hour that i check in with you guys there at the studio. there's just more people out here. more energy, more passion from these nurses here, it's kind of turned into a caravan.
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in the last few minutes. we saw fire trucks. firefighters come by. they showed their support as well as e. m. t s in an ambulance. all of these nurses here they're striking from both stanford healthcare. and lucile packard children's hospital. that's right down the street. and these nurses are actually you can't see it, but they are wrapped all the way around the corner down there around the children's hospital as well. now they're labor contracts for these about 5000 nurses on strike expired on march 31st members of the nurses union, krone say. they want stanford and packard to solve the burnout and exhaustion that's driving many nurses to reconsider their professions. they say hospital leadership refuses to acknowledge the reality of understaffing requests for overtime. and the little time that these nurses get to rest with their families, but hospital leadership says they see their hard work and they respect these nurses. we thought
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that we would come together and we might have disagreed about how to approach the solutions. but we thought we would agree there was a problem and they're denying there's even a problem. we believe at stanford healthcare that we've offered a very generous package to corona . fact our wages are top of the market, and we're proud of that . but we feel our packages very competitive and generous to support our nursing staff. in a statement. stanford healthcare representatives say we respect our nurses legal right to take part in a work stoppage but are deeply disappointed that the union chose this path. a union work stoppages, a serious event that's disruptive to our patients, families and colleagues. the impact can be deep, long lasting and costly. now if these nurses are still striking on may 1st they will not have access to their employer health benefits for the whole month of may. the hospital says those benefits are only provided to employees actively working in the hospitals on that
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first day of the month. now both of the hospitals are still open right now, the hospital's got replacement nurses to come in and care for patients. as this strike goes on, these people striking have not given a date as to win this strike. my and right now it's just going to continue. the hospital say that they have been affected by this. they have had to reschedule some procedures. push things back, move things around. because of this strike, but they say here they are going to continue fighting. they want to make sure people inside the hospital those leaders here from the nurses and care about these nurses out here live in palo alto. amanda quintana ktvu fax tunis. sorry amanda. thank you for that. today. the u. s supreme court is hearing arguments any religious freedom case of a former high school football goes from washington state who preyed on the field after games. now this decision from the court could reset the line between
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separation of church. and stay for the entire nation. caroline shively as the story from washington. this former high school coach is fighting for the right to prey on the football field after games started out of prayer by myself and no students , but over the years they started joining me as if they could join. and over the years that kind of groom grew the school district in bremerton, washington, said joseph kennedy's public prayers while on the job could make students feel pressured to pray and opened the district up to lawsuits. on monday, the supreme court heard oral arguments in the case. this doesn't seem like a new problem. it just seems like a line drawing problem. i see what's bothering you, but i don't think you're right to perceive the case through that lens. the justices ruling could change the fundamentals of how the court's view the separation of church and state and government employees can practice their faith at work. the first amendment means that no one should be fired from their job. simply for engaging in a private act of prayer by themselves, at least at the 50
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yard line after a football game today, religious freedom is on the line. and it's the religious freedom of students and families , not the coach. the cases so far reaching its drawn about five dozen amicus briefs and attention from congress. we don't want the football field being turned into a religious battlefield. another brief filed by minnesota vikings quarterback kirk cousins and others argues if joe kennedy had taken a need to protest racial injustice, there would have been no question that it was protected private speech. the court is expected to rule in the case by late june in washington. caroline shively ktvu. box two news the golden state warriors are returning home to host the denver nuggets in game five of the nba playoff series. joining us now to talk about the warriors lost from last night and the rest of the series. is mess diamonds from 95 7 the game. good morning, stein e first things first. i think a lot of people try to make too
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much of the inbound play or maybe officiating. the words didn't lose for that reason, did they no, i mean denver played a heck of a game and steve kerr actually was talking about the play that he drew up late. the alley you'll be said he wished he had it back. they were trying to get it to for one and maybe end the series. look if you want to look at the bright side, they had to come back to the bay area anyway. uh the issue now because you don't want to go back to denver, so the warriors need to clean things up and they win wednesday. they'll have some time off. i guess the one the one negative to the south would be had they won sunday they would have at least a week off before their next series, so they're not going to get that. that break, but they're still in real good shape. it's obvious that that denver came out and played defense. very good defense, and i'm wondering where that was for the first few games, matt and also if they're going to do that again, it's presumably because it worked.
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what are the warriors going to do to counter to get those shooters open? well i think in the first three games of the series, i mean, the warriors had tons of open shots of their shots were uncontested from from beyond the three point line, so i mean, the bottom line is the warriors match up very well with this particular denver team. uh, denver came out with a lot of energy they got they have pride. they didn't want to get swept. but i think wednesday is going to be a much different story at chase center warriors have their fans behind them. um and you know denver the bottom line is they play a heck of a game on sunday. they have three more of those in them and do the warriors have you know the ability to do not stop them, essentially and not stop yokich . but i think all in all there again they're in great shape. and i think you know they're gonna look in this series wednesday. obviously. so uh,
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here's here's another thing about the warriors is that you know steve kerr occasionally gets criticized. you know, steph curry wasn't in the starting lineup. i mean, does that even matter when he plays if he starts or not? is a great question, sal. you know there are a lot of players in the league that want to start. they just started in their whole careers, and it's just more comfortable to them. um, you know steph curry, i think he was on a minutes restriction earlier this series that's becoming less and less of an issue. i anticipate steph curry is going to get back into the starting lineup. if not wednesday, then certainly the next series. but the one thing i think is most important here is very few players of steph curry stature that would have been okay with coming off the bench. he didn't mind. he's actually played a great role as 1/6 man. and it's just kind of another indication that you know, we has been a area fans. we've got a plan here
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, here and a human being, quite frankly, that will never see again. there will never be another steph curry, and that's that's his plain and simple as i can put it. alright stony. i know that. you know the words had some issues that turnovers and stuff like that, but you think that they're going to be able to clean this up and when at home, thanks for joining us. exhale. take take care. bringing mike mibach you watch that game? i watched it in the last two minutes. i listened to the radio. as i drove my son to little league practice, he decided to go with the satellite radio. so we're listening to denver's play by play. i mean, they acted like they won the nba title that game and we're both looking at each other, like they're going wild. i mean, i know it's a big win for him because obviously their season is extended, but i think it all came down to free throws. yeah practice in the backyard. we practice in the street. make your that warriors missed eight or nine free throws, including steps, so i think that played a role came down to write. when
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from the get go, denver came out of north playing really tight defense and they were. it's obvious they were on a mission not to be swept. this is the sixth seed. i mean, they have a little pride. this is a professional basketball team, and i think what the warriors take away from this loss. the best thing is that they were down 17 points and they fought back in that second half actually tied it. i think they took the later up. i want to believe i mean, knowing that they can do that against this denver team. wednesday night. i mean, it's going to be allowed to chase center and hopefully they'll get the w let's get the volume alright, we're moving on coming up next right here on morning time to the name the definition trial between johnny depp and amber heard continues depp and amber heard continues this morning. up next. ♪ (singing) scrolling all day, ♪ ♪ time can disappear, ♪ ♪ wanna make it count, why not volunteer. ♪ ♪ just a few hours to keep families from harm, ♪ ♪ help us end home fires with sound the alarm. ♪ volunteer for a day to install free smoke alarms in your community. make mom's day with kohl's! volunteer for a day to i get stylish dressesarms starting at $19.99. comfy pajamas for $20.79.
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couy resumes in the defamation trial depth is suing his ex wife for $50 million after she described herself as a victim of abuse in 2018 op ed. both actors accuse each other of physical violence in their relationship, joining us now for some insight on the trial and other entertainment news is extra. correspondent jen lemurs. good morning, jen. hey good morning to you. yeah so, i mean, johnny is back on the witness. stand again today. let me tell you i feel like his testimony has lasted longer than their marriage has. at times you looked around. um other times you've been defensive during cross examination. about exactly who started all those, you know dramatic fights and how much he drank and who was sort of instigating these arguments. we have a reporter inside the courtroom has been telling us all the stuff that you don't really get to see on tv, like johnny's fans have been showing up at the courthouse every day.
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he seems to be in good spirits every day whenever he shows up to court. he's blasting bob marley on his way into court. he's waving at everybody, but amber seems to be more on the serious side. it's all business from her angle. so jen yeah, i want to ask you whose image is being more tarnished if anyone or they both taking a beating. when it comes to their image and also their ability to work after this. yeah i mean, that's the big question, i would say both. i don't think i always wonder about this if both of them kind of knew what they were getting themselves into. when you know everything's been so public, and there's cameras inside the courtroom, and all these gory details are coming out all these these text messages and everything. it really does make you wonder if they were prepared for the potential career. fallout from this ah, for johnny depp and for amber heard it's hard to tell you know who's who's taking the harder hit? okay, let's switch. i got a lot
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of the list here that i have to get to before your time is up with us. so rihanna and asap rocky were out to dinner recently. it seems that there was a rumor that they had broken up. but now they seem to be if they ever did break up their back together. you see her out? and of course, asap has some trouble with the law. so is that going to affect anything? is he ? you know, where does what's his legal status? he bailed out what happens next. and i don't. i don't think that there's going to be any any real fallout from this. they did put on a fairly united front for the first time since his arrest. they were at a dinner date in l. a on saturday, but he was arrested on wednesday. um at l. a airport. this is all in connection with the shooting that took place in november. so he was detained by the lapd have after he arrived in a plane that morning he was returning from a vacation. with rihanna in barbados, and you know from from here legally, i
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don't think it's going to be any any huge fallout and they seem they seem stronger than ever as a couple. will smith was out. he's coming out now. i think some of this has died down and he can come out actually have been seeing will smith movies appearing in my house, so my wife has forgiven him at least uh, so you know what's going on with him? that's another question as to how much the controversy surrounding the oscars slap will affect him. right separating the art from what happened. so yeah. will smith was seen for the first time since the slap, so he posed for photos with fans after he touched down at a private airport in mumbai on saturday, and, according to reports, he did appear to be, you know, thoroughly enjoying his time during his arrival. he's in india, reportedly to meet a spiritual leader and yoga guru. willow said that you know this guru had had helped her overcome what she described as an existential crisis that she was filled with gratitude for his presence, so i think he's going there to see him. but us magazine says the trip to india
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was previously planned family vacation and then jada insisted on not canceling the vacation. despite despite the backlash to the oscar slap, alright, well, we have a limited time left, but i want to play you with sound bite from megan the stalin. let's listen to what she had to say about the shooting. she was involved in a couple of years back. i never put my hands on anybody. never raise my voice too loud like this was one of them times where it was like. it shouldn't have got this crazy escalated right? did she said she was scared and anyone would be after she was essentially shot for some petty argument. yeah happens to tory lanes and what's his status and he's been ordered to stay away from megan, the stallion. yeah he has. so he pleaded not guilty, and the case is going to go to trial later on this year. but yeah, i mean, she said that she was super scared because she had never been shot at before she was trying to
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leave a party in the hollywood hills. there was an argument that happened in front of a parked car. and then he basically shot at both of her feet. um and all she heard was screaming and shooting and, you know, she said that because this all happened in the wake of the george floyd shooting, meghan said that she was worried what would happen when the police arrived, so she lied. and said she stepped on glass. i think all of us were kind of wondering why she had, you know, said that a shooting didn't happen in the first place. now we have a bit more insight as to you know what her train of thought was there? good info. general amherst from extra. thank you so much for joining us this morning. thank you. twitter stock is up about 4% this morning on news that it is now considering elon musk's $43 billion takeover bid. wall street journal is reporting that twitter executives met over the weekend with musk to reconsider his offer to buy the company after reports that he secured all the funding to make it happen. there are reports shareholders may be pressuring twitter to take the deal at this point. twitter itself has not commented on these reports. 18
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house republicans are asking twitter's board of directors to preserve all records tied to elon musk spit. that request could lay the groundwork for a formal congressional investigation of twitter and its dealings with musk. he used his own twitter account to announce his proposed $43 billion takeover bid, saying he wants to make twitter a better platform for free speech collective in oakland is giving black owned businesses and opportunity. to have a storefront loyal to the soil officially opened over the weekend on broadway and 17th in downtown oakland, the co founder of this new collective says that she wanted to give entrepreneurs an opportunity to learn about running a business. the business owners rent out the space temporarily, and the nonprofit oak stop alliance then provides them business services and training so they can become self sufficient afterwards. baseball as you know, is considered america's national pastime, and for all the games we have seen, we've never likely experienced one like this. how the game is being re created for people with vision loss and how the changes
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helps to teach students how science plays a major role in our daily lives. thousands attended the latest event over the weekend, oracle park in san francisco in one workshop, the bones of an adolescent gray whale were on display showing that mammals share a lot of the same skeletal structure with other animals and humans. through the process, students learned about evolution, anatomy and habitat. we bring it to schools all over san francisco so that kids can experience of bones. they put it together and take it apart like a giant puzzle, and they can learn comparative anatomy. will and marine conservation. the science festival runs through this saturday has major events online and in person. in texas organizers of a popular wiener dog race outside austin or celebrating another successful competition. the annual buddha wiener dog races took place this weekend. the event has been going on for more than two decades and has grown from a small event was just dotson's to
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a massive gathering with hundreds of dogs. and dozens of races. so we started with 30 dogs, three chili cookers and up on the beauty city greenbelt downtown, and we grew up from there, too. we raised 250 dogs yesterday. i just can't stop smiling like it's just so cute and funny. he didn't get beat. pretty bad, though. they're bigger dogs went a lot faster. pet owners get to unleash her dogs in hopes of winning the highly coveted first place trophy and the $500 cash prize. but they say the experience is the best part of the baseball and softball season is well underway from little league to the big league. and one organization today is trying to make sure that every child gets the chance to swing that bad. even those who are visually impaired foxes brielle, a thomas ct reports on how the game is being adjusted. to meet their needs. these young ballplayers, maybe visually impaired, but they certainly won't be sidelined by their disabilities . perfect look at the head.
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first go around adaptive blind baseball is removing all the barriers that may have previously kept them off the field. i found out i was losing my sight in sixth grade 17 year old jeannine amber frias has a rare genetic disorder called wolfram syndrome, characterized by childhood onset diabetes and a gradual loss of vision. now she is stepping up to the pitcher's mound for the first time in seven years, learning by feeling and hearing frias is a member of lighthouse guilds youth transition program. the local nonprofit organization is dedicated to fighting vision loss prevention, treatment and empowerment. the whole idea of the program is to basically give them the tools and the skills. that they need for future independence as young adults, so there's a lot of teaching that goes on. but it's also about fun. more than a dozen teenagers learning how to pitch like pros , hit homers and run the bases, cooking nice coaches and players from the new york rockers the first team of visually impaired athletes to play adaptive blind baseball in the u. s were on the
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field to show them the ropes. i would like to play baseball, but the ball was too small and i didn't have good vision. so i couldn't play. all my friends used to play and i couldn't play. and now that we've found this adaptive game we love it. blind baseball was founded in italy more than 25 years ago, but it's become pretty popular here in the united states ever since, rather than using traditional baseball's players use these balls with built in bells to give them audible cues as to direction and location. this is the sound of the ball. okay so here's how the game works. first, the batter drops the ball and swings with one hand coach stands at first base with the horn to indicate wheret tell you how many times i had
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goose bumps the players proving above all that america's pastime can be enjoyed by just about anyone that we have a connection and a few things like our vision. we're all different. well, we're all the same reporting from riverside park on the upper west side. thomas et fox news. no i love it just that freedom of being able to do something you've always wanted to do. and i think the change this makes for the families were all parents. all we want for our children to be able to do what other children are doing the minimum be the best at it, speaking from experience, but just that they can be on that field. is everything yeah, and its national pastime so they should be able to participate to our game. you know, it's one of my favorite sounds the old crack of the bat is nice hitting the glove, you know, and making that sound so everyone should experience it to see giants playing good ace playing good. not many people are going to the a's games from what we've been recording wasn't here last week
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, but i heard you guys talking about spring break type things back. there you go. thanks for >> announcer: live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." ♪ ♪ and now, here is our guest host, michael rapaport. ♪ ♪


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