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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 29, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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underway. also two people accused of abducting a three month old little boy or do in san jose court today. the boy's mother is speaking about those now charged with her young son's kidnapping. and a former american marines killed in ukraine. his family has many questions as russia's attacks continue overnight. from ktvu. fox two news. this morning's onto glad you're here. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. it is friday. it's april 29th and you have that look on your face that you're glad it's friday. it's been a week right, an old friend once said this week has been a month or vice versa. one of those steve paulson, you know what i'm trying to say? you know what you mean. he does have her forecast, and he knows what you mean, saying i spent a week there one night. that's a yeah. um happy friday. there, garcia. we do have a nice weather on tap not as windy as we had over the last couple of days. that's for sure. steve tim and sherry are
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heading back to north dakota today. they said to say thanks for the great weather. well, tim and sherry, i do it for you. i'm happy. i hope that you spent lots of your money here in the bay area. mostly sunny. today temperatures will bump up a little bit, but not going bonkers or anything with friday on my mind, cold morning thirties forties we'll see temperatures now. sixties around the bay and then seventies, maybe a few pushing some mid upper seventies here is pretty close to where they should be this time of year. alright, sounds here at 701. three months still no, that is improved. steve, that's good. yeah, you know, and even the bay bridge is improving. so we had kind of a short window here for some crowding at the bay bridge. i want to show it to you. now it is not as backed up as it was earlier. there is a little bit of a backup here at the toll plaza, and it looks like there may be a stalled vehicle on the side of the road down, causing any delays. this is a look at the same mateo bridge. so the commute might be a little bit better. it is better so far, some slowing on highway four, but 6 80 looks good from walnut
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creek 701. let's get back to the headlines south. thank you happening now. one day strike is about to get underway in oakland. hundreds of teachers will be out on the picket line in protest of a plan to close and merge several oakland schools. ktvu sally rasmus live at one school to bring us the action behind you and the district by details, alley. garcia representatives from the teachers unions say that they're expecting picket lines like this one at all oakland schools today but this one that we're in front of this is parker school. this is a k through eight school. it is slated to close at the end of this school year. so just weeks away, you can see about a dozen teachers and staff members here with their signs out on the picket line here. this one day strike is in response to oakland unified school districts plan to close or consolidate about 11 schools over the next five years . now, this is just a one day strike, but open unified school district is reminding parents today district wide keep your kids home today they won't be able to cover all the staff absences. now the district says this one day strike is an illegal labor action. oakland
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education association obviously disagrees. and they say that 75% of their voting members support today's strike. they say they also had the community's support . we spoke to one of the teachers on the picket line this morning about what they hope this one day strike will accomplish. what it does is let the school board know that all they've done really is upset the community and made the community gathered together to fight against them. what i hope comes out of this is that they stopped the school closures and really look at the other ways they need to start saving money in the district. teachers here say the administrative costs at usd are higher than they are in other large school districts of similar size. and so that's the way they say some of the expenses need to be cut before closing schools now, the district says these closures are needed to deal with a steep budget deficit and in a statement to ktvu, the district's chief academic
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officer says in our district we've been facing declining enrollment for decades. sustaining many small schools stretches our resources thinly across too many schools. instead of allowing us to invest more deeply in fewer schools. oh, usd says any student absences today will be excused again. they're asking parents. district wide not to send their kids to class today because of the strike. this is just one of several picket lines across the district again. parker school in east oakland. k through eight about 260 kids. it is on that closure list at the end of this academic year. so teachers plan to have a news conference here in the next couple of hours, and then they'll be joining with the longshoreman's union and other unions this afternoon for a rally near oakland city hall. live in oakland. ali rasmus ktvu . box two news. thank you. time 704 will happening today, a group of campus protesters in berkeley plan to disrupt classes at uc berkeley this morning, the protesting a plan to build affordable student housing at people's park near the cow campus. ktvu is james torres is
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here to tell us how the student housing crisis. seems to pit neighborhoods against the university. good morning, james. good morning to you, dave. yeah, there's no secret that you see, brickley has a housing shortage , and it's been that way for a while now, one point earlier this year, a judge ruled the university would have to admit about 3000 fewer students over the next year because they knew the school didn't have enough housing for its growing student population. i feel like most students go into this process blind and not knowing how bad and how difficult it is to find a roof over your head in berkeley. i definitely was not prepared. to be this stressed about housing every year and about like rent. the state legislature bypass that ruling, which now allows cal to continue its emissions as planned. now the university is working towards building more affordable housing. one plan targets people's park near the campus
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where the school hopes to house about 1100 students. the university does own that land. the mayor of berkeley, says the school is looking at about nine sites to build each are in and around the city and not on cows. campus. the campus is set of policy that they will not build on the campus park itself. um and i think they should reconsider that, as there is land that's available to build student housing. other campuses built housing on the on the actual campus park itself. those against the people's park plans say it is not the right place to build. they worry for the homeless who will be displaced and they worry about what the housing buildings will do for their own cost of living in the past. the university says there is a plan in place to house people from the park at a nearby hotel, using funds from a state homeless grant. later this morning, a group of people made up of residents and students plan to protest in front of savvy gate on u. c. berkeley's campus. that's just behind where we're standing here this morning. they say they also want
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to preserve the historic nature of the park as well. that protest set to begin in about about an hour from now. without this morning from berkeley. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. alright james. thank you. times. 77 officials at sonoma state university or advancing a no confidence vote against president judy sakaki. the academic senate advanced to the full faculty. a no confidence vote on skokie's leadership and student groups held a march calling for her to resign. the press democrat recently reported a $600,000 settlement. paid to a former provost, who said she faced being retaliated against after relaying reports of alleged sexual harassment by the president's estranged husband, lobbyist patrick mccallum. cocky and mccallum have denied the allegations. a week from now, the university is 500 faculty members will weigh in on that no confidence vote on the leadership of skokie. skokie says a double standard is being applied to her. as a japanese
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woman. this morning, structural engineers are expected to take another look at a bridge along lake merritt boulevard in oakland after a large fire broke out underneath the bridge. last night. firefighters were called to that bridge near the lake merritt apathy about eight o'clock where the road goes over the estuary that feeds the lake. smoke and flames were billowing from beneath lake merritt boulevard. this video from a drone and images posted on the citizen app show just how intense the fire was. when it first broke out, people saw the thick black smoke for miles around. firefighters had a tough time getting to the flames because the fire started underneath the road. firefighters say that one man had an encampment there. and while he wasn't injured, all his possessions were destroyed. had tools and hat. hundreds hundreds of dollars of art material. i had collectible monies. i have ritual items right now. you know , we're just working on finding out if the individual would like
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additional housing opportunities. and anything that we can provide as a department and as a city to help them whether their house doran housed definitely our hearts go out to them because we care about everyone and we care about you know their property. firefighters told us they didn't use foam to fight his flames because they didn't want to contaminate the water there in the estuary time now is 709 new this morning, a former u. s. marine has been killed in ukraine 22 year old willy cancel he was hired by a private military contractor to fight with ukrainian forces. his mother says he wanted to go there. because he deeply supported the cause. his family says the contractor notified them that he had been killed, but they still have a lot of questions. they don't know specifically how he died. and his body still has not been recovered. the people who were fighting alongside him say they could try to pick up his body, but they'd risk being killed themselves. candle is married
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originally from new york state. his wife recently gave birth to a child seven months ago. well russia's latest attack on ukraine includes attacking a residential high rise and keep during a visit by the united nations secretary general last night to russian missiles slammed into a weapons manufacturing plant. experts believe vladimir putin is pushing for a major success on the battlefield before an important russian holiday. the new ship. ukrainian continued for vocation. ukraine to carry out strikes against russian object will invariably lead to a harsh response from russia. ukrainian president dolinsky and secretary general antonio guterres met yesterday they talked about a proposal do a back you ate about 2000, ukrainian soldiers and thousands of billions from a steel played in mary opal that's been under attack. it's the last ukrainian stronghold in the city. now here in the bay area, the san jose
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sharks charity is helping the relief efforts in ukraine. the sharks foundation donated $100,000 to unison. unicef's humanitarian effort to focus on safety and health care and also providing clean water and proper nutrition to the people in ukraine are also working to safeguard the rights of children and the plans for a safe future for the ukrainian people. sharks foundation is encouraging all of the fans of the sharks who can to donate to unicef usa is once again requiring masks on its trains and in its stations. the barn board of directors approved a temporary amendment yesterday requiring face coverings until mid july. masks were encouraged on barred after the federal mandate was overturned last week. they weren't required. free masks now will be available at all station agent booths and safety staff for bart. police will offer unmasked riders a mask before writing any citations, which could cost up to $75. the intention of this
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measure is to protect those vulnerable communities. people have underlying health conditions, people who are, you know, compromise the kids under five who are still not yet eligible to be vaccinated. it's all captains barbara accorded its highest ridership day since the beginning of the pandemic that was just this past wednesday, largely due to the giants ace game and the warrior's playoff game. i think it's a good idea. um and if there is like you know, like the general public would like to lift the mask mandates. i think at the very end of the day, bart, uh, should you know, like the company could just investor in having cart that has masks versus cars that you know, like, doesn't require any masks and at that point you're safe, fair. many writers say they didn't even know the bart mask mandate had been temporarily dropped because so many people were
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still wearing masks on trains. alright time is now 7 12. sal is still busy watching our commute everybody behaving for you now. you know, dave, i would say so. i think today is a better day than we had the first four days of the week. it usually is on friday. let's go right out and take a look at the bay breeze tall plans. it's been up and down. it was kind of slow, and then it got better and now it's slower again. but it's not like it was. let's say this wednesday or tuesday, but there's still some slowing there. obviously you can see that the same tale bridge looks good heading across to the peninsula, how we force developing a little bit of a slowdown, but 6 80 has been clear from walnut creek and 80 is probably the best performer. on this friday between hercules and berkeley. there's a little slowing right near the albany hill and that's about all 7 13. let's go back to the desk. thank you. elon musk sold. shares of tesla, possibly to help bankroll his takeover of twitter. now there's word of another $4 billion sale and the two
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suspects accused of kidnapping a baby in san jose are due back in court. we'll hear from the baby's mother about the people who are charged with the abduction. ♪ ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer...
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to people are due back in court today to face charges in the kidnapping of a three month old baby in san jose earlier this
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week. ktvu mike mibach live now with these new developments in this very closely watched case. alright, garcia. good morning to you, 28 year old jose portillo and 43 year old yesenia ramirez did make that first court appearance yesterday. they are officially charged with conspiracy, kidnapping a child and first degree burglary following the child's abduction from his home. prosecutors say portillo is the man seen in that surveillance video, taking the child from a second floor apartment on elm street in san jose. this was one o'clock monday afternoon. the baby was found safe just a few miles from the child's home about 20 hours later, investigators say, there are still a lot of unanswered questions involving the motive for the kidnapping, but they add the two suspects didn't know the baby's mother through their church. the baby's mother did speak outside the courthouse yesterday. let me tell you. it's very hard as a mother to look at the woman who took your baby and being able to contain yourself from saying anything. you can't do anything. we are always incredibly concerned. when a
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child is taken from his mother. this afternoon. the two suspects are scheduled to return to the courthouse where they could possibly enter a plea to those charges. now a third person, once named as a suspect has actually been released from the county jail after the charges against him. we're officially dropped. however, prosecutors are not ruling out taking him into custody again if new evidence comes into light linking him to the kidnapping. we'll send it back to you, mike mibach. thank you. happening today. sonoma candle conduct an emergency alert test the county's been distributing whether radios to anyone who wants one for more than a year. now the county can use the alert function on the weather radios to notify people about hazards or threats, such as flood warnings or wildfire evacuations. the test alert will go off on the weather radios at noon today. time now, 7 18. we're seeing new video from san leandro of an armed carjacking. the elevator county sheriff's airplane took this video. you can see the suspect speeding at
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more than 100 miles an hour on surface streets eventually stopped. the car got out ran away, but he was actually captured and arrested and fortunately no one was hurt. let's see if there's any excitement not to that degree barry roads this friday we've been alright. so far south. yes we have got to and dave. good morning to you both. we still look pretty good and there is some slowing out there. we're going to start with the east bay commute and look at highway four. and if you're driving, let's say from pittsburgh to conquer. there's some slowing there, which is typical. but if you drive every day, you know that friday's jurist a little bit easier than other days, we've also been looking at fremont. there was an earlier crash near ottawa parkway and looking at that subject community looks pretty good. no major issues. of course, we always have to check in with the bay bridge toll plaza. and that's a little bit of a delay here. maybe it's a little less than 10 minutes before you make it onto the span at 7 19. let's talk about today's whether there's a game tonight at oracle park, steve will not be as bad
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as tuesday wednesday. sell it will still be cool, but the wind will not be as my i mean, it was. it was a cold one candlestick. ask if you will. a couple of days so much better there. i would go for upper fifties under clear skies tonight there'll still be a breeze, but nothing compared to what we had earlier in the week. mostly sunny today looks good temperatures will bump up a cold morning, though for us for the end of april. we're getting a lot of thirties. i mean, they usually don't see that too often, but this this year we are mostly sunny. a few more high clouds. saturday may be a slight pullback on those tents but still sixties and seventies. santa rosa is 74. after 70 yesterday, the city was only 57 will go 62 today conquered a cool 68 75 san jose from 65 to 72. 38 napa airport. i think they made it. 37 36 forties for most male valley 40 calistoga maeda briefly to 39 now 41 palo alto 44, but stanford made it to 39. woodside made it to 38. 39 preneurs about that. 49 though piedmont lafayette's 41 castro
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valley 41. i'm pretty sure alamo wanna creek and clayton role at 41. so it looks like unpleasant incident 42. so it looks like we've reached reached the lows for the morning. there's that bad satellite image, but the key is that the pattern remains active and progressive. nothing is locking in. so the high builds in for a day. now the system moves into the north, knocks it down. that allows a little bit cooler conditions but still temperatures not changing all that much for the next four or five days. 50 60 seventies little cooler one day a little warmer than next could get some upper seventies and 80 on tuesday possibility of maybe some rain on the fifth. you guys righty. thank you time now. 7 21 . teenagers running around at night, weaving in and out of cars and into backyards. we'll tell you about this 16 year old student who said this game lead to harassment. also tougher safety measures in san francisco's chinatown district details on a new program and how it aims to keep shoppers and
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300 million years ago, there was no africa, asia, americas or europe. just one, big supercontinent: pangea. divided by distance, reversing millions of years of rifting. making far feel close. bringing there to here.
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welcome back to mornings on two and 7 24. san francisco city leaders have a new tool for combating the rising problem of commercial retail theft. now it allows business owners to hire off duty sheriff's deputies to provide extra security in commercial corridors and retail zones. it was spearheaded by supervisor asha. so if i who worked with businesses and the san francisco police and sheriff's depart this is not just about arresting people and
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locking them up. this is truly about stopping intervening and suppressing crime before it happens. and supervisors suffice , says it's a response to a surgeon brazen crimes by thieves partnership with the sheriff's department expands and existing effort. it lets business owners hire extra security by contracting off duty police officers. business owners looking for answers after his two pharmacies were targeted by thieves and just two days surveillance video here shows a u haul pickup truck pulling up to new oakland pharmacy in oakland's chinatown district. this was the scene at about 3 15 . yesterday morning, we watched as the driver backs into the business over and over. until the truck breaks through into the lobby six people then get out and raid the pharmacy. the owner says. just a block away. eight people forced their way into his other pharmacy using a crowbar. this happened around 3 30 tuesday morning. become wealthy pair because we know that they're professionals. they
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all wear gloves. and also the way they parked their cars. you cannot see the license plates. in both cases, the burglars didn't get get away with much. however, the damage was extensive. the owner says he now has to spend extra money to protect his stores. california's budget surplus now totals a record $68 billion. state senate democrats are weighing in on how to use that money. senate democrats have proposed an $8 billion plan to give $200 checks every taxpayer who makes less than $125,000 a year, as well as $200 for each dependent. that's in contrast to the governor's $9 billion proposal to give $400 rebates to car owners as well as three months of free public transit to certain people. lawmakers and the governor have until the end of june to approve a new budget for the next fiscal year. 7 26. it's one of amazon's biggest sales events every year . still to come what we know about this year's prime day. also, oakland teachers are on strike today in protest of a plan to close and merge several
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schools. what the district says families shouldn't do today. even those schools are open.
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it's still the eat fresh refresh, at subway. and they're refreshing everything. even their italians. woah. you talking italians? jimmy's gonna take it from here. refresh italiano see, subway now has italian-style capicola, and you can try it on top of belgioioso fresh mozzarella on the mozza meat. or, stack on three more italian-style meats with the supreme meats. it's just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. and they're gonna keep refreshing and re-
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clyne students are staying home
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today because their teachers will be walking picket lines. we're going to bring you a live report and just minutes to tell you about the new support those educators are getting for their one day strike. and a major break in the case of a woman who disappeared near an attack. investigators released new video that they hope will help find out what happened to her. from ktvu fox two news this morning's onto well, good morning to you. and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian. can you believe we're the last friday of april? yes luke. it flew. let's see if we get is it april showers? may flowers or we might have some may showers coming up. we could. there's some hints of it around the fifth and again the ninth. so maybe we're not done yet. you too, but we are done for the weekend. that's for sure. as far as rain goes, we're not done with the weekend. you know what i mean? mostly clear out there. it will be not as windy as yesterday. thank goodness, my gosh, that was roaring wind for some. so with friday on my mind
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, we're going to the cold morning, thirties and forties, but it looks like we've already bottomed out on some of these temps. mostly sunny, it'll be warmer. temperatures pretty close to seasonal averages. coast bay and also inland. alright salles here it was busy for a while. it's still there something new. what it is a little busy out there, steve. i do want to mention that it is not as busy as it was monday through thursday. let's go right to the bay bridge. and show you that traffic is going to be busy at the toll plaza. it did get better for a while. now it's slow again. it's coming in waves, but i don't think there's going to be a big backup. you can see the silicon valley's would go all the way to the south end of the bay area. not looking too slow right now we'll have another update in just a few minutes. now it's 7 31. let's get right back to the headlines. all right. so what happening now? a one day strike by oakland teachers is about to begin. hundreds of teachers plan to walk the picket lines protesting plans to close several oakland schools ktvu sally rasmus is out there you have the latest and more information. good morning, alan.
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good morning, dave lee, you can see and hear the strike underway here behind us. this is outside parker elementary and east oakland. you can see there's about a dozen teachers and supporters out here with their signs and chance out here on the picket line. this school has about 260 kids k through eight school, and it is slated to close. at the end of this school year. now this one day strike by the oakland teachers union is in response to the district's plans to close and consolidate as many as 11 schools over the next five years. now this is just a one day strike, but oh, usd is calling parents. across the district to keep their kids home today, they say, because they expect a lot of teachers to participate in this at all district schools. they won't be able to cover all the teacher absences. the district calls this one day strike and illegal labor action. the oakland education association obviously disagrees. and they say 75% of their voting members supports today's strike. they say they also had the community's support . we spoke to one of the
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teachers on this picket line at parker. about what this school means to the community. the school is basically my neighborhood school. these kids are my neighbors. um yeah, it's just you know that these kids are going to have a hard transition next year and that the district's not really going to support them which we've seen with other school culture. now when this school closes the students here k through eighth graders will be sent to one of three different elementary and middle schools in the area. but all of those schools are more than a mile away from this location, so the teachers expressed some of the concerns about about how those kids are gonna be able to get to schools and the burden that's going to place on families in response. the school district says they have been facing declining enrollment for decades. and they said quote sustaining many small schools, stretches or resources thinly across too many schools instead of allowing us to invest more deeply in fewer schools. that's why oh, usd and the school board say they have to enact these closures. oh, usd
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says they will be excusing any student absences today because of this one day strike again. they're asking parents to keep their kids home across the district. in the meantime, these picket lines are expected to be out here and at other usd schools throughout the day. teachers plan to have a news conference here sometime in the next half hour and then later this afternoon, will be joining with the longshore workers at oakland city hall for a rally this afternoon live in oakland. ali rasmus ktvu. fox two news, ali. thank you next door. the berkeley unified school district has released new numbers on covid. that show new cases tripled at berkeley schools last week compared to the week before . the district says it had 91 new cases last week, likely due to the highly transmissible macron variant and the loosening of mass restrictions. health department says the increase reflects an uptick in covid cases across the bay area. marine county is responding to the reason increase in covid cases there by tightening safety recommendations for events such as proms and graduations. according to the marin
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independent journal. the county health department says there has been a big increase in cases following spring break in recent events recently, more than 50. students at redwood high school tested positive following the school's prom. earlier this month, dozens of students tested positive after school trip to washington d. c the county's advising schools to require proof of vaccination, negative covid tests and masking if the large events are indoors. a new report finds california's k through 12 public schools returned to more normal conditions this spring for students, teachers and parents, the public policy institute of california statewide survey found the decline in covid case rates and the lifting of mask mandates helped bring a sense of normalcy back to many schools. for many adults say they approve of governor newsom's handling of the public education system during the pandemic of parents d fell behind academically is now 7 35. we have new video to show you of someone who investigators are calling a person of interest
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in the case of a missing 24 year old woman. take a look at chosen man in oakley wearing a hood and a mask walking near oakley road and belden lane. investigators believe the man in that video may have abandoned the car of alexis gabe a few miles away from this intersection shortly after she disappeared january 26 i can attest that we have literally searched land, sea and air for alexis. we strongly suspect foul play, and we seek the public's assistance in locating alexis. now the city of oakley is also offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. authorities in venetia are warning about a controversial and dangerous game that's being played by some teenagers there. teens call the game lem igra, a slang term for federal immigration agents, investigators say older teens pretend to be ice agents and go around town trying to catch younger students. who pretend to be on the run, in addition to the offensive nature of the
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game, both venetia police and the akp say it's created a dangerous situation for many people in town. this has been something that has been going on for a very long time. and if you do not address it it will be going on. even further. you have a bunch of kids running around in dark clothing. we've had reports of kids hopping fences running in and out of traffic, doing dangerous things. some students say they've been harassed, even injured while playing the game. the police departments now working with school and community leaders, in hopes of bringing it to an end time is 7 37 will starting this weekend a new effort to add mass transit options in marin and sonoma county will begin smart train is bringing back its sunday service. and smart is making some other changes designed to speed up commute times and increase ridership. now you can get the details on these weekend schedule changes by going to the smart train website traffic. should we start with mass transit salaries it
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more, you know, two hands on the wheel. well garcia since you asked, i will mention mass transit at first, and we don't have any major delays, geisha and day, which is good, and but i would suggest mass transit getting into san francisco later. there's a giants game at oracle park. steve and i have been talking about that. steve has some good news. weather wise, but i'm not going to steal his thunder. but i will tell you that if you're driving into san francisco tonight, there will be more people for that game. it's fireworks night at oracle park. this is a look at the bay bridge. there's a little bit of a back up here and it hasn't been as robust as the first four days of the work week. this is a look at that silicon valley community beginning to wake up a little bit. nothing major and the same mateo bridge kind of right in the middle of the bay. that commute looks pretty good. at 7 38. let's talk to steve. now about today's weather. alright sal. thank you, sir. our weather is a lot quieter, wind wise. it'll start to bump up a little on the temps, but we get viewers from all over here. kells down in arizona. steve grab your clubs come on, down to
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arizona humidity and low nineties make for the best tempts. you know, when i go to arizona, it's usually about 1 15. so low nineties sounds good. yeah, that's about heat about tpc scottsdale. i i'd play there are true north love to go to true north. i used to know the club pro there. his name was hugh edgemont. great guy heck of a golfer, and that would be take those two. how about that? 23 24 , truckee and south lake tahoe 40 in uk, a phoenix speaking of 66, their lowest 64. oh, that's a nice morning to go out and get that walk in. before it gets to be 90 degrees. yeah alright. sal mentioned it, and we'll mention it again. it will not be as bad will still be cool, but not as windy when i mean it was brutal for a couple of days there during the bay bridge series, so it's still chilly. just not as bad as it was. temperatures will rebound today, but really only sixties by the coast. inland temps will bump up to the mid seventies, maybe a few pushing the opera the far enough inland. you can get that this time of
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year, but saturday pulled back a slightly on a few more high clouds and a little cooler. but santa rosa, san francisco conquered san jose after an unseasonably cool day for many yesterday. today we'll bump it up, but still these are about normal for this time of year sixties. low to mid seventies just want to emphasize the water temps are amazingly cold for us for the end of april. 48 49 is about as cold as our water temps ever get. i'm sure bodega bay is in there. so when it's that cold at san francisco buoy, that translates into really chilly temps a lot of time for the city, especially if you have a westerly breeze or a northwesterly breeze. still 38th anapa airport, but mostly forties now and fifties. we bottomed out on the temps. woodside still says 38, stanford, 39 atherton, menlo park, both at 40 minutes mid forties, although el granada did drop to 41 the high builds in for a day, but these systems keep marching into the north. and they suppress that high. they don't allow it to build in and lock in like we've seen so many times over the last three years, so few high clouds overall overall, it's nice, 50 60 seventies on the temps. that will be the theme into the
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weekend. next hint of any rain would be may 5th. all right, steve time. 7 40 did you know in just under a week from now it will be mother's day. garcia we're here to help out if you need some help with gift ideas from our our mom with love. alright, let's swing out to our newsroom here. say quick, good morning again to you mike mibach looking ahead to the next hour of morning. that's right. good morning. once again to both of you coming up in the next hour. former u. s marine killed in ukraine and this morning, the 22 year olds family has many questions. about his death, including why his body has not been recovered and then coming up today on the nine the world's largest bounce house and a few others will be up in the north bay. we're talking with the co creator of the big bounds america and how you can get the family involved this coming weekend. we're back after the break.
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it's still the eat fresh refresh, at subway. and they're refreshing everything. even their italians. woah. you talking italians? jimmy's gonna take it from here. refresh italiano see, subway now has italian-style capicola,
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and you can try it on top of belgioioso fresh mozzarella on the mozza meat. or, stack on three more italian-style meats with the supreme meats. it's just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. and they're gonna keep refreshing and re- forn san francisco say they can't afford to live in the city where they work. but now the city is trying to help them. san francisco now has a $60 million initiative to give pay raises to teachers and preschool and other early education classrooms. the program will make sure educators that tax funded early childhood education facilities we'll get a pay raise some as much as
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$30,000. the goal is to make sure that at least every child care provider that we fund through the city is making a minimum wage of $28 an hour. investing in the teachers is important, too, because right now, like a lot of people are leaving this field because we're not getting paid enough. that's $60 million come from prop c tax funds the voters approved in 2018. the money was held up by court battles until last year. developing business story a new sec filing shows tesla ceo elon musk sold an additional $4 billion worth of stock yesterday. that's on top of the four billion musk sold on tuesday. proceeds from this week's sail cover some 20% of his $44 billion agreement to buy twitter must tweeted yesterday that he wasn't planning to sell any more shares at this time. okay time at 7 45. you've been waiting and the projections are in on how much money will be spent on mothers this year from
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mother's day and what people are buying for their mother's day gifts? my mom always says, i just want you four kids not to fight for one day for a death is the great pam cook extras that is the greatest gift of all. let's we got to pan here we'll talk mother's day spending and tech stocks, which are also watching my girls for that every year, and it never happened. let's say no. yes we are talking about tech stocks, nasdaq and the s and p 500 now on track to mark the worst month since march of 2020 when the pandemic began , a lot of that has to do with bayer at tech stocks and their earnings now is the opening bell rang this morning, amazon and apple headed lower right now. amazon stock down more than 12% after amazon surprised analysts with the loss for the quarter, part of that is because of its investment in rivian. ford also blamed rivian this week for impacting its earnings and apple's earnings report. executives said supply chain pressures will continue to hurt revenue into the third quarter. also putting pressure on stocks as we take a live look. a new
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report out this morning showing another 6% increase in inflation . and there it is the dow jones down one and a quarter percent 400 points the s and p 500 down more than 1.5. barely hanging on to 4200 and the. now it is down5 points today. now in addition to its $7 billion loss and its investment in electric car company rivian. amazon also reported its slowest growth in almost 20 years. now amazon shows a net loss of $3.8 billion company was riding a wave of pandemic shopping, but that has slowed and the company has been hit by inflation. high gas prices for all those delivery trucks and a labor shortage as well as supply chain disruptions, of course as well. now amazon also just announced its annual prime day event that will take place in july. prime day had previously been in october for 2020 in june of 2021 . the announcement did not mention any specific dates, but prime members will get savings. from national brands and small
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businesses. the price of that membership rose, though this year to $20 and mother's day is just nine days away. the national retail federation predicts spending on mom will reach a record $32 billion, the report says 41% of consumers will buy jewelry 27% are buying concert or special event tickets. more than half will take mom out for dinner or brunch. the most popular gift flowers and cards. 75% of americans say they will give mom and i love you message, and 72% will buy her a bouquet of flowers and many of us don't have our moms around. but maybe the mother of your children maybe. you know someone who has been a great mom. you know, show them some love as well. pam cooked. that's look at your dollars and cents. lots of hugs . lots of love. pam time is 7 48 has been almost a month now since the bus only lanes open on van ness avenue in san francisco , uni says. it's a success, according to the chronicle immunity, says the new lanes
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have cut travel times as much as a third on north bong banda's almost 10 minutes faster than before. immunity also says ridership went up on the 49 ben s mission bus because of those faster arrival time, 7 40 minutes. get out the door, so monitoring and not too bad friday. yeah too bad. garcia think you're absolutely right. i think we of. although it is not completely clear something like sunday morning out there, but it is better than it was yesterday. let's go to the richmond bridge. and talk about that. you can see that the traffic is going to be a little bit slow, and some people got going a little later this morning. it was pretty clear up until about 6 30. now we have a little bit of a backup here. but again, it's not quite as bad as it normally is. and i can see the end of the backup. see this arrow that i'm putting their that the end of the backup. usually we can't see that. so that bodes well, if you wait a little longer. unless there is a crash. that thing is going to start clearing out. san
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jose has a little bit of a back up here and you can see it. there have been no major issues in the san jose commute, 7 49. let's bring steve in to talk about today's weather. sal. it's pretty nice here already. although it was a little cold here this morning we had a lot of 30 showing up didn't last long. but still, there were some from north to south all the way from mendocino county lake county down into the santa cruz mountains and even a few on the peninsula. palo alto woodside, i'll checked in around 38 39. now we're starting to see more forties. we get high pressure building in, but it's not strong. it'll i mean, we get these systems coming into the north. they show up one day and then the highest shows up the next. so one day we warm up that'll be today. tomorrow will back off a little and warm up against sunday before we back off again on monday, the pattern still staying active into may is the way it's looking here, at least to the first couple of weeks. forties for most right now, a couple low fifties but most occasions in the forties, there's your thirties for the santa cruz mountains, boulder creek. scotts valley, felt all in 38 got closed for santa clara campbell and san martin. they were down to 40 santa cruz
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capital in aptos, at one time were all 42. systems are plowing into the pacific northwest. we just get the tail end of a few high clouds. but as long as those systems go in the high doesn't build far north that far to the north. so which means we state temperature wise pretty close to where we should be. over the next 2 to 5, probably even seven days, maybe even going below. looking forward here around may 5th and ninth and 10th signs of some pretty strong systems coming in. we'll see. but i tend to believe it. 50 60 seventies on your temps a little warmer today. slight cool off saturday warmer sunday tuesday looks like maybe the warmest of the bunch, maybe a few pushing upper seventies to near 80 days. alright steve. thank you times having 51 huge fire burned during the night under the bridge near oakland lake merritt amphitheater. look at the pictures. tony y inspectors may go back there today. edit tornado in kentucky almost wiped out a town incredible pictures, but the residents there have been working hard to rebuild, and when we come back, we'll get a live report and find out what they're doing to overcome all of this.
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you're a champion. you're not a quitter. quitters don't do what they're supposed to. champions do. and you're a star. and you shine. that's what you do. that's what you do every day. [inspirational music]
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54.s our birthday and santa clara county wants to plant 1000 trees that school campuses. the goal is to improve what's called tree desserts and also encourage a sense of environmental stewardship among young people. arbor day is dedicated to preserving and planting trees. nine months after a horrible tornado swept through a town in western kentucky. that community
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there is coming together for arbor day to plant trees to restore those that were damaged. reporter stephen moore gagnon. fox weather is in mayfield, kentucky. good to see you again , stephen, and you're going to tell us how people are that remembering what was destroyed, but they're trying to move ahead. good morning. good morning, dave and it and it might seem almost silly. it's like trees. but when we deal with the type of tornado, which tore through mayfield, the landscape changes or at least it can and that's exactly what happened. it has been several months since this tornado moved through back on december 10th. so we're going on five months now, and some of the same people that i spoke to when i arrived days after that tornado talk to them again. it's only been about four or five months, though right and the rebuilding process is pretty slow. but take a listen to what one dentist had to say to me. a lot can change in five months, pushing my patients pretty good. it's
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pretty tough. but for many people in mayfield, kentucky, change isn't coming quite as fast as they had hoped after the deadly tornado tore through their town last december, six months, no works right. no help try it. this is west mills. we last spoke to him just days after the ef four tornado carved a path of destruction through mayfield, destroying his dental office he's worked at for 22 years. dr mills told us at the time he wasn't sure if he'd be building again. this is total devastation. i don't think anybody is going to be able to build back has to concern that i have. but since we last saw him in december, changed his mind. yeah, we have employment coming in. electrical plant come in, and then a concrete comes on. you know, we got knocked down from covid. and we came back, and then all of a sudden we got wiped out on the tornado. and i can say i can't turn my back on the community like this. not
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many, but some days i pull into the parking lot of city hall. nobody's there now, but and i'll have about a two minute good cry . mayfield mayor kathy stewart o nan is hopeful more business owners and residents will choose to rebuild a daunting task as more than 60 businesses were damaged or destroyed. and around 1200 mayfield residents were displaced. for the most part. i think the businesses are staying if they're not staying in the downtown area, they are relocating within the county and even with help from others in the community and beyond, mayor onan says, there's a long road ahead. we've talked to other towns who have rebuilt like this, and they all give us a 10 year. line and still then not perfect, but better nearly five months into this long rebuild west mills dentistry is seen progress with a newly poured footer. and there are other signs of hope, appearing as well
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on that facility, they have a metal sign propped up on their property. and it is just the word. hope hope that the roots of the people who live here will be enough to hold them to the town and not let the storm forced them out for good. it may not be the smart move, but i think it may be the right move. and we'll see you in time. and that's you know what they have a lot of time to rebuild, and for dr mills, he said. hopefully, by the end of july, he'll be able to have his office up and running. keep in mind. he's not had work. for the past five months because the tornado devastated that that business that he had for 22 years, but it's the small steps and so as far as what's happening on this arbor day, fox weather and one tree planted teaming up harmon park about five minutes or so of a walk down there. we're going to be donating some pencil holly's and that's happening at about two o'clock central time later this afternoon, and it is a small thing, but hopefully
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this is the beginnings of that recovery. get the landscape escape back up and everything else will incrementally improve . at least we hope, but something for perspective, dave . i mean, the post office here opened up about three weeks ago. it's been closed since then, so everything has to almost start from scratch when a tornado tears through the heart of a downtown as as this one did in mayfield back in december. stephen morgan. another great report from mayfield, kentucky. thank you. and don't forget you can get more coverage like this on the fox weather app or by streaming fox weather on your favorite two bys. just download the app right now. by scanning the q r code you see on your screen. you can also downloaded in europe store. it is 7 59 at the nfl draft, round two and three will be held today. everything's happening in las vegas, the 49ers without a pick in the first round will be a lot more active today. they have picked 61 in round two and two more selections in round three.
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defensive lineman eric armstead will announce the 49ers first selection. and it looks like the 49 news will hold on the wide receiver deebo samuel. reportedly they rejected trade offers, including the new york jets, 10th pick overall, although devo wants to leave 49ers hope to repair their relationship. in the city of oakland. parents being told not to send their children to class will take you live to one school as a district wide teacher strike is now underway. two people accused of kidnapping a three point old baby scheduled to be in a san jose courtroom today. this is the boy's mother speaks out about those who are now charged with her son's abduction. and a former u. s. marine killed in ukraine this morning. his family has many questions about his death as russia's attacks continue overnight. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings onto all right. good morning, everyone and welcome back to morning. don to it is friday, april 29th on
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mike mibach gasia mikaelian. let's get outside. the weather is going to be pretty pleasant today and through the weekend, steve paulson, i think it was yesterday. behind you. i saw white caps today looks a lot calmer class. there you go. alright. mike garcia? yes, it will be nice today. little chill in the morning air for us here for the end of april, has some thirties forties. now we're seeing forties and fifties. it looks good today, except for a few high clouds in the northern world set for a nice day temperatures bumping up to where they should be afternoon. seasonably cool day yesterday. and that will translate into sixties and mid seventies could be a few pushing the upper seventies. but the pattern today will probably carry most for the most part into the weekend as well. well, sounds sounds been busy. it's been anything but friday lighter. we looking better now or still busy. better steve as a matter of fact, sometimes even when you have a couple of things going on on fridays, they clear up quicker. and that's because the volume isn't there. let's go right and take a look at the highway 24. that's been a nice commute, and so has 6 80. we've seen some slowing on highway four at the richmond braised. there is a
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little slow traffic as well. just by looking at these pictures, though it's not quite as deep. the bay bridge is now getting a little bit crowded coming into san francisco. it's 801. let's go back to the headlines. thank you happening right now. one day teacher strike underway in oakland to protest the closure of several oakland schools. let's give you a live look right now outside parker elementary school where teachers are out there on the picket lines and news conference is about to get underway. we're gonna follow. what they have to say is as soon it gets underway. we may take you live there, but you can see that's group got here about an hour ago, many of them with signs and hand. overall hundreds of oakland unified school teachers are taking part in today's strike in response to the district's plans to close and consolidate as many as 11 schools as early as next year and over the next five years, the oakland education association says 75% of its voting members supported this strike. we spoke to one of the teachers on the picket line about what she hopes this strike will accomplish. what it does is let the school board know that
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all they've done really is upset the community and made the community gathered together to fight against them. what i hope comes out of this is that they stopped the school closures and really look at the other ways they need to start saving money in the district. the district is calling on parents to keep their children home today as they won't be able to cover all the staff absences. coming up at 8 30 ktvu valley, rasmus will have a live report with the reaction from the district and the teachers plans for a rally later today. happening today. also a group of campus protesters in berkeley plans to disrupt classes at cal this morning. they are protesting a plan to build affordable student housing at people's park near cows. campus ktvu is james torres joins us live this morning with more on the story, james hey, mike. good morning to you. well people's park is only about three blocks away from where we're standing right now. we're standing in front of, say, the gate here. you see the students walking in heading into class? we heard the first bells ring
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just a few moments ago. today is actually the formal final day of classes from any of these students before they enter a week of study hall before their final exams. and we know those protesters were just at people's park about a half hour ago. they're already starting to march over this way to begin that protest for the day. certainly it's no secret u. c. berkeley has a housing shortage, in fact, at one point earlier this year a judge said the school would have to admit about 3000 fewer students because there wasn't enough housing available for its growing student population. i feel like most students go into this process blind and not knowing how bad and how difficult it is to find a roof over your head in berkeley. i definitely was not prepared. to be this stressed about housing every year and about like rent. the state legislature and in a bypassing that ruling, which now allows cow to continue its emissions as planned. now the university is working towards building more affordable housing. one plan targets people's park near the campus. where the school hopes
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to house about 1100 students. the mayor of berkeley, says the school is looking at nine total sites to build on each are in and around the city of berkley and not on cal's campus. you know the campuses set of policy that they will not build on the campus park itself. um and i think they should reconsider that, as there is land that's available to build student housing. other campuses built housing on the on their actual campus park itself. those against the people's park plants say it is not the right place to build a worry for the homeless people who will be replaced and what the housing buildings will do for some of the neighborhoods cost of living in the past. university says there's a plan in place to house people from the park at a nearby hotel, using funds from a state homeless grant. this morning that group of people made up of residents and students say they plan a protest in front of, say, the gate here at uc berkeley's campus, they say they also want to preserve the historic nature of the park. they are marching
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over this way. coming from the park itself. they say they plan to have some sort of human wall that would prevent students from actually going to class. their goal is to actually disrupt classes. at some point today. we did hear from the university just moments ago in a statement , they say they are looking forward to beginning this building process coming up in the summer, and they say a recent survey showed about 65% of the student body. does support their plans to build we're live this morning at berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news, james. thank you. officials at sonoma state university or advancing a no confidence vote against the president there, judy sakaki. the academic senate advanced to the full faculty. a no confidence vote on sakaki is leadership yesterday, student groups held in march calling for her resignation. the press democrat recently reported a $600,000 settlement paid to former provost who said she faced retaliation after relaying reports of alleged sexual harassment by the president's estranged husband. lobbyist patrick mccollum. both sakaki
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and mccollum have denied the allegations. a week from now the universities 500 faculty members will weigh in on a no confidence vote on skokie's leadership. sakaki says a double standard is being applied to her as a japanese woman. san rafael high school teacher has been arrested after police determined she was under the influence on campus. school employee at terra linda high school alerted a school administrator on monday that they believed tegan leon har was under the influence of some sort of substance, while police were called to the school and test determined she had more than three times the legal alcohol limit in her system. officers say she always also under the influence of a prescription drug in cannabis. the teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave. san francisco man is now facing jail time after pleading no contest to a hate crime on the peninsula two years ago, investigators say, 56 year old steven said body verbally threatened to family wearing black lives matter shirts during a protest in burlingame. the family had their children with them. at the time of the incident, sabari can
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now be sentenced to up to four months in jail this morning, structural engineers are expected to take another look at a bridge along lake merritt boulevard in oakland after a huge fire broke out underneath the bridge last night. crews were called to the bridge near the lake merritt amphitheater about eight pm, where the road goes over the estuary that feeds the lake. smoke and flames billowed out from beneath lake merritt boulevard video from a drone and images posted to the citizen app shows just how intense the flames were when they first broke out. you could see thick black smoke for miles around. firefighters had a tough time getting to the flames because they started underneath the road. firefighters say one man had an encampment there and while he wasn't injured, all his possessions were destroyed. had tools and hat. hundreds hundreds of dollars of art material. i had collectible monies. i have ritual items right now. you know, we're just working on finding out if the individual would like additional housing opportunities. and anything that we can provide as a department
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and as a city to help them whether their house doran housed definitely our hearts go out to them because we care about everyone and we care about you know their property. firefighters told us they didn't use foam to fight this fire because they didn't want to contaminate the water in the estuary this morning, former u. s marine has been killed in ukraine 22 year old willy, cancel was hired by a private military contractor to fight with ukrainian forces. his mother says he wanted to go there because he deeply supported the cause. his family says the contractor notified them about his death, but they still have many questions. they don't know specifically how he died. and his body has not yet been recovered. cancel was married and a father and originally from new york state. russia's latest attack on ukraine includes attacking a residential high rise in cave during a visit by the u. n. secretary general last night to russian missiles slammed into a weapons manufacturing plant. experts say they believe vladimir putin is pushing for a major battlefield success ahead
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of an important russian holiday. new ship. ukraine continued provocation, you have a crane to carry out strikes against russian object will invariably lead to a harsh response from russia. ukrainian president vladimir zelensky and then secretary general antonio guterres met yesterday they discussed a proposal to evacuate about 2000, ukrainian soldiers and 1000 civilians from a steel plan in mario ball, which has been under attack. it is the last ukrainian stronghold in the city. back here in the bay area , the san jose sharks charity is helping with relief efforts in ukraine. the sharks foundation has donated $100,000 to unicef, unicef's humanitarian efforts are focused on safety and health care and providing clean water. and proper nutrition to people in ukraine. the group also works to safeguard children's rights and plans for a safe future. for ukrainians. the sharks foundation is encouraging all sharks fans who can to donate to unicef usa time is 8 10. bard is
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once again requiring masks on trains and in stations. the barn board of directors approved a temporary amendment yesterday requiring face coverings until mid july. masks were in courage down, bart after the federal mandate was overturned last week, they were not required. free masks will be available at all. station agent booth's and safety staff are barred. police will offer unmasked riders a mask before writing any citations, which could cost up to $75. the intention of this measure is to protect those vulnerable communities. people have underlying health conditions, people who are, you know, compromise the kids under five who are still not yet eligible to be vaccinated. this all comes as bart recorded its highest ridership day since the beginning of the pandemic. that was this past wednesday, largely due to the giants ace game and the warrior's playoff game. i think it's a good idea. um and if there is like, you know, like the general public would like to
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lift the mask mandates. i think at the very end of the day, bart. ah should you know, like the company could just investor in having carts that has masks versus cars that you know, like, doesn't require any masks and at that point you're safe, fair. many writers said they didn't know the mask mandate on bart had been temporarily dropped because so many people still wear their masks on the train at the station 12 on the clock friday morning back to shall we go any problems with bart this morning? you know? no not really. mike. i've been watching mike and garcia. it's looking pretty good, and i would suggest taking barred into the city tonight. if you're going to oracle park for that game, it's fireworks night. i think it's going to be well attended. and parking down there, of course, is never that great. it's pretty expensive. actually this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza and people are coming into san francisco. now, this is the busiest time we've seen it. on fridays. you really don't know what you're going to get. you're
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going to get some off and on commutes today, it on south bay, so i south bay. and now we're going right to the middle of the bait with the same entail bridge where that looks all right. 8 12. let's go back to the desk. thank you, sal. so billions of dollars of tesla stock this week how that money could help in his effort to buy another high profile tech company and the two people accused of kidnapping a baby in san jose are scheduled to be back in court. we hear from the child's mother.
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♪ (singing) scrolling all day, ♪ ♪ time can disappear, ♪ ♪ wanna make it count, why not volunteer. ♪ ♪ just a few hours to keep families from harm, ♪ ♪ help us end home fires with sound the alarm. ♪ volunteer for a day to install free smoke alarms in your community.
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josn a courthouse today. 28 year old jose portillo and 43 year old yesenia ramirez made their first court appearance yesterday. prosecutors say portillo is the man seen in the surveillance video taking the child from a second floor apartment on elm street. that was back on monday . around one o'clock in the afternoon, the baby was found safe just a few miles from the child's home about 20 hours later, investigators say the two people charged with the kidnapping knew the baby's mother through their church. the child's mother spoke outside the courthouse yesterday. let me tell you. it's very hard as a mother to look at the woman who
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took your baby and being able to contain yourself from saying anything. you can't do anything . we are always incredibly concerned. when a child is taken from his mother. this is more unusual. and more frightening. a third person, once named as a suspect has now been released from the county jail after the charges against him were dropped . however, prosecutors are not really now taking him back into custody if new evidence comes to light linking him to the kidnapping happening today, sonoma county will conduct an emergency alert test. the county's been distributing weather radios to anyone who wants one for more than a year. now the county can use the alert function on the weather radios to notify people about hazards or threats, such as flood warnings or wildfire evacuations. the test alert will go off on the weather radios today at noon. police chief says the use of force by officers dropped by as much as a third in 2021 compared to the year before. the department, says new data show in 2021 officers
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didn't use any guns, batons or neck restraints during any use of force incidents. the data also showed there were fewer uses of weapons by officers overall, even as more suspects resisted officers. we implemented de escalation training that's coupled with crisis intervention training, and one of the key principles is to, um, wait for cover and to have additional support before force is applied so the data are available on the vallejo pd website. the police officers union argued there were fewer incidents because there were a few officers on the street. the company that analyzed the data disputes that and says the data show an increase in officers present at use of force incidents, not a decrease, and we're seeing new video this morning from san leandro of an armed carjacking. the alameda county sheriff's office took this video showing the suspect driving more than 100 mph. on surface streets. the driver eventually stopped the vehicle
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and then ran away, but he was eventually arrested. fortunately no one was hurt in the incident. home surveillance video in berkeley captured the moment a car was burglarized. you can see a man get out of an audi a four in break into an older model of the same car. the men ransacks the vehicle before getting back into his own vehicle and then driving away that vehicle's owner says nothing of value was stolen. but this is the fourth time his car has been targeted 19 let's see if we can get you out the door. typically fridays are all right. and that's the case today. sal is it's a little better than it was yesterday and the first four days of the commute week. we had some pretty bad ones. tuesday and wednesday . let's go out and see the bay bridge. it's still crowded. it is getting a little better. it's beating to loosen up a little bit. and if you have the luxury of waiting around, i think that would suit you. to get into san francisco. just remember that getting out on a friday is always busy, especially early in the afternoon. this is a look at interstate 80 in oakland that looks very good in both directions and the same. mateo and dunbarton bridge had been
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uneventful. we don't talk a lot about the golden gate bridge. because there's not a lot of traffic on it. and unless the fog is an issue, this commute remains easy. so that's what when someone asked me. why don't you show it? it's because we usually have a lot worse traffic to show but i showed it. here it is. so steve, now at 8 19. you showed it. you're good. yeah, usually it's quite you know. there's nothing going wrong. we don't show good traffic because we have a lot of bad traffic. that's true. thank you, sir. alright sal's mentioned this many times if you're heading out to the giants nationals game tonight, not as bad as tuesday and wednesday. thank goodness i mean that that was candlestick. esque it'll still be clear a little breeze, but it will be much more comfortable still going to cool side as we go into not only friday, but also the weekend here after a windy pattern here for the bulk of this week, except for a few high clouds, mainly to the north, we're good to go had a lot of thirties this morning and forties. now we're seeing forties and fifties, there will be a little bit of a west northwest breeze, but it won't
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be the windy patterns slight cool down on saturday, then another warm up on sunday yesterday was unseasonably cool. only 57 in the city went 62 today, pretty close to seasonal averages conquered up to 75 san jose 72 santa rosa, from 70 to 74. these are right about where they should be now. mount diablo yesterday dropped 34 cool cold degrees. this morning. there are 42 with the north wind to 27. there were 34 with the northwest of 50 history. a lot of low fifties right now, the brent woods out of the gate there with 57 degrees 52 sunny ville stanford campus dropped to 39. palo alto is now 52, so it doesn't take long to warm up your upper forties. and also fifties. we had a lot of thirties in the santa cruz mountains was close for others little chill. now we're seeing forties and fifties, so we reached the coldest temps already in the morning. the pattern still stays active. i mean, these these blows continue to march in and then they drive down into nevada. so what they do is they give us a few high clouds and also crank up the breeze. so today's a lot quieter as the high builds in that next system, though we'll see the
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breeze pick up again, along with some cloud covers on saturday. sunday looks warmer than monday. looks like another repeat performance of breezy, cool conditions. 50 60 seventies on your temps today. very nice, very pleasant as we round third and head for home on april and head into maine. looks like a quiet pattern. you guys a little warmer, warmer one day little cooler. the next copy then. right, steve. thank you. a new study is giving dog lovers a chance to better understand their dog's personality, saying that it has nothing to do. with their breed. researchers from the university of massachusetts chen medical school had more than 18,000 dog owners, complete personality surveys about their pets. they then took dna samples from more than 2000 different pups to analyze their genetic makeup. we couldn't find any evidence that ancestry from any particular breed actually has an influence on things like whether dogs are reacting aggressively to two things in their environment. and what that suggests to us is that those behavior is very shaped by by by dogs, environment and by their
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life experiences and very little by their genetics. researchers say only 9% of personality differences between dogs were actually related to their breed . 23 teenagers running around at night, weaving in and out of cars and into backyards. the 16 year old student who says this game lead to harassment and increased safety measures in san francisco's chinatown, the program that's now in action and how it aims to keep shoppers and how it aims to keep shoppers and business own it's still the eat fresh refresh, at subway. and they're refreshing everything. even their italians. woah. you talking italians? jimmy's gonna take it from here. refresh italiano see, subway now has italian-style capicola, and you can try it on top of belgioioso fresh mozzarella on the mozza meat. or, stack on three more italian-style meats with the supreme meats. it's just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. and they're gonna keep refreshing and re-
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thee rising problem of commercial retail theft in the city. the program will allow businesses to contract off duty sheriff's deputies to provide additional security and commercial corridors. and retail establishments. this was all spearheaded by supervisor joseph i. who worked with businesses as well as the san francisco police and sheriff's departments. this is not just about arresting people and locking them up. this is truly about stopping intervening and suppressing crime before it happens. but supervisor says the partnership with the sheriff's department expands an existing effort that lets business owners hire additional security by contracting off duty police officers in east bay business owners looking for answers after two of his pharmacies were targeted by thieves just days apart. surveillance video shows a u haul pickup truck pulling up to the new oakland pharmacy in oakland's chinatown at about 3 15. yesterday morning. we see
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the driver back up into the business over and over again. until the truck breaks through into the lobby. six people then raid the pharmacy. the owner says. just a block away. eight people forced their way into his other pharmacy using a crowbar. this happened at about 3 30 tuesday morning. become wealthy pair because we know that the professionals they all wear gloves. and also the way they parked their cars. you cannot see the license plates. in both cases, the burglars didn't get away with much, but the damage was extensive. the owner says. i'll have to spend more money to make his stores more secure. well, it's one of the amazons. biggest sales events of the year. still to come. what we know about this year's prime day teachers are on strike right now in protest of a plan to close and merge several schools what the district says families shouldn't do today, even though the schools are open.
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it'y because even though their teachers are likely at school, they're not in the classroom. we're about to take you live to an $0 campus where a day long strike is happening at this hour. and a major break in the case of a woman who disappeared in your anti aachen vest. here's have now released this new video how they hope these images will help them find what happened to her. from ktvu fox two news this morning's onto gorgeous friday. thanks so much for being with us. i'm gasia mikaelian the end. good morning, everyone. i'm
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mike mibach hope you are having a great friday morning. now there it is, because this outside hopefully tonight, too, because the a's and giants both have home games. that doesn't happen too often on the schedule throughout the year when they're both of them. no, it doesn't help. thankfully, it will not be as windy. nice very cold last couple of nights, that's for sure. it will still be on the cool side, but it looks a lot calmer than it was. we had some thirties and forties. now we're all in the fifties. well, we are as in these temperatures i'm about to show you in 321 there, there. palo alto dropped to 39 there now 50 55 in the city, their highest it was 57. so they're already doing better friday on my mind and temperatures were quite cool this morning, but we already bought him down on the lows, and it will be mostly sunny, warmer. few high clouds, no big deal just a few patches of fog on the sema table coast, but temperatures once in a while, they're right about where they should be, and that will be today. alright over to sell now, and he's here to tell us things are quieter. something happened what things are beginning to settle down. steve, i do want to mention that today is another big day for south of market traffic with the 45 49ers with
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the giants. hosting a game at oracle. parkettes fireworks, not i think that game is going to be well attended. so keep that in mind if you're looking to get into san francisco this morning, right now, at the bay bridge, it looks like there's a crowd of about maybe 10 minutes before you make it onto the span this friday afternoon commute. gets going early. probably have figured that out. but just reminding you of that this is a look at interstate 80 north and south, and there have been no major issues. cemetery bridges a decent alternative for the bay bridge in both directions. 8 32 . let's go back to the headlines. thank you, sal. happening now protesters are gathering on the calle campus in the latest demonstration against the university's plan to build student housing at people's park. coalition of berkeley students and community members is gathering for protest. they're calling defend people's park. this is a live picture here, as people are gathering and making signs there on the calle campus. now the school wants to build two dorm buildings on the site that could have some 1100 students. the buildings would take up about a third of the existing park.
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space protests started just about 30 minutes ago. it is set to go into the evening. so keep in mind if this is your part of town we're going to bring in ktvu james torres. he has a live report from the cal campus in the next hour on the future of people's park. staying in berkeley here. the berkeley unified school district has released new numbers on covid. the data show. new cases tripled at berkeley schools last week compared to the week before. the district says it had 91 new cases last week, likely due to the highly transmissible omicron variant and the loosening of mask restrictions. health department says the increase reflects an uptick in covid cases across the bay area in the north bay marine county is responding to a recent increase in covid cases by tightening safety recommendations for events such as proms and graduations. according to the marin independent journal. the county health department says there has been a big increase in cases following spring break and recent events recently more than 50. students at redwood high tested positive following the school's prom. earlier this month, dozens of students tested positive after a school trip to washington d. c. the county's
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advising schools to require proof of vaccination, negative covid tests and masking if large events are indoors. a new report finds california's k through 12 public schools returned to more normal conditions this spring for students, teachers and parents. the public policy institute of california statewide survey found the decline in covid case rates and the lifting of mask mandates helped bring normalcy back to many schools. while most adults say they approve of governor newsom's handling of public education during the pandemic, more than 40% of parents say their child fell behind academically development in the search for a missing oakley woman who disappeared three months ago. authorities now have released video of a person of interest in the case of 24 year old alexis game and shows a hooded man wearing a mask walking near oakley road in belden lane. investigators say they believe the man in the video may have abandoned the missing woman's car a few miles away. from this intersection shortly after she disappeared on january 26th. i can attest that
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we have literally searched land , sea and air for alexis. we strongly suspect foul play, and we seek the public's assistance in locating alexis. the city of oakley is also offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest in the case. authorities indonesia are warning about a controversial and dangerous game being played by some teenagers there. teens call the game lami gra, a slang term for federal immigration agents, investigators say older teens pretend to be ice agents and go around town trying to catch younger students. who pretend to be on the run. in addition to the offensive nature of the game, both venetia police and the it's created a dangerous situation for many people in town. this has been something that has been going on for a very long time. and if you do not address it it will be going on. even further. you have a bunch of kids running around in dark clothing. we've had reports of kids hopping fences running in and out of traffic, doing
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dangerous things. some venetia high school students say the game has led to them being harassed and even injured. the police department is now working with school and community leaders to explore ways to bring this game to an end. starting this weekend, a new effort to add mass transit options in moran and sonoma county will get underway. smart train is bringing back its sunday service. and smart train is making other changes designed to speed up commute times and boost ridership. you can get the details on these weekend schedule changes by going to the smart train website. alright let's see what the weekend holds a lot of softball games. i think our little neighborhood swim club opens tomorrow. steve paulson. i needed to be a good deal warmer before i dip a toe in the pool. once you're in the pool, it's alright. it's getting out that winds blowing oh, my gosh, cuts right through, but it will be much quieter. you too. now sal mentioned that all quiet on the golden gate bridge, and that's true. he's not. he's not lying, and it's clear there. but you're thinking maybe i'll take a little swim outside the gate. are you sure you want to do that? it's their trust me. it's
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there. there it is. see clear right there. the water temps are really cold for us. san francisco bowie is 48 brisk degrees. so you get temperatures like that upper forties and very low fifties. anytime you combine that with a westerly breeze. and it's at night. you'll feel it, although it will not be as windy as it was on tuesday and wednesday. still though, i would bundle up it, it'll be a little bit better than it was last couple of games, that's for sure. except for a few high clouds. they're moving into the north. we are all set for a warmer debt. only a teeny bit of fog. i think most of it's gone by now, though, 50 60 seventies on attempts, the breeze will pick up this afternoon. but again, it's it'll be the normal zephyr and not that robust what we have. santa rosa san francisco conquered in san jose. up up up, not not. i mean, these are but they were so far below average yesterday. they're actually getting close to average today. fifties on the temps had some thirties this morning north to south all the way from mendocino county lake county down into the santa cruz mountains. don't think we'll see that repeated that in english europe in mendocino county are probably lake county, maybe
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parts of areas north of the golden gate, where they'll get a few high clouds. the rest of us will have sunshine. the pattern, though, is not locking in. it continues to be progressive, and it looks like that's the way it's going to be as we go into the first seven, maybe 14 days of may, so the high builds in for a day. then it gets knocked down by a system coming in. that picks up our breeze gives us a few high clouds were repeat the process all over again. about three days. four days later. no rain yet, but you can see where the patterns it's up near the oregon border possibility of something on the fifth. and then for sure, on the ninth and 10th of the forecast models are are are right. that's pretty far out, but they put in pretty deep system on us on the ninth and 10th so maybe we're not done with rain yet. 50 60 seventies on your tips weekend looks nice little warmer one day little cooler. the next sunday looks warmer tuesday might push a few upper seventies 10 or 80. steve thank you. it's 8 38 happening now, frustration and resolve on the picket lines in oakland this morning, oakland teachers are staging a one day strike in protest of a planned school merger and closure plan by the oakland unified school district. ktvu alley. rasmus live here at
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one school where we just heard from members of the teachers union alley. yes the president of the oakland education association, the teachers union here in the district, as well as some members from the national union. the national education association, also spoke. they just wrapped up their news conference here, but you can see the picket line. out in front of parker elementary school. this is a k through eight school in east oakland thought about 260 students, and this school is one of the 11 that is slated to close. at the end of this school year. there are other schools in the district slated to close over the next five years as part of a district and school board approved plan, and that's what this one day strike is about here today. many of the teachers say they have the support of the community as well in opposing the plan to close these schools . now the district has called the one day strike an illegal labor action. the oakland education association obviously disagrees with that. earlier this morning, we spoke with one of the teachers on the picket line here to ask them what they hope to accomplish today with
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this one day strike what it does is let the school board know that all they've done really is upset the community and made the community gathered together to fight against them. what i hope comes out of this is that they stopped the school closures and really look at the other ways they need to start saving money in the district. that was surprising when 100 people came to the to the meeting here about the school closures. to me, that's a signal that there is genuine community support. oakland unified school district says these closures are needed to deal with a steep budget deficit in a statement to ktvu, the district's chief academic officer, says, quote in our district we've been facing declining enrollment for decades . sustaining many small schools stretches our resources thinly across too many schools. instead of allowing us to invest more deeply in fewer schools and quote at parker elementary here,
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for example, they've lost about 100 120 students here over the past five years. and now the union representatives here say that they attribute some of the declining enrollment to the ongoing problem of gentrification in this part of oakland and parts of the east bay. but also they say that it's the district's fault that declining enrollment has happened because they said that there's a history of underfunding these public schools. the union leader here, says he believes that once the school closes it will likely become a charter school. but again, this is one of the things that they're opposed to their opposed to these closures of 11 schools over the next five years in the district, and that's why they're launching this one day strike that is underway as you see here. later this afternoon, some of the union members will be meeting up with a longshore union members, and they will be having a rally at oakland city hall live in oakland. ali rasmus ktvu. fox two news. thank you for that, with the first round of the nfl draft now in the books coming up on the nine we're live with 49ers fangirl tracy sandler to talk about who she thinks the niners will draft. and the future of wide
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receiver deebo, samuel. and here we are just at the end of april, but san ramon chevron corporation already having a banner year in a moment, the oil giant's big jump in ♪ ♪ thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer... are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts
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that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection,... liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. be in your moment. fantastic! ask your doctor about ibrance.
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sco say they just cannot afford to live in the city where they
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work. well now the city is trying to do something about that san francisco has announced a $60 million initiative to give raises to people who teach in preschool and other early education classrooms. the program will make sure educators that tax funded early childhood education facilities will get raises some by as much as $30,000. the goal is to make sure that at least every child care provider that we fund through the city is making a minimum wage of $28 an hour. investing in the teachers is important, too, because right now, like a lot of people are leaving this field because we're not getting paid enough. the $60 million comes from props see tax funds approved by voters back in 2018. that money was held up in court until last year. developing business story and the sec filing shows. tesla ceo elon musk sold an additional $4 billion worth of stock just yesterday. that's on top of the four billion musk sold on tuesday. proceeds from this week's sail cover some 20% of
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his $44 billion agreement to buy twitter musk tweeted yesterday he wasn't planning to sell any more shares at this time checking tesla stock right now it's up by 4.5% you can say that's a good day on the market for tesla, but at the same time others, not such a good day of rough month overall as well. it really was looking back on the month of april and looking ahead as we always do to pam cook, as she has more in dollars and cents. yes it has been a very rough month as we wrap it up today, the nasdaq and the s and p 500 on track to mark the worst month since march, 2020. of course when the pandemic began, a lot of that does have to do with bay area tech companies and earnings reports. amazon stock headed down right when that opening bell rang this morning, down more than 12% amazon surprised analysts with a loss for the quarter part of that, because of their investment in rivian. they're also subject to the supply chain issues. high gas prices forward, also blaming rivian for impacting their earnings and in apple's earnings report, executives said. supply
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chain pressures will continue to hurt revenue into the third quarter as we take a live look at the numbers, it certainly is a rough ending to the month as well. the dow jones coming back a little bit from the losses, and the last hour where it was down about 400 points now still down, 272 points or so. the s and p. 500 down one in third percent. 42 31, the nasdaq well below 13,000 at this point down 168 points chevron's profits on the other hand, more than quadrupled during the first quarter of this year, analysts say that is due mostly to hire whale and gas prices, chevron reported $6.3 billion in earnings during the first quarter of 2022. that's up from nearly $1.4 billion during the same quarter last year. well, you're either going to love this or maybe hated duncan is releasing its spring lineup, bringing back some fan favorites and adding a few new suites. very sweet customers can now try
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a cake batter latte. it combines espresso with cake batter flavor and topped with whipped cream mocha drizzle and rainbow sprinkles. other editions include corn, bread, doughnuts and munchkins and mango, pineapple, refresher and tomato pesto. grilled cheese. popular items back on the menu include the sunrise batch and butter pecan flavored coffees. and mother day mother's day, just nine days away, the national retail federation predicts spending on mom will reach a record $32 billion this year. the report says 41% of consumers will buy jewelry 27% are buying concert or special event tickets . more than half will take mom out for dinner or brunch. the most popular gifts, flowers and cards and again remember those other people in your life who are maybe like a mom and the mother of your children? cook that's look at your dollars and cents. thank you. 8 48 here. california's high speed rail projects slowly getting back on track. yesterday a state transit
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agency gave final approval to a 90 mile stretch of track between san jose and merced. it also formally certified the final environmental impact report for phase one of the high speed rail project, clearing the way for trains to run from san francisco to los angeles. as you well know , this project has been subject to construction delays and a massive increase in projected costs ever since it was first approved by voters back in 2000 and eight it's been almost a month here since those bus only lanes on van ness avenue in san francisco opened up and unions calling them a success, according to the chronicle. mones the new lanes of cut travel times by as much as a third on northbound van ness almost 10 minutes faster than before. he also says ridership increased on the 49 van ness mission, but because of those faster arrival times i feel like i've been avoiding vienna's for the last five years because of the construction brought it, but it looks great. now, sal yeah, the only time i go over to van ness is the goal to house of prime rib there, mike and that and that's the only time i'll go there. but you're right. all right. good morning, everyone. let's go out and take a look at the same table bridge, which is,
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i think the best bridge right now to use. however i don't want to discourage you from using the bay bridge. it is a little bit slow, but it's probably going to get better in the next few minutes here. if you're trying to get between either one. this is a look at interstate 80, and that's looking pretty good. the subject commute is up to a good ending right now. 8 50. let's bring steve in with today's weather, right? sal looks like a nice pattern here today after a windy pattern for a couple of days. if you are going to the giants game tonight, it was very cold as you know, brutally cold tuesday and wednesday in the bay bridge series, but it'll be on the cool side, but it won't be as windy as it was should be better than it was as well as the nationals and the giants. few high clouds coming in not a big deal, but farther north, maybe a few more. but for your friday forecast looks good. these are about where we should be on the high side. except for some higher clouds in the north, and the breeze will pick up a little bit later. but nothing we can't handle forties fifties on your test. although brentwood says, come catch me if you can. i'm 59 out there so there will
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be some probably pushing the upper seventies. most will be in the low to mid seventies. you can see some of those higher clouds. taking a mainly north of the golden gate, but there'll be a few drifting across. so if you look at and say, where are those clouds coming from now you know how i will protect us. although these systems for this time of year end of april, going into many of their rather rather strong taking aim at the pacific northwest. what they do is they go into washington, oregon, then dive in towards eastern nevada. so while we get a one day of warm up the next day, it cools down. the breeze picks up then it's tables calms down, then we repeat the process all over again, and that's the way it looks going into probably the 1st 57, maybe 10 to 14 days of may, a couple of systems flirting with us on the forecast models around the fifth and the ninth and 10th. so maybe we can still get some may reign in here. but not this weekend. 50 60 seventies on your temps little warmer on sunday little cooler monday, tuesday does look a little warmer. some upper seventies to maybe near 80 you guys steve. thank you coming up on the nine, the world's largest bounce house and if you others are up in the north bay right
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now, we're about to talk with the co creator of the big bounce america and how you can get the whole family involved this weekend. and pg and e posted record profits even while it's being investigat what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself. you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa.
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it's still the eat fresh refresh, at subway. and they're refreshing everything. even their italians. woah. you talking italians? jimmy's gonna take it from here. refresh italiano see, subway now has italian-style capicola, and you can try it on top of belgioioso fresh mozzarella on the mozza meat. or, stack on three more italian-style meats with the supreme meats. it's just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. and they're gonna keep refreshing and re-
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rets many as 37 covid cases on board. the ruby princess came back to ports on saturday in san francisco health department says that the vast majority of passengers and mild or no symptoms on april 11th nearly 150 people tested positive when the same ship returned to san francisco, and two weeks earlier , there were 73 positive cases when they return to porter. overall, the ruby princess can't hold about 5000 people starting sunday. a new state law will give adults age 50 or older healthcare coverage, regardless of their immigration status. health equity experts say many immigrants don't go to the doctor until an illness or diseases. out of control.
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starting may 1st change to medical removes immigration restrictions officials estimate about 235,000 individuals will be eligible for coverage. under this change. california is the first state to make such a change. it gives you the security that now you can come in. now you can get your physicals. now you can be preventative about your health care and i have to wait until something gets really, really bad. california is the first state in the nation to offer healthcare coverage to all low income residents, regardless of immigration status. a family of four can make up making up to $38,000 and can be eligible for coverage through the state's insurance announced a big jump in profits during its first quarter this year, earning $475 million after two rate increases. it's almost four times the profit is the same quarter a year ago, the utility share price jumped about 3.5% on the news consumer advocates at the utility reform network say those profits came on the back of a 14% rate increase for gas and electric consumers. in a
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conference call. pg and e s chief executive also addressed wildfire readiness. and wildfire or confident that we have the right tools in place to mitigate this risk and is not doing the job they're supposed to do to keep us safe. thousands of wildfire victims who lost everything in 2017 and 2018 are homeless and haven't gotten paid. the ceo said she thinks the utility can make the system safe and keep customers bills. affordable rate increases are in the works for 2023 into 2026. california's targeting an oil company as it investigates the cause of what officials call plastic pollution crisis, attorney general rob bonta says his office will subpoena exxonmobil accusing the petroleum industry giant of deliberately deceiving the public on the dangers of plastics while falsely claiming the materials can mostly be recycled. sponder says more than 300 million tons of plastic is
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produced every year, and it eventually breaks down into tiny particles. every week. we consume the equivalent of a credit cards worth. of plastic. through the water we drink. the food we eat. and the air we breathe. each of us consuming more than £40. of plastic over our lifetimes, £40. ponta says his goal is in part to require companies to pay to clean up their waste, which cost california some $500 million every year so far, exxonmobil and the western plastics association have not commented a new report says third of san francisco office workers are back in the building security firm castles back to work barometer found that after four months of increases 33.4% of workers were back at their desks. as of last week. that's higher than new york's 32.9% and 31% in san jose, but that's
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still below the average for buildings managed by castle in 10, major u. s cities. across the country more than 40% of workers were back in the office last week. airbnb is now allowing its employees to live and work from anywhere in the united states. the company made the announcement after claiming to have just had the most productive two year period in the company's history, all while working remotely. airbnb is also allowing employees to live and work in many places around the world as long as they don't spend more than 90 days in one country, san francisco based company has more than 200 job openings right now. and in a statement, airbnb said companies will be at a significant disadvantage. if they limit their talent pool to a commuting radius around their offices. the best people live everywhere. happening today. single game tickets go on sale for the warriors. western conference semifinals. warriors insiders are expected to receive information to take part in a pre sale event to this afternoon before the general public and buy those tickets. fans will be able to buy single game tickets for the western conference semis
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at j center exclusively online at warriors .com. today's arbor day today, this dedicated to preserving and planting trees, santa clara county, launching an effort to plant 1000 trees at school campuses. the goal is to improve so called tree desserts and to encourage a sense of environmental stewardship among youth. hundreds of teachers at oakland are not in the classroom this morning. instead they're on strike down the teachers demands that have nothing to do with the usual issues of pay and workload. demonstration at uc berkeley protesters calling on university leaders not to build housing nearby. we're live from the scene. plus liam neeson is back on the screen with the premiere of his latest movie memory. we talked to neeson about his latest movie coming up on mornings on to the nine. come to the nine today is friday. april 29th. we're looking live at the bay bridge in san francisco skyline behind it looks like a nice clear day.


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