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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  May 3, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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will also tell you how arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords is bringing her personal message about stopping gun violence to the bay area today. plus governor i promise you, whatever challenges come our way. i will always lead the california way. it's part of california governor gavin newsom reelection ad will take a look at a new poll that does appear to make one thing clear. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian and i'm claudine wang. it is tuesday . may 3rd i can't believe may is here, but here it is. sun is shining blue skies out there. steve paulson. that is correct. and not as windy as cold as yesterday. right garcia? thank goodness about the wind all day yesterday. we do have 1 40 left on this panel that's in kalamata . i've seen anywhere from 40 to 41 to 46 in and around palo alto, menlo park. 42 that was in town that will rebound fast. livermore's already bumped up to
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54. they have a northerly breeze. santa rosa anywhere from 46 to 60, depending on if you get a north or northeast breezes, what i've seen it'll be sunny and warmer for all today two for tuesday. let's talk about the chilly morning for some, and then warmer. there is a north wind in the hills. but mainly it's a north breeze for many here and that's going to equal 60 72 a few low eighties, alright, saleh's here it's picking up and this time it's 70 wants to start where well, we'll start at the bay bridge just because i think everyone always wants to see what that commute looks like to kind of make judgments about all the others. the bay bridge is crowded. it's not affected by any major crashes, but it is crowded. getting into san francisco was want to let you know about that. traffic continues to look good. once you get onto the bridge, it looks all right. as you look at interstate 80 and oakland that looks all right. when we come back, we're going to take a look at some of these east peck commutes that are beginning to get a lot more crowded in the last few minutes here, but now it's 701. let's go right back.
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to the headlines, thank you and straight to the developing story on the battle over abortion rights. a live look outside the u. s supreme court. we've been checking in at this site. throughout the morning. we've seen a number of protesters outside the number does tend to grow and grow as the hours continue. reaction has been swift and strong. two news of a leaked draft opinion that shows the conservative majority of the supreme court has the votes to overturn the 1973 landmark roe versus wade decision. again this group of protesters outside the u. s. supreme court has been growing through the morning. there are protests on both sides of the abortion debate expected to take place here and nationwide throughout this day will turn out a ktvu james torrez live in studio for the latest developments in this decades long battle lawmakers here in california, james and on the national level wasted no time in speaking out. that's exactly right guys. several lawmakers now sharing their thoughts and we're now hearing from president joe biden. he just released a statement from the white house about 30 minutes
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ago, saying in part if the court does overturn roe, it would fall on our nation's elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman's right to choose. and then it will fall on voters to elect a pro choice officials this november. at the federal level, we will need more pro choice senators and a pro choice majority in the house to adopt legislation that codifies roe, which i will work to pass and sign into law. some context behind the history of abortion rights. that decision of roe v. wade legalized abortion in 1973 1992. we saw the case of planned parenthood versus casey, which reaffirmed those abortion rights after questions rose from the pennsylvania state legislature. in the last year, several states have looked to impose more strict abortion laws. including outlawing abortions, 15 weeks into a woman's pregnancy places like mississippi, florida and texas. several other states have abortion laws that they can't enforce because of roe v. wade. the leaked opinion reveals writings from supreme court justice samuel alito, who says in part the cases should be
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overruled because the constitution makes no reference to abortion and no such right is implicitly protected by any congressional provisions. we have some local political science experts about that. i don't think it's a valid argument, but it is a commonly heard argument the right to choose roe versus wade has been embedded in the right to privacy . and although the word privacy doesn't appear in the constitution, it is almost universally acknowledged that that we do possess a right to privacy that the constitution for tax democratic california lawmakers are also reacting fiercely, including governor gavin newsom in a tweet, he says. our daughters, sisters, mothers and grandmothers will not be silenced. california will not sit back. we are going to fight like #### the governor as well as the state assembly are looking at creating state laws to protect abortions in california at the congressional level. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer released a joint statement. they say if the political report is true, the
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decision would be an abomination and quote one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history. claudine alright, thanks, james. we should say a leak of the draft ruling from the supreme court of very rare occurrence in a message to staff, political leaders say. they stand by the authenticity of that draft. it is unclear who was responsible for releasing it. but reaction to the news of the leak was swift, with court watchers saying they are worried about what it means for the courts trust internally. this was an utter disgrace in terms of how is released as a former supreme court clerk. i can tell you there are very, very few people in that entire building who had access to the opinion it would trigger the laws in over 20 states that have already said that they will outlaw abortion in their states. it will create a patchwork of laws across the country. now 13 states have so called trigger laws that will ban abortion immediately if roe v. wade was overturned. five
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other states still have pre roe bands on the books and three others have passed laws with more recently that would restrict some or all abortions. nationwide polls show a majority of americans still favor some type of abortion protections. a gallup poll released last year found, 48% said they think abortion should be legal under certain restrictions. 32% said abortion should be legal under any circumstance, 19% said abortion should be illegal. what happened today? vice president kamala harris will speak at a pro choice conference in washington, d. c her first official event since testing positive for covid 19 on april 26th. the white house says harris has now tested negative and that following cdc guidelines, she is going to wear a mask while around others for an additional five days. harris was scheduled to speak at the event before the leaked opinion on abortion from the supreme court was released happening today. former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords is bringing her national
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campaign against gun violence to san francisco. she'll appear at a ceremony in the city's financial district meant to remember the thousands of americans who died to gut because of gun violence every year, giffords is calling on federal, state and local lawmakers to approve tougher gun laws. she was severely injured in a mass shooting well, speaking outside a mall in tucson, arizona, in 2011, the city of san francisco has lost a legal battle in its effort to keep suspected drug dealers out of the tenderloin neighborhood. a state appeals court ruled. the city does not have the legal authority to bend suspected dealers from a 50 square block area. the court said. those individuals are innocent until proven guilty. the city first made the effort back in september of 2020. it was designed to keep 28 suspected drug dealers away from the tenderloin. a neighborhood largely considered the center of san francisco's illegal drug trade. happening today, state senator scott wiener of san francisco is going to provide details of california's role in a new program that involves more
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than a dozen states. it is resigned, designed to provide a safe place to live for transgender young people and their families. it's all part of a coordinated effort among 16. other democrats let states to provide similar protections. this program follows an order in texas, where state agencies have been directed to consider placing transgender children. in foster care. an open school board member, has decided to resign with a scathing letter criticizing the oakland teachers union. shanti gonzalez supported the oakland school closures and mergers and she says opponents of protested outside our home, calling her racist, anti black and white supremacist. the oakland school board president called gonzalez dedicated and thanked her for her seven years on the board. and the oakland education association president released a statement reading director gonzales will not be missed. we hope the next director will listen to and keep their commitments to district six students and families. rather than closing schools
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ordinance in the city of pittsburgh now makes it illegal to watch side shows on private property state law. outside shows on public streets, but doesn't address side shows on private property or those who come to watch the pittsburgh ordinance approved by the city council last night, is aimed at prohibiting spectators at side shows with the goal of significantly curving criminal activity. we have had the community come out and talk to us about donuts. um you know, long crestview side shows, you know, home depot parking lot target shopping center, and it just needs to stop. i mean, we need to keep people safe. violators would face a misdemeanor charge, which carries a minimum maximum penalty that is of six months in jail and a $1000 fine happening today, the contra costa county board of supervisors will hear appeals of approvals to convert the martinez marathon refinery and the philips 66 refinery in rodeo. to renewable biofuel facilities. the county planning commission approved both projects earlier this year. but
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more than a dozen environmental groups are appealing that decision, saying the project's environmental impact reports are faulty and that refining biofuels generates as much greenhouse gas as refining crude oil. california had a major clean energy milestone over the weekend, when the state was completely powered by renewable energy, the state's renewable power sources like solar and wind generated as much electricity as the state needed. for around 15 minutes. that record happened before three o'clock saturday afternoon. the california independent system operator, which maintains the state's power grid, says solar power provided two thirds of the energy needed 7 10, let's get you out the door. let's see what the morning commute is doing now, sal, where do we need to start? we are going to start in the east bay promised you look at that. he spake commute and we're going to start with the drive in richmond, not only on 80 getting out to the freeway there, but 5 80 getting over as you head over to the commute with the marine county and also 80 here. if you're driving out
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towards the bay bridge, you do see some slow traffic on interstate 80 as you drive through. i do want to mention that we do have some slow traffic on interstate 80 between hercules and berkeley, 6 80, concord, walnut creek, and how we for all those are pretty normal and typical commute. 80 south is a little slow at hayward and union city. earlier problem we had on one on one in san jose has cleared up and that san jose communities doing pretty well except north. dont wanna one as you approach to 37. there's a crash there blocking lanes. and that's going to be a momentary slowdown. it's not too big. we're going to keep an eye on it for you. 7 11, let's go back to the desk. 49ers bands could soon show their team pride with brand new license plates, all well supporting state parks . plates with the team logo were unveiled yesterday. there you see it there on your screen. now, this would raise money for the state park programs. the niners needs 7500 drivers to pre pay for those plates before the dmv will print them plates cost $50 or $103 if they are
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personalized. time now is 7 11 the death of country music legend naomi judge left many fans in shock. now there's new information about how she died and how she's being remembered. and a young black bear is spotted napping in the yard of a home in vacaville. we'll tell you why fish and wildlife experts say the best thing to do right now is to just back ♪ girl you know it's been way too long ♪ ♪ i got to get back in my zone ♪ ♪ ooh wee ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ alright ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ 3... 2... 1... ♪ ♪ you know i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ [ music stops ] ♪ hey ladies, don't we look good? ♪ ♪ we came to have a good time baby ♪ ♪ said i'm feeling too good to be cooped up ♪ ♪ me and all of my girls gonna tear it up ♪ if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network.
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you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings.
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but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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than a month away from the june primary. governor. newsom has launched a new ad campaign for his reelection. as your governor , i promise you. whatever challenges come our way. i will always lead the california way. the governor released. this new ad shows him walking through a redwood forest comparing california to the longevity of those century old trees. recent polls have shown the governor's favorability has slipped among likely voters, even though we beat the recall attempt with nearly 62% of the vote. the leading republican candidate is state senator brian dolly from lassen county longtime activist and former democrat michael shellenberger, also running as an independent. in total, there are four democrats 13 republicans, nine other candidates running in the june 7th primary. the top two candidates advanced to the general election in november, no matter their political party and happening today, matt haney is going to be sworn in as california's newest member of the state assembly. the san francisco supervisor, one last
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month special election to complete the term for the assembly district 17 seat that was vacated by david chu. he is now service isco's city attorney he needs swearing in ceremony is going to take place this morning at 10 at the state capital, and for the second year in a row, california's population has dropped new numbers from the state of california lost more than 117,000 people last year. researchers think there are three factors more deaths because of the pandemic, lower birth rates and fewer people moving to california. some bay area counties saw the largest percentage drop in population. san mateo and marin saw a drop of 0.9% san francisco saw 8.8% dip, wildlife officials say if a bear that's been seen in vacaville is still roaming neighborhoods there, they'll likely tranquilize it and take it back to its habitat. video here shows a young black bear wandering north orchard avenue, the bear was seen hopping fences . climbing trees eventually took a nap in the neighbor's yard, officials with the california department official wildlife say
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bears do live in the hills of solano county and say this one may have come into town looking for food. since this bear hasn't acted aggressively. we're going to kind of back off and we're going to give it the chance to go back to its habitat on itself. officials say the bear appears to be 2 to 3 years old. they're urging residents to secure garbage and any dog food outside and remember to remove items that might attract the bear. the writers are not going to be facing a fare increase for at least the next two years. san francisco's transit agency approved its latest budget yesterday that's spending plan estimates that it's going to cost more than $1.3 billion to keep the entire immune system on track until 2024, but the cost to ride money is not going to be going up because of help from the federal government. thanks to the generosity of the federal government. we've been able to hold fairs flat for two years. keep free money for all youth while retaining free immunity for seniors and people with disabilities. the agency
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director says the cash from the federal government will also be used to make money a safer and cleaner mass transit system. everything's back to normal on the bay bridge this morning after a truck crashed into a toll booth there over the weekend. a big rig carrying oversized steel girders and empty toll booth on sunday night. no one was hurt in the crash. we don't see them often. but the point being made that the toll booths can be a distraction and having this slow down to squeeze through a couple of booths. yeah is an obstacle. it creates a bottleneck. many toll booths on the seventh state owned bridges will review removed in the coming years because the state is no longer staffing. the tollbooths work to remove them from the bay bridge is set to start in 2026 7 18. let's talk about our roadways and southern watching a variety of things this morning. how are we looking now? we're looking okay? and it's funny that you mentioned that thing at the top plaza because i think it's had a small effect on the commute, but not much of one just because
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people are going so slow, but by friday that tolin as you mentioned should be fixed, but right now, the toll plaza, we still have a typical delay your mind? it happens. fell off my lapel. alright we'll put that back on westbound bay bridge that is backed up for about 10 to 15 minutes delay. no problems like we lost our idiotic there it is 80 traffic looking good and on the same mateo bridge that traffic is getting busier. so this is looking like the peak of the commute. at least we hope it is. before things start improving in the eight o'clock hour at 7 19. here's a man who'd never drops his mic. he's perfect. it's steve paulson so far today, okay? we still have two hours to go. thank you, sal . alright just talk about some warmer temps today, but before we get there to those warmer to want to show you some really cold ones. why are you talking about? because these are these are really cold water temps 48, 49, san francisco bowie and bodega bay bowie. now the half
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of a boy is not working, but in the harbor. half moon bay harbor. the water temp is 51. that is really cold, so that sets the stage when it's that cold. you start to get eighties inland. fog is never far away. all it needs is a little aloof or a little push, and i think that's going to play a lot of may gray here although wind could be a factor as well as we head towards the weekend today and tomorrow. it's all about sunshine and warmer temps will start that process. today there is a north breeze for some in a wind of for others, but there will be some upper seventies low eighties, rebounding from the unseasonably cold times we had yesterday. good all mount diablo . there. it's north of 50. when i look at it, it's there. when i show it to you, it's not. but you'll just have to believe me north at 50 and 41 degrees. maybe it'll be here this time. sonoma mountains northeast of 28 ben lomond mountains northeast of 23, so we do have that northerly northeasterly component in place, you know, and i know by now that that translates into warmer temperatures. travis has been up to 36 miles an hour there. 57
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vacaville at 60 degrees in davis north. winds of 30 is 57 napa airport is now turned northerly, so they are 55 degrees. that's a big jump for them. 58 brownwood yet walnut creek at 40. there are some low forties mid forties thirties, yes up in mendocino county and lake county upper lake 34 kelsey bill 37, although tim lowell just wrote me an email said, i'm 34 here. i believe you, too. yet middletown 52 pope valley 57 napa 58 sonoma 57. he had a slew authorities from cloverdale all the way down to ross in nevada. uh point raises a cool 41. the coast is clear. there's a few more thirties boulder creek and felton. aktas at 43 santa clara , though north wind kicked in. they are 52 cupertino's 53 so big spread on some of these temps. high pressure is your fair weather friend. today and tomorrow. and we'll see that fog come back as a weak system moves into the north. the key is going to be sunday monday could get some serious snow a little bit and maybe some light rain for
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us, but really the big messages windy and turning colder. by the time we get to sunday and monday today, though, it's all about sunshine and warmer temps will continue that into wednesday starts to cool down thursday, and then some big drops in the wind picks up again and those temps as we head into the weekend youtube steve. thank you. 7 22. now the pope again urging peace for the people of ukraine his proposal to russian president vladimir putin as deaths are mounting, and russian forces continue to devastate parts of ukraine. and a battle for the future of the gilroy garlic festival. you'll hear from one of the organizers who does not want someone else moving that event to another city. (music throughout)
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hape expected to be back at the work the site at the work site this morning after approving a new contract that ended a week long strike. some 5000 nurses at stanford and lucile packard children's hospital walked off the job last monday. the nurses union says the new contract provides pay raises an additional week of vacation, more mental health support and safer staffing for patients, and we are now hearing more from the competing interests engaged in a tug of war of the gilroy garlic festival. after 40 years, organizers of the gilroy garlic festival announced that there would be no event this year. because of a big increase in costs for insurance after the deadly mass shooting in 2019, but then the man who is putting on the asparagus festival in stockton this weekend, said he
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could take over the gilroy garlic festival. but move it to stockton's, and that did not sit well with the garlic festivals, founding family. we're here to promote garlic everywhere if stockton wants to have the stockton garlic festival, we are 100% behind it. the problem is he tried to use our hometown and my grandfather's legacy to self promote bullets, works with college. but i guess there's some ireland's up the ladder. their little upset. maybe maybe they probably because i'm more than happy to work with people. tony dunne. chetty says he will hold a news conference on thursday to better explain his plans for moving the gilroy garlic festival to stockton's historically black college in texas could soon be expanding to the east bay. paul quinn college in dallas has taken the first steps toward establishing a california campus. the school has launched a committee to explore expanding to oakland. we spoke with the president of the college last night about some of the benefits of bringing an hbcu to the bay area. the reality of
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it is hbcu s educate everyone, um, you know, on our physical campus, 20% of our students are latino. so what we know that hbcu s bring the communities as they bring this incredible sense of family, this understanding that where you start does not have to be where you finish. it brings a tremendous amount of cultural competency and the willingness to take chances and show bravery that many institutions kenna and match. paul quinn college would be the first undergraduate hbcu in our state would likely take several years for a satellite campus to open. for the corner announces the cause of death for country music star naomi judd how her tragic death is helping those dealing with severe depression and a proposal for a four day work week has stalled in the california legislature. why, the author of the bill, says her campaign isn't over.
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what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself. you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa.
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dact justices plan to overturn roe versus wade the protests happening right now in washington, d c and the
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demonstration that is planned in the bay area tonight. and the pope playing peacemaker his proposal to russian president vladimir putin in an attempt to end the war in ukraine. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two and good morning to you. thanks for waking up with us and welcome the mornings onto i'm claudine wong. good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian it's tuesday may 3rd thankfully , the wind has died down a bit, whether a little milder than what we had yesterday. so much more so you too, no doubt about it already in the fifties here for most and fact we're running warmer than yesterday. at this time. it was a windy cool day yesterday. only palo alto. still in the forties, everyone else fifties. it's pretty good little breeze kicking in out towards livermore, especially at the airport and the ruby hill golf club, also at 55, san francisco, also at 55, santa rosa, beginning to get a little north breeze as well. it will be sunny to mostly sunny today and warmer. so you do for tuesday. cool morning. for many, not for all but for many, and then warmer as temperatures begin to make that move 60 seventies to a
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few low eighties tomorrow, you can be warmer, maybe pushing some upgrades. alright sounds here at 7 31 bridge toll plaza somewhere else. yeah the bay bridge is getting a little better. we had a stalled vehicle on the span. it wasn't there for too long. i don't think it really affected the traffic that much did affected a little bit. it's pretty crowded at the bay bridge here, and that's very typical for this time of the morning. we're also looking at the east bay north bong 8 80 that we have a crash that was cleared off from the lanes. but driving from san leandro into oakland, a little slower than it usually is. sat down. traffic is also slow. and then contra costa county, howie, four and 6 80. this is pretty much peak crunch time for those freeways. 7 32, let's get right back to the headlines. alright thanks, sal. what we've been monitoring the u. s supreme court this morning . we're showing you live pictures from washington d c. we have been watching this all morning and we have seen demonstrations. that have been growing in size throughout the morning. they did have some
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barriers up there. you can see there in this live picture, and you can see the protesters that were being kept just a short distance away from the actual supreme court building. we have seen both opposition and support for abortion rights. and these crowds did start to gather right after a leaked draft of an opinion published by politico showed that the court is planning on striking down road versus wade. now this is a first draft, but that courts draft is in response. to a mississippi case, which bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, and in that opinion, justice samuel alito rights at o was egregiously wrong from the start. it's reasoning was except exceptionally weak and the decision has had damaging consequences. now we asked political experts about their thoughts on alito's argument that row invented a right that has no mention in the u. s constitution. i don't think it's a valid argument, but it is a commonly heard argument the right to choose row versus wade
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has been embedded in the right to privacy. and although the word privacy doesn't appear in the constitution, it is almost universally acknowledged that that we do possess a right to privacy that the constitution for text. political experts largely agree if the supreme court strikes down roe versus wade, the issue of abortion rights would either go back to the states or to congress. that means abortion rights would likely be front and center in the midterm elections this november. it's going to be about the swings states the swing districts where members of congress will have to have to have a position on this. california governor. gavin newsom and legislative leaders are pledging action, saying quote california will not stand idly by as women across america are stripped of their rights and the progress so many have fought for gets erased. we will fight california's proposing an amendment to enshrine the right to choose in our state constitution so that
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there is no doubt as to the right to abortion in this state. in san francisco today, abortion rights supporters are planning to rally in response to that leaked supreme court draft. let's go down to ktvu sally rasmus joining us live from san francisco with details. good morning, ali. good morning, claudia. within hours of that draft opinion being leaked in the news about this coming out abortion rights supporters and advocates in the bay area started mobilizing and organizing, and there's several rallies and protests scheduled for five o'clock this evening. one of them will happen here. at the federal building for 50 golden gate in san francisco. there's also another march and rally that's being planned by another group at powell and market streets, so the sense of outrage and urgency all comes after that 98 page. draft opinion from the supreme court was leaked and published last night. in it. a majority of justices say that abortion rights decisions like roe versus wade and planned parenthood v. casey. have no constitutional basis and should therefore be struck down now a draft opinion
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obviously not a final decision, of course, but it does give an early indication about how the supreme court could weigh on this issue. as soon as this summer. we spoke to some abortion rights advocates about what they hope people here locally and across the country do next. we need to do right now is we need to be on the streets. when you just speak with our feet. we need to be out there saying this is not right. we need to stop sitting back and hoping everything will be ok, because it's not okay. another rally here in san francisco at the federal building being organized by several groups, including the national mobilization for reproductive justice, other organizations as well, great raging grannies on the peninsula, taking part in that as well. and the organizers of the national women's march at which organized that big march in washington d. c back in 2017 . they've issued a call to their supporters to gather at any federal building or federal courthouse. in their hometown in across the country and across california, of course, but the
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rallies here in san francisco one plan here at the federal building on golden gate, also another one at powell and market those are set to get started at five o'clock this evening. live in san francisco. ali rasmus ktvu. fox two news, ali. thank you. today the santa clara county board of supervisors will consider a new plan to support abortion services hours before the leak of that draft ruling last night supervisor cindy chavez and susan ellensburg proposed spending about $3 million to help planned parenthood. the nonprofits, clinics and the more monte region, which makes up half of california. much of nevada say they've already seen 80 patients from out of state since july. 29 of them came from texas after new restrictions went into effect there. we're going to see about 3000% increase of patients into california, which is about 1.5 million patients. it's going to take all of us to take care of those patients. the money would go towards new lab and medical equipment. additional training for doctors, expanded
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facilities and additional telehealth services. coronavirus cases are sharply increasing in california. statewide covid infection spiked by 30% last week in hospitalizations are also up 7% statewide. the cdc now says all bay area counties are returning to a high level of transmission. health officials are worried about a new wave of affections that are coming. san mateo county has the highest positivity rate in the state. followed by san francisco. so those numbers are reflecting a national trend at the cdc reports of the u. s. is now averaging more than 58,000 new covid cases every day. that is about double the numbers from just a month ago. and at least 43 states are reporting a new surge in cases largely driven by new sub variants of the highly transmissible omicron strain. have immunity that wanes and a virus that, in fact, does not, uh, stay stable. here in california. there have been about 5600 covid-19 cases a day over the past week, and that is
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the highest case rate in the state since early march. 7 38 people magazine is now reporting country music star naomi judd died by suicide. wynonna and ashley judd. her daughter's announced their mother's death at the age of 76 on saturday in a statement posted social media that said, we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness. naomi judd wrote about her struggles with depression and a memoir in 2016. happening today. president biden is traveling to alabama, where he is going to visit a facility that makes the javelin antitank missiles. now that weapon is a lightweight, shoulder fired weapon. which the ukrainian forces have been using to damage russian tanks and artillery while at the plant. president biden is going to deliver marks about the security assistance the u. s. is providing to ukraine. and new reports suggest that russia is planning on annexing large areas of eastern ukraine. the us says it believes russia could make that move and just a couple of weeks, russia
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has also resumed bombardment of a steel plant in the southern city of mariupol. a day after the first evacuation of civilians from the plant. negotiations are continuing to get more people out of the ruined city as some families had tearful reunions. it was risk. there was a risk, but they wanted to get from opel constant shelling during the day at night , the house were damaged in the basement. more russian missile strikes have continued across the country, including in the southern port city of odessa. ukrainian officials say a 14 year old boy was killed in a 17 year old girl was seriously injured. the leader of the roman catholic church says he's formally asked for a meeting with russian president vladimir putin. pope francis has request to meet privately with president putin in moscow is his latest attempt to help end the war in ukraine. so far, no response from the kremlin. the pope has said. president putin's decision to invade ukraine is a reckless act one that's greatly increased
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the danger of a global nuclear war. first lady jill biden is now making final plans for a trip to eastern europe and meetings with ukrainian refugees. the white house says the first lady will be in romania on thursday, where she'll meet with refugees and us embassy staff members. she'll then spend mother's day with ukrainian refugees who have found a new home in slovakia. all right. time now is 7 41. let's talk about a road salad. you look like you're watching something. i am. i'm looking at the east bay community just looking at the times here, and i can show you what i'm seeing here. just put up my screen on your screen and highway four is going to be slow as you drive through, and i can see that. it's down to 12 miles an hour in some of these spots are kind of slow traffic here as you drive through, so give yourself extra time. if you live in pittsburgh or any getting out the conquered and you can see that on 80. it's also pretty slow here as you drive through the area. some of the speeds are pretty low as you
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head on 80 through elsa bronte, way below 25 miles an hour. so with this is the heart of the commute. look at 2 80 in san jose. this popped up. people are getting into the west valley doing that, and you can see that traffic is going to be slow. 7 41. let's talk about today's weather here, steve. all right, sal. thank you, sir. we're all set for a warm up today after a cool down and wind yesterday that is now being replaced with clear skies looking at sfo at this time yesterday there was low clouds fog. man high clouds. it was windy, not today. it's clear and there's not much of a breeze of it all at sfo. i should add that one week from today i sent this out the euro global model. as a deep, cold and windy system over us. this would produce snow in the sierra . you're looking at 500 millibars or about 18,000 ft, okay, and we would be. we're right there right there. that's us right there. if that verifies i would get ready for temperatures that were very similar in conditions similar to yesterday, which produced these
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chilly high temperatures. half moon bay, san francisco, 57 59 redwood city can't field oakland, livermore vallejo in san jose. 63 to 68 a very cool and seasonally cool day and those water temps when they're that cold with the northwest wind. they're not going to warm up anytime soon. that's for sure. on seasonably called that will keep fogging the forecast. no doubt about it here once it gets a little help that will probably be late thursday into friday. you can see a few clouds . maybe. but overall, we're looking for a lot of sunshine and warmer temps today. cool morning, something upper thirties to the north and also santa cruz mountains. but sunny and warmer. there is a north breeze or wind and some of the higher elevations. diablo has been up to 50 miles an hour, and most locations are about 10 to 25. santa rosa, oakland menlo park san jose, up up up those arrows go 82 74 77 78 the forecast highs for today. them you can see the north, wind or northeast wind. oakland berkeley hills northeast 14 to 25, mostly in north wind for many locations , including out towards travis and napa airport that is really
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held their temperature up this morning, especially napa airport. they can be an icebox under calm conditions, but they're 55 now in brentwood, 58 while the creeks and 40 to 50 is now san carlos, palo alto and sunnyvale, nevada also had 50 east bay temps. 58 brentwood and also pittsburgh had some low forties castro valley still, says 42, along with walnut creek and panel 43, but now piedmont 50 el cerrito 51. alameda is already 57. that's pretty warm. you can see the high building in that will give us two days of warmer weather peeking out tomorrow system approaches thursday that will start to ramp up the fog and cool us down. and then that system i talked about on sunday monday. might give us some serious snow and a very cool, windy pattern for us possibility of some light rain, especially to the north. today, though, it's all about sunshine and warmer temps, 60 seventies and eighties even warmer tomorrow. then we start to cool down thursday that will continue , and that thing will take us well into the weekend and maybe early next week, claudine alright. sounds good. thanks, steve. well, figuring out one's personality, researchers say, just take a look at this image.
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it all depends on what you see first. and a blow to san francisco's effort to fight back against the city's drug problem. a judge says they are not allowed to ban suspected drug dealers. and when you join us later on the nine and disturbing discovery in the country's largest reservoir, a body found in lake mead the reason investigators say there is a possibility that more could be found. stay with us. you're a champion. you're not a quitter. quitters don't do what they're supposed to. champions do. and you're a star. and you shine. that's what you do. that's what you do every day. [inspirational music]
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it's still the eat fresh refresh, at subway. and they're refreshing everything. even their italians. woah. you talking italians? jimmy's gonna take it from here. refresh italiano see, subway now has italian-style capicola, and you can try it on top of belgioioso fresh mozzarella on the mozza meat. or, stack on three more italian-style meats with the supreme meats. it's just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. and they're gonna keep refreshing and re- out-of-state corporations wrote it's the eat fresh refresh at subway. an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs,
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like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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they week. california. looks like it's not going. anywhere lawmakers missed a deadline to pass it through a key committee, which means it's not going to happen this year, but it would have required companies to start paying overtime after 32 hours a week instead of 40 hours a week. so while supporters said it would bring a better work life balance, critics said it would cost businesses too much money. the author of the bill, says she's disappointed but wants to continue the discussion about a four day work week. and amazon warehouse workers overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to unionize in new york city 62% of employees voted against it. the newly formed amazon labor unions said they would continue to try to organize at that warehouse. last month, another warehouse on staten island voted in favor of unionizing and wall street is
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closely watching the federal reserve this week for the direction of stocks and the economy. pam coke has details in today's dollars and cents, ma'am . good morning again. yeah. big decision week this week. the federal reserve meets this week and wall street expects interest rates to go up. but the question is how aggressive does the fed need to be to curb inflation? the fed wraps up that two day meeting tomorrow. the consensus is that the board will announce a half percentage point increase , which would be the largest hike in about 20 years. economists warned. the fed needs to increase rates enough to discourage spending and bring down inflation without sending the economy into a recession. as that opening bell bring this morning, estee lauder stock dropped about 5.5% after cutting its full year earnings forecast . the cosmetic company cites concerns over covid restrictions in china and the impact of the war in ukraine on europe as we take a live look at the markets , they've been pretty quiet up until the last few minutes, and then all three indexes dropped. a bit as you can see a live look
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at the dow jones down about a quarter of a percent 71 points or so they're the s and p 500 also down right now and the nasdaq slipping about a half of a percent as well. australia's qantas airways has announced it will soon offer nonstop flights from sydney to london. that trip would be about 20 hours, making it the longest regularly scheduled commercial flight. in the world. qantas says it has purchased a new fleet of airbus jets for the flights that are set to begin in late 2025 advertisers appear to be playing a major role in children and teenagers consuming an unhealthy amount of food and beverages. british researchers found ads appearing on tv, radio and social media can dramatically affect a young person's decisions and what to eat and drink and how much and that can lead to obesity and other medical problems. the world health organization is calling these findings troubling and is calling on tougher restrictions on advertisement. targeting children. we're talking about a new report on jobs and job
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openings that coming up in our next hour of morning sun, too. i'm pam cook that will get your dollars and cents. alright thanks, pam. well, an optical illusion on youtube says it's hidden images can reveal a lot about your personality. depending on what image you see first, okay, we're going to let you see it. take a look in the video created by the bright size, the narrative, says people who first see a woman with darker hair have keen observational skills. a focus on details and are likely reserved and introverted. the video goes on to say that people who see a face with a wide jaw area are focused on the bigger picture with less details. and are likely outgoing and enjoy spending time with others. sal, where you looking at it. tell me what you saw first. you know, i have to confess. i was not looking at it. all right. i'll find you later at i was trying to figure out this crash on the richmond bridge. i apologize for that. but important it is and i want to show you here that
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westbound 5 80 is a little slower than i'd like to see it and we did find out that there was a hit and run crash here on 5 80 just west of the toll plaza and looks like they might. we don't have any other details, so i'm trying to figure out if it's still in the lanes. it doesn't look like it's in the lanes. honestly if it was, we'd have stopped traffic, but it is slow there. on the richmond bridge. you can definitely tell it is slow. the issue of freeway has been also kind of a chore. look, it's about an hour drive from the cartoonist bridge to the mcarthur maze and getting out to the bay bridge. we do have a bigger backup. this morning. so this is the heart of that morning commute also checked out the same mateo bridge that looks moderate heading out to the peninsula at 7 52. here is steve sal. thank you, sir. appreciate that. we'll get to it here. we have a warmer day on tap after yesterday's windy and cool pattern under partly to mostly cloudy skies, little son later on, but that system has moved off into the intermountain region and the high pressure systems building in so we're all
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sitting out is cool. for some. we had thirties to fifties on the low, just plenty of that north breeze or not. we'll end up with upper seventies to some low eighties inland. even warmer tomorrow could approach some upper eighties. but today, santa rosa oakland menlo park san jose, up up up 82 74 77 78 on those forecasts eyes after a lot of sixties. yesterday even a lot of fifties as well. that's pretty good little north northeast breeze for most oakland berkeley hills been about 15 to 25 m. north wind atlas peak in north wind. mount diablo is north of 53. even though it's not showing up. i've seen it. north and fairfield, north of napa airport. 10 gusting to 21 that's really holding their temper in the fifties right now, otherwise there'd be a lot cooler than that. 55 napa airport, brentwood and north breeze as well. 54 now berkeley, 56 in the city, a little bit of an east northeast breeze also in alameda, 57. so they're they're running out of the gate as a front runner there that's warm for them. pittsburgh in brentwood. 58 in between. you can find a lot of forties. we do have high pressure in charge for a couple of days and then by
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thursday looks like it's getting out of there. another system will sweep into the north with the water temps so cold all he needs an onshore breeze. and that's going to allow fog to come in. looks like a pretty deep system cold and windy one. maybe some serious note arrived sunday into monday, maybe early tuesday, sixties seventies eighties. today we'll warm it up even more so tomorrow, then we started cooling trend on thursday, and even cooler weather and plus that wind machine will crank up as we go into the weekend, garcia steve paulson. thank you. 7 54, now vice president kamala harris back on the national stage today in her first public appearance after testing positive for covid the divisive issues she speaking on on behalf of the white house. then elon musk, making another kind of public outing following weeks of headlines over his effort to buy twitter, who he walked the red carpet with at last night's met gala.
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if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today.
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ares from the aids and their latest discussion of plans for new waterfront ballpark. yesterday a key state agency publicly announced its support for a plan to build a new $12 billion stadium at howard terminal. right here, jack london square. the staff of the san francisco bay conservation and development commission studied the proposal and found the ballpark would provide an economic boost for oakland without having a negative impact on business at howard terminal or the nearby port of oakland. go on. state warriors will face the memphis grizzlies tonight in game two of their playoff series. the warriors worked out in memphis yesterday, getting ready for tonight's big game following their thrilling victory in game one on sunday. clay thompson hit
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a go ahead three pointer with just 30. seconds left 36 seconds left on the clock. jordan scored 31 points as the warriors beat the grizzlies won 17 to 1 16. that victory came despite draymond green's ejection just before halftime, referees threw green out of the game after he grabbed brandon clark's jersey as they both fell to the floor. green made it clear the injection will not affect his play tonight or any other time in the future. i'm never going to change the way i play basketball. it's gotten me this far has got me three championships for all stars defensive player of the year. not going to change now. yesterday the nba upheld the ruling against green, which was deemed a flagrant two foul. this means green would be suspended for one game if he gets another one of those fouls during the postseason. elon musk's first public event since he agreed to by twitter for $44 billion last week, was on the red carpet in new york city. last night. he attended the star studded met gala last night with his mother. the theme this year in america,
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an anthology of fashion reporters took the opportunity to ask him ask about twitter and how he hopes to transform that platform. he said he wants to keep the site broadly inclusive , free from scams at a place to keep sharing ideas, content and creativity. there's a campaign underway now to raise money for the restoration of a mural considered a historic and cultural asset in san francisco's castro neighborhood . it's called hope for the world cure the mural there at 16th and market. it was painted back in 1998. it was defaced by graffiti . last year this past weekend, san francisco supervisor raphael man delman launched a go fund me campaign in hopes of raising $55,000 to pay for the mural's restoration. so far, it's raised more than $3500. decision that reflected largely what is in that draft would be a glorious thing for the united states. words. why go backwards? why go back to a trying of patriarchal dominance over the female body?
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the battle for abortion rights is hitting a new peak this morning following the leaked draft opinion by the u. s. supreme court that shows the justices appeared to be poised to overturn roe v. wade and we'll tell you how arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords brings her personal message about stopping gun violence to the bay area today. plus governor. i promise you. whatever challenges come our way . i will always lead the california way. governor newsom unveils his new re election at a look at a poll that may show another term in office may be more difficult to achieve. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two and good morning to you. welcome to mornings onto i'm plotting wong. good morning . i'm gasia mikaelian. it's tuesday, may 3rd a gorgeous view at our back window here at the oakland estuary. no heavy jacket required today, but maybe a light little something in these early morning hours. steve. no doubt about it. garcia and claudine because there are some locations are cool. others are on the mild side, but yeah, by this afternoon. no, we won't.
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but some locations. yeah, one of those layers kind of a day. but everything is pointing towards some warmer temps today after a really cool, windy day yesterday, but not today. sunny side up as we like to say you're two for tuesday does have sunny and warmer weather today. now there is a north breeze for some, not for all, and there's some pretty good gusts in the higher elevations that all translates into warmer temps 60 seventies and a few low eighties. alright, sal's been busy all of a sudden the last half hour. where do you want to start? let's start in the space, steve, i want to mention that interstate 80 is pretty slow. and if you're driving from valeo to oakland, it's going to take you about an hour between the car, kenya's bridge and the mcarthur maze little less when you get to the bay bridge, add another 20 minutes. there were also looking at highway four and 6 80 all pretty slow, and this time it stays slow all the way past walnut creek and heading down toward the area. here you can see the traffic is slow into denville. when we come back, we'll take a look more at some of the oakland commute, which is pretty slow. they don't one. let's go back to the headlines. thank you and we'll start here
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with another live look at the u. s. supreme court building. demonstrators have been gathering here throughout the morning major protests expected across the country today after a leaked document appears to show the supreme court is poised to overturn the landmark 1973 case. roe versus wade. supporters of abortion rights were in front of the supreme court all night here in the bay area, a group of abortion rights advocates started gathering in front of the federal building in oakland as soon as that news was released. let's turn to ktvu james torres, now for the latest development in this decades long battle over abortion lawmakers here in california and on the national level certainly wasted no time in speaking out about this, james. that's exactly right. the leaked opinion is just a draft document, so it's nothing official, but it gives us a good idea. of what's to come. the supreme court is expected to rule on a case coming out of mississippi, the state looking to ban abortions 15 weeks into a woman's pregnancy. the 98 page leaked opinion draft reveals writings from supreme court justice samuel alito, who cause cases
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supporting abortion rights, regis and invented right not mentioned in the constitution, experts say reversing the ruling of roe v. wade eliminates a federal right to an schumer spoke on the issue on the senate floor for about four minutes this morning, saying if the report is true, this would be the greatest restriction of rights in the past 50 years. several of these conservative justices who are in no way accountable to the american people have lied to the u. s. senate. ripped up the constitution. and defiled both president and the supreme court's reputation. all at the expense. of tens of millions. of women. senator schumer went on to say the republican party went from being the party of lincoln and eisenhower now devolved into the party of trump, california lawmakers say they will take action. a joint statement here from leaders of the assembly as well as governor, gavin newsom says in part california is
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proposing an amendment to enshrine the right to choose in our state constitution so that there is no doubt as to the right to abortion in this state . we know we can't trust the supreme court to protect reproductive rights. so california will build a firewall around this right and our state constitution. other lawmakers on the other side of the country on the other side of the aisle. also weighing in here's republican congressman, brian masse from florida, saying in a tweet as a soldier, i've seen what true evil looks like. but as a father, i've seen pure innocence. there's no doubt in my mind. that every heartbeat of an innocent child is worth protecting. other house republican leaders, including kevin mccarthy say the leak is an attack on the supreme court and are now the constitution says. if a right isn't spelled out in an amendment, it is up to the states to interpret, but some political experts that we spoke to say congress can go as far to limit that power, claudine alright. thanks james, while leak of a draft ruling from the supreme court. that's a rare occurrence in a message to
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staff, political leaders say they stand by the authenticity of the draft right now. it's unclear who was responsible for releasing it. reaction to the news of the league was swift, with court watchers saying they're worried about what it means for the courts trust internally. this was an otter disgrace in terms of how is released as a former supreme court clerk. i can tell you there are very, very few people in that entire building who had access to the opinion it would trigger the laws in over 20 states that have already said that they will outlaw abortion in their states. it will create a patchwork of laws across the country. 13 states have so called trigger laws that will ban abortion immediately. if roe v. wade would be overturned. five states still have pre roe bands on the books. and then there are an additional three that have laws passed that would restrict some or all ahow a majy of americans still favor some type of abortion said they think
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abortion should be legal under certain restrictions. 32% say abortion should be legal under any circumstance. 19% say abortion should be illegal. what happened today? vice president kamala harris is going to speak at a pro choice conference in washington, d. c her first official event since testing positive for covid 19 on april 26th. the white house says harris has now tested negative and that following cdc guidelines. she's going to wear a mask around others for an additional five days. harris was scheduled to speak at the event before the lead opinion on abortion from the supreme court was released happening today. former arizona congresswoman gabrielle giffords is bringing her national campaign against gun violence to san francisco. she will appear at a ceremony in the city's financial district meant to remember the thousands of americans who died by gun violence every year. gifford is calling on federal, state and local lawmakers to approve tougher gun laws. you'll remember. she was severely injured in a mass shooting, was
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speaking outside a mall in tucson, arizona, in 2011. the city of san francisco has lost a legal battle in its effort to keep suspected drug dealers out of the tenderloin. a state appeals court ruled. the city does not have legal authority to bend suspected dealers from a 50 square block area of that neighborhood. the court said. those individuals are innocent until proven guilty. the city first made the effort back in september of 2020. it was designed to keep 28 suspected drug dealers away from the tenderloin. a neighborhood largely considered the center of san francisco's illegal drug trade. what happening now, state senator scott wiener of san francisco is providing details of california's role in a new program involving more than a dozen u. s states. it is designed to provide a safe place to live for transgender young people and their families. and it's part of a coordinated effort among 16 other democrats that states to provide similar protections. this program follows an order in texas, where state agencies have been directed to consider placing transgender children in foster care. and in oakland school
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board member has decided to resign with a scathing letter criticizing the oakland teachers union shanty gonzalez supported the opened school closures and mergers and she says opponents have protested outside of her home, calling her racist anti black and white supremacist. the oakland school board president called gonzales dedicated and thanked her for her seven years on the board and the oakland education association president releases statement reading director gonzales will not be missed. we hope the next director will listen to and keep their commitments to district six students and families. rather than closing their schools ordinance in the city of pittsburgh now makes it illegal to watch side shows on private property. state law already prohibits site shows on public streets but doesn't address side shows on private property or those who come to watch. pittsburgh ordinance, approved by the city council last night, aims to prohibit spectators as side shows with the goal of significantly curbing criminal activity. we have had the community come out and talk to us about donuts. um you know, long crestview side shows, you
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know, home depot parking lot target shopping center, and it just needs to stop. i mean, we need to keep people safe. violators would face a misdemeanor charge, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1000 fine. happening today, the contra costa county board of supervisors is going to hear appeals of approvals to convert the martinez marathon refinery and the philips 66 refinery in rodeo to renewable biofuel facilities. the county planning commission approved both projects earlier this year. but more than a dozen environmental groups are appealing that decision, saying the project's environmental impact reports are faulty and refining biofuels generates as much greenhouse gas as refining crude oil. california hit a major clean energy milestone over the weekend, when the state was completely powered by renewable energy, the state's renewable renewable power sources like solar and wind generated as much electricity as the state needed. for about 15 minutes. that record happened before three o'clock on saturday afternoon. the california independent
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system operator, which maintains the state's power grid, says solar power provided two thirds of the energy needed. time now is 8 10. let's see if we can help you get to where you need to go work in school. what's happening in the east bay? there on 6 80 sell? you know, 6 80 is a mess, gaseous a and claudine southbound because of a crash sat down 6 80 at stone valley road. look at this. it doesn't normally look this way. and i know that if you're expecting someone coming in on this commute they might be in a bad mood when they get to work. i don't know. maybe they'll just smile and shake it off. but southbound 6 80 is going to be slow because of a crash or clearing at stone valley road and again. this is not typical. and that's what you hate when you you know, you plan for your commute. you know it's going to be slow in some places. this is just not it there, or freeway an hour drive between the cartoonist bridge in the maze and the bay bridge toll plaza is backed up as well. you also see the traffic on 8 80 north and south is going to be slow out of staying leandro and also on five
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eighties, so 5 80 is not a not a decent alternate route this morning. 28 80. in fact, at this point, i would say the thing is to take public transit or put off the trip. if you can. 8 10. let's go back to the desk. for more information on the death of longtime country music star naomi judd. the cause of her death and how it's tied to an issue that she spoke so personally about over the years. also authorities in vacaville are advising people to take certain steps following the sighting of a young bear wandering through some neighborhoods what they say they'll do if they come
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♪ ♪ ♪ from the mountains to the coast, ♪ ♪ el estado with the most. ♪ ♪ we do tacos from the city to every little town. ♪ ♪ best bites. best vibes. ♪ ♪ california, hands down. ♪ ♪ go on and check my drip. ♪ ♪ take a bite. feelin' fit. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado. live in the golden state ♪ if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs available to more small businesses than any other provider. the choice is clear: get unbeatable business solutions
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from the most innovative company. get a great deal on this limited time price with internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2-year price guarantee. call today. out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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mary california governor. gavin newsom has launched a new ad for his reelection campaign governor. i promise you, whatever challenges come our way , i will always lead the california way. the governor released. this new ad shows him strolling through redwood forest, comparing californians to the longevity of the century old trees. u. c. berkeley released a poll that shows governor newsom's approval rating fell from 64% in september of 2020 to 48% right now. one researcher says that dissatisfaction that's hurting democrats nationwide is also affecting governor newsom, the
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leading republican candidate. is state senator brian dolly from lassen county. long time activist and former democrat, michael shellenberger is also running as an independent. in all, there are four democrats 13 republicans, nine other candidates running in the june 7th primary. the top two candidates will advance the general election in november. no matter their political party happened today. matt haney will be sworn in as california's newest member of the state assembly. the san francisco supervisor, one last month special election to complete the term for the seat in assembly district 17. that seat was vacated by david chu, who is now san francisco city attorney and he's swearing in ceremony will take place this morning at 10 at the state capital. and for the second year in a row, california's population has dropped new numbers from the state show that california lost more than 117,000 people last year. researchers think there are three factors. more deaths because of the pandemic, lower birth rates and fewer people moving to california. some bay area counties are the largest
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percentage drop in the population. san mateo marin saw a drop a 0.9. and san francisco saw a 0.8% dip. wildlife officials say if a bear that's been seen in vacaville is still roaming neighborhoods, they're likely tranquilize it and take it back to its habitat here shows a young black bear wandering north orchard avenue. bear was seen hopping fences. climbing trees eventually took a nap in the neighbor's yard, officials with the california department official wildlife do live in the hills of solano county and say this one may have come into town looking for food. since this bear hasn't acted aggressively. we're gonna kind of back off and we're going to give it the chance to go back to its habitat on itself. officials say the pair appears to be 2 to 3 years old. they are urging residents to secure garbage and dog food outside and remove any items that might attract the bear. community writers are not going to be facing a fare increase for at least the next two years. san francisco's transit agency approved its latest budget yesterday that
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spending plan estimates it will cost more than $1.3 billion to keep the entire munis ist, um on track until 2024. but the cost of money will not be going up because of help from the federal government, thanks to the generosity of the federal government. we've been able to hold fairs flat for two years. keep free money for all youth while retaining free immunity for seniors and people with disabilities. the agency director says the cash from the federal government will also be used to make me a safer and cleaner mass transit system. 17 here everything's back to normal at the bay bridge this morning after a truck crashed into a toll booth there over the weekend. was a big rig carrying oversized steel girders that hit an empty toll booth on sunday night. no one was hurt in the crash. we don't see them often, but the point being made that the toll booths can be a distraction and having this slow down to squeeze through a couple of booths. yeah is an obstacle. it creates a bottleneck. nandi
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tollbooths on the seventh state owned bridges in the bay area will be removed in upcoming years. now that our states no longer staffing the tollbooths work to remove them from the bay bridge is set to start in 2026. alright let's talk about 8 17 and our traffic. a lot of things have been cleared up and we're still keeping an eye on things as people head out the door, so that's right. claudine and garcia and we talked about the bay bridge. i'll show you that in just a minute. but we have to go immediately. 1st 26 80, which is just a mess because of a crash at stone valley road. look at that. that's not usually the case. we usually don't have the camera pen this way because there's usually not a lot of slow traffic. it's kind of like i don't really show you the golden gate bridge match because it's usually a smooth commute will today on 6 80. it is not a smooth commute, and that's because of that crash at stone valley road that is causing some slowing way back from concord through the walnut creek interchange in down into danville. we're also looking at 80 westbound, improving a little, but not much. it's kind of a chore between the car
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queensbridge in the maze of bay bridge toll plaza. we talked about that. this commute has been okay despite the toll plaza being damaged on the right hand side that has caused a little bit of a delay. but really, it is always slow through here at this time of the morning. 8 18. let's bring stephen with today's weather. thank you, sir. well, yesterday this time we had wind cooler temps, big fog bank some higher clouds. it was a cool, blustery day today is all about sunshine and warmer temps. pay him, nolan, trader says. it's a beautifully warm morning and alameda last i saw it was 58 degrees, so yes, it is, and it's clear fog is offshore. it'll be back, probably thursday night more likely. thursday morning or so, but big change from yesterday that system responsible for our big cool down is all the way there. salt lake city boise intermountain region. it's gone high pressure building in. we're getting a little bit of a northerly breeze . in fact, it's a wind and some of the higher elevations warmer. today it's clear north breeze warmer, especially up in the hills. there's pretty good, gus, but some low eighties inland and
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can we warm it up? more so tomorrow? yes. that's why it looks right now. diablo's still temperature wise is cool, but the wind has been 53 mph. it was just there, and now i show it to and it's not. i trust me. it's 53. i just saw it. davis north at 32 59. degrees vacaville north at 36, travis north, almost 30. fifties and sixties napa airport also at 60 degrees, that's a big jump for them because they have a north wind at 21 miles priority in the fifties were running about 1 to 9 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. so we're on our way to a beautiful day could be a few high clouds spilling down from the north. but no big deal. so today and tomorrow sunny side up and warmer. system starts to move in on thursday that will increase the low cloud deck and maybe bring some range of extreme north system. world watching is sunday monday, maybe into tuesday that looks like a very unseasonably deep cold system for this time of year. some serious snow and windy and colder for us as well. so rollercoaster ride on those temps. today it's up, up up sixties seventies and eighties tomorrow, even warmer, but then it will start to drop rapidly on
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thursday really starts to come down friday and a big drop going into the weekend. you guys steve. thank you. coming up the pope again urging peace for the people of ukraine, his proposal to russia's president vladimir putin, as deaths are mounting, and russian forces continue to devastate much of ukraine. in a battle for the future of the gilroy garlic festival. you're going to hear from one of the organizers who does not want someone moving that event to someone moving that event to another city. this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. and for mom's vehicle, there's cupfone, floorliner, cargoliner, and seat protector. show mom that she deserves the best with an american made gift from weathertech. mom's gonna love this! happy mother's day from weathertech.
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300 million years ago, there was no africa, asia, americas or europe. his! just one, big supercontinent: pangea. and today there is still a force connecting those divided by distance, reversing millions of years of rifting. making far feel close. bringing there to here.
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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wora new contract that ended a week long strike some 5000 nurses at stanford and lucile packard children's hospitals walked off the job last monday. the nurses union says the new contract provides pay raises an additional week of vacation, more mental health support and safer staffing for patients. well we're now hearing more from competing interests engaged in a tug of war over the gilroy garlic festival. after 40 years , organizers of that festival announced that there would be no event this year and blamed a big increase in the cost of insurance after the deadly mass shooting of 2019. but then the man who actually puts on the asparagus festival in stockton this week and said he could take over the gilroy garlic festival , but he would move it to stockton's, and that did not sit well with the garlic festivals, founding family. we're here to promote garlic everywhere. it's
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stockton wants to have the stockton garlic festival. we are 100% behind it. the problem is he tried to use our hometown and my grandfather's legacy to self promote works with college. but i guess there's some higher ones up the ladder. their little upset. maybe maybe they should coffee because i'm more than happy to work equal. tony no. jerry said he will hold a news conference on thursday to better explain his plans for moving that gilroy garlic festival to stockton's historically black college in texas could be soon expanding to the bay area. paul quinn college in dallas has taken the first steps toward establishing a california campus . the school has launched a committee to explore expanding to oakland. we spoke with the president of the college just last night about some of the benefits of bringing an hbcu to the bay area. the reality of it is hbcu s educate everyone, um, you know, on our physical campus , 20% of our students are latino . so what we know that hbcu s
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bring the communities is they bring this incredible sense of family. this understanding that where you start does not have to be where you finish. it brings a tremendous amount of cultural competency and the willingness to take chances and show bravery that many institutions cannot match. paul quinn college would be the first undergraduate hbcu in our state. they would likely take several years for a satellite campus to open. a report about the cause of death for country music star naomi judd how her tragic death is now prompting mental health discussions. also a proposal for a four day work week has stalled in the california legislature. why, the author of the bill, says her campaign is not over.
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities.
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gorg the leaking of a document that shows supreme court justices are poised to overturn roe versus wade. we'll keep an eye on what's happening at the capitol . also, what's happening in the bay area tonight? we're also about to talk live with a retired judge about what these developments mean. also the pope proposing a face to face meeting with russian president vladimir putin. how weeks of bloody war in ukraine have pushed him to make a request and how russia is reacting. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on too busy tuesday, and we're so glad you're here. i'm gasia mikaelian
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claudine wong. it is tuesday, may 3rd and it is picture perfect behind us. i know the wind is a little quieter and the sun is out. it's really it's gorgeous out there, steve. compared to yesterday. i was saying, it's a beautiful start to the day you two on a tuesday when monday was so cold and windy temperatures were well below average. today we get back above and are already starting that process with a little help from the north wind. and clear skies is amazing. after yesterday what transformation from just 24 hours ago, so you do for tuesday sunny and warmer that temperatures will start to bump up here. there's a north wind in the hills, but it's more of just a breeze. not sure out towards eastern salon or contra costa county. that's a little stronger sixties seventies and some low eighties . alright over to sell. i think it's contra costa county. yeah 6 80 is a mess steve driving into alamo because of a crash near stone valley road. i want to show you what 6 80 looks like heading south. you don't want any part of this. it is backed up beyond the walnut creek interchange. this is not normal. and i'm sure a lot of people are
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going to be upset by this. it is backed up all the way out into concord. and that whole thing is just a mess north, dont even getting into the act looking at the crash on the other side of the road, let's talk about 80 westbound. 45 minute drive from kartini spreads to the macarthur mason at the bay bridge. we're still pretty crowded. it's 8 30. let's get back to the headlines. alright. thanks sal. we've been monitoring the u. s supreme court this morning. taking a live. look out there. you can see a big crowd. the barriers are up. they put those up after last night. when this report came out, the crowd started to gather. and we have been watching all morning long as the crowds continue to come, and so you can see protesters out there with signs and fairly large gathering there. demonstrations have been growing inside throughout the morning, both opposition and supporters for abortion rights again. this is after this leaked draft of an opinion was published by politico, and it showed that the court was leaning on striking down roe versus wade. the courts draft is in response to the mississippi case, which bans
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most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. now according to politico, justice, samuel alito wrote in the draft row was egregiously wrong from the start . its reasoning was exceptionally weak and the decision has had damaging consequences. so we asked political experts about their thoughts on alito's argument that row invented a right that has no mention in the u. s constitution. now in san francisco today, abortion rights supporters plan to rally in response to that leaked draft from the u. s supreme court ktvu sally rasmus joins us now live from san francisco with those details. flooding at five o'clock this afternoon. several groups plan to have a rally here in front of the federal building in san francisco for 50 golden gate to protest the fact that roe versus wade and federal protections for abortion may be under threat with that draft opinion of the supreme court that was leaked again. five o'clock is when some of the rallies here supposed to happen,
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there's also another group having a rally. also planned for five at powell and market streets now, within hours of the news about this, a small group gathered in front of the federal building in oakland last night to protest the situation. this is all in response to that leaked draft opinion from the supreme court, in which a majority of justices said that abortion rights decisions like roe versus wade and planned parenthood v. casey. have no constitutional basis and should be struck down a short time ago. i spoke with one of the organizers of tonight's rally in san francisco. she says this should be a wake up call not just for abortion rights supporters. but anyone who values the right to make their own medical decisions about their bodies. what are we going to do about this? we've got to get people out to take a stand because it's not a final decision yet. now a draft opinion from the supreme court is not a final decision. of course. in fact, it's unprecedented that a draft opinion like this would be even leaked. but it does give us an early clue about how the supreme court with a conservative 63 majority, could decide on this
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issue as soon as the summer. organizers of the national women's march are also urging supporters of abortion rights together at federal courthouses and buildings in their hometowns across the country, but again, the big event here in san francisco is planned for the federal building on golden gate , and that's instead scheduled to start around five o'clock this evening live in san francisco ali rasmus ktvu. box two news. thank you. let's talk more about what's at stake if the supreme court does overturn roe versus wade and what legislative options exist in preventing a reversal, we welcome back to mornings on two, retired superior court judge doris cordell to this coverage. thanks for being with us. thank you. it's important to first note here that the court itself is not confirming or denying what's in the draft decision. how likely is it that the court is, in fact poised to overturn roe v. wade? i think it is very likely that this is going to happen. the draft appears to be the real deal, and we need to understand that when the supreme court issues that decision, it
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becomes the law of the land. meaning it applies to all of the states. and um, so if roe is overturned, there will be no law of the land regarding abortions , which leaves it to individual states to do whatever it is they want to do. and as you earlier mentioned in the segment of the case before the supreme court was a case out of mississippi, and if the decision this draft opinion becomes a decision, the court is saying to mississippi into any other states. whatever you're proposing is just fine. so in mississippi, a woman cannot get an abortion after she has been pregnant for 15 weeks, and it doesn't matter how she was impregnated. she could be the victim of rape, incest or her very health could be at stake if she were to have a full pregnancy and in mississippi, the legislature there is it doesn't matter, and it's interesting to note none of these laws that are in now about
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24 states address the impregnate , er. they don't address any responsibility to the rapist. to the family member who committed incest at all. so that's that is the import of their decision. if they strike down row, let's talk about what justices say versus what they actually do. even if the relatively new justices neil gorsuch and brett kavanaugh assured lawmakers during the recent confirmation process that they saw row v. wade as settled law, they're free to act as they see fit. does that create some sort of a disconnect? and how concerned are you about such action? yeah and that's a very good point. when they were at their confirmation hearings. they were there supposedly to tell the truth. we listen to them, and we're supposed to believe them. i think what they have done now by, um switching or flipping their decisions. it really leaves us questioning. really, what is the value of confirmation hearings? because in my view, they lied. they said
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words that were not even middle of the road kind of saying well, it's settled law. however they did not say it's settled. but because once we get on the court, we can do whatever we want, which is what is happening here. it really kind of makes the confirmation hearings of very little. worth at all. i mean, you know who to believe. that's really what i think has been is the consequence of they're taking these positions. now we've heard california governor gavin newsom. another state leaders say they're going to build a firewall along women's rights here in our state, clearly if states are left to their own devices. we'll see a varying landscape. let's talk broadly, then one option to protect abortion access nationwide would be a preemptive federal law passed by congress. how likely do you think that would be yeah, another good point, so there's two ways that we get the law of the land. one is from the supreme court, and the other is from congress. congress could pass a law that codifies that makes a law of
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rugby wait that protects a woman's right to choose. how likely is it? such a law has been proposed and has already been passed in the house. the problem is in the senate right now. it would take 60 votes in the senate. and those votes are not there. so the only thing left is if there is a vote to get rid of the filibuster, then there would only need 52 votes and that law could pass. so it's a big if it's certainly a possibility. but whether or not we're ready now let the congress or the house to get rid of the filibuster is another issue. alright, i'm just reading here that the chief justice john roberts has confirmed the authenticity of the ruling. according to just one source. what do you expect to see the court itself do on this issue. well they're going to go forward and do whatever they do. i don't think there's going to be reversal because this draft has been leaked. so i think things are just going to proceed ahead . they're probably very upset and very angry because of the lake. but one last point i want to make if you if roe is
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overturned, i want people to think of a map of the united states and think of a map of the united states in 18 fifties when there was slavery. and there were states that were free states. and there were states that were states that had slavery. so if roe is overturned , look at the map. we're going to have a map of states where a woman is not free. it's not free to choose to control her body. and there will be states that where she is free. so you're going to see history repeats in a very strange kind of way, and i think it's going to be very sad. if indeed we end up with a map. in the united states, where we have at least 24 states where women are not free to make the choices about their reproductive rights. certainly we're hearing and seeing people who were fought on this issue for decades . we are also seeing very young men and women come into this issue because of this leak that came late yesterday. judge doris cordell as always, we appreciate your time and expertise, and i'm sure we'll call on you again.
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thank you so much. thank you. time now. 8 39 coronavirus cases sharply increasing in california statewide covid infections spiked by 30% last weekend. hospitalizations are also up 7% statewide. the cdc now says all bay area counties are returning to a high level of transmission . health officials are worried about a new wave of infections cemetery oh county has the highest positivity rate in the state, and that's followed by san francisco. and those numbers do reflect a national trend. the cdc reporting that the u. s is now averaging more than 58,000 new covid cases every day. that's about double the numbers from just a month ago, and at least 43 states are reporting a surge in new cases largely driven by new sub variants of the highly transmissible omicron street. we have immunity that wanes and a virus that, in fact , does not, uh, stay stable. here in california. there have been about 5600 covid-19 cases a
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day over the past week, and that is the highest case rate we have seen in the state since early march. 8 41 let's talk about the bay area, whether a few ups and downs here this this week steve paulson no doubt about it. we saw this in april youtube and i think we'll see the same. we also had a windy end of april. well, guess what? i think the wind will be back yet. not today. so much. it's out of the north. but the windy, colder pattern we had yesterday. looks like it's coming back by the weekend. these were the highs yesterday for may 2nd half moon bay, 57, san francisco 59. redwood city, canfield, oakland livermore valley. oh and san jose between 63 68 this evil leo, 1 degrees warmer than the livermore airport. that's a rarity, at least in early may. no doubt about it, but we're already running warmer except for petaluma in palo alto, where 1 to 9 degrees warmer napa is actually warmer than that. now they picked up a little bit of a north breeze. clear skies smooth sailing. everything's good to go here is offshore. it'll be back , but not until probably wednesday night. maybe thursday morning. the water temps are
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just so cold. we're going to see some eighties inland and all you need is a little bit of a west wind and that will start to ramp up the fog. cool morning for some mostly clear looks good, though sunny, warmer, there is a north breeze. i relevant asians. it's a north wind, but about 25 to 50 mph, santa rosa up. oakland up, park temperature up san jose up up 10 for many santa rosa will jump you up from 71 to 82. that's because they get that northerly breeze now san francisco and a roaring west wind yesterday i see one west wind one south wind one north wind but 59 56 54 look at the temps in the city. they were upper forties and low fifties at this time yesterday, we're seeing 53 to 60 this morning. that's a big change. big jump, so i think there could be a few near 70 in the city today. napa north wind travis north wind vacaville north, the 36 davis north to almost 30, and they're in the fifties and sixties as well already, so for some there really warming up pretty rapidly benefited by that north breeze or northeast the city as a northeast breeze berkeley's 58 auckland's 57, sunnyvale 60 now
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so it's not taking long to bump up the high winds out today and flexes his muscle tomorrow to give us some upper eighties, maybe near 90 for a few well inland. but the systems then start to move back in a really wet pattern for the pacific northwest and extreme northern california it looks like a windy and cool pattern for us, maybe some serious snow on sunday and monday 60 seventies low eighties today, but we'll see some operators to near 90 tomorrow. that last long, though cooler weather starts thursday really starts to drop on friday and a big drop along with windy, cool conditions on sunday, you guys was the school year winds down. millions of children are expected to be enrolled in summer camps nationwide this year and coming up on mornings onto the nine. the reason those camps could be a lot more expensive. so if you love going to target maybe you'd love working there talking employs some 400,000 workers will tell you how the retail giant is you how the retail giant is offering tips for those
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as a pro, floor and decor is my go-to to get it all. tile, wood, stone, installation materials, tools —they've got it all. and, they've got my back. at floor and decor, with pro benefits and services, we've got you covered. discover floor and decor today!
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under district attorney gascón, i prosecuted car break-ins. all repeat offenders, often in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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report country music star naomi judd died by suicide, wynonna and ashley judd announced their mother's death at the age of 76 on saturday with a statement posted to social media. saying we lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness, naomi judd wrote about her struggles with depression in a memoir in 2016. the leader of
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the roman catholic church, says he's formally asked for a meeting with russian president vladimir putin. pope francis's request to meet privately with president putin in moscow is his latest attempt to help end the war in ukraine. so far no response from the kremlin. the pope has said president putin's decision to invade ukraine is a reckless act one that's greatly increased the danger of a global nuclear war. first lady dr jill biden is now making final plans for a trip to eastern europe and her meetings with ukrainian refugees. the white house says the first lady will be in romania on thursday, where she'll meet with refugees and us embassy staff members will then spend mother's day with ukrainian refugees who have found a new home in slovakia. proposal in the legislature to bring a four day work week to california. it looks like it's not going anywhere. lawmakers missed the deadline to pass it through a key committee, which means it's not going to happen this year. now it would have required companies to start paying overtime after 32 hours a week instead of 40 hours a week , while supporters said it would
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bring a better work life balance, critics said it would cost businesses too much money. the author of the bill, says she's disappointed but wants to continue the discussion about a four day work week. amazon warehouse workers overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to unionize in new york city 62% of employees voted against it. last month, another warehouse on staten island voted in favor of unionizing wall street very closely watching the fed for decision and direction for stocks and the economy, and a new report this morning shows the number of job openings is at a record high. pam cook joins us now with a look at today's dollars and cents. yes. good morning. you see a lot of those now hiring. we're hiring many, um there's an imbalance that they're reporting. the labor department reports job openings hit a record 11.5 million jobs in march. economists point to that miss between the jobs available and the people who are looking. the labor department also reports a record number of people quit their jobs. in march as the opening bell ring this morning wall street waiting for
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the federal reserve. the fed is expected to raise rates by half a percentage point. that would be the largest hike in about 20 years. economists warn the fed needs to increase rates enough to discourage spending and bring down inflation without sending the economy into a recession. so watch for that. that decision coming out when the meeting wraps up tomorrow, taking a live look at the numbers. now they're up across the board. they've been sort of up and down all morning, the dow jones gaining now about half of a percent. 178 points or so the nasdaq and the s and p 500 also up as well. with the now the s and p 500 now at 41 93. the land mask lstors s . his purchase of twitter with h for outside funding to help him in his $44 billion purchase of twitter mask has committed $21 billion of his own money toward the purchase, plus more from alone. the us is planning to
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spend billions of dollars on battery manufacturing in hopes of meeting the biden administrations. electrical vehicle electric vehicle goals. the department of energy announced that $3 billion funding plan yesterday. officials say the investment is meant to strengthen the domestic supply chain of electric vehicles, which will help lower costs and boost employment. president biden wants to have e v s make up half of all vehicle sales in the u. s by 2030. and target is hiring one of the many . it's also helping candidates get the job by providing some interview tips. target shared a new interview prep guide on its website for prospective employees. some of the recommendations include responding with short answers, keeping the interview conversational and staying on professional topics. company also provides several sample questions for applicants to practice their answers. before they interview. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. all right, pam. thank you now to an optical illusion
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on youtube that says it's hidden images can reveal a lot about your personality depending on what you see first, so let's pop up the video here. tell me what you see 1st 1st in this video created by the bright side, a narrator have keen observational skills of focus on details and are likely reserved and introverted. the narrator goes on to say people who first see a face with wide jaw area kind of down to the bottom or more focused on the overall picture and less on details. they say those people are likely outgoing and they enjoy spending time with others. i saw the face first. so i guess that means i'm more of a big picture type. what did you mean to even though i would like to be more introspective and thoughtful about the details, introverted? i'm not. i don't think i think i think maybe it was accurate. i don't know man introvert, either. so that's that's what i saw as well. what we're seeing on the roads. if you have to get on 6 80 not great. you know roberta gonzalez, who was heading in here, and i think her last trt of what it would take her from livermore to here was an hour
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and 30 minutes, he said gridlock completely. and so when you're trying to get into work, you are certainly watching the eta on your gps going. is it going to clear up sal? but it did not. and sometimes it goes up when you're driving. something happens and you know, it's gonna was gonna take an hour. now it's an hour 15.k at this. this is going to be there for awn. 6 80. there is a crash and traffic has been slow in both directions but really has done a number on south. dont 6 80. we're talking about livermore. that commute was okay. but, you know, i suspect that getting out into oakland from livermore. the whole thing to 38 is slow. 8 80 is a monster, and so is 5 80 at highway 13. and then you go to the bay bridge toll plans, which is still very slow. so obviously , this has been the busiest day of the week. so far, it's only we're only two days in. but tuesday, wednesday and thursday tend to be the busiest days and then we get a break on friday.
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we're seems like we're a long way from friday. steve at 8 52 kind of seems that way for now. i can see it on the horizon, but it's a long way out there. sal. you're right there. thank you, sir. all right, in the words of mr david clarke there, i just stepped outside. and it's nice out, and there's a little bit of a breeze there under clear sky. look at that clear fogs. that's to the far left on your big event. 85 inch high def tv that's fine. that'll be back. probably mm, if not wednesday night, thursday morning. today in north breeze, sunny and warmer tomorrow, even warmer, it will be the warmest day by far some operators, maybe a few well inland near 90 north wind of 45 miles an hour. mount diablo. it's a north wind atlas peak, mount veeder. big rocks, the outlier middle peak north as well. oakland berkeley hills has been north northeast north of napa airport north of travis, north of vacaville. north davis , i think you get the idea. we have a northerly breeze in it's not cranked up, but there's still some 35 to 45 mph in the hills and out to the valley sixties, and some of these temps or walnut creek went from 40 to 61 in about two hours. that's
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pretty impressive. 62 in brentwood, 60, palo alto, sunnyvale, 60 napa airport. 61 in the city tells you they are set for upper sixties to near 70 today, the low responsible for a cool down yesterday as long gone, but another system says i'm on its way. it won't be here until thursday that will start a cooler process and what looks to be a really cool pattern for us and windy pattern going into the weekend early next week, but today and tomorrow sunny side up and warmer. in fact, we'll get some operators maybe near 90 wednesday. then it comes down thursday, and the temps really drop big time you guys into the weekend. steve. steve. thank you. well as we get closer to summer, you might be thinking about booking that next week vacation coming up on mornings onto the nine. you might want to consider it international trip instead of trying to find reasonable domestic airfare elon musk, making a public outing following weeks of headlines as he tries to buy twitter who
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out-of-state corporations wrote fantastic! an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. they wrote it for themselves.
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then game two of their playoff series . the warriors worked out in memphis yesterday, getting ready for tonight's big game, pulling their thrilling victory in game one on sunday, claimed thompson if you remember hit that go ahead three pointer with just 36 seconds left on the clock and jordan's pool. he scored 31 points as the warriors beat the grizzlies won 17 to 1 16 and that warriors victory came to spike draymond green's ejection just before halftime. the referees threw green out of the game. after he grabbed clark's jersey as they both fell to the ground. but green has made it clear that that objection is not going to affect his tonight are really any other time in the future. to change the way i play basketball. it's gotten me this far has got me three championships for all stars defensive player of the year. not going to change now. yesterday the nba upheld the
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ruling against green, which was deemed a flagrant two foul. that means green would be suspended for one game if he gets another one of those fouls during the postseason. happening today, the california assembly will consider a bill that would allow social media companies to be held responsible for harming children. if passed, the bill would allow parents and guardians to sue social media platforms they accused of addicting children through advertising push notifications and design features. basically we're focusing on addiction and the fact that social media platforms in particular are addictive to kids, and it will impose financial liability financial accountability on the major platforms who continued to design products that addict children. the legislation is retroactive, which would put the company's at legal risk for any past damage their products caused for teens and younger children. elon musk's first public events, and he agreed by twitter for $44 billion last week, was on the red carpet in
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new york city. he attended the star studded met gala last night with his mother. the theme this year in america and anthology of fashion. reporters took the opportunity to ask him about twitter. he said he wants to keep the site broadly inclusive, free from scams and a place to keep sharing ideas. we're not shocked, but we're outraged this . this shows how far the court is willing to go. to actually eliminate abortion rights in this country protests across the country after a document is leaked, suggesting the u. s. supreme court is poised to overturn roe versus wade. we examine what's next as the battle for abortion rights hits a new peak, also ahead, a new warning about covid surge nationwide, including right here in the bay area, we're talking live with an infectious disease specialist about the reasoning behind it, as local counties are topping the list for new cases in california. was governor newsom releases a reelection ad


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