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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  August 25, 2022 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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night. then the san francisco 40 niners are about to take on the houston texans. we're counting down to tonight's preseason finale fans should look for in the game will all watch right here on ktvu? from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto inching towards football. we are kind of warm out there. thanks for being with us. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. thursday morning. august 21st. did you bring any sunshine with you will have plenty around two o'clock today. okay i'll take your word for it like i take steve's words word, but it won't be as hot good. yes, i know. i know. we had cooler weather kick in for many yesterday that will continue today. probably about the same friday before it does look even more so on the cooler side by the weekend, much bigger fog bank much stronger onshore breeze. so it looks like a cooler thursday for many, even though there were still some in the low nineties. yesterday drizzle coast and bay. we had a lot more yesterday. but now back into the sixties seventies and the eighties seven o'clock in
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the morning. this is when things begin to pick up and sal tells us well, it is going to be pretty slow this morning. if you are driving on highway four, that's we're going to start and take a look at all that slow traffic that you come up on westbound four and also 6 80 beginning to get filled in here. remember san ramon? if you live in st ramona, you have to drive through it. bollinger canyon is closed between central and all cost. a. that's a long stretch there. for the investigation of a serious injury crash. another update. just a few minutes ahead. now it's 701. let's get right back to the headlines happening today. california air resources board is expected to approve new rules that would bend the sale of new gas powered cars by the year 2035. the board's rules would set quotas for zero emission car sales, starting in 2026 rules would not affect the use of cars that already on the road. company that helps corporations with transportation and mobility issues, says 30% of all california missions come from
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cars and trucks more than any other source. silicon valley mobility managing director spent biker says california can set an example of how other regions can make transportation. vehicles are not only sold in california , not only in the united states at the global market, and you somehow need to transition. these um 100 year old companies into the next stage. ford motor company released a statement that said in part combating climate change is a strategic priority. and we're proud of our partnership with california for stronger vehicle emissions standards forged during a time when climate action was under attack. last year. gm announced that by 2035, it won't build gas powered cars anywhere in the world and update now is we're hearing from people who are directly affected by that massive fire and your alamo square earlier in the week more than 100, firefighters were called that burning three story apartment building at divisadero and mcallister. one woman told us that she herself she held personal fire drills before this event, so she'd be ready. she
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says she still never expected to be up on the roof and need to use a fire truck ladder. i said. girl you're gonna go down a ladder. you are going to go down a ladder from the roof and you're gonna have to. you're just gonna have to do it. and that's what i did. and i still can't believe it. fire also damaged the popular gathering spot for people in the neighborhood. gasia highly owns the oasis cafe. it's on the first floor of that building, he says. people in the neighborhood helped each other through the pandemic, and now hopes they'll help him. i don't know what i'm gonna do with those days. you know, all income was limited and we have struggling to survive. we also talked with fire officials after hearing complaints from people in the area that fire crews were doing enough to put the flames out. they told us and like what we might see in the movies, they don't use high power spray on the outside of burning buildings because that can actually endanger the people and the fire crews inside time, not 703. meantime oakland police have increased patrols in the little
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saigon neighborhood after a deadly weekend shooter officers will be deployed 24 hours a day in little saigon that includes undercover and patrol. officers surveillance teams and burglary and robbery suppression teams. this is, uh, essentially the attack on everybody, uh, all the good law abiding citizens. harry lin is a retired dentist. he was a friend of lilly sue the oakland chinatown dentist who was shot and killed sunday. oakland police still out there looking for white lexus that took off after a gunman shot and killed two and new surveillance video obtained by ktvu shows. alexis was parked 13 minutes before miss sue was shot. oakland police chief laurent armstrong says it appears to people in that lexus. we're waiting for a victim. right now. we can't afford the present status quote because every day
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additional lawless behavior is taking place in the citizens of this city. i don't think feel safe. later this morning, we'll be hearing more from alameda county supervisor nate miley, who will be our guest on the nine francisco's d a brook jenkins says she's going to limit the use of cash bail similar to actions taken by her predecessor chaser bodine. the new policy says prosecutors should not seek cash bail in general, but will still allow it would impact public safety. but dean's move away from cash bail was one of the factors cited by recall proponents. the statement , the d a. said, quote. cash bail unfairly penalizes, though , with less financial means and disproportionately affects defendants of color, protecting victims and ensuring public safety are my top priorities. we will not shy away from holding offenders accountable, but we will not perpetuate further injustice and inequities. former high level san francisco official is sentenced today in federal court. mohammed number resigned in 2020 is the head of the city's public works department after the fbi accused
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him of a scheme involving bribes and kickbacks on city contract. he was released on bail prosecutors k71 to be sentenced to nine years in prison new rouz attorneys are asking that he be sentenced to three years because he's at risk of covid due to health problems. they also expect to be forced to give up his $7000 a month. pension time is seven. oh 60 stock price of tesla dropped at the opening bell on wall street this morning , but that was because the company completed a three for one stock split after that closing bell yesterday, closed around $891 to share yesterday. now it's traded around, not $296 this year, so existing investors now owned three times as many shares of tesla trading at one third of the price. they ended yesterday. six let's run out to the road and see what this thursday morning commuters bringing high sal castaneda and dave right now. traffic is moving along, okay in many spots, but other spots are getting kind of crowded. let's
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talk about highway four. i know i'm always talking about how we for well, it's because it's really slow these days, and we've been talking about how the pattern shift in the first part of the fall. it starts getting really busy. and then people adjust. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza that is backed up. and if you're driving on 8, 80 or 5 80 right now is the time to do that. no major issues as we look at some of these other commutes, they're kind of moderate san mateo bridge in dumbarton bridge looking good. we haven't had a lot of action in the south bay. this commute tends to get going a little bit later and right now you can still jump ahead of that crowd. it's 707 let's go back to the desk. all right. thank you. sam paul pelosi admitted to crashing his luxury sports car and napa county and still ahead . what's going to happen to his porsche 9 11. the texas school district fires its police chief for his handling of the mass shooting at a school in may. his attorneys say his client should be keeping his job.
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welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness,
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and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪) wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs) the new subway series. what's your pick? with xfinity internet, you get advanced security that helps protect you at home and on the go. you feel so safe, it's as if... i don't know... evander holyfield has your back. i wouldn't click on that. hey, thanks! we got a muffin for ed! all right! you don't need those calories. can we at least split it? nope. advanced security that helps protect your devices in and out of the home. i mean, can i have a bite? only from xfinity. nah. unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything.
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some frustrated san francisco business owners in the castro district of putting city hall or notice they will stop paying taxes. andre senior following this, he's in our studio, essentially using this threat as a way to pressure the city to really tackle the crime and homelessness in their neighborhood. big dust up over
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there right now, the castro merchants association says the city needs to take action, one of the association's leaders has two businesses, floor dispensary and cafe floor and has had their windows smashed 11 times. every day we wake up and have to help people on the street. we have to clean up feces on the street. we have to clear our doorways on before we can open our businesses, and it's not fair merchants association sent a letter to city hall asking the city to set aside 35 shelter beds for people in the castro district who need a place to stay. they also want the city to keep records of how many people have been offered services and shelter each month and come up with a way to assist people who declined them more structured help that's being offered. the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing says it cannot reserve shelter space for specific neighborhoods. officials went on to say the quote will be opening 1000 shelter beds over the next three months that will give people in the castro and other neighborhoods a place to stay
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inside. now members of the merchants association state, they would also like to see more enforcement of laws, and they met with a member of the police commission. they discussed having more police patrols in the castro and the possibility of having citizens patrol as well. no promises, though. remind about this. the merchants have not said how many of their demands would have to be met before they withdraw their threat to stop. paying taxus over to you, andre. thank you time now. 7 12. meantime a flight headed to los angeles from guadalajara, mexico, had to turn around and make an emergency landing after flames and sparks flew out of the plane's engines. one passenger heard a loud explosion 10 minutes into the flight. many of the passengers started to panic. the plane was able to go back and landed safely in guadalajara , the airline viva arrow bus, says there was a mechanical problem with one of the engines and friction between pieces of metal cause those sparks. two people survived after their plane crashed into lotto county
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. it happened yesterday. in fact of ill, this single engine private plane came down right off a road near the airport. we don't know at this point if the plane was on final approach, or if it had just take going up. the pilot and the passenger were taken to a hospital treated for minor injuries. tonight's the final preseason game for the 49ers, who are away facing off against the houston texans. ktvu biggest live at levi stadium with what's expected here going into the regular season, emma morning gasia. so the 49ers were here at levi stadium earlier this week for practice tonight and today they're in houston for tonight's game, and this game is really the last chance for younger players to showcase what they've got, and for the 49ers starters to prepare ahead of week one in the regular season. head coach kyle shanahan said yesterday that 49ers quarterback trey lance will play tonight, but we probably won't see him in the game. for too long. shanahan is being conservative. herve
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tive about how much time the starters will play. to be sure they're healthy and ready for week one. and that's why emanuel mostly is still a maybe for tonight. he's recovering from a strained hamstring. shanahan also laid out the stakes for each player going into tonight's game. the insight who are going to be those guys who are in uniform in week one who are going to be those guys who are competing to be in uniform who are going to be those practice squad, guys who's going to have to step up and be ready for that role. if we lose someone in the next 10 days, that's really every thought process that that i personally have. the regular season opener is against the chicago bears in chicago on september 11th. and then on the 18th. it's the home opener here at levi stadium, reporting live from levi stadium. emma gas ktvu box two news, emma. thank you. we will all see that 49ers texans game tonight. right here on ktvu. fox to kick off is at five o'clock. then we hope you stay with us for the point after i will do that. 7 14. i've got to stay right with sal. there
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are things happening in our commute this morning. how's it? look? it is reduced a little better than it was yesterday at this time, but i think that the rush is coming because these days that people have been dropping off at school, and then they get on the road. that's what we find. let's go out and take a look at the bay bridge traffic. there is going to be a little bit slow, as you usually see at this hour and usually gets slower, believe it or not. in the next hour. it gets slower here on 8 80 on 5 80. driving into oakland out of san leandro , this commute, you see how green it is later in the morning, it's going to be read. unless and i'd love to be wrong about that. unless today is a different day, it's going to be lighter, but i don't think so. this is a look at the same mateo bridge and you can see san jose is getting a little bit slower. san jose commute is also one that gets slower. a little later on at 7 15. let's break steep back in with today's weather will head south y because if you have any travel destinations that include i 10, you're out of
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luck. at least eastbound. okay heavy monsoon rain washed out 10 around indio and then west of blythe. okay, so you can't get from palm springs to blythe in arizona. west bounds. okay, eastbound. from what? i'm seeing that the road is gone. so this is going to be a huge issue here over the i mean, it doesn't include us, obviously, but there are many of us have taken that drive and if you can't make it to blythe or into arizona, so you have to take another route, but the heavy monsoon moisture was just going nonstop. also there's a lot of thunderstorm activity and around las vegas, the grand canyon. there's video of water pouring into the grandkids from thunderstorms right there also round needles, so it's been big time thunderstorm activity. a lot of activity from the monsoon moisture. riverside county, san bernardino, coachella, india, india and then also northern arizona in the southern nevada. for us today will be a nice
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thursday. coastal fog. little cooler started yesterday, coast and bay some inland areas dropped. others did not. but they will. today there's a bunch bigger fog bank, there's a much stronger onshore breeze. so yonville alamo menlo park in cupertino. those arrows are all pointing down. not a lot, not a huge drop in temperature trend is to bring things down over the next couple of days. the city dropped yesterday after being at 70, 70 and 72. sunday monday tuesday they dropped to 65 yesterday will go to 64. today water temps came down more of an onshore breeze kicked in bigger fog bank that'll do it. west southwest travis now 28 conquered south gusting to 22 so changes here for inland temps, which were still pretty hot for some yesterday. not now they'll be in the upper eighties and unless you're really far inland. but this is hard to believe. lower lake is 59. napa airport 61. you don't see that in august. very often. san jose's 58 yet san carlos 62, so i mean , there's a lot of upper fifties and low sixties doesn't matter where and those water temps coming down. bodega bay has been bouncing between 50 to 53 point
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race, 50 to san francisco bowie went from 58 to 54. that's a big drop that has a huge impact on the city temp. you can see a little high backing off a little bit compared to yesterday, and now the door is open for more of an onshore breeze. so fog drizzle. there are a lot of fifties a few few upper forties but mainly fifties and sixties on the temps. more clouds cooler to windy, depending on where that low sets up. there's a couple of forecasts projections and drop it in the northern california a lot of them will keep it up north of us 60 seventies eighties on the temps , not a lot of change friday looks cool and breezy to windy on the weekend youtube. steve thank you, a new zealand woman visiting the cemetery. national park suffered a terrible accident broke nearly every bone in her body. why she's facing problems on top of what's expected to be a lengthy recovery. and the jury agrees with the lawsuit filed by the widow of kobe bryant, vanessa bryant against los angeles county coming up the very large award given to vanessa, after sheriff's deputies and firefighters shared photos of
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the helicopter crash scene.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home.
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according to the san francisco department of public health. there were fewer than five new cases last week. by comparison, the number of new cases during the week of july 24th was 143. there have been 650 reported
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cases in the city this year. happening today. alameda county health officials are holding a town hall on the monkey pox virus. the online form will be open to the public from 5 30 to 6. 30 officials say it will be an informational town hall and the people will have the chance to ask questions. if you'd like to register. we've posted the link on our website ktvu .com. just click on web links. 7 22 new information about the coronavirus shows the number of deaths around the world have dropped 15% the world health organization's as in the past week, the number of new infections also dropped by 9. sent however, the organization is warning those covid numbers are likely severely underestimated, since many countries have dropped their testing protocols. and there's a new study showing fighters covid pill packs. lebed provides little more no benefit to adults under the age of 65. that research was conducted in israel , it finds a paxil bird reduced hospitalizations among people
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aged 65 older by 75% when it's given shortly after the infection, but people between the ages of 40 and 65 i haven't seen any measurable benefit woman from new zealand took a huge fall that yosemite well climbing half dome she is now in the hospital is ktvu cristina rendon tells us her family is working to get her home. yeah so she, um she's very outdoorsy, very adventurous. simmons talks about his 21 year old sister, anna parsons, who broke nearly every bone in her body during a fall at yosemite going every day, you know, trying to get really good and working on our technique, but then you know things still happen. i guess. simmons says it happened on the snake dike route on half dome earlier this month , and it was lead climbing, using safety ropes and clips when she fell. defeat her helmet shattered. helmets basically saved her head. um and most of
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the i guess the worst injuries where her legs and her back and pelvis hospitalist in modesto with a growing medical bill, she's had a spinal fusion and her left leg was amputated below the knee. her family estimates the cost to be around $600,000 well above her insurance coverage for traveling abroad. simon says the treatment would be free in new zealand going to the u. s. and having this happened wasn't quite a culture shock and um, something we were not really prepared for not used to. the family has applied for a grant with the hospital to cover her stay, which is about $4000 a night they have set up a website for donations, and his parents, though, are trying to get her home. they're looking at an air ambulance from to get anna back to new zealand at some point, because as soon as she lands in new zealand that's covered. simon says his sister is eager to recover and get back to outdoor activities. she may even climb again. we're just grateful that and i was alive, and, um
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we're really thankful for all the support as well. cristina rendon ktvu fox two news in your body, texas, a school board. they're fired the police chief over the police response to the deadly mass shooting at an elementary school school officials in your body voted unanimously to end the contract of pete arredondo, exactly three months after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at rob elementary school and investigation found police officers waited outside of the school, then in the hallway. away during that deadly shooting the state, says the police chief quote place the lives of officers before the lives of children. attorneys for average dondo claim he was not in charge of the scene during the attack, and that he deserves to get all of his back pay. it is 7 25, a new development involving the d u i crash of paul pelosi, the husband of house speaker nancy pelosi, who pled guilty earlier this week. we'll tell you what's going to
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happen to the poor. she was driving at the time of that crash. and president biden officially announces his plan to help some americans with their crippling student loan debt. the blowback is getting from both republicans and democrats for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations
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exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27. check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers,
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and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's
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from san francisco to a story involving a candidate running for supervisor questions around where she lives and where she votes after she was criticized for a controversial social media post. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings onto i'm dave clark gasia mikaelian. it's thursday, august 25th, and we've come a long way temperature wise where we were at the beginning of the week. steve paulson. for some almost to the beginning of the month. some but yesterday we started that cool down now coast and they haven't been that bad inland had hot stretch here. it looks like that's peaked out. for now. we have a bigger fog bank more of an onshore breeze. but still a couple of nineties yesterday. i didn't put pencil in any today so low clouds.
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maybe some drizzle forties fifties sixties on the low, sunny, breezy and a little cooler, although even though coast and much of the base started that yesterday will continue the theme today, 60 seventies and eighties. alright this is usually when sal says, oh, my gosh, i have to go here here and here and this time he's going to hear which should be the bay bridge because everyone wants to know about that. always a lot of people driving into san francisco these days, especially right about now it starts getting busier. it's pretty packed here 15 to 20 minute delay, depending if you're at the end of the line the east bay commute still looks alright. 5 80 80 that might change. we'll talk about contra costa and just a bit and you can look at the same mateo bridge that's getting busy as well. 7 30. let's go back to the headlines. thank you were happening today a state agency expected to approve of ban on the sale of gas powered cars in california by the year. 2035 ktvu zahle rasmus in the studio now to explain how this
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band ali would work. good morning. good morning, dave. well, it would be phased in over time. so in the next 5 to 10 years, we can expect to see more electric vehicle charging stations near businesses and homes in california because by the year 2035 you won't be able to buy a new gas powered car in this state. the california air worse resources board is expected to vote today to approve approved rules that would ban the sale of gas powered vehicles. new ones by the year 2035. it would start phasing out the sale of those gas powered cars by setting limits on how many can be sold as soon as 2026. these rules only apply to passenger vehicles, not commercial trucks or vans. they have more time to go, all electric but industry experts say, because california has so many car buyers, the rules will end up forcing more carmakers to focus on electric vehicle production everywhere. vehicles are not only sold in california, not only in the united states at the global market, and you somehow need to transition. these um 100 year
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old companies into the next age. ford motor company released a statement in support of the move to eventually banned the sale of new gas powered cars here, saying they're committed to building a zero emissions transportation. future end quote. and last year general motors announced that by 2035, they won't be building gas powered vehicles anywhere in the world. members of the california air resources board will meet to discuss these rules later today. there is a public comment period where people can express their opinion about it. but board members are expected to approve these rules later this afternoon. back to you, garcia and dave ali. thank you this morning and development involving the dui crash of paul pelosi, husband of house speaker nancy pelosi. tmz reports the one year old poor she was driving at the time of the crash will be auctioned off the question damage the undercarriage of the sports car along with the right back and rear bumper. the odometer shows there were fewer than 2800 miles on the car. paul pelosi pleaded guilty earlier this week to do we was sentenced to three years' probation and five days in jail
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time now 7 32 happening today at 23 year old san francisco man who admitted to shooting and killing his father and stepmother will be formally charged with murder, urban hernandez flores told ktvu in this jailhouse interview. he was drunk. he was angry at his father for allegations of sexual abuse in the past. now, he says he did not intend to kill his stepmother. he said she was shot and killed when he shot his father. after the shooting. flores then live, streamed the crime scene and shouted profanities candidate for san francisco supervisor is disputing allegations that you may have committed voter fraud. the city attorney's office is investigating leanna louis after articles written by journalist joe, with mission local said she may not live in the district she's running to represent. the reporter. questioned why louis voted in the district other than the one she was registered in and whether primary residence is in district for where she is a candidate. louis has faced criticism for a social media
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post in which he capitalized. the last four letters of joe s can is his name so it would read as good i made a mistake by my facebook post, but as far as where i live i know where i live. i know where i voted. and i wouldn't do any i wouldn't do otherwise. louis says she met with the deputy city attorney and an investigator. city attorney hasn't said when the investigation will be complete. the election is november 8th time now, 7 34. today the justice department has to hand over a redacted version of the affidavit used to get a warrant to search the floor of the home of former president trump. the affidavit includes the probable cause used to justify the search , justice department lawyers say making it public would hurt their continuing investigation. president trump wants all of the affidavit released president biden for the first time talked about the fbi search of mar a lago. how much advance notice
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did you have of the fbi's plan to search mara lago? i didn't have any advance notice. none zero. not one single bit. thank you. and in a separate court violin, another federal judge gave donald trump's legal team into tomorrow to re submit a request for a neutral third party arbitrator to go over the documents seized by the fbi. millions of student loan borrowers will have at least some of their debt forgiven. president biden made the announcement yesterday, borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year or from households earning less than 250,000 can apply to reduce their debt by $10,000. people who received a pell grant to attend college will have $20,000 forgiven. some though, argue the plan doesn't go far enough. kind of a little bit of a drop in the bucket. um i think a lot of us made decisions about what we were going to study based on some other promises like public service loan forgiveness. congress really does need to get involved. student loan
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repayments are paused again through the rest of the year. the biden administration also announced a change to income driven repayment plans. cutting those payments in half. alright time is 7 35 right back to south caston. eight it's busy in his office there. what's happening on the roads? dave you can come to my office anytime you want. okay thank you. i'll dropping drop on in youtube. guys who you are always welcome. right now. we see that traffic is going to be busy and contra costa county . we're going to start here and take a look at highway four. as you drive through now, it's not unusual for it to be busy. it's just that this time it started getting busy error. and i do see some slow traffic still on 6 80 even getting down from alamo to danville. if you're in san ramon, you might say what is up with bollinger kenyon road is closed between chanterelle and i'll cost that because of a serious crash that happened hours ago, and the police say they still need another hour to open that up. that's causing trouble in san ramon, alum bollinger and 80 traffic is
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going to be slow. let's talk about that. babe bridges backed up for 15 to 20 minute delay. we don't have a lot of problems in oakland, this has got to start feeling it. and the next time we talk, we're going to start looking at that silicon valley commute. which is beginning to get a little bit busier. 7 36. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. right, sal? thank you, sir. well we had some cooling yesterday coast in babe, or you could feel it. the breeze kicked in now. inland temps still were in the upper eighties low nineties. not today, though. that went kind of quick. i didn't mean to hit that button there, so fog is here. there's a bigger fog bank, and we're also seeing the bases lift a little higher, so that's going to allow yonville alamo menlo park in cupertino. the arrows are down slightly cooler here today, some inland again. alamo 90 yesterday conquered livermore were in the low nineties, although santa rosa and gilroy did cool off into the eighties. san francisco which had three days of 70, or higher 70 70 72 dropped yesterday. 65 the forecast i
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today his 64 those water temps coming down, make a huge difference here conquered as a south breeze to 22 fairfield, west southwest 28 29. they've had gusts to 32 out of the west southwest. that'll do it. that will start to cool down the inland areas. low overcast fog breezy at times, sonny inland yet cooler a lot of fifties on the temps here. there are a few forties but a lot of fifties and sixties. the key is just how close everyone is here on these town. santa rosa's 56 fairfield's 56. i mean san jose's 58 when those are cooler than berkeley and oakland, so you don't see that all the time this time of year. and there you go. 53 52 bodega bay also point reyes san francisco buoy 54 in monterey 55. how much cooler than average is that 2 to 8 degrees and these water temps have been cold since about the end of april, may, except for a few occasions we've seen 48 49 back into june. i believe it was so amazing to see this cold last this long, at least on our coast. the onshore breezes there
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. so drizzle cool to mild on the low sixties seventies coast and bathing now looking for more eighties inland, the key is going to be on the weekend, there will be a low digging in a couple of the forecast miles. keep it to the north and injected off to these. there are there is one that drops it into northern california. we shall see if that happens, that would be a very windy pattern, including the sierra as well. 60 seventies eighties on the attempts here, and we'll keep that about the same friday and it does look like a cooler pattern into your weekend. okay, see? thank you time 7 39 performing arts departments making a comeback now, after the pandemic really hit arts and cultural sector areas hard san jose state university has a unique way to lower people back to live art performances and sports events. the university's new program is called footballs and curtain calls. when you buy a ticket for a sand as a state football or hammer theater ticket. well you'll get a discount code to buy tickets at
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the other venues. so i think it's a really great opportunity to jump start everyone's desire to be out and about now that covid is somewhat more under control and an opportunity to see some of the best possible things at san jose state. it's offered, by the way is available to everybody. the discounts are between 25 to 50% off with six of the home football games and four of the theater art performances. it is 7 40 suing a famous former boxing jab accused of sexual assault coming up. we have the details of allegations against george foreman. that's right out to our newsroom now and say another. good morning to andre senior as you look ahead to what's coming up in the next hour. good morning to you, garcia and dave, the san francisco 40. niners played their final preseason game tonight, coming up in the next hour. what fans can expect for this game that can be seen right here on ktvu fox two. and later in alameda county supervisor speaking out against the oakland city council over a deadly
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shooting in the city's little saigon neighborhood when you join us on the nine we're talking live with supervisor nate miley about what he wants to see changed as police search for the person who killed a beloved dentist. stay with us. my active psoriatic arthritis can slow me down. now, skyrizi helps me get going by treating my skin and joints. along with significantly clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after two starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces
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a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi, 90% clearer skin and less joint pain is possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, there's nothing like the feeling of improving my skin and joints... ...and that means everything. now's the time to talk to your doctor about how skyrizi can help treat your psoriatic arthritis- so you can get going. learn how abbvie can help you save.
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43 a federal jury awarded kobe
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bryant's widow, vanessa bryant $16 million in her lawsuit against l. a county. the award is for emotional distress caused by sheriff's deputies and firefighters sharing photos of the remains of kobe bryant and his daughter at the side of that 2020 helicopter crash where they were killed. the jury agreed with vanessa bryant. her privacy was invaded. officials shared those photos, but that's o brien tearfully testified during the 11 day trial that the news of those photos compounded her grief after the death of her husband and daughter. former boxing champ george foreman is now being sued by two women claiming he sexually assaulted them back in the 19 seventies and the women who are now in their sixties say he had sex with them when they were minors between the ages of 13 and 16. foreman is now 73. he denies the
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allegations, he said these women are trying to extort millions of dollars. foreman's name is not identified in that lawsuit is being referred to as a future boxing hall of famer who defeated joe frazier in 1973 and lost to muhammad ali in 1974, former partner of united airlines is rebranding itself after filing for bankruptcy, expressjet will now operate as aha airlines. aha short for air hotel adventure company cited market and economic conditions for ceasing all flight operations also laid off the majority of the workforce and his return. earning for planes to lee sirs. expressjet had been a regional carrier for united airlines until united canceled the contract in july of 2020. okay guys, your time at 7 45. can the world support another coffee chain will be a very special one. for a lot of people. street is very closely watching instacart and tesla cook is rounding this all up in dollars and cents. no big moves for tesla today have been
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watching it all morning. little up little down right now. it's slightly lower. that's after that, and its stock split that they initiated. it is now the world's most profitable carmaker . analysts are fairly bullish on that company going forward as more states push for phasing out those gas powered cars. as the opening bell rang this morning. stocks in general headed higher . there's also a lot of talk about what is expected to be the next hot ipo despite a very cool ipo market, instacart is expected to go public before the end of the year, very quietly filed paperwork with the sec as we take a live look at the big board stocks headed much higher since that bell rang now up almost a half of a percent for the dow 158 points there s and p 500 up a full percentage point. 41 82, the nasdaq also have one in the 3rd 5 12,098 for the nasdaq. chick fil a reports some of it some items on it's menu contain a dairy allergen after its supplier accidentally added it in the recipe. now the fast
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food chain says the items affected are it's grilled nuggets and grilled filets. they posted an alert on its nutrition and allergens page to notify customers. chick fil a has more than 2400 chain restaurants across the country. it is now working with the supplier to make sure the allergen is removed and to prevent this from happening again. well fans of friends will soon be able to enjoy coffee products like characters on the sitcom central perk. coffee houses are expected to open up and various locations across the us next year. three different coffee blends, named after famous moments from the tv show will be sold. you will recognize those if you watch the show. they include we were on a coffee break dark roast blend. how you doing? medium roast blend and the pivot blend medium to dark roast coffee in 2018 friends was one of the most popular shows on netflix, and the hardly strictly bluegrass festival is back after a two year hiatus this year, event
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organizers plan to host a handful of shows away from the free three day event at san francisco's golden gate park. the out of the park series will take place at multiple venues around the city organizers are asking attendees to update their vaccination. and status and test negative for covid-19 before attending the festival is planned for september. 30th october 2nd so having those outside the venue opportunities are going to help restaurants, parking garages. a lot of businesses in the city. pam cook , that's a look at your dollars and cents. okay pam, thanks time is 7 48 a statewide attempt to extend last call at bars has failed. the proposed bill would have allowed bars to keep serving alcohol until four o'clock in the morning. right now. last call. is it two a.m. the proposal asked for a three year pilot program in san francisco, west hollywood and palm springs about the measure of failed in the state assembly . we are so excited for tomorrow morning. it's our last zip trip of the summer, and we are taking
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you to martinez martinez is a little slice of old town or small town usa, and i just feel like you know, when you come here, you get to enjoy the people. we do hope you join us for a taste of this. cities growing food scene were also uncovering some of the well known and lesser known aspects of the city, including the legacy of baseball legend joe dimaggio. so we're going to post up live at waterfront park. if you are anywhere near the area, please come down and join us in person. we have a full hour focused on martinez. of course you can watch it right here on ktvu tomorrow morning on the nine you're going to take sal and andre with you and frank mallicoat and claudia prepared for sunshine. that's what are you gonna eat? oh dave, we don't do we have time because there's a lot to eat in martinez. let me tell you but i know you like breakfast, so i will say that there is a very good breakfast place up there. i'll let you know. okay there's probably a few, but there's one that i found anyway. let's go out and take a look at speaking of
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breakfast. you may want to take that to go get on the road as soon as you can, because this is beginning to be the crunch time when all the commute start getting really busy, and that's simple reason you can see 5 80 88 year allow little bit slower than they were earlier. i think people if they're anything like my household drop the kids off and then get on the road. go to the office. so that's what's going on how we four pittsburgh bay point, some slowing 6, 80 concord, walnut creek, there was a stalled vehicle set down 6 80 in the vicinity of treats, so that's going to be slowing the traffic san mateo bridge looks okay, the south bay is getting a little more crowded. look at 2 80 in san jose here, it's a little slow getting up. to that west valley. we're going to explore that a little more in the next report comes up in a few minutes here, 7 50, though it's time for us to get to steve. you know, i noticed in that traffic shot steve in san jose. a couple of days this week. we had sun this morning. we don't have any there. yesterday they did. they were
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right on the edge of itself. today it's made at dinner. so we have a bigger fog bank. they started cooling down yesterday, along with many others. there were still some nineties inland. today though it looks like a lot of eighties or unless you're out there in the back 40 and that's not my forecast. half moon bay a mile visibility after that, it's ok. santa rosa three, but a lot of 9 to 10. so that's alright unless you're heading south, and it could be a little bit dicey, especially down from watson, gilda monterrey. there's some thicker fog, so watch out on the santa cruz coast, down to monterey highway 1 60 seventies eighties on the temperature low, overcast forties fifties sixties on the lows here, we're seeing temperatures that started to cool down yesterday and good 10 degree drop for some fifties and sixties. and i mean that that includes lower lake brentwood, fairfield livermore in san jose , which are near or even cooler than some closer to the coast in bay, which is not something we see all the time and this time of year 52 point rate. put your toe in there. that's cold water . 53 san francisco buoy 54 in
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monterey, inner bowie dropped to 55. which is making a huge impact on coast and city temperatures overnight and on the highs. big fog bank in place there. a couple of little systems are coming in one on the weekend. the key will be where it drops. it looks like it'll stay up in the pacific northwest. so fog drizzle cooled a mile down the highest today, little cooler in there with warm conditions, but not as hot as it has been now low. looks like it'll stay up in oregon and go into idle and not dropping the northern california but it will be cooler for the weekend. for going to tahoe or truckee forties to sixties on the current attempts there from tahoe, truckee and blue canyon looks warm on friday, mostly sunny saturday than a windy pattern will kick in legs. if not saturday. on sunday, it will be cooler sixties seventies eighties on the temps here, not much change tomorrow than it does look cooler pattern dave taking us into the weekend. okay see times. 7 52 is pans just told you overnight. shares of tesla split into three coming up in the next hour. details about the welcome news if you own the
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stock of the electric car company, but first it's the largest jackpot and the california lottery history for scratchers. in a moment, we'll tell you how much one lucky player one after scratching off, but $30 ticket what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
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welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. the choice is clear they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness, and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪) wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs)
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the new subway series. what's your pick? thanks to chase, angie's not sweating this text since there's zero overdraft fees if she overdraws by $50 or less. and, kyle, well, he's keeping calm with another day to adjust his balance if he overdraws by more than $50. overdraft assist from chase. make more of what's yours. what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27. opening 55 school district in southwest missouri is bringing back corporal punishment for students. the school superintendent says. that's
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because of a survey that was sent out to staff the students and parents back in may. superintendents as principles now have one more disciplinary option before students get what are considered more serious punishments like a suspension. parents seem to be split about the idea of spanking. some say it's brutal and should be banned. other parents say they're okay with it as long as adults first talk to the child about acting appropriately, officials at uc berkeley or making changes to the swim team's coaching staff, this comes as the san francisco chronicle reports ahead of the women's team may not come back from paid leave because of an investigation into alleged bullying. now the acting director, david durden, will oversee both of women's and men's swim teams and david marsh. will be served as the associate head coach for the women's program. that's after teri mckeever was put on paid leave back in may after more than two dozen current and
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former team members accused her of verbal and emotional bullying. that led some of the swimmers to consider suicide and other athletes left the team. mckeever has made no comment on those allegations. it is 7 57 in the city of richmond, supporters of the rent control measure, p held a rally to put a spotlight on that issue. yes yes, ppe measure, ppe would limit red increases to 3% or 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower. voters in richmond will get a chance to vote on that measure in the november election, according to a recent homelessness numbers study. contra costa county saw the biggest rise in homelessness in the past four years where the numbers of people who are on housed jumped 35% between 29. 18 and 2022. my rent just recently got increased by $85, and it's
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very it's not fair with the conditions that we have to live in. people are struggling right now. we have high inflation. we're in a recession. it's time that we have lowered increases that landlords are allowed to present to their tenants. now the antioxidant council approved the measure earlier this week. the new rules were already in effect, and this is the same rent cap that the city of oakland is also using it. welcome and plaster county is $20 million richer after buying a $30 lottery ticket, lottery officials say chad fry is the largest scratcher prizewinner in california history. he bought the set for life millionaire edition ticket at foothill market in auburn. he splurged on that ticket. he finally received payment for a construction job. he finished this past winter and the national cartoonist society giving us sonoma county woman
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its highest honor for someone who's not an artist. jeannie schulz, the widow of peanuts cartoonist charles schulz, has earned the silver t square of ward where people who have contributed to the cartooning industry. michelle tells the president of the charles schulz museum in santa rosa. she goes to cartoon festivals all over the world, encouraging artists to share their comments. comics with others will be getting the award at the cartoonist national convention next month in kansas city. good morning. california air quality regulators are expected to approve one of the toughest environmental regulations ever today's historic vote aimed at phasing out all cars that run on gas. tesla stock price dropped about $600 at the opening bell this morning. why the small is actually great news for anyone who owned shares of tesla last night. and the san francisco 40 niners take on the houston texans. we count down tonight's
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preseason finale. what fans should look for in the game airing right here on ktvu, fox two. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two good morning. welcome to mornings onto it is coming up on eight o'clock. i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. it's thursday, august 25th more great behind us along the oakland estuary. let's see what's happening in your neighborhood will turn to steve paulson for a look right now and maybe a little bit ahead. i think a lot of gray here for you guys here probably all the way to 10 o'clock. this is the biggest fog bank we've seen all morning long inland temps north and south dropped there were still in the low nineties. yesterday for some, i didn't pencil in any today. this is the biggest fog bank. we very vendor. drizzle couple 100 about 51 hundreds and the pattern. it looks like it's turning to a cooler one taking us into at least most of the weekend here. so a cooler thursday inland coast and bay really started that yesterday was sixties and seventies. breezy maybe a little windy later on today had gus 32 out of travis. that's what you're looking for this time of year. if you want cooler pattern, well inland. sixties
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seventies and eighties. alright over to sal. usually eight o'clock things. calm down. that's not the case anymore. no it's changed a little bit since school started. i think the drop offs have really affected what people are doing right now. it's getting busier. instead of lighter and summer, it was getting lighter at this time. right now. it's pretty busy here at the bay bridge toll plaza in busy, of course on 8 85 80. every day. we've watched. it seems to be getting lighter and people do adjust their patterns . san mateo bridge is not all that slow. neither is the dumbarton bridge. look at the south bay. there's a lot of action getting from east to west side of the valley, so driving from east san jose over to sunnyvale and cupertino, and you can see, although it's improving a little bit. it's still kind of the middle of the commute for that area. one. let's go back to the headlines. happening today. the california air resources board is expected to approve new rules that would ban the sale of new gas powered vehicles by the year 2035. the board's new rules would set quotas for zero emission new car sales, starting in 2026 rules would not affect
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the use of cars that already on the road, a company that helps corporations with transportation and mobility issues, says 30% of all, california emissions come from cars and trucks more than any other source. silicon valley mobility managing directors spent biker says california can set a good example to the region and the world. vehicles are not only sold in california, not only in the united states at the global market, and you somehow need to transition. these um 100 year old companies into the next stage. ford motor company released a statement saying in part combating climate change is a strategic priority, and we're proud of our partnership with california for stronger vehicle emissions standards forged during a time when climate action was under attack last year, gm announced that by 2035 , it won't build new gas powered cars anywhere in the world and update now is we're hearing from people who are directly affected by a massive fire near alamo square earlier in the week. more than 100. firefighters were called to the burning three
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story apartment building at divisadero and mcallister. one woman told us that she had held personal fire drill so she'd be ready if there ever was a fire, but says she never expected to be up on the roof and told she'd need to use a fire truck ladder. i said. girl you're going to go down a ladder. you are going to go down a ladder from the roof and you're gonna have to. you're just going to have to do it. and that's what i did. and i still can't believe it. fire also damaged a popular gathering spot for people in the neighborhood today see highly owns the oasis cafe on the first floor of that building says people in the neighborhood helped each other through the pandemic and now hopes they'll help him again. i don't know what i'm gonna do with those days. you know, all income was limited and we have struggling to survive. we also talked with fire officials after hearing complaints from people in the area who set fire crews weren't doing enough to put the fire out. they told us and like what we might see in the movies, they can't use high powered spray on the outside of a
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burning building because that can endanger the residents and fire crews inside is coming up on four right now. oakland police have increased patrols in the little saigon neighborhood after a deadly weekend shooting officers will reportedly be deploying 24 hours a day and that section of the city and that includes undercover and patrol officers surveillance teams, along with burglary and robbery suppression operations. this is, uh, essentially the attack on everybody, uh, all the good law by citizens. religion is a retired dentist who was friends with lili xu, the oakland chinatown dentist who was shot and killed that happened on sunday with reporting on it open. the police are still looking for a white lexus and when you see right here that took off after a gunman killed shoe while trying to steal her purse, new surveillance video obtained by ktvu shows alexis had parked nearby a full 13 minutes before shoe was shot. police chief laurent armstrong says it appears those inside the lexus. we're waiting for a victim.
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right now. we can't afford the present status quote because every day additional lawless behavior is taking place in the citizens of this city. i don't think feel safe. this morning on then i will be speaking live with alameda county supervisor nate miley. he is our guest on the nine on this topic. across the basin, francisco's d a. brook jenkins announced her office's new cash bail policy. jenkins policy permits cash bail and limited misdemeanor cases as required by law, which is similar to a predecessor chasing boudin's policy. it expands when pretrial detention holding people in jail before trial can be deployed. dean's office prohibited cash bail entirely in the year, 2020 in a statement, the d a said cash bail unfairly penalizes those with less financial means and disproportionately affected defendants of color. her. protecting victims and ensuring public safety or my top priorities. we will not shy away from holding offenders accountable, but we will not perpetuate further injustices
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and inequities. a former high level san francisco officials being sentenced today in federal court. mohammed nura resigned in 2020 is the city's public works director after the fbi accused him of a scheme involving bribes and kickbacks and city contracts . he was released on bail. prosecutors want nora to be sentenced to nine years in prison euros attorneys are asking that he be sentenced to three years because he's at risk of covid due to health problems. they also expect will be forced to give up his $7000 a month pension. happening today. the stock price of tesla the opening bell dropped this morning, but that was because the company completed a three for one stock split after the closing bell stock closed right around $890 a share yesterday. it's now trading right around $296 existing investors now owned three times as many shares of tesla trading at a third of the price they ended at yesterday. analysts say that tesla is hoping to attract more small investors with a lower per share price. alternative sports here is the san francisco 49 ers are on the road tonight for their
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pre season finale against the houston texans. ktvu sema gas live at levi stadium as we look ahead to what to expect going into the regular season, emma while the 49ers were here at levi stadium earlier this week for practice today, there in houston for tonight's game, and this is the last chance for young players to showcase the skills they have, and for the 49ers starters to prepare ahead of week one for the regular season. head coach kyle shanahan said yesterday. 49ers quarterback trade lands will play tonight, but we probably won't see him in the game. for too long. shanahan is being conservative about how much time the starters will play. to be sure they're healthy and ready for week one. that's why a manual mostly is still. um, maybe for tonight. he's recovering from a strained hamstring. shanahan also laid out the stakes for each player going into tonight's game. who are going to be those guys who are in uniform and week one who are going to be those guys who
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are competing to be in uniform who are going to be those practice squad, guys who is going to have to step up and be ready for that role if we lose someone in the next 10 days, and that's really every thought process that that i personally have. 49ers play the regular season opener in chicago against the bears that september 11th the week later on the 18th. that's when they're coming here for their home opener, reporting live from levi stadium. magus ktvu fox two news. thank you will see that 49ers texans game tonight, right here on ktvu fox to kick opposite five o'clock then we hope you stay with us for the point after all right time now for a check of traffic in the cell is going to be up watching that little later today, but in the meantime, he's going to be checking the roads first, sal yes, i will be watching. but if it's bedtime, and the three of us have to be on our a game tomorrow, right? we're going to martinez for our last trip, right? exactly so this is this is the final stretch to put it in sports analogy. we gotta bring it big tomorrow. but anyway, let's go to the east bay. i'm going to start there right now, because
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of all the slow traffic now it seems to be getting a little better. that it was the first few days of the week and just knowing just people will not put up with really slow traffic. they'll adjust their schedules. i do want to mention that there's a stalled vehicle on the richmond san rafael bridge. it's right there in the middle of the span, and that's an unusual back up here. you know, usually have traffic is a little bit slow there. but if you're going to the richmond bridge, please give yourself plenty of time. and as a result of that the toll plaza delay is much thicker than it normally is at the richmond bridge. look at that. so we don't normally see it that way. give yourself extra time. we're also looking at some of the other bridges. we showed you the bay bridge. the cemetery on the dumbarton bridges are looking okay, there is some slow traffic on the peninsula near one on one and 92 if you can use to 80 instead of 11 through san mateo, you'll be better off saying oh, nine. let's go back to the desk. all right. thank you so much. nancy pelosi's husband, paul pelosi admitted to crashing his luxury sports car in napa county
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reported on his punishment ahead . what will now happen to us portion on 11 that he was driving? the police chief in charge of the response to a mass shooting at an elementary school in dallas, texas is no longer on the job. a lawyer says he wants more after the chief was fired last night. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart. efficient. agile. and that's never been more important than it is right now. so for a limited time, comcast business is introducing small business savings. call now to get powerful internet for just 39 dollars a month. with no contract. and a money back guarantee. all on the largest, fastest reliable network.
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flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. okay, flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh okay, i will. i'll turn our thermostat to 78. i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's taco 'bout it! - nope. ohh, we can save the laundry 'til the morning. yes please. oh, little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. learn more at
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donors in the castro district of putting city hall on notice. they will stop paying taxes unless certain issues are fixed . they're using the threat as a way to put pressure on the city to do something about the crime and homelessness affecting their neighborhood. the castro merchants association says the city needs to take action, one of the association's leaders has two businesses, floor dispensary and cafe flore. and has had their windows smashed 11 times every day. we wake up and have to help people on the street. we have to clean up feces on the street. we have to clear our doorways on before we can open our businesses and it's not fair. the merchants association sent a letter to city hall asking the city to set aside 35 shelter beds for people in the castro, which need a place to stay or who need a place to stay in the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing says it cannot reserve shelter space for specific neighborhoods, but added before
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thanksgiving, it will have another 1000 shelter beds available for those in need. so matter what neighborhood no matter what neighborhood they're staying in. police arrested 40 people and impounded dozens of cars as part of a crackdown on illegal side shows in los angeles. police say they impounded 34 cars, issued 82 citations and shut down a number of attempted street takeovers before they could start. say one of the people arrested had a warrant for attempted murder. another was in possession of a loaded ghost gun. all of them are texting their friends, and he like they got me like it's real, like we're actually really here. um and yeah, i mean, it kind of see that we're actually really serious about it. the new enforcement efforts come just days after a large street takeover at harvard, get gateway led to a flash mob looting and vandalizing a 7 11. los angeles police say that a gang of thieves from northern california's targeting visitors at a popular tourist site, police say the thieves are striking rental cars at griffith observatory because they're easy to spot and are more likely to have wallets and other valuables. inside surveillance footage shows that many of the
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thieves use rental cars themselves to drive down to los angeles from northern california . police say there have been more than 120 thefts so far this year and that more than half of them came this summer. today the price is free to get into all national parks to celebrate the 106th birthday of the national park service department was created on august 25th 1916 when president woodrow wilson side the national park service act, even though park entrances are free reservations will still be required at parks that require them like yosemite. and across the country. another insect is causing major problems. now the spotted lantern flies threatening farmlands in at least a dozen states and also damaging ecosystems. the insects come from china, but was first detected in 2014 in pennsylvania . it's numbers have grown since , as the bucks continue to develop and grow wings. the spotted lantern fly is not a threat to humans, but they drink the sap from fruit trees. and grapevines. if enough of them
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are on the plants feeding, they can actually basically suck all the life force out through that sap. california is among the states that have issued alerts about these lantern flies that can spread fast while f experts say if you see one, kill it to keep them from spreading, and if you go hiking or camping, check your belongings and car for the zinc six so you don't carry them to new areas. 8 16 harrowing video that was caught on camera here, take a look at your screen at what happened aboard a flight bound for los angeles from guadalajara, mexico. the flight had to turn around, make an emergency landing after flames and sparks to be and flying from one of the engines. passenger heard a loud explosion 10 minutes into the flight, said many people on board the plane started to panic. plane was able to return landed safely in guadalajara. they're lined taraba says there was a mechanical problem with one of the engines and friction between pieces of metal that caused these sparks here at home. two people survived after their plane crashed in solano county happened in vacaville yesterday
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, the single engine private plane came down off a road near the airport. it's unclear at this point if the plane was on final approach, or perhaps it had just taken off. the pilot and a passenger were taken to the hospital. both have only minor injuries. 17 right now, sales been tracking some trouble spots for us. he joins us now with a look at what else? he is checking out for a cell. we're going to start on the peninsula andre and gasia right now because i see some slow traffic there on the peninsula on how we wanna one near 92. there was a crash there, but also a lot of slow traffic at this hour. and if you want to use to 80, that would be your best bet getting up the peninsula then you had to san francisco, and it is pretty slow on 101 and also at the bay bridge like trying to get in. let's say to san francisco from the east bay has been pretty slow this morning. we can show you the bay bridge toll plaza. it is going to be slow this morning at the toll plaza. when you get there, it's backed up all the way out to the macarthur may so this is crunch time. i also want to mention that we
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still have a big backup on the richmond saying rafael bridge coming out towards the bridge because of earlier issues on the span, so give yourself a little extra time on that bridge. there it is. all right. it's 87 now, 8 18. let's bring steve back in very cloudy, starting some areas that is correct much more so than we've seen all week. long south. this is the biggest fog bank all morning long this week here making a pretty good push north. even east a little bit now more so in south as well and there's a lot out there. i think it's going to get enhanced over the next couple of days. there's a little circulation right around here. so little circulation right? there may be enhanced. calm coastal lady coastline. it'll be a nice thursday coastal fog little cooler inland after a big cool down for some coast in bay yesterday, and this theme will continue into the weekend, and it looks like a rebound early next week for temperatures, but next couple of days will favor temperatures slightly below it in your average. jill alamo, menlo park, cupertino. down down , down down 80 87 78 82 probably
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even more so as we head towards saturday. san francisco was stuck in the seventies. sunday monday. 70 tuesday. 72 yesterday , though, dropped to 65 today we're going for a high of only 64 degrees. what's average 69 degrees below decent onshore breeze. napa nevado travis 23 conquered south wind oakland. west southwest even from sfo deliver more. the big news is you cannot get to blythe or arizona on i 10 from about india . eastbound 10 has been washed out the road right around indio . coachella right around there. westbound i heard is okay. but don't you can't make it there. there's been too much monsoon moisture. a lot of monsoon moisture thunderstorm activity. the grand canyon a lot of water pouring in there from the monsoon activity. also northern arizona, flagstaff, sedona, prescott prescott. look at the i mean, there's still a lot. they're just slowly turning. the fog has retreated off la and san diego. so if you're going down there, they actually have some
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tropical clouds down there and a lot of activity on the desert. and also in the high desert so very active down there with the monsoon. for us, it's all fog and low clouds. sixties seventies and eighties on the temps, and it looks like we're going to stay right in this range. you guys all the way into the weekend. steve thank you. 8 29 devastating fall for a woman from new zealand while on a climbing trip. yosemite's famed half dome how she is facing a number of challenges after breaking nearly every bone in her body and jury agrees with the lawsuit filed by kobe bryant's widow, vanessa bryant against los angeles county, coming up the large award given to vanessa, after sheriff's deputies and firefighters shared photos of the helicopter crash site.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours.
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saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. flex alert! flex alert! to see transformation come to them. a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. okay, flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh okay, i will. i'll turn our thermostat to 78. i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's taco 'bout it! - nope. ohh, we can save the laundry 'til the morning. yes please. oh, little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. learn more at
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for alex padilla will be in san francisco, touring a monkey pox vaccine side with health officials comes as new data show the city appears to be turning a corner on the virus, according to the san francisco department of public health. there were fewer than five new cases last week. by comparison, the number of new cases for the week of july 24th was 143. there have been 650 reported cases of monkeypox in the city this year. happening today. across the bay, alameda county health officials holding a town hall on monkey pox, the online forum is open to the public runs from 5 30 to 6. 30 officials say it will be an informational town hall event and that people will have the chance to ask questions would like to register. we posted a link on our website ktvu dot com
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under web links 24 right now. new coronavirus status shows deaths have fallen by 15% worldwide, the world health organization reports in the past week. infections have also dropped by 9. however the organization warned covid-19 numbers are likely severely underestimated, since many countries have dropped their testing protocols. new study shows spicer's covid-19 pilpacks livid, provides little or no benefit to adults under 65. the research conducted in israel funds, it packs covid reduced hospitalizations among people 65 older by 75% when given shortly after the infection, but people between the ages of 40 and 65 did not see any measurable benefits. california could soon follow the lead of yosemite national park to help reduce overall waste. two years ago. yosemite removed propane cylinders for single use camping stoves from sale apart. stores. the proposed bill would ban the sale. those disposable £1 propane cylinders in california by the year 2028. lawmakers say the propane cylinders are often among the literature found in
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state parks and beaches. a woman from new zealand is hospitalized after breaking nearly every bone in her body in a fall at yosemite national park, 21 year old and a parsons is an experienced climber. she was with the climbing partner when she slipped 80 ft. down the snake dike route on half dome. doctors say her helmet saved us from seriously injuring her head. the helmet itself was shattered. parsons is now at a hospital in modesto. she has had two surgeries and one leg had to be amputated at her knee. her family is now trying to get her home safely while facing mounting medical bills that could total more than a million dollars. going to the u. s and having this happened wasn't quite a culture shock and um, something we were not really prepared for not used to. in new zealand public health pays for any health care needed that comes as the result of an accident and pays 80% of a person's salary if they can't work as a result. but because she fell in the united states and is receiving treatment at a
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hospital here. those benefits don't apply. her family has applied for a grant from the hospital to cover her medical bills, and has also set up a website for donations. uvalde, texas school board has fired the police chief there over the police response to the deadly mass shooting at an elementary school. their school district officials in your body voted unanimously to terminate peter redondo is contract exactly three months. after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers that rob elementary and investigation found. police officers waited outside of the school and in the hallway during the shooting, the state says the police chief quote placed the lives of officers before the lives of children. lawyers for our redondo claim he was not in charge of the scene during the attack, and that he deserves to get all of his back pain. development involving the dy crash of paul pelosi, husband of house speaker nancy pelosi, after pleading guilty earlier this week. we'll tell you what's going to happen to the poor. she was driving at the time of the crash. also president biden is officially announced his plan to help some americans with their
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student loan debt. the blowback is getting now from both republicans and democrats. for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's
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cars. california today is taking a big step for going all electric, then a follow up from san francisco on a story involving a candidate running for supervisor questions now surrounding where she lives and votes after she was criticized for a controversial social media post. from ktvu. fox two news.
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this is mornings on to welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian andre senior. today is thursday. august 24th. it is 8 30. thank you so much for joining us this morning. we turn now to steve paulson with look at the forecast and steve certain areas just overcast today a lot more than we saw yesterday. that's for sure. there's a pretty big fog bank out there. probably the biggest of the week is the way it looks right now. yesterday was right down on the ground, but the onshore breeze kicked in and a lot of areas cooled off. there were still some a couple of nineties well inland, but it doesn't look like it today. too much of a fog bank and an onshore breeze but up to 30 miles an hour out of the delta, so low clouds a little bit of drizzle, especially some of the hills there. sunny breezy, little cooler, inland coast and bay really not changing all that much sixties seventies and now eighties. on attempts alright over to sal time or better today, it's a little bit. it's getting a little better, and i think it will get a little better every day. as people will say, hey, i'm going to adjust my schedule so that out there when
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it's really, really slow bay bridge is going to be slow and i want to look at the east bay here. and you can see how we four is still slow. 6 80 80 are still pretty tight and so is 5 80. so this is still somewhat the peak of the commute. including the bay bridge, you'll see the traffic if you're driving south towards the same mateo bridge exit is going to be slow. in hayward. it's 8 31. let's go back to the headlines. thank you happening today estate agency is expected to approve a ban on the sale of gas powered cars by the year. 2035 erasmus here in studio to explain how the band would work and the changes we'd start seeing in the coming years. that's right, gasia and andre. under these new rules expected to be approved sometime today, drivers could start seeing changes on the roads. on highways just four years from now by 2026. 35% of all new car sales will have to be electric cars and by the year 2035. you won't be able to buy any new gas powered vehicles here in california. the california air resources board is the state agency expected to
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approve these guidelines today. these rules only apply to passenger vehicles, not commercial vehicles, commercial trucks and vans have until 2045 before they have to go all electric. but industry experts say, because california has so many drivers, and it's such a large car buying market. it. car manufacturers don't want to make just a california only car, they'll end up focusing on electric vehicles everywhere because of these rules. vehicles are not only sold in california , not only in the united states at the global market, and you somehow need to transition. these um 100 year old companies into the next stage. ford motor company says they support this rule change in a statement, they said quote are committed to building a zero emissions, transportation, future and quote. and last year general motors announced that by 2035, they won't be building gas powered vehicles anywhere in the world. now, the members of the california air resources board will meet to discuss these new rules. later today. there will
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be a public comment period in their meeting, but the approval of this ban on the sale of gas powered cars is expected to happen this afternoon. andre and gasia back to you, ali rasmus. thank you new this morning, a development involving the dui crash of paul pelosi, husband of house speaker nancy pelosi. tmz reports the one year old poor she was driving at the time of the incident will be auctioned off the crash damage the undercarriage of the core, along with the right back end and rear bumper. the odometer shows there were fewer than 2800 miles on the car. popular oc pleaded guilty earlier this week to do i was sentenced to three years' probation and five days in jail. 8 33 for time right now happening today in san francisco man who admitted to killing his father and stepmother will be formally charged with murder, urban hernandez flores told ktvu in a jailhouse interview that he was drunk and angry at his father for allegations of sexual abuse in the past, the 23 year old says he did not intend to kill his stepmother, saying she was shot and killed when he shot his father. after the shooting floors and live streamed the crime scene as he shouted
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profanities. candidate for san francisco supervisor is disputing allegations that you may have committed voter fraud. the city attorney's office is investigating leanna louis after articles written by journalist joe, with mission local said she may not live in the district she's running to represent question why louis voted in a district other than the one she is registered in and whether her primary residence is in district four, where she is a candidate. louise faced criticism recently for a social media post in which he capitalized. last four letters of joe is name so it would read. i made a mistake by my facebook post, but as far as where i live i know where i live. i know where i voted. and i wouldn't do any i wouldn't do otherwise. louis says she met with the deputy city attorney and investigator, city attorney's not said when the investigation will be complete. the election is november 8th. today, the justice department has to hand over a redacted version of the affidavit used to get a warrant to search the florida home of former president
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trump. the affidavit includes the probable cause used to justify the search. justice department lawyers making it public would say making a public would hurt their continuing investigation. former president trump wants all of the affidavit released president biden made his first public comments about the fbi search and mara lago. mr president. how much advance notice did you have of the fbi's plan to search mara lago? i didn't have any advance notice. none zero. not one single bit. thank you. in a separate court filing, another federal judge has given trump's team until tomorrow to re submit a request for a neutral third party arbiter to review the documents seized by the fbi. millions of student loan borrowers will have at least some of their debt forgiven. president biden made the announcement yesterday, saying that borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year or households earning less than 250,000 can apply to reduce their debt by $10,000. people who received a pell grant to attend college will have $20,000 forgiven. some argue, though the president's plan doesn't go far enough. kind of a little bit of
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a drop in the bucket. um i think a lot of us made decisions about what we were going to study based on some other promises like public service loan forgiveness. congress really does need to get involved. student loan repayments are paused again through the rest of the year. the biden administration also announced a change to income driven repayment plans, cutting those payments in half 36. now an effort to extend last call at bars across the state has failed. the bill would have allowed bars to keep serving alcohol until four o'clock in the morning. last call is currently two am the proposal last for three year pilot program in san francisco, west hollywood and palm springs. however, the measure couldn't pass the assembly. performing arts departments are staging a comeback after the arts and culture sector was hit very hard during the pandemic senator state university as a unique idea to draw people back to live art performances and athletic events. university has a special initiative, a new program called footballs and curtain calls. so here's how it works when you buy a san jose state football or
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hammer theater ticket, you will receive a discount code to purchase tickets at the other venue. so i think it's a really great opportunity to jump start everyone's desire to be out and about now that covid is somewhat more under control and an opportunity to see some of the best possible things that senator st i love it. the offers available to everyone discounts are up to 50% off with six home football games and four theater arts performances. so this is one of those. i'll do this for you. but then you do this for me for sure. all right time now is 8 37. we turn things over to steve paulson would look at the forecast. it's got a little bit of difference in store depending on where you are. but at least the inland temps are starting to come down. we'll take a look at that because it's june and july weren't bad. we had a lot of systems coming through kept seventies and eighties but august especially starting around the 13th, it's been hot will focus on livermore here and go from the 13th of 91 97 101 on the 15th. 106 on the 16th 96 96
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91 101 a cool 88 on the 21st the 93 97 91 yesterday, so if you thought, man, it's been hard, isn't it? it has been hot inland, but it does look like a change for about the next four or five days to some cooler weather. and by that we mean some eighties on the temps for those that have been stuck in the nineties or even 100. alamo down to 87 yard field down to 80 80 81 in their picture menlo park to 78 in cupertino, 84 to 82 degrees, much bigger fog bank making a bigger surge yesterday was kind of down on the deck. but today the basis of lifted so it'll make for a nicer thursday . now coast and bay will be dealing with a lot of gray, so the cooler kicks in already for them yesterday continues today. the weekend will be the key. that's what it looks like some of the inland areas we'll drop into the low and mid eighties here. the city was stuck in near 70 for three days in a row. then yesterday dropped today. we're going 60 for a high the water temp's dropping made a big big difference more of an onshore breeze and place travis was up to 32. the monsoon, which has
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been favoring nevada and arizona . and not really california yesterday changed it to changes to big thunderstorm activity eastbound 10 around in india. you can't get the black and you can't get the arizona so as as long as you know that westbound alright, but he is bound not too much flooding. road washed out eastbound look at all that thunderstorm activity, especially around the grand canyon video of a lot of water pouring into their from monsoon thunderstorm activity. flagstaff again has had a lot of activity. look at all the moisture still hanging out. fog is not an issue in l a little bit in san diego, but maybe a few tropical clouds and more thunderstorms out to the desert. we get the big fog bank and that's going to equal a cooler pattern. i backed off a little bit. there's a little dip in the jet stream to the north that that does it right there just a little bit. now the weekend is going to be a parent. well, originally, the forecast was wanted to dig a system into california. they have since backed off on that fog drizzle that's on this morning, 60 seventies coast in bay eighties now inland, but more of an pronounced onshore breeze as
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that system digs in the pacific northwest. there were some hint it might drop this way. it looks like it's going to do that. but it will set the stage for a kunar pattern for the weekend. if you're going to tahoe today, tomorrow, warm to hot. then it starts to change saturday, and it really changes sunday looks like a windy pattern and cooler conditions will kick in for tahoe and truckee late in the weekend, 60 seventies eighties and we'll keep it pretty much here through the next four days or so, before we start another warm up early next week, you guys, steve, thank you for coming. supervisor is speaking out against the oakland city council after a deadly shooting in the city's little saigon neighborhood. coming up on the nine. we are talking live with supervisor nate miley about what he wants to see changed. famous former boxing champ who is accused of sexual assault coming up details on the allegations against george foreman.
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welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness, and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪) wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs) the new subway series. what's your pick?
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vanessa $16 million in her case against los angeles county. the money is for emotional distress caused by deputies and firefighters, sharing photos of the bodies of kobe bryant and his daughter. the photos were taken at the site of the 2020 helicopter crash that killed them. the jurors agreed with vanessa bryant that her privacy was invaded when officials shared photos. of the remains of kobe right? and their 13 year
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old daughter, gianna bryan tearfully testified during the 11 day trial that news of the photos compounded her grief after losing her husband and her daughter. one more boxer george foreman is being sued by two women claiming he sexually assaulted them. back in the 19 seventies. the women who are now in their sixties, say he had sex with them when they were minors between the ages of 13 and 16. the 73 year old foreman denies the allegations, he says these women are trying to extort millions of dollars from him. performance name is not identified in the lawsuit he is being referred to as a future boxing hall of famer who defeated joe frazier in 1973 and lost to muhammad ali in 1974, the former partner of united airlines is rebranding itself. after filing for bankruptcy, expressjet will now operate as aha. airline short for air hotel adventure company cited market and economic conditions for ceasing all flight operations also laid off the majority of its workforce. in his returning for planes. expressjet had been a regional carrier for united airlines until united canceled
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the contract in july of 2020 wall street. all the talk right now is about tesla and instacart this morning is upstairs with us to bring us more in today's dollars and cents. yes part of some people's everyday lives. some of these companies right, tesla, now the world's most valuable carmaker, instacart said. to be the next big thing, analysts expect instacart to go public before the end of the year, making it a hot ipo after the online grocery shopping company filed quietly quietly filed paperwork with the sec, so keep an eye on that and news from instacart as for tesla as the opening bell ring this morning. tesla share split three for one analyst still predict tesla stock will continue its upward trend. it's also getting credit for motivating the other big car companies to accelerate their evie brands as investors and shoppers are clearly showing support for the electric car market taking you live to the new york stock exchange, the stocks markets, the three indexes headed higher this morning. coming back from the
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last hour. the where the dow jones was up about 150 points now up just about 50 points. the s and p 500 also up a half of a percent, losing a little bit of its gains from the last hour and the nasdaq gaining about 100 points right now. this morning, an apple company that promised to revolutionize online wine sales is now looking for a buyer. the business called picks allowed wine lovers, too. find a bottle of wine they like in a location near them or a shop that could ship it. that can be difficult because most wine shops don't keep up to date inventories available online. it also showed the prices for the wine from various sellers, which created some unhappy winemakers . chick filet reports. some items on it's menu contain a dairy allergen after its supplier accidentally added in the recipe. the fast food chain says the items affected are it's grilled nuggets and grilled filets they post did an alert on its nutrition and allergens page to notify consumers. chick fil a has more than 2400 chain restaurants across the country.
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it's now working with the supplier to make sure the allergen is removed and prevent this from happening again. and fans of friends will soon be able to enjoy coffee that reminds them of their favorite characters on the show. central perk. coffee houses are expected to open up in various locations across the us next year. three different coffee blends after famous moments from the tv show will be sold. you may recognize the phrases and the names that include we were on a coffee break. that's the dark rose blend. how you doing? and the pivot blend in 2018 friends was one of the most popular shows on netflix. pam cook, let's look at your dollars and cents. thank you. 8 47 here. amazon plans to shut down its health service by the end of the year. the program was originally created for its workers, then expanded to serve other companies with both in person and virtual appointments. than 100. people will be laid off when the company shut down. some of them will be moved to other jobs within amazon. the company says it remains
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committed to its healthcare business and will continue to operate amazon pharmacy. amazon also recently bought one medical, a primary care company. study shows. a year long ad campaign by crypto companies has not yet convinced many americans to invest in crypto. the ads featured celebrities such as star quarterback tom brady, actor matt damon, the pew research center says a survey from last september found 16% of americans said they had ever invested in traded or used cryptocurrency. last month, the pew research center repeated the research and once again the result was that same 16% 8 48 now california attorney general, rob bonta announced a settlement with sephora, one of the largest cosmetic retailers in the world. old and online retail enforcement review accuses the four of violating consumer privacy laws. bonta says the for a failed to let consumers know it was selling their personal information and did not fix the violations within the one month timeframe allowed by the california consumer privacy act . he also pointed out the enforcement were not only about sephora. today's settlement should send a strong message to
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businesses about the california doj is ongoing efforts to enforce the ccp a message is clear. apply with the law because consumers have the right to opt out of sale. the settlement requires a forward to pay $1.2 million in penalties, according to reuters. first support spokesperson says the company has cooperated with the attorney general's office and its practices complying with the ccp a 8 49. we are so excited for tomorrow morning. it's our last dip trip of the summer, and we will take you to martinez martinez is a little slice of old town or small town usa, and i just feel like you know, when you come here, you get to enjoy the people. people start. we do hope you join us, we'll give you a taste of the city's growing food scene will also uncover some of the well known and lesser known aspects of the city, including the legacy of baseball legend joe dimaggio's. so if you want to meet us there, please do or posting up at waterfront park if you live in
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the area or anywhere nearby, come down and say good morning. we'll have a full hour for you focused on martinez. you can also watch right here on ktvu for the nine cells always got the best job. i just saw him eating again, and he's probably eating some really good food over there. martinez, i can't wait to check it out, you know? we have some co workers that live at martinez. so be nice to check it out and meet the people that live in that community. andre and gasia. there's is such a good place to eat. i mean, all of them have been, but i think martinez especially so and i'll show you. you shouldn't watch tomorrow at nine. right now. let's talk about some of the east bay commutes, including martinez, but also hayward union city. all these commutes still active 6 80 is slow now. highway four through martinez actually looks good, but it's slow from pittsburgh debate point as a kind of scroll around the map, things are getting better that earlier stolen the richmond bridge has been cleared. i want to show you the bay bridge. because a lot of people are trying to get across the bay into san francisco at this moment, so unless you're using the car pool lane, it is very crowded. you want to wait a little bit. usually this
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improves after 9 30. it is 8 50 . it's been a cloudy start. let's bring steve back in to talk about today's weather. it has indeed south. it's the biggest fog bank all week long here is pretty good push here. coast in bay have plenty to deal with inland temps yesterday still stayed pretty warm, although some started to drop almost all will drop today. coast and baited took the plunge yesterday. dropping good 5 10 degrees a couple of weeks. little systems brushing by the pacific northwest, knocking that double barrel high down so inland zones, which have been in a long pattern of very hot temperatures, nineties for many , even 100 looks like they're easing up here with more eighties now going forward, fog drizzle coast and bay next couple of mornings, more clouds cooler be allowed moving in the pacific northwest. that will usher in a cooler pattern for northern california in specially towel could get a little windy up there, especially on late saturday and sunday. not today wouldn't be until late in the weekend, but it does look cooler up there as well for us today we start the cooling for the inland areas, which were still pretty
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warm yesterday, but it's sixties to eighties. now we're going to hold on to that all the way into sunday. you guys thank you so much time now is 8 52 49ers squaring off with the texans tonight in their final preseason when you join us on the nine we're talking live with a sports analyst about what fans can expect as a team moves forward with quarterback trade lands. and if you're playing scratchers , you might be thrilled to win. what $100.01, california man went way beyond that. how is $30 scratcher ticket paid for itself over and over and over and over and over and over again, we will and over and over again, we will detail his historic win. check out this time space wormhole i creat how's it work? let me see your togo, and i'll show you. "poof" burt, you have my lunch. introducing togo's new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms,
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roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. the new pastrami cheese steak. try steak or chicken, too. now at togo's here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home.
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action. for childhood arrivals program to protect it from legal challenges. the biden administration announced its making the daca program a full federal rule. that program protects more than 600,000 people who were brought to the country illegally as children
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from deportation. the homeland security secretary says the goal is to preserve and fortify the program, a school district in southwest missouri is bringing back corporal punishment for students. school superintendent says it's because of a survey sent to staff students and parents back in may. the superintendent says that principles will now have one more disciplinary option before students get what are considered more serious punishments such as suspensions, parents are split about the spanking, while some say it's brutal and should be banned. other parents say they're okay with the discipline as long as adults first talk to the child about acting appropriately. you c berkeley officials are making changes to the swim team coaching staff. this comes as the san francisco chronicle reports ahead of the women's team may not return from paid leave amid an investigation into alleged bullying. the acting director, david durden, will now oversee both the women's and men's swim teams. david marshall serve as the associate head coach for the women's program that after the women's head coach teri mckeever was put on paid leave back in
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may after more than two dozen current and former team members accused her of verbal and emotional bullying. some swimmers say it was so severe they considered suicide. other athletes left the team. mckeever has not commented on those claims. 57 now in the city of richmond, supporters of the rent control measure p held a rally to spotlight the initiative. yes, ppe. the measure, p would limit rent increases to 3% or 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower. voters in richmond will get the chance to vote on that measure in the november election, according to a recent homelessness numbers assessment. contra costa county saw the biggest rise in homelessness in the past four years where the numbers of, um house people jumped by 35% between 2019 and 2022. my rent just recently got increased by $85, and it's very it's not fair with the conditions that we have
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to live in. people are struggling right now. we have high inflation. we're in a recession. it's time that we have lowered increases that landlords are allowed to present to their tenants. the antioxidant e council approved the measure earlier this week, and the new rules are already in effect. it is the same rent cap. the city of oakland also uses. well a placer county man is $20 million richer after buying a $30 lottery ticket. lottery officials say chat fry is now the largest scratcher prizewinner in state history fry. he bought the set for life millionaire edition ticket at foothill market in auburn. he says he splurged on the ticket because he finally got paid for construction job finished. this past winter. nice nice national cartoonist society is giving a sonoma county woman its highest honor for someone who is not an artist jeannie schulz, the widow of peanuts cartoonist charles
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schulz has earned the silver t square award for people who have contributed to the cartooning industry shelters. the president of the charles schulz museum up in santa rosa, she attends cartoon festivals around the world to encourage artists to share their comics with others. shelter received the award at the cartoonists national convention next month in kansas city. baseball season is not over, but mark your calendars for the next year, the 2023 mlb season were just announced. the giants will open their season in new york at yankee stadium for the first time ever, and there is buzz about the giants going after yankee slugger and california native aaron judge in the offseason. the giants are also expected to play two games against the padres in mexico city. but that hasn't been officially announced just yet. the oakland a's, on the other hand, will open the season at home. they're going to be hosting los angeles angels for the first series of the year. the league has changed the way the season will work for next year. teams will play all the other teams in the league at least once in the season,
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instead of playing divisional teams more frequently, that means the a's will host some teams from the national league like the mets and the cubs, who don't frequently come to oakland. if we want our neighborhood to come back, we've got to help our community comeback. business owners in san francisco say they are fed up with homelessness in crime what they're doing now in hopes of getting city leaders attention also ahead. citizens of this city. i don't think feel safe calls for increased safety in oakland's little saigon neighborhood after a deadly weekend. we're talking live with the alameda county supervisor representing oakland about what needs to happen. plus california set to make a major move regarding electric vehicles. the reason you won't be able to buy a gas powered car in the next decade. today is thursday. august 25th. we're looking live at alcatraz. and the golden gate bridge


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