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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  August 25, 2022 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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that puts the state closer to banning them. plus senator alex padilla makes us stop in san francisco hospital is calls for additional monkey pox vaccines to protect people in the bay area. and are you ready for some football? 49ers will play in their last preseason game tonight against the texans. what fans can expect the news at noon starts now. this is ktvu fox two news at noon. good evening to you. i'm andre senior gasia mikaelian. today state agencies expected to approve a ban on the sale of gas powered new vehicles by the year 2035. kt is ali rasmus live to explain how the band would work ali and the changes drivers will start seeing in the next five years. that's right. garcia. the california air resources board is the state agency driving this their meeting is still underway right now. it started this morning. the board is expected to approve this rule today. the public comment that we've heard so far this morning. it's just a
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formality. what they will be deciding. is whether to ban the sale of new gas powered cars starting in 2035. but we will start seeing some of the changes on our roads and highways even earlier than that. by the year 2035. you won't be able to buy any new gas powered cars in california. the california air resources board is expected to approve new rules to faze us into an all electric future. not only will new gas powered car sales be banned in 13 years by the year 2026. just four years from now, 35% of all new car sales in california will have to be electric. we're not ending gas and diesel vehicles in california anytime soon. that's really not what this regulation is trying to do is just trying to bring the proportion down fast. once tina gray wall is a researcher with the mineta transportation institute and a professor of urban planning at san jose state university, she says, people will still be able to drive and even by used gas
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powered cars in 2035 beyond. but because california is such a large car buying market and many other states follow our regulations, car manufacturers will end up focusing on electric vehicles everywhere because of this state rule. the ripple out effect is that roughly a third of the market for vehicles in the united states will likely follow these mandates that we anticipate are being adopted today, electric vehicles really become the norm. the standard that is actually the bread and butter of what they produced. ford motor company says they support the rule change in a statement, they said they quote are committed to building a zero emissions transportation future. and last year, general motors announced that by 2035, they won't be building gas powered vehicles anywhere in the world representative from carmaker mercedes just spoke during the public comment period earlier this morning, and she said that by 20 3100% of their fleet will be electric. so the rules expected to be approved today only applied to passenger vehicles here in california
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commercial trucks and vans. have until 2045 before they have to go. all electric garcia and andre back to you. thank you. noon you senator alex padilla is in san francisco today, making a call for action in the fight against the monkey pox virus senator podium, met with local health and union leaders this morning before touring the monkey pox vaccine side. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital. he applauded the work being done by local, state and federal agencies, but said more needs to be done. we cannot let up. we must do more. we simply do not have the supply of vaccines. to meet the needs of the number of people requesting the vaccines and seeking appointments to protect against a disease that is continuing to spread throughout california, according to the cdc and the california department of public health. there have been 709 new cases of monkeypox reported here in california in the last seven days, alameda county health officials are holding a town
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hall on the monkey pox virus. the online forum will be open to the public from 5 30 to 6 30 tonight, officials say it will be an informal town hall and that people will have the opportunity to ask questions. if you'd like to register. we've posted a link on our website just go to ktvu .com and click web links. in that for the redacted version of that search warrant affidavit for president trump's mar a lago estate. the department of justice was facing a noon eastern deadlines set by a federal judge. he will now consider whether to release the affidavit and with any redactions. the justice department had previously warned that releasing detailed information in the affidavit would jeopardize its ongoing investigation. into documents stored by trump and possibly endanger witnesses interviewed by investigators. i think the justice department has some merit to their argument. certainly there has been intimidation of witnesses if it's prematurely released, it would disrupt the case. lawyer
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have until tomorrow to submit their reasoning to the judge for releasing the affidavit. the justice department can also appeal. there is no timeline for the judge to make his decision. in a little over an hour from now a former high level san francisco official would be sentenced in court. mohammed new are you resigned in 2020 is the city's public works director after the fbi accused him of a scheme involving bribes and kickbacks on city contract. he was released on bail. prosecutors want europe to be sentenced to nine years in prison euros attorneys are asking that it be sentenced to three years because he's at risk of covid due to health problems. they also expect to be forced to give up his $7000 a month pension. covid data showed that deaths have fallen by 15% worldwide, the world health organization reports in the past week. new infections have also dropped by 9% however, the organization warned covid numbers are likely severely undercounted, since many countries have dropped their testing protocols. study shows fighters covid pilpacks livid, provides little or no benefit for adults under the age of 65.
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the research conducted in israel finds packs livid, reduced hospitalizations when people 65 older by 75% when given shortly after infection. people between the ages of 40 and 65 didn't see any measurable benefit. more reaction is coming into the president's plan to give millions of student loan borrowers at least some debt forgiveness. president biden made the announcement yesterday , borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year or from a household earning less than 250,000 can apply to reduce their debt by $10,000. people who received a pell grant to attend college will have $20,000 forgiven. some argue the president's plan doesn't go far enough. kind of a little bit of a drop in the bucket. um i think a lot of us made decisions about what we were going to study based on some other promises like public service loan forgiveness. congress really does need to get involved. student loan repayments are positive again through the end
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of the year. the biden administration also announced a change to income driven repayment plan, citing those cutting those payments in half student loan borrowers, activists and advocates held a rally this morning in front of the white house. they were there to both celebrate and push for more when it comes to student loan forgiveness. the activists say that biden administration should do more such as canceling all student debt. so in their words, no one with student loan debt is left behind in just over five hours from now the 49ers kick off their final preseason game of the season against the houston texans. ktvu sema gas has more on what to expect going into the regular season. 49ers were here at levi stadium earlier this week for practice. now they're in houston for the final game of the preseason. tonight's game is a chance for young players to showcase what they've got, and it's the last chance for the 49ers starters to prepare ahead of week one of the regular season. 49ers head coach kyle shanahan, prioritizing player health and managing
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injury avoidance for his starting players going into thursday's game playing on playing those guys but haven't exactly decided how much i know they won't go past the first half be the first half of the most 49ers quarterback trade lands is expected to play tonight. as for cornerback, emanuel mostly, he's a maybe for tonight, but good news is mostly made it back on the practice field this week after more than two weeks off with a strained hamstring. this final preseason game comes with high stakes for every player who are going to be those guys who are in uniform and week one who are going to be those guys who are competing to be in uniform who are going to be the practice squad, guys who is going to have to step up and be ready for that role. if we lose someone in the next 10 days, that's really every thought process that that i personally have one player that's been showing improvement and promise in the preseason is defensive tackle given qin law, who is expected to have a spot in the 49ers starting lineup. he came to the team as the number 14 overall pick in the 2020 nfl draft last october, he underwent
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season ending knee surgery. i feel like i'm finally getting back to having fun and, you know, just really. just being a kid again, you know, not of them, not in any pain. 49ers regular season opener is in chicago against the bears on september 11th. and then a week later. it's right here on sunday , september 18th for the home opener reporting from levi stadium. emma goss, ktvu fox two news and we'll see the 49ers texans game tonight. right here on channel to kick off five o'clock. then stay with us for the point after you see, berkley officials are making changes to its swim team's coaching staff has comes with the san francisco chronicle reports. the head of the women's team may not return from paid leave amid an investigation into alleged bullying. acting director david durden will now oversee both the women's and men's swim teams. david marshall service associate head coach for the women's program. that's after the women's head coach teri mckeever was put on paid leave back in may after more than two dozen current and former team members
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accused her of verbal and emotional bullying, some swimmers say was so severe they considered suicide. other athletes left the team. bieber has not commented on those claims. another sign home sales are slowing down and prices are getting lower nationwide. but what does that mean for us here in the bay area, details of a new report coming up plus heavy rain floods mississippi while the rest of the south deals with floodwater cleanup as well, i will only in jackson, mississippi, i'll have that story coming up. atteberry of weather, a lot of low cloud cover from earlier today and a bit of a cooling trend that really kicks in this weekend will have your forecast. update. coming up.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. meet febreze small spaces. the most convenient solution to lingering odors in any small space. one firm push activates 24/7 freshness. no batteries. no outlets. no effort. just freshness. febreze small spaces. when you can't sleep... try zzzquil pure zzz's gummies. they help you fall asleep naturally with an optimal dose of melatonin. and a complementary botanical blend. so you can wake up refreshed.
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for better sleep, like never before. the federal reserve's highly anticipated economic symposium in jackson hole, wyoming. we see the dow jones is on the plus side of things by a good one third of 1% s and p is up by three quarters of a percent. nasdaq has gained almost a full percentage point of eyes on tesla stock price. it is down this afternoon, just more than 4% opened in the red this morning because the company completed a three for one stock split yesterday after the closing bell. stock closed around $891 a share and right now is trading for nine. excuse me, $292.99. so this means investors now own three times as
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many shares of tesla training at one third of the price they ended at yesterday. analysts say the tesla is hoping to attract more small investors with a lower per share price figures give another indication the housing market is slowing. the national association of reflux. a pending home sales fell in july by 1% compared to the same time last year. pending home sales have dropped eight out of the past nine months as mortgage rates rise. home prices declined in july for the first time in nearly three years, and we may not see any big difference, though here in the bay area, the figures show sales dipped in all regions except for the western u. s. a flood of trouble rushing into mississippi, prompting water rescues as well. nunley tells us the storms come as other parts of the south cleanup. devastating floods sweeping across central and southern mississippi on wednesday. forecasters say the storm dropped as much as 10 inches of rain in just 12 hours quickly turning roads into rivers. the system prompted numerous rescues across the region after the water fell on
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grounds already saturated from earlier this week, local officials say. with all the rain this area receives the big challenge is getting people to evacuate their communities. you have a certain population that may not take the threat as severely and so it's are responsible. bility in leadership to make certain that we continue to emphasize and reassert. the dangers that are associated with severe weather. mississippi floods come just days after torrential rain fell in parts of texas and arizona. we had like six inches of water in my outside bar out here in duncan, businesses reopened in evacuation orders were lifted after storms calls the healer river to overflow. at one location. the river topped 22 ft. should it breach and go across into town. that's a major flood stage for us here and in dallas, people are still cleaning up after the region saw more than 15 inches of rain between sunday and monday, governor greg abbott says more than 100 homes were damaged or impacted by the storm. it was hard going back into the space
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and just like seeing it all, and i think that's when things really hit me that like oh, i just this is this is the end of this floodwater did forced the evacuation of this nursing home just outside of jackson. meanwhile forecasters say that the runoff from all of this could affect river levels in the coming days just outside of jackson, mississippi, will normally ktvu fox two news. let's focus on our bay area weather here hoping for rain not getting any. we have seen the sun come out, though, in the late morning hours. yes that's right. gasia the sunshine trying to make to make an appearance for today. it's actually breaking out across portions of the bay area, but the overall trend for us we're not talking about a heat at all. temperatures will be dropping off as we head towards the weekend. quick update on the south as you've been hearing about the stories this week with all of the intense rainfall reports here, you can see still some lingering rain. this is the radar loop over the past 12 hours across portions of the south will be watching office some activity later on today for us, though, no rainfall, maybe a
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little bit of some drizzle. but there you go. the low clouds kind of hanging out toward the coastline. and that cooler forecast is here to stay right on track. take a look at the highs from yesterday yesterday bit cooler than the day before, and that trend should continue for today. san jose some slight cooling but still approaching the lower eighties. here's a satellite over the past few hours and once again just like yesterday. it's showing you that fog bank up and down our coastline from cape mendocino, down toward monterey bay and the bay area, and in between, showing you some solid overcast out there out towards half moon bay, approaching the ocean beach to the marin headlands. you can see this patch still kind of hanging out over a southern marin county right now and still out toward toward the portions of san francisco as well this afternoon. it's having a huge impact on temperatures. you can see the cool spots as you would expect. right near the immediate coastline for half moon bay and in san francisco. warm spots inland still warm, but we're not talking about any major heat for today around 80 to 82 degrees,
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as you can't see for the inland spots. currently here's a live camera looking out toward the open desk. you are you can still see some chop on the water, so it's a good sign. we have that to onshore breeze that will continue to pick up into the afternoon hours. and then we have the low clouds just like yesterday and the day before it kind of hanging tough portions of the coastline and right around the san francisco so here's the setup, but this area of high pressure is losing its grip. so as a result, no major heat for us. we just have some breezy conditions. some drizzle near the immediate coastline, especially for the morning hours. that could be the case for tomorrow. still warm inland, but no triple digits probably know nineties for today and then into the weekend. another system wants to drop in. this will reinforce the cooling, so just start some seventies and eighties as we head into your bay area weekend for today, take a look at the numbers once again . cool for the beaches. it's sunny inland and then partly cloudy skies right around the bay warmest occasions in the mid to upper eighties, the coast san francisco still in the sixties. here's a look ahead. your five
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day forecast little change into your friday because he's temperatures actually cooled off a little bit into saturday and then just some minor warming into early next week. but if you can't see here looks nice, and that would be kind of the theme as we head into the weekend. just grab this sweater. grab a jacket. but if i cool down, especially for the morning hours, that pattern wants to stick around a lot, mark. thank you. still to come in new and more deadly attacks between russia and ukraine. what we're learning about an attack at a train station in ukraine that left more than two dozen p
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flex alert! flex alert! a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. okay, flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh okay, i will. i'll turn our thermostat to 78.
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i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's taco 'bout it! - nope. ohh, we can save the laundry 'til the morning. yes please. oh, little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours. learn more at for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it. very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27.
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mean dollars in her case against los angeles county. the money's for emotional distress caused by deputies and firefighters sharing photos of the bodies of kobe bryant and his daughter. the photos were taken at the site of the 2020 helicopter crash that killed them. the jurors agreed with vanessa bryant that her privacy was invaded when officials search photos of the remains of kobe bryant and their 13 year old daughter, gianna vanessa bryant tearfully testified during the 11 day trial that news of the photos compounded her grief after losing her husband and her daughter. more than two dozen people are dead after a russian attack on a passenger train in central crane on the country's independence day. alex hogan has the latest. russian missile, striking a passenger train in central ukraine on wednesday, leaving more than two dozen dead and even more injured. russian defense ministry spokesperson
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saying its forces attacked the town of chaplin. where about 3500 people live. the russian ministry says that used a short range ballistic missile to strike a military train carrying ukrainian troops to the front line in eastern ukraine. come more than 200 servicemen of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine and 10. units of military equipment were destroyed on their way to the combat zone. ukrainian officials say a six year old was killed in a car fire near the train. station officials also say a separate rocket attack took the life of an 11 year old boy found under the rubble of the house. seeing this radio our efforts are now focused on the wounded children. we have had a very difficult day. but we are doing everything we can. earlier this week, ukrainian president vladimir zelensky warned ukrainians that moscow might attempt to quote something particularly cruel this week as the nation commemorates its declaration of independence from the soviet union more than 30 years ago. ukraine's there are
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no such bombs that can erase freedom, and there will never be such missiles that can break the will of the people who believe in themselves. meanwhile gatherings here in kiev have been banned as overnight rockets hit town. just 15 miles outside the city in kiev, ukraine. alex hogan, ktvu, fox two news. flight bound for los angeles from guadalajara, mexico, at a turn around and make an emergency landing after flames and sparks flew from one of the engines. a passenger heard a loud explosion 10 minutes into the flight, said many people on board the plane started to panic . the plane was able to return and landed safely in guadalajara, the airline viva arab, a says there was a mechanical problem with one of the engines and friction between pieces of metal caused the sparks. here at home. two people survived after their plane crashed in solano county. it happened in vacaville yesterday. the single engine private plane came down right off the road near the airport. it's unclear if the plane was on final approach or if it had just taken off. the pilot and passenger were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. police arrested
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40 people and impounded dozens of cars as part of a crackdown on illegal side shows in los angeles. police say they impounded 34 cars, issued 82 citations and shut down a number of attempted street takeovers. four they started. authorities say one of the people arrested had a warrant for attempted murder. another was in possession of a loaded ghost gun. lot of them are texting their friends, and he like they got me like it's real, that we're actually really here. um and yeah, i mean, they kind of see that we're actually really serious about it. the new enforcement efforts came just days after a large street takeover and harbor gateway led to a flash mob looting and vandalizing a 7 11 store. well thank police say again if these from northern california targeting visitors at a popular tourist spot, police say the thieves are striking rental cars at griffith observatory because they're easy to spot and are more likely to have wallets and other valuables. inside surveillance footage shows many of the thieves use rental cars themselves to drive down to los angeles from northern california . police say there have been more than 120 theft so far this
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year. more than half of them have happened this summer. development involving the d u i crash of paul pelosi. husband has house speaker nancy pelosi, tmz reports the one year old poor she was driving at the time of the incident will be auctioned off the crash damaged the undercarriage of the sports car along with the right back end and rear bumper. the odometer shows there are fewer than 2800 miles on the car. pelosi pleaded guilty earlier this week the dy and was sentenced to three years probation. and five days in jail still to come at noon in the community on edge following a deadly shooting over the weekend how oakland police planned increased patrols in little saigon plus the city does need to take care of these people find a place for them to stay and like, help businesses when we call they come 30 40 minutes later. business owners in san francisco's castro district say they are frustrated have the city's responding after those owners are now threatening to stop paying taxes over conditions they say, are impacting their bottom line.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health,
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provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home. oh ms. flores, what would we do without you? leader of many, and pet wrangler too. you report to your boss, every afternoon. so beautiful. so becoming a student again might seem impossible. but what if a school could be there for all of you? career, family, finances and mental health. well, it can. national university, supporting the whole you.
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based in the little saigon neighborhood after a deadly weekend shooting there. some community leaders are demanding more from the entire justice system. right now, many people are catch and release women ensure that the d a will charge
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you know all these criminals, but also the court on the judges have to be able to keep them in jail. now also one thing i need to emphasize the lawmakers and politicians they kept. you know, having this rhetoric about, you know, defunding the police and also demoralizing the police, and it doesn't help. oakland police now say they have collected more surveillance video of the car driven by the suspected shooter, ktvu crime reporter henry lee explained the demands for more safety across oakland. oakland police say they'll be deploying officers 24 hours a day in little saigon that includes undercover and patrol officers, surveillance teams and burglary and robbery. suppression operations. this is, uh, essentially the attack on everybody, uh, all the good law abiding citizens. harry lynn has retired dentist who is friends with lilly sue the oakland chinatown dentist who was shot and killed in broad daylight sunday. defunding the police. uh we need, uh, bigger, higher police presence, uh, in our local communities. alameda county supervisor nate miley says the open city council needs
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to set aside money to hire new officers layout of safety plan and consider paying shares. deputies to help patrol the streets right now we can't afford the present status quote because every day additional lawless behavior is taking place in the citizens of this city. i don't think feel safe rally outside oakland city hall this week, council president nikki for tadano bass pledged to increase safety in little saigon. we are going to pull together. whether the resources so that we have not only the increased police presence that that the chief and deputy chief have promised but will open up a substation. oakland police are still looking for this white lexus that took off after a gunman shot and killed sue, but new surveillance video obtained by ktvu shows the lexus es 300 had parked nearby full 13 minutes before suicide and killed at fifth avenue and east 11th street. police chief laurent armstrong says it appears those inside alexis. we're waiting for a victim. police are also looking for possible witnesses in this tesla
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model y with the distinctive roof and bike rack. that police substation in little saigon is still in its planning stages. but oakland please tell me there are plans for the new lays on officer to walk the beat to get to know merchants and residents. henry lee ktvu fox two news staying in oakland, oakland police are investigating two shootings last night, investigators say around 6 30, a man and women came to a parking lot at the police administration building. and said they had been shot. they were taken to the hospital. police think they shooting actually happened earlier in the evening in san leandro, we're trying to find out more now from san leandro police. the second shooting was a bit later at a convenience store near 57th and foothill in east oakland. police say they got the call around eight pm and found someone would be shot. there are few details about the victim, their condition or potential suspect in this case. frustrated business owners in san francisco's castro district threatened to stop paying taxes unless the city does something about homelessness, crime and other problems. ktvu jana katsuyama has more on the
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controversy. castro merchants association says the city needs to take action. terrence allen is co president of the association and owner of floor dispensary and cafe floor, he says his business is windows have been smashed 11 times. every day we wake up and have to help people on the street. we have to clean up the seas on the street. we have to clear our doorways on before we can open our businesses, and it's not fair association sent a letter to san francisco city officials saying they plan to stop paying taxes if san francisco does not do more to address crimes such as burglaries and vandalism and people with behavioral health problems and housed people camping on the sidewalks. the association wants the city to set aside 35 shelter beds for people in castro district who need a place to stay. also they want the city to advise a plan for offering services to people who declined help and keep monthly records of how many people have been offered services and shelter. the city does need to take care of these
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people find a place for them to stay and like, help businesses when we call they come 30 40. minutes later, the city's department of homelessness and supportive housing responded tuesday, saying they cannot reserve shelter beds for just one neighborhood, but said quote the department of homelessness and supportive housing will be opening 1000 shelter beds over the next three months that will give people in the castro and other neighborhoods a place to stay inside. the merchants association said they would also like to see more enforcement of laws and a plan for those people who refuse mental health or substance abuse treatment, the department of public health said quote clinical teams are trained in assessing individuals for involuntary holds. however california state law sets a very high threshold for those holds and often that threshold is not met, even when it looks to the public like an individual needs help merchants association met with one of the new police commissioners and said that they are hoping that they can get more citizens and police patrols here in the castro. reporting
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from san francisco. jana katsuyama ktvu, fox, two news, francisco's district attorney, brooke jenkins announced her office's new cash bail policy. jenkins policy permits cash bail and limited misdemeanor cases as required by law, and that's similar to her predecessor chasing boudin's policy. it expands when pretrial detention holding people in jail before trial can be deployed. dean's office prohibited cash bail entirely in 2020. the statement, the d. a. said, quote. cash bail unfairly penalizes those with less financial means and disproportionately affects defendants of color, protecting protecting victims and ensuring public safety or my top priorities. we will not shy away from holding offenders accountable, but we will not perpetuate further injustice and inequities. we're now hearing from the people who were directly affected by the massive fire near alamo square earlier this week, more than 100, firefighters were called to the burning three story apartment building at the visitor mcallister. one woman told us she held personal fire drills, so she'd be ready if there were
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fire at that building. but she says she never expected to be up on the roof and need to use a fire truck ladder. i said. girl you're going to go down a ladder . you are going to go down a ladder from the roof and you're gonna have to. you're just gonna have to do it. and that's what i did. and i still can't believe it. fire also damaged a popular gathering spot for people in that neighborhood to dc highly owns the oasis cafe, which is on the first floor of that building, he says people in the neighborhood helped each other throughout the pandemic, and now he hopes will help him again. i don't know what i'm gonna do with those days. you know, all income was limited and we have struggling to survive. we also talked to fire officials after hearing complaints from people in the area that fire crews were not doing enough to put the fire out. they told us unlike in the movies, they don't use high power spray on the outside of burning buildings because that can endanger the people, including fire crews who are inside. a woman from new zealand
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took a huge quality yosemite while climbing half dome. she's now in the hospital. as ktvu cristina rendon tells us her family is now trying to bring her home. yeah so she, um she's very outdoorsy, very adventurous talks about his 21 year old sister, anna parsons, who broke nearly every bone in her body during a fall at yosemite going every day, trying to get really good and working on our technique, but then you know things still happen. i guess. simmons says it happened on the snake dike route on half dome earlier this month, and it was lead climbing, using safety ropes and clips when she fell. defeat her helmet shattered. helmets basically saved her head. um and most of the i guess the worst injuries where her legs and her back and pelvis hospitalist in modesto with a growing medical bill, she's had a spinal fusion and her left leg was amputated below the knee.
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her family estimates the cost to be around $600,000 well above her insurance coverage for traveling abroad. simon says the treatment would be free in new zealand going to the u. s. and having this happened wasn't quite a culture shock and um, something we were not really prepared for not used to. the family has applied for a grant with a hospital to cover her stay, which is about $4000 a night they have set up a website for donations, and his parents, though, are trying to get her home. they're looking at an air ambulance from to get anna back to new zealand at some point, because as soon as she lands in new zealand, it's covered. simon says his sister is eager to recover and get back to outdoor activities. she may even climb again. we're just grateful that and i was alive, and, um we really thankful for all the support as well. cristina rendon ktvu, fox two news. richmond supporters of rent controls measure p held a rally to spotlight that initiative. yes
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me. yes p p would limit increases to 3% or 60% of the consumer price index, whichever is lower. voters in richmond will get the chance to vote on the measure on the november election, according to a recent homelessness number assessment. contra costa county saw the biggest rise in homelessness in the past four years where the numbers of people jumped by 35% between 2019 and 22. my rent just recently got increased by $85, and it's very it's not fair , with the conditions that we have to live in. people are struggling right now. we have high inflation. we're in a recession. it's time that we have lowered increases that landlords are allowed to present to their tenants. the antioxidant council approved the measure earlier this week. the new rules are already in effect. it's the same rent cap the city of oakland uses as well. very communities will be getting more than $200 million in state grants to help the homeless
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governor gavin newsom announced a new funding in los angeles while celebrating a new housing facility. the money to build or buy new housing is coming from the states home key program statewide, the governor announced almost $700 million in funding for 35 projects. i don't even understand what these dollars make. i just want to see folks off the streets i wanted done compassionately thoughtfully. and i'm just sick and tired. shelter soft sleep, that's important, but housing and supportive services solve homelessness. and that's foundational in this effort. new funding is meant to create over 800 units of housing for people experiencing homelessness. the governor says the state has committed almost $4 billion to the projects in the year. 2022 come at noon, the cost of wine tasting rising in sonoma county next how much fees have gone up and the reasons for that? and a very weather. looks like our cool down continues, but the real cooling that wants to move in this weekend we'll have the forecast update coming up.
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there over the police response to the deadly mass shooting at an elementary school district officials in eovaldi voted unanimously. determinate pete arredondo is contract exactly three months after gunmen killed 19 children and two teachers at rob elementary and investigation found police officers waited outside of the school and in a hallway during the shooting the state, says the police chief quote place the lives of officers before the lives of children. lawyers for arredondo
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claim he was not in charge of the scene during the attack, and that he deserves to get all of his back pain. a candidate for san francisco supervisor speaking out disputing allegations of fraud against her. louis is both under fire and under investigation, ktvu amberleigh explains. do we have this in stacks of fifties from her campaign office in san francisco sunset, leanna louis disputes allegations that she may have committed photo fraud and that she may not live in district four. she's running to become that area supervisor confident that i did nothing wrong, and i'm sure that everything will be just fine and i'll be on the ballot. the city attorney's office is investigating louis following articles written by journalist joe, with mission local questioning why she voted in a district other than the one she was wretched. stirred in and whether her primary residences in the district she is running to represent writing lies about me there half truth. and i felt that if he was truly a journalist, then he would give
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me a chance to tell him my side and also provide evidence tells me out of anger and frustration . she wrote a post on social media capitalizing the last four letters of joe s. ganassi's last name spelling unfortunate now that part of our political culture is that rather than responding to the allegations. the impulses to attack journalists is wildly problematic. political science professor corey cooks us now it will be up to the city attorney's office to determine if the allegations are true. are you legally eligible to be account in your district? and that's an empirical question that can be easily proven or disproven tells me she met with the deputy city attorney and an investigator for 2.5 hours monday, she offers an apology to the journalists and those she offended. i made a mistake. by my facebook post, but as far as where i live i know where i live. i know where i voted. and i wouldn't do any. i wouldn't do otherwise, wrote in a statement . quote sadly, miss louis
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continues to make self justifying false and inflammatory statements. i believe this devalues any apology important for me to stay in the race because i feel that asian americans have not had a true, representative louie says . she offered to meet with the journalist, but he declined. the city attorney's office has not said when the investigation will be done. the election will be held november 8th. amberleigh ktvu fox. two news summer vacation gets closer to ending travel experts are already warning that winter vacation travel plans could remain a hassle. thousands of americans have been recently impacted by delays. cancelation lost baggage issues, ticket prices could rise despite delays and staffing shortages that could cause many airlines to cut routes. travel experts suggest to start buying now you plan on traveling the thing to keep in mind with holidays is any time that there's that higher demand. i would absolutely expect those prices to spike so over, especially over winter holidays , certainly over thanksgiving as well. again booking early is
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absolutely crucial to not pay really exorbitant prices. what domestic flights may be more expensive during the holiday season. travel experts say that now could be a good time to think outside the box safe. you've been thinking of traveling overseas, the holiday season might actually be the least expensive time to do just that airline based out of the reno tahoe airport, filing for bankruptcy and ceasing all operations. ah ha airlines is a regional carrier along the west coast. it connected reno to eight other cities, including santa rosa, fresno, palm springs. the airline was built as a leisure brand of express travel jet airlines, which previously flew as a united express carrier representative cited market and economic conditions for the bankruptcy. airline says it won't help in alternate travel arrangements and is it telling its customers to call their credit card company for a refund on tickets? but after monday all right time. now we're checking your forecast on this thursday. meteorologists mark tamayo is here with a look at what the weather is now and the cool down coming later on in
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a couple of days. that is the headline for us here in the bay area, a bit of a colleague friend that will take us into the weekend to the heat is kind of out of here. not a part of our forecast. and just talking about some 60 seventies and maybe some more lower eighties. thursday we get the weekly dried update map. it's always the depressing map to show you and because, of course, we are in the draft, basically across the entire state. interesting here, you can see the range from the little yellow. along the northwest tip of california coast there. that's actually not too bad, abnormally dry, but then you can see exceptional drought to here. it's kind of knocking on our door. so we most of the bay area right now in that severe drought status showing up for today, as it has been, but that that extreme drought is not too far that exceptional drought really, for the valleys of the of california showing you this is satellite. lots of low clouds and fog offshore, even a bit of some drizzle. portions of the coast and right around the bay earlier today, still some overcast out towards half moon bay right around, uh, pacific up san francisco and the marin headlands as well. in fact, it's
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becoming closer, some overcast out toward the golden gate bridge trying to work its way back to when you're the coastline so we could have partial clearing for portions of san francisco this afternoon but out toward ocean beach. still holding on to us. some cloud cover current numbers out there . san francisco 64 oakland 69 degrees. look at santa rosa only 65 the warm spot in lynn just in the seventies and the eighties this afternoon. here's our live camera, looking out toward the opened estuaries and chop on the water here, and then we have that fog bank out in the distance was happening. that shallow marine learned has been relatively shallow this week. right around here. this will expand and that will lead to us, some more cooling across the entire region, so this area of high pressure is heading out of town. and with that we have that cool down really started yesterday. no big changes for today, warm spots inland or in the upper eighties and the coast mainly in the sixties, and then another system wants to drop in from the north this weekend. this will send in some more clouds, some gusty winds and definitely cooling things off
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into your saturday forecast with maybe some slight warming just a very minor change in that. will be by sunday. highs this afternoon. once again, bring the sweater. bring the jacket. if you're heading out toward the coast, maybe both because temperatures all need lower sixties around the bay in the seventies with partly sunny skies, then more sunshine inland temperatures back up into the mid to upper eighties. but for today, and as we take a look here at the five day forecast, you'll notice no triple digits. no nineties, the warmest occasions in the mid to upper eighties. it's a case for today. that's the case for friday. once again, the headline this weekend. we're definitely cooling things off for saturday and then a little bit of a bump of the numbers by sunday and into monday. so if you've not been a big fan of the heat, i think you'll like this five day forecast cooling temperatures as we head into the weekend. mark. thank you so much. the wine country tasting experience is getting a lot more expensive, according to the san francisco chronicle, the sonoma county wine tasting, the average has gone up 44% since the start of the pandemic, rising from $25.75
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to $37 this june. price increases are related to labor supply chain delays and inflation. however the higher prices have led to a better overall customer experience. we're told the pandemic force wineries to more private appointment only models. food pairings and wellness activities still to come at noon, hitting the big jackpot. how much one lucky man one off a scratch your ticket and how his prizes making ticket and how his prizes making state history. what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27. the choice is clear just between us, cleaning with a mop and bucket is such a hassle. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one that absorbs dirt and grime deep inside. and it helps prevent streaks and haze. stop cleaning. start swiffering one prilosec otc in the morning
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blocks excess acid production for a full 24 hours. unlike pepcid, which stops working after 9. 24 hour protection. prilosec otc one pill, 24 hours, zero heartburn. so small, so smart. hearing aids that i can personalize to each ear right from here. brilliant. better hearing made smarter. that's the year eargo difference. can you believe someone thought this would help you hear better? and no one will notice it? genius. now this is eargo. made to be heard. not seen. for decades, i've worked at the intersection of domestic violence and homelessness. so when prop 27 promised solutions to homelessness, i took a good, hard look. it's not a solution. 90% of the money goes to the out-of-state corporations who wrote it.
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very little is left for the homeless. don't let corporations exploit homelessness to pad their profits. vote no on 27. what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27.
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moment to make public a redacted version of the affidavit in the fbi search of former president donald trump's mar a lago home by noon tomorrow. this comes hours after federal law enforcement submitted under seal the portions of the affidavit. they want to keep secret as their investigation is moving forward. of course, the reductions proposed by the department of likely to be
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extensive. we don't know how much new information we might get will have much more on this developing news story for you coming up today at four and invasive insect, disseminating ecosystems across at least a dozen states. actually strohmeyer has a look at the spotted lantern fly and how you can help put a stop to their spread. they look like something from matter space. but while they're from this planet spotted lantern fly is not native to the u. s this is by far the worst there was like it was raining lantern flies. you walk outside the invasive species indigenous to china was first documented in pennsylvania back in 2014. since then, its population has only exploded with the brightly colored babies growing up into these wings behemoths. just see him all over her deck, and i just step on them. and while biologists don't usually recommend destroying nature wildlife authorities saying if you see one kill it the main strategy is to stop the spread. the spotted lantern fly is not harmful to humans, but they're causing catastrophic damage as they suck the sap from fruit
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trees and grapevines if enough of them are on the plants feeding, they can actually basically suck all the life force out through that sap. so far, the department of agriculture has reported the insects and at least 12 states, including massachusetts, connecticut, new york, ohio, indiana and west virginia. officials advise using insecticide or wrapping trees with nets to prevent the bugs from landing on them. and while glue traps are also effective, make sure to cover them in wired to prevent birds from also getting stuck. feathers caught they can injure themselves even break their own bones trying to get free if you're planning a trip to the outdoors before summer ends, environmentalists say, check your belongings and car for spotted lantern flies so you don't carry them to new areas. ashley strohmeyer. fox news. amazon plans to shut down its health service by the end of this year. the program, which was originally created for its workers expanded to serve other companies with both in person and virtual appointments than 100. people will be laid off
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when the company shut down and some of them will be moved to other jobs within amazon. the company says it remains committed to its healthcare business and will continue to operate amazon pharmacy. amazon also recently bought one medical primary care company performing arts departments are staging a comeback after the arts and culture sector was hit hard during the pandemic. san jose state university has a unique idea to drop people back to live art performances and athletic events. the university's special initiative is a new program called footballs and curtain calls when you buy a san jose state football or hammer theater ticket. you will receive a discount code to purchase tickets at the other venue. so i think it's a really great opportunity to jump start everyone's desire to be out and about now that covid is somewhat more under control and an opportunity to see some of the best possible things that senator st the offer is available to anyone and discounts are between 25 to 50% off with six home football games and four theater art performances. officials in the
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south bay celebrated the grand opening of a new state of the art arena arena will be home of the san francisco or san jose, rather barracuda hockey team. we got a sneak peek inside the new arena before it officially opened yesterday. it features 4200 seats and is a 200,000 square foot expansion of the san jose ice public skating facility. really, really exciting time for not just the sharks organization of barracuda , plus and most importantly, this community, it's just more opportunity to get young people older people onto the ice and get them to experience whether it's hockey or curling events that that will entertain them and hopefully entertain families for years to come. the expected makes it the largest ice facility in the u. s and its leed certified with the focus on green building initiatives. plaster county man is $20 million richer after buying a $30 lottery ticket, lottery officials say chad fry is now the largest scratcher prizewinner in our state's history. fried bought the set
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for life millionaire edition ticket at foothill market in auburn says he splurged on that ticket because he finally got paid for a construction job. he'd finished this past winter. all right, we are so excited for tomorrow morning because we are taking you on our final zip trip of the summer, and we are heading to martinez martinez is a little slice of old town all small town usa and i just feel like you know, when you come here, you get to enjoy the people. i mean, we're sad as the last one, but oh my gosh, martinez, you have rolled out the red carpet and the food we are doing a good taste of the town so much to eat in martinez also working hard uncover some of the well known and lesser known aspects of that city. including the legacy of baseball legend joe dimaggio. so if you're in the area of waterfront park in martinez joins us in person. come down and say hi. and if you can't be there, join us on tv. you can watch it live ktvu mornings on to the nine tomorrow morning. focus on martinez, learning a lot of things a lot of things that many
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of the people just don't know about it. but i'm learning as well that we were talking about a little earlier. all right. thank you for your watching ktvu. fox news at noon. the kt>> this is the moment guys. >> ready to set it and forget it. >> genius ways to hack a slow cooker. >> from easy weeknight meals. >> an all in one chicken burrito bowl. your family can do three different ways. look how delicious it is. and the chicken. so just you guys. >> two decadent desserts. >> sweet and salty, slow cooker candies. >> oh yeah. and tik tok superstar nikki giovanni puts his twist on a classic. >> oh yeah. that's next. we want you to kick up your feet and relax, because we're giving you some of your time back today. we're going to take it easy because we don't have to worry about dinner, slow cookers are doing the work for us. that's right, we're showing you some of the best set it and forget it weeknight meals plus a sweet a


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