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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  November 7, 2022 4:00am-7:00am PST

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plus, we can win it. if a lottery jackpot of $1.6 billion was hard to imagine tonight's powerball jackpot is even bigger to tell you what bay area people are saying about dreams of winning the now almost $2 billion jackpot. fox two news this morning's onto well, good morning to you. thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. morning. i'm pam cook monday morning. november 7th. pretty drizzly out there. i did not see rain. i saw just little bit. alright, let's check in with steve paulson. i heard it. okay it's out there somewhere. it's moving south or in between. tomorrow is the main rain. david will still get some today, but the main first initial frontal band has moved east and south out picture. you can see that there was a blind for some pretty intense rain thaught in n so we'll get a mix of a chilly
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cold morning. that's for sure. already, a lot of forties here showing up sun clouds. scattered showers. tuesday's the day when it looks like it'll be a rain day. very cool temps, though it fifties mid upper and that's it . we're going to stay this way. probably for about three or four days. alright we'll say good morning at four o'clock in the morning to mr sal castaneda. well steve. good morning to you . we don't have a lot going on out there when it comes to the morning commute. just the way we like it, although it is wet out there, so i would say that if you are driving, give yourself plenty of extra time this morning because of the wet weather, you will see the traffic is going to be moving along pretty well. haven't had a lot of crashes yet. four oh, one. let's get back to the headlines. tomorrow is election day in high profile players were both major political parties are actively involved in closing arguments to voters nationwide. the balance of power in congress is on the line here in california voters have several
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propositions to vote on, as well as local elected leaders. ktvu lamonica peters looks at some of the propositions that are getting a lot of attention. california state senator alex padilla and governor gavin newsom rallied in southern california sunday for a last push to pass proposition one. if passed, the law will guarantee a woman's right to an abortion in california's constitution. think about this first time in history. it comes ridges writers. the right to dissent care, berkeley i g s poll says 64% of those polls supported prop. one those who oppose it say the measure will spend more than $200 million a year on abortions. money they believe should instead go to improving schools and infrastructure. the poll also showed 47% approve and 41% disapprove of prop 30, which
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newsome does not support. the bill will tax millionaires to fund climate change initiatives , and it's supported by righteous cos they're the beneficiary of a lot of those directed dollars. i just cannot in good conscience support that 26 27 would legalize sports betting in california and appeared to be heading for defeat, thanks to televised campaign ads against the measures. and part of the thing we know about ballot measures is that money can't carry them across the finish line, but money can defeat ballot measures. so a lot of spending, resulting voters voting now this one already $600 million have been spent on proposition 26 27 , most of it on the no side. a ban on certain flavored tobacco products seems to be headed for approval. with 58% of those polls. voting yes, on proposition 31, the berkeley i g s poll was conducted just last week among 76 registered california. voters. the election will be held on tuesday. november 8th lamonica peters
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ktvu fox two news. thank you, lamonica. well there are a number of issues that seem to be driving voters to get involved this midterm election, according to a new poll by the usc schwarzenegger institute. the cost of living is the top issue for 15% of california voters surveyed that was followed by homelessness with 13. 11% named the environment and climate change is their top issue. crime and affordable housing also ranked high among those polled now stay with us here at ktvu tomorrow for extensive live coverage of the election. we will get started at four o'clock as polls begin to close on the east coast, and we'll bring you the results throughout the evening. and later this week, there may be even more layoffs at bay area social media companies. several reports say. facebook's parent company, meta planned widespread layoffs. it could begin as early as wednesday, and thousands of employees may be laid off right now, meda has more than 87,000 employees, and if there are
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layoffs, they would be the first in the company's history. back in september, meta put a freeze on high ranking. twitter is reportedly trying to bring back dozens of employees who were just laid off last week, according to the independent newsletter platformer, some employees whostake . others or let go before management realized that their skills may be necessary to build the new features being requested by new twitter owner elon musk. roughly 3700 employees were laid off on friday about half the company's workforce. twitter owner ellen ma says the site will permanently suspend any account that impersonates another. he issued the warning over the weekend after some celebrities changed their twitter display names to elon musk. comedian kathy griffin had her account suspended for switching her display name to elon musk. the celebrities were reportedly trying to prove that the platforms new plan verification system is flawed. elon musk's takeover of twitter
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may have played a role in his decision to put one of his futuristic transportation projects on hold, according to bloomberg news. musk's hyperloop high speed transit project has been shelved indefinitely. musk was hoping to send passengers in high tech pods through a system of giant vacuum tubes. theoretically you could travel from san francisco to new york and just about three hours. no official word on. why must suspended the project? time is 406 today could be the day you win the biggest lottery jackpot in american history. the powerball lottery jackpot is now grown to an estimated $1.9 billion. ktvu elissa harrington tells us about the growing excitement leading to tonight's dry good luck, brother. dangerous hopefuls dreamed big and snatched up there. powerball tickets at olympic liquor and grocery in walnut creek, one of the bay area's lucky retailers fired up. we hope we can win it . somebody's gotta win. i don't see why it can't be me. yeah
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terra showers said she bought $30 worth of tickets if she's lucky enough to win showers, said she would share some of the money gifting. a lot of it away to family and friends, for sure , especially people that are having a hard time but and then i just say, okay, who wants to go on a vacation? let's go. let's go traveling. you have to have a plan in place and you have to have two protections in place before sort of the ocean arrives at your doorstep son, a financial advisor and managing director at sun group, wealth partners, says all players should be thinking about how to manage a win. she understands the winner might be tempted to cash in their ticket right away , but she thinks the best thing to do is wait, make a plan and keep that tickets safe by locking it up somewhere in the house. sign your ticket. that's the first and most important thing. i would use a black permanent marker. not only do you sign it, but i want you to
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take pictures of the front and the back and multiple pictures as well. can it take photocopies . whatever you do, but don't leave the house with its sun recommends working with an established accountant and a financial advisor to guide you through the process, she said. a lottery winner should also plan how to handle this information being made public in california lottery winner must reveal their name and where the ticket was purchased, son said. it's best to change names on social media and use a post office box for correspondence to stay as private as possible adrenaline that gets to be going with it. back at olympic liquor and grocery. the lines were long and just about everyone was there to buy a ticket. even kids were excited at the idea of their parents being able to retire early, feeling pretty confident about this ticket because because, like a week ago or so i asked the magic eight ball if my dad's gonna get a billionaire soon, and it said yes. walnut creek. i'm elissa harrington
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ktvu fox two news. don't doubt the magic eight. ball shifting weather is expected to dump a lot of snow in the sierra. the national weather service predicts people in some areas taking a look at this looks like almost white out conditions. that's a done or summit along 80. maybe change required. we'll check in on that. steve paulson is here with our forecast. hopefully a lot of snow up there and rain down here. they'll get more snow than we'll get rain. tuesday is the main day we're waiting for this system to drop in, but we will get some. we already have something that rain this morning. they're getting snow up there and we'll get a little bit of a break before the next really dynamic part of the system. and look at that. i mean, it's that low by the way. ah is coming down here. alright and it looks like it's coming right in over the bay area on wednesday. that's the way it looks, which puts us for about three days of what we call unsettled weather, so the main band went to one of the first initial ban went through its now
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south santa clara valley down towards monterey and east that's kicking out of the picture. so in between that there's some clearing, so we'll get some morning rain south cold lows, though. sun cloud showers. thundershowers would not surprise here with this cold air mass and then watch what happens tuesday and the wednesday there'll be some good rainfall here. there will be 1 to 2 inches amount, maybe more than that. this is a really cold system up in the mountains. you you're going to see multiple feet of snow. i think there'll be more than that. to be honest with you. we are looking for also the snowfall that continue . there will be probably blizzard conditions tomorrow. would not surprise me. in the least, i mean, it's already dicing up there now, and this is just the first pulse going through thirties forties on the temps here. they're not going to be very warm few thirties to the north lot of forties. too much moisture in the air in the low that was going to drop right in and there is a lot going on here, maybe low snow levels around here as well. you can see that. honey you're you're seeing very cold system dropping in fifties on the temps are very, very low sixties. tuesday
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wednesday. we keep it in the mix, and then it starts to clear out kind of leaning towards making mostly partly cloudy weekend and there's some hints array, but i'm not sold on it yet. all right. thank you. steve police are investigating home burglaries in palo alto, with almost a dozen in the last month. investigators believe thieves are targeting people at a certain time of day. we're going to explain up next flu doctors say they're already seeing more flu cases than normal. the advice they have for you going into the winter months. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. it's your boy, biggieeeeeeeeeee!!!! that is reggie bush.
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dressed up as a wendy's biggie bag. fries! ahhh! nuggets! there it is! - ah ha... drinks! - no, no, no, no... - not the drinks man. - i'll put it back. choose wisely, choose wendy's $5 biggie bag.
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to the stanford shopping center in palo alto, was hit by thieves over the weekend. police say five unarmed men in gray hooded sweatshirts and black masks
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stormed into the burberry store saturday and took several handbags. they were described only as men in their twenties. the men threatened the employees and pushed a security guard, but no one was seriously hurt. also in palo alto. police are asking for help to track down another group of criminals blamed for targeting almost a dozen homes. ktvu greg liggins tells us police have increased neighborhood patrols to track down the criminal group targeting homes during dinner time. the residential burglary things a little bit different. i can't recall having this. uh number of burglaries in the short period of time since october 9th 11 palo alto homes have been broken into two on briar wood way were hit on the same night in october. police say the burglaries are happening primarily during dinner hours on friday and saturday nights, causing some concern but not panic among residents. i guess we should be taking some extra extra care at this time. but as i say. overall i think people in
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the neighborhood feel pretty safe. i feel pretty safe. police are telling people to lock all windows and doors went away and turn on alarms, um, making sure all the doors are locked. um, before i go, we go to sleep. we used a home security system to interview one homeowner that was hit. she told me to thieves took off with valuables. uh, jewelry. find jewelry. um. come on mike elektronik. and pass. police say the thieves are typically entering through side gates and breaking rear windows to get in. sergeant phillips says they're going after jewelry and safe and during one heist took a large safe with nine firearms. inside particular suspects were very bold and the fact that they actually dragged one of the safe's out, um with a blanket, dragging it downstairs, making a lot of noise, dragging it out of the house. ah! not really caring . it seems if anyone saw them do
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that one resident who opted out of a home security system says he's rethinking that decision after hearing about these break ins buddies that live over on hamilton's, they've got all kind of camera systems, and i said, i don't need any camera systems, but 11 in three weeks. pretty alarming in each case. police say, no one has been home during the burglaries. please don't know if that's luck or something else. it's a question we're asking to. how are they picking these particular residences? and so part of the investigation will be to look at all of those things are they being tipped off? do they have intimate knowledge of the places that they're going into? police do have security footage but are not releasing it at this time. they say they don't have descriptions of the suspects because the thieves are wearing hoodies, masks and gloves. greg liggins ktvu fox two news, greg thank you time for 16, another bay area dog owner pleading for the return of her stolen dog last friday in san leandro around three p.m. a shotty hamilton's, says her seven month
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old french bulldog, gucci was disappeared from a parking lot. she says that while she ran a quick errand, she rolled her car windows down. give gucci and they're older dog, hennessy, some fresh air. here but when she got home, she realized only hennessy was still in the car. somebody definitely opened the door. also what i'm thinking maybe the front windows. we didn't really know. maybe pregnant too much, but definitely not enough for him to jump out. no. they were both dogs in the car, but only one was taken. he's a puppy. this is just one of several reports of stolen french bulldogs around the bay area that's past year. the selling price of these popular dogs more than $5000 each is seen as the motivating factor. although winter is the prime cold and flu season, much of the u. s is now off to an early start. doctors say flu activity typically increases in december and january. but according to the cdc, nearly 20
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states are reporting higher flu activity and hospitalization rates now compared to this time last year, the agency estimates the country has seen more than 1.5 million cases of the flu already this year. we're already approaching some of those numbers, and it's not even the holidays yet, so this is really shaping up to be a very early season for influenza and for rsv. fewer people wearing masks and spending more time in group settings is likely a big factor in the increase this year. the cdc says anyone six months or older as eligible to get a flu shot and should get one as soon as possible. and you're going to do that. yes i'm gonna do it two times for 18. steve paulson's here he has your forecast. we drove through wet roads this morning. i've done every shot that's out there. yeah can you do you know to get through these days? uh, there are wet roads, but we're in between parts of the system here. it's an active pattern through about wednesday then and then this this this
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sportscasters leaning towards it . quieter weekend here now we had the initial band go through , but it will. it will pick up rapidly by late morning early afternoon. the main core is on tuesday. that's when the rain and wind to command and then much colder air when there will be numerous scattered showers, maybe even some low snow levels on wednesday before it kicks out. i mean, honestly, that's textbook because this system comes down for us this time in november. that's a good system and you know it's on its way. the initial bands gone through. it won't take long to get the other bands in here and destabilize the atmosphere of the storm. prediction center. we call him spc. has this painted for a general area of thunderstorms, and i would hope so because for us, this is a pretty dynamic pattern, even though it's not that warm. you're going to get a lot of ingredients that could produce the thundershower so morning rain south that's kicking out cold lows. then we'll start to see a rapid once we get to somebody a few hours of sunlight. sun cloud showers and maybe even you know from very heavy rain here. tuesday's the
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day though you're two for tuesday will be rain and wind with a lot of snow up in the mountains. that's for sure. snow is already falling up in the mountains right now, and there's a lot more on the way i think this is i think you're going to see 2 to 4 ft. be honest with forties on the temps here a few thirties but a lot of forties here just due to the miracle cloud cover the amount of moisture in there and there is a little bit of a breeze. probably not too cold here. that system drops in. i'm not sold, though. after we get past wednesday. i think we're going into a quieter pattern. but boy, there's a lot there to play into our weather between now and wednesday afternoon fifties on most of the temps, they'll actually be cooler as we go into the next couple of days before we get a little rebound towards the end of the week. thank you time for 20 another bay area traditions in the books now coming up, we'll look at this year's golden gate half marathon race, and the bay area athlete has his sights set on the 2024 olympics for rowing. we're going to take a look at a strict routine and dedication to the sport
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there it is. hundreds of people lined san francisco streets with the veterans day parade, military vehicles, bands, classic cars, flags and dignitaries joined the parade along north point street. veterans parade participants and spectators. we're all happy to honor those who put their lives on the line for the nation. it's really just a show of respect and honor for all that they have sacrificed and done for us. it's a parade, but we celebrate the whole week at the v a. as we should awesome. it's awesome. it's just to see the support of the people coming out here and you know, expressing their gratitude to the veterans. it's really nice veterans day. is this coming friday? more parades and festivities are planned. runners braved the wet and foggy weather for the 21st annual
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golden gate half marathon over the weekend. it started near aquatic park crossing over the golden gate bridge twice and then ending right in front of ghirardelli square. more than 24,000 runners participated in the event. i have four children , and this year i made a running goal that i was going to run a race race in each of the cities where they live, and this is four. the top three runners in the women's men's and non binary categories were given awards the men's top finisher, simon ritchie, with the time of two hours 31 minutes. brooke star, the graduate of a graduate of uc davis won the women's category with the time of two hours, 44 minutes and in the non binary category. couch columbia, who finished in three hours, three seconds time is 4 24. the bay area is home to one of the best rowers in the country. the us rowing team named ben davidson, it's male athlete of the year. ktvu cristina rendon has the
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story of his many accomplishments as he trains now for the 2024. olympics. every morning 26 year old ben davidson gets his vote at the california rowing club and heads to the water before sunrise around around 5 30, then i'll make my way over here for practice. he trains on the oakland estuary for roughly 90 minutes. he's in his own building, cardio and strength. i enjoyed it. it's nice being out there. it's almost relaxing. it's like the fun part of my day and then i. then i go to work and then come back and do it again. it's been a good year for davison. he won bronze at the world cup in poland over the summer and single schools finished eighth for the u. s at the world championships in the czech republic last month and was just named the 2022 male athlete of the year by us rowing. pictured here being honored in new york city this week. it was a bit of a surprise. yeah i didn't you
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know there was like i said, there was a lot of great athletes on the team this year, so i didn't really think of it. i assumed someone else would win it so, yeah, it was. it was a nice surprise. davison joined the california rowing club in 2019 under head coach michel teddy. just outworks everyone. i mean, he's a driven serious committed guy, although he's a great team guy, i think individually he has all you know , i tell his mom and dad that they did a good job with him. what's your end goal? medal at the olympics. yeah, that's where to, you know, ambitiously to win the olympics next opportunity, the 2024 summer olympics in paris right now, davidson says he can wrote 2000 m in about six minutes and 45 seconds. it gets stressful in this year, the year before the olympics because this is where things can go wrong. and if you find yourself not in qualifying position you're the olympics are over for it could be over for you even a year out. i do think if ben continues and stays healthy. he's you know,
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he's he's going to be a medalist and i think will be an olympic medalist. we just didn't know he would. achieve what he has so quickly, says davidson has the technical skills, physiology and psychology to go the distance in this endurance sports. i'm feeling good. we've got a great team. i've got a great great coaching staff helped me out. so i feel like we're on the right track and we're progressing and getting better. thank you, christina. democrats and republicans hope a flurry of last minute campaigning across the country will sway voters coming up the final push from candidates ahead of election day and we expect a news conference on the police in oakley about the death of alexis gabe, and the recent discovery of her he remains up next. we'll tell you how that community plans to honor her. don't forget you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter just said to ktvu dot com slash email to sign up for that daily service
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mom: we're all just trying to keep things running for those who rely on us. that's why we don't have time to be sick with the flu. chef: we don't have time for delays. ready! grocery clerk: we don't have time for spills. next. paramedic: we don't have time for setbacks. vo: let's be real. getting the flu shot helps you fight the flu. get a flu shot for yourself, and those around you too.
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there were several side shows over the weekend. up next, the illegal activity spanning many cities and the police response. and elon musk, pushing back against celebrities poking holes in his verified subscription proposal as the future of the social media giant remains unclear. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning . thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun, too. i'm pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. monday morning. november 7th did you know high surf advisories in effect today, all along the bay area. coast northwest. swell is building out in the pacific. and by tomorrow morning, it should arrive and last through tuesday with the waves 15 to 20 ft. the warning
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from the national weather service. stay off the rocks and jetties down at the coast stays safely away from the serve zone and you hear us say it all the time. never turn your back on the ocean. no you only have to do that once to kind of realize the power of the waves and steve. it must have been very windy overnight because i didn't really hear anything. but as i was driving out of my neighborhood. tree limbs and leaves a lot on the ground. vigorous front went by pretty fast, but it's already clearing out. we have a long way to go, though, so we're in between systems you're drivin and maybe the roads will be weapon of our overall. it's not too bad here. so that's the good news. you can see that band went through its what's upstream, though i mean, look at that. all this has to come in over the next about, say, 72 hours. so we get a little bit of a break here in the mornin0 showing up cold morning sun cloud showers. thundershowers look likely. i think there'll be numerous reports of hail around and very cool on those temps with a lot of fifties for the next three
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days, probably all right over the sound now, 4 31. i think we'll get a little break there. no rain wise sell, but they're still wet roads, wet roads as we say it 4 31 in the morning, isn't it? right now, as the man said, wet roads out there and you can see that some of these pictures will show it. although the traffic is doing ok as you drive on the same mateo bridge, no major problems here also, as we look at some of the other commutes, you can see traffic on interstate 8 80 is off to a good start here in oakland. it's 4 32 . let's get back to the headlines. thank you, well police in several bay areas that he's had a very busy weekend, tracking down and breaking up side. does that took over many intersections just before midnight saturday n broke up a w where hundreds of vehicles were involved. this happened near the blue rock springs golf club. it lasted for about 15 to 20 minutes before police showed up . video taken just after shows a
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woman take a look at this sitting on top of a car. this is on interstate 80 while leaving the sideshow. here's video of another sideshow. this one happened in rodeo just after midnight sunday morning. a group of cars and spectators gather near the phillips carbon plant off of highway four. the crowds there they took off after shots were fired in the area. so far, there's no reports of any injuries and in richmond police quickly broke up a sideshow right outside the hilltop mall. as you can see their cars participating came dangerously close. to hitting the people who were out there watching. yeah. no shots can be heard on that video during this sideshow in hayward early sunday morning, before those shots were caused people to just scatter and flee that sideshow near the hayward water treatment plant went on for more than an hour. so far, there's been no reports of any
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injuries or arrests in any of these sideshow activities from over the weekend. tom is now 4 33 will happening later today, the oakland police department hold a news conference will give us more details about the death and disappearance of alexis gabe . investigators say the partial remains of the 24 year old young woman were found in amador county last week. she was first reported missing back in january after last being seen and anti och investigators believe her former boyfriend, marshall jones , is responsible for alexis's death. alexis was jones was killed by federal officers who were trying to arrest him near seattle back in june. now the family of alexis gabe posted an image on facebook, showing flowers left on the car in oakley to honor her memory. her family also announced a celebration of alexis gabes life is now scheduled for january. 28th. more than a year after she was reported missing elon musk,
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who will now wait until after tomorrow's midterm elections to unveil a new subscription service for twitter. twitter is delaying the rollout due to concerns that users could then pay for a verified account to impersonate someone else, such as a public figure. the service is expected to be $8 a month for verification, plus a number of other features. buying a verification. it seems absurd to me because it is against the point of a verification. it's possible that twitter could fail . if musk makes the kinds of changes that pushes a lot of people away. twitter has already suspended some comedian accounts , including kathy griffin, who used her elon musk account to urge voters to protect abortion rights. some civil rights groups have written an open letter to twitter's top 20 advertisers, asking them to pause their deals until mask specifies what changes he plans to make to the platform. our time is now for 35 . tomorrow is election day, as you know, and major political
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parties and players are making a last minute push to get out the vote today. president biden will be in maryland, he'll try to shore up support for democratic candidates there. yesterday the president was in new york, reiterating his belief democrats will keep control of congress. everybody asks you to ask me why i'm so optimistic. and i'm not joking. i've been saying this for a year. because of you. and here's why i'm being deadly earnest. you're the best educated you're the least prejudice. you're the most engaged. you're the most involved generation. in american history. democrats can't afford to lose any seats in the u. s senate and in the house. it will take six seeds going to republicans for republicans have control in the house. now. the president's speech in new york is part of last minute sprints to election day, reporter lucas tomlinson tells us both parties
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are pulling out their heavy hitters to increase turnout. with just two days to go before election day. candidates are in an all out dash to get out the vote and sway any remaining undecided this weekend has seen four presidents hit the campaign trail to rally voters trying to remind americans what's on the line. truth. and facts. and logic. and reason. and decency are on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot. if you want to stop the destruction of our country and said the american dream than this tuesday , you must vote republican in a giant red red. midterm elections historically favor the party that's not in power. republicans are predicting big wins based on the current state of the economy and president biden's lackluster approval rating. great
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candidates. people are showing up to vote. there is no energy on the democrat side. they deserve this. this election is about the biden agenda, while democrats appear to be facing an uphill battle, they're optimistic about their chances, reminding voters about the gop s track record on abortion rights and january 6th. i think this race is razor close, and i think everybody who cares about the extremism in this maga movement , the racism, the anti semitism , the violence needs to get out and vote. millions of americans have already voted the numbers point to a record setting turnout at the white house. lucas tomlinson fox news well, san francisco's department of elections is encouraging everyone who voted by mail to track the status of their ballots. to confirm that their vote is counted. voters can see if their ballot has been received and counted. the online portal will alert voters of any issues regarding their ballot, and it will inform voters on how to resolve those issues and you can find that link on our
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website ktvu .com under web links. once election day is behind. us city officials are reminding people that those campaign signs cannot go into your recycle bin. most signs are ma can reuse the science to promote special events, or to take items and reused to create other things such as birdhouses. sometimes you can also check your local trash collector for more. on properly disposing of those political yard signs. now stay with us ktvu all day on election day for extensive live coverage. ktvu .com also has tools to help you get ready to vote and track the results. look for that election section on ktvu .com. go to slash election . alright pam, time is 4 39. steve is back now we know we have wet roads this morning, steve. i'm thinking about tomorrow being election day do you think is a washout? out honestly, that's going to be the
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main system today. we're getting a little bit of a break today. get out there today. yeah do whatever you can, because tomorrow is going to be a tougher day. that's for sure. the initial polls first band went through while we had the overrunning on. that was on saturday night, but the rain you heard overnight rain last night yesterday, loma prieta had a half inch of rain mount veeder half inch mount channel pious. almost that and mount diablo picked up 0.45. after that there wasn't a lot kent field. 0.39 santa rosa, almost a quarter of an inch napa 16 1 hundred's dublin 12 redwood city about 1/10. the city picked up 1/10 oakland. almost there in san jose. at point. oh, three. you can see the first band that's gone through, but there's a lot of stream so we get a little of a break this morning. i think overall, it will be dry. there's one of the roads are wet, but we have to wait for this rest of this system to drop in. that'll be later today. tonight and then most of tuesday and early wednesday. so a very cool day morning rain south will pick up again once we get a little bit of sunlight here and destabilize
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the atmosphere, it's going to really ramp up. the wind forecast is for the entire coastline starting tonight when advisory seven pm tonight from monterrey, although i have to point reyes including areas along the san mateo coast. strong south wind, maybe a gust of 45 mph that will go through tomorrow morning. now, not a lot of rain today. but by this afternoon this evening overnight into tomorrow, yes, there could be some two inch amounts here. i'd say an inch to 2.5. but the sierra looks like they're really going to take the brunt of this already. winter storm warning is out by the time we get to about wednesday, yes. kirkwood 48 inches of snow is forecast south lake tahoe so 1 to 5 ft here. snow level. get down to probably around 3500 ft. after everything's said and done here, by the time we get to tuesday and the wednesday winter storm warning already started goes through wednesday morning. yes 2 to 5. ft forecast forties on most of the attempts here. i don't think these will change all that much forties fifties. there's just too much moisture in the air. too many too much of a breeze. that is a really impressive system, and as it moves down the coast, it's going to start to impact us. and get
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ready here fifties on the temps . i don't these won't change all that much until probably after wednesday, you guys all right. thank you, steve. dozens of world leaders coming together to try to fight climate change coming up. the one thing some say could help reverse climate changes effect and renewed concerns today in ukraine about russian attacks on that country's power grid. how ukraine is racing to restore power as winter approaches ktvu kicking off our 20th annual one warm coat drive. if you have a gently worn coat or jacket you like to donate to bay area families. just take it to any participating ups store or big o tires. there are dozens of drop off sites around the bay area. you can visit ktvu .com/ one warm coat for a list of locations. the one warm coat drive runs through december 4th. we'll be right back.
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meet leon the third... leon the second... and leon... the first of them all. three generations, who all bank differently with chase. leon's saving up for his first set of wheels... nice try. really? this leon's paying for his paint job on the spot... and this leon, as a chase private client, he's in the south of france, taking out cash with no atm fees. that's because this family of leons has chase. actually, it's león. ooh la la! one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ biofreeze, the number one clinician recommended
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menthol topical pain relief brand. works fast. lasts long. cool the pain with biofreeze. where can you get appliances this holiday... backed by our price promise every day? lowe's, actually. get our best deals of the season backed by the lowe's price promise. terry says its recent missile
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tests were practice to attack key south korean and u. s targets like air bases and operation command systems. north korea last week fired dozens of missiles and flew warplanes towards the sea. it was a response to join us and south korean military exercises. this year's air force drills between the u. s and south korea where the biggest ever the exercises were extended an extra day in response to those missile launches from north korea. russia is continuing to attack ukraine's power grid, leaving millions of people without electricity concerns are increasing about a humanitarian crisis heading into winter. greg palkot is in kiev with the latest when night falls here in key the latest front in the ukraine wars revealed amid russian attacks on the electric grid here. energy conservation power outages blackouts darkness , half a million people without power in ukraine's capital this
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past week, five million nationwide, more shutdowns announced civilian infrastructure hit by russian missiles and drones as moscow's battlefield progress slows militarily. it is absolutely nothing but yes, that can cause a lot of suffering for civilians , most of the power plants of ukraine's biggest private utility damaged nearly half of its power lines, which workers race to repair. a sign of dangerous times. the company's ceo has to speak with us in a bomb shelter during air raid alert. we have no choice to defend our country and to find a solution to keep lighting on keep this country beat he did and keep our people in the country to five. utility ceo tim jenko warns us of a humanitarian catastrophe if ukraine can't get a handle on these russian attacks, they have their hands full and keith greg palkot fox news alright now world leaders are in egypt for the united nations climate change summit,
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the u. n says the annual conference aims to discuss ways to cut emissions and confront the effects of major weather events. 44,000 people from around the world are expected to attend, including many elected officials. one representative from senegal called the called for urgent global cooperation. we need a sense of urgency. it's not fair for the people to be moving from wherever they are meeting and such a big place and then walk out without anything else. people high expectations back home asked to make progress because of the people that can't manage to be here, and we hope that they reach and industrialized countries can really be fair, especially us and china. a us delegation is headed to the event with a number of high level cabinet members. president biden is also scheduled to travel to egypt and speak at the conference on friday. our time is 4 47 tonight , president biden heads to maryland. he'll be attending a rally for a democratic candidate for governor, but it was a campaign event last friday in southern california that now is
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pitting the president again with the member of his own party. president biden was in carlsbad , california, he was touting extra funding for domestic research and manufacturing of computer tips chips when he threatened to shut down all coal plants. it's also now cheaper to generate electricity. from wind and solar than it is from coal and oil. literally cheaper. we're going to be shutting these plants down all across america. having wind and solar west virginia democratic senator joe manchin is in the heart of coal country. he criticized president biden's comments and called them outrageous. divorced from reality and ignoring this very economic pain americans are experiencing because of rising energy costs and retired gold. coal miners were angry as well. we built this country on coal. we want two world wars on coal and all of a sudden it's a bad word, and i don't understand why
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complete party of the united states can understand that. coal is responsible for 11% of the nation's electricity. it is now been passed up by renewable energy, primarily wind and hydropower. the white house says . the president commented on a factor of economics and technology and is that his words were twisted to suggest a meaning there was not intended. alright 4. 49 is the time of people asking. hey, is it going to rain today? yes later after it did last night. we're in between. so you get a break here in the morning, but it will pick up. i don't think it'll take too long here late morning and for sure, in the afternoon, but it will be more in the won't be widespread. that will be tomorrow. heavy rain and wind on tuesday as the system moves right over the bay area late tuesday night into wednesday morning. could be some 2.5 inch amounts would not surprise me at all. we're off to a pretty good start here. now. we had the overrunning lights rain on saturday for many here but overnight here, lama prieta
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amount of beater mount tam milpitas mount diablo 0.452 point 56 lesser amounts as you had to the lower elevations. canfield 560.39 santa rosa quarter of an inch after that napa dublin, redwood city, san francisco about 1/10 of a little more. oakland point oh, nine san jose point oh, three. first initial policy has gone through. the rest has a ways to go. i mean, it's going to take a while to get here, but it won't take long to start generating a lot of activity here by early this afternoon, even though the days are very short, so we are looking for a lot of fifties on the temps here. morning rain, but that's pushed well. south for now. cold lows, not forties few thirties but a lot of 40 sun cloud showers. the wind will pick up overnight tomorrow at late tonight into tomorrow morning, the entire coastline will have a wind advisory. it starts at seven p.m. tonight. strong south went could easily get gusts around 45 mph from moderate to point reyes. and some of the rainfall today there could be some, you know, brief heavy rain or some hail. the main system, though, is on tuesday and early wednesday. some 1 to 2 inch amounts look
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likely. the snow, though, still looks to me, as we said last week to be the main factor here, the main driver, and it looks like there could easily be 1 to 5 ft. after everything is said, and done, probably won't get the problem is, you're there's a lot of the ski resorts aren't open, so it's tough to get snow totals. that's one of the keys and you have to wait until daylight but 2 to 5 ft. has already is in the forecast here and maybe even down to 3500. ft. will be the snow level forties on the temps here, peninsulas forties or fifties just just too much cloud cover too much of a breeze here forties fifties. everyone's pretty closer than a couple degrees, but the low plays into our weather all the way into wednesday afternoon. then it kicks out. but that's a really cold, dynamic system that's going to give us not only rain but snow and a lot of mountain snow. i mean, this could be a huge deal for them for the seer of shasta last and here is over the next couple of days fifties on the temps for many after wednesday, i am of the belief just based on what i see here that we're going into a little drier pattern. i think it'll last long, but right now.
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i think the weekends, okay? alright sounds good. thank you. steve inflation, abortion rights , crime and homelessness are some of the major issues weighing on the minds of voters as we cast our ballots coming up the work being done to try to swing voters with election day just one day away, plus sports. we're going to show you how the backstreet boys rallied behind a band mates emotional moment. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. it's your boy, biggieeeeeeeeeee!!!! that is reggie bush. dressed up as a wendy's biggie bag. fries! ahhh! nuggets! there it is! - ah ha... drinks! - no, no, no, no... - not the drinks man. - i'll put it back. choose wisely,
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choose wendy's $5 biggie bag.
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. on two. it's 4 54. the backstreet boys paid tribute last night to singer aaron carter, the younger brother of band member nick carter after his death over the weekend. tonight. members yesterday. video posted on twitter shows
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kevin richardson, speaking to a crowd in london, as nick carter is comforted by other members of the band 34 year old aaron carter was found dead at his home in southern california on saturday. nick carter shared a message on instagram about his younger brother's death, saying, in part quote my heart is broken , even though my brother and i have had a complicated relationship. my love for him has never ever faded. now you can finally have the piece you could never find here on earth. i love you, baby brother. he also said addiction and mental illness is the real villain here. aaron carter was 34 years old. we now have a new plan for the next launch of nasa's new moon rocket. nasa's targeting a window starting this coming sunday for the launch of the artemis one rocket on the launchpad. now, after being rolled out this weekend, there will be roughly one hour window for the unmanned lodge starting at just after nine o'clock sunday night. it comes after launch attempts earlier this year were scrubbed the artemis
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mission. they are part of nasa's attempt to return to the moon. well we're set for a total lunar eclipse and california will have one of the best views of it. though steve is telling us here in the bay area, we might have some issues with the clouds to try to see that the full lunar eclipse will last nearly an hour and a half, starting just after two o'clock in the morning until just before three o'clock in the morning. this will be the last total lunar eclipse visible until 2025. the price of skipping the security line at the airport is dropping. the psa says the price of enrolling for pre check in person is dropping from 85 to $78 people who renew online only have to pay $70 the program pre screens. people, then lets them use a dedicated screening line where they don't have to take off their shoes or go through those special security scanners. and google has a new feature to try to make it easier to track your online gift orders this holiday season . the company says it has added
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new package tracking features in gmail tracking information will now show up in the subject line of the email without having to open it, and more detailed shipping info will be added to a line above the email so that you don't have to click a link to a different site to track the package. former san francisco giants skipper dusty baker, now celebrating his first world series championship ever as a big league manager. saturday night, the houston astros defeated the philadelphia phillies 4 to 1 in game six of the world series to win it all. astro manager dusty baker won a world series as a player with the los angeles dodgers back in 1981. but houston's victory was baker's first world series title in his 25 seasons as a major league manager. how about the mass stones? this is the greatest. bunch of guys, they told me in spring training. that they're gonna win. now what's
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next? party. good for him, finally winning that as a manager, bay area baseball fans remember. dusty baker, of course, is the manager of the giants during san francisco's heartbreaking loss in the world series exactly 20 years ago, giants collapsed in the late innings of game six later last, the 2002 world series to the anaheim angels. the 73 year old baker is now the oldest manager to ever win a world series. the warriors are back home the face off of the sacramento kings tonight at chase center. they are hoping to break the losing streak after five straight losses on the road. the warriors have the worst defense in the league right now, giving up more than 121 points a game sports analysts say it all comes down to the teams failing defense the point out that they do point out that jordan's pool is struggling with his shooting and turnovers . draymond green and klay thompson both looks like they've
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lost a step as well. i don't think our records reflective or efforts, so that's good, and these guys had a chance to win the game and that's all you can ask from a bunch of new guys and uh, it was a seemed like a road trip from #### but we we're all very grateful to get home in one piece and hopefully started win streak to or the tip off for tonight's game is seven o'clock . all 30. nba teams are scheduled to play tonight so the entire league can be off for election day. the teams are being asked to encourage fans to get out and vote and even use their arenas as polling locations. in 2020 players were involved in voting registration drives and other get out the vote initiatives as well. all right, pamela, we're just one day away from the midterm elections. both major political parties are working overtime trying to win last minute votes . we're going to take a look at some of the big issues that will be decided in tomorrow's election, plus fired up. we hope we can win it. have a lottery
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jackpot of $1.6 billion was hard to imagine. tonight's powerball jackpot is even bigger. we'll tell you what bay area people are saying about the dreams of winning the now almost $2 billion jackpot. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on two. well good morning to you. and we thank you for joining us . welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook. monday morning, november seven hold drizzle out there, steve says we have a break, but something's coming in tomorrow. no later today, tonight and tomorrow and probably wednesday. that was a very chill, clay thompson. they're just kicking back, leaving back. it's all good. yeah that was pretty cool, eh? so yes, with a capital c. alright. do we do have a break in between the initial band went through, but there's a long we're only in the second inning here, so folks, because there's a lot upstream that has to move through. but in between that we
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are getting a break here, so, yes, the roads are wet. there might be a little drizzle or something. but other than that. it's just a mainly clear morning but cold, but it won't take long. to get a little bit of some clouds and showers. scattered showers. thundershowers hail reports. i would not be surprised at all today with fifties on the temps . very cool for us all right over to sound now. speaking of cool here he is, mr south castaneda. steve how are going to be the bad? one year, man? thank you. let's go out and take people are probably wondering what the what are those guys talking about? don't worry about it. i'll tell you one day, but not today. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see that traffic is doing very well . steve mentioned it. i'm going to mention it as well. the roads are wet. it's not raining right now. but you heard it is forecast that tomorrow could be a day where you may not want to be driving. if you don't like driving and in rain, you know, it's always the other guy. you of course. dr perfectly. that other guy, though, boy, that's that other guys, my daughter says us, which is short for
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suspect. that's the way the kids are saying it now. this is a look at interstate 80 north and south that traffic moves well, it's 501. let's get back to the headlines. thank you. well, tomorrow is election day in voters here in california have several state propositions to vote on, as well as voting for a local elected officials. ktvu is james torres, already in martinez were there will be early. voting later this morning. james. yeah. dave. good morning. to you. there are a number of key issues that voters will decide on then we'll know a couple of those results by the end of tuesday, election day. but some of the major answers that we wait to see will be. will democrats take over or rather keep control of the house and senate and congress or republicans take over. that's all going to depend on a number of key races? not just here in california, but of course across the country. as well. governor gavin newsom spent the weekend campaigning in southern california for those votes with a comfortable lead in his own election. he spent time asking voters to consider key issues he
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supports. he and many other democratic leaders rallied for proposition one, which would guarantee a woman's right to an abortion in california's constitution. voter turnout this time around, could be a deciding factor. oftentimes in a midterm election when we have a gubernatorial candidate kind of at the top of the ticket, there is a little bit lower turnout, so usually about half of the registered voters will actually participate in an election like this. other propositions statewide like 26 27, which addressed sports betting appeared to not receive enough votes to pass. paul mitchell, political analyst, says other factors like incoming rain could deter people from wanting to go out to the polls. that's why the state of california and local election offices are pushing for mail in or drop off balance. here in contra costa county, you can vote in person until about five p.m. today. only about 5% of its turnout. actually does that so you can drop off your balance. of course, at any time. in one of those drop box locations, you can see a number of them all throughout the
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county. and you can do that up until eight pm tuesday, election day. we're live this morning in martinez. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. thank you, james. well, there are a number of issues that seem to be driving voters to get involved in this midterm election, according to a new poll by the usc schwarzenegger institute, the cost of living is the top issue for 15% of california voters surveyed that was followed by homelessness with 13% 11% named the environment and climate change is their top issue. crime and affordable housing also ranked high among those polled now tune into ktvu tomorrow for extensive live coverage of the election will get started at four o'clock as the polls begin to close on the east coast, and we'll bring you results throughout the evening. alright, pam, time is five. oh, four later this week, there may be even more layoffs at bay area social media companies. several reports say facebook's parent company, meta plans widespread layoffs that could begin as early as wednesday. and thousands of employees. maybe he
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laid off. right now, medica has more than 87,000 employees, and if there are layoffs, they will be the first in that company's history. elon musk will now wait until after tomorrow's midterm elections to unveil a new subscription service for twitter. twitter is delaying the rollout due to concerns that users could pay for a verified account to impersonate someone else, such as a public figure. the service is expected to be $8 a month for verification, plus a number of other features. buying a verification. it seems absurd to me because it is against the point of a verification. it's possible that twitter could fail if musk makes the kinds of changes that pushes a lot of people away. twitter has already suspended some accounts, including comedian kathy griffin , who used her elon musk account to urge voters to protect abortion rights. now musk takeover of twitter may have played a role in his decision to put one of the futuristic transportation projects he had
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on hold, according to bloomberg news. musk's hyperloop high speed transit project has been shelved indefinitely. musk was hoping to send passengers in high tech pods through a system of giant vacuum tubes that could take people. say from san francisco to new york, and just about three hours no official word on why musk suspended the project. alright, time is 506 today could be the day you win the biggest lottery jackpot in american history. the powerball lottery jackpot has grown to an estimated $1.9 billion ktvu is elissa harrington tells us about the growing excitement leading to tonight's jackpot, drawing. good luck. brother billionaire hopefuls dreamed big and snatched up there. powerball tickets at olympic licorice grocery in walnut creek, one of the bay area's lucky retailers fired up. we hope we can win it. somebody's gotta will. i don't see why it can't be me. terra showers said she bought $30 worth of tickets if she's lucky
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enough to win showers, said she would share some of the money. gifting. a lot of it away to family and friends, for sure, especially people that are having a hard time. but, um and then i just say, okay, who wants to go on a vacation? let's go. let's go traveling. you have to have a plan in place and you have to have two protections in place before sort of the ocean arrives at your doorstep son, a financial advisor and managing director at sun group wealth partners, says all players should be thinking about how to manage a win. she understands the winner might be tempted to cash in their ticket right away. but she thinks the best thing to do is wait. make a plan and keep that tickets safe by locking it up somewhere in the house in your ticket. that's the first and most important thing i would use a black permanent marker. not only do you sign it, but i want you to take pictures of the front and the back and multiple pictures as well. scan it. take
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photocopies. whatever you do, but don't leave the house with its sun recommends working with an established accountant and a financial advisor to guide you through the process. she said. a lottery winner should also plan how to handle this information being made public in california , a lottery winner must reveal their name and where the ticket was purchased, son said. it's best to change names on social media and use a post office box for correspondence to stay as private as possible. it's the adrenaline that gets to be going with it. back at olympic liquor and grocery. the lines were long and just about everyone was there to buy a ticket. even kids were excited at the idea of their parents being able to retire early, feeling pretty confident about this ticket because, like a week ago or so i asked the magic eight ball if my dad's gonna get a billionaire soon, and it said yes. i am elissa harrington ktvu, fox. two news. all right. thank you.
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alyssa what we're talking about shifting weather affecting to dump a lot of snow in the sierra. take a look. this is what it looked like earlier this morning in downtown truckee. quite a bit of snow, and it looks like wind blowing that snow around. the national weather service predicts people in some areas may see some white out conditions. steve paulson has our predictions for snow up there and rain down here. it will be a lot. both locations. okay first, i'm going to start with one of our one of our viewers here who i saw saturday evening. she was very kind at the uptown theater. beautiful napa. erica j. simpson is the general manager. nice says highlighted my saturday evening was seeing one of my dudes. that would be me at the dave mason show. yes erica goes, i have insomnia. so i'm there at four. am i said, well, erica, you have company. you're not the only one out there, erica. thank you. she was very sweet. and maybe maybe you saw dave mason at freight and salvage last night. if you were dave mason, or traffic fan , he did play for traffic songs,
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including low spark. hell boys. it was really good show. i would hope so he's been around 50 years, lama preeti had ahead of a heck of a band, though i'll tell you that long 3.5 inch of rain mount veeder half inch. thank you, erica, by the way, mountain 500.48. diablo 0.45, cas adair or observer raymond had 0.56 as well. so there were a few near a half inch or a little bit over a half inch of rain. can't field 0.39, chris kimball and sleepy hollow had 0.23 santa rosa was near their napa. dublin redwood city, san francisco 10th of an inch or a close and san jose at point. oh three system initial system has gone through. we're getting a break here, but there's a long way to go. this is all going to start to filter in here. over the next 36 to 48 hours, so we'll get some sun in the morning and then it won't take long to cloud up. that is a really cold, dynamic system and it sure looks like by the time it drops south this low right there. does this parks it right about here? everything is saying right now it's going right over
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us. probably late tuesday, wednesday morning is the way it looks, which puts us in line for something interesting whether you're to say the least here over the next 48 hours. rain has moved south. we're getting a break some cool to cold laws kind of damp sun clouds. it will not take long to get the rain going again. a wind advisory has been posted tonight. seven pm until tomorrow at 10 a.m. for the entire coastline from monterrey up to a point raised mainly that is the focus or could easily be gusting. 45 mph strong south wind now we'll get some rain today, but the bulk of it comes in tuesday into wednesday morning. then it kicks out of here, but it's going to be a very cool pattern and a big time event it looks like for this year winter storm warning is out there. it's already started. it goes through wednesday, do not be surprised as some 45 ft amounts amounts come in after everything is said and done, so if you're going up to the mountains, it's going to be really tricky. i don't think you're going anywhere. tomorrow. i'll be honest with you. today you might get a little bit of a break forties on the temps fifties just too much in the way
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of a little bit of a breeze. peninsula attempts forties forties low fifties. no, nothing's changing. the law will be with us all the way into wednesday, and this is a not only is it a cold system. i think there's going to be thundershowers. i think they'll get a lot of hail reports and statewide looks to be pretty good here on the system. so high is today. tomorrow and probably wednesday only in the fifties. all right. thank you, steve. police are investigating home burglaries in palo alto, with almost a dozen in the last month . investigators believe thieves are targeting people at a certain time of day will explain up next. also the flu, doctors say they're already saying more flu cases than normal. the advice they have for you heading into t winter mont
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into the stanford shopping center in palo alto, was hit by
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thieves over the weekend. police say five unarmed men in gray hooded sweatshirts and black masks stormed into the burberry store saturday and took several handbags. they were described only as men in their twenties. the men threatened the employees and pushed a security guard, but no one was seriously hurt. also in palofor help to track down ar group of criminals lame for targeting almost a dozen homes. ktvu is greg liggins tells us police have increased neighborhood patrols to track down the criminal group targeting homes during dinner time. the residential burglary things a little bit different. i can't recall having this. uh number of burglaries in the short period of time since october 9th 11 palo alto homes have been broken into two on briar wood way were hit on the same night in october. police say the burglaries are happening primarily during dinner hours on friday and saturday nights, causing some concern but not panic among residents. i guess we should be taking some extra
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extra care at this time. but as i say. overall i think people in the neighborhood feel pretty safe. i feel pretty safe. police are telling people to lock all windows and doors went away and turn on alarms, um, making sure um, all the doors are locked. um before i go, we go to sleep. we used a home security system to interview one homeowner that was hit. she told me to thieves took off with valuables to re find jewelry. um. come on, like electronic. and crash. police say the thieves are typically entering through side gates and breaking rear windows to get in . sergeant phillips says they're going after jewelry and safe send during one heist took a large safe with nine firearms inside particular suspects were very bold and the fact that they actually dragged one of the safe's out, um with a blanket, dragging it downstairs, making a
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lot of noise, dragging it out of the house. ah! not really caring. it seems if anyone saw them do that one resident who opted out of a home security system says he's rethinking that decision after hearing about these break ins of buddies that live over on hamilton's, and they've got all kind of camera systems, and i said, i don't need any camera systems, but 11 in three weeks. pretty alarming in each case. police say, no one has been home during the burglaries. please don't know if that's luck or something else. it's a question we're asking to. how are they picking these particular residences? and so part of the investigation will be to look at all of those things are they being tipped off? do they have intimate knowledge of the places that they're going into? police do have security footage but are not releasing it at this time. they say they don't have descriptions of the suspects because the thieves are wearing hoodies, masks and gloves. greg liggins ktvu fox two news. thank you. time is 5 17, even though winters the prime season for catching a cold and the flu,
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most of the nation's already seeing an early start to the flu season. flu activity normally increases in december or january , but the cdcs has almost 20 states of reporting higher flu activity and higher hospitalization rates. compared to this time last year, the cdc says an asian has already seen more than 1.5 million cases so far this year. we're already approaching some of those numbers, and it's not even the holidays yet, so this is really shaping up to be a very early season for influenza and for rsv , fewer people wearing a mask and spending more time in group settings. that's a big factor, the cdc says. anyone age six months and older is eligible to get a flu shot and should get it as quickly as possible. alright we understand there is a new crash in the santa cruz mountains south, steve says. it's pretty wet up there. so um , it's probably causing some dangerous road conditions. that's right. it's a highway 17
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north bend 17 just before redwood estates there, dave and pam and now we're just hearing that all lines are stopped because of this overturned vehicle. you know how it's tough driving there. it is two lanes in each direction for the most part, but you know when something happens sometimes both lanes are both directions i should say are taken up and right now chp just arrived in blocking all the northbound lanes there stopped. this is a vehicle that flipped over on its side. and to make matters worse, the horn is step on. so it's just one of those things where that doesn't sound that great. now the rest of the south bed commute looks pretty good. we haven't had much going on there, and the commute is wet. even though it is not raining hard. it's wet from what happened overnight. as you look at the bay bridge, not terribly wet. but again, all it takes is a little bit. so if you wouldn't leave yourself a little extra time this morning, that would be great five. that would be great. 5 19 you know what would be
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great if it's steve paulson tells us the weather that would be great. you're in fine form for a monday sell. thank you, sir. second cup of coffee and it's 5 19. alright i'm trying to get everything loaded up here. alright here we go. take a look at rainfall amounts. it has stopped raining here for many here but overnight rainfall. we're not done yet. jeez two more days here to go off to a good start here. loma prieta had a half inch mountain cedar mountain milpitas was closed mount diablo 20.45. casa d'oro or good friend raymond error checking in with 0.56 kent field 0.39, keeping it in marin county. sleepy hollow had about a quarter of an inch. same for santa rosa napa 16, 1 hundred's redwood city, 11. san francisco 10th. oakland point oh, nine. san jose point oh, three. not a lot, but it's a start. it's just we're just in the beginning of this were the twix and the tween as we like to say here. the initial band went through, but there's a lot of stream that is going to settle in very cold, dynamic system. so any sun here
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this morning will quickly be replaced by rapid build up of clouds. and i think we'll get the rain showers maybe thundershowers kick right back in later today. tuesday is the main the early wednesday sun cloud showers of rain develops again. wind will be a factor to tonight into tomorrow will be a windy pattern here. wind advisory seven pm tonight for the entire coastline through 10 a.m. tomorrow. still, some scattered showers. today could be some brief downpours. tuesday's the other day we get an inch to about two, maybe 2.5 and some of the weather locations. but this looks like a huge deal for the sierra. there could be 1 to 5 ft. of snow forecast. i don't think you're going anywhere. tomorrow today's even little daisy forties fifties on the temps here, the rain has ended down towards santa cruz santa cruz man. so are in between systems for now, but the morning we'll get a little bit of break and then that system roles in later today tonight into tuesday and wednesday. alright steve. thank you. time is not 5 21. another bay area traditions in the books now coming up, we'll look back
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at this year's golden gate half marathon race at a bay area athlete. he's training hard already for the 2024 olympics. heroic will take you to see his strict routine and his dedication to the sport.
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former. runners in san francisco braved the rainy, foggy weather for the 21st annual golden gate half marathon and over the weekend. the half marathon started near aquatic park crossing twice over the golden gate bridge, and it ended in front of ghirardelli square, and thousands of runners took part. i have four children, and this year i made a running goal that i was going to run a race came race in each of the cities where they live, and this is four. the first place winners of the half
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half marathon or robert miranda . he did it in one hour, six minutes and 53 seconds for the man and clara peterson did it in one hour, 19 minutes and four seconds for the women. well. the bay area is home to one of the best rowers in the whole country . the us rowing team named ben davidson. it's male athlete of the year. ktvu s cristina rendon tells us the story of his many accomplishments as he trains now for the 2024 olympics. every morning 26 year old ben davidson gets his vote at the california rowing club and heads to the water before sunrise around around 5 30, then i'll make my way over here for practice. he trains on the oakland estuary for roughly 90 minutes. he's in his own building, cardio and strength. i enjoy it. it's nice being out there. it's almost
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relaxing. so it's like the fun part of my day, and then i go to work and then come back and do it again. it's been a good year for davison. he won bronze at the world cup in poland over the summer in single schools, finished eighth for the u. s at the world championships in the czech republic last month and was just named the 2022 male athlete of the year by us rowing. pictured here being honored in new york city this week. it was a bit of a surprise. yeah i didn't you know there was like i said, there was a lot of great athletes on the team this year, so i didn't really think of it. i assumed someone else would win it so, yeah, it was. it was a nice surprise. davidson joined the california rowing club in 2019 under head coach michel teddy. ben just outworks everyone. i mean, he's a driven serious committed guy, although he's a great team guy, i think individually he has all you know , i tell his mom and dad that they did a good job with him. what's your end goal? medal at the olympics. yeah, that's where to, you know, ambitiously to win the olympics. his next
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opportunity, the 2024 summer olympics in paris right now, davidson says he can wrote 2000 m in about six minutes and 45 seconds. it gets stressful in this year, the year before the olympics because this is where things can go wrong. and if you find yourself not in qualifying position you're the olympics are over for it could be over for you even a year out. i do think if ben continues and stays healthy. he's you know, he's he's going to be a medalist and i think will be an olympic medalist. we just didn't know he would. achieve what he has so quickly, says davidson has the technical skills, physiology and psychology to go the distance in this endurance sports. i'm feeling good. we've got a great team. we've got a great great coaching staff helped me out. so i feel like we're on the right track and we're progressing and getting better. time now, 5, 27 . democrats and republicans took a flurry of last minute campaigning around the country will sway voters coming up the
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final push from candidates before tomorrow's election day, and we do expect a news conference today from the police in oakley about the death of alexis gabe, and the recent discovery of her remains up next. we'll tell you how the oakley community plans to honor alexis. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. i'm karen. i'm living with hiv and i'm on cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. i really like the flexibility. and for me, it's one less thing to think about while traveling. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions post-injection reactions,
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contact your volvo retailer to learn more. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. we have incredible video of several side shows and dangerous activity over the weekend of next. the illegal activity spanning many cities and the police response. and elon musk is pushing back against celebrities poking holes in his verified subscription proposal as the future of the social media giant remains unclear. from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on morning sun, too. i'm
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pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. it's a monday morning, november 7th and a high surf advisories in effect today along the bay area coast of northwest swell is building out in the pacific by tomorrow morning that should arrive and last through tuesday with waves 15 to 20 ft high the warning from the national weather service. stay off the rock. and jetties down at the coast. stay safely away from the serve zone. and never, ever turn your back to the ocean. it does feel like it's pretty intense weather moving through. we've talked about it with steve. i saw a lot of, you know, leaves and tree limbs down to a lot of wind high waves, hopefully bringing some rain. i said to my neighbor yesterday. why are you are you raking your leaves? it's gonna be covered again tomorrow more, but i understand there's a lot there and there was a pretty good wind. that initial system has gone through where in between now it will not take long, though. the bubble up the
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atmosphere and get more rain here, coming in. the main focus will be on tuesday already had some activity here. it will be a manic monday. weather day. that is, for sure. the mostly clear cold in the morning sun, then clouds with more rain developing later today, maybe thundershowers very cool. with fifties on attempts we have to head over to sal and highway 17 asap, right? yeah, you know, and the only good news about this, steve is it turned out to be a non injury accident. that's the good news, however, it was blocking law lanes. looks like they're moving. the vehicles were and right now north 17 at redwood estates. it's went up there, and one of the things that you should know is if you're driving, let's say from scotts valley over the hill. you should give yourself extra time . the rest of the saturday commute looks pretty good. as we look at the east bay, we're getting some more slow traffic on highway four. nothing on the richmond bridge yet, or the san mateo bridge. and really this bay bridge toll plaza shows just a little bit not a lot of slowing right now. 5 32. let's get right back to the headlines
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. thank you. there are more signs this morning that bay area tech companies are planning layoffs and are tightening their belts. facebook and instagram parent company. meta announced the possibility of job layoffs this week, and this comes after twitter and other tech companies cut hundreds of jobs. ktvu sally rasmus here now with more details on all of this. good morning, ali. good morning, dave will met his layoffs could happen as early as this wednesday, and if they go through with them, they would be the first layoffs in the companies nearly 18 year. history is the parent company of facebook, instagram and whatsapp . it's based in menlo park, but has more than 87,000 employees world wide. back in september, meta put a freeze on hiring, and now there are several reports that layoffs are ahead for the company. this comes after another social media giant twitter cut nearly 3700 jobs on friday, or almost half of its workforce. after elon musk took over. that prompted a lawsuit for not giving employees the legally required advanced notice
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, according to the independent newsletter platformer. some employees at twitter are now being asked to return, although it's not clear whether that's because of the lawsuit or because the company like go of too many people. and need to bring back some of their workforce. we know that a number of employees have now gotten notices that their separation date will be january 4th so that they will get paid for another two marks. rideshare company lift also announced it is cutting about 680 jobs and the financial payments startup stripe, also based in silicon valley, announced it is going to cut 1000 jobs, according to business insider apple internally announced a hiring freeze that will remain in place for at least the next year. amazon says it will pause hiring for some of its corporate roles, but google, meanwhile, says even though hiring has slowed, there are no plans to enact a hiring freeze at that company in the newsroom. ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news, all right, thank you. ali in several bay area cities had a busy weekend, tracking
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down and breaking up side shows that took over many intersections. just before midnight saturday night, vallejo police broke up a huge sideshow where hundreds of vehicles were involved. this happened near the blue rock springs golf club. it lasted for about 15 to 20 minutes as police broke up that gathering, you can see some of this video. this was taken just, uh, a little bit after that sideshow woman, someone else hanging out of the car. this is on interstate 80 leaving that sideshow. this is another video of another sideshow that happened in rodeo just after midnight saturday morning. a group of cars and spectators gathered near the phillips carbon plan of highway four crowds there took off after gunshots in the area. so far. no injuries have been reported. in richmond, police quickly broke up a sideshow right outside the hilltop mall. you can see the cars came dangerously close to the people gathered nearby, almost hitting people out there watching yeah. and that's
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gunshot. those are gunshots could be heard on video during a sideshow in hayward early sunday morning before the gunshots cause people to flee the sideshow near the hayward water treatment plan lasted for about an hour. so far, there have been no reports of any injuries or arrests in any of the sideshow activities from over the weekend . i'm not 5 36 tomorrow, as you know is election day and major political players and making a last minute push to get out the vote today. president biden will be in maryland. trying to strengthen support for democratic candidates there. yesterday the president was in new york, reiterating his belief that democrats will keep control of congress. everybody asked you if you ask me why i'm so optimistic. i've been saying this for a year. because of you. and here's why i'm being deadly earnest. you're the best educated you're the least prejudice. you're the
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most engaged. you're the most involved generation. in american history. can't afford to lose any seat in the united states senate and over in the house republicans will have to win six seats to take control of the house. the president's speech in new york is part of that last minute sprint to election day, reporter lucas tomlinson tells us both parties are pulling out the heavy hitters to increase turnout. with just two days to go before election day. candidates are in an all out dash to get out the vote and sway any remaining undecided this weekend has seen four presidents hit the campaign trail to rally voters trying to remind americans what's on the line. truth. and facts. and logic. and reason. and basic decency are on the ballot. democracy itself is on the
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ballot stakes are had if you want to stop the destruction of our country and said the american dream than this tuesday , you must vote republican in a giant red red. midterm elections historically favored the party that's not in power. republicans are predicting big wins based on the current state of the economy and president biden's lackluster approval rating. great candidates. people are showing up to vote. there is no energy on the democrat side. they visit this this election is about the biden agenda, while democrats appear to be facing an uphill battle, they're optimistic about their chances, reminding voters about the gop s track record on abortion rights and january 6th. i think this race is razor close , and i think everybody who cares about the extremism in this maga movement, the racism, the anti semitism, the violence needs to get out and vote. millions of americans have already voted the numbers point
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to a record setting turnout at the white house. lucas tomlinson fox news and make sure to watch ktvu all day on election day for extensive live coverage. and ktvu .com has tools to help you get ready to vote and track the vote results. look for the election section, or you can go to ktvu dot com slash election. alright and listening to steve. it sounds like it's best to drop off those ballots. maybe today i would be tomorrow could be a little tough tomorrow. yes, we had some rain overnight. most of it was in the higher elevations. there's more on the way. don't you worry. observer and morgan hill, chris henry says that's it. we're not done yet. chris, for crying out loud lawman create a half inch of rain. mount veeder had a half inch rain mount tamil pius was close to that and picked up 45 100. not as much at the lower elevations though the usual suspects here, russian river casa d'oro, 1000.56 ken field 0.39 santa rosa, quarter of an
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inch napa 0.16. redwood city, san francisco, oakland about 1/10 and san jose. at a point. oh, three. the initial bands gone through, so we are in between systems. it's going to take awhile, but the atmosphere will really bubble up here pretty rapidly as we head towards late morning early afternoon, then more rain is on the way. tuesday will be the main day the lowest dropping down. this is a really cold cold system here, and it's going to go down and then everything is pointing toward now coming right over us. peninsula south bay on wednesday morning, so that will keep us in the window for some rain, maybe thunderstorms and low snow elevations and also windy conditions, especially tomorrow, so the rain has moved south. it's out of the area cold lows, but kind oing else some morning sun and cloud up rapidly and get more rain in here. the wind advisory is for the entire coast that starts tonight. from monterrey at the point raised there could get a strong south wind gust. maybe 40 45 mph. more in the way of shower activity today that rain tomorrow that
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will take us into wednesday morning before it finally kicks out wednesday night. there's still looks like a bigger event for the sierra. there could be 4 to 5 ft. for some being forecast here, especially kirkwood. there's already snow up there now a chain requirements on both 50 and 80. so forties on the temps couple of fifties too much cloud cover rain has ended to the south. i can lift this sighting. see, it's moving out, even down towards hollister's now so it's about out of the picture here. for us, we'll get some sun in the morning and rapid development. thunderstorms are possible light. you know, lightning would not surprise me at all. already seen some of that fifties on the temps here. so for the morning, we're okay. by the afternoon. it really pops up tuesday looks like the main rain and wind day still lingering into wednesday. then i think we get a break. i'm not sold on the rain coming in for the weekend yet. all right. thank you, steve. we are learning more about this to people who were killed in the violent crash in redwood city friday night. what? we're learning about the children. they're leaving behind a gathering of dozens of world leaders looking for ways to fight climate change coming up.
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the one thing that some say can help reverse the effects of climate change. and ktvu is kicking off our 20th annual one warm coat drive. if you have a gently worn coat or jacket you'd like to donate to bay area families just take it to any participating ups store or big o tires. there are dozens of drop off sites around the bay area. just visit ktvu dot com slash one warm coat for a list of locations. the one warm coat drive runs through december 4th. we'll be right back.
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if you run a small business, you need the most from every investment. that's why comcast business gives you more. more innovation... with our new gig-speed wi-fi, plus unlimited data. more speed... from the largest, fastest, reliable network... and more savings- up to 60% a year with comcast business mobile. all from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. get started with fast speeds and advanced security for $49.99 a month for 12 months. plus ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle.
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44. happening today at news conference by the oakley police department to give more details about the death and disappearance of alexis game, investigators say last week the
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partial remains of 24 year old alexis gabe were found in amador county, alexis gabe was first reported missing back in january after last being seen in anti ox investigators believe her former boyfriend, marshall jones, is responsible for her death. jones was killed by federal officers who tried to arrest him there. seattle back in june now, alexis gabes family posted this image on facebook, showing flowers left on a car in oakley honoring her memory. her family also announced a celebration of the life of alexis game is now scheduled for january. 28th. more than a year after she was reported missing. right now. world leaders are in egypt for the united nations climate change summit, the u. n says the annual conference aims to discuss ways to cut emissions and confront the effects of major weather events. 44,000 people from around the world are expected to attend, including many elected officials. one
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representative from senegal called for urgent global cooperation. we need a sense of urgency. it's not fair. for the people to be moving from wherever they are meeting at such a big place and then walk out about anything else. people expectations back home. they want us to make progress because of the people that can't manage to be here. and we hope that they reach and industrialized countries can really be fair, especially us and china. a us delegation is headed to the event with a number of high level cabinet members. president biden is also scheduled to travel to egypt and speak at the conference on friday. the national weather service is counting up the exact number of tornadoes that hit the southern plains. at least two people were killed in texas and oklahoma. take a look at some of this video the national weather service received about 20 preliminary reports of tornadoes and texas, oklahoma and arkansas winds reached nearly 110 mph one twister was also reported in illinois. at least 63 homes were
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destroyed in a rural city in oklahoma with a population of just about 7000. people are time is now 5. 46 will pg and e wants to remind us all how to stay safe when storms hit the bay area that means reported. power lines immediately making sure electric generators are installed properly and cleaning up safely after a storm has moved through. if there's a power outage, pg and e recommends using flashlights, candles, turn off all appliances and keep her backup phone on hand. the san francisco public utilities commission is handing out large grants for people interested in implementing flood prevention projects. a large storm can overrun sewers and storm water systems in the city leading to flooded neighborhoods eligible san francisco residents can be reimbursed for up to $100,000 for installing backwater valves. flood barriers , waterproof seal, sump pumps and other infrastructure that
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reduces flooding at their homes and property. pam, it's fine, 47 . we're going back to south bay area roads are wet and there was a major problem on highway 17. yeah they're clearing it, which is good and the key is that no one was injured with. that's the best part north 17. if you're coming up on redwood estates, make sure you're careful there. i have an on the map, and we didn't even have a lot of slow traffic, which is good because it happened very early in the morning south. their commute looks pretty good highway for though, is beginning to get some slow traffic as you come up over the hill. and 6 80 looks okay. richmond bridge looks all right . there is a backup already. here it is 5 48, and there's a backup already all the way out to the end of the parking lot, so people are out there early. maybe they got up early. maybe the clocks are a little off on people after the time change, but it is an early commute. 5 48. let's talk about today's weather. steve thank you, sir. the initial band cold front went through were in between now. so
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for the morning, except for dan rhodes. it's we're getting a break here until later this afternoon. good friend. just me . i'm clayton not filing any complaints with the rain forecast department happy here. 45 with 28 100 son. rainfall will take it. that's good. yes. rainfall was really good for some of the higher elevations not so much at the lower but it will pick up here. create a mount veeder over happens right. mount tamil pius was closed mount diablo at 45 100 after that, cassie, darryl russian river 1000.56 kent field 0.39. santa rosa quarter of an inch sleepy hollow and marine county also had a quarter of an inch. napa 16 redwood city, san francisco, oakland about 1/10 and then san jose so far. point oh, three. see if that changes here we are in between systems. so we have to wait for this colder air to drop in, and it will drop in. your forecast today, says some sun in the morning and cloud it up again and brain will develop. don't be surprised if we get some thundershowers as well. the main reindeer you guys will be tomorrow. alright steve. thank
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you. well the payroll problem for san francisco unified school employees may be solved soon. we'll tell you why teachers hope to hear some good news today. tonight. got a little bit of heavy hearts. but first we're going to show you how the backstreet boys rallied behind the band mates emotional moment. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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the backstreet boys paid tribute last night to singer aaron carter, the younger brother of band member nick carter after his death over the weekend. tonight. sports. because we lost one of our family members yesterday. video posted on twitter shows kevin richardson, speaking to a crowd in london, as nick carter is comforted by other members of the band 34 year old aaron carter was found dead at his home in southern california on saturday. nick carter shared a message on instagram about his younger brother's death, saying, in part quote my heart is broken, even though my brother and i have had a complicated relationship. my love for him has never ever faded. now you can finally have the piece you could never find here on earth. i love you, baby brother. he also said addiction and mental illness is the real villain here. aaron carter was
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34 years old time is not 5 53. there's now a new plan for the next attempt to launch nasa's new moon rocket. that's a has a window starting this coming sunday for the launch of the artemis one rocket. it's back at the launchpad after being rolled out over the weekend will be a one hour window for the unmanned launch, starting at just after nine p.m. sunday night. this comes after launch attempts earlier this year. we're scrub the artemus missions are part of nasa's attempts to go back to the moon. and speaking of the moon if you stay up really, really late tonight, look at the sky. we're about to see a total lunar eclipse tonight. california will have one of the best views of it. hopefully the weather will let us now steve is saying here in the bay area, we may have some problems with lots of clouds before lunar eclipse will last almost an hour and a half, starting just after two in the morning. till just before
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three. this will be the last total lunar eclipse that we could see until the year 2025. the price of skipping the security line at the airport is dropping. the psa says the price of enrolling for pre check is dropping from 85 to $78. people who renew online will pay $70 the program pre screens. people then lets them use a dedicated screening line where they don't have to take off their shoes or go through thosecial security scanners. right well, google has aasier to track your online gift orders this coming holiday sature in gmail that trg information will now show up in the subject line of the email. without having to open it and more detailed chipping information will be added to a line above the email so you don't have to click a link to a different site in order to track that package. it's 5 55 dusty baker, the former san francisco giants manager, is now
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celebrating his first world series championship average as a big league manager. saturday night, the houston astros beat the phillies 4 to 1 in game six of the world series. that homer. that did it. the astros won it all, and astro manager dusty baker won a world series as a player with the dodgers back in 1981. but houston's win was baker's first world series title in his 25 seasons as a big league manager. how about the mass stones? bunch of guys, they told me in spring training. that they are gonna win. now what's next? party. i hear you, dusty. now bay area baseball fans remember dusty baker, who is the manager of the giants during the
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giants heartbreaking loss in the world series exactly. 20 years ago, the giants collapsed in the late innings of the game six and later lost the 20 oh two world series to the anaheim angels, dusty baker's 73. he is now the oldest manager to ever win a world series. the warriors are back home to face off with the sacramento kings tonight at chase center. they are hoping to break a losing streak after five straight losses on the road warriors defense has given up more than 121 points a game. sports analysts also point out that jordan's pool is struggling with his shooting and turnovers . draymond green and klay thompson both look like they've lost a step as well. i don't think our records reflective or efforts, so that's good, and these guys had a chance to win the game and that's all you can ask from a bunch of new guys and uh, it was a seemed like a road trip from #### but we we're all very grateful to get home in one piece and hopefully started win streak to tonight's game is at
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seven o'clock time is 5 57 tonight? president biden heads to maryland, he'll attend a rally for a democratic candidate for governor. it was at a campaign event last friday in southern california that a comment made by the president triggered an angry response by a key democratic senator. president biden was in carlsbad , he was praising extra funding. for domestic research and manufacturing of computer chips when he threatened to shut down all coal plants. it's also now cheaper to generate electricity. from wind and solar than it is from coal and oil. literally cheaper. we're going to be shutting these plants down all across america. having wind and solar west virginia senator joe manchin, a leading democrat, represents the heart of coal country. he angrily criticized the president's comments, calling them outrageous, divorced from reality and ignoring the severe economic
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pain americans are experiencing because of rising energy costs and retired coal miners were very angry, too. we built this country on coal. we won two world wars on coal and all of a sudden it's a bad word, and i don't understand why complete party of the united states can't understand that coal is responsible for 11% of the nation's electricity. it is now been surpassed by renewable energy, primarily wind and hydrogen power, hydropower. the white house says. the president commented on a fact of economics and technology and that his words were twisted to suggest a meaning that was not intended. holding the house runs through california. we're just one day away from election day. both democrats and republicans are doing everything they can to win votes, which you need to know about some of the battles on the ballot plus being, um, making sure um, all the doors are
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locked before i go. we go to sleep about a rash of break ins in the normally quiet neighborhood police in palo alto say about how the thieves are getting into people's homes from ktvu. fox two news this morning's onto well, good morning to you, and we thank you for joining us. welcome the mornings onto i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook monday morning. november 7th is bringing someone weather. let's check in with steve paulson for the forecast. that is true. we're kind of in between the initial band that went by overnight, but it's not going to take long to start getting things going in already on the mendocino coast. more bands are on the way and we will go from a little bit of morning sun to a lot of cloud cover and more rain later today. tomorrow is the main day tuesday. it'll be a manic monday combination of sun clouds and then more rain. maybe thundershowers would not surprise me. in the least, temperatures are going to remain
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unseasonably cool, probably all the way through wednesday. six o'clock in the morning. sounds hear better in the santa cruz mountains that cleared or still there, that's better, but some of the other commuter waking up so to speak, steve and we go right to the bay bridge because we had kind of an early back up this morning. i really think it's because people got up earlier. i think their clocks are a little off, as might be the chair that you know after the time change. people around early. it's already backed up beyond the 80 over crossing here at the bay bridge toll plaza looking at interstate 8 80. that looks pretty good. salmon tail bridge still looks ok, but you can tell when people are out there a little early this morning, 601. let's get back to the headlines. all right. thank you, sal. tomorrow is election day. voters here in california have several state propositions to vote on as well as voting for local elected leaders. ktvu is james torres live in martinez were there will be early voting later. this more earning james it's the last day of it, pam.
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good morning to you will hear in contra costa county in person. voting will reopen later this morning. you'll be able to do that until later in the evening . but most of the election officials here and pretty much the state want you to attempt to do any mail in voting or drop off ballots here. they say that's just the safest way that your balance will be secured. now the most notable ballot measure might be proposition one this time around. if passed, it would guarantee a woman's right to an abortion and codify into california's constitution. governor gavin newsom and other state leaders rallied for votes over the weekend. many of thosep democrat and republican leaderse majority in both houses of congress. just given what we saw in 2020 and early on january 6th of 2021. i think we all recognized that the race for 2024 is on here and now and ensuring the preservation and protection of our democracy
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includes holding the house californians are absolutely feeling it. whether it's the economy and inflation, the cost of everything from gas to groceries or the crime that we see in our streets. other california propositions, including 26 27, both addressing sports betting. neither appeared to have enough support to pass. there's also prop 30, which gavin newsom publicly opposed, calling for taxing millionaires to raise money for electric vehicle rates and charging stations here in contra costa county in person voting starts later this morning. you can do that until five o'clock tonight. you can also drop off your ballot at any location at any time up until eight o'clock tomorrow morning tomorrow evening election day. this morning in martinez. i'm james torres. ktvu fox two news. alright james. thank you time 603. there are several issues that seem to be driving voters to get out and vote in this midterm election. a new poll by the usc schwarzenegger institute
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says the cost of living is the top issue for 15% of california voters who were surveyed that was followed by homelessness with 13% 11% named the environment and climate change is their main issue. crime and affordable housing also rank high among those who were polled now, make sure that the watch ktvu tomorrow for extensive live coverage of the election will get started at four. a.m. as opposed began to close on the east coast and bring your results throughout the day. the day we are now learning the two people killed in a crash in redwood city friday night. we're parents had left behind two young children a go fund me set up by the family of the victims identifies them as greg and grace. um, and the page said that they had to seven year old children. the crash happened friday night near el camino, real and finger avenue. one of the cars in the crash caught fire. five other people were reportedly injured in the crash
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as well. we still don't know exactly what caused the crash. today we are expecting an update from san francisco unified school district about payroll issues for teachers in the city teachers have been reporting issues with their paychecks for nearly the entire year since the district launched a new payroll system. some teachers say they've been missing money from their paychecks for months, the district says the superintendent will be announcing quote major changes this morning at 11 o'clock time at 605. also today, attorneys were former theranos chief operating officer, sunny ball wani, or scheduled to be in court. they're expected to try to push back his scheduled sentencing. that request is in part due to his lawyers asking for more time to prepare as well as by alwani running his family to be in court with them. his lawyers won his sentencing date to be moved from next tuesday. to january. bonnie is facing up to 20 years in prison for fraud for his role in the bogus blood testing company. alto police are
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investigating a spike in home break ins at least 11 burglaries in less than a month, all happening at about dinnertime. now, the break ins occurred in different neighborhoods, but all of the houses were empty at the time. thieves usually enter the backyard and got into the homes by smashing glass doors. we interviewed one homeowner who was burglarized. uh, jewelry. find jewelry. um. oh, like electronic. and crash residential burglary things a little bit different. i can't recall having this. uh number of burglars in the short period of time. thieves in one break in stole a large safe that had nine guns inside. investigators are checking whether the thieves, uh , have intimate knowledge of the homes. they're ransacking our time. now. six oh, six, another bay area dog owner pleading for the return of her stolen dog
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last friday in san leandro shonte hambleton, says her seven month old french bulldog gucci disappeared from a car in a parking lot, she says while she ran a quick errand, she rolled down her car windows to get gucci and her older dog hennessy , some fresh air, but when she got home, she realized only hennessy was still in the car. somebody definitely open the door.king maybe the flat windows. we didn't really know. maybe we're pregnant too much, but definitely not enough for him to jump out. no they were both dogs in the car, but only one was taken. he's a puppy. this is just one of several reports of stolen french bulldogs around the bay area this past year. the selling price of these popular dogs more than $5000 each is seen as the main factor. although winter is the prime cold and flu season, much of the u. s is now off to an early
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start. doctors say flu activity typically increases in december and january. but according to the cdc, nearly 20 states are reporting higher flu activity and hospitalization rates now compared to this time last year , the agency estimates the country has seen more than 1.5 million cases already this year. we're already approaching some of those numbers, and it's not even the holidays yet, so this is really shaping up to be a very early season for influenza and for rsv. fewer people wearing masks and spending more time in group settings is likely a big factor in the increase this year. the cdc says. anyone six months and older is eligible to get a flu shot and should get one as soon as possible. time is 608 the city of berkley now considering ending all right turns on red. several proposals are being debated, including imposing the ban only on streets with high crash rates were banning right turns at all intersections in the city that have stoplights. the objection.
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the object, the turbine is to protect pedestrians. san francisco last year banned right turns at intersections in the tenderloin trying to improve safety there. and the recent brains. we've had good news on several different fronts. any wet weather helps against the drought. but santa rosa fire marshal paul lowenthal says the rain could hopefully and this year is fire season in the santa rosa area. the fire season wasn't as bad this year, partly because the hard work some careful planning and homeowners , leaving plenty of defensible space. we saw those efforts really pay off during the glass fire with fire, literally burning into fuel breaks around homes and essentially putting itself out. this rain is exactly what we want to see the storms that we're looking at. with the breaks in between or beneficial for us to santa rosa fire foundation will mark the end of the fire season with the fundraising gala for the fire
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department. that foundation was formed after the devastating wildfires in sonoma county to strengthen and expand in the services of the fire department. well the bulk of the rain pan passed already this morning. the snow is coming down in the sierra want to take you live? this is a webcam and truckee where you can see, let us know. on the ground blowing around a little bit. in the last hour, it seemed like there was more snow seems like it's lightning about this morning. it has been snowing most of the night. there are chain controls. we understand in place for both 80 and 50. steve's been talking about several feet of snow over the next couple of days, in addition to the foot of snow that they got last week, so sarah definitely off to a good start. now that is bringing some rain to the bay area, though, and probably could cause some traffic problems. cells keeping an eye on that. yeah, you know, and the commuters off to an
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early start, dave and pam, i think that people their body clock maybe got him up early and they decided. well, i'm up. let's go. and let's go to the richmond bridge. you see traffic here. that's not stop and go, but i've just seen more volume early, and that might be a good thing. this is a look at the bay bridge. now we do have an early start here and the earlier it goes obviously finite amount of people that are going to come through here. we might have a better commute on the backside. now i'm looking here to make sure there's nothing on the bridge, but it just seems very crowded. very early this morning . we were like this at 5 45. and here we are half hour later. this is a look at interstate 8 80. you can see that traffic is moving along relatively well. there are a lot of minor crashes , and that's because i think it's because it's wet out there, and people are kind of sliding and into each other. at least it seems that way. you can see the same. mateo bridge looks good highway four. a longer backup from pittsburgh and debate point and sat down 6 80 as you drive
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the highway 24. there was an earlier crash there, 6 11. let's go back to the desk. all right. thank you, sal away to fight. the drought is getting popular. once again, we're going to explain what zero escaping is and how it could save you some money and the jackpots for the lottery. keep getting bigger. now almost $2. billion is on the line will tell you the kind of odd you're facing for tonight's huge powerball jackpot. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction.
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vote yes on 31. what's it like having xfinity internet with supersonic wifi? it's fast like beyond-gig-speed fast. yeaaaaaaaaay!!! with three times the bandwidth, and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. get the xfinity supersonic bundle with unlimited gig speed nternet, wifi equipment included and a free 4k streaming box. all for $50 a month with a 2 year internet rate guarantee and no annual contract when you add xfinity mobile with unlimited data. switch today!
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. nine billion, but that surgeon buying tickets could push the jackpot to $2 billion or more andre seniors in the studio. now he's giving a preview of tonight's jackpot, drawing all just here fantasizing on her own right. we would do we would do.
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how do we do it? yeah everyone is doing it right now. you still have some time before tonight's drawing and you definitely do not want to miss out on this. the odds oh, immense one in 292 million, but that's not stopping folks from dreaming, big olympic liquor and grocery and walnut creek looks like many convenience stores, a study line of lotto jackpot hopeful thinking they have the magic six numbers to become a billionaire. fired up. we hope we can win it. somebody's got to win. i don't see why it can't be me. yeah great way to think about it. $2 a pop terror shower of wallet creek told us she bought $30 in tickets. and like so many of us, she already has plans on how to spend that fortune. much of it, she says will go to help others. gifting. a lot of it away to family and friends, for sure, especially people that are having a hard time. but, um and then i just say, okay, who wants to go on a vacation? that's go. let's go traveling. if by
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miracles of all miracles you do win one of the first steps is to find a financial advisor right when the sun managing director of sun group wealth partners warns against cashing in the ticket immediately, she recommends to plan things out and keep the tickets safe by locking it up. sign your ticket . that's the first and most important thing. i would use a black permanent marker. not only do you sign it, but i want you to take pictures of the front and the back and multiple pictures as well. scan it. take photocopies. whatever you do, but don't leave the house with it. in other words, take no chances. son recommends working with an established accountant and financial advisor to guide you through this entire process, although california requires lottery winners to reveal their name and where they bought the ticket sunsets, privacy is best changes your social media accounts or changes to your social media accounts and use a post office box for all correspondence. other west people just hitting you up. the full $1.9 billion can be paid
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out in 30 installments over 29 years. the lump sum right now 929 million not bad days. andre i won't forget you when i win, okay? and if you still haven't received your california stimulus check, watch your mailbox this week over the weekend, more debit cards was mailed out. the payments are between 200 to $1050. it all depends on your income and your family size. more direct deposits are also expected to hit bank account soon. with a drought constant challenge in california. many homeowners want to figure out the best way to create attractive landscapes that don't require a lot of water one that's getting popular again. zero escaping it's just a fancy term for really simple concept, which is basically prioritizing low water plants over plants that need more water. because of the threat of ongoing drought. landscape architects are now recommending
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people looking for plants that need less water. they say people should look for plants that thrive in mediterranean climates that can eliminate the need for irrigation systems entirely one of once the plants are established. so looking at plants from, uh, south africa, australia, chile, de um, california and then the mediterranean region of europe going to reduce your water bill. it's also really good in that you're bringing in by bringing in a lot of like california native plants you can bring in more biodiversity. now big landscaping projects can come with a big price tag, but some counties and water providers are offering rebates to take out your grass lawn landscape. architects also say you don't have to go all at once. it also helps save water to just replace some of your yard with drought tolerant plants when you can i found a great source for finding these plants. a lot of people on next door really clippings of their succulents, and you can
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put them in your yard. so there you go. except that i accept whatever sal selling us about our commute. we have a wet commute this morning south. it's not raining, but it's wet and that may be correlated with some of the problems we're seeing. i have a problem at the walnut creek interchange. i'd like to start with sat down 6 80 right at 24. we do have a backup. now that's stretching into pleasant hill heading south west bound 24 looks good heading over to orinda and to the caldecott tunnel. let's talk about the bay bridge. we have kind of a crowd here. it started early this morning on the westbound bay bridge. westbound traffic is going to be a little bit slower than we normally see it. driving onto the span. i haven't seen a crash reported here on the bay bridge. just kind of keep looking around to see why is the carpool lane slow? i when i see that, i think, hmm. i'm a little suspicious, but we'll keep watching there for you. now at 6 19. what about today's weather? suspicious minds out there? yes
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elvis would say the traps caught in a trap. and i can't walk out. nobody did it better. sal. we'll get to some rainfall totals. i'm caught in a track. 3.5 inch rain. mount veeder says. hey, we had a half inch of rain mount tamil pius 48 100, diablo 45. most of the rain was at the higher elevations. unless you were on casa dero. they picked up a half inch of rain. kent field. 450.39 santa rosa, quarter of an inch napa beneath to palo alto all 16 100, zar observer michael polanski, san francisco picked up 13 and dublin picked up 12 if you don't see yours. your location is probably cause you didn't have that much. but there was a really brief heavy downpours around midnight. just after midnight, and this is a really cold system is dropping in. it will not take long. we're in between, but it will not take long to start. getting from maybe partly sunny to cloudy. mostly cloudy. here you can see
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it's already punching in and beginning to rapidly develop on the mendocino coast, so it's only hours away here fifties on most of the attempts morning rain has moved south out of the area cold laws but mainly forties brief sun clouds and then more rain develops and maybe some thundershowers. if you're on the coast starting tonight into tomorrow morning wind advisory entire coastline. strong south wind, maybe gusts 40 to 45 mph from monterey to point raised. the main rain day is tomorrow. that's tuesday. it'll start a little later tonight be most of tuesday, probably linger into wednesday morning before it finally kicks out. it's still snowing in the sierra south lake tahoe is reporting light snow. there's been 3 to 6 inches of snow up. there were from our good friend coop up at kirkwood, he said. 3 to 6. the problem is that a lot of the ski resorts aren't open so you don't get snow totals. the family. you don't get them cause they're not open yet, right open snow on twitter said sorry for the delay, but a lot of them aren't open yet. well, that makes sense, but they
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should be usually get them around eight or nine o'clock in the morning. we get the snow totals, but i have heard 3 to 6. there could easily be anywhere from 1 to 5 ft. of snow between now and wednesday night, up in the mountains thirties for some lower like santa rosa, santa rosa, also reporting fog forties on most of the attempts, although a couple of low fifties this whole system is dropping in on is starting tonight into tomorrow. so son briefly a lot of clouds, then more rain develops. it will be a very cool day for us. rain wind tuesday, maybe low snow levels into wednesday. then it kicks out right now i'm leaning on a drier pattern for the weekend. okay sounds good. thank you. steve more tech companies are reportedly considering some big layoffs will tell you what that can mean for the bay area economy, which is heavily depending on those tech jobs and in northern california man is blaming more than a bit of bad luck after his home was destroyed. coming up, he says the fire may have been caused by a rock from space.
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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areas home to one of the best rowers in the country, and he sunrise. 26 year old ben davidson gets out as single skull at the california rowing club in oakland and heads to the water for training in the oakland estuary. i enjoy it. it's nice being out there. it's almost relaxing. that's like the fun part of my day, and then i go to work and then come back and do it again. us rowing just named davidson. it's male athlete of the year and he's already looking ahead to the 2024 olympic games in paris. i do think if ben continues and stays healthy. he's you know, he's he's going to be a medalist and i think will be an olympic medalist. we just didn't know he would. achieve what he has so quickly. now there's just about a year left until qualifying,
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davidson says it's stressful, maintaining his training to make the olympic team but says he feels good about going to the distance and continues to improve. runners braved the wet and foggy weather for the 21st annual golden gate half marathon over the weekend. it started near aquatic park crossing over the golden gate bridge twice and th ending in front of ghirardeent. firefightersor a ft burned down a man's home. it happened friday night in a rural area of nevada county north of sacramento. take a look at that video. the man says he was at home when he heard a big bang and started to smell smoke, then discovered his porch was on fire . as firefighters worked to put it out. people started showing up to his house because they said they saw a bright flash in the sky. i had one individual. tell me about it first. and like, okay, we'll put that the back of my mind. but the more people 234 more started coming
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in and talking about it, they said. it's a one in four trillion chance. so, uh, i guess i might be buying a lottery ticket today. the fire department says it will take about two weeks to figure out exactly what started that fire. well we have some crazy new video of side shows taking over bay area streets up next, the illegal activity spanning many cities and the police response. and we are expecting new details about the death of alexis game following the news that her remains may have been found what's happening today and how
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domestic battery. embezzlement. misuse of public funds. lily mei not only stood by fremont's disgraced city manager instead of the victim. behind closed doors, she brokered a deal giving him hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars. we can't trust lily mei. aisha wahab is a leader we can count on to improve public safety, invest in schools, and lower costs for families. she's endorsed by the democratic party and planned parenthood. aisha wahab for state senate.
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dealing with layoffs. we have details of the latest tech giant reportedly is about the cut thousands of jobs. it was just one day left until election day. it's an all out sprint for political parties trying to win over voters. congress is up for grabs, with a record amount of
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people expected to vote. from ktvu. box two news this morning's on tv. all right. the main area tech stocks once again the focus as we take you live to that opening bell. the wall street journal reports metas about to announce large scale layoffs that follows layoffs last week at twitter lift and striped apple stock also down this morning after reporting covid restrictions in china will continue to impact iphone production right now looks like the markets are headed higher. but those tech stocks, we'll see what happens with the nasdaq. that's the that's the index that's been hit hard with all these tech stocks. thank you for joining us here on morning sun to pam cook. good morning. i'm dave clark. monday morning. november 7th. i told steve i was outside in the sky look nice right now. no rain. it's not going to last long, mr clark, but that is true. we are in between systems that the initial ban the one that went by at midnight probably woke you up.
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because it was a downpour, along with the wind is pushed east and south, but already on the mendocino coast. it is rapidly beginning to develop, so i'll show you that up there. i mean, it will not take long for us to see some sun breaks and some cloud cover turned to cloudy and more rain on the way, so it's a manic monday. weather wise, mostly clear, cold. cool depending i mean, we're still in the forties for most son, then clouds and more rain is on the way. the sun wall last very long fifties on your temps today. very cool all the way through thursday. probably alright. sounds here. 6 31. where do you want to? where do you want to start this time? i want to start by sitting up straight, but number two. steve is 80 westbound as you drive over to the bay bridge. we had an earlier problem on the bridge has been gone for a bit, but the traffic is very slow approaching the bridge. and here we are now the carpool lanes moving well, but the earlier stalled vehicle really did some damage. here they are starting to turn the metering lights up a little bit, and that means more cars are getting through. this is a look
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at interstate 80 that traffic looks good, so far a little slower. gonna want a quick and other parts of the east bay. we have another traffic update minutes ahead. but now at 6 31, let's get right back to the headlines. coats out. thank you will matter based in menlo park , the parent company of facebook and instagram, maybe the latest tech company to lay off employees. ktvu zahle. rasmus is here in the studio with us now, and this reported layoff is coming only days after twitter and some other tech companies cut their work for us. good morning, alan. good morning, dave metas. layoffs could be announced as soon as this wednesday, and if they go through with them, these will be the first. mass layoffs in the companies nearly 18 year history that is the parent company of facebook, instagram and whatsapp . it's based in menlo park and has 87,000 employees around the globe. back in september, meta put a freeze on hiring now. there are numerous reports that meta plans to lay off some of its workforce, although by how much is still unclear, however, wall street journal's reporting thousands of jobs will be lost.
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now it's part of a trend in recent weeks, with the area tech companies laying off hundreds of workers. preparing for the wars . that's that's the underlying theme of everything going on now , lot of companies they're looking at the possibility of a recession we're going to see in 2023. they don't want to be caught, you know off guards by doing it after fact, twitter cut nearly 3700 jobs almost half of its workforce on friday after elon musk took over, and that prompted a lawsuit for not giving employees the legally required amount of advanced notice. according to the independent newsletter platformer. some employees are being asked to return to twitter rideshare company lift also announced it is cutting about 680 jobs and the financial payments. startup stripe, also based in silicon valley, announced it was cutting about 1000 jobs, according to business insider apple internally announced hiring freeze that will remain in place for the next year. amazon meanwhile, says it's going to pause hiring for some of its corporate roles,
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google says even though hiring has slowed, there are no plans to enact a hiring freeze at that company. and dave back to you. thank you. time is now 6 33 will police in several bay area cities had eight very busy weekend dealing with side joe's tracking down, breaking them up as they took over a lot of intersections. some incredible video to show you some of this just before midnight saturday night, alejo police broke up a huge you've sideshow where hundreds of vehicles were involved. this was what was happening on the freeway shortly after that, now the sideshow happened near the blue rock springs golf club lasted about 15 to 20 minutes before police broke things up. the video taken just after of that woman and someone else hanging out of a car that was on interstate 80 while leaving that side show you video of another sideshow, and it took place in rodeo just after midnight sunday morning. you can see a group of cars and spectators gathered near the phillips carbon plant off highway forward. the crowds
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there split after gunshots were fired in the area. so far. no injuries have been reported in richmond. police quickly broke up a sideshow right outside the hilltop malls. you can see their cars participating came dangerously close to hitting the people who were they're in the crowds watching. time you can hear the gunshots on video during that this sideshow. this is in hayward early sunday morning before those shots were fired and cause people to flee that sideshow near the hayward water treatment plant lasted for more than an hour. so far, there's been no word of any injuries or arrests in any of these side joe activities from over the weekend. it is 6 35 were happening later today. the oakley police department will hold a news conference to give us more details about the death and disappearance of alexis. gay investigators say the partial remains of 24 year old alexis
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gabe, found last week in amador county. young woman from oakley was first reported missing back in january after last being seen in anti og investigators believe her former boyfriend, marshall jones, is responsible for her death. he was killed by federal officers who tried to arrest him near seattle back in june. now the family of alexis gay posted this image on facebook, showing flowers left on a car in oakley to other the memory of alexis. her family also announced a celebration of alexis gabes life is now planned for january. 28th. more than a year after she was reported missing. tomorrow's midterm election could change the balance of power in congress , and both parties are pulling out their heavy hitters for last minute campaigning. midterm elections historically favor the party that is not in power. political analysts say republicans appear likely to take control of the house, but control of the senate is less certain. now they need to turn
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just one seat. to gain control in that chamber to former president said the campaign trail over the weekend, reminding americans what's on the line in this election. truth. and facts. and logic. and reason. and basic decency are on the ballot. democracy itself is on the ballot. the stakes are high. if you want to stop the destruction of our country and said the american dream than this tuesday, you must vote republican in a giant red. millions of americans have already voted the numbers point to a record setting turnout for a midterm election. and pam make sure you watch ktvu all day on election day for extensive live coverage. ktvu .com also has the tools to help you get ready to vote and track your results. look for the election section, or you can go to ktvu .com/
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election. alright we'll have all the recaps as well wednesday morning. so it's all election all week. south. i know you're policy guy, so this is good times, right? interesting do i do tend to be the b? the guy who's the guy who's watching those early sunday morning or political shows? that tends to be me? maybe a handful of it. i think more people are watching these days. i don't know. anyway let's talk about what you care about. and that would be the bay bridge. i guess that you're wondering, why is it so early backup and part of it was that we had a stalled truck there a little while ago that's gone, but the damage is done. and also people were on the road early this morning. it is backed up beyond the maze approaching the bay bridge. do want to mention that if you're driving to the same entail bridge instead, that looks okay. there's a little bit of slowing on the same mateo bridge approach, but not much. it's a better bridge, honestly driving across that bridge. if you could choose between one or the other, you know, some people
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would say, why am i going to the same mateo bridge? it is better if let's say if you live in san leandro, if you're choosing one, there was an earlier crash at the walnut creek interchange sat down 6 80 is pretty slow and how we forge slowing down as well at 6 38. let's talk about today's weather. and here's steve sal. thank you. we will start to focus in on some of the rain totals that happened overnight. it was an intense little cold front there around the midnight hour or so for many start up in the outfield. jc napa assist 0.34 3rd of an inch in yonville so exciting to feel and hear this first round. yes, people heard it. assume he's in fremont , she said. what a storm that passed by quickly last night just after midnight. it poured fremont picked up 29 100. so in between a quarter and a third. yes, that was a narrow cold from but boy, it was wind and very intense. woke me up. maybe probably woke you up. cassandra had a half inch of rain. canfield, 1000.39 milpitas. right there in lockstep with fremont. almost at 0.27. santa rosa had just shy of a quarter. an exponential and napa both picked up 16 100. so did palo
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alto are observed in san francisco picked up 13 100 dublin had 12 100 heavy amounts were where you'd expect them to be higher elevations in russian river lama prieta mount veeder over having terrain. mount tamil pius was closed and mount diablo picked up 1000.45. very intense system here already lightning strikes or from the initial front. it will not take long. even though we're getting a break right now. it is already beginning to develop bubble up if you will, over mendocino county, so brief son or some sun breaks in the morning before we turn cloudy again, you can see fort bragg picked up 9/10 of an inch of rain up there some more heavier rounds to the north. there's a lot more on the way. temperatures will be unseasonably cool for us, mainly fifties mid fifties upper fifties so the rain south has moved out some cooler cold but plo sun clouds and then it will not take long to rapidly develop here under mostly cloudy cloudy skies with more rain and maybe some thunderstorms. strong south wind will develop tonight along the immediate coast. so it was a wind advisory from seven pm until 10 am tomorrow, mainly
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moderate a point raised. the main rain day is tuesday, all right into wednesday morning, so we'll still get some today but there will be more tomorrow. the sierras getting some snow stuff like towels reporting some jane 50 and 80 spent about 3 to 6 inches of new snow up there. there's a lot more on the way, especially as we had two tonight and tuesday, it will be measured in feet. 2 to 5. ft is forecast snow level could get down to 3500 ft. or 3000 ft. if there's enough available moisture look at colquitt. i mean, that's you're you're you're getting up there in syria's territory, now thirties for a few of some fog forties for most, the lowest digging in and it's going to go right over the bay area looks like late tuesday or early wednesday. so for today, there will be some breaks, but it's a wet pattern here all the way into what we go into wednesday. then it looks like it'll calm down but heavy rain colder and wind on tuesday fifties on the temps for most briefly, maybe 60 and then tuesday into wednesday, after that, i'm leaning on a drier forecast towards the end
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of the week. okay see? thank you. time 6 41. here's an impressive stat about a country that really doesn't drink much alcohol. we'll tell you how much beer is expected to be sold in qatar during the upcoming world cup of soccer. right now, let's check in with gasia mikaelian in our newsroom of the other stories we're following for you. good morning. good morning. you two and i get to join you in studio daylight saving time ended yesterday, giving us all an extra hour of sleep but also potentially more danger on the road as more people are now driving when it's dark coming up in the next hour, we'll detail the warning for drivers and pedestrians. also even though twitter, another big name, tech companies pushed more employees to get back to the office. for barrie. companies are rethinking their work culture and embracing remote work. also in the next hour, we'll take a look at these companies that are letting employee
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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if you run a small business, you need the most from every investment. that's why comcast business gives you more. more innovation... with our new gig-speed wi-fi, plus unlimited data. more speed... from the largest, fastest, reliable network... and more savings- up to 60% a year with comcast business mobile. all from the company that powers more businesses than any other provider. get started with fast speeds and advanced security for $49.99 a month for 12 months. plus ask how to get up to a $750 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids.
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yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. face. sacramento kings tonight at chase center. they are hoping to break a losing streak after five straight losses on the road warriors have given up more than 121 points a game sports analysts point out. jordan's pool is struggling with his shooting and turnovers and draymond green and klay thompson are a bit off their game. i don't think or records reflective or efforts, so that's good, and these guys had a chance to win the game and that's all you can ask from a bunch of new guys and uh, it was a seemed like a road trip from #### but we we're all very grateful to get home in one piece and hopefully started win streak. very relaxed. claim. yeah tip off seven o'clock. now.
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all 30. nba teams are scheduled to play tonight so the entire league can be off for election day. tomorrow the teams are being asked to encourage friends get out and vote even use their arenas as polling locations back in 2020 players were involved in voter registration drives and other get out the vote initiatives. former san francisco giants manager dusty baker is celebrating his first world series championship ever has a big league manager. saturday night. his houston astros beat the phillies 4 to 1 in game six of the world series . they want it all, and that homer was a big part of it. dusty baker won a world series is a player with the dodgers back in 1981. but houston's victory was his first world series title in 25 seasons as a big league manager. how about the mass stones? this is the
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greatest. bunch of guys, they told me in spring training. that they're gonna win. now what's next? 30. i think dusty's ready now bay area baseball fans remember dusty baker was the manager of the giants during san francisco's heartbreaking loss in the world series 20. years ago, the giants collapsed in the late innings of game six, later lost the 22 world series of the anaheim angels. dusty baker's 73 years old, now the oldest manager to ever win a world series. this way to go. in today's dollars and cents. walgreens appears to be the latest company to try to expand into the world of primary care, according to the wall street journal. the country's second largest pharmacy chain, is planning to bid for summit. health and agreement could be reached today. within the last few months, amazon acquired its own primary care company, one
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medical and cvs, reached a detail a deal to acquire signify healthcare. google has a new feature to try to make it easier to track your online gifts this holiday season. the company says it has added new package trackage ng feature tracking features in its gmail that tracking information will now show up in the subject line of the email without having to open it and more detailed shipping information will be added to a line above the email so you don't have to click on a link to a different site to track the package. and budweiser says it expects to sell more beer at the world cup in qatar than it normally cells in an entire year. in that whole country, the company's chief supply officer told bloomberg. it had to ship all the beer to the gulf country via ship, then find places to refrigerate it now. qatar greatly limits who is allowed to buy alcohol. people visiting the world cup can only buy beer if they have a ticket to the match , and it can only be purchased before and after the match, not
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during the match. alright, we're going to switch over to south real quick. a big rig is on fire on the dumbarton bridge. what's the latest? dave and pam? this bridge usually is quiet. we don't have a lot of problems. but this morning we do smoke can be seen from this big rig fire on westbound approaching the dumbarton bridge heading over to east palo aalto or the peninsula. and again. don't let this surprise you because this community has been gone too slow . we do have a crew on the way. we should be getting pictures anytime soon. but right now, i would advise you to avoid the dumbarton bridge. so my goodness , jim taking okay, i'm going to avoid the dumbarton bridge. what about that san mateo bridge as well? that looks better. i don't think that looks too bad at the bay bridge. we had an earlier stalled truck. they cleared that out, and traffic is a little bit slow. people are out there early. it's a little wet from what happened overnight. right although right now at the bay bridge, it doesn't look all that wet. but just keep that in mind if you can give yourself an
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extra few minutes. and out to a man who lives vicariously through himself. steve paulson. there's more to that than you think so. that is true. all right, so we'll take a look at some of the rain totals here can now the most of the heavier totals were in the higher elevations, but cathedral came in at a half inch of rain. kent field 0.39 milpitas a quarter of an answer. we're really very, very brief, heavy rain around midnight. fremont milpitas, also for observer in san francisco. maybe for you as well. santa rosa quarter of an inch napa had a quarter of an inch venetia with napa. that depends where you were 16 100 to 20 to 100 palo alto in their san francisco 13 dublin, 12. there's more on the way and it's not going to take long. this is a really come on. come on, put a core ad put a quarter in the machine. did you get it going? this is an unseasonably cold system is dropping in on us. we just had the initial narrow cold front go by. that's long gone, but it's not going to take long already developing on the mendocino coast, it will take only i mean , it's about ready to move in. if it hasn't already parts of the lake county in northern
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sonoma county, it's not going to take long here fifties on the temps so morning rain has moved south, cold, low sun and clouds but then rapidly developing cloud cover and more rain is on the way. windy pattern for those on the immediate coast where wind advisory starts at seven p.m. tonight goes through 10 a.m. tomorrow could get custody from monterey to point reyes around 40 to 45 mph. the main rain day is tomorrow doesn't mean we can't get some today or wednesday, but tomorrow is going to be the day you know that book you've been wanting to read for a long time tomorrow day. that's the day. yeah. i have one of those books that i'm plowing through. but snow continues up in the mountains, but it's really going. i don't think travel is going to be possible tomorrow. be honest with you. winter storm warning is out goes through four a.m. wednesday 2 to 5 ft. snow is forecast, so it's even snowing up area. now they've had about 3 to 6 inches of new snow overnight snowing itself like that would be you know your mount multiple feet. for some here in the forecast between now and probably thursday morning. thirties. for
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a few. that's a cold air mass that's coming in right there, and it's going to move right over us as we head towards wednesday, so we are in the window here for you. name it. mostly cloudy. more rain possible thunderstorms today. but really tuesday's the day heavy rain wind and then more rain colder on wednesday day. alright, steve. thank you time 6 52, as many retailers get ready for the biggest shopping day of the year stores may not compete with each other to get shoppers this season. also in our next hour. what's the biggest competition for holiday dollars ? and tonight the moon will cast the shadow turning red as part of a lunar eclipse will tell you why it may not be as magnificent of you as it could be. domestic battery. embezzlement. misuse of public funds.
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lily mei not only stood by fremont's disgraced city manager instead of the victim. behind closed doors, she brokered a deal giving him hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars. we can't trust lily mei. aisha wahab is a leader we can count on to improve public safety, invest in schools, and lower costs for families. she's endorsed by the democratic party and planned parenthood. aisha wahab for state senate. this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products. yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31.
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this is what voting yes on prop 31 means. yes on 31 ends the sale of candy flavored tobacco products.
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yes, stops big tobacco from targeting our kids. yes, protects kids from nicotine addiction. vote yes on 31. 6 55, the wall street journal, says national security advisor jake sullivan has had several confidential conversations with top aides to russian president putin in recent months. the journal reports. it's an effort to reduce the risk of a large conflict over ukraine and also to keep communications open. well russia continues to attack ukraine's power grid, leaving millions of people there with no
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electricity. most of the power plant of ukraine's biggest private utility company have been damaged. five million people across ukraine have no electricity, the cruise trying to fix damaged power lines. we have no choice to defend our country and to find a solution to keep lighting on. keep this country beat he did and keep our people in the country to fight concerns are rising about a humanitarian crisis as they head into winter. the high temperatures today in kiev or in the forties, the lows dip into the twenties right now, world leaders are in egypt with the united nations climate change summit, the u. n says this annual conference is about ways to cut emissions and confront the effects of major weather events more than 100. world leaders are attending. one delegate from senegal called for urgent global cooperation. a
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sense of urgency. it's not fair. for the people to be moving from wherever they are meeting at such a big place and then walk out without anything else. people high expectations back home. they want us to make progress because of the people that can't manage to be here. and we hope that they reach and industrialized countries can really be fair, especially us and china. no u. s delegation is headed to that event was several high level cabinet members. president biden also scheduled to fly to egypt and speak at the conference on friday. well ellen moscow now wait until after tomorrow's midterm election to unveil a new subscription service for twitter. twitter is delaying the rollout because of concerns that users could pay for a verified account to impersonate somebody else, like a public service figure. the service is expected to be er cost $8 a month for verification. plus several other features. buying a verification.
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it seems absurd to me because it is against the point of a verification. it's possible that twitter could fail. if musk makes the kinds of changes that pushes a lot of people away. that's where there's already suspended. the accounts of some comedians, including kathy griffin, who used her elon musk account to urge voters to protect abortion rights. civil rights groups have written an open letter to twitter's top 20 advertisers, asking them to pause their deals with twitter until elon musk specifies the changes he plans to make to the social media platform. well we now have a new plan. we know of a plan for the next attempted launch of nasa's new moon rocket diocese targeting a window beginning this coming sunday for the launch of the artemis one rocket. it is back on the launch pad after being rolled out this weekend. there will be about one
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hour over window for that unmanned launch. it started just after nine p.m. sunday night. and this comes after launching tempts earlier this year were scrubbed. the artemis missions are part of nasa's attempts. anu stay up, really late tonight, look up at the sky. we're expecting a total lunar eclipse tonight. california will have one of the best views of it, but steve is telling us here in the bay area. clouds may block some of that view. the full lunar eclipse will last about an hour and a half, starting just after two a.m. until just before three. this will be the last total lunar eclipse anywhere in the world until the year 2025. election day in the midterm tomorrow we'll show you how both major political parties are campaigning in hopes of getting last minute swing voters on their side. plus, we expect to get new information today from police in the death of alexis
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gabe, what the community is doing to honor the 24 year old woman from oakley, who had been missing since january. then the largest jackpot in lottery history. what people say is they buy their tickets and their sales could push the jackpot over the two billion marks. from ktvu. fox two news. this is mornings on tv change in the letter. yes lucky for that. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm gasia mikaelian. good morning. i'm dave clark. it's monday morning. november. 7th paulson has a lot to tell you in particular forecast garcia. two bucks to win two billion, or you're going to break down and finally spend two bucks never play at this point. it's more like tradition not to understand. and i'm happy for you remember your friend, but i just i choose to sit back and okay, alright. our good friend matt hanlon is up there on skyline. he picked up a third of an inch of rain. that was about a third to a half some of the higher elevations. currently 45 a little foggy in beautiful


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