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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  August 16, 2023 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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news in san jose, where an officer is shot while responding to a call. the chaotic scene that unfolded as police remain at scene right now, continuing their investigation. this is ktvu fox two news at noon. good afternoon. i'm gasia mikaelian landry. let's get right to it here. breaking news out of san jose. a police officer shot while responding to a family disturbance. it is a very active scene right now unfolding in the area of asuras avenue and race street. we have live team coverage. ctv's brooks jarocz standing by live at the hospital where that officer was taken. but first, let's go to henry lee who is live at the scene with an update from police. and henry, last we heard that suspect was still on the loose. yeah, still at the loose. a san jose police helicopter still hovering
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overhead as we speak. still very much an active scene here at the corner of park moore and meridian. that's about a couple of blocks and around the corner from where an apparent gun battle led to a san jose police officer getting shot. now, show us to show you some video from earlier. san jose police armored vehicle brought merge or swat officers to the scene after gunfire broke out just before eight this morning. it all began with a report of a family disturbance near rae street and ausable avenue as officers approached the residence at the front door of the home, they were immediately met with gunfire fired by a suspect. one officers were shot by the suspect was taken to a hospital. the officer's condition has not yet been released. it's unclear if that officer returned fire or if other officers returned fire and whether the suspect was hit . now, joining me live is sergeant jorge garibay with the san jose police department. sergeant, can you tell me how the officers doing and the status of the search for the suspect? so, unfortunately, we don't have a current update for the officer. we're also awaiting patiently and waiting to get an
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update on the officer. and we're thankful for everybody's outpouring of support from our local community as well as from our elected officials who have been just throwing so much support toward our way. as soon as we have an update, we'd be more than happy to give it. secondly, when it comes to the suspect, we do have the suspect identified and we believe we have the suspect contained in the residence currently, we're still actively negotiating with the suspect, hoping for a peaceful surrender and a peaceful resolution. but however, the scene is still active and we still have a lot of resources here at the scene. is there anyone else believed to be in the home with the suspect or have they been taken away to safety? we still don't have that information because the they are still actively negotiating with the suspect. we don't have a whole lot of information to confirm those details, confirming do we now have any confirmation as to whether any officers opened fire on the suspect? we still don't have that. we're because the scene is still active. we haven't had an opportunity to interview the other officers as well as the officer who is obviously still at the hospital. while we're awaiting the condition update. so there's still a lot of information we don't have as the scene continues to develop. as
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soon as we do, we'll be more than happy to share that. anything you can say about the age or perhaps the name of the suspect you're looking for? we can i can confirm that it's an adult male, and that's about all i can confirm at this time. okay sergeant jorge garibay of the san jose police department, thank you for that update. and again, we will be bringing you live updates from the scene throughout the afternoon. again, to recap, a suspect shot and wounded a san jose police officer who was at a hospital suspect believed to be holed up inside the home. and negotiations are still underway with san jose police. a live in san jose, henry lee, ktvu fox two news. henry thank you. will now bring in ctv's brooks jarocz your live at the hospital where the officer is being treated. bring us what you've learned about the officer's condition. well, right now we are standing right outside valley medical center in the emergency room entrance. that's where that officer was rushed shortly after that encounter. we're told that it was just one officer who was hit. no other injuries, no one else transported to the hospital . as for the officer's condition , we're unsure. we try to talk to some hospital officials. they referred us to san jose police department for any updates
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there. so we're unaware if that officer is in surgery or what the condition is at this time. now when we showed up here, we saw several officers rushing into the hospital. we also have seen several cruisers parked up and down the street and they are in it for the long haul because since then, they have set up a tent and brought out a cooler. and many officers have come and gone. in fact, just in the last ten minutes, we saw a couple officers exiting the hospital in hand, a brown paper bag they had on surgical gloves. it would appear that there was some sort of evidence taken from that officer. what it is, we are still unclear at this point. we are expected to get more information in the coming hours as they update us on the officer , what happened and as well as the officer, his condition for now. reporting live in san jose outside valley medical center, i'm brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news. brooks thank you. we'll move now to a developing story in palo alto where police are investigating the death of a man on a downtown street. man's body
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was discovered just before 630 this morning on the roadway at waverly street soon. well, san francisco police have not released the name of the driver who struck a family of three, resulting in the death of a four year old who was being pushed in a stroller at the time. the crash happened shortly after five last night at fourth and king streets in mission bay near the caltrain station at about a block from oracle park. there were two right turn lanes at that intersection and a silver suv was in the second turn lane when it struck the family, the vehicle and the driver that was involved in this incident remained on scene. the driver is cooperating with our investigation. the any impairment due to drugs or alcohol does not to be does not
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appear to be a factor. the area was especially busy because of the time of day and because there was a giants game at oracle last night. the spokesperson with sfpd said neither of sexual abuse and retaliation at the federal correctional institution in dublin. the suit was announced about an hour ago during a news conference and rally outside of the oakland federal courthouse. the lawsuit is against the federal bureau of prisons director colette peters. ward leticia jacinto and 12 correctional officers. it has declarations from 50 former and current female inmates to the suit alleges the sexual abuse has been ongoing, despite the convictions of the prison's former warden and charges against seven correctional officers. we know that prison staff have raped, assaulted and harassed dozens and dozens of incarcerated people and punish those who dare to speak out. and we know that staff have explicitly targeted vulnerable people, including immigrants who are facing deportation. we know that this has happened and it continues to happen. and we are
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here today to say no more. if the judges certify the suit as class action, it will cover all 600 women at fci dublin. the bureau of prisons has not yet responded to our request for comment. students and families in the san francisco unified school district are dealing with more than just first day jitters. today, the district, like many others nationwide, is grappling with a teacher shortage. ctv's baylee o'carroll is a look at how the community is coming together to kick off a new school year. i love the first day. it's absolutely fabulous. i'm super excited. students and teachers in the san francisco unified school district returned to the classroom today. many are excited, including four year old bridget, who started tc and her mom. it makes me feel wonderful that she's going to be here with some amazing teachers. but as many are excited, many parents are also unhappy as teacher shortages continue to be a growing issue. the last numbers that we saw, there's 174 job vacancies currently in san francisco. this time last year in the district, there was
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around 70. so it is it is intense. it's a crisis. it's not something to be balked at. according to the sf usd superintendent, they are doing everything they can to fill the vacancies. our human resources team is open late. we're staying until seven at night on weeknights and ope on saturdays because we do have people we're working to on board and then we're making sure we have a caring adults in every classroom . but cassandra, the president of the san francisco teachers union, says the issue all comes down to teacher pay. her and other union officials say if districts raise the pay, they're likely wouldn't be a shortage. we asked the president of the states teacher association why that pay hasn't been increased. one of the biggest things is funding local school districts. they do get state funding. so if the state doesn't go up enough, it doesn't increase enough. we can't get those salaries right now. many parents are asking what's going to be done in the meantime? well, according to school officials, they say substitute teachers and administrators will fill in
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where needed in san francisco, i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu fox two news. students in the fremont school district also went back to school today. we shot video this morning at mission san jose elementary. a parents are dropping their kids off for the first day back at school. we talked with one father who was dropping off his children who are in fourth grade and kindergarten. i'm excited to finally back to school. we've got the older one through. so the younger ones starting. so we kind of know what's going on. well, the kids say they were excited about getting to see their friends again. the death toll continues to rise on maui. we'll have the latest on recovery efforts there following devastating wildfires. and when the president plans to tour the damage and meet with survivors. plus abandoned cars and tons of trash threatening the water supply. the work happening today to clean up this mess and why officials at one east bay water utility say they need the public's help to fix this problem. from the ktvu weather center, wow. take a look at
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that. isn't that glorious? beautiful conditions around the bay area right now, but its name is hillary. and the impact it will have on your forecast. the weather outlook is coming up as the news continues right here on ktvu fox two. we'll be right back.
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their lives right now. it comes as president biden announced today he will travel to the island on monday to tour the damage and meet with survivors of the fires. max gordon has the latest developments. search teams in cadaver dogs still combing through areas scorched by maui's wildfires. the death toll here now passing 100 people . a mobile morgue arriving on scene as officials begin the process of identifying the dead. they're asking people on the island to give dna swabs to help locate loved ones. emergency responders from across the country have deployed to help with the rescue efforts. if they need more, we'll send more. so they need if they ask us for more people, more equipment, whatever it is that they need. since these fires began, more than 2200 structures have either been damaged or destroyed. state
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officials say hundreds of hotel rooms and vacation rentals are becoming available for those in need of housing. but more than a week after the fires broke out, folks here say they're frustrated with the speed of the government's response. since the frustration lies with our government, not we've always had to fight what we had before over here. you know, i don't know why, because we made spring so much money as the island tries to make sense of the devastation, developers have been reportedly contacting fire victims, asking to buy their damaged properties. hawaii governor josh green says he's considering a moratorium on land sales. i will not be allowing anyone to build or rezone or do anything of that sort if they've taken advantage of anyone here. rebuilding will be for our local people. president biden will travel to maui on monday to meet with first responders and survivors on the island of maui. max gordon, ktvu fox two news. we'll move now to a developing story out of siskiyou county where a wildfire is spreading through national forest land. the head fire started yesterday . it's one of about a dozen
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fires sparkedays from lightning strikes in the klamath national head fire is burning west of yreka near the oregon boundary evacuation orders and warnings are in place for neighboring communities. so far, the fires burned between 3 and 4000 acres. no word yet on any containment. and as we see those images now, we should know that we are dealing with some hot weather here across the bay area, parts of the bay area. burt gonzalez here with more on that. hey, roberta. hi there, andre. and one thing that we are certainly doing here in the weather central area is we are keeping an eye out on the future forecast. so long range computer forecast because while today we will bank between 71 degrees and pacifica to 100 degrees inland, it's not just the heat. sure when the heat goes up, the humidity generally goes down. but the humidity is with us today. and there's more tropical moisture heading this way with the potential of dry lightning. we'll get to that. but right now, we do have some fog. it continues to linger in around the golden gate bridge right there, the richmond district. and certainly it is shocked in
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at the sunset district, we pull on out, we take a look pacifica, you have hit and miss areas of clouds and that is why we are forecasting 71 degrees right there today at the beaches. we do see the fog right now. it is inundating the john daly boulevard area. but you do have some sunshine at this hour, as does south san francisco. and also pedro valley. now, this is that fog that was verified on our computer imagery. and it's actually really beautiful, isn't it? it will retract somewhat a little bit. but this is a little finger of fog over the mount tamalpais area. and also trying to sift in to sausalito and tiburon. right now, temperatures back from 61 degrees at the bolinas fire station to 97 degrees in middletown, 82 degrees in sonoma. so it's relatively on the pleasant side at this hour. the only thing is these temperatures will continue to climb and it's in the high 70s now around america canyon, east bay numbers this is where the heat has been on. we're
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talking 92 degrees at this hour in alamo, going up to a high of 99 degrees. it is 78 degrees. it is pleasant in panola and 80 in castro valley. check out these numbers. saratoga at 83, 85 in morgan hill and mid 80s and san jose when the average high this time of the year is 81 degrees. there meanwhile, 79 degrees in san mateo. foster city, pretty similar conditions and 80s will become right now around, let's say, stanford all the way to palo alto. these temperatures are pretty close to where we were this time yesterday, except we're on our way to a warmer day in fairfield. five degrees hotter at this hour there. otherwise, two degrees warmer in half moon bay. and that's because the fog has been thinning out there. the winds are now picking up. they've been relatively flat this morning. right now under 15mph throughout the east bay and north bay. we do have a bit of a breeze in throughout that san bruno gap at sfo at 15mph, under five in san jose. these winds will increase
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15 to 20 late day. so here is our satellite imagery. we have the spiral action right here, counter clockwise position. that is an area of low pressure that has been bringing with it some of the subtropical moisture. but this is the monsoonal moisture we have been laying eyes on. and as it lifts up towards the high sierra, we will have those thunderstorms pop during the afternoon hours. so again, today, never mind that right there. we do have more warm weather and muggy conditions for you. temperature wise, we're talking about ten degrees warmer in throughout the east bay. now, this satellite imagery really does detect the plume of moisture that continues to pick up. but what this is doing is watch the clock, okay? that clock does indicate that by next monday, we will have that subtropical moisture lifting up through southern california towards monterey and fresno with this is the remnants of what will once be a hurricane. right now, it's a tropical storm. its name is hillary. it's really gathering a lot of strength of
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momentum because that's out towards some warmer waters out towards the pacific. but once it enters our waters, it's going to begin to downsize and become the remnants of. now, computer models are all in disagreement right now. it will change. but right now at this stage, where it should be, looks like we could have some rain. and our forecast for the beginning of next week. again, this is something that bears watching. it'll be pretty much with us all the way from monday throu that kind of subtropical moisture, you also get that dry lightning . so our awareness should be heightened for the beginning of next week. and also again, this is going to change under oddly. but right now, computer models do suggest we could see up to 6/10 of an inch of rain between monday and wednesday in santa rosa over two inches during that period. and the greater lake tahoe area, again, we're going to keep a very watchful eye on that. now, this is the graphic i wanted to get to. this one does
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indicate it again, it is heating up again today with the muggy conditions just not as hot and as humid as it was yesterday. now, meanwhile, tonight, with that blanket of cloud cover, we will enjoy temperatures into the mid 50s and few 60s, except for that antioch area overnight low an uncomfortable 78 degrees and we will have the clouds building at the coast. today's daytime high temperatures topping off anywhere. well, we're going to up those temperatures along the coast to 100 degrees in antioch . i got to tell you, when you see that 99 degrees in livermore , somebody's backyard like mine is about 102 and 103 degrees. so it depends upon the amount of asphalt and concrete you but we will continue to monitor those temperatures and especially hillary. that's brewing and growing right now out over the pacific ocean. we got a lot of activity happening in our oceans, both the atlantic and the pacific, to stage hurricane season is really an understatement. at this time. yeah. all right. the weather out
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there to feed and feed those hurricanes. all right. thank you so much. appreciate it. thank you. coming up, changes could be coming to the outside lands festival in san francisco. how it could be expanding and why the ad is getting mixed reaction from people who live nearby how's the chicken? the prawns are delicious.
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oh, i have a shellfish allergy. one prawn. very good. did i say chicken wrong? tired of people not listening to what you want? it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪
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on the ballot. the recall organizers say after the county gives them the green light, they'll have 160 days to gather 98,000 signatures to put the issue on the ballot for a vote. oakland chinatown leader carl chan is helping to lead the recall effort. we are here to save people in the future, not become victimized if we don't do something now. and i'm sure that you know so many people will be impacted directly and many innocent people will be hurt. price is now eight months into her term. she ran on a progressive platform and has drawn anger from some for tossing out enhancements and special circumstances in violent cases. former president donald trump says he has what he calls irrefutable proof that that'll clear him of criminal charges he's facing in georgia. he says he'll release a conclusive report on alleged voter fraud in georgia next week. former president trump and 18 of his allies are accused of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in georgia. legal experts say that
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his new claim of proof of voter fraud may be illegal strategy against georgia prosecutor fani willis. new associated press poll taken just before the georgia indictments this week shows support for the former president among republicans has gone up from 55% in april to now 63. the hollywood actors, writers strike continues, and the union's chief negotiator says studios have shown no signs that they are ready to talk. the union is focused on a pay increase and improving how residuals are paid. it also wants new protections when it comes to artificial intelligence and an agreement on streaming revenue. and despite the hollywood strike, the sidequest film festival is happening in san jose, showcasing independent films from around the world. films are being shown at the california theater in san jose and at the showplace theater in mountain view. this is silicon valley's largest film festival and includes films that range from documentary to thrillers, comedies and science fiction. actor philip andre botelho is starring in fallen drive. he
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says while actors and writers continue their strike, they still have a deep passion for the industry. when i show up for these films, as you will see, i hope you show up on friday. you know, i bleed for these films, you know, and i give my, you know, my craft, my soul. so you know, we just want everyone to be compensated fairly. jennifer esposito has been an actor for years, but she is part as a producer and director at this year's seneca festival. her film, fresh kills, was the featured film for opening night in san jose. it centers around the women in the mobster lifestyle. i knew that this was a genre that focused on the men, and i grew up around women in this culture, and they had voices and they had powerful voices and they had stories. and i thought, this is something we need to tell. why haven't we seen this? films will be shown at sidequest through august 30th. there is already talk that next year's outside lands music festival in san francisco could be twice as big as the one that just wrapped up this weekend.
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city officials are discussing adding a second weekend of events. a city spokesperson tells the examiner the annual music festival has brought in more than $1 billion into the local economy since it started 15 years ago. a second weekend would include more concerts at golden gate park along with free shows in other parts of the city . supporters say it could lead to more art, culture and nightlife in downtown san francisco. opponents worry, though, that a second weekend will create more traffic and litter. right now, the idea is still in the planning stages. we continue to follow that breaking news in san jose. a police officer shot while responding to a call this morning. we'll have the latest on what is still an active scene in the south bay. plus, frustration growing in the east bay. the impact of several recent power outages on business owners in san ramon, danville, alamo and beyond. and how pga is responding
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scene to bring us an update. henry well, garcia, just within the last ten minutes or so, we heard a loud boom coming from behind us. and then the unmistakable smell of tear gas. we could actually feel on coming across. and we're even though we're two and a half blocks away
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from the scene, we could feel it in our eyes. now we are at the corner of palmer and meridian. the scene still very much active. the helicopter has been circling as the police investigate an apparent shootout that left a san jose police officer hurt. let's show you some video from earlier today. now san jose police armored car brought merge or swat officers to the scene after gunfire broke out just before eight this morning. it all began with a report of a family disturbance near rae street and observed avenue as officers approached the residence at the front door of the home, they were immediately met with gunfire by a suspect, a one officer was shot by the suspect and was taken to a hospital. the officer's condition not released. now, it's unclear if that officer or others returned fire and whether that suspect was hit. a san jose police sergeant briefed the media earlier this morning. here's what he had to say shortly after arrival, officers made contact after a residence and immediately began taking fire from a suspect. one officer was hit by gunfire and was transported to a local hospital
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for that injury. we do not have an update on the officer's injury at this time. now, police have said they believe the suspect has been contained to the home where this all began, but he has not been arrested. and again, we heard a loud boom, possibly from a flash bang distraction device and then tear gas was then deployed. unclear whether officers have made any headway. we'll be bringing you updates live from the scene throughout the afternoon, reporting live from san jose, henry lee, ktvu fox two news. henry thank you so much. now to contra costa county. many business owners and residents from san ramon to alamo say they are fed up after nearly 20 power outages. so far this year. and at least for just this week. kvue's rick ross tells us about the impact felt around the area. we haven't been getting any kind of notifications as it just happens without warning, power goes out in downtown danville. some business owners say so far this year it's happened 19 times and counting. our hands are tight because there's really
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nothing we can do besides sit around and wait for pga to do better. no electricity twice on monday, once out during lunch, then during dinner, leaving hungry customers and busy cooks in the dark. we have checks that need to be paid out. we have guests who are sitting and not sure what to do. we have a kitchen that's halfway through their tickets, can't see what they're making. it's tough on the restaurants because you know, we have so much refrigeration and equipment and people say, why don't you get a generator and it's like, i need 20. jill rubio, owner of pete's brass rail, says food is spoiled and thousands of dollars has gone out with the garbage in recent months. the biggest fear now, not knowing when or if it will happen again. i'm like rushing today, trying to get, you know, ring some credit cards in before i think the power's going to go out because once that goes out, a lot of times we just have to eat it. the problem is widespread red. this map shows the most recent outage affecting thousands from alamo to san ramon. pga says power
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lines here are equipped with technology to prevent wildfires . it automatically turns off power within one tenth of a second. if a hazard like a tree branch strikes a line, a pga spokesperson saying while this technology helps to keep customers safe, it can also result in unplanned outages. we are taking immediate action to identify the cause of these outages and prevent them from occurring again. the sensitivity of that system is felt at diablo dentist group. we have had to cancel patients. we have had to reset our equipment. dentists say the power outages have forced them to stop mid procedure when drills and fills can't continue. we don't want to hurt our patients, so we just do something temporarily as much as we can with with one of our flashlights. i mean, it's kind of like the stone ages, leaving many frustrated over current uncertainty and questioning reliability. what do you want to say to pga? fix your problem, pga said it is working on an
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immediate fix, but despite asking questions, the utility would not provide any specifics. in danville brooks jarocz ktvu fox two news. well, san jose city leaders seemingly averted a contentious strike by members of two of its largest unions. for months, the unions have asked the city for new contracts threatening to strike if their demands were not met and just before the city council's open session started yesterday, the members agreed to a new deal. i am very optimistic that our group will also vote to ratify the contract agreement. i think it is a huge win for both of our unions. the agreed upon terms include a 15% pay raise for the next three years, eight weeks of paid family leave and more money for public services. now mayor matt mehan agrees with the family leave provision, but tells us the pay raises stretch the city to the limit. and i haven't heard anyone who supports this deal identify whose taxes are willing to raise and whose services they're willing to cut. the agreement still has to be approved by the
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city, and then it will go to union members for their ratification vote. then the city council has to vote on it and that may happen next month. the owner of an oakland restaurant says he is frustrated following a burglary at his business. thieves and two cars pulled up outside the agave restaurant at the corner of 22nd and broadway last weekend. thieves inside forced open the lock of the main doors and headed straight to the office. that's where they broke open a small safe. the owner says. inside $10,000 in tip money for the workers. now, i had to pay the money because, like it or not, it's the money that they already work. i come here fairly regularly on business and it doesn't feel safe and it's getting less safe. so when we have the choice, we'll meet across the bay. oakland police want anyone with information on the thieves or the cars used to contact them. across the bay and new at noon, people who walk on a trail in a quiet neighborhood on the peninsula say they're feeling uneasy after reports of sexual assaults in the area. a woman says she was sexually assaulted while walking along poplar avenue in the millbrae avenue
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area yesterday evening. the attacker was last seen wearing a black hoodie with white writing on the back and black pants. he's described it as about five feet ten inches tall, with a light complexion. san mateo county sheriff's department said a similar incident was reported on the spur trail sunday right around the same time. authorities are asking anyone with information related to the incidents to give them a call. the former director of sports medicine at san jose state university pleaded guilty to two federal charges linked to sexual abuse of students in the plea agreement. scott shaw admitted to violating the civil rights of four students by touching them without their consent during physical therapy treatments between 2017 and 2020. plea deal came less than two weeks after a mistrial was declared in the case. shaw faces two years in prison at is sentenced hearing in november. well san francisco mayor london breed says she is trying to improve pedestrian safety in the richmond district with a newly approved project. the san francisco mta approved a plan to create transit only lanes along gary boulevard in the avenues. the muni and taxi
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only lanes will run between 15th avenue and 33rd avenue. now business owners on gary boulevard have lashed out, saying the project will eliminate 31 parking spaces in an area already congested construction begins this fall. the mayor says this project will reduce carbon emissions and make the city more accessible. she added, quote, this project is also about making our streets safer in an area where, on average one person walking is injured in a traffic collision every month. this project will implement needed safety improvements at intersections. san francisco could soon lose another longtime retailer due to what it calls worsening downtown conditions. the luxury department store gump's, which has been in san francisco for 166 years, is warning this could be its last year. the store's owner wrote an open letter to governor newsom, mayor london breed and the city's board of supervisors was published in a paid ad in the chronicle. it said in part, a litany of destructive san francisco strategies, including allowing the homeless to occupy our sidewalks, to openly distribute and use illegal drugs to harass the public and to defile the
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city streets has been devastating. officials have not yet responded to that letter. well, real estate agents are on alert because of a ransomware attack. now, last week, a software service that gives data on property listings to real estate agents was hacked and is affecting real estate agents across the state. the san francisco association of real estate agents says it is not sure when the software will be back to normal or if customer information on the listings was compromised. you need to have a lot of money saved if you want to buy a house. a new report from the california association of realtors shows fewer than 16% of people looking for a home in california can actually afford one. that's a 16, 16 year low right now. the association estimates the cost of a median price for a home in california is $830,000, according to the data, a minimum income of 208,000 was needed to qualify to purchase a median price home, a concern for parents as the school year gets underway. how an adhd drug shortage could impact their child's learning. beautiful view of the estuary.
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isn't that glorious? you could see in the foreground there a little hint of some stratus in the form of fog. you think it's a little humid today? wait till you see what's on tap for next week. your forecast is coming up after this brief commercial break is back now at lucky!
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area where east bay mud representatives say they need the community's help with this problem. on pinehurst road in the moraga hills, you can see calm waters and scenic views of the upper san leandro reservoir. a picturesque sight until you look down and see some of the trash scattered down. some of the embankments. hazardous material, all the things that you would find in a dump and why we have designated dump sites are happening here in our watershed where we hold our water, including abandoned cars . contractors hired by east bay mud hoisted the first of three abandoned cars as part of a clep this morning. tow truck operators repel down, hook up and then haul up a smashed car from 300ft below. it is difficult work. the steepness of the hill is certainly number one. and you just got to take your time, make sure you don't do anything that's going to cause somebody to get hurt. i have had poison oak down in here. yes it can be very bad. that's just some of that. it's all over east bay. mud
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representatives say illegal dumping near their reservoir has become a big problem since the pandemic. last month, they did a similar cleanup and removed eight abandoned cars from the area and cleaned up more than eight tons of trash. i'm happy to clean this up. thank you for doing that. it's a beautiful place. in the past three years, the water utilities had to spend more than 200,000 ratepayer dollars just to clean up this mess. this land and this water supply is too valuable. don't bring your trash here. this is what we drink. what we live off of. representatives with east bay mud say they want the public to help them by reporting any illegal dumping they might see. they also want to make sure if you're having junk hauled from your house, make sure the haulers are taking that stuff to a designated dumping site and not just tossing it on the side of the road in the moraga hills . allie rasmus, ktvu fox two news. new at noon as a new school year begins medical experts find that students with adhd are suffering due to medication shortages. parents
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searching for pharmacies across the country with adhd medication in stock say one of the cruelest aspects of the shortage is the collateral damage to their children's self-esteem. psychiatrists and pediatricians often prescribe stimulant medications such as adderall and ritalin to help children who have trouble functioning in daily life. doctors say the demand for adhd medicine has also soared because of increased awareness about the condition in both children and adults. environmental activists held a rally in oakland to speak out against plans to expand the oakland international airport, whose health whose planning? our clinic. clinic. climate activists gathered near the oakland airport ahead of a public hearing on its proposed expansion. would be the airport's first major expansion in 40 years, adding a new terminal with up to 16 new gates. activists say the increased air traffic and resulting pollution would put community members risk. i want t to realize what this project really means. think of your kids. we're literally the future
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and you could either ruin it before it starts or save it. the port of oakland owns the airport and is overseeing the project. says it's expecting another 24 million passengers by the year 2038. the port says it hopes to provide safe and modern facility for the influx of passengers while attracting customers who are currently traveling through sfo. what's important is the port of oakland, which owns and operates the airport, has prioritized sustainability in the development all along the way of this proposed airport project. the thing is, is that whether we build it or not, we know that 24 million people are coming. so we really want to upgrade the facilities so we can meet those needs. second public hearing is scheduled for august 31st. the port is accepting community feedback on the development through its website until september 15th. in the san francisco international airport says it will voluntarily reduce electricity use during anticipate energy shortages. sfo outlined a plan to support the state grid's emergency flex alerts. they are usually issued
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when extremely hot weather drives up electricity use and shortens the available power supply. i suppose, says some of the measures they will implement during flex alerts will include reducing the air trade frequency service of every four minutes to every eight minutes. they also plan to cut back on lighting and electricity use throughout the airport and temporarily deactivate ev chargers in all sfo parking garages. nothing but sun behind us along the gorgeous oakland estuary. our meteorologist roberta gonzales is here to say that some people may be getting a little bit too much sun. yeah like right here over towards the lafayette to walnut creek, orinda moraga and also as you go a little bit further inland towards the livermore danville alamo, also into pleasanton, dublin, san ramon, it is going to be hot today. it already is. how about 90 degrees in livermore? 94 degrees at this lunchtime in walnut creek. we have 86 degrees in fremont and in union city. well, it's mighty comfortable around the peninsula into the 70s. check out half moon bay, 64
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degrees mid 80s in san jose when typically at this time of the year at 81 and it is 81 degrees in santa rosa. these temperatures are riding for the most part warmer than yesterday, except right there around the east shore of the central bay and two degrees warmer in san jose through the rose garden district. the winds are increasing, will blow today, 10 to 15. occasional gusts to 20 during the afternoon hours. there you have it right there. and througut bruno gap at sfo, 15 mile per hour wind. okay lot on. first off. yes, it's still muggy today, but not as humid as it has been in the past couple of days. and we have that pesky area of low pressure just spinning its wheels right califd see it right. all this monsoonal moisture continues to fuel from the south up in a northeasterly direction. so let's see if the tahoe air is going to pick up more thunder bumpers today. and it appears as if it will by 5 or 6:00. some sporadic showers in the forecast, a potential of dry
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lightning as well. and as this fuels out of the area, by thursday, some drier air mass works its way into the bay area, as well as the tahoe region. so let's chances of the higher humidity and also the dry lightning. but this is what you're going to be hearing a lot about this right now is tropical storm hillary. it has been upgraded. it developed yesterday day. and right now, our computer models watch this. they suggest that as hillary skims across mexico on the outer waters and lifts itself up towards the colder waters off the california coast, it wants to bring some of its remnants, its moisture, into the bay area. so not so much this week, not so much over the weekend, except for southern california. now this will probably change its track by monday, but nonetheless, right now, our computer models are bringing some precipitation into monterey, the bay area. all the way. monday, tuesday and into your wednesday. and if the
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computer models are correct, it's going to dump some hefty totals of rain in the bay area. that's right. but with it comes the risk of dry lightning and thunderstorm activity. so that's why you're going to hear a lot about it. boy, these numbers continue to change an inch and a half of rain between monday and wednesday. it'll change, but we will be here to keep you updated. here you go. with tonight's overnight low temperatures with partly cloudy skies numbers. but i've been just kicking off all the blankets. how about you? 50s and low 60s? how about 70? that's an overnight low in antioch. meanwhile, today's highs back in between a very comfortable, refreshing 71 in pacifica, 70 in san francisco to the high 80s to the north, 100 to the east, 990 to the south, 93 a morgan hill. and in gilroy. but check this out. here is your extended forecast. we will begin that cooldown again tomorrow. seasonal day for your friday. then we inch it back up on saturday, only to go back down on sunday and then more humid
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conditions and that risk of volatile weather. and i say volatile because we're going to really have to watch this for that potential of thunderstorms with that dry lightning. we know what that means. we'll be on heightened alert for fire danger here in the bay area. all right . thank you so much. appreciate it. coming up, this isn't something we learned in school, but the concept of girl math is going viral. the new trend that some women are using to justify excessive spending habits. also, we're so excited to announce there's a new streaming app for your tv. you can now watch our newscast live on amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv? just search your device for fox local and choose ktvu fox two. you can also get the instructions when you head to our website ow to stream
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this tiny payment thing- is a giant pain! hi ladies! alex from u.s. bank!
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can she help? how about a comprehensive point of sale system... that can track inventory, manage schedules- and customize orders? that's what u.s. bank business essentials is for. (oven explosion) what about a new oven, can u.s. bank help us there? we can serve loans in as fast as 12 minutes. that would be a big help! huge! jumbo! ginormous! woo! -woo! finding ways to make your business boom. that's what u.s. bank is for. we'll get there together.
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scene right now all unfolding in the area of various avenue in race street. police say the suspect is contained to the home where the shooting happened. henry lee reported just a short time ago he could smell tear gas in the area after hearing a loud noise in the area. now, this happened about 8:00 this morning as officers approached the residence at the front door of the home. they were immediately met with gunfire by the shooter. one officer was hit by the suspect and was taken to a hospital. the officer's condition not released at this time. it's unclear if that officer returned fire and whether the suspect was hit. now, san jose mayor matt mehan responded on twitter. he said, quote, i am praying for the swift recovery of our san jose police officer who was shot this morning while responding to a domestic violence call. she is currently at the hospital and my thoughts are with her family during this unimaginable, difficult time. we are updating the story throughout the afternoon at ktvu and watch for our live reports starting at 4:00. governor newsom announced a new partnership with australia
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on climate change. he joined australia's ambassador to the united states to adopt the memorandum of understanding, which focuses on innovations in clean energy and transportation. australia has pledged carbon foy the year 2030 and be carbon neutral by 2050, with future generations in mind, what country, what community do we leave to our kids and grandkids when we are actually the custodian of the decision making powers? now to make a difference ? governor newsom agreed, saying it's time to take action at a time of extreme weather worldwide, including severe drought, wildfire and record temperatures. more people in santa clara county may soon be eligible for a guaranteed income. the county's board of supervisors allocated $2 million toward its guaranteed basic income pilot program. former foster youth have been supported by the program since it began in 2020. now they're receiving a monthly stipend of $1,200 for two years. with today's funding , the county hopes to eventually start supporting young mothers, people who've been in the justice system, individuals in homeless, high school seniors.
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parents of young children know that diapers are a major expense and prices have gone up dramatically over the past few years. madison carpenter reports how millions of families are struggling to meet their babies basic needs. this is especially tough for low income families, but the national diaper bank network is trying to help collect and give out free diapers to those who needith hul diaper b tells me that right no, nearly half of american families are struggling to afford diapers. we actually provide diapers for our infants and toddlers. those are for school only. and so we have our diaper bank vipers that are for home only. julie mcafee is the director of hilltop child and family development center in saint louis. our main goal at hilltop is to break down as many financial barriers as possible.
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kids have to have diapers. there's no current programs that help parents afford that cost. and we all know that's very expensive. hilltop partners with the saint louis area diaper bank , which expects to distribute over 3 million diapers to more than 70,000 families this year since the pandemic in 2020, it has increased to ten fold almost for us. we now distribute twice as many annually. the price of diapers is still rising. back in 2019, the average price for a package of disposable diapers was $16.54. now the average price is up by over $5, and that can cause problems for families who can't afford enough diapers. obviously, for the child, that's a physical issue because they might be experiencing more utis or diaper rash. it could also cause a lot of stress for parents. it also forces people to cut back on other things that they need, like entertainment, ,
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utilities, rent, you know. so it's really it impacts so many areas of people's lives. in saint louis, madison square, spino, fox news. well, the annual blessing of the grapes took place in livermore today while makers and vineyard owners along with local religious leaders, held a ceremony at the bassett's vineyard. the blessing usually takes place just as the harvest begins, press asked for a good harvest and safety for those who work in the fields and by the way, similar events have been practiced at vineyards around california, france, spain and italy. now to a new term that's gaining traction on social media. girl math. some women are using it to justify excessive spending habits. for example, under girl math, anything under $5 is free. big ticket items such as expensive bags are measured by their cost per use. so working out to pennies a day for a person could be in the thousands. critics, though, just say it is a way to justify overspending. i think i also saw that when you r gettine
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money back. but actually it's the to that stores. it's they charge restocking fees. right. or you see something else. well, hey, that looks nice. i know you do. the you went and you looked around. you should have just returned it and walked right out of the store. but you looked around. all right. thank you so much for watching ktvu fox two news at noon for the latest news any and weather as well. be sure to download the ktvu pp or - [narrator] can you guess what this is? (upbeat music) if you guessed lemonade then you'd be a great contestant on pictionary. our first celebrity captain graduated from the same high school as charles schultz. must be something in the water. it's the recruit's colton dunn! and with him are twins, trisha and shana. our next celebrity captain's dream job is hosting a cooking show and his fallback is hosting pictionary. from, it's greg grunberg and with him are best friends from college, brenda and mari.


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