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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  February 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PST

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of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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into violence. when the mayor, supporters and opponents face off and google co-founder sergey brin facing a wrongful death lawsuit after one of his planes crashes off the san mateo county coast, killing two people. this is ktvu fox two news at 730. and good evening, everyone. i'm heather holmes, and we begin tonight with a visit by the president biden and his two day campaign swing right here through the bay area air force one touching down at sfo shortly before three this afternoon. san francisco mayor london breed and congresswoman nancy pelosi, among others, were waiting to greet the president there on the tarmac. the president didn't take any questions after making his way off air force one. he then boarded marine one for a short flight to san francisco, where he landed at marina green. the president is in town for two fundraisers, one is set for tonight in san francisco and the second tomorrow in los altos hills. mr. biden's visit brought
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out demonstrators tonight in san francisco. this video came into the newsroom just about 30 minutes ago. about 100 demonstrators gathered at pacific and baker streets near the site of one of the president's fundraisers in the city. they are calling for a cease fire in gaza and an end to u.s. aid to israel. earlier today on the four, we spoke with political analyst brian sobel about president biden's fundraising efforts here in california, and he explained why he believes money might not make much of a difference in this particular race. >> donald trump may be the next president if you don't contribute money, if you don't go to the rallies, if you don't stand up, donald trump will be the president. and that's the theme we're hearing in everything. and so donald trump isn't having to raise that kind of money because he gets a lot of what we call earned media or free media at the start of the month, president biden had about $130 million in funds after raising $42 million in january.
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>> by comparison, former president trump's campaign has raised just over 30 million as well. a news conference today with a big announcement by oakland mayor shengtao turned chaotic as ktvu henry lee explains tonight, a shouting match erupted between supporters and opponents of the mayor. >> we solution. solution >> new leadership, competent leadership. >> tempers flared in downtown oakland as supporters of a recall effort against mayor sheng tao interrupted her press conference, announcing a $3.5 million safety grant from the state. the money will expand the safety ambassador program in downtown and chinatown, which deploys mediators trained in de-escalation to help those in crisis. this program will promote safer and more secure streets while improving outcomes for people in crisis. >> oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive of a comprehensive and community safety strategy. >> those who crashed the mayor's event included activist seneca scott, seen running toward the
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camera here he was surrounded by those allied with the mayor, who urged him not to cause a scene. stop provoking. stop provoking. >> please. please, sir. stop provoking. sir, please. i'm begging. >> please stop provoking. just leave us alone. >> scott and others have been holding news conferences of their own around the city, saying the mayor is not doing enough to crack down on crime or stop businesses from leaving. at one point, edward escobar, who supports tao being recalled, called oakland police, saying scott was being attacked. >> some of the bodyguards here for the mayor attacked community members. >> we are community members. >> officers arrived and kept the peace but made no arrests. >> grants like this is what's going to help bring that healing. many business owners welcome the safety grant, which city officials say will provide much needed resources. >> it's exciting to be announcing that we are expanding our work around comprehensive community safety by expanding a
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mediator program. last fall, oakland made headlines for losing out on millions by missing the deadline to apply for an organized retail theft grant. >> officials made clear that won't be the case here. >> really, our effort is at the city level is really identifying additional funding. so that we can complement and expand these efforts to really support all the public safety. overall. >> wednesday was the mayor's first day back at work after her mother died, so it was quite a busy first day for the oakland mayor, who says she still appreciates everyone here, including those with signs calling for her ouster in oakland. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> well, the man accused of killing his girlfriend's three year old son is set to make his first court appearance tomorrow. >> 24 year-old sergio gomez is charged with murder and resisting arrest. investigators say the child's mother called police early yesterday morning and said that her boyfriend, who lived with her, had shot her son inside their apartment. police say gomez is not the child's father. the motive for that shooting in santa clara is the booking charges were murder,
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resisting arrest, commission of a felony, armed with a firearm, and use of a firearm during the commission of a felony. this is the second homicide in santa clara. this year. the first one was just last month. and involved a man who allegedly killed his wife. and now we go to the east bay, where a man with a swastika on his shirt went on a hateful anti-semitic tirade at the walnut creek city council meeting. nearly stunned those in attendance as ktvu cristina rendon tells us tonight , the man was targeting one member of the city council. >> it was a first for a walnut creek city council meeting. hate speech during public comment in person as he came down the aisle, he had his shirt open to a t shirt that had white power and a swastika on it. >> so i knew immediately he, okay, we're going to get a hate speaker here filming this for legal reasons. i turned my chair . i wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of looking me in the eye. >> the man identified himself as scotty and directed anti-semitic
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comments toward city councilman kevin wilk, who is jewish. >> so i'm here today because people like you. think we're scared to show up. whites are awoken. and if and if these don't realize that their time is very limited in our lands, the city council stunned, wilk broke the silence after 15 seconds, acknowledging the man has a right to speak, but also rebuked his actions. >> there will always be hate speech, but we have to be able to rebuke it and call it out for what it is and ostracize it. >> the assistant director with the american jewish committee in san francisco says incidents like this are a delicate balance between calling out the behavior while not giving it a platform. >> we understand that anti-semitism is a problem in america, and unfortunately, it's grown in the last few months when this kind of hate is given a platform again, it just unleashes more vitriol in the community. in this case, there's nothing the city council could have done to stop the man without infringing on his rights.
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>> loyola law professor jessica levinson teaches first amendment law and says speech can only be limited in cases of defamation, obscenity, child, true threat or incitement. >> my first reaction is a human reaction, which is this is disgusting, vile speech. my second reaction is as a law professor, the understanding that we've made from the first amendment is that we will protect disgusting and vile speech, wilk says. >> the man is from modesto, didn't use his real name and is known to the fbi. wilk also says the hate speech made him more resolved than ever to call it out. >> it's not just an attack on me or on judaism, um, or jews. this is an attack on everybody. it's an attack on everybody's freedom. >> the man did curse toward the end of his speech. so technically he could have been warned and cut off for cursing, but that didn't happen. so now it will be up to the city attorney, city manager, and mayor to determine whether or not there should be any policy changes moving forward toward public comment in future city council meetings in walnut
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creek, cristina rendon ktvu. fox two news a new at 730 tonight, the co-founder of google facing a lawsuit over a deadly plane crash off the coast of half moon bay. >> the widow of the pilot who was flying one of sergey brin's planes, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against him in santa clara county. google is also named in the suit because it partially owned the plane the pilot was flying from santa rosa to fiji with a stop in hawaii last may, when the plane went down on the san mateo county coast. the pilot, lance mclean, and the copilot were both killed . a problem with the plane's fuel tanks caused that plane to crash. coming up tonight here on the news at 730, nurses in the south bay hold a rally amid stalled contract talks. we'll tell you about the key issues. they say they're fighting for. and we've got some encouraging new figures on the sierra snowpack after that slow start to the winter season. >> and, heather, i will have that tahoe forecast as well as the day it will top off at 70 degrees right here in the bay
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area. that forecast is still straight ahead this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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democrats agree.
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conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. mid stalled contract negotiations. the registered nurses professional association organized the protest today outside a valley medical center's main hospital in san jose. the union represents more than 3700 nurses who work in hospitals, jails and clinics. they have voted overwhelmingly to approve a strike. the nurses say they're fighting for better pay. patient safety and better staffing ratios.
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>> if managed management increases, the ratios in its efficacy and it affects the employees to put the patients at risk, i beg you and i respectfully submit this article . i am the nurse in white. >> a county spokesperson released a statement today reading in part, quote, the safety and well-being of our nurses and our entire workforce is essential for the county health system to deliver high quality and safe care to our patients. the county will continue to work towards a fair and competitive contract that will allow us to maintain essential health care services for our community. while the san francisco board of supervisors debating the status of the city's behavioral health treatment bed expansion, a hearing on that matter was held today before the budget and finance committee. they discussed the overall inventory of city contracted behavioral health, residential treatment, beds and bed gaps that have been identified. >> many of our as needed beds, many of them locked, some acute
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or mental health rehabilitation center beds are subject to competition with other counties who are also seeking beds for their residents. >> now, since 2020, san francisco has opened nearly 400 new residential behavioral health beds. currently, there are a total of 2200 beds at facilities under the city's department of public health, while new. at 730 tonight, the sierra snowpack looking a whole lot better after a series of storms over the last few weeks, the california department of water resources released some new figures showing that the snowpack is at about 85% of normal for this time of year, and that's compared to just 52% of average on january 30th and 25% of average at the beginning of january. all of this, of course, good news for the state's water supply that relies heavily on mountain snowpack. okay, let's talk more about it. of course, we know why they're getting all that snow up in the sierra, because we've just been getting so much rain here in the bay area. >> yes. and they're going to buy a nice break for the weekend
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because everyone is going to be heading out there for some skiing and some boarding and more snow is in the forecast. but not until monday. so if you're going to be heading on out to the lake tahoe area, here is your forecast. bright sunshine on saturday and then we cloud up on sunday with snow arriving on monday. and when it snows there? yes generally we have the rain showers here and look at over the past four days, anywhere from over three inches of rain in napa and in sonoma to over five and a half at lake sonoma. so yes, that's the majority of the rain was felt north of the golden gate bridge, but everybody body saw some rainfall and substantial rain at that. and that puts us well over 100% of where we should be for this time of the year, for our rainy season, except for oakland international airport at 91. but that's still mighty healthy. live weather camera looking outdoors right now, if you look between the decks of clouds, you might be able to see the 91% waxing gibbous moon. it will be a full moon on friday. right
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now, our current temperatures stand in the 50s across the board. it's 54 in palo alto and also inland in fairfield. we still have a flood warning in effect at least for the next hour and a half, right around the sonoma county area, because we've had some scattered showers rumbling across that area. but dissipating as they traverse in a northeasterly direction. and there you have those cells, very light precipitation. this is interesting doings. look what happens by friday. this is a massive area of low pressure off the west coast, bringing us mostly cloudy skies on your friday afternoon, but very mild conditions. then it takes a nosedive. instead of a direct aim on the bay area, the clouds shift to southern calif. we see partly cloudy skies for the chinese lunar parade on saturday at 60 degrees. otherwise as rain begins to encroach the bay area on sunday afternoon with a chance of rain showers all the way through your monday and then bright sunshine returns for your
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tuesday. meanwhile, tonight, overnight dipping into the 40s with the blanket of cloud cover. and in this area way out here, we will have a dense fog advisory going into effect at 2:00 tomorrow morning through 10 a.m. could seep into the tri valley where this morning we woke up to a mile visibility in the livermore area. otherwise tomorrow's daytime high temperatures. yes that outside number 65 to 66 degrees. and cupertino, campbell backing all the way into palo alto high 60s on friday 72 across the south bay. so many people will top off near 70 degrees. and then we introduce that chance of rain returning by the tail end of the weekend. heather >> roberto. we will enjoy the breaks while we have them. thank you. in marin county, fire prevention work will soon start on more than two square miles of wildland adds around mount tamalpais. the marin municipal water district will get help from specialized land management teams and the college of marin's fire foundry program. they'll
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help with fuel reduction, create fire breaks and conduct controlled burns. the partnership lasts for the next seven years. the district already works with the california conservation corps on fire prevention. well, the arrest in the north bay that led to a cache of drugs and weapons coming up, details about what set, what was seized by police also, the new airline flying out of charles schulz airport, adding new routes coming up where you could be jetting off to next. and we'll give you a sneak peek of those elaborate floats being built for the san francisco chinese new year parade on saturday
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police say they found him in possession of a cache of drugs and weapons. officers say last friday, they arrested 37 year old cameron glover at a home in
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santa rosa. they say inside that home, they found several drugs, including cocaine, marijuana and counterfeit adderall and a scale several firearms and ammunition also seized. glover was booked into the sonoma county jail on five drug and weapons charges. a former contra costa county sheriff's deputy facing several felony charges, deciding to take a plea deal. 42 year old matthew buckley will serve three years and eight months in prison after pleading no contest to illegal gun possession and preparing false police documents and evidence. buckley, who was once deputy of the year, will no longer be able to serve as law enforcement or legally possess firearms. all right, that new airline now operating out of charles schulz airport in sonoma county, doubling the number of destinations. avelo airlines says it plans to add flights to montana and boise. salem oregon. and pasco, washington. the new flights will add dozens of new jobs at the airport. the low cost airline already operates flights to las vegas, burbank, palm springs and redmond,
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washington. those new routes, by the way, they begin in may. all right. still ahead tonight on the news at 730. it's about the last minute touches being put on the chinese new year parade floats. why these artists say all of this meticulous work? well, it's well worth it. and then coming up a little later tonight on the 10:00 news, a new election poll shows president joe biden leading former president donald trump, but only by a slim margin. plus, governor newsom's office sharing some important statistics today, reflecting california's storm water capture. following this winter storms. we'll have those stories and more. it's all coming up tonight at ten. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money.
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get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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and today we got a peek at some of the floats for the big day. the floats are being assembled right there at pier 54. volunteers and artists putting the finishing touches on the elaborate floats ahead of saturday's parade. the float director says to her and her talented team, well, it's a labor of love. >> what i take very seriously is the importance of celebration, and i take very seriously the importance of ritual and tradition. it's something that actually means a lot to a lot of people, and that means a lot to me. knowing that what we're doing actually has so much meaning for so many people is really what makes this all worth it. >> yeah, those floats never disappoint. san francisco's
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chinese new year parade started back in 1851, and organizers say it has grown to the largest of its kind outside of asia. and ig the parade this saturday in person, well then ktvu is the place to be. we will have live coverage hd by claudine wong and mike mibach starting at 6:00 satuay night right here on ktvu, fox two, and on the fox local app for your smart tv. all right, a falcon that lives on top of uc berkeley's bell tower has just been named after a prominent alumnus. a group of scientists and volunteers at cal named the male bird archie. archie is the latest mate for annie the falcon, who has hatched several chicks right there on top of the campanile. the name was voted on and chosen in honor of archie williams, the first african american on the campus to run for student council. the oakland native won a gold medal in the 400m race at the 1936 summer olympic games, and was a us air force pilot who flew missions during world war two and the korean war. okay, a
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couple of hockey fans could miss out on thousands of dollars if they don't claim their raffle prize money soon. the san jose sharks foundation website says two winning raffle tickets from games last month have gone unclaimed. now according to contest rules, winners have 30 days from the raffle date to claim their prize. the first winning ticket is from a game on january 23rd and is worth $3,300. that second ticket is from the 30th and worth about $2,300. so again, time is running out to collect your prize money. all right. that's going to do it for me tonight for the news at 730. hope to see you right back here tomorrow. be sure to download that fox local app to your smart tv. that way you can watch the chinese new year parade and also stream all of our newscasts, get stories, and also find exclusive content again, it's right there on your smart television. thanks so much for joining me. hope to see you right back here tomorrow night.
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. (dramatic sound effects) ken jeong (voice over): welcome back to america's favorite guessing game: i can see your voice!


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