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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  February 26, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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can american firefighters. history and achievements and an
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hours long standoff with an armed suspect finally comes to an end. the arrest, made and the relief of residents. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> it has been a tense day for people in a neighborhood near san pablo. thanks, everyone for joining me on this monday night. i'm heather holmes, an armed suspect holding officers at bay for several hours, forcing officials to lock down the area at a nearby school was also closed. our crime reporter henry lee tonight with how this long standoff ended. i feel like it's stupid because bullets go up in the air and they come down. >> a west contra costa county neighborhood under siege by a barricaded gunman. this woman cut off midnight by a sheriff's suv. you could actually hear the contra costa. >> sheriff. >> hours of uncertainty after a man let loose with bursts of gunfire beginning sunday night this view from skyfox monday
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afternoon shows an armored car in the neighborhood and a swat team surrounding a home near rachel road and heather drive, where the gunman was holed up. >> you'd hear clip, clip like he would put it in. you would hear him like load clip, clip, hear it load like clip clip. you would hear it the whole entire time. >> deputies blocked off access to the neighborhood residents were stranded for hours, including michelle kilmer, who can't get to her grandmother, who has dementia and a broken leg. her eight year old daughter's school closed for the day. >> i'm off at the guy i hit him with a frying pan if i could, kilmer says. >> many residents heard shots ring out beginning at about 9:00 sunday night, and a lot of people thought, oh, it was just like fireworks. but more shots rang out at one monday morning. and again several hours later. at one point, the suspect apparently fired shots at a law enforcement drone. there have been no reports of injuries, but the gunfire brought deputies to the scene. richmond police and the chp also came to help some residents were able to leave the neighborhood, but some got stuck, unable to get back in this. >> crazy things that happen over here, but not shooting. that's that's pretty new for me. yeah,
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yeah. my neighbor, she literally called me. she was like, hey, like be careful. like he's just blindly shooting around. >> so i thought, well, there must be another entrance. and when it went down to the other entrance, i realized it's the whole area is blocked off. >> the suspect was apparently bitten by a police canine and will be booked into jail. once medically cleared near san pablo. henry lee ktvu fox two news. >> new. at 730 tonight, police in santa rosa are looking for an attempted homicide suspect who is considered armed and dangerous. officers were called to the emergency room back on february 18th, when a man came in after being shot at the 26 year old victim, says that he was with friends near barham in santa rosa, near the highway 12 and 101 interchange in santa rosa, when they were approached by another group of people. well, the victim told police that 21 year old nathan hoogland took out a gun and shot him in the shoulder. the victim has since been released from the hospital. neither hoogland or the gun have been found, and if you have any information on his whereabouts, you are asked to
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give santa rosa police a call. fentanyl continues to ravage parts of san francisco, and now the candidates for mayor are explaining how they hope to address the overdose deaths and substance abuse. daniel lurie's six point plan calls for having police and substance abuse experts respond to calls engaging with substance abusers immediately and referring them to drop off crisis centers that can treat them. >> i'm the only one in this race actually coming from the outside that has a track record of getting big things done, holding people accountable. >> now, candidate for mayor and district 11 supervisor asha safai joined neighborhood groups and nonprofits in a rally in march from the tenderloin to city hall demanding change. he says the city needs to ensure that the programs already in place are properly funded and staffed to live up to their potential. >> if you get someone inside in a supervisor ized area with medical professionals, job training, medical training, all the other things that they need,
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but that you can prevent them from dying, you're going to begin to turn this around. we are going to. >> current mayor london breed says that her administration has been making progress addressing the crisis, and that red tape needs to be cut to allow the city to take aggressive steps against fentanyl use and overdose deaths. now, we also reached out to candidate and former mayor mark farrell, who said that we have tilted too far towards a harm reduction approach that is enabling drug use rather than helping people actually recover from addiction. no doubt about it, this is going to be a big issue in the upcoming november mayoral election. all right. a barbecue restaurant in oakland that was ravaged by a fire could soon receive money from alameda county. tomorrow, the county board of supervisors will decide whether to give a $100,000 grant for horn barbecue. due to negative economic impact experienced from covid 19, horn barbecue says it has seen a significant loss in revenue ever since the pandemic and that it's also trying to recover from that fire. back in november. the
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supervisor, keith carson, has also nominated another business here in oakland to receive a $100,000 grant. it's called oak stop. it is a black owned co-working and event space downtown while celebrating black history this month, students in emeryville today receiving a special visit from alameda county firefighters. they gave an extensive history presentation recognizing the many contributions of black firefighters in what's called chief is my belief. a crystal bailey joins us now with some of the highlights from today's event. crystal >> well, it was the 11th annual chief is my belief. it all stemmed from a teacher at annie yates elementary school, tiffany johnson, who first began inviting firefighters to her classroom in 2013. now it's a yearly school wide assembly dedicated to black history in the fire service. alameda county fire fighters inspiring the kids at annie yates elementary school in emeryville, sharing stories of black firefighters who came before them. >> it's important that we know our history because you might
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not find these in the history book. >> students were joined by fire and police chiefs from multiple agencies. city leaders and trailblazers like nadia haven hill. >> in 2017, an alameda county fire department hired their first african female firefighter , which is firefighter nadia haven hill. >> local heroes were recognized for paving the way like the first black firefighters in oakland in 1920 and earl gates, the first black firefighter in san francisco who broke barriers and faced extreme discrimination when he joined sfd in 1955. >> it's very important for us to recognize our members as people of color, those who are less represented in the fire service, especially african american firefighters, because we have given a great, tremendous debt and contributions to the fire service. >> they also highlighted black history from all over the country, like the charlotte neptunes, a black firefighter brigade in north carolina, and molly williams, the very first female firefighter in the early 1800s, a former slave reminding
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the kids that they can do anything they set their minds to you are each a chief in the making. firefighters were also recognized and gifted special portraits from oakland artist shomari smith. as part of the presentation, alameda county fire department offers this for black history month for schools all over the country who are interested in signing up for the online version. a webinar where they say it also serves as a very early recruitment tool exposing the kiddos to a career in the fire service, no matter their background. >> perhaps it will motivate some folks right to join the fire service. true trailblazers that deserve to be recognized. crystal. thank you. all right. the nation's first ever black honors college is launching right here in california this fall. sacramento state is welcoming its first class to the black honors college. this school says that the college is designed for students who are interested in black history, life and culture. for incoming students who have a 3.5 gpa or higher are encouraged to apply.
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well, there is yet a new effort to try to recall california governor newsom, the group that's behind this latest attempt, and how the governor is responding, and some bay area residents say they are fed up with recurring power outages. the messages they made loud and clear during a meeting today with pg and e and the possibility of wet weather moving out of the bay area for now. >> in its place, cold weather. i'll have a look at the temper ur exp democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. a return. heather. yeah. tomorrow morning, even a frost
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advisory to talk about. yeah. so more on that in just a moment. let's take a look outside our doors where we do have a beautiful shot there into san francisco, we have partly cloudy skies, a little bit of rain fell earlier today, a few areas picking up a few one hundredths of an inch. most areas less than 10th of an inch. and here's a view of storm tracker two, where it is quieting down. and as this system pushes out, we are going to be left with mostly clear skies, which will set the stage for a chilly evening. the winds out there a little breezy. palo alto reporting ten miles per hour, as well as hayward, san jose 13. as we get into our hills, even a little windier than that. mount diablo 30mph. big rock in the north bay reporting 20. so a brisk one outdoors this evening with temperatures at 54 degrees right now in san francisco, 54 in walnut creek, upper 50s over san jose. we do have a frost advisory for the north bay tomorrow. our valleys, as well as our hills that will go until 9 a.m. temperatures are expected to be near freezing for tomorrow
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. and i'll show you those numbers here in just a moment. let's take a look at what we can expect as we move forward. tomorrow is going to be a dry day. wednesday is going to be a dry day for the most part. thursday will also be dry, but as we get into the second half of the afternoon, early evening hours, this system dropping in from the gulf of alaska is going to bring with it wet weather, rain for us, snow for the sierra and a cooler temperatures. i'll show you what we expect. getting into the weekend. there's a look at to saturday. we finally see a break on sunday, so thursday night into friday. saturday also looks soggy. and when it comes to rainfall amounts anywhere from an inch to three inches for us. but take a look at the projections for the sierra six eight. maybe even ten feet by the end of the weekend and we are looking at cool conditions as well. temperatures tomorrow morning, a 34 degrees in santa rosa, 37 in livermore, 40s around the bay. so if you're going to be out for maybe a run in the morning, put on the extra layer. it's going to be chilly, upper 50s, low 60s for your
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afternoon tomorrow. and then getting into the back end of the business weekend into the weekend with that colder storm, we are looking at temperatures in the 50s for our afternoons saturday and sunday. heather >> okay, rosemary. thank you pg and e! heard from frustrated residents and a lot of them in san francisco today over recurring power outages. supervisor milner melgar calling the meeting today before the board after some neighborhoods went without power for more than 48 hours during recent winter storms, pg and e says it's working to update and replace aging equipment, but did not provide a timeline. >> my fear is if the lines are being neglected, what about the gas? we really don't want another san bruno horror story. yes we experienced an extended outage that everyone probably here did add. >> however, for us it was the fourth outage. this calendar year, less than two months. those residents who spoke at the meeting today live on the west side of san francisco. >> they say extended power
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outages happen all the time, even when there's not a storm. pg and e responded to today's meeting saying, quote, we are working closely with the supervisor's office and responded to questions this afternoon regarding the recent storms. all areas of northern and central california felt the impacts, and thousands of pg and e personnel worked around the clock to restore power to all customers safely and as quickly as possible, including san francisco residents. all right. for the second time now in three years, governor newsom is facing the threat of a potential recall . today, conservative activist group rescue california, serving the governor with a notice of intent to recall. this is the same group that worked to try to recall newsom back in 2021. newsom um, firing back today saying, quote, trump. republicans are launching another wasteful recall campaign to distract us from the existential fight for democracy and reproductive freedom. we will defeat them, he says. rescue california needs more than 1.3 million verified signatures by may. in order for this to qualify for the november ballot. meantime governor newsom
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has launched a new national ad targeting states with republican controlled legislatures, help trump republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive the reproductive care they need. okay, you see it there. that's the ad. it shows a woman handcuffed to a bed with a rape kit on the table next to her. the ad will first air in tennessee this week, where there's currently a proposal to charge adults with a felony if they help pregnant minors get an abortion out of state without their parents permission. the ad will then air in other states trying to pass similar legislation. >> the road gets set up with green lights ahead of time, so that everybody's out of the way. >> artificial intelligence as we all know, rapidly advancing the new tech that could help first responders get to their destinations without getting stuck in traffic. and the city of san francisco completes a major reconstruction project. the amount of money spent on
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this latest development to try to prevent flooding. but first, all lanes of a busy freeway in san francisco, now back open. what forced the chp to close a large section of a highway or more ha is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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a standstill. around 3:00 this afternoon, the chp says a person driving north in the southbound lanes caused a crash near the geneva avenue onramp. three vehicles were involved, and at least three people were taken to the hospital. officers shut down four lanes of traffic while they cleaned up the wreckage. those lanes were reopened about an hour later, around 4:00 this afternoon. well we've all been in a car when an ambulance is blasting its sirens and drivers either can't move or ignore the vehicles warning signs as ktvu mark sayer tells us tonight, a silicon valley company has now developed an artificial intelligence platform to help
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those first responders get to their next destinations more efficiently. >> when you need help in an emergency, every second counts, and some of those valuable seconds can be used up when emergency vehicles are delayed in traffic or at intersections. and that's where a.i. comes into the picture. >> so when it comes down to you or me or a loved one having a health problem, we want to have responders there as soon as possible. so how can we learn about daily variations? ai is the greatest choice. tim menard is ceo of a santa clara based company called light, which has developed a cloud based ai system to link regional traffic management centers to the emergency vehicles that use the roadways. here's the fire station. here's where the truck has to go to. here's the traffic. what's the perceived amount of congestion? are there people walking around so that the road gets set up with green lights ahead of time, so that everybody's out of the way? >> this is a demonstration video provided by the company from
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seattle, where it is already operating. you can see on this map every single traffic signal along this route turns green. by the time the fire unit reaches the intersection, the system will even adjust in real time. if the fire crew makes a last minute route change. >> one thing where ai is really helpful in is actually the productivity of hey, are there going to be able to go down this primary street? or is there an event and they're going to have to go right, or go left, or use a back alley, right. it's notorious that emergency responders know different ways around the city. so ai in this case here is able to predict where they're going to go so that those lights can be set off. >> the city of san jose is already using the light technology to help route vta busses around the city on busy monterey avenue. while busses only get priority sequencing at signals and not immediate signal changeovers, the power of ai to analyze complex traffic patterns is. already clear. >> so the busses now are next in line. they're prioritized at every intersection they go through. that's 120
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intersections along that full monterey corridor route. it's made them spend less time at red lights and it's let them get the green light more often. that improves transit reliably and service for transit customers. >> the founder of light says its ai models are only collecting raw traffic data and not any personally identifiable. information, such as license plate numbers. reporting in san jose i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. >> former niners linebacker patrick willis is heading to the pro football hall of fame, and wait until you see the moment when a former teammate. yeah, that man right there knocks on willis door and shares the good news. you got to see it. and then coming up a little later tonight on the 10:00 news the insurance crisis here in california. boy it continues tonight. the company that plans on withdrawing from the state plus the former uc davis student accused in a deadly stabbing spree. back in court today, the announcement from prosecutors. it's all coming up ton ht on the the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still
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can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle
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endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in san francisco. the city public utilities commission announcing today the completion of the wawona area stormwater improvement and vicente street water main replacement project. this $29 million project made major upgrades to the city's combined sewer system across 25 city blocks in the west portal
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and parkside neighborhoods, all in an effort to try to help address flooding in low lying areas. all right, former 49ers legend patrick willis is heading to the pro football hall of fame, and earlier this month, the hall announced that willis would be a member of this year's class. well today, the team released a video of another former niners player welcoming willis into this elite fraternity. take a look. >> pee willie. oh, man. willis. oh man. welcome. to the pro football hall of fame class of 2024. all right, man, congratulate us man. thank you. it's an honor. thank you, thank you. >> i'm so proud of you, man. you see, he was just. for you, baby. no no no, i mean, what a moment. >> all that emotion there. that
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was former 49ers defensive tackle bryant young, who may have recognized him greeting patrick willis at his home. now, young was inducted into the pro football hall of fame in 2022. willis will be will be officially enshrined into the hall in august. so cool to see those teammates, those former teammates sharing that special moment. all right, the a's no longer rooted in oakland. sky foxx flew over the oakland coliseum earlier today as workers were there taking down the big sign at the ballpark entrance saying rooted in oakland since 68. now, that sign coming down ahead of what could be the a's last opening day in oakland, the a's lease at the coliseum. it expires at the end of this upcoming season. their proposed las vegas ballpark is projected to open in 2028. all right, a little more sports news to tell you about tonight. longtime giant shortstop and lifetime giants fan a brandon crawford is now moving on to a new team. crawford signed with the saint louis cardinals today. boy, he was quite the gem for the for the giants. we're going
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to miss him. all right. that's going to do it for us. thanks. so
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