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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 27, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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really hard to imagine san francisco's union square without macy's. but now businesses and folks who are visiting to this area are going to have to contend with that new reality. since 1947, the macy's name has hung above san francisco's union square. now, the company announced it is restructuring to address new financial realities. in a statement, the company says it is, quote, focusing resources by closing approximately 150 under productive locations, including approximately 50 by the end of the fiscal year. macy's union square, one of those underproductive locations that will be shuttered. san francisco mayor london breed saying for macy's, this was not a safety issue, but came down $2 and cents. >> macy's made a business decision to close 150 stores all over the country, and they are selling the property at union square. >> the union square alliance released a statement saying the closure hurts, but the head of the union square alliance said
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she, quote, believes that we should work toward a solution that allows macy's to keep this iconic store open. however if that does not come to pass, our expectation is that a new owner for this iconic site will come forward to continue a fresh and vibrant vision at this critical location. the mayor also talking about the possibility of adapting the 400,000ft!s of retail space to better fit the city's needs. >> our goal is to make sure that we focus on the opportunities and the opportunity to ensure that this space is used for something that will be profitable, that will be a destination that will attract people at nearby historic john's grill. the news was devastating. >> we have guests that you know, during the holidays go to macy's, come to john's grill. it's a family tradition. >> the restaurant has stood here since shortly after the great quake and welcomed macy's in the 1940s. and the current generation of owners says they're sorry to see macy's and
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the tradition they built disappear. >> it will be interesting to see kind of where this goes and where we're going to embrace the next eight operators into the downtown area. and what is unclear at this time is an exact timetable. >> various sources that have been in contact with macy's say it will not be among the first 50 to close down this coming year, but that it will likely be here for at least a year, maybe two, and that the store will remain open until macy's can find a buyer for the building. we're live in union square in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. a big hit for the city. >> christian. thank you. >> well, as christian mentioned, san francisco is not the only macy's store that will be closing in. macy's new ceo announced plans to close 50 macy's stores nationwide this year, and another 100 by 2026. after posting a fourth quarter loss and declining sales in an effort to turn things around, macy's says it will upgrade its remaining 350 stores by adding
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more salespeople to fitting areas, and will pivot to a focus on luxury item sales. macy's is also the parent company of bloomingdale's, and the cosmetics skin care chain bluemercury. the company says it will open 15 new bloomingdale's stores and 30 new bluemercury stores in the next two years, exiting stores allows us to prioritize our highest return on mall opportunities and open more small format off mall. >> macy's is the macy's union square store in san francisco, employs about 400 people. >> the san francisco union square alliance says they expect the store to remain open, and that in all likelihood, there will be a union square christmas tree and holiday shopping at that store there later this year . although what happens to that space after 2026 still isn't clear. macy's also said it would not make the list of other store closures public at this time. >> five years of effort in early childhood education are paying off in san francisco that, according to a new city report,
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proposition c was passed by voters in 2018 to put more resources into child care, while since then mayor breed says that the city has been able to recruit and retain more teachers with raises for more than 1600 educators, the city says it also rehabbed or created 40 new child development facilities, including 17 just this year. >> and i've been over all over the city, cutting ribbons on new facilities is helping to provide resources and support to some of our existing facilities that needed an upgrade and needed the kind of new advanced facilities that ensure that our children have these great environments. >> the mayor and other city officials spoke this morning at the good samaritan family resource and child development center on folsom street. the city says it's been able to double the number of child care slots from 6000 to 12,000. because of these investing. >> it's a chaotic scene in vallejo where an innocent victim who crashed into a car at a
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sideshow is beaten and attacked, even as he ran into a store to try to get away from that crowd. our crime reporter, henry lee, is live at the vallejo police department with details on what happened. henry. henry. >> yeah. this is a horrific assault, all caught on video by people who were there to see the sideshow and end up documenting everything from the crash, the fire and attack and looting at the store. the video shows this white gmc pickup truck crashing into a ford mustang while trying to get through a sideshow in vallejo. that's when things get ugly. the crowd gets angry and surrounds the truck beating the driver, shooting at him, and stomping on his windshield near springs and rolling wood. at about 530 sunday afternoon. in this video, you can see the driver wearing an orange shirt running from his truck. but it wasn't over yet. the man in orange runs into the 7-eleven at the corner and is chased by the crowd, and again attacked inside the store. some in the crowd then loot the 7-eleven of everything from cigarets and
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candy to lotto scratchers and beer. hey. what's up? let me get some hot cheetos. at one point, someone set the victim's truck on fire. vallejo police arrived and saw many sideshow participants taking off and running red lights. the truck continued to burn big t works at a pawn shop at the corner, which was covered with tire marks. >> yeah, he's just an innocent person trying to get to wherever he's going, and then he gets victimized and sideshows are. all they do is just, you know, disrupt everybody. and they're dangerous and people get hurt. >> tom davis lives nearby, of course we're frustrated. >> we're angry. you don't see the police. you never see the police. the only time you see the police is 30, 40 minutes later after. after whatever happens. >> vallejo mayor robert mcconnell says those caught spinning donuts should have their licenses revoked and face stiffer penalties beyond having their cars impounded for 30 days. >> i believe it should be much longer. i would like to see 90 days, so they're just making a mockery of everybody else.
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>> now. in this case, vallejo police did ask for help and got it from napa county and solano county sheriff's deputies. now, police in vallejo are scouring these videos for clues, and anyone with information is asked to give them a call. live in vallejo, henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> yeah, the sideshow. is one thing. assault is a whole other thing. henry. are they confident they'll be able to track down some of the people responsible? not clear. >> they have not made any arrests. so they're going to be looking through all these videos for any intel to see if they can identify any specific actors and then go from there. >> all right. henry lee reporting live from vallejo. thanks so much for that live report. >> the california national guard seized a record 62,000 pounds of fentanyl just last year here in the state. the governor's office making that announcement today, the 62,000 pounds as a street value of $649 million and is also a mass of increase compared to the just 5,300 pounds confiscated by the california
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national guard in 2021. a group of honduran nationals, allegedly . linked to the sale of fentanyl and other drugs in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood, are now in custody. >> today, the justice department, the fbi and the dea announced the arrests and the seizure of firearms and property purchased with drug money. officials say the dea assisted honduran law enforcement officers last month in the arrest of three suspects, all three were fugitives, two had been previously arrested in the bay area but then fled to honduras before their trials. >> the profits from these drug sales provide funding to buy large homes in honduras, along with vehicles, livestock, farm equipment and firearms. as these extraditions should send a clear message to those who peddle poison in san francisco. show all. three suspects have been charged in san francisco federal court on several drug related counts. >> they are set to return to court at later dates for
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detention hearings. still to come. >> democratic lawmakers demanding a vote on their bill to federally protect ivf and other fertility treatments. how the ruling in alabama is causing division within the republican party and a seismic shift in bay area representation. >> the loss of experience and the changing of the guard in congress. >> and another springlike day out there today. pretty darn nice. temperatures got into the mid 60s in some places. that kind of continues tomorrow. then of course, you know it's going what do i see in peter dixon? going to change. i'll i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. area congressional seats. ktvu political reporter greg lee here
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with us in studio. and, greg, i mean some general changes coming here. >> yeah, mike, that's exactly right. we will see some fresh faces representing the bay area for the first time in decades. and with experience comes influence and knowledge of how to navigate the halls of congress. and no question, whoever ultimately fills these seats will have big shoes to fill. when bay area voters have their votes counted on super tuesday, they will see a changing of the guard. longtime bay area representatives either retiring or running for new offices and taking with them decades of experience. >> that's that's a lot of, uh, brain power. people know who the district know how to get things done in congress. and you're we're losing that. it began with congresswoman jackie speier, who chose not to run in 2022 after 15 years in the house. >> oakland representative barbara lee is running for senate, vacating the position she's held for 26 years. and silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo will retire after 32 years in congress. rep representing really?
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>> uh, what i think is the most distinguished congressional district in the country, uh, has just been the honor of my life as she was first elected in 1992. >> and what was dubbed the year of the woman, 47 women were elected to the house, 24 for the first time, and women won an additional four seats in the senate, among them the late senator dianne feinstein, who served 31 years in the upper chamber. >> the representation is so important, uh, because now we have more african american women. we have, um, uh, gay women. we have hispanic women, we have native american women. uh, and you know, their voices, um, are so important that we are losing a huge, uh, generation of senioris and especially in the us senate, seniority is everything being so, uh, callif is definitely going to be, um,
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you know, we're not going to have those impact players, these rare vacant seats in the bay area have set off a mad dash to fill them. >> nine people are running for lee's seat. 11 are competing to succeed. issue. while the candidates may be novices in congress as eshoo says, they all bring their own valuable perspective. >> there is a variation of experience since some in local government, some in local government and combined with work in the state legislature, some never having held public office, but have done a wonderful things in their lives. >> the bay area has had a long standing relation with a lot of its politicians. the names are very familiar household names, but there comes a transition or a transition that could potentially define a new era. >> 33% of house members from california are women, and there's a possibility that that could shrink to even smaller
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numbers. and more than half of the voters are women. and so it's this is going to be a loss of, uh, female power, a very could very well could be as the age of politicians continues to come under scrutiny. >> some experts say the open positions represent an opportunity. >> i've always believed that it's important to bring in newer thinking, younger people and i think that's basically what a lot of people are craving in politics now, as voters weigh in on who will have the opportunity to fill these giant shoes, eshu gives this advice for the next generation. >> number one, put country first. always always put your country first. our country first. just uh, don't vote out of fear, congresswoman eshoo points out, when she first ran, there were 32 women in congress. >> now there are 151. she gives much of the credit to former speaker nancy pelosi, who is, of course, running for reelection to represent san francisco in
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studio. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news turning the page on some congressional seats right here in the bay area. >> all right, greg, thank you. >> well, so far we are seeing low voter turnout for the primary with only 8% of ballots returned so far. paul mitchell of political data, inc. told us in the last hour it could be the lowest turnout for a presidential primary the state has ever seen. >> it's similar to 2012, when obama was a democratic nominee and mitt romney had already won the republican nomination by the time that primary came to california in june. of that year. that's actually when california decided, hey, let's move our primaries to march. so we're more likely to matter. but even with a march primary or a super tuesday primary, still, while the republican race was decided before it comes to california, and that really is depressing turnout, it will have a big impact on down ticket races. everything from the us senate race to a local city council race will be affected by this low turnout, mitchell said. >> older, whiter, more white,
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more conservative voters are likely to cast ballots, and that could have an impact on races such as the us senate race, where republican steve garvey could make it into the general election. vote voters in the key battleground state of michigan are heading to the polls to help decide the match up for this year's general election. president biden and former president trump are the clear front runners, but both still face some unique challenges. fox connor hanson has more. >> michigan is a crucial state in the general election, making these primaries an important test for each party's front runner. voters spoke to fox about some of their top concerns . >> i'm very concerned about gun safety and gun control in the state, border security and the, um, price of everything going up , inflation. >> president biden and former president trump appear to be marching towards a general election match up. >> it's my voice gets heard and, um, support joe biden. >> i would love to see donald
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trump, but trump is still facing a challenge from nikki haley, who has vowed to stay. in the race as long as there's a path forward. >> donald trump can't win, he can't win a general election. there there will be a female president of the united states and biden has been facing a growing number of democratic voters who are unhappy with his handling of israel's war in gaza in protest. >> some say they're voting uncommit, meaning they're voting for the party, but not for a specific candidate. >> what i would say a lot of folks who have been typically blue democrat voters are voting uncommitted today in an attempt to persuade president biden to do more, to speak out more about the pain, about the atrocities in gaza. >> michigan's primary comes just one week before super tuesday, when voters in more than a dozen states will go to the polls in new york. connor hanson, fox news. >> president biden held what is
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being described as a, quote, intense meeting at the white house with congressional leaders. the president sat down with top democratic and republican lawmakers. part of this discussion was for the president to really express the dire need to pass more emergency aid for ukraine. for months now, billions of dollars for ukraine have been held up in congress as some republicans, led by house speaker mike johnson, demand changes at the us border. >> first, we must take care of america's needs first. when you talk about america's needs, you have to talk first about our open border. >> it was passionate and it was the consensus in that room, zelensky and ukraine will lose the war if we don't get the arms and don't get them quickly. >> the leaders also spoke with the president about the looming partial government shutdown for the fourth time since september. congress is now just days away from a shutdown that would affect many departments, including the va housing and transportation. >> newly filed documents reveal more about the death of a 22 year old at a university of georgia. the man charged in that
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february 22nd murder of lakendra kelly is accused of disfiguring her skull, according to new arrest affidavits. police say the suspect, jose ibarra, also dragged the nursing student to a secluded area to conceal her death. ice confirms ibarra illegally entered the us in 2022 and previously had been arrested in new york city. authorities released him, though, before they could issue a detainer. the developments come as hundreds of people gathered yesterday for a vigil. >> if you see something, say something that is the best way to honor these lives. going forward. we all carry that responsibility now. >> prosecutors say they are bringing in a top trial attorney to help prosecute ibarra, a complete autopsy report is not expected until next week. >> today, the san francisco board of supervisors issued a formal apology to the city's black residents. the resolution reads in part. on behalf of the city and county of san francisco , the san francisco board of
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supervisors offered its deepest apologies to all african americans and their descendant, who came to san francisco and were victims of systemic and structural discrimination, institutionalized racism, targeted acts of violence, and atrocities. san francisco city leaders are still debating whether they will compensate its 46,000 black residents for years of reported racist laws and policies. those include redlining areas of the city where black residents were denied loans or other economic opportunities, and the destruction of homes and businesses and black neighborhoods, including the fillmore and western addition. all right, another warm springlike day out there. >> it's going to change, but not tomorrow. not too much. maybe a few more clouds tomorrow afternoon, but another really warm day for february in the bay area. these highs from today we've got 69 degrees in san rafael today. so just a click short of 70. lots of mid 60s temps tomorrow b same or a little less i think a little less with the extra increased
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cloud cover. and of course that cloud cover in response to a system off shore. that's a cold system. it's going to bring rain for us. but light to moderate amounts in the mountains, it's going to bring potentially. i don't know about record snowfall, but significant. certainly the strongest winter dump of snow that we have seen this year. you know, some of the numbers are, you know, over three days, six feet is completely possible. and there are some are throwing around eight feet, some i've heard ten foot on some of the models. so it just depends where you are. that kirkwood area will probably get the most snow snow levels will be low too, so it just it's not a good weekend to go to the mountains. most certainly. and then as you look live outside, you got a nice day out on the bay. light winds for the most part. no clouds to speak of and temperatures, like i say, really warm, really, or mild. if you would for this time of year. so tomorrow is going to follow suit. it's going to do the same thing. we start off with a frosted advisory up in the north bay, which makes sense. we have one this morning, probably see one again tomorrow morning as well. and that frost advisory,
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you know what to do or not to do. one thing is getting ready for the ice on the windshields kind of thing. but temperatures tomorrow morning all above freezing, but cool enough to get you frost in a lot of the inland spots. well, the full forecast. we'll look at the model. we'll go we'll go hour by hour on that new system coming in this weekend. all right, bill, thank you. >> residents in an east bay neighborhood now on the lookout for an overnight visitor causing concern where this mountain lion was caught on camera and coming up at 6:00. >> a follow up to the story on tesla reportedly stiffing a small south bay pie shop out of thousands of dollars. how that company is following through on making things right, and a reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. >> you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku or apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and hen se
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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jesse gary tells us a mountain lion spotted at one house may have gone to visit others as well. the dead of night darkness of a suburban east bay street pierced by the eerie eyes of a mountain lion on the prowl. >> sunday 3:01 a.m. >> um, there was a an image of a of a large cat and she said, it looks like a mountain lion to me. she sent it to me and, um, sure enough, it it was a juvenile. >> amanda murphy's parents lived near the intersection of sienna road and lexington way in
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livermore. the subdivision sits next to a large wildlife interface. murphy says the juvenile cat walked across her parents front yard and then moved down the block. were you afraid for your parents at all? no, not at all. >> um, just more concerned with, you know, letting people know that, um, uh, this is a normal behavior, but but keep your little kitties and dogs inside. >> the fact that it's near, like a forested area, an open space that makes sense to especially these younger individuals. they are still kind of figuring out how to be a mountain lion and other ones might be smarter at avoiding, you know, those areas at all. >> alice granados of the bay area puma project, says most confirmed and suspected big cat sightings in the bay area are not in the east bay. that area has 318 reports dating back to 2004, but the south bay, with over 2200, and the peninsula with 553, dominate the region.
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>> the reason why that's even happening at all, at all, is just because of the loss of their habitat. so that open space is a good place for them, but probably not big enough to, um, you know, encompass their whole home range. >> experts say the same mountain lion will likely be sighted near other homes in the coming days. they advise residents to bring in food and pets and be alert when walking at night. in the south bay bureau. i'm jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> the controversial alabama supreme court ruling over frozen embryos is causing debate across both major political parties. how that complex issue could play a major role in the ection
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls.
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i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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patients and doctors affected by the controversial state supreme court ruling that upended in vitro fertilization treatment last week, the republican controlled state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law. several clinics have paused ivf treatment since the court's ruling came down. this is a state supreme court decision. >> we're trying to figure out at the federal level what we can continue to do to try to be supportive of people who want to access their health care rights. >> president biden calls the decision outrageous and says the state supreme court has gone too far with restricting
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reproductive care in washington, d.c, democratic lawmakers are demanding a vote on their bill to federally protect ivf and other fertility treatments. as fox's madeline rivera reports, it comes as some senate republicans say they support access to assisted reproductive technology. >> days after alabama supreme court ruled frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, senate democrats are calling for more protection for reproductive rights. >> becoming a parent just became so much harder. sen >> tammy duckworth, who had two daughters through in vitro fertilization, and senator patty murray, say they will force a vote on the access to family building act on the senate floor on wednesday, which would ensure that every american's right to become a parent via treatments like ivf is fully protected regardless of what state they live in, guaranteeing that no hopeful parent or doctor is punished. the bill was first introduced in 2022, but senate republicans blocked the vote, though some in the gop say they may be more open to it this time
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around. >> usually those bills are about abortion, not ivf, so but we'll see. if it's a clean bill, then i have no problem with it. clean us to focus on ivf. >> last week's alabama court ruling stemmed from wrongful death lawsuits filed by couples whose embryos were accidentally destroyed in a storage facility. the ruling has caused some fertility clinics to pause services over fears they could face legal repercussions. senate majority leader chuck schumer says it's republicans who laid the groundwork for these issues. make no mistake about it is a direct conflict of the hard right maga supreme court's decision to overturn roe v wade. according to the cdc, about 2% of babies are created using assisted reproductive technology in washington matter, rivera, fox news. new research from stanford university is shedding light on why women are more prone to autoimmune diseases. and that includes disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus. stanford researchers say it appears this disparity may be
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linked to something called x-chromosome inactivation. when the body shuts down activity on an x chromosome as a defensive measure. now, earlier on the floor, we spoke to the senior author of this new study, doctor howard chang from the stanford school of medicine, about his research. >> this is a really striking finding and something that doctors have noticed for decades. so that number four out of five patients with autoimmune disease, that's an average. so some relatively common diseases like lupus, the ratio is 9 to 1, female to male. there's another disease called sjogren's syndrome. the number is 19 to 1 female to male. so it's really striking. but we were really excited to discover that there's a single rna coming from the second x chromosome. so of course only women have this second x chromosome that rna and its protein partners really provokes this female specific autoimmune disease. and so we found there are antibodies to these, uh, rna associated proteins. so those antibodies can tell you perhaps this kind of disease you have or maybe
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pick up the disease really early on in the process. >> researchers say that using this data, they may be able to develop new ways of diagnosing and treating these autoimmune diseases. >> today, the miramonte high school women's soccer team took a next step in what players have described as a magical season. the team won the ncs championship and today tried to inch even closer to the state championship game. ktvu tom vacar was at the center of and shows us what makes this team so special. >> fresh off a last regular season victory friday, miramonte high school matadors varsity women's soccer team left for the norcal division soccer championship and hopefully eventually, perhaps a state championship. >> it started on halloween night. it took a lot of hard work to get to this point, and every player on this team put in everything they could. >> it's a giant step for a team that had a slow season start, but got this far by virtue of senior shawna lindheim penalty
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kick. >> i mean, we went to double overtime and it was the longest game of soccer i've ever played. >> but this story is about way more than just a team. it's about a close, determined, community minded, small town of 18,000 folks. >> i've never seen a women's sporting event have that many fans at a game, so that was so exciting and just win with your friends. >> being a newbie on the team, i was definitely not expecting this at all. especially like just the camaraderie the team has. i think it's been really special. >> the people are what made the great season possible. i think hard work can only get you so far, but i think a team dynamic is really special. >> kim bonner, white is the mom of two of the players and an alumnus of this school. >> it's not just the win, but the fact that the community rallied around us so wholeheartedly and lovingly and amazingly. it was just something i'll never forget. it's the most exciting sports event i've ever been to, including professional sports. >> i thought the crowd was awesome. we had some of the football players who won a section title say it was one of the most exciting sporting events they've been to in their
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four years. >> the women are all excellent students as well, who keep their eye on that prize as well. >> some of them are going to be studying on the bus today for test tomorrow. they take it all seriously. so it's not just about the sports, but really about them growing up to be these fine, you know, well-rounded, thoughtful, amazing citizens of our community. >> even with a mother's personal pride, it really is about the whole community. tom becker, ktvu, fox two news and the game between miramonte and colfax ended in the last 90 minutes, and a goal by colfax and the final minute of the match ended what the players have called a magical run. >> the final score colfax two, miramonte one. congrats though, to the mets on a great season. >> well, some residents of east oakland say they want the owner of the oakland a's to step up to the plate and help shape the future of the oakland coliseum. the oakland united coalition says it's been working for almost a decade to ensure that any stadium development happens equitably. they say it should include affordable housing,
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living wage jobs, and safe and healthy neighborhoods. and they are calling on the aids owner, john fisher, to sell his half share in the coliseum or negotiate an agreement to allow other interested sports teams to use that facility. >> we demand self-determination. we demand community benefits. we demand that public land be used for public good. we implore the oakland athletics ownership to stop blocking east oakland communities from benefiting from the economic resources that a thriving, well used coliseum could provide. >> the a's lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this upcoming season, but the team is in talks with the coliseum authority to possibly extend the lease until a las vegas stadium is completed. marussia is cracking down on political dissent in the wake of alexei navalny's death. the rumored prisoner exchange being negotiated before he died
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in,
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and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. democrats agree. next generation veteran fund conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. a nobel peace prize winner who spoke out against the war in ukraine. this is russia's crackdown on dissent, continues following the death of opposition leader alexei navalny. fox's stephanie bennett reports. foreign. diplomats, including the us ambassador lynn treacy, gathered tuesday in moscow to mark nine years since
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the death of a major opposition leader. >> but the makeshift memorial service was also a message to the kremlin amid a new crackdown on dissent in russia. just hours later, oleg orlov, a putin critic and nobel peace prize winner, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for criticizing the war in ukraine. >> we live in the 21st century. they are going backwards and unfortunately they are dragging our country with them. some human rights groups say the crackdown has only gotten worse since the death of alexei navalny in a russian prison. >> and on monday, one of navalny's associates claimed there was a prisoner exchange being negotiated before he died. it would have seen the opposition leader and two detained americans swapped for a russian convicted of murder in germany. the state department refusing to confirm or deny the claim, we put forward a proposal in early december to secure the release of paul whelan and evan gershkovich. >> we have long called for the release of alexei navalny, and that was our position. >> meanwhile, as diplomatic tensions keep escalating, moscow issued a new warning to the
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west, saying a military confrontation would be, quote, inevitable if nato sends troops to ukraine. >> today we face the most dangerous and unpredicted security environment in decades. >> on tuesday, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said they have no plans to deploy military assets in ukraine. at this time. in london, stephanie bennett, fox news. >> well, staffing shortages at hotels are expected to push travel costs even higher as the wall street journal reports, hotels across the u.s. are increasing pay for staff to keep up with wage inflation and to lure in hires after the pandemic . hotels are expected to shell out $123 billion in compensation this year. that's up more than 20% from 2019. and experts say to cover the expense, consumers are going to have to pay more. many hotels are still cutting back on amenities like daily housekeeping services. a travel report from deloitte in september found that about 70% of hotels have reduced or cut amenities, and services in
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response to staffing shortfalls and more layoffs in tech. sony interactive entertainment is the latest video game business to cut its workforce. it's planning to cut 900 jobs in its playstation unit, which is 8% of its staff. if president biden says there could be a ceasefire in gaza by next week. >> but negotiators say they're still talking, i'm trey yingst in tel aviv. i've got the details coming up. >> all right. tracking that next weather system coming our way. it does show up at the end of this week. it's going to be a wet weekend. not as wet down here as it will be in the mountains. we'll talk about mountain snow and rain around here.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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comes from the united arab emirates, egypt, jordan, france and qatar. a december un report found that a quarter of the 2.3 million people in gaza are starving, and right now, negotiators are still working to get a new cease fire in place. >> as vox's trey yingst reports, israel is considering a temporary pause in the fighting for ramadan. as long as some hostages are released. >> as the fighting grinds on in northern and central gaza, we're
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learning more about the new proposal that could soon lead to a ceasefire. under the deal, israel would pause its offensive against hamas in gaza during the upcoming muslim holy month of ramadan. if a deal is reached to release some of the hostages still being held in gaza, the exact numbers are still being worked out. but there would be an exchange of captives for palestinian prisoners and a six week pause in the fighting, which negotiators are hoping will translate into a longer truce. >> we hope it will be a permanent ceasefire. >> we don't want to go back to war. we don't want to stay displaced. this is our only hope . >> but there's still a long way to go. there's been no israeli reaction to president biden's suggestion that the ceasefire could come as soon as next monday, and hamas says the proposal doesn't meet its demands at this time. we have seen a positive trajectory by the sheer fact that the meetings are taking place, but we are yet to, uh, to reach a final agreement. it's also not clear
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what a lasting cease fire deal would look like. israel has reportedly said it wants to maintain a security presence in gaza after the war, rejecting a major push for palestinian statehood by the international community. the establishment of a fully independent, democratic, contiguous sovereign and viable palestinian state remains the only way to achieve a lasting peace. negotiators are running short on time, but are hopeful they can reach an agreement by the start of ramadan on march 10th in tel aviv, trying fox news firefighters and police officers are now investigating a devastating house explosion in detroit this afternoon. >> a helicopter over the scene showing the extent of the damage, sending debris across the surrounding area. the cause of the explosion remains under investigation, but several children did suffer minor injuries in the blast. the odysseus moon lander returned its first images from the moon's surface over the weekend. >> after having some initial landing issues. that touchdown was the first american moon landing in 50 years. last week,
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the spacecraft appeared to touch down upright on the moon, but in an update late friday, the company intuitive machines reported that odysseus actually tipped over and would soon shut down. when its solar panels were no longer able to charge in the sun. despite landing on its side, odysseus was still able to send back data and photos. while it's battery was still active. intuitive machines is the first private company to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon without crashing it. reporter. >> all right, we're continuing with this pretty great weather pattern. it's started on the weekend. it's kind of lasting through today, tuesday, and it lasts into wednesday. and then things change on thursday through thursday. this weather system comes in. it's different than the last few systems we've seen very different in that it's got a higher latitude and that means right. they have personalities when they come from the south, the lower ones way down here, further south, right there, they're warmer, the ones further north are colder. you knew that. but the last few have been kind of el nino storms coming from a low latitude. we'll watch this one. so here's
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the long range model. see that. so that's cold air. and you see how much blue is in there. that's that's dry air for the most part. cold air is typically dry. so this is the system that's going to impact us. so we're going to get rain over the course of thursday afternoon friday saturday. but to the tune of in three days, maybe an inch to an inch and a half. that's not a lot of rain in the mountains. they're going to get potentially 8 to 10in of precipitable water, a potential. that's what they would rain if it wasn't snow. so 8 to 10in is like eight feet, ten feet of snow. so there's that much moisture moving into the mountains. it's going to have an opportunity to squeeze it out and it hangs on up there through sunday for the most part. so you can see this system a very different personality than than the systems. we've been seeing this year. and it's obviously will be the biggest snow producer we've seen this year. and it's going to be very helpful. i mean, we're doing pretty well for water. most stations are at 100% of average for water. reservoirs are good in this mountain. snow is really going to deliver a significant
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impact and snow levels will get low to on saturday night or saturday night. sunday morning snow levels get down to about 3000ft. those are the highs from today. there's a beautiful shot of sutro tower. um, it's not. yeah. um what's that? coit? yeah. where did i get sutro on that? yeah. thanks, mike. yeah coit tower, if you haven't ever been in there, it's a great little park. they got, like. right. it's a little exhibit, and there's a fresco art in the at the base of that. so if you get a chance, go check it out. and then the, uh, frost advisory tomorrow morning, just like we had this morning. and the forecast overnight lows will be above freezing on the on the kind of mild side for this time of year. and then there's the personality storm to the south. warm. there's the different storm coming. look where it's coming from. gulf of alaska. so that's our storm coming in. not a lot of rain. it's rain, but not a lot of rain. it's not going to be a big issue in terms of street shouldn't be a big
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issue in terms of street flooding. and some of the things that we saw from those other atmospheric river type storms. but it will be, uh, a significant, significant snow producer. so tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon, the clouds start to show up. and then now we're into thursday morning and thursday afternoon. looks like it's going to be wet on the afternoon commute. but this is a narrow, widely scattered showers, a quarter of an inch type of thing. and then you see into friday. so that's the plan. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. lots of temperatures in the 60 just like they were today. and then the five day forecast right here. and you can see the temperatures kind of cooling off as we get into friday saturday and sunday. but for us a wet weekend but no huge deal in the mountains. huge deal. >> all right. thank you bill. well, a group of squatters took up residency in a vacant hollywood mansion and even set up a business property on the property. more on the situation now that they're gone. >> and coming up tonight at six, there is more fallout to the
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announced closure of the macy's store in san francisco, union square tonight. two of the challengers in the mayor's race sounding off, plus receiving that phone call, having to hear someone on the other end screaming today is oscar grant day in oakland. >> his family and bart police reflect on what's changed. more than 15 years since his killing democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. report from steel guard safety, a manufacturer of noise control products. new york city is the loudest city in the country. chicago coming in at two, followed by jersey city and newark rounding out the top five is boston. now some of the parameters used to determine noise pollution were traffic commute times, flights per day, pollution, construction and congestion. according to national geographic, noise pollution can cause health problems, including hearing loss, stress and high blood pressure. >> well, looks furious. seven bedroom dreamhouse house in the hollywood hills was taken over by some unlikely occupants. >> that's right, a group of squatters made themselves comfortable, even set up a
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business there on the property, leaving a large mess behind. fox's chelsea edwards reports. this is so i go, this wasn't what real estate agent emily randall smith was expecting when she and her husband checked in on one of their listings in the hollywood hills. >> there was, like, poop and pee everywhere where they had rearranged. they had cut all the cords to like all of the security systems. they bought a new wi-fi like they were planning to sit there and move their basically, we're going to get rid of the stuff. >> just put it all here. it happened in january when the husband and wife team were getting ready to prep the seven bedroom home for an open house. >> we walked up to the property and the lock box was cut off and i was like, oh, that's kind of weird. and there was a mailbox that somebody had ordered and they like, put it up. and i was like, that's also very weird. that was not here before. my husband walked to the side of the house and they had these huge windows and he could see somebody laying on the bed in the rooms.
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>> they quickly called police who couldn't get the man out of the home. so the pair waited until he left. then called police again. >> they knocked on the front door and i guess some girl opened it and the video that i posted, she ended up being an only fans model and i guess that the guy who had broke into the house was like running this whole business out of there and like renting the rooms out to these girls. >> smith gives major credit to the lapd, who escorted the woman, her dog, and everyone's belongings out. i just want to let you know that we are in charge of the property. the smiths left with a mess to clean up their two kids and toothbrushes. >> i told you, i saw a tv. >> thanks for giving me another bike lock, bro. you take this one off place it, you jerk! >> it was really scary. just feeling like somebody had intruded your house. obviously it's just a property that we're selling, but we feel responsible for it. and it's just a really eerie feeling to feel that somebody, like, went into your property and tried to live there and make it their home.
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>> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> another big loss to san francisco's union square. city leaders confirming macy's is planning to close its landmark store. >> we are of course, disappointed, but we also see it as an opportunity because macy's is making a shift. >> the iconic store is one of 150 macy's locations set to close nationwide during the next two years. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm claudine wong. >> the union square store first opened nearly 80 years ago. katie icu christien kafton has reaction to the decision. since 1947, the macy's name has hung above san francisco's union square. >> now, the company announced it is restructuring to address new financial realities. in a statement, the company says it is, quote, focusing resources by closing approximately 150 under productive locations, including approximately 50 by the end of the fiscal year. macy's union square


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