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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 4, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PST

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all all weather tires. community around lake tahoe digging out after several feet of snow fell on the area. >> and even though the snow has closed roads and ski resorts are scaling back. some bay area residents are eager to drive up ready to see the sierra and be a part of all that snow. we'llt& ll you the lat conditions and the alerts in effect right now. plus we spend& approximately a third of our lives in the fire station. a se& many of us. >> south bay fire station targeted by thieves. it turns out it's not the first time that building has been burglarized,t& housed from ktvu, fox two news.
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>> this is mornings on two. >> well, good to you. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clarknt& >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's mondayc morning march 4th definitely drizzly again for me this morning maybe a little bit. all right. and it feels cold to me. let's check in with steve paulson for our forecast. >> it is cold and there's still some rain lingering. we're not done yet. we're almost rosa is 37, livermore 41. but again, look at that. just moving through. so i'll keep some rain in the forecast right here. won't be much, but there's enough to maybe rain on your parade. hopefully not too much temperatures quite cool though. well below average here. 50 on the thames. all right. sal is here. good good? >> uh. we're good. you know, actually, right now we do have a nice looking commute. if you are driving, let's go right to the bay bridge. it looks very nice, but steve mentioned it, and i'm going to mention it again. the
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roads are wet, even though it may not be raining hard. definitely. it rained at some point overnight and there are still plenty of standing water out there. so just to drive carefully and drive accordingly to the condition of the road you're driving on, this is a look at interstate 880 that traffic is moving along very well. 401 let's get back to the headlines. >> all right. thank you, sal. we are definitely keeping an eye on the roads to tahoe. getting there extremely difficult this morning for a number of reasons. interstate 80 still shut down tn backed up due to icy conditions andúsome crashes, and in and around the lake tahoe area, road crews are warning some local roads remain impartial. still a lot of snow as you can see up there in ktvu zac sos talked with officials in the sierra morning snow slide on highway 50, making it the latest route in the tahoe region to temporarily close sunday morning
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amid a days long blizzard in the sierra. >> luckily, caltrain was able to get in there pretty quick. um, there wasúno reported injuries, but a couple cars were caught under the slide. um, and so they cleared those and were able to open it up. i think within 30 minutes. >> it's why everyone from the spchp to caltrans to put out the same message. right now, we've been encouraging not to travel. >> it's been highly discouraged. and north on interstate 80, caltrans crews continuing to push ahead with their dig out of the highway along the donner pass closed. >> since friday. >> we're crossing our fingers b. ñ> the storm also leaving many local roads impassable and walking challenging for some shorter folks. meantime, the wind causing a number of snow laden trees to topple onto power splines, at one point knocking t electricity to some 30,000 >> you know when it hits like this all at once, it'sútough foe
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than anything, just the knowing if we're going to open or not has probably caused the most amount of stress. >> i'm sort of gauging off of if other businesses are opening, if it's safe to be on the roads that kind of thing. >> some area ski resorts, including heavenly mountain, able to partially open for the day, but for others, the high winds just too much. palisades tahoe opting to remain closed sunday, the resort seeing near record winds during the storm at onec point clocked at 190mph bak in the bay area. >> we're heading up hopefully today, maybe in the morning. >> the draw first tracks powder. >> yeah, that's what wegre looking for too hard to pass up for vision and her husband anthony swinging by california ski company in berkeley before heading up. sp>> we got drive, all, all weather tires. >> we decided to rent down here so that when we get up there, we can just hit the hit the mountain. even the stores
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hooky. >> we have to get after it. i mean, everyone wants to call in sick tomorrow for the boss. >> yeah, yeah, theyúprobably do, but it's still tough to get up there. >> caltrans shared this video of its equipment clearing snow. more than half of its snow blowers actually broke down because of the severe weather conditions. caltrans now has only two of its ten snow blowers at its central hub in kingvale, just west of soda springs, and only six between auburn and the nevada state line, where the interstate 80 closure begins and stretches west into colfax. >> our time now. 404 some regional parks in sonoma county are still closed because of the& recent storms. now, according to the website of the sonoma county regional parks, there's no access to the forestville river and the san antonio creek trail. however, there are some parks that have partial openings, including guerneville river park,úriverfront regional park, and tule lake regional park.
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>> more roads into yosemite national park are expected to partially reopen today. the park spwas forced to close thursday s the storms made road conditions unsafe. several highways partially reopened on sunday, with even more planned for noon today. despite reopening, officials still say visitors should be mindful that many of the roads and paths in yosemite spremain covered in snow and icd on short notice and a quick reminder you can always stay ahead of the storm with the free ktvu weather app. it has current conditions, a live interactive radar and a breakdown of the forecast hour by hour. well a ns conference by mayor matt mehan and state senator josh becker will announce their support for the interim housing act. the proposed bill would reduce the time it takes to build temporary housing in california. ktvu lamonica peters has more on the proposed legislation and why some housing advocates claim it does not do enough to deal with
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the homeless crisis. >> for more than 30 years, sandy perry has voluntarily worked to house the unsheltered in san jose. >> the underlying cause of homelessness is unaffordable rents. he's now vice president for the south bay land trust, a nonprofit organization created toúensure affordable housing by buying and retaining land in perpetuity. and as long as the rents keep going up, you're going to have more people becoming homeless than the ones that you're helping to get out of being homeless. and until that gets reversed, we're never going to solve this problem. >> senator josh becker, who sponsored senate the interim housingc act of 202, will join san jose mayor matt marin and state senator dave cortese and others on monday at this newly built interim housing project onúevans lane. the proposed bill will help to speed up the process of building interim housing while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. state senator dave
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cortese released a statement about sb 1395 saying in part, this bill is a crucial step towards not just sheltering individuals and families forced to live on the street, but ensuring they have a foundation to secure permanent housing. perry says he also supports shem housing, but he doesn't believe temporary solutions will keep people from living on the streets. the problem with shelters and interim housing is that when you're interim period is over, you end up back out on the streets. >> unless there's permanent housing being built. that's why permanent housing is the real solution. and you can't stop building permanent housing while you're getting people into interim interim housing. >> perry also says that private builders usually only build if they can increase the rents, so he believes that the state should build more mixed income housing that people can afford.
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lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news all right. >> lamonica, thank you. time 408 an investigation continues in monterey county after four people were shot and killed and three were wounded. it happened last night in king city, a community south of salinas along highway 101n police say a car pulled up to where a party was being held in a house and three men got out of the car and started shooting. people who were standing outside of the house. then they ran away. three men and a woman were killed in that shooting. three other men were rushed to hospital. so far, no arrests have been made. >> a fire station in san jose was the target of a burglary.t& over the weekend. police say a man broke into the station on east santa clara street and 17th after firefighters left for a spcall at 630 saturday night. wn they returned, they found a man inside the station. they say he then took off through the back door and headed toward the creek with some fire equipment and
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some of their personal belongings. >> as firefighters, we spend approximately a third of our lives in the fire station. this is like a second home to many of us to have this type of an invasion. it would be similar to somebody invading our own homes. police arrested the man and recovered all of the items. >> however, one firefighter laptop was destroyed after the suspect threw it into the creek. firefighters tell us this was the third time station eight has been burglarized, and time is now 409. >> some schools in the bay area's biggest school district may soon be closing. san francisco unified plans to close an unspecified number of schools in the coming years. school officials point to spunderstaffing, decline, enrollment and school buildings that are literally fallingúapart , hurting the ability to help children succeed. the school superintendent says. getting eliminating older schools would reduce some of those problems. >> to create the schools our students deserve and our families expect, we must have
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fewer schools than we do now. w& realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors. us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs. teacher support and student services. >> now, the school superintendent says an eight month process will begin to create a for closing schools. and when that process is complete, recommendations will be made as to which schools will be on the list. firstl for ten is the time. >> back over to steve paulson. sounds like we are not not out of the rain. we're going to get some more this week. maybe. >> well, nothing too heavy, but a little bit more thisúweek. yes a little bit more. but up in the mountains it looks like things are winding down here. you can see right there, not much left, but still a couple of inches are possible here as there's still some bands rotating through so maybe 2 to 4, 1 to t on top of
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the feet that was measured. we'll get some final totals around 8 or 9:00. still moving through. there's just a lot of moisture. the air masses just soaked so you can see it doesn't take much. there are some light rain moving through. not all areas are in on it. next system will be here. looks like tuesday night. wednesday. there's a satellite image there. it's just not loading. so you'll have on l be some coming in here. and again, nothing heavy is showing up. in fact, i think after this weekend, you know, you'd expect to take a pause if you will, but some light rain will take us into, i think, lateútuesday night, wednesday, it's cold up there in the mountains. so it's cold in the local hills as well. mount diablo 31 degrees. so southwest at 12. so if there's any available moisture, maybe some snow in the higher peaks there. we had snow up in mendocino county, lake county yesterday, three is 40. just too much cloud cover to getúus too cold. but you know, you can find some 30s middletown konocti upper lake, ukiah, cloverdale, healdsburg, windsor. so take your pick. there's many and san anselmo, all at 39. there's
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your next system. it will drag across. it may favor areas more south and north. you can see monterey showing three quarters of an inchn so we're not done yet. but we are. we're on the we're rounding third and heading for home. even though there's stillúa couple of systems in the pipeline. so some morning drizzt rain, maybe a brief burst of moderate chilly to cold, mostly cloudy, some sun lingering rain. temperatures though well below average here in the 50s. >> all right. thank you steve. vice president kamala harris opens up about the war between israel and hamas. the blunt statement she made as calls for a cease fire grow across the country. >> and a flood of comments from social workers leads to changes in the social service system in santa clara. what parents will now be invited to do in cases of abuse or child endangerment .
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up about the war between israel spand hamas. the vp called for n immediate cease fire in gaza. she cited the inhumane conditions palestinians are experiencing in gaza and the biden administration's recent work in sending aid. there must >> so at least the next six weeks blood is currently on the table. >> this will give the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in. >> now, the vice president's remarks were the most pointed statements from a member of the spbiden administration about the cease fire. she also urged the israeli government to do more to increase the flow of aid into gaza. >> our time is now. 416
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protesters in san francisco turned march and rally yesterday, responding to an increase in the amount of anti-semitic ism across the country. the bay area march started in the embarcadero plaza and ended in front of city hall. the goal was to community and its allies to combat anti-semitism and support inclusion by working together with other communities. >> the full vibrancy and diverse city of jewish identity will be embraced and celebrated, and similar events in the ukc, fran, germany and in washington. >>úthere are new accusations that santa clara county is failing to stop abuses against children. >> social workers tell the bay area news group that county lawyers instructed them to
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invite parents into child parents was suspected of abuse. now, these complaints come after the county's department of family and children's services was heavily criticized for its handling of the baby phoenix spcase, a three month old girl died of a drug overdose. she was left in her parents care, even though they were suspected of using drugs in the home. >> our time now. 417 police in the security camera video shows two suspects driving up to the home on near the mormon temple on february 26th and then breaking into the home. the cameras also captured the two, leaving the home, the victim told us a jewelry box was stolen. well, california attorney general rob bonta is taking the side with san mateo county. then the lawsuit filed by the city of millbrae against the county over the purchase of a la quinta inn as part of california's project home key.
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that's according to the san mateo daily journal. san mateo county board of supervisors approved that purchase of a la quinta inn in millbrae, using money homekey to turn that hotel into housing for the homeless. the city of millbrae filed a lawsuit objecting to the project, saying they have their own plans for providing affordable housing. attorney general rob bonta filed a brief supporting the county, saying the project home key is a critical program for addressing homelessness in california. a hearing is now set for april 3rd. the sunnyvale city council is raking its top priorities for the year. >> city documents show. projects have been ranked by department, including public works, environmental services and community development. the top projects include creating a safe space for the city's homeless to sleep, improving bike safety at specific intersections near high schools and evaluating the use of artificial turf opposed to
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natural gas use. >> ourútime now for 19 sausalito's plan to clear people out who've been living on richardson bay illegally appears to be working a new law bans boaters from anchoring for longer than 72 hours in the bay, and the sausalito and richardson bay authoritiesc have been removing anyone who's illegally anchored there. now the law was challenged inúcourt, but the law survived, the chronicle reports. upc to 200 boats were in the water illegally in recent years. now that number is closer to 40. the goal is to remove the boats and find homes for the people living in them. by the end of the year. >> 419 is the time. back over to steve keeping an eye on the rain and the snow. boy a lot of snow up there. well there was there was snow not far away either. >> we'll start up in lake county here. they had some pretty good snow as well.c our good friend chloe up in clear lake, a weekend of wild weather turned elevations above 1300ft into a
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winter wonderland in lake county. yes. not only there, we thought lake county would get some in mendocino county. it looked likec it was ripe for that. and it did happen there. it'll it'll cycle through. there it is. it went by it looks likes cleared out. i don't see much of anything right now. so up in the mountains, starting to wind down as well. after an incredible weekend, there's still a little bit though in the pipeline here. maybe 1 to 4in in the forecast taking us through thec rest of the week. not a lot. i think things will start to improve dramatically. what about rainfall? i said somebody would get five inches of rain, although i thought it would be more in the russian river. but loma prieta, since friday picked up over five inches of rain. mount almanor was close four and three quarters, mount diabloúat four, and mount tamalpais just over three. there were some four inch amounts in the saratoga hills as well. still moving through about marin county, san pablo bay south. not a lot, but there's enough there. you have to use the windshield wipers. nothing too heavy, but as i like to say, we're not done yet. and there's still another system that will start to flirt with us
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on tuesday and wednesday. i will change this satellite because it's not working. but anyway, there's still some rain in the forecast. nothing compared to what we had over the weekend. and again, it looks like, you know, some locations will pick up very little. others might get a quarter ofúan inch or so. it's spcold up in the mountains and local mountainsc here. 35 mount veeder, oakland hills, 40 boulder 40. plenty of 30s to go around, mainly to the north, but so far all 40s here. just too much cloud cover and rain. 4243 seems to cover the spread for most of the east bay locations next spsystem. it looks like it wants to favor areas more to the south, but as you can see, monterey is showing a lot more than anybody else. systems in te here that will keep us in an active pattern. although nothing compared to what we had over the last four, light rain. chilly to cold. mostly cloudy. some sun, lingering rain. it'll be a cool day with 50s on the temps. >> steve. thank you. time now for 22. now we're just tuesday elections. we'll examine some of the key and we
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have an update on one of aviation's greatest mysteries. >> the investigation may be reopened in malaysia and the disappeared what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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for voters. the white house has beenútrying to work with congress to address illegal crossings, but so far there's no deal. president biden is now facing mounting pressure to take executive action to address the crisis. administrationt& officials, including the homeland security secretary tern on. >> we have an obligation to consider all options, as we do day in and day out, but those what the legislation would. the white house is reportedly considering an executive action
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that would restrict migrants ability to seek asylum if they cross illegally. >> our time now for 25 here in the bay area, two congressional seats are up for grabs. for the first time in decades in silicon valley, congresswoman anna eshoo will retire after 32 years in congress and that rare opening has attracted a large field of 11 candidates in the east bay. nine candidates are trying to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who's running for the us senate. she officially endorsed lateefah simon, a member of the bart board of directors, as the top two vote getters in both of these races will advance to the general election in november. now, make sure you stay with us. stay connected with fox local ahead of super tuesday. it's a free app on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know about the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu.
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>> investigators in malaysia say they may renew the search for malaysia airlines flight mh 370. the plane vanished nearly ten years ago after taking off from kuala lumpur to beijing. family members of passengers from malaysial australia, china and india came together yesterday in kuala lumpur to remember their loved ones. malaysia's government says texas based oil company ocean infinity is willing to search again on a no find, no fee basis, no reluctance as i've mentioned numerous times. >> as far as malaysian committed to that search and the search. >> one day there will be someone will come forward and tell us what truth. that's all we want until we >> the boeing 777 vanished from radar shortly after taking off march 8th, 2014. 239 people were
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on board. only scant pieces of evidence have ever been found of the plane. several pieces of debris washed ashore on the coast of eastern africa and indian ocean islands. and that's where the plane is believed to have crashed. but efforts to remove alameda county's district attorney from office enter a new phase coming up, the response from pamela price to the people pushing for a recall. >> and later today, the supreme court could rule on whether former president trump can be removed from some state primary election live to washington and find out the latest "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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democrats agree. with democrat katie porter. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. we take a look at what could be
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behind the latest numbers, plus. i've been here two days, you know, two days. >> yeah. >> sitting in his truck. we have the latest on the winter storm gripping the sierra as crews work around the clock to try to clear those roads. the conditions this morning as communities around lake tahoe are preparing for more snow from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for more. thank you for joining usn yes welcome and whatever else to morning sun two. it's monday i'm pam cook. >> stop trying to imitate me. pam good morning, i'm dave 4th.k. it is monday. it is march >> okay. ready to toss to steve paulson because report is realln the weather. everybody wants to know, pamela, this broadcast is only in-house so don't worry about it. >> thank yeah. >> thank goodness it's not this isn't live. it's not live okay. great. >> all right. >> we'll edit that out. all. 37e
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temps. livermore 42, palo alto 43. still some rain moving through. we're not done yet. there were some who said, oh, we'll be done by sunday morning. and i was like, are you sure about that? and here it is. i thought by monday morning maybe, but no. nope. it's still lingering. we're winding down on the snow in the mountains. they'll get some totals around 8 or 9:00. an unseasonably cool day, though, for early march with 50s on the temps. all right. sal is here for 3q on a little bit of rain out there. yeah, a little bit of rain. >> i think the commute so far looks good around the bay area. as you look at some of these live you will see the traffic looks good getting into san franciscoúfrom oakland. so speaking of oakland, traffic in front of the coliseum looks good. no major problems on that san mateo bridge silicon valley spoff to a good start there. and if you are driving contra costa county still also off to a decent start at 432. let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal tomorrow is
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the deadline to turn in your ballot for california's primarys down this yearn analysts say the number of ballots returned statewide are not in line presi, and analysts say the change in turnout could have a big impact. >> we are seeing an older, whiter and more conservative electoratec in this low turnout environment. there are very few people, unless maybe you or a loved one is running for the legislature that would that this is the most important election of their lifetime. >> now, the state registrar's office has started sending out text messages to voters who have not returned their ballot, reminding them to vote if drop t off in a mailbox, this vote centers will be open today across the state and we have a link on how to find one closest to you on our website, just click onc web links and in the race for the us senate candidates, adam schiff and katie porter one of the
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most closely watched races leading to super tuesday. adam schiff and katie porter are joining the other top candidates, steve garvey and ler that senate seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein. now, the latest polls from emerson college show adam schiff in the lead with 28% of the vote, followed by steve garvey at 20. katie porter at 17% and barbara that polling information also shows 17% of voters are still undecided, added one candidate forc congres inúsilicon valley is using ai to connect with voters. >> democrat peter dixon of palo alto says he has been using ai technology to deliver voice interaction over the phone a ply the company civiqs. the 40 year old said silicon valley deserves a representative in washington who both understands and uses the technology that will define
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the next ten years. dixon is running for retiring congresswoman anna issues 16th district seat. our time now for 30 for today. >> the group of people who want to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price will hold a news conference and theyc will submit the signatures they've gathered and collected to the registrar of voters. now, supporters of pamela price issued a statement before today's news conference. a protect the win campaign spokesperson says this undemocratic effort threatens to undo all the strides we've made in alameda county towards a more just and equitable criminal justice system. it is disheartening to think that if successful, this could jeopardize the historic progress achieved in recent years. our time now for 35n the us supreme court appears to be on the verge of making a decision today that could have a far reaching impact on the race for the white house. the members of the court are due to determine whether former
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president trump can be taken off the ballot in colorado over allegations that he led an insurrection. reporter doug luzader is in washington this morning with more on what we expect to hear from the supreme court. good morning, doug.t& >> good morning. we know that some kind of decision is going to be released this morning, and all signs are pointing to the trump ballot question. >> wow. this nice crowd. >> the former president trump in virginia over the weekend firing up supporters for super tuesday sptomorrow. but the focus will be on the supreme court just last month, justices heard arguments over whether colorado could ban trump from its ballots, citing the 14th amendment, accusing him of engaging in an insurrection after the 2020 election. and since then, two other states, illinois and maine, have made similar arguments. but during oral arguments, several justices sounded skeptical. >> a goodly number of states will say, whoever the democratic
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candidate is, you're off the ballot, and others for the republican candidate, you'reúoff the ballot, and it will come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election. that's a pretty daunting consequence. >> if the decision comes down today, it will be just a day before super tuesday, when republicans in 15 states cast their ballots. and while a new fox news poll has trump up two points over president biden within the margin of error, haley leads biden by eight. and yesterday, she won her first primary in the nation's capital. we see right now. we can do better than 280 year old candidate. that's now haley's win here in dc. >> editor 19 delegates. but that still leaves her far behind. trump, who has a nearly insurmountable lead. it seems, heading into super tuesday tomorrow. back to you guys. >> all right. thank you. doug. doug luzader in washington ahead of super tuesday renewed calls
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to protect voter rights. now, vice president kamala harris joined the annual crossing of the edmund pettus bridge in selma, alabama. she joins and, uh, others in the crossing of the bridge. it is to commemorate , uh, the bloody the event called bloody sunday. that's when civil rights demonstrators were beaten by state troopers as they marched for voting rights. us attorney general merrick garland also addressed a congregation at a church in selma, saying he believes the right to vote is under attack. he says decisions by the court. since 2006 have weakened the voting rights act of 1965, one thing that must not be open to debate is the right of every eligible citizen to vote, and to have their vote counted and. garland's speechúwas one of many events, all associated with the
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selma bridge crossing jubilee, that took place during the last four days in selma. well, the latest update from uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab and soda spring says about two feet of new snow was measured in 24 hours. that brings total to more than five feet. however that number will be higher because they have not sent an update since last late sunday morning. well like steve already told you, communities around lake tahoe had more than seven feet of snow falling over the weekend. >> ted lindner takes a closer look at the cleanup efforts and peopleúare not in the clear yet. >> a massive winter storm walloping nevada. >> we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. >> with many mountain communities receiving several feet of snow over the weekend, we are doing some snow displacement. >> uh, it's not really snow removal because it doesn't get
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removed. it just kind of just puts it into the bank. >> intense winds combining with& heavy powder to weigh down electrical lines, wiping out power to thousands. whiteout conditions and icy roads proving extremely dangerous as. forcing many truckers to take refuge at rest stops. ñ> i've been here two days, you know. two days. yeah. >> the blizzard ultimately shutting down portions of interstate 80 on sunday. >> hectic is this. snow is wet operator of these plows in righr about six years. and this is a pretty good storm. >> some of the roads weren't cleaned off yet. it's pretty scary for the most part. >> even resulting in several ski resorts needing to stay closed. >> we are going to go backcountry skiing because the resort is closed and we're bored. >> everybody's snowmobiling and skiing in the streets. >> the storm system first began gripping the region back on
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thursday, and while precipitous started declining in some areas round of snow is expected monday through wednesday. >ñ the has been pretty crazy. >> ted lindner, fox news allt& right, thank you, ted, for showing us some of that. >> just incredible amount of snow. a quick reminder, you can always stay ahead of any storm with the free ktvu weatherúapp. it does have current conditions, a live interactive radar, and a breakdown of the forecast. our by our so good to keep an eye on that. >> we have steve paulson here this morning for the conditions right now and what what we can expect. >> well they're winding down. sc i mean you know letúlet's preface that by saying they've already had their biggest amounts and they'll see less amounts going forward totalt& since friday. i'm sure add another maybe. to spsome of these. uh, these are s ofúsunday evening, homewood 88, sugar bowl 87, burrill, 82, and north star had w0in of snow. and i'm sure these will be in the 90s. and maybe for some of these
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almost done. i mean, there's some lingering snow up there and they'll get some light snow next couple of days here. but nothing like feet or anything. they're just looking for 1 to 4in of new snow, which will take them through wednesday into early thursday. 25 in truckee, 23 south lake tahoe, reno, which had incredible amounts of snow as well, is that 25? it's cold around here. if there's available moisture, maybe some snow in the peaks because mount diablo, sitting at 31 degrees mendocino snow on sunday. loma a rainfall since friday was the most i found over five mount almanor four and three quarters. danville since friday two and a third kentfield was right in there as well. the city, 1.86 yountville as well, 1.86 santa rosa an inch and three quarters. oakland 117 in redwood city, 116 and san jose picked up just over an inch, inch and 13/100. there's still some moving through. i mean, there's just so the air. mass is saturated. it doesn't take much to generate some light rain, so we'll keep
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activity. but, i mean, we're of these systems coming in now, steve, you got to fix that satellite. i know, and i have time because there's a there's a front out there. unfortunately, it's not showing up, but we'll still get some light rain going into tuesday night. not a lot out of this next system, but we'll get some out of it. 30s, 40s on the temps here on the peninsula, all 40s even on the coast. half moon bay, pacifica at 44. atherton's 44, los altos 44. sanúcarlos says, hey, so are spwe 40 in ukiah? same for crescent city to 40s and 50s down south was all about the sierra. although we had some pretty good rain here, this was more the sia and they'll get a little bit more snow here, and we'll get some rain. but again, thec damae has been done, so to speak, here. but to the north it will still be some pretty good totals over the next 3 to 5 days. morningúdrizzle, light rain. chilly to cold, mostly cloudy, some sun, but there's some lingering rain here. haven't kicked it out yet. 50 on the thames. ñ> thank you steve. the us is rethinking a tax roll as imports
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from china are booming. and that could change the deep discounts chinese retailers offer to american shoppers. >> and an indescribable loss for the golden state celtics hammere warriors and also set a new sprecord to what warriors head coach steve kerr says about a game he'd like to forget
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everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only in the ap i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive.
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cabinet. all of this is the biden administration is hoping that a temporary begin soon, bee the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan next week. and as reporter chris dimeo tells us, there's growing unrest in israel. in response to the war. with the israel-hamas war approaching, the six month mark. >> idf troops remain focused on
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eliminating hamas terrorists from the region, launching new air and ground campaigns across the gaza strip. the blast throughout the crowded territory continued driving up the civilian deatholl. t hamas run gaza health ministry reports more than 30,000 people have been killed since the start of the war. this woman, mourning the loss of her five month old twins and her husband killed in the southern town of rafah during an israeli airstrike over the weekend. >> i >> i have no one else. >> but over in israel. public unrest is growing over how prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his wartime cabinet are handling the war. protesters calling for the remaining hostages to be released and citing anger over the high number of palestinian casualties. >> i'm against the government, which behaves like the worst fascist that ever been. >> several demonstrators were
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detained by law enforcement as hundreds of people stopped traffic and demanded netanyahu and his war cabinet resign. meanwhile benny gantz, a political rival of netanyahu and a member of israel's war cabinet, is expected to meet with vice president kamala harris monday. israeli officials say gantz's visit to the u.s. was not approved. the vice president is expected to continue advocating for a temporary ceasefire deal that would help secure the release of more hamas hostages. chris dimeo, fox news thank you. time is 447 over the weekend, ktvu, i showed you this video of san francisco police officers clashing saturday afternoon with pro palestinian demonstrators in downtown san francisco. and those officers could be seen pepper spraying and using batons on the protesters. now san francisco police are telling ktvu the group becameúviolent and began to commit crimes vandalism and causing property
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damage. a few of the officers at the scene suffered non-life threatening injuries, along with one subject who was participating in the first amendment rights reports. nonlife threatening injuries. this remains an open and active investigation in today's dollars and cents. >> congress is considering new trade laws that would eliminate tax advantages for online chinese retailers. right now, current trade exemptions allow packages valued at $800 or less toúenter the u.s. duty free per person each day. this rule is allowing chinese online, fastc fashion company sheehan to dominate the us market. american consumers can buyútrendy clothing at minimal prices, while the chinese manufacturing company is not paying tariffs. 1 billion shipments entered the us tax free last year. that was a 53% increase from 2022. it's ranging from anything to, um, pill press, die sets that people
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were utilizing to make, um, you devastating our communities. >> but we're also talking about you know, you know, fake or counterfeit jewelry. >> congress can repeal the current trade provision, which could add 20 to $30 to each sale . tesla is increasing the cost of its model y by $1,000, according to tesla's website, the model y rear wheel drive ev will be about $44,000. the long range will be nearly $49,000. tesla has also started production of its next generation ev, codenamed redwood. a new report is shining some light on where people in the u.s. are having the most financial problems. data from wallethub reveals the five cities struggling the most with are dallas, texas, at number five, los angeles comes in number four. new york city at three, houston comes in number
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two, and chicago number one. the group looks at things like bankruptcy filing, credit scores and search terms like debt. several bay area cities also made the list. san jose ranks number 37. oakland comes at 60, san francisco at 70. debt at debt. all right. we're not talking about a lot of debt this morning withc steve. we're talking about a lotúof rain and snow. we've had. it sounds like slowly okay. >> slowly there and we'll take k at it just so much coming across. it doesn't take much to generate some lightúrain. and that's exactly what we have here. nothing too heavy, but there's still some moving through. mainly south about marinúcounty. especially along the san mateo coast. that over towards santa clara county, contra costa county. there's our system for tomorrow, tuesday into wednesday. it looks like it might take a little bit of a turn more south, but the way things are going, i'm not going
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to rule it out, that's for sure. uh, some projections though. keep some light rain on us at least through tuesday night into wednesday. 30s 40s on the temps. if it wasn't for the cloud cover, we'd be a lot colder, but 40s even down to hollister san creek said 40 than mid 40sert- around cupertino, saratoga, san jose, santa clara and campbell. so another system. but this is a weak one. it's on its way. it'll generate some light rain tuesday nightúwednesday more looks to be more south. you can see the projection from monterey a little bit more unless you're well north in mendocino county north, or it's still some pretty good rain up on the north coast. not much more snow, i would think. maybe 4 to 8in of snow should cover it. so the blast, the blizzard is winding down. mostly cloudy, a lot. rain, drizzle lingering rain though we're not done yet. 50s on the temps. so another cool day on tap. all right steve thank you. >> our time are back home aftera week long road trip that went ue
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in boston. the warriors won the first three games of that east coast road trip, but then they played the boston celtics yesterday. top team in the eastern conference. and the celtics crushed the warriors . 140 to 88. only one warrior starter, moses moody, scored in double figures, the warriors losing by 52 points is the worst when steph curry, klay thompson- and draymond green start the game, it was so bad the three didn't play in the second half because this was such a rout. >> you give them credit. they came out and whooped us tonight from the jump. and it was one of thosel um you know perfect storms of just a rough night on our end and them taking it to us now. >> warriors head coach steve kerr told his team to, quote, flush that game out of your minds, that they had a successful winning road home. te
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warriors will get a couple of days to relax you too steph, before you host the second best team in the eastern conference,& the milwaukee bucks on wednesday night, our timeúis 453. the san jose sharks areúback in the shark tank tomorrow night, when they'll be hosting the dallas stars. theúsan jose will try to snap a seven. spthe sharks actually took a two to nothing lead over the minnesota wild yesterday after the wild tied the game, the sharks pulled ahead only to see minnesota score two unanswered goals and minnesota. won 4 to 3. >> all right, gearing up for super tuesday, the candidates making their final push to win and the last minute efforts to get voters to the polls and a north bay program born of tragic hit a 20 year milestone. we'll tell you how a bilingual water spsafety program is helping save lives
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on sunday in san jose's cheeseboro neighborhood. the department posted this photo from the incident it to the scene. this is near loma prieta drive. the fire was first spreported just before 1230. it was under control within 20 minutes. authorities confirm at least one person was injured and taken to the hospital. the cause is still under investigation. firefighters in mountain view responded to a fire at an apartment complex yesterday morning. these are photos showing the damage to that building. this is on lakeside avenue across from the mariano castro elementary school field. residents evacuated before toúte origin of the fire was in the laundry room. in a first floor
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unit, but the exact cause of that fire is also under investigation. registration now open for a program that gives free swimming lessons to kids in the north bay. venmo sanader, which means let's swim in spanish, has a series of free instructions beginning in march. the free program gives kidst& between the ages of five and 18 a half day of swimming instructions. families are then given a voucher that dramatically reduces the cost of city run swim lessons. the program was started 20 years ago, during a time when latinos were drowning at alarming rates. hundreds of thousands of young salmon site of a dam removal project on the klamath river state officials tell the chronicle that the dead chinook salmon were among the first hatchery fish released on the klamath, since that dam was removed. officials think they died from water pressure that was too strong, and a tunnel. state leaders that removed are e others in an effort to protect the historic salmon spawning
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ground. it to and from some of the bart stations, thanks to $16 million from an innovative community partnership. grants have been awarded to seven projects to improve access to nine stations in alameda, contra costa and san francisco to bart program will be evaluated. they'll be elevated. there will be an elevated bikeway, new paving, and some other safety features. measure rr is funding the program. it wasúpassed by district voters in 2016, providing $3.5 billion to rebuild bart's infrastructure. night markets in san francisco are coming back this friday. the chinatown night market will be the first to return this friday. at first launched last fall during the apec summit and the event drew a massive crowd the night markets are scheduled to happen every second friday of the month until november, with varying locations and themes including sunset night market
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and the bangin beats, bangin beats, night market, three should arrive at the international space station tomorrow. >> three, two, one ignition engines full power and liftoff of nasa crew eight. go, falcon r person crew blasted off from kennedy space center last night. >> they will spend six months at the international space station. they are replacing a crew that has been up there since august last. >> we got a truck, four wheel drive, all, all weather tires, communities around lake tahoe digging out after several feet of snow fell on that area. >> and even though the snow has closed, roads and ski resorts are scaling back some bay area residents are eager to to the sierra and be a part of
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all that snow. we'll tell you conditions and the alerts in effect right now. plus, we spend approximately a third of our lives in the fire station. >> this is like a second home to many of us thieves targeted a south bay fire station, and it's not the first time that fire station has been burglarized from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morningúto you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. good morning i'm pam cook. >> it's monday march fourth. let's head over to steve paulson keeping track of all the weather we have had and the forecast. >> we still have a little bit left. we're not done yet. 30s on a few of the temps, but there's too much cloudúcover and still some lingering rain here. so 40s. if it wasn't for the cloud cover in the rain, we'd be a lot cooler here. i'm just going to move right along and there it is right there. you can see some of that moving through. so we're not done yet. so look for another cool day with off and on
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rain, 50s on the temps. all right. it through the first hour. what about now? >> for the most part, we're doing okay. i do want to alert youúif you're in santa rosa to avoid the todd road exit from highway 101 for police activity. different road. todd road is a good way to stay away from west of the freeway. uh, just because of police activity that's not affecting highway 101. all right, let's put the maps up here. there you go, todd. road is an area to stay away from in santa rosa right now. all right, let's talk about the san mateo bridge. that traffic is moving along. okay also no. sam, 880. looks good at the coliseum. and there's delay at the bay bridge tollúplaza.c 501& let's get back to the headlines. >> okay, sal. missile. just told you we're starting with breaking news in santa rosa. there's a large law enforcement presence in the bellevue ranch neighborhood. several roads have been closed indefinitely. that includes parts of stony point road and todd road. both santat&
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rosa police and the sonoma county sheriff's sent out alerts about 1:00 this morning, telling people to avoid that area. now, as sal just said, a ktvu to sana right now. we're going to bring you an update from there once they arrive, candidates vying to become the next us senator from california are making their final pushes to voters. >> the latest polls suggest two frontrunners, butúevery candidate says they will fight until the end. ktvu james torres keeping an eye on the election. joining us now ahead of super tuesday. good morning, james pam, good morning to this is onw spitems on the ballot that will affect everyone in the state of the four top candidates to have spent their time in san francisco last night, representatives adam schiff and katie porter. porter spent mannn in front of a crowd of about 100 people. polls are showing porter is within arm's reach of getting that second spot to makeúit to the election in november. but to do that
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than schiff, who held his campaign event at the pearl in the city's mission bay district. he had star power with them, former house speaker nancy pelosi sat on stage while he spoke. he was also joined by city attorney david chiu, city supervisor aaron peskin and assembly member phil ting. east bay congresswoman barbara lee campaigned in orange county last night, tweeting she can't wait to be the progressive champion in the us senate. but in order for that to happen, voters need to come out the latest berkeley igs poll shows republican steve garvey pulling ahead of all three democrats, polling at about 27. his campaign did not reveal any plans all weekend long for any last minute events. we're not sure what he might be up to today either. well, we know the top two candidates will head to a runoff in november. polls show that may be a schiff, though porter has at- small gap to close. the one common they have to bring that voter turnout rate up. back in 2022, the june primary of only &
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33, reporting live in the newsroom. i'm james torres, ktvu , fox two news. >> thank you, james. today in san jose, a news conference by mayor matt mehan and state spsenator josh becker will announce their support for the interim housing act. the proposed bill would reduce the time that it takes to build temporary housing in california. now state senator josh becker sponsored the interim housing act of 2024. he will join the mayor, matt mehan, state morning at this newly built interim housing project on evans lane. the proposed bill will help speed up the process of building temporary housing while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. someúcritics of temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness. >> as long as the rents keep going, you're going to have more people becoming homeless than the ones that you're helping to get out of being homeless. and until that gets
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solve this problem. now sandyot- perry says the underlying cause of homelessness is unaffordable rent. >> so his organization, the south bay community land trust, is focused on creating more permanent affordable housing. >> our timec now. 505 some schools in the bay area's biggest school district may soon be closing. san francisco unified plans to close an unspecified number of schools in the coming yearsc. school officials point to understaffed thing, declining enrollment and school buildings that are literally falling apart, hurting the ability toúhelp children succeed, school superintendent says. eliminating older schools would reduce some of those problems schools our students deserve and our families expect that we must have fewer schools than we do nowc. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer
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schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs. teacher support and student services. >> now, the school superintendent says an eight month process will begin to create a criteria for closing schools. and when that process is completed, recommendations will be made as to which schools will be on that list. time now 506 and a investigation continues in monterey county, after four people were shot and killed and three people were wounded. it happened last night in king city, a community south of salinas along highway 101. police say a car pulled up to where a house party was being held, and three men got out of the car and started shooting at people standing outside of the house. then the gunman ran awaye killed in the shooting. three other men were rushed to the hospital. so far, no arrests have been made. a fire station in san jose was the target of a burglary over the weekend. >> police say a man broke into
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the station on east santaúclara street and 17thúafter firefighters left for a call at 630 saturday night when they returned, they found a man inside the station. they say he then took off through the back door and headed toward the creek with some fire equipment and some of their personal belongings. >> as firefighters third of our lives in the fire station. this is like a second home to many of us to have this type of an invasion. it would be similar to somebody invading our own homes. police arrested the man and recovered all of the items. >> however, one firefighter's laptop was destroyed after the suspect threw it into the creek. firefighters tell us this was the third time station eight has been burglarized. well, getting to lake tahoe is still extremely difficult this morning for a number of reasons. interstate 80 is still shut truckee and north lake tahoe. highway 50 has been backed up due to icy conditions and
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crashes, and in and around the lake tahoe area roadc crews are warning some local roads remain impassable. ktvu zac sos talked with officials in the sierra about how they're managing a morning snow slide on highway 50, making it the latest route in the tahoe region to temporarily close sunday morning amid a days long blizzard in the sierra. >> luckily, caltrans was able to get in there prettyúquick. um, there was no reported injuries, but a couple cars were caught underúthe slide. um, and so they clearedc those and were able to open it up. i think within 30 minutes. it's why everyone from the chp to caltrans and area officials continue to put out the same message. right now, we've been encouraging, um, not to travel. it's been highly discourage, urged north on interstate 80, caltrans ahead wh their dig out of the highway along the donner pass closed since friday. >> we're crossing our fingers and hoping for the best.
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>> the storm also leaving many local roads impassable and walking challenging for some shorter folks. meantime, the wind causing laden trees to topple onto power lines, at one point knocking out electricity to some know, when e this all at once, it's tough for everybody, even locals, more than anything, just the knowing if we're going to open or not has probably caused the most amount of stress. >> i'm sort of gauging off of if other businesses are opening, if it's safe to be on the roads, that kind of thing. >> some area ski resorts, including heavenly mountain, able to partially open for the dayc high winds just too much. palisades tahoe opting to remain closed sunday. the resort, seeing near record winds during the storm,t& at one point clocked at 190mph. back in the bayúarea, we're heading up, hopefully today, maybe in the morning. the draw first tracks powder?
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>> yeah, that's what we're looking for. >> too hard to pass up for spvisual. and her husband, anthony, swinging by california ski company a truck, four wheel drive, all, all weather tires. >> we decided to rent down here so that when we get up there, we can just hit the hit the mountain. >> even the stores manager, greg, planning to play hooky? >> oh, we have to get after it. i mean, everyone wants to call in sick tomorrow and are. >> and that was reporter zac so& reporting. timeúnow. 510 some regional parks in sonoma county are still closed because of the recent storms. the website of the sonoma county regional park says there's no access to the forestville river and the san antonio creek trail. however some parks have partial openings , including guerneville river park and riverfront regional park and tule lake regional park. >> more roadsúinto yosemite national park are expected to partially reopen today. the park was forced to close thursday as the storms made road conditions
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unsafe. several highways, with even more planned for noon today. despite reopening, though officials still say visitors should be mindful that many of the roads and paths in yosemite remain closed and chains they're covered in snow and ice chains may be required on short notice. and just a quick reminder you can always stay ahead of any storm weather app. it has current conditions, a live interactive radar and a breakdown of the forecast hour by hour.úthat leads us right to steve, where are you starting right now with the forecast of the rain totals since friday, we thought somebody would get maybe five and loma prieta did it here at 5.08. four and three quarters mount diablo with four, and mount tamalpais has picked up just over three. so we'll try and get to many rain totals we can. danville and kentfield two and a third. the city 1.86 yountville also with 1.86. santa rosa an inch and
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three quarters. oakland 117, in redwood city, 116 in san jose picked up an inch and rainfall totals included tiburon. two and quarter. moraga also at two and a quarter. saint helena had just over two. morgan hill, just shy of two.úsan rafael 1.93. livermoreú1.63. in vallejo had an inch and a half still some rain moving through. not a lot, but there's a little bit here, so we have to keep lingering rain in the forecast. i mean, there's no wind really behind it . a couple of systems here still on the horizon. they are weak systems, but they will play into our weather starting tuesday night into wednesday, keeping some light rain going. it's not going to be a sunny week, i can tell you that. there will be some light rain in a lot of for others. coldest temps by far to the north middletown's down to 31. rohnert park, sebastopol, sonoma 39. american canyon, anse as well. mid 30s for much of mendocino county. lake county again the bigger system was over the weekend, but still some weak
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systems will brush us over the next few daysl with snow and sot rain.úso we're still getting some rain here. but the heavy stuff, if you will, is over. chilly to coldl mostly cloudyúte rain. 50s on the temps. quite cool for us this time of year. a gradual warm up, but a lot of cloud cover and light rain off k thursday friday before the next. systems on >> thank you steve. vice president kamala harris on the war between israel and hamas. the blunt statement she made as calls for a cease fire grow across the country, and a flood of comments from social workers in santa clara leads to changes in the social service system. >> we'll tell you what parents will now be invited to do in cases of abuse or child endangerment. in
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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israel and hamas. the vice president called for an immediate cease fire in gaza. she cited the inhumane conditions palestinians are experiencing in gaza and the biden administration's recent work in sending aid. >> there must be an immediate cease fire. this blood is currently on the table.
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>> this will give the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in the vice president's remarks, were the most pointed statement from bidn administration about thec cease fire. >> she also urged the israeli government to do more to increase theúflow of aid into gaza. >> our time is 517. protesters in san francisco joined a unity march in rally yesterday. respond ing to the rise in the amount of anti semitism nationwide. now this march plaza. it ended in front of city hall. the goalúwas to bring together the northern california jewish communityúand its allies to combat anti-semitism and support inclusion by working together with full vibrancy and diversity of jewish identity
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will be embraced and celebrated. now similar events have recently been held in the uk, france, germany and in washington. >> there are new accusations that santa clara county is failing to stop abuses against children. social workers tell the bay area news group that county lawyers instructed them to invite parents into child interviews, even if one of the parents was suspect of abuse. now, these complaints come after the county's department of family and childrengs services was heavily criticized for itst& handling phoenix case. a three month old girl died of a drug overdose. she was left in her parents care, even though they were suspected of using drugs in the home. >> our time now 519 police in the oakland hills searching for two suspects who broke into a video shows two suspects driving up to the home on coolidge, near the mormon temple. february 26 driving in a blue bmw and the
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suspects were caught on camera, leaving the home. the victim told ktvu a jewelry box was stolen with bonta is siding with san mateo county in a lawsuit filed by the city of millbrae against the county over the purchase of a la quinta inn hotel. as part of the state's project. homekey program. that's according to the san mateo daily journal. the san mateo county board of supervisors approved the purchase of a la quinta inn in millbrae, used funds from the state's project homekey program to turn that hotel into housing for the homeless. the city of millbrae filed a lawsuit objecting to the project, saying it has its own plans to provide affordable housing. attorney general rob bonta filed a brief supporting the county, saying theúproject home key is a critical program to address homelessness in california. a hearing is set now for april 3rd at 520.
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steve. what are you keeping an eye on? >> still some rain out there. not a lot, but there's enough here to keep it in the probably late tuesday into wednesday. nothing heavy. and that's gone through already. but there's still some, especially going over marin county and then over the over towards mainly frn francisco. oakland south looks to be about the line towards santa clara county down towards santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, 23 truckee and south& lake tahoe. still some snow up there, but it looks like things are. but another couple inches of snow is possible this week. not a lot from that system right there, ue tuesday into wednesday. so again, the bigger systems are out of the picture for now. these are weak systems, but they'll keep a lot of cloud cover in here and some occasional light rainúgoing. best around thursday friday before more clouds and some light rain move in on the weekend. at least that's the way it looks. still cold out there, even with the cloud cover lingering rain 50 on the temps so look for off and on rain to take us into today.
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probably even tuesday night.t& wednesday there's your break. thursday. friday with more on the way. it looks like for >> all right steve toms 521. we're just one day away from super tuesday primary elections, key issues for voters. and we have an update on one of aviation's greatest mystery, as the investigation may be reopened in malaysia about the search for a plane that disappeared ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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increasingly are becomingúa pivotal white house has been trying to work with congress to deal with the illegal crossings, but so far there's still no deal. president biden, now facing growing pressure to take executive action to address the crisis. the administration officials, including the homeland security secretary, insist only congress can deliver a long terme solution. listen. >> we have an obligation to consider all options as we dot& day in and day out. but those options are not going to deliver >> now, the white house is reportedly considering executive action to restrict the ability of migrants to seek asylum if they cross the border illegally. it is 525 here in the bay area, two congressional seats are up for grabs. for the first time in decades in silicon valley, congresswoman anna eshoo will
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retire after 32 years in congress and that rare opening has attracted a large field of 11 candidates in the east bay, nine candidates are trying to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who is running for the us senate. she officially endorsed latifah simon, a member of the bart board of directors. the top two vote getters in both of those races will move on to the general election in november. the make sure you stay connected with fox local ahead of super tuesday. now it's a free app. it's on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know about the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu two. our time is 526. investigators in malaysia say they may renew a search for malaysia airlines flight mh370. it vanished almost ten years ago
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lumpur, heading to beijing. the family members of the passengers from malaysia, australia, china and india came together yesterday in kuala lumpur remembering their loved ones. the government of malaysia says the texas based company ocean infinity is willing to search again on a no find, no fee basis , has no reluctance. >> as i've mentioned numeroust& times as far as malaysian government government is concerned, we are committed to that search and the search must go onn >> one day there will be someone will come forward and tell us what really going on. the truth. longing for that, until today. spnow the boeing 777 vanished fm radar shortly after taking off on march eighth, 2014, 239 people were on board. >> only small pieces of evidence have ever been found of that planen several pieces of debris
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washed ashore on the coast ofc eastern africa and on the indian ocean islands, where the plane is believed to have crashed. time is 527. efforts to remove alameda county district attorney pamela price from office is entering a new phase. coming up, the response from supporters of pamela price to the people who are pushing for a recall and later today, the us supreme court could rule on whether former president trump can be removed from some state primary election ballots. we'll bring you the latest from washington
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at olive garden, sauce is the soul. it's what takes you on a tour of italy. and chicken and shrimp carbonara to the next level. made from scratch every day. it's one of the ways we put more in, so you get more out. ♪ i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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mucinex nightshift starts working at bed time to fight your worst night-time symptoms. how could you? and leaves your system fast. by the time you wake up, you're ready to take on the day. try it and feel the difference. mucinex nightshift, it's comeback season. what do i see in peter dixon? mucinex nightshift, i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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heading to santa rosa to find out what prompted officer to >> so far, we received around 75,000 ballots back. >> voter turnout down in california just one day before super tuesday. we're going to take a look at what could be behind the latest numbers from ktvu, fox two news. >ñ this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here. on mornings on two i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> itc is monday. it is march te 4th man yes. >> thank you for joining us. let's head over to steve paulson for a look at our forecast. you say still some rain out there. >> there's still some out there lingering there. pamela, 30s and 40s on the temps here. if it wasn't for the cloud cover in
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the rain, we'd definitely be colder. but it's cold enough. still some light activity. picking up here. there's just so much moisture screaming across. nothing really organized, but rainy days and mondays all say off and on. morning rain, mostly cloudy, cold, lots of clouds. cool temps will hold on to some lingering rain here in highs are well below average as you might imagineúwith 50s on those temps. all right, 530 usually things pick up at this time and yeah, they are picking up and let me just turn all these radios down. >> uh, we do have traffic. that's getting a little bit busier. let's to our triple a traffic camera here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see there's a little bit of a backup, but not much right now. traffic is moving along okay on the bridge, but the on soon because people arecomin- beginning to show up. this is a& look at the commute here on interstate 880. it looks in slowing on highway four, notof much already. do want to warn you to stay away from todd road,
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just west of highway 101. it's a busy road that usually connects a lot ofúother people. this morning it is not available, at least right now because of police activity.úi don't even know if you're going to be able to get off the freeway there at todd road, but the rest of the freeway traffic through santa rosa and getting the petaluma looks okay. all the way down to novato.. >> thank you. sal. today, the u.s. supreme court is expected to issue a decision on whether or not former president donald trump can be removed from the state ballot in colorado, as he is accused of leading an insurrection. now, trump is challenging a decision by the colorado supreme court that said he is disqualified from holding office again and ineligible for the state's primary election tomorrow, citing the 14th amendment. two other states, illinois andúmaine, have made similar arguments. >> our time now, 533,úwill tomorrow voters go to the polls here in california. and in 15 other states, while the
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votes. even politicians who are- not running for an election are very busy over the senator scott wiener was urging people to vote. got to get the vote out. >> turnout is really low so far, and we want to make sure people know about this election and know that it matters now. >> two years ago, during the june midterms primaries, the voter turnout statewide was about 33. the general election that year, in november reached 50. that was the lowest for a general election in almost a decade. because actually, your e figure out who we're going to send to that that debate in november, i think it's critically important that you weigh in early, make your preferences known, and the candidates are paying attention to the people who vote. >> so, you know, san jose mayor matt mahan helped to make calls by phone supporting former mayor sam liccardo, now running for the u.s. house seat left by the
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retiring congresswoman anna eshoo. other candidates who political analysts consider frontrunners in the race are state assemblyman and former campbell mayor evan low, as well as santa clara county supervisor and former state joe simitian. >> tomorrow is the deadline to turn in your ballot for california's primary election, year.úanalysts say the number of ballots returned statewide are not in line with the normal level of turnout for at& presidential election year, they add. the change in turnout could have a big impact in the smaller local races. >> we're seeing an older, whiter and more conservative electorate in this low turnout environment. there are very fewúpeople, unless maybe you or a loved the. that would say that this is the most important election of their splifetime. >> um, now, the state registrar's office started sending out text messages to voters who haven't returned their ballot yet, reminding them to vote. ifúyou don't want to
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drop your ballot in a mailbox, voter vote centers will be open today across the state, and we have a link on how toúfind the one closest to you on our website, just click on web links. >> time now 535. today the group of people who want to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price will hold a news conference and submit the signatures they've collected to the registrar of voters. now, supporters of district attorney price issued a statement before today's news conference, and a spokesperson for the protect the win campaign says, quote, this undemocratic effort threatens to undo the strides we've made in alameda county toward a more just and equitable criminal justice system. it is disheartening to think that if successful, this could jeopardize a historic progress achieved in recent years. our time now, 536 later today, vice president kamala harris will meet with a top member of israel's war cabinet. all of this as the biden administration
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is hoping fire in gaza could begin before the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan next week. as reporter chris dimeo tells us, unrest is the war for. >> with the israel-hamas war approaching, the six month mark, idf troops remain focused on eliminating hamas terrorists from the region and launching new air and ground campaigns across central and southern portions of the gaza strip. the blast throughout the crowded territory continued, driving up the civilian death toll. the hamas run gaza health ministry reports more than 30,000 people have been killed since the start of the war. this woman, mourning the loss of her five month old sptwins and her husband killed n the southern town of rafah during an israeli airstrike over the weekend. >> i have noúone else. i have no how and his wartime
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cabinet are handling the war. >> protesters calling for the remaining hostages toúbe the high number of palestiniant- casualties. >> i am against the government, which behaves like the worst fascist that has ever been. >> several demonstrators were detained by law enforcement as hundreds of people stopped traffic and demanded netanyahu and his war cabinet resign. meanwhile, benny gantz, a political rival of netanyahu and a member of israel's war cabinet , is expected to meet with vice president kamala harris monday. israeli officials say gantz's visit to the u.s. was not approved. the vice president is expected to continue advocating for a temporary ceasefire deal that would help secure the release of more hamas hostages. spchris dimeo, fox news all rig, chris, thank you. >> time is 538. over the weekend, ktvu showed you video of sanúfrancisco police officers
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clashing saturday afternoon with prompalestinianúdemonstrators in downtown san francisco. now, police officers could be seen pepper spraying and using batons against the protesters. san francisco police told ktvu, quote the group became violent and began to commit crimes ranging from assault to felony vandalism and causing property damage. a few of the officers at the scene suffered non-life-threatening injuries, along with one subject who was participating in the first amendment rights reporting nonlife threatening injuries. this remains an open and active investigation. well the latest update from uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab in soda springs shows about two feet of snow was measured in the last 24 around lake tahoeúhad more than seven feet of snow over the weekend. reporter ted lindner takes a closer look at the cleanup as more snow is still in the forecast east. >> a storm walloping swaths of california,
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sierra nevada. >> we went from 0 to 100 pretty fast. >> with many mountain communities receiving several feet of snow over the weekend, we are doing some snow displacement. >> uh, it's not really snow spremoved. it just kind of just puts it into the bank. >> intense winds combining with heavy powder to weigh down electrical lines, wiping out power to thousands. whiteout conditions and icy. this refuge at rest stops. to taket- >> i've been here two days, you know, two days. yeah. the blizzard ultimately shutting down portions is this snow is wt underneath. >> i've been an operator of these plows in this neighborhood right here for about six years. and this is a pretty good storm.
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>> some of the roads weren't cleaned off yet. it's pretty scary for the most part, even resulting in several ski resorts needing to stay closed. >> we are going to go backcountry skiing because the .esort is closed and we're bore- >> everybody's snowmobiling and skiing in the streets. >> the storm system first began gripping the region back on thursday, and while precipitation started declining in some areas sunday, forecasters say another round of snow is expected monday through wednesday. >> the storm has been pretty crazy. >> ted lindner, fox news thank you ted, just a quick reminder that you can always stay ahead of storms with the free ktvu weather app. >> it has current conditions, a live, interactive radar, and a breakdown of the forecast hour by hour over to steve paulson. what are youc keeping an eye on right no? >> well, let's preface this by saying they won't it'll be light snow. okay, so the worst is over here. but they'll still have some snow adding up here. a couple inches here would take
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them easily into the weekend, into the next couple of days, but the next system is actually going south, it looks like. so i don't think it will impact them that much. as ofúlate sunday, su can probably add i'd say 4 to 6 to some of these sugar bowl 87, boreal 82 70. there's just not a lot left there. so the digging out begins some light snow is possible today. and again maybe 1 to 3 or four inches of snow. but you can see i mean we're not looking for feet or anything like that or 90 to 100 mile per hour winds or anything. it's cold though. mount diablo, if we can get enough, maybe a little snow up t surprise me. rainfall friday lot yourselves on the back saw overt almanor four and three quarters mount diablo four. mount tam had three danville kentfield, san francisco, yountville, santa rosa, oakland, redwood city, and spsan jose, all between an inchs continue. not too bad, but this was more about snow than rain. tiburon konocti moraga. saint
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helena all over two morgan hill, san rafael were close. livermore 1.63in the vallejo had an inch and a half. still some light rain in there, so some going for today. it does not surprise me. ic don't think anything too heavy, but one more system has to come across tuesday wednesday, which will keep a lot of cloud cover in the rain in the forecast and some rain. highs will only be in the 50s, a little bit warmer towards the end of the week. okay steve, thank you. >> time 542. some new worries in the north bay about drug overdose rises. the increase seen by one health department over the past few weeks, and what they hope to do about it and the us is rethinking a tax rule as imports from china are booming. >> that could change the deep discounts chinese retailers are offering. american consumers as "overflowing with ideas and energy."
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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what do i see in peter dixon? flonase all good. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo.
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i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only in thapp. so this morning, yes, several closed down one intersectione because of police activity in that area. ktvu sally rasmus joins us now from the scene. >> ali, what have you been able to find out? >> well, we are at todd road and moreland avenue it is closed coo traffic here. you can see behind us santa rosa police patrol vehicle about 100ft beyond that
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is where the crime scene tape is set up. and then probably about a quarter mile away from that crime scene tape is another police patrol vehicle or several, actually. you can see the flashing lights off there in the distance. we don't know what police are investigating. they have not told us or confirmed any information specifically about what is happening here, but we do know around what time this all started. and that's because around 1:00 this morning, that's when santa rosa police and sonoma county sheriffs sent out an alert to people living in this area to avoid the intersection of stony point road south of bellevue avenue to todd road. that area is closed indefinitely. that's where we are standing. that's what we just showed you. then about 90 minutes after that first alert went out at 225 this morning, police sent out a second alert about some additional road closures. also between stony point road and moreland avenue also shut down and we don't know when these roads will reopen. and again, we
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don't know roads are closed. what exactly happened here that police are investigating. but we canútake you back out here live. todd road and moreland avenue is this intersection we are showing you and this road closure has caused some traffic issues in this area. you see a lot of cars kind of pulled over to the side. people trying to get to work an& get home in some cases just stopped here. we've seen a lot of, uh, trucks, box trucks and trucks carrying different types of food and supplies. having to turn around in this area as well. so we're working to find out what exactly police are investing dating. but we do know that the intersection of stony point road all the way to todd road and moreland avenue completely shut down in santa rosa because of some sort of police investigation that's been underway since around 1:00 this morning. live in santa rosa. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. allie, thank you for the update. congress is considering new trade laws that would eliminate tax advantages
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for online chinese retailers right now. current trade exemptions allow packages valued at $800 or less to enter the u.s. duty free per person. each day. this rule is allowing chinese online fast fashion company sheehan to dominate the us market. american consumer can buy trendy clothes at minimal prices, while the chinese manufacturing company is not paying tariffs. $1 billion shipments entered the u.s. that% increase from 2022. >> it's ranging from anything to the, um, pill press die sets that people were utilizing to make, um, you know, fentanyl that is devastating our communities. but we're also talking about you know, you know, fake or counterfeit jewelry. >> now, congress can repeal the current trade provision, which could add 20 to $30 to each sale
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, with many san franciscoc workers still not returning to the office. it's having an impact on housing prices in the city, according to the chronicle , less than half of san francisco workers have returned to the office since the pandemic. many of those remote employees moved out of the city and to suburbs in the east bay or south bay, while san francisco housing prices remain high, the increase in prices was the smallest among the 20 most populous u.s. metro areas from 2020 to 2024. that's according to zillow. tesla's increasing the cost of its model y by $1,000, according to tesla's website, the model y rear wheel drive ev will be about $44,000. the long range will be nearly 49,000. tesla has also started production of the next generation ev, codenamed redwood . sp>> our time getting a new look at california's high speed rail project and how some of the stations look. the high speed rail authority released new images from the
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stations, the drawings of stations in merced, fresno and bakersfield show a modern mass of design for all of the stations. officials say the station designs will be finalized later this year. construction will start in 2027. all rightn is 550. right back to. so you've been busy this morning? quite a few things going on. >> yeah. we do have police activity west of highway 101 in santa rosa. and i want to show you that southbound 101 at todd road. you should avoid that exit right now we don't have an etaa, as to whenúthey're going to open that. let's go to our aa traffic cameras now show you the bay bridge. you can see that it is backed up all the way out to the macarthur maze. and metering lights are on. actually not quite to the maze, but almost to
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early at the 880 freeway. things are getting a little bit busier. remember it is wet out there, so give yourself a little extra time. highway four is beginning to develop a slowdown out of pittsburgh onto concord 551 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> so did of this it's your place >> uh, a couple of moments. at one time, the hail was really loud. steve. so same with me. >> it was on friday evening and squall line went through.úcat looked up at the ceiling. yeah, that's how hard it was raining. so i asked like that? a lot of people are- responding. late friday afternoon, lucas valley, our team mixed rain and small hail. i was driving and could see it on the windshield. there were numerous reports of thunderstorm hail and i had a rainfall rate of about an inch and three quarters per hour. thankfully, it only lasted a couple of minutes, but it was one for the books there. uh, it was friday, about 640 at my location. maybe you had were similar. still some light rain moving throughn we're not going to get much of a break
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here. there's just so much moisture streaming is already knocking on the door, and theref cloud cover. wind is out of the west southwest. that'll usher in a lot of cloud cover, and it doesn't take much. so some light rain today and again tuesday afternoon evening into south. it will not impact thein- sierra with much highest rainfall totals i saw since ove, mount eminem four and three quarters. mount diablo ford. mount tam had three and we could probably tuesday night. wednesday before we get a break. thursday friday morning, maybe some sun. i'm being optimistic. it's a wish forecast. we wish you'd be sim-sim, but lingering rain and cool and look for a lot of activity. take us to wednesday then it does look like a break. thursday friday, but more clouds and maybe weekend. >> all right thank you steve. the clock is ticking to turn in your ballot. but some people who want to vote in the presidential primary might need to take an extra step. we'll tell you what voters registered as no party preference have to do before
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casting their ballot. >> and a program in the north bay born out of tragedy reached a milestone. we'll show you how a bilingual water safety program is helping to save lives
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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free swimming lessons to kids in
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the north bay. vamos a nadar means let's swim in spanish.úthe free program gives kids between the ages of five and 18, a half day of swimming instruction. families are then given a voucher that dramatically reduced the costs of city run swim lessons. the program was started 20c a time when latinos were drowning at alarming rates. >> our time now 556. the warriors are back home after a week long road trip that went pretty good until the last game in boston. the warriors won the first three games of the east coast road trip, but then they played the boston celtics yesterday. the boston celtics top team in the eastern conference, and the celtics crushed the warriors 140 to 88. only one starter for the warriors, moses moody, scored in double figures. the warriors losing by 52 points is the worst loss in the franchise history. when steph curry, klay thompson and draymond green started a game, it was so bad those three players sat out the second half
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because it was such a rout. >> you give them credit, they came out and whooped us tonight from the jump. and it was one of those, um, you know, perfect storms of just a rough night on our end and them taking it to us . >> now the warriors head coach, steve kerr, told his players flush the game out of their minds. they had a successful winning roadútrip. now they're back home. the warriors have a couple of they host the milwaukee bucks. the second best team in the easternc conference, on wednesdy night. well, the san jose sharks are back in the shark tank tomorrow night. they'll be hosting the dallas stars. san jose will try to snap a seven game losing streak. the sharks actually took a two to nothing lead yesterday over the minnesota wild. after the wild tied the game, the sharks pullea score two unanswered goals to win the match, 4 to 3. it will
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soon be easier to walk and bike to and from some bart stations, grants have been awarded to seven projects to improve access to >> contra costa and san francisco counties. the projects selected will get an elevated bikeway, new paving or other safety features, measure rr is funding the program. it was passed by voters in 2016, providing $3.5 billion to rebuild some of bart's infrastructure. the chinatown night markets in san francisco are returning this friday. the events were launched during the asia pacific economic cooperation summit and attracted thousands of visitors to the historic neighborhood. the night markets are scheduled forúevery second friday of the month until november. >> it's critically important that people pay attention and >> well, last minute effort by candidates up and down the state trying to get out the vote before super tuesday. we tell you about the push by senate candidates to win your vote.
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plus you can't get stuck if those roads aren't plowed and get through warning for people g about driving up to the sierra. >> why you should probably wait if you want to go skiing or snowboarding in that fresh powder from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is. mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and we thankúyou for joining us. dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. spit's monday morning march 4th. still talking about some rain out there. uh linger. let's our >> that is the word pamela lingering. that is true. it's still out there, 30súand 40s on the temps. livermore 41, santa rosa 38. but still, cloud cover just continues to just break on through to the other side. you can see look at that. and it will keep light rain in the forecast. nothing too heavy but rainy days and mondays and lingering rain off and on morning rain mostly cloudy. it's cold though, no doubt., cool teg
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rain and highs. quite cool for this time of year with 50s as well as farúas the morning commute goes, we've only just you through it. >> you know it's actually okay. hey steve, we can see that traffic. i was looking at highway four, and i'm kind of wondering where everyone is. people are not quite there yet, so you might want to take advantage. after all, it is only late side. usually we have more slow traffic than this. let me show you the triple a traffic cam here at the bay bridge. it is backed up almost to the maze metering lights are on. if you are driving through you can see traffic is okay here, but it is typical and you will see that traffic here at interstate 880 in oakland looksc. i want to check san jose the san e commute on 101 here. northbound 101 looks okay as up toward 880 at 601. let's get back to the headlines. >> all right. thank you sal.
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>> well, the candidates political candidates running to become the next us senator from california are making their final push. the latest polls are suggesting there are two front runners, but every candidate says they're going to fight it out until the end. ktvu james torres is keeping an eye on the election and tells us what we know ahead of super tuesday. good morning jim. >> dave clark, good morning to you. well, this is one of the few items on the ballot that will affect everyone in the state of the top four candidates san francisco last night. porter night at manny's in the mission, in front of a crowd of about 100 people. polls show porter is within arm's reach of getting that second spot to make it to the general election in november. but to do that, she'll need to convince more voters campaign event at the pearl in the city's mission bay district. he had star power with him, former house speaker nancy pelosi sat on stage while he spoke. he was also joined by
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city attorney david chiu, city supervisor aaron peskin and assembly member phil ting. east bay congresswoman barbara lee campaigned in orange county last night, tweeting she can't wait to be the progressive champion in the us senate. but she says in order for that to happen, latest berkeley igs poll shows republican steve all three demo, polling at about 27. his campaign did not reveal any plans all weekend for any last minute events. they've not said anything today, either. the top two candidates will head to a runoff in november. polls show n garvey and schiff, though porter seems to have a small gap to close. the one message all candidates have in common get out to bring that voter turnout ratec up back in 2022, the june primaries only had a statewide turnout rate of about 33. live spin the torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. thank you, james.
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in recent years, many californians have switched to becoming a no party preference voter. if that's you and you want to vote for a presidential candidate in the primary election, you'll need to take some additional steps. no party preference voters did not receive a ballot listing the democratic or republican presidential candidatesc with their mail in ballot. if you are a no party preference voterc and you have not yet submitted your mail in ballot, here's what you need to do to be able to vote for a presidential candidate. you will need to go to your county elections office. if you want to vote for a presidential candidate in the democratic american, independent or libre t what's called a crossover candis names on it. it's a different process. if you want to vote for a candidate in the republic in green or peace and freedom party, those parties require you to officially reregister as a member of that party. you can do that atúthe county elections
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office as well. in either case, you're advised to bring in the ballot the mail so that it can be canceled on the spot. >> all right, pam, time to 604. we're still news in the north bay. there's a large, large law enforcement presence in the bellevue ranch neighborhood. several roads have been closed and todd road. botha rosa police and the sonoma county sheriff's have sent out alerts about 1:00 this morning, telling people to avoid that. ns there at the scene us the latese coming up at 630 and an investigation continues in monterey county after four people were shot and killed and three were wounded. this happened last night in king city . it's a community south of salinas along highway 101. where a house party was beingt- held, and three men got out of
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the car and started shooting. people standing outside of the three men and a woman were away. killed in that shooting. three other men were rushed to hospital. so far, no arrests have been made. ac fire station in san jose was the target of a burglary over the weekend. >> police say a man broke into the station on east santa clara street in 17th after firefighters left for a call at 630 saturday night. when they returned from the call, they found a man inside the station. they say he then took off through the back door and headed toward the creek with some fire equipment and some of their personal belongings. >> as firefighters, we spend approximately a third of our splives in the fire station. ths is like a second home to many of us to have this type of an invasion. it would be similar to somebody invading our own homes. police arrested the man and ite. >> however, one firefighter laptop was destroyed after the suspect threw it into the creek. firefighters tell us this is the
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third time station eight has been burglarizedc as well. this past weekend, storms dropped a foot of snow in the sierra. feet of snow that is, it has. bay area skiers and snowboarders, but at this point, it's still not easy to get to the new snow. ktvu is andre senior joining us now in studio. so the problems there it is right behind you limiting people still touch and go out here and you can definitely see why right pam right now you can still cannot get to north lake tahoe on interstate 80 this morning. >ñ the interstate is still closed from colfax to the nevada state line, and there is still no word on when it will reopen. now, highway 50 is open with chain controls, but there have still been problems. and snowplow operators in the sierra say this storm has been tough to clear. hectic is this snow is wet underneath. >> i've been an operator of these plows in this neighborhood right here for about six years, and this is a pretty good storm right now. >> we've been encouraging not to
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travel. it's been highly discouraged. >> now, even caltrans is having a hard time dealing with all this snow. the agency 30 snow ps along the i-x0 corridor are broken down because of the intense conditions. even so, some people at resorts in tahoe say they're still finding slope. >> we are going to go backcountry skiing because the resort is closed and we're bored. >> the storm has been pretty crazy. i've mostly just been hanging out inside, but today we're going toúgo ski some mellow tree lines and hopefully avoid the avalanches. >> while 80 remains close, people here in the bayúarea are getting ready to head up later this week at one workers say the had a lot of customers come in to gear up. we've been getting phone calls, emails, uh, some of them even got my phone number. >> i mean, people are very excited to get up there on this one good's to be amazing. uh,
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the snow is going to be soft. uh, there's going to be powder everywhere, and people are just going to be getting after it. >> still have to be careful out there, especially in the weren't able to open at all over the weekend, including palisades tahoe, where strong winds are gusting as high as 190mph. the palisades is aiming to reopen some lifts today. others, like heavenly, were able to stay partially open this weekend and you can expect all of those resorts to ramp up operations as the week goes on. over to you fe conditions on the roads, which are wet here in our region. sp>>úyes, they are, andre. and right now 609, almost. and you can see that we're going to take you right to the richmond bridge. you can definitelyútell it's still wet. it hasn't been raining in the last few, but it is wet out there. as you can see, our aa traffic camera showing us a decent commute and same thing at the bay bridge. you can see that traffic looks okay. it's typical for this time. it's about a ten minute
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delay. no problems on the san mateo bridge heading out to the high rise. i do want to mention highway four already does have a backup there. as you drive out of pittsburgh and head over to concord and a good area to avoid in santa, because it should notc at todd d head west because of police activity. just won't get through. so use other ways to get through that area. 609 let's go back to theúdesk. >> all right. thank you. sal. anotherúbay area community could be facing school closures. we'll tell you why. some students in san francisco could have their school shut down. to make it easier to build transitional housing statewide. why? some state lawmakers are pushing to get support for their proposal. in just a quick reminder, you can now stream ktvuúnews on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and see stories on demand and on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then
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select kttv, icu democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga
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republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values. a school district may soon be closing. sanúfrancisco unified plans to close an unspecified number of schools in the coming years. school officials point to understaffing and declining enrollment, and school buildings that are fallingúapart, hurting the ability to help children
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succeed. the school superintendent says eliminating older schools would reduce some of those problems. >> to createúthe schools our students deserve and our families expect, we must have fewer schools than we do now. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs, teacher support and student services. >> now the school superintendents has an eight month process will begin to create a criteria when that's complete and recommendations will be as to which schools will be on the list. marin county has announced a disturbing increase in overdose deaths in the past two weeks. >> health say five people died from suspected drug overdoses related to fentanyl. the county's health department is issuing a public health advisory to local clinics and substance abuse counselors about
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the situation, and reinforcing overdose prevention measures, such as having narcan and fentanyl strips on hand. >> and our time now, 614 a new bill would reduce the amount of time it takes to build temporary housing here in california state senator josh becker sponsored the interim housing act of 2024, and he'll be joining san jose mayor matt mahan, state senator dave cortese and others this morning at a newly built interim housing project on evans lanec. the proposed bill will help speed up the process of building temporary housing, while permanent affordable housing is being built. as some of the critics of the proposed legislation say, temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness as long as the rents keep going up, you're going to have more people becoming homeless than the ones that you're helping to get out of being homeless. >> and until that gets reversed, we're never going to solve this
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problem. now he also says the underlying cause of homelessness is unaffordable rent. >> so his organization, the south bay community land trust, is focused on creating more permanent affordable housing. >> the tax deadline is exactly six weeks away. irs criminal investigators identified $5.5 billion in fraud last year. cybersecurity experts are also warning that fraud could be much higher this year because of artificial intelligence. researchers found posts on the dark web of scammers showing how they profited from frauds through stolen passports, ids and personal information. scammers can also create photos and videos to fool irs identity verification systems. >> so one of the things that taxpayers need to fear is people entering into some of these tax systems that use this technology, where now the us trs fighting back. >> the department says it
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recovered $375 million using an enhanced fraud detection process . yes. here are some recommendations from the irs on how to protect yourself. you should file as early as possible. open an online account with the irs so scammers can't do it for you. get a pin number as it actsúas an additional password for your account. set up direct deposit because it's easier to steal than a paper check, the irs will call a paper check is actually easier to steal. that is, the irs will only notify you by mail. so don't give out any personal information over the phone. text message or tweet. we're now getting a look at california's look of some of the stations,he- the high speed rail authority released these new imagest& showing the proposals for the stations in the central valley, and they show the stations in merced, fresno and bakersfield. the designs show a modern, massive design for all the
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stations. take a look. officials say station designs will thisúyh construction starting in 2027 and pam, the santa clara valley transportation authority's fleet of 14 new paratransit vehicles. >> they're now up and running. the new vehicles are designed to give a softer and quieter ride. there's also a seatbelt monitoring panel for even more m for wheelchairs and scooters. the fleets was put into service on friday. all right. time is 617. sal is working right now. there are things happening in our monday morning commute. what are you seeing? >> i see kind of a bigger backup. beginning at the bay bridge. dave and pam and i can show it to you here on theúair traffic camera. the spcommute. the line there is getting long at theútoll plaza. and then when you get to the actual. you will see a kind of a bigger backup. it is moving this time
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of the morning, but it is not a light commute for sure. san mateo bridge is busy, although it is not stop and go. we see highway four slow as you get over the hill. you can see that traffic is okay and there's some slowing sobrante. so if you're in santa rosa, avoid getting off the freeway going west toward todd road. you won't far because of extensive police activity in that area. 618 let's go back too steve. steve, i almost forgot about you there.t& all right. you okay you sir. we, if you experience some crazy weather, i ask people if you did, i did i mean, torrential downpour with hail friday evening. chris henry, morgan hill. what a wild weekend. one morgan hill peeps have ever marble sized hail battered the window at 50 mile per hour winds. yes. uh we there were numerous reports of some thunderstorms and hail. sierra snowfall as of friday. or. excuse me, since friday as of
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sunday evening, i'm sure there's been more than this. homewood 88. sugar bowl 87. boreal 82 and north star 70. i think around 8s there about done i mean there by a little bit in the old there'sa lot. so another one to maybe 3 or 4in coming across the next system though is not moving into the sierra. it's moving down the coast so it will not impact them. so the worst is over. it's cold in the mountains, mount diablo bouncing between 31 and 32 degrees. so if there's any moisture, maybe a little dusting of snow up there on mount diablo or some of the higher peaks. the heaviest amount of rain that i saw since friday over five, mount almanor four and three quarters. mount diablo had four. speaking of tar three other rain totals included tiburon at 2.44, konocti, moraga and saint helena all over two, morgan hill and san rafael were close. livermore 163, in vallejo at an inch and a half. still some light activity moving through and will be that way. cloudy to mostly cloudy. some breaks, but just occasionally some light rain. that nuisance rain kind of holding on. one
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more system will approach us tuesday evening into wednesday. we'll get some light rain out of it, but more is forecast to go is, right there. but we're not done yet. looks like a break. thursday friday 50s. quite cool for us here. morning drizzle. light rain. chilly to cold. mostly cloudy, lingering rain. just kind of moving across. we'll get a break thursday friday looks like another system though. coming in on the weekend. >> all right thank you steve. if you've ever thought an ad on the internet was tooúgood to be sptrue, you're probably right. we'll talk about the rise of fake events and computer generated advertising, and why they are a problem. and vice president kamala harris calling for a cease fire in gaza. i'll tell you why. marks a bit of a change in th tone or the what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options.
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porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. cease fire in gaza. now she cited the inhumane conditions palestinians are experiencing in gaza and the biden administration's recent work in sending aid. >> there must be an immediate cease fire. at least the next is what is currently on the table. >> this will get the hostages out and give a significant
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amount of aid in the vice president was there in selma, alabama, marking the event commemorating bloody sunday. >> there on the bridge, the vice president's remarks were the most pointed statement from a member of the biden administration about the cease fire. she also urged the israeli government to do more to increase the flow of aid into gaza. protesters in san francisco turned out for a unity march and rally to respond to an increase in anti semitism across the country. now the march started at the embarcadero plaza and ended in frontúof city hall. the goal was to bring together the northern california jewish community and its allies to combat anti semitism andc suppot inclusion by working together with other community is the full vibrancy. and diversity of jewish identity will be embraced
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spand celebrated. >> similar events have recently been held in the uk, france, germany and washington. >> pro-palestinian organizers are criticizing the sfpd this wo from saturday'súprotest shows police officers clashing with pro-palestinian demonstrators in downtown san francisco. the officers could be seen pepper spraying and using batons against the protesters. the group organizing the protest says. the rally's official police liaison was also one of the protesters in response to our inquiries, san francisco police sent us a statement claiming, quote, the group became violent and began to commit crimes ranging from assault to felony vandalism and causing property damage. a few of the officers at the scene suffered non-life threatening injuries, along with one subject who was participating in the first amendmentc rights reportig nonlife threatening injuries.
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this remains an open and active investigation. a groundbreaking& find for a bay area tech leader. why regulators in europe want apple to pay nearly $2 billion. andúwe are getting closer to to turn in your ballot. we'll tell you why. there are concerns about the turnout inc this primary election. and how it could impact the results. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things:
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completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice.
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woooooo! ( ♪ ) what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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seen by police, and there are several roads closed. we're going to bring you a live report on what we're finding continues this morning. and as the snow in the sierra slows down, the focus is shifting to digging out. did you see that dog come out? the dog. what? it will roads up thee mountains, as people hopeúto get to that fresh powder far from kataev icu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. all right, as we take you live, you can hear that opening bell ringing at the new york stock exchange, jetblue and spirit airlines just announced this their plans to merge after antitrust concerns on the news, spirit stock heading lower for the dow jones.
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>> looks like it's headed down as well. maybe about 200 points. we'll get all your business news coming up here on mornings on two. thank you for waking up with us. >> i'm pamúcook and good morning i'm dave clark. welcome to monday. it is march the 4thn yes. >> and we want to march right over to steve paulson talking about our weather. we have we still have some. that's a beautiful shot. weústill have some clouds. >> still a lot going on here. although the worst is over by far. we do have pretty cool temperatures 30s,ú40s in the temp. some light rain continues to just drift on by coming in from the west, but the heavy rain, wind and big time mountain snow that has ended. but still we can't get rid of the rain yet. just light amounts moving through so we'llúkeep some lingering rain. next system will drag across a lot of cloud cover and some rain late tuesday into wednesday. it's not a big system, but rainy days and mondays, that's for sure. here. lingering rain and quite cool on the temps. mainly only 50s, well below average for this time of year. all right sal cyr 630. where would you like to start?
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are you there, steve? >> we've only just begun with this commute. i'm afraid this slowdown on highway four is getting bigger. let's go right to our air traffic camera showing you that highway four is backed up from pittsburgh. but it's getting a little longer. as i mentioned, the commute is beginning and getting over to concord. also, as we get over to the bay bridge toll plaza, thise bigger and it's slowing down a little bit. as you drive over to the san mateo bridge that traffic is moderately heavy, heading out toward the high rise at 631. let's get back to the headlines. >>úyou. we're closely watching breaking news in santa rosa. law enforcement agencies have closed one intersection because of police activity in that area. ktvu is ali rasmus. you'reúthere now. so what do youúknow so far? >> well, dave, we are at todd road and moreland avenue in santa rosa, and we're coming up on 4 to 5 hours.úof road behindm
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this point, more land all the way over to stony point road. mile stretch has been closed since around 1:00 this morning because of some sort of investigation. now, police will not give us any specific information yet on what exactly happened here or what they are investigating. all we can show you here is the crime scene tape and people who live beyond that crime scene tape are not being allowed in. there's a police sergeant, an officer out here who was kind of preventing drivers from coming past this point. we are so far away from whatever ever happened here that we can't even show youúor get any idea about what this investigation is involving specifically. so here's what we do know. we know that this happened around 1:00 this police and sonoma county rosa sheriff's sent out an alert to people living in this area to avoid the intersection of stony point road south of bellevue avenue to todd road, saying that it is closed indefinitely. that
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went out at 1:00 this morning, and it is still closed. then around 90 minutes after that initial alert at 225 this morning, police sent out a second alert aboutúthis area, td between stony point road and moreland avenue also shut down. now avenue is where we are live this out here. you can see some oft- the traffic here as cars are being turned around and not able to continue on todd road past this point. and if you look over to the corner, there's dozens of people in their work trucks, people trying to get to the construction sites and other work sites here who are just hanging out, waiting because theyúcan't get to that point because of this closure. now, again, why these road closures are in place. we don't spknow exactly santa rosa police and sonoma county sheriff's have not released any official details or information about th. we'll continue pushing them for more info and bring that to you
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throughout the show. live in santa rosa, allie rasmus ktvu, fox two news okay, allie, thank >> time now. 634 well, today the groupúof people who want to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price will hold aúnews conference and then they'll submit the signatures spthey've collected to the registrar of voters. in the meantime, supporters of district attorney price issued a statement before today's news conference. a spokesperson for n says this undemocratic effort threatens to undo the strides we've made in alameda county toward a more just and equitable criminal justice system. it is disheartened to think that if successful, this could jeopardize the historic progress >> tomorrow's the deadline to turn in your ballot for primaryt voter turnout is down this year, and lists say the number of ballots returned statewide are not in line with the normal level of turnout for a presidential election year. and they say the change in turnout
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could have a big impact in the smaller local races. we're seeing an older, whiter and more conservative electorate in this low turnout environment. >> there are very few people, unless maybe you or a loved one is running for the legislature. that would say that this is the most important election of their lifetime. um the state's registrar's office has started sending out text messages who hd their ballot yet. >> reminder them to vote. if you don't want to drop your ballot in a mailbox, vote centers will be open today across the state, we have a link on how to find the one closest to one to you on our website,c just click on web links. >> our time now 6.35. >> well, today the us supreme court is expected to issue a decision on whether former sppresident trump can be removed from the state ballot in colorado over allegations that he led an insurrection. ian. now trump is challenging a decision by the colorado supreme court that said he's disqualified from being president again and
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ineligible for colorado's primary election tomorrow citing the 14th amendmentúto two other states, illinois and maine, have made similar arguments. well, republican presidential candidate nikki haley has won her first primary election in. she won the washington, d.c. primary last night. nikki haley's win stops former president trump from sweeping. now, mr. trump's expected to pick up several hundred delegates this week on super tuesday. nikki haley has said she will stay in the race through then and former president trump has again confused president biden and former president barack obama. it happened over the weekend at a rally in richmond, virginia. >> and putin, you know, has so little respect for obama that he's starting to throw around the nuclear water. you heard that nuclear he started to talk nuclear weapons. >> now, trump has repeatedly
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attacked president biden's mental capacity, but he's been facing questions about his own. this is now the third time at least, that donald trump has confused president joe biden and barack obama in the past six months. he's also mixed up nikki haley with nancy pelosi at some of his past rallies. well as the snow falls, starts to slow down, there is a lot of work to do in the sierra. >> you're seeing some of the shoveling there. blizzard conditions over the weekend. some areas saw several feet of snow near the lake tahoe area thisúpast weekend. now the focus turns to digging out from the banks of snow. they're still going to weather reporter max gn has been in south lake tahoe all weekend. joining us now from the sierra. boy, max. incredible. i've been up there in the best of conditions and i've been stuck up there. so how does it look right now? >> well, i think a lot of folks up here got a little bit stuck. but for those who wore out the
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storm, i thinkc folks kind of enjoyed it. it was a pretty cool experience. we had the winds that were whipping at times, a whole lot of snowfall, and now finally, well, we've got some good weather. let's take a look around. we've got some blue skies. the sun is starting to come out here in heavenly village. the gondola still not running right now, but you can finally see the mountain over there. just a beautiful sight. you can see the top there. just dusted with new snow. so i was actually able to get out onto heavenly, uh, onto the and it ws pretty darn awesome. still pretty ferocious conditions though. uh, pretty tough to see at times, but a whole lot of fresh powder.c now for those trying to get up into the sierra, travel has been a nightmare. i-80 still shut down between colfax and the nevada line. uh, apparently caltrans has their blowers breaking down. they say that their snow blowers , uh, are down to just a handful , and they are not able to
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reopen on i-80 because of these spproblems. uh, no timeline for when i-80 is going to reopen that stretch between colfax and the nevada line. us 50, there's also been a lot of problems there. yesterday there was a snow slide. it trapped several vehicles there, and caltrans actually had to pullc out some vehicles with their graders, their snow graders. luckily, nobody was hurt. but down usc 50 for about 30 minute. and there have been a lot of spinouts on tough conditions on that roadway trying to get up here. a lot of resorts, they've had to shut down over the weekend, and those that have been open, they've only been open with limited capacity yesterday though at heavenly there are some pretty long lines, simply because there's just a few lifts open and everyone was just trying to get on the mountain. there have been some power outages associated with this storm as well. a few thousand customers were out at the height of the storm, but luckily utility crews have been getting a handle on things and power outage numbers have slowly been going down. now we are expecting more snow up here in the sierra this week,
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one to two feetúin someúplaces, so more winter weather on the way. but if you can get up here it is a tough track, but if you can get up here, plenty. >> pam okay, i have to say i'm a ski, that you are thatu got tot- today? the gondola, it could be from from winds as well. and what about the other resorts? obviously, people shouldn't drive now, but if they're headed up, if they're fortunate enough to go this week or later this weekend, how's it look up thered bag right now. uh, you know, a lotc trying to open up again today, but you said it. they're really. the wind has been the biggest factor in this storm. that's the reason why the gondola behind me has been closed the entire time. um, i think there are a lot of hopes to get it back open, but we're still seeing pretty strong wind gusts up in the mountain peaks and over mountain passes as well . you know, we had that 190 mile per hour gust over at palisades tahoe during the height of the storm. really impressive wind
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gusts and whiteout conditions at times, and it's still tough getting up here. and we're expecting more snow showers as the week progresses. so you know it's not going to be a cakewalk getting on up here. but again, if you can and your resort is open could be some, some good times to be had, i believe sierra at tahoe, they are still going to be closed down. uh, but the other resorts here are going to be opening back up. >> all right, max gordon, take some turns for me, please, until i can get up there. >> i will. >> thank you. thank you for that. uh, those good details one storms. you can head to, uh, on the sierra and all of the other storms. you can check our weather app, scan that qr code right on theúscreen, or you can go to our fox get that app. you get detailed information on our by our interactive radar. very good weather. all right. >> i wish you could have seen pam cook's face as max talked about skiing up there. yeah, i
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know i'm not getting on that road because i've been stuck, but boy, to be up there and getting that fresh powder. yeah, you understand do understand, y. >> i can get the good skis out this time, right? yeah. no rock skis. all right. good morning everyone. let's go. right to the richmond bridge. courtesy of our triple a traffic camera. you see that traffic is backed up as it usually is, but it's the backup is disappearing back there. it's about a get onto the bridge. also at the bay bridge toll plaza, there is a larger backup here. and on the san mateo bridge stop. and go. t to mention that highway four is slow. as i mentioned, it's backing up. the backup is growing there. 680 is all right, but 242 is slow. approaching 680. want to have you stay away from todd road. uh, west of highway 101. police activity has the entire roadway shut down there, so might as well not even get off the freeway at todd road, because you will not be able to travel west out towards
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sebastopol until further notice. 643 let's go back to the desk. >> okay, sal. >> thank you. well, your next candy bar may not have as much chocolate in it as you're used to. we'll tell you why. candy companies are cutting back outrage. >> gorgeous. all right, before we get to that, let's check in with garcia in our newsroom with the other stories we're following for you. >> good morning. it'súbeen a busy morning. i'd like to pass on i just got from our assignment managers. that story that we've all been following fromúallie rasmus up in the north bay. we've learned spthat four deputies have been injured. there's a lotúmore unfolding here. we'll get that to you. coming up in the 7:00 hour. as soon as weúcan. plus, i won't be fighting for him. i'm fighting sleepy box office gets jolted this weekend. also at seven, we'll go over how much money dune part two made in its opening weekend, and why experts say this is exactly what the box office needed. then barbie, the& movie and concert going on tour. we'll tell you about all the all women orchestra that's putting the concert together. and when
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it's coming right here to the bay area, stay ith us i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
6:47 am
how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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union and a landmark anti trust case. the euúissued the nearly $2 billion euro k72 billionúfine to apple over a complaint from spotify. that said, apple prevented the company from telling users about payment options outsidec of the app store. now, the eu said that made forúan unfair trade conditionn the fine is meant to be a deterrent for apple and other tech companies to prevent similar behavior. apple says it will challenge the finec in court. trader joe's is recalling some chicken soup dumpling because they could contain plastic. take a look at the packaging. the agriculture department's food safety and inspection service says the plastic came from a permanent marker pen. some consumers reported finding the plastic, but no one has been injured. trader joe's says consumers should throw away the recalled dumplings or return them to any store location for a full refund n your next piece of chocolate might not have that much actual chocolate. the cost of raw cocoa
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has been skyrocketing over the last year, hitting $6,000 a ton for the first time. and according to bloomberg, that has some manufacturers shifting to products with less cocoa. some have tried to make smaller candies or have treats with more fillings like caramel instead of chocolate. >> our time is now. 648 law enforcement warning consumers all over the world do not fall forúdeceptive online ads. an example is the willy wonka experience in scotland. it was promoted on social media. now colorful images were created using artificial intelligence and the guests paid $40 for the event. but they complained they received a half decorated warehouse with flimsy props and >> it's very easy to mock up a photoshop of a bag or, you know, use ai to generate event image assets and kind of create all of this really creative and amazing
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and impressive marketing. >> i think that's wrong. i spreally do. i mean, if you're going to do something and you're goingúto make money, at give the person what they they're buying. >> and it's not just events being falsely advertised on social media. often they include product parts, especially clothing, federal trade commission has been going after companiesc for consumer fraud. >> all rightn let's check in with sal. what are you keeping an eye on, sal, for this monday morning commute? >> well, you know, the east bay seems to be getting a lot busier there. dave and pam and ic do want to start with the commute approaching theúrichmond bridge here you can see that air that you can see but there's nothingl on the span. on highway well, jf people are getting on the road and at the bay bridge toll plaza, we do have some slow traffic as well. no problems onn bridge. i do want to mention
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have a little slowing on 242, but 680 looks good from martinez all the way down to san ramon 80. however is getting a little bit slower in contra costa county, west from el sobrante into berkeley again, if you're in santa rosa, the freeway looks good, but you cannot exit getting west on todd road because of police activity. that's an area you should avoid. it's been closed for hours now. you're not going to get throughn your way towards sebastopol. 653 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right, sal, thank you. we will start in reno, nevada. why? because they had a lot of snow as well. our good friend antonio over there. maffei 24 degrees with clear skies. after an eventful weekend in south reno. we have a foot of snowúon the ground. and i know not far away. there might even be a little more than that. but that's a lot for if you will, on eastern slope or the leeward side. raymond's our good friend in casa otero. good morning. wish it were more. but casadero rain since friday was just over winni
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thought someone would get five. and you? you delivered 508. mount almanor was close. four and three quarters. mount diablo had four. mount tamalpais at three other locations. not too bad. this is more about snow than rain, but tiburon all over two to almost two and a half. morgan hill, san rafael almost two. livermore 1.63 and vallejo picked up an inch and a half. still some light activity moving through. not a lot, but there's so it's more of that nuisance rain now or lingering rain. and we'll have cloudy to mostly cloudy skies andúanother weak system will give us more cloud cover and some light rain, probably late tuesday into wednesday. this will not be going into the sierra. it will goúdown the coast and visit southern california. so only light amounts expected on this system, but still a lot of cloud cover. cool chilly temps only in the 50s here. morning drizzle, light rain. we'll get mostly cloudy spskies, butústill some light rn can move through sprinkles or light rain. one more system tuesday night. wednesday we'll get a break. thursday friday. right now looks like another weak system on the weekend.
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>> all right. thank you. time now 652. we have breaking news. we're going live to santa rosa right now with the breaking news on the police activity happening spup there. let's listen in. >> uh, fired rounds at the deputies. they returned fire. the suspect got back in his vehicle and fled again. um he fired additional shots it, and, uh, deputies arrived, detained him, started medical, uh. but ultimately, the suspect was deceased. uh, four of our deputies were injured. two had injuries to their hand. one was um, uh, head injury and is now with that head injury from the crash or the impact of the crash or something else. it's unclear at this point what exactly, um, happened. um, as you can imagine, it's a chaotic and dynamic scene. so investigators
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are trying to work through. that determine exactly what happened. so four deputies, were they in two separate cars? uh, they were all in separate vehicles. so four vehicles, four separate vehicles. and how long of an area is this investigation span? >> this is a pretty long intersection. >> it is a long intersection. spthere are multiple crime scen. um the suspect stopped and fired rounds at different locations. um, it's unclear exactly how long the pursuit was, but, um, it was it was like the how to b? >> uh, this, uh, stretch from, um, on court road. >> it's hard to determine. it totallyúdepends on how the investigation goes and how fast, uh, information can be processed. what can you tell us about the suspect? >> the man who was killed in age. did he have a prior history ? have you known to deputies? >> i don't know anything at this point. um, like i said, you know, with with this much going on and multiple crime scenes,
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it's difficult to pull together information really quickly when you're just trying to understand exactly what unfolded. how long do you expect this, uh, closure. or road closure to, in effect? >> not sure. >> it depends onc how fastúthins get processed and, um, how faste that or how, um, you said the driver, the guy who was driving while shooting or he would know he was stopped. okay. yeah he stopped multiple times to get out and shoot and continued on. >> uh, we know of at least once, possibly twice. >> and he was alone. >> there was no one else with him. correct. okay >> and he originally the call came in because he was like waving a firearm or waving a rifle. >> i don't know if he was actually waving it. uh, the initial call was brandishing. so it could have been anything from him holding the weapon and showing somebody to him holding it up. and displaying it, and how quickly did that turn into a
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arrived on scene, he fled. and that was what started the pursuit was he brandished that weapon in front of a privatet& residence or in front of a business. >> where did it, uh, originally, it's unclear at this point. >> there are detectives are working where it took place. and who made the call, what exactly that initial call was. what kind of car was the suspect driving? um, i don't know exactly. itúwas a smaller white vehicle. is it a toyota or. >> you don't know? >> possibly. i don't know anything you can tell us about the deputy with a head injury? deputies in the hospital beingt- checked. obviously, medical personnel is doing what that everything's, uh, safe and. that he's. he's healthy. um, but. inn that other than that. >> and the deputies, the two
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deputies who injured their hand. how did that happen? >> that again, is unclear. um, it was either some sort of glass or shrapnel. um i don't know. i haven't heard from the hospital what exactly? it was, but apparently it was significant injury to the hand. do we know where the leg the one deputy was shot? uh, i don't i believe it was the lower, but but, um, again, you know, with everybody visiting the hospital, um, and then the initial investigation starting, there's been a lot of information that we're trying to dig through, you know, both crime scenes.ou said multiple >> so are they all within this? i mean, obviously, it's almost a half mile in every direction, right? it's all within this perimeter. >> are these two scenes? yes. okay >> and you'd estimate that's about a half mile stretch of but it is >> okay. yeah >> anything else you want to tell us that we didn't ask? >> not at this point. um, you know, with a chaotic dynamic crime scene like this that spans multiple locations, um, with multiple deputies involved, uh,
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there's a lot. so as soon as wee able to get more information to sometimes this process is slow. so bear with us. no estimated time to reopen. no, not at this point. the only question, um, how far between the crash scene and the initial, uh, do you know how far between the initial report and how. >> okay, i don't okay. on the age of the suspect, it's too soon to say it is. >> thank you for your time. wet- appreciate it from santa rosa, where four sheriff's deputies were injured in a shootout and pursuit in santa rosa. ktvu is ali rasmus is there. she'll bring us an update with allúthe up to date information that she has in just a couple of minutes, our time now. 658 one person in san jose is recovering in a hospital following a fire there. the fire department posted this photo from the incident near loma prieta drive. the fire was
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reported just before 1230. it was under control within 20 minutes. the cause of that fire is still under investigation, and firefighter in mountain view also rushed to a fire at an apartment complex yesterday morning. this was on lexington avenue elementary school field residence.úwere able to evacuate before the firefighters arrived. that fire has been traced to the laundry room in aúfirst floor unit, but the exact cause of the fire is still under investigation oaklandúhills searching for two suspects who broke into a home. there. security camera, video shows two suspects driving up to the home on coolidge, near the mormon temple. february 26 in a blue bmws. those suspects were caught on camera leaving the home. the victim told ktvu a jewelry box was stolen in california. >> voters have one more day to
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make theirúvoices heard. we're live in martinez to bring you more on the state's biggest racn the south bay burglarized. what we're learning from fire fighters about past crimes at that same station. and a gun battle between a suspect in the sonoma county sheriff's office, one deputy hospitalized in critical condition, and more are hurtn we have a live report from the on this breaking news and what led to the gunfire from ktvu icu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is monday, march 4th. a busy monday very a lot going on. steve paulson here to tell you more about rain possible for us and snow up in the mountains. >> they're winding down on the snow. that's the good news. although we still have some rain around. it looks more threatening than it really is, but there's some light rain out there. it's cool. 40s on the tempsúfor most, 30s for some, where the cloud cover would be much colder than that, but still some light rain.


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