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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  March 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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went to the polls close. a political analyst is here to ju. >> this is ktvu. fox two news at 730. >> and good evening, everyone im heather holmes, california. among several states choosing their presidential candidate in today's primaries, also voting in other congressional and local races. people in 15 states, plus the territory of american samoa are voting tonight. this is when the presidential race typically takes shape. there are hundreds of delegates at stake for both democrats and republicans. a little closer to home here in the bay area, there is a lot for voters to consider from high profile congressional races to a statewide proposition to tackle the homelessness crisis to local measures. some people heading intoútoday's election sharing some of their biggest concerns. >> i feel likeúright now, for me , one of the most important
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things is continued support for israel. >> america has had enough. they've had enough of joe biden. they've had enough of this open border. >> everybody's feeling the crunch right now, whether you're at the grocery store or whether you're going to buy other other goods. >> about a third of the delegates will be awarded in today's nominating contest, taking place but neither presidt bidenúnor former president trump will be able to win enough delegates to secure the nomination tonight. trump is facing his last rival in this race, former south governor nikki haley. >> we're going to have a unified party because our our real opponent happens to be named biden. >> we went to ten states in the last five days, and thousands of people showed up because they want to see something positive. >> as of this latest count tonight, former president trump has haley with 47. and president biden has secured 493 delegates. so let's talk more about super tuesday with corey cookl executive vice and
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provost at saint mary's college. corey, it's always a pleasure to see you. a big a big day. as we mentioned, results pouring in from today's and former president trump, as i just mentioned, continue to rack up these wins, really sweeping the delegate count so far. but but corey, this is today. it's abouo november. >> and so one of the things is e voting patterns in the primary elections shaping up. meanúin te general election? it's pretty clear at this point these are spthe two presumptive nominees. neither two presidential candidates are going to get enough delegates tonight to declare victory. but it's getting awfully close. and so i expect in the next couple of weeks that we will see the spelection effectively wind down and then we'll focusúon the general election. okay. >> so trump racking up winsúin at least ten of the 15 states. vermont primary really too close to call. explain for us the fun one right i know, and but explae
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reasonc why why we're seeing vee does well in states that allow independents to vote. and so the super tuesday states, both virginia and vermont allow independents to vote in the republican primary. secondly she does very well among educated voters and suburban voters, which have been a problem for president trump. and again, population. the republican party in vermont tends to be pretty moderate. and so i think what we're seeing is that's a state where she she might end up carrying the state that would be in order to have any impact att- the convention. so it's still unlikely that she'll, you know, gain a lot of momentum from tonight. but it does point out that president trump still has difficulty winning suburban voters and betterúeducated voters. >> and it's making tonight a so let's talk about the localay- kind of big races who will fill the seat of the late senator dianne feinstein andúwho will replace anna eshoo in congress, who is retiring, it's really rare this opportunity, corey, because there's no incumbent. that's right.
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>> and two primary in california, which creates this interesting dynamic where e congressional district, will any of these four democrats s end up losing to a republican, or are we going to seeúa general election made up of well known and very well fundedc candidates running in silicon valley, seat andúcomes inúsecond. i think it's pretty clear that adam schiff will be inúfirst place. the question is, does steve garvey end up coming in second? obviously, schiff has spent a lot of money and a lot of time trying to help steve garvey as ac republican come in second. i think he would about w democrat in he's pulling, you know, the gavin newsom playbook from the 2018 primary, which is& maybe you help your republican candidate get into the general election where they're very unlikely to have have a chance to win. >> he's faced an awful lot oft& criticism, though, corey, about this approach hec has. >> but ultimately all he needs to advance to the general election. i think if in a genert
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katie porter, the fascinating, dynamic is one republicans don't like adam schiff, even though he may be the more moderate of the& two candidates. he's seen as the anti-trump candidate. and so i think for him, if he runs off into with a democrat, although he's the more moderate of the two candidates, whether it's, katie porter or whether it's barbara lee, he wouldúface probably a storm of opposition from republicans and maybe lose the seat if he, he's likely to . and so, you know, he's been running these these ads, you know, talking about steve garvey. he's too conservative and he's too close to trump. obviously, that helps steve garvey in a republican primary. so sure, maybe boost turnout a little bit in order to maybe, you know, help game who will be in the general. >> yeah, i mean it provides a lot of free advertising for about it hasn't raised any money recognition. exactly exactly. all right. it really is interesting too, though, corey, to look much money has been spent on this race. i mean, the most expensive congressional primary ever.
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so you have peter dixon, whogs not well known who spent i mean, he's a former marine. he spent money. he's running against evan low, who is a very well known state legislator. joe served fo, more than four decades in public service. former mayor of palo board of supervisors, but was alsoúelected to the assemblyúand senate. and then sam liccardo, who's a four terms or sorry, two terme, mayor of san jose. that's that's an extraordinary electorate or a candidate pool. and then you still have 3 or 4 other candidates who hold electiveúoffice. so there's a lot of money, there's a the que, do the democrats divide up the vote enough that one of the lesser known republicans, and neither republicans in the race has spent any money? might they come in second and actually have a traditional general electionl or is it going to be between two of these heavy hitter democrats? >> okay. as as we talked about polls about to closeúand there is a lot of ballotúcounting
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much for coming in and joining - me tonight. appreciate it okay. so let's talk about some of the other big races that we're watching tonight in the there are seven propositions in san francisco. and among the most contentious. well that's proposition expanded powers to san francisco police. it would also reduce the powers of the citizen police oversight commission. it was sponsored by proposition b in san francisco. it would set staffing levels of the police department and require new taxes or other revenue to cover those new positions. opponents of the proposition of that proposition b will, they say, adding more officers would be too costly for the city. san francisco supervisor asha safai, who is also running for mayor, support& the measure. >> under this mayorc for the lat five years, we've only had a quarter million dollars dedicated to recruitment. it's one of the reasons why we have 300 funded positions in the police department, and yet they're not filled another
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measure before voters in the city. >> proposition f that would. it is also backed by mayor london breed. it wouldúrequire county drug test in order to get their& money. and we continue to cover super tuesday with live reports tonight at ten and 11, and also on the fox local app. we'll also be streaming local results live and providing updates right after this show. between 8 and 10, the fox local app is a free download to your smart tv. okay new at 730 tonight, bay area based clothing company levi strauss has laid off 150 employees at its san francisco to the in january that these cuts would be coming. levi says the layoffs are part of its project fuel campaign, which is designed to improve the speed, agility and efficiency of the business. the company's says tha difficult one, but necessary to address its cost structure. also new at 730 tonight, luxury clothing brand burberry square
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foot space on post street, right there in the heart of san francisco's union square. they've been quietly marketing that property ever since november. this is the first time, though, in more than 20 years, the almost 100 year old building could trade owners. it's not clear yet what price burberry is placing onúthat property. >> we think the road is near complete collapse and that will close the road here. >> from just a concern to a public safety issue, residents claim years of erosion went unchecked and after months without a homicide, investigators now have their first case. we'll tell you about the unsettling death in east palo alto and across the bay area this evening. >> a few showers ahead of another day of wet weather. i'll have a look at what you can
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that could soon be destroyed. the bay forest neighborhood ups- in the oakland hills. eight years ago, a landslide near the corner of tunnel road and bay forest lane damaged a portion of the street. nearly a decade later, and the route remains residents say, is only getting worse. >> the hill is still eroding, and as these storms come through, the water flowing undes and still washing away the land underneath the road and access for emergency vehicles is absolutely critical. up here. we remain in a high fire hazard zone.
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>> yesterday neighbors got an update. the city of oakland says it will complete an engineering study that was started late last year and will begin construction on that road this summer. okay, i'm guessing that our rains and we've had a lot of it recently just contributing to that situation there. >> rosemary. yes,c and more rain in the forecast for tomorrow. i spknow it's just like, okay, i thought we were okay. yeah. so , you know, just a couple more weeks, right. as soon asúspring arrives, we'll turn it off outside our doors. at this time, still seeing scattered showers across the bay area and again cn wednesday. moisture will move over southern california, but weúwillústill get our decent amount. and that was a beautiful view there of the bay bridge. temperatures outside at this hour, a few degrees warmer compared to yesterday. at this time most of degrees over san jose, 54 right now in walnut creek. mostly cloudy just a little bit of a breeze in our hills,
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but not too bad coming in from the south. mount diablo reporting 18mph, as well as a sonoma mountain coming in from the south at 15. i'm showingúyou here now the satellite and radar, where again, a few sprinkles out there. we've got northern california continuing to see some light rain, as well as high elevation snow and the sierra. a few flurries here for tonight, but again, nothing like what was experienced over the advisories along 8p or 50 at the moment. backing it up, showing you the storm that is going to work closer to the bay area.úand then we'll begin to shift into southern california by tomorrow morning, and even though we are looking at a little bit of rain and snow, it is the southern half of california that will have the advisory for snow up to a couple of inches, down to about 4500ft. so ventura county, l.a. county, san diego county,c all looking at advisories for that snow that will move through. here's a timeline of the system, comes ashore about 7
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a.m, and then notice how it shifts over southern california. and by thursday morning, it's spinto arizona, where spring training is going on. rainfall amounts for us, anywhere from a 10th of an inch to an inch expected temperature wise. going to be a cool start to the morning. we'll go with an upper 40s to low 50s under mostly cloudy skies scattered showers continuing into the afternoon. we'll have low 60s andúyour extended forecast showing you we will dry out thursdayn friday. it showers in the forecast on saturday. we do spring forward come sunday morning. remember to change your clocks. heather. yeah right rosu . well, his death, it just stunned an east bay community development in the shooting investigation of this beloved store clerk. and later tonightl a special celebration for a very special veteran in contra costa county. plus, the a's plan to leave oakland for las vegas. well, we're going to hear from mayor shengtao still trying to keep the team in
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town and before we head to break, here's a live look now at lateefah simon's watch party in oakland as we continue our super tuesday coverage. she is running forc the california's q2th congressional district seat. that is the seat formerly held by barbara lee. now, nationally, we news. the associated press has now called the state of vermont for nikki haley. that's her second south carolina governor coreyt- cook and of vermont was at play and how nikki haley could possibly win that state again. she has notched tha wi n
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back in early january while working at orlando's market
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there on 30th and linden in an apparent armed robbery. police nowúconfirming one juvenile has been arrested in connection with that killing that took place on the 27th, and that charges have since been filed against the young man for his involvement in police in east palo alto,at- looking for the man behind that city's very first homicide of the year. ktvu jesse gary reports. up until now, the city had seen a >> for one year, east palo alto has been free of sidewalk memorials honoring murder victims near the corner of such memorial for 2020 for what happened that night, i can't really explain too much. i was over there getting something to i looked over here and the guy was some guy hit the other guy. >> this manl who revealed, sayse saw two men get stabbed last
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month. surveillance video released by police shows a fight on the corner around 9:00 at night, february 8th. an unidentified suspect stabs one man who's been identified as frank finney. the second victim wasn't seriously hurt. the suspect then gets in a white suv hospital for his injuries but died last saturday. >> franklin school, you humble, quiet. >> he looked out for people par. >> the homicide in february breaks a streak of 12 months with no murders in thisúcity. and the year before that, 2022, allúthose cases have been solved . investigators are now hoping the public will help them solve this latest case. >> i don'tcúbelieve this is goig to start a trend, because we do have officers actively going out
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there and again, building that, that community trust, that, community policing, and, and, and we're actively stopping and talking to subjects out there, detectives believe finding the white suv that left the scene will yield clues but they don'ta plate number or vehicle make or model. >> so they're asking residents to call if they have information. >> i hope they catch the suspect >> you know what i'm saying? >> could mister nikki's in east palo alto, two news. >> all seen them? there are some new renderings outúfor that new ballpark for the a's. unfortunately for bay area baseball fans, they're not here in oakland. wegll take a closer look, though, at those plans in a moment. then later tonight on& the 10:00 news on our super tuesday coverage continues with
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the very latest results out of spcalifornia and nationwide, pls more than a dozen firearms seized in the east bay. what we know from police those stories and a lot more all coming up tonight at ten. and before we head to break, here's aúlive look at a watch party with san franciscoúmayor urging voters to support several of those safetyúmeasures that we told you about earlier in the show. she's backed at least two of them and is hoping for e you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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season. several cities, including sacramento, have emerged as possible homes for the club next season. all of this comes, of course, as the team plans to move to las vegas. we spoke with mayor tal today about how she's addressing the future of the a's in oakland. >> they still have a possible deal in las vegas, and so i strg at what i believe in is, is that the oakland a's brand should be here in the city of oakland. along with the fans. and whether it's with a new ownership or with the current ownership. >> mayor tal says her team has met with the president of the
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a's, dave kaval, and that those talks are ongoing. okay well, after much anticipation, new renderings have now been released of the proposed las vegas stadium for the a's. it plans to seat 33,000 people. the stadium roof opens up towards the north to allow the natural light and views from the vegas strip. that ballpark is currently to open for the 2028 season. okay, time now to tell you about a very special birthday celebration for a beloved world war two veteran in danville. want you to meet arthur larson. he turned 104 years young today alongside his family andúfriends. larson was born way in 1920. he served in the u.s. army a second lieutenant from 1940 to 1946, and was also active in the red cross. loved ones celebrated larson's life today, including his wife joanne, whom he has been married to now for 72 years. congratulations and thank you soúmuch, sir, for your service. all right. that's going to do it for me tonight on this super tuesday. really appreciate you watchingn we'll see you
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