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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  March 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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taught me to embrace freedom and democracy. a future based on core values that have a defined america, honesty, decency, dignity, and equality. to respect everyone, to give everyone a fair shot. to give hate no safe harbor. while other people my age see it differently. the american story, of resentment, of retribution, that's not me. i was born amid world war ii when america stood for the freedom of the world. i grew up in scranton, pennsylvania, claymont, delaware, among working-class people who built this country. i watched in horror as two of my heroes like many of you did, dr. king and bobby cunningham were assassinated in their legacies inspired me to pursue a career of service. i left a law firm and became a public defender because my city of wilmington was the only city
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in america occupied by the national guard after dr. king was assassinated because of the riots. and i became a county councilman almost by accident. i got elected to the united states senate when i had no mind of running at age 29, then vice president to our first black president, now president to the first woman vice president. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] in my career, i have been told i was too young. by the way, it did not let me out of senate elevators for votes sometimes on a joke. i've been told i am too old. whether young or old, i have always been known, i have always
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known endures. i've known our northstar. the very idea of america is that we are all created equally and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. we have never fully lived up to that idea. and we have never walked away from it either. and i won't walk away from it now. i am optimistic. i really am. i am optimistic. [applause] my fellow americans, the issue facing our nation is not how old we are, it's how old are our ideas. hate, retribution, the oldest of ideas. but you can't lean america with ancient ideas that only take us back. you lead america, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future and what can and
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should be done. tonight you have heard mine, i see a future where we are defending democracy, you don't diminish it. i see a future that will restore the right to choose and protect our freedoms, not take them aw away. i see a future for the middle class where they finally have a fair shot and the wealthy have to pay their fair share in taxes. i see a future where we save the planet from the climate crisis and our country from gun violence. [applause] above all, i see a future for all americans. i see a country for all americans. and i will always be president for all americans, because i believe in america. i believe in you, the american people. you're the reason we have never been more optimistic about our
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future than i am now. so let's build a future together. let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america! and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we act together. god bless you all, and may god protect our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause ]
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>> shannon: president biden wrapping up the final state of the union address of his first term as he gets ready to hit the campaign trail for that second term. a lot of energy there. a lot of cheers, some chance for "four more years" some booing and disruption in the chambers tonight. i want to go to chad pergram who has been tracking this, many of the state of the union speech. chad, i want to play a little bit of the disruption we heard from someone in the gallery and then we will talk about who and what that was. here's a bit of that tonight.
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>> president biden: before i took office, murder rates went up 30%. 30% they went up -- >> united state marines! what about the marines? >> president biden: it was then through my american rescue plan which every american voted against, i might add, we made the largest investment of public safety ever. >> shannon: chad, have you been able to find out who that was and what it was about? >> chad: we don't know definitively, but we believe that they were shouting "abby gate. abby gate." told he has a gold star dad, a reference to the botch withdrawal in afghanistan a few years ago stumbling where there is tension between the administration and those who lost loved ones and serve the united states in the military in afghanistan right now. that person was escorted out. i've asked the u.s. capitol police if they detain them or if he was arrested, anything like that. that something we are trying to get. we are starting to see an
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increasing trend of these types of disruptions during the state of the union message. in fact, i spoke with jack bergman, republican congressman from northern michigan who is also a former marine and he said, sometimes it's best to sit on your hands and he said we should not act like a bunch of middle schoolers was his line. and of course you have the disruption with marjorie taylor greene at one point hectoring the president, talking about laken riley who was killed. they passed a bill in the house of representatives and her name today. and of course, marjorie taylor greene tried to talk to the president when he came into the chamber earlier today, and she was wearing a red maga hat. i think that's interesting, because they have banned hats and the house of representatives since 1837. there is an actual rule if you look at the house rules that you cannot wear a hat inside the house chamber, that's why frederico ricin, the representative from florida is prevented from wearing her signature cowboy hat, and the
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legendary late democratic congresswoman from new york, she used to wear a hat around the capital, but was not allowed to wear when in the chamber, and obviously she would wear it, so there were not many members of congress who are female said that she would not be mistaken for a secretary. i also thought that it was interesting that the first thing happen when he came into the chamber, exiting the chamber right now, but he talked to three different republicans. there was andy ogles from tennessee, and nicole malliotakis, a republican from staten island. and tim burgess from tennessee as well. i'm sure that some republicans will try to engage him on the way out. we tried to count how many different names and members from both sides of the aisle he is such doing and he shakes hands with. and another metric, i counted that the speech ran one hour in 7 minutes. he clocked in and 23 at one hour and 13 minutes. one hour in 2 minutes in 2022, and by my count, he was disrupted, and this is a good disruption if you are the
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president in the united states by applause on 97 occasions, shannon. >> shannon: chad, we count on you to keep us straight on all of the facts and figures, historical and otherwise tonight. we would love to pick your brain a little bit more. i want to bring back her panelist, former members of congress, john delaney and congressman jason chaffetz, the president started with ukraine, all of its supplemental aid package that includes israel, taiwan, eight into gaza, it is jammed up and waiting paired but i was surprised that he started with foreign policy versus all of the domestic issues he eventually got to. >> jason: he jumped right into it, and i don't think he really sold it. he did not explain to the american people are congress why the imperative and why it has to happen here. i thought his other world problems, china, he barely touched on china. iran, gave a quick thing about the houthis, but if you look at the totality of the speech is probably less than 2 minutes. and the other part is the
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united states military, he did not pay deference to the united states military, the tens and thousands of people serving overseas and did not talk about anything that has to do with homeless veterans and the suffering they are going through. the mental health problems that they are going through. a quick check the box, but nothing. and by the way, and the whole speech, i did not hear any big new idea. i heard a regurgitation of policies he has done before, but what's the big idea that came out of here that is new and going to move the country forward? he did not deliver that tonight. >> shannon: on the foreign policy issue, he talked a lot about israel, but a lot of it was criticism of israel and the pressing of a two state solution which nearly every israeli leader has said is an absolute no-go. they think it would "reward the attacks on the massacres of october 7th and that they can't safely coexist as things are right now. if there were not a massive change and some kind of governing body that israel frankly does not see on the horizon and cannot trust. but again, the pressure from this administration on the two
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state solution. >> john: and listen, shannon, i thought it was a terrific speech. i thought the president came out very strong, starting with foreign policy was a great idea. within the first couple of minutes he's quoting ronald reagan and comparing that to the situation now we have with putin. he came out aggressively. he was strong. he was nimble. i've never seen a president engage so much with the audience. he did a great job reassuring the american people that he is on his game. he knows exactly what his administration has done, what it is planning on doing, and he can defend the policies on his feet. and i think he brought it to the republicans and president trump president trump very aggressively tonight. to say something like "you don't only love your country when you win." he just went right after people on the border bill, on what happen with january 7. i think was great. to israel point, i think that he made the point right away that there is probably no one in that
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room who can match his record in supporting israel. 36 years in the u.s. senate as a strong supporter of israel, chairman of the foreign relations committee actively involved in policies supporting israel, and since the horrible tragedy that occurred on octoben strong support for israel right away. he was over there, he sent his secretary of state over there. he made it clear they are our greatest ally. so i don't think there's any question about the president's credibility. the two-state solution which has been the framing for a long time about how a lot of israelis, a lot of israeli leaders, a lot of americans, a lot of american leaders, both sides of the aisle have talked about the issue. i don't think that's an overwhelmingly controversial -- >> shannon: it is to most israeli leaders who are saying do not talk to us right now. it rewards horrible behavior and not something we think we can exits eventually -- >> john: but if you think about what he really talked about today which is we have to get the hostages back, hamas
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started this. this horrible invasion. he talked about to the murder, he talked about the sexual assault. he talked about all of the family members who were in the chamber, and i applaud the members of congress who brought family members -- >> shannon: there were a number of them tonight. >> john: you can't question the president on how we stepped out for israel. >> jason: a totally question the president, what you need to say as we get our hostages back and then we will have a discussion about getting aid -- >> shannon: and there are american hostages. >> jason: there are american hostages there and he offered no solution on how to end the conflict. he checked the boxes. he is mentioning the important things, but the most important thing is how do we solve the conflict. name a deal he offered that was going to change the dynamic? >> shannon: i want to bring in kevin corke, he has covered many administrations and many state of the union addresses, tonight there was a lot of pressure on the president to show up with
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energy and vigor to engage, and he did those things tonight. did he do enough with the speech to propel his reelection campaign forward? >> kevin: i think a couple of things my friend, if you were to look at this, shannon and savable terms, tonight state of the union address really was sort of like showing your playbook to an opponent for a future game. now let me explain, if you are the g.o.p., and need to listen very carefully to the theme was that mr. biden had on hardest and then start crafting your rebuttal, especially as we get closer to november. but for the president come i think tonight's address was about much more than just the speech. it was really his chance to emphatically declare that i am the man for the job. what we have done in the past, you may not have heard enough. i am here to tell you we have done the job for you and will continue to do the job well for you. just a look inside the numbers over on capitol hill, mentioning an hour in 7 minutes, i kept track of some other numbers that had to find instructive, and the president was struggling just a
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bit, shannon with a cough. not sure if he has a cold or it was just a moment itself, he coughed or cleared his throat 37 times. i also noticed -- make that 16 times. i also know that he either slurred his words or ran past if you stop signs if you will about 35 times. what does that mean? that means that a speech like tonight is never going to be perfect. but i think that a lot of people to be candid for sort of tuning in to see how we might do. i thought on balance he delivered the speech very well. the substance simply was not there, kevin, but i think from the white house's perspective tonight, shannon, they will say job well done. >> shannon: and talk on things, investments in infrastructure, the ids question, the border, blaming the house g.o.p., for demanding things and not wanting to take the deal. they came up in the senate. that's when a lot of the booing started where a number of house members --
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and we know what their objections are, that they have real problems with the senate deal. and you will hear from house leadership as well. they were not happy that that senate deal came together and they were not included in the conversations, the speaker has expressed his frustration that if you want to bring something to the house, and i will be able to put the votes together to get it across the finish line, we need to have a seat at those conversations and i need to have my committee chairs over with the senate negotiators so that we can put together something that doesn't just wind up in the senate and have no lifeline in the house. some frustration from house leadership that they weren't part of those conversations. >> kevin: the back-and-forth was important to this degree, shannon, ultimately this white house and the dhs secretary have a responsibility to solve the problem. it's one thing to say, it's intractable, we are doing the best we can, we are looking for results. that's where critics will say, and i think the white house and the polling has shown, as you showed earlier tonight, it's certainly not getting the credit. they are getting much of the
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blame for what is happening along the border. one other thing very quickly if i might, i thought it was a very interesting interaction between the president and marjorie taylor greene of the great state of georgia talking about laken riley. listen, this is one of those issues, shannon, that will be a talking point not just for this week, but into the campaign as we get deeper and deeper into the season. she should not have died at the hands of someone who should not have been here, and that something the white house and more broadly this administration is going to have to answer to, shannon. >> shannon: kevin, don't go far, waiting to the countdown of the g.o.p. response, 42-year-old katie britt, republican out of alabama will be the mother, the wife, the senator, the suburban mom who is going to leave that conversation. i want to bring back our panel while we are waiting to get there. there are a couple of that the white house tonight, with rates of taxation for billionaires, things that have been checked by a number of these.
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and they have talked about giving pinocchio's, and he has not been truthful on these claims, yet the white house continues to repeat them. he continues to repeat them. >> jason: the fact-checkers will go to town on these things, criticizing republicans and saying they want to get rid of social security, saying that the so-called trump tax cut was added to the deficit. revenue to the church where he went up. these types of things are just falsehoods. and look at the biden democratic solution, raise taxes. that's what they want to do. raise taxes. if you raise a corporate tax, we are all going to pay for it. you think those cheeseburgers are expensive now, they will just go up. the other main point that the president never addressed which is at the top of everybody's list is how to drive down inflation. he did not hit that. he offered no new solutions except raise taxes. making more things expensive and more government spending, which makes things more expensive.
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>> shannon: he did have a chance to talk about low unemployment, rising gdp, but he did hit on some problems like the housing market, what he would do to actually make it easier for home buyers or people o want to advance beyond the home they are in now. so there were some nice messaging on the economic side. >> john: i think the president's agenda is popular with the american people, and i know that many don't like that, but it is. lowering drug costs is popular with the american people. tapping insulin prices is popular with the american people. doing things to lower housing is popular with the american people. texting billionaires is popular with the american people. the president has an agenda that aligns with the needs of hardworking americans. the president's agenda aligns with the needs of kitchen table issues. the american people talk about. and he talked about those things. inflation is down. >> shannon: the rate of inflation is down. >> john: that's how you
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measure inflation actually. you don't say inflation was high because it was high and not '70s. inflation was high, the fed did its work, and inflation is coming down. those are just factual numbers if you look at the rate of inflation. >> jason: it is up, it is up, it is out. it just does not go up at the same highest rate. >> john: the fed is talking about cutting rates, so inflation is down. he has an agenda that is probably popular with the american people, because he is talking about kitchen table issues paired when you talk about insulin prices being down, that's a big deal. $2,000 cap on drug prices, how many americans are sitting around right now not being able to afford drugs. they are like, yeah, i would like that. >> shannon: they will also say it's because they can't fill up their gas tank and pay groceries, and those are things that are above where they were. >> john: the spike of inflation post covid was devastating to the american people, there's nothing more devastating than inflation. and when you have it, it stays
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in place, right? we have brought the rate down. the president's policies and the federal reserve, let's face it. the person in charge of inflation as the federal reserve of the united states of america. they raised interest rates and inflation is down. that's just factual. >> shannon: you will not agree on that, so i want to let you continue discussing, because i want to go back to the fox senior correspondent who has a little bit more information about the person who was removed while protesting in the gallery tonight. hey, chad. >> chad: yes, the rest of our team tells us here that this is the father of kareem mccoy who was a marine lance corporal, this is the father, the name of the person removed, i have asked the u.s. capitol police if this person has been arrested or detained? we understand that he is the son -- he was the guest of brian mast, who is a republican congressman from florida. and this is an issue where republicans have really
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criticized the president over the withdrawal from afghanistan a couple of years ago. this has been one of the true chinks in the biden administration's armor. something else as we await here for a katie britt to deliver her response, i want to point out something that a lot of people have forgotten because it's almost 40 years ago. 1983, 1984, president reagan speech, who do you think gave the response? it was then senator joe biden, so it's very interesting to have joe biden on the other side and have something like katie britt coming into talk about -- to give the response. that something again that it's kind of rare to tap someone who is young, the idea here though as i've said earlier tonight, they are going for contrast. they want to contrast the young katie britt, 42 years old, the youngest elected republican senator. there was one other senator elected who was younger than h
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her. this was blanche lincoln from arkansas who was elected who was younger. but katie britt again, they are setting up this contrast. at the other thing, don't forget that there was the ivf decision in alabama. and a lot of republicans who are pro-life have said, hey, we are pro-life, but we are for ivf. that's one of the other reasons they have tapped her to speak. and we looked at her remarks and she talked about how this is the united states that deserves someone who is not did the ring and bumbling. these are some of the type of language we will hear from her and her remarks. and she will probably have to wait here for a few minutes, because the joint session of congress is still in. mike johnson is sitting patiently as the president talks with members and is going out of the house chamber. you know, a lot of members come up and give him the program and ask him to autograph it. sometimes it takes a long time. i don't ever remember it taking this long to get the president in. he was running late to start with and now it's taking a while to get him out. and joe biden, he does like to talk. there is a reputation there even when he was a senator on
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capitol hill. so you see bill mcfarland who is the house surgeon and arms there waiting to take them out along with karen gibson who is the senate sergeant of arms, this may take a few minutes to get them out and katie britt will start off after that. >> shannon: chad, thank you very much. stand by and the line was talking about alabama, he said the alabama supreme court shut down ivf treatments across the state, that is not accurate. but here is senator britt. >> my name is katie britt and i have the honor of serving the people of the great state of alabama and the united states senate. however, that's not the job that matters most. i am a proud wife and mom of two school aged kids. my daughter bennett and my son ridgway are why i ran for the senate. i am worried about their future, and the future of children and every corner of our nation, and that's why i invited you into
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our home tonight. like so many families across america, my husband wesley and i just watched president biden stated the union address from our living room, and what we saw was the performance of a permanent politician who has actually been in office for a longer than been alive. one thing was quite clear though, president biden just does not get it. he's out of touch. under his administration, families are worse off. and our communities are less safe, and our country is less secure. i just wish he understood what real families are facing around kitchen tables just like this one. you know, this is where our family has tough conversations. it's where we make hard decisions. it's where we share the good, the bad, and the ugly of her days. it's where we laugh together, and it's where we hold each
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other's hands and pray for god's guidance. and many nights, to be honest, it's where wesley and i worry. i know we are not alone, and so tonight the american family needs to have a tough conversation, because the truth is, we are all worried about the future of our nation. the country we know and love seems to be slipping away, and it feels like the next generation will have fewer opportunities and less freedoms than we did. i worry my own children may not even get a shot at living their american dreams. my american dream allowed me, the daughter of two small business owners from rural enterprise alabama to be elected to the united states senate at the age of 40. growing up, sweeping the floor at my dad's hardware store and cleaning the bathroom at my mom's dance studio, i never could have imagined what my
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story would entail, to think about what the american dream can deal across just one generation and just one lifetime. it's truly breathtaking. but right now, the american dream has turned into a nightmare for so many families. the true unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this. our families are hurting. our country can do better. and you don't have to look any further than the crisis at our southern border to see it. president biden inherited the most secure border of all time, but minutes after taking office, he suspended all deportations,
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he halted construction of the border wall, and he announced a plan to give amnesty to millions. we know that president biden did not just create this border crisis, he invited it with 94 executive actions in his first 100 days. when i took office, i took a different approach. i traveled to the del rio sector of texas, that's where i spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. she had been traffic by the cartels starting at the age of 12. she told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped. the cartels put her on a mattress in a shoe box of a room, and they sent men through
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that door over and over again. for hours and hours on end. we would not be okay with this happening in a third world country, this is the united states of america, and it is past time in my opinion that we start acting like it. president biden's border policies are a disgrace. this crisis is despicable, and the truth is it is almost entirely preventable. from fento fentanyl poisonings o horrific murders, there are empty chairs tonight at kitchen tables just like this one. because of president biden's
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senseless border policies. just think about laken riley and my neighboring state of georgia, this beautiful 22-year-old nursing student went out on a job one morning, and she never got the opportunity to return home. she was brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal border crossers, president biden chose to release into our homeland. y'all, as a mom, i can't quit thinking about this. i mean, this could have been my daughter. this could have been yours. and tonight, president biden finally said her name, but he refused to take responsibility for his own actions. mr. president, enough is


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