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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  March 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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groom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) and run crash on the peninsula. >> it's egregious. it's wrong. and sadly, it's happening and ah school is placed on lockdown after a man fleeing police enters campus. plus, a charitablec organization in east oakland, facing a major setback after a car slams into its building. >> this is ktvu fox two news at
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730. >> that accident was the latest inúa series of challenges for the grassroots, grassroots cristina rendon. this crash happened early this morning damaging the building belonging to homies empowerment. the circumstances surrounding the incidentúremain unclear, as ktvu henry lee reports, despite all of the hardship, organizers do have a plan to prevail. like, very overwhelmed. >> viviana montano is frustrated. she's care center coordinator at homies empowerment at 77 macarthur in east oakland, where a car slammed into the grassroots community groups building, causing significant damage and forcing it to close. >>úfor now, it's just really difficult not to have the facility up and running. >> it happened at 3:0p thursday morning with a crash involving two cars. the circumstancesúis still not entirely clear. >> apparently a car had crashed into a different vehicle and that sent thatc vehicle into the building, but other than that, we have nothing else. >> the driver of the car into tk off. virgi newell lives nearby l
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out here because we are really having a hard time. we already >> the mangled wreckage was spremoved byc a tow truck. no oe was hurt, but there was major structural. it's now boarded up and the insides now s freedom store hands out food to about 400 people or families, and it also provides clothing referrals to survivors of violence and help to find jobs and housing. montanoúsays busy s for speeders.úback in 2022, the same building was damaged in another carúcrash. >> there's so much speeding in there. i feel like it's just it's not monitored as well as it should be. i feel like, stop sis anymore. its share of challenges. last year at 90th, macarthur was broken into a month before the campus for at risk youth opened for the first time. montano says as far as its 77th avenue location, they're committed to returning with the
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community's help. >>úour community has always shown up and shown out for us, so i do believe that this is just a small setback for a bigger comeback. >> despite all their hardship, homies empowerment tells me that the power of the people they will prevail in oakland. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> a woman accused of assaulting a dog walker in oakland hasúbeen miller has been charged witht- robbery and auto theft. the incident and jackson and jacqueline and square. the victim says she was walking her neighbor's dog when sheúwas approached by two women who hit her across off with the dogs. te dogs were later are still lookie second suspect, a of cyclists in san mateo county is searching for answers after one& of their own was struck and injured. the crashúhappened one week ago at palomar road and ascension drive near bay view park. the victim, a 62 year old mother of physician and biotech executive, now has a broken back. the driver did not stop.
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they were in a gray or silver minivan. safety advocates say this intersection puts cyclists at risk, and they're calling on san mateo county officials to >> the only way to solve these problemsúis much more investment and safe street infrastructure. >> we wantúthis guy to face the criminal justice system for what he did and to do. >> group. the group of cyclists say they believe the driver responsible lives nearby. the the hospital and is recovering. the crash is still under investigation. anyone with information is asked to contact chp. seven peopleúwere hurt crat was carrying mostly seniort& 1230 this afternoon in antioch. firefighter say the suv was headed west on laurel road near highway four, on the on ramp when it smashed into the side of the bus as it was turning. the driver of the suv and six people life threatening. the crash ised
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still being south bay police ine have given the all clear after a security scare one high school, police say a manhoc ran from officers made his wayúonto the piedmont hillsúhigh school students and staff to shelter in plac that man was running officials gave l clear around 1:00 this . well, new at 730. improving emergency response in coastal san mateo county. new four wheel added to half moon bay. county spofficials today said the vehicles off road capabilities can help crews get closer to patients and make travel safer. the cost of these new ambulances will be offset by existing funds for equipment upgrade, according to san mateo county officials. a worker at a marijuana processing plant in the east bay is being treated for some serious burns from a chemical fire. it happened this morning at a thc extraction facility on cedar street in berkeleyn people working nearby
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explosion before theúbuilding caught fire and saw a man running outside with his hands on fire. that man was rushed to an emergency burn center in san francisco. >> this is a thc extraction plant lab, and somehow one of the barrels, 55 gallon drum caught fire, burned the gentleman's hands. the victim's hands and fire is now out. now they're just doing some cleanup. >> no other injuries were spreported in the cost of inves. well, plans to build a new transportation center getting at in has signed a spending bill that allocates $850,000 to. it's known as the hercules hub. it's a planned transportation center for cars, busses, passenger trains and ferries. it's located right along the waterfront and right next to the capitol corridor. train line. earlier on the four, we spoke with hercules city councilman and former mayor alex walker griffin. he says ths
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for decades. >> all of us have experienced interstate 80 at 5 p.m, and we to be.úand so we want to do is really capture the ridersúwho are going to san into oakland, wherever they may be going, and giving them another alternative to use for public transportation. and we're also really trying to capture those who are going up to the north bay or even sacramento with the capitol corridor.t& >> the project will also include housing as well. city leaders say they are still two years away from breaking ground. new at 730 plans to build a development along the waterfront in burlingame are moving forward. the dailyújournal ther& ports. the planning commission hasúapproved a large project along a portion of old bayshore highway. the area is currently occupied by a holiday inn hotel and restaurant. the plan here ic to build a three story excuse me, 311 story buildings and two parking garages, and a bay trail connection. the project now moves to city council for final approval. the oakland a's met again today with of oakland anda
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county to talk about a potential lease extension at the coliseum& butúunfortunately no deal was reached. the current lease expires at the end of the upcoming baseball season. the team's new ballpark in las vegas is not expected to be ready until 2028, so the a's are looking for a new home stadium until then. in a statement, mayor shang tao's office revealed few except to say that it was productive and, quote, we look forward to future discussions. we will have more on that meeting later tonight in sports. welll coming up, oakland restaurant week is officially underway. how you can show some local businesses love after a challenging few years. area's w. officials and wastewater recycling. outside. take a live look at the estuary. isn't that glorious? official sunset was at 716, but we're still getting a glimpse of the clear skies. the change in the weeken& forecast. you need to know about the bay area outlook is up deck ne
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series of storms caused debris to fall on the highway. take a look at this. it was a scene back in early march.úmud and huge trees blocking the roadway there. caltrans officials say crews work to clear the area between sanborn and redwood gulch roads. it reopened late last night. bay area water officials are showing off some new technology that is said to help provide the highest value in wastewater recycling services. the san francisco conl
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board allowed us into its wastewater treatment facility in san lorenzo. the board's 37 clean water agencies collectively 400 million gallonf wastewater a day for those that have treated wastewater that are run through them on thet& subsurface, you get really, really excellent removal of nitrogen, but also metals and pharmaceuticals. the water quality control board says its goal is to preserve, enhance and restore the quality of the bay area's water resources. the fire victim trust is issuing a newt& round of payments to survivors of wildfires, sparked by pg and butte fire,c 2017 north bay5t- wildfires and r018 camp fire have received up toú60% on their claims for property and lost that number to 66% of big spmilestone in the victims trust this year, the trust
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spokesperson says. payments thoe customers were without power across the bay area this afternoon. wind gusts of 50mph and higher blew through the region this is video today from trees there blowing inúthe wind, bending with the wind gusts. officials say around 4000 customers were left without power, primarily in the east bay. the outage is also impacting bart service earlier today. so here with us now ist& meteorologist roberto gonzalez. it was really bad. i was driving windshield. it was reallyt& jarring. are you serious? you're okay. i'm okay. but the wind was >> how about the car? >> the car is fine. just a little scratch on the windshield. >> yeah, in the east bay. i even shot aúlittle bit of video this morning because my palm trees and the sound of it right? yeah. and while we're going to >> oh, gosh. okay >> and a little bit more tomorrow as well. but the wind advisory for the entire bay area has allowed to expire except if the mountainous areas, theation-
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out as christina was alluding to in the eastern portion of our bay area, we per hour wind gusts thatúwas at the elevation of 380pft at mount diablo livermore airport, with a 40 mile per hour wind gusts. oakland hills at 43. so you're getting the gist of it. in fact, it was so windy today, i don't even think most ofúus noticed just what a real pretty day it was. in fact, temperatures were and in pacifica. pretty spot on- in throughout the tri valley. it was santa rosa, napa,úsan rafael, also in hayward, backing through castro valley and in willow glen through san jose. okay, i'm just going to get out of here so you can get a good look at this. wow. officials sundown 716. by the time it comes back morning,t of, lightning up at the winds, but the skies will remain clear.
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check out the current wind speeds. 24 mile per hour. wind spgusts in fairfield boy, the we subsided along the sea shore, but we still are enduring a wind gusts up to 23 in mountainúview. this is our satellite imagery and where you have of high pressure in. the clouds are riding up and over that ridge of high pressure there. then we have this area of low pressure over southern, oven areas of san bernardino county, and between the two elements is where we're getting that frictionc the windy conditions. so tonight, breezy to windy, especially in the highest elevations. but a starry night. and then for your friday a sunshine and warmer conditions.& but the winds do remain with us, especially above 10p0ft in elevation. tonight. overnight in the 40s and u0s. not as cold due to the mixing of the air mass. due to the breezy to windy conditions. 49 in mountain view, low 50s and foster city backing through east palo alto.
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otherwise tomorrow rebounding to 75 degrees. that's the first time i've said that this, this season, 75 degrees. i just want to say it one more time. in fact, check out our five day forecast. we do have the first day of spring arriving on tuesday, and with it, even some warmer conditions. christina. >> that sounds great. roberta. we'll take it. thank you. coming up.útiny homes for san jose's homeless population blanketed in mold. how. funding and oaklandt& eateries impacted by covid and crime. hoping to bring people about town. ow you can show
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diverse cultures and cuisines for a discounted rate. businesso stay open in oakland due to crime, soúthey're really hoping
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to bring out people in the town. ktvu crystal bailey went out to check out the action today. she joins us in studio with more. hi, crystal. hi guy. >> it's really been just begun. people are piling up and we are oftenc covering break ins and robbery. that plague oakland small businesses. but this is the chance to show local restaurants some loven hosted by visit oakland, oakland restaurant week goes on for ten days, giving local restaurants the boost they need. >> it's been a hard, hard, you know, time for businesses, restaurants just coming out of a pandemic. so to add on, you know, the added crime, the break ins has just been, you know, devastating for a lot of places. >> the owner jack londonúsquare, has seen her fair shareúof car break ins so many she was forced to lot with security to stay in business last year. >> can you imagine a city without restaurants? can you imagine a city without, you know , small mom and pop shops? that's really what's at stake here. >> the president of visit
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oakland says this is what helps our restaurant thrive. >> this is the start of a busy season for us great way for newm the best part of hospitality for new restaurants like park in uptown. >> chef paul iglesias is hoping to attract new business, putting together a special menu, including short rib, that we cooked down over 18 hours. as chef matt meyer prepares his new restaurant. good luck for the rush, he says he's been around the oakland food scene for years, owning restaurants in oakland is really tough for all of the obvious reasons. meyer owns low bar downtown, and he just opened good luck where hopscotch used to be and where heúused to work as a chef. >> the summertime didn't have that usual business that a lot of us were kind of expecting as business owners recover from crime >> and after a year where iconic restaurants like le cheval and calavera shut its doors, chefs are inviting oaklanders to support them and get a good
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deal. while you do it, you might find your new favorite restaurant during oaklandt& you've got until march 24th to find your new favorite restaurantn oakland mayor shengtao says oakland is open for business. the bay to come out and check the eats bai, fox two news a mold infestation has been identified in one of san jose's tiny home projects that's intended to house a local homeless community. >> this mold was found in five of the 117 units at devcon contractor construction projectn this is on brand branam lane and monterey road. people close to spthat project are claimingúmold is not the only issue with this tiny home project. >> you have workers traveling from the central valley coming overúhere, not even getting paid half their wages, working >> san jose mayor in with code d
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will follow up on the wage theft complaint. city officials say fh over the summer. there will be final inspections before anyone moves into those new units. a ride to remember how several students stopped at every single bart stationúin record time. news, many parents of students0- at a bay area university are doing what they can to make the school's neighborhood safer. the patrol they're organizing in hopes of protecting their children, and dozens of people whoúwere arrested on the bay bridge while protesting in support of gaza have reached a settlement. the terms of their agreement and why one man says he's still locked in a legal battle. hose stories and more
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ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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for the fastest bay area transit tour. the group visiting every single bart station saturday, and they did it in less than six hours. their trip breaks a new guinness world record for bart students carefully mapped out their route with a witness at every station andúlots of video. the musical director of the san francisco symphony is stepping down after the upcoming season. esa-pekka salonen said in a statement today that he does not, quote, share the same goals as the orchestra's board of
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governors. salonen was named to succeed michael tilson thomasúin 2018. he will leave after the end of the 20 2425 season. the symphony ceo said that cost cutting measures may be one of the reasons for the decision, telling the chronicle that the symphony faces, quote, significant financial pressures. san francisco has opened a new career center at city hall. staff at the career center will help candidates navigate the city's hiring process, as well as provide tips on how to write a resume and interview. the center also providesúcareer development for current city employees. city officials say the goal here is and remove baro hiring.úwell, today is 314. it marks the annual celebration of pi day. you know it. it is a nationally recognized day that gets math fans excited. meúnot so much. i'm not really good at math, butt& celebration took place at, whicy
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helped create pi day. fun fact there if you didn't know, the celebration included a pi parade , free pie slices andt& demonstrations showcasing pies. uses in science and art. this is the 37th annual celebration at the exploratorium. it continues tonight, by the way, with an after dark party for math enthusiasts. so have fun if yougre headed out. well, that does it for us. thank you so much for watching here you tomo. and make sure to download the fox socal app to your smart tv. stories and find exclusive content right there on your smart tv. our next newscast is the 10:00 news
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- previously on "next level chef"-- - that platform will not be stopping. - grab, grab, grab, grab! oh, my god. - this is madness, utter madness. [all shouting] - alexandra, jordan, both of you will have 20 minutes. - the wing that i'm sending home is going to be the buffalo. - that wing was cooked by alexandra. - seriously? - damn. - i think she played it a little too safe on this one. [applause] - and tonight-- - for today's challenge, there's a twist. three huge cuts of beef.


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