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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 19, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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where's he at? >> i don't know. he's the deputy. we need help. >> a sonoma county sheriff's deputy seriously hurt in a shootout and chase earlier this month. and tonight, a plea for help from his colleagues as he works to recover from life threatening injuries. >> we don't know what it's going to look like in the end with that tbi and what he's going to need deputy nicholas d'elia suffered a traumatic brain injury and serious burns after being pinned underneath another deputy's patrol car. good evening. >> i'm julie hanan and i'm mike mibach. he is one of four deputies who were injured in the
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crash and shooting. new at ten ktvu is joey horta live tonight in santa rosa with out. sonoma county deputies are now showing their support. joey >> mike and julie. right now the deputy is still in the hospital. he's dealing with life threatening injuries two weeks since that incident and the community is being asked to step forward and help out in this long road to recovery. a body camera worn by sonoma countyt& sheriff's deputy nicholas d'elia shows him opening fire on shooting suspect jose cervantes in santa rosa right after his patrol car is rammed by cervantes car on march 4th. d'elia was trying to lay out spike strips to stop the suspect wanted for injuring three otherk making threats at a nightclub of while armed, died at the scene, likely from his injuries in the crash, according to the coroner. video from inside deputy james blount's patrol car pulling up
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to the scene shows the moment the cruiser hits d'elia, pinning him beneath the two ton patrol car. oh, it appears to take responding deputies a moment to under the car. their own is >> where is he at? >> i don't know. he's the deputy. we need help. >> the 31 year old grave shift patrolman who's only been with the department for ten months now, injury and severe burns on his back from the muffler of the patrol car. >> deputy d'elia is a very spcredibly strong personn >> cody ebert is president of the sonoma sheriffs association and has already visited d'elia in the hospital a few times, where he's had surgery on his back for burns daily. >> he's going through physical and speech rehabilitation sessi. >> ebert says d'elia is making remarkable progress and has been able to walk short distances with help, and it's helped that
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the deputy sheriff's association is turning to the public for no matter what lies ahead, with a goal of raising $150,000. >> we just want to make sure the about finances at all and can- really focus on on his health and his recovery. >> the new dad, who shares a baby boy with his fiance, is in good spirits, even living up to his reputation as a jokester. >> he's joked around a little bit about trying to escape the hospital. >> the couple are set to marry in june,úbut his coworkers fear wedding to be pushed back, injuries that his teammates consider to be their biggest fear. now, the association is trying to raise $150,000 to help with whatever d'elia needs. for example, they say he may need a wheelchair rampc installed as he goes home at his house and might need that, they say, to help him recover back to you and joey. >> we all know the power of social media when it comes to
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fundraising tonight that is well underway. even with the hashtag. >ñ yeah. so, mike, the hashtag is d'elia strong, and they've got some t shirts that are for sale to also raise some money for this fund, of course, to help him get back on his feet and recover. we'll have the link to both of those fundraisers at ktvu .com. >> all right, joey. hoarder live tonight in santa rosa. joeyl thank to some eaki news out of the east bay right now. allc wesnd lanes of interstate 80 in richmond are shut down due to a shooting investigation. this happened 845 tonightthe chp she was shot on 80, rights he near mcbride avenue. the victim took and is expected to survive. no word on a description of the gunman's vehicle. >> an update now on the family members who were killed at a bus stop in san francisco's west portal neighborhood over the weekend. the couple was identified today as 40 year old diego cardoza de oliveira and 38
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year old matilda moncada ramos pinto. their toddler son, joaquin, also died in the crash. the couple's six month old son, kaui, is the sole survivor who remains in the hospital tonight. stop on saturday afternoon when they were hit by an suv. police say the driver, 78 year old mary fong lao, alsoúremains in the hospital tonight and is facing vehicular manslaughter charges. her attorney says she is cooperating with the investigation. >> you know, miss lao understands the gravity of this situation and this unspeakable tragedy and she would just like to the community of san francisco and the family to know that she also is grieving and mourning this tragic, unspeakable event that took place late today she was expected to be released from the hospital at some pointútonight, but no word yet if she is back home. as the west portal community strugglese
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considering where to place 33 speed cameras. ktvu christien kafton talked with safety advocates and today who measured the speed of traffic on some streets. they say city leaders should consider installing even more cameras. >> item 10.4. >> san francisco's municipal transportation throughout the c. fulton street, running along the spnorth side of golden gate par, is being considered for two cameras. paul rivera and his family live along thisúroad and dangerous. >> you constantly have to be, paranoid or have your head on a swivel. the cars go super fast. and you wonder if you're going to get hit on a daily basis, especially with the young one. i have a two year old daughter. >> rivera has taken photos and videos of the aftermath of collisions along fulton, some of them serious. he says he wants drivers he hopes that cameras that can issue ticks to speeders will be the incentive drivers need to
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slow down. and he says he'd like to see one of those cameras on his block. >> we should have another camera here just so we can make this like a hotspot. and because there's so many people crossing into the park now, because we have this amazing space in the park, you just have not have tot getting hit. >> that one was 40, 46. thatúwas sp40, 39, 40. >> marta lindsay works with the pedestrian advocacy group walk san francisco. she brought at& radar gun to this stretch of and tracked cars going over the- 30 mile per hour speed limit regularly, including one vehicle traveling at nearly 50mph. she says the speed cameras, which would be triggered when a vehicle goes 11 miles above the speed limit, are urgently needed as a tool to slow traffic on some of the city's most dangerous stretches of road. >> a car going 25 miles an hour. 75% chance i'm going to make it through that on the other side of that crash. but by the time a driver is up to 40 miles an
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hour, that completely flips ver. >> speed camera project managers have carefully sorted through the data and recommended the city install 33 cameras along some of the city's high injury corridors. now the board will consider those recommendations. the sfmta is expected to give their final approval on the locations for those 33úcameras as part of this five year pilot program. that approval is expected to come in the next couple of months. those cameras are set to be up and operational by 2025, and oakland and san jose shouldúhave a similar network of cameras upúand operational nextúyear in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> congress is now requesting documents from uc berkeley amid its growing investigation into anti semitism on college campuses. today, the house letter to uc berkeley saying it is concerned about the university's response to antisemitic incidents. this includes a student led event that was disrupted by protesters
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on campus. february 26th demonstrators broke enter zelle, where an israeli lawyer and idf reservist was about to speak. the committee is asking berkeley to provide a handful of documents,úincluding all reports of anti-semitic acts on campus and the university's disciplinary policies. by april vice chancellor, dan mogulof,- released a statement tonight saying in part, uc berkeley has an unwavering commitment to ensuring every student feels safe and welcome at all times in all places, regardless of who they are or what they believe in . we have also made clearúour condemnation of the terriblet& incident on february 26th, of te also said the speaker, whose event was disrupted last month, later returned to campus for another event without conflict. >> new at ten tonight, san francisco is launching a new effort thousands of curbside charging stations for electric vehicles. city
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officials have said jana katsuyama joins us now live from theúcity with the timeline and reaction from residents. gianna >> julie. instead of those parking lot style chargers, the city says in the next few months they're going to be doing some research on technologies for this first rollout could show a wide variety of different typesc of pilot programs for different parts of the city. >> so this went in in 2012, i think was around that time frame. >> that was 12 years ago when this curbside ev charger in front of the sfpuc was a pilot project for the future. on tuesday, the city announced that future is now here. >> our plan is to wrap up our technical analysis by june, develop a roadmap for where we're going to be installing >> tyrone jue, director of thehe san francisco environmental department, was part of the announcement in front of city
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hall led by supervisor rafael mandelman. >> the ultimate goal of this project is by next year to see actually showing up on curbs in in san francisco. >> the city says they project that san francisco will need 5000 new ev charging stations be problem is how to provide that infrastructure for residents who garage with a charger. >> 70% of san franciscans live in a multi-family residential complex. they're likely not going to have access to ev charging. so this is where curbside really becomes critical for charging stations would be . >> yeah, because there is like a lot of electrical vehicles coming. >> some residents say charging can be a barrier to buying an electric vehicle, but i feel like just the hassle of like having to find a charging station and like being able to charge it overnight is kind of difficult. >> so i don't think personally i would buy one. >> thereúare other concerns too. >> the first thing that comes p& ramifications like limited parking and impact that would have it just availability. it's
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cars in the city especially, but i thinkúit's bad because it's going to take away parking spots, and it's already really tough to find parking. >> there is also a question of equity, making sure that all neighborhoods getúequal treatment in the bayview. there are plans already to use state funding to build an eight unit fast charging plaza. they hope they will get some curbside charging stations too. we need to bring everyone with usúand all communities, especially with us, especially communities likec ours and the bayview and chinatown where there are less electric vehicle users. and case in point, the city says that in 2022, 7% electric vehicles, and that number has continued to increase with new registrations every year. back here live, they tell me that they the technological analysis by june. and then before they roll any of these out, they are planning
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input so people can talk about what they'd like to see in their neighborhoods. julie. >> all right. jana katsuyama reporting live from san francisco tonight. jana. thank you. automaker stellantis has signed a deal with the state to lower emissions and invest in ev the maker of chryslerc, dodge ad jeep brands will reduce emissions by up to 12 million metric tons. it will comply with the state's zero emissions light duty vehicle requirements through 2030, even if the state is unable to enforce them due to judicial or federal action. >> this agreement, is a big deal in accelerating, we've long beld the power of emulation success leaves clues, and when i referenced success, it's important to note that we saw sales last year increased by 46. >> stellantis also pledged to invest in electric and other zero emission vehicles and car charging infrastructure.
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sphere. so nothing like this really happens on a regular domestic violence call ends with gunfire in a quiet south bay neighborhood. >> we're live in campbell. after talking to neighbors and the police chief about the investigation. >> and back here that are stilln the mild side, but the clouds creeping in in the next couple of days. >> still going to be nice,úbut then changes for the weekend and the city of oakland gives the green light to clear abandoned vehicles. >> a morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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morning when they shot and killed a man after he allegedly fired shots at the officers. ktvu lamonica peters live tonight from campbell. after speaking with the chief of police and lamonica. people who live in that area heard quite a scene early this morning. >> that's right mike. the people spwe spoke to told me that it's usually here, but this morning, one woman told me spthat she woke up to gunshots.a woman screaming and police cars surrounding the building. >>úit was like boom, boom, boom, boom. and that's what scared me. >> monique martinez says she lives in the same building on bascom avenue, where campbell police shot and killed
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spaúman early tuesday morning. martinez shot this video on her cell phone. as more officers arrived at the apartment. in the morning. i went to theour bathroom. i come back and i hear like gunshots and i'm like, oh my god. and i hear, no. and i'm like, oh my god. like i get goosebumps. i'm i won't open th, but i don't know if it's dangerous. >> campbell police say they spreceived a 911 text message fm a woman describing a domestic violence incident about 3 a.m. the woman said her two children were in the apartment with 31 year old miguel augustine nava gomez. police say, after gomez refused to comply with commands to exit the apartment, campbell the unit.y officers then entere- >> the suspect, unknowing to the officers, had armed himself with a handgun and in the direction e officers inside the apartment just outside of the apartment, there was damage to the wooden awning that looked like bullet
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holes, and the neighbor next door says police came to his unit to ask if anyone had been hurt. >> so they did tell us, like, you know, just, check the house, make sure it didn't come through your wall, because there was gunshots. i was like, okay, so i just checked out real quick and everything was all good. >> policeúsay they also discovered gomez had anúactive warrant, and the woman had filed a restraining order against him. neighbors say for the most part, this level of violence is >> i was kind of shocked, too, to be honest. >> why were you shocked? because it never happens around here that much, you know, like i've never seen that, especially in my apartments. >> you know? did tell me that the womanchief involved was also arrested. he didn't give me details, but he did say that there was evidence that the children were placed i& danger while in her care. and now both children are in protective custody. >> mike lamonica peters live tonight in
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>> new at ten. the oakland city council unanimously approved new funding tonight to clear that resolution $840,000 from mb transportation funds to sweep the city. the plan allocates money for a dedicated parking management analyst and will set aside funds to hire other staff. it will also set up new software to track the towed vehicles. authored the measure and says the speedy removal of abandoned cars will provide several benefits. >> towing the vehicles more timely will mean we're more likely to get to them before they're all broken down. that also means less glass and debrio means that then that abandoned vehicles can be processed and sold at auction before they become worthless. >> council members stressed that this ordinance will address only cars and other vehicles that are abandoned. it is not aimed at
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people who are living in theirt& cars. >> okay, pretty nice day out there today. temperatures got up into the 70s again couple dayst& in a row now nice weekend. we've moved into tuesday. nice day, first day of spring, the. temperatures are going to be a little cooler than these. i think we'll see lots of upper 60s and very low 70s. and spthen we are going to be workig our way down to a cooler, milder weekend with the chance of some scattered showers. we'll show you what that looks like in the long range model. as you look at the live camera outside, there'll be a little coastal fog tonight. not a lot, but a little bit. there was a lot this morning. and then let me back this out. this is a long range model and we'll push it through. here's wednesday afternoon. here's thursday afternoon. looks pretty good right. and then here it goes friday friday morning right through here and then into the friday evening commute. and then againúon saturday. looks saturday portion of the weekend. and then sunday you can see it looks like
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we'll keep an eye on that. but right now the next couple of days high pressure is owning. it's goingúto hang out for a couple of days and then it changes. i'll get closer in with the model view. we'll take a look at a higher resolution model and the five day all righ. still to come tonight, a well-known philanthropist provides a major boost funding boost to bay area nonprofits. >> also, the nvidia technology conference continues this week in the south bay. the company's make ai more secure. >> also, apple co-founder steve wozniak can continue a lawsuitt& against youtube. his claims about the platform and bitcoin scammers
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court panel, says apple co-founder steve wozniak's lawsuit against youtube can move forward. wozniak claimsúyoutube and google did little to stop bitcoin scammers who used his image, and those of other celebrities to steal millions of
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dollars from unsuspecting county judge ruled in 2022 that the platform was protected by section 230 of the communications decency act. an attorney for wozniak said, quote, this is an important decision. recognizing that there are limits to section 230 immunity, there is a great deal of focus on security in the growing artificial intelligence industry as the nvidia technology conference continues this week in san jose. >> the santa clara based chipmaker announced a partnership with oracle focused on what's known as sovereign ai. this is when individual artificial intelligence usinget- their own infrastructure and workforce, allowing them to keep data secure. experts say there are a lot of advantages for companies and governments with their own separate ai systems. ñ> number one is the privacy and that will be some of the things that you can see.c strategic growth. because now you own everything. the infrastructure
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as you mentioned in the in the report is you own all the data centers and the hardware. >> san jose state professor ahmed ben arfa also says there are also disadvantages to sovereign ai, as it can isolate countries and make it harder for collaboration between governments. >> shares of nvidia were up more than 1% today. traders anxiously awaiting the federal reserve's decision on interest rates tomorrow the fed will keep rates unchanged for a fifth straight time. economists are expecting two, possibly three cuts this year and those could start in june or even later. overall, the markets were higher on wall street. the dow was up more than 320 points, the nasdaq gaining 63 and the s&p 500 gained 29 points, ending the day at a new record high. >> several bay area nonprofits just received millions of dollars in donations, thanks to amazon co-founder mackenzie scott. the billionaire philanthropist announced today she is giving a total of $640 million to 361 small nonprofits
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nationwide, and it's all part of her yield giving initiative an open call for applications.t- among the nonprofits getting a boost is project avery, based in san rafael. it's set to receive $1 million. the incarcerated parents. 826t& valencia in san francisco's receive $1 million. that organization helps students living in underserved communities with their writing skills, and the ella baker center for human rights in oakland is also getting money. it will receive $2 million phasing out those good old landlines. >> that's what at&t wants to do. coming up, the pushback, though, from customers at a series of hearings with the cpuc and a major ruling on immigration today, how the united states supreme court will now allow the state of texas to carry out a controversial border crossing law. >> also ahead tonight, late night lamont arizona for the giants are jason
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appelbaum has the thrilling finish a little later in sports and we are just weeks away now from california fast food restaurants paying their workers a higher minimum wage. but some locations will be exempt. we'll sphave the details coming it all starts with a chevy truck. chevy silverado with the turbomax engine and best-in-class standard torque. and the chevy silverado hd with up to 14 available camera views. do more in a chevy truck, get yours now. get $5000 total value on silverado ltz & high country models when you trade in an eligible vehicle. or during chevy truck season, get as low as 0.9% financing
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and phone service in the state, had one last opportunity to voice their concerns this evening with the california public utilities commission. >> landlines are primary life savers in power outages. storms or fires, or earthquakes. >> maintaining landlines for health and safety purposes for all of californians is more important than ever. >> dozens of callers joined the meeting, and as ktvu jesse gary explains, now, many say an end
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to landline service would bring more harm than good. >> for over a century, a network of hard line phone wires has been a lifeline of communication for rural california communities . >> some people must avoid exposure to theúradiation emitted by mobile phones. >> tuesday afternoon, dozens of callers logged into the california public utilities commission website to sound off on a plan to end that type of service. phone provider at&t seeks permission from the puc to end landline service for almost all californians. executives argue forcing the one time monopoly to maintain so-called carrier of last resort status puts it at a competitive disadvantage. some callers to the commission agree, saying at&t and its customers should abandon the century old technology. >> for every dollar. at&t has to invest in this old network,t& that's $1 less that they can invoke, that they can invest in the latest and greatest technology that all californians
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deserve. and we want. there's a lot of folks out here that really want to modernize and move to the new technology, and we're hoping that we can see some improvement in that soon. >> but many residents have expressed anger and apprehension at losing landline service. i live in a rural area, there is & phone, cell phone service providers out there that works at my home. and sometimes i have toúwalk toúthe top of the driveway, toc get service. sometimes it just goes out. >> tracy ryan is a senior policy analyst for the rural county representatives of california. she and others worry is grantedt would be most severe in areas which frequently lose cell and internet service during winter storms, such as the santa cruz mountains. >> it's essential services they need to be kept, without the landline services. for those people that need it, what are they going to do when there's an emergency? are they going to use
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a cb? >> advocates say a viable alternative to either landline or cell service needs to be in place before any determination is made. next month, an evidentiary hearing will be held where at&t officials will try to prove the economic harm their company suffers because it's being held to an agreement from the early 20th century. a final ruling on all of this may not come until the fall in downtown san jose, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. >> it's been two weeks since the california primary in the race to fill the seat of retiring silicon valley congresswoman anna issue. still too close to call, but there has been a change of state's office liccardo still leading with 21%m of the vote. he is projected to be one of the two candidates in that general election. but for the second spot on the november ballot, evan low is now in the lead over joe two votes. ballot counting will continue here in the coming days, with the results to be certified by april 1rth. >> we're also still waiting for
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the results of proposition one. it would allow the state to build drug and mental health treatment facilities, and the move and move the homeless off the streets and into treatment. the latest numbers show the yes vote is leading by a slim margin. about 22,000 votes. >> a special election held in the central valley to replace former house speaker kevin mccarthy. two republican candidates will advance to the special general election in may. state assemblyman vince fong and tulare county sheriff mike bourdeaux. the race was to determine who will complete the rest of mccarthy's terms, after he announced his resignation candidates were onúthe ballot fromúboth parties. >>úfive states held presidential primaries today, including former president trump's home stateúof florida. donald trump cast his ballot in palm beach. voters in illinois, kansas, ohio and arizona also went to the polls today, president fox newsn has the latest now from
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president biden's current campaign tour. >> president biden on a three state swing this week. stops in reno and las vegas. >> last week, donald trump and i clinched the nominations. we're going to beat him again. >ñ the campaign in putting a special focus on the economy, even though inflation is easing, housing costs remain high, with biden announcing a number of new initiatives, including closing e assistance for first time home buyers. the president, also trying to shore up support with minority voters in 2020. exit polling. biden dominated with non-college educated voters of color with 72% support. a new york times siena poll shows that gap is narrowing considerably this time around, with biden leading just 47% to donald trump's 41e in nevada, around 1
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in 5 eligible votersúas latino. the campaign tapping its co-chair, congresswoman veronica escobar, to lead its latino outreach. >> the stakes could not be higher, especially for latinos. >> they're also increasing their efforts to reach out to black voters with a new ad by set to run during march madness. >> as bad as trump was, his economy was worse and black americaúfelt it the most. >> after nevada, biden will head to the border states of arizona& immigration crisis, the white house said it continues to call for congress to pass a border deal in newúyork. connor hansen, fox news. >> all right, this just into our newsroom an appeals court has put a controversial immigration law back on hold in the state of texas. now, this comes after the u.s.cúsupremeúcourt lifted the block earlier today that gave local law enforcement broad powers to arrest migrants
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suspected of crossing the border illegally. late tonight, the fifth circuit court of appeals voted 2 to 1 to block the law. it state crime for migrants to cross into the u.s, clearing the way for texas law enforcement those arrests. e biden administration also suing to strike down the law, arguing that it is a clear violation of federal power. supreme court justices did not write a detailed opinion today, but allowed the law to go into effect, while the fifth circuit again. the appellate judges will hear argumentsúon the francisco symphony speaking out. >> why? they say the board of governors is responsible for the music director's departure. >> now we are headed towards a nice more clouds and then rain on the weekend for part of it, we'll ht coming up. >> first though, state lawmakers and the governor back at the capitol today, the negotiations underw to address california's
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lawmakers to address california's budget gap. the deficit is estimated to be as high as $58 billion fiscal year. the governor is pushing the legislature to move earlier on budget action. one item already agreed upon is raising the managed care organization tax. that's a health provider additionalúmedid dollars to california. >> this will be a firstústep towards bringing our budget into balance, which will be a lot of work between now and june and that is the legislature is expected to fully pass the plan to raise the managed care organization tax before lawmakers go on spring break this thursday, republicans still
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have questions about how exactly the tax revenue will be used. >> many have already criticized the state's expansion of health care to undocumented immigrants. >> california lawmakers approved more exceptions for the state's upcoming fast food minimum wage law. the legislation, approved restaurants and airports,st foo- hotels, casinos and on college campusesúfrom paying the $20 minimum wage. lawmakers say. workers at those locations spalready have collective bargaining agreements that include higher wages and benefits. the new law takes effect april 1st. >> the san francisco board of supervisors today approved the city's homeward bound program. that program provides the homeless with a fully paid trip to their hometowns. mayoral sapphire introduced the legislation in an effort to combat the city's homeless crisis. that programúwas initiated sidelined a few years ago by mayor london breed. she says it change.t deliverúany realt-
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>> a project coastal habitat and efforts to get young people outdoors will receive some state funding. the city recreation and parks department will receive more than $750,000 to restore wetlands at the india basin waterfront park project. it will create a ten acre park in the bayview hunters point neighborhood, the city's green ager program and youth stewardship programs will receive $200,000 each to help young people engage with nature and their communities. well, still to come, frustration in the city of oakland after crime victims say they've been in limbo with police. >> also ahead tonight, a sad ending in the search for a missing teenager. >> into spring. but clear skies won't last too long. has your complete bay
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the body of a missing teenage boy has been found. 15 year old javier martinez was last seen wednesday after jumping into a levee right near the calaveras river. another student jumped in with him, but he managed to make it out of the water. the san joaquin county sheriff's office, as well as volunteers from the community, have been searching for martinez for nearly a week. a civilian diver recovered martinez's body around 1230 this afternoon. >> eight of the ten most dangerous cities for hit and runs can be found in california.
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that is according to a new report. fresno is at the top of the list. a florida law office compiled the list using data from the national highway traffic safety administration, on over 14% of all deadly road accidents involved a hit and run between 2017 and 2021. san jose was second with 45 hit and runs out of 322 incidents, a rate of nearly 14. it was followed by santa ana san bernardino, and stockton. >> a woman is speaking out about crime in oakland. she saysc police areúnot doing enough to make reporting crimes easy or following up when a crime is committed. ktvu crystal bailey spspoke with the victim, who sas her home wasc broken into just last week. >> it was a typical wednesday afternoon until denise, who lives in east, says her home was burglarized. it just felt very violating, like the you know, it was like, who are these people that just came into my house? >> she says her neighbor called her, telling her someone was
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climbing through her window. >> so she came home to her bedroom, ransacked and her jewelry missing. >> it was some, you know, old vintage gold jewelry my mother had given me and things my friends had made me. and, you know, the sentimental value is definitely you can't put a price on that. >> she says her neighbors called 911, telling her entered the hod 215 in the this black sedan. >> we couldn't sleep that night. my husband and i, i feel we feel very unsafe, you know, we feel like the police have not come. you know, people called 911. the police never came for denise. >> hearing back from oakland police has been difficult. she says she called multiple days in a row to get an officer to come to her home, but eventually filed a police report online where she had a hard time uploading photos and descriptions. a police officer called late in the night, leaving a voicemail that an officer would come by, but denise was asleep and on next door. at least two other people complained of the same problem, with their east oakland houses getting hit. just half an hour
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apart. last tuesday afternoon. they tell me they also had a hard time getting a hold of an investigator or getting an officer toc come to the house, and it was exactly the same thing where they took jewelry and then they put it in a pillowcase, which is what they did at our house. over the last few days, we've exchanged emails with an oakland police spokesperson asking about the multiple reports we found on nextdoor, but they told us they reports filed online or in person. >> you just feel like you're alone, like we're all alone out here in oakland. >> oakland police crime statistics say robberies are up 34, whileúburglaries are down 48% over last year. residential robberies using force or a weapon are up 71. and an oakland police spokesperson could not tell me whether or not denise's home burglary or any of the other homes burglarized last week are under investigation. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news the chp says two burglary
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suspects linked to a deadly wrong-way crash on interstate 580. >> surveillance video shows how it all started a truck rammed into tobacco outlet on san pablo boulevard around 330 this morning. then the two suspects took off and led el cerrito police on a chase onto westbound interstate 80. the suspects truck eventually turned onto 580, going in the wrong direction and hit two cars. one was a bmw. it was driven by a 56 year old man who wasúheading to work in san francisco's financial district. he was pronounced dead at the scene. the second vehicle struck was a white work van driven by another man in his 60s. he was taken to the hospital with major injuries . community members say they are shocked by what happened. >> and it's a terrible tragedy and i didn't realize that it was this shop. i think we're seeing a lot crimes, of desperation in the bay area that we need to address on a more systemic
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level, but it's really a tragedy and a sad loss of life. >> police have now identified the two suspects. they say 34 year old patrick shekels of oakland was the driver, and 56 passenger. they also suffered critical injuries in the crash. >> all right. checking in on the weather today was the equinox essentially pointing straightys- down at the equator at about 806 pacific standard time for us. and so that's the equator.úthe earth's tilted about 23.5 degrees. and so it's tilted that way. and that's why we get winter and summer. but it's also where the sun sits right now, which is right on the right on the equator. so equinox right talked about last night equa equa equal day, equal night essentially. not quite that spand sets the wayúwe count it. okay. so these are the highs from today. highs tomorrow are going to be a little cooler.t& we're going to drop some numbers as we go through the next few
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days as clouds come in. and then the wet day right now. sunday looks like it's the not so wet day, but kind of wet. i know right as we get closer we'll be i'd focus on sunday was doing o. your saturday stuff that sounds go, so lots good changeúin right through tomorrow, starts to break down on friday and that's when we get some scattered showers in here friday into a friday night and then into saturday and saturday afternoon lingering sunday. but you'll see in the model it pulls out pretty quick current temperatures. these are the forecast. overnight lows with the cloud cover. more clouds tomorrow. not a lot of coastal fog. not like we saw this morning. this would be more middle middle clouds. this is the forecast for tomorrow morning. or pardon me tomorrow afternoon. and you can see the clouds in there. and then as you go into thursday morning, looks.
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it's the upper mid 60s kind of a dayn andúthen thursday night into friday morning, friday at,. and then friday and then saturd. we could in that friday saturday series we could see maybe a quarter of an inch to a half inch of and a half, but that's in those really outlandish rain prone areas like santa cruz mountains. so these are the forecast highs, by the way. the model is going to get more dialed in as we go down the road. so just right now kind of okay, sunday is my day to do stuff. probably outside saturday i'm going toúkind of maybe not consider it as much forecast highs tomorrow a little cooler. and then the five day forecast and that could change. but right now that's the timing. and now the exactútiming will get better as we go into the next 48 hours. francisco mayor london breed isn proposing an extension for the ferris wheel at fisherman's wharf. the wheel moved from
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golden gate park to northern waterfront, the northern waterfront, in november, and the city's lease company is set to e next month. the mayor is now asking the board of supervisors to extend that lease another 18 months. her office says it's been successful in bringing more tourists and more business to the city. they add that more than 90,000 people have been on the skystar car since november. >> san francisco giants legend has returned to the waterfront. the statue of willie mccovey is now back along the water, and the portion of the bay named in his honor. it was removed from mccovey cove back in 2020 and put into storage to protect it from construction of new buildings there at mission rock. that statue was first unveiled in 2003, and is one of six statues honoring giants legends around the ballpark. >> the warriors star steph curry has some very pointed words concerning the team's postseason has the two time mvp's candidaum comments coming up next in sports.
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open the season a week from thursday, but tonight kind of felt like a real game. and we got ourúfirst look at new ace blake snell in a giants uniform in the dugout. not on the mound tonight. and speaking of the new guys we saw this for years in oakland. now matt chapman is doing it with the giants. the long throw across his body to get broiles nick prado at first chapman the off balance jump throw to get his man. and we're tied at eight in the bottom of the ninth. two outs for lamonte wade with two strikes. and wade is going to play the hero late night lamont
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the middle donovan walton waltzes in for the game winning run. it's a walk off win in the cactus league. giants take it 9 to 8 five more games in the desert before returning home next monday for the bay bridge series. and today in surprise, arizona. brant rooker unloads on the kirby yates offering. that's a three run towering homer rooker's second of the spring, but this being the cactus league , the a's and the rangers end up in a77 tie. the games left in te regular season to determine their playoff fate. last night at chase center, steve kerr said the knicks were the more played with great force and the implication was that the warriors did not. in fact, golden state never led in the game at home, lost by seven. kind of a head scratcher at this stage of the season with so much on the line and with the loss and the lakers win the warriors, they fell into 10th place, gameg
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out of that play-in tournament and getting up to that coveted sixth seed. >> maybe a week or two ago, sixth seed was the motivation. right now, i think i could care less about where you're at. it's just the consistency of how we're playing. that's the most important thing because i honestly, who cares what seed you are if did tonight six, seven, eight, nine, ten, whatever it is doesn't matter. you're not going to get very far. >> night ball in dayton, ohio. >> okay. march madness day number one 2019 national champion virginia taking on colorado in a first four game and working inside here 25 to 14. now 27q4. and that was in transition off the missed bucket scott by the way had 23 points 11 rebounds at one point. #### bennetts cavaliers were held scoreless for more than 12 minutes. colorado state wins 67
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to 42 advances the number ten seed to face number seven texas on thursday, wagner taking on howard in dayton, ohio. and after battling from 17 down, howard had three chances to tie it in the last six seconds. jordan hairston, hairston again. no. so the bison are headed home and their season is over. while the seahawks from staten island they will face numberc one seed north carolina on thursday in the west region. jimmy garoppolo he was eight and zero versus the rams in the regular season when garoppolo is a ramúand he spoke for the first time with his new team today. >> i'm excited to start this new journey. it's i don't know exactly what is in store for me, but yeah, maybe reset, reinvent whatever you want to call it. i'm just excited toúget back on the football field and start slinging around with some new guys. >> seems happy. >> he does seem happy. he's got
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a job, right. that's it. yeah. and everybody kind of roots for jimmy garoppolo except when he's playing the 40 niners. there you go. >> yeah it's nice to see him land somewhere. all right jason thank you. all righty. next at 11. not like this. >> not like i've never witnessed no gunshots no anything. >> residents of the south bay neighborhood in shock after officers shoot and kill a man while responding to a domestic violence call. >> the 11:00 news on ktvu. fox two starts now. >> the incident happened in campbell inc the early hours of theúmorning, after officers say the suspect fired at them first. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie ha. >> it all happened at anaptmenth bascom avenue. police say the respondi officers met with awonh a man who order to not make any contact with the family. ktvuc la monica peters spoke wih neighbors who say they heard gunshots and screaming. >> monique martinez says she lives in the same apartment building


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