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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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and call for a ceasefire. and
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gaza and the plan to add the peninsula, coming under fire from some business owners. >> this is ktvu, two news at six. >> good evening. on this saturday, i'm cristina rendon, and we begin tonight with the war in the middle east. protesters took toúthe streets to call for an immediate cease fire in gaza. in tel aviv. hundreds of people gathered for an anti-government protest in front of the military headquarters. they say prime minister benjamin netanyahu is not doing enough to end the war and bring back hostages. netanyahu rejected the united states plea to not launch a ground invasion into rafah yesterday, saying the country will do it alone if necessary. >> and we need a prime minister, a government that we can trust that will finish this war, that first of all and above all, will bring back the kidnaped people. we have a moral obligation to price too high for bringing feei netanyahu is not finishing this
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because it's in his interest that this chaos will go on. >> the demonstrators arec callig for early elections and for netanyahu to step down as prime minister. there were cease fire protests today here in the bay area as well. hundreds of people marched more than 20 miles hearu james torres has more from berkeley. >> it started at cesar chavez park in berkeley. people from all over the bay area gathered here, sharing a common goal. >> it's a day where people of faith are coming together from d backgrounds fire in gaza together. and we're part of a global movement in over 170 cities and 19 countries. >> organizers spent the first half hourc thoughts to people who've lost their lives in israel and hamas. >> i just returned from palestine, spent nearly ten days there, and listened to stories from folks who are impacted by what's happening in gaza, is see
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coming to the west bank, and my, my role here is to not only of t to continue to show the stories of the stories that we people t2 miles from berkeley to alameda, the same distance from gaza to the rafah refugee camp. the group is made up of people from all different faiths, members of churches, mosques and synagogues. >> we've been watching violence unfold, just seeing images, horrifying things. i'm a mother of two children and young children and seeing what's happening. i just wanted to do something a timelyúevent. >> now that governor gavin newsom announced he is backing the biden administration and supporting a ceasefire, itc is o clear that this is a moment for all of us to be out on the streets speaking to our politicians, trying to change public policy and eventually leading to the end of what's happening in gaza. the east bay march is one of hundreds happening all around the world. those involved say they'll keep engaging in demonstrations like
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this until there is a permanent ceasefire. >> we should all find our ways to care.úit doesn't matter how spmuch we know or how informed e should be, but we should find those moments to step out and stand out and act up and act out because people are dying. >> reporting in berkeley. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. authorities in russia now say the death toll from a shooting inside of a concert hall has risen to at least 133. >> a steady of mourners paid their respects at the venue outside moscow. they placed flowers, candles and toys outside of the building known as crocus city hall. authorities say four gunmen opened fire inside of the building before setting fire to it. it was one of the worst acts of terrorism in russia in decades. us officials are blaming the attack on isis. k, a branch of the islamic statec that has been hundreds of people lined up in cold, wet weather to donate blood following that shooting. this is what it looked like outside of moscowc blood donatin
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center today at least 145 people were injured in the attack. 115 of them have been hospitalized, five are children. tomorrow has spbeen declared a national day f mourning in russia. president biden today signed legistion funding the government through september, averting a government shutdown. president biden thinks senate majorityúleader chuck schumer, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, house speaker mike johnson and more for their leadership throughout the negotiations. earlier today, the senate voted 7424 to pass a sweeping $1.2 trillion government the president calls the deal a, quote, compromise that's good for the american people. vice president kamala harris today visited the florida high school where a gunman killed 14 students and three staff members. the vice president stopped at an outdoor memorial at marjory stoneman douglas high school in parkland. she also toured the classrooms where the massacre happened six years ago, all of them blood stained and frozen in time. earlier today, harris announced a launch of the
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first ever national extreme risk protection order resource center. red flag laws, which allow the courts to issue what are known as extreme risk protection orders to take firearms away from people considered to be at risk of harming themselves or others. some small business owners in redwood city frustrated tonight with aúnew project. caltrans is starting this plan would eliminate almost all of the street parking along woodside road speak with thoseúbusiness owners and customers about what this change could mean. >> woodside road in redwood city is busy packed with cars on weekdays and weekends that traffic is exactly what keeps the doors of small businesses along the street open. >> it's all about access and ease of access for businesses, but a new caltrans project, is o start this month. >> it would get parking along ty spstreet, replacing it with bike lanes. >> i don't see a whole lot of bikes up and down woodside road,
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so you know the whole applicability as far as need and supplying that need is very interesting, nicholas nguyen, a spco-owner of woodside roadhous, says the loss of parking could hit businesses hard, said ray nowicki ray's threads and goods, a clothing boutique. >> a few doors down echoed that same message. >> anyone who cannot hop on a bicycle to come over to any of thec businesses on woodside roa, those are the demographics that i think about. >> customers say the lack of parking could deter them. >> i actually parked just about a block up, so if they take away that parking, i don't know where i'm going to park. i'm going to have to parkúin somebody else's space, i guess illegally somewhere else. >> so as an alternative, business owners say added crosswalks could help. >> i really think the most important thing is if the state's going to investc in increasing bike lanes and getting rid of the parking. we have a great parking lot across the street here. so it's like, can they also invest in a way to get people in that parking lot over here safely? >> and that's exactly what will happen. caltrans says the
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project plans call for safety enhancements like high visibility crosswalks. and despite this, business owners say they can voice their concerns to the city but say it& won't do much. ñ> redwood city can have their opinions, but from what they've indicated is that they don't have a say in what will happen. it's a state caltrans in the state of california is in charge of the project. >> since woodside road is a part of state route 84, thereby making it state jurisdiction. so, like small business owners, the city's hands are tied. thinking of the small businesses that are all along woodside road, not just on our block in redwood city. >> i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news, a hazmat team responded to a hazardous materials incident today in south san francisco. itúhappened around q1 this morning at a biotech firm on east grand avenue,. firefightert a connector valve was malfunctioning, affecting a liquid nitrogen tank and pipe inside of that ilding. a third
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party maintenance worker had be working, and the contractor suffered being tt a local hospital.úauthorities say the leak was closed off and the scene was cleared by 1:00 this afternoon. well-wishes are being sent to catherine, the princess of walesn the news of her cancer diagnosis shock yesterday, after months of questions about her well-being. vox's stephanie bennett has more from london. >> after weeks of conspiracy theories, kate middleton clearing some of those rumors on social media platform x now,- the details remain very limited. we still do not know the stage of her cancer or what type, but the 42 year old princess revealed that she is undergoing chemotherapy and is now in the early stages of that treatment. back on january 17th, she had undergone a planned and successful abdominal surgery, which at the time they believed her condition further tests aftt operationúfound cancer had been present. in her video message, she says she's getting stronger
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every day and praises william for being a great source of comfort and reassurance. >> but most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to george, charlotte and louis in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i've said to them, i am well at this time. i'm also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer.úand for everyone facing this disease in whatever form, please do not lose faith or alo. >> king charles says he is so proud of catherine for her courage in speaking, and has remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter in law throughout the past few weeks. and kate's brother, james took the years we have climbed many mountains together as a family. we will climb this one with you two hashtags including we love you catherine and get well soon. catherine are trending on x, while political leaders and celebrities and cancer survivors sent messages of support. uk
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prime minister rishi sunak said, quote, she has been subjected to intense scrutiny and goes on to say, and has shown tremendous bravery in her with her statement. and president joe biden posted on social media saying he and the first lady, jill biden, join millions around the world in praying for your full recovery. princess kate,t& the princess of wales, says she is looking forward to getting back to work, but for now, she needs toc focus on her family ad her recovery in london. stephanie bennett, fox news. >> still ahead how volunteers in theúeast bay are raising money for the people of maui, who are still struggling months after the deadly lahaina fire. plus a rising number of measles cases raising concern among u.s. health officials. >> i'm christina coleman in los angeles. more on what you need toúknow. coming up. >> and in barry weather, kind of an unsettled day out there. some sunshine, some clouds, some brief heavy downpours. it looks like we're going to change things the update coming up after the
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public health officials for a round table discussion spshe says the legislation has granted health care to millions
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of people who did not have it beforehand. she also noted the significance of expanding coverage for preexisting conditions for hundreds of thousands of patients. >> today, we're celebrating 14 years of not only passing it, not only saving it, but under president biden, improving it. with this, a different impact of the subsidies on other thing thl have to try to do, and maybe to have expanded medicareon, is- throughout our country, because that takes us much closer to where we need be in all of the e also talked about the importance of legislation that treats mental and behavioral health services with the same importance as traditional medical care. growing concern tonight from public health officials nationwide over an uptick in measles cases. the highly infectious disease now seen in 17 states, primarily affecting children. fox's christina coleman has more from los angeles.
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>> health officials sounding the alarm over an uptick in cases of measles. the cdc reporting the number of cases so far this year, has already surpassedúwhat was seen in all of 2023. measles is a respiratory virus and is extremely contagious. it spreads when someone who is sick, coughs or sneezes and can linger in the air and on surfaces for up to two hours. >> you don't even have to have contact with a person. you can just have it in a room and also be you know, be contracted. >> most cases are in children 12 months and older who are unvaccinated. symptoms typically include fever, cough, runny nose and skin rash, but can develop into more severe complications, including pneumonia and brain swelling, which can potentially be fatal. about 1 in 5 people who are infected and are not vaccinated end up in the hospital, according to the cdc. doctors say getting the shot is the biggest game changer to keep you and your kids safe. >> once you receive the first dose of measles immunization, you're 93% protected. once you get the second, which is the
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booster, you're 97% protected against this disease. >> i think an informed parent is the best parent. so you educate them, give them information, and let them make the best decision for their child, which is hopefully to immunize them. this vaccine is not new. >> also, children eligible to vaccines for children programc are able to receive pediatric vaccines for free at various locations. christina coleman, fox news. >> birth control pills are officially now available over the counter at drugstores nationwide. the pill hit the shelves at various walgreens locations this week. it is the first time women can purchase birth control without a prescription. the progestin only pill can also be purchased online from amazon, cvs, walmart or the pill website. at a one month supply will cost about $20, while a three month supply costs 50. the pills are also available without a co-pay through insurance. a portion of& the sonoma marin areaúrail transit system, or smartútrain, is closed this weekend. thet&
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northern portion between the sonoma county airport and cotat& spstations is closed. it is seto be closed again april 13th and 14th, and this is all due to a project that will allow construction crews to install a gantlet track thatc will enable freight trains that are wider than passenger trains to go through the site of the new petaluma northc station. a texas woman known as theúgrandmother of juneteenth exact same lot. her family was driven out of years ago by an angry mob. 97 year old opal lee, a former school teacher, counselor and activist, was a driving force for making june 19th a national holiday. her parents bought a home in fort worth, texas, more than 80 years ago. a mob, angry that a black family had moved into the neighborhood, swarmed the family's home and eventually drove them out. lee was emotional at today's ceremony if my mind because my mom had so nd
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of june that people started gathering says it was 500 of them, and the police were here. my dad came home with a gun from work, and the police told him, if you bust a cap, we'll let this mob have you. >> the nonprofit trinity habitat and is building. the gathered in oakland today for a bake sale fundraiser benefiting lahaina youth after school activities. volunteers baked all sorts of cookies, cakes and tarts and proceeds from today's fundraiser in temescal are going to the provides extracurricular activities for kids in the area of last year's massive wildfires. the fundraiser sponsor is called how kids learn foundation, and the board president says they don't want people to forget lahaina is still recovering. >> the world's kind of a crazy place right now. lots going on
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and i think they kind of have moved to the back burner. we wanted to be able to get direct services. so the maui family way again works directly with the children, and the funds will go directly to their programs. if you missed today's bake sale, you can still make a contribution at the group's website. >> just visit our website and click on webc li. the public safety officers association of roanoke park hosted their annual easter egg hunt today. this has been goingr decades. it is open to kids of all a specific egg hunt with special needs. today's festivities were held at the greens on the foxtail open to ag families. all right now to our weather. soggy saturday around much of the bay area. today. this is what it looked like earlier in livermore. this morning. and it was kind of a wild mix meteorologist mark tamayo here with a look at the
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forecast mark. it was raining in the morning and afternoon, but then the sun came out. it was it was kind of weird. yeah definitely the conditions changing rapidly out there christina with some sunshine, some cloud buildups and then some downpours and even reports of some scattered hail out there as well. >> so the rainfall, as you can see from yesterday into today, they're adding up in a few spots, as you can pick out walnut creek and san jose even o 0.88. napa over half an inch of rain, san rafael 0.31 and redwood city about a quarter of an inch. and this has been a snow producer in the sierra. this was the viewc from south lake tahoe snowfall totals. nothing major. not like that. blizzard warning we had a few weeks ago, but still, these numbers adding to the snowpack around 10 to 16 to 1xin, and they still have a winter storm warning that will continue into sunday morning. so here is the overall weather pattern. as you can pick out, this is a circulation out here that is keeping things unstable for today. that's all we had. just the passing clouds and those the showers, but also plenty of
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breaks in the activity. here is thunderstorms, those lightning strikes detected especially in the in the valley approaching the foothills. and even as we move closer to the bay area right now, closer to this one storm report, i want closer to suisun city, right?d actually, right around if you can't see grizzly island, that was during the 1:00 hour. so that was a funnel cloud, not a not a tornado touching down. here's a look at the radar right now. we still have some scattered rain coverage to show you up in portions of the north bay. and then as you can check out out toward parts of the east bay and out toward the livermore valley. some some activity on scattered showers. nothing nothing too widespread, but still showing up on the radar right now in portions of the santa cruz mountains and in morgan hill. here is our live camera looking out and you can e the some some clouds, some breaks in the clouds and curren& numbers in the 50s. there's well, with winds over 20 miles an hour. now, tomorrow morning
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we'reúgoing to hold still some to start out. your sunday willt& be in the 40s and you can see what the overall weather pattern was. today we're watching this area of low pressure, all that speckled cloud cover that is a cooler air. you probably noticed that cool down for today. also that's unstable air. and that led to those showers popping up and evenúa few few thunderstorms out there as well. now tomorrow we're going to hold on to some shower chances. best chance will be for the morning. hours into the afternoon hours will really scale back on that potential. so a good chance to get outside for tomorrow with temperatures in the 60s here in that winter stom warning that will continue overnight until 8:00 sunday morning.úand they should havet& improving conditions throughout the day. so here is our forecast model. we'll put this into motion. this is 11:00 tonight. still tracking some scattered rain showers out there and then into tomorrow morning. still the possibility of a thunderstorm. so just don'túbe don't be surprised if you encounter some then into the afternoon hours. we could actually have more sunny breaks for your sunday
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afternoon. that will set the shower chances will be foruesdat tomorrow morning. a sunúcloud mix to dry out for then we could be talking about some more rainfall into wednesday. so kind of a nice setup out there. we get a chance to dry out and then we're tracking more rain in this five day forecast. christina. >> sounds good. mark thank you. the mega millions jackpot has climbed to an estimated $1.1 billion after no one matched last night's six numbers. it has been more than three months now without a big winner, and the next drawing is on tuesday. if p prize, then the lump sum cash option is estimated to be worth more than $525 million. good luck coming up in sports. saint mary's headúcoach randy bennett reacts to their upset loss to grand canyon. why? he says it felt worse than last year's tournament experience
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forth in a tight contest forc te first 20 minutes, and even though grand canyon got offúto a strong start in the second gaels that early second half surge by the antelopes was too much for the gaels to overcome. they pull off the upset, beating saint mary's 7566. >> this one was tough. last year we lost the national champ, so a lot of teams lost to. there's five other teams lost to them too. so we should get that done. but we didn't. and creditúcredit to them. they outplayed us. we're such a tough and tight knit group and it hurts for all the right reasons. >> man. that's what that's what's great about college basketball. and that's what sucks about it. >> meanwhile, in the second round of the ncaa tournament, a big matchup between fifth seed . second half here, bulldogs up by one ben greg with the bounce pass to anton dunk there watson scored a game high 21úpoints. gonzaga dominated the second half, winning 8968 and advancing to the sweet 16 for the ninth straight time in the women's division. caitlin clark
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and the number one seed iowa a t in their match up against 16th ranked holy cross in the first round. but in the second half year it was smooth sailing. hawkeyes up by 19. caitlin adds three more to their lead with that step back three. clark had 27 points, ten assists and eight rebounds. iowa advances to the second round of the women's tournament with a 91 to 65 win. allc right. it's become somewhat of a theme this season with the warriors get off to a hot start and then just squander the lead. and despite leading for nearly the entire first half, the dubs found themselves still trying to work it out. led the pacerst& past golden state at chase center last night by a score of 123 to 111. warriors now fall to 36 and 33 on the season. they remain the 10th seed, now half a game behind the lakers in the 2.5 games behind the rockets. here's steph curry on the loss. >> it's not a great position to be in. you know, especially when every game matters and every game counts. and needs to be a
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sense of urgency to them. and hopefully going. and we'll never we never know right until the season's over. >> it's a long season right? >> it is a long season. that's right. all right. so quick quick check on weather. >> yeah a little bit interesting today right. some sunshine, some clouds, some showers and even some thunderstorms. in the mornn into the afternoon hours. maybe a better chance to get outside. >> all right. here's our five day. >> the five day. and the rain, d into thursday. so a bit of a know it's still far i'm like, o. >> that's right, i know what, we'll keep an eye on it for sure. yeah. >> mark thank you. thank you or joining us here ic) - ecuador, its name derived from that horizontal line dividing the northern and southern hemispheres. the country's indigenous culture alone makes it a worthwhile trip. but ecuador has also embraced the fairly modern concept


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