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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  March 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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they're not necessarily the right fix, he recommends communities invest in infrastructure upgrades to their power grids to prevent system overloads. >> sean rangel, fox news ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> now at five. disaster strikes overnight when a cargo ship rams into a well-traveled bridge in baltimore, plunging the span into the frigid river. tonight, multiple people are presumed dead, and the terrifying collapse threatening to disrupt the city and cargo traffic for months, if not longer. >> we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency, and we're going to rebuild that port together. >> the incident now raising questions about the integrity of our bridges and if a similar disaster could happen right here in the bay area. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> we start tonight with what we know so far about that devastating collapse. it happened early this morning when the container ship lost power.
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>> news at five starts and it slammed into one of the supports of the francis scott key bridge. >> the structure collapsed within seconds. in the darkness. officials say the ship's crew issued a mayday call moments before impact, allowing police to limit vehicle traffic onto the bridge. >> the crash happened in long before the busy morning commute. the bridge. it's about a half mile long and was used by 12 million vehicles last year. a construction crew was filling potholes on the bridge at the time of the collapse, and in the last 30 minutes, the ntsb announced the six construction workers who are still unaccounted for are presumed dead, and they have suspended their search for the night. >> we're doing our very best in some very difficult times and difficult conditions, which is why we're making that transition now. the last thing we want to do is put divers in the water with changing currents, low temperatures and very poor visibility. visibility and this collapse certain to create a logistical nightmare for months, if not years along the east
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coast, the port of baltimore is a major shipping hub for the u.s. last year, it handled more than 52 million tons of foreign cargo worth $80 billion. >> all ship traffic has now been shut down until further notice. and right now it's not clear how long it will take to clear the debris from that channel. president biden pledging the federal government will pick up the entire cost of rebuilding the bridge. >> our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident and all the families, especially those waiting for the news of their loved one. right now, i know every minute in that circumstance feels like a lifetime. you just don't know. it's just terrible. >> governor gavin newsom also issued a statement saying california will assist with the recovery efforts in any way possible. well what happened in baltimore is raising concerns about whether something like that could happen here in the bay area. >> ktvu tom vacar has covered two incidents involving ship collisions with the bay bridge. and tom joins us now live from
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treasure island. after speaking with some of the world's top experts today about the safety measures in place on san francisco bay. tom >> well, the fact is we do have a lot of protections to our bridges here. that is a fact. but one of the problems with all of that is that those systems were designed a long time ago, and the ships ever since have gotten bigger and bigger and bigger, especially in the last ten years on the seas, in the shipping lanes and even in the ports. in 2013, the 751ft long overseas reymar empty oil tanker glanced off the fender bumpers of one of the bay bridge's western span towers. in 2007, the 902 foot long cosco busan, a container ship, also glanced off as well. the hard but glancing blows to the fender bumper systems at the tower bases kept the ships from damaging the bridge towers. bart ney speaks for caltrans, the owner and caretaker of the bridge.
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>> all of our bridge columns are surrounded by extremely robust, protection systems, that that absorb the energy of the ship before it actually can touch the bridge. our fenders actually do more damage to the ship than the ship is done to the bridge. in the past, but unlike baltimore, neither bay collision was a direct hit to a tower. >> retired uc berkeley engineering professor and now consultant robert be has built many bridges and consulted on damaged ones worldwide. b does not agree with caltrans. our bay bridges would be in the same trouble. what kind of speed are we talking about, do you think ten knots now in the case of this other one, it was going between 7 and 8 knots. would that still result in serious damage to the bridge? yes, definitely. >> either failure or near failure. >> caltrans adds that the bay bridges are stronger so they can resist earthquakes. >> the seismic systems would also dampen some of the impact.
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>> peter yanov is an internationally renowned earthquake engineer. >> the earthquake loads are very different. they cause the structure to be beefier overall. now if you hit it with something too big, obviously anything will fall down. >> ships like the cosco busan are older, smaller, and far lighter than today's behemoths that carry more than four times as many containers. yanov says we should rethink protecting the bay bridges due to this huge change. >> what has changed to change our protection? >> now, the golden gate bridge district writes the golden gate bridge has perhaps the most robust ship collision protection of any bridge on the west coast. of course, one tower is on land, the other is surrounded by massive concrete ring that is full of sand and is deeper than any ship bottom. but could it happen here? well, considering these massive ships, it's a real possibility. back to you. >> all right, tom, the question
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is everyone wanting to know how something like this could happen? the ship in baltimore reportedly lost power. you talk with the experts today. this investigation just beginning. what do you think are some of the first things investigators will start to look at? >> well, without a question, the first thing i'm going to look at is what happened with the engine itself and what the crew did to react to that, you got to remember, first of all, if they didn't have power, this boat is going about eight miles an hour. that's how much seven knots is. so it's got eight miles an hour, and it probably weighs 100, to 100,000 to 200,000 tons. so it's got a lot of momentum. you just can't turn it on a dime. these ships do have what are called bow thrusters. they're like big fans that can blow the ship either to the left or to the right. but the forward motion continues a bit. even as you're doing that. so when it happens so close to the bridge, it was a fait accompli that this disaster was going to happen. whether it was a head on or a broadside. >> so there could be the chance.
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it's both mechanical and human error here. in this case, tom, in almost every case, these things are a series of things that happened over a long period of time, and they all culminate in some sort of a final action. >> the final action here, apparently, was the loss of power to the ship. now, if that's a maintenance problem, if that's a defective part, if it was a manufacturing problem, it could be any of those things. plus, there could have been some human error involved in not closely monitoring the system to say this engine is not acting the way it should be done. all of those things, the national transportation safety board will look into, and you can bet about a year from now they're going to have a full description of exactly what happened. >> yeah, just a colossal failure on so many levels. tom vacar reporting live for us tonight, tom. >> thank you. and our coverage of the bridge collapse will continue throughout the newscast. coming up tonight at 530. we're going to have a live report from baltimore on the effect of this accident and that city's long road to recovery. >> the city of san francisco has released its first report on the crash at a bus stop that killed
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a family of four. it finds the design of that intersection is not to blame. the report by the sfmta says the intersection in the west portal neighborhood has several improvements designed to protect pedestrians. officials also noted that the driver, a 78 year old woman, was speeding on the wrong side of the road before that crash. the driver has been released from police custody. district attorney brooke jenkins says her office is waiting for more information before making any charging decisions. >> the annual 420 event at hippie hill in golden gate park appears to be off this year, organizers said today. they have not been able to secure the financial sponsorships necessary to hold the event. ktvu henry lee live tonight at the park in san francisco with reaction. henry >> yeah, it all comes down to money. not enough staffing and sponsors for a safe and clean event. so let's be blunt. you may want to think twice before coming to hippie hill. time has now run out for this year's 420. the event has been canceled because there's not enough money
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to stage it safely at hippie hill in san francisco's golden gate park. that means no smoke outs or live music, but there will be some homegrown fun in the form of a volleyball and kickball tournament. san francisco rec and park spokeswoman tamara barrett says blamed the budget for the buzzkill. >> the city is in a budget crunch, so we just couldn't we couldn't cover the extra staff times, the overtime of rangers, the cleanup. so it was going to be more expensive for 20. >> organizer alex aquino says the event costs about 450 to $500,000 each year. >> and unfortunately, you know, with the cannabis industry so, so bad right now, you didn't have enough sponsorship support with the cannabis industry like we did in the past here at haight-ashbury, the counterculture center of the city, many people say they'll still show up to smoke. >> the question is, how chaotic or not will it be? at coffee cantata on haight, barista chloe nicholas says even if folks show up anyway, she might end up
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making less bobas and lattes. >> as an avid pot smoker, i don't think that it'll be crazy. i just think that the city isn't going to be prepared for without having something organized. >> coffee shop owner vasquez says. with 420 falling this year on a saturday, he still expects business to double. >> because we're getting a lot of people every day, especially friday, saturday, sunday, a lot of people shopping around here. but on 420 we're still prepared. >> they have fences up. it's all corporatized. it kind of deters even the tourism that the city, cody, carlos and others say 420 had become too regulated. >> i would, i would hope it goes back to what it was. >> i mean, but as far as it goes right now, like, honestly, i've seen less and less people come in since they've had the fences. >> it kind of takes away from the feeling of the freeness and the freedom that we have from 420, you know, like 420 is usually a gathering of stoners,
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potheads, and we're all just sitting there rejoicing the fact that we could smoke our weed. you're doing good. you're doing good. >> now, organizers say 420 will be here next year, and they hope the event will be sustainable in the years to come. live in san francisco henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, henry, thank you. and oakland tech attorney and entrepreneur is now the running mate of robert kennedy jr, the independent candidate for president made the announcement in oakland today. and like kennedy, nicole shanahan is a political newcomer. >> but she could have a major role in helping him qualify for the ballot and more than a dozen states. political reporter greg lee, here with us in studio in today's rally. greg, this was kind of not a surprise. >> yeah, maybe the worst kept secret in politics. she emerged as a frontrunner in the last couple of weeks here. nicole shanahan is a lawyer, philanthropist and a tech entrepreneur. she shared some of her life story today, including that she grew up in poverty, which shaped her view that the purpose of wealth is to help those in need. and like kennedy, she's a lifelong democrat who is
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leaving the party. >> my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, nicole shanahan, independent presidential candidate robert f kennedy jr. >> and it's speculation and a weeks long search and named his vice presidential pick in her hometown. he chose nicole shanahan, a 38 year old attorney and tech entrepreneur born and raised in oakland who has been a major donor to his campaign. >> if you are one of those disillusioned republicans, i welcome you to join me, a disillusioned democrat in this movement, to unify and heal america. >> nicole shanahan, the former wife of sergey brin, the co-founder of google, has deep pockets and all of a sudden you are in a place where you can have access to the ballot that really can mess up democrats in particular, a few hundred supporters of rfk junior's campaign attended the announcement and rally at the kaiser center for the arts. >> they heard from speakers
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supporting kennedy's run and echoing parts of his message, including accusing the federal government of censorship and opposing public health and vaccine mandates. >> it feels like sometimes we're not always told the truth, and it's nice to hear bobby kennedy jr talk about, you know, some of these things. >> my opinion people have a tendency to see politics as sort of like sports, where they just pick a team and stick with it. and we're we don't feel that way. we feel like it's more about the issues. >> recent polls show kennedy in the double digits, ahead of other third party candidates and pulling from president biden and former president trump. >> it's a spoiler. or the war machine. it's a spoiler for wall street and big ag and big tech. >> rfk jr has the potential to be a wrecking ball for democrats. he could be a wrecking ball in key states that allow democrats to get to say, two 4250. >> the process of getting on the ballot in all 50 states is
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expensive and difficult, and kennedy is so far officially only on the ballot in utah. but with a running mate, the path becomes clearer. nearly half of states require a vp pick to advance. take a look at his vision for america. >> it is a vision that i share too, as i spend the next seven months of my life getting him on each and every ballot in this country. >> now in california, kennedy supporters have started the we the people party. they'll need 75,000 voters to reregister with them to get on november's ballot. so a lot of work to do still for that new pair. >> yes, some democrats worry this ticket could be a spoiler to president biden's chances. how are democrats and republicans reacting? >> and they kennedy responded to that today. right. he said, yeah, i'm a spoiler. i'm a spoiler to biden and trump because i'm pulling from both of them. and perhaps with that in mind, both parties have criticized him on republicans are saying he's a far left
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radical democrats are saying he's propping up donald trump. so he's, he's bringing in criticism from both sides, perhaps speaks to the fear that some have that he could pull from both of those parties in a race that is incredibly razor close right now, takes me back to 1992 and ross perot and how he pulled votes. >> and even though clinton did win that election, he did lose votes. >> and depending on the poll you look at, he's doing very well. i mean, 13, 15% in some. and that is significant as a third party candidate at this point in the race. and as we get closer to november, i wonder if that poll will be kind of equal or if it will start to pull in one direction more than the other. yeah, and certainly shanahan could help in that way, especially with younger voters because she is younger. so we will see what happens. >> all right greg, thanks. a passenger on a flight bound for san francisco now facing a federal charge. what prosecutors say he did to a woman on board. >> also a new law bringing some changes to california bars this coming summer. what's being done to keep customers safe? >> we are tracking some rain drops for the bay area, starts on wednesday night and kind f
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without her permission. now he is charged with one count of abusive sexual contact and is scheduled to be back in court in may. if convicted, kapoor faces up to two years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine. >> new at five, a law that goes into effect this summer will impact bars and nightclubs in california, requiring them to provide drug test strips and post signs warning customers about drinks spiking. ktvu alice wertz joins us now with more on all of this. alice. >> yeah, julie, this new legislation for bars and nightclubs is an effort to prevent sexual assault and the use of so-called date rape drugs. the bill was introduced by josh lowenthal, an assembly member out of long beach who says this is a public safety effort in the midst of a drug crisis. assembly bill 1013 will require establishments with a type 48 license from the state's alcohol beverage control department to comply starting july 1st. it will require signage letting patrons know
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that the bar or club will provide test strips for customers who request them. >> we have a crisis that's taking place that's resulting in sexual assault, that's targeting primarily women and members of the lgbtq communities. >> as a parent of three daughters, the author of the bill, assembly member josh lowenthal, knows that bars and nightclubs can be high risk venues for getting roofied. and he says all too often the crime is underreported. >> by way of example. i have members of my staff that have been roofied. there are members of the legislature of body that have been roofied. >> oftentimes late at night, it can be difficult to tell if someone is drunk or had their drink spiked due to the challenges of addressing and prosecuting this crime after it has taken place, prevented measures are a common sense way to curb instances of drugging. the law impacts bars and nightclubs that do not sell food. there are 2400 establishments in the state that
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this new law will affect, according to the department of alcoholic and beverage control, it requires bars and nightclubs that hold a tight 48 license to offer drug testing kits to patrons, and to post clear signage about these kits. assembly member lowenthal says this is a low cost way to keep patrons safe at bars and nightclubs. >> as simple as coasters that have testing on them that you could put a few drops of your drink on to see if there's gbh or ketamine paste in your drink. the establishment must make test strips available, either for free or for a nominal fee, for customers who request them. >> test strip has been on the market for a while. colleges, universities, the military, and many bars already offer these testing strips. there are straws and other types of tools like the coaster you saw there. california is the first state in the country to enact this law. it will go into effect july 1st. >> i guess it pays to be
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careful. alice. thank you. >> all right. checking in on the weather. we do have some rain to talk about. coming our way as we go into wednesday night. thursday, then again on friday and friday. looks the things kind of sped up a little bit. at one point, it looked like saudi was going to be our wet day. saudi will be kind of wet, but not like friday. friday is going to be kind of beginning to end. both commutes kind of wet. here's today. nice day. tomorrow is not a bad day either. truthfully, it doesn't start raining until later on in the day. but there'll be some clouds. obviously and then by tomorrow night into thursday morning, i think the afternoon commute on wednesday might be a little damp, but mostly it'll be about the thursday morning commute and then it kind of dries out and then we get into the weekend on friday and saturday and friday. storm. this one looks pretty good, but it looks like it may pull out a little early. and so saturday might be somewhat salvageable. in other words, not just completely raining all day. we'll keep an eye on it. like i said, i've been talking this. this is a not unusual pattern, but it's a difficult prediction pattern to predict, especially
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the way this low is looping around. so we'll keep an eye on it. but right now, wednesday, thursday i feel pretty good about that. that plan in this wednesday thursday event, we could see a 25.25 to 0.7 five inches of rain and then the storm on friday and saturday, you could get up to 2.5in of rain in the santa cruz mountains or in in the marin county watershed. so a good two nice storms, but they're not. these aren't out of control. storms so they're it's beneficial rainfall. right. it's not going to be disastrous and have all sorts of flooding and stuff. now the mountains are going to do well. mountains are going to get themselves a winter storm warning. and they're going to see maybe two, maybe 2.5ft of snow. here's the timeline for tomorrow. don't worry about the early morning. it's mostly around more like five, six, seven, eight, nine. so those first areas might be a sprinkle, but i think even the morning is going to be pretty nice tomorrow. and then it goes south on wednesday night. >> tensions between the us and israel continue to mount as the war in gaza approaches the six month mark. i'm trey yingst in
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tel aviv. i've got the details coming up. >> and coming up tonight at six, a transformation underway at the state's oldest prison, the effort now underway to turn san quentin into a constructive rehabilitation facility. >> and a reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and
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in gaza, as fox news trey yingst tells us now, israel is vowing to press ahead with a ground invasion in rafah, where thousands of palestinians are sheltering. >> growing fear in rafah, where israeli airstrikes killed more than a dozen people on monday, despite us concerns, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is vowing to move forward with a planned ground invasion in the region, a move the us is strongly discouraging, with officials saying it will cause unnecessary civilian harm and also deeply impact humanitarian aid to the strip. >> we believe that that kind of operation would hurt israel's national security. it will leave israel more isolated in the world. >> the need for more aid was pushed by defense secretary lloyd austin tuesday during a meeting with his israeli counterpart in washington. >> in gaza today, the number of
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civilian casualties is far too high and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. >> austin not only calling for additional aid routes into gaza, but also trying to ease tensions that were sparked after the us abstained from a un security council vote allowing a cease fire resolution to pass. >> the united states is israel's closest friend, and that won't change. >> the resolution prompted prime minister netanyahu to cancel high level meetings for his team in washington this week to discuss strategy. it's a move that was praised today by hamas top leader during a surprise visit to iran. >> the un resolution itself indicates that the israeli occupation lives in unprecedented political isolation since the occupation of palestine. >> meanwhile, in rafah, more than a million palestinians wait to see if a ground offensive will start and if evacuations will take place in tel aviv. trey yingst, ktvu, fox two news authorities in baltimore suspend
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the search for six missing construction workers following a disastrous bridge collapse. >> after the break. we're going live to baltimore, where the road to recovery is just beginning. also using ai to track homeless encampments, the bay area city applying new technology to an old problem, and a dramatic scene in the south bay where flames tore right through multiple abandoned homes. hat investigators are saying about
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scott key bridge, a major artery for the city and the gateway to the port of baltimore, one of the largest shipping hubs on the east coast. the accident happened overnight, long before the morning commute, but a construction crew on the bridge was caught in the collapse. authorities say six workers are still missing and presumed dead. >> a prayer vigil was held for those affected by the bridge collapse. the baltimore county police department also taking part at a church in the city. officials say two people were rescued after falling into the river. >> fox news rebecca castor joins us now. she's live in baltimore tonight. rebecca. authorities say they are now suspending that search for the missing and just beginning a recovery effort. what can you tell us about that? >> mike. julie. good evening. so tomorrow morning, the coast guard says they're going to have divers back in the water at 6 a.m. but just with how long it's
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been since the bridge collapsed. we're looking at, you know, close to 18 hours. now, at this point, they're not expecting to find anybody alive in the water at this point, it's just going to be more of those recovery efforts. as we've been reporting, at least six construction workers are unaccounted for right now. they were working on filling in potholes on the bridge at the time of the collapse. >> and right now, rebecca, we understand. and we've seen in the video it does appear that the ship lost power too early to say the exact cause. i was wondering, does the ship like that have a black box? kind of like similar to airliners? and are investigators looking for something like that? >> yes. so it does have a recording device similar to what you would see on an airplane. so the national transportation safety board that is leading this investigation into what happened, they are going to board that cargo ship tomorrow and retrieve those recordings and get some of that data. they held back today because they wanted the focus to be on the search and rescue efforts. they didn't want to get in the way of
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any of the search crews out there. so tomorrow we are expecting to learn more details about that. >> we did hear that a mayday call was made. the crew was able right before they made impact with that bridge. this huge container ship in total darkness, that a mayday call was called and that actually authorities were able to limit traffic going on to the bridge, even though it wasn't a busy commute time just yet. what can you tell us about what you're hearing about that in within moments of before impact, how it all played out. >> all right. so those bridge workers that stopped the flow of traffic, they are being credited with saving several lives today. now throughout the day, it was unclear whether or not there were other vehicles driving on the bridge at the time of the collapse. whether or not the bridge workers got all the vehicles off in time. now, officials told us that it's still a possibility that there could be other vehicles in the water, but right now they have found no evidence that points to that. so they're fairly
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confident that they're not looking for other vehicles at this point. >> and let me really quick you ask you about commerce. i mean, it's a very busy harbor right there. what is the effect on other ships coming and going out of that specific harbor? >> right. so this is one of the nation's largest shipping ports. and all operations at the baltimore port are on hold indefinitely. the debris from the bridge is blocking the only channel in and out of the port to baltimore. so that is going to cause major disruptions for the next weeks, possibly months. it's not just shipping. it's not just cargo ships, but cruise lines as well. we know that carnival cruise is actually moving their operations here over to norfolk, virginia. so that's going to cause disruptions for that industry as well. yeah we're looking at pictures, rebecca. >> it's just unbelievable. the massive cleanup that's going to be taking place there. and just the images coming out of that bridge falling down, collapsing within minutes. how what are you
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hearing from the community? i'm sure a lot of people, they're just in shock about how something like this happened. what is the community community's reaction to this? >> well, a lot of people that we've been talking to are heartbroken right now. we've seen just this outpouring of coming together with those vigils today. of course, the focus was on praying for those people that were missing and unaccounted for. and i think in the next coming days, i think we're going to see a lot of people coming together trying to rally around this community economically because they're going to really face an economic impact from this bridge being down. >> all right. rebecca castor reporting live for us tonight from baltimore. rebecca, thank you. >> and we will continue to follow the latest developments from this bridge disaster, both on air and online. you can always get the latest and on the ktvu fox local app. >> firefighters have knocked down a fire in san jose at an abandoned home near downtown san jose. crews were called to
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fourth street and saint john street not far from saint james park, at about 1140 this morning. firefighters say the fire spread to another nearby home. crews believe homeless people were inside the abandoned home at the time of that fire. firefighters say they rescued one person. >> this is a very common feature of buildings that are either abandoned or slated for some sort of repurposing. where they're no longer occupied is that they get entered by and occupied by some of the unhoused population, and oftentimes they'll be fires that are started in those buildings for either the purposes of warming or cooking. and those fires often get away from us. >> more than 40 personnel were on scene. the two alarm fire was under control within about an hour. still ahead tonight, inflation is coming for trader joe's. what the company just raised the price of for the first time in more than two decades. also a heads up for travelers ahead of next month's total solar eclipse. >> how the faa says the rare sight could affect your plans and an outbreak of a contagious disease linked to a local high
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school coming up after the break, what health officials
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. more than 75 cases have been reported since mid-december. most are linked to an outbreak at tamalpais high school in mill valley. doctors say whooping cough can spread from person to
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person through droplets in the air. there is a vaccine for the disease, experts say, without treatment, the contagious period can last up to 21 days. >> union nurses picketed at john muir health in concord. those nurses say they have serious concerns about staffing levels and workplace violence. they're calling for relief staffing so that nurses can take meal and rest breaks without leaving patients unmonitored. they're also asking for a voice in preventing workplace violence. >> we currently are running into some roadblocks trying to get safety implementations in place for workplace violence, not only for nurses but for patients. >> john muir health says the health and safety of patients, nurses, staff and providers is their top priority. it's also proposing new contract language on workplace violence prevention and are making significant investments in safety. a bargaining session is scheduled for tomorrow. governor newsom is extending the deadline for federal student aid applications
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for california students. he signed the bill that gives students another month to apply for financial aid. it comes after the us education department admitted there are several processing delays and technical glitches related to the new scholarship application form. the application deadline is now may second. >> visa and mastercard have agreed to reduce their credit card fees to help settle a lawsuit. nearly 20 years old in 2005, merchants accused visa, mastercard and their banks of violating antitrust laws by charging higher fees to allow certain businesses to accept their credit cards in a $30 billion settlement visa and mastercard agreed to lower swipe fees through 2030. a court still has to sign off on the agreement. trader joe's is raising the price of bananas for the first time in 20 years. one banana will now cost you $0.23. that's a four cent raise. the 19 cent banana was a popular deal with customers and even made it on trader joe's customer choice awards winners list. the company says the change was necessary to
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meet rising costs. analysts believe the price of bananas will continue to increase because of climate change. >> still to come, a new way to use artificial intelligence. how it's helping one bay area city detect everything from potholes to homeless encampments. plus don't matter where they go, we're still fans. >> but i won't say las vegas as ever. >> a bitter sweet battle between the a's and giants. how oakland fans are feeling with the fate of their team in limbo and rain enters back into the five day forecast, we'll time it out for you. >> we've got a couple of days of it, especially as
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and now, as ktvu is an rubin explains, they are running a pilot program to see whether i can help them solve problems on city streets in silicon valley. >> tech companies are already harnessing the power of ai. now, the city of san jose wants to do the same. it's a competition. >> let them demonstrate what they can do. >> what they want ai to do is to identify small problems before they become big ones. everything from potholes and graffiti to homeless encampments. >> it's basically being able to detect and then be able to predict. >> blue dome is one of five companies participating in the pilot program. they showed us their technology at work. right now they're primarily focused on
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road hazards, but they're training their model to identify other things like homeless encampments. >> what we use is a very simple gopro camera mounted on city vehicles, and when they drive around, they'll upload the video. >> other companies, like asch sensors, are working on this. also, they use a combination of cameras, lasers and sensors. and while their focus is primarily the structural stability of buildings, they too are trying to meet the city's needs. >> one of the things with ai is you have to teach it what to go look for. and so teaching is like, hey, that's a pothole. this is a building. here's graffiti, here's not graffiti. the city of san jose has just one car outfitted with cameras, and it's only done three test runs so far. >> but homeless advocates have concerns that this high tech solution won't solve a very human problem. >> the public saying, okay, this is another tool, but a tool for what? you've got to get homeless, unhoused people into housing. that's the solution. it's always been the solution. >> and city officials say they're very conscious of potential pitfalls. and that's why they say policy and
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transparency around ai is crucial. >> there is privacy risk. there is bias risk that comes to ai. and this is really a key issue. we're trying to address. because if we jump into conclusion without learning, if we try running without walking, we get ourselves in trouble. >> there is no set timeline for how long this pilot will last. city officials say it may take a while to see what ai can do. at the end, there will be a competitive bid process assuming they decide to proceed in san jose. anne rubin, ktvu, fox two news as tech analysts say, the growth of artificial intelligence is having unintended impacts on the nation's power grid. >> tech companies behind these ai programs need huge data centers to help train their software, and that requires a lot of electricity. >> you can have chatgpt, for example, be able to talk to you like a human, a human being. we had to first train it to be able to do that. so that requires a lot of electricity, making it
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possible for you to just go on your phone and ask chatgpt anything that also needs electricity, because it has to be on standby 24 over seven to help manage the growing demand, some big tech companies are looking for ways to generate their own energy, which could include a push for nuclear energy or more renewable sources like solar and wind. >> the faa is issuing new guidance as next month's total solar eclipse approaches. it is set to take place on april 8th. that is a monday. the faa has warned travelers to expect delays comparable to those associated with high travel days. the agency says aircraft could have to be held back or rerouted around the path of the eclipse, and there could even be temporary flight restrictions. airports in texas, canada, pennsylvania and illinois are most likely to be affected by the eclipse's path. >> another nice day yet again today. a lot like yesterday. tomorrow isn't too bad. they'll be increasing clouds all day and then by the evening hours three four in the afternoon showers
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unless you're in the far north bay, then the showers will start a little sooner. but we're getting back into wednesday night. thursday morning, kind of a rain event both days. on wednesday and thursday, the afternoon will. the afternoon on wednesday will be wet. the afternoon on thursday should be dry. we'll see that in the model coming up. so there's a live picture outside. good air quality, beautiful weather. here's the long range model and you can see this guy coming down right there. that is wednesday evening right there. not much right. and then it kind of breaks off. and then we get this on thursday night into friday. and you get a pretty good dose of rain. that's going to be the more the stronger of the two systems. so the reason i show you that, see how this thing kind of drops down like this, that big trough kind of drops down. that's a that's pretty difficult to predict the rain and where it's going to fall, because it could shift east, it could shift west. so we'll keep an eye on it for you. suffice to say though, friday, right now, friday looks like your wettest day of the week. the winter
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storm warning obviously will be in effect up there, and there'll be it'll be snowing down about 5500ft. the snow, the snow, the storm warning will be in effect starting as we go into tomorrow night. and it will last really for a couple of days, probably potentially, as those systems kind of kind of line up offshore. there's the main system now and you can see it's got some juice. it's the heaviest. see the contours in the cloud cover the texture. those are big. those are big cells. but they're moving that that real energy is moving further north. so the takeaway from this next storm series is the main energy. the robust energy is mainly going north of us, at least in the beginning. so we'll see how that works out on friday. so here's tomorrow morning and then tomorrow afternoon. so you see it's just kind of cloudy tomorrow and then tomorrow afternoon at about afternoon commute. looks like it could be a little bit wet and then into the overnight evening hours. and then there's thursday morning thursday afternoon and then friday morning. and then
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that system cued up teed up for friday mid-morning. so these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. i think saturday sunday might not be a wash i think sunday looks like a fairly manageable weekend day to get some stuff done. and saturday has the potential to be not too bad as well, especially if that low clicks a little further east, which are west. pardon me, which it could do. so we'll keep an eye on. i just go day by day on this kind of pattern. there it is. i'll have the updated forecast at six. all right. well thank you. >> well, sacramento could soon be a sanctuary city for transgender people. tonight, the city council is considering a resolution to prevent any city employee from using resources to detain people seeking gender affirming care, such as hormone therapy or surgery. the council member behind this proposal says the move is in anticipation of possible laws in other states that would criminalize this kind of care and prevent the city's resources from being used to help law enforcement in those other states. >> this is the sort of thing
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that you hope is never necessary. you hope that it never gets triggered. you hope that it's never that there's never anybody coming to sacramento who's potentially fleeing law enforcement simply for the sole reason that they were looking for health care, so i, i hope it's never needed, but i do think it's very important for us to be realistic. >> park supporters say sacramento is already a sanctuary city for immigrants, and this proposal would establish those same protections for transgender people. >> changes coming to one of the most common plays in football, how the new kickoff format is expected to better protect players. and then coming up at six christien kafton and coming up for the first time in eight years, we will take you behind the walls of san quentin to look at what the future is for condemned row also ahead at six. an adventure of a lifetime for some high school students in east oakland. their journey across the pacific a pa
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ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. a massive revamp of the kickoff play. the majority of kick and return teams will be moved downfield to try and minimize
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high speed collisions. the format originated in the xfl and is only in place for one season. the league will regroup after this coming season to assess how well the proposal worked or not. the 49ers were one of three teams to vote against the change. >> well, right now the giants are hosting the a's at oracle park in game two of the bay bridge series. >> now, these two teams played at the coliseum last night. the giants winning that one 4 to 1. the season openers for both teams are on thursday. >> but as ktvu zac sos tells us right now, last night's game stirred a lot of emotions for fans who are upset about the oakland a's possible move to las vegas. >> it's rough. that about sums up the sentiment of most a's fans heading into what could be their final season of the coliseum. >> bring them over to our side. the only bay area team now probably won't be going to very many games, but i'm not going to be a giants fan rooted in oakland, right? >> loyalties. at every corner of this year's bay bridge series,
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they got their team. >> we got ours. go, giants! >> it's the first of two exhibition games pitting the a's against the giants ahead of their season openers tonight. >> it's my wife's back outside louis and miguel. >> after 20 years of friendship and rivalry. >> we make it work, man. you know what i mean? we got bay love. no, i mean nothing but the bay supporting the bay. >> that's it. these two are planning to savor the season. >> we're excited you know, well, i should say excited because, you know, this may be the last one here in oakland here to support them. >> as long as they're here with the a's lease at the oakland coliseum scheduled to expire at the end of the season, and an extension yet to be hammered out, a number of cities, including sacramento, trying to woo the club for next season. >> i can live with that all day. i can live with that all day. >> find by this a's fan rooted in sacramento. >> yes, they may come to sac. yes, yes they may come to sac. so yes, i'm excited about that too. i don't have to drive. >> as far as for the thought of perhaps having to make the trek
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to the vegas strip a little expensive, but i will go to a lot of these games. >> i love it, i love it, it don't matter where they go. >> we're still fans. but i won't say las vegas a's ever. >> and she is certainly not the only a's fan to feel that way. several fan groups have announced plans to stage a boycott of the team's opener this thursday at oakland coliseum. zac sos ktvu fox two news. >> the a's likely moved to vegas, also spells the end of one of the oldest casinos on the strip. the tropicana hotel and casino opened back in 1957. it is expected to be torn down and a new ballpark will be built in its place. it's scheduled to close one week from today and be demolished by the end of the year. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> authorities suspend the search for six construction workers still missing after a bridge collapse in maryland, state and federal leaders have said in the last two hours that all six workers are presumed dead, based on the length of time that we've gone in this
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search, the extensive search efforts that we've put into it, the water temperature that at this point we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. the coast guard says it is preparing to begin recovery efforts tomorrow morning. good evening. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. here is the latest on what we know about that bridge collapse. six construction workers are presumed dead after a cargo ship lost power and slammed into the francis scott key bridge in baltimore early this morning, the collision sending most of the span plunging into the river. local state and federal agencies have spent the day surveying the site and attempting to find any possible survivors. as of now, authorities say they believe it is just too dangerous to resume any search until tomorrow. >> the last thing we want to do is put divers in the water with changing currents, low temperatures and very poor visibility, visibility and so much metal a


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