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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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period of time. >> state auditors found california has spent $24 billion on homelessness in the past five years, but they can't tell how effective those funded programs have been. good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> the report released this morning says the crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of unhoused people is not improving. ktvu crystal bailey has been digging into the report and has more on the lack of organization on addressing this very big issue here. crystal. >> well, mike. julie, the audit assess the cost effectiveness and impact of homelessness programs at the state and local level and found that between 2018 and 2023, the number of unhoused people is going up and the outcomes are uncertain. even though billions was poured into housing programs, more than 180,000 californians experienced homelessness in 2023. that is a 53% increase from ten years ago. in 2020 2013, the state auditor's report says they're
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not sure whether the homeless programs in place are working, even though they cost the state $24 billion. it all started when senator dave cortez visited one of the largest homeless encampments in san jose, asking the city whether the money spent on housing programs was working. when he found insufficient data, he and other state leaders penned a letter asking the state auditor to look into it. >> up until last year, midway through 2023, there there was no centralized portion of data around the flow of dollars from the state, you know, to local jurisdictions. >> the audit collected information from 2018 to 2023, reviewing two cities. one of them is san jose. >> so i think the report's clear on is we need an all of the above approach. we need low rungs on the ladder, basic, dignified shelter, as well as the long tum solution, which is building more affordable housing. we need a comprehensive
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framework for data and performance measurement and the thorough report, auditors say the california interagency council on homelessness is responsible for coordinating and evaluating the efforts across the state. >> the audit says the council has not established a consistent method for gathering information on homelessness programs, cost and outcomes, a spokesperson from the council says in a statement, in part, that the audit's findings underscore a need to continue to hold local governments accountable who are primarily responsible for implementing these programs and collecting data on outcomes that the state can use to evaluate program effectiveness, and went on to say, the council continues to improve its ability to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent judiciously and effectively. >> this audit will establish some somewhat of a blueprint for legislative direction and guardrails going forward. you know, to improve upon, you know, some of these areas, these
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deficiencies and these systemic issues that that the audit, calls out and the state auditor made a couple of key recommendations to mandate reporting suggesting that legislature require the council to annually collect and report outcome information beginning in september 2025. >> now also, senator cortez also says that auditors tell him there is no evidence of fraud. he doesn't think that the state should stop sending funding. he says there just needs to be more transparency so that the money can be allocated in a way that best makes the most impact. >> so how does the actual passing of proposition one here affect these programs? >> yeah, i mean, we're looking at more than $6 billion being added to mental health and beds and services here. but i did reach out to governor newsom's office and i did not hear a response. so there's really no telling how prop one could affect this. >> yeah, well, voters passed it. they have a right to know, like where the money is going. all right. crystal. thank you. crystal well, today's audit comes as the san jose city
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council has approved banning homeless encampments and vehicles within 150ft of schools coming up tonight at 630. the reason that san jose city leaders hope some regulation around homeless encampments could help san francisco public library workers are demanding better security to protect staff and patrons after what they call a recent increase in dangerous incidents. >> reporter eric, those workers held a rally today right outside the main library on larkin street. they want the city to increase the number of security guards at all 28 branches. now, some branches do have security guards now, but at the ones that do not, librarians and other workers say they've been forced to intervene in dangerous situations that sometimes turn physical. san francisco library officials have not yet commented on the workers demands. the governor's office is touting the results of a chp special operation targeting crime in san francisco, according to the governor's office. >> chp officers seized more than 42 pounds of fentanyl in the
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tenderloin in the past year. that's when city and state leaders announced a partnership to more aggressively target fentanyl dealers. this also comes as the city recently reported data that shows property and violent crime are down since the beginning of the year, state lawmakers from both major parties are now voicing their support for a new attempt to punish retail theft. our crime reporter henry lee explains this idea as you guys know, our retailers have gone many years and have been asking for the help, and i think that's what we're here to do today. >> a bipartisan push in sacramento to crack down on organized retail theft. politicians from both sides of the aisle working together to craft seven bills to put an end, to snatch and grabs like these. >> this bill says, to organized crime rings, we mean business, and we are going to give law enforcement the tools they need to shut you down. >> taken together, the bills would allow law enforcement to combine similar thefts from different victims into one grand theft case in certain cases, allow da's to pool resources
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across jurisdictions and result in stiffer penalties and restraining orders against thieves. the legislation was welcomed by retailers. >> our employees are asking for it, californians are demanding it and retailers want to be able to just sell our products. we want to deter retail theft from even coming into our stores. >> people need to be safe. they need to feel safe and making sure that we're responsive to california is critical here. and this package, i think, gets the job done. >> there's no turning back the clock on the criminal justice reforms that have been enacted. >> there's a separate effort underway to repeal parts of prop 47, which in 2014 increased the threshold for grand theft from $450 to $950. assembly speaker robert rivas says the new package of bills does not affect prop 47. >> for us, it's understanding the root causes of this problem, which is complex, and for us, each one of these bills gets after those layers of complexity. >> shoppers at broadway plaza in
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walnut creek say they welcome any crackdown on thieves. >> i think it's a great idea. if they can work across the aisle to achieve anything, you know, it doesn't happen very often these days. >> we got to do everything possible. i mean, i used to be part owner and retail chain with my brother in law, and there was theft there. and what people don't realize is that it comes back to the consumer here at broadway plaza, thieves have gone into the lululemon to steal things and then gone to other lululemon's across the bay area. >> the idea is to streamline any prosecution if these thieves are caught in walnut creek. henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> the former san jose police officer at the center of a racist tech scandal is asking a judge to grant his request for a change of venue. hundreds of miles away, mark mcnamara was sued after being accused of excessive use of force. he is the white police officer seen on video in march of 2022, shooting a black man who was actually trying to prevent a robbery at a restaurant, according to court documents. after that shooting, mcnamara sent racist and
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homophobic text messages. his attorney has asked that an upcoming civil trial be moved to the eureka area over the concern that he's not going to get a fair trial here in the bay area. >> there was too much media attention surrounding the case that essentially, for lack of a better tum, would taint the jury pool, so the news stories and the interviews and the press conferences, despite all of them containing information that could be found on the public docket and factual information relating to the case, and that case is currently tied up in appeals, and it's not clear when a judge might rule on the former officer's request. >> new at six tonight, there could be a recount in the hotly contested race for the congressional seat of representative anna eshoo, who is retiring. that ended in a tie for second place. ktvu has now learned that two people have requested recounts in san mateo and santa clara counties. jonathan padilla once worked as a policy director for former san jose mayor sam liccardo, who has
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qualified for the november ballot. in the race, dan stedingk is a former candidate for san mateo county supervisor. the recount would start monday if the request qualify, evan low and joe simitian would both advance if the tie holds well. the largest airline at the oakland airport is expressing support now for the contested proposal to change the airport's name. southwest airlines says it supports the port of oakland's proposal to rebrand the airport as the san francisco bay oakland international airport. spirit airlines and mexican airline volaris say they also support the change in an effort to boost its national and international profile, the city of san francisco has threatened legal action if the port goes through with the name change. the port of oakland commissioners are scheduled to meet to discuss the rebrand on thursday. >> some video now of a whale caught in what appears to be a net here. this drone video was taken right off the san mateo county coast today. the whale was spotted off thornton state
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beach near daly city. the noaa says the whale was first spotted entangled in the net off laguna beach last month. they attached the satellite tracking buoy to it at that time, but their team could not get the net off the whale. they lost connection to the tracker last week. they are hoping to disentangle the whale here in the coming days. still to come. >> tonight, new video shows the tough work ahead for caltrans crews in repairing and reopening highway one through big sur. >> plus, how the san francisco va health care system is offering new hope with new technology for above knee amputees. >> all righty. back here with the weather forecast. what a day. what a day tomorrow is going to be. next day looks good too. and then rain potentially for part of the weekend. >> also, why the us postal service is pushing for the fourth price hike on stamps in less than two years. >> and here's a quick check right now of the tuesday evening commute. this is a look at the east shore freeway as seen from our emeryville camera. not too
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bad. a little slow in the commute direction there on the right, heading towards berkeley, el cerrito and richmond. you're watching ktvu news at six. e'll be right back
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schedule change for those convoys starting tomorrow. they will only guide drivers through the repair site twice, once at seven in the morning and then again at five in the evening. those convoys are for nearby residents and essential workers only. hayward firefighters have spent most of the day watching for flare ups at a warehouse that burned for hours last night. it did start late in the evening at the building belonging to west coast insulation, near tripoli way and hall road. when those first engines rolled up on the scene, 30 to 40 foot flames were spotted coming out of the rooftop. part of that roof did collapse. there are no reports of any injuries. the fire's been out now for hours, but some hot spots have reignited throughout the day and there was concern that insulation products stacked in the warehouse could continue to catch fire. and cause of that fire is not yet known. >> a federal court has ruled that california's regulations on car emissions can stand. the d.c. circuit court ruled in favor of the environmental protection agency and upheld the clean air act waiver that lets california set its own
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emissions. business groups and several republican run states had sued over the regulations for trucks, saying they were preempted by federal law. but the court said california's rules are stronger than the federal law so they can stand. proposed legislation would increase penalties for corporations that break the law in california. the bill would increase the maximum criminal fines on corporations to twice the amount of the loss by the victim, whether an individual or an entity, up to $25 million per case. currently the maximum fines are generally $10,000 per felony. all of that money would be deposited into a new california crime victims fund. restitution would be increased to $100,000 from $10,000. >> fund can help support, provide services that support victims and survivors of crime. things like housing and counseling and healing, other services that are absolutely critical and that victims deserve and need. >> the attorney general said the measure would have led to a more
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just outcome in cases such as the refugio oil spill in santa barbara in 2015. the company deemed responsible plains all american pipeline, paid just over $3 million in fines despite causing an estimated $200 million in damages. >> april is limb loss and limb loss prevention month, a first ever two part procedure at the va in san francisco, is piloted. an innovative solution that allows a patient to have a more natural feel and control of their prosthetic limb. new at six ktvu house, wertz reports it's the first time ever above knee amputees will have access to this program, first being offered here at san francisco. >> 50 year old doug mayo is an air force veteran. he's used a prosthetic leg for seven years. it attaches above his knee. he used to have problems there, came infected 13 surgeries. >> three years later, there wasn't any antibiotics anymore that would touch the infection. so i had the choice. my choice
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was pretty easy. the legs not that important, so they took my leg. >> he's from nebraska, married with five adult kids. he owns and runs a cattle farm. >> my biggest fear, when i had to choose amputation, was i wouldn't be able to do things i was able to do. and that's not even my biggest fear. my biggest fear that i was going to be a hindrance on people. i didn't want people to do things for me. >> he got word a new program piloting a two surgery procedure. osseointegration could help. it would take a long time. the first surgery invasive to install a post six months of healing and physical therapy. then a second surgery to position the new limb. more recovery, more pt, another six months. >> crutches are horrible, i use my hands for everything you can't when you're walking. but i also know that when this is done, i'm going to be able to walk easier, walk better, have better perception of what i'm stepping on, i'm going to be
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able to take a shower with my leg on. >> it's a freedom of sorts for this veteran. less pain, less skin irritation, better control and balance, and more independence. >> help my dogs, help my wife. anybody else i can help them now. or before i'd have crutches, they'd have to help me out. it's not going to be perfect. it's not a real leg. it's still a prosthesis. but i'm good with that. >> mayo's physical therapist, ron feliciano, says his patients great attitude makes him a model patient. he's confident mayo will be successful. >> we really encourage patients to get moving. i'm doing the opposite. he's doing more and i'm okay. slow down. take it easy, doc. we want you to really do well as the medical director for the va in san francisco, doctor of biagioli is hopeful that osseointegration will be offered to other veterans. >> it's actually a game changer for many of our esteemed veterans. they're really able to enhance their quality of life
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and also able to ambulate much better. this really supports an active lifestyle for our >> for doug mayo, he's grateful to the doctors, the staff and their modern, innovative approach to patient care. >> don't hesitate, have faith in the va. it's not like it used to be. >> alice wurtz, ktvu fox two news. >> fight the day to day. plenty of sunshine. daytime highs got into the upper 70s. couple low 80s on the bay area map from the national weather service. this is. these are the official highs from today in these cities. 77 in fairfield, 79 in antioch, just shy of 80 degrees. livermore is just shy. i think we'll pop 80 degrees and a bunch of these inland cities tomorrow. you can kind of see the ones that will make it to the low 80s, and we are starting to see a little bit of microclimate show up. pacifica was 59 as opposed to san francisco, which was 67, which is supposed to antioch, which was 79. so you're starting to see that bay or the coast bay inland kind of temperature structure change around, which is very typical for this time of year. tomorrow will be warmer by a couple of
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degrees, as high pressure does what it does. it allows the fog to form two. i think we might see a little patchy valley or coastal fog. pardon me as we go into tomorrow morning maybe or tomorrow night. we'll see. but just patches of it. and then as we look at the long range model, i kind of want to show you this. this is the system we're tracking. not here. it's dry, dry dry dry. here comes see this? this is friday. the system stays offshore essentially all day friday. this is what the model thinks anyway. and then it pushes in on saturday. and then kind of vacates on sunday. so we'll see how that plays out. we've got a five day forecast and we'll run the latest close range computer model in just a minute. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit bill. thank you. arizona's highest court revives a 19 century law banning abortion. >> women didn't have the right to vote when this law was passed. light bulbs weren't invented still to come. >> the implications that political analysts say this ruling could have on the november election. >> also ahead tonight, bringing computer chip production back to the u.s, the first major federal grants to entice chip makers to open more
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the deal includes more than $6 billion in grants to the taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company. the funding will support the construction of a microchip manufacturing plant in the city of phoenix. the white house also says this will create more than 25,000 construction and manufacturing jobs. samsung will reportedly receive a
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similar grant next week for production in texas. stocks today mostly flat on wall street, the dow was down more than nine points. the nasdaq did gain 52, and the s&p was also in positive territory. tomorrow, though, a very big day as traders are waiting for an important update on consumer inflation and a new batch of corporate earnings. >> more e-bikes are coming to the streets of oakland, berkeley and emeryville. the mtc and lyft this morning announced plans to add more than 500 next generation e-bikes and new docking stations to the bay area's bike share program. the new docking stations will be placed in business and retail districts and near bart stations. city leaders say they hope this will help create a network to connect east bay cities. >> this is critical to not just getting people out of cars and advancing more sustainable trips, but also providing good first and last mile options for people in berkeley in the east bay, the mtc's bay wheels e-bike
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fleet began expanding its availability last november in san francisco and in san jose. >> the postal service is looking to raise stamp prices for the fourth time in less than two years. the proposal would raise the cost of a first class stamp by $0.05 to $0.73. if approved, the increase would go into effect in july. the last increase happened in january. the postal service says the increase is necessary because the cost of delivering mail these days just keeps rising. the agency is in the middle of a ten year plan to overhaul its operations, which includes charging more for its services and delivering more packages. an effort is underway right now to rename a san francisco post office after the late senator dianne feinstein. california senators alex padilla and laphonza butler introduced a bill just yesterday to rename the post office on stuart street, near the embarcadero. it's in the rincon center, which served as the city's largest postal distribution center for several decades. as mayor of san francisco, feinstein oversaw its development.
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>> coming up on ktvu news at 630, in a legal first, parents of a teenager convicted of carrying out a deadly mass shooting have been found culpable in their son's crime, and a new proposed ban on homeless encampments near schools in the south bay. >> advances. but some advocates for the homeless have their concerns and entering his 26th masters this week, five time champion tiger woods reflects on what the iconic tournament has meant for him and his family. >> our jason appelbaum has tiger's thoughts a little later in sports
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county coast. today, noaa says the whale was first seen entangled in a net off laguna beach last month. they attached a satellite tracking buoy to it at that time, but their team could not get the net off. the whale. they are hoping to disentangle the whale here in the coming days. >> state lawmakers in sacramento are considering new bipartisan legislation addressing retail crime and theft here in california, seven bills were introduced today. they would allow police to make arrests without witnessing the incident or seeing video of it. the legislation also establishes a new crime targeting serial theft and allows the value of stolen items from multiple retailers within 60 days to be aggregated into felony grand theft. >> a new report from the state auditor has found that california has spent $24 billion
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on homelessness in the last five years, but that the state hasn't consistently tracked whether the spending has actually helped among other findings, the report said that the council that's responsible for coordinating agencies and allocating resources for homelessness programs stop tracking spending on programs and their outcomes in 2021, despite the continuous funding from the state. >> you are watching ktvu, fox two news at 630. san jose city council has made good on its promise to add an extra layer of safety around the city. >> schools city leaders did approve two ordinances banning unhoused encampments and vehicles within 150ft of a school. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary explains what the two proposals now mean for the homeless encampments they're criminalizing the unhoused people. >> there's no place for them to go. >> longtime advocate gail osmer gave council members an earful tuesday afternoon at city hall. this as the body of ten plus mayor matt mehan prepared to
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pass two ordinances they say protects children while we are working to build basic, dignified shelters, safe parking sites and more affordable housing. >> they should not have to deal with those conditions right next to their school. every day. >> those conditions are homeless encampments near public and private schools in san jose. last year, students at three schools reached out to council members complaining there's a safety issue, including incidents of those unhoused residents making their way onto campus during the school day and break ins captured on our security cameras. >> these incidents have cost our school tens of thousands of dollars. >> have to ensure that i'm focusing on my surroundings at all times. >> in response, city staff spent nearly a year crafting an ordinance barring encampments closer than 150ft to a school. three school areas will be selected as test sites. many council members say the action helps ease the minds of school aged children, who worry when confronting large encampments.
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the council also took action to prevent large vehicles such as rvs, from parking near schools. >> a little bit of the wild west where people are going to park wherever they want to park because nobody's going to do anything about it, especially oversize vehicles where you can't see around them. and i think, perhaps we can prioritize, roadway safety. >> this two passed unanimously. the mayor says the city needs to step up providing services including completion of a safe parking site at berryessa by investing in lower barrier interim solutions as we reduce unsheltered homelessness 10% year over year, we have another 784 interim units coming online. but some south bay unhoused advocates say until the broad array of services are in place, the most vulnerable will continue to suffer. >> i think it's just a tragedy. it's just horrible. where are they going to go? let's get them into berryessa first. let's get
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another safe parking for rvs. let's just get some more hs now. not next year. >> the banning of encampments and parking near schools has a second reading in two weeks. if it passes, it will become law. 30 days later outside san jose city hall. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news and arizona supreme court ruling today effectively bans abortions in that state. >> the court ruled that a law from 1864 supersedes the state's 20 2215 week ban for abortions. the ruling reversed a prior decision by the arizona court of appeals. the 160 year old law, which had been long dormant, criminalizes all abortions except when a mother's life is at stake. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. sonoma state political science professor david mcewen says abortion rights measures in states such as arizona will play a big role in the november election. >> you're going to see this issue played fast all across the country. there are about 1516
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counties in the united states that decide who the next president of the united states is in those 15 or 16 counties in those states, about half those states will have ballot measures on the ballot concerning abortion rights. >> opponents of today's ruling in arizona are now organizing to put a measure on the ballot in november that would allow abortion in that state up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. >> maryland's governor was in washington, dc, today to meet with lawmakers about the federal response to the francis scott key bridge collapse. as governor, westmore talked with members of his state's congressional delegation and other federal leaders. they say they will soon introduce a bipartisan bill that will make clear the federal government will fully cover the cost of rebuilding the bridge. now, so far, $68 million in federal funding has been allocated to assist in removing debris from the river and reopen the shipping channel. >> we also know that the support from the federal government and the support of congress is also going to be imperative in this.
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i'm committed to making sure that we navigate this through a bipartisan process. >> this is a commitment that is normal for this type of a catastrophic loss of a major infrastructure in our in our country. >> the bodies of three of the six construction workers who were killed during the collapse have not been recovered. >> house republicans have delayed the planned impeachment of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. speaker mike johnson had planned to send the articles of impeachment to the senate tomorrow, but house republicans requested the delay when it became clear that senate democrats had enough votes to dismiss the charges. democratic leaders called the impeachment probe a political stunt. >> we're going to try and resolve this issue as quickly as possible. impeachment should never be used to settle policy disagreements. >> mayorkas was impeached by a one vote margin in the house. republicans say he has refused to enforce existing law and breached the public trust. democrats say the allegations do
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not meet the constitutional bar of high crimes and misdemeanors. >> we are told that there was this urgency at the border as in parallel, president biden is working with the second most conservative member of the senate, james lankford, to strike a border security immigration reform deal that, of course, house republicans would tank. >> secretary mayorkas is scheduled to go before house and senate committees tomorrow to testify on his budget request for 2025. >> still to come, a landmark ruling in court today finding parents of a convicted school shooter partially responsible for their son's actions. >> also ahead tonight, the legal fight between the 49ers and the city of santa clara takes a new turn where both sides currently stand in their years long dispute
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to delay his hush money criminal
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trial. this decision comes less than a week before jury selection is set to start. trump's lawyers wanted the trial postponed indefinitely, while he fights a gag order that bars him from commenting about jurors, witnesses and others connected to the case. unless there's more court action, the ruling clears the way for jury selection to begin next week, and historic sentencing in michigan today. >> the parents of a teenager who killed four people in a school shooting have each been sentenced to a decade in prison, fox news garrett tenney tells us . it is the first time parents have been held criminally responsible for such an act, because you decided that you didn't want to parent and listen to your son. >> you took the right away from me to be a mother. >> they chose to stay quiet. they chose to ignore the warning signs. >> an emotional day in court for the families of the four teenagers who lost their lives in the shooting at michigan's oxford high school more than two years ago. those parents echoing prosecutors arguments that james
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and jennifer crumbley ignored warning signs that their son's mental health was spiraling in the days leading up to the shooting. and instead of getting him help, they bought him a gun, which they failed to secure. and four days later, he used it to kill four of his classmates and injure seven others. >> these convictions confirm repeated acts, or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train. >> one example of the warning signs prosecutors say the parents ignored. seven months before the shooting, ethan crumbley texted a friend about hearing voices saying, i actually asked my dad to take me to the doctor yesterday, but he just gave me some pills and told me to suck it up like it's at the point that i'm asking to go to the doctor. my mom laughed when i told her two juries found the crumbleys guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and today a judge sentenced them to at least ten years in prison for their gross negligence that allowed the shooting. but the parents maintain they had no idea what their son was planning. >> we were good parents. we
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weren't perfect, but we loved our son. your child can make a fatal decision, not just with the gun. this could happen to you too. >> some legal experts suggest convicting the parents of a mass shooter creates a dangerous legal precedent. today attorneys for both james and jennifer crumbley said they plan to appeal their convictions. their son, ethan, is currently serving a life sentence without parole in chicago. i'm garrett tinney, fox news. all right. >> we're checking in on the weather. in a few minutes. we're going to take a look at the chances for some wet weather on your saturday. we'll look into it. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savidge now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. tonight at seven, migrants here in the west are finding gaps in border wall construction tonight on west coast rap. we'll tell you why. border patrol agents believe many migrants are being led to specific areas in new mexico. also, we'll get back to our coverage of the arizona supreme court ruling today that is
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getting attention all across the country. it solidifies a near total ban on abortion procedures in that state. we have passionate reaction from people on both sides of the issue on the ground in arizona, and we will lay out how voters may be asked to weigh in on this issue in just a few months. those stories and a lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu, fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, alex, we'll see you at the top of the hour. but first here at six, politics and public policy intertwined today in oakland, how the us secretary of health is pledging to improve access to health care for the latino community
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proposed resolution of its long standing legal dispute with the 49ers over the operation of levi's stadium. the group says the team submitted its best and final proposal on march 20th. it would settle open issues related to public safety, gourmet buffet costs and other items. but while the board rejected the offer, they say they are working right now on a counter proposal. >> the us secretary of health, who is a california native, returned to the bay area today
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to push for increased access to health care for the latino community. his visit comes as a way to reaffirm the biden administration's investment into health care and make the case for four more years. ktvu tom vacar has this story. >> us secretary of health xavier becerra visited clinica de la raza tuesday morning, the final event in the secretary's weeklong national latino health tour. the secretary discussed health care equity, mental health, cancer research and treatment, the affordable care act marketplace and lowering drug prices within the latino and hispanic community, a key demographic in the upcoming election. under a new initiative, la clinica de la raza has opened its doors to any and all care seekers, regardless of insurance, legal status or other potential disqualifiers. >> once we have a couple of years under our belt of this experiment, of this expansion,
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that we can prove that in fact, by opening up our doors and focusing on these services that we're saving the system money. >> i think president biden has demonstrated that if you work hard in this country and you do things the right way, there will be a path for you. >> it all stands on the policy pillars of fairness in care for all, lower drug prices, more and better insurance coverage. the new national 988 suicide and crisis service and health care jobs for a more diverse pool of people at all levels. but many super powerful health care interests, from big pharma to health insurance to health care conglomerates that spend upwards of $1 billion on political lobbying, oppose much of this. >> don't fight us. join us, president biden has made it very clear we're going to expand health care to more americans. and so if you're in the way, if you're a ceo of some of those companies that are in the way,
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we're going to fight back. >> since health care is neither completely private or public voters will have to decide which advocates and policies they prefer. >> the best way to ensure that that we have an open and free and fair election is for every single person who is registered to go vote, to get out and vote. >> and nowhere is it easier to vote than here in california. tom vacar ktvu fox two news checking in on the weather again. >> it's been a nice day. it's going to be a pretty nice week until we get to friday, but even friday doesn't look bad. it looks like saturday could be wet these are the highs from today. they are a little warmer than yesterday. we did have a couple low 80s but not on this map. we will see more low 80s tomorrow. tomorrow will probably be the warmest day of the week, and then we'll kind of trend down after that with a few more clouds coming in. and then by saturday, that opportunity for sprinkle or shower. i want to show you what we're looking at on saturday. here's the long range model, which is not granular. it's very broad brush, but it gives you a good idea.
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you see that rotation, that big donut down there. that's the high. it stays with us right through. there's friday morning. it starts to break down friday. look at that low. see how it's backing away and coming away from the coast. so that's kind of it's kind of a cut off. and that's the problem with the forecast. so right now this is into saturday morning. so friday looks okay. there'll be some clouds and then saturday it comes in and then it looks like it clears out pretty quick on sunday. time is going to change on that. but that's just the basic idea i want you to see that because you'll see it mimicked in the five day forecast. and that low is the problem with that low is i'd love to, you know, just give it to you straight. but it's very different than a typical extratropical system that comes through attached to the jet stream. and you're able to time it and the models are able to grab on to it with the dynamics. but this thing, they start kind of wobbling around, almost like a pinball in a pinball game. this, this high isn't wobbling, it stays put. but this low up here, when it drops down on top of that high, it's going to
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detach from the jet and just kind of float around. right now it looks like it's going to float into us on saturday, which would be a wet day for the most part. big rain. it shouldn't be, but shouldn't be just it will be wet probably on saturday. so right now friday looks good, saturday looks wet, sunday looks good. that's how you do it. and then if something changes, i'll let you know. tonight at 11 we'll have a new model update. we'll look at it again tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon to thursday morning, thursday afternoon. and then here comes friday. you see it kind of rotating and coming back away from the coast. it could actually miss us completely. and i know there's a lot of folks counting on a nice weekend because this is one of those first weekends in spring where people plan outdoor events. and so i we'll keep an eye on it. don't panic quite yet, but right now, saturday does look to be showers likely. and then sunday there might be a shower, but i think sunday looks pretty good. and then friday looks pretty good. i'll see you back here at 11. >> all right. we'll see you then, bill. thank you. well, for
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the first time ever, the ncaa women's basketball tournament final drew more viewers than the men's final. >> that's right. according to nielsen media research, the women's final on sunday between south carolina and iowa had 18.9 million viewers. that is nearly four times what the women's final drew just two years ago. a high number was fueled in part by iowa standout caitlyn clark's rise to superstardom. now, the men's final last night between connecticut and purdue was watched by 14.8 million viewers, 4 million less than the women's final. >> the freshman, the us women's soccer team takes on canada in the finals of a tournament that the united states has won six of eight times. our jason appelbaum will have that story next in
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on thursday in augusta. it will be his 26th masters and he says a sixth green jacket is within his reach. if everything comes together, i think i can get one more. >> describe that. any more than that or very good. this team has meant so much to me in my life
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and my family. to have one here as my first major, as as a professional, hugging my dad, as you saw and then full circle in 19 to, you know, hug my son, it has meant a lot to my family, it's meant a lot to me. >> in a practice round yesterday, woods played great. according to his playing partner, will zalatoris. but the 48 year old has been battling a series of physical ailments which has limited him to just one full round of golf on the pga tour this year. tiger won his 15th major at augusta five years ago, leaving him three shy of jack nicklaus all time record. high drama in the she believes cup final, the united states going for its fifth straight title but would have to get past longtime rival canada first. a packed house in columbus, ohio for this, the 66th meeting between these two teams tied at one in the second half. trinity rodman finds sophia smith in stride and smith
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one times into the back of the net for her second goal of the game. great assist by dennis rodman's daughter and it's two one usa. controversial moment in the 84th minute, crystal dunn called for the penalty in the box. as my friend pete likes to say, weak sauce. that's weak sauce there. but moments later, canadian star adriana leon capitalizes. she beats alyssa nair to tie the game at two. it goes to pks and in the pks. emily fox cheeky little shot there. usa wins it 5 to 4 in sudden death pks for their seventh shebelieves championship in the nine years of the event. we're not done with soccer though, because we've got champions league, real madrid hosting manchester city in estadio bernabeu for this first leg of the champions league quarter final. look at that rocket! yoshiko gavardo and it's man city up 3 to 2. but eight minutes later it's federico
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valverde and outstanding volley for real madrid. ties it up. game ends in a33 draw. they'll decide things in the second leg in manchester next wednesday for the warriors there in la tonight. big game take on the lakers who will be without their star center anthony davis. warriors win and they move to within a half game of the ninth place lakers with three games left and john calipari confirmed that after 15 years at kentucky, it was time for him to step away from the program. he ends his tenure with one national championship and four final four appearances, expected to take the job at arkansas sometime. >> who's going to get his job? >> we'll ind out popula ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in?
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