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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  April 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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reached a critical milestone. the announcement just a short time ago, plus searching resumes for a missing swimmer in the north bay with the swimmer was doing right before disappearing in the waters of the russian river. then the port of oakland takes the first official step in its effort to make a controversial name change for oakland international airport. what has to happen before san francisco bay area is added to
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the name? this is ktvu fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. >> i'm gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> let's get to some breaking news on the peninsula right now. a person found dead on the tracks in palo alto near the california avenue caltrain station. the incident reported around 920 this morning. a train first reported seeing an object on the tracks and was unable to stop. officials say the object ended up being a person who had died. caltrain is currently checking video records to determine when the fatal incident would have occurred. we will continue to follow the story and bring you information as it becomes available. >> we also say goodbye to the warm weather here in the bay area, as cooler conditions have moved in today and there's rain in the forecast for the weekend. meteorologist roberta gonzalez is live with what to expect with that rain. roberta. >> yeah, you just nailed it. garcia. we do have winds of change and they are blowing this way. for example, first things first, let's take a look at the current conditions in and around the bay area at this hour. we do have temperatures in the 50s and
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low 60s. it is 55 degrees in half moon bay, otherwise 63 degrees in livermore. after reaching a high temperature yesterday at 84 degrees 63 in napa and in fremont, a pair of sixes pretty consistent around the santa clara valley. these temperatures are up to 13 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. when you were here watching this broadcast, we're talking about petaluma and in throughout the tri valley. how about 11 degrees cooler in hayward? back in through san leandro and san lorenzo and 11 degrees cooler around the peninsula in san carlos butting up against redwood city and also redwood shores. the winds are gusty. fairfield right now 25 with the gusts up to 29. and as you take a look at these wind speeds, these winds will remain with us throughout the day. so when you couple up those air temperatures in the 50s and 60s, it feels a lot colder than where we have been the past three days. and it's all because of this. we do have this cold front. it's a
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late season, winter cold front that's invading our area during the month of april, and it will descend into the bay area. so today, the big emphasis is the cooler weather. but as this low pressure pushes into the bay area and makes tracks towards southern california as well, we will have rain. we do have the potential of a thunderstorm and we do have some gusty winds. and we will be tracking it all for you. and that's coming up a little bit later in this newscast. >> roberta, thank you. a milestone announced today with respect to reforms at the san francisco police department. the mayor and police chief say the police force is on its way to completing what it set out to do . crime reporter henry lee live at san francisco city hall with details. henry >> yeah. gasia. police and city leaders say the sfpd of years past is no longer that the department has transformed itself into a national model. now, it was back in 2016 when the sfpd started this journey to
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reform itself. after a number of controversial, deadly shootings and a text message scandal. those challenges led to the ouster of former top cop greg sir and a pledge by the department to make changes. sir was in attendance today as his successor, chief bill scott, said officers have made significant strides in a number of key concepts from reducing the number of shootings, use of force, especially in communities of color, and bias based stops. now, the department worked collaboratively with the state and federal departments of justice on working on 272 criminal justice reforms. today, the chief said the department has turned in paperwork showing it's wrapped up work on the final 27 recommendations. but both the chief and the mayor say this is not the time for officers to rest on their laurels. >> this is an accomplishment, but each and every one of us know that there is a lot more work to be done, and this work called reform is never truly over. but we have put in place
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systems, we have put in place, infrastructure we put in place to support, to overcome challenges and to adapt when we need to. >> while this is definitely a commemorative moment, this does not mean that we won't continue the great work that we are doing to balance the reforms that we need to implement, as well as making sure that we focus on public safety for san francisco, we can do both. we have done both. >> now, both the mayor and the chief made clear today reform is not perfection. in fact, they made clear it doesn't matter how long it takes, just the matters you put in all the work to make sure that the department is on the way to reform. now the public defenders office just minutes ago said they are waiting to make sure that the department continues on this trend. they say they are being vigilant to make sure that power is not abused. live in san francisco henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> henry. thank you this
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afternoon. still no sign of a boy who went missing in the russian river. crews have been searching for him throughout the morning. ktvu amanda quintana at steelhead beach park with what we know about the search so far. >> great dive teams were back in the water as soon as the sun was up, searching for a boy who went missing in the russian river. he was last seen just before five thursday night swimming with friends. the initial call was for two children lost in the water when first responders got there. one had been found. now the search for the other boy likely turning from a rescue to a recovery mission. >> we always hope that there's another option that somewhere he got stuck on a sandbar or something like that. unfortunately, as time goes on and the more time that passes, that likelihood is slim and water conditions are making the search difficult. you've got a lot of water in the river right now, so the water is moving quickly. it's swift. there's a lot of debris from the winter, so you have to really be careful with that. but with that much
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water and that much turbulence, it kicks up stuff off the bottom, which makes visibility really difficult. so a lot of times you can be underwater and not be able to see more than a foot in front of your face. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office is getting help from napa county. their marine unit, bringing their submersible. >> it's basically like an underwater drone with a camera system, so it allows us to look a little bit further. and in places that maybe we couldn't get a diver. >> sacramento county also bringing a different type of sonar that helps map out the terrain at the bottom of the river. the message to others is, although the russian river is fun in the summer, now is not the time to get in the water. >> the water is moving very fast. it's still at a high level if you're not an experienced swimmer. we urge you not to swim in the russian river at this time. i know that it's temperatures are up outside and it draws people to the river, but we caution everybody to be very careful because this is a very common occurrence when the water is moving at the rate it
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is. >> the sheriff's office says the search will continue as long as it's safe, until they either bring the boy home or run out of area to search. nearby in forestville, amanda quintana ktvu, fox two news. >> new at noon south san francisco based genentech is laying off hundreds of workers, according to a notice to the state. this week, the company will lay off 436 employees at its south city headquarters in a statement to ktvu. the company said as part of these ongoing evaluation, we identified the need to reduce 3% of our workforce. genentech wide across several departments. this change supports our strategic objective to deliver transformative medicines to patients faster by allowing us to place greater focus on the most promising molecules in our portfolio. the layoffs are set to take effect in june. the oakland port commission unanimously approved the first step in a plan to rename oakland international airport san francisco bay oakland international airport. ktvu s amber lee was there for the decision and brings us this reaction. >> enthusiastically, i seven
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eyes the motion carries. >> the oakland port commission voted unanimously to rename oakland international airport. >> the new name will be san francisco bay. oakland international airport. the action came after dozens of supporters and opponents weighed in, replacing oakland with the san francisco bay further disrespects oakland. opponents say the name change is an attempt to distance the airport from oakland's image problem, stemming from crime and public safety issues. >> it's pro oakland is definitely not in any way denigrating the city that i'm so proud of, that i've been living in for 40 years. >> the ports executive director says the name change will bring more people and businesses to oakland. >> it is corporate gentrification move, and it's a weak move because. it doesn't address the root issue of public safety. >> i strongly support trying to elevate the employment, the business attraction reporter the port commission first announced the proposal for the name change
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on march 29th. >> swift opposition has come from san francisco city leaders, business groups and stakeholders , including sfo. >> we believe that this new name will ultimately be misleading to customers, creating greater confusion, disservice and ill will. >> the port commission delayed a final vote on the name change to may 9th, saying it will consider more public input. >> i think that really the ball is in the court of the port of oakland. are they going to make good use of that time, or are they going to continue to ignore some of this other feedback that's coming to them? >> san francisco has threatened possible legal action. i reached out to san francisco city attorney david chu regarding the vote. he said in a statement, we are disappointed that oakland did not take the opportunity to work collaboratively with us to develop alternative names and to avoid litigation. we will have further updates in the coming days. the ports executive director says. regardless of possible legal action, the commission will move ahead with its plan to change the name at
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oakland international airport. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news well, this afternoon, 880, in hayward is finally back open after hours of long delays, a tractor trailer toppling on its side, blocking all southbound lanes near the san mateo bridge. >> ktvu james torres shows us the damage left behind before five this morning. >> a truck pulling two trailers caused a mess on southbound 880 in hayward. >> for an unknown reason, it veered off to the right, hit the wall on the right shoulder, lost control, and came back and hit the center median wall there where the trailer overturned. no injuries to report here. no injuries. the drivers, perfectly fine. >> the overturned trailer blocked most of the southbound lanes. traffic moved slowly for hours, causing a backup for miles. >> once the vehicle is uprighted, we'll have the sweepers come in and clean up any debris that's left in the roadway, and we'll open it up for traffic to move south.
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>> tow trucks and caltrans crews came to the scene about 7 a.m. they uprighted the trailer contracted by fedex full of packages. it comes a day after another big rig crashed near 238, causing backups. well into the afternoon. how unlucky is this that we kind of had a similar thing yesterday around the same area. >> i know they say bad things happen in threes, but i hope two is just enough. >> after cleanup crews reopened the southbound side of 880 by 9 a.m, no other cars were hit and the driver of the truck is okay. reporting from hayward. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> have you ever wondered what it would like to work a four day week? the reality could be closer than you think. how many us companies are considering the change in-house, designed to help with overall burnout? plus, a path of destruction in parts of the country. the severe weather system rolling through e south and n uhhh. katie! it's future you.
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into a public safety building, and authorities say it was no accident. a person has been taken into custody. it happened in the town of brenham, which is about 75 miles west of houston, according to the texas department of public safety. at least 16 people were injured. debris can be seen scattered out front near a gaping hole in the entrance of that building.
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authorities say the driver intentionally crashed into the building. new at noon the house of representatives today passed a controversial bill reauthorizing a government surveillance program. >> the bill provides sweeping reforms to the program without including broad restrictions on how the fbi uses its search for americans data. it would permit the government to collect information without a warrant from communications of non-americans located outside the country. the bill was approved 273 to 147 now goes to the senate, where its future is uncertain. the program is set to expire april 19th unless congress acts. thousands of people are without power across the eastern united states as severe storms slammed that region. this comes days after the system tore through the south. fox's tanya powers has more. >> an hour of rain just turned into the whole city. kind of flooding. >> severe storms drenching the eastern u.s. overnight, forcing water onto streets and into homes and businesses. damaging winds, leaving thousands of
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people without power near pittsburgh. emergency crews made their way through flood currents looking for people who may need to be evacuated. emergency shelters are open for people displaced by the flooding. >> when your house floods, it's just a just a mess to have to deal with that a lot of stress, you know, a lot of things to try and deal with insurance companies and getting people to help you clean up this line of storms also put parts of the gulf coast under water on thursday, dropping more than a month's worth of rain in some places in florida. >> the system spawned twisters that damaged homes and toppled trees. >> my dad called me and said, hey, a tornado just hit the house. you got to come home. they got under like my mattress in my bedroom. and they were. they were they were afraid. >> and just days earlier, it bulldozed communities from texas to mississippi, leaving at least two people dead. the national weather service says at least five tornadoes touched down in the region. thousands of homes and businesses remain without electricity. >> be patient without power right now and let us do our jobs
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so we can get everything at least cleared and to where everybody can at least get some kind of function back in their lives. >> forecasters say the system will leave the east coast by friday night. in new york, tanya powers, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, let's focus on the bay area weather now with meteorologist rhoda gonzales. and roberta, the weather is going to be changing for us here as well. >> absolutely, andre. but to the two of you there, i can't let this go past me here. did you hear that gentleman say i called my son and i said, son, you got to go home. a tornado just hit the house. can you imagine getting that kind of a phone call? yeah. so we will be calling people from time to time making different arrangements over the weekend. i know my son got a phone call. he's supposed to go to a birthday party outside on saturday. not going to happen. let's show you why. first things first. this is our live weather camera looking out towards san francisco. we have several decks of clouds out there. in fact, the first layer is down to 1200ft. the secondary is at 2400ft, and the biggest
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layer of clouds at 20,000ft. it's mostly cloudy over the bay area, keeping a cap on our temperatures at this hour, we are at a pair of fives and half moon bay, 62 degrees in santa rosa, but warmer than that across the santa clara valley from the rose garden district through willow glen at 66 high 50s in walnut creek. backing through pleasant hill and also in alamo. it is now 62 degrees in concord. the winds are breezy. i felt it today. have you? the winds are now up to 25 at travis and in fairfield. the gusts are at 29 and oakland 15 mile per hour winds. same in hayward and a bit breezy in mountain view as well. now these winds are only going to increase throughout the day today. in fact, i want to set you up for your weekend. let's start off with saturday. it's a chilly, cold front. it's just take it a big nosedive. this way it will produce up to an inch and a half of precipitation. our forecast highs will barely reach 60 and the winds will be blowing up to
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30mph. isn't it beautiful? this is textbook perfect. if you look up the definition of a cold front in the dictionary, this is what you get. it's like a giant comma here. this is the core. this is what contains the unsettled air mass. and this is the boundary line, the frontal system that's always already pressing up against that northwestern section of the state of california. there you have it, right there with copious amounts of precipitation now beginning to enter humboldt and mendocino counties, we have a little bit of light snow in the higher elevations of trinity and klamath mountains. but let's bring you back closer to home. this is your futurecast starting off with right now. and you can see that we have mostly cloudy skies. if you have evening plans tonight, it's okay. go for it. but it will be cloudy and much cooler. then the rain arrives overnight. sunrise tomorrow morning 634 not going to see it. the heaviest precipitation around fremont. union city milpitas into san jose. and then by lunchtime you might say we can get on out and have those
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little league games for the boys and girls tomorrow. well, here comes more rain. you will have spotty showers throughout your saturday. here's your saturday evening. very slick roads. and then as we forge ahead towards your sunday morning, mostly cloudy skies. in fact, the bulk of the day will be cloudy with the hit and miss shower. and with that instability associated with the core of the center of the storm cannot rule out that potential of an isolated thunderstorm. coming up next, we will talk about how much rain to expect, and we'll even talk about the tahoe forecast for student loan. >> borrowers have their debt wiped clean by president biden. i'm rebecca kaster in washington with more on how the president is trying to ke
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million borrowers will get an email from the white house today telling them their debt is canceled, totaling $7.5 billion. as fox news correspondent rebecca castro reports, critics say the handout is unfair to those who paid off their loans, and they see it as an attempt to woo young voters. >> thanks to what we're doing, that student debt is no longer holding you back. >> president joe biden smashing his own record, canceling more student loan debt than any other president with his latest announcement friday wiping out an additional $7.4 billion for some 277,000 borrowers, bringing his total to a whopping $153 billion in student loan forgiveness my administration has taken the most significant action to provide student debt
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relief ever in the history of this country. >> the supreme court shot down biden's original, more sweeping student loan forgiveness plan last year, but that's not stopping him from finding other ways to cancel debt. >> the white house says it's using existing programs, such as save a plan for low income borrowers, launched last year, but the payoffs have been largely criticized by republicans and several states are suing to block said programs. >> the department student loan forgiveness policies are unfair to americans who did not go to college, or that paid back their loans. >> i don't see it as, unfair. i see it as we're fixing something that's broken many see the payouts as biden trying to win back gen z as a recent fox news poll shows, more young voters support donald trump over joe biden, the student loan forgiveness. >> these things that they are just handing out are not going to buy them the votes that they need, it's very clear that it's getting desperate. >> earlier this week, president biden announced a proposal that would eliminate student debt for
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more than 30 million borrowers, which could go into effect as early as the fall. in washington , rebecca castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> the streaming platform roku says hackers gained unauthorized access to 576,000 roku accounts. san jose based company says it's already reset passwords for the affected accounts. it's also refunding and reversing charges for some customers where purchases were made by hackers. they're also now encouraging users to add two step verification to their accounts. >> burnout among workers is becoming a major problem nationwide, and that has led more companies to consider a four day workweek, according to kpmg survey of ceos released this week, nearly one third of large us companies are exploring shifting workweeks to four days, or four and a half days. the idea is to attract and retain more talent nationwide. more employees are feeling overworked and underpaid, 77% of workers said a four day, 40 hour workweek would have a positive impact on their well-being. in the united kingdom, a large majority of companies that took
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part in the world's biggest trial of a four day workweek were still letting employees work for shorter week. a year later and more than half had even made the change permanent. >> vice president kamala harris making another stop in arizona today, her continued fight for reproductive freedom following an arizona supreme court decision on abortion, plus rising concerns over a rare mosquito spotted in santa clara county. he
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seen for miles here. contra costa fire says they have received several calls about this smoke. no other details are being released at this time, but you can see it's pretty intense in this marsh here. a lot of black and white smoke. we'll continue to follow the story here and bring you more information as it becomes available to us. >> after nearly a decade, the san francisco police department says it has completed a long list of reforms set out by federal and state officials. the oversight began in 2016 after a number of controversial, deadly shootings by officers and a racist text message scandal. today, chief bill scott said the department has made significant strides in a number of key concepts, from reducing the number of shootings and use of force, especially in communities of color and bias based stops.
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>> this is an accomplishment, but each and every one of us know that there is a lot more work to be done. and this work called reform is never truly over. but we have put in place systems, we have put in place, infrastructure we put in place to support, to overcome challenges and to adapt when we need to. >> the chief says the fact that this took years to accomplish is proof that transformational change doesn't happen overnight. the vallejo police department and california department of justice have reached a deal on how to move forward with police reforms. the state first opened an investigation into the police department in june of 2020, days after a vallejo officer shot and killed a looting suspect, sean monterrosa, from the back seat of an unmarked police vehicle. as part of the settlement, the city of vallejo and its police department will take new actions led by an independent evaluator. police department will also be overseen by the department of justice to help address a
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pattern of what's been called unconstitutional conduct. some of the reforms include addressing unreasonable force by holding officers and supervisors accountable, conducting an audit whenever an officer points a gun at a member of the public, promoting and strengthening partnerships in the community, and ensuring that all stops, searches and seizures by officers are compliant with the law. attorney adante pointer, who has filed several civil rights suits against vallejo, says he doubts the city will comply with the independent monitor. they need judicial oversight. >> they need oversight that has teeth. there's nothing that we've seen heretofore that gives us any type of confidence that the city of vallejo can police itself, or will listen to an independent agency, unless that agency has an ability to override the city's hesitance to do the right thing. and just as importantly, when they run afoul of this agreement, hold them accountable and enforce it. >> attorney general rob bonta says the settlement demonstrates
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commitment to correcting injustices, building trust and enhancing public safety. the contra costa district attorney's office has charged a man for sexually assaulting a woman in concord, authorities say. >> 40 year-old larry ridge junior pushed a woman to the ground and sexually assaulted her on monday on a trail near the north concord bart station. the da's office says the attacker took her cell phone and wallet. a witness helped the victim call 911, and concord police made the arrest shortly afterwards. well, charges of hate crimes have been filed against a san francisco man accused of vandalizing a mosque. 35 year-old robert gray was arrested and he's due to be arraigned today. surveillance video from last week shows a man using a skateboard to smash the windows of a mosque on sutter street. he also reportedly made several islamophobic threats. the police were called wednesday night and were told that the same man was back at the mosque. >> san francisco mission district vendors will have to find a new place to sell their goods. the licensed vendors had just moved into an indoor market
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at the 24th street bart station, after the city prohibited street vending last november due to crime. the city will now close the indoor space on april 21st due to a lack of shoppers, the city says resources would be better utilized somewhere else. >> no money, no sell, nothing. one day you can believe $20. sometimes nothing for eight hours. >> the city plans to move licensed vendors to an outdoor parking lot on 24th street in hopes of attracting more business. police say they'll monitor the area and check for licenses. >> san francisco muni plans to take new steps to stop widespread fare evasion across the city. muni says it believes that nearly 21% of people who board its busses and trains are not paying a fee. the agency is now planning to hire 35 fare inspectors. that's double the number it currently has. muni says it also hopes more fare inspectors will make riders feel safe. muni fares found a fund rather about 8% of the sfmta's annual operating costs. there's
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more reaction today following the death of former nfl star and acquitted murder suspect oj simpson. he died wednesday without having paid most of that $33.5 million wrongful death judgment to the families of ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. his estate is likely to go into the court probate process. the brown and goldman families would be at the front of the line to get paid from whatever simpson left behind. >> new at noon vice president kamala harris is making another stop in arizona today. she'll be in tucson in the wake of that arizona supreme court decision that could lead to a virtual ban on abortions in the state. she's set to speak in about an hour. the white house says harris will support leaders and groups fighting for reproductive freedom. the vice president was in phoenix just last month, leading a discussion on protecting access to reproductive care. bay area health officials are closely monitoring the spread of whooping cough in san francisco. more than a dozen cases have been reported since january. ktvu zac sos takes a look at the latest cases at one high school.
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>> scary disease. i don't want my girl get sick, parent ji young's initial reaction to the news that a small group of students at her daughter's school in san francisco had come down with pertussis, also known as whooping cough. >> people should not be panicking at all about this, doctor monica gandhi, an infectious disease expert at ucsf medical center. the main thing is to control the outbreak, meaning the way to control it is anyone who has these symptoms have to stay home, have to get the antibiotic . >> since january, the san francisco department of public health says there have been 13 cases in the city. most of them among high school students at sacred heart cathedral prep. the symptom to be on the lookout for the telltale dry cough. >> the young children can have a very warm, you know, kind of musical aspect to the cough. the vaccine can protect you from really severe disease, doctor gandhi says the vast majority of people in the bay area have already been vaccinated, and really see very few side effects. people do really well with these vaccines.
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>> parents feeling less anxious after reading more about the bacteria. >> i'm really not that concerned that much. school handled very well. >> we're pretty much vaccinated. so i mean, you know what? can you do? >> san francisco, not the only area in the bay with cases since december, neighboring marin county has reported around 100 cases of whooping cough, most of them among students at tamalpais high in mill valley. >> i think the fact that the marin outbreak, there's been that many cases and it's still ongoing, i think maybe there may have been a link for the moment. >> doctor gandhi says the only age group people should be truly concerned about are newborns. >> they don't have the immunity when they're first born, and they can get really sick from pertussis. >> zac sos ktvu fox two news. >> well, alarms are being sounded by santa clara county officials about a rare mosquito which can transmit diseases to people. these mosquitoes do exist in other parts of california, but their discovery in an urban residential area is causing greater concern, ktvu
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mark sayre reports. >> in the east san jose foothills, workers from the santa clara county vector control district are deploying additional traps in the area where the mosquitoes were first discovered. the traps are being deployed in bushes and other damp and cool areas where the mosquitoes are likely to reproduce. seen under a microscope, this is what the aedes aegypti mosquitoes look like. this is the mosquito trap that caught our first adult female vector control ecologist taylor kelly is on the team that made the discovery. >> it is a very beautiful mosquito as far as mosquitoes go, but it's not one that you want to see in this area. >> the ada aegypti were first detected by regular surveillance, but now the vector control district has set up special traps like this one. it uses a special scent. it's a human scent, much like dirty socks. to attract this specific type of mosquito. >> it is a very concerning thing because the ada zip tie can transmit diseases like zika, chikungunya, yellow fever and dengue vector control.
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>> officials say they have no idea where these mosquitoes came from, nor how they ended up in a residential area far from major highways and commercial areas. resident russ johnson says workers actually came to his house last week to let him know of the discovery, and asked him to eliminate any sources of standing water in his yard. >> well, i'm a little more concerned about this one because apparently it's out during the midday, right? and not just dusk, dawn and dusk. so that's got me more concerned for now. >> vector control says this is an all hands on deck situation that requires the quick cooperation of residents. >> we're asking the public to do their part and do a community effort to ensure that this mosquito does not get established. go around your home, inspect your home, look at any container or, you know, dog bowls, anything that can hold any amount of water. >> so far only limited, very targeted spraying has occurred, but wider efforts could take place if more of the ada aegypti mosquitoes are discovered. reporting in san jose, mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news the
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medical community in santa clara county is working to raise awareness about the challenges black women in particular face before and after giving birth. >> ktvu south bay reporter lamonica peters reports from san jose. a kickoff event was held to mark the start of black maternal health week. >> 80% of pregnancy related deaths are preventable. we cannot accept the status quo as black maternal health week kicked off on thursday. >> santa clara valley health in santa clara county board of supervisors president susan ellenberg, partner to celebrate black motherhood and acknowledged the challenges black women today are facing. >> black women that are 3 to 4 times more likely to die during childbirth. black women in their 20s with promise with hope. standing before you. already exhausted in 2020. >> ellenberg says california reported its highest maternal mortality rate in a decade
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between 2012 and 2019. she says at least 19 california hospitals stopped offering labor and delivery services. a panel of advocates talked about ways to address the crisis. >> and so i think just the more we can cultivate, you know, diversity in the medical field, that's only going to help. i was there with my daughter when she was pregnant. >> so i went to the doctors with her. and just like we saw in the film with gemma, there were times when my daughter would go in and say she didn't feel good and just would be overlooked. >> a short netflix film about a black woman writer who suffered a miscarriage and nearly died was screened during the program in 2022. the u.s. maternal death rate for black women was 69.9 per 1000, more than double that of white women. the panel also discussed the education and safety of black children after watching animated short film lil red is riding the wrong way in the hood. >> unfortunately, california is number one for human trafficking
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, and a lot of the statistics are very grim for black, brown, and indigenous children. >> lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news. >> well, california cancels its salmon season. the request for a federal emergency by the governor. >> well, taking a look at the skies right now, you're right. we're heading towards the weekend. and, yes, we have another weekend slated. so when will the rain arrive? and how much should you expect? and when will the rain exit? we've got that entire bay area forecast just for you. it's coming up right te this
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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clue to nasa expert on safety, culture and mit aeronautics expert and an expert from usc on aviation safety. this all comes as boeing faces a safety crisis following recent issues with the 737 max nine jet, including the alaska airlines plane that had a door panel blow off mid-flight. a timber company suing pga over the dixie fire, collins pine, is asking for $229 million in damage in connection to the 21 fire, which was started by pga equipment. collins pine says the wildfire burned tens of thousands of acres of timber and trees and damaged its facilities in plumas county. >> governor newsom is requesting a federal emergency after the cancellation of california's salmon season. the decision was made wednesday by the pacific fishery management council
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because of the continued low numbers of chinook salmon. the governor says the emergency request will be helped bring financial support to the affected fishing communities. local salmon fishermen blame the state for what they call, quote, irresponsible water policies. >> and we're fighting for these fish. we're making hard sacrifices for the next generation of fish, and we're making the hard decisions about the harvest. right now, we need the california water managers to make some sacrifices on their end. they need to make some hard decisions about saving these fish as well. >> the governor's office says it has allocated $800 million over the last three years to restore habitat increase water flow and remove dams that were preventing fish from returning to their native rivers. >> there's now an investigation into a ford recall for gasoline leaks that could cause engine fires. the national highway traffic safety administration says ford's remedy does not fix the leaks to make the car safe. the recall covers nearly 43,000 ford bronco sport suvs made in 2022 and 23, and escape suvs
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from the year 2022. ford says it's working with the government agency on the investigation. now to a bit of hope for families whose children have been diagnosed with the most common form of brain cancer, there's been a breakthrough thanks to the fundraising efforts of a determined father and the doctors at children's national medical center could save lives and avoid the damaging side effects of the current treatment. jennifer griffin reports. >> is it simply the worst thing that a father or a mother can hear? >> frederico goldstein was just nine years old when he was first diagnosed with a life altering brain tumor. until the discovery, he lived a healthy life in brazil, loved to read. his father, fernando, says. he read every agatha christie novel. >> it's very sad to see a kid suffering from from, from cancer, particularly because they have the whole life ahead of them. >> medulloblastoma is the most common form of brain cancer in children. 500 new cases are diagnosed in the u.s. each year. the current treatment, developed
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in the 80s, leaves kids with lifelong cognitive and developmental problems. >> technology and medicine have evolved tremendously in the last decades decades, but unfortunately not for kids with brain tumors. >> frederico is now 17. when he relapsed, his father teamed up with a leading children's brain tumor specialist in the u.s. and the medulloblastoma initiative was born. >> it sometimes took between 10 and 15 years to go from a discovery to a new treatment, to proving that the treatment is better, raising more than $10 million in just over two years, they are now on the verge of two clinical trials. >> every dollar raised contribute to the research behind a cure. >> we know that we have a long way ahead of us, and we still need more support and more people helping us to help all of these kids. >> jennifer griffin, fox news. >> roberto gonzalez is back with us this hour for a look at the
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forecast that you're going to be keeping an eye on as we head into the weekend. >> do either one of you have outdoor plans this weekend? >> so many. we had a bike race that was canceled, a baseball game that had to be put on hold. it's a big upheaval. >> yeah, the whole baseball thing is difficult, isn't it? it's are we are we not? depends on the timing of the rain. so we will share that timing with you. hi everybody. let's get to it. lots to discuss. let's start off with this right now. several decks of cloudiness out there anywhere from 1200 feet to 20,000ft. basically, it's becoming mostly cloudy. and those clouds are keeping a tight seal on the temperatures right now. it's in the high 50s in redwood city through redwood shores. it's in the 60s in napa and sonoma, 57 degrees now in half moon bay, low 60s and throughout the tri valley and mid 60s in san jose, through cupertino. these temperatures are up to 14 degrees cooler at this hour than just 24 hours ago. and we do feel the difference, especially when you factor in these winds that are
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gusting up to 20. in novato through nicasio buchanan field, picking up a win now out of the south. and these southerly winds will continue all the way out throughout the evening commute. and into the overnight hours. right now, sfo throughout that san bruno gap, picking up a wind gusts to 25mph. hayward through san leandro throughout castro valley. some pretty breezy winds because of this right here, right now. it's beautiful. all. it just shouldn't be here this time of the year. it's a cold front. here's the core. here's the frontal boundary. rain showers now sliding into humboldt county. and today the emphasis will be not so much that rain, but the cooler temperatures, the slow pressure will continue to slide down the coast. and as it does so, the winds are increasing and the clouds as well. tomorrow we do have rain and a threat of a thunderstorm. because of the instability of the atmosphere. here we go. let's time it out together. futurecast illustrates by 11:00 tonight no rain except
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right around here in venice until a la o la anita's, i should say. other than that, it's pretty dry. there comes that frontal boundary. did you see it? tomorrow morning. setting up at 635. not going to see it. we'll hear the raindrops on the rooftops. heavy rain. right there around union city and throughout san jose and the rose garden district. mostly cloudy skies tomorrow at this time. hit or miss. scattered showers. i would plan on spotty showers throughout your entire saturday with the potential of that. a thunderstorm. from the unsettled nature of this colder air mass that's just settling into place. and here we go for your sunday morning. you wake up. it's mostly cloudy, but a hit and miss scattered shower. another band of precipitation works. its way through by 5:00 on sunday night. how much rain? we're talking about? over 6/10. and throughout the tri valley. that's what we got from the last system that rolled through the bay area. we're talking about up to an inch of rain in the wettest locations of the north bay. look at ben lomond
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approaching an inch and a half. and so what does this mean for the high sierra? we're talking about going from spring like weather to winter like weather. we're talking about more snow, a couple of inches, maybe three inches of snow around the truckee area, but about six inches in the highest elevations. so for your getaway friday, 70 degrees today and throughout the santa barbara area, los angeles at 67 degrees. a pair of sixes in san diego as well. tonight we'll bottom out in the 40s across the board. 50 in campbell. otherwise tomorrow we're talking about your daytime highs. actually, these are today . let me show you what you're talking about for tomorrow. barely 60 degrees in the warmest location. an occasional shower still in the forecast for your sunday. and then spring returns on monday and tuesday. have a great weekend, gang. >> roberta. thank you. some 137,000 fans attended the eras tour at levi's stadium last summer, and the bay area is making its mark when it comes to
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first fridays was scheduled to return last friday, but was canceled due to rain. the last first fridays was way back in december. organizers paused the event for the first three months of the year due to financial difficulties. first fridays has been gathering place for residents, visitors, artists, performers and small businesses for years now, an exhibit on what's called the great migration, a time when black americans left southern states in droves, is opening this saturday at the berkeley art museum and pacific film archive. >> a movement in every direction, legacies of the great migration examines the generational and cultural impacts of a big change that started in the early 1900s, when
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more than 6 million black americans moved from the south to other parts of the country in an attempt to escape the oppression of racist jim crow laws and pursue better economic and educational opportunities. >> all of the artists made brand new pieces that often began with really personal histories, thinking about their relationship to the great migration, their family's relationship to the great migration, and the ways that they and their families have moved, have stayed and various relationships to space and place and how that informs their lives. >> the exhibit will run from this saturday the 13th through september 22nd. the center for asian american media held a launch party in san francisco to officially kick off this year's cam fest season. it's a film festival, ktvu jana katsuyama tells us. what's different this year. the center for asian american media held its 2024 cam fest launch party thursday night at victory hall in san francisco
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. >> people gathered to celebrate and raise a glass to the 42nd year of cam fest, which has served as a showcase and support system for asian american film and media makers. >> having a platform to display our art and like the art that my team and i made is, it's really a dream come true. most of us really want to make an impact, especially within our own communities, so it's really nice to find a community that is very supportive. >> new this year. it's a change to the opening night venue, which will be held may 9th at the palace of fine arts theater instead of the castro theater, which is under renovation. the opening film, called admissions granted, tackles affirmative action, an issue that has divided asian americans. >> those kinds of questions are vitally important that we talk about, talk them through, understand what is our relationship with other communities in america. >> executive director steven gong says many of the films this year tackled difficult issues with the pandemic, with with violence against our community.
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>> i think we're still trying to work our way through that. >> also, new is an industry hub space for networking and panels, just as a way to nurture and cultivate like more of these connections between our filmmakers and media makers. staff hope that cam fest can spark dialog during these divisive times and seismic shifts in the film industry. >> it's really dangerous if we stop talking to one another inside our own families and inside of our communities. >> it's totally changing, right? with all of these platforms, with dwindling, dwindling movie theaters. and so for us, like this is a really important space . >> the opening night gala will be held once again here at the asian art museum. cam fest runs from may 9th through may 19th, and they have some 35 different events and screenings, both in san francisco and in oakland. reporting from san francisco, jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> thanks to efforts and enthusiasm of taylor swift fans, santa clara has been named the
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swifty capital of the u.s. the website looked at data from the 20 cities swifts the eras tour visited last year. among other things, it examined tour attendance, google searches, tiktok posts and the number of swift themed events around the concerts. santa clara was the only city to get a perfect score. mayor lisa gilmore was named swift, who named swift honorary mayor says she is super proud the city is the swifty capital. >> i mean, it was a whole thing. >> remember that? remember that time? oh my gosh. >> it's like all the little kids on swim team talk about. >> yeah. yeah, exactly. she really did take over the whole town. >> yes. >> well, we are so glad you're (upbeat music) - [tammy] can you guess what this is? if you guessed razor, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary". our first celebrity captain, you know as the voice of supergirl, it's the super duper funny, nicole sullivan, and with her are newlyweds, lily and jamal.


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