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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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two news at five starts now. >> now at five. frustration with repeated break ins reaching a boiling point for the owners of a san jose business. why? they say they're not sure. downtown is safe anymore. >> the last thing to do is just tell people like, hey, this is a big issue we should be dealing with this on the other side. >> they say they've suffered three break ins just this year. good evening. this friday i'm cristina rendon and i'm greg lee. >> thieves made off with the entire safe at the guild house in late march. now, the owners of the esports and gaming lounge are making their concerns public. >> ktvu rubin live in san jose tonight with that story. and anne, this business got the attention of the mayor and also interim police chief. >> yeah, they actually came and toured guild house today and talked to the owners about this. they say they want downtown businesses to know that they're taking this crime situation very seriously. for owners of the guild house in san jose, this was the last straw. >> a team cuts through the back door with tools, takes the
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entire safe and leaves, taking thousands of dollars, causing thousands more in damage. >> and it isn't the first time the esports and gaming club has had eight break ins so far. three this year alone. >> every time we've had a break in, we've increased our cameras, we've increased our closing procedures, we've increased our locks and it just is not helping. >> and so they've decided to go public, posting their frustration and video of the crime online that caught the attention of the mayor and the police chief. they toured the guild house today and say combating downtown crime is a priority. >> one of the big things we're emphasizing is presence and visibility. >> through having foot patrols and community service officers down in the downtown core every day, the san jose downtown association has already been working with local businesses. >> they alerted police to a serial burglar arrested in february, and now there are reports of at least two other safe thefts. >> right now, we're on an upswing, trent, again, that we
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need to curb and address the guild house has added more security yet again, and they've gone cashless. >> but they say if downtown safety doesn't improve, businesses will suffer. >> we're not going to give up. and we're not going to close our businesses down. but it's just very, it's very frustrating. >> we're a small business, small businesses operate on very thin margins and, this is just one more hit that, you know, we didn't want to take. >> san jose does plan to add bike patrols later this year. they also have something called a crime capture program where businesses can get a free camera. but they say their biggest focus will be on police staffing. owners of guild house say they're hopeful that this will be. a change for the positive. live in san jose and ruben ktvu fox two news. >> san jose police say two men are in custody for the alleged illegal manufacture and sale of
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weapons. police say the investigation follows up on a previous firearms case. pictures here show some of what officers seized while serving a search warrant at a home and a storage unit on wednesday. the evidence included two assault rifles, assault rifle and firearm parts and more. >> they located three assault rifle receivers, thousands of rounds of ammunition and other evidence which indicated that the suspects were manufacturing and selling the firearms. >> two men were taken into custody at the home near iver ashe court and stone canyon drive. they're identified as 29 year old david rios and 38 year old dustin molle, both of san jose. >> new at five the napa county sheriff's office says a north bay high school teacher arrested earlier this week for alleged inappropriate contact with the minor has been arrested again. authorities arrested 41 year old brad rowell, a p.e. teacher and track coach at american canyon high school near his home in sonoma. today on new charges, which include lewd acts with a
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child and statutory rape. rowell was previously arrested tuesday on the school campus. he is now being held without bail and has been placed on administrative leave. >> paul pelosi's convicted attacker was back in court today. david depape is already facing considerable prison time after being convicted in federal court for the assault last november, but his state trial is still ongoing. prosecutors asked for a delay today after the defense presented a 17 page report from an expert on depapes mental state. both sides are due back in court next friday. >> also in court today, a man accused of a hate crime for allegedly vandalizing a san francisco mosque was in court appeared before a judge. meanwhile, supporters gathering outside the mosque today to unite against the attack. our crime reporter henry lee is live outside the hall of justice in the city tonight with the latest on this case. henry >> well, the man's attorney says he sees no evidence of a hate crime. just broken windows and no one physically hurt. but those at the mosque today say
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worshipers were scared by his behavior. >> it made me feel reassured that there is there is. people care. >> imam mohamed anzali says he's grateful for the quick work of law enforcement and the public support. after an alleged hate crime at a san francisco mosque during the holy month of ramadan, san francisco police say 35 year old robert gray is the man seen here using a skateboard to break windows at the place of worship at polk and sutter. >> i can only say that it speaks volumes to see so many people of different ethnicities and such a diverse community come together to basically show solidarity, police say. >> gray first came to masjid al-tawhid mosque on april fourth. >> he was armed with what i'm saying is a skateboard. he used to damage and vandalize this mosque. he broke the windows behind us. he then jumped into his car and he fled. >> authorities say gray came back five days later. >> when he made his way inside. he made his way into the seating area of the mosque, escorted him out, called us. we looked for him. we couldn't find him. >> police say the suspect came
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back the next day and was arrested. with the help of the community. >> we're going to continue as a police department to be vigilant. we will drive by mosques and places of worship. >> on friday, gray pleaded not guilty to felony vandalism and a hate crime. we were not allowed to show his face, the prosecutor said. gray has a fixation on the mosque and noted he was out on bail at the time of the crime after being accused of residential burglary in san mateo county. his attorney asked for a reasonable bail, arguing that although windows were broken, no one was hurt. the judge agreed with the da that his criminal conduct was escalating and denied bail. >> we don't believe that there's any indication that there's a hate crime at all, gray's attorney, jack lamar junior, said he's seen no evidence his client made hateful statements during his second visit to the mosque, as the da alleges, it doesn't appear that these statements have any sort of racial or religious animus attached to them whatsoever. i think that that's a perception. >> those who came out to support the mosque disagree. >> the fear that he has instilled in our community,
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especially among women and children and elderly that are attending the mosque when there is such a blatant attack, such a blatant act of hate on a religious institution, on a community that we stand together . >> now the public defender is asking for a medical assessment that includes a mental health evaluation of the client. now, the man's mother was in court today but declined to comment. live in san francisco henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, henry, thank you. >> president biden fielded questions today on israel and iran after a wall street journal report claimed a direct attack by iranian forces on israeli soil could happen as early as today. the president, pledging american loyalty to israel, while also giving a stern warning to iran about escalating tensions. >> we are devoted to the defense of israel. we will support israel. we will defend, help defend israel, and iran will not
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succeed. thank you very much. >> iran blames israel for an airstrike that killed top iranian military leaders in syria. as tensions rise, the us embassy in israel is restricting its employees and their family members from personal travel until further notice. >> protesters rallied outside the embassy today, calling on the u.s. and international community for help getting hostages home. dozens of demonstrators demanded the release of loved ones held by hamas. some protesters are lying in the middle of the street, shouting while counting down the number of hostages held in captivity for over a half year now. >> and i only hope is international intervention, mainly the us administration, to come back and knock some sense inside this crazy situation, stop the circle of violence and get some hope inside the peoples in the hearts of people in this region. because right now our government gives us nothing. >> hamas is demanding an end to the israeli offensive on gaza
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and a withdrawal of israeli forces, as well as permission for gaza's displaced palestinians to return to their homes for almost eight months. >> a new bike lane down the middle of san francisco's valencia street has been causing a lot of pain for businesses and worry for some cyclists as they maneuver in and out of the bike lanes into traffic lanes. ktvu tom vacar joins us from valencia street after talking with a business owner who is now embarked on a 30 day hunger strike as a protest, tom. >> well, first of all, you need to know that the city has been taking a lot of heat for this. so much so that the municipal transportation agency seems now to be calling it, as you will hear, a work in progress. family owns yasmeen syrian restaurant and rossi mission sf, an artwork store. he's also in day six of a hunger strike to save his and other businesses from what he calls an intrusive bike lane complete destruction, just 100%
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destruction. >> at least 20 businesses are gone. five businesses went out last week. at least 30 more businesses. that's about to go out. >> l towel says the business deaths will come from a lack of parking for customers and staff deliveries. >> 71 parking is gone. they made it for commercial parking just a few weeks ago. >> i literally got two tickets in one week for unloading my stuff right there on the corner of 19th and valencia, just unloading stuff. it's $92 each ticket. >> despite repeated attempts, l'etoile says the sf municipal transportation agency, the department of public works, will not talk to him and the mayor's office kicked him out. hence the water and juice hunger strike. >> i don't want the bike lane to be responsible for so many people losing their business. so the bikes have one lane each way and the vehicles have one lane each way for ten minutes. >> i did a count of both. and it turns out in that same period of time, there were 95 cars and
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just 32 bikes, three times the amount of vehicles sharing the same amount of lanes. even among cyclists, opinion is sharply divided to come and blame a bike lane for being the downfall of your business, when in fact you're marketing your strategy. >> any people that you're getting to come to your place is maybe more to blame. >> i'm a bike rider and i like the old way. this doesn't help us. it's just changing. like there was nothing wrong with the old one, and i actually do many deliveries to businesses around here. >> the municipal transportation. agency says we have talked to the parklet operators on valencia and received their feedback about their loading needs to inform the design process, our outreach and collaboration will continue through the spring as we work on solutions that best protect both businesses and bicycle lists on the corridor. now, i want to tell you something. i took some notes also, while we were up there, i was i was doing the
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counting three full blown motorcycles actually went up the bike lane at high speed and there were several bicyclists that ignored the red light. there simply went through it because they didn't see anybody coming from the other side. most of the people obey the law, but the fact of the matter is, the city is taking heat and will continue to do so. tom baker, ktvu, fox two news the end of the search along the russian river, where authorities say they found the body of a missing teen. >> also ahead reform milestone san francisco police marking progress in their efforts to change. but critics say disparities remain and a 384 square foot house in one silicon valley town, listed for $1.7 million and a buyer has been found. >> what's the appeal, mark? sarah, we'll have that story just ahead and here we go again. >> you could see the clouds on the increase, tracking the latest cold front and the impacts on the bay area when the rain will arrive . yo orecast
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mlk library one on march 31st and one last monday by reviewing security camera footage, investigators were able to identify the suspect student as umoja day. they were arrested and charged with four counts of arson. >> just when you thought the bay area real estate market could not get any crazier than it already is, a house in cupertino, which is basically the size of a hotel room, sold today for around $2 million after just six days on the
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market. the house is not even have any kind of heating nor stove ktvu mark sayer is live in cupertino this afternoon with a look at what someone is getting for a lot of money. mark >> indeed, greg, the house behind me, you're looking at the whole thing 384ft!s. but the buyer's agent said that more than 100 people came through here during the open house last weekend. a buyer has now been found. the deal is expected to close today. so what's the appeal? well let's take a tour inside. >> so we are in the master bedroom slash living room, that opens up into the dining area. slash kitchen. >> an listing agent, faviola perez. bonafide doesn't have to spend too much time to show this home. in fact, you've just seen more than half of it. here's the other half. >> this area here can be used as a closet or a space for a dresser, and then it leads into your bathroom at just 384ft!s. >> you've now seen the entire
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house, which has no appliances and no heating. it takes just a matter of seconds to walk from one side to the other. so why is this house so popular? >> it is, quite compact in size, but it has a big powerhouse of possibilities, which i think is what drew such huge crowds here over the weekend. >> the house sits on a 7800 square foot lot, enough to build a nice sized new home. so just six days after the home was listed, cherry, she put down an offer that she says is well above the $1.7 million asking price. >> so how could i say it's a very crazy. >> she has been looking for at least three months and says finding homes in cupertino has been even more difficult recently, since the fed has not cut interest rates as some had expected it to do in recent months. >> the property i'm expecting bigger, but actually it's come out anyway. this is the price in this market. >> she is buying on behalf of another person who does intend to build here. builder amir
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naghavi with paradise homes says the price to build varies depending on upgrades, but you could expect to spend over $1 million in a process with design and permitting that could take a year and a half. >> it depends on what you want to do with the house. i mean, if you want to build a what we call a home depot grade, home, it costs differently than if you want to buy build something that is a little bit higher up. and then very custom homes. >> people can can still build a pretty good sized home here and, be in the neighborhood where all your neighbors homes are worth 4 to $5 million. so i think that's the potential people saw when they came through. >> now, this home was apparently originally a hunting cabin, which was built back in the 1940s. some residents nearby say, before a tenant actually moved in here. there were literally trees and bushes growing out of this house with deer were roaming the territory. the tenant moved in the house got cleaned up. the owner, who's never lived here, apparently decided it's time to sell. and
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essentially that's what it takes to get into the silicon valley housing market these days. greg, quite a story. six days, 384ft!, and they have a buyer. >> yeah, i mean, a big a big investment. mark, i want to ask you, you spoke to some of those neighbors. i imagine their property values might be going up after this. so any reaction from them about how quickly and for how much this small home sold for? >> yeah, all the homes around here, they estimate between four and $5 million. they're all much larger homes, 2000, 2500ft!s in that round. so probably what's going to end up on this lot is something commensurate with what other neighbors around here already have. this is definitely been an outlier. but for whatever reason, the owner simply decided never to sell it and possibly foreshadowed he knew how great silicon valley would be, what the real estate market is, there's no way to know, but obviously it turned out to be a good investment for 384ft!s. >> yeah. no kidding. the bay area housing market for you, mark sayer live in cupertino for us. mark. thank you. the price of home insurance is soaring here in california as well as in
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other states around the country. according to the latest inflation data, insurance rates are up 4.6% from a year ago. it's mainly due to an increase in claims and the cost of repairs. the insurance comparison platform insurify says homeowners insurance is on track to climb by 6% by the end of the year, hitting more than $2,500 on average. that has homeowners concerned. according to fannie mae. nearly 1 in 10 are not confident they'll be able to afford their insurance premiums at the next renewal date. >> after surveying its neighborhood for nearly four decades, a popular burger restaurant in point richmond has closed its doors for good. the great american hamburger and pie company announcing on its website that after 38 years, yesterday was their last day of business. the owners blame the closure on a recent ada compliance lawsuit, as well as a loss of revenue from the pandemic and inflation. when a fire broke out on kimball island in the delta today, sending smoke across the sky for miles, this was the scene as seen from sky fox around noon today. the island is north of antioch.
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contra costa county fire says although they received several calls about the smoke, this is not in their jurisdiction. there's still no word on a cause . >> new at five caltrans says the work to stabilize the crumbling cliff near highway one in big sur will reach an important milestone by memorial day. it's been nearly two weeks since heavy rain washed out this part of the cliff side south of the rocky creek bridge, right now, the only way in or out is a daily convoy at 7 a.m. or 5 p.m. caltrans says they anticipate enough work being done to stabilize this part of the highway by may 27th, after which the convoy system will end and there will be alternating one way traffic through the area. without an escort, there's no estimate for when the road will be fully repaired. >> and greg, the biggest hazard for that area happens to be the potential of 2.5in of rain. i don't see it happening. i'm giving it about a 30% chance. but you can't rule out the possibility of two inches of
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rain right there along highway one. your storm impacts for right here in your neighborhood. we've already experienced the major cooldown today. now we're watching and timing the showers and the potential of isolated thunderstorms and don't be too surprised if during the day on saturday or waking up on sunday morning. we have a light dusting of snow on top of mount hamilton at just over 4000ft right now. live weather camera looking out towards the city by the bay, looking in the direction of the east bay where we do have several decks of cloudiness out there and temperatures are in the 50s and low 60s. we did reach 63 so far today in livermore. after yesterday's high of 83 degrees. so they dropped down 20 degrees. and right now it's 18 degrees cooler throughout the tri valley, 20 in concord, 14 in novato and 13 in san carlos. back in through redwood city. it's the wind, though the gusts up to 35mph in oakland, 24 in concord and that makes it feel raw for the
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evening commute. 30 mile per hour winds right now along the peninsula as far as the gusts are concerned. and it's all because of this approaching cold front right there already providing some rain showers. and throughout humboldt, mendocino county, some light snow and throughout the trinity mountain range. and we're anticipating generally up to two inches of rain in the north bay coastal mountains, two inches in santa cruz mountains, everybody else, anywhere from a half an inch to an inch and a quarter. we'll talk about the timing when you will hear those raindrops on your rooftops. greg and christina, that's still coming up about 549. >> we'll see you then, roberta. thank you. two massive games to end the warriors season. they have already clinched a spot in the play in tournament, but their seeding is still up for grabs. the warriors are at home tonight against the new orleans pelicans and host the utah jazz on sunday. win both games and they could clinch the eighth seed, meaning they would only need to win one game to get out of the play in tip off for tonight's game is at 7:00. we'll take you live out to chase
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center, coming up on our 6:00 newscast, and the a's are back at the coliseum tonight for the first time since the team confirmed their move to sacramento. >> after a rough start, the team has won three of their last four games. still, emotions will be running high in the stands tonight and all season long knowing this is the a's last season in oakland. first pitch 640 the china sales to russia, the new evidence from us officials of chinese involvement in
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the deadly crash and collapse, workers are using cranes and barges to pull the mangled debris from the river. they're also removing large containers from the cargo ship dolly, which crashed into the bridge late last month. engineers are hoping to restore access to the port of baltimore by the end of may. >> the u.s. says china is surging sales of tools and technology to russia for its war in ukraine. biden administration sources say that about 90% of russia's microelectronics come from china to be used in missiles, tanks and aircraft, and nearly 70% of its machine tool imports. beijing is also working with russia to improve its satellite capabilities. us treasury secretary janet yellen warned china on a visit this week that the us is prepared to levy sanctions. china has said it is not providing russia with arms or military assistance, as the renewal of a controversial us spy program used to stop foreign terrorists and drug traffickers still hangs in the
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balance. >> on capitol hill, it's known as section 702 and allows the us government to spy on non-americans overseas without a warrant. critics on both sides of the aisle says it's been misused against americans. >> fox's rebecca castor is in washington, and details where the debate stands now on this vote. >> the yeas are 273, the nays are 147. >> after hours of debate and a failed vote earlier in the week, the house of representatives voted to reauthorize wise section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act, or fisa. >> we have to allow our national security professionals to have the best information possible to keep americans safe. >> the intelligence community wants control. they want to continue to have control without any checks. section 702 allows the us government to spy on non-americans overseas without a warrant, such as suspected terrorists, hackers and drug traffickers. >> but sometimes americans are caught up in the surveillance. >> we have to give the fbi the tools they need to keep us safe.
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but at the same time, we have to protect americans because that's been abused, too. >> that's why there was a bipartisan push to include an amendment requiring authorities get a warrant to sift through the data of americans, even if the true target is a foreigner. but that effort failed at the final second. >> it would have killed fisa. i mean, it would have killed our ability to connect the dots from international terrorists to what they want to do domestically. and it's just saying, get a warrant. >> i don't think that should be that hard. >> but the drama did not end when the gavel came down. as house members left the chamber, there was a motion to reconsider the vote, which must be addressed before the senate can vote on section 702. >> it's been tabled until monday. this is not off of the house floor. >> the white house, fbi and cia all pushed for section 702 to be reauthorized. the bill passed friday, renews it for two years, not five, as supporters originally wanted. in washington, rebecca castor, fox news. >> a teenage boy swept away by rushing waters. up next, the warning to stay away from the russian river and roku compromised. >> but customers of the
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streaming provider need to know. after hackers gained access to accounts and more questions remain after the death of oj simpson, who he still owed millions norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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authorities found his body around 1030 this morning, and they are now working to confirm his identity. the boy was one of two teenagers swept into the waters near steelhead beach around 440 yesterday afternoon. the sonoma county sheriff's
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office says by the time they arrived, one of the teens was able to get out of the water on their own. they spent much of the night searching for the other teen. sonoma county fire officials are now warning people to stay out of the river, even with rising temperatures. >> the water is moving very fast . it's still at a high level. if you're not an experienced swimmer, we urge you not to swim in the russian river at this time. i know that it's temperatures are up outside and it draws people to the river, but we caution everybody to be very careful because this is a very common occurrence when the water is moving at the rate it is. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office is offering their condolences to the victim's family and thanks the several agencies who helped in the search. >> after nearly a decade, the san francisco police department says it has completed a long list of 272 reforms set out by the state department of justice. those efforts began in 2016 after a number of deadly, deadly shootings by officers and a racist text message scandal. police chief bill scott said the department has made strides in a number of key areas. they
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include reducing the number of shootings and the use of force, especially in communities of color and bias based stops. >> we learn from our mistakes. we learned that we needed to listen. we learned that we needed to hear the community. and sometimes they came with great criticism. but we did it. and look at us now. >> the final 27 recommendations have been submitted to the state department of justice, and the chief said he expects the city to be found in substantial compliance. the san francisco public defender's office said they acknowledged the efforts to carry out reforms. but the office added, quote, with the recent passage of prop e, sfpd will be spending even more public resources to ramp up surveillance and dangerous car chases while decreasing transparency regarding use of force. they say the funds will be better spent on investing in communities that are overpoliced and under-resourced. >> some legal experts are criticizing a proposed settlement for reforms between vallejo police and the state
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justice department. as we reported yesterday, attorney general rob bonta says the department has agreed to take new actions to address an alleged pattern of unlawful conduct. this settlement was prompted in part by the police killing of sean monterrosa nearly four years ago, and will be overseen by an independent evaluator. however, adante pointer, an attorney, claims that without a judge overseeing the reforms, there is no guarantee any progress will actually be made. >> they need judicial oversight. they. need oversight that has teeth. there's nothing that we've seen heretofore that gives us any type of confidence that the city of vallejo can police itself, or will listen to an independent agency, unless that agency has an ability to override the city's hesitance to do the right thing. and just as importantly, when they run afoul of this agreement to hold them accountable and enforce it. >> attorney general rob bonta plans to ask an alameda county judge to oversee the settlement,
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but experts questioned whether a judge in an entirely different county other than vallejo could actually enforce such an order. caltrain is resume full service this afternoon after a person was found dead on the tracks earlier today. the discovery was made around 920 this morning near the california avenue caltrain station in palo alto. a conductor reported seeing an object on the tracks and was unable to stop. they say it turned out to be a person who was dead. caltrain says it is checking video records as it investigates what happened. >> southbound 880 lanes in hayward are open again tonight after a truck pulling two trailers crashed and created a mess that backed up traffic for hours. the accident happened north of state route 92 around 430 this morning. caltrans crews and two trucks were able to upright the truck, which had overturned onto its side. no one was hurt and no other cars were involved in the crash. chp hayward says they are still investigating what caused the crash for an unknown reason. >> it veered off to the right, hit the wall on the right
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shoulder, lost control and came back and hit the center median wall there where the trailer overturned. no injuries to report here, no injuries. the drivers, perfectly fine. >> after cleaning up the scene, chp reopened the lanes by nine in the morning. today's crash comes just one day after another big rig crashed near 238, causing backups into the afternoon. >> one person was killed and several injured after an 18 wheeler crashed into a texas government building. investigators say the stolen big rig crashed into a department of public safety office in brenham, texas, around 11 this morning. the driver of the truck was being chased by sheriff's deputies. at the time. the suspect cluttered parker was at the same time was at the same dps office yesterday, where he was denied a chance to renew his commercial driver's license, saying he wasn't eligible. no word on why he was denied. >> there are new questions about what will happen with o.j. simpson's estate following his death from cancer. he died
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without having paid most of the $38.5 million wrongful death judgment to the families of his ex-wife, nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. his estate is likely to go to the court, probate process. the brown and goldman families could be at the front of the line to get paid from whatever simpson left behind, according to a court filing. o.j. claimed to have an estimated net worth of more than $10 billion prior to his death. >> o.j. simpson's notorious white ford bronco is on display in a museum in tennessee, decades after the car was seen speeding down a california freeway on televisions. it can now be seen at the alcatraz east crime museum in pigeon forge, tennessee. >> we all live through this crazy, almost soap opera like moment in time, and we all kind of watched it and lived it together. >> although o.j. simpson did own a white ford bronco himself, his was seized by police for evidence. this bronco that was seen on tv during that infamous chase belonged to simpson's friend al cowlings, who was in
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the driver's seat. >> president biden, smashing his own record on student loan forgiveness by wiping out billions of dollars in debt is not pleasing everyone. >> plus, a welcome surprise for a lucky group of bay area students. how they're getting a leg up in their next level of education, and a tech giant upping the ante in its fight with california. >> how an online jou ism
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see california based news websites in their searches. at issue is the california journalism preservation act. if governor newsom signs it into law. tech giants like google would be required to pay certain news outlets a fee for articles featured in their searches. in a new blog post defending the decision, a google executive claims the bill favors big media companies and would hurt local papers. supporters argue the bill would support publishers already struggling to find a digital audience. >> the streaming platform roku says hackers gained unauthorized access to 576,000 accounts. the san jose based company says it has already reset passwords for all affected accounts, and is also refunding and reversing charges for some customers. where purchases were made by hackers. they're also now encouraging users to add two step verification to their accounts. apple is overhauling
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its mac computer line, bloomberg reporting they'll be putting a.i. in the entire line of mac computers starting later this year. apple will highlight those a.i. capabilities at its worldwide developers conference in june. the updated computers would include new imacs, a low end 14 inch macbook pro, high end 14 inch and 16 inch macbook pros, and mac minis. >> seven high school seniors from across the bay area were surprised by amazon today in sunnyvale, with $40,000 scholarships. yay. the gifts are part of the amazon future engineer program. its goal is to increase access to stem education. in each of these, students can use the scholarship to pursue a degree in computer science or engineering related subjects at the university of their choice. for at least one of the students, the scholarship came at just the right time. >> well, we have had a rough past year with just everything going on in my life, with my mom
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being diagnosed with a brain tumor and this scholarship means a lot to me and my family because this is how i'm going to support myself and not be a burden on them. when i go off to college and it's going to be a real life changer. so i'm so thankful to amazon for giving me this scholarship. >> amazon is also promising these students a paid internship after their freshman year of college. amazon distributed these scholarships to 63 seniors across california and a 400 students nationwide. >> next is five workers at planned parenthood in california, say they are ready to unionize. how the move was inspired by abortion bans across the country. all right. here we go again. >> we've got rain. we've got thunderstorms. we have hail. we have light snow. we have your weekend forecast. it's all coming up
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seiu local 1021 says that 70% 77% of workers voted to join. the vote must now be certified by the national labor relations board. they say since the supreme court decision that overturned roe versus wade, california employees have been facing heavier workloads. the workers say they are, quote, excited and eager to begin a new chapter at ppe norcal. >> vice president kamala harris was in arizona this afternoon pledging the biden administration will uphold
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reproductive rights. she held a reproductive freedom event in tucson. her visit follows the arizona supreme court's decision to uphold an 1864 law that would ban abortions unless the life of the mother is at risk. in her speech, the vice president pointed the finger at former president trump for his role in appointing the supreme court justices who overturned roe v wade in 2022. >> donald trump is the architect of this health care crisis, and that is not a fact, by the way, that he hides. in fact, he brags about it. just this week he said that he is, quote proudly, the person responsible for overturning roe. proudly responsible for the pain and suffering of millions of women and families. proudly responsible that he took your freedoms. >> former president trump said today that arizona has gone too
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far and urged state lawmakers to remedy the law. >> another round of loan cancellations is coming for student loan borrowers under a new repayment plan. president biden today announced the cancellations of an additional $7.4 billion for about 277,000 borrowers. this brings the administration's total to $153 billion in student loan forgiveness for nearly 4.3 million people, the forgiveness programs have been largely criticized by republicans and several states are suing to block them. >> the department's student loan forgiveness policies are unfair to americans who did not go to college or that paid back their loans. >> i don't see it as, unfair. i see it as we're fixing something that's broken there. >> my administration is taking the most significant action to provide student debt relief ever in the history of this country. >> earlier this week, president biden announced a proposal to eliminate student debt for more than 30 million borrowers, which could go into effect as early as
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the fall. >> former president donald trump and his lawyers are gearing up for his first criminal trial. with the november election just months away, fox's connor hansen reports. despite several attempts to delay the trial, jury selection is set to start monday morning. >> donald trump is expected in court monday for the start of his criminal hush money trial in new york city. it's the first time a former president has been criminally charged, and it's the first of trump's four indictments to go to trial. 12 jurors and six alternates will be selected. >> they don't have to find people who've never heard of the case. they have to find people who, despite having heard of the case, say they can be fair and impartial. >> lawyers will not be allowed to ask jurors about their voting history, political contributions or party registration. trump and his lawyers have tried repeatedly to delay the trial but were unsuccessful. the saga stems from an alleged payment to adult film star stormy daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign to cover up an affair.
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trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records. he's accused of using his business to cover up reimbursements to his former lawyer and fixer, michael cohen. trump has denied having a relationship with daniels. in the meantime, he'll be taken off the campaign trail. >> every single trial that you read about and that you report about and generally fairly every one of these trials is run by the doj and the white house. >> every single one. the trial is expected to last about six weeks in new york. >> connor hansen ktvu fox two news. >> well, after rain postponed its rebound last week, first fridays returns to oakland tonight. the monthly block party on telegraph avenue kicked off about an hour ago. it's become a gathering place for local artists, performers and small businesses and typically draws thousands of people. however, the event has suffered from a lack of revenue. organizers paused the event for the first three months of the year due to
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financial difficulties. >> an 11 degree temperature span across the bay area today, an unseasonably cool day. you felt the difference anywhere from the mid 50s and pacifica to 67 and 68 degrees across the santa clara valley. it was 64 degrees today in san rafael and low 60s around vallejo, benicia, martinez and american canyon. now meanwhile, right now temperatures are in the 50s and 60s, and that doesn't sound too bad until you factor in the winds. these temperatures right now are 20 degrees cooler in concord compared to yesterday. at this hour, 11 degrees cooler in san carlos and in redwood city. the winds are gusty. you know it right now in napa, 26 mile per hour wind gusts, 25 fairfield, 24 concord and 35 in oakland. how about around the peninsula? winds gusting up to 30mph. 32 at mineta international airport. it's all
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because of this cold front that we've been tracking for the past several days. it's been sliding into humboldt county and also into mendocino county today for us with the colder temperatures, definitely was a weather whiplash day. and now that the low pressure is here, we will see the rain and the thunderstorms develop for your saturday. remaining unsettled all the way through your sunday. so let's track it together. here is our future cast buoy tonight. overnight. that's when the leading edge of the precipitation begins to move in from the north bay coastal areas through the peninsula. that's some pretty heavy rainfall. i find this interesting. 7:00 in the morning, some light snow around mount hamilton and in the higher elevations of our mountain range. locally, you're going to think it's all said and done by 10:00 in the morning on saturday. but no, here comes some hit and miss scattered showers. remember there's a lot of instability with the passage of the front. the core begins to plow through in the evening hours. so again, that's when we could see a thunderstorm
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popping. here's your sunday hit and miss. scattered showers, and by the time it's all said and done, up to two inches of rain in the highest elevations, the santa cruz mountain areas will be watching that very carefully. because of the crumbling, the hazardous conditions around highway one. we will see about two inches of rain there, about three inches of snow in homewood, two inches in truckee. meanwhile, tonight, overnight with them pending showers in the 40s across the board. tomorrow's daytime high temperatures with the breezy conditions barely up to 60 in san jose. and here's your extended forecast. it's a washout this weekend. you can get out and about at times. it will be breezy and cold. monday all the way through wednesday, we welcome the return of spring right here back in the bay area. craig and christina, can you believe 80 by wednesday? >> again, beautiful love it roberta. thank you. coming up at 6:00, warriors hope for a better spot in the playoffs. we're live inside. chase center ahead of tonight's game against new orleans. and it's an annual
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tradition in stockton. >> thousands of people gathered
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are sex and non-binary people to change their name and gender in official records. under the new rule, anyone can simply change their information at a registry office. children can also change their name or gender with parents approval. the old law required two separate assessments from experts familiar with gender identity, and then a court had to rule on the change. >> a birthday celebration for possibly the world's oldest gorilla. her name is fatou, and she turns 67 years old today at the berlin zoo. zookeeper there put together a full basket of her favorite foods in honor of her birthday, including fruits and vegetables. gorillas are typically kept on a vegetable diet because of because fruit contains too much sugar, but two lives in her own private enclosure, but can have contact with her fellow gorillas if she chooses. >> a los angeles man took matters into his own hands using a cell phone to track down and confront thieves who stole his car. >> my girl told me it was happening. she had left her phone in the car, tracked it to gps, grabbed my motorcycle and
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followed it, confronted him. they got scared, tried to run me over, then started to run away. and then that's when they crashed into the house right here. all right. >> no one was seriously hurt. although the man says his car might be totaled. we're told at least two people were arrested. >> next, at 6:00, frustration over a bike lane put into high gear. a business owner on valencia street explains his reasons for going on a hunger strike. plus we've increased our cameras, we've increased our, closing procedures, we've increased our locks, and it just is not helping. >> surveillance video shows an esports and gaming lounge being broken into for the third time this year. their calls to city leaders for more help. >> and after a three month hiatus and a one week rain delay, the first friday block party returns to uptown oakland. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at
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six. >> good evening. on this friday, i'm greg lee and i'm cristina rendon. >> we begin tonight with the latest developments on the controversial bike lane down valencia street in the mission district in san francisco. >> for almost eight months, that bike lane has been frustrating both business owners and even some cyclists, as they maneuver in and out of the bike lane into traffic lanes. ktvu tom vacar spoke with one business owner who was so upset about the street design, he's on a hunger strike in protest. >> ed el al's family owns yasmeen syrian restaurant and rossi mission sf, an artwork store. he's also in day six of a hunger strike to save his and other businesses from what he calls an intrusive bike lane complete destruction, just 100% destruction at least 20 businesses are gone. >> five businesses went out last week. at least 30 more businesses. that's about to go out. >> el talal says the business deaths will come from a lack of parking for customers and staff. deliveries


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