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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  April 25, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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city with details on a new crackdown that will lead to more drivers getting parking tickets. then california lawmakers tackling the issue of homework. what they're considering that would change the way teachers make their assignments. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> thursday morning, april 25th. did you blow the clouds out the way. >> well it's cooler today than yesterday for sure. >> i thought so too. yeah. steve's here with your forecast for thursday. >> i am indeed yes, it is a cool pattern out there. no doubt about it. here we have low clouds. there are a few breaks in the clouds, but we have another system on the way and increasing clouds will start to move through throughout the day. there will be probably some drizzle, maybe some light rain later this evening. tonight it's a cool change, that's for sure, compared to where we usually are in temps here. increasing clouds cool to mild, some light rain
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out there, 60s on the temps not so far below average coast and bay, but inland for sure. well on the morning commute. for many of you it's a long way there. and to help you navigate it, here's our ace traffic reporter, sal castaneda. >> why thank you, steve. i was just sitting on reminiscing about when this particular commute i'm going to show you was a lot busier at this time before the pandemic. now it seems pretty light here on interstate 80 northbound driving up. it does get a little slow sometimes in the 8:00 hour near the end, but things seem to be much better. let's also look at the bay bridge toll plaza now that is backed up to the maze, but most days this starts clearing up as we get closer to nine. we'll keep you posted. it's 701. let's get back to the headlines. >> if you live in san francisco or visit frequently and think parking is difficult now, it could get even more difficult. >> oh boy. now some workers with the sfmta say who are responsible for the enforcement. they're worrying about what that could mean for them. ktvu bailey o'carroll is in san francisco now with the details. good morning bailey. >> good morning dave and garcia.
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yeah, the sfmta going to crack down on parking here in san francisco. they say this is for the safety of not only drivers but also pedestrians. but here's the thing. those responsible for enforcing those parking tickets or issuing those parking tickets are concerned for their safety. because of this new crackdown. they say it could be more dangerous for them. they say they're worried about what disgruntled drivers could do to them and other things that could follow. they say issuing more tickets will put a target on their backs, and they feel like it could put them in danger. possibly increasing their chances of being assaulted. as a result. sfmta, a critical front line workers. say they're going to host a rally today to bring attention to their increasing safety concerns. now, in a statement, trevor adams, a parking control officer, said, quote, not only are we already risking our safety every day out there doing work, we are not trained or fully equipped to
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deal with, but we're also expected to work. what that would excuse me to deal with, but we're also expected to do work that would traditionally be associated with the police or public works. now parking control officers also said that they have received death threats and had guns and other weapons pulled on them while confronting drug dealers or users who were double parked on san francisco streets. sfmta workers added that the announcement of this new intensified ticketing plan came as a surprise to them. they say they heard about it on the news just at the same time as everybody else in the public did. now the director, though, of the sfmta, did say that this whole new ticketing plan is made possible because the front line ticket people who issues those tickets are at fully staffed levels for the first time since before the covid 19 pandemic. but again, these workers say they are have increased safety concerns. this morning, that
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rally that they're hosting here in san francisco, set to start at 1230 this afternoon, reporting live in san francisco. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right bailey thank you. time now. 703. well, today, san francisco's public utility commission will host a webinar about the efforts to buy the city's power grid from pga. the commission claims that transition would mean affordable electric rates for residents. now, this webinar will cover what the commission calls the benefits of public power, as well as how locals can get involved in the movement. >> hamas released video of a man born in the bay area who is now being held in gaza. hirsh goldberg, poland, is an american citizen born in berkeley before moving to virginia, then israel. the proof of life video was about three minutes long. he identifies himself as the son of jonathan and rachel. he was attending a music festival in southern israel when hamas attacked on october 7th. this video is the first time his parents have seen video of him
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since that day. >> we're relieved to see him alive, but we are also concerned about his health and well-being, as well as that of all of the other hostages and all of those suffering in this region. and we're here with a plea to all of the leaders of the parties who have been in negotiating to date. that includes qatar, egypt , the united states, hamas and israel. be brave, lean in, seize this moment and get a deal done. >> we see the number 201 taped on the parents shirts. that's the number of days since their son was abducted. >> our time now. 704 and there's a new rule at usc. no one can come on campus without first showing id proving you're a student or a member of the faculty or staff. as i get back now, los angeles police, for the time being, will patrol the area. authorities say many of the protesters out there were not connected to usc. 93 arrests
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were made on trespassing charges. one person was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. no one. i love it, i love it. >> i think it's very necessary. i hope it doesn't escalate the way it has at columbia university. i think it's a peaceful protest and it's necessary. >> and tents were set up by some of the demonstrators for a sit in protest. no injuries reported last night, although some of the protesters threw bottles and other objects at the police. >> here in the bay area, more tents are popping up at uc berkeley as protests there grow. more than 75 students, faculty and alumni created a free palestine encampment outside sproul hall. they're demanding the uc system divest from defense and weapons related firms such as lockheed martin and blackrock, that are accused of profiting from the ongoing war in gaza. >> no rest until divest like we
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are here for the long haul. you know, we plan to hold the uc accountable to its, you know, to its self-proclaimed mission. you know, i mean, as the home of the free speech movement, we are handling and dealing with this protest in a manner that's completely consistent with uc policy that says we must only turn to law enforcement if there is a specific and credible threat to people's safety. >> cal spring semester ends in less than three weeks here. so far, the demonstrations have been peaceful. uc says it has no plans to change its investment policies or practices. other universities nationwide, though, are considering making changes to graduation ceremonies. >> our time now. 707 police in palo alto are investigating an attempted carjacking and chase that happened near the crescent park neighborhood. it happened monday, just after midnight. the driver says he was getting ready for a rideshare when another car suddenly pulled in front of him and stopped. three men got out, shouting at the driver to get out of his car. the driver then sped away and the other car
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followed, but eventually gave up chasing him. the police want anyone with information about this incident to contact them. >> new. this morning, a new york appeals court has overturned disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein's 2020 rape conviction and is now requiring a new trial. he was sentenced to 23 years in prison after more than 80 women came forward claiming sexual harassment, assault or rape. weinstein was found guilty for similar charges for a case here in california. sentenced to 16 years in prison. now he will not be released as a result of this decision. he'll be sent to california to continue his sentence for convictions in our state here at home in oakland, the city has plans to make a busy street safer for drivers and pedestrians. data collected by a group called traffic violence rapid response shows international boulevard is the most dangerous street in the city. 18 pedestrians have been killed in car crashes on international in the past two years. the planned street improvements include installing dividers in the middle of the
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road, as well as posts between the bus only lanes and regular traffic lanes. >> our time is 708. well. this week, vta workers began on site preparations for the second phase of the bart expansion into the south bay. those work crews are working on the expansion of the newhall maintenance facility near santa clara university. now, if you're in santa clara and san jose, you're expect more truck activity as the first construction site of that project is being prepped. the bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. it's expected to cost $13 billion, with service scheduled to begin 13 years from now. >> time is 709, and right now we do see traffic on the commute. that is going to be okay. let's go to highway 24 and show you westbound 24 are not all that slow as you drive over to the pleasant hill area, it does get a little bit slower in orinda, but again, this is all routine.
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the bay bridge toll plaza backed up to the maze metering lights are on. there have been no major issues on interstate eight. 80 actually looks pretty good, but southbound slows in hayward and on the san mateo bridge. it's been moderately heavy. so again, nothing too unusual out there. we're going to check the south bay coming up very soon at 709. let's go back to the desk. okay. >> sal, new research about california's history of wet weather. what this new study says about how intense future atmospheric rivers will be. >> plus, a group of california lawmakers wants to make students happy, and they think they found a way to do it. the new bill targeting homework. then a quick reminder that you can stream ktvu news on your smart tv, watch our live newscasts and get stories on demand on your vizio smart tv, amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv and android tv. srch for the fox l
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the justices have heard oral arguments on whether idaho's abortion ban can be overruled by federal law. the biden ministration is arguing that federal law requires hospitals to provide emergency abortions, if needed, to protect the health of the mother. idaho, however, says its ban already has exceptions for life saving abortions, and that state law should take precedent. >> if, er doctors can perform whatever treatment they determine is appropriate, then doctors can ignore not only
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state abortion laws, but also state regulations on opioid use and informed consent requirements. >> this case marks the first time the supreme court has considered the implications of a state ban. since the court overturned roe v wade almost two years ago. a decision is expected by the end of june. >> gasia governor gavin newsom supporting a new bill to help people from arizona get access to abortion care here in california. the bill would allow licensed doctors who are in good standing in arizona to come here to california and get a temporary clearance to perform abortion procedures on their patients in our state. >> we will be a safe haven so that arizonans do not have to carry an unplanned, unwanted covid or health endangering pregnancy. >> now, the push for this new bill comes as arizona is getting ready to enact a 160 year old ban on abortions. the arizona state house voted to overturn
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that ban yesterday. the state senate could take a vote next week before that law goes into place. >> new this morning proposed legislation could change how homework is assigned to students in california, and it's advancing in the assembly. the healthy homework homework act would require school districts to develop updated homework guidelines that consider homework's mental and physical strain on students. some teachers who support the legislation say language barriers, unreliable home internet, family responsibilities or other factors may contribute to a student falling behind on homework. 715 here. today is the start of the nfl's three day draft, a time when dreams are realized and football fans start planning for their team to make it to the super bowl ktvu. andre senior in studio here to tell us how it all begins. >> andre, we'll all be watching when we got here. the draft starts at 5:00 tonight, pacific time. this event used to be only held in new york city, but in recent years, the nfl has been moving it to different locations. we've had las vegas, kansas city, and now detroit.
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>> you've been kicked. you've been battered, you've been bruised. i can sit up here and give you coach, speak all day long. none of that matters and you don't want to hear it anyway. you've had enough of that. >> is he waving his hand over like a magic crystal ball there? all right. that's kind of detroit lions tough talking coach dan campbell. but, you know, an imitation version, a statue greeting visitors to the nfl draft fan zone, the city preparing for as many as 400,000 people to take part in this week's festivities. the motor city is treating this draft like it's oscar night for football. >> i'm really excited about this chance to show the world this dynamic city. this dynamic state is not just about detroit in and of itself. it's about all of us fans from every team will be represented, including the 49ers . >> a few select fans will have prime seats right next to the stage. >> the san francisco 40 niners select trey lance quarterback. >> all right, so remember this that big question for niners
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fans. who will the team pick in the first round. there last first round pick was trey lance in 2021. the faithful hoping the team will have much better success this year. general manager john lynch says 40 niners scouts have their eyes on several prospects. >> to me, what the draft signifies, it's an opportunity to improve your organization, to infuse youth, to infuse competition, to infuse speed, to infuse toughness, dependability, all the things that we really covet. this is an opportunity to do that. >> the niners are entering the draft with ten picks. they may trade a few of them depending on how the draft goes and which players are available at that time. positions they may target include offense and defensive lines, the secondary linebackers and wide receivers. tonight is round one of the draft, rounds two and three. tomorrow followed by four and seven on saturday. and there's a possibility the niners may choose some players with family ties. we're talking
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about sons of jerry rice, frank gore and terrell owens. they're all available, as well as the younger brother of christian mccaffrey. yeah. there you go. we'll be watching. >> yeah, we sure will. and sal, i know you're going to be watching. i know you're watching our commute now, but you'll be watching the nfl draft. >> that's right. he's talking about luke mccaffrey. another one of the guys who is such a good football player already. all right. let's go out and take a look at the east bay gasia and dave highway 24. we're going to start there westbound. as you drive into the tunnel there's going to be a couple of spots where you slow down. but for the most part this is looking rather routine. we know we like routine . there have been no major issues here on the bay bridge. interstate 880 north and southbound san mateo bridge traffic is moving along pretty nicely, and the dumbarton bridge traffic is looking good. 718 let's bring steve back with today's weather. >> thank you sal. we'll get right to it here. if my research
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staff of one me is correct, we have now finally gone more than nine days without any measurable rain using san francisco. let me use as a data point. all right. we have now gone ten consecutive days without rain. this is the longest stretch of dry weather since october 11th to the 21st. even november, december and march only had nine consecutive days of no rain. to say this is rare is an understatement. mid winter dry spells are quite common. sometimes we can go 25, 30, 35 days without rain to only go 9 or 10 all the way back to october. i may not see that again in my weather career. so rain is on the way. though i do think the city will probably get a .01 or something, so that'll probably end if not today tomorrow, but pretty good rain north also sacramento valley and up in the mountains there will be a little bit of rain. the weak little low that we had is
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washed out, falling apart over southern california, but starting to generate a little bit of activity in arizona, especially northwest arizona, grand canyon area and also the system coming in right there. really good rain. seattle, portland most will probably get this month. it's kind of the way it's looking. we have increasing clouds. there are a few breaks in the low cloud deck, but most locations are staying cloudy to mostly cloudy. 50 a little cooler this morning. low 50s for some, a couple of 40s in here. we had a south wind yesterday. a little bit more of a west northwest for a few today, so it is slightly cooler on the lows. this system is not a strong system, but for this time of year it will drag across us. and it does look like maybe some light rain. more south and north later this evening overnight into early tomorrow. so lots of clouds here, some sun breaks, but we'll have increasing clouds throughout the day. cool is the main message here. temperatures staying well below average in the inland areas. tomorrow the breeze will pick up and then it does look like slowly improving conditions even. nice. sunday. monday. steve >> thank you. 720 dozens of people who live in houseboats in one east bay city say they've been subject to unfair and unlawful rent increases, with
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the city is doing to help take their side. >> and a tree trimmer injured while working on mount hood. we're going to show you what it ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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is a helicopter on the move. the santa rosa fire department sent a helicopter to make a rescue at hood mountain tuesday morning.
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the department was called about an injured tree trimmer up there. rescue teams flew overhead and lifted the tree trimmer to safety and took him to a nearby hospital. his injuries were not life threatening. >> a newly renovated 911 dispatch center is now open in san francisco. yesterday city leaders came together for a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the reopening. the location on turk street has a new training room, more workstations and upgraded break room, among other improvements. >> we know that the people who work in this facility are key to our emergency response and deserve to have a facility that works better for them, and today we are so proud to announce that this facility has been renovated on time and on budget. >> san francisco's call center is one of the top 25 busiest nationwide, gets an average of 3200 calls a day times now 724. >> the san francisco police department wants to increase the
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number of female police officers. right now, women make up 15% of the police force. the goal is to reach 30% by the year 2030. the city is spotlighting the efforts of two female officers, brittany taylor and wayne luck. they were just named the officers of the month. now on february 8th, they were out patrolling south of market when they chased down a convicted felon. they recovered narcotics and a stolen loaded gun, and i asked him to get off of his bike. >> and then he kind of ditched his bike and hopped over here, ran over the recognition. >> it's good, but this is what i like to do. i do this because this is what needs to be done right. and the only way you can stop the bad things that's happening out there is to put on the uniform and go and do something about it. >> there you go. san francisco police chief bill scott says these two female officers are part of a positive trend to improve community policing by increasing diversity in the police department. well, people
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are talking about the late bay area rapper tupac shakur, who appears to be in drake's latest diss track, the legal trouble. drake may be in for releasing that song amid an increase in domestic violence cases in the south bay. >> there are concerns that budget shortfalls could worsen an already challenging situation for survivors, as
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have a meeting scheduled today about allegations made against staff members, plus people who live on houseboats in alameda in a legal fight with their property owner. we're live from their neighborhood and tell you the reason for the lawsuit and who is offering to help from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. well good morning. >> welcome back to mornings on two. i'm dave clark, i'm gasia mikaelian. >> it's thursday, april 25th. a little different than yesterday. let's see where things are going by. we're running over to our weather center and checking in with steve. >> a little cooler this morning
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than yesterday, but there are a few breaks in the low clouds, but there's plenty around. it's kind of a gray morning again and on the cool side here, but most locations say mostly cloudy. a couple of sun breaks in there, but increasing clouds are already on the way. upper 40s, low 50s on the temps. that's the system now. again, we're on the tail end of it, but i think it'll still drag across us. so it's enhancing some of the low cloud deck and we'll see increasing clouds. so it's a cool change today for this time of year we'll be well below average on the inland temps. could be some drizzle. light rain later today. tonight temperatures only in the 60s. take it easy on me, will you, sal? on the morning commute? can you take it easy on me? >> well, you know steve, the other guy wouldn't, but i am. okay, that's good to hear. >> that other guy. >> that other guy. but i'm taking it easy on you. good morning steve, and good morning to you at home. let's go to the san mateo bridge. i say it's okay. it's not all that slow. it's really routine. and i think that people will take routine. you know, the commute you driving. sometimes it's a long
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way there and you just want it to be predictable, right? it is backed up to the bay bridge to macarthur maze. that is predictable. no major problems on that bridge. we have been looking at some other commutes in the south bay and the east bay. we're going to get into it a little bit more in just a few minutes. but now at 730, let's get right back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal. a community of more than 50 people who live in houseboats in alameda are getting some help from the city attorney. the city and the da's office are suing the property owner for pressuring some elderly residents to agree to what they describe as draconian rental agreements. ktvu rasmus live in alameda to bring us the details. ali >> well, if you've walked near the oakland estuary or maybe kayaked or paddle boarded here in the estuary, you've probably seen these colorful, beautiful floating homes and liveaboard boats in alameda. this is the barnhill marina in the city of alameda. it's the largest floating home marina in the city, and one of the oldest. it has 56 berths or boat slips. and according to their homeowners association, this community has
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42 floating homes and about a dozen liveaboard sailboats. now, the people living in this marina pay rent to have their floating home hooked up to water and electricity. the city of alameda and the district attorney's consumer justice bureau is suing the owner of this marina for unfair competition, violating local rent laws and creating what they called a public nuisance for their tenants who live here. the marina is owned by a property company in sacramento called valley investments redwoods. it bought this marina in 2021 and according to the city of alameda's lawsuit, immediately began pressuring tenants to sign new, more expensive leases in some cases more than double what they were paying before increases of as much as 180. part of their complaint against the property owner reads, quote, this campaign was conducted in a manner to create confusion and fear among the tenants, which it did. many tenants agreed to the draconian new rental agreement terms and began paying much higher rents. the city says the property owner also refused to
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pay about $120,000 in rental fees that it owes to the city of alameda, and in its complaint, this lawsuit that it brought on behalf of the people who live in these floating homes, the city says that adds that a lot of the people who live in these floating homes have been here for decades. many of them are older than 65 years old, and that when this property management company came in, they started making these changes and increasing the rent at a time when, during the covid 19 pandemic, when a lot of people weren't able to find other housing in the area. so the city of alameda and the district attorney's office are suing the property owner over unfair rental practices. and we are waiting to speak to some of the people who live here. we just did see one resident run by. she was a little too shy to talk on camera, but she did say that things have definitely changed since that property new property owner came in a couple of years ago. we've reached out to the property owner, the attorneys for the property owner, and we have not yet heard back, but we
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are waiting to get more information as the morning goes on, garcia and dave will send it back to you. >> thank you ali. happening today, a special meeting to examine allegations of bullying within the antioch school district. following public pressure, the school superintendent has ordered an independent third party investigation. some school staff say the district did not discipline maintenance and operations director ken turnage. they accuse him of verbal abuse and creating a hostile work environment. >> this has all been very traumatic for all of us and especially the last couple days. there's so many people who have who have come forward and said that it's them as well. there's so many people that are scared to come forward, he is, he yells, he screams, he intimidates. he. >> we did reach out to ken turnage for comment. we have not heard back. the school board meeting is open to the public. starts at 7:00 tonight at the district building on g street. we did reach out to the school district. it responded to ensure transparent and accountability within our district. two separate investigations have
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been initiated to look into concerns raised publicly by an individual board member. the first investigation will review the overall situation. the second will specifically address the two recent complaints that have been filed against an employee within the district. >> our time now 734 teachers in palo alto and their supporters rallied outside of school district offices, demanding higher pay for teachers. not in reserve in some cases, not now. negotiations reached an impasse back in march, after the school district turned down the teachers union request for a 5.5% pay raise. the school district offered a 2% pay raise. >> how can we as a district pay less than mountain view, los altos, santa clara, fremont? we are going downhill. it hurts me to see teachers who are new and fresh. you know where the great innovative ideas come from. people they come from teachers.
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they come from teachers who care . every day you talk about equity, you talk about an ecosystem. you need to talk to us. we're not greedy. we're not asking for too much. please pay us now. >> right now, the school district has $135 million in reserves for the 20 2324 school year, which the teachers association wants the school district to use to pay teachers more money. >> there's concern in santa clara county that that a change would decrease resources for domestic violence support survivors amid a sharp increase in such cases, the county is facing a $250 million deficit. the da's office says it may eliminate some positions needed to prosecute domestic violence cases. organizations that help domestic violence survivors say they are also strapped for funds. the county has seen a 142% increase in domestic violence cases in the past five years, so our shelter is full, it is constantly full.
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>> our sister agency shelters are full, and because of that, our hotel bill has gone up three fold. >> the santa clara county da's office released a statement saying, in part, the rise in domestic violence in our community, coupled with the lingering problems caused by reduced court capacity during the pandemic, have made the work of serving victims harder and harder. >> our time now 736, is a new study out about whether in california is indicating california may see an increase in atmospheric rivers in the coming years. now, the research was led by the u.s. geological survey. it looked back at weather systems in the past 3200 years, as scientists found two periods, one of them 2000 years ago, another 3000 years ago, when there was more atmospheric river activity than anything recorded by modern modern weather instruments. they say that cycle indicates we're overdue for another extreme run
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of those very intense storms. gasia >> all right, 737 let's go to the traffic center. i had the distinct pleasure of speaking at montera middle school's career day yesterday right here in oakland. sal. one of the students asked. they had great questions at the end, by the way. they said, who's the most fun at the station? so i took a second. okay, well, there's dave, there's theater and one kid yelled out, sal castaneda! and i'm like, sal, he's not wrong. see? wow. like hearing that. >> that's really nice. that's really nice of that. student. all right, there you go. my goodness. wow, i feel i feel honored i got to bring steve along with me on that regard to steve's pretty good. all right. let's go out and take a look at the commute now at the macarthur maze. you know, that macarthur maze commute is going to be backed up all the way out to the maze or the bay bridge. i should say, backed up to the maze. metering lights are on, but there are no incidents on the bridge and that is pretty good. i don't people don't like incidents on the bridge. it makes everything slow. yesterday a slowdown kind of the slowdown lasted past nine because of a
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stalled vehicle. interstate 880 looks pretty good. no major problems here. san mateo bridge traffic is moving along very well and in the south bay. promised you a look here for the most part, things are doing well. and if you you know, we haven't had a lot of crashes, so it looks like everyone seems to be driving. well, don't drive like that other guy who doesn't drive safely. drive safely as you do and things will be better. 738 let's bring steve back in here with today's forecast. >> some other kid yelled out, who's the biggest curmudgeon down there? and garcia said, oh, steve, steve or no, mr. grumpy, you know what? >> even if that were true, garcia is too polite to say anything. >> this is also true. that is true. all right. thank you, sir. all right. >> i do my best with with no help sometimes to try and research things on the fly. and i think i got this one right. at least i hope so. if you're thinking, man, we've had a lot of rainy days this season. we have now. i'm using san francisco as a data point. okay. since october in san francisco, we have now gone this this april here, we have now gone ten
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consecutive days without any rain. that is the longest stretch without measurable rain since october 11th to the 21st. even november, december and march only had nine consecutive days this is beyond rare. i don't think i'll ever see this again because mid-winter dry spells and i'm just talking december, january, february. usually we can get 2530 days without any rain. that has not happened this time around. hard to believe. speaking of san francisco 6253. what's average 6350 records go pretty far back 89 on the high 19 2644. the record low in the city in 1892. and speaking of san francisco, it's been a cool week, that's for sure. sunday was 68. i know that's pushing it, that's getting up there. but since monday, 62, 60, 62 and i'm going 62 for a high today, visible satellites. and there are some breaks in the low clouds, especially north, a little bit south. but i'd say partly to mostly cloudy with the low cloud deck. and the system is on the
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way. it might be disrupting that fog bank a little bit. so there are some signs we'll get some sun here then increasing clouds throughout the day. we'll turn cloudy by this evening. the low that we had that started the cooldown on tuesday is now washed out. it's formed over arizona 40s 50s a little cooler here this morning. more upper 40s and lower 50s. yesterday it was mid to upper 50s. we had a south wind. today it's turned a little more west northwest for a few so look for increasing clouds throughout the day. some drizzle. i think the city will get a hundred and one or a02 tonight. tomorrow could be some light rain this evening, especially peninsula, san mateo coast, redwood city, fremont, livermore south. some of the forecast models projecting more south than north could be a little bit of light snow. heavy wet snow, probably above 6500ft, maybe down to lake level. but there will be some pretty good rain on the north coast and northern sacramento valley. so thursday clouds, some sun in there, but increasing clouds throughout the day. breezy 5060 on the temps and then tomorrow we'll start to clear it out. the wind will pick up, but then it looks better going into the weekend. >> okay steve, time at 741. we have an update about the fight to keep the bird flu under
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control at dairy farms. the new federal rules for cows before their milk can be distributed around the country. >> it's been out to our newsroom. say hi again to andre senior. you're looking ahead to the next hours of mornings on two gasia. >> dave, good morning to you. the u.s. fertility rate has been on a downward trend for decades, but it's never been this low before. the latest numbers driving the historic decline in births among american women. and later on the night, get ready for a summer of magic and animation. the pixar fest returns to disneyland in just 24 hours, and we will be live from anaheim for first look, which will offer new experiences and includ beloved pixar characters. tay wi
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♪ we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things! ♪ in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! ♪ so come get away... together... to the incredible, unforgettable illinois—
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the middle of everything. ♪
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for drake and the estate of the late artist tupac shakur. shakur's estate sent a cease and desist letter to drake after he released a track that uses an ai generated version of shakur's voice to mock rapper kendrick lamar. the letter calls the song a flagrant violation of the estate's legal rights, and a blatant abuse of the legacy of one of the greatest hip hop artists of all time. drake has not yet responded to the complaint. >> our time now is up. in 45, a new documentary looks at the disappearance and murder of a young woman from the east bay. after watching the documentary, the family and friends of alexis
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gabe are still desperate to get some answers. they gathered in oakland, the hometown of alexis, to watch the hour long episode of on the case with paula zahn titled where is alexis? her former boyfriend, marshall jones, was shot and killed by police after he was identified as a possible suspect in the 2022 killing of alexis gabe. but years later, the gabe family thinks the mother of marshall jones may also be a suspect as well. >> is the d.a. not filing charges against marshall, his mother not going to quit until she's in jail. >> now, the contra costa county da's office says based on the evidence, there's no indication anyone other than marshall jones was directly involved in the murder. the family says their lawyer is presenting her case to the da's office in the coming week. for them to reconsider a bill aimed at avoiding punishing students for drug use or drug
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possession on campus has been introduced in sacramento. >> it would require holding an intervention before a student is suspended or expelled, the author of the bill says schools would be required to connect students with treatment services first, to help break the cycle of punishment. that's often associated with illegal drug use . >> this is an important health and even potentially life saving measure by allowing schools to refer students to programs, we can get them the much needed resources they need. >> assembly member ramos says that students of color make up more than 83% of all drug related suspensions. the bill has the support of several children's advocacy and mental health groups. if approved, the measure would take effect in two years. >> our time now 747. we have an update about the h5n1 bird flu outbreak that was discovered at dairy farms all over the country. federal officials now require the cows have to test negative for the bird flu before
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they're moved across state lines. now, this comes just one day after the fda said it found traces of the virus in some store purchased pasteurized milk. the government agency says it's conducting a nationwide survey of commercially sold milk to determine the source of these contaminated products. all right. it's 747. a new report out today about the economy. and it triggered a huge selloff on wall street. >> remember, you and pam had this live at 630. she's back in studio now to explore what's been happening in dollars and cents. >> yeah. rough day certainly on wall street. the latest report on economic growth. the gdp shows economic growth is slowing inflation is still growing. despite that consumer spending was also up in the first quarter. and all of that has economists saying the report means the federal reserve does not have reason to lower interest rates. it also has investors and money managers moving money from stocks to bonds. and that sent all three major markets down market indexes down right when the
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opening bell rang this morning. some stocks in particular losing ground this morning. meta stock down about 12. that's after its earnings report suggested a weak year ahead for revenue. mark zuckerberg says meta's investments in artificial intelligence and mixed reality are not profitable yet. now, as we take a live look at the numbers still continuing down, the dow jones, now down almost 700 points, 1.75. just refreshing my numbers here. the nasdaq down close to 300 points there for the nasdaq. and the s&p 500. barely hanging on to that 5000 level. it's at 5002 down about one and a third percent as well. a new rule issued by the environmental protection agency would force power plants fueled by coal or natural gas, to capture smokestack emissions or shut down. now, the epa says the new limits on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel powered electric plants will
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help roll back planet warming pollution from the power sector, representatives of the power industry say they will challenge the new rule in court, saying it ignores the country's ongoing electric reliability challenges. president biden, scheduled to fly from washington to syracuse, new york, today to push for scientific investments. he will speak at the museum of science and technology to announce a $6 billion deal with semiconductor maker micron. the money will help fund the construction of factories in new york and idaho, where micron is headquartered. one of the goals is to dramatically increase domestic production of semiconductors to compete against china. micron also says that investment will create 70,000 new jobs. well, a famous photographer has decided to sell her newly renovated, expansive farm right along the marin county coast. take a look. annie leibovitz purchased the historic property in bolinas shortly before the pandemic, thinking she would return to california. the celebrity photographer attended the san
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francisco art institute and is a native of california, but says her family, work and life is in new york. in europe. the 65 acre coastal retreat has incredible views of stinson beach, mount tam and bolinas lagoon. it's listed for $9 million. it includes multiple residences. and then that newly restored equestrian facility. these photos posted by the compass real estate companies lurie grove. and, by the way, leibovitz reportedly bought it from the family of warren hellman, the san francisco investor and philanthropist who started the hardly strictly bluegrass festival in golden gate park. it does have a recording studio, so maybe a famous musician will move in. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> i'd love to live up there. >> right. that'd be nice. i would knit and make cheese. yeah, we could all. let's all go in together. that's right. we can do that. okay. pam is in for sure. >> all right, let's go out to the one thing, though, sal, if you live in bolinas, you don't want to be commuting down to oakland every day for sure. >> no, that would be tough. i
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think unless you can. unless you can do it, maybe once a week you work from home. the rest, you know, i'll build a tv studio out there. there you go. management will go for it, but they won't. good morning everyone. we need to be here in the traffic center. right. let's go out and take a look at what we have. south bay commute is pretty busy. it's filled in. we don't have a lot of crashes, but there is a lot of slow traffic there coming up through. and if you're driving from the east bay, it's a long way there. that's a long way there, that's for sure. this is northbound 101. you can see that traffic is moving. well, 280 is going to be okay. let's go to the east bay. that is backed up on westbound bay bridge. you can see to the macarthur maze. interstate 880 doesn't have a big commute right now heading north, although it's getting a little more crowded. i don't see a big crowd yet getting into downtown oakland. 752 let's bring steve back with today's weather. >> all right, sal, thank you sir. well, a lot of thunderstorm activity erupted, mainly south of tahoe yesterday in central sierra. a pretty good activity there that has pushed out of the vicinity boom, boom, boom, boom. but now our system is coming in.
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it has disrupted some of the low cloud deck a little bit. so there's a little bit of sun out there. but another system is coming in. this is more show than go, but we could get a little drizzle out of this by this evening. tonight into early friday, some light rain is possible, mainly south. more so than north. i mean, it may not do much, but i would think it has better opportunity up in the mountains. also, sacramento, sacramento valley, mendocino county north. that's a pretty good rain for crescent city and some maybe some wet, slushy snow up in the mountains, probably around lake level or higher. thursday. clouds mix of some sun, but a lot of low clouds and then increasing clouds throughout the day 60. that's it on the temps today and tomorrow will be unseasonably cool. tomorrow we'll have some blustery conditions, but then it looks better going into the weekend. garcia. >> perfect. thank you steve. coming up, a legal blow for rapper travis scott. why a judge denied his request to be removed from lawsuits tied to a deadly 2021 astroworld concert. senate baseball legend marking a big milestone today. next, we'll introduce you to the oldest living former major leaguer who was celebrating his 100
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birt ay
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major milestone for a retired bay area baseball player. his name is art schallock. he turned 100 years old. he went to tamalpais high in mill valley, then on to the college of marin before pitching for the new york yankees in the 1950s. he won three world series titles and
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still regularly wears one of the championship rings. he remembers playing with some of the all time greats like joe dimaggio and yogi berra. now he lives at an assisted living facility here in the bay area, which, by the way, is throwing a birthday party for him today as the oldest living major league baseball player. well, santa clara county sheriff's office says a caregiver for the elderly accused of stealing thousands of dollars from an elderly couple may have even more victims. investigators say 44 year old gerald cirillo used the debit card of a couple in los altos hills to withdraw $10,000. these unauthorized withdrawals were discovered by the daughter of the couple, and cirillo was identified in this atm surveillance photo. >> during the arrest of this individual, we did recover several other items in his wallet, bank cards, debit cards,
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checks, things that did not belong to him. which leads us to believe there could be more victims out there. and we're actively working to reach out to those victims as cirillo was arrested, he was booked on charges that include felony identity theft, financial elder abuse from a caregiver, and drug offenses. >> time now. 757 fresno county students are teaming up with an electric vehicle maker to try on supercar cars, and they're helping to build a new one of a kind car. now, several different high schools and colleges in the area are working together on the project to develop modifications to tryon's car of the future. it's called nemesis. it's a $2 million supercar that may usher in a new way to charge your ev. >> this type of technology is going to change the way electric cars are charged. and you heard it here first. we're changing the plugging up. so i think it's very good for fresno and everyone that's involved, from
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the higher ups all the way to the students to have their, their fingerprints on this particular car and say that it was built here in fresno. >> how about that? with this car, there's no need to stop and plug it in. instead, it has removable batteries that can be swapped out. well, the california garlic festival is moving again. this time it's heading to los banos in merced county. for the past two years, the festival was held in stockton and before that it was in gilroy. but the city canceled the event indefinitely after a deadly mass shooting occurred. organizers say they're now moving it to los banos to be closer to where the garlic is grown. the location change also makes it easier for vendors near the original festival to take part. the california garlic festival is set to run between august 30th through september first, and tickets, by the way, go on sale later this week. >> we have seen massive
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outpouring of community support, you know, in particularly support for the demands that we are camped out for. >> college campuses continue to be ground zero for groundswell of pro-palestine protests. and then encampment we've been reporting on at uc berkeley is now growing in size, with protesters demanding the university divest from israel. >> plus, unfortunately, we're seeing that increase in spike in need. and yet we're we're facing massive cuts, domestic violence cases surging in the south bay, prosecutors overwhelmed here and the situation could be getting worse. >> while there may soon be a time that less abusers are punished for their crimes, and one of the worst things drivers can see when returning to their parked car is a ticket on the windshield. but plans for a sharper crackdown has parking enforcement workers worried from ktvu. fox two news this is mornings on two. welcome to mornings on two at 8:00 as you look live across the oakland
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estuary. and that's something we have not seen in two days. you can see the city in the background there, and it looks like there might be some sun casting, some light on the towers, the buildings over there. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i'm andre senior. >> good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. it's thursday, april 25th. some more ups and downs with weather. steve paulson has been tracking it and is joining us now to look ahead. >> a little cooler today. you mentioned that gasia. yes. on your way in, you said it was it is, i should say a few upper 40s yesterday. we had mid 60s, upper 50s, excuse me, and upper 50s. there are a few breaks in the low cloud deck. so some sun here for the morning. but a system will sweep in giving us increasing clouds later today could lead to some light rain drizzle, but another a cool change today as temperatures continue to be, well, well below average. here we are looking for highs now. increasing clouds. the breeze will pick up and if there's any light rain it would be later this evening. and that's where we're kind of looking for here. but highs well below average. there will be a rebound by the weekend. all right. the other guy is usually
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the issue. is that the case. are we okay out there i think we're okay. >> and steve now that my life is so prearranged thank you for mentioning cool change i like it i like it. good morning everyone. let's go out and take a look at the commute here. we were just sitting around here reminiscing about tupac, but i must do a traffic report. northbound 880. as you pass the coliseum, you can see that traffic is okay. no problems on the san mateo bridge. i've liked this commute in the way that yes, you're going to see the slow traffic, but no, we haven't seen a lot of major incidents. you certainly know that they could happen. they just haven't happened today. it's been a lot of the same. a lot of the routine stuff. 801 let's get back to the headlines. >> all right. thanks. if you live in san francisco or visit frequently and think parking is bad now, it could get a lot worse. now sfmta workers responsible for that enforcement are fearful about what that could mean for them. ktvu bailey o'carroll is live in the city with much more on the story. bailey >> hey, andre. good morning. yeah, sfmta going to start
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cracking down. issuing more tickets. they say this is in an effort to keep pedestrians safe. also drivers safe. but those front line sfmta workers, the ones who actually issue the tickets, who you see driving around on the streets of san francisco, say they're worried about what this could mean for their safety. and they say they think that it could even lead to some possible sort of harassment by drivers who, of course, don't want to get a ticket in san francisco. and they feel it could put them in danger, possibly increase their chances of being assaulted. as a result, sfmta critical frontline workers say that they're going to host a rally today to bring attention to their increasing safety concerns. now, in a statement, trevor adams, a parking control officer with sfmta, said, quote, not only are we already risking our safety every day out there doing the work, we're not trained or fully equipped to deal with, but we're also expected to do work that would traditionally be associated with
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the police or public works. now parking control officers said that they have received death threats and had guns and other weapons pulled on them while confronting drug dealers or users who were double parked here in san francisco. sfmta workers added that the announcement of this new intensified ticketing program and plan came as a surprise to them. they say they actually heard it on the news at the same time as everybody else did. and i can tell you increasing, issuing those tickets is true. we saw it this morning. our security guard, who has been with us since we got out here at probably around 430 this morning, ran into a starbucks just a couple of blocks from where we are right now. she wasn't gone for longer than two minutes, and sfmta quickly issued a ticket, so they are already kind of stepping up that that issuing of those tickets, if you will. but again, those sfmta workers concerned about what it could mean for their safety and that rally that they are hosting will be right here
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in san francisco today at 1230, reporting live in san francisco. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> bailey, thank you. the campus of the university of southern california is now closed until further notice, following clashes between pro-palestinian protesters and police. similar college campus protests are spreading across the country. they started in new york city at columbia university. they have now spread to uc berkeley and usc. and there's a new rule at usc that says people must show id to prove they're a student or member of campus staff before coming on campus. as i get back. los angeles police, for the time being, will patrol the area. authorities say that many of the protesters were not connected to usc. 93 people were arrested on trespassing charges. one person arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. one. >> i love it, i love it. i think it's very necessary. i hope it doesn't escalate the way it has at columbia university. i think it's a peaceful protest and it's
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necessary. >> tents were set up by some demonstrators for a sit in protest. no injuries were reported last night, although some protesters threw bottles and other objects at police while at uc berkeley. >> more tents are popping up as part of a growing protest there. more than 75 students, faculty and alumni created the free palestine encampment around sproul hall. they're demanding the uc system divest from defense and weapons related firms such as lockheed martin and blackrock, that are accused of profiting from the ongoing war in gaza. >> no rest until divest like we are here for the long haul. you know, we plan to hold the uc accountable to its, you know, to its self-proclaimed mission. you know, i mean, as the home of the free speech movement, we are handling and dealing with this protest in a manner that's completely consistent with uc policy that says we must only turn to law enforcement if there is a specific and credible threat to people's safety is less. >> there's less than three weeks
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before the end of the cal spring semester. so far, the demonstration has been peaceful. uc says it doesn't plan to change its investment policies or practices, but universities across the country are considering making changes to graduation ceremonies. meantime, a top official with hamas is laying out what he says it will take for the group to lay down its weapons. the hamas officials spoke with the associated press in turkey, saying the group would agree to a five year truce with israel to lay down its weapons and transform into a political party. if an independent palestine state is formed. >> if they can't finish hamas off, what is the solution? the solution is to go to consensus. we have repeatedly offered the establishment of a fully sovereign palestinian state. >> israeli officials are not expected to accept the agreement as it currently stands, the government there opposes a two state solution. >> there's concern in santa clara county that budget woes could decrease resources for domestic violence survivors amid
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a sharp increase in such cases. the county is facing a $250 million deficit. the da's office says it may eliminate some of the positions needed to prosecute domestic violence cases. organizations that help domestic violence survivors say they're also strapped for funds. the county has seen a 142% increase in domestic violence cases over the past five years, so our shelter is full. >> it is constantly full. our sister agency shelters are full, and because of that, our hotel bill has gone up three fold. >> the santa clara county da's office released a statement that says, in part, the rise in domestic violence in our community, coupled with the lingering problems caused by reduced court capacity during the pandemic, have made the work of serving victims harder and harder. >> a bill aimed at avoiding punishing students for drug use or drug possession on campus was introduced in sacramento. it would require staging interventions before students are suspended or expelled, the author of the bill says schools
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would be required to connect students with treatment services first, to help break the cycle of punishment often associated with drug use. >> this is an important health and even potentially life saving measure by allowing schools to refer students to programs, we can get them the much needed resources they need. >> assembly member james ramos says students of color are affected by more than 83% of drug related suspensions. the bill has the support of several children's advocacy and mental health groups. if it's approved, the measure would take effect in two years. >> california's first female superintendent of public education, dylan easton, is being remembered for her achievements. state leaders praised easton on social media and honored her as a trailblazer following news of her death yesterday, tony thurmond, the current superintendent of public education, spoke about easton's dedication to california students. she was born in san diego, grew up in san mateo county. before she was elected to the state assembly in 1986,
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easton served on the city council in union city. a public celebration of life is to be held this summer. happening today, san francisco's public utility commission is hosting a webinar to discuss efforts to purchase the city's power grid from pg and e. the commission says the transition could mean more affordable electric rates for residents. the webinar will cover what the commission calls the benefits of public power, as well as how locals can get involved. >> time now is 809 and westbound 24 is a little busier. a lot of people have already bypassed 680, which is also slow from pleasant hill to 24. also this morning, if you are looking at the bay bridge, it is beginning to improve a little bit. i can already tell that if you know if you wait around, it will probably benefit you. and that's why i look at this right there that ramp coming in. when that starts getting better, then things are usually soon to get better, probably by nine, maybe
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even by 830. this is a look at interstate 880. in oakland. and that traffic is moving well. so not too bad out there. 810 let's go back to the desk. >> it was really tough watching it, but we were a little bit disappointed. >> documentary highlighting the disappearance and killing of a bay area woman preparing in the east bay. what her friends and family say they were hoping for from this. >> tonight starts one of the most exciting times of the year for football fans. it's a family affair for some in the 2024 nfl draft, and how the 40 niners could make s major ( ♪ )
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family and friends of alexis gabe say they are still desperate for answers. they gathered in oakley at a restaurant to watch an hour long episode of on the case with paula zahn called where is alexis? police shot and killed her ex-boyfriend, marshal jones, after identifying him as a possible suspect in the 2022 killing of alexis gabe, years later, gabe's family members say they think the mother of marshall jones may also be a suspect as well. >> this is the da not filing charges against marshall's mother. i'm not going to quit until she's in jail.
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>> the contra costa county da's office says based on the evidence, there's no indication anyone other than marshall jones was directly involved in the murder. the family says it's attorneys presenting her case to the da's office in the coming week for it to reconsider. >> legendary mma fighter cain velasquez will stand trial for attempted murder beginning on september 9th. a judge setting the trial date during a hearing at santa clara county court. he rejected a defense request for another continuance to go over subpoenaed evidence. velasquez is accused of trying to shoot a man suspected of sexually abusing a family member at a south bay daycare. prosecutors say a gunshot wounded the suspected stepfather, who was in the car. a hearing on the trial readiness of the velasquez case is scheduled now for june 26th. >> eight inmates in san francisco have now been charged in connection to attacks on sheriff's deputies. nine sheriff's deputies were attacked in the past month during several incidents. sheriff paul miyamoto attributes the violence to jail, overcrowding and a shortage of deputies. civil rights attorneys argue that inmates are being
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mistreated. the attacks led jail officials to lock down the jails for several days. >> the san francisco police department wants to increase the number of female police officers on the force. right now, women make up 15% of the force. the goal is to reach 30% by the year 2030. the city's highlighting the efforts of two female officers, brittany taylor and yingluck, who were just named officers of the month. they were patrolling south of market on february 8th when they chased down a convicted felon. the officers recovered narcotics and a stolen loaded gun, and i asked him to get off of his bike and then he kind of ditched his bike and hopped over here, ran over the recognition. >> it's good, but this is what i like to do. i do this because this is what needs to be done right. and the only way you can stop the bad things that's happening out there is to put on the uniform and go and do something about it, and she is. >> san francisco police chief bill scott says these two female officers are part of a positive trend to improve community policing by increasing the diversity of the police
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department. >> the san francisco chamber of commerce just signed a new lease for a multi-use office space. it's the first organization to take advantage of downtown san francisco's bounce back program. the officer. the office is at bush and montgomery. it will house the yes sf and red bay coffee shop. it's a partnership between the chamber of commerce and several larger local businesses, meant to highlight the potential of running a business in san francisco. no. >> all right. it's coming up on 817. right now. sal is back. he's in a traffic center this morning. tracking trouble spots like this one back here. yeah, exactly. >> i would say that that's getting a little better. slightly. andre and garcia, it will probably take another half hour or so, but i think that if you wait around, it might be better for you. we haven't had any major problems, and that's always good. sometimes i'm sitting here talking about the same issue for an hour or so. thank goodness we haven't had to do that. 880 is getting a little bit slow as you drive past the coliseum, which is not unusual. eastbound 80 at the toll plaza just got word of some a stalled
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big rig, eastbound 80 at the toll plaza. that would be the non commute direction. san mateo bridge looks okay as you drive through. no major problems there. and the south bay commute is okay. there have been no major problems here on the south bay, although it is still pretty busy as you drive west bound. 817 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> i thought you'd go into a little. it's not unusual. i thought you'd break into that there. >> tom jones. >> yes, yes, yes, indeed. all right. what is unusual, though, is to have 9 or 10 days with without rain. this season, because that's what we've had. we've finally had ten days of rain without any rain. san francisco, using san francisco, we have now gone ten consecutive days without rain. this is the longest stretch since october 11th to the 21st, which is hard to believe. so we've had a rainy season. they've been rain days. we haven't had really big systems, but even november, december and march only had nine
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consecutive days without any rain. highly unusual. i mean, i may never see this again because usually mid winter dry spells are quite common here. we did not have any. and to go all the way back to october is just amazing to see san francisco temperatures have been cool cool, cool as a rule here since actually sunday was only 68, but since then 62, 60, 62 and going 62 for a high today. what's normal? 63 this time of year? some sun breaks out there. the low clouds getting disrupted because there's a front coming in. and that's kind of pushing some of that low cloud deck south. so you might get a few sun breaks for a while. but clouds will be on the move and they'll be increasing throughout the day. temperatures though will continue to be unseasonably cool. that low dropping in to southern california is now pushed into arizona. amazingly cool for them the next few days as well. i posted this out there on twitter. the high in phoenix on saturday is going to be 78. normal is closer to 90. that's that's hard to believe, but 50 is on a lot of the temps. a
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little cooler this morning. the breeze is picking up fairfield west at 21 concord 14. so not not bad, but i think it will get a blustery day more likely tomorrow. so look for some sun, low clouds in the morning and then increasing clouds in the afternoon. if this system gives us any rain, it would be light. maybe san francisco get 0.010.02. kind of some of the amounts been up to teeny bit. so tonight into early tomorrow is our best opportunity. now for sure. up in the mountains also sacramento valley, mendocino county northward and maybe some light snow up in the mountains here down around lake level late tonight early early friday, thursday. clouds though some sun in the morning, but increasing clouds throughout the day. 60s on the temps well below average for inland areas. coast and bay are pretty close after though. friday though it does look like slow improvement taking us into the weekend and early next week. >> all right. thank you so much steve. one of the biggest events in the nfl year kicks off today. the three day nfl draft starts at 5:00 tonight pacific time. this event used to only be held in new york city. but in recent
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years, the nfl has been moving it to different locations las vegas, kansas city and now detroit. the city is preparing for as many as 400,000 people to take part in this week's festivities. the motor city is treating the draft like it's oscar night for football. >> i'm really excited about this chance to show the world this dynamic city. this dynamic state is not just about detroit in and of itself. it's about all of us. >> fans from every team will be represented, including the 40 niners, of course, and a few select fans will have prime seats right next to the stage. >> the san francisco 40 niners select trey lance quarterback. >> and that's the big question for niners fans who will the team pick in the first round? their last pick first round pick was trey lance, 2021. the faithful hoping the team will have much better success this year. general manager john lynch says 40 niners scouts have their eyes on several prospects and tonight is round one of the draft. as we said, round two and
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three are tomorrow, followed by 4 to 7 on saturday. and there's a possibility the niners may choose some players with family ties. sons of jerry rice, frank gore and terrell owens are available as well as the younger brother of christian mccaffrey. >> 821 now, after that devastating bridge collapse in baltimore, the first of five stranded cargo ships has passed through a newly opened channel. how long it will remain open and the work that still needs to be done. >> a legal blow for rapper travis scott. why a judge denied his request to be removed from lawsuits tied to the deadly 2021 astroworld concert
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and is now requiring a new trial. he was sentenced to 23 years in prison after more than 80 women came forward with sexual assault and harassment or rape allegations. weinstein was found guilty for similar charges in a california case and sentenced to 16 years in prison. now he won't be released as a result of this decision in new york. instead, he'll be sent to california to continue his sentence for convictions in this state. >> a judge is denying rapper travis scott's bid to drop hundreds of lawsuits filed over his role in a deadly crowd crush incident at the 2021 astroworld festival. ten people died at that festival. hundreds more were injured in a crowd surge at
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the concert. scott's attorneys argued the artist responsible is only dealt with the creative aspect of the show, not with any safety or security decisions. the first lawsuit is not set to go to trial. may 6th, a bill aimed at protecting california homeowners from being dropped by their insurance company has advanced in the state senate. the bill requires insurance companies to consider wildfire mitigation efforts made by the state, as well as property owners, in how they determine rates and coverage. the bill is in response to the many insurance companies that are restricting coverage or refusing to renew policies due to a risk of wildfires. >> all right. coming up on 826 now, allstate says it plans to resume writing new policies as soon as california adopts new regulations. the fourth largest property and casualty insurer in the state stopped writing new policies two years ago due to the risk of wildfires. california is now considering allowing insurers to allow wild fire risk into catastrophic models to calculate rates for homes. a psychologist testifies in the case of a doctor accused of driving his family off of a 250 foot cliff. why the
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prosecutors are opening the defense push for mental health diversion program. >> more than a dozen allies of former president donald trump indicted in arizona, accused of acting as fake electors during the 2020 election. the charges they're now facing.
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a community, then teachers in
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palo alto demanding higher pay, the pressure the school district is facing there and what it's being called to do to give the teachers a raise. >> from ktvu, fox two news, this is mornings on two. >> good morning and thanks for being here. i'm garcia mikaelian. >> i'm andre senior. today is thursday, april 25th. you can see behind us here in oakland we have similar cloudy skies, but hopefully we'll get some improvement after two days to let you check in with steve paulson right now to see what he has to say about all of this. we will see improving skies by the weekend, so we'll get there. >> but a lot of low clouds, some sun breaks in there, especially north more so than south on the visible satellite. but the leading edge of a front is on its way, which so, you know, the fleeting will be. the sun breaks here as that next system sweeps in. we're on the western edge of it, so more show than go. but it's a cool change today. that is for sure. for this time of year. mostly cloudy, some sun in the morning, maybe a little drizzle. increasing clouds throughout the day. cool to mild. some light rain possible late tonight. overnight into early friday 60s on the temps.
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we'll see a little rebound starting saturday. all right. sal is here 830 getting better worse. saying what? where are we going. >> well it's a little bit slow here on the east bay commute still steve. although i think the traffic gods have been taking it easy on me today because we haven't had a lot of, you know, incidents just had a lot of the routine, slow traffic. but not a lot of major incidents. i hope i'm not jinxing it. we see improvement here at the bay bridge toll plaza. no major issues here. and if you're driving on interstate 880 northbound, you can see that traffic is getting slower and take 30. let's get back to the headlines. thank you. >> sal, a community of more than 50 people who live in houseboats in alameda is getting some help from the city attorney there. the city and da's office are suing the property owner for pressuring some elderly residents to agree to what they call draconian rental agreements. ktvu erasmus live now to bring us details. ali >> yeah. behind us is the barnhill marina in alameda. they got about 42 very colorful
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floating houseboats. if you're on the other side of the estuary in jack london square, you've probably seen and noticed this quaint community. it's the largest floating home marina in the city of alameda. it has 56 berths or boat slips, so there's 42 floating homes and about a dozen liveaboard boats. the city of alameda and the district attorney's consumer justice bureau is suing the owner of this marina for unfair competition, violating local rent laws and creating what the complaint calls a public nuisance for the people who live here. the people who live here pay rent to have their floating home at one of these berths hooked up to water and electricity. the marina is owned by a property company in sacramento called valley investments redwoods. it bought this marina in 2021 and according to the city's lawsuit against it, immediately began pressuring tenants to sign new, more expensive leases, in some cases more than double what they were paying before as much as 180% in increases in rent. now, part of the complaint reads, quote, this campaign was conducted in a manner to create
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confusion and fear among the tenants, which it did. many tenants agreed to the draconian new rental agreement terms and began paying much higher rents. end quote. the city, in its lawsuit says that the property owner also has refused to pay about $120,000 in rental fees that it owes the city of alameda. so the city of alameda and district attorney's consumer justice bureau suing the property owner. we've reached out to the attorneys of the property owner of this barnhill marina, and we've spoken to a couple of the residents who have described to us what things were like before 2021, when this new property owner came in and what it's been like since. and so we'll have that part of the story and you'll hear from them coming up at 930 live in alameda . ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. ali, thank you. 833 now san jose police say they've arrested a woman for stealing more than $400,000 from a primary school organization. officers say they arrested 51 year old thaisa knight in part of an investigation into four
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years of suspicious transactions. knight allegedly wrote 45 fraudulent reimbursement checks while serving as president for an enrichment program group at shellenberger elementary. she has been booked for grand theft and forgery. >> a psychologist testified on behalf of a man accused of deliberate driving his family off devil's slide cliff near pacifica. dharmesh patel's defense wants him placed into a mental health diversion program instead of going on trial. charged with attempted murder. san mateo prosecutors oppose that request. they say he intentionally tried to kill his wife and two children by driving off a 250 foot cliff. they all survived the crash in the east bay. happening today a special meeting to examine bullying allegations in the antioch school district amid public pressure, the school superintendent has ordered an independent third party investigation. some school staff say the district did not discipline maintenance and operations director ken turnage. the accused him of verbal abuse and creating a hostile work environment. >> this has all been very traumatic for all of us and especially the last couple days.
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there's so many people who have who have come forward and said that it's them as well. there's so many people that are scared to come forward. he is, he yells, he screams, he intimidates. he. >> we did reach out to ken turnage for comment. we have yet to hear back. the school board meeting is open to the public. starts at 7:00 tonight at the district building on g street. we also reached out to the school district and received a response to ensure transparency and accountability within our district to separate investigations, have been initiated to look into concerns raised publicly by an individual board member. the first investigation will review the overall situation. the second will specifically address two recent complaints that have been filed against an employee within the district. >> a 35 now teaches in palo alto, and their supporters rallied outside of school district offices demanding higher pay for teachers. not in reserve in 19. negotiations reached an impasse back in march
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after the school district denied the request by the teachers union for a 5.5% pay raise. the school district offered a 2% pay raise. >> how can we as a district pay less than mountain view, los altos, santa clara, fremont? we are going down hill. it hurts me to see teachers who are new and fresh. you know where the great innovative ideas come from. people they come from teachers. they come from teachers who care . every day you talk about equity, you talk about an ecosystem. you need to talk to us. we're not greedy. we're not asking for too much. please pay us. >> well, right now, the school district has $135 million in reserves for the 20 2324 school year, which the teachers association wants the school district to use to pay teachers more money. >> there is some progress to report in the cleanup effort around the francis scott key bridge in baltimore, maryland. that bridge collapsed in late march after being hit by a cargo
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ship this morning. a cargo ship has passed through a newly opened channel. it's the first of five expected to leave the harbor. they've all been stranded there since the bridge fell. it is a significant step toward reopening that major shipping hub. the new channel will remain open until monday or tuesday. >> the justice department investigation is digging deeper into boeing now. yesterday, prosecutors met with families who lost loved ones in two deadly 737 crashes. those crashes took place in 2018 and 2019. well, two years later, the doj said boeing was at fault for its conduct surrounding those crashes. the airline manufacturer agreed to overhaul its compliance program, but after several recent problems, the families are now urging attorneys to criminally prosecute. >> it is inconceivable to me that four months since the alaska air door blowout, there's even a question of whether things have changed. i hope that the justice department reaches that same obvious conclusion. >> now, boeing says it's currently working on a mandated comprehensive plan to address recent flight issues. until the
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plan is complete, the faa is limiting the production of the 737 max jet. >> time is 837. let's see what steve paulson is reporting when it comes to those of us who might be looking forward to the weekend a little better, good, a little better. >> i don't think it'll be as warm as last weekend, but it'll still be better here today. and tomorrow, though, will be unseasonably cool. but first, if you're saying, you know we've had a lot of rain this year, we have had a lot of rain days. most locations are around 100, slightly below for some, but mainly a little bit above. but the amount of rain days is what's impressive here. since october, using san francisco as the as the data point, if you will. we have now gone ten consecutive days without rain. this is the longest stretch without measurable rain in san francisco since october 11th to the 21st. even november, december and march only had nine to say. this is rare is an understatement. we usually get mid-winter dry spells 15, 20, 25, 30 days. we've gone without rain did not happen this year. i don't think i'll see this again,
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i just don't. this is unbelievably rare, but that's been this kind of a season. so we get, you know, even if it's only a 10th of an inch or a quarter, we've had a lot of those kind of days here. san francisco 6253 today. what's average? 6350. so close the records go back pretty far here, 89 on the record high 1926 and 44 back in 1892. for the record low. i think the city only hit 53 this morning. some breaks in the clouds, especially north. there's a front coming in. so that's pushing some of that low cloud deck around more south. so you're seeing some more sun breaks to the north. that's our system coming in. it'll drag across a lot of clouds today. maybe some light rain i would think more north and east. but we'll mention it for tonight. overnight into tomorrow. the upper low, which started the cooling trend on tuesday, has now moved into southern california, pushing into arizona, giving them northern arizona up near prescott, sedona, flagstaff, grand canyon, some activity. that's pretty impressive. what's interesting is that the deep low that's coming in tonight and friday is
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going to make for 60s and 70s on friday and saturday in las vegas and phoenix, a remarkably cool 50 is on the temps. we had some 40s earlier, a little bit of a breeze. not too bad. travis west, the 21, but it'll pick up tomorrow. tomorrow will be more of a blustery day, so look for some sun here in the morning then increasing clouds with that system sweeping in tonight. tomorrow. it's a weak system, but some of the projections here forecast models are using a little bit, you know, bumping up a couple 100. so we'll go with that. but for the mountains yes some rain and higher elevations could get a little snow late tonight. early tomorrow sacramento north and also lake county, mendocino county i think best opportunities to get some measurable rain. mostly cloudy, some sun in the morning, especially north, but increasing clouds throughout the day. highs will be cool. cool 60s tomorrow. i would expect more of a breezy to windy day than decreasing. looks nicer going into the weekend. >> thank you steve. time is 840. california lawmakers speeding ahead with a groundbreaking bill that could change the way we drive next on the nine. the major change to legislation that would limit new car speeds. >> then planned parenthood
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facilities in california bracing for more patients as arizona lawmakers move closer to an abortion ban. the new state bill, bked by ov
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trump should be immune from prosecution for actions he took
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during his time in office. the justices will consider whether mr. trump can be prosecuted for the actions he took to overturn the 2020 election results. the former president has claimed presidential immunity since he was still in office at the time, and the federal case against him is now on hold. >> either you leave a president who has no protection for statements made and the presidency, or you create a president who has no accountability for even the most egregious crimes. there's a good chance the courts are going to try to find a third option. >> the supreme court is expected to issue a ruling sometime in late june at 843. >> right now in arizona, a grand jury indicted donald trump's former chief of staff, mark meadows, attorney rudy giuliani, and 16 others for their efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. according to the indictment, some of those republicans acted as fake electors, submitting a document to congress falsely declaring trump won arizona. however president biden won arizona by more than 10,000 votes. the indictment also includes charges of conspiracy and fraud. well,
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governor newsom is standing behind a new bill that would help people from arizona get access to abortions in california. the bill would allow licensed doctors and good standing in arizona to come to california and get a temporary clearance to perform abortion procedures on their patients. in our state. >> we will be a safe haven so that arizonans do not have to carry an unplanned, unwanted or health endangering pregnancy. >> now, the push for this new bill comes as arizona prepares to enact a 160 year old ban on abortions. the arizona state house voted to overturn that ban yesterday, and the state senate could take a vote next week before the law goes into place. 845 now looking for lower interest rates, this is now less likely after a new report this morning. >> that report also triggered a huge selloff on wall street that pam cook told us about at 630. at that bell. she's back in studio now with what's been
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happening in dollars and cents. >> yes. and more of the same since that bell rang the latest report on the economy, the gdp shows economic growth is slowing. inflation is growing. despite that consumer spending was actually up in the first quarter. and economists say that report means the federal reserve does not have any reason to lower interest rates anytime soon. it also has investors and money managers moving money from stocks to bonds as those treasury yields head higher. and that sent all three major market indexes down right when the opening bell rang this morning. across the board, the s&p 500 is hanging on to 5510 right now. but the nasdaq is slipping 259 points as we take you live to the big board to take a look at the latest numbers from the dow. it is down more than 600 points, more than 1.5% there. as the concerns grow about inflation, meta announced plans to invest billions of dollars in artificial intelligence. meta has been introducing more ai features on its social media
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platforms, including facebook, instagram and whatsapp. ceo mark zuckerberg says he wants meta to be the leading ai company in the world. however, he also said ai and mixed reality investments are not profitable. yet that stock down about 12% this morning. a new aarp survey finds about 1 in 4 americans over the age of 50 say they never expect to retire. one reason about 70% say they're concerned about inflation. the research also shows about 1 in 4 have no retirement savings at all. housing costs and daily expenses are the biggest reasons why people say they are unable to save for retirement. the average american reportedly has $88,000 saved for retirement, but the typical worker believes they need 1.4 million to retire. there's a recall to let you know about involving bottles of avocado oil. primal kitchen reports. it's 750 milliliter bottle, is prone to breaking and spelling. take a look at the bottling. workers at a warehouse
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discovered the issue, noticing that oil had leaked during shipping. no injuries have been reported, but the affected bottles were sold in the eastern us and here in california, with best use by dates between august 19th and august 21st, 2025. walgreens says it will start to work directly with drug manufacturers to bring cell and gene therapies to patients in the us. the company says it's opening a facility in pittsburgh , pennsylvania, dedicated to services for cell and gene therapies as part of an expansion of its special pharmacy services. now, the cell and gene therapies are one time high cost treatments that target a patient's genetic source or cell to cure or alter the course of a disease. the fda approved seven cell and gene therapies last year, including the first gene therapies to treat sickle cell disease. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents pam. >> thank you. there's now a fourth peregrine falcon chick in a nest at uc berkeley. and his fourth and final egg hatched on hatch day, a day the university sets aside to help educate the
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public on the falcons that have lived atop the school's campanile clock tower for years now. >> this is like the color of tons of conservation effort to bring these falcons back from the brink of extinction and to have four new chicks this year is just so wonderful to see, and annie has never hatched a full clutch of four before, so four chicks before. so this is a really exciting time for her four children all at once. >> andre, how does that sound? i mean, look, i'm one of four kids, but we were spaced out, so that makes some sense. anyway, it's so fun to watch these pictures. the chicks will live with their parents for just ten weeks or so before leaving the nest. >> sometimes i wonder what's what's best knocking them all out at one time. like, let's say you had, you know, twins or triplets or quadruplets, just knocking it all out at once, right? or or spacing them out. yeah. i mean, i was just knocking it all out. >> just getting it all down. >> yeah. yeah. >> just, you know, we have a couple people here in a newsroom. we're friends with. one of them is kelly. she has
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twins. yeah. and i say, kelly, how did you manage when they were babies? she said i had them on a strict schedule. there was no wiggle room. and i said that tracks. so i think you have to. >> i worked with kelly years ago before she ever had those kids. it was funny. so you were there. sacramento babies? yeah, yeah. all right, speaking of, the weather, i wanted to ask you about the campanile, because sal went to cal, and he's always sticky about the names, the pronunciation of the names, the campanile. >> very good. andre. yeah. you know, i really loved that campanile, because several times a day, those bells up there play songs. and i like that. all right. good morning, everyone. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza. fortunately, we had a stalled vehicle on the bridge and that didn't take too long. or it wasn't there for that long, but you could see what it did to the bridge and slow moving bridge there. things are a little bit slower than they used to be. and also people started showing up a little later westbound. so it just kind of one of those things. but i still think it's going to improve in the 9:00 hour. this is a look at interstate 880 northbound. it is very slow
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driving into downtown oakland. the traffic is moving along okay. and on the san mateo bridge they had a stalled vehicle there. help is on the way. the tow truck is there trying to move it off now. 850 let's bring steve back in with today's weather right now, a lot of low clouds in place. >> some sun breaks more to the north than anywhere else here on the low cloud deck. but increasing clouds are already moving into the north, so. well, we'll get, you know. moments of morning sun. as i like to say, this next system will drag across a lot of cloud cover here, keeping us on the cool side. and this system, we're on the western edge of it probably won't get much out of it. if we do, it could be a couple one hundredths drizzle or light rain more likely. probably you know, half moon bay, redwood city, fremont south more, the north. late tonight, early tomorrow there will be more activity towards the mountains. maybe some snow down to lake level, probably a little above that, but it will be close. mendocino county, lake county and sacramento, northern sacramento valley have a better opportunity
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to get some measurable rain thursday. clouds some sun breaks in there, but increasing clouds throughout the day. 60s on the temps. it's a cool pattern and it'll stay that way tomorrow. windy to breezy on friday and then slowly improving on the weekend. >> thank you steve. >> coming up next, get ready to immerse yourself in the magic of pixar when you join us on the nine. we're live from disneyland this morning with a first look at the exciting lineup of new experiences at the anaheim resorts pixar fest. >> also, the u.s. fertility rate has been on a downward trend for decades, but the most recent numbers show something we haven't seen before. the factors combining to have a major effect on the n ber of babies
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couple may have more victims. investigators say 44 year old gerald cirillo used the debit
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card of a los altos hills couple to withdraw $10,000. these unauthorized withdrawals were discovered by the couple's daughter. cirillo was identified in an atm surveillance photo during the arrest of this individual. >> we did recover several other items in his wallet, bank cards, debit cards, checks, things that did not belong to him, which leads us to believe there could be more victims out there. and we're actively working to reach out to those victims. >> cirillo was arrested and booked on charges including felony identity theft, financial elder abuse from a caregiver and drug offenses. >> fewer babies are being born in the united states. cdc statistics released today show there were 3.6 million babies born last year, 76,000 fewer than the year before, and it's the lowest number on record since 1979. births in the united states dropped for more than a decade before covid hit births, then ticked up for the next two years, experts say, because more couples started having children after putting that off because
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of the start of the pandemic. >> south san francisco based biotech company freenome is cutting 20% of its workforce. these layoffs come shortly after the company secured $245 million in funding to develop early cancer detection tests earlier this month, genentech laid off hundreds of biotech workers, some owners of ring cameras might be getting a refund. >> the federal trade commission is sending more than $5.6 million in refunds to over 116,000 ring customers. it's part of a settlement over charges that the company allowed contractors and employees to access private videos, and failed to implement security protections. people who qualify for a refund will receive payment through paypal within the next 30 days. >> it is a big concern for families with pets. there is a shortage of veterinarians. a recent study shows by 2030, there could be 15,000 fewer vets than needed to care for the number of pets in the u.s. part of the blame is the cost of
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getting through college to become a veterinarian. >> most vets are graduating with an average of about $160,000 in student loans. and then the shortage also goes into the fact that veterinarians, oftentimes once they graduate, they want to start repaying those loans. and so they're going to look for more lucrative jobs in larger cities and things like that. working at municipal shelters, nonprofits are not going to be nearly as lucrative as a private practice. >> some shelters are sending workers into the community to offer low cost vaccinations to help with the shortage of vets, hyundai is recalling several thousand cars over fuel pump issues. >> genesis, the luxury brand of hyundai, is calling back about 31,440 cars. safety regulators say fuel pumps in the 20, 22 and 23 models could fail and cause the engine to stop. letters will be sent to affected owners on june 18th, and hyundai will replace the fuel pumps for you at no charge. >> fresno county students are teaming up with electric vehicle
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company trion supercars to help build a new one of a kind car. several different high schools and colleges in the area are working together on the project to develop modifications to trion's car of the future. it's called nemesis. it's a $2 million supercar car that may usher in a new way to charge your ev. with this car, there is no need to stop and plug in. instead, it has removable batteries that can be swapped out. >> the mayor of san francisco is introduced new legislation meant to allow for money to be raised to help house two giant pandas from china at the san francisco zoo. mayor london breed wants the money raised through private donations, not tax dollars. but right now that's illegal. the mayor is introducing new legislation that would temporarily lift restrictions on city leaders seeking private funds to pay for projects, construction on the pandas enclosure has an estimated price tag of almost $25 million. 14 bison from the oakland zoo departed for montana. zoo
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employees posted this video of the bison getting into a trailer yesterday. this marks 38 total heritage bison from the oakland zoo to be released to the care of the blackfeet nation. it's all part of an effort to restore the wild bison population to its native landscape. oakland zoo has been a major contributor to the effort since 2016. a new poll finds 20% of americans start planning their next vacation when they're on vacation. research conducted by onepoll finds. workers who do this are preparing for the post vacation slump, and planning another trip helps them get out of it. the average person spends 11 days on vacation. that was the case last year. they say they hope to spend 15 days on vacation this year. >> tents belonging to pro-palestinian demonstrators at uc berkeley are springing up. >> we plan to hold the uc accountable to its, you know, to its self-proclaimed mission. you know, i mean, as the home of the free speech movement, how the movement continues to grow as protesters increase their demands for the school to divest


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