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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  May 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PDT

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leave uc berkeley. well, a new encampment has popped up just off campus, and we hear from a palestinian high school student from right here in the bay area struggling with the loss of loved ones to war. and we're hearing more from oakland's new police chief about his plans for a safer city. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. >> good evening everyone. i'm
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heather holmes. we begin with the developing situation tonight near the uc berkeley campus, where protesters have now set up a new encampment. protesters this afternoon broke into a vacant building owned by the university off campus, and spray painted messages over the windows. this is all happening at the former anna head school there on channing and bowdich streets. these are different activists than the ones who cleared out a sproul plaza yesterday. police are nearby and monitoring the situation. student protesters at san francisco state university say they have agreed to. they have reached an agreement with the school's president on the issue of gaza. the protesters started camping out on campus two weeks ago. they say the agreement addresses their concerns about the university's investments. in a statement, the school's president said that we will support the addition of a human rights based investment strategy , including divesting from direct investments in weapons manufacturers. stewart organizers say this is only the
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beginning. >> so what we're working towards now that we've gotten this first, really important first step here at our campus, is organizing with students at all of the different csus to come together, go to the board of trustees meeting and make that change on a more systemic level. >> student organizers have already begun to dismantle the encampment here, but they say they will continue to keep a daytime presence for many palestinians here in the bay area. seeing the civilian deaths from the war is deeply personal, and today is especially difficult. coming on the 76th anniversary of the 1948 israeli arab war, which forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians to flee from their homes in what they call nakba or catastrophe. ktvu jana katsuyama spoke with local palestinian families and joins us now live with their stories. jana. >> heather. so many people here in the bay area say they have lost dozens, even hundreds of family members. and one person i
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spoke with, dana elcar, is a high school student in san francisco who says there have been so many deaths, she hasn't even had time to grieve. >> it was like i finally felt like i was at home. it was a feeling i've never felt before. >> it was just last summer and dana elcar says she was so excited, taking her first trip to see her family's ancestral home in gaza and meeting her relatives. >> i've met so much family, and it was so nice because it was like they all knew me and it's just so many cousins, aunts, uncle memories captured in this 15 year old's photos of places. >> now gone. >> over 100 people in our family have been killed. >> as news reports tally, palestinian deaths in the tens of thousands, according to gaza officials, the pain here is personal. >> it's hard, but i feel like speaking for myself and i feel like a lot of other palestinians i know, it's almost like we haven't really had time to fully grieve, because we're still kind
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of trying to explain to people what's going on and trying to spread awareness and trying to get it to stop, because as we're grieving, more and more things continue to happen. >> heartache like nothing. this 15 year old ever faced before. >> i'm shutting off that part of my brain because my focus right now is spreading awareness and kind of letting people know what's happening. before i let myself kind of feel. and yeah, and i think the youngest person in our family that was killed was four months old, like a baby . >> dana's mother, doctor manal, says relatives are now refugees. >> they were all forced to flee and all of them have lost their homes. we don't know of a single family member that has a house left. >> i have lost 11 members of my family, one of whom is four years old. >> mona al ghazala is another san francisco palestinian american. >> feeling desperation at the deaths and repeated displacement
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of his family and other palestinians, especially this wednesday on the 76th anniversary of the israeli-arab war. called the nakba, or catastrophe, it is a continuation of what happened in in the to the palestinians in 1948. >> as they moved from one place to another. we want to simply live like everybody else. >> husalah and the elkarra family say that what is so heartbreaking is seeing relatives, especially the young children suffering in gaza and the despair of not being able to help or protect them. >> yeah, it got to be so difficult for those families. all right. thank you so much. jana katsuyama reporting live for us tonight. a gaza war mural that was vandalized at least six times before being defaced again, this time with hateful and threatening and anti-semitic remarks. people in san francisco's noe valley neighborhood said the mural was covered by swastikas and a message that read kill the jews
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for allah. the remarks have since been painted over. the mural was created by artist chris gazzola about five months ago as a reminder of the families who have been killed in gaza. new at 730 tonight, the city of berkeley says its homeless population has dropped by almost half in the last two years. new numbers from the homeless count for alameda county shows unsheltered homelessness in berkeley dropped 45% between 2022 and this year 2024. overall homelessness dropped 21. the report though, however, did find the number of sheltered homeless, meaning those staying in shelters went up earlier today. on the four, we spoke to berkeley city council member sophie hahn about what berkeley is doing to try to bring those numbers down. >> when we go and we work with an encampment area, an area that's very impacted, we will do months of outreach. we do mental health and health care outreach, we do housing intake. we help keep cleanliness in in the
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encampment, and we help raise the level of dignity in terms of living. and we build trust. and when we're able to build that trust and then we have real offers of low barrier shelters and of actual hope to be rehoused. people accept our offers. and so hahn is running for mayor of berkeley to replace jesse arreguin, who is running for state senate. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office, honoring its fallen during a national peace officers memorial day event in santa rosa over its 174 year history, one sheriff and nine deputy sheriffs have died in the line of duty while serving the department. their names are etched in a stone monument right there in front of the sheriff's headquarters. the santa clara county sheriff's office, honoring fallen deputies and san jose police officers during its annual peace officers memorial
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ceremony today. since 1862, seven santa clara deputies have been killed in the line of duty and since 1924, 13 san jose police officers have fallen. family members of some of the fallen attended that ceremony as well. san francisco international airport is about to unveil its $2.5 billion upgrade to harvey milk terminal one. ktvu tom vacar received a preview and shows us what passengers will see come june 11th. >> the entire airport has been recreated itself for the last four decades, and it's almost finished. the newest section is sure to be a passenger pleaser. terminal one renovations now complete a decade long rebirth of what was sfo's oldest terminal. now fully ready for the 21st century. everything is state of the art, designed to move passengers and their baggage through the security and baggage processes. 30% faster. >> this section essentially
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gives us a brand new ticket counter space for two airlines. it gives us five more security checkpoint lanes on their own dedicated mezzanine level. and then also we get two additional aircraft gates. >> the techno magic begins with high tech baggage self check in far faster than traditional bag check ins, with no compromise of security, more tech wizardry at the security checkpoints, automated screening that's also 30% faster. also, no compromises . >> rather than having to take multiple tubs to put all of your belongings into it, you're going to use one large tray that has everything your carry on, your shoes, your belt. it all goes into a single tray. >> hand inspections will happen if carry on contents trip an array of high tech sensors once through security. all the terminals are now interconnected so that folks can wander around during long layovers, early check ins, or delays. >> it makes it easier for
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travelers to connect from one airline to another. if those two different airlines are in different terminals, whether passengers are leaving or arriving, as long as they're behind the security gates, they can travel anywhere to any terminal in the airport without having to reclear security. >> that's a huge advantage for folks who want to take full advantage of all the airport's many amenities. that includes airport wide museums, spas, yoga, dining and shopping. >> we've really invested a lot in things to do post security, things to do before you get on to your flight. >> as sfo celebrates the new terminal, it also celebrates its 97th birthday, june of 1927. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> meantime, lawmakers on capitol hill today passed a bill to reauthorize the federal aviation administration faa for five years. this legislation allocates $105 billion to improve aviation safety and
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improve protections for consumers. and earlier today on the floor, i spoke to east bay congressman mark desaulnier, who pushed for this bill to be passed. >> there's much more accountability. so the things that happen with alaska airline, the things we've done uncovered at boeing, there's going to be much more transparency and important reporting and oversight. so i'm really confident that this is going to improve. a lot of the things that have been troubling that $105 billion will go toward hiring more air traffic controllers and safety inspectors as well. >> it will also increase the use of collision avoidance technology to prevent accidents in the air and on the ground. still ahead. tonight at 730, we're hearing from oakland's new police chief what he's saying about his first week on the job and his plans for making oakland safer, and what has prompted state fish and game officials to halt salmon fishing in the klamath river basin.
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>> and in barry weather. look at this. low clouds already blanketing a good portion of the bay. this is a hint of what's coming our way tomorrow in your thursday forecast, and we wi have t a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪) we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! the meeting point of humanity and history. in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again!
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beep! beep! ♪ there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! ♪ the speakers today at an event in oakland. oakland is a people, a person, a place and a thing. mitchell, as you see here, sitting right beside mayor shengtao at the second annual impact 5.10 town tourism day event, the new chief says he
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spent this first week on the job meeting with officers in his department, business owners and the chamber of commerce. >> i truly look forward to meeting each and every one of you individually. your businesses, your not for profits, and in your neighborhood associations to work with you to make oakland safer. that is my primary goal here, is to work with the men and women of the oakland police department, work with the communities to make oakland safer. and you and i promise you, i will do everything in my can, everything i can in my power to make our community safer together again. thank you. >> mitchell's first day on the job was just a few days ago. on monday. he was previously the chief of the police department in lubbock, texas. everyone pulling for chief mitchell to be a success here in oakland. okay, i left my windows open in san francisco before i left for work today because it was it was nice, but looking at the picture that you just showed there, i'm probably going to regret that when i looked like the arctic, right? >> i know, yeah, yeah, yeah, big fog bank out there. this almost
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feels like we're the middle of june or july, right? with the fog on the coast. and if you're looking for warming temperatures, you might have to get on a plane. heather and this is our sfo camera showing you the overcast out there. so yeah, no big changes with our forecast. in fact, a little bit of a cool down as we head toward the weekend, especially by saturday. we're just thinking some 60s and some 70s. take a look at the highs from this afternoon. antioch 83 degrees. so we still have some fairly warm temperatures well inland right around the bay. 60s and 70s in san francisco, downtown only in the lower 60s. here's a plan tomorrow. lots of cloud cover. tomorrow morning, clearing back to near the coast. but it could be stubborn even over san francisco tomorrow afternoon, there's your eventual temperature range from the 60s to the 70s and the 80s. here's the satellite and the radar. we do have the low clouds and fog trying to regroup just offshore here, a little bit of some shower activity kind of approaching the southern sierra, kind of drifting off to the west. an interesting pattern with those clouds and those showers. but we are dry, with the exception of maybe some drizzle near the shoreline this evening into tomorrow morning. current numbers san francisco.
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it is a cold 56 degrees. some 70s out toward concord and livermore and san jose 69. here's a look at the current wind reports. and look at oakland airport winds out of the northwest, gusting to over 30 miles an hour out toward sfo. winds at about 20 and mountain view winds at 13 miles an hour. so when you wake up tomorrow morning, probably some low clouds and maybe some drizzle, we could have even some patchy cloud cover well inland. we're going to start out your your thursday morning in the 50s. and here's the forecast model showing you the pattern tomorrow morning. and then into the afternoon hours. clouds clear back to near the coastline. so partly sunny around the bay. more sunshine inland and the warmest locations barely making it to 80 degrees. no big changes in our forecast, at least in the short term. as you can see here, we have the low clouds offshore here, so we'll keep it cool. coast side, some warm temperatures inland, but a minor cooling trend as we move into the weekend. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. san francisco 63 degrees. some stubborn cloud cover into the afternoon. more sunshine,
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though, out toward concord, antioch and livermore and san jose in the upper 70s. here's a look ahead. your five day forecast, and we will have a sun cloud mix in your friday, and there's a minor cooldown as we head toward the weekend. so no 90s. not much in the way of 80s. kind of have to bundle up with this cooler pattern over the next several days. heather. >> okay. thank you. appreciate it. mark. and new at 730 tonight. the state fish and game commission has again stopped fishing in two key areas, all due to the low salmon numbers. this is the second consecutive year that fish and game officials have prohibited fishing in the central valley and klamath river basin. they say that drought and climate disruption, along with severe wildfires, have led to harmful algae blooms and have impacted spawning and rearing habitat, which has caused chinook salmon populations to really plummet. still ahead tonight at 730, new rankings for energy efficient cities is out here. what landed san francisco in the number one spot. the oakland unified school district is modernizing its
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school busses, coming up when students will be riding on these new, greener, energy efficient vehicles and athletes on an east bay high school football team. they will be getting their passports stamped for an upcoming away game. yeah, a big away game where the team going for
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usco has been named the us city leading the nation in energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reductions. the 2024 city clean energy scorecard from the american council for an energy-efficient economy, ranked san francisco number one out of 75 us cities. the city gets high marks for recently adopted climate and transportation plans , and updated zoning codes that encourage more compact
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development in residential areas. the oakland unified school district today showed off its new fleet of electric busses. the district has teamed up with the transportation company zoom to make its school busses greener. this is the first major all electric vehicle bus fleet in the nation. it consists of 74 electric busses with each carrying a battery pack. that's 4 to 6 times bigger than a standard ev car battery. the entire new fleet of busses is expected to be available at the start of the next school year. okay, san jose's raging waters is due to open after memorial day, but with a new name. the signs are already going up promoting the change to cowabunga water park. you get it like cowabunga! renovations are still underway. the slides, they're being painted brighter colors. this park will now be operated by the private group california dreamin entertainment . that company took over a water park in sacramento last year, also named raging waters, which also switched to cowabunga as
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well. a concord's de la salle high school football team is doing something it has never done before coming up here, how students will be going overseas for an upcoming away game. and then later tonight on the 10:00 news, we are continuing to follow the protests at uc berkeley, where a new group of demonstrators has occupied a vacant building off campus. plus, one north bay winery is breaking cultural barriers. we introduce you to the first vietnamese owned winery in napa. those stories and more coming up tonight at ten. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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play a mid-season game in london. concord's de la salle football team found out about it just today. they'll be playing at the tottenham hotspur stadium against the nfl academy, a group of young recruits from more than a dozen countries and while the opportunity is certainly unique, practicing leading up to the game will be no different. >> we'll work to the best of our ability and we'll we'll try and be in a, you know, great shape by the time we get there and adjust to the time change. you know, there's going to be a lot of there's going to be a lot of challenges that accompany a trip like this. >> getting to see a team that's kind of interesting because a
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bunch of guys from a different country, but also, you know, going to other countries pretty insane. so that'll be cool. it'll be a great experience to go and spend a week with all my teammates and stuff. so we're really excited. >> yeah, what an incredible opportunity. the trip, by the way, being paid for by nike. kickoff is scheduled for october 8th. best of luck to them. the monterey bay aquarium is opening its doors to people who would otherwise likely not be able to visit. starting on may 27th, the aquarium will provide free admission to anyone enrolled in snap benefits. all they have to do is bring their ebt card, and they can also bring up to four other people for free. the free admission is part of the national museums for all program. nice of them to participate in that. thanks so much for joining me for the news at 730. don't forget t d nload the fox a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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