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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  September 6, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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looking for one of these?
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yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. >> ♪ >> storms leigh their mark on the region tonight. a lightning strike is blamed for sparking this fire at a montgomery county home. and the storms packed drenching rains and heavy winds as well. this "eyewitness news" scan video shows shoppers running for cover in voorhees new jersey. storm scan3 continuing to track storms moving throughout parts of the region. good evening everyone, i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. it was a steamy start with a stormy end of the night and it's not over just yet.
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let's get right overtime's meteorologist justin drabick. he has been tracking the storms all evening he's got late he on what we can expect throughout the night. >> looks like we're tracking the last of the strong storms moving through new jersey right now in particular, in southern new jersey and still seeing a lot of lightning going on around southern camden and gloucester county and parts of northern atlantic county. let's zoom in closer. you can see some heavy rainfall coming through the southern sections of camden gloucester county near winslow township up towards waterford. this extends into mullica atlantic county so the atlantic city expressway under the gun for heavy rain, frequent lightning as well. indication of some small hail possible on radar right now in some spots. and these heavier showers and storms also extend down into cumberland county and it will eventually move into cape may county. what to expect through the late night hours? again some scattered strong storms mainly in south jersey. looks like the storms are moving out of delaware but still heavy rain there as
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well. damaging wind potential, 30 to 40 miles per hour wind gusts. we could see possible flooding. storms are moving pretty slowly at about 15 to 20 miles per hour to the east and certainly that dangerous lightning going on. temperatures still warm and muggy. we're in the 70's still out ahead of the cold front, little cooler up towards allentown. some rain cooled air at 64 degrees but we'll get a cold front through here noticeably cooler tomorrow morning when you wake up many spots are going to be in the mid-50's, even lower exhibits up into the lehigh valley so a refreshing air mass will build in for the second half of the weekend. we'll time out the rest of the storms when we dry out and we'll talk about that cooldown coming up in the seven-day forecast. download the cbs3 weather app to get the latest severe weather. you can also send your pictures through the app. it's available now on itunes. natasha. >> thank you justin. you can send us your iwitness cam storm pictures. use the hashtag cbs3 storm. please be sure, though, that it is safe to go outside
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before you take any pictures. also tonight, authorities they say a lightning strike from the storm started a house fire in abington montgomery county. take a look here at this scene of the fire on the 1800 block of harding avenue. flames badly damaged this house. police say no one was home at the time of this lightning strike. now t-the red cross says it's currently helping two people affected by that fire. and we're also following some breaking news at this hour. philadelphia police are on the scene of a double murder in kingsessing. "eyewitness news" on the 5300 block of angora terrace. police say two men were shot twice inside a home just before -- after 8 o'clock tonight. detectives have recovered the murder weapon at this point and the search is on for the gunman. also new tonight a pennsylvania state trooper is injured in a crash. "eyewitness news" at matsonford and county line roads in wayne, delaware county.
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police say the cruiser was in pursuit when it collided with a car. now, the officer and the occupants in the other vehicle did suffer some minor injuries. no word on why the trooper was in pursuit. the council rock high school south football team returns to the field and they are playing with heavy hearts. today they paid tribute to three classmates killed in a car crash labor day weekend. "eyewitness news" reporter noel mclaren has more. [cheers and applause] >> reporter: a much deserved win for council rock south after a week of losses. the first football game of the year a success despite the sadness felt in the stands with three big fans missing. >> brings their absence more. they were all really, really good kids and they would be up in the stands yelling and cheering and they're not here. >> reporter: shamus digney cullen keffer and ryan lesher was killed in a crash last
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weekend after the suv they were riding in rolled over. police say a 15-year-old was driving. parents say some of the players came straight from one of the burials to the field. >> it was a little tough on them. i was proud of the way they handled themselves. >> reporter: for some support came in the form of the opposing team. bensalem high school clear leaders gave the girls ribbons to share their condolences. >> it hopes them feel better. >> reporter: after a moment of pause for their peers. >> they are no longer with us but they will always be a part of the council rock family. >> reporter: life at council rock south must go on without them. >> still a lot of heartbreak, you know, and it's still a lot of and certainty but it's getting better. >> reporter: coming off the field these are the most smiles we've seen in the council rock community in over a week. a much deserved pick me up after a week of sadness.
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in council rock north, noel mclaren, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> well, philadelphia police, they're investigating a home invasion robbery involving two masked gunmen in west passyunk. detectives say they broke through the front window a home on 19th street this morning. the suspects stole $1,500 from several people inside that home. no arrests have been made just yet. and volunteers from the 9/11 garden of reflection memorial in bucks county, they made a trip to ground zero today. "eyewitness news" was in lower makefield township as they returned from the 9/11 memorial museum in new york. their tour guide was retired nypd officer arnold roma. he was in the south tower when it collapsed. his son keith died in the north tower. >> i firmly believe he's watching out for me and this gives me a place to sit and be calm and to catch a breath and unscramble your head and that's how important this place is and i think most of the families would agree.
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>> each year the garden of reflection memorial picks a theme for the anniversary of 9/11 and this year the team is heroism rules. the search it is under way off jamaica's northeast coast for a private plane that crashed into the ocean on friday. the plane was carrying a rochester new york couple who apparently lost consciousness in the air. cbs news correspondent wendy gillette has more. >> reporter: search teams are scouring the water off jim make ca's northeast coach looking for wreckage of the small private plane that crashed friday. they found an oil slick and floating debris. the single engine turbo prop took off from rochester new york 8:45 friday morning. he radioed a problem to air traffic controllers around 10:00 a.m. >> down to about one-80. we have an indication. >> reporter: air traffic told the pilot to descend to a
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lower altitude. shortly after that, the plane went silent. u.s. air defense scrambled fighter jets to shadow the unresponsive plane they saw the windshield had frosted over and the pilot was slumped over the controls conditions consistent with oxygen deprivation the plane flew in and out of cuban air space before it ran out of fuel and crashed friday afternoon. the glazers were well known in rochester. larry was a real estate developer and jane an entrepreneur. the couple's three children released a statement that says they are devastated by the tragic and sudden loss of their parents. wendy gillette for cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> well, president obama meantime, he decides to delay any executive action on immigration until after the november congressional elections. white house officials say the
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president believes taking steps on his own during the midterm campaign would politicize the issue and hurt efforts to pass a broad overhaul. advocates say they're disappointed by the decision and critics say the president is choosing politics over people. a ceasefire between ukrainian forces and russian backed rebels appears to be holding. the truce appears to be fragile with both sides claiming violations. the president of ukraine says the truce was struck after a personal conversation with russian president vladimir putin. and this is new video of joan rivers' daughter melissa leaving her mother's apartment in new york city today. the legendary comedian's funeral is set for tomorrow at a synagogue in new york. joan rivers died on thursday, a week after she stopped breathing during an outpatient procedure at a clinic. an official autopsy did not determine the official cause of death just yet. >> meteorologist justin drabick is keeping an eye on
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the storm tracking what's in for us next. still not over yet. >> some severe thunderstorms going on across southern new jersey. i'll show you in the seven day coming up. >> residents in hawaii brace for the absolute worst after one of the world's largest volcanoes erupts. what scientists fear may happen. economy headlights. a different type of rush hour traffic jam on one of the country's busiest bridges. a different kind of race. we'll tell you why the organizers of this new philly 10k want to stand out. straight ahead in sports for you, we are less than 24 hours now before the eagles start the season against jacksonville. lesley van arsdale has a preview
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tom wolf. he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a businessman he gives between 20 and 30 percent of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue. he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity he refused take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf. he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania.
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>> back now on "eyewitness news". storms linger around the region tonight. storm scan3 still active even at this late hour. meteorologist justin drabick is tracking what we can expect overnight and also for the second half of our weekend. that's coming up for in you just about three minutes. stay with us for that. >> also, today, parts of the midwest cleaning up after storms swept through that region. in southeast michigan, heavy rains and winds knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people. storms also disrupted two church festivals. now, winds brought down large tents at both events in dearborne heights. five people were hurt. one person seriously. now, to the west coast where vac weighings are currently in order as firefighters battle a wildfire scorching hundreds of acres near joe september mitt tee national park. the fire broke out friday afternoon much crews have it about 25% contained at this point. no damage has been reported. >> and to hawaii where lava is causing great concern.
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the rock from one of the world's most active volcano is creeping through crack in the earth toward a rural sub division on the big island. it could reach homes in less than week. >> it's difficult to assess when and where the flow might go. we have a general sense it's going to go to the northeast. if it stays out of the crack systems, the cracks are the real difficult part to judge. >> no evacuations are in order just yet but residents are being told to be prepared. now the septa bus operators are showing off some skills this weekend. they wheeled buses through object at a kell courses during the annual septa bus rodeo today. "eyewitness news" at the kearn walls heights station in bensalem. 61 bus operators they competed against each other for the right to represent septa in the international bus rodeo. the septa is the three time defending champion of this contest. very nice. and runners took over the streets of philadelphia for the
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philly 10k today. this was the first year for this particular event and it's a different kind of race runners made their way through several parts of the city from south philly to callowhill and beyond. organizers say they are just thrilled with the response. >> most of the races in philadelphia happen in fairmount park on the river. understandably so it's a beautiful place to run. a lot of space, a lot of scenery. as we were kind of sitting down and thinking about trying to put on a signature event what made sense to us was something that's really navigated through the city. told the philly story. >> organizers hope to grow this race and make it an annual event. all right, justin, a steamy stormy night and our stormy night is not over yet. >> not over yet. we'll have some improvement on the way as far as that heat and humidity. i know you guys have been ragging on me tonight. >> we've been ushering it along. don't worry it will get here. i promise. >> thank you. still we're under the gun
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south jersey and delaware for some heavy rain maybe even a few strong thunderstorms. for the next hour or two ahead of a cold front starting to move into the western pourings of the viewing area. so we will get that change in here through the over it in hours. south jersey you see pockets of heavy rain in the brighter yellows, reds and oranges. lightning strikes breaking out southern camden county also moving into atlantic county right now atlantic city probably in another 15 minutes to 20 minutes or so. heavy rain continues to fall near dover delaware area maybe a few rumbles of thunder there. zoom in closer here. this cluster of slow-moving storms moving to the east at about 15 miles per hour. so watch out egg harbor at 11:16. little egg harbor 11:00 thirty nine ventnor 11:50. atlantic city shy of the midnight. all moving pretty slowly to the east. 15 to maybe 20 miles per hour. once that front clears the area we start to dry things out. temperatures drop. the humidity drops as well. still ahead of the front it's
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warm, it's muggy, mid and upper 70s still in many spots across south jersey into philadelphia. but a change a little bit star starting to see askings showing up in reading and in allentown and look what happens on the other side of that front. lower 60s even some 50's near the great lakes. it doesn't take meteorologist to pick out where this cold front is. it's starting that move into the region and another way to look at this is the dew point temperature. gauges how much moisture or humidity in the air ahead of the front very high dew points. very humid air mass then the dew points drop lower 60s. reading lancaster allentown that indications of the cold front moving through. another hour or so in philadelphia, winds will start switching up a little bit and the humidity starts to move on out of here. we're coming off a high temperature today of 93 degrees. average high is 81. big changes though for next week if you like fall like weather you'll like the forecast. temperatures still a few degrees below average for the start of neck week in the 70s. so a nice looking sunday. we'll get the front through the
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region still some clouds linger especially across new jersey. but should get some sunshine into the afternoon. upper 70s to near 80 for the high temperature. cooler start to the work week as well. monday a mixture of sun and clouds temperatures again in the 70s. stronger easterly wind flow developments on tuesday an area of low pressure tracks along the front may track close enough to the coast to bring some clouds and some showers especially in southern new jersey and delaware on tuesday. if you don't have the showers, expect clouds, temperatures still cool in the 70s. so through now till 2am some showers and storms especially south jersey and delaware. improving conditions after 2:00 a.m. it will be a dry start to your sunday morning. 8:00 o'clock, still some clouds over the region. but increasing sunshine throughout the afternoon. a pleasant finish to the weeke weekend. monday same deal a mixture of sun and clouds here's that storm may bring a few showers especially from the city on south and east. at least through the first half of tuesday. so overnight storms come to an end still on the muggy side. low for sent city 67 degrees. cooler and less humid on sunday
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partly sunny skies. with a high near 80 degrees of course the eagles game tomorrow, looking good at kick off 1:00 o'clock, some sunshine and clouds. 77 degrees at kick off and at the shore, pretty much another nice day. we'll get sunshine not afternoon upper 70s for the air temperature. as well as the water. here's the extended forecast. a string of 70s returns. monday, tuesday, but we do warm it up again for the second half of neck week back in the mid 80s chance for a shower tuesday and later on thursday. so a nice break from the heat coming up the next few days, guys. >> looking forward to that, justin. looking forward to the game tomorrow, too. >> yeah. little preview, lots of college football for us today. we had penn state, temple and villanova with home openers, and so what can we expect from the eagles offense in tomorrow's season opener? sports is
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could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today!
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>> the regular season is finally upon us eagles host the jaguars tomorrow at the linc. it's year two for the birds under chip kelly. remember last year the season opener again the redskins the eagles scored 33 points in three quarters and that's when the league took notice of kell pol s offense. >> everything coming to last year was new. this was it's not. they expect a up tempo. the things we didn't do last year we wanted to. now we have the opportunity to really do it. i think year two from one is definitely a difference because you know exactly what it is that chip kelly is trying get done. >> and cbs- cbs-3 the place to r
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the eagles season starting at 11:30 join beasley reece and me for sunday kickoff at noon. nfl today know show at noon. penn state plays first home game today against akron and games franklin rock walking in beaver stadium as the head coach. first quarter no score penn state in akron territory. hackenberg hits a wide open belton. the litany lions take the order. this time he connects with jesse james. for a 44-yard score. penn state goes two-zero on the season with a 21-three win. chip kelly at the linc checking out temple in their home opener against navy. the owls defense comes up big on navy's first possession. firm force as fumble lands on the ball in the end zone for the touchdown. the owls had problems stopping the mid pip schenn keenan reynolds he ran for 173 yards
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and two touchdowns. nave beat temple 31-24. >> nil nova looking to rebound from their loss to syracuse ho hosting fordham. john roberts had great game. villanova with over 500 yards as offense they beat fordham 50 to six. what has gotten to into the phillies. to the third inning bases loaded for the big piece ryan howard hits a single to right field. aj burnett and rollins score. ryan with none rbi's. aj burnett continuing his dominance over the nats. he went seven innings allowing one run on sick hits. he struck out four. to the sixth dom brown hits his ninth homerun of the season. phils beat the nats for the fifth straight time three to one the final today. >> to tennis a day of upsets in the men's semi finals us open. the first match japan's top seed novak in four sets to become the
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first asian male to advance to grand slam final. the other match there would be no big come back. second seed roger federer beaten in straight sets by his opponent to advance to the final. the first time since the 2005 aussie open a grand slam final does not involve nadel, feather err or djokovic. >> to soccer. eighth minute. header finds the back of the net there. the union with a two-zero victory they won both games of the series. we'll be right back with more news
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♪ >> welcome back everyone. wildlife reserve in singapore held a big birthday bash for two giant pandas. attended by 150 guests celebrated the birthdays of the resident mail panda who turned seven and female who turned six. each were treated to birthday cake made up of frozen treats. it kick off a week long celebration of everything pandas at the park. talk about deer in headlights here. look at this. two deer stopped traffic on san francisco's golden gate bridge. wow. california highway patrol says they were running to the hills on the bridges northbound lanes. the deer made it to their
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destination without any injuries. authorities say that was likely because it was rush hour and traffic was already creeping along very slowly. thank goodness. we're back in just a mommy.
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looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.
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>> that's "eyewitness news" tonight. i'm natasha brown. for lesley, justin, all of us here we thank you soap for joining us. if you're up join our morning team at 6am. we're online for you the cbs fall preview show that's coming up next for you. have a great night, everyone. take care. have a great night, everyone. take care. ♪
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announcer: tonight, in a special cbs fall preview, you'll go behind the scenes with the stars, and get a first look at all the exciting new shows coming this fall to cbs. and it all starts right now. hello, friends. i'm jim nantz of cbs sports. welcome to the cbs fall preview show. i'm here to give you a sneak peek of what's new this fall on america's most watched network. now you might be wondering why cbs would ask a sports guy like me to talk about all the great new entertainment. well, if you haven't heard, we've got nfl football, this fall, in primetime on thursday nights, and we could not be more excited to join the lineup. so let's take a look at the new team on cbs this fall. you know, from my seat in the booth, i'm seen some genius coaches, genius quarterbacks, and genius play makers. but they couldn't compare to the genius of this team-- they call them scorpion.