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tv   Eyewitness News at 7am  CBS  September 14, 2014 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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police are searching for a driver wanted in a hit and run crash that seriously injured two women. also new this morning we are learning new details about one of the pennsylvania state troopers ambush and killed this weekend, plus manhunt continues for the killer. and we're live with walkers on the final day of the susan g komen three day for a cure. but today is sunday september 14th, good morning, i'm todd quinones. we will begin with a look at weather brings us to meteorologist carol erickson which joins us won again this morning. good morning to you, carol. >> good morning, todd. much better to day then yesterday when umbrellas said put us away, too wet for us. we have pick autopsy lot of rain yesterday and in some cases we have pick up half inch. in other cases we have pick up far less than that. still a soggy day especially
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through the afternoon. the system left though by yesterday evening and we will start clearing out and are we ever reeping benefits now. we have got some gorgeous, sky conditions, look at how pretty that is, center city, completely different from how we started the day yesterday and it will look like this throughout the the day. great the at the shore as well if you have plans to go anywhere head to the shore, why not. look at those temperatures, those skies, 50 degrees in redding this morning. you can just kind of pick up because there is in moisture from the rain we saw yesterday in a couple of areas we may run through a tiny bit of ground level fog but otherwise, things are looking great. storm scan three last three hours nothing to report, fortunately and we will fine a beautiful day to day, temperatures are cool though, 53 degrees in philadelphia 52 millville. fifty-five in wildwood. in the 40's from lancaster through reading, through the poconos, and end in trenton at 49 degrees. by noon 64. by 3:00 p.m. 72 degrees,
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absolutely perfect weather coming up. we will see how long we can keep that going, coming up, todd. carol, thank you. new this morning a hit and run accident is under investigation at philadelphia's waterfront, authorities tell us that the two cars collided at delaware avenue and somer street after 2:00 a.m. two women in their 20's were taken to the hospital both are in serious but stable condition. the driver of the striking vehicle fled the scene on foot. also new this morning the ramp to enter walt whitman bridge from i-95 southbound is closed right now due to an accident. acciashed and rolled over on the highway just after 4:00. two people inside the vehicle were rushed to the hospital, no word on their conditions. and a pennsylvania state trooper was also involved in the crash overnight, his patrol cruiser was struck by a car on the schuylkill expressway, right here near montgomery avenue 2:59:30a m. both drivers were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. the driver of the other
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carries facing, is under arrest, facing charges for driving under the influence. a deadly ambush right outside of the state police barracks in north earn pennsylvania. corporal brian dixon was kill, another trooper was critically wounded. authorities say they have questioned a person of interest but they stress they do not have a suspect in custody. shooting happened in the remote town of blooming grove, pike county, 140 miles north of philadelphia. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers has more on the investigation. >> reporter: state police commissioner frank noonan described the crime in no uncertain terms. >> this attack was an ambush. our troopers were leaving the barracks and were shot without warning and really had no chance to defend themselves. >> reporter: corporal brian dixon and alex douglass were both struck before 11:00 friday night at blooming grove police barracks in pike county. douglass was taken to the hospital and in stable
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condition. corporal dixon was pronounced dead at the scene. >> it has touched us to the core that such an event could happen. >> reporter: search immediately began for the suspect in the case. officials say they believe the the shooter has left the the rural era use where the shooting happened and search parameters have been expanded. person of interest has been questioned in the case but is not considered a suspect. in the meantime, a ward word of caution for the public. >> we have a very dangerous armed criminal that is already killed one pennsylvania state trooper, and wounded another. that is not in custody. >> reporter: corporal dixon graduated from the police academy in 2007 and had transferred to the blooming grove barracks from a posting in philadelphia. governor corbett spoke about him late saturday afternoon. >> corporal brian dixon leaves behind two young boys and a wife, and i cannot imagine the heartache that they are going through. >> reporter: matt rivers, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and yesterday, governor corbett ordered flags to fly at half staff at the the capitol and government build
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initial pike county. a $20,000 reward is offered for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect in this case. of course, keep it right here on "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage, you can get the latest anytime at cbs and developing right now, officials are working to confirm the authenticity of a just released video that appears to show the execution of another hostage biasis militants. cbs news correspondent danielle nottingham tells us more about the alleged victim british aid worker david haines. >> reporter: the video released on social media saturday shows david haines, a 44 year-old aid worker from scotland, on his knees, with the masked man hovering over him with a knife. haines was kidnaped in northern syria last year as he delivered humanitarian aid. new video looks very much like the previous videos showing the execution of two american journalist, james foley and steven sotoloff who were bee
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headed. in the video it appears that haines is following a script, he he denounces british prime minister david cameron holding him responsible for his execution and following a trend of british prime ministers who can't find courage to say no to the americans. the same masked man with a british accent appears in all three videos and like the other two he threatened to kill yet another hostage sometime in the future. cameron called the execution despicable and appalling. he tweeted and released a statement saying murder of david haines is a act of pure evil and this his heart goes out to haines family who has shown extraordinary courage and fortitude. cameron added we will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes. haines family has asked for privacy. danielle nottingham for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". albright college student visiting off campus housing is
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killed in a fire, it happened in reading, berks county. victim is identified as 19 year-old environmental science major matt rain from south river, new jersey. he held a school record in swimming. fire broke out at 5:00 o'clock saturday morning. several other students jump topped safety. officials say there were working smoke detectors. it is unclear how that fire started. search is on for a hit and run driver involved in a deadly crash in tioga. philadelphia police say a car hit a 60 year-old man crossing the street at 25th and allegheny and kept going. it happened midnight saturday morning. victim was then hit the by a second car that pulled over. police later found the striking vehicle a abandoned on the 3100 block of bainbury street. it is finishing day for those participating in the three day susan g komen walk, this is tenth year of the walk that has raised hundreds of millions of dollors for breast cancer research.
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syma chowdhry is live at the pennsylvania convention center where walkers spent the night, syma? >> reporter: that is right, todd. walkers spent the night here at the convention center since friday and started walking saturday and came back here again. more than 1600 people have been participating, 242 of them are men and with me right now is one of the guys, his name is mark rest nick who is joined with his supporters michelle and beth. mark, you have come a long way to parities pennsylvania pate in this event. >> i did, melbourne, florida. >> reporter: first time you are participating in the susan komen three day. you know what guys, we need to show your outfit off. you are very well dressed. why don't you you take a little spin for us. how did you come up with this outfit for day three. >> it is just me, it is my personality i thought what a better way to bring it for the the last day, to color it all up. >> reporter: why are you participating this weekend. >> i am participating my
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sister in law is a breast cancer survivor and i thought what a better way to help out the cause. >> reporter: have have you been getting a lot of great reactions and support from all of the ladies here because are in a minority here, but we do have some guys. >> exactly, it has been fun. the support has been tremendous. it really is. it has been fun. >> reporter: ladies, how about you, i know you participated this this before. >> difficult, last year in d.c. >> yep. >> reporter: how is it this time around with mark. >> i cannot stop laughing, you know, it is fun. i'm so glad he is here. so glad my sister is with me again. it is awesome. >> reporter: how do you love philadelphia. >> the community has been outstanding. yesterday was a friday when we were walking and all of the fans from preschool to elementary to high school were out there. one of the local school bands was even out there with their cheerleaders, it was amazing community spirit and made a
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difference for us walking. >> reporter: well, welcome to philadelphia glad you guys had so much fun but these folks are out here trying to make a difference. the last day of the walk starts at 7:30 and they will complete their 60-mile journey. we are live, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". thank you so much. we have getting new information about the status of an american jailed in north korea we will have breaking details just ahead. then celebrating the the national anthem. we will take to you a star spangled spectacular where the anthem was written. plus a whole new meaning to sleeping like a log, this strange discovery found inside a fireplace. of course, carol says we are in for a terrific day. of course, carol says we are in for a terrific day. her forecast when we
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breaking news american matthew miller has been just sentence todd six year hard labor by north korea's supreme court. the 24 year-old california native is accused of trying to commit an act of espionage. court says miller tore up his tourist visa inside their airport last april so he could go to prison and investigate human rights. court denied miller any appeal. hundreds of fire fighters are battling both flames, and triple digit temperatures as they try to get a handle of a wild fire in southern california. the fire is burning near the cleveland national forest, it is forcing evacuation of 30
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homes, heat and smoke advisories are in effect for area which temperatures forecast to reach as high as 105 degrees. and two people were rescued in the waters off of miami, florida have after they drifted too far from their boat. person on shore noticed one of them in distress and called police. the rescue boats then found them and pulled them on board, they were not injured. a home owner in scottsdale arizona says he got the shock of his life when die yogi starts inside his home and after he called 911 he found the coyote then a asleep in his fireplace. animal will control were called into remove animal and release him back in the wild and it turns out it was a baby coyote who must have been very, very tired. and baltimore holds a star spangled spectacular, celebrating its 200 anniversary of the national an them. a 20 minute long fire
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works display lit up the skies over fort mchenry, that is spot where frances scott key pend that star spangled banner. the display fired off more than 98,000 shells and some families traveled from as far away as california to celebrate the day full of act it. it is a spectacular take shaping autopsy head of to us day, carol. >> it is. look at these skies behind me today, completely different then how we dealt with the day yesterday when we got all that rain in the afternoon, clouds all daze long, it just felt not great but we have turn corner and we are looking at absolutely phenomenal conditions today. it is no the just beautiful here but beautiful at the shore, beautiful in just about every single location. well, well, well, yes, another halo. we've got some sunshine at the beach today and i think anyone who stand in front of the sun deserves the halo.
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we really saw a lot of the rain coming down yesterday, which ruined a lot of plans i'm afraid, but today, in make those plans even in reading we have got sunshine today. 50 degrees. no matter where you are, we are looking at terrific conditions. storm scan three loop over last couple of hours. nothing to talk about. those showers at least did what they were supposed to do they were heavier then they were supposed to be but they left on time. by yesterday evening, we were threw with those and throughout the course of the overnight we have cleared out skies. 53 degrees, cool. we have cooled down. 53 degrees in philadelphia. forty-nine in trenton. we have 53 degrees in wilmington. forty-seven in the poconos. we are not used to temperatures at this level. we should get used to them because over next couple days we will find cool mornings and absolutely delightful afternoon. temperatures today with this high pressure in charge and wind coming down from the north highs will be get nothing higher then very low 70's, tomorrow at least high gets closer, we should be
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finding these temperatures getting in mid to upper 70's, but a as we stop it, 76, 77 degrees by the time we get to monday, that is great, and then tuesday morning, morning shower you sianni temperatures remaining in the 70's and our future weather will not be bringing us any problems today at all, if you see a cloud in the sky or two that will be the extent of it, otherwise, we've got the dry conditions today and tomorrow and we will keep it dry here but early on tuesday things change a little a front comes through here and that is just enough to bring in shower chances. this is early in the morning a lot of people will be sleeping, not the crew here that works "eyewitness news" in the morning. they will be up and finding those rain showers and then they will get out of here. this is 6:00 o'clock the way it is peg right now and this gets out of here early tuesday, remainder of tuesday sunshine and that makes for a very easy week and only rain chance we see so far this week coming up will be that tuesday morning rain shower.
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philadelphia 73 today. shore 68 degrees. sixty-five in the poconos. you cannot lose no matter where you go today. 37 degrees, sunny. absolutely gorgeous. nil we are looking at 52 degrees. cool night coming up tonight and in the 40's in the outlining area. and then by the time we will get to the next few days we are looking at temperatures that will be in the 70's, every single day, so it is a gorgeous forecast and perfect to do something else, and that is to go outside to doylestown and they have got their arts festival going on today. it is also day two of the third annual bucks county classic cycling classic in doylestown. yesterday the opening race, a 100-mile grueling course, it went from doylestown to new you hope started with rain drops but obviously they ran into some dry roads as well, there will be several other races today and cbs-3 is a proud sponsor of a terrific event great watching these guys and boy, are they in shape i noticed that, todd.
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>> great thing to do in bucks county, thanks, carol. time to see traffic with ann evans in the the cbs-3 traffic center. >> good morning, todd. we have an accident to tell but unfortunately this morning. this is i-95 at walt whitman bridge. we are focused on the southbound lanes where there is an overturn vehicle out of camera range. off ramp closed. police car to the left of the screen blocking off ramp of i-95 southbound at walt whitman bridge. police are on the scene and they are trying to clean up that accident. i wish we could show you the accident but it is just out of our camera range. this is to the blue route southbound lanes to the right of your screen in the saint david exit. you can see those construction cones set up. we have construction on the blue route right lane closed southbound between exit 16, schuylkill conshohocken exit and exit number 13 at saint david and there is slow traffic already which will worsen a as day goes on. the that is latest from the cbs-3 traffic center i'm ann evans now todd, back to you.
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thank you. closing ceremonies at the invictus games take place in london. 400 wounded service members are taking part in the games organized by prince harry. the prince was inspired by the warrior games held right here in the u.s. men and women from the 13 countries are competing in the games. during his two tours in afghanistan the prince saw some friends wounded on the front line and he said he learned sports playing an important role in rehab billtation. >> you know, first time ever, they have ever tried swimming, but every time i jump in the pool they are worried. that is when i realized a multi sport international event for these men and women is exactly what they need. >> friday night prince even played some wheelchair rugby with the athletes there. carol answers your pet questions in this weeks ask the vet. >> the importance of checking
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your dogs, we will check that out with doctor jerry geffen and fluff on ask the vet. dowlower... that's more like it!
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petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®. it's on? oh yeah. with who? the citizens banker lady. she made things way simple for me, like how to deposit a check from my phone. she's even gonna send me alerts if my balance gets too low. total special treatment. you do know the alerts don't come from her personally, right don juan? mr.tobin, you forgot your phone! thank you. you left that there on purpose, didn't you? yeah. wow. award winning mobile banking from citizens bank. it's one way we're helping you bank better by keeping things simple.
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doctor jerry geffen is here. we are at paws spay, newter and wellness isn'ter with our little model, fluff who has probably gotten a home by now. they have great adoption is here. that is paws at second and arch to find their fabulous dogs and cats. doctor geffen, last time we
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were together we talk that you can smell certain illnesses on a dog's breath and other places. but also the gum color is key. >> that is right. first, thing i do when i check a doggie look and lift up the lip and look at gums to see that they are pink. if you press on the gums with your thumb it will turn white because you are push the blood out and within a second it will look pink again. that is capillary refill. it will assess whether they are a a o'neill i can and get a feeling about their blood pressure, whether they are in shock. if it does not refill properly something is wrong. >> how fast does it refill. >> one or two seconds you can count 1,001, 1,002. if it is no the back then you have an issue. >> what if the dog's gums are bright red or they are pale. >> if it is bright red sometimes they can be very excited or dehydrated. that will be more redness. if they are pale it means they're people i can. some dogs have pigment in
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their mouth and if they had black pigment you won't be able to do that but you you can do an asses. by looking at membranes of the eye. >> and if the dog has pale gums could they be bleeding internally is that enough. >> they could, there is lots of reasons for them to be pale but that is one of them. >> your doggies in your face as they often are, they are and they have that sweet smell, their breath smells just great. that is in the a good sign if they are drinking a lot of water and urinating a lot they may have diabetes and blood sugar high, it is picking up on that. >> and cataracts, you you see an older pet and they have a gray look. is that a cataract. very common. people always come in with older dogs. they see that haziness, certain ways the lights hit their dogs and they want to know. mess of the time it is something called nuclear sclerosis but it a normal change. lens gets cloudy, light passes through. your dog sees fine.
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>> okay. >> cataracts light won't pass through, cornea is opaque, light cannot get to the back of the the eye and your dog will have a blind spot and totally blind fit is a full cataract. >> can you tell by looking at your dog, does the cataract have the same cloudy look. >> once it matures fully it is obvious but early on a owner may in the detect it. a vet with a scope would be able to tell for sure. >> okay. you are seeing in your practice real fast a lot of bladder stones what should people be feeding their dogs and cats to prevent that. >> once they have bladder stones they get that stone analyzed because you is there several different types. then they can go on a diet to prevent further stones from forming good okay. doctor geffen, thanks very much. you're just a fund of information. that is you why are here. >> fun to be here. >> fun to be with too. >> so are you, fluff. if you have questions, get a hold of me at carol erickson's pet page on facebook and we will see you next time. coming up in our next half an hour of "eyewitness news", we're live with the final day of the susan g komen three day
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for a cure. then how a local community is honoring police officer bradley fox killed in the line of duty two years ago. plus this... >> ray rice makes his first public appearance since being suspended from the nfl capping off a tough week for the league. i'm wendy gilette in new york. i'll have have the the story coming up. carol has your sunday forecast when "eyewitness news" continues at 7:30.
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a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too. i'm john kane to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator.
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and, today is sunday september 14th, good morning, i'm todd quinones. the here's meteorologist carol erickson with eyewitness weather. carol, we will dry out today. >> yes, we are, any puddles that remain from yesterday and there were a few, they'll van rate today and we will find an absolutely gorgeous day. you don't to have look far. if you pull your blind up, we will see it or we will pull our blind out. this is a gorgeous look at the shore this morning with that beautiful sun, working full-time, it is great looking as we look the at ben franklin bridge. that is a 5-dollar trip, thank you. blue skies, thank you. looks gorgeous there as we head down into cape may courthouse beautiful. 53 degrees. notice how that temperature is silhouetted against the the sun in cape may. beautiful day to say the
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least. storm scan three no problems anywhere in the area we're not expecting any precipitation and we will not find any today. will we will be hard pressed to find some clouds too. fifty-three in philadelphia. fifty-three wilmington. fifty-one in atlantic city right now. forty-nine in trenton. we will start a cool day. move up to the north 49 degrees in willow grove. pottstown as well. fifty-two in quakertown. we will have have temperatures warming up a little bit. 64 degrees by noon. by 3:00 p.m., 72 perfect degrees. thinks where would you like to set your thermostat most of the year. we will get to do it outside today. future weather by 4:00 o'clock we are not finding any problems whatsoever. enjoy this beautiful day. if you cannot, we've got some others on the seven day forecast. i will show you that just ahead, todd. >> carol, thank you. governor corbett orders flags to fly at half staff in honor of the pennsylvania state trooper kill during an ambush outside a barracks. authorities say they have questioned a person of interest but they stress they do not have a suspect in
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custody. corporal brian dixon, and trooper alex douglass were both shot just before 11cally friday night at the blooming grove barracks in pike county. douglass was taken to the hospital, and is in stable but critical condition. but corporal dixon was pronounced dead at the scene. >> our troopers were leaving the barracks and were shot, without warning and really had no chance to defend themselves. >> police believe the shooter was looking to attack law enforcement, although officials would not say if those two troopers were specifically targeted. a $20,000 reward is offered for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect in this case. happening today a dedication ceremony honoring fallen plymouth township police officer bradley fox. the road signs will be unveiled designating part of state route 263, the officer bradley fox memorial highway.
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officer fox was ambushed and kill in the line of duty two years ago yesterday. today, have would have been his 37th birth the day. the philadelphia police need your help locating a missing man with autism, take a look at this picture, 21 year-old michael bar was last seen friday evening when he ran from his home, on a 1500 block of north 59th street. if you see him you are asked to contact the police immediately. and, developing right now new video released this video by terror group isis reports to show beheading of the british aid workers. officials are working to confirm authenticity posted on line. the alleged victim is david haines. video is similar to two others released in recent weeks showing executions of american journalist james foley and steven sotoloff. this latest video also includes footage of another british captive alan henning.
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minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson is out on bond after being arrested and charged with abusing his son. cbs news correspondent wendy gilette tells us that the defense contends it was not abuse, but rather discipline. >> reporter: minnesota vikings star running back adrian peterson turn himself in early saturday morning. he was processed at montgomery county jail near houston and then left after posting a $15,000 bond. peterson is charged with child abuse after allegedly using a switch or a tree brand to much spank his young child. >> a grand jury, having indicted this case, looked at the injuries that were inflict upon this child and determined that discipline was not reasonable and to not reflect the the community standard of what was reasonable discipline. >> reporter: peterson's arrest caps a difficult week for the nfl, still reeling from criticism of the handling of the ray rice domestic violence case. the league indefinitely suspended the baltimore ravens running back after a video
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surfaced showing rice striking his then fiance in the elevator knocking her out. >> this is a nightmare for the nfl. it is probably darkest most embarrassing week in the history of the league. >> saturday afternoon rice and his wife made their first public appearance since his suspension from the nfl. they attended a high school football game in new york. rice watched first half from the sidelines and then left. the the crowd did not have much reaction to his visit the but school officials say he is always welcomed here. however rice's nfl jersey has been removed from the school gym's wall. peterson has been benched by vikings for sunday's game with the patriots. he will make his first court appearance in the next few weeks. wendy gel let for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". the queen lane apartments in germantown are gone... the the nearly 60 year-old high rise became a eye sore and
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haven for illegal activities in recent years. redevelopment the has been four years in the making, many neighbors donned mask and stayed to watch the implosion and in a few short minutes, this is all that was left. >> this was the place that i called home, for 25 years. my mother was first one to move in there, you know, so to see it coming downey mean that is our history. >> it has been here a long time. we have history here. a lot of the residents around here they were crying when they blew up but i know they are happy that it is going to be bigger and better things to come. >> this video shows exactly why neighbors within a one block radius had to evacuate for most of the day, those right in the blue dust zone were also told to close all of their windows and doors. fifty-five low-income housing units will be built at this site and a potter's field will be recognized with a historic marker. units are set to open up next
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fall. it is the final day of the three day susan g komen walk and when it is over hundreds will have walked 60 miles all to raise awareness for breast cancer research. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry is live at the pennsylvania convention center where walkers are getting ready for the journey, syma? >> reporter: that is right, todd here at the convention center is where walkers will spend their night friday and saturday night. now they are off to kick off their last day, totaling 60 miles. 20 miles on friday, 20 miles on saturday and they will complete their 20 miles today. it has kick off. lots of folks really excited. you would think after 40 miles they will would be tired but you not this group of people. with me is a group of laid that is came from d.c. and maryland. is what your name. >> carseta. >> yolonga and tiffany. >> you are a survivor. your first time in philadelphia how are you liking it. >> we're loving it. people are really nice. food is good.
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philly always does it big. >> reporter: you guys are doing it big. look at the outfits. you guys are treated like celebrities. people want to take your pictures. >> it is fun, it makes people laugh. it makes the the walk ago lot of fun. >> reporter: i want to see all that, look at that. they have it covered. you guys are dressed from head to toe. great outfit going. how has the walk been. are you guys sore at all. >> yes. >> definitely. >> we're in pain but we're smiling. >> reporter: but, despite all that pain though you really start thinking about what it is meant to be out here. >> yes, and being a breast cancer survivor, and it makes you think back when i was doing my chemo and how a a lot of times things can get press i tough. you just keep pushing. you push it to the end. you do. >> reporter: i love talking to you you for example because you look so young, a lot of people think that this might
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be a disease that effects older people but you break that myth. >> that is one of the my main goals for me to make it so people are not afraid. a lot of people are afraid of the big c. in my life, people are not afraid. >> i have to ask how is philly treating you guys. >> good, good. >> you know what ladies, go do your 20 miles and have a cheese stake. make sure you do that. thanks very much. so cute. there is so many people, very excited, we will finish off their three day here and it has kick off. last year they raised about 3.2 million-dollar and this year they are trying to beat that goal. we are live from the convention center, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> good luck to them. fundraiser was held at geno's steaks in south philadelphia this weekend for curt crandell n2012 he injured his spinal cord in the crash in upstate new york. owner geno vanto presented him
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with a check for $53,000 to help pay for his rehabilitation at a facility in rehabilitation. >> geno is an amazing person. great friend. i wouldn't be able to get out the of the chair without him >> i don't even know. >> geno vanto first met crandell at magee rehab where geno was being treated for a knee injury. heavyweight wait champ joe frazier inspired a new generation of athletes, hundreds gathered running on the same trail as the champ, once frequented. proceeds from the 5k will, benefit youth programs at mander rec center on north 33rd street. members of the community partner with the chamber office of philadelphia we will hear sweet sound they are making for a new holiday album. plus ukee washington talks
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with poppy montgomery star of the unforgettable, ahead of tonight's back to back episode. blank. carol says today's weather will be unforgettable too her forecast when we come back. mmm
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ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad.
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the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. back on "eyewitness news" as member of the joy bell, chamber orchestra of philadelphia to make a holiday
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kd. they performed at trinity center for urban life at between the second and spruce. they will play two free concerts together in december at the the kimmel center to celebrate their collaboration. in the hit cbs show unforgettable actress poppy montgomery play ace new york city detective with a rare ability to remember everything. tonight, there is a season final which back to back episodes and our ukee washington spoke with the star and asked her if her character's ability to remember everything, is a blessing or a curse. >> well, i think it is a gift for people who have had happy, good lives, and everything that they remember is good and i think probably if you have had a more difficult time of it in your life it could be a curse. for me i wouldn't, i don't know that i would want to have this particular gift, i think that i would like to try it out and then give it back. >> and then let it go. >> there is some things i just don't want to remember. >> watch poppy montgomery in
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unforgettable tonight, beginning at 9:30 right here on cbs-3. our own unforgettable carol erickson joins us now with the look the at the weather forecast. >> well, look at these blue skies, todd. we have gorgeous weather conditions. boardwalk still looks wet from the rain yesterday but still dry out with the pounding feeding up and down and bikes and everything else. just a great looking beach day and great day, every place you go. i want to take you out outside. why is it so dark in royersford? somebody needs to turn the the light on. i'm just the person to do it. look the at how nice and bright it is. the it is 56 degrees. it is beautiful. we have another time lapse in rehoboth beach and look at how pretty this looks as we watch the sun coming up this morning, just a lovely, lovely day and every single location. brightening up beautiful. yesterday we saw so many clouds, and so much rain, in the afternoon. i know i don't have to tell
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thaw. fifty-three in philadelphia. forty-nine still in trenton. fifty-one in wilmington. the these temperatures have not change at all anyplace so very consistent temperatures at this point but they will, climb a little bit and then we will go back to the west where michigan has pick up 2 degrees. it is 42 in chicago. i think they traded. they substituted the 2 degrees and went back and forth between those two towns. it just does indicate we have cooler a air to the north and one of the reasons why our mornings over next couple of mornings will be cool. last couple of hours, nothing going on. we've got rid of the rain, early yesterday, in the evening, as we expect it. and it went, the skies clear, and now we are going to be able to reap benefits of that all day long. komen, the ladies, the men, they are out walking again today, the last 20 miles, beautiful weather after the mess that yesterday was. high pressure is now in charge. that low pressure system is out of here. we've got temperatures in the
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70's today, tomorrow, tuesday, things look great, our future weather, lets see if we have any problems to contend with, don't see any, lets get to monday, any problems there, nope. i do not the think we have any but by tuesday early in the morning do we see some rain showers? it is possible. are they gone by almost 7:00 o'clock in the morning. it looks like an overnight rain first part in the day on tuesday and then dry again every place. so temperatures today are going to be getting to 73 in philadelphia. sixty-eight at the shore. 65 degrees in the poconos. every location, absolutely ideal. wind north at five to 10 miles an hour. it is a comfortable day. fifty-two tonight. cool one tonight, once again, we will start the day on monday. the those kids wearing jackets to the bus stop tomorrow. seventy-six by afternoon though, jackets will be dragging behind them as they come home, early tuesday maybe a shower otherwise sunshine in the afternoon on tuesday and sunshine the rest of the week with temperatures in the 70's, you do you love this, todd.
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>> i love it, thank you. time to check the roads and highways lets go to ann evans in the traffic center good morning, ann. >> good morning, todd. thinks i-95 southbound walt whitman bridge just out of camera range. you can see off ramp closed on i-95 southbound at walt whitman bridge, it is due you to ab overturn vehicle. police are on the scene there. you can see state police are in the process of trying to clear the accident up. of course, that southbound off ramp rather is closed this morning. we will move the traffic cam to the blue route at the schuylkill expressway, right at the conshohocken exit. look at how slow traffic is, southbound lanes slow between exit number 16, schuylkill conshohocken exit to 13 saint david, right lane closed due to road construction. quite a jam up. that will worsen as the the morning goes on. moving traffic cam to the ben franklin bridge mid span more construction to the right of your screen,ed heading into philadelphia and westbound lanes between admiral wilson
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boulevard and down side of the bridge what you are looking at right now two right lanes are closed, in delays yet but there are some later on. take walt whitman bridge instead now. taking walt whitman or ben franklin to the ac expressway, keep in mind that it is the atlantic city international triathlon today and because of that off ramps are closed on the ac expressway east and westbound at exit number four absecon and east and westbound exit number two black horse pike. that is the the latest, i'm ann evans now todd back to you. >> ann, thank you. she's queen of the diamond and now taney dragons pitcher mo'ne davis is hanging with another queen, we will explain also floyd may weather and marcus madonna meet again. we will have more in sports. but first here's a look what is on cbs-3 tonight.
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in sports, may weather and madonna meet again in the rematch to the may bought. may weather won a unanimous decision and with the win he remains unbeaten in 47 professional fights, and by the way, may weather made a minimum of 32 million-dollar for the fight. here's rob ellis with sports.
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>> eagles offense averaged 27 points, six points per game, and despite being blank in the first half with the jaguars last week they still managed 27 points and in route to the 34-17 win. nick foles have after miserable first 30 minutes where he committed three turnovers settled in throwing for 183 yards and two touchdowns. here's colts coach chuck pagano on the fast break offense. >> good start. it is really hard to replicate the tempo in preparing for this type of an offense that we're going to see. they do a even if men willal job. obviously, you know, large amount of plays run, during the game. >> the the bird play monday night but we have you cover later today with sunday kick off at 11:30 on cbs-3. sports director beasley reese heads up the the the festivities. david buchanan on the mound as phillies look to sweep marlins. miguel franco made his debut
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at first, last night and paid dividends. he drives in, ben reveer. phillies take a one to nothing lead at that point. two batters later marlon byrd drives one to deep right feel. that will bring home franco. watch the great hustle. even a little led footed here but watch the great slide to get in there. that gives phillies a two to nothing lead. move to the top of the seventh now two -one phillies. first and second reid johnson sing tolls right. byrd comes up firing. justin born e trying to score. he is out at the plate. it would have tied the game. byrd comes up big. kyle ken direct moves to 13-three verse miami. jonathan papelbon second all time in phillies history. chairman ed snyder says he is cancer free. club announced his cancer diagnosis may 29th and given ape clean bill of health august 13th. meanwhile flyers rookie, started camp yesterday. there could be several spots won by youngsters on the blue
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line. full training camp opens september 19th. season opener is october 8th at boston. penn state and rutgers last played in 1995, in fact, lions have have not visited scarlet knights turf in 59 years. that change last night. james franklin and his qb christian hack evenberg would be in for a scale. 1:13 left. he takes tonight from 5 yards. hackenberg three for four. they go up 13-ten. rutgers looking to answer. gary know of ace pick off for a fifth time in the game. that seals it. penn state escape with the 13-ten win and their first big ten game of the season. union hosting red bulls, it is stoppage game. sebastian with the penalty kick right there. he buried it. he is 13 for 13 on penalty kicks in his career. the the game would end in a two-two draw. they extend their unbeaten streak to two. in sports i'm rob ellis, have have a great day.
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she's a super star pitcher ace one of the biggest sports stories of the summer. we are talking about philly's own mo'ne davis and she's part of the queen latifah show season premiere. check it out. >> ♪ >> how are you doing. >> good. >> good. >> i just wanted a jersey. if i give you a jersey would you give me a jersey. >> yes. >> you have to sign it. >> okay. >> i want a jersey bad. >> okay. >> isn't it crazy that all these guys know who you are. >> yes. >> mo'ne. >> gentlemen, thank you. >> superstar right here, man. >> unaudible. >> mo'ne davis at dodgers stadium. you can catch the season premiere of the queen latifah show tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 o'clock right here on cbs-3. that is it for "eyewitness news" at 7:00 here's what is
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coming up at 8:00. latest on the state trooper killed in an ambush in northeastern pennsylvania this weekend. also ahead a pennsylvania state trooper is involved in the crash on the schuylkill expressway overnight. and math, do americans have it all wrong? we will take a look at why some people say, there could be a better way to teach it. much better start to the day to day then yesterday, carol returns with the sunday forecast that is coming up next. dowlower... that's more like it! petsmart's prices on your favorite food brands just got lower! shop a wide assortment of food and save up to $8 on your favorite dog & cat food brands. at petsmart®.
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so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine. anncvideoconferences it's youof the day.rtant hi! hi, buddy! anncr: that's why the wifi and free hot breakfast are something to smile about. and good reasons to book now. feel the hamptonality new this morning a search is on for a driver in the hit and run accident, overnight,
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two women were seriously hurt in the crash. also this morning the hunt is still on for the the shoot shore ambush two state troopers, corporal brian dixon is kill, another trooper wounded outside of the state police barracks in northeastern, pennsylvania. and hundreds of people are sitting out for another day of walking, it is final day for susan komen three day for a cure. today is sunday september 14th, good morning everyone i'm todd quinones. here's meteorologist carol erickson with eyewitness weather. car will ol, we are off to a great start. >> we are. when we came in, of course, it was dark. you might not have noticed how great the day will look but if you looked up last night ape started to see those skies clear and this morning we are reeping benefit. the lets head outside and find a gorgeous looking day. center city philadelphia. it is cool out there. we have 55 degrees, then you move out to the reading area and we have temperatures of 53 degrees but just as bright and beautiful